#barely have time to draw on PC these days
whipbogard · 1 year
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4am manic episode got me downloading CSP on my iPad
Oh no. OH NO. Calligraphy pen my beloved 😭😭😭
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propertyofkylar · 11 months
The opposite of degradation kink. Like, kylar watched so much bdsm porn/hentai that he thought he had a degradation kink, thus him showing pc his drawings of her stepping on his chest/face in the abduction event. But when him & pc try to do kinky stuff and pc calls him a creep/freak and slap him or something he just. Panics. Chicken out. Thought he would like that but actually it’s a big NO, a trigger even. End up crying and being pampered by pc.
entropy!! your MIND!!! this is insane. i love it. i have to write this RIGHT NOW
m!kylar and gn!pc
"You're sure this is okay, Kylar?"
Kylar chewed on his bottom lip, but nodded nonetheless. He still seemed hesitant and you frowned. "And you remember the safe word?"
He nodded again. "I--I can handle it. I want this."
You nodded too, crawling on top of where he was lying on his bed. Kylar's breathing grew faster as you got closer. "Okay," you whispered, clearing your throat and trying to slip into character.
"This is what you want, right?" You murmured, sliding a hand down Kylar's chest. He looked at you with wide eyes. "Pathetic." Your hand stopped on his crotch and he sucked in a breath. "And you're already hard. Such a desperate little thing."
He whimpered as you straddled him, rubbing your crotch against his. "You want me so bad. It's pathetic," you reached down and squeezed his clothed cock harder than you normally would, eliciting a soft moan from Kylar. "I know you've been thinking about me like this all day. You're so obsessed. What a freak."
At the final word, you felt Kylar's body freeze. You looked at him and noticed his eyes were unfocused. Calling him a freak clearly had bothered him and you felt a rush of guilt. "Kylar, are you okay?"
For what felt like the millionth time that night, he nodded, but you knew him well enough to know he was upset. "Kylar. We're doing this because you wanted to. I promised you I would stop if you felt uncomfortable and I meant it."
You reached out to touch his hand and felt him trembling. "Okay. I'm stopping. We're not doing this," you climbed off him and moved to lay next to him.
Kylar looked away, mumbling "I--I'm sorry," and you could tell he was about to start crying. You sat up and put a gentle hand on his shoulder, and he immediately buried his head in your chest.
"I thought it would--," Kylar began, but got choked up. His next words were barely a whisper. "I didn't like you being mean to me."
Hearing that made you feel even guiltier. "Oh, Ky," you murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "I'm sorry, baby. I wouldn't have said yes if I knew it would upset you."
"N--no, it's my fault," Kylar stammered. "I just thought that it would be fun for us. But it wasn't."
"It's okay," you said soothingly, stroking his hair. He leaned into your touch. "It felt weird for me, too. I don't think you're pathetic. Or a freak."
Kylar sniffled and looked up at you, his face wet. "You really don't, right? You mean it?"
You kissed his forehead and felt his tension lessen. "I don't. I love you the way you are," you confirmed.
A small smile started to form on Kylar's face. "Yeah. You love me."
You held him for a few additional moments before speaking again. "Here's what we'll do. How about you and me take a nice bath together instead and we see where that takes us?"
Now Kylar was fully grinning. "That sounds nice..."
You kissed him and felt him smile against your lips. "Then come on, love. Let's go."
Even though it was a short walk, Kylar held your hand all the way to the bathroom.
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genericpuff · 7 months
welp, this kinda sucks
I'm currently at odds with the PC that I got a couple months ago, it's started freezing and soft-resetting randomly for seemingly no reason. It would usually be after hours of use that I could chalk up to the memory overloading, but now it's happening as soon as I boot up the frigging thing. And just to make it clear how much I've done on my own to diagnose the problem, our attempts to fix it have included the following:
Limiting startup applications
Running virus / malware scans
Swapping out display monitors
Updating the GPU drivers
Setting a lower overclock profile in the BIOS settings
Swapping out power cables and outlets to check for power surges
So far none of these things have worked and if anything, the issue has just gotten worse in the last two days. Like, it can barely make it to the startup screen sometimes, despite the memory and CPU usage being >20%, there is zero reason it would be the PC overclocking itself just from startup.
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(and no, it doesn't even compel me, i'm just annoyed to shit LOL)
So I dropped it off with the guy who built it (he runs an electronics / pawn shop downtown that's very reputable and well-known so it's not like I don't trust him or anything, he's been building PC's for people in the area for years) and it's now in his care for the next day or two while he tries to isolate the problem. Right now the only thing I can imagine being the problem is the power supply or my display monitor, which is my old Huion Kamvas 22 Plus that still works as a monitor, just not a drawing tablet - but if something's still fucking around in the tablet, it could be causing problems through the PC, maybe.
When I dropped it off with the guy, he went and set it up in his office and came out and told me that so far it seemed to be running just fine, when he asked me if I was doing anything specific I told him it was crashing even after startup so I gave him permission to overclock the shit out of it, run 53879205893 browser tabs, run my games, software, anything he needed to do to push it to its limits and see if he could replicate the problem.
I am terrified if it has to do with the motherboard, because that will be an expensive replacement that will also potentially lead to losing files / installations / etc. depending on how big an issue it is. It could also potentially be Windows 11 having a hissy fit especially seeing as how it's freezing up on startup, but doesn't freeze on the BIOS screen when it loads up in safe-mode after hard resets, so something is clearly happening between the hard boot-up and the startup of Windows 11 itself.
Thankfully I do have Google Drive sync support and plenty of external HDD's that I can back my stuff up to, but with the freezing and restarting getting as bad as it's been, I haven't been able to back anything up, and I don't want to risk doing it manually if it'll just freeze and potentially corrupt my files in the process. So I told the guy to call me if he needed to mess with anything concerning the system storage so that, if he could at least keep it running stable in the shop, then I could swing by and get everything I needed synced up safely before he messes around with anything.
It could also very well have something to do with the power supply itself, the house that I occupy the main floor of isn't exactly built with electric optimization in mind, we've had fuses blow on us before just from running the hair dryer at the same time as the TV, so if it's something to do with the PC drawing too much power for the electrical system here to keep up with, either (hopefully) the guy will be able to instruct me on how to lower and manage that power intake through the PC's BIOS (I believe you can but I'm still a massive noob on custom builds and I don't want to go tinkering with it myself) or, idk, maybe I'll have to get my landlord to drop by again with his electrician and check out the fuses to make sure they're all operating properly. I'm not an electrician either, so fuck if I know at this point what could be going on. I feel like it can't be the house itself because everything else is running fine and it's just become a recent issue, but our city's power grid is also not exactly praised for being good at its job, especially not in the winter.
So yeah, I'm a little - well, a lot - stressed right now, but all I can really do at this point is wait. Fortunately, I have my iPad and also remembered that I still have my old PC, so I've hooked it up, at best if the problem repeats itself on this PC then I'll know it has to do with the display monitor, at worst I'll just be stuck working with my clunky old hardware for a couple days, which is annoying, but it'll get the job done. Fortunately I had the newest episode of Rekindled uploaded to the cloud in Clip Studio so I can still download it and work on it, which was my biggest worry when everything started to go belly-up (next to just, like, having a working PC).
Sooooo yeah. It's annoying, but I'm hoping for the best. Send good vibes y'all, I really could use it rn, between this and slow traffic at work and some other personal shit that's been going on, it's been a shitty few days (╥﹏╥)
And yeah, I'll keep y'all updated on if it affects this week's update, it really shouldn't honestly as most of the work left is doable from both my iPad and PC, but obviously at this point anything can happen so if anything has to be postponed or changed to accommodate the current situation, I'll update y'all as soon as I can! Thanks everyone, y'all are the best, wish me luck <3
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digenerate-trash · 10 months
Hmm~ I hope you can help me then! Since I'm not native English speaker my use of words is often wacky. I can not fully think of something "in-character" for Somno-freak Yan!Robin to say when he's doing his "deed" with my PC Kariya. The idea stuck inside my head since that you-know-which-post of your, I have to get it out of my system somehow >'''<)!!
Imagine PC is sound asleep, cuz they drank the hot cocoa/lemonade he gave them and god know what he put in there. He can't help it thou, they went to the forest one day and then disappeared for weeks, and came back with a collar encased their neck. Now, PC is sleeping peacefully, safe and sound in his bed... What would he do? What would he say? Give me the "words", and I will translate them into "images" as best as I could when I have time to draw! : D
Almost forgor, Robin in Kariya' save is male with coochie : D I would still draw this sooner or later, but if you're willing to lend a hand, it would be a big help✨
OMG hi!!!!! You're like the robin simp and you're asking me for help!!?!?!?!!? I'm freaking out dude!!!!! but yeah!!!! I'm gonna do what I can to help your vision as best I can!!! I love somno freak robin!!!!!!!
It was pretty easy to get you to drink the sedative. He thought it might be harder because you're usually so careful. But as soon as he said it was for his weekend job you drank it down without hesitation. 
"How's it... taste?" Robin asks as you look up from your cup. You scrunch your nose a bit. Usually, you'd brush off anything wrong, but Robin had asked for your honest opinion after all. 
"Somethings... off. It's bitter." You say setting the cup down "Maybe some more sugar this time?" 
"Sugar- yeah." Robin laughs a bit. Before turning back around to clean up his mess in the communal kitchen. You lean on your hand as you sit at the table watching Robin clean up. He's always so nervous. It's cute. 
Once everything is clean Robin takes your hand and you yawn as he leads you back to his room. The bottle of sedatives rattles a bit in his sweater and he grips onto it to stop the noise. Not that he thinks you'd ever be suspicious of him. 
Robin sits you on his bed and gets a game set up on his system. 
You lay back as he talks. You're barely paying attention as he speaks. Instead, you curl up on his soft sheets and start to drift off.
Robin looks over at you mid-rant and realizes how well his plan worked. You're asleep- and according to the doctor, you'd be out for hours. None the wiser. 
He heads to the door locking it. He might have hours to play with you but he doesn't want to waste a second of it.
He reaches over and pulls your shirt up to show off your chest. He can't help himself he's panting heavily as he leans over and kisses and licks at your nipples he's careful not to bite but the temptation is there as he drools on your skin. Your body is so soft as he feels you up. Your breathing is deep and shallow as you sleep. 
Robin throws off his sweater and pants before he straddles you. Yanking up your skirt and showing off your pretty thin panties that barely conceal you. He's already panting as he leans over you. You look so happy as he brushes a strand of hair from your face.
"I... I need to have you." *Robin pants as he grinds down on you roughly. His face is red. He can't help himself he always gets so shy around you. "When we have sex for the first time- I'll make sure.... I'll make sure I'm less nervous" 
he laughs a bit to himself as he continues to use you. That was the point of these little sessions after all. Practice.
Robin humps against you harder. He can feel you getting hard and his underwear has soaked through by now. Your face is blushing but you are still in blissful sleep as he leans over your body to kiss you deeply. He forces his tongue into your mouth continuing to hump at you his actions getting more frantic as he's close to his peek. Your breathing is getting heavier too as you tense up and cum staining your underwear. 
Robin pulls back looking down at the mess. He blushes harder than before and covers his mouth. He was supposed to edge you... make this last as long as possible... but he got carried away.
"T-thats alright" he pants leaning down to lick up the mess. "I'll just try again" (I hope this is a good enough scenario for you!!! I love somno freak robin!!!
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edelblau · 2 years
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new year, new commissions post...! every day my computers vaguely concerning noises and inability to run multiple things at once get worse and worse so here i am again with a commissions post on tumblr dot corn (though i also just really like drawing obviously). my pc is largely the gateway i interact with the world at the moment since ongoing issues with pain have left me unable to walk or stand for long periods of time, and im currently in the midst of “waiting for mail to be sent and then new mail to arrive” hell while i try to find work via my disability program (and since this process only recently started, i do not have a good frame of how long itll take)
in other words: commissions (and/or donations, if youre so inclined) are currently my best and only option when it comes to making money for ‘luxuries’ like a new pc. im aiming for something that will, hopefully, be not only ‘good’ but ‘good enough to not immediately be obsolete’, because while im not a massive elden ring gamer, i do... like video games and my pc can barely run 10 year old games on the lowest settings and consoles are so prohibitively expensive this is my only option
depending on when/if i find work via my disability provider ill hopefully be able to support myself through more traditional means, but for the moment this is what i have, and im not sure if my pcs wheezing is a sign of impending doom or if its just a fun quirk, so i want to try and be as secure as possible. thank you!
ko-fi commissions | ko-fi main page | paypal | art twitter
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greypetrel · 6 months
WIP (not) Wednesday
Tagged by the lovely @ndostairlyrium and @melisusthewee, thank you both! <3
My recent trip to the seaside (not) for my health ended, but I didn't draw much on pc, and the pics I took of my sketchbook are MEH. So this is a writing one: I had an illumination for the DadWolf AU, turned around some chapters and changed the pov of the first ones (which I already wrote). I am unsure whether to start posting the full thing on AO3 even without a buffer, let me know what you'd prefer!
Tagging: @daggerbeanart @whimsyswastry @dungeons-and-dragon-age @idolsgf @spainkitty and YOU!
Woods around Wycome, 9:15 Dragon, Early Guardian.
It was a special day indeed.
Aisling had asked her mamae at least ten zillion times to ride with her, today. But her mamae always told her no, she was too little to come with her, as she worked. The Dalish never stopped in one place, and someone needed to guide them. Her mamae was that person, the Keeper, and Aisling was proud of her.
Her mamae was beautiful and strong and proud, and Aisling wished nothing more than to become just like her when she grew up: tall and elegant on the back of her hart, Myriani, because hallas and harts were still more reliable and inexpensive than cars, more suitable to drive off-track, riding fast to scout the road ahead, or to parlay with humans in a village or in nearby houses, or to take care of giant spiders like the Emerald Knights she always told her stories about. Those were her favourite stories, save the one with hallas and dragons.
More than anything, Aisling wanted to become a mage, like mamae. But as much as she tried, nothing ever happened. Mamae chuckled at her trials, and always told her with a kiss on her cheek that the time will come, she just needed to be patient and not rush it.
But today it was Aisling’s fourth birthday, and as a gift she had asked mamae if she could ride with her today, and not climb in the aravel with the other children. She promised she would be good and not be a bother, and squeezed her hands together and pouted at her, jumping on her spot from the emotion.
Mamae had examined her, long and doubtful, a smile tucked in the corner of her mouth.
And then, that smile came forth, her lips -Aisling’s same full lips- curled up, and her expression melted some.
“You have to promise me to be on your best behaviour, ma hallain.” She told her, very seriously. “And that if I tell you to hop down and hide, you will do just so.”
Aisling squealed in happiness, jumped around -the snow made the nicest of noises when her feet pressed on it. Mamae tried to catch her, but when she jumped in a place where the snow was too high, she tripped and fell, with an oomph.
The snow was cold in her collar, but it was meaningless: it just made her giggle, as she sat up and shook herself left and right, like a dog.
“Aisling, I’m serious. Do as I tell you, ok?” Mamae crouched in front of her, a hand cupped her cheek and brought her to look at her, as the other swiped snow away from her head. She had her serious face, but as always, it was but a smile away.
She answered, solemnly. Mamae kissed her forehead, and scooped her up in her arms, to help her on the saddle. Aisling waited patiently on top of it, balancing carefully forward to caress the thick fur of Myriani, and thank him for bringing them on his back. She liked it a lot when mamae jumped up graciously behind her, and tucked her close to her front, a hand protectively in front of her bust.
“Hold on tight with your thighs.” She told her, taking the reins with her free hands.
Aisling nodded, barely containing her excitement. Mamae asked her if she was afraid to run, but Aisling puffed up her chest and told her that no, she wasn’t afraid. She wasn’t a baby anymore, after all, today.
Her mamae smiled down at her, light brown hair -the same colour as her- disappearing in her fur-lined hood. She carefully took up Aisling’s, fixed her coat so she was covered all the way up to her nose.
“You listen to me and you behave, ma hallain, remember it.” She recommended one last time, but she was still smiling.
They both knew that Aisling wouldn’t have behaved, because she never did, but they both pretended this time was different.
Mamae turned to address the other members of the clan that were bound to come with them -a small trip to the village, to buy some supplies and hopefully repair the radio and the cellphones. Somehow, all of their electronic devices had stopped functioning, and no one could get them to function again.
Everyone nodded along, communicating that they were ready, backs straight: mamae was kind and loving, but she commanded respect in everyone.
And then, with a last “Hold on tight.”, mamae kicked her heels, clicked her tongue on her palate, and the hart bleated aloud, before starting to run.
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mongoose-bite · 9 months
fic writer interview @nevermindirah tagged me! Thank you, Happy New Year :3
I'm tagging @thana-topsy @baratrongirl @amazinmango @raindrop-rouge, but only if you want to, no obligation.
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
There you go, substantially more than a million words, for the sheer love of it.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fuck: My Life Nearly 190k of eruriren porn star AU. Of course it's my top fic.
These Weren't Memories ereri canonverse, written after the first season. It's old, and I don't like all of it, but it's a classic of the ship as I tried to make it work as close to canon as I could.
Neither Tarnished Nor Afraid ereri, and the first true AU I ever wrote. It's a weird police procedural, and I think it's up there just because it's old and has had more time to accumulate kudos to be honest.
The Beneficent Gentleman Finally a non-snk fic. Kingsman, hartwin, and my only epistolary story, loosely based on the novel Daddy Long-Legs, and I'm quite proud of how it turned out.
Flight (When None Pursueth) And we're back to ereri; it was just the biggest ship I ever sailed. This was my serious take on a reincaration AU, and it was not fluffy.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Usually I do now, but back in the heyday of the SNK fandom I rarely did, cause there were just a lot of them. I responded to long ones or ones that asked a question. I also think the culture has changed on it too; ten years ago it was much less expected for authors to respond to generic 'i liked it!' comments, but as comments have dried up overall, it's become more common.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
If There is a Cure Skyrim fic. Delphine/Dragonborn, and there is no happy ending.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
95% of all my other fics tbh.
7. Do you write crossovers?
I don't enjoy crossovers. I wrote one tiny Ojisan to Neko/Persona 5 fic that probably would have been funnier as fanart, but I can't draw.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Ooh yeah, back in the day on ff.net in the early 2000's I had a guy get all caps on me cause I paired the PC of a game with an older woman, and a few others that were clearly designed to sap my confidence, presumably because I was writing the wrong ship.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Consensual.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I'm aware.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah a few times. Very flattering. I even had a translator pass on translated comments once.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes but it's rare. Honestly I've only ever met one person with whom I really clicked as a collaborator. That was a long time ago, and we do very different things now. It's fucking magic if you can find the right person though.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Ereri is not my current interest, but it really was something special. I sometimes wonder if I'll ever write like it's 2014 again...
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I don't have one. The only fic I never finished I abandoned completely.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Description; I can do a lot with few details.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sloppy editing, repetitive phrasing, (a symptom of the former) and the pacing on long serialised fics can get very baggy.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Keep it to a minimum. If you don't need it, don't use it. It's more trouble than it's worth (I'm wearing my reader's hat for this one; my eye will just skip over it.)
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
There isn't one. I've missed fandom a lot over the past few years, and if I'd wanted to write something I would have.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
My Old Friend. It's barely a fic, really. A man goes back to his hometown to bury his abusive uncle and reconnects with the father of his childhood friend, on whom he had a powerful but obviously unrequited crush on as a teenager. I had to string together a bunch of unrelated prompts as part of an event, and it just turned out really well. I'm proud of it.
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masterqwertster · 1 year
Maybe #17 with Deanna and Orym (maybe with a side of #8 if you're so inclined).
After last night's episode I'm a little obsessed with Deanna's dynamic with Team Issylra. Plus with Aabria drawing parallels between Deanna and Will being the ones to wait for their partners on the other side of the veil to send them back to the living world... I'd love to see these 2 have a heart-to-heart. ❤
8 "I’m so sorry you had to go through that." 17 "It seems like that really rattled you." Yeah, it's kind of a shame they didn't get the chance for some one-on-ones with the guest PCs (I would have loved a shovel talk to FRIDA and some Tired Robit Parent conversations. Fearne and Prism about being non-native to the plane they're currently on. More Deanna with Laudna and/or Ashton on being People Raised from the Dead to a Life in Shambles stuff), but the table was too full and guests can only stick around for so long.
"I'm sorry, but I can't help but ask: you were dead for 200 years? I didn't even know people could be brought back after that long," Orym says, turning to Deanna now seated beside him at the large table.
"Yeah," Deanna answers, shaky smile on her face. "I died. My husband kind of promised to bring me back, and he did after collecting all the resources to do it. Lots and lots of diamonds. A Dawnfather cleric powerful enough to do it. So, you know, it took him a while."
"He must love you very much," Orym comments. He certainly loved Will enough that if it could work, Orym would spend half his life trying to bring him back.
"I guess. I mean, he moved on with his life, got remarried and had a new family, while I was dead. By the time he brought me back, it was obligation more than anything. Barely even stuck around long enough to say, 'Hey! Welcome back!'"
"Oh." That's a tragedy if Orym's ever heard one. To be loved enough to receive such a promise and have it kept, yet it takes so long that you have to wonder why the promise was kept at all when they don't feel the love that initiated that promise. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. I can't imagine bringing someone back just to dump them like that."
"No, no. It wasn't like that. I encouraged him to live his life," Deanna tries to downplay it. But Orym can see the hurt beneath the surface.
"...Wait, you encouraged him?" Orym asks after a moment to process, confused.
"Yeah. See, Dustel, that's my ex-, I guess, husband, became an adventurer to get the money and stuff for my resurrection. So he did the adventurer thing where he dies for a little bit before someone brings him back in a minute or a few days. And I was waiting for him on the other side. Telling him I still loved him, but he still had a life to live. Eternity is a long time, so what's a few centuries, yeah? And it's so peaceful in death." There's something almost wistful in here eyes as she speaks of the afterlife.
And Orym thinks of Will. Of meeting his husband when he was briefly dead. How Will threw him back towards the light of life. The promise from Will to wait for the day Orym stayed dead. ...And the brief flickers of thought he's had about moving on.
"Do you resent that he moved on without you?" Orym asks with morbid curiosity.
"No. I meant it when I told him to live. That means finding joy and love among the pain and grief," Deanna answers, truth in her eyes. "I just don't appreciate being left to struggle alone, hundreds of years after my last memory, when he took the time to bring me back. Like, you want the people you love to find happiness, even if it's not necessarily with you. But also own up to your actions and their consequences! Come on! Couldn't just take me to your new home to get my feet under me. Or send me to our kids! That could work too!"
Orym nods, a little wide-eyed at her vehemence.
Though it's nice to hear that Will probably won't resent him for moving on. After all, he can't bring Will back as he reaches the end of his own life. So as long as their reunion in death has room for anyone Orym might eventually move on with, it should be okay. Probably.
"Sorry. I can get a little passionate," Deanna apologizes, sitting back down from her rant.
"No, you've got every reason to be upset," Orym says. "That's- It's horrible, that he wouldn't make room for you in his life again."
"Thank you. For caring," Deanna says after a moment, a small smile on her face.
"You're welcome."
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Why do I?: Chapter 2
I'm not dead!!! But my old computer is!! Fortunately, I now have a brand new PC so I should not have any computer problems moving forward. Thanks so much for all the love on chapter one, I really appreciate it!!! I apologize that it took so long for chapter 2 to come out! But I just started the final semester of my senior year of college!!! I don't really have a defined upload schedule but I want to try and have a turnaround time of around one month for each chapter, though that is not gonna be set in stone. In between chapters I want to post art for the fic on my Tumblr side blog (which you can find here: https://www.tumblr.com/crescents-monster-corner ) I may also post stuff like little tidbits that I can't figure out where to put in the actual fic. Next up I'm going to be drawing all the EKO gals, as they're going to appear in chapter 3!!
AO3 (Link)
“Listen I know that because you’re not a scaring major you’re a little skeptical about joining EKO. But I know that they asked you for a reason!” Lily encouraged, clutching her friend's hands in front of her tightly.
“You’re scared to go in alone aren’t you?” Rosa deadpanned, looking Lily dead in the eye.
The purple monster nervously tugged at her collar, her eyes darting around nervously. She let out a nervous chuckle. “Maaaayyyybeeee?”
Rosa sighed shaking her head. “Y’know it’s a wonder you’ve made it as far as you have with these social skills of yours.” Her lower hands rested on her hips like a disappointed mother.
Suddenly a voice called out from the front doorway of the sorority house. “Hey! Are you two gonna stand there all day? Or are you coming in!?” The two girls jumped at the sound, turning their heads to see a fish monster with pale green scales leaning against the doorframe impatiently.
“Oh! Right away!” Lily called, jogging inside. Rosa let out an exasperated sigh before following her in.
The inside of the house was a lot nicer than any of the dorms. Lily had not had a chance to examine it the night prior considering the massive party. But from how clean the house looked as she stepped in, one would not have even known the party had ever happened.
It was surprisingly cozy despite how large the house itself was. The smooth wooden floor was a smooth maple, which complimented the sea salt grey of the walls. There was a long plush rug leading down the hall from the entryway.
Lily looked over to the left of the entryway, seeing Thalia lounging on a couch with her feet propped up on a coffee table. She casually waved over to them. “Ladies! Welcome! Have a seat.” She gestured to the couch across from her. 
Lily sank onto the suede couch. Her hands rested stiffly on her lap as she did her best to keep the straight posture she had been practicing. Rosa took her seat far more casually.
“I’m glad to see you’ve decided to consider my offer. I haven’t seen too many girls this year that I considered worthy of recruiting for our sisterhood.” Thalia began, putting her feet down as she leaned forward, pyramiding her hands.
“You see, I’ve become determined to net EKO a win in the scare games before I graduate, and this year is my last shot. We have been consistently getting second place the last three years, but we have always just barely lost to ROR.” Her face scrunched in disgust at the mention of the fraternity.
“So I felt that we needed both a change in strategy and a real heavy hitter.” As she made the statement she gestured to Rosa and then to Lily. “Something the RORs will never see coming.
Rosa cautiously raised a hand. “I’m not entirely following. I’m not exactly sure how I fit into this? I’m majoring in psychology, not scaring. I don’t really see how I can be of much use.” She nervously rubbed the back of her head.
“Psychology, I figured something like that based on your people skills.” Thalia nodded. “You’re exactly what we need. We need someone who can read the others well enough to inform our strategy for the games, someone who can get inside their heads.” Thalia tapped her temple to emphasize her point.
“Lily here’s job is much simpler. You’re our dark horse, a heavy hitter they won’t see coming. You’re especially important this year, because I’ve heard this year's crop of freshmen are especially talented, there’s even someone from a very important family pledging.”
Lily swallowed nervously. No pressure! She looked over to Rosa for emotional support, but the moth monster was deep in thought about what Thalia had told her.
“I know it’s a lot to ask of you two, especially as freshmen, so I won’t fault you for refusing my offer to join. But if you do, you can become a part of MU’s scaring legacy.”
Rosa looked up at Lily, a determined sparkle in her eyes. All at once, Lily’s nerves washed away as she nodded to her with a smile. They turned to look at Thalia. “We’re in!”.
Despite their excitement to begin sorority life, new entries into EKO would not fully move in and be initiated until the end of the first semester. So for the bulk of the fall semester, their job would simply be to hone their scaring and lie low until after finals.
Going unnoticed came easily enough to Lily, she was never the type to initiate a conversation with strangers or raise her hand much in class. She had always been more of the only speak when spoken to type unless it came to people she liked.
When her face was not buried in her Scaring 101 textbook, which she had read cover to cover at least 5 times by that point. She was tutoring Rosa on the basics of scaring, fortunately, Rosa would not have to take any sort of exam like Lily did, so she could focus on just learning the physical act of scaring rather than having to memorize all the different techniques and phobias.
If cramming did have an upside, it was that it can be difficult to notice how fast time passes by. One day the leaves had just begun to turn orange for autumn, the next a thin layer of snow blanketed the ground as the beginning of winter also heralded the end of the semester, and with it the scaring final.
Lily paced around the dorm room like a caged animal, her side of the room looked as though a tornado had passed through, if a tornado was named Lily Blake.
“Where the hell is it!?” She cried as she lifted her bed as if checking under it for the third time would magically make her missing textbook appear.
Rosa watched from the doorway, hat and mittens already on to brave the cold outside. She froze for a second before grabbing Lily by the shoulders, her other hands reaching into the unzipped messenger bag hanging off of her friend’s shoulder. She plucked the textbook in question from its place in Lily’s bag, making her eyes widen even more before sighing in relief.
“Take a deep breath and clear your head Lil’.” Rosa soothed, gently shaking her. “I know this final is a big deal but you’re gonna crush it! You could probably recite this entire overpriced textbook to me by this point. What have you got to worry about?”
“What if… when I get up on that stage in front of the entire class, I just can’t do it… What if I just freeze up, and fail?” Lily looked down at her feet. “It’ll just prove my dad right… That I’m not cut out for this… I can’t work in the restaurant my whole life, I just can’t.”
Rosa gave her a sympathetic look. “The only person on this campus who doesn’t believe in you is yourself. I know you’re gonna go in there and scare the pants off everyone, and then you’re gonna kill it at the scare games! Don’t worry about your old man! He hasn’t seen what you can do!”
Lily wiped away the tears that had been welling in her eyes before pulling Rosa into a tight hug. “Thank you, Rosa…” Her voice was muffled by the fluff on the monster’s shoulders.
The lecture hall was packed to the brim with anxious monsters fretting about the exam that for many, would determine whether or not they were truly cut out to be a scarer.
But Johnny was not worried one bit. He had always known he was cut out to be, not just a scarer, but the best scarer. He was a Worthington, it was what was expected of him, just like his father, and his grandfather before him.
Despite his natural talent, he still saw no harm in brushing up on his techniques by skimming through his textbook again until he was called up to the front, which would not be a while since they were going in alphabetical order by last name.
Javier sat next to him, looking over some flash cards. Over the past few months, the two had become good friends and had a mutual respect for each other's talents.
The insect monster occasionally glanced over to the front row on the other half of the room. Johnny followed his gaze to see a purple monster pouring over her textbook like it was a matter of life or death, her knee bouncing nervously as her red gaze rapidly scanned over page after page.
“You got interesting taste man.” Johnny teased, jabbing Javier with his elbow.
Javier rolled his eyes before explaining. “Nah, man. She’s a friend of my cousin Rosa. She asked me to keep an eye on her 'cause she’s a bit…” Javier struggled to think of a word for it. 
“Wimpy?” Johnny added. Making Javier shake his head.
“That’s a bit strong, no she’s… different. I guess that best describes her?”
Johnny looked back over at her again scoffing. “Well if she gets this nervous just from a simulator she’ll never be able to handle the real thing. But hey, that’s what this test is for. Weeding out monsters who can’t make the cut. She’ll probably switch majors or something after this.”
“Blake!” Professor Knight called.
‘That name sounds familiar…’ Johnny thought to himself 
The girl sat up straight closing her textbook and skittering over to the stairs leading up to the stage as the simulator reset for the next test. She nervously flapped her large clawed hands, as if it could magically shake the fear out of her.
She stood in front of the simulator, her large eyes wincing under the bright spotlight.
The professor looked from the file on the table in front of him. “I am a 7-year-old boy in a manor in the English countryside with a fear of ghosts, what scare do you use?”
“That would be a haunting approach with a banshee screech.” She answered, a waver in her voice.
She went over to the door of the simulator, giving herself one last shake-off before grabbing the doorknob. 
As the student entered the room it was as if some sort of switch had been flipped. Every step she took was calculated as she nimbly stepped around the toys scattered across the floor. She crouched at the foot of the bed, pressing her left foot down at just the right spot on the ground to make the floorboard creak. The robotic child’s eyes opened, but it remained lying in the bed.
Next, she brushed the end of her tail across the bottom of a curtain, letting out a whispery sigh as she crawled to the side of the bed, just out of sight as the dummy sat.
The student sprung up and let out a high-pitched screech so loud most of the class clutched their ears. Johnny’s ears were left ringing as he stared in wide-eyed shock, the memory of the party from the beginning of the semester flashed through his thoughts. Professor Knight’s glasses were knocked askew in surprise before he quickly fixed them, looking up at the canister meter next to the simulator to see it full.
“G-grades will be posted outside my office tomorrow.” Knight stuttered. 
The girl bowed her head in thanks before quickly leaving the stage, grabbing her things, and darting out the door.
The professor quickly recovered from his shock and called the next student up.
Johnny leaned over to Javier. “Did you know she could do that?” He whisper-yelled. 
“No fucking way man!” Javier replied in the same hushed volume.
How did a scarer as good as that not set off Johnny’s radar earlier in the semester? He had always made it his business to associate himself with the best scarers on campus, but she had been right under his nose for months.
How interesting!
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kart0 · 3 months
Today was not a good day and my mood is terrible and I have no money and I am barely surviving
I have been planning on opening commissions because I really, really need money. All I have, literally, is $0,053. I am not joking. I have R$0,29 ( my currency ). That's all I have on my bank account. and I refuse to use credit bc I know myself and I don't want to owe money. I'm already owing $40 to my mom, bc I had to prepare for a con, which ended up being very bad and I made no profit whatsoever. I borrowed $100 from her and all money I got, I used to pay her back. And I still haven't paid it all.
And I am. Desperate. I have to buy clothes ( haven't gotten new clothes since 2019 ) and I need new shoes ( I always ask for shoes on my birthday, bc I don't have money to get new ones by myself so I use my birthday as an excuse ) and I plan to save money to buy a new computer. I have a notebook that doesn't work, takes around 3 hours. THREE. FUCKING HOURS. to turn on and work properly. I've been meaning to switch to drawing on a pc because my ipad can only do so much ( and it does a lot, I love it, but it doesn't have a lot of options. I can't get clip paint studio on my ipad cuz it's a subscription and it is expensive. I have clip paint on my notebook tho, but it just doesn't work cuz it's too heavy, and I like working on big canvas )
Last year I was looking for a display drawing tablet ( I bought myself a Wacom intuos in 2017, but I couldn't adapt. I am not very coordinated. At that time i would prefer to draw traditionally, and if digital, on my phone with my FINGER. ) and my dad ended up gifting me one that I really loved ! I had been looking for good and cheap alternatives to wacoms, and I was so dedicated into finding one that I'd be able to afford and he ended up gifting me one !!!! I was over the moon !!!! It was pricey, so I got it as a birthday, and Christmas gift combined. My birthday is in August btw so it was toooootally fine. I don't usually get any Christmas gifts anyways. At least not expensive ones, I usually ask for underwear, or socks, or pajamas. Things I need.
I opened the display tablet and then it dawned on me. My notebook suuuuuuuucks. It will be such a hassle to work and just inconvenient. Why would I spend 3 hours turning it on when my ipad it's already there.
Ugh I am sorry I am getting so out of track, I just. I need to explain why, this matters so much to me.
The actual upsetting thing:
I will open comms, and I have been struggling to price my art because. I don't want to fail, and not get any customers cuz it's too expensive. But I can't work for free, lately I've been spending at least 2 hours on every bust I've drawn. And I know it's not the cleanest or sharpest artstyle out there. I keep doubting myself that no one is interested in my art, in me. I have some followers on Twitter, which is my main source of clients. But I barely get any interactions. If my art can barely get any comments or likes or fucking views, then most likely no one will see my commission post, and no one will buy one.
And to make things worse, I have a mutual who is super nice I really like her I think she's awesome and she has great art but she just announced she's planning to open comms too, soon. And I feel so fucking stupid. Everyone was commenting on that post saying "I can't wait" "ohhhh this will be good" "this is so exciting I will definitely comm you" and I got. Nothing.
It's my own fault. I'm the only one to blame. I don't interact a lot. I'm not a part of the community there. I don't have friends there. Even though I have double her followers, I don't have their trust, or their empathy. Maybe I'm just that unlikable. I'm not worth it.
And I feel like I could've done something about it. If I had been braver and posted my comms sheet sooner, before her post. If I tried harder to make friends there. If I posted more art. If I. If I just.
I don't know what to do, and I feel terrible about these thoughts. She deserves it ! She deserves more than I do. She's nicer and I'm just me. A prickly, bored, unfazed, egocentric narcissist who can only cry about themself. I feel such shame, and guilt, but I can't help it. I am a naturally envious, jealous, and putrid shell of a person.
I've been trying to be nicer but I don't have the energy to talk to them, and I feel too awkward. I feel so fucking lonely all the time and I need validation. I seek for love. I want to be seen and loved and cherished. I want them to look at me but I don't do my part. All I'm good is my art, and it's not even that fucking good. My worth is my posts. Gosh, I feel so stupid.
Why am I like this ?
I feel angry to myself that I can't be normal. I don't make friends I don't talk to anyone I don't make connections.
I don't post a lot and I am not that active.
The worst thing even is that I don't even have a job.
I don't want to charge too much, I don't want to get paid too little. I don't want to burn out and not be able to get more comms. I don't want to not get any comms at all.
This other artist is in the same fandom as I am ( haikyuu ) so we basically have the same clients. If I charge too high, they will compare our prices and choose hers. "Her art is better" "her art is worth more" "at least she will offer full bodies, when you only will offer headshots"
They will choose her, and I don't know what to do. I know we're in a crisis, economy is in shambles, and people just can't afford to support both artists. I know that ! I know that and I can't change my pricing because it's already cheap, for me. People always say to charge more but most people just don't want me. And my commissions always tend to look like shit because I am too afraid to upset people. I need to prove they did the right choice by commissioning me. I need them to know I did my best. I want them to be happy. But all I feel is that I'm failing !
I'm failing at everything, look where I am !
And I feel like I'm going crazy. How could I not ? I don't have a job, I will never get a job, I am barely surviving at college, I have no plans for the future, I am neurodivergent and no one will hire me, I don't work well with other people I am not friendly. I'm just.
I'm bad at being a person.
I don't know what to do. Yes I will be opening comms. And I'm considering lowering my prices. I don't blame this artist at all. It's not her fault, and I know that.
And I don't wish her any harm. I just. I feel envy. Why am I not her.
Why am I so bad at this ?
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verothexeno · 4 months
It truly is baffling to see how the internet landscape has changed SO MUCH over the years.
As soon as you don't post anything daily or don't use the right buzzwords often, you're just a drop of water in a vast ocean and you may as well just be talking to yourself in your own little bubble.
Sharing on social medias is almost as if saving a drawing or a text file into your own PC files. C:\ ? Documents file? Images file? Nah man, a website/blog's archives is almost where it's at with a lot of people these days.... Then again, that is if they mostly, if not only, use a mobile device (phone, tablet) to browse social medias. God forbid anyone knows how to properly navigate a computer these days..
Idfk where I'm going with this. For quite some time now I've lost any hope of engaging properly in any fandom and I'm just vomiting stuff I like and I feel happy to have created. I barely get any engagement anymore because I post so scarcely. My PC is filled with mountains of content for me to enjoy, re-read, and create. Being back to my hermit roots with my stuff is somehow refreshing and I know that even if the internet disappears, I'll still have it all for me to enjoy still.
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7rashstar · 7 months
this ended up being way longer than expected so i’m putting it under the cut ~
i miss getting tumblr anons/interacting w ppl on this site more. my old blog had almost 2k followers n i got them allllll the time. i had had that blog since 2015 tho and only stopped using it once i made this one, (after being off the net for. a long while) this is the only social media site i wanna use. i mostly just post and ghost though, barely scrolling the dash. i miss being more interactive with mutuals
i partially abandoned that blog because i felt like there were too many eyes on me 😵‍💫 the other part was bc i was really deep in addiction, and on top of all that i had some major creepy anonymous stalkers
i’ve been thinking abt making more diary oriented posts lately bc the weathers been whack n i’m not rly going on walks bc of that, i’ve also been pretty much a full time hermit since new years. i could prolly count on both (if not one) hand how many times i’ve seen my friends. i think this has been a good thing for me though,,,been having a personal renascence the past couple months. drawing every day, playing guitar and making mewsic etc etc
also thinking abt utilizing side blogs again. maybe make one for my drawings. i drew a couple pages of a comic i wanna work on more. mostly oc art and some photo collages.
i also wanna start posting my music. soundcloud or youtube or both. maybe make some vlogs too? part of the reason why i haven’t is because nothing feels finished, but i’ve realized i used to use my old soundcloud to track my progress creating on ableton when i first got it and had no idea how to use the program. coming to terms with nothing needing to be perfect, bc it’ll never get to that ‘perfectly finished’ point. it’s earnest and from my heart as it is. i do think i should start saving up for a new laptop though, mine is pretty old and laggy. i might jus try ripping everything to an external hard drive to clear up space n see if that helps…but a fresh start would also be nice. (plus i haven’t updated my mac since mojave because it would break ableton lol)
i finallllllly saved up and bought a new phone tho. it’s the same one i have right now but it’s from ebay certified refurbished so i feel pretty good abt it. hopefully it’ll come tomorroww, this one is starting to rly shit out on me. my alarms didn’t even go off this morning 😭 ended up being late to work
i miss going to shows a lot and hanging out w ppl. i think i’m finally starting to come back out of my shell, even jus a little bit.
might boot up my pc tonight and upload some stuff (but not holding myself to that lol) i found all of the old SD cards and some flash drives from my youth and some of the pictures are absolute gems
anywayyy long asf post lol but yea!! i hope everyone is doing ok
much loveeee <33
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pokeglitchden · 1 year
[The Following is an Offscreen Event. All recorded evidence of the following Events have been lost due to device malfunction
It is the last day of trials for the week for the Hoenn glitch labs, and it's looking to be another mild one. So far every single Trainer Fly trial that week had resulted in a Missingno appearing. It wasn't exactly by design, but the lab workers were starting to grumble.
Another day. Another Missingno. Surely it had to be the new regulations that had been imposed upon them after a long week of mishaps.
The study was behind, and now due to new restrictions, moving at a snail's pace. Corporate wanted rare pokemon, strong pokemon, or at least a glimmer of hope that this process could produce them.
And well,
Sometimes drastic measures were necessary for the sake of the project.
It was Simon's turn to host. A small group of his fellow lab workers had spent the morning deep in discussion before the start of the trial. The donor that day was a greasy looking younger lab member. As he approaches to start the trial he looks just a little nervous.
"Darryl's got two pokemon today, is that okay?" A lab workers asks.
That… doesn't sound too bad. Strange to make a change like that, but the only pokemon that really matters is the last one battled. Right?
"The last one battled is the one that matters, I am curious why you need two," �aver asks. "We probably should not draw out the battle of the host."
"I just realized I forgot to box one." Darryl admits, hands in his pockets, "Sorry. I'll make it quick though! Honest!"
Simon doesn't seem all that concerned about it.
"Well, if you're fast about it, it's fine. " Simon says with a shrug, "you know I wouldn't stop you from running back to a PC though. The time table isn't that tight. We DO want to stick to…"
"Procedure, yeah I know." Darryl replies, "Don't worry. I've still got the pokemon we need for the test. It'll still be by the book!"
Simon frowns a little. Everyone seems a little impatient today.
Well… no use in delaying.
"Alright, as long as you're sure, let's get into places." Simon replies.
They take their places. A few berries are placed in a bowl next to the testing site, as an offering to Mew. To start it, something must be taken. Simon locks eyes with �aver, preparing to initiate a pokemon battle before Simon at the last moment disengages, flying off on the back of his Pelipper and leaving the route momentarily. As he flies away he can feel the lines of Code constricting around him.
He lands, and it pulls tight, locking him into place. There is now only one way forward, and that is to finish the fight that was started.
Darryl sends out his Wingull, a weak, barely trained pokemon that Simon's Pelipper takes little time to defeat.
But something feels off.
That Wingull had been the pokemon that was supposed to be used as the Donor. If it came out first ... something else had to come out next to serve as the actual Donor pokemon.
Simon had no way of knowing what it was going to be. And no way to question it. Speaking was impossible in the Trainer Fly state, except for giving battle commands.
He nearly balks when the next pokemon to emerge is a Grumpig. A powerful looking one at that. �aver looks just as alarmed.
"Hey- hey, why do you have that," �aver asks in alarm. "You can't use a pokemon that strong!"
Darryl doesn't say anything back. He barely even seems to acknowledge �aver.
"You need to finish the match you know." He says to Simon.
The other scientists seem to nod in agreement. A few look tense. At least one looks a little intrigued.
This was a set up, wasn't it?
There isn't any way to get out. Not without surging, not without possibly injuring or killing all the rest of them. And the cords were tightening. He didn't want to take so long that he'd start to suffocate.
There was really only one thing he could do.
"Gilligan, Growl." He commands.
What ever pokemon came out, he would take it to the lowest level it could be to mitigate harm. It was all he could really do now.
"You could get us all killed!!" �aver interjects again. He doesn't move to stop the battle. They can't do that now, "This is probably going to bring in a pokemon not found in kanto, and that causes all kinds of issues! Who knows what's gonna happen?!"
"Grumpig wasn't on the list of non-approved pokemon." Darryl points out, "You had Gardivoir, Alakazam, Kadabra, Claydoll, Lunatone and Solrock. Grumpig and Hypno were fine. This one is just a little big that's all."
A look of horror, and more than that, burning anger crosses �aver's face. They'd found a LOOPHOLE? In a safety document of all things. And now they might have consigned the rest of them to oblivion. He glances at Simon, worried, and terrified for him. He looks like he's suffering, but... there really isn't anything they can do.. is there?
There is a third turn, and then a fourth just of growls. Simon doesn't lose focus, but it's clear he is only just hanging on. Between turns his hands twitch, as if struggling to maintain composure. And, at this point, likely consciousness as well.
At last the sixth turn passes. Six growls, dropping the Grumpig's attack as low as it can go. This would ensure the pokemon they summoned was as weak as it could be. It's all that Simon can do now to mitigate the damage. But he's wavering on his feet. Every turn the cords feel tighter. He can only just turn his head to see the worry on �aver's face. He isn't going to last in this state much longer and he knows it.
At last he switches to Æther, greyscale hue now bathing the battlefield. He finishes off the Grumpig quickly, and as the battle ends, and Simon nearly falls directly onto Æther's back. They leave the ground, soaring up into the air to leave the route and as they reenter-
Simon tumbles straight off Æther when he lands. And above him, looms a fuzzy, black and purple pokemon that stands a full 81 feet tall.
"Oh-..." �aver whispers.
"Oh shit..."
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captain-crackship · 7 months
Hi. It's been a minute since we had a chat.
So, you may be aware that I have basically dropped off the face of this platform and I hardly post or reblog anymore. There are a couple of reasons:
1.) My PC borked itself a while back and I'm barely scraping together the funds needed to replace it. This has put EVERYTHING project-related on hold for the foreseeable future.
2.) I have been more active on the platform that must not be named, in another fandom that doesn't have a lot of traction here. Frankly, I've burned out on RWBY a long time ago and have no reason to engage with it anymore. V10 isn't getting greenlit. Sorry to break it to you.
With my project on the backburner and my main sources of entertainment unavailable for the time being, I have had enough free time on my hands to get back into RP. So, I may post more frequently now that I have that. I plan to do some drawings in the next few days while I work on my character's design and get some practice in.
In the meantime, here she is in Love Nikki:
Tumblr media
I don't plan to be as active on here as I was until I get my project in full-swing again, so if you're not already, please follow me on Twitter and Bluesky.
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savepc2023 · 1 year
Some funfact about your PC? :D
I've got three PCs bc I have no self control so I'm gonna give three funfacts about them each :DDDD
Angel the delinquent:
Loves drawing but is absolute dog shit at it like. You cannot tell what they were going for and neither can she, he forgot about it halfway. It's just fun to put stuff on paper and go with it yk?
Can't stand coffee but LIVES for cold drinks like. What would be the mountain dew equivalent in dol bc she's ADDICTED to that
I've said this before on my previous blog but they're in a poly relationship with Robin and Sydney, annnd he's not fully corrupted Syd juuust yet but we're gettin there. She pegs Robin every night, fully clothed bc they don't like being nakey in front of ppl
Brynn the model:
He's well known around town, and for not the most pleasant reasons. Photos and videos of him posted online, showing off his bare body and his flushed face. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't phased by that, but it just means he'll be asked fewer questions if he acts like he's just dumb and horny and doesn't understand if you use big words when you speak.
Speaking of, he's very submissive. He's the definition of a good boy, say the word and he'll be on his knees for you!.......unless you're Whitney or Kylar. Funnily enough he's more likely to bottom for Kylar than he is for Whitney. He likes seeing the school bully flustered and shaking under him.
He'd like to get to know Nikki a bit better, not only because he's hot and stuff but also because every now and then he breaks his 'professional' persona to look at him with concern burning in his eyes, opening his mouth to ask something only to shut up and decide to continue with the photoshoot. Brynn just wants to know what the photographer's like when he's not speaking to a client, but with a friend.
Caelan the bartender:
They're really tall. Like. Reallyyyy tall. That paired with their resting bitch face usually scares off any people lookin to get frisky with them. But if you're yk. Not afraid and not pushy with your attempts at getting into their pants they're really good company. A little awkward but eventually they ease into the conversation and suddenly you both are just chuckling and sharing interesting experiences
They carry bandaids with them at all times. Two types, actually. The plain kind and some cute green ones with different white patterns on them. The second type is the type a certain other orphan finds pretty, a habit they picked up ever since they were kids. Even though they don't interact much with them these days, they still find themself slipping the pack into their pocket, like as if they're both seven again and Robin still has that misfortunate tendency to trip on air.
Their closet is kinda of....boring lmao. It's pretty classy, pretty cute but there's not much variety. Two waiter uniforms, shirts, vests, slacks. A sweater or two. Ties. That's it.
....i like to call them the ABC squad djsisisiwowowo
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justadragonn · 1 year
i clicked onto your blog so i'm following the rule
(pardon this being a bit of a rant, i wasn't sure what to talk about)
I am also 26, and let me tell you, this age is fucking fake. what the fuck is 26? i'm not 25, i'm not 30.. and i feel closer to 20 than 30, even though that objectively isn't true.
maybe it's that i haven't been able to establish myself my whole life? i haven't quite achieved my metric of success? frankly, i'm nowhere even close.
some people have gone through college, started families, have an established circle of friends..- i'm just kinda floating around. It's just me and my boyfriend trying to makeblife happen. I wanna make music but i don't even have a PC to start learning, and i'm stuck trying to escape Florida while it's been a struggle enough, just to find a new job.
being 26 isn't real i swear.
im right there with you. i didnt plan to make it this far. i genuinely thought id be dead by now, and instead i transitioned. now i have no fucking clue what im doing, or what im going to do. i have my quiet little life with my partners and my cats, but i dont do anything. i dropped out of college three times. hell, i barely even work, i just collect a paycheck. i just bum around the apartment all day every day. i feel old because of my disability, but 30 doesnt seem old to me, and it also feels so far away. i started learning to draw, maybe i can do something with that in the future, but ultimately..... what the fuck am i supposed to do for the next 50+ years
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