#sudden loud noises -
aropride · 6 months
*neurotypical meaning "typical neurological development or functioning". i.e. not neurodivergent, i.e. someone who doesn't have autism/ocd/schizophrenia/an intellectual disability/tourettes/a personality disorder/social anxiety/dyslexia/bipolar etc etc you get the picture i'm just listing off disorders atp. yes self dx'd or questioning/researching is fine i love you 👍
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canisalbus · 11 months
is machete an albino dog? if so.. does he have poor vision like some albino animals do?
Yes, actually! His vision isn't quite as bad as it could potentially be considering his condition, but he's definitely at least nearsighted enough that he'd benefit from wearing glasses. He has trouble seeing distant objects clearly and reading in particular gets challenging if the text is small enough and/or farther than, say, an arm's length away. He tends to hold items very close to his face when he's inspecting them, especially if he's not actively paying attention to how he looks at that moment.
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On top of that his eyes are highly sensitive to bright lights. Direct midday sun gives him the worst headaches very swiftly. If he has any say in it, he prefers to go out on overcast days, early mornings and evenings.
He probably has a pair of custom spectacles ready for those occasions when he absolutely can't manage without them, but he's reluctant to keep them on his person consistently (let alone be seen with them). His body keeps finding new ways to let him down and to him, surrendering to wearing glasses would be like admitting another defeat. So he squints and fumbles and does his best to hide the fact he can't see that well. He has a lot of health anxieties and he's worried about the possibility of his vision weakening further and potentially preventing him from doing his job, after all most of it is centered around reading and writing. It's the one thing he enjoys, is very good at, and that makes him feel useful and needed.
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bobacupcake · 1 year
here's my grimace shake that flopped on tiktok
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and a happy new year to y'all
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pianokantzart · 1 month
From Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon. I now need a full list of what this man is scared of
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"Offers to tackle Professor E. Gadd's poltergeist problem" as if E. Gadd didn't just straight up show up at his house and kidnap him. But man, that "maybe he's just afraid of saying no, too" hits a little too close to home. Actually, if I may conflate the two universes, the movie's Super Mario Bros Plumbing website also had a list of things Luigi is afraid of:
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So an extended list of his fears would be...
The dark
Sudden movements
Loud noises
Disappointing people
... and probably more, the poor sucker.
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despazito · 20 days
curious because of reasons lol (dw i have moved out)
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lazysunjade · 1 year
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P E I A |
pov: you're the mc in an otome game. the fourth route brings you to a beautiful blue grotto, bursting with flowers and cascading waterfalls. there you meet Peia, a kindhearted water sprite hiding amongst the temple ruins. bashful and shy, Peia is soft-spoken and takes some coaxing to get out of his shell, but once you earn his trust, you will find a deep and endlessly generous soul.
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 10 months
i think if you lit a firecracker in saiki's vicinity it doesn't matter that he has telepathy he'd still do this
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convolutedblasphemy · 4 months
I swear to God we should ban cishet men from driving cars with a horn. I just walked 10 minutes from my office to my car and a total of 3 of these motherfuckers honked at me for being a woman on the sidewalk I guess.
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titkoks · 2 years
i desperately need this
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maskyartist · 4 months
*claps my hands together* if i say theres potential for an au where Clay ends up lost in the tunnels after the cave in, left behind by the Putt Putts as well, so hes either living in the walls of Bergentown or just trapped in the tunnels eventually being found/getting out near the village and just being more animal then Troll...
do yall see my vision or do i gotta go further??? theres drama potential im just saying (more in tags)
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generic-sonic-fan · 8 months
Omega's stim videos look like this
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jennilah · 20 days
Do you ever plan on riding the saw themed roller coaster?
haha i think the fact that it exists is absolutely hysterical but probably not, because i have no plans on getting to the UK anytime soon and i haven’t been on anything bigger than a kiddie coaster
the Saw coaster looks fucking terrifying. i’ll die
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gaminegay · 10 months
Squishing my brain like a little cat hey. It's super cool that you adapted to be very responsive to potential harm or trouble but. You can stop. I am squishing you so gently we're not in danger you can cool it on the chemicals I am supporting your brain booty and going shhhh shh sh
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starpros-sunshine · 6 months
Why are they already starting with the rockets and the fireworks why did they already start two days ago do these people know that that's technically illegal
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cyberstudious · 1 year
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tuesday, may 30th, 2023 | 02/100 days of productivity
today has been a good day! I'm trying to find the balance between letting myself enjoy my time off and keeping some structure so I don't fall into a timeless void of depression haha
today's productivity:
completed section 1.2 and started section 1.3 of the GSEC course
spent a few hours working on a personal programming project (what is the point of life but to make silly discord bots for you and your friends)
did some hardcore budgeting
today's self-care:
sat on the balcony and drank tea this morning, which was nice :)
went to the gym in my apartment complex for the first time
read a few chapters of Harrow the Ninth during breakfast & lunch (and while my partner was cooking dinner haha)
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