#sunny daze icons
rururaragaga · 2 months
ended up sorta redesigning an oc
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stormyoceans · 6 months
Silly Pinkybrain is here, and bought it without thinking.
vv brainrot continuation:
A new universe (are we going to a new universe from the very first second? Okay, I'm not okay)
I thought Talay and Puen's meeting in the toilet was awkward and embarrassing, but Ongsa and Sun's meeting opened up some new level. It was so impossibly sweet.
It's completely unrelated, but the bell button on Aylin's door reminded me of a complex elevator system with a password.
Bike ride (do you understand)
Music from Vice Versa when Ongsa was looking at the moon.
I remembered Day screaming into the pillow, but let's not talk about it. Ongsa is the representative of all losers and I love her so much. Make way for total losers! Aylin is my icon, I pray for her. Jesus, has Godji always been so gorgeous? There are so many beautiful women here, I'm in paradise.
sorry for the late reply, i've been a bit all-over the place these past few days, but i really don't have the words to properly explain just how happy i am to find you here again and to start this new journey together!!!!!!!
i just rewatched the first 23.5 episode and im so utterly delighted by it!!!!!! it's just wonderful to have so many women on my screen and i already love all the characters a frankly ridiculous amount. ongsa is my precious loser daughter who i may be relating to a bit too much, sun is an absolute darling, aylin is my everything, i love how fierce both alpha and luna are, and im gonna need teacher nida and teacher bambam to kiss SO!!!!!!! BADLY!!!!!!!!
ANYWAY. i didn't catch many parallels with vice versa in this episode, although both series have wonderful colors and cinematography and leave me with the same sense of warmth and joy. also 23.5 seems to be showing the same attention to details as vice versa did, there are a couple of things that i thought were really smart!!!!! (like sun having a yellow scooter with a 'sunny' sticker on it and wearing a 'sunday morning' shirt)
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mcgiggers · 11 months
London, San Marino, Toronto - October 2023
Just back from fabulous art viewing experiences abroad and in Toronto. Stopovers included: Frieze London, Frieze Masters and the 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair in London as well as the Philip Guston exhibit at the Tate Modern; La Galleria Nazionale in the Republic of San Marino; and Art Toronto in Hogtown. The whole, for the most part, was enjoyed in the context of a three week stay in Italy where the hilltop medieval village of Petritoli, located in Le Marche, served as home base, and offered spectacular vistas of land, sea and mountains, all longstanding muses throughout history. Without looking too hard, traces of Ellsworth Kelly’s curves, Jasper Johns’ crosshatches and Frank Stella’s grids could all be seen in the roofscapes and landscapes, providing a breathtaking backdrop to daily activities, whether art related or other.
The transition from bucolic and sunny Petritoli to chaotic and rainy London was drastic but exhilarating. Frieze Week in mid-October is the global launching pad for the all-important fall season in the art world. With summer days in the rear-view mirror, an intense focus radiated from the London art scene with the convergence of exhibit openings, important contemporary and modern auctions, and preeminent art fairs. While the weightiness of a challenged economy and ongoing wars was perhaps most evident in the squishy auction results, elsewhere, the mood and excitement were upbeat as fair venues and exhibits were flooded by art fans and aficionados.
Frieze London and Frieze Masters art fairs ran concurrently under the stars, so to speak, in separate tents in the wonderful greenspace of Regent’s Park. Frieze London’s defining focus is on living artists and contemporary art. This year’s edition, the 20th, included over 160 participating galleries with a strong contingent of 40 or so international exhibitors. Noteworthy was the caliber of presenting galleries and works on display. While remaining very faithful to the contemporary focus, large well-established mega galleries were ever so present along with their roster of anointed stars, perhaps at the expense of the more experimental flair historically more synonymous with Frieze. A walking distance away through a maze of outdoor sculptures, Frieze Masters hosted over 130 galleries that showcased an eclectic mix of art works ranging from archaeological finds dating to thousands of years BC to 20th century masterpieces. Fair highlights included:  Tabboo!’s “Desert Moon”, 2021, acrylic on canvas (60 x 50 in.); Simone Leigh’s “Untitled”, 2022, stoneware, 25.75 x 11.75 x 16.5 in.); and Anna Mark’s “R 1002”, 1968, synthetic resin, sand, pigment on canvas, mounted on wooden frame (20 x 20.25 in.).
Elsewhere in the city at Somerset House, the 11th edition of 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair was in full swing with a line-up of over 60 galleries showcasing more than 170 artists. There, the excitement of discovery and seeing new things being done by emerging talents was palpable. Highlights included: Godwin Champs Namuyimba’s “Fathering spirit”, 2023, acrylic on canvas (90.5 x 78.75 in.); Emmie Nume’s “When we use to”, 2021, mixed media on paper (55.5 x 41.75 in.); and a pair of works by Theresa-Anne Mackintosh, “Walking with my body conscious” and “Comfortably dazed”, 2023, oil and acrylic on canvas (each, 34.25 x 39.5 in.).
Also in London, a captivating Philip Guston retrospective was being held at the Tate Modern. Spanning a 50-year career, the comprehensive survey included everything from the artist’s more classical early works to pieces depicting his fiery brand of abstraction and, most prominently, paintings and drawings featuring his iconic comic-like figures and imagery that captured the anxious and turbulent world around him. The whole made for an intense and sometimes unsettling experience. While the museum walls were bursting with large scale masterworks that chronicled the Guston story, it was a small self-portrait that was most memorable - “Untitled”, 1968, acrylic on board. Barely noticeable behind the artist’s gaze painted in the foreground were the remnants of an earlier work of a hooded figure. The effect hauntingly captured Guston’s lifelong nightmarish preoccupation with racism.
San Marino
The next art stop was an unplanned pleasant surprise that surfaced during a day trip to San Marino. Located on the northeastern side of the Apennine Mountains and surrounded by Italy, San Marino is the fifth smallest country in the world, and it boasts a historic center high up on Monte Titano at approximately 2500 feet above sea level that features three medieval towers dating back to the 11th century. There was almost a Vegas-like surrealness to the place with throngs of tourists making the pilgrimage to take in the spectacular views and medieval setting. Nestled in one of the few quiet corners of the historic city and a bit isolated from the many churches, palazzos and eateries was La Galleria Nazionale di San Marino, the country’s center of modern and contemporary art.Housed in the renovated Logge dei Volontari, the museum is dedicated to showcasing its collection of post war art which was amassed from international art biennials held in San Marino beginning in the mid-50s. It was totally surprising to come across fantastic works by lesser-known American artists, including: James Brown’s “Opera Contro Natura”, 2003, mixed media and collage on folded linen (59 x 98.75 in.); and David Row’s “B.N.I.”, 1992, oil on canvas (in three parts, overall, 66 x 85.75 in.).
Returning back from the old world with only one viewing day left at Art Toronto, the opportunity was seized to cap off the art adventure with a visit to Canada’s premiere contemporary and modern art fair. While the corridors were filled with rumblings of challenging times, the viewing experience was fantastic. Over 100 galleries took to the floor of the Toronto Metro Convention Center and offered up works from over 1000 artists. As a bonus, the launching of Jack Bush’s catalogue raisonné drew out many of his works that were scattered throughout the fair, including two favorites: “Untitled”, 1962, gouache on paper (35.25 x 23 in.); and “Red, Orange, Green”, 1965, serigraph, edition 67 of 100 (25.5 x 20 in.). Other fair highlights included: Emma Kohlmann’s “Tulip”, 2023, oil on linen with cherry frame (14.25 x 12.25 x 1.25); Catherine Desroches’ “Déliason du corps contre le ciel”, 2023, bronze, pine, plywood, lost wax casting dust, foundry kiln ashes, graphite powder, charcoal on newsprint and on panel (84 x 49 in.); Marcel Barbeau’s “Iris”, 1962, acrylic on canvas (76.4 x 51.2 in.); and Jean-Paul Riopelle’s “Sans titre (1958.006P)”, 1958, oil on paper (25.5 x 19.75 in.).
Meanwhile, the sports scene in North America was frenetic with activity as all major sports leagues were in some state of play. In Dinoland, emotions were cautiously optimistic following a perfect pre-season and a home opener win. After that celebratory moment, however, reality set in for rookie Head Coach Darko Rajaković. Three losses later, the new system was being questioned, and all the ghosts of last year’s disappointing season were surfacing. A win against a star-laden Bucks team provided some glimmer of hope, but that too was soon quashed with a thumping courtesy of ex-Dino Head Honcho Nick Nurse and his 76ers. Can a Fredless team be so different? It’s got to be the system. It’s early, I know, but it doesn’t bode well. Up next, Wemby-mania in the Lone Star State. Ugh.
For more information on any of the artists or works mentioned, the fairs, exhibits, Petritoli and Coach Darko’s system, “Just Google It”.
There you have it sportsfans,
MC Giggers
(Https://mcgiggers.tumblr.com) Reporter’s Certification
I, MC Giggers, hereby certify that the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views and that no part of my compensation was or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific views expressed herein.
I also certify that I may or may not own, directly or indirectly, works of artists mentioned in this report and that I may or may not have a strong bias for such artists and, more generally, for “Pictures of Nothing”.
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highwiredazeken · 3 months
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Tom Bailey and the Thompson Twins are about to hit the road on the Totally Tubular Festival – including a local stop at the YouTube Theater in Inglewood on June 29th!  Also featured on the tour are Thomas Dolby, Modern English, Men Without Hats, and a whole lot more!  Recently celebrating the 40-year anniversary of the iconic Into The Gap release, expect Tom Bailey and the Thompson Twins to perform selections from that album as well as many other fan favorites from a vast and epic career in music.  Highwire Daze recently interviewed Tom Bailey to discuss the forth coming Totally Tubular Festival, the 30th anniversary of the first Babble album, a look at his solo Science Fiction endeavor, and other topics of intrigue.  Read on…
We’re here with Tom Bailey of the Thompson Twins.  You recently completed the 40th anniversary of the Into the Gap Tour. How did that go, and what were some of the highlights? It went very well, thank you. And it was an amazing thing to do after 40 years. Some of those songs, I hadn’t performed for 40 years. Some of them had never been performed. I think one of them was never performed live. So, it was something of an undertaking, and we enjoyed it so much. It’s a new band, of course, and the interpretations of the songs were contemporized, you might say, but very recognizable. And they get a big response because the people who come to those shows remember that album, and they’re mentally, if not vocally, singing along with it.
Was it a challenge to actually learn some of these songs that you’ve hardly ever played or have never played? Well, of course, it’s a challenge. Challenge is a good thing, but I have a band of amazing musicians, and we got stuck into it, and the results were very good. We were happy.
When you look back on Into the Gap and the fact that it’s been 40 years, what do you think of the album now in retrospect? Well, it’s one of the ones that I’m most pleased with, from the catalog of output over the years. I think we were at the peak of our abilities in one way or another. And it was also, strangely enough, quite an easy album to make, in the sense that it just flowed out without great disputes or lack of direction or anything. It just was really clear what we had to do, and the focus was there. So, yes.
What are you looking forward to the most about the upcoming Totally Tubular Festival? We won’t get the chance to play at such length because our set length is much shorter on the festival. I think there are 7 bands, so that’s going to be exciting. We’ll start… I think we’ll have to start fairly early in the evening to get 7 bands through, and whoever’s on stage management will have their work cut out for them, I think.
But anyway, one of the big thrills for me is co-headlining Thomas Dolby, which is an idea that’s been a long time coming. We worked together on my 2nd album. He played some synthesizers on that. And so, he was kind of instructive. He’s one of the early synth guys in the UK. And so, he was influential in getting me going there as well.
But we’ve never actually been on the same stage. And in fact, for years, we’ve been out of touch with each other but bumped into him at an ’80s festival a couple of years back, and the idea of doing something together came up, and here we are. It’s come to fruition.
In Los Angeles, she’ll be performing at the YouTube theatre. I was wondering, what are some of your favorite memories of playing here in Los Angeles? Well, of course, Los Angeles is a beautiful and crazy place. So, my memory of arriving there for the first time was kind of unbelievable. I think after an overnight journey in the snow going through the mountains and then arriving on a sunny day, and Sunset Boulevard, I could not believe the kind of dream come true of Hollywood. But it’s also an intense place to be. It always seems like one of the important gigs of the tour.
And I think also, because of some of the radio stations that supported us there, like KROQ, for example, some songs were famous there that didn’t create so much of a wave elsewhere. And that’s interesting, isn’t it? That of the songs you write, sometimes 1 is a hit in one place but not another, and there was a particular B side that got played a lot on KROQ that people wanted to play live, which we never do. This is a strange thing.
I tend to remember that they were playing like Passion Planet and Tokyo. That’s right. Yes.
I love those songs. Did you even play those songs live anymore? No. No, not at all. I think, I referenced a little bit of Passion Planet just because so many people have asked me about it, but I don’t do the whole song at all. And elsewhere in the world, no one ever mentions it, but in Southern California, they love it.
You have another anniversary that’s happening this year. It’s a 30-year anniversary of The Stone by Babble. When you look back on that and the fact that it’s been 30 years, what do you think of that album now in retrospect? And strangely enough, by coincidence, that was the other album, as well as Into the Gap, that just kind of flowed out of the process so easily. I love that record. It was never destined to be a hit because it’s essentially an underground project, but I think creatively it was very satisfying. And I love to hear it now. And it’s a different kind of music; it’s long form. The songs are much longer; they have long introductions. These days, people write pop songs starting with the chorus. Back in the day, in the days of Babble, we would take 3 minutes to even get to the first verse.
Let’s talk about Science Fiction that you released in 2018. For people who haven’t heard it, how does Science Fiction and your solo work compare to what you do in the Thompson Twins? I’m working in the kind of mainstream pop area again on that record. So, it kind of picks up where I left off with The Twins. And it was relatively easy to make that move, if you know what I mean, because of The Twins. Because of the way we divided the tasks in the three-piece twins, basically, music was my responsibility.
So, it was me doing it and me doing it again on my solo record. So, there’s a great similarity in the process. Science Fiction is a solo record in as much as it’s just me playing anything. No one else is really involved apart from some backing vocals. And yes, I enjoyed writing those songs. Again, it flowed fairly easily. It doesn’t always happen that way, but you’ve actually picked 3 records that were (fun to do).
I believe you are performing Science Fiction live, or you did on the Into The Gap tour. Tell me about that song and the inspiration behind it. Yes, we often include the song Science Fiction. Well, it’s a funny thing because, as I’ve said in the past, I’m not particularly a fan of science fiction as a genre, because, to me, I don’t read or watch those movies that people would suspect from that song. To me, science fiction is a way of looking at the present because it re-contextualizes the problems of now.
And so, in that sense, I’m a big fan of science fiction or the perspective that it brings. But as you may know, the song really has another level, another meaning, which is about dragging someone away from their obsession with science fiction and bringing them back to now. That’s really what the song is about.
Would you like to record any other solo music or even Thompson Twins music in the future? I’m always writing and recording, so there’s all sorts of stuff in the can in various states of repair, and whether or not we make another album, I don’t know. It won’t be this year because Into the Gap is being re-released. It’s been remastered and is coming out in various formats like Dolby Atmos, and stuff. So, I don’t want to get in the way of that. And that’s going to be the big thing for me this year.
Another one of your albums is about to celebrate 40 years, and that’s, of course, Here’s to Future Days. Any plans to do any kind of tour with that? No, some people have mentioned, “Hey, why not?” But they don’t get much time off these ideas; people do that, but it’s like, we’ll see. I can’t imagine that, performing the whole of the Future Days album would be as easy or as satisfying as it was with Into the Gap, but we’ll see. I’ll have a look at some of that material again and try and include it.
Do you ever hear from Alannah Currie or Joe Leeway from time to time? Yes, but partly because of the re-release of Into the Gap, there’s been a lot of email discussions going on about how best to do that. But I also caught up with Alannah in New Zealand about a month ago. We had coffee, and she just moved there again, and I was just about to leave to come out on tour. So, we had a meeting and everything was cool. Everything’s good. She seems in great shape, and I think Joe’s happy as well, so it’s good.
Are you currently involved with any other bands or projects outside of what you’re doing now? Not directly at this very moment, but always part of me is as a gun for hire. I like to do that from time to time. I just played on a couple of other people’s records. One actually interestingly enough, an original Thompson Twins member made an almost kind of an Americana country record. And he said he wanted some keyboards. And so, he sent it to me, and I played piano on it. So, things like that are always great fun.
Tom Bailey, gun for hire. I like that. Occasional gun for hire, we should say.
Ken: Occasional gun for hire. Okay, there you go. All right. Do you have any messages for Thompson Twins fans out here in Los Angeles who are reading this now? Absolutely looking forward to seeing familiar faces and new faces when we get there. It’s going to be wonderful. Touring these days is a big deal for me, and I love doing it. So, to be performing anywhere is a dream come true, but LA is one of the big ones. Let’s have a party!
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(Interview by Ken Morton – Live Photos by Jack Lue)
Thompson Twins on Facebook Totally Tubular Festival Official Home Page
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punishedmemelia · 2 years
/ᐠ - ˕ -マWelcome to my blog!! ≽^•⩊•^≼
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💕icon courtesy of my ever talented girlfriend @spinningtusk💕
🦇 horror/art blog: @ark-skully 💀
🦄 MLP/art blog: @breezie-sunny-daze
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mlp-stim · 3 years
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Sunny Daze (G3) Icons! F2U as long as you’re not on the banner, credit is appreciated!
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 2 years
Gods and Monsters
Marc Spector x Goddess!Reader, Steven Grant x Goddess!Reader, eventual Jake Lockley x Goddess!Reader
Part 1
Greek mythology crossover
Part 2
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A/N: Hello lovelies! I hope you enjoy! Reblogs and feedback is much appreciated, I love hearing y’alls thoughts! And let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list!
Summary: Imagine being Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, the night and the moon, doorways and crossroads, creatures of the night, and ghosts and necromancy. You were sent on a mission to investigate and put a stop to a string of supernatural activities that had been picked up. Using your gifted senses, your trail eventually leads you to the steps of a museum, where you stumble upon the unexpected.
Warnings: language, violence, sexual themes, plot with smut.
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You stared up at the building in front of you, pushing the frames of your dark purple oval sunglasses on top of your head and blowing your gum out in a pink bubble with a loud pop, earning a few disapproving looks from those near you though you payed no mind. The stone pillars of the museum towered over your human form as you squinted against the bright rays of the sun that you were not quite yet adjusted to after being occupied in the darkness of the world below, scrunching your nose in the process as you wondered whyever the readings you picked up on would lead you here. "Huh. I guess this is the spot then, what do you think Aragorn?" You turned your head down to your Doberman who only looked up at you with his curious black eyes and a tilt of his head.
"I’m gonna take that as a yes." You muttered out, giving your dog a scratch behind his ears before instructing him to not attract any attention and to wait out for you till you came back. Tourists and locals bustled past as you walked up the stone steps leading up to the museum, the majority of them much too preoccupied with themselves while a few stared your way, eyeing your expensive black suede ankle boots, Christian Louboutin, known for their iconic red soles. Pulling your claw clip out from the pocket of your dark charcoal grey cashmere coat, you lowered your head to the floor, putting your hair up into a simple updo before heading though the entrance. The artificial lighting and the air conditioning of the place hit you as you entered, a drastic change from the rare case of a sunny day in London that you just came out of. You had been here before, as you had with many of the museums of the world, and yet you always found yourself coming back to them. The museums were like a faint reminder of the past, a distant reminiscence of the days of old where you used to wander the sandy and stoned streets of ancient civilizations. Adjusting the front of your champagne colored button up silk blouse, you strolled through the different showcases of ancient Egyptian artifacts, the block heels of your boots clicking against the terrazzo floor as you walked about, all the while keeping a sharp eye and ear out for anything out of the ordinary.
You eventually stopped at one of the Sarcophaguses on display, your arms folded over your chest as you stared into the large lifeless eyes painted onto the carved resemblance of whoever once lied dead inside. A slight frown slowly made its way on your lips, syncing along with your scrunched nose as you let out a small huff of air. You had been so preoccupied with looking at what the museum had to offer that you had completely forgotten about why you came here in the first place. And the more you stared at the sarcophagus, at those lifeless painted eyes that expressed a bit too much enthusiasm despite the context, you could not help but begrudgingly think about your job back home and how much you needed a break from it. But fortunate for you, your thoughts of work were soon spared as the sudden feeling of someone knocking harshly into you brought you out of your daze. With widened eyes of surprise and annoyance, you turned around to glare at whatever unfortunate soul had risked their existence bumping into you, only to be faced with the top of someone's head of tousled dark brown curls of what looked like one of the museum's employees, judging from the name tag on his jacket, his body currently hunched over from the impact.
"Oh god! I am terribly sorry. Didn see where I was going." The man fumbled out in a quiet voice as he struggled to straighten up while balancing the boxes of merchandise in his hands, only to fail in the process as you watched three of the small figurines spill out from the edge of the cardboard box.
Without thinking, you reached out and caught them before they hit they ground, just before the employee reacted and attempted to grab them as well.
"So sorry! That's eh quite some reflexes you got there." The man muttered out another apology once he saw the figurines held carefully in your hands, straightening up to look at the person who just saved him a scolding from his manager. "Clumsy ole me wouldna have been able to-" Opening his mouth to issue you a thanks on his behalf, the man stopped like a deer in headlights once he saw your face, completely taken aback by your beauty and not being able to hold back the small wow that breathily escaped his parted lips.
“Who’s this.” Marc muttered to himself out in the depths of Steven’s mind, his reflection taking in the sight of you. You looked like you could have been a model, a painting even. And as much as he found you to be attractive, there was something different about you, something that bothered him at the back of his mind. It was as if you were concealing something. Malicious or not, he could not quite tell. But perhaps he was just making something out of nothing. After all, you were a complete stranger, a wealthy one, judging from your articles of clothing and the cashmere Burberry coat on your back, those things cost easily more than a thousand. Something about you gave off an aura of old money, and dare say, even royalty.
You quirked your brow in surprise with a blink of your eyes, your face cast downwards as you stared at the tile floors and wondered if your ears picked up on that right. Straightening your back, you decided to finally take a look at the mess of the man who could not even express his thoughts articulately nor walk in a direct manner, and instead were met with a pair of the deepest brown eyes. It was like looking into windows that overlooked the deepest and densest forest imaginable buried in the middle of fall, where all the leaves transformed into warm shades of browns, deep maroons, and copper. And yet, it was quite different to walking though that forest in the middle of the afternoon. No, his were darker, richer, resembling the quiet hour when day became dusk, and whatever was left of the sun setting over the horizon had instead slipped through the thin cracks between the thicket of trees in illuminant streaks, casting the ancient woods in a glow of the deepest golden amber.
Was he…..was he really just standing there staring at you?
“Steven, quit the staring.”
"Oh god." Steven briefly squeezed his eyes shut once you gave him a questioning look, his cheeks turning slightly red just from the glimpse he received of your eyes, eyes that he thought to be the most mesmerizing he had ever seen, filled with colors words could not describe. It was now he realized he might have stared just a moment too long at a complete stranger and wished the earth would swallow him alive. "Sorry...I eh.....didn see where I was going an uh-"
"..............No need to apologize." You sighed, giving the man a polite smile as you held up the gift shop figurines, your cold demeanor scarcely softening into a mixture of sympathy and pity. "Wouldn't want you to drop these."
"Yeh uh, thanks for that." The man clutched the boxes closer to his chest as he took another look at them. "That's uh-"
"Isis." You answered, the faintest smile on your face as you placed the figurines back in the box. "The Egyptian goddess of fertility, magic, healing and death."
Steven stared at you in wonder, enamored by the sound of your voice. It was warm and ethereal and even a bit husky; a combination of velvety and smokey, like drinking a cup of hot cocoa of the deepest and richest dark chocolate, with notes of caramel and cinnamon. In fact, the poor man was so caught up in your presence that he almost didn't take in a single word you had said.
“..........right. Isis yeh....goddess of magic. I eh....I see you're lookin at a sarcophagus. Pretty neat eh?'
“What are you doing? Steven.” Marc shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose as he thought the man was going to go on one of his endless rambles of Egyptology.
".....Lithos sarkophagos."
“Lithos what?”
"Sorry?" Steven furrowed his brows, not understanding a single word you said.
"Lithos sarkophagos." You turned back to face the display with a blank expression, your hand stuffed into the pocket of your black trousers while the fingers of your right hand absentmindedly played with the smooth coolness of your gold tetradrachm pendant. "You know, the original Greek term meaning flesh-eating stone."
"Right." Steven blinked in surprise, staggered by the fact that you knew such a small detail but more so that you were sharing it with a man such as him. And though he tried so hard to find a correct knowledgeable response to add in to your little bit of insight, Steven found himself unable to focus as he became captivated by your perfume which hung perfectly to your body. He almost couldn't describe it but you smelled of many things like burnt sage and herbs, that distinguishable scent of dragon's blood, a field of lilacs under a moonlit night, ancient amber, dark aged patchouli, toasted almonds, ghostly white musk and a hint of absinthe and spices like clove and cinnamon. Yet there was something else, another scent that he could not quite place a finger on, a scent that slightly overpowered and stood out from the rest; wisteria and deadly nightshade. You smelled absolutely divine, as if he had just stepped into one of those metaphysical shops and he could not help but be drawn to you, wanting to unravel the cloak of mystery that embodied you and get to know everything there was to know as to who you were.
“Steven wha-are you smelling her?”
Forcing himself out of his thoughts, Steven cleared his throat, eventually finding the words to say. "Right. Ehm because of eh...the limestone was thought to uh help with the decomposition of the bodies."
"You know your history. Not bad." You gave the man a smirk, amused at the way he blushed under your gaze. "What're you doing hauling merchandise around anyways? Shouldn't you be, I don't know, guiding the guests around the museum or something?"
"Oh uh..." Steven looked away bashfully, his eyes cast downwards as his face became almost unbearably hot, afraid to look into your eyes or else he would melt into a puddle right at your feet. Not only did he find your eyes to be beautiful and hypnotic, but they were even a bit intimidating, in a way where it felt as if you could see straight into his soul and pluck out his deepest darkest secrets. He could not figure out what it was about you that made him feel small, was it your heels or just your posture in general that made you appear much larger than everyone else around you. Or were you just intimidating in general?. “Oh um, I'm not the tour guide."
"You're not?" You turned to face him, your arms folded across your chest as you looked him over bemusedly.
"Nope." Steven gave you a smile of disappointment. "I'm afraid not."
"Hm. It's a shame really. I feel like you’d do a decent job. So, you got a name?"
“Your name. They still use names nowadays don't they, or is that like a thing of the past.”
“My-my name?” Steven stuttered as he unconsciously tightened his grip on the boxes, his veins appearing from beneath the skin of his hands in lines of faint teal, his entire form frozen in shock with the fact that you would even bother to ask for his name. Mostly everyone brushed it off and referred to him however they liked, but you, god, a woman of your league wanted to know his name, the name of Steven bloody Grant. The poor fellow began to question his reality, wondering if this was some sort of dream or if you were just toying with him.
“Christ Steven. Pull yourself together.”
"...........I'm eh Steven. Steven with a V. I eh...work at the gift shop."
Gods, you really did not know how to feel about this one. And yet, there was something about him.
"Steven." You let his name play on your tongue as if you were tasting a new flavor of a decadent dessert, not being able to help the devilish smirk that played itself upon your lips from the way he ever so slightly shuddered at the sound of you saying his name. You were enjoying this far too much for your own good, relishing in the way he was around you as if you had some hold over him. Truth was, Steven was completely bewitched by you since the moment he laid eyes on you, even though he so openly failed to hide it. He was a stark difference to most of the mortal men you had come across, many of them whom you thought to be foolishly bold for attempting to woo you much less approach you. Most of the time you just found them to be downright cocky and disgusting, a pathetic specimen of the male human species. But to see a man completely succumb to your very being and fold himself just by the direction of your gaze was enough to have you keen with interest and dare say, even aroused. "Hm, a bit basic really, but I suppose the name suits you. My friends call me Kate for short, that’s if I had any. But you can call me y/n."
“Did she just…….is she flirting?” Marc scrunched his nose, not sure whether you were flirting or being insulting at the same time.
"It's uh.....a pleasure to meet you y/n." Steven gave you a smile that paired almost pleasingly with the soft chuckle that followed it. "I'd eh shake your hand n all but I've got my hands quite full." His eyes followed your hands as you ran your perfectly manicured fingers delicately across your collarbone, your almond shaped fingernails grazing across the skin there before adjusting the collar of your blouse that lay unbuttoned at the top, coming to a close just at the top valley of your breasts. The man began to wonder how your hands felt, from the grooves of your knuckles down to the slenderness of your fingers that looked like they were carved by none other than Michelangelo himself. And as Steven pondered on the thought, he believed that your whole essence resembled one of the marble statues sculpted by the hands of Gian Lorenzo Bernini, from the arch of your brows, to the long curl of your thick lashes, to the hook of your nose, right down to the soft curves of your tinted lips. It was as if you were the most beautiful thing out of everything that sat in the museum. And as you moved your hand down to rest in the pocket of your coat, Steven caught the glint of the silver ring that nestled on your finger; a round moonstone in the middle with silver crescent moons on either side of the stone, wrapped around by silver vines that formed the band. “That’s uh….that’s a nice ring. Moonstone, is it?”
“Mhm.” You nodded, bringing your hand up to display the ring, the moonstone catching the light in hues of whites, pale azures, and periwinkles. “It’s my favorite stone.”
“So uh. You from around here?"
"Oof, what gave it away, my accent?" You let out a sarcastic tone with a playful roll of your eyes.
"I eh....I suppose so, you do have a bit of an accent there now that you mention it." Steven smiled shyly.
"Steven we have work to do."
"Well I guess you could say I’m a long ways from home. I’m originally from....Athens, but I live in Bordeaux."
"Oh. That must be nice, I’ve uh never been to Greece.” Steven ignored Marc with a tight jaw. “Just been in London my whole life really, I'm afraid. What uh, what made you move to France?"
"I work in Paris actually. I'm a curator of Greek Antiquities for the Louvre."
"Oh!” Steven widened his eyes upon hearing your profession, not being able to help the curiosity that overtook him as he wondered about how many old and ancient artifacts you had come across and handled with your own hands. "You're a curator? I had a bit of a hunch you were…a historian of some sort. That must be fun yeh? Being surrounded by relics belonging to civilizations much older than yourself."
“Okay, Steven, tone down the excitement yeah?”
Ha. Older than yourself. If only he knew.
"Riiight........yeah. Something like that." You gave a forced smile as you reflected on your age. "I work with a close friend of mine so....she helps keep me company during my day job."
"Day job? Do you like....have a separate job at night?"
"Sort of."
"Oh? What-what do you do?"
“You sure do ask a lot of questions, don’t you?” You squinted at him, a teasing smile playing on your lips.
“Oh ehm…s-sorry I eh didn mean to-“ Steven stuttered as he tried to form an apology, thinking that he might have offended you in some way. Truth was, he was completely smitten with the shape of your lips. And the way they curled into a smirk was enough to get him weak in the knees.
“Relax, I’m just messing with ya.”
“But yeah, you don’t wanna know.” You let out a short sarcastic laugh. "Besides, you wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"Oh my god." Marc's voice echoed in Steven's mind. "Is she a str-"
"Stop it Marc." Steven hissed under his breath, his face turning the brightest shade of red at the thought that there was a possibility that was your choice of occupation at night.
You gave Steven a curious look at the way he just acted, your eyes carefully wandering over his form as if he were some puzzle that you had yet to solve, a challenge for you to piece together. This one was peculiar.
"No, of course he wouldn't believe you. What’re you gonna tell him, that you work in the land of the dead and keep an inventory of dead people and lead them on a hiking trail to the underworld? He'd think you were a lunatic." You heard someone else say, a sarcastic voice that you recognized all too well.
"You didn't hear that did you?" You casually glanced around in response, worried that the man in question suddenly appeared on Earth and that the mortals would see him and freak out like they had done many times before, a mess that you had to clean up. Your eyes darted between each person as you tried to find the owner of the voice only to see him nowhere in sight. He was in your head instead. You hated it when he did that.
“Wait…did she? No, that’s not possible.” Marc watched you carefully from the reflection of the glass case that held the Sarcophagus, his eyes intent on your face is if trying to figure you out. “……….Something’s not right about her. Steven-“
"Uh no. No, I didn't hear anything." Steven shook his head with the slightest panic, thinking for some reason that you somehow heard Marc as he eyed your expression curiously.
“Never mind. It was probably just some bug.”
“Did you just refer to me as an insect?!”
“Stay out of my head.” You hissed mentally, your jaw clenching at the fact that he had the nerve to come down to meddle in your affairs.
Steven tilted his head at you, confusion written in his eyes at your statement. “….sorry…a bug?”
“You’re wasting valuable time. Hurry up!”
“Stevie!” A blonde woman who looked to be his manager called out to him, her hands placed at her hips and an irritated expression on her face. “The bloody hell are you doing? Your job is to work at the register and sell merchandise yeh, not trouble the guests and talk their ears off.”
“Oh it’s okay, really. He’s not bothering me at all. ” You stepped in only to be ignored by the woman.
Did she just? Oh hells no.
“Ah ah ah. I know what you’re thinking. And as interesting it will be, DON’T.”
You rolled your eyes in disappointment, wishing you could use just one tiny little flick of your wrist.
“It’s..it’s Steven, not Stevie.” Steven replied with a tight lipped smile, nodding towards his name tag that was pinned on the front pocket of his gray jacket. “Says it right there.”
“Well I don’ care yeh. Now get over here an’ do your job instead of wastin’ company time.”
Huh. She didn’t even bother to get his name right. “Well.” You breathed out. “She seems like a fun bunch.”
“Sorry bout that.” Steven grimaced a tad bit. “Can’t really complain now can I. At least I get to work in a place like this one.” A sigh escaped Steven’s lips, his shoulders dropping as he let out an awkward chuckle, wishing you didn’t have to see that interaction with his boss. He wished he was able to stick around more, not just to be in your captivating presence but to also get to know you better. “Well uh, as much as I’d love to uh…..speak of ancient relics, I betta get going. It was eh…it was nice meeting you y/n.”
“It was nice meeting you as well Steven.” You gave a soft smile, watching him give you an awkward nod before heading off. The smile on your lips quickly disappeared after noticing someone step up beside you, recognizing that all too familiar and distinct cologne of pepper and spices, smoke, tobacco, aged leather, oak moss, cypress, opium, a slight hint of wolfsbane, and the sweet scent of pomegranates that lingered from being around his wife.
“Gods that was painful to watch, and I live in a place surrounded by dead people.” He spoke from beside you, his voice deep and toneless, much like his eyes of the deepest darkest burnt umber that pierced through the mortals around him. There were times you swore his irises were just black, darkened to a point where not even light could reach them.
“Well speak of the devil. Hades.” You turned to give the tall man a forced bitter grin.
“Hekate.” The man stared straight ahead at the sarcophagus just as you had done, his hands folded behind him as he lifted his chin. You had always thought Hades to be the handsomer of the gods, form his tall and strong frame to his his raven curls that fell down below his sharp jaw, to the dark angled brows that paired well with his dark and intimidating eyes and the small scar that ran down his brow. But of course, his appearance held no real significance to your feelings, he was your friend more than anything, no matter how many times he managed to vex you.
“You’ve got some balls coming down here and interrupting me in the middle of my work. Oh and also, please tell me you didn’t just appear here out of the blue in a puff of smoke like you usually do.”
“Oh please Hekate.” Hades rolled his eyes. “I’m not an idiot.”
“Take the NOT out of the last statement and you’ll find yourself an honest man.”
“Enough with the sass Hekate.“
“Who? Me?” You scoffed, faking a offended expression, throwing your hands over your chest in a mocking manner before inspecting your nails. “You’re the drama. Not me.”
“Oh please. You practically wear that term as your crown.” Hades rolled his eyes, a bit fed up with your attitude despite having dealt with it for thousands of years.
“Shut up before I steal your wife.”
Hades widened his eyes at your statement. He knew you would never do such a thing. But it was the fact that you could get away with doing it if you ever decided to that made his face warm.
The two of you scowled at each other mid argument, your fists and your jaws clenched in synchronization and your eyes nearly blazing in flames until one of the humans bumped into you, causing you both to glare at the person. “Watch it!” You both hissed at the stranger the same time, watching him widen his eyes and scuttle away. With narrowed eyes and flared nostrils, you faced each other once more to resume your little quarrel.
“Don’t you have better things to do like, you know, pestering the dead instead of pestering me.“ You smiled sarcastically.
“I was just checking up on the situation at hand.”
“Sorry what? Situation at hand? You’re gonna have to be more specific than that.”
“You know what I speak of. The situation regarding the supernatural activity that was picked up.”
“Yeah yeah supernatural hocus pocus.” You rolled your eyes.
“Hekate-“ Hades hissed between his gritted teeth.
“Oh, you mean the job you specifically sent ME to do since it’s MY expertise. Don’t you trust me to do my own job? The same job that I have done since basically the dawn of the human species?”
“Well yes-“
“Then what?”
“The readings Hekate.”
“Yeah, I know that. Why do you think I’m here genius.”
“Then why were you making bedroom eyes.” Hades stared at you blankly, the lids of his eyes lowered to express his skepticism.
“I was not making bedroom eyes.” You scoffed with a sharp roll of your eyes.
“Then what in the pits of Tartarus was all that.” Hades gestured dramatically.
“Improvising?” Hades cocked his head back, his loose curls bouncing as he did so. “You were flirting with none other than a mortal. M-o-r-t-a-l. Mortal.”
“Yeah mortal, I get it. I know how to identify species considering I spend more time here than you. Look, Hades, I know what I’m doing, alright. I’ve been doing this for what, a couple thousands of years? Relax, I'm a big tough girl. I tie my own sandals and everything.” You put a hand on his shoulder. “Go get a cocktail or something. Clear your head, and let me do my job.”
“Then what does the mortal have to do with this?”
“Well I think he has SOMETHING to do with all this.”
Hades furrowed his thick dark angled brows at your statement before turning to look at Steven, watching the man who stood behind the counter nearly trip over himself as he fumbled with more boxes of merchandise.
“This is a joke right.”
“You’re kidding.” Hades turned to you with a wtf expression, finding it hard to believe that a mortal such as him would hold any correlation to the supernatural activity that had been going on.
“I’m not.”
“Him?” Hades scrunched his nose as he regarded Steven with slight distaste. “But he’s so………………pathetic.”
“Even more to be suspicious about.” You looked over to observe Steven with Hades, returning the small wave he just sent you from behind the counter and watching the way his smile ever so slightly dropped after noticing Hades. “His energy is all off. I can feel it all around him.”
“Well you better be right about that.”
“Hey, when have I ever been wrong?”
“I’m aware.” Hades sighed as he turned back to you, his eyes darkening at a thought. “You’re my right hand Hekate, I trust your judgment. Zeus on the other hand, well, you know how he can be.”
“I know.” Your eyes darkened at the mention of Zeus, knowing well just how angry he can be at the smallest of mistakes and what it is like to be on the receiving end of that anger. You had been there before, and it is a place you would never like to experience ever again.
“The last thing we need is Zeus coming down here with that temper of his and making a mess of things.” Hades added.
“Tell me about it.”
“So what will you do?”
“I have a plan.” I think, you added to yourself.
“Remember.” Hades put his hand on your shoulder, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Do what you must.”
“No matter the cost.” You whispered back, your mind drawn to the cold metal of your dagger that sat concealed at your back as you watched Hades walk out the entrance of the building, his form disappearing out of sight. With pursed lips and thoughts of different strategies that filled your mind, you reached into your pocket to pull out your phone, your thumb hovering over the call button of one of your contacts as you contemplated your decision. Pressing the button, you lifted your phone to your ear, listening to the ringing until a woman’s voice answered on the other end. “Hey, Diana? I need a favor.”
Tag List: @lou-la-lou @red-plaidedandcladed @kitkat34857 @anehempel @ahookedheroespureheart @jakelcckley @xzombiealicex @manyfanfiction
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vastthemes · 3 years
Sources for Aesthetic™ Images for your headers/icons/moodboards/Notion/pages/etc that aren't Pinterest
Because eeegh it's a pet peeve of mine whenever I see idk, content and stuff that just uses "credits to pinterest" or "credits to the original creators" without linking back to the actual source, so here are some places you can find images to use that you can find who to credit easily.
Note: some of these resources have specific terms, and not all of them can be used for moodboards/headers/notion/websites/icons/etc. Pls read them on their respective websites first and credit when necessary!!
Ghibli's released screencaps of their movies, for free!
Unsplash has a lot of good photos - just type in the keyword and you can also filter by orientation and color! There are also a bunch of user collections you can look through if you have a specific theme in mind
Some keywords you can use if you're lost on what specific things to look up: [rainy/foggy/sunny/etc] window view, messy desk, vintage, urban, vending machine, hands, grunge aesthetic, crystal/gemstone, skull, foggy/hazy, flower/pressed flower, knife, jewelry, neon, minimal, crown, fountain pen, pearls, pantone
Pexels is kinda similar to unsplash
Art images from museums and libraries
Creative commons
the #transparent png, #transparent tags here on tumblr - please be mindful though that some, if not most of these images don't have clear rules or boundaries for their use, so as a little tip use the ones crediting and adding the source, credit them yourself, and use for your personal use only - dont make stuff with them that you plan on selling!
Some blogs I've found in the tags above that do credit the image source of their pngs: @/strawberry4milk, @/neptunepngs, @/honeyrolls, @/mirai-e-jump, @/png-heaven, @/soapmermaid
Pixabay illustrations
thegraphicsfairy for vintage and antique looking graphics, art, and images
Free design resources (the site also has more than just graphics!)
Pixel Surplus too!
Country Daze Graphics - old webcore style graphics, for personal, non-commercial, credit-required use on webpages. You can read more about their terms of use on the site!
Another old webcore style graphics | 1 | 2 | 3
Old web buttons gifs (caution: full of flashing and eyestrain-y gifs)
Gifcities has those too (also content warning for flashing, sometimes inappropriate looking gifs that would get you ios banned yaknow)
Foxfable - pixel art, for personal use only and requires credit
Animation screencaps | Movie screencaps - for non-commercial, entertainment use
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I Love Her... New Haircut (Christen Press x Reader)
Tumblr media
“Hey Pressy, where’s your girlfriend?” Kelley sing songs quietly as she sits next to Christen who is one of the few people already dressed and glammed.
“Kelley!” Christen says in a warning tone, checking to see if anyone else heard what the defender said.
See, you and Christen had been dating for a little over a year now but you kept it a secret so that you could explore your relationship in private and without any meddling from any teammates.
Your families knew obviously, and of course Christen told Tobin because she’s her best friend and Kelley was your best friend so you had to tell her, especially when she waltzed into your apartment one time and walked in on you and Christen making out in the kitchen.
“Sorry, but where is she?” Kelley says.
“I don’t know, they pulled her away to another room the minute we got here, and she forgot her phone here with me.” Christen says.
“That’s sad.” Kelley says a little disappointed that she couldn’t spend time with her best friend before the craziness of the award show.
“Tell me about it. It’s been over an hour since I’ve seen her. I miss her.” Christen says, sounding equally as disappointed. Her mood was definitely not fitting the sunny yellow suit she currently had on.
“Well at least you’ll see her soon, right? I mean, aren’t we supposed to be leaving in half an hour, she can’t take that long, can she?” Kelley asks, trying to cheer Christen up.
“She shouldn’t, normally she gets done for these things pretty quickly.” Christen says.
“You’re right, she normally is one of the first ones done.” Kelley says thoughtfully.
“Hey, why do you look so sad?” Tobin asks when she comes to sit next to Christen and Kelley.
“Chris is upset because Y/N’s been kinda M.I.A. and she misses her.” Kelley explains.
“Aww.” Tobin says, wrapping her arm around Christen’s shoulders.
“I’m sure she’ll be done soon.” Tobin says reassuringly.
“I hope so.” Christen mumbles, wondering what could be taking her girlfriend so long.
“Ok, seriously, where the fuck is she? We need to go!” Megan asks loudly as the whole team waits for one person, you.
“For the hundredth time, I don’t know.” Kelley says, getting a little annoyed with everyone asking where you are. This was like the tenth time and she was sick of it.
“Why does Pinoe look like she’s going to kill someone?” you ask, walking up behind Christen who is standing a little away from the group, anxiously waiting for you.
“Y/N’s late and we need to go.” Christen says, not looking back and not registering that it was you talking to her.
“But I’m right here.” you say with an amused smile and Christen immediately turns around.
She’s speechless when she sees you, her eyes going wide when she sees your freshly cut hair.
Christen bites her lip as she stares at your short hair which is styled to perfection. Your lips form a smirk as you watch how your dazed girlfriend studies your new hairstyle with her bottom lip firmly placed between her teeth, a tell-tale sign that she really wants to kiss you but is trying really hard not to.
“Earth to Press.” You say waving your hand in front of Christen’s face, giggling when Christen finally shakes out of it.
“Your hair…” she trails off, her hand coming up to carefully touch your hair.
“OH MY GOD!” Kelley screams, causing you and Christen to jump apart and the rest of your teammates in the room turn around and look at you.
“What happened to your hair?” Kelley asks, marching over to you.
With Christen a little away from you and slightly over the shock of seeing your hair, she lets herself finally take in what you’re wearing.
Her eyes rake over your textured charcoal grey Berluti suit paired with black dress shoes, the whole ensemble making you look incredibly sexy, especially with your new haircut. (A/N: Your suit is the same suit Zendaya wore to the Harper's Bazaar Icons party in 2019)
“You’re drooling.” Tobin says to Christen while everyone else’s attention is on you and your new haircut. Christen’s hand immediately goes to her chin to feel for any drool and Tobin bursts out laughing at her best friend’s actions.
“You’re pathetic.” Tobin says and Christen hits her arm with her purse.
Before everyone can continue hounding you with questions one of the team assistants comes into tell everyone that the bus was here to take the team to the venue for the ESPYS.
After that, everyone more or less leaves you alone in favour of making sure they have everything before following the assistant to the bus. You and Christen hang to the back of the group, Tobin and Kelly in front of you, as you walk to the team bus.
“What do you think?” you ask as you fall in step next to Christen. Christen turns around and looks at you with a bright smile on her face.
“I love it.” Christen says before she sneakily hooks her pinkie with yours.
Turns out, Christen isn’t the only person who loves your new look. Throughout the night a number of female guests at the awards show openly ogle you, some actually coming up to flirt with you, even when Christen was with you.
By the time you were done with the formalities of the evening and into the swing of the afterparty Christen’s blood was boiling. There were so many people who came up to you and flirted with you and even more who were just outright ogling you, not hiding it whatsoever.
Christen was in no way a very possessive person but seeing how many people were after you and thought they could actually get you was making her very angry.
You were her girlfriend for fuck’s sakes!
You’re currently talking with one of the guests when you see Cristen standing with Tobin and nursing a drink while glaring at the woman you’re talking to as she blatantly flirts with you no matter how much you try to shrug off her advances.
“I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to excuse me.” you say before taking your leave and walking over to Christen and Tobin.
“If looks could kill, most of the women here would be dead.” you joke when you get to the pair. Tobin bursts out laughing while Christen just grumbles.
“What was that?” you ask teasingly.
“I hate that they think they can touch you. You’re mine.” Christen says clearly and you can’t help but look at your girlfriend, your pupils dilating slightly at Christen’s possessiveness.
Christen wasn’t normally very possessive but when that possessive side came out it turned you on beyond belief because you know that once you two are alone, Christen will do everything she can to mark you, even though you had to hide the hickeys, and no one would know that she was the one that made them.
“You know you have nothing to be worried about, right?” you ask carefully, stepping closer to Christen so she’s almost in your arms.
“I’m all yours.” you whisper against her ear before leaving a soft kiss against her cheek.
“Ok, I am going to go now.” Tobin says walking over to where Kelley and a few of your other teammates are so she doesn’t have to be the third wheel to you and Christen.
“I know you’re mine, I just wish the rest of the world knew it too.” Christen says.
“Then why don’t we tell them?” you ask and Christen furrows her eyebrows.
“Come on, I know we’ve been keeping things quiet because we like our privacy but maybe it’s time we tell everyone. We can still keep most of our relationship private, and people will know that I am and always will be yours.” you explain.
“You don’t have to make a decision right now, we can sleep on it and decide tomorrow with less alcohol and jealousy in our systems.” you suggest when you see Christen mulling it over.
“Ok.” Christen says.
“Now how about you and I get out of here and you show me just how much you like my haircut.” you whisper in Christen’s ear, pressing your lips just under it and enjoying how a small shiver goes down her back at the action.
Christen immediately grabs your hand and pulls you out of the party, saying quick goodbyes to the rest of the team, trying not to blush when she sees Tobin and Kelley send her knowing smirks.
The next morning Christen wakes up slowly, a soft smile immediately breaking out on her face as you snuggle deeper into her embrace. Christen can’t help but run her fingers through your tousled hair, giggling when you purr against her neck.
Her eyes are immediately drawn to the red lines running down your back that were exposed when the sheet shifted.
When you two got to your hotel room last night, Christen definitely showed you just how much she loved your new haircut. She may have also made a point of marking your skin with bruises that she didn’t want you to hide from anyone, not anymore.
For that exact reason, she stretches to grab her phone on the nightstand, being careful not to wake you. It was a little crazy what she was about to do, but she wanted people to know that you were hers and she was yours.
She adjusts the sheets so that only your neck and shoulders are revealed before quickly opening her camera app and taking a selfie of the two of you, your head nestled in her neck while she has her lips pressed against your temple and her fingers once again running through your hair. Christen then goes onto Instagram and tags you in the picture before posting it with the caption, ‘I love her… new haircut’.
“What are you doing?” you mumble into Christen’s neck, the sound of her typing and the click of the camera waking you up.
“Nothing baby, let’s go back to sleep.” Christen whispers sweetly, putting her phone back down on the nightstand before holding you tighter in her arms as the both of you drift off to sleep.
Needless to say, Christen’s post broke the internet. Some people claimed that they ‘knew it’ and others expressed their happiness and love for the two of you.
Many of your teammates were caught off guard and expressed their shock in the comments section.
Tobin commented the word ‘finally’ which caused many questions to be asked by the rest of the team and Kelley, being the troublemaker that she is, pointed out the barely showing hickey on the side of your neck, causing a whole new frenzy and a bunch of teasing from your teammates when you went out for lunch with them.
You also manage to break the internet later in the day when you post a video that Tobin took in the morning of Christen sitting in your lap and ruffling your short hair before kissing the pout on your face away. Deciding to keep on with the wordplay from Christen’s post, you captioned your post with the words, ‘I just love her’.
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crowpocrypha · 2 years
So hear me out….Mr. Freeze and Scarecrow fanfiction, but Mr. Freeze is actually a dog named Henry and Scarecrow is a Glass of Milk. Female Jervis is also there, but he’s incredibly right wing for no reason and has a major foot fetish. Did I mention that the glass of milk has feet, some pretty nice ones too. Aaaaasassaaaaaah feeeeeeeeeeet….. Riddler pops in during the middle of the fan fiction and he is very much playing the character of daddy’s little girl, he’s really into ddlg, he’s also a small pair of pants that look vaguely similar to a pair of Levi jeans and he also has a foot fetish. God damn it I just want some feeeeet. The music man finishes off the yaoi fan fiction with a musical number on how much he wants to sleep with scarecrow as a glass of milk, oh, did I mention he’s into feet. Please write, I’ll be good I promise.
This is amazing. I hate this so deeply. TW: Uh... Feet i guess? It doesn't get very sexual but, definitely S T R A N G E. Too much effort for a shitpost.
Only 746 words. (I can't believe I wrote this.) Anyway, without further ado:
Dewdrops on the Glass
The sunlight trickled through the window, striking the droplets on the side of the milk glass and drawing golden speckles on the opaque white drink. Beneath it, two crystal feet refracted the morning light as gorgeous rainbows across the decadent white table cloth.
It was a pleasant spring morning here in Gotham, and vehicles whirred by the street-facing window. This stirred the white husky in the next room, that darted out, rolling past the table, rumbling the serene glass and its contents.
The glass, Jonathan Crane, let out an annoyed sigh in the form of rolling droplets down his beautifully transparent side.
The dog roared in recurrent sharp barks, deep in his throat.
“Henry, Henry! Shut up, won’t you? Good heavens,” snapped a soft, dazed voice to which the glass acknowledged with a shimmer, and the dog actively ignored as he barked.
The woman was dressed in very little, a button-up shirt, and a slightly too small pair of Alice in Wonderland-themed panties she bought on a trip to Disney World four years ago with a slight rip between the band and the soft cotton fabric.
“Good gracious,” She muttered as she lifted the glass and pressed him to her lips. An action to which the dog snapped around and bolted towards her. 
The woman stumbled, her bare feet losing balance on the glossy mahogany floor, as the glass plummeted towards the ground. Henry Fries, the yapping husky, swept in and caught the milk glass in ivory teeth, and scampered off into another room.
Jervis, the woman, sped after her dog, Henry Fries, and her milk glass, Jonathan Crane, only to find Henry nuzzling the glass in his bed, gently licking the condensation off of his sides, and the remaining white fluid within. Jonathan shivered, in, whatever way a glass might do that, as the husky’s tongue lapped relentlessly in his body.
Jervis sighed, leaving the dog to his intentions with the glass, as she noted the clear—icon of partiality to it.
She strode to her closet and plucked out a small pair of pastel green denim jeans, bleached to a soft sunny shade. Pastel purple question marks adorned one of the back pockets and on the cuffs of the rolled-up jeans. On the other pocket was a more saturated pastel “Riddle me this, Daddy.” written in simple and elegant cursive.
She pulled the tight jeans over slender legs, which seemed to latch to the shape of her foot rather stubbornly, the denim pulled tautly and its weaved fabric shone the once saturated shade of green between each line of sunbleached pastel.
Jervis heard a roaring knock upon her door, to which Jervis sighed and returned to her kitchen from her tastefully Wonderland-themed minimalist living room. She opened the door, and a tall, broad-shouldered man beamed a toothy grin below a pair of loud sheet music sunglasses, his saturated purple suit boisterous in the Hatter’s kitchen. The music had begun.
“Oh, hatter! So you are home! You knew that I was coming, but your hair’s not even combed!”
He whirred through the kitchen passed the half-dazed hatter, he swept right through her living room with a loud obnoxious clatter.
“I can’t believe you’ve barely woke,” Cried the music meister, “I thought you were such punctual folk!” He said to simply spite her.
“Yet here I am, oh, you look so grim!” In the corner of his eye, Meister spotted him.
Hitched a breath, a sour note, a face of brilliant red. A frog left lodged in his throat, new thoughts inside his head.
“What a brilliant glass your mutt has ravished, frankly I won’t be so savage.” The singsong man strode swift and cold then swept the cup from the husky’s hold.
He looked upon the glass, benign, and purred to the cup, “My glass concubine.”
Henry Fries started snarling and barking, ripping his teeth into Meister’s coat—who did nothing in response as he was entranced by the perfection of Jonathan’s sculpted toes, glass body, and crystal lip. 
Jervis furrowed a duet of brows, cringing hard as Meister’s tongue violated her glass’s impeccably sculpted feet.
“Oh good heavens, what the fuck,” she grit her teeth, “I thought I was mad but, this is positively inane.”
Jervis turned on her heel listening to the snarling of Henry and the ripping of Meister’s clothes. She closed the door to her bedroom, and flicked on her TV to her favorite porno, “Fapman: The Lesbian Halloween”.
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graceslavenderhaze · 4 years
just wanna be with you; reggie x reader
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“are you okay?” that was the first question julie had asked you when she saw you the morning after you both had learned that the boys were planning on crossing over before the jolts that caleb had placed on them destroyed them. 
“ i feel like i should be asking you that.” you said bluntly as you let your best friend into your house which was empty other than you at the moment. you both trailed into your kitchen. ripped pages of your journal laid in crumpled balls, a mug of hot chocolate which was half drank was next to your song journal. you wrote your best songs when you were emotional and last night was definitely emotional. 
you picked up your mug and went to refill it as well as make one for julie. she sat herself down at the table, her wondering eyes drawn to the journal. she knew a love song when she saw one. 
“did you write this?” julie asked pointing at the song labeled ‘just wanna be with you’. you placed both of your mugs back on the table and sat down. you bit your bottom lip as you took a deep breath. 
“yeah, i wrote it about or i guess for reggie.” you blurted out to your best friend. she placed her hand onto your outstretched one, comforting you. you felt all of your emotions crash down onto you like a tidal wave. 
“i’ve never felt this way about anyone ever not even carrie, i’ve never been so- i’ve never written a song about someone i like. ever! and then he just comes out of nowhere the afterlife and everything and for the first time since carrie broke up with me, i felt. i can’t even compare it to carrie but he makes me feel like there’s nothing we can’t do if we’re together, and no matter what happens i know he’ll be there. i just wanna be with him, jules.” your voice was raw as a few loose tears escaped your eyes. 
“that’s love, if i know anything from how my parents looked at each other and every stupid rom com that we’ve watched with flynn. you’re in love with him.” julie said to you as she wiped the tears off of your cheeks. you let what she said sink in, love. you were in love with reggie. 
“fuck flynn’s never gonna let me live this down!” you joked to your best friend. she broke a smile. she stood up and held her hand out for you. you gave her a confused look. she pulled you up from your seat.
“you’re getting dressed, meeting up with reggie before we play the orpheum and giving him this song. life is too short for you to just sit back and not tell people how you feel about them. you have to live in the moment, and even if you lose him. you’ll always have the memories.” handing you the journal that laid on the table, you both rushed upstairs to your bedroom not before you muttered “i hate how you’re always right.”
it had been at least an hour since you got ready. julie had picked out a cute outfit consisting of your favorite pieces of clothing that you owned, insisting that flynn says that the more comfortable you are in your skin, the more comfortable you’ll be laying your heart out. you also had your backpack slung over your shoulder with your clothes for later tonight when the band plays the orpheum and then, clothes for a sleepover with julie later on. neither of you wanted to be alone after the guys crossed over. 
“stop worrying you look fantastic.” julie said to you. you found it ironic. your best friend was playing one of the most iconic clubs in all of Los Angeles tonight and here she was calming you down over telling reggie how you feel. you played with the bracelets on your wrists, more specifically the red and black one that had a small bass charm in the middle. julie smirked when she noticed the small charm but opted not to say anything. 
“i’m gonna go pick out my outfit for tonight, and i’ll rangle dumb and dumber out so you can be alone with reggie. you got this!” julie said to you before walking into the studio to say some half true lie to get alex and luke out so you could be alone with reggie. after standing alone for five minutes and convincing yourself while it seemed convenient, running from your issues wouldn’t solve anything. 
“hey.” you mentally face palmed. hey thats the best you had? reggie looked up from the grand piano he had been fiddling with the keys of. a smile came across his face when he saw you. his smile was one of your favorites. 
“hey, shouldn’t you be helping julie?” he asked confused being as mere minutes ago julie had brought luke and alex up to her room to help wrap last minute details up for the orpheum show. you placed your backpack down and fished out your journal. your heart was beating in your chest like thunder, as if it was going to just combust out. 
“yeah, but first i wanted to show you this song that i wrote.” you stumbled on your words a little and after getting the sentence out your mouth had never felt drier. reggie looked bewildered, normally you shared your songs with julie and flynn. this was the first time you’d ever wanted to show him a song of yours and also the last. 
“i thought that’s something that you and julie do with flynn?” you approached the grand piano and sat next to him. it was now or never at this point. you pushed the knowing that by tonight after they opened, him and the guys would be gone. 
“yeah but it’s something special that i think would just be better if you were the one to hear it. is that okay?” your voice was soft and you’d never been this close to reggie before. the past few days you’d been avoiding being alone with him to see if you could try to resolve your crush on your own. it was impossible.
“yeah, no totally, that’s rad.” he said nervously starting to fiddle with his rings. you let out a soft laugh. you opened the page that the song was on and placed your hands on the keys.
 “ I got a lot of things I have to do All these distractions Our futures coming soon We're being pulled a hundred different directions But whatever happens I know I've got you
You're on my mind you're in my heart It doesn't matter where we are It'll be alright Even if we're miles apart
All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you There's nothing we can do just wanna be with you Only you No matter where life takes us nothing can break us apart You know its true I just wanna be with you
You know how life can be It changes over night It's sunny then raining, but it's alright A friend like you Always makes it easy I know that your kidding me every time
Through every up through every down You know I'll always be around Through anything you can count on me
All I wanna do, is be with you, be with you There's nothing we can do just wanna be with you Only you No matter where life takes us nothing can break us apart You know it's true I just wanna be with you
I just wanna be with you” 
 you felt a weight life off your shoulders when you finished and you wondered why you’d been so nervous, then you remembered that reggie was still sitting next to your and your nerves came swinging right back. you turned to him and for once staring into his eyes didn’t comfort you, it scared you. 
“i know that after tonight you’re gone but i’d be an idiot if i didn’t tell you how i felt before you left. i’ve never wrote a song for anyone i’ve lov-like liked.” the words tumbled out of your mouth uncontrollable. reggie smiled. he wanted to kiss you and in that moment he regretted everything. had they focused on the band instead of being so hellbent on getting revenge against bobby, then they wouldn’t have gotten stamped and wouldn’t be crossing over at all. 
“you have no idea how much i want to kiss you. ” he said softly. you smiled, you wanted to kiss him so badly. 
“i’m gonna miss you, so much.” you admitted. you knew he couldn’t stay but you wanted him to. 
“you are unlike any girl i’ve ever met or have like liked either, y/n y/l/n. i wish we had more time.” he said coming closer to you. your eyes closed for a moment and you forgot just what was happening. he wouldn’t be able to kiss you. you’d go straight through him. 
“we can’t, i want to but you know we can’t.” your words were soft and quiet but loud enough to break both of your hearts. you both wanted this so badly but the universe wouldn’t allow it. you merely coexisted together, you were still from two seperate worlds. 
“your favorite flowers are forget me nots right?” he asked you after the two of you had pulled away. you nodded and almost as a reflex played with the bracelet on your wrist with a forget me not charm. he removed his necklace from around his neck, with the blue beads and silver bar at the middle. the entire time you’d known reggie he’d never been seen without it. 
“then consider this a forget me not.” he then took the necklace and placed it around your neck. you removed the red and black bracelet with the bass charm. you placed it around his wrist. 
“only if you consider this a forget me not as well.” “ forever.” your phone beeped interrupting the moment. 
julie: i love you but i’m going to find a way to rekill these himbos soon. 
“i should go actually help julie now. i really don’t wanna say goodbye.” this was probably the last moment you had with reggie and you never wanted it to end. 
“so don’t say goodbye just say i’ll see you around.” he said jokingly. you nodded as a few tears made their way out of your eyes. you stood up from the grand piano grabbing your journal, you walked over to your backpack and turned around, your fingers fiddling with your forget me not token. 
“see you around guitar cutie.” you said before walking out of the studio. 
“not if i see you first!” he yelled back. you smiled and continued to walked up to julie’s room. closing the door and then sliding down against it once you’d entered. 
“i fell in love with a ghost. full teasing rights once my heart heals, let flynn know.” you stated as you slumped on the floor in a slightly love struck daze.
“no shit!”
“is this suppose to be new news?”
“shut up shes in loveeee.”
“yeah and i’ve come to take your spot as julie’s fashion stylists.” you joked as you got up. alex and luke poofed out after a few more side comments. julie smirked. 
“nice necklace you got there.” she winked before the two of you got to work. 
flashing forward to two hours later, flynn and you stood on the side wings of the stage clutching onto each other, both of you dressed in your concert outfits . julie, alone center stage with only her keyboard, microphone and a dahlia with her. you were all on edge, the guys wouldn’t bail again. there’s no way. so there was only one other explanation. the jolts destroyed them before they got to crossover. 
as julie started playing stand tall, the song you had heard so many times from sitting in on the practices, you thought you were imagining hearing alex’s drums until you and flynn both saw him with your own eyes. 
“holy shit.” then reggie appeared next to julie, causing you and flynn to jump with excitement. they were still here, they were going to crossover. you noticed how the charm from the bracelet reggie was still wearing had twinkled under stage lights and him looking back up and you and winking. 
“it’s your lover boy!” flynn teased. you couldn’t deny it because at this moment you were to happy to even bother. 
“c’mon luke.” you had started to muttered noticing that he was flickering onstage causing both of the present phantoms to give you a worried glance. after a few tries he managed to stay solid onstage. 
“yes!” you and flynn both cheered on the sidelines. dancing and singing to the song that you knew would be stuck in your head by tomorrow. you were all happy in this moment. 
when the song ended reggie looked back at you and mouthed very clear words. “i love you.” before you could say it back the boys disappeared. you placed the silver bar of the necklace to your lips and kissed it muttered “i love you too” before. joining flynn in cheering for julie. everything was over, but you left nothing unsaid. 
“so y/n, spill the details about your out of this world love affair.” julie joked as the three of you were in the dressing room changing into your street outfits. you laughed. folding the clothes you wore and putting them back into your backpack before looking in the mirror to check over last time. 
“wait is that reggie’s?” flynn asked pointing at the necklace you wore all night. you blushed slightly. then julie noticed the missing red and black bracelet. 
“yeah it’s a forget me not. something to remember him by. i’ll explain it all tomorrow i’m still processing it honestly.” you said turning around to her. flynn hugged you. you were happy you had your friends. 
“i’m gonna go make us popcorn and pick a movie.” you said once julie and you had gotten back to her house for the night. you knew she wanted a moment alone in the garage to thank her mom for bringing the guys to her and music back into her life. 
once you had the popcorn in julie’s bed and were picking out a movie on her laptop she texted you a 911, code red, and a bunch of other phrases for her saying you needed to get into the garage asap. 
“hey jules what do half of these codes even mean?” you asked as you walked into the garage. “what the fuck, you guys crossed over. you shouldn’t be here.” you said when you saw your favorite ghosts standing in a group hug with julie. they looked like they were dying twice all over.
“come here!” julie said grabbing you and pulling you into the hug. the guys all started to glow a golden color and the stamps caleb had put on them dissolved.
“what do you think that means?” julie asked. you shrugged, up until like a month ago you didn’t even think ghosts actually existed.
“i think it means the bands back.” luke said causing the group hug to jump up and down in a fit of happiness over playing the orpheum. once the group hug broke up, you launched yourself forwards towards reggie.
“i love you too.” he smiled. 
“kiss her!” julie coughed trying to be subtle. luke and alex both nodded encouraging their friend. 
“yeah kiss me guitar cutie.” you said with confidence causing him to do so. you could hear the hollers of your best friends in the background losing their minds which made the moment better for you.
“so what do i tell flynn?” julie asked once you pulled away for air. 
“we’ll tell her tomorrow, she’s probably still reeling from tonight.” you said. julie nodded then had another outburst excitement over the fact that they just played the orpheum. 
reggie picked you up and swung you around before kissing you again. “i don’t know what’s better playing the orpheum or kissing you.” he said. 
“also which one of you is responsible for carlos knowing?” julie asked in the middle of the moment. the guys faces all became panicked.
“busted!” you said holding a hand for your best friend to high five.
this is the first thing i’ve ever wrote to post publicly and idk if i like it or not but just wanna be with you lives in my head rent free so i saw my opportunity and i took it honestly. let me know if you guys like this those maybe i’ll start posting again. <3
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sonybees · 4 years
mutuals appreciation post!
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i seriously CANNOT at all process this
literally i do not know how this even happened but i am so inexplicably grateful for every single one of you! i love all of you so so much!
i was maybe thinking about making a sleepover but school has been kicking my ass lately so i just decided on making a little mutuals appreciation post! to all my other mutuals, i love all of you so much and i literally want to smother all of you with hugs and kisses. i am so grateful for all of you. thank you.
this might be a little long so it’s under the cut! there might be a lot of mistakes snsjd
@lunaleonorah leo!!! you are an absolute blessing. i love your kindness and the amount of affection you give me literally makes me wanna break down and scream. in a good way of course sjjs. i love our conversations where we just talk about our days and all that. i wish we could always be friends and you can tell me anything you’d like. i love our friendship because we can talk to each other whenever we’d like and will always bring comfort to each other. i always look forward to having conversations with you everyday. ilysm and you deserve the world <3 all the love, pluto.
@gredmforge rory, my wife! i love talking to you about nonsense, it always makes my day and your fun and carefree personality always makes me smile. no doubt that we will be great friends in real life. the little asks you send in my inbox always make me laugh and i’m very excited for whatever future works you have. you always seemed so nice and sweet ever since i first interacted with you and i am so happy that i asked you where you got your memes because look what that got us to! shsjdjd. no but seriously, i love talking to you about our obsessions and just saying hello to each other. ilysm and i hope you always remember that! :) <3
@crookedhag my lovely eliz, i’m too lazy to make another one of those fancy scrolls that i did earlier but that doesn’t stop me from showin gmy appreciation for you. you are such a sweet and amazing person. you are also so talented and i am always so happy to see your name pop up on my notifications. you were always the first one to send me an ask for ask games and you always check in on me and i love you for that. i wish the very best in everything you do. you have great taste in music and i’m starting to think that you’re in every single fandom i don’t know jsjsj. but i love talking to you and ily! mwah! ◡̈
@oldschoolkiddo hero! the first time you ever interacted with me, i already knew that i would love having you around. you are such a fun person and all the tag games that you make and tag me in are always so fun! you are an independent person and i love that so much. you speak your mind and that is so powerful. you are so very sweet and your personality is so fun. i hope that you have many great days in the future and you can always talk to me whenever you need to. let me know if you want a distraction from anything or if you just want to rant, i will be here. ily!
@krasivayadarling my lovely ant! i am so very glad that i built up the courage to say hi to you when you made that post saying you wanted to be friends with new people. you are one of the best people i’ve ever met and you are so sweet, kind, talented, funny, and supportive. i am also so grateful for your support in my fics. you were my first ever supporter and i was really nervous for someone to read my works but you were so nice about it and i love that. i wish you all the best. ily, ant! sincerely, soap.
@whatthefuckimbisexual the loveliest persephone, you are such a bad bitch. JSJS NO BUT SRSLY ILYSM. you are such a fun person and i love how we can relate to each other a lot. i mean, staying up til 3 am and fuck aral pan yk? ejekdj. i really wish you the best in everything and i hope that we can interact more! you are truly one of the most fun and energetic people i’ve ever met and you are so very sweet and funny. thank you for being a great person! all the love <3
@falconxbarnes maddie! you add such a sweet and great person and when you reblog and like my posts, my heart fills with joy! your blog brings me so much comfort and i love our short little conversations. you remind me of going out at 5 am when the sun is almost out. the joy is always evident when that happens just like how i feel when i talk to you! i wish to eat pancit canton with you one day! i really wish you the best in everything and you deserve so many good things. mwah!
@amourtentiaa liane! you are literally so talented and it amazes me every time i read your works. you are so fun and chill and seeing your name always makes me happy! your blog page is filled with so much comfort in my opinion and our first conversation ever was so fun and you are so polite. you also really remind me of the night. i can’t explain why but like i said, you are chill and brings me a lot of comfort! i really love the way you interact with others as you are so kind. i hope you are doing well and always will feel well. ily, yannie!
@puntuations oh my gosh, ysa! you followed me first and i didn’t exactly understand why because you seemed too cool and mature for me djdj. but i am so glad you did and i am so grateful that you’re my friend. thank you for tagging me in dps related things! i really love that and it brings me so much joy. you were always so kind to me no matter what and you are so respectful. i appreciate you and your blog always makes me smile. thank you for being an amazing friend. ilysm, ysa. mwah!
@tofeeltaller joy! you bring me so much joy! sjdndjdn sorry, i had to. you are so so sweet and kind. i was always so scared to interact with dps blogs because they seemed intimidating but so nice at the same time (idk why i’m sorrydhjd), i thought y’all were too cool for me and i didn’t know how to approach you guys but after i got the courage to talk to you, i felt a lot more comfortable. you are so sweet and kind and you deserve so much more blessings. you truly are an amazing person and i hope that your days will get better and better. giving you so many warm hugs and kisses, mwah!
@lolremuslupin dkndkx omg you are so sweet! i don’t interact with you much but we do talk sometimes. i am also very glad that i decided to pm you to try and make new friends and you were so kind about it. you are such an amazing person and i love staying up at 3 am talking to you about random crap. i wish that your life will go well and that you are always safe! warm hugs!
@punkrific soaf, my twin! i really love talking to you and your energy is always so great. you are an amazing and fun person and having a twin like you always makes me feel like the luckiest ever. i am so so grateful to have you as a friend and your dashing personality always gets me. ilysm and i wish you the best! love, the ugly sofia <3
@freddieweasleyswife sweets! i’ve never met someone as sweet and kind as you are. you’re an amazing person and you deserve so much and you are so talented. i wish to write like you one day. my day is always better when I see your name in my notifications being friends with someone as amazing as you are is so great and i wosh to interact with you more. i miss talking to you and you’re always so kind and ready to comfort anyone. ilysm and you deserve the world. sincerely, sweetpea. <3
@sam-winchester-is-my-bitch rae! i love talking to you and seeing your pets! you are so kind, sweet and understanding and you really know how to make me smile. whenever i talk to you, it’s always so wholesome and nice and you give off so much good vibes. you really are like the color yellow to me, sunny, nice, but can be serious at times. but is always ready to cheer someone up. i wish you the best in everything and i hope that we can talk more! all the love <3
@daltonacademia kendi! i know you’re on a short hiatus at the moment but i just had to add you in here. i really hope that you are doing well and i hope you know that your writing is literally one of the best that i’ve ever read. you are so sweet and kind and you always have that little fun and sunny personality and i love talking to you so much. you are so respectful and you deserve so much. i’m sending you all the love and comfort. you are amazing and i hope you know that. stay safe, kendi! i really love that nicknamejsjs
@thatswhywilliamagedlikesourmilk dear! i am so glad that you followed my page and i am so so grateful that i’m friends with you. you are one of the best people ever and you are so so sweet. the most adorable person ever! talking to you feels like hugging a teddy bear and i am aware that that doesn’t make much sense but it just feels so comfy and brings me joy. i really hope that you’re doing well because you also deserve everything! sending you so many hugs <3 mwah!
@fredweasleyismyloverman alex, my dear! you are so kind and nice! i’m really glad i followed you. just a little fun fact, i actually found you through ant or @krasivayadarling . i was reading through some people who she gave ships to and i saw yours and i was like “oh my gosh, this person and i are literally the same.” and i went crazy because it looked almost exactly the same as my description hdjdjd. i’m actually not that sure if it went like that but that’s how i recalled it so i just always remember thatsbns. i literally relate to you so much and your shitposts give me life. you are so wise and amazing and i would love to talk to you more! ily, dear! mwah <3
@daisyyy2516 daze, dear! i am so happy that sab led ke to your page! literally, you are so damn talented and i just cannot i am always so amazed every time you show your works. you are so kind and sweet and such an icon. you bring me so much joy and everything you’ve ever said to me has always been something sweet and funny. ilysm and you deserve the world. i’d like if you dm’ed me once you’ve gotten your work displayed at some huge art exhibition. you are so amazing and i want you to know that. everything will be better. i appreciate you and i am so glad that you are in this world. i love you sm, daze. frd weasley loves you too. all the love and joy, soaf.
@sirlorelai lorie!! you are so nice and kind and sweet. i’m very glad that you weren’t angry at me spam reblogging your postsjsjd. i love our conversations and i wish we could talk more! you are such a kind and funny person and everything you’ve ever done has put a smile to my face. you are so fun and energetic and i love that. i hope that life is going well over there and that everything will be better if it isn’t at the moment. you deserve so much and ilysm, mwah!
@quadrupledeckertaco lorelei, dear! i miss talking to you! i really love our conversations and your soft but fierce personality is so great and it brings me so much joy. your writing is literally so amazing and like i said, i aspire to write like you one day. i miss you so much and i really hope that everything’s well. i wish you the best and sending you so much love, sofia. <3
and to all my other mutuals! thank you! i love all of you so much and interacting with all of you brings me so much joy. thank you for everything. have a great day everyone!
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chanluster · 3 years
— check in tag!
tagged by @healinghyunjin and @kookings thank u sm!!! except for sunny go fuck urself 
1) why did you choose your url?
oh my fucking god basically you know like ‘lustre’? like sparkles and shit? i thought chan + lustre would be cool cause chan is a glowing boy but i used the british spelling instead and now i sound like a total horndog 💀💀 its the way i didn’t even realise till my friends pointed it out and now i can’t change it yfm but yeh clearly lacking brain cells
2) any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them!
okay so 
gyuluster — my txt account!! ive had it for a while but ive been so dead on there 😭😭 tho i did promise myself that this summer i want to write more content about them so skz im sorry but 💨💨
amorlix — my giffing account!! ive recently gotten into giffing and i love it sm tho i admit it takes up sm of my time 😭 i will try using it more often
i have more but i’m gonna keep them a secret for now 😼😼 most of them are just made to gatekeep usernames LMDOAAO
3) how long have you been on tumblr?
i think it’s defo been more than a year now!! ngl hate it hate tumblr but i love writing too much to let it go so i guess we stuck 😃
4) do you have a queued tag?
no i don’t actually tho i think i should start using it sometime soon
5) why did you start your blog?
i really wanted to get away from wattpad 💀 after writing for bts for so long on there and then completely abandoning them for stray kids it made me realise i needed a fresh start away from there + the writing here is a lot better than i found on wattpad so that’s a huge plus
6) why did you choose your icon?
because felix in that fit is so fine i don’t think i’ll ever recover THE NET THE FUCKING RED NET
7) why did you choose your header?
because jake from enhypen owns me body and soul this man could call me a currymuncher and i’d happily comply ‼️ also him in drunk-dazed studio choom was an 8th wonder of the world
8) what’s your post with most notes?
my 10/10 fic !! my chan fic racked up over 1500 notes and i still haven’t recovered 👁💧👄💧👁 thank you so much for the support guys ❤️❤️
9) how many mutuals do you have?
literally 15 and half of them don’t use tumblr anymore 💀💀 i would love to make friends here but i have major trust issues cause of past experiences LMFAO
10) how many followers do you have?
1750+!! thank you homies omg
11) how many blogs do you follow?
12) how often do you use tumblr each day?
way too much fr like i’m genuinely thinking about writing offline, post and fuck off i’m way too addicted to this hellsite 💀💀
13) did you have a fight/ start another argument with a blog once? who won?
LMAO that shit is so childish if i don’t like someone i just block, unfollow, or keep the grudge stewing within me for months cause i fucking hate confrontation
14) how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post?’
if you mean the “reblog this in 10 seconds or spongebob would make a krabby patty out of you” posts then they’re annoying as hell 11 year old me truly thought my mum would die at one point cause i didn’t like them on facebook
15) do you like tag games?
yes i do! they’re really cute but i’m so shit at responding to them so if you do tag me i love u i’m not ignoring u i promise
16) do you like ask games?
yes yes yes!! don’t hesitate to ask me shit i feel like i’m hella isolated on stayblr 💔💔
17) which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i mean tumblr fame is a scam but i know my desi degen @tyonfs is well known on nct (and well enough to be slandered on a youtube video!! congrats on ur downfall whore😻‼️)
18) do you have a crush on a mutual?
@mocimori i love u ur art and ur lost boy! skz ramblings please know i enjoy listening to ur ideas and would 100% buy ur lip balm if u pitched it to me also ive never gotten over the paris fanart i love u sm
tagging: anyone who wants to do this!!
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ophelia2999 · 3 years
Domestic Sun-Daze 🌞
hellloo friends!
welcome to my little blog where i'll be sharing the happy things about my lockdown life and the positives that happen and make my day bearable!! :)
it was another hot sunny day in Bombay, i woke up at 12 pm.. my mum and i had our lunch in the living room, tarak mehta playing in the background, Jethalal and the bunch getting upto their shenanigans. The tv wasn't switched off for sometime even after our lunch. tmkoc usually has that effect on this household.
today noon's pick for our weekend movie marathon was 'the Lunchbox', a charming tale of set in modern-day Mumbai with simple and real characters.
after the movie got over, I went into the hall.. hoping for some solitary tv time, since my gujarati parents were having their afternoon siesta!
obv, my neighbors had different plans, screams and cheers emanating from their house, for every ball that Jadeja hit(thank you IPL writers!).
I couldn't resist myself and had to turn the tv on, to witness an iconic over (37 runs in 6 ballls?!?!?!?)!!! (i dont think i enjoy cricket as a game as much as i love the bonding and sense of community it lends... <3)
I could ramble on and talk about the excited squeaky voice notes my BFF and I sent each other and a vc i had with friends -- talking about life, adulting and giving each other hope and love, but i think i've gone on for too long XD
happy sundayyy! <3 :)
about me:
age: 22
why i suddenly started a lockdown blog(a year late LOL): i suppose this is me trying to highlight the little things, the sweet little things... that actually make my dayy.
of late, i found myself drowned in the... life sucks, my manager hates my guts, end-the-lockdownnnn cycle... never even bothering to appreciate the amazing friends and family i have.
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tbzhours · 5 years
go away, kevin!
sunwoo x you, friends to lovers au(?), slow fluff 
[summary] sunwoo isn’t ‘jealous’ until he gets caught kissing you  [words] 1.7k  [a/n] warning: heated arguments & foul language // title inspired by sunwoo’s iconic “go away anna!”; thanks cheya for sharing this idea for me to bring to life uwu 
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You and Sunwoo had known each other since the first year of high school and since then, you both had always hung out during the weekends, knowing how busy you both were during the week. Calling and texting each other were the usual and sometimes, you really enjoyed when he invited you out for some lunch just to catch up on life since graduating from school. 
When you first heard that he was living with 11 boys now, you were definitely surprised. At your first visit, you couldn’t believe how it was possible. It was as if Sunwoo gained more brothers and you thought it could be a blessing or not (because they might have taken his time to hang out with you. You would never tell him though; it would break his heart). You had visited sometimes, not being able to meet all of them at the same time until you met Kevin, an old friend you bumped into when you were traveling abroad with your cousin. He was just a tour guide of a park (funny, right?) when you met him again in a cafe where you both became friends; it’s questionable to you how he ended up here with Sunwoo. Even when you learned about it, you didn’t want to lose contact so you both exchanged numbers in hopes that you’d stay friends longer. 
Anyway, back to Sunwoo. These days, you noticed that Sunwoo didn’t reply as much nor call you to hang out. Could he really be that busy to not let you know at all? At least you had Kevin to accompany you when you had nothing to do during your weekend. That was until he invited you to watch a movie with the boys. You couldn’t refuse if you get to see Sunwoo. 
Sunwoo’s been watching you lock arms with Kevin since you arrived. Hearing how you came to see Kevin instead of him from your lips made his heart rage, especially if you were closer to him than Kevin. You didn’t even see it in his eyes when you waved a hand with your smile from the front door or the way how he glared at you when you greeted ‘better’ to the other boys in the kitchen when he followed you from behind with his stomping feet. He heard your “I’m here to see Kevin”, stopping by the doorway as he could feel his heart shattering into pieces. Faking a smile as the members laughed along, he stood by the door in hopes that you’d notice him. 
Every time when he tried to get your attention by trying to join into the conversation, he was always cut by Kevin. You could only give Sunwoo one second, turning your head back to Kevin, the one you were here for. You playfully locked your arms with Kevin when he put his hand on his hip as he talked as you hoped that Sunwoo would notice. Giving up already, he walked away to the couch where some of the members were at for their movie night. 
Sunwoo didn’t get it. Why do you have to ignore him like that? What did he ever do to you? He angrily grabbed some popcorn from the bowl on the table with a big pout, catching some of the members’ eyes as they wondered what had gotten into him. 
You took a glance back at him. Maybe that was good enough to provoke him and maybe it’s time to talk him, you thought. You walked over, smiling and greeting the rest of the boys as Sunwoo stood up, sulking into his shared room. 
Luckily, no one was in there. Sunwoo closed the door, sighing as he sat down on his bed. He was still sulking, wishing that you weren’t here. He felt a little embarrassed without a reason. He couldn’t even tell if you were really ignoring him. He sighed again, realizing that maybe it was his fault. 
Distracting him in the middle of his thought, you opened his door, peeking in when he stood up with widened eyes. He wasn’t expecting you to follow him as he was about to burst. When you came closer, he sat back down, taking another sigh. 
“Is something wrong, Sunwoo?” You felt awful all of a sudden. The look on his face didn’t look good as your lips frowned. 
“You’re not even supposed to be here.” He whispered, not even a glance at you. 
With that kind of response, you weren’t even buying it if you had asked with worry. You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms when you confessed. “Kevin invited me but you didn’t?” 
“It’s supposed to be just the 12 of us.” He finally looked at you but with those hurting eyes, you weren’t going to get lost into them. 
“Well, I’m already here. Can’t do anything now.” 
He stood up when you shrugged. “(Y/N), don’t you get it?” 
“Get what?” 
“You and Kevin! Stop acting like y’all dating or something. Get a room!” Sunwoo yelled but not loud enough that the members would need to come into the room. At this rate, you were at your highest rage. How could he ever think like that? 
“What the fuck, Sunwoo!” You yelled back, a hand somehow reacting the way your voice sounded. “You call yourself a friend and didn’t even invite me for tonight when you knew I didn’t have anything planned.” 
You saw his sly smirk, an eyebrow playing along when he asked, “Is that why you keep texting Kevin instead of me?” 
“You never replied?” You squinted at him, knowing how right you were. Those included his short replies too. They were invalid to this argument and he should of known that too. 
“I did! You just gotta open your eyes bigger.” 
His fucking lie, you rolled your eyes without an utter. “You have got to be kidding me, Sunwoo.” 
“I’m not. You’re my best friend, not Kevin.” His voice died down a little, his eyes already turning away from you. “Just stop touching each other like that.” 
“We’re not? I mean, we weren’t?” 
“You were! Like this!” His roar, you jumped when he grabbed your arm but not hard enough to hurt you. You started to feel disgusted at the way his hand moved on your arm. “Touching each other like this!” 
You pulled your arm away, holding onto it as your face squished, “Ew, what the fuck? I did not do that to Kevin!” 
He pointed at you then at his eyes, “Yes you did! I saw it with my own eyes!” 
“Sunwoo!” Your eyes were widened, words were coming out of your lips as you tried to get around what he was saying. Why would he think that you’re into Kevin when really, you liked him? It suddenly came through you after a few seconds in the silence when your voice became quiet. “Sunwoo, don’t tell me you’re-” 
That was when Sunwoo pulled you to him, his hands tugged between your ears and neck as your lips touched. By the force against your lips, you could tell he’s been trying to hide it all along. A gush of heat flushed through your face when his lips pinched a bit at your lips. Despite your eyes still widened when you wanted to close them, he suddenly opened his eyes, widened at what he just did. He pulled himself back and off from you, his hands in the air. 
“That was a mistake, I-” 
“No, Sunwoo. Do it again.” Your heart was pumping, beating faster than you could ever wait for his texts or calls. You took a deep breath, seeing a confused but halted look on his face. You couldn’t look away from where your lips touched. 
This time, your arms wrapped over his shoulders as you connected your lips again, your curl making Sunwoo dizzy. With your eyes closed, his hands slowly guided to your waist, wrapping them until your bodies connected like the way your lips danced together. He wanted to catch your face, if it aligned to what he knew. Instead, he focused at your sweet request, his lips wanting to keep tasting your unsuccessful revenge because he felt like fireworks were glowing in him, like he was seeing rainbows on a sunny day, like you had always been his. If this was going to keep him off his feet, he wouldn’t mind letting you take the lead for a while. 
The door suddenly opened slowly as if the members knew you both were arguing a bit when it was heard from behind. You both didn’t hear Kevin’s voice, asking you both were still going to join the movie because they were starting it soon nor did you both heard the door at all in your soft heated session. Kevin was staring for a second, his face turning super red when he saw what you both were doing before he closed the door slowly again. 
Grabbing looks from the members, they saw his straight blinking face looking into the distance. 
“Are you okay, Kevin?” Chanhee asked, bursting a small laugh when he covered his lips. “Why do you look so funny?” 
“I just witnessed something that I shouldn’t have.” Kevin stated before he walked away into the kitchen to hide himself. All of the members were looking at each other in confusion when Kevin suddenly screamed before he spilled, “They were making out in there!”
He screamed again when Sangyeon walked up to the door, knocking as he demanded, “Hey, Sunwoo! You better be careful in there!” 
Your lips left each other quickly at the sound, turning your heads to the door. 
“I-I am!” Sunwoo yelled back, his cheeks blushing before he grinned at you. You were smiling too before he gave you a long peck at your lips. Of course, he was careful. He wasn’t going to let another person steal you away from him. Would another makeout session be considered dangerous? Sunwoo thought as you rested your head onto his chest with his face feeling as dazed as ever. 
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modernmaenad · 6 years
you know we're both sensitive humans when we barely made it an hour into the actual party last night before everyone got to be too much and we started sliding into our little meltdown modes to the point where we had to go hide in the back bedroom until kalli started kicking people out and we could safely emerge and eat pizza and curl up on the comfy couch and watch really early sunny for hours
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