#suddenly I came up with the plot for this AU and it's BIG :D
amethystfairy1 · 4 months
Hihi! I just wanted to say I absolutely adore both of your fics sooooo much! The way you write all the characters is amazing :D. I was just wondering do you have any advice or tips for people looking to get into fic writing? And quick q about travelling thieves! We know that mumbo has met pearl but if Grian and Pearl were to meet would they even recognise one another? Anyway your work is incredible and I cant wait to see what you do for the rest of febuwhump!
Hello, hello! ✨
I'm so glad you enjoy my fics and characters!
Tips to get into fic writing? Hmm...I mean, I know it's probably said a lot, but my biggest advice is don't be afraid to start. The first fic you ever write won't be perfect, it'll be far from that, and you've just gotta be ok with that. The best thing you can do is start, write something and post it, see what people think, see what you liked and didn't like about it...then do it again!
As far as like...actual advice, I'd say participate in a writing challenge! Like Febuwhump which is going on right now! 😆 It'll force you to take a prompt, make something of it, post it quickly and then move on. You'll end up with a big chunk of fics and feedback on at least some of them I'm sure, and you can go from there! Also you'd be surprised what sort of storylines might accidentally form during a writing challenge...Traveling Thieves came out of my Whumptober prompts from last year, after all!
My last bit of advice would be to not start with a long fic. By that what I mean is don't try to write some huge overarching narrative...start with something smaller.
Your favorite ship needs to get together, who asks who out? How did that go? What was their first date like? What about their first kiss? How long did it take for them to say 'I love you'? That's like four or five short fics right there. 😛
The reason I write my AU's the way I do is because of stuff like this. It's scary writing a long fic (trust me I've done it a ton of times) because once you bypass a certain point in the story, you can never go back. The fun thing about my AU's being a series of short stories is that I can always bounce up and down the timeline! If you've been keeping up with TTSBC you can see it! I wrote Flower Husbands all the way up to Scott knowing about Jimmy's wings and consistently spending the night at his apartment. They've fought, they've said 'I love you', Scott has been to the under-city and met Jimmy's parents...but I suddenly felt like writing more details about their early game relationship! Before Scott know Jimmy's big secret, before they'd said 'I love you' or anything like that...so guess what? I did just that! I wrote 'Karma Witch' and 'Lovestruck Baby' after I'd written fics like 'Gutterline Sunshine' because that's the greatest part of this set up! I can bounce around! I never get bored or stuck on one plot point because if I don't feel like working on it, then I don't have too! So if you're into worldbuilding and wanna create an AU to have your characters all exist in, I'd super super super recommend using the 'shorter stories in an interconnected series' format.
Pearl and Grian last saw each other when they were sold away form their colony at fifteen years old. It's been seven years since then, but considering they're twins and they were both already mostly grown before they were sold away? Yes. They would definitely recognize each other if they saw each other again. The problem would be if they'd allow themselves to admit they recognized each other...cut ties and forgotten names and all. 😭
I hope my rambling advice helped at least a little bit!
Thanks for coming by! 💖
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picnokinesis · 3 months
WIP ask game: 5, 9 & 10 for the ziptie or anterograde aus?
Also, I binged your zombie au a few days, and much like w/ the campervan au I was so impressed about how you incorporated the show’s dialogue, especially in regards to the climactic meeting between Theo and Koschei. Also also, I was so excited when Jericho showed up - what a tenseful way to introduce him to the reader, too. If you’re comfortable w/ answering: 1 and 2 for this au?
Ahh hello! :D Thanks for the ask - and ahhh I'm so glad that you enjoyed zombie au!! It's one that I'm actually pretty proud of, I have a massive soft spot for it. One of my favourite things to do with aus is take lines/ideas from the original content and weave them into the new story - I mean, you've seen that in campervan au, but for me one of the most interesting things about writing zombie au was taking lines that I'd also used in campervan and putting them in a new context and shedding a different light on them, but also taking lines and ideas that I haven't even touched in campervan and exploring them here instead! And augh, man, I'm still SO proud of that part where Theo finds Koschei in the corridor during the attack - everything just came together, and I could just see it in my brain but I feel like I actually managed to get what I could see onto the paper in a way that really captured it. I'm so happy that you enjoyed it!!
But hmmmmm let me see...I'm gonna put this under the cut because it's long, but:
5 - What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Oooh this is kind of tricky. I think one of the biggest problems with both of anterograde and ziptie is that they're so interlinked with the main au - I can't really write them or post them until I've finished the entirety of campervan. Anterograde is also quite large and nebulous - it spans over several years after the initial train crash, and so I'd really have to figure out how to structure it if I wanted to do it properly. It's much more 'slice of life' than the other ones, which are much more plot driven. The other problem with both of them is just sitting down and writing them, yknow? They're both BIG stories! Ziptie in particular also has a lot of logistics going on that I'd need to actual sit down and figure out if I wanted to write it properly, but at the moment the main draw is thoschei being feral
9 - What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
With anterograde au - I feel like it's the slower, domestic version of the main au, but with bucketloads of angst to make up for the general softness. I think it's also just the premise of it too? Like memory and identity are SUCH interesting themes to me (see: I write about them all the time), but I think holding up campervan and anterograde next to each other is what makes them both so fascinating because in one you've got the Doctor with retrograde amnesia, cut off from her past but still ending up defined by it; with anterograde, the ONLY THING SHE HAS is her past, and everything else is thrown into confusion and uncertainty. And then, you've got Koschei, who is suddenly having to deal with a very different situation to the one he was originally envisioning for himself (and for the Doctor) and it's just......really cool to see how the same characters, with the same backstory, end up in completely different places (emotionally and literally) because of the Doctor's brain injury being different depending on the verse. Also just the inherent....trust that comes with them living together and Koschei fundamentally ending up as the Doctor's carer. And not just the trust between the pair of them, but also with other people too (like Graham and Grace, Jack, etc.). I think anterograde reaaaally makes it clear that Koschei is, at heart, still the terrified 15yo that he was in 1999, and that he's never had anyone to actually help him. Anterograde kind of gives Kosch this chance to actually have a support network and help himself, which does allow him to heal (to some degree) from a lot of his stuff. The inherent tragedy here is that the Doctor, on the other hand, has suddenly lost her sense of time and so can't tangibly heal in the same way, because she can't remember it. However, there is a lot of healing going on under the surface - which is takes a while for both of them to notice and understand, but it is definitely there.
With ziptie - I think the premise of 'spydoc ziptied together' is the main draw HAHAHAHA but serious answer, ziptie spydoc are just...so painfully co-dependent in the worst way ever. And they hate it! Because they get thrown into this working AGAINST each other, and then are suddenly in a truly awful situation for weeks where they're suddenly the only person that the other can trust. And then by the time they get out of that, everything is worse and they're also messing with each other's heads in a very literal way (because in ziptie, they both have the kasaavin on their necks and can't get them off) and it causes a lot of interesting issues.
10 - What are your hopes for your wip?
This is interesting, because I have thought a lot about this - because, truth be told, I'm almost certain that anterograde and ziptie and the other aus will never be written in full. However, when (and it IS a when, I am determined) campervan is finished and fully posted, there's a reasonable chance that I'll post some excerpts from the other aus, if people are interested! It might also be fun to like, write an explanation or summary of the au? Or maybe make a video or something explaining everything? That would probably take ages to make but I feel like that would be the best format. I would definitely like to share them somehow, someday, because they offer such an interesting insight into each other.
And then - for zombie au!!
1 - What was the first part of your wip that you created?
I'm genuinely not sure with this one!! I'm pretty sure I just opened a document and started writing haha! I feel like that's right - the opening of zombie is very much just me going 'uhhhhhhHHHH LET'S JUST START IN A RANDOM PLACE' ahahaha, you can kind of tell that I just threw Theo into the set and told her to improvise. Which, to be clear, is something I do WAY too much. Even when I plan fics, I have no idea what's going on, so I have a tendency to just coast on vibes and see what happens as the story unfolds. Especially when I'm starting a story. Usually by a few chapters in, I've started to get a sense of things.
2 - If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Hahah well the fic title is take from a song off the album Future Dust by The Amazons, so no one is surprised that I would probably pick a song by that band. Either In My Mind or Mother. As a fun sidenote though, the theme song for Theo and Koschei before Gallex gets released is Junk Food Forever.
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zu-is-here · 2 years
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Cross joins the rock band "Bad Guys" to replace a former guitarist. Killer, the vocalist, realizes there may be more hassle than use from the newcomer — he is mute.
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wangxianficrecs · 2 years
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Fic Finder
These came so fast!  If you don’t see yours on here, they’re queued up for the next Fic Finder post (I try to keep them in order).
1.  Hello! Do you happen to know a modern AU fic where it is a Professor LWJ on a online class and his students wondering who is the man walking around in his background?
FOUND!   looking through a window by glitteringmoonlight (T, 5k, wangxian)
SIMILAR?   Yearning by Sanguis (T, 9k, wangxian, lingyi)
2.  There's the slimmest chance you know this but for months I've been trying to find a fic. I don’t remember the plot, only a paragraph that begins something like ‘Once LWJ spent hours listening to WWX laugh’ except it was a waiter in an inn+he stayed all afternoon to listen to it. He also recalled seeing bits of WWX elsewhere-hair here, familiar movements there- but was starting to doubt his memory about WWX really looked/sounded like. Does this ring a bell? It was so evocative I’d love to find it ~ @batinaburnouse​
FOUND!   Love Song In Reverse by timetoboldlygo (T, 159k, wangxian, WIP)
3.  Hi! Thanks for all your hard work! I'm looking for a fic. The only scene I remember is a banquet type thing, possibly at the end of the Sunshot Campaign. Wei Wuxian is about to be put on blast for denying a duel and not carrying his sword when Yu Ziyuan steps up, assesses his meridians, and determines that he has no core, gave it to Jiang Cheng, and that Wen Qing was the surgeon who performed the procedure. That's it. One scene. Please help me. ~ @chibioniyuri​
FOUND!  ❤️seldom all they seem by Fahye (E, 38k, wangxian, xiyao, 2 works, series in progress, my post)
4.  Hi mojo! I'm looking for this fic with a particular scene in it. Wwx asks LW not to look at him and then cries on his shoulder for a long time and it's like this big release for everything he's been through. I think it was one of those ones about WWX finding a home in the cloud recesses. But I'm not sure. I think you may have recced it here to someone else so I'm hoping you can help. Thank you!
FOUND!  ...  Hi Mojo! I'm not sure if your ask me anything box is where I should be saying this but I can't see anywhere else to put it, sorry! I asked you the other day if you could help me find a fic where Wei Ying asks Lan Zhan not to look at him and then cries on his shoulder? I just wanted to tell you that I've found it, it's called Vermillion Seeds 《 此物最相思 》 by iskendaris (E, 12k, wangxian, my post). So please don't take time out of your day to look for it. Thank you! I really love your blog :D
5.  Hey there. There's this fic I was looking for in which lwj and wwx are college roommates and wwx basically worms his way into first becoming lwj's friend and then acting like a boyfriend while lwj's tolerates this (and likes it) but doesn't do anything about it. Then one day wwx suddenly stops. Cue feelings realization and happy ending. It had a very crack treated semi seriously feeling to it.
FOUND!   no certainty of doors between us by betts (T, 7k, wangxian)
6.  hey!! so glad to see you back i missed you! for your next fic finder can i pitch in: i was reading an a/b/o fic where the wens brought everyone to be indoctrinated but they made wwx marry wen chao (and wen xu wanted to marry nhs) and wwx had a baby but it was lan zhan's and after the wens died wwx married jin zixuan for politica or smth i could swear i had subscribed to it, but i cant find it anywhere
FOUND!   The Lifespan of a Lotus Blossom by Silver_pup (M, 155k, wangxian, one-sided wei wuxian/wen chao, one-sided jin zixuan/wei wuxian, WIP)
7.  Hi 👋 welcome back! I hope you and yours are all well and feeling well rested? 🥰 I'm looking for a fic (I think it was a modern ABO?) It was omegawwx and alphalwj but the juniors (I *think*) thought wwx was mxy, and they could see that lwj had a thing for him and (bless them) misguidedly started trying to protect mxy-wwx from lwj (I think at some point they were on a bus? Unless I dreamt that part 😅) I think wwx also started getting dramatic when jc attacked him, talking about him being indecent towards him etc.
It may have been a different fic, but I think there was a part where they were a bit funny because there was an age gap between lwj/mxy-wwx. These all may also be different fics so sorry if they are! 😅 thank you! And take care!
FOUND!  Cultivation of the Pack by Midshipsman (E, 55k, wangxian, my post)
8.  Hey^^ Is this where I ask for ficfinder? I really really need help with this and you're and everyone on this blog is doing such a marvelous job <3 So, I've been searching ages for this fic... it was during their time at Cloud Recesses. WWX's pranks escalate after he shows LWJ porn, so he does small things that are affectionate? (This is where I'm not clear what exactly happened in the fic) and at the end I think it was, I remember WWX buying a red cloth/veil (he thinks it looks like a wedding veil) during a visit to Caiyi with NHS an JC and using it to prank LWJ by sitting on his bed and waiting for him, red veil over his head, greeting him as his 'bride' and LWJ reacts badly (thinking wwx cruel) and starts tearing up and I think at that point wwx realizes he went too far (he was panicking about making LWJ cry) and they communicate and get together. ~ @nocturnalfriend​
9.  Is this the way to find fics? I hope it is. Cause I’ve been looking for this one fic where wwx and lwj broke up cause lwj moved for work or something (It’s a modern au). He comes back after a couple of years and runs into wwx in a grocery store but wwx has a yuan with him. From there on out they grow closer again and eventually get back together. Help find this fic please! :) thank u so much! @useless-bi-sexual​
FOUND! estuaries by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 34k, wangxian)​
10.  Hello,i"m looking for an AO3 fic where wangxian are not yet in a established relationship and are in a 'talking stage'. There is a misunderstanding where wwx mentions a Mysterious "a-yuan" throughout there "dates" and lwj mistakes 'a-yaun' to be wwx fiance. at a later point wwx finally makes a move and kisses lwj. lwj pushes him away and calls him disgusting (for being a 'cheater') and wwx thinks hes just rejecting him. lwj later finds out he made a mistake and finds out ayuan is wwx adopted son
FOUND!   breathe in the air, the last of its kind by wereworm (T, 27k, wangxian)
11.  Hey mojo i tried with other blogs but nobody seems to know this fic ive been searching for a while so maybe i have more luck with you! So its a little of jwy bashing i think, basically jiang cheng liking wwx but wangxian are together and somehow jwy ends up near the jingshi and wangxian is doing it and lwj being the petty man he is ends up realising jwy is there and is fucking wwx while looking at jwy in the eye because lwj has won and nobody will harm wwx anymore, especially not jwy (also it might be postcanon) this is kinda vague but it was also kind of a short fic THANK YOU FOR EXISTING MOJO I LOVE YOU
FOUND!   «The Fault In Jiāng Chéng» by Anonymous (M, 4k, wangxian, jiang cheng & wei wuxian)
This one is no longer on AO3.  I found it on the Wayback Machine here, but as usual, I’m stymied by the fact that you have to ‘proceed’ past adult content, so I can’t access it.  You’re looking for «The fault in JC Stan's» by Anonymous. .....  Nonny adds,  If at first you can’t access a fic through a Wayback Machine link, try *all* available captures—I even occasionally find some with the Download function preserved.
12.  do you happen to know or have you read this one fanfic that talks about weiying being like a reporter or book editor and he does a video call with lan zha, during a quick break he forgot to mute himself and called him hot/would sleep with him and lan zhan agrees?
FOUND!   Into Every Flower Grown by Carrie25 (E, 28k, wangxian)
13.  Hey mojo!! I am looking for a fic and I can't seem to find it anywhere. it was a modern au fic. ig it was WIP then. lxc says he wont date until lwj finds a partner. so jgy bets wwx to get lwj to date him so jgy can date lxc. wwx develops feelings for lwj along the way and tries to tell about the bet to lwj but when he's about to say it, they overhear nmj(?) shouting at jgy about the bet and lwj is heartbroken thinking wwx played him. there was a scene wwx kneeling infront of lz's home crying?
FOUND!   10 Things I Hate About Dating at Gusu Academy by KouriArashi (T, 59k, 3zun, wangxian)
FOUND! ❤️ Love wakes me by dea_liberty (E, 46k, wangxian, my post)
14.  Hi! Thanks you very much for all your work (I was really happy when you come back!). Can I ask about a finder fanfic? It happens while lwj is still secluded and injured, wwx resucited in the body of a tall cultivator that lost all his sect in nightless city battle and he want that wwx suffer and lost everything (his wish was that). Wwx decided to go Cloud Recess where he takes care lwj. His arm injury go worse because he is happy so he decided to go to avoid die, but at the end everything is okay. ~ @dratin-dragonadetinta96​
FOUND!  A Storm of Laughter in the Stillness of the Jingshi by OnlyMeAndMyBones (T, 74k, wangxian)​
15.  Hi! I need help finding a fic. I'm pretty sure it's from Lan Xichen's POV and it's a modern au. He'd babysitting one of the juniors, I think its Jingyi, and they end up inside the walls. I distinctly remember the kiddo saying the walls were filled with cotton candy? Please help! ~ @huntforachievements​
FOUND!  Xichen Has a Parental Crisis Via a Fiberglass Insulated Crawl Space by lovable_idiot (not rated, 3k, lan jingyi & lan xichen, jin guangyao & lan xichen)​
16.  Hey i've been searching for a fic, where WY suddenly turned up infront of the jingshi smelling like an omega in heat. Turns out LZ visit in the Burial Mount triggered WY to present as an omega. This is set in an omegaverse where omegas are highly priced and looked up to and due to this LZ with the help of LXC (and maybe LQ) hopes to help WY by changing public's opinion regarding WY. Thanks.
FOUND!  Woven fates by apathyinreverie (T, 10k, wangxian)
17.  Hi mojo, can you help me find a fic. jmf found wy in the street and took him home turns out something was wrong with his body and wy could only function normally with his golden core. In this fic he has a good with madam yu. I also remember that he has to forge a sword and during his travel he made friends with a royal soldier. That's all that i really remember. I hope you can help me find this fic.
FOUND!  Wei Changsu by MountainRose (G, 29k, 1 work, series in progress, no pairings, child wei wuxian)
18.  hi! im looking for the author who wrote bamf teacher!wwx in cloud recesses. they dont know he was the yllz and they recently deleted it on dec 10 because theyll publish it instead for a bigbang or even nanowrimo? but im 80% it's for a bigbang, not sure if it was the mdzs or mxtx bigbang but it's for one. i want to remember so i can read it when it eventually releases. the author announced it on twt but i forgot to follow them in ao3/twt smh. thanks for those who'll find them!
AUTHOR FOUND?  Could you be looking for Mamoonde (on Twitter here)
19.  Hi I’m hoping to do a find it fic post. I’ve been looking for a fic where Wei ting is dead/discombobulated spirit that only a yuan can see. Ayuan is raised at lotus pier and Wei ying spends every class time teaching him and is always there for him. The rest of the time Wwx hangs(eavesdrops) around lotus pier. At his funeral Baoshan santon showed up and said something vague about a yuan. At the end ayuan accidently hits Wwx with zodiac he goes back into his body. I love your blog. Thank you
FOUND!  Something From Nothing by sami (E, 55k, wangxian endgame)
20.  Hi, I've been looking for this au where basically wei ying from ig middle man age time travels to teen and helps prevent everything. It's hard for me to explain it so ill just mention a few key details. Wangxian meet a yuan when he is baby. Madam yu is nice and helped take care of a yuan when wangxian went to war. I can't remember for sure but I think it might be in this one where with empathy, wei ying shows xichen everything. But if im right, then xichen, wen qing, and Jiang cheng get together ~ @taeyongwifeu127
FOUND!   And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 139k, wangxian, qingxicheng, my post)
[My ko-fi.]
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oxiosa · 2 years
Look I know we already made a mermaid au with pirates but this is the only month of the year in which I can unapologetically force mermaid content down your throats ok.
@disaster-fruit soo I already mentioned this MerPirateAU before a couple of times and, yes, it still lives in my brain. No, I still don’t have a full plot for it. So I’ve decided to turn it into public domain :D
SO, imagine. 1500s, the old world meets the new world. There’s a whole new lands to pillage explore, riches to be exploited, but this also means there are new cultures to meet and new dangers in the sea. Yes, I'm talking about mermaids.
Now, mermaids are creatures Europeans sailors are familiar with: they hunted them in their seas near to extinction, neutralizing their threat. Mermaid numbers in the old world are scarce, and they avoid men altogether. However, that is not the case for mermaids of this new world. The tribes native to America have always staid out of their way, sans some minor conflicts. Mermaids have no reason to fear men, and they don’t take kindly the arrival of these invadors who claim their seas very much like they are claiming the land.
White men see a threat in the large numbers of mermaids plaguing this new world, find it troublesome how unaffraid and aggressive they are: unlike the merfolk back home, these mermaids do not hesitate to attack, they do not flee, they make a stand and fight and make sailing very dangerous. They don't know their place, and white man shall teach it to them just like they did back home.
Thus, a mermaid hunt begins.
It is a massacre. For many years, mermaid hunters becomes a very profitable career to persue; mermaids are abundant and they pay well for their heads. It’s a battle mermaids dont win, no matter how fiercely they fight back. Once again, merkind is hunted almost to extinction and man claims the sea.
Our first character is Captain Port, a seasoned pirate who came to the new world to exploit its riches. He joined the mermaid hunting fever, and made quite a name for himself, became a legend for his wits and his head count. It was during one particularly vicious raid at a mermaid nest that everything changed for him. Along with his pirate crew, he massacred all the mermaids who staid and fought back and the ones who didnt manage to escape, until only one remained: a female, clinging to a an old treasure chest. Port was the one to make the honors and cut her down and claim the treasure she had been zealously guarding.
Where he expected gold and jewels, he found a merbaby with wild dark curls and big brown eyes.
Port froze, realisation dawning down on him. The infant held his gaze unaffraid, curious. As the moment stretched and Port didnt even breath, the merbaby started whimpering. It seemed only logical for Port to answer to his distressed sounds and pick him up, and he suddenly found himself craddling the merbaby against his chest.
It’d have been so easy to kill it, get rid of it before it turned into a real menace. It would have been the right thing to do; might have looked cute now, but it would eventually grow. But the merbaby cuddled against him, so small and light and fragile. Without giving it too much of a thought, Port took him back to his ship.
Captain Port drops his mermaid hunting days and goes back to good old pirating. He calls the merchild Luciano and he becomes his son, and with the help of his crew he raises him in the pirate's way. Now can you imagine the delightful shenanigans? A bunch of scary pirates raising an adorable yet naughty merkid? Teaching him how to tie knocks and trace routes and read the stars and all that sailing stuff he doesn’t even need ‘cause he is a merman but he is their child so they *will* raise him a proper pirate? Fucking delicious.
Fastforward, Lulu grows to become quite a devilish merman and a dashing pirate. He is Captain Port's secret weapon, the reason he never loses a fight. Lulu swims by his ship, scouts the waters and helps during pirate attacks to navy ships, sinking them by tearing their hull’s board with his claws and ending the unfortunate souls that fall into the sea.
Now, this is where Martín comes in and my story starts to fall apart.
I haven’t decided Tincho’s role quite yet, but the thing is Lulu saves him from drowning. Maybe he was a castaway drifiting away or maybe he was part of a ship they sunk down (i kinda have this visual of Tinchito sinking with the ship caged in one of it's cell, thinking he'll die slowly drifting into oblivion, and Lu rescues him just in time). Either way, Lulu is smittened by him and doesn’t want to let this handsome man die so he takes him to Port’s ship. Port is not thrilled (they are pirates, they dont save people they kill them), but Lu insists and fine, he’ll take the boy.
Martín wakes up and Port makes him earn his stay; he agreed the kid could stay but not for free. Of course they give him the worst jobs and the crew keeps calling him the “Captain’s son’s pet”, which makes no sense 'cause as far as Martín knows the Captain doesnt seem to have a son. It takes him a few frustrating days to finally meet the Captain’s mysterious son, one morning when Lulu climbs to deck to report whatever. Martín is beyond surprised; mermaids are a rare sight, and Luciano looks far from the regular mermaid. Also, perhaps Tincho is a little strucked by how hot he is.
Good news is Lulu is as smittened, if not more. Luciano was raised in this ship by this people, and for all the traveling they do he barely got to meet new people. He's thrilled to have a handsome man whom he doesn't consider family on board, it gives him an opportunity to ~romance~.
So Martín engages in a secret affair with the Captain’s son, except it's not so secret since Port is fully aware and allows it cause well, Lulu is a grown boy and he considers there is no harm in letting his son ehem attend his manly needs. So he lets them meet "in secret" at the ship's bow and pretends he doesnt know Lulu is teaching his newest crew member mermaid biology everynight.
It starts as some nice casual fling between Tincho and Lulu, just fun, but they slowly grow fond of each other. Not quite love, not yet. But a crush, some light influctuation.
And Im not sure but I have this idea of Martín eventually recognising Port, I mean he was a reowned mermaid hunter after all. Tincho confronts him about it, demands to know if Luciano is aware his father and his crew have his kind's blood on their hands, that they are part of the reasons Lulu is of the few mermaids still alive. Of course Luciano doesnt know of his dad's past, and Port intends to keep it that way. So, in cold blood, he stabs this bold fool who was stupid enough to dare confront a ruthless pirate in his own ship. He proceeds to push injured Martín into the sea so the tides might finish the job. When Lulu notices Martín's absence and asks his dad about it, Port simply lies and tells him Martín left or whatever. Lulu is heartbroken; there goes his first crush, just when he was starting to catch feeling and he thought it could have led to more.
And that's all I've got :D I have no idea how Tincho and Lu might meet again, or how/if Lulu will get to learn the truth about his dad. I feel it has some vendetta potential, some "lovers to enemies to lovers again" potential but ngl I dont really have anything else.
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thefairyletters · 4 years
NaruSaku Fanfics
I wouldn't say much – I love NaruSaku and I hate to see great works shadowed behind the piles of popular NS stories that I never have liked as much except for a few, which also I'll drop below in the list.
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I'll update this list whenever I come across a story that I particularly enjoy or finds worth spreading word across. So be sure to like and reblog this post so you can revisit it to add new story in your reading pile later.
Also, genres vary and are not mentioned, but does it make any difference as long as the story is good?
Warning: super long post featuring beautiful, beautiful stories that you wouldn't regret reading. I swear. I'm positive. Contains SNS and other side pairings.
Without further ado;
How I fell in love with my best friend: Krapo || ff.net || M || complete
How the little blond boy Sakura had always known had changed, changing as well her feelings. The unfolding of their life, while Naruto worked to become the best Hokage and she faced her own emotions. Growing Love.
(I have nothing but upmost reverence for this story. This author writes one of the nest NS and I have loved all. NS is beautiful and Sakura is badass. Everything we already know is here and more.)
Dangerous infiltration mission: Krapo || ff.net || M || complete
Naruto and Sakura are send by the Hokage for a difficult infiltration mission. They will have to face more than just the danger itself as they will have to keep their cover to be fake husband and wife credible. how it will impact the relationship between the two ninja. Growing Love. Misunderstanding.
(If you loved the aforementioned story, you'll love this one too. Mutual pining.)
All over again: Krapo || ff.net || M || post-war || complete
Sasuke come back, Team seven is reunited. But Sakura has lost Naruto. How will she make him fall in love with her again? What other difficulties lies ahead of them?
(Naruto loses memory. SasuSaku angst but not in romantic sense and I loved it all. Misunderstanding and more mutual pining. And I'm in love with this story too.)
Hit the floor running: Sakurablossom009 || A03 || M (but unnecessary) || Modern Hitman/Robbers AU || complete
Life was going great, Sakura thought. She was penniless, stranded in Europe without a way home, her fiancee had just dumped her for another woman AND her new companion was quite possibly a thief. How could things get any worse? Wait...was that guy pointing a gun at her?
(Now, personally, I don't prefer modern AU, but this story really had interesting characterisation and more character depth. NaruSaku is pretty spot on. It also features SasuHina and bamf!Hinata)
The greatest pretenders: snowyseas || ff.net || M || Borutoverse || ongoing
Fifteen years is a long time to not talk to someone you consider your best friend, and is made even more difficult when they (and you) are married. The things Sakura should have confronted Naruto about never came to fruition, but as an old saying goes, "the truth will always be revealed".
(Your typical I-made-a-wrong-choice-but-now-can-be-done story but unlike many other stories in this they don't admit their love for each chapter at the first chapter itself. In fact, it feels so canon and you can almost superimpose it upon the canon. Sakura is mentally strong and knows what's right. )
He was the sun: SavageTrickster || ff.net || T || Canonverse || ongoing
He had come a long way - from a lonely orphan ostracized by everyone to a loved hero. He deserved all these. His Hokage dream to come true. All the ramen he could eat. - Her eyes fell on a certain Hyuuga seated close enough for accidental touches. Her heart sank a little at a harsh whisper of reminder - And a deserving girl...who could give him all her love.
(So far so good. It's ongoing, and is at chapter 3. Sakura leaves Konoha much like how Naruto did, to explore the world aka seeing my headcanon in writing.)
Wilderness: Kanji no Sakka || M || canondivergent || ongoing
As the war screeches to a temporary halt, Naruto leaves the battlefield on a unique mission only he can complete. Sakura is ordered to go with him. In the days that follow their bond is changed forever.
(Although I hate any explicit stories that involve characters below age 17, I give this a pass because of the uniqueness of plot and characterisation. It has fine lemons that comes with a good plot.)
How It Should Have Been: OfPaintAndOil || ff.net || T || canon divergent || oneshot
It wasn't supposed to be this way. Sasuke was supposed to be the dark one, the unredeemable one. Naruto was the bright one, the good one. It wasn't supposed to be like this, with blood on his hands and glowing red eyes and a grin. Naruto was supposed to make everything better, and maybe he did, in the end, but Sakura had never expected the end to look quite like this.
(Featuring Yandere!Naruto. It leaves you wanting for more and is a fascinating read. It's dark themed so proceed with caution as your favorite character might or might not be dead.)
The Best Dates are the Cheap Ones: Shivakashi || ff.net || T || post!Timeskip || Oneshot
The whole point was to get the best date; that meant the richest and classiest guy, right? Sakura realizes what she has taken for granted and Ino learns a lesson in value.
(Sakura learns her lesson and snatches her boy. InoNaru is worth noting. Not the best characterisation of Sakura but bear with her jealousy for that is the reason why NS fluff exists. Story itself is very light and entertaining.)
mangoes and strawberries: ohthelinsanity || ff.net || T || postwar || oneshot
Sakura Haruno was elbow deep in Naruto Uzumaki's guts when he asked her to marry him. It was so not the right time. But she still said yes.
(This story just screams NS upon every single line. Diabetes warning. Too cute for this world. One of the best NS fluff I've read thus far. It kinda sticks to you forever!)
18 minutes, 23 seconds: ohthelinsanity || ff.net || T || postwar || oneshot
in which Naruto asks Sakura about that time she literally reached into his chest and grabbed his heart with her bare hand.
(Heartwarming. We all know how Sakura held Naruto's heart on her palms and how we love that moment. This is memory of that moment reminisced by our cutie pies.)
One Big Uzumaki Family: John Smith || ff.net || T || postwar || Complete
A set of drabbles revolving around Naruto, Sakura, and their children. It turns out that, when the war ends, these two get busy. Real busy.
(IF YOU DON'T READ THIS MASTERPIECE HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF NS FAN?!!! READ!!! This story should be on the top of your reading list.
R e a d t h i s s t o r y and cry with me for this should have been canon. 100%)
My Life Would Suck Without You: peanutbutter126 || ff.net || T || oneshot collection
Sometimes it's the smallest things that matter the most.
(Read this and then One big Uzumaki family. You'll feel super satisfied. I promise.)
Colors and Carousels: Folle Sakura || ff.net || T || oneshot
She couldn't count the number of times she'd been mistaken for Naruto's girlfriend. Not that she minded. But Naruto acted like it was so… so… offensive.
(No words for this one. Just read and enjoy the confusion.)
Let's Get Married: luvtoshi || ff.net || M || postwar || complete
It was supposed to be a simple solution to their immediate problems. But maybe they took more than they can chew?
(This is one of my few favorites that is also popular. Spot on characterization and beautiful relationship growth. This is one of the few stories that always stuck to me.)
Chasing Smoke with Bare Hands: soulaire || ff.net || T || oneshot
"I could have loved her," Sasuke says flatly. "If she'd just given me the chance—" "Sakura gave you all the chances in the world," Kakashi cuts in, stern. "You underestimated her. And you underestimated her ability to walk away from you. At the core of it all, that's where things went wrong."
(This story is for those who loves both SS and NS but thinks Sakura deserves happier life than what she got in canon. Features NS and slight SS.)
Touch: ohthelinsanity || ff.net || T || oneshot
Kakashi watches as his student grow to be more physically comfortable with one another. He finds it kinda ridiculous.
(Fluff. Feelings. Kakashi's fed up and might have diabetes from all the observation.)
Moonlight shadows: luvtoshi || ff.net || T || oneshot
Sometimes, the moon brings out hidden feelings to the surface.
(Beautiful literature. NS feels. You can almost mistake it for canon with the way characters are written.)
Seriously Serious: Damsel in Shining Armor || ff.net || T || modern AU || oneshot
He confessed to her when they first met. He confessed to her years after. He confessed to her almost everyday. Her response was almost always positive... So why the heck was he still single? "I love you." "Love you too. So is Sasuke-kun taken or not?"
(The only reason why I even picked this story is that it is a oneshot. I have very little interest in modern AU. But this one makes another exception. Pining. Love at first sight.)
It was always you: luvtoshi || ff.net || M || postwar || complete
The war is long over. They have both grown. Now it's time to conclude their story. Naruto and Sakura.
(You know what, all stories from this author are just, Chef's kiss. )
A Safe Pair of Hands: Kanji no Sakka || ff.net || T || oneshot
Sakura heeds a stern warning to make it clear how she feels about Naruto.
(Feels. You'll love this if you like first person pov. This story told from Sakura's pov.)
Other Dreams: tricksie || ff.net || M || oneshot
"Naruto, you shouldn't endanger yourself—" "Stop it," he snapped. Dropping his arm to hook under her seat, Naruto pulled her firmly onto his hip, locking her to him. Sakura gasped, suddenly aware of just how very close they were.
(Sexual tension. Romance. Leaves you wanting. Also, high on feels and lust on equal measure.)
Heaven Unexpected: Folle || ff.net || M || oneshot
Because nothing can happen; it's Naruto. He always comes back. He's practically indestructible.
(Heavy on feels. There are chances that it might rain. Actually there are high chances. But oh well, it's beautiful and one of my favourites so here it goes.)
Shade of the Leaf: Ravyn || ff.net || T || canon divergent || complete
Sasuke is back. Naruto has joined ANBU. Sakura is spending more time in the hospital than in the field. Team 7 struggles to redefine itself, because sometimes you don't know what you really want after all.
(Featuring Mature but still in-character!Naruto, Badass!Sakura, (Bit)Supportive!Sasuke along with Team 7 friendship. Mutual pining. Ending but with a lot loose ends.)
Breaking Up Isn't that Hard to Do: Narf-for-the-Garthoc || ff.net || T || oneshot
This is not an epic tale of action, suspense and true love. Yeah, I'm disappointed, too.
(This is pure comedy. With a dash of romance. And insanity.)
Steamy Encounters: Narf-for-the-Garthoc || ff.net || T || oneshot
A flurry of coincidences and fateful machinations bring Naruto and Sakura together at the local baths. Can they rein in their animal passions? And do you really think that's the kind of story I write?
(Just r e a d. Please.)
Garden of Sanctuary: Nes Mikel || ff.net || T || Canon divergent || oneshot
An alternate ending to Naruto. The Heavens describe the Garden a peaceful paradise. The Hells describe the Garden a baneful prison. In here... which is it?
(This is part of a series which you can follow from the author's profile. This is the second part, but can be read exclusively. As far as the AU goes, this story and settings is brilliant and heartbreaking. This is told from Naruto's pov. To look at things from Sakura's, read the first part. It is multi-chaptered.)
Complications: Geno Calamari || ff.net || T || canon divergent || oneshot
While capturing the Kyuubi, Uchiha Itachi finds true adversaries in the form of Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto.
(Wanna see NaruSaku teamwork? This is it! You wouldn't find it anywhere better. Strong!Naruto, Strong!Sakura versus Itachi Uchiha)
Life is a waving feather: jusrecht || AO3 || T || AU || oneshot
Everyone thought they were inevitable.
(There's beauty in subtlety and this is that. Also, mentions of character death.)
Home: kirabook || AO3 || T || AU || complete
Shinachiku finds himself in a strange place with little to no explanation. Everyone he knows is there, but why are they acting so strangely? Why do they seem so different? And where is his home? 
(Cute and heartwrenching at the same time. Cameo Stalker. Read this for NS family feels pre-marriage.)
Things we never say: thekatthatbarks || AO3 || T || oneshot
She wished she knew how to hold things lightly. There were some things she was terrified of breaking. Whether it be from an honest misstep or simply because she could.
(Reminds you why we love NS so much.)
Open seasons: sazzafraz || AO3 || T || SNS || postwar || oneshot
The way Sasuke comes home is less myth and more devastatingly embarrassing happenstance.
(Featuring badass!Sakura, obedient!Naruto and normal!Sasuke, as well as Sakura's commentary on her life)
Five things Sakura will never tell Naruto: sowell || AO3 || T || AU || oneshot
Kunoichi know how to keep their secrets.
(NS relationship analysis story.)
Artistic purposes: StormyInk || AO3 || M || AU || Oneshot
Sai finds his favorite drawing subjects a bit lacking of late, and he sets a plan into motion to draw his team mates together. Simply for the sake of his art, of course.
(Aka Sai is fed up from seeing his teammates dancing around each other and decides to help them get laid–the story. You gotta admit Sai is the best wingman.)
I collect my tears (so I can drown you in them): amako || AO3 || T || AU || complete
The hardest thing is letting go. Or Sakura sees Naruto falling in love with Shikamaru a little more every day, and she does the only thing she can think of. Then it's only a matter of learning how to stop loving Naruto.
(Sakura and Angst that has nothing to do with Sasuke. Featuring Sakura-sensei. And Shikamaru. It's a great story if you know when to let go of canon)
Stranger than the wild: kiddattwell || AO3 || M || SNS || postwar || Ongoing
The war is over and Sasuke is home for good, but Sakura can't choose between the boys she loves. Sasuke still has his demons and Naruto still fights them and Sakura still follows them both, but this time down a path that none of them expected.
(This is canon. It is the best SNS story I've ever read. Story told in SNS POV in rotation. Slow burn, pining and relationship complication. YOU GOTTA READ THIS, I INSIST!!!! Also features SaiIno and InoShika.)
Bringing Back Sasuke: Blue Jeans || ff.net || T || post war || oneshot
Naruto brings Sasuke back to Sakura. Many, many times over. Sasuke does not appreciate; not the blood and definitely not the angst.
(I've read this story multiple times and it gets funnier and makes your heart hurt and swell simultaneously each time. NaruSaku wouldn't be blissfully happy together without Sasuke thrown somewhere in the mix, that's exactly why I love SNS. This story perfectly represents the dynamic of team 7.)
Yurei: Kanji no Sakka || ff.net || T || AU || oneshot
The past should stay dead and buried, but it won't if Naruto can't let go.
(Not exactly my favourite story, but I liked the concept. We all know how stubborn Naruto is once decides on something. If he wants to become Hokage, he will become Hokage. If he believes in Sasuke, he will believe in him forever. If he loves Sakura, he will marry her – uh, or should have, very OCC of him that he didn't.)
Tag NS fan you know so they don't miss any of this!
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lhaewiel · 3 years
So, following up from my post, I now have the full idea of what I want to do for an Untamed/AtLA AU.
First of, a big shout out to my bestie @the-nonchalance-blogs for helping me with brainstorming :D
I am also tagging @cynanan who expressed interest, I hope you like this idea :3
I will be tagging this and all related posts with the tag # the untamed atla AU or #tuaau
So, here we go, let's start with some clues:
The Jiangs are Waterbenders
The Jins are Earthbenders and control the Dai Li
Jin Guangyao is the very shady leader of the Dai Li
The Nie are Kyoshi warriors
The Lans are Airbenders
Lan Wangji is the Avatar, but he doesn't know it
Wei Wuxian is a Waterbender and will become Bloodbender
Yanli is like Yue (a princess, in this AU she lives)
Jiang Cheng becomes the Jiang boss after the death of his parents
Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen know very well that LWJ is the avatar, but they never said anything, although they always tried to get meetings etc. LWJ, who couldn't care less
The Wens are Firebenders
The Best Wen (WQ and WN) are Firebenders doctors
Now, here's the plot:
Everyone was in harmony until the Fire Nation attacked.
The Wen wanted to expand their domains.
They attacked Lotus Pier first over some petty beef they had with the Jiangs.
Jiang Fenmiang and Madam Yu tragically die to allow their children to flee to Gusu
The Lans give refuge to the siblings.
Everyoneis mourning, but at least WWX finds a reason to smile again, aka the presence of the one LWJ
WWX has a fat crush on LWJ, tries to flirt as usual, LWJ is there trying to figure out what to make of this situation
BUT the Wens are back on their bullshit
They attack Gusu fistly because "the Jiangs must go extinct" and secondly because "what can pacifist monks do against the Wen"
"Boss, but the avatar?"
"We have no news that he was born, the old man may still be alive and it won't be a problem to defeat him"
The old Avatar was Baoshan Sanren, no, I don't take criticism of that.
The Jiangs, Jin and Nie go to help Gusu against the Wen, but it's a disaster.
The Lan must retreat
The Jin and Nie are defeated
JC is seriously injured
WWX is bombarded by the Wens, but escapes because LWJ suddenly Waterbends to save WWX's life, thus creating more chaos
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Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen:
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LQR, LXC, LWJ and a handful of people manage to escape into the mountains of Yiling
JC is kind of dying, he is joined by Yanli who is desperate
WWX is captured by the Wens and placed in anti Waterbender prisons - tortured etc.
In prison, WWX learns bloodbending on his own and in secret
Meanwhile, JC is rescued by WQ and WN, who are initially seen as a danger like the other Wens, but prove they are not like that at all.
Yanli, WQ and Mianmian best friends forever
The Peacock is stupid as usual, Yanli is proud as usual
LQR and LXC finally reveal to LWJ that he is the avatar and he is the only hope left to defeat the Worst Wens.
He must therefore do the appropriate training.
Waterbending comes first, so initially JC is the master
Too bad they all get caught by the Wens
At night.
On a full moon.
And then WWX appears again out of the blue in the specific mood of "I came to attack and I am having so much fun"
WWX uses bloodbending
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The Wens retreat and JC and LWJ calm WWX
They ask him for an explanation, but WWX only tells half-truths.
Ofc LWJ tells him not to use bloodbending, because it is evil etc.
WWX grudgingly promises and tries to be a model citizen
To give him something to do that will distract him from bloodbending, JC asks him to teach the Avatar Waterbending.
WWX agrees and LWJ makes it clear that he will never learn bloodbending.
WWX says that it's okay, around, and they start.
Ofc WWX befriends WQ and WN
The Peacock will be, for the "joy" of WWX and JC, the Earthbending master
Problem: LWJ refuses to learn Firebending and nothing can convince him otherwise
WWX asks WN to teach LWJ Firebending and slowly LWJ understands that Firebending is not just destruction and death.
WN becomes the honorary teacher when WQ starts teaching him more stuff
And the day of the final confrontation arrives
Wen Ruohan apparently has managed to bribe and bring the Dai Li led by Meng Yao / Jin Guangyao to his side and everyone gets panicked.
Note: WWX has continued to secretly practice bloodbending on purpose for this fight, despite the various angst in between - JC and LWJ get that and at some point resign themselves to the evidence. Very reluctantly they acknowledge that bloodbending, along with the Avatar, can be a deadly combo against Wen.
The final confrontation happens
JGY turns with the entire Dai Li against the Wens
JC, JZX, LXC, etc are all there fighting
WZ, WC, WZL etc make horrible ends
LWJ and WWX fight WRH and win
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After everything is rebuilt:
JZX and Yanli get married
The Best Wens are officially recognized as friends and allies etc. and settle in Yiling
JGY will not have the physical time to plot much, because he will find himself surrounded by the twentyfour children of Yanli and the Peacock and how do you hate the universe when you are surrounded by cute children eager to spend quality time with their uncle
Unfortunately Nie Mingjue has left us, but Nie Huaisang, in peaceful and quiet times, takes the reins of command
I am very undecided whether I want Jiang Cheng to marry Nie Huaisang and leave Wen Qing to marry MianMian, of if I want him to marry Wen Qing, or end it in polyamory - it's going to be a firey wedding either way lol, suggestions are welcome
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tlhrfanfic · 3 years
Analogical Hero/Villain AU Plot
Okay so quite a lot of people (comparatively) liked my post checking for interest on the Analogical Hero/Villain AU plot I came up with, some of you vocally and so here I go! Please let me know what you think and if you want to be tagged once I get the chance to write for this plot! 
Okay so you know the hero and villain ship trope. So my plot is that but also with childhood friends and the pact we made when we were younger and times up so guess we have to get married trope.
So I'm thinking....
Logan as the villain
Virgil as the hero
And here's how it plays out...
Logan: You really think you can stop me. We were friends as kids hero. Surely you know better now. Virgil: You're right! We were friends as kids and and to me we still are and have been for exactly five years. Logan: If you think that sentimentality is going to... *halts suddenly remembering something* ... Virgil: ... *confused* Logan: *pulls out his phone and starts consulting it* Virgil: ... ??? *not sure about his opponent's new tactic* Logan: ... *still looking at his phone* Huh... How about that.. Virgil: ... *throws his hands up* How about WHAT??? Logan: *holds up his phone and smirks, glasses glinting like they do when you’re a villain* It appears, my dear, we are to be wed. Virgil: ??? *then realization* ... shit. *but no big... not like you've been in love with him since forever and he knows it hahaha* Logan: *also been in love with him forever but this sweetest idiot is oblivious*
And basically it starts with this and I think I’ll do it in a oneshot series rather than a multi-chap so I can skip monotonous stuff. But from here it would move to their wedding and then just plots centered around their life as domestic husbands. :D :D :D
Soooo... *rubs hands together* ... thoughts? :D Is this something you guys would like to see? I mean, I’m gonna write it anyway but yeah. XD
Tagging those who liked/vocalized their interest.
@nick-malc @idrawdumbstffs @xandriagreat @rainbowemonightmare @casuallyimpossibledream @gremlin-gr4pes @knight-shives @moments-of-selves @dawnbie @trees-to-meet-you @beyondthestacks @queer-here-and-in-fear @demonoidphenomenona7x @wtfamidoingontmblr @sunshineandteddybears @tia13tia @basically-im-sad @bruh-inator @the-dead-and-the-decaying @romano-hottopic @little-kat07
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amerrierworld · 3 years
Oh, brother
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for the request: Galadriel and her brothers
Summary: Galadriel’s surprise birthday bash! Modern AU 
Characters: Galadriel x Celeborn, a whole lot of Silmarillion and LOTR elves :D
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: none really, family fluff, annoying older brothers. a whole lot of blondes. 
If there was one thing Galadriel couldn’t stand, it’s surprises. She likes to know when things happen and have everything planned out. If she had the choice to foresee the future, she totally would.
But Celeborn wasn’t like his wife. And he really couldn’t refuse three ruthless blondes from barging into his home to throw a surprise birthday party for Galadriel, their baby sister. They would’ve broken the door down anyways.
It was a weekday, so of course Galadriel was working. Celeborn had taken the day off to pick up the cake that Galadriel had chosen for herself, and pick Celebrian up earlier than usual from school to help get a few decorations. The decor included a handful of balloons, and some party hats, which were mostly for their daughter than for Galadriel herself.
The door practically shook in its hinges at the sudden knock later that afternoon, making Celeborn jump. If it had been Galadriel, he would have been worried, but she had said she was working late. So who on earth...
“Oh... great.” Celeborn sighed and cursed internally. He set his laptop aside next to where Celebrian was colouring and hurried to the door, bracing himself.
“Is that Uncle Angrod?”
“Sadly.. yes,” Celeborn grumbled. He opened up and nearly fell back at the sight of three grinning faces. They were carrying large plastic bags and a few gift bags, and he immediately regretted opening the door.
They pushed inside, with Celebrian jumping into one of her uncles’ arms without any preamble, and Celeborn had a looming sense of dread about why they had shown up randomly at their home.
Finrod was the eldest, and the more approachable of the three. He explained their plans to set up a surprise party. 
“You know she hates surprise parties! The actual birthday dinner is this weekend, you know that!”
“Yes, yes, we know, but we figured we’d do something different this time.”
“Galadriel works wayyy too much, Celeborn,” Aegnor huffed, flopping down on their couch. His blonde mullet was sleek and straight, and Celeborn caught a section of pure white that shot through one side of his hairdo. Another last-minute dye job, no doubt. “You both work way too much. If you’re not going to do anything about it, then we will.”
“She’ll kill us all.”
“Yeah, that’s fine. Come on, help me with the disco ball.”
“The disco ball?!”
Galadriel knew what was going to happen the minute she pulled up to her home. If the half a dozen extra cars in the street didn’t say anything, the flashing lights from the living room window gave enough away. She sat inside her car, genuinely debating if she should speed away and just come back in the morning, leaving Celeborn to deal with the aftermath of what looked like an attempt at some sort of party.
But then she remembered her chosen cake and pursed her lips in defiance. She had been very excited to eat it, and curl up with her own  family to just watch a silly movie the rest of the night. She’d find a way to enjoy her birthday, even with her nagging extended family.
But the first person who greeted her at the door wasn’t her husband or any of her relatives. It was Gandalf, with a butterfly painted on his cheek and a top hat on his head. He had a juice box in hand and pulled her into a hug when he saw her in the hallway.
“Happy birthday, dear friend!” 
“Oh, Gandalf. What have you done?”
“For once, this idea wasn’t mine. I was simply invited.”
“I’m sure you arrived on time.”
“I always do!”
He promised there’d be no fireworks this time; when he had set off his pyromaniacal schemes last, poor Radagast’s hedges and flowerbeds had burned to a crisp. 
In the kitchen, Celeborn was nursing a wine glass filled with apple juice. Galadriel didn’t see any alcohol opened anywhere, which did help relieve her stress. He saw her come in and his face scrunched up in an apologetic expression, and it made her laugh.
“My love.. I’m so sorry-”
“Don’t start, Celeborn. What’s done is done. I suppose I’ll be forced to enjoy my birthday now?”
He grimaced and sipped his drink a little more. “If it helps, Celebrian is enjoying herself immensely.”
“Oh, is that right?”
“Orodreth is here. I promise everything is family-friendly, even if it is a little... wild.”
“Was the disco ball Aegnor’s idea?”
“Of course.”
Galadriel’s siblings were all successful, hard-working people. At least, when they were on their own. Once you put the three brothers together, all hell would break loose. Despite their sheer differences, they were able to put things together and become a team. Often to the dismay of their younger sister who had to endure the torture.
Finrod was the eldest, and therefore the most responsible. He was a successful CEO who took his time to travel and explore every corner of the world. He was stern-faced, and defiantly defensive of his family and his life choices. 
Angrod was the middle brother, and the most outlandish. His passion could lead to anger very quickly, but it made him the most emotionally expressive. His son was practically the sheer opposite of him. Orodreth was a little older than Celebrian, and very soft-spoken and quiet. He was incredibly gifted and intellectual, but you would never be able to read his face and discern that yourself.
And Aegnor was the unhinged youngest brother. As an artist and creative thinker, he explored one medium of art to the next. Galadriel believed he had a lot of potential, and being the two youngest they bonded and got along very well. But she had no idea where his life would lead him. One week it would be pottery, the other it would become architecture. But he was kind and encouraging, which made him the most favourable to babysit Celebrian out of the three uncles.
But once put together, all precedented rules of their characters went out the window.
Eldalote was in the bathroom giving people painted faces, and Galadriel assumed that was where Gandalf got his colourful butterfly. She knocked on the door and came in on Orodreth getting a big fish painted on his forehead. Her daughter was watching diligently next to her aunt as she painted. She had a large flower and heart on one cheek, and a party hat tied snugly on her head.
The minute she saw her mother she squealed and ran into her arms. Galadriel picked her up swiftly, and suddenly felt she  couldn’t be mad at her brothers anymore. Nor could she be mad about them getting ahead of themselves and starting the party before she got home. It made it easier to blend in rather than have all the focus on her as soon as she had opened the door.
“Hello, sweetheart,” she nuzzled her daughter’s unpainted cheek who began babbling about the party thus far. Orodreth said a shy hello and wished her a happy birthday. Galadriel wondered how her idiot, reckless brother had ended up with such a diligent and sweet son. Nonetheless, she gave him a hug before Celebrian tugged her back to the living room, where the main socializing seemed to be happening.
The three elder brothers were plotting in a huddled group near the disco ball, and as soon as they saw Galadriel, they swarmed her. Aegnor set Celebrian on his hip, and Celeborn rushed to Galadriel’s side, still looking a little forlorn and guilty for letting the party get so rowdy.
“Sister! Happy fucking-”
“Hey! There’s kids.”
“Sorry. Happy freaking birthday, sis. Do you like our party?”
“I hate it.” Galadriel crossed her arms, but her eyes were twinkling. “You know how I hate surprises.”
“Hey, that’s why we’re not giving you a speech, alright? You should thank me.” Aegnor bumped Finrod with his fist. “Fin was planning on drawling on for forever if we hadn’t stopped him.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Finrod rolled his eyes, but he gave Galadriel a quick side hug. “We know you never celebrate yourself, Galadriel. So this is for you. We practically had to tie down your husband to let us decorate.”
“I mean, clearly.” Galadriel looked at the overwhelming amount of  paper decorations and bright balloons. “He’d never allow it to look so hideous if he could help it.”
“You wound me, sister,” Angrod clutched his chest. 
“Your cake remains untouched though,” Celeborn pointed out. “That’s the one thing I was able to protect. The rest of the house.. not so much.”
“Oh, well I suppose that’s alright,” Galadriel sighed. She watched the small group of friends and other people in her life gather in the living room and other spots in the house. The music was cheery but not blaring. And from the looks of it.. people brought their own dinner items, like an impromptu potluck.
Elwing and Earendil came over to greet Galadriel with happy smiles and a congratulations. The couple were constantly glued to each others’ side, and Galadriel was glad to have another set of seemingly sane parents in their social circle.
Their twins, Elros and Elrond, were sprawled out on the carpet with Lego and toy cars. Elrond’s face had been smeared with cupcake icing that he had scarfed down, and Galadriel watched, amused, as her daughter went over to him, tutting like she often would. She had a napkin in hand and proceeded to wipe his face, effectively smearing the icing even further onto his cheeks. 
The sight made her chuckle, and the initial stress she had seemed to finally leave. She supposed she could enjoy as much of it as possible. 
“To be fair, this party is looking to be the best I’ve ever had.” She looked around, slipping her hand into Celeborn’s. “Food I don’t have to pay for. No idiot college friends or condescending relatives. Kids who are actually enjoying themselves? I’d rank this in the top five, boys.”
“Then our work here is done!” Aegnor declared, bouncing Celebrian who giggled happily in his arms. “Now let’s get that cake.”
“Nuh-uh,” Galadriel wagged a finger at him. “That’s for me and my family alone. There’s enough food for you behind you. Go on, you swine.”
Aegnor stuck out his tongue, and she swatted him. He went off to explore the dishes that were laid out on the dining table. So did the rest of the group; going to get their faces painted or wolf down whatever fatty snacks were in reach. Galadriel turned to her husband and gave him a firm kiss.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t defend our fortress, my lady,” he sighed. She rolled her eyes. 
“It’s quite alright. I’m not angry. Maybe because I was met with a very gleeful Gandalf at the door rather than my overbearing siblings. Besides, we didn’t even have to cook.”
He laughed. “I knew that would be the thing to win you over.”
A/N: I love these guys ;-; This is my character interpretation of Galadriel’s brothers/family in a modern AU. I posted this out of order for CB’s birthday- I finished it over a week ago but then I realized how close it was to the 14th so I just waited! I hope you enjoy my loves 
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
more Blakeworther headcanons!! i want you to go ham with em too!! :D
Go ham, huh? So...I probably went the opposite direction of what you wanted or expected. But I just read “Our Coffin Is a Twin-Sized Bed” (Blakeworth fic, REALLY ANGSTY) and I loved it but it also made me very depressed. Anyway, it put the idea of CHARACTER DEATH in my head, and so I’m like...what if you took Vincent, Victor, and Albert, and you have an AU where each one of them dies, and how would the other two react?
Except I want to have my cake and eat it too. That prompt on its own is a bit...disheartening. So I had to treat myself by saying that each time, the death was actually a fakeout, and whoever “died” turns up just fine later. Which made for extra reunion headcanons!
Get ready for: the one where each one of them “dies” and the other two grieve in their own special way, only for the “dead” to have been fine the whole time
·      They were setting up bombs in a facility owned by Myers, hoping to bring down one of the bigwigs – possibly Monseiur M himself – in the explosion. Albert and Victor finished their rounds, then came back outside to wait for Vincent. Vincent radioed that he was almost finished – and then the whole building went up in smoke.
·      It took Victor and Albert a few minutes to process what had happened. He…he had to have gotten out, right? There’s no way Vincent would die on this mission.
·      But he doesn’t show up.
·      Watching the conflagration, agape and wide-eyed, Victor and Albert reach out to draw each other closer, hoping it just isn’t what it looks like.
·      Eventually, there are sirens, and they have to escape back to the mansion.
·      Albert finds the nearest piece of furniture he can sit on, sinks down, and starts sobbing. It doesn’t help that this is HIS house they’re living in, this is HIS chair Albert’s crying on, and he’s not even here.
·      I’m not actually sure if Victor’s eyes have tear ducts, but he is similarly distraught. He sits down beside Albert, trying to reassure him, “We’ll be okay. He’d want us to keep going. We’ll…we’ll be fine…”
·      His voice cracks. He can’t deal with this. Now he’s holding onto Albert not only for the sake of comforting him but of getting comforted.
·      They rattle around Vincent’s house for the next few days, utterly depressed. Everywhere they go, every corner they turn, they’re reminded of the spaces where he’s not.
·      Albert is caught talking to himself – and berating himself in a bad imitation of Vincent in order to simulate their arguments. Victor can only listen for so long before he’s too emotional and has to leave.
·      “You promised me you wouldn’t do this,” Victor says as he kneads a bedsheet between his fingers.
·      Eventually, the two of them hold a small service. They construct Vincent a grave out back in the yard. Each says a few words –
·      Victor: “I still don’t regret it. Not a day.”
·      Albert: “If you think I wanted to win our rivalry this way…you were wrong. I’d give anything to have you back.”
·      When behind them they suddenly hear “If I’d’ve known you two would get this morose, I wouldn’t have bothered to plant those explosives in the first place.”
·      They turn around, and…he’s here. Vincent’s here, looking quite grumpy.
·      “I thought it would be fairly obvious that I wasn’t dead. You two really went all out on this?”
·      Albert: “You’re not an exact replica with Vincent’s memories, are you? Actually, I have no problem if you’re an exact replica with Vincent’s memories.”
·      Victor and Albert run to him, embrace him tightly. Vincent’s rolling his eyes because these idiots got themselves worked up for nothing – but he’s lying if he says he isn’t really, really touched by how much they missed him. He’ll have to be careful not to make them worry in the future.
·      Assassins have the mansion surrounded. Victor urges Albert and Vincent to go on ahead without him. He’ll catch up. But first he has to buy them time.
·      Albert and Vincent head to a motel three towns over – only to hear that the mansion was cleared out, then raided by authorities, and after the cyborgs were put down, no living people remained in the house.
·      “No,” Vincent says. “He’s fine. He’s FINE.” And he won’t hear otherwise.
·      Not even after a week.
·      Albert is starting to grieve, but Vincent keeps yelling at him, “STOP! HE ISN’T GONE! YOU’RE BEING AN IDIOT!”
·      Vincent is angrier than Albert has ever seen him in his whole life. The more days go by that Victor hasn’t turned up, the edgier Vincent’s mood gets.
·      Albert has to lock himself in the bathroom if he wants to cry it out.
·      But he also knows enough about psychology that he knows Vincent has to be dying inside. “Vincent, you need to talk about what happened.”
·      “You’re not even a real psychologist. Don’t fucking tell me what to do.”
·      At one point, it gets so bad that Vincent locks Albert out of the motel room and refuses to let him in, no matter how much noise he makes.
·      That’s when the notes start showing up. The door’s definitely locked, but Vincent finds notes around the motel room that definitely weren’t there a moment ago.
·      “I love you. ~AK” “I’m worried about you! ~AK” “Vincent, talk to me. ~AK” “I know many fates worse than death. Do you want to push me that far? ~AK” “Please, Vincent, I need you. ~AK” “Fine. Die alone. ~AK” “I take back my last note. Don’t die alone. I love you. ~AK”
·      So eventually Vincent lets him back in, and Albert suggests, one final time, to have Vincent sit through a legitimate therapy session. No Dream Eaters, no tricks, no shell game. And Vincent agrees.
·      Vincent lies down on the bed. Albert sits on a chair beside him and starts asking questions – about Victor, about the memories they had, about what Victor means to them both.
·      Vincent slowly recalls their entire history – laughing, crying, smiling. And by the end of it, he’s outright sobbing.
·      “How can someone who was such a big part of our lives be gone, Albert?”
·      And in a historical first, Albert actually lies down on the bed to cuddle Vincent, stroke his hair, and tell him “I miss him too. So much. It’s okay. Just cry.”
·      Eventually, they get a message from Winston, saying he has some important information and “cargo” to trade to them if they meet at a rendez-vous point. So they agree. Albert and Vincent head to the alley around midnight to find Winston and…a man in a black hood.
·      He throws back the hood. It’s Victor, whose metal eyes are twinkling. “Miss me?”
·      All of Vincent’s psychological work is undone; he just says “I knew you weren’t dead.” Albert, on the other hand, TACKLES Victor at unprecedented speed and pins him to the street.
·      Once Albert lets him go, Victor goes up to Vincent, and the two of them hold each other’s gaze. They kiss, briefly. That’s all they need to put closure on this.
·      He doesn’t come home from a walk one night. Instead, a Dream Eater shows up and hands Vincent and Victor a letter.
·      “My beloved Victor and my frustratingly wonderful Vincent, if you are receiving this letter, it means you are not likely to see me again in this lifetime. I have run afoul of enemy forces, and, well, I’ll finally get to see what murder looks like from the other side. I want to thank you for the laughter and tears you both have given me, and for the good times and the bad. I hope you’ll remember me fondly, or at least as a memorable nuisance. With all of my love, goodbye. -Dr. Albert Gerald Krueger”
·      This is a joke, right? Victor’s convinced it’s a joke, and Vincent insists this is exactly the kind of prank Albert would find funny…
·      Until a month passes and he hasn’t come back.
·      Vincent takes a stance: “We never needed him. It was always just you and me from the start, Victor. We can return to our roots. He was always just an extra.”
·      Victor: “I know you don’t want to admit you miss him, but that was heartless, Vincent.”
·      The two of them end up fighting, sleeping on opposite sides of the mansion for days.
·      Victor tries to drink the pain away. (It happens in all three of these scenarios, actually, but this one’s plot-relevant)
·      One night, he wakes up at three and decides he’s not drunk enough. So he shuffles down to the bar and…there’s Vincent? Already drinking?
·      Victor decides to bite; “What’s all this for?”
·      Vincent turns to Victor, and Victor can now see he’s been crying for a while. “I can’t keep this up much longer, Victor. The two of us were happy before he broke in…why can’t I be happy? Why do I still miss him so much? Why can’t I just function?”
·      Ah. Now Victor knows it is definitely about Vincent not wanting to admit he misses Albert or even liked him. Because here’s Vincent just distraught without Albert.
·      Victor sits down by Vincent. Pours himself a drink. “We can’t erase him, but we can dull the memories for a night.”
·      It’s a miracle they don’t die of alcohol poisoning that night. They toast Albert’s memory, and at one point, Victor, a little out of his mind already, just poured a whole bottle of brandy on the floor in his honor.
·      Then, a couple days later, they’re trying to figure out how they’re going to break this to Taylor. They’ve avoided Taylor for so long so they didn’t have to bring this up.
·      There’s a knock on the door. Vincent gets up with trepidation, gun in hand because he’s not sure who it’ll be. Victor follows, ready to throw down.
·      The door swings open…
·      Albert: “I apologize. I didn’t think I’d be gone that long.” And he’s smiling like he’s just a couple hours late, not a whole month and change in which the other two thought he was dead. “What did I miss?”
·      There’s a silence as Victor and Vincent gape. Then Victor breaks into a wide smile; “Alb – “
·      Albert, on the ground, says “I deserved that.”
·      Vincent: “How could you do that to me? How could you tear me apart? How could you make me so empty inside over someone like YOU? How could you make it hurt so badly to love you?”
·      He’s getting rather emotional, a tear or two falling, and Albert realizes that Vincent actually…missed him. And the immense potential for blackmail this will bring.
·      Victor steps forward to help him up off the ground. Pulls Albert into a too-tight hug in the process. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
·      Then they head inside because Albert kinda needs an ice pack for the eye Vincent hit now.
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empires-of-athos · 2 years
Attack of the Plot Bunnies
SOOO I woke up this morning with a creative bug in my head and just started word vomit world building in a document and long story short i have this big idea for a story, but I can't decide if I should go with my first idea and write it as a FFXIV AU fanfiction, or do some extra work and use the characters as like, springboards and make it a completely original story, or if i should go really off the rails and make it into a D&D setting.
It started off as (another) Zenosahi fic, but my brain just kept adding more and more characters (the whole of the 12th legion Varis and Emet, maybe Regula, Gaius and his kids, MAYBE Varens that one is a HUGE freakin maybe tho) and fleshing the world out more and more and now i got this whole huge setting and cast. No real plot in mind yet just the world build and some bones to the skelleton so to speak.
I'll put the ideas I have in a Read More cuz its kinda long, and i'll have it with the roles that each XIV character would be playing but if anyone has any ideas they'd want to share or suggest or even a 'this would work better as an original' or like...a title idea cuz i suck at those feel free to message me - I'm always down to talk plot bunnies.
* It’s some kind of world AU- The sun and the moon have for insert reasons here gone dormant. The passage of day and night has ceased and chaos has reigned for blah amount of time. From the Chaos was born powerful monsters that have preyed upon humanity for so long that there is scarcely a time remembered where mankind hasn’t lived in fear of the chaos monsters. Magic exists in this world but its more the ‘studied wizard’ kinda magic than the ‘magic is everywhere and everyone can do it’ kind of magic. The world probably has a lot of zealous religion reigning supreme in these trying times. * Asahi and Yotsuyu are born blessed with the ability to summon forth morning and night respectively, returning the cycle of day and night to the world. No i don’t know why this whole idea started because of their names meaning Morning Sun and Night Dew and I wanted to do something with that- ill figure out the why at a later point if it needs figured out. At first they're treated as borderline gods but then people become very entitled to their gifts and what started as worship devolves quickly into enslavement. Both become cruel and resentful and vindictive but are powerless to really do anything about it. Canon typical horrible family and people around them turning them into their canon typical horrible selves basically. * Zenos is one of the monsters that exists because of the chaos of the timeless world. Because of their influence his power has been waxing and waning back and forth (most powerful on nights of the new moon, but becomes near powerless in the morning light, also this has affected all monsters of chaos, but he doesn’t really care about that). Originally his intention was to kill them and return the world to its chaotic timeless state (something both of them practically welcomed at this point)  but sees how they're being treated and slaughters their captors and takes them in. At first as a laugh because how miserable these little creatures are and it wouldn't be worth killing them until they got some backbone to them so he teaches them how to fight so they’ll be worth killing, but over time he kinda just gets use to having them around. * Fordola is probably from a long line of monster hunters. Something witcher like, - you have to go through a process that would break the average person to ascend to becoming a true hunter. While this process didn't kill her she didn't succeed at it either.  The pedestal she'd been on her whole life ripped out from under her and suddenly the people that once saw her as the next sign of hope came to despise her. Probably goes off to kill zenos on her own to prove she is just a strong a hunter as all those that came before her and winds up getting cornered and caught by the siblings instead who like- as much as they hate humanity at this point is about to kill her (or she manages to fight them both down and is about to kill them can't decide in my head how exactly i'd want that fight to go) point is zenos steps in and stops it from happening. She kinda becomes his ‘soft-WoL’ (no i'm not involving the WoL in any capacity in this story but for comparison sake) for a while- someone who keeps coming back to kill him, ultimately unable to. At one point he gets tired of the song and dance and lets her get the blade to his neck and tells her to kill him if she thinks it'll make her life better and convince those people she's worth anything. She realizes it won't. something something yotsuyu and asahi both get a new grumpy sibling that day * Aulus is one of the chaos monsters, but has been doing magical studies trying to find a way for the monsters to sustain their power in a more stable fashion with the day-night cycle returning. he’s kinda just brushed off by his kind who had the same original mindset of zenos of 'eat the sun and the moon and problem solved' wasn't until zenos decided to take in the problems as his pets that his studies got the time of day from anyone. It could be argued that his research could be used as a means for monster and mankind to coexist but like hell he cares about that- he just wants to aid in the next step of evolution for their kind. * Maxima is a monster as well but like, extremely curious about humanity. He hunts to survive and no more than that which is extremely contrary to their kind that were born from chaos and live to spread it through slaughter and sorrow. Even he isn't sure what's 'wrong' with him or why he doesn't take joy in  the  massacring of people. When zenos starts bringing his 'found family or whatever' around Maxima is ecstatic and is quick to try to make friends with them (with varying results). * Grynewaht was a 'problem' child of the village he came from, deemed 'incompetent' and 'useless' - messing up the most simple of tasks put before him. The one thing he was decent at was being a wall of muscle and brute strength able to fight off small monsters of chaos by sheer brute strength. his cowardice however got many people killed and ultimately his people decided his one use would be as a means to an end. Given over to mages to experiment on to try to find a means to more readily destroy the monsters he was infused with an essence of the chaos that permeates the world itself and is the first mortal-monster hybrid. (nod to the fact that after all his failures he was experimented on and turned into a magitek cyborg) The process left him a broken unstable mess and while they tried to destroy what they created he escaped and by sheer luck found his way to zenos's growing 'family' - at this point the story of the dawn and night bringer's betrayal of humanity has become rather well known so he begs to stay with them, promising he could be of use, he's not smart and he's not good at alot of things but he'll earn his keep some how. Probably gets a crush on yotsuyu at some point. ^ A note regarding this one - I might change the order of things- maybe Gryn was with zenos first out of all of them, it would make more sense that people were at their height of trying to combat the monsters before day and night returned. I picture the monsters as immortal beings (not invincible, just immortal - they do age, they do grow old but they will never DIE of age, they however can be killed or choose to die). Maybe the process gave him a part of that immortality, not true immortality just kinda the green mile kinda deal where his life got extended so damn long that he might as well be considered timeless * Varis, the first monster born of the chaos - NOT happy about his son making nice with humans, even if they are twisted and resentful beings that would turn upon their own. Its unbecoming, its like a butcher befriending its cows.  Is probably going to be the actual antagonist of the story if there is one beyond like sociopolitics. King of the Chaos monsters and a canon-typical freakishly huge beast. 
* Emet- a VERY powerful sorcerer of eld, who's gone into reclusion. It was his magic that went awry and caused the world to fall into chaos in the first place. I dunno what he was trying to do or exactly what happened but the short of it was that he bit off WAY more than he could chew and fucked everything up. Either long dead, or has magically extended his life-span and has been obsessively researching a way to return the world back to how its suppose to be. Not sure which I like better here. GETTING INTO THE MAYBE CHARACTERS NOW * Regula maybe? Varis totally not-boyfriend (I’m mostly kidding about that). probably the more level headed of the two. Is the one to try to calm Varis down when he gets pissed about all these mortals and explains how even they could be useful to them as long as they’re kept on a leash and know their place. Just wants what’s best for their kind. Canon-typical love of music. * Gaius would be a monster who took in a group of humans that were meant to be sacrificed to them as an appeasement to keep a village safe or something but has kept that TIGHTLY under wraps for years now. When zenos starts in on the same shit  of bringing mortals home and Varis gets increasingly pissed about it, he confides in Zenos about the matter. They probably bond and their families become close or something. Would this happen in canon? No. Do I care? Also no.
* Idk if i really want to go this far but like, entertaining the idea of if i include Gaius in the story to put in milk-lore (Valens? I’m almost certain that was his name) as a beta villain. Finds out about Gaius’s children and tells on him to Varis. Probably gets ordered to get rid of the ‘infestation’ of mortals running around their home. Takes way more sickening pleasure in killing them then needed because like, this is THIS guy we’re talking about. Zenos and Gaius are gonna kill the shit out of him before this is over if i do put him in. Gaius gets the final blow because like, he deserves that much at that point. 
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
Your DR magic AU, hand it over 🤲
Okay I have two other anons and I’m just gonna split the character ideas among the three asks. I don’t quite have a plot thought out, and most of these characters’ concepts have only existed in my head up until now...bare with me skdjksjfkd
Mm I talked about them briefly in Prom’s ask? But here’s a more in-depth thing of the THH fighting styles.
Makoto is a mage-type. (I used fighter, support, and mage to describe the various adventurer types it’s temporary just roll with it) Again, he can’t really hold magic for very long? He’s got a large mana reserve but it’s hard to activate and harder to control, so he’s currently working on mastering the little bullets. In the future, I imagine large barrages of bullets would sort of circle around him like they would in the barrel of a gun.
He probably got in accidentally? I’m not entirely sure about this, but I think there’s an entrance exam for Reserve Courses and he was probably forced in on Komaru’s behalf for some reason.
He was basically running the entire time until the very end when he panicked and suddenly the entire field was wiped clean from him waving his arm. HPA saw that, decided that he was worth training, and put him into the Main Course. He doesn’t feel very good about getting in that way, but HPA isn’t exactly empathetic like he is. Again this is like one of three ways I think he could’ve gotten in with the rest of the cast because I’m indecisive skdjsjf
Kyoko is another mage-type, in general the Main Gangs of each game have various themes. THH’s trio has a magic theme, they all use magic. She doesn’t use a weapon, though I’m thinking her gloves act as a limiter of sorts?
As a general rule, more mana means less control, and being half-demon gives her a lot of it. Her gloves help her regulate her mana output so that she doesn’t use too much of it when attacking and tire herself out. Later in the timeline, I imagine there might be a scene where she takes them off and fights off some enemies to buy the rest of the class time to escape something? She would get trapped in the process, but I think this would happen after she’s worked with Makoto for a while and she would trust him enough to believe he would come back for her if she didn’t return.
Oh this isn’t related to her fighting style but on the topic of her being half-demon, that’s mainly because I thought it was boring for everyone to be human and I’m a big sucker for fantasy species so yeah. She’s a cambion.
She has purple-tinted skin, horns that curl up and are fairly close to her head, a thin pointed tail, pointed ears, her pupils are slitted, she’s got carnivore-style teeth, her nails are longer and sharper by default. Whenever she uses the full extent of her magic, her scleras turn dark purple and her irises turn white. Oh yeah her scars came from an accident she had when she was young where her magic got out of control and burned her hands. Her mom’s the demon by the way, for no particular reason, I just thought that the Kirigiris would stay human in this and I don’t know anything about her mom’s side of the family.
I just realized I never said Makoto’s race skdjks he’s human!! He and Komaru just happen to be a special case and have a lot of mana. Most other humans in this AU aren’t so lucky. (cough hinata cough cough)
Byakuya, again, uses magic. He’s the only one who uses a weapon in the Trio, he uses a staff specially made by the Togami family. He also knows how to use a sword and a bow.
I haven’t put too much thought into him, but I know for a fact that his adventuring outfit would have a big sweeping cape later in the timeline. In the beginning though, he just has a stupid expensive suit. The cape comes in later as he, Kyoko, and Makoto start to group up more and more.
I’ve decided that adventurers in this AU group up just as often as they go solo, and while Byakuya would initially be solo, he would deem Makoto and Kyoko strong enough to work with whenever they’re taking on a difficult job.
Groups would change to have matching designs the longer they’re partnered up, and capes/cloaks happen to be the THH Trio’s Thing, as in all three of them would have a cape/cloak of some sort. Byakuya because he’s pretentious, Makoto because he thinks it looks cool, and Kyoko because she uses the cloak for practical reasons like storing things and keeping a low profile when needed. Oh and Byakuya’s bloodline is of royal elven descent, their business is selling spellbooks, runestones, potions, reagents, any magical item you could think of.
Sayaka is a half-siren mage! She mostly uses charm and illusionary magic, as well as healing so that she can support her allies. Later on, she might learn water magic so she can actually deal damage as well. I haven’t decided on her weapon of choice, perhaps she uses a lyre or casts spells from a book. I’m also debating having her learn hand-to-hand combat instead of water magic?
I just like the idea of someone coming up and trying to challenge her, thinking they’ll beat her easily, and barely getting a hit in before she kicks their legs out from under them and tosses them over her shoulder like they weigh nothing. She deserves to take out people twice her size and be menacing, as a treat for the amount of disrespect she gets in the fandom. And I want her to take Leon down a peg because he definitely acts a little like a cocky frat boy sometimes.
Speaking of Leon, we’ve got our first fighter-type!!! I could have him use a baseball bat but that’s boring so I’m thinking he might utilize items as well as a weapon? Bombs or grenades that look like a baseball and explode on impact, baseballs that ignite when thrown and act as fire balls. Alas, I don’t think about him much so this is all just me throwing ideas to see what sticks.
Whatever the case, the main thing I know would happen is that he frequently gets help from Kazuichi and Miu because he just cannot for the life of him stop breaking his equipment. He’s reckless and rushes into battle and now that he doesn’t have Kanon to stop him from setting stuff on fire all the time, he gets detention a lot. (And no she isn’t into him like in canon, I refuse to acknowledge that she ever was.)
Chihiro......they can’t fight djfjsjfjjf. They specialize in making tech and weapons, and in the beginning, would mainly use robots that they programmed to support their allies. Though, they do end up training with Mondo, Sakura, and Aoi to help them become better at combat, and eventually they join everyone else on the front lines as a ranged fighter/support type.
Also, the robots would kinda follow them around like pets. Cute little guys that can also shoot lasers. The robots are powered by mana crystals and each one has a different personality and magic type! Sometimes they follow around different people, the electric one took a liking to Mondo and you’ll see it floating around while he works out. They’re buds.
On the topic of Mondo, he’s another fighter-type! He’s more hand-to-hand combat. A controlled berserker, if you will. Probably started out fighting guys in his hometown and progressed to clearing out monsters when Daiya got concerned about his temper? Perhaps. Maybe. I do not think about Daiya I apologize.
Oh wait hold on. I’m looking at his character art and he’s got a hammer.........it’s decided he uses a warhammer, the biggest one they’ve got, and it’s probably a mana-based weapon. Specifically electric. He and that lil robot wipe the battlefield with their opponents >:D
Taka is probably a fighter-type? I can’t for the life of me find where I read this, but apparently he’s really good at self-defense so I imagine he does hand-to-hand combat as well as sword-fighting for the Noble Paladin Aesthetic.
Hifumi was originally a mage-type, but upon second thought, I’m making him a support-type who uses items and potions and stuff! I like the idea of him making fun little bottles and potions themed after his favorite animes and mangas..........he also definitely helped everyone design their adventurer outfits. He’s the only reason that Makoto’s outfit isn’t boring as hell.
Celeste is, of course, a mage-type. She’s Miss Lolita of course I have to make her an ethereal magic user alright also I love her and I love mages let me have this skfjdkjf. As for her weapon, my first thought was her having playing cards that she throws HxH style?
Or she could summon goons to fight for her, playing into the whole loyal servant dream she has. They would be vaguely themed after the cards, so there would be a jack, king, queen, and joker, all of different magic types depending on the suit of the card she throws. Electric for a spade, fire for a heart, ice for a diamond, something along those lines.
I’m also considering having her little...finger armor thing? I’m thinking of having that cross into her magic, where she attacks with claw-like things formed out of mana. Of course she could also just. Use the cards to cast spells directly skdjksjfkhf
Sakura is definitely a fighter-type. Again, hand-to-hand style, but I imagine she’s more controlled and strategic than Mondo. I can’t see her using a weapon, so I guess she’s like one of the only characters to fight exclusively with fists.
Mukuro’s a ranged fighter-type, but she can also do melee. She uses magic-based guns, ones that shoot mana infused bullets. They have a variety of effects depending on the type of bullet and magic. (I’m not a gun person so take this with a grain of salt.)
Bullets that break apart might be laced with electric magic so that they can shock a target from several points, or fire magic if she’s aiming to start a fire quickly. Exploding bullets are usually used with fire magic, but she might switch to ice if she wants to create a barrage of ice shards for...some reason, I don’t know. There’s more combinations I could probably make, but I’m. Not here to spend an hour researching guns. Not right now at least, who knows what I’ll want info on in the future.
Mmmmmm I’m starting to lose patience here so forgive me for the shorter explanations. I might throw in a fun fact about them for ✨ flavor ✨
Junko’s a fighter/mage-type! She uses a scythe and laces the blade with magic. She could combine it with fire magic to create a flaming scythe and go nuts with it, or she could just channel general mana and slam the blade into the ground to create a big crack in the ground.
There’s about an 80% chance she gets several weapons later in the timeline. Her scythe, a spear, possibly a gun. Monokuma probably exists, I like to think Junko ran into a smarter monster and tamed it and kept it as a slightly feral pet.
Also, yes, she’s still a big adrenaline junkie who gets off on despair. If you see her fighting things she knows are out of her league, mind your business.....actually, call someone to help before she gets herself killed. Please.
I haven’t decided what Aoi will be just yet? I’m veering towards fighter/mage-type, she could use water magic and maybe a leg-based fighting style. Possibly judo or taekwondo. I.....do not have any ideas for her. However I do know that she and Sakura would have a bunch of combo moves together dkfjkejfkdjjd
Toko is a mage-type! She probably uses a book to cast spells from. Or just uses her hands. She would fight ranged, I don’t think she’d want to be up in the action. Too much stress for her, y’know? I
As for Syo, she fight differently than Toko! She technically uses dual swords, but the swords can also connect to create a giant pair of scissors. Again, this is just sort of a fun character thing, but she gets to hate Byakuya in this AU. They have arguments and get on each other’s nerves a lot, but I think the rest of the class usually separates them before anything serious happens.
At some point after Toko befriends Komaru, I like to think that Syo gets a proper fight scene with Byakuya where she rips into him. I don’t think Toko would want to hurt anyone though, even him, so Syo would probably leave him with a few minor cuts at most.
Afterwards, I think Byakuya would quiet down with the insults with Naegi and Kyoko’s requests. (Well. Naegi asked him to try and be nicer because he was worried that they might fight again. Kyoko just bluntly told him that he needed to stop being a jerk and start considering everyone else’s feelings.)
Skfksjfkdh ah. I also like to think Komaru and Toko were initially partnered up by HPA for a job. They were assigned to deal with a couple of school kids wreaking havoc on a nearby city with some monsters they semi-tamed?
But after finishing the job, they decided to partner up permanently on their own. They probably have a few combo moves that Komaru came up with, Toko tweaked them to make them actually possible with their skill set and weapons.
Hiro is...possibly a mage/support-type? He’s probably a bit cowardly and freaks out when on the front lines, but he can use a crystal ball to attack from afar. I’m also considering giving him tarot cards so that he can toss them and attack from several points at once?
Or the ball could shatter at some point during the story and he could just roll with it and spread the shards out during battle to attack from several points at once. They could also be used to create a magic cage of sorts, like electric fence but only electricity.
Okay that’s everybody oh my god. I have plenty more stuff about this au, this isn’t even half of it trust me lmao. I’m sorry about this being so long I didn’t realize it’d be this wordy!!!!!
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iturbide · 3 years
okay mx. iturbide one of your followers just pillaged a bunch of sealcentric poasts from my dana tag and I think that means it's time for you to talk about selkie!au. #ocs #ocs #OCs #releasethem
alright which of you has been trawling gun’s dana tag who brought this down upon me
so for anyone not aware I have a bunch of OCs.  I don’t talk about them much around here but they are there and given half an opportunity I will drop them into just about anything (this is what happened with Claude’s parents).  Some of them get around more than others, though, to the point that I just call them ‘archetypes.’  And two of the big ones that show up all over are affectionately coded as ‘D’ (because her name invariably starts with a D every time she shows up though this gets pushed into the realm of hilarity in Werewolf!AU where everyone just calls her D and nobody ever finds out what her actual name is) and ‘Dragonman’ (because he’s invariably associated with dragons in some way shape or form).
D is always weirder than Dragonman.  Even in AUs where Dragon man is a literal dragon man.  He’s the normal one by comparison to her.
that doesn’t actually have much bearing on Selkie!AU but it bears mentioning
Now, Selkie!AU is...aptly named.  It involves selkies.  For anyone not super versed in Celtic folklore, selkies are human-like beings that transform through use of a hide -- specifically, a seal skin.  There are several folktales out there that fall into the same vein as the crane wife stories: guy sees a selkie remove her skin, falls in love with the woman underneath, steals and hides her skin to trap her in human form and marry her, she eventually finds it and returns to the sea never to return.  There’s also an absolutely spectacular animated movie that came out a while back called Song of the Sea that I cannot recommend highly enough, it’s beautiful and selkies are central to the plot.  
As mythological beings, selkies don’t really have a clearly defined origin, they just kind of Are.  But me being me, I like to dig a little and think about Weird Implications and kind of stumbled on the idea of “what if selkies aren’t born with their seal skins, what if they have to take them from a seal and it’s part of their culture as a rite of passage?”  Which led to the idea that young selkies are basically seal changelings who, through an ancient blood rite, kill a seal pup and take its skin and thereafter its place.  The selkie and the seal are forever bound through the ritual, and through that old magic the seal skin continues to grow with the selkie, and when they wear it they literally become a seal, a spell that’s only undone when the skin is removed.
Now, this is important because in this AU, Dragonman (hereafter we’re going to call him ‘Lance’) as a kid is off wandering well away from where most people hang out and sees a girl around his age down among the seal pups while the adults are out hunting...and watches her kill one of them and take its skin.  He is understandably traumatized by this whole event, and all the more because nobody believes him when he talks about it.  He gets a lot of therapy but even though he stops talking about it, he’s absolutely certain of what he saw, even if no one else wants to take him seriously.
Years later, after finishing high school and starting to look into getting a job somewhere, he happens to be in around the same place he saw that girl kill the seal...and he sees a lone seal come out onto the beach -- and shed its skin, leaving a young woman in a sealskin mantle.  He absolutely books it down there to confront her, only to have her whip the skin back on as she lunges for the water and suddenly it’s a seal again swimming away.  Not one to be deterred, he starts haunting the place, bound and determined to get his evidence, and finally she comes back -- at which point he sneaks up and takes her skin and demands some fucking answers.
...also for her to put some clothes on “then give me back my skin!”
This leads to an absolutely bizarre relationship wherein Lance starts coming to grips with what happened and the fact that there’s a lot more truth to the stories he grew up with than he might have believed, while the selkie (who ends up going by ‘Dana’ because Lance introduced her to the X-Files and she liked Scully) learns about human society and culture.
She also feels that hot pockets are a crime and Lance thinks there’s something wrong with her for that.
It doesn’t exactly have a well-planned story arc but it’s fun to poke at and also there’s an awesome dragon battle at some point in the middle of a storm-tossed sea and it’s kind of epic oh and also gun drew a thing from the aftermath of it once technically she also drew the dragon itself but I don’t think she’s scanned it, just trust me it’s awesome as fuck and based off a goblin shark.
are you happy now gun
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giant-sketches · 4 years
The Guardian Naga Chpt. 1
Soooooooo...here’s the first chapter for the next Sander Sides au I’m working on. This is more of a set up chapter so no gt stuff until the next one and this will be more of a story compared to my Mass Emotions narrative. I haven’t written in years nor have I ever done a fanfic so please be kind. I hope you enjoy it as it progresses! :D
   Once upon a time in a far off land there were two princes. The crown prince was born five minutes earlier and grew into a rough and naughty child. He treated the castle and the people as his play things. Every day he would cause multiple incidences from food fights in the dining room, dying the queen's gowns multi-color, spitting in the servants meals, and knocking down merchant’s stalls in the square with his favorite spiked mace. The young man was thus referred to as Prince Rotten Remus by the people.   On the other hand, the second prince was charismatic and well mannered. Most of his days were spent helping with the clean up after Remus’s antics, practicing his swordsmanship with the guards, studying in the library, and sneaking out to the hills to relax and sing. Sure, he too found himself in quite a bit of trouble in his youth, but none of what he did could come paired with Remus. This beloved second prince was lovingly nicknamed Prince Roman the Songbird.   As time carried on they reached the age of sixteen. There was only two more years to go until Remus would succeed the throne, but he grew impatient. One night Remus hatched a plan to perform a coup for the crown, but was quickly discovered before he was able to slam his mace into the king's skull. He was promptly stripped of his title and exiled from the kingdom.
“I don’t understand! Why would you do something so foolish when you were the crown prince? I mean, I-I knew you were a violent person but to try to kill your own father.” 
Roman stuttered as he spoke. Before he could never see his brother again he wanted to know what led him to such a malicious plot.
Remus gave a toothy grin and cocked his head to the side as he answered. “I wasn’t about who had the crown I simply just wanted it now is all. I’m only disappointed I didn’t get to enjoy the candy inside that pinata.”
Stunned by his callous response and he remained silent as Remus was escorted outside the castle and marched to the gates. It was truly at that moment that Roman realized his brother simply deranged from the start.   Promptly, Roman was named the new crowned prince to the approval of the people who rejoiced vigorously with their cheers and cries. Not a word of Remus came across their lips as Roman ascended the throne at eighteen and continued to rule for the next twelve years. Now thirty years old Roman ruled gallantly as the saving grace for the people who would still be suffering at his brother’s hands. His childhood friends Patton and Logan assisted him as his personal butler and captain of the guard. Together they helped to protect and grow the kingdom into a place of happiness and wonder. Yet, all good things must come to an end.   A mysterious letter signed with the initials R.R. on the cover was delivered one morning. At first Roman was hesitant to open it, but he swallowed back his fears and ripped it open hastily. Inside the letter read:
‘Hello dear baby brother! It’s been such a long time since we’ve last spoken. Being on the other side of the continent has been a lot of fun though. I even made some friends that just love to hear about my old homeland. Still, I’m getting pretty homesick; thus, I plan on coming back in three months and my friends are coming with me. No need to worry about the party favors though. We’ve got an army tagging along for the ride and they’ve got the best firecrackers and party cannons around! Be seeing you soon, with love Remus.’
The letter slid from Roman’s grip as he felt his consciousness fading. Patton reacted quickly as he placed his hand on the back of Roman’s head to act as a cushion.
“Your Majesty are you alright?”
“I’m fine, but at the same time I’m not. This letter is from my brother.”
“From Remus? What in the world does he want all of a sudden.”
“No, it’s not about what he wants. He’s bringing an army. It’s war!”
“WAR?!” Indeed, Remus was looking to start a war. It was unclear if this was an attempt at getting revenge or if he simply thought it was a fun idea though. Either way this was bad, really bad!
“Patton, call for Logan immediately. We need to hold a meeting this instance!”
“Understood Your Majesty!” Patton quickly left and hurried himself to locate Logan.
“This is a disaster.” mumbled Roman has he clapped his hands to his face in distress.
  Shortly after the three of them, along with other council members met up in the hall to discuss their war plan. From topics of recruitment, supplies, training, geography, strategy, etc. The talking went on for hours. Unfortunately, one thing was perfectly clear to Roman and that was the fact that because of the sustained peace the kingdom was grossly unprepared for war. It wasn’t that they weren’t capable, but they didn’t know how big the army was going to be or even the name of the kingdom that was coming to invade in three months. It would take time to send out scouts that far and even longer to retrieve their gathered intel. Roman was at a loss on what to do to guarantee victory.
  That night he snuck out to the hills to think. He simply didn’t want his people to experience war or suffer from it. There had to be some other way.
“I knew I’d find you here!” Suddenly a familiar voice called out from behind.
“Patton! You scared me for a second there.”
“My bad. Did you come out here to think?”
“I did, but it’s been of no help. I just don’t know what to do. I’m supposed to have a plan as the King, but right now I feel so useless.”
“Now, there's no need to be so down on yourself Roman. You are an amazing King! We’ll get through this together.”
Patton sat down next to Roman on the hillside and placed his hand on Roman’s shoulder to comfort him. A soft breeze blew past them and a faint memory of a long forgotten tale popped inside Roman’s mind.
“The Naga.”
“Excuse me?”
“The tale of the Naga that lives in the Eastern caves! It’s said if you can tame the best that dwells inside it’s grand power will be yours!”
“Roman, that’s just a fairy-tale. There’s no way something like a Naga could really exist and no one knows about it.”
“I’m willing to believe and try anything! I’ll go into the caves tomorrow and look for it.”
“Roman, that’s way too dangerous. At least take Lo-”
“Please don’t tell Logan. He’ll either lock me in my room or bring a small army with him to guard me. I need to do this by myself.”
Patton shot Roman an expression of uncertainty, but lost completely in the face of those puppy dog eyes. He sighed and nodded his head in response.
“Just promise me you won’t do anything rash. At the first sight of danger you run, got it?”
“I promise!”    
   With that the two of them returned to the castle undetected. The next morning Roman prepared himself to leave for the Eastern caves after dinner. He packed a lantern, snacks, a first aid kit, an extra pair of clothes, and climbing tools. He knew following along with such a fairy-tale may lead to a dead end, but he had to try. Unfortunately, he had not remembered the full story of the Naga and how those that search for it with a deceitful heart will be eaten as a sacrifice.
End Chapter 1
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theshy1sout · 3 years
Inseparable - Chapter 10
Tags: Broppy, not rated, slow burn fluff, Trolls Mythology Au
Ao3 is here
Notes: This chapter is a little less fluffy xD I have the plot to do, it's not some random fluff scenes I dreamed xd Ok, maybe, but anyway, this has a plot and I think this fanfic will be 22 chapters long... I count it at this moment like that. I hope it isn't overwhelming or sth for ya... Well, if you arrive here and read this then I guess you enjoy it so no, it's not xd Anyway! New chapter! 2256 words, if someone asks. Enjoy :D
- So - Poppy grins with the whole of her sunny pink face. - How was your sleeping?
Branch rubs his eye with one hand, cause he’s holding the Staff of Light in another one. 
- Well, I just realized that I hadn't slept since… - He yawns loudly. - I don't know, never?
- But how was it? - The goddess tilts her head on a side like a puppy.
He takes a very long and deep breath.
- Boring - He breathes out.
- Ha! I told ya!
- Yeah, yeah - He waves his hand. - I hope the surprise will be worth it.
- I swear It'll be! - She beams with her twinkling freckles on her pink cheeks. - Just wait for the sunrise!
He makes this face she likes so much. He frowns, smiles, and slightly chuckles, looking with his calm sight into her vivid eyes like into two sparkling diamonds. The goddess of the Day smiles at him, melting a bit inside.
The god of the Night corrects his grip on the Staff and offers the goddess his arm to hold. 
While they are walking for the rest of the Night, doing nothing interesting for me or you, my reader, just walking and talking and taking care of the Night, I'll let you into the story about the Gold Sphere. Or, like Immortals like to call it: the story of Rose.
This is the longest and the saddest tale Immortals know. The whole known world got started from Chaos. No one knows what Chaos is and Chaos never gives answers. All it does is create what the world needs - at least Immortals believe that. No one knows who creates the Chaos and who controls it. Was there anything before? Will it be the end of it one day? All they know is what the oldest ones remember - King Peppy and Queen Rose. 
When the Chaos created them, It left them on the Earth without a word of explanation. The White Sky and the empty Land already existed, but there was nothing else than that. Peppy looked at the world and then at Rose. They both felt really lonely. They discovered their power quite quickly - it was the power similar to Chaos, the power of creation. Peppy immediately came up with an idea. He asked Rose if she wanted to work together to fill the Earth with life. She agreed, and that's how Peppy became the god of Friendship.
The first thing they created was the little creatures, looking quite similar to them, but much smaller, and with a different matter. They named them ‘trolls’ and taking care of them quickly became their only goal and desire.
They made them as similar to Immortals as it was possible, but giving them all they had wasn’t enough. Trolls didn’t have free will, feelings, awareness, and eternal life. The essence of immortality was indivisible and uncreatable, its only source was Chaos. But trolls had dual nature, their physical bodies were filled with life-giving souls, the bounty from The Queen and the King. And the physical nature of trolls had needs. Trolls needed to eat and drink. Well, that's when Meadow, the goddess of plants, and Milton, the god of critters, came and created flora and fauna on the Land. Then Trollex, the god of the Ocean and Seas, came from the Chaos and he and his squires made pools, lakes, and rivers filled with fresh and clear water.
Soon, Gods cottoned on that even if trolls had food to eat and water to drink, their physical bodies still died, and the souls didn’t have a place to come. That's when Barb and Riff came on the Earth and created the land under land, calling it Underworld.
The world got filled with life. One by one Immortals came from the Chaos and brought necessary things to the Earth. King Peppy took care of the gods' teamwork and Queen Rose guarded the world order, as she became the goddess of Harmony. She was Immortals' inspiration, she gave them many ideas on how to make the Land more and more beautiful for trolls to be happy. The Peace was on the Earth and among trolls, but Immortals still felt that there was a lack of something.
A few days after Peppy's and Rose's egg was born and gods were celebrating happily the first Immortals' child, a different kind of god came from the Chaos. He went to the Palace of Harmony and bowed in front of King Peppy and Queen Rose. He had a gold instrument in his hands, playing unknown kinds of music. They asked him about his name and his auspice, and he introduced himself as Chaz, the god of Falsehood and Betrayal. He explained that those were really necessary things, something special for trolls and Immortals. Peppy and Rose let him walk among trolls until they noticed he created the untidiness. Trolls were divided and fought with each other. That's how War and Hate appeared in the world. Peppy and Rose saw it was bad, and they exiled Chaz, throwing him back into the Chaos.
After that, Peppy became wary. He didn't want something wrong to happen with his and Rose's child. Restoring las and order after Chaz lasted for so long and cost Immortals much effort. He took a scared look at Chaos from time to time, fearing what would come from it next.
And sooner than they expected, the new god came from the Chaos and stood in front of the Queen and the King. He bowed politely, holding a long dried branch as a staff in his hand. His long grey capote covered his whole body and the hoodie on his head didn't let anybody see his face. Rose asked him about his auspice and he humble introduced himself as the god of the Silence and Darkness. This time Peppy ordered him to explain and show what those things were. The stranger described, with his sound, soft voice, that Darkness was lack of Light and the Silence was the lack of Music. He showed them both things and Peppy got scared. He wanted to exile him to the Chaos immediately, which made the unnamed god freeze. But Rose stopped the King with the argument that the stranger did nothing wrong yet. He didn't deserve to be exiled for no reason. Peppy cooled down and agreed to not throw him back to the Chaos. But he banned him from doing anything on the Earth, even walking. He pointed at the forlorn cave as a place to stay for him. The god without a name left the Palace with no word. Rose was mad at Peppy, that he broke the friendship promise between them and made an order without her agreement, but she couldn't do anything, it was too late. She could just watch as the stranger in a hoodie walked away.
A few days later, a new god appeared. His slinky gait was boldly echoing in the Palace of Harmony. He stood in front of the King's and Queen's thrones and took a look into their eyes. He announced his name was Creek and he's the god of Greed and Vainglory. He judged them for taking thrones without others' agreement. He ordered them to step down and let the Immortals decide who is the king or he would force them to leave their thrones. Peppy chuckled, being sure about his and Rose's power and right. But then suddenly, the god in the hoodie appeared between Queen and Creek. He fell unconscious almost at the same moment. A sharp knife was in his chest and the gold blood screamed slowly from the wound. Creek had one more knife in his hand and threw it at Rose once again. But this time the goddess was aware of the danger. She caught the knife in the air and attacked. Peppy quickly joined in. The fight was long, two powerful Immortals against one, but Rose and Peppy couldn't throw Creek back to the Chaos. He was too strong. They could only keep him in one place, stalling the endless fight where no one could die.
The essence of immortality was a huge power and only the same force was strong enough to destroy it. Rose knew about it. Without speaking to Peppy, the goddess cumulated whole her immortality essence and attacked Creek with all of its might. The god of Vainglory shivered and with the big light explosion his immortality, and Rose's, were destroyed. With Peppy's last hit Creek fell dead on the Palace's floor. 
Queen cumulated her power into the Gold Sphere, knowing that her mortal body couldn't hold it. Peppy was looking at her helplessly and hopelessly. He knew what the dead body of Creek meant for Rose. The Queen would also die, soon or later.
But Rose didn't say anything to him. She walked through the throne hall with a glowing Sphere in her hand. The unnamed god still was there on the floor. He took the knife from his chest, and the wound started to heal. Moonbloom, the goddess of Health, was drying his chest from gold blood, but when she saw Rose, she stepped back.
The Queen got down to the god and asked:
- What is your name?
He hesitated a bit, but then he breathed out:
- I don't have any.
The goddess looked at his staff lying next to him.
- What about 'Branch'?
He looked up at her. 
- If you say so, my Queen, I would be honored to take this name.
She smiled at him. 
- You are a really good person, Branch. Thank you. You wanted to lay down your own life for me. I want to give you twice more in return. - With that saying, she showed him the Gold Sphere. She handed it to him. - Branch, I need a rest. Can you hold this for me?
The god was ruffled, but he grabbed the Sphere with both of his hands. His touch changed the light of it from gold to blue and all known light of the Day faded. But nobody protested. 
- I trust you, Branch - Rose announced gazing at him with a friendly smile.
The god said nothing. He was shivering. He took his staff and put the Sphere on the top of it. The little vines grew from it and tightly embraced the Sphere. That's how the Staff of the Light was created and that's when the first Night happened. It was a long, sad time of Darkness and Silence, Immortals were in the mourning because of Rose. Peppy cried. But Rose was calm. She had been aware of what she had done. She was glad everyone was safe.
The Queen lived to see her daughter's sweet pink smile. She was bringing her up with Peppy for a few years until she died. Riff led her soul to the Underworld, but she faded until they arrived. He stared at the Chaos for so long this Night, the very same Chaos where he had thrown the dead body of Creek. 
Branch remembers this Night much better than others, even than King Peppy. He remembers finding Riff crying on the edge of the world. It was the darkest Night also for the god of the Silence.
He looks at the Staff of the Light in his hand, glowing slightly in blue. He glances at Poppy, playing with a lightning bug on her finger. The insect is walking through her hand when she's moving it to keep the bug always on the top. Branch tilts his head down and blows into it and the bug flies from her pink hand and lands on her nose. She squints. The god chuckles what makes the goddess smile. 
- Do you remember your mother? - He asks after a moment of Silence.
Poppy blinks at the sudden question.
- Umm... I have a few memories of her - She starts slowly. - But... Why are you asking?
Branch looks at the Gold Sphere. 
- I'm just... She was the bravest person I've known - He whispers. - I'm sad that she's not here anymore.
Poppy gazes at him silently. She feels it too. She misses her mother, how wouldn’t she? But on the other hand, the feeling that everyone knows her mum much better than her, makes her... a bit jealous. Especially that nobody wants to tell her, why her mum was mortal, but she isn't. All she knows about her mum was her name is Rose, she created the Gold Sphere and she died. She asked her dad many times, but he avoided the topic. Other Immortals got sad as she asked. She doesn't know. But maybe... Maybe Branch would tell her?
- She said she wanted to give me twice more than my own life - Branch adds quietly, interrupting her thoughts. - I still can’t believe… She really did it
The goddess frowns at his words.
- As I understand, one is the Staff - She points at the Sphere. - And the second?
Branch turns to her and smiles gently. She doesn't get why. He offers her his arm to walk and only then she realizes what he means. Her cheeks turn red of course. Her heart beats faster of course. And she can't get enough of it.
The goddess sighs. Well, maybe she will ask him about her mum, but not now. The questions can wait a bit. She grins at him but pushes his arm. 
- Let's stay here a bit longer - Poppy says. - Here is a really good view of the meadow. You can make a dew from here.
- You're right - He chuckles and gets down to take a bit of water from the nearest pond.
The goddess watches him with a smile. "Oh, just you wait until the morning - She thinks. - I'll show you. I'll make your pretty face purple, I'll make your heart rush. Just you wait, my dear. Just you wait."
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aiden-png · 4 years
Hyrule the baby detective?
ohohoho okay so.. I have three genres I like to write in my original lit: horror, scifi, and mystery. so I wanted to write a mystery for LU, multichapter and thoroughly outlined (partly because analyzing HSH was so much fun and I wanted to keep that going alkdfjkasdfj). so I came up with an idea for a crime mystery set in a vaguely 1890s ‘modern’ Castle Town city following apprentice detective Hyrule... I actually wrote a Lot for the first draft before realizing it was a bit too silly for my intent and I hadn’t outlined it enough to solve the sideplots I’d introduced while writing. so I scrapped this... 4? chapter first draft right before the climax and sat down to Really plot it out (I wrote this one in July I think lol)
I have a whole outline and I made a new setting: ‘modern’ university AU with a serial killer antagonist who takes an interest in Hyrule. I had so much of it planned out and I was hype to write it because the twist was amazing, which is the part I felt was lacking set up in the first try. but then classes started and I came up with another multichapter idea and started writing that instead, kinda.. oops!
so if I ever release a version of this fic, it’ll probably be an edited and finished version of the crack taken seriously first draft XD and I’m not sure if I’ll ever use the twist I came up with for the second version so I won’t share it, but it was Good omg.... I love adding twists into my multichapter fics, they’re so much fun aaa! :D
and I guess, just because I can.... have a (unedited and messy) snippet from it! :D
Hyrule was so nervous he’d managed to leave the office and board the subway before even opening the envelope. The envelope where the address of the client and time of meeting was… Hyrule sighed, carefully opening the clasps and peering inside. There was one tiny slip of paper and nothing else. Great. Hyrule pulled the appointment card out, squinting down at the scribbled address and-- oh dear, the meeting was in less than an hour! Hyrule’s eyes flicked around, only relaxing slightly as he realized he’d somehow managed to board the correct train.
He was a bit frustrated at the lack of information he’d been given, if he was being honest. A murder case typically had a name, some pictures, a report even when they got the call, but the card Hyrule held simply had an address and a name--Twilight. Odd name, but he didn’t really have room to talk, his parents had named him after a country after all.
The train arrived and Hyrule shuffled his way through the crowds at the station, climbing the stairs to find himself in the center of the historic district. Towering stone buildings lined the streets in streaked creams and greys, stained by coal even as most of the city moved to electric. The houses here were expensive and ancient and Hyrule knew the district was made of wealthy, private citizens more than anything else. People who preferred to keep their affairs under the table, tight-lipped and aloof, rude even. Hyrule lived in a dingy apartment, packed like a sardine in rooms barely big enough for a bed and stove. He felt small and out of place just standing in the street, suddenly aware of how cheap his white shirt and suspenders looked compared to the businessmen clad in full suits around him.
Hyrule rushed to find the building, glancing up towards the clock tower that rested in the building at the end of the street. Rows and rows of brownstones, all looking strikingly similar, before Hyrule found the bright red overhang of an apartment building, the address emblazoned on the cloth in gold script. He let out a small sigh of relief, still ten minutes ahead of schedule, and pulled open the grand wooden door at the entrance.
The interior was dark but spacious, high ceilings and sconces all fit with gas lamps that were out of use. There was a window at the top of the first flight of stairs, smudged and allowing a grey, watery light to pass into the foyer--the only light present. The right side of the hall held a built in alcove, a set of open mailboxes behind a desk and chair. An attendant sat in the dim light, head slumped forward on his chest, brown hair disheveled over his maroon uniform. Obviously asleep. Hyrule looked down at his note, up at the stairs, and quietly snuck past.
Two flights up Hyrule noticed a massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling at the top floor, visible through the gaps in the alternating staircases. A small man was strapped to the rail and ceiling, grease and soot staining his shirt and hair pulled away with a green headband. Hyrule found himself on the fifth floor and peering at the precarious set up the man had constructed--or was he just a boy? He didn’t look much older than fourteen, but he was clearly hard at work, wires looped around his arms and clamps in hand as he converted the chandelier from gas to electric. The kid shot Hyrule a questioning look and he realized he’d been staring, quickly turning away and facing the hall ahead.
There were six doors, three on each side of the hall with tiny golden plaques adorning the wood with each apartment number. Hyrule winced as each step he took broadcast itself in loud squeaks, the maroon carpet rolled over the wood doing nothing to muffle them. Fortunately the apartment he was looking for was the first to his left, room 501, and he took a moment to check his pocket watch and take a few steadying breaths. Before he moved to knock on the door he heard the click of the knob, and a moment later the door tugged open to reveal a man dressed in a dark jacket with dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. They narrowed for a second and Hyrule felt himself stiffen in fear before the man grabbed his arm and pulled him in.
The door shut quickly, trapping Hyrule in the mysterious apartment with a threatening stranger and no escape. He almost considered trying to bolt before his eyes landed on the teen sprawled over the loveseat ahead, long blonde hair spilling onto the ground while his bare feet rested over the couch back. His left side was covered in a layer of streaking pink scars that pinched his eye slightly shut and twisted his mouth into a perpetual smirk. What made Hyrule pause however was the grin the kid shot him, warm and excited, and when he turned back to the other man he saw the tense posture had relaxed significantly.
“You’re from the agency, right?” the man asked, voice a bit tired and hopeful, like he’d been through this song and dance several times before.
“Ah, y-yes! My name is Hyrule, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Hyrule stretched out his hand and the man shook it readily, firm, and Hyrule felt himself begin to relax slightly.
“I’m Twilight. Why don’t you have a seat and I’ll fill you in on why I called.” Twilight offered a small smile and Hyrule let himself be guided to sit in a high backed armchair opposite the loveseat. Twilight shoved the teen’s legs off the back and came to sit beside him as he readjusted into a cross-legged position, grin still wide on his face.
“I’m Wild by the way,” Wild waved, Twilight nodding somewhat resigned.
“It’s nice to meet you, Wild,” Hyrule nodded despite the odd name, smiling at the thanks Twilight mouthed at him.
“Alright, so,” Twilight huffed, crossing his legs and straightening his back. Hyrule perked up, pulling a notepad and pencil from his jacket pocket and flipping open to a blank page. “I didn’t say much on the phone last night because this is a… well, a sensitive case, let’s say.”
Hyrule hummed, curiosity easing his anxiety enough to shine through. “A murder, yes?”
Twilight winced and Wild snickered at his side.
“Yes and no…” Twilight shot Wild a glare. “See, it hasn’t exactly happened yet.”
Hyrule paused. Huh.
“So you heard that a murder is being planned and you called us to help prevent it?” Hyrule surmised, only to be met with more laughter from Wild. Twilight shoved him but the teen only hid his smile behind a hand in response.
“Not exactly,” Twilight sighed, and Hyrule noticed the dark circles beneath his eyes. “You see, we have this odd neighbor at the end of the hall, and--”
“Twilight saw the guy’s ghost in a dream and is convinced he’s going to be killed.” Wild cut in, ignoring the sharp glare Twilight shot his way.
“Well, that’s a new one.” Hyrule raised his eyebrows, taking in the giggling teen and Twilight’s tired expression.
“It wasn’t a dream, I saw him, or at least I think I did.” Twilight sighed, fixing Hyrule with pleading eyes. “It must have been a ghost because he just appeared out of nowhere in the hall, covered in blood, and told me to call the cops. I did, but when they arrived they said nothing was wrong and I must have been seeing things. But I have a bad feeling about it, something isn’t right. I just want to make sure the Old Man’s okay.”
“When was this exactly? Have you checked on him yourself?” Hyrule tapped his pencil on the notepad, mulling over Twilight’s words. This certainly was an interesting case, and while he wasn’t sure how much he could truly do to help, he understood what Twilight meant. Hyrule trusted his own instincts--a bit too much according to Legend--but they hadn’t truly led him astray yet.
“This was a week ago. I checked on him right after I woke up the next morning. He was fine, not a scratch on him, but something tells me whatever is coming for him hasn’t yet.” Twilight twisted his fingers together nervously and Wild’s laughter petered off. “I’ve been hearing arguments from his apartment. More and more strange people have been coming to visit, and at odd times of the night. I think he’s gotten himself mixed up in something, but he’s pretty stoic and keeps to himself. I just worry…”
Alright, so maybe this case wasn’t as straightforward as he’d been led to believe, but Hyrule wasn’t deterred. Twilight’s words shone with honesty and he realized that the man was likely on his last attempt to find help. No one in their right mind would believe this story, no respectable detective would take on such a case. So it was a good thing Legend sent him, because Hyrule had literally nothing to lose.
“I’ll help you,” Hyrule announced, feeling a swell of confidence as Twilight smiled and Wild shook his head fondly. “If what you say is true there is cause for concern. I can start interviewing those close to him and keeping tabs. If he’s in trouble, we’ll find out, and I can make sure he stays safe.”
Well, he could try, but that was beside the point.
“Thank you so much,” Twilight said, already relaxing. “You don’t know how many detectives I’ve reached out to. They all say I’m crazy or trying to pull a prank.”
“Well, I’m here now, and I’ll get to the bottom of this.” Hyrule replied with far more confidence than he had. At least Legend had taught him one thing--how to bullshit. “So, why don’t we start with what you know about this man…”
Twilight sat back in the chair, Wild getting up to make tea in the adjacent kitchenette. Hyrule readied his pencil, hands steady as his nerves eased.
“We call him Time.”
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