enjoypositiveliving · 10 days
First sugar beets of the season, every pile tells a story of hard work
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girderednerve · 4 months
every food marketing trend is somewhere between nonsense and actively evil but what the fuck is up with people going long on cane sugar. what specifically about sugarcane is making us feel so good, huh
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ketripon · 2 years
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oh sees
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yuuli-xiv · 2 years
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divergent timeline
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ursidaez · 2 years
i think you would really like the CLD grain elevator in north portland oregon. i have driven past this grand old friend many times and they have always given me a sense of comfort.
very large & impressive guardian.....i can tell why you feel a sense of comfort from it,there are similar buildings (refineries, electrical substations,&other industrial markings staked into the earth) that bring me a sense of comfort as well, not one quite like this though...
vaguely reminds me of the sugar beet factory i used to pass by in the car as a kid, you cant see in this photo but it has giant silos for sugar, i dont remember how many but there were enough to remind me of silent mysterious guardians;i always wondered what was inside of them before i knew it was just sugar....
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^its sister factory in the town over
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huanbaojixiesantai · 9 months
Apple dehydrator
Apple dehydrator
Sugarbeet dehydrator
Fruit juicer
Vegetable dewatering machine
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ximpex · 2 years
Want to Export Sugar Beet?
The Sugar Beet export value of India was USD 369, and the export volume was 289 metric tons in 2021.
Want to Export Sugar Beet?
Come join us. . . Check out our website for more information: www.ximpex.in
We help you Export… Effortlessly!
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utopicwork · 3 months
Further potential for eco friendly computing re enclosures and many other eco friendly applications
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Researchers invent 100% biodegradable 'barley plastic'
A biofriendly new material made from barley starch blended with fiber from sugarbeet waste—a strong material that turns into compost should it end up in nature—has been created at the University of Copenhagen. In the long term, the researchers hope that their invention can help put the brakes on plastic pollution while reducing the climate footprint of plastic production. Enormous islands of plastic float in our oceans and microscopic particles of it are in our bodies. The durability, malleability and low cost of plastics has made them ubiquitous, from packaging to clothing to aircraft parts. But plastics have a downside. Plastics contaminate nature, are tough to recycle and their production emits more CO2 than all air traffic combined. Now, researchers at the University of Copenhagen's Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences have invented a new material made from modified starch that can completely decompose in nature—and do so within only two months. The material is made using natural plant material from crops and could be used for food packaging, among many other things.
Read more.
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empirearchives · 9 months
Napoleon and Sugar Production and Trade
A little bit about how the sugar industry was transformed during the Napoleonic Wars. Specifically, how sugar beet substituted and replaced sugar cane.
From Robert M. Harveson, History of sugarbeets, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (source)
“Sugar was only obtained from the tropical sugar cane and was prohibitively expensive for most Europeans. During the early 1800’s most sugar was obtained from the West Indies. After supplies were cut off by the English blockade of continental Europe during the Napoleonic Wars, the demand for sugar grew throughout Europe. Napoleon encouraged new research with sugar beets, and between 1810 and 1815, over 79,000 acres were put into production with more than 300 small factories being built in France.”
From R. N. Dowling, Sugar Beet and Beet Sugar:
“Napoleon I, brought real life into the new industry. As a farsighted statesman, he recognized the great advantages connected with a future beet sugar industry that would produce at home all the sugar needed by his people. For this reason he at once, by a decree of 1812, appropriated 100,000 hectares, or 247,100 acres, exclusively for the cultivation of sugar beets and 1,000,000 francs for experiments in connection with beet raising and sugar extraction.”
The trade war:
“The interest of Napoleon was due to the continental blockade that excluded all products manufactured in England and her colonies from the European markets. As a consequence the price of cane sugar rose to an extraordinary height: it was more than 30 cents per pound in the period from 1807 to 1815. Under such circumstances the erection of beet sugar factories was a very profitable investment of capital and it is, therefore, not to be wondered at that in France, as early as 1812 some 40 factories were in operation, working up 98,813 tons of beets obtained from 16,758 acres, and yielding a total output of 3,300,000 Ibs. of sugar. For the first time in the history beet sugar came to compete with the tropical product. From very modest beginnings in the first quarter of the nineteenth century the beet sugar industry grew to the enormous dimensions of today, crowding out cane sugar from the markets of the European continent and successfully competing with the tropical product in many other countries.”
(From R. N. Dowling)
Long-term impact—Sugar beet today:
“Of the current world production of more than 130 million metric tons of sugar, about 35% comes from sugar beet and 65% from sugar cane. In the USA, about 50-55% of the domestic production of about 8.4 million metric tons derives from sugar beet.”
(From Robert M. Harveson)
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raointean · 1 month
Tolkien OC Week - Day 1: Worldbuilding
In this story, I'm world building the area surrounding khazad-dum a little, and explaining some of the day to day life of the peredhel nomads with my beloved OC Daniel! Feat. Disa because she's amazing and everyone loves her.
Daniel is from my Broken Souls series, and you can find chapter one of this particular story here.
After they had eaten together, Daniel gathered provisions and a guard for the journey to meet King Durin III. Her guard consisted of the chiefs of two of the other major tribes west of the Misty Mountains, Cuind of the Kinn-Lai tribe, and Izray of the Saphad tribe. Cuind was wise and level headed, almost as old as Daniel herself. Izray was younger, stronger, fiercer, and could come in handy if negotiations… did not go as planned.
They joined up with Disa and her guard of two sturdy dwarves and began on their way. As the party ducked through the passage the dwarves had carved in their cavern wall, the miners gave them a wide berth, staring at them as they passed. Daniel paid them no mind and walked on passed.
Once they were out of earshot, Disa began asking them questions; tentatively, careful not to step on any toes. “Chief Daniel, I’d like to learn about you and your people, seeing as we are neighbors and all. How are your clans organized? Where do your people come from? What sorts of trades do you do?”
Daniel was hesitant about the first two questions. If negotiations went awry, she had a feeling she’d regret telling the princess about their organization. As for where they came from, there was no clear answer for that. 
They had started out as a group of orphaned, bastard, half-elvish, half-mannish slaves during The War of Wrath. They had been freed when King Gil-Galad had inspected their camp and discovered the many abuses heaped upon them, but some scars ran too deep.
After the war, they had begun to wander, herding livestock and trading goods. Over time, they began to pick up other people like them; half-elves, half-men, half-dwarves, and even a few full-blooded runaways. Soon enough, the word “Peredhel” had ceased to mean “half-elven” and just meant… them. They came from everywhere, but only belonged with each other. They spread from the Sea to the Misty Mountains, but never lingered anywhere for long.
Hoping Princess Disa would not be offended by her only answering a single question, Daniel responded. “Our trade is livestock herding and trading foreign wares. Our sheep eat a sort of glowing moss here in the winter and it makes their fleece glow, even after they are sheared! The children and the elderly spend the days we travel spinning their wool into yarn.”
“In the waning days of spring,” she continued, proudly telling Disa of their lucrative business deals, “we go to the bay near Eryn Vorn and trade with the Haradrim of Umbar for spices, jewelry, crops, and books; which we then travel around western Middle Earth with, selling and trading for as we go.”
“I see.” Disa said, fascinated. “What do you give the Haradrim in return for their wares?”
Daniel offered her a smile; this woman was really beginning to grow on her! Polite, sensible, so far not easily offended… this negotiation really might go well if the king was anything like her. “We offer them some crops of our own; potatoes sugarbeets, sunflower seeds, and the like. We also trade elven crafts we pick up in Lindon and Ost-in-Edhil.”
“Perhaps you’ll have some Dwarvish crafts to add to that list this spring,” Disa laughed good-naturedly.
“Perhaps we will.”
They fell into an amicable silence for the next half-mile or so, alone with their thoughts, before Disa could no longer resist asking the question that had weighed on her mind ever since she had noted their neighbors’ crooked ears.
“I do not mean to generalize,” she began, “but I have only ever met one half-elf before and I am curious if you know him. His name is Elrond?”
Daniel stopped dead in her tracks. She had not heard that name in many, many years. Carefully, she kneeled down in front of Princess Disa, who now looked terribly worried, and grasped her by the shoulders. “You have really met Elrond? You are not lying to me?”
Disa shook her head. “No, I would not lie to you, Chief. Elrond is a dear friend of my husband and a treasured acquaintance of mine.”
Daniel was overcome by emotion. Shock that he was still alive and on these shores, and that she had heard his name from a dwarf of all people. Long forgotten grief for the boy she had once regarded as a little brother. Bittersweet pain at the thought of all the memories they shared.
Gently, Disa reached up to touch her face. “Are you alright, dearie? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong,” Daniel said thickly. “It is just- We were friends as children, but were separated by The War of Wrath, during its later part, and… I have neither seen nor heard of him in centuries.”
Disa gave her a look of deep sympathy and patted her face kindly. It was too much. Daniel stood up, collected herself and continued walking. “Yes, well, it is my own fault. I and my people avoid outsiders whenever we can, but still… I do worry about him.”
Disa took the change of tone in stride and walked beside her. “I’d be more than happy to tell you what he’s been up to, busy though he is. Oh, and in return, you could tell me some stories of what he was like as a little one!”
Daniel’s stride stuttered but, luckily, Disa seemed not to notice. She shared a glance with Cuind who, although he had never been a thrall himself, was the son of one who had been. They both knew those stories would require a lot of revision before they could be told to outsiders.
Nevertheless, she agreed. She had to, to keep herself in good standing with the princess.
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
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#1! Yesss. I've been wanting to ramble on this one. I've rambled about it to @blorbologist before but.
Whitestone is based in the north of Tal'Dorei, it is canonically pretty cold! It is also, as I've discussed recently pretty isolated and even before the Briarwoods, trade was dangerous through the Parchwood.
And yet. We know they make mead because Percy brings some for his pre-Thordak evening with Vex. And if they're making mead, that means they've got an active beekeeping practice. And if they've got an active beekeeping practice, and especially if they've got enough excess honey to make mead out of - that suggests they've got an available, affordable source of other sugar to feed the bees during winter if they've taken much of the honey themselves.
(Yes, they could have taken less honey so the bees can use their own supply - but if they're making not just mead, but a local speciality mead! then they have a system for beekeeping. So they have something to make sugarwater out of.)
And, further, despite this isolation and cold climate, despite that this is when they're recovering from the Briarwoods and the Conclave... Whitestone seems to have a ready supply of sugar if it was so feasible for Vox Machina to set up the Slayer's Cake. Relying on trade, especially through the dangerous Parchwood, especially during the rebuilding, especially at such distance - that's a risk. But the Slayer's Cake doesn't have those troubles and maybe it's because it's VM and Keyleth could pop to Emon and tree-teleport back but Vex is involved in the rebuilding of Whitestone and she understands economics so I'm inclined to think she'd want to support local traders.
And that means Whitestone has a source of sugar.
Now, lets take a sideways step - historically, sugar was expensive. Honey and fruit was used for sweetness in foods, but sugar was not very common - it was around but it was harder to obtain and expensive at that. Way back when, refined sugar came in a loaf and it was ground or chipped off for use. It was used rarely too - because it was expensive as hell. Even when it didn't come in a loaf, you had brown and demerara sugars that were rated by moistness until more recent developments. Sugar cane just wasn't so prevalent or available and the use of sugar beet to refine into sugar was, again, a more recent development.
And, let us be clear here, Whitestone is not in a climate suited to growing sugar cane. Indeed - it's a cold climate! It's a climate well suited to root vegetables.
It seems very likely to me that Whitestone grows sugar beet and refines sugar as a local business. They produce mead as a local speciality - so they have sugar to feed their bees when there's no flowers or honey. They're able to support, even when rebuilding, a bakery with a speciality in pastries and cakes. They have a source of sugar despite a cold climate.
Whitestone grows sugar beet and refines sugar.
Indeed, as Tal'Dorei recovers and Whitestone grows under the guidance of Percy and Vex and Cassandra - it's quite likely that huge amounts of Tal'Dorei's sugar is sourced from Whitestone sugarbeet.
send in “📓” and I’ll roll a d10 and ramble some worldbuilding thoughts
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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Photographs taken by Yon Shimizu, a Japanese-Canadian who was exiled from the west coast of Canada to Ontario during the second World War, along with hundreds of other Japanese-Canadian men. In 1942, he worked along with several dozen other men as a farm labourer with the Ontario Farm Service Force near Glencoe, equidistant from Sarnia, London and Chatham.  These are photographs he took of the sugarbeet harvest, and were digitized from a DVD of Yon Shimizu’s scrapbook by the Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive. All dated 1942 though they definitely show a range of time during that summer and fall - final harvesting of sugarbeets is in late October or November, and the last photo shows the men huddling from the cold in November.
1) At Glencoe train station; the ‘49′ Gang, according to the caption. Left to right: Tsutomu "Stum" Shimizu, E. Ono, T. Okamoto, T. Kuwabara.
2) Blocking 48 Gang, that is, thinning or "blocking" the sugar beets; left to right: S. Miyashita, Y. Madokoro, S. Kawahara, J. Henmi.
3) “He-Men.” Left to right: B. Hoita, K. Goto, T. Hoita.
4) “Siesta Time!” T. Okamoto taking a siesta during the beet harvest.
5) “Block Busters!” Showing off some huge sugarbeets during the thinning (blocking) process.
6) Gang 5 "Toppers A-1" Butch Hoita and Stum Shimizu.
7) Gang 5 "Toppers A-1" Tommy Hoita and Tomo Okamoto.
8) Gang 5 "Toppers A-1" Stum Okamoto and Esao Ono.
9) Gang 5 "Toppers A-1" Tom Kuwabara and Yon Shimizu. Toppers defoliate the beets as close to harvesting as possible.
10) Lunch, Cold November Day
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ketripon · 2 years
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funny little oc drawings
mature label for body horror
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fishmech · 8 months
it's always so funny when people start ranting about hfcs as some great evil.
bestie the sugarbeet lobby got the government to put hefty tariffs on most forms of sugar imports in the mid 70s. and nearly doubled the price of regular sugar in a matter of weeks as supplies of pre-tariff imports ran out.
then the damn sugarbeet farmers couldn't grow enough extra sugarbeets anyway to meet demand (america has ALWAYS been heavy on sugar. it's a core cuisine element). and ofc the few other crops you can easily extract and refine sugar from, like sugarcane, have pretty restrictive areas for cultivation in US borders.
that's why there's HFCS, which despite what weird losers and diet scammers claim does not have any actual different effect than other sugar preparations, to meet the supply now, using techniques developed in Japan in the 1950s to meet a different kind of issue with supply of sugar. and despite what people like to say HFCS isn't "subsidized" to make it cheaper nor would it be cheaper anyway, it's inherently more expensive to make.
but because the sugarbeet assholes got the tariffs in in the mid 70s and no one's ever seriously lobbied to remove them, HFCS has been price-competitive with the much higher price of other sugars in the US, solely because all sugars including HFCS are much pricier to the wholesale market than in just about any other country that isn't experiencing a war and curtailed imports because of that war.
incidentally, the tariffs don't apply to imported prepared foods - which is why there's huge factories just across the Canadian and Mexican borders to make things like candy out of cheap normal global price sugar and send 'em over the border - there are costs associated with this of course, but they're much less than paying double for a primary ingredient.
also almost all the time when something is "subsidized" for the farmer in the US (or really, most other countries) that does not mean it is cheaper for the farmer to grow or cheaper for the end customer to buy. it means the government maintains a price floor or a means of purchasing spare crops that don't sell on the domestic market - it means prices go up. that's why the common dipshit idea of "hfcs is because corn is subsidized so its cheap" is wrong on multiple levels.
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Chapter 3 the tragedy
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It has been a few weeks since the bear-hugger's death and Moth hasn't even left their house. They were in a state of mental distress, and it was obvious. Everyone suspected it was just another suicide. Although Bates was trying to comfort them, ‌he was feeling guilty especially since he knew how close math and Bear Hugger were. Honestly, he was just hoping that this would all be worth it and Joe would be a fantastic boyfriend. But deep down he knew what he was doing was wrong deep down he knew Joe would be terrible he just desperately wanted Joe to care for them and treat them like they were just amazing people because they are.
Although they haven't left their house in weeks, Motj had continued to talk with everyone to make sure that they were alive although they were just so sad they knew they had to stay strong. They knew nothing was bringing him back, so they went out with Naomi again. Honestly, they got very giddy around her. Joe is almost an afterthought, although they were still crushing on him. They couldn't help but feel a strong connection towards Naomi. They could have been just because they were both trying to get a history degree or both of them were falling in love. Joe could tell the signs that someone was falling in love because he often felt them all the time when he was around his darling. But some filthy, disgusting creature was trying to take them Away.
But there was one thing on Leonora's mind: self-defense. The one person that he knew that had as much about guns was Hans and she was a little nervous to ask him especially since she didn't know what gun to actually use. She was nervous to say the least but she didn't feel safe with Joe walking around especially around her friends especially since the deaths that happened in these past weeks. Finally getting upon a huge house. It had a German flag on it and she instantly knew who it was. She gently knocked on the door. Finally after a while Hans open the door and smiled " Guten Tag Leonora! " she smiled hesitantly" hello Hans I have a small question for you?" Hans gently tilted his head " I want you to teach me how to shoot a gun…"
" I want you to teach me how to shoot a gun I'm scared of what this guy is doing and I'm so scared for moth and my friends safety"
Hans turned away and allowed her to enter his house. Immediately when she entered she heard loud tweeting noises repeatedly and different patterns " are you listening to bird noises.
" do you listen to bird noises"
"Nein I own a bird sanctuary would you like to see"
She smiled and followed Hans into this greenhouse-like area filled with multiple Birds. Suddenly a large Hawk landed on top of Hans's shoulder
" hello sugarbeat!" He said they were very gentle. Leonora stared at the beautiful bird to be honest she kind of knew that Hans took care of birds but not birds like this the Hawk was very affectionate towards Hans. Before it flew right next to her and made a very obvious coo noise to be honest she was scared but mostly fascinated. She was lost in a trance before she heard a slight chuckle " she likes you…" he made a whistle noise for sugarbeet to go away and just on command she did. She couldn't help but smile even in a situation as dark as this she could admire the beauty of something so interesting " sorry I didn't know that you own Birds"
" I have owned Birds since the ending of the war to cope with my trauma shell shock can really get you but my darling sugar beet has helped me through it all my life Mary Noel gave gave her to me although this is not the original sugarbeat I still love her' Hans said in a little bit of a sad tone even after all these years where shell shock was no longer used as the term for PTSD he still used that label he seemed to be slightly out of touch with modern slang or Modern Health in general. Although after all this he was still very healthy and still very strong even if he's over a century old but it didn't change her mind that she needed to do this" and about me learning how to you know shoot I I just"
"Nein you don't need to tell me anything my friend you are family"
She couldn't help but smile at this she started following Hans around the area finally opening the door to this huge backdrop of land. To be honest she kind of suspected him to be rich but not this rich. He let her to mini shooting range that he had and handed her a simple handgun " now I'm going to teach you the basics it's very important that you hold the gun right and not below any of your fingers off because let me tell you it's not very pretty" although he was laughing it was more nervous. Several hours went by as Hans was teaching her how to shoot a gun before they knew the sun had a ground and he smiled. He couldn't help but gently rub her head as a sign of affection.
" you did fantastic my darling let me make you a special drink as a reward-" he was cut off as he heard a large shriek. It wasn't human, it was a bird. For the first time Leonora had actually seen him scared he dropped his Cane and started limping towards the bird sanctuary as fast as he could. It was obvious that he was grunting and in pain but she quickly dropped the gun and picked up the cane walking into the bird sanctuary with him. The lights had been shot out and he started looking around hesitantly. It was a mess, everything was shot out, leaves were ripped out, food was destroyed. And most importantly sugar beet had been shot fatally. And by the way she was shot it would be a very painful death. The person who had shot sugar beets purposely did it so Hans would have to kill sugarbeet. He gently picked up sugar beet and hugged the hawk very close to his chest. He felt tears go down his face as he gently placed the bird and a headlock and snapped the neck. He couldn't help but cry. He loved that bird. He couldn't help but feel the tears rush down his face. He wished this was all a dream. Everything was silent. As the wind slowly faded out there was small footsteps leading towards the town. Bates was smiling as he had finally done something that would earn his best friends respect. Nothing would get in the way of this and nothing would ruin this. Joe would surely let him be his best friend and help him make the perfect match for him in the mall so then they would live happily ever after he knew that this was the right thing to do.
Bates looked side to side hoping to find his best friend before he knew it he stumbled upon Joe he was going on his nightly Patrol. He immediately ran up to him and hugged him which caused a small noise of disgust to radiate off of Joe almost like it was some disgusting monster hugging him not his best friend. But he could tell Bates had something to say " what is it Bartholomew?" Bates instantly smiled and told Joe what he did. He smiled so wide it was incredible. And for the first time Joe hugged him back very tight Bates couldn't help but hug back finally feeling safe and loved once the hug was over he smiled. And gently rubbed the top of Bates head before walking away. He couldn't help but smile at the idiocy of Bates slowly pulling his hand from behind his back as he was holding a bottle of chloroform. He smiles so wide this was his Gateway for his darling.
He planned for this for too long but he first needed get rid of their stupid girlfriend. As much as he would enjoy killing her he thought of a more Twisted way of doing things. Oh yes this would be the perfect Sweet Revenge on this little Naomi not for his darling though it would be a little twisted. He just couldn't help but smile thinking of what he might do as he was walking to his house. It was almost like a strut like he was walking on stage after winning an award. He pulled out one of his favorite weapons, the shotgun. He especially liked it when he went hunting and hunting he will go. Honestly he thought of the perfect plan if he could just distract the two most annoying people that are in his way he could get his darling. But he needed to wait. This plan would only make sense if he just waited. Until finally he saw his Target and smiled and fired his gun. He smiled at his prey before he dragged the animal away and took out a butcher knife quickly getting rid of anything that wasn't useful. He walked around and noticed the restaurant he walked in holding a key he walked around noticing the kitchen lights were on and he smiled he pulled out his butcher knife again and went to the power breaker quickly cutting the wires that had all the power.
Leonora and Hans were cut off. It was strange normally the power would be on until 3:00 a.m. unless it was a bar night. It was most peculiar but Hans didn't mind he knew how to deal with Darkness so he was calming down Leonora he was cut off by hearing a loud bang he was completely terrified he tried not to be scared whenever his family friends or any wasn't danger or was scared but why was he so scared why couldn't he move he needed to move he had to move why couldn't he move. It was almost like he was stuck in place he tried his best to calm down before he heard a pot slam and he quickly crouched to the floor trying to calm down his breath was raspy he couldn't understand why he was so scared why couldn't he just move why couldn't he move why was he so scared. He couldn't help but feel clammy. He tried his best to calm down as Leonora was trying to discover what the problem was. She wished she could stay by Hans but she knew at this moment he was terrified and she couldn't risk getting hurt herself. She walked out of the room with her phone using it as a flashlight. She slowly panned it across the room before she saw a familiar figure with orange hair.
She screamed as loud as she could before she jumped back and she felt something hit her head as she passed out. Joe couldn't help but laugh at her cowardice. It was hilarious seeing someone that was supposed to be so strong acting like a coward honestly this is what he expected for someone like her. He slowly walked away happy at what he did; he liked making people afraid. It was hilarious to me he couldn't care less about the people that he harmed. He backed away checking if there were any permit violations since he knew that this would be on security but nothing was the matter. She was alive unfortunately but she will continue to live. Whether he liked it or not. He just wondered how he could get his darling all to himself. He just wanted them to caress them, maybe make them bleed a little bit but he just wanted them as his wife.
Once he was outside the restaurant he threw his prey over his shoulder looking excitedly getting ready to debone this disgusting abomination.
A few hours later Leonora finally was awake. She couldn't help but feel fidgety. Why was Joe in the restaurant after hours and how did he have a key? But most importantly did he harm Hans. She ran into the kitchen before she saw Hans in the corner holding something it looked to be his Cane or a knife but he was obviously having a panic attack or something he kept her distance but try to make sure he was grounded in reality it took around 40 to 50 minutes but he was back he looked like he was crying. She sat to him , gently caressing his hands. They were old wrinkled scarred one of his hands missing three of his fingers. She wished she could help him more but he was old and stubborn. She was in her own head as she heard him say very gently.
" Leonora I need you to do me a favor
" What Hans?"
" If anything happened to me or Anton you need to take care of moth I don't trust what's going on here although I am tough for my age, I know I will probably die if anything happens to me of this severity again….."
Leonora pondered for a few seconds before she gingerly helped him up and gave him back his Cane" I swear on my life"
He smiled but it faltered slightly" I don't know if I mentioned this before but have you seen Naomi recently she's been missing for a few days even though she's with Moth at the moment I don't think they have seen her either"
They both looked at each other for a small bit before getting a worried expression they hoped no they prayed hoping that if not anything Joe had not found her yet. Leonora especially knowing what Joe is capable of scared her the most.
" You go home I'll deal with everything please" His voice wavered almost hesitantly but they knew It would be the best idea even in his old age he had the most fighter experience out of everyone.
Leonora Walked out of the restaurant looking around hesitantly Something felt off like something bad will happen but yet some Soon not tonight but soon
She walked off finally looking into a convenience store seeing a very very Sad moth. They looked so Gray per se like all the color had drained from them felt like it was the best idea To let them stay with her tonight. She hesitantly walked in and tapped them on the shoulder
“Hey moth” she said gently they look so numb so tired she wish she could fix it somehow” you want to come over to my house for a bit”
“…. Yeah I would like that.” they smiled, and started walking with Leanora” things have been crazy the past few days it feels good to finally be able to relax you know”
Leanora knew that her friend needed to relax and once they got to her house they just kind of talked for the night about what was happening who they thought was causing all the death “ I don’t know to be honest I don't know who's causing it. Who do you think is Leo?”
She couldn’t help but pause for a few seconds before she decided to see who she thought I was doing it” Joseph…..”
“ Joe really, but he’s so nice”
“ Moth he’s nice to you because he’s a little obsessed with you it scares me. Sometimes I catch him staring and it makes me concerned. Whenever you hang out. It scares me because you’re a close friend and I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“ oh, my…” they look to the side wondering what do you think? What do you say? How could they were they strange for liking this man” well, I guess Shen was right”
“ He was always right. He’s just a little abrasive for people who he cares about. He’s not the smartest for explaining his emotions.”
both of them chuckled, bitterly, wondering how their close friend would react to them talking to him in this way I felt nice to get loosen no longer have to feel so sad, but something continued to tickle the back of Leanora‘s head” can you please stay the night I could be me being paranoid or anything but I feel like something bad is going to happen”
“ I can’t do you know as well as me I can’t just do that I know you’re concerned I know you are but I would love to just go home and relax for a bit you know?”
“….yea just please be safe”
“ I promise plus I’m tough” They said gently, punching her shoulder. They both laughed for a small time before Moth picked up their items and started walking out. It felt nice to finally get out and feel happy for once they continue to walk not really knowing where they were going or how long will it take to get back to their apartment.
Moth started walking down the alleyway that was the fastest way to get to their apartment. They started walking before they heard footsteps behind them, and they quickly turned around.
It’s always nothing is good. They started walking again slowly, taking faster. steps. finally, they turned around again seeing nothing,
Thank God it’s nothing
They started walking again before they felt their arm roughly pour into a tight grasp. Something put over their nose and mouth. It smells awful; it smells of chemicals. They tried to fight back, But the person who was holding them down was much stronger, much more strongly.
Moth started going in and out of consciousness; they wanted it out; they wanted to stay awake. They couldn’t. Moth finally started drifting in and out of consciousness, only seeing a blurred vision.
Of orange hair.
   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sorry for fucking dying
I plan on doing a series of one shots by the way to describe the life between moth and Joe it's not gonna be pretty but it's it's gonna be exciting because I genuinely really do love this story it's just I suffer from writer's block and being an idiot
Any way Sorry if it's shitty I had to deal with a new microphone on my tablet and I'm using my phone to write for the moment because I like that microphone better
I swear I still wanna continue this story I'm just an idiot That doesn't know when to stop playing game
I'm blaming miitopia
Star Mika belongs to @cyrah-is-cool101
Bates belongs to @pupcakedoesstuff
Adarna belongs to @nesssblog
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