#super late but happy holidays yall!
teethwitheyes101-blog · 2 months
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Hey all :)
Drew this when I was a bit mad, not feeling great recently.
(!Lil bit of a venty thing coming up if u don’t wanna read that!)
Idk it’s just not it for me rn, I’m on school holidays, and none of my friends have rlly made the effort to talk to me or invite me to anything, my dad has covid and I rlly don’t wanna get it, and it’s just not been great mentally, my brothers been not so great to me lately, Doesn’t help, I’ve just been really super down the last couple of weeks, and I’m so sorry if that has maybe affected my attitude online, if I’ve been a bit absent or maybe short with you guys (if I am, totally call me out on it, I rlly don’t intend it at all) but yeah, if im a bit off, that’s why.
I love you guys to death, and all of your comments and compliments on here have made me smile, and given me a bit of peace knowing that some ppl enjoy stuff that I create and put my time into, the community on tumblr is pretty awesome. Thanks for always being great yall <3
Sorry for the negative stuff, just wanted to maybe put it out there to explain my absence, or if u guys relate, you can always talk to me about that as well, I’d be more than happy to share a convo or let someone talk to me about problems and such, as always, hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day/night ❤️
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kasumiube · 6 months
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❄️Merry Christmas Everyone~
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🇲🇾🇮🇩likes, shares, shares to stories, saves and comments are highly appreciated!🇮🇩🇲🇾 WAAAAH IMAGINE LATE FOOD FROM GER 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒anyways how yall doin? Have this in the mean time (tbh creatures will continue in a month bcs i wanna celebrate a few national days...august and september supremacyyyyyyyyyyyyy) Happy 65 and 77 to these lil fellas (indo's one is super late but i did a heckton of doodles for him on his bday 😳😳😳) Yeah i forgot vietnam's independence day 💔💔💔 massive apologies This piece isnt my proudest but hey the lighting sorta slays ig...and they all look happy oh my g Im sure this drawing took up a whole lot of unnecessary layers and i still dont know why Sobbing I dont know what to say atm HELP...happy september i guess???????welp good luck to whoever's starting school!!!! My holidays just begun but ive got too much hw (legit) Stay tuned for the upcoming weeks bcs ive got some bday artworks to feed yall with 👯‍♂️ and also remind me to do hw soon AAAAAAAAAimsosad Hope yall had a great celebration to the ones who celebrated!!! 😐🦵🦵🦵🦵i could sense chaosnin the air LMAKALAOJSHNAKJSNNISJ And if u want to pls gimme some song recommendations in the comments...👁👁 bonus if mitski /lh I gtg now brb 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Have a great day/morning/afternoon/evening/night ahead!!! Tysm for passing by and remember yall slay💅💅💅✨️✨️✨️ iminmisery TAGS INCOMING: #countryhumans #countryhuman #countryhumansmalaysia #countryhumanmalaysia #malaysiacountryhumans #malaysiacountryhuman #countryhumansindonesia #countryhumanindonesia #indonesiacountryhumans #indonesiacountryhuman #malaysia #🇲🇾 #indonesia #🇮🇩 #countryhumansart #countryhumanart #countryhumansartwork #countryhumanartwork #countryhumansdrawing #countryhumandrawing #countryhumansfanart #countryhumanfanart #art #digitalart #drawing #fanart #artwork #medibang #medibangpaint #artistsoninstagram isavedd- (at Felling Happy and Wonderful) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiB_DPFpCsJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hotchnerxo · 2 years
Holiday Insecurities (One shot)
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x OC Coral Bennett Words: 5.2k (I got super carried away) Summary: Holidays have never been easy for Coral. But meeting her boyfriend's family for the first time around the holidays can be a new Christmas ritual for them. Hurt/Comfort/ DomesticFluff Warnings: A lot of discussion involving food and eating. Internalized fatphobia. Insecurity involving weight and size. A/N: This is first time writing my OC Coral, who I have fallen in love with. This is a nice challenge, writing in Me pov. There might be some grammar errors, feel free to point them out. I will be starting a longer OC fic sometime soon, so here's a little taste of that. Happy Holidays to everyone celebrating! Love yall!
Holiday Insecurities
I have never really been a big fan of christmas. Not even as a kid. It has always felt like a hassle, just stressing over things too much. About presents, about having a lot of food around, yet at the same time stressing about eating too much food. About relatives and family, about conversations and how to avoid different topics in said conversations. All the stress overtaking the joy and relaxation the holiday is supposed to be about.
And ever since my teenage years, it’s become even more and more unpleasant. I was a late bloomer, in a way. I was never really interested in dating as a teenager, but were more excited about studies and finding a career I would enjoy. That topic was often frowned upon in my family, though. I have always wanted to become a journalist, ever since high school, but my mother has always been excited about getting grandchildren and her only daughter to follow her footsteps to the most fulfilling career of all: a mom.
On top of that, I was diagnosed with depression at the age of 19, and started to eat antidepressants regularly, which were a major help for my own well being. This, too, was frowned upon, especially in the early 2000’s. As long as I would find the right man and just started to smile more, I would do great in life. Thanks mom for that great advice.
Even though the new medicine was a great help, and still is, during the first year I’ve gained almost 40lbs. That on its own is hard for a young woman, not to mention how annoying and hurtful it is to hear about it from your own family constantly. To mom it was a hard pill to swallow, because according to her, no man would ever want a woman my size. And she makes sure to bring it up whenever I visit. That usually being the holidays.
For years, I haven't been close with my parents. I do have an older brother, Cameron, who I love and my parents treat him like the perfect child. He’s got a wife of 6 years and a young daughter who just turned 3 about a month prior. We have only 2 years between them, but our lives are so different now, pushing us further from one another.
I don’t mind. Quite the opposite, actually. I have felt more free. Free to be myself, enjoy my own life, spend time with friends and focus on my career. But the holidays tend to bring these insecurities back up, no matter how I try to avoid them. And seeing my parents and brother yesterday, on Christmas eve, for sure didn’t help. It’s hurtful to have your own mother asking if “you should be eating that?” about whatever I had on my plate. Just because I’m not thin like my family, according to mom, I shouldn’t be eating anything that isn’t celery and carrots. Yet, she thinks that her comments are totally fair and justified, I’m just too sensitive about everything.
A knock on the door startles me from my thoughts, even if I had been expecting it to happen any moment now. It’s Christmas day and my boyfriend of almost five months is about to pick me up to come celebrate with his family and friends. I’ve been anxious about it all day, more than I’d like to admit.
I straighten up my red cardigan, take a quick look in the mirror and hurry to open the door. “Merry Christmas, Coral!” a little boy cheers.
“Merry Christmas Jack! Wow, you look so handsome!” I kneel down in front of him and offer him a hug, Jack was more than excited to give it. I have only known the boy for a couple of months, but the 7-year-old has captured my heart completely. I ruffle the boy’s dark hair, right before the boy zooms off to find my cat, Romeo.
I brush the fallen strands of my red hair behind my ear. I took a mental note to fix my hair before leaving, the hair clip clearly wasn't tight enough to hold it all. I straighten back up, now looking at the other man on her door.
The man looks amazing. To be fair, he always does. He’s wearing a tight black button up, neatly tucked in his dark blue jeans. It was such a relaxed look on him, which was refreshing. And most important of all, he had a big smile on his face that brought his dimples out. He’s clearly gotten some well needed rest as the dark circles around his eyes were nearly non-existent. His dark hair was neatly brushed, yet a couple of stubborn strands didn’t obey his orders. I could feel my heart fill in awe.
I go to wrap my arms around his neck and raise on my toes to reach in for a kiss. He puts his large hands on my hips, which at the moment I am awfully insecure about, but I try to ignore it. He firmly pulls me close to kiss me deeply “You look stunning” he whispers as he parts. His eyes basically sparkle as he speaks, leaving me all flustered.
“Right back at you, handsome” you run my palms to straighten up his collar, even if it didn’t need fixing. I just want to feel the fabric between my fingers. Jack’s cheery voice makes me turn my head towards the bedroom, where apparently the boy has wandered off to.
“Merry christmas, mr cat!” Jack cheers and I can’t help but laugh. I hadn’t realized how much I needed a laugh right now, to ease my nervousness. Even if it was just a little chuckle, the tension on my shoulders relaxed a little bit.
And hearing Aaron laugh made it even better. He isn’t a big fan of christmas either, but giving his son the celebrations he didn’t have as a kid is very exciting for him, too. “He’s been so excited all day” he smiles, not letting go, still holding me close to his body.
I love the way his hands are so firmly holding me in place and in a way possessive. But I feel my insecurities screaming in my head and becoming extremely aware of how his fingers are digging into my soft hips. I take a step back, away from his grasp, but try to keep the smile on my face. I don’t want him to worry about me today. Just a rough day, I’ll get over it.
“I’m a bit nervous. I hope they won’t hate me” I admit. You’ve met his teams earlier, but only briefly. And now, I’m going to spend the rest of my day with them all. And with my insecurities running wild today, it makes me nervous to see his friends and family, who are all so close to each other and kind. And it makes me nervous that they’ll judge me because I’m not in as good of a shape as they all are, and if I end up making a fool out of myself.
Aaron’s face turns into a frown but quickly it turns into a soft smile “they’ve been so excited to meet you properly today. Of course they won’t hate you Coral, why would they?” he asks, trying to find a way to ease my nerves. I shake my head and fall quiet, not sure how I’d explain my thoughts to him right now. I feel dumb for feeling the way I do. Damn holidays.
Jack runs back to his father. Apparently his mission was now complete, as he had gotten to pet Romeo. “Let’s go daddy! Let’s go!” he jumps up and down. “You’re going to meet my best friend!” Jack tells me with a similar spark in his eyes as his father had moments ago.
The boy goes to tell about his friend Henry as we leave the apartment. Like a gentleman, Aaron opens the door for his son first, then rushing to open a door for me. It always surprises me that men like him actually exist these days. And not just in fairytales. Aaron is the image of chivalry and it never stops impressing me.
The ride goes quickly, Jack talking about anything and everything on the backseat. Aaron’s holding his hand on my thigh as he drives, and I notice him looking at me every so often, making the butterflies in my stomach take flight. It’s so easy to be around him and I notice my nerves calming down.
Until we make it to the house. Although, it is more like a mansion than a house. My jaw drops as I see the house we’re pulling up to. It’s a huge white house with a nice yard, in a beautiful condition. I can’t help but look at Aaron, asking if he’s sure this is the right place. He nods, clearly finding my confusion amusing.
The nerves are back for sure.
We make our way to the door. I have a big bag on my hands filled with presents, Aaron has one on his hands, the other resting on the small of my back. The smaller Hotchner is filled with pride as he has a big bowl on his arms, a pasta salad he had made with his father earlier that day. He was so excited to be a part of preparing the dinner, like a big boy he is. Apparently the dinner is a potluck style, everyone bringing something. I didn’t know that, or I would have brought something as well, even if Aaron tried to convince me that just being there with him was more than enough.
The door swings open and a man you recognize to be David Rossi, the owner of this mansion greets us all with open arms. Literally. “Welcome welcome” he goes to hug Jack first, taking the bowl off his hands soon after.
“Merry Christmas Uncle Dave!” Jack grins. He quickly enters the house before David gets to answer and tosses his jacket on the floor and goes to take off his shoes.
The olden man turns to his best friend and they share a hug “Glad you could make it”
“Of course” Aaron answers with a smile. “You remember Coral” he turns to look at me and softly soothes his hand on my arm, encouraging.
“How could I forget! Welcome, so happy you could make it as well” he comes to greet me with a hug too and a theatrical kisses by my cheeks. I’m taken by surprise by his embrace, but I welcome it. David opens the door and Aaron waits until I enter before him, following close behind me.
“Jack” Aaron calmly calls for his son, who had already disappeared from his view. Fast footsteps lead back to his father. “Forgot something?” he asks, gesturing towards the fallen coat on the floor.
“Sorry, daddy!” Jack quickly goes to pick it up and put it on the coat rack before running back off. Giggles fill the room as Jack returns to his friend who had been waiting for him all day, too.
I’m quickly meeting up with the other guests, most who I have met before. Only one of them I haven’t met before, but before I get to do anything, the woman runs up to me and introduces herself as Savannah. And detecting from Derek’s hand being so close to her’s, she is most likely with him tonight. They’re a cute couple, can’t argue with that.
Everyone’s gathered around the living room area, sitting on the couches and armchairs, Jack and JJ’s son Henry were gathered around the christmas tree, whispering to each other, probably trying to think what Santa has brought them. Me and Aaron are the only ones standing, except for David who was working around the kitchen. I feel a little out of place, being the newest addition. But I’m glad there are some perks being the boss’ date, no one would probably feel comfortable asking too probing questions.
It’s clear that Aaron has noticed my nervousness as he runs his hand in circles on my back “Everything alright, hun?” he asks quietly. I’m glad he’s so reassuring and calm and most of all, staying by my side. I’ve been left alone in situations like these way too many times and end up super uncomfortable and awkward. I just nod as an answer, I don’t want to draw more attention to myself, nor is anything even wrong. Holidays are just rough for me.
“Dinner is ready!” David announces from the kitchen. Aaron calls for Jack to go wash his hands and the youngest two head to the restroom to get cleaned up.
In no time, everyone’s got a plate full of food and a glass full of a beverage of choice. Most people have wine, myself and Aaron included. The kids are over the moon for a glass of soda. Everyone cheers around, glasses clinking. It’s lovely. It gets me awestruck how peaceful it all is, everyone getting along, laughing and talking about anything and everything. Nothing was off limits, no one had to worry about what to say in fear of someone getting upset. It was so new.
The food is also great. There was so much, well, everything. There was turkey, there was tofu, different kinds of salads and breads and side dishes. Trying my best to be mindful of my portion, I still want to try everything. And I fear being rude to someone, if I don’t try something. Why is being social this hard today?
During the dinner, I try my best to enjoy the conversations and keep my insecurities away. No one here is going to judge me, no one here is going to care how much or little I eat or if I should be doing so. No one thinks anything bad about me. I try to remind myself of these things.
I try to focus on the laughter, the stories and smiles around. The way my boyfriend is relaxed next to me with a wide smile. He’s telling a story about how one Christmas, he and his team back then were stuck at the airport and the closest thing for a christmas feast was crappy coffee and pretzels.
Whenever Aaron has a hand free, he holds it on my thigh under the table or squeezes my hand. I love how much he enjoys physical touch, even if it is for a brief moment and he isn’t afraid of it even with his friends around him. He looks at me fondly every now and then and everytime it makes my heart melt. Especially if I join in the conversation, he looks at me the entire time, really paying attention, wanting to hear what I have to say. It’s almost strange, if I hadn’t gotten somewhat used to it being in a relationship with him. He’s a great listener and he always tells me how he wants to hear about my day, my thoughts and everything, no matter how small or boring it may be inside of my head.
Why aren’t there more men like him in the world?
“Are you from Virginia, Coral?” Jennifer asks after everyone’s talked about different kinds of holiday rituals they’ve had in their families.
I take a sip of my wine “I was actually born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania but my family moved to Virginia right before I started High-School” I tell her, feelling everyone’s eyes on me.
“No way!” the blonde exclaims and she tells me that it’s where she grew up too. “What are the odds” she asks, rhetorically before taking a sip of her own drink. No one is surprised that Spencer actually knows the odds. It’s so fascinating how one of the youngest agents just somehow knows these things and can calculate it inside his head within seconds. And then there’s me, who would probably lose my head if it wasn’t attached to my body.
Time goes by, lost in conversation and good time. I go to look at my plate and realize it’s empty. I’ve eaten everything on it, and it was all delicious. But a part of me is screaming in guilt. Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten that much, what if someone noticed. And worst of all, what if someone’s going to bring it up later. And I’ve had almost two small glasses of wine, I hope no one thinks I’ve had too much and think I’m bad company for Aaron. I hope I won’t embarrass myself in front of his family.
My thoughts spiral quickly, and I feel becoming shy, putting up walls in my head. Aaron’s hand is resting on my thigh but he is in deep conversation with Morgan about something that I can’t focus on right now. I put my own hand on top of his, and he offers me a quick smile before turning back to the conversation. Jack and Henry had gotten off the table already and were playing a board game in the living room.
“Coral?” I almost jump as I hear my name being called. “Are you alright?” Penelope asks next to me. Apparently I’ve zoned out and hadn’t heard something she was asking me about. I feel myself flustering but try my hardest to put my strong face on and nod.
“Yeah, sorry. What did you ask?”
“I was just wondering. Your name is so pretty and quite rare. Is there a story behind it?” I notice she has such pretty eyes and the frame of her glasses really make the color in them pop.
I feel my hand shaking and as it’s still on top of Hotchner’s, he’s probably noticed it too. “Oh, actually y-yeah” I stutter slightly as my nerves are taking over me. Aaron turns his palm to hold my hand, still in conversation with Derek the whole time. “When I was born, I already had bright red hair and my parents loved how it reminded them of the color of coral reefs they were a few years prior to me and my brother. So they named me after them”
“That’s such a beautiful name,” Savannah agrees.
Aaron had turned to me as well, listening to my explanation. I don’t think I ever explained it to him before. Or can’t remember the conversation, if I have. The conversation goes on a little bit longer before I can’t sit still any longer “Please, excuse me” I apologize as I get up. I put down the napkin I had on my lap before on to the table and walk off to the bathroom I saw by the hallway.
As I lock the door, I almost feel my knees buckle beneath me. I lean my hands to the marble countertop and try to focus on the cool surface. A couple of shaky breaths laters, I’m ready to face my reflection in the mirror. Normally, I have come to love my curvier, fuller figure, but all I can see is everything wrong with it.
My eyes are bloodshot, on the verge of tears. My face is too round, my chest is too big and so is my stomach and thighs. The outfit doesn’t hide how bloated I am after all that food. Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten any of it, I should have found an excuse to not eat. I’m so big compared to everyone. Everyone’s so thin and gorgeous and in amazing shape, maybe I’m just an embarrassment and gr…
“Coral?” a soft voice spoke behind the door. I recognize it to be Jennifer, one of Aaron’s closest friends and who happens to be an absolute model-material. “Coral?” she knocks again and I realized I never answered her.
I clear my throat and try to sound as normal as I can. “Yeah?”
“Are you alright?” She sounds worried. Crap. I don’t want anyone to worry over me, I don’t want anyone to pay attention to me at my current, pathetic shape.
“Y-yeah” I stutter and curse the moment I opened my mouth. “I’m alright. Just one second please”
She seems to consider my words for a few seconds “Can you let me in?”
I fan my hands in front of my eyes, hoping the tears stay away. The door unlocks with a silent click as I turn it, thinking it’s better to let her in than worry anyone else. The blonde steps in swiftly and closes the door right behind her. Same kind of click echoes the restroom as the door is again locked.
It then hits me. I have just shared a table with a handful of profilers, who are basically mind readers to the common folk, like myself. Well, masters of human behavior, but that’s almost the same thing. Anyways. They have all probably been able to read me like an open book the whole dinner. Great.
“Holidays are just hard for me” I go to explain as Jennifer doesn’t say anything for a moment. She nods in understanding.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She leans her back to the countertop right next to me. She’s in no way threatening or pressuring you. I think she really cares.
“I’m sorry, I don’t want to ruin your evening”
“You’re not ruining anything, dear!” she assures softly “I’m here as a friend. It’s what friends are for”.
Friends. Does she really consider me her friend already? That’s so sweet of her. I would love to get to know her better. She seems like a really lovely person and I know how much she (and the whole team) mean to Aaron and Jack.
I take a deep breath, trying to find the best way to explain things. “Don’t get me wrong, I love my family” I begin.
“But…” she leads my upcoming sentence.
“But, they don’t always think before they speak” I take another deep breath, trying to keep my voice from cracking. “They’ve never understood that not everything I am has to do about my weight or my size. And holidays are usually very centered around food. Everyone here is so super kind and all, but I can’t help but feel the insecurities resurfacing. I feel like I’m too big and I’ve eaten too much and I’m an embarrassment or something. Everyone’s so gorgeous and in amazing shape and I really don’t look like I fit in. I just hear my mom’s voice in my head over and over again basically saying that no one is going to love me at my size” I ramble. And it feels so good to actually say it out loud. To say out loud that it is your mother’s words, not your own.
“Okay, first of all. You are gorgeous” she smiles and turns towards the mirror, meeting my eyes through the reflection “Second of all, your mom’s words are absolutely trash. You are so so much more than the number on your scale or size of clothes. And trust me, you’re not the only one to feel like this, especially this time of year. It’s very common. But I want you to know that no matter what, we don’t judge you. You make Aaron and Jack so happy, that’s all we care about”.
I feel the tears building back up in my eyes, but I try to hold them back. I don’t want to ruin my makeup. I stand up straight and adjust my black tank top, tucking it better inside my high-waisted blue jeans. The fabric of my cardigan is soft and soothing as I fidget it with my fingers.
“Also, if you haven’t noticed, Hotch can’t keep his eyes off of you” Jennifer smirks. “He’s absolutely smitten by you, there is no way you could do anything to embarrass him. And so what, you’re bigger in size! You look incredible, and I know that Aaron more than agrees with me. But most importantly, I want you to know that your worth has nothing to do with what anyone else thinks. The most important thing is that you’re happy. If it pisses someone off, they’re not worth your time or energy” she continues and her energy is catching up to me.
“I appreciate that” I sniff and shake my head as if I was physically trying to shake away the negativity in my head. “I usually love the way I look, I love my curves. The holidays are just hard” I admit. Also, I just noticed that I never fixed my hair before we left, so I go to do it now. Twisting the front pieces of hair into a twisted braid and securing it with a few golden colored bobby pins. Much better.
“Good, you should love the way you look!” She hypes me up and I appreciate it more than I can put into words. She offers me a hug and I am more than happy to take it.
Few moments later, you’re ready to head back to the others. You and JJ walk to the living room, everyone’s gathered around on the sofas again and Jennifer goes to take a seat beside her husband Will and I sit next to my own man, who has worry written all over his face. I offer him a warm smile and squeeze his hand as I sit down. He raises his eyebrows as if asking a telepathic question to which I answer with a small nod; “yes, I am alright. For real this time”.
It’s time for presents and the boys are so excited to hand everyone their gifts. Henry hands me a heavy square gift that’s wrapped in beautiful golden and white striped wrapping paper. I quickly recognize the handwriting to be Aaron’s, who tries to look as innocent as possible next to me.
“This is for you, daddy” Jack runs over with a lot smaller box, wrapped in rich blue paper. It’s a really pretty paper and it’s wrapped really carefully. I made sure to spend a good amount of time to get it perfect.
“To me? Are you sure you’ve read that right?” he asks.
“Yeah” Jack assures. “It’s A-A-R-O-N. That’s you, dad!” I can’t stop my giggle as the boy spells out his name with such a concentrated look in his eyes. And the way his eyebrows furrow mimics exactly the way his father does. Like father, like son.
Once everyone’s gotten their gifts, the room is filled with the sound of paper rustling and little oohs and ahhs.
“Go on, open it” Hotch tucks my arms as I’m frozen watching everyone opening their presents. I carefully open the delicate paper and reveal a book I’ve been wanting for awhile “I remember you talking about getting it some time ago” he admits and his eyes light up as he sees my excitement.
“Thank you so much! I’ve been meaning to get this for so long” I almost squeal, turning the book over to read over the back cover, for the sixth time ever. I’ve had Joyce Carol Oates’ Blonde -book in my hands many times at the bookstore. “But it's your turn, mister. You haven’t opened yours, either” It’s my turn to tuck his arm for an exchange.
With ease, he unwraps the gift, revealing a small jewelry box. He lifts the lid. “Wait, are these”
“Opals. Jack’s birthstone” I reveal as the man takes a more careful look. He takes out two rounded cufflinks, both stunning rich blue colored, much like the paper they were wrapped in earlier.
The man hasn’t yet found words but is still inspecting the box. “Wow, Coral. These are amazing. You didn’t have to” I know that. But once I saw them at the store, I knew I couldn’t leave without them. “Thank you” he kisses my warm cheek.
About an hour and a glass of mulled wine later, Jack climbs up to his father’s lap. He’s so worn out from the excitement and running around with his friend, barely able to keep his eyes open. “Are you tired, buddy?” Aaron asks, kissing Jack’s forehead. The boy hums as a yes, nuzzling against Aaron’s chest. Henry goes to his mom, exhausted as well. “I think it’s time for us to call it a night” he then says and gets up, still holding his son in his arms.
Hotch goes to help Jack put his jacket on as I feel a hand grasping me by my arm. I notice Derek with Savannah and David standing close to me. “I just wanted to say thank you” Derek speaks quietly. I’m not quite sure what he’s talking about. “Aaron speaks very highly of you and it’s really clear that you make him and Jack happy. It might sound weird, but thank you for being in his life. He deserves to be happy”.
I could burst into tears right then and there. It’s so sweet how they look out for their boss and friend like this, wishing all the best for him. I know they have gone through a lot and poor Jack lost his mother way too young. I turn to look at the man in question, zipping up his son’s jacket. It’s so clear how much Aaron adores his little boy and what a great father he is, even if he doesn’t always remember that himself. “He really does” I agree. I then join the Hotchners, pulling my own shoes on. Aaron helps my jacket on, once again, impressing me with his chivalry.
“I’m so glad you all could make it! Drive home safely” David smiles and waves at Jack. Aaron lifts him up again, Jack quickly resting his head on the side of his hero’s neck.
“Thank you for inviting me, too. This was no doubt the most fun I’ve had over Christmas” I say wholeheartedly. This is what family is supposed to feel like. I could get used to this. “Good night!”
Aaron wishes everyone good night, as well and opens the door. He helps Jack on the back seat and closes the door quietly. Before I get to enter the car, he pulls me close to him. His hands hold me by my waist, underneath my open jacket. I have to look upwards to meet his eyes as he is much taller than I am, but it is a small price to pay for such a great view. “Thank you for coming with me tonight” he whispers, his lips close to mine.
“Thank you for letting me”
His lips finally find mine as he kisses me so tenderly it makes my heart feel like bursting. “Merry Christmas”.
“Merry Christmas, Aaron. I love you” I say and he kisses me again, more passionately than earlier, before I even realize what I’ve said. It’s the first time I’ve said those words to him. I’ve wanted to, for a while now. But tonight, they just slipped out. I don’t regret it, though. Especially if they get a reaction like this from him.
The kiss leaves us both breathless “I love you, Coral”.
Taglist: @ssahotchsbitch @mayasreadingnook @rousethemouse @averyhotchner @ssamorganhotchner @kajjaka @reidsbookmark @thenewnormalforensicator @wheelsupkels @thedancingnerdmermaid ( mention or message me if you want to be added)
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firewoodfigs · 2 years
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some quick life updates before i yeet myself off to bed and trick my body into a regular sleep cycle: 
bali was great!!! i miss it terribly already. the people were lovely and the beaches were lovely and it was just nice to finally get away from this claustrophobic island of a country after nearly three!!! miserable!!! years!!! it was low-key exhausting because we fit so much into four days - we literally woke up at six in the morning on the third day to take a ferry to nusa penida (me, plagued by motion sickness: dear Lord take this cup away from me) and then did stuff like hike a ton in the tropical blistering heat and snorkel in ridiculously choppy waters. fun fact: I actually can’t swim so LMAO but well *shrugs* here I am... I say this calmly but in reality I was choking on seawater and yelling at my bf HAHAHAHA 
coming back home was super stressful because 4/9 of us who went on the trip got covid lol. I was fretting so hard on the flight home bcs my bf was shivering and breaking out in cold sweat from a fever that just came out of nowhere and the plane did not have BLANKETS because it was a transit flight. what. anyways when we landed and checked our phones one of our friends was like, “fuck, I’m positive”, and we were like, fuuuuuck. I was so sure we got it because all 9 of us shared a burger the night before, so we self-isolated for a few days just to be safe, but it turned out to just be stomach flu on my bf’s end. (I somehow got out miraculously unscathed...) 
also because I got bombarded with work the past two weeks bcs it was my beloved coworker’s turn to go on holiday after me... it was rough, man. I think I worked till or past midnight most days (although I generally try to take Wednesday and Friday nights off for Mental HealthTM) but honestly I'm just happy to not be fired because it was just me and my boss holding the fort together and i’m pretty sure I sent him trash at some point but he was genuinely so nice about it. like, he sent me an email with super detailed feedback and was like, don’t worry, it’s not stuff I expected you to know because it’s super technical, but just keep trying and you’ll get better and I was like yo... thanks... /cryingindaclub
I turned 25 recently and it is just. quarter life crisis ahoy. HELP. I need Taylor swift to write a song about being 25 and knowing nothing at all. actually I just need Dr Swift to drop a new album because I've listened to folklore and evermore so many times that it’s starting to feel a little repetitive and. idk. mad (woman) 
royai week completely slipped my mind with everything that’s been going on and my submissions will probably be really tardy (if they even get finished at all HAHAH) but the prompts this year have been really nudging me back towards writing again. they’re INCREDIBLE!!! I can’t wait to see how everyone interprets it - I'm sure it’ll be fantastic. i have to confess I've been kinda out of fma/royai lately bcs I've been working on other original stuff (also because my latest obsession is Star Wars LOL but this fandom was truly one of the best things that happened to me in 2020 and it’s just really nice to see everyone coming together again for the best week of the year. genuinely feels like Christmas in the summer but instead of mistletoe we have fic. what’s not to love?
anyways yeah tldr idk if I'll end up participating but I'm really looking forward to see what everyone has in store!!! x
ALRIGHT im off to bed take care and stay hydrated and safe mates I’m sending yall all my love to conquer the upcoming week <3 
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avengersapology-vid · 3 years
Avengers: College Edition
Steve: Criminal Justice and Studio Art double major. He doesn't want to torture himself with anything difficult and still wants to study what he loves. He is still an over achiever though. Highkey hates frat parties, saw someone twerking upside down and almost cried but stayed because hes the designated driver (responsible KING). prefers small get togethers with his friends. Roommates with sam and bucky!! Joins Criminal Justice club, jokingly rivals with Engineering (Tonys Club) Everyone on campus loves him including the professors, wins Homecoming king and is very happy. Sam jokingly asks to be his queen, Bucky butts in and says "NO, im his queen". Can be found in the library or art studio, usually with ink or pencil markings on his hands.
Tony: Obvi an engineering KING has physics as a minor. procrastinates to the max "No Bruce I have everything under control" *crams for 46 hours straight on a constant IV drip of Redbull and coffee* Super smart and helps draw the blueprint for the new engineering building. Roomies with Bruce! Tony was in a frat for a bit his freshmen year but hated it and wanted real friends (Throws better parties anyway) met Bruce and all the other avengers during a 1301 intro class. Pulls women like no tomorrow. On the presidents list every semester and tutors math for free on the side. He is basically the Dad in STEM. Tries hitting on Natasha but she is just like :/ nah, when her and bruce start dating tony is surprised because bruce is his "quiet little cinnamon roll." Tony constantly teases bruce and is like "yall fuckin (;" Steve butts in "tONY PLZ I JUST WANT TO WATCH THIS MOVIE" Bruce is thankful for steves intervention. You know how he rivals Steves Criminal Justice club? He butts heads with Business Clubs leader (Pepper) until everyone catches them together at a party. Has a caffeine addiction. Works out with Thor and Bucky one day in the rec and almost dies.
Bruce: Physics and Engineering double major (Hardworking KING) In math club with Vision and Wanda. He loves being roomies with Tony because it helps him out of his shell. Likes to draw with Steve sometimes and enjoys the quiet. Doesn't procrastinate and gets things done in a timely manor. 4.0 icon we all strive to be. Him and Nat already know each other, but bond and get a lot closer while studying in the library and they eventually start dating. He takes her coffee when she works across campus and is always almost late to class because of that (He doesn't care though bc thats his BABY) "Um.. Bruce your class is in 5 minutes" "Okay and?.....Wait I have an ex-" *Sprints to his building* Takes boxing at night with Thor, Bucky, Sam and Steve!!! Loves sparring with Thor and can surprisingly take the big buy on pretty well. Gets his butt kicked by Natasha in a MMA class though.
Natasha: Majors in Criminal Justice and Minors in Psychology. Ballet club AND MOCK TRIAL!! Has a Job at the Criminal Justice Deans office and takes MMA classes on the side. She is on Mock Trial with Loki and they actually get along quiet well once they stop butting heads about the case. Introduces Sam and Wanda to dance and they have so much fun. Coffee dates with Bruce!! Her and Steve become RAs in the following years and are the coolest RAs you know. Prefers night classes, Bruce walks her to all of them. Psychology classes are her favorite and really wants to help children one day. Volunteers at a daycare during breaks. Sis can really out drink Tony and Thor. Puts Wanda under her wing and helps her with fafsa and what not. Her and Bucky get the Russian language credit by simply testing out. Has her sh!t together and while she has a lot on her plate she can take it. She is really the Mom of the group. Can be found dancing or with Bruce. Her and Clint are icons in psychology classes.
Clint: Deaf Studies with education minor! (we stan deaf clint in the comics) In the Archery club and wins nationals for the Uni. Loves to draw with Steve. Helps Bruce ask Natasha out! PRANK ICON! loves to do prank wars with tony, bucky, loki and sam. Was in the same frat with Tony but hated it as well. While he seems to have a more reserved demeanor he is still the life of the party. (Like he knows people at the clubs ya know?) Can get in anywhere and helps everyone rent out a club for the night in celebration of midterms being over. Loves reading in the library and loves morning classes and being productive early in the day. Cracks Tonys netflix and hulu passwords (no tony... tonyr0cks69 is not good enough) Wants to teach at a school for the Deaf. Bruce sets him up with a girl from engineering and that is his future wife.
Thor: Physical Education major and Communications minor! Here on a football scholarship and is in a frat (not the asshole one tony was in) and is a partying ICON. Tries to get Loki to party but Loki just wants to drink wine with the cat he snuck into his dorm. Learns Sign from Clint to prepare for his career in education. Loves working out with Bucky, Sam and Steve. Takes up boxing during football off season and spars with Bruce. Despite being everyones fav himbo he gets really good grades and is a very good writer. Loki dorms across the hall from him. Thor actually rooms with Peter. Peter is the freshman baby and Thor takes peter under his wing and introduces him to everyone and helps him with college stuff in general. Also hooks him up with MJ and brings him to the occasional boxing session. Has a loud booming laughter you can hear in all floors of the library when he sees a funny meme. One time he actually makes a very good point and notices a flaw in one of Tony and Bruces projects leaves everyone stunned. Picks on Loki in big brother fashion. Unironically calls weed the devils lettuce.
Loki: Pre-Law and Criminal Justice. LOVES to argue. (Devils advocate ass) In Mock Trial and Criminal Justice Club. Tony jokingly calls him steves sexy secretary in CJ club. Loves Mock Trial and is the president with Nat as his right hand woman. Sneaks a cat he found at the shelter into his dorm and names it muffin. Stays in the Library writing or going over cases. The one time he was taking Natasha a copy of the Mock Trial case packet and caught her and bruce smooching. (He screeched) "Haha funny joke yall heres the case packet BYE." He automatically texts the group chat "i think nAT AND BRUCE HAVE SOME TEA FOR US HMM". Lets Peter and Bruce come over to his dorm because he knows their roommates can get a little too much sometimes. Loki also becomes an avid twitter user and thats how he gains popularity on campus. (He called the uni out for their awful and expensive parking) Was able to convince the Dean with tony and steve to create a new parking lot. Caffeine addict!!! Him and Tony always bump into each other at the coffee shop. Brings baked goods to meet ups with the gang. Loves to play pranks (especially on Tony) Him and Bucky come up with a genius prank on him and even get pepper involved. Best dressed on campus and is in the fashion club. He is the embodiment of dark academia.
Sam: Criminal Justice Major with Aerospace Engineering minor. Gets introduced to Bucky and Steve during move in and they literally become brothers. Is both in Criminal Justice Club and Engineering Club. In the Historically Black Frat on campus and takes huge pride in that. Parties with tony and thor BIG TIME. Procrastinates by throwing paper airplanes at Bucky until Bucky is like "Um...dude your paper is due in like two hours." At that moment Sam got into work faster than he ever had. Loves gossip sessions with Loki and Wanda. Works out a lot with Bucky, Steve and Thor to get rid of stress. When he and Bucky finish a final they go to loki's dorm and ask "Hey can we see your cat." Helps prep food for friends-giving and decorates the dorm for holidays. HATES 8ams so so so much. Steve promises him pancakes if he gets up and goes. Binge watches shows during weekends and screams when Destiel is finally canon. Loves running and gets a Track Scholarship when Thor gets him to join a sport. Gets Peter to join track.
Bucky: criminal justice major and psychology minor. Buck is also in ballet club with Nat, it really helps him relax and gives him a free space to think (also he runs that shit like no ones business) Criminal justice club as well and LOVES to work out and box. One time Sam accompanies him to ballet and Bucky pushes Sam into a split... the scream was heard for miles. "Sam ballet is good for athletes it helps w-" "Yeah but its not good for my balls" Doesn't willingly procrastinate but once in awhile he will forget an assignment, you best believe his eyes will snap open from his nap and get to work asap. For one of his psyche labs he had to question Steve as if he were Steve's therapist to which Steve responds "Hey bro you dont have to hit a nerve that deep" He also likes to do dance with peter since it helps him get away from Thor for a bit. Not a big partier but once the weight of finals are off his chest you best believe he will go all out. Picks on Nat and says hes gonna steal her man, to which tony interjects and says "Not if I do first" Bucky also has a very comfy dorm, comfy lighting and tons of pillows, the man loves his sleep... and so does everyone else. Sometimes he finds peter, sam, THOR, tONY EVERYONE just napping in his bed before their study time. Overall, bucky is a smart boy and his time in college is kind to him.
Wanda: English Major and Education Minor. After being an orphan Wanda knows what it feels like to not have a parental figure there and she wants to change that for other kids by becoming an english teacher. She volunteers at an orphanage, specifically the one her and pietro were in for a brief moment when they came to the states. She loves to draw as well and takes plenty of art classes with steve. She paints a portrait of the entire gang and gives it to tony as a graduation present (he cried). She loves to do volunteer work for children and also spend a lot of time in the library, She helped Nat calm down before Bruce asked her out. Her and Loki are in constant competition for best dressed. "Loki ill let you win best dressed but you have to let me see your cat" "ugh fine... btw your shirt doesnt match your boots" "hEY" Her and Peter take alot of intro classes together and are constantly running around craft stores trying to get the right stuff for projects. Visits Vision at his Job on Campus and he visits her where she volunteers and eventually they start dating. She is constantly getting visited by pietro at 4am asking "Um do you have milk" "Pietro its 4am what do you ne-" "my OREOS"
Pietro: Track star business major, frat ICON with Thor. poor boy is STRESSED he hates college and is here on a track scholarship, constantly late and running around getting shit done. Queen of late assignments but still gets them graded because he is in Track. Yeah he has alot on his plate but he still parties with thor for hours. When he is drowning in assignments Clint is always there to help him, Bruce also helps him with biology and the more science-y classes. Likes to mess around and race sam at track practice. Not into coffee but will run on all the monster energy drinks you could possibly buy. Seriously is tired of 8 a.m courses, he just wants to nap after practice. Walks into the study room that everyone was in and actually looks more sleep deprived than tony. He gets a lot of tips from steve on how to have an easier time in college and it really helps him.
Vision: Grad student working on a civil engineering masters and a TA. Meets Wanda in the library and she asks him where the biographies are. He mistakenly says they are on the 2nd floor "Uh theyre actually on the third" "Then why did you ask?" "Cause I wanted to talk to you :)" He swooned. Through Wanda he met Tony and Bruce and became their best friend, He helped out a lot with engineering club and got them far. He spends a lot of time doing research for his masters degree, he loves relaxing with the group on weekends and picks on pietro as if he is already apart of the family. Him and Loki bond over intellectual conversations from time to time. Bruce and Nat go on double dates with him and Wanda. Went to a bar once with tony and bruce and had to stop tony from singing Queens entire discography, he had the best night that night. Helps everyone with getting into jobs and into grad school in general while everyone helps him let loose and have some fun.
Peter: Peter is a Physics major and eventually works his way up to biochemistry. (hardworking icon) He is the freshman baby of the group and is introduced to them through Thor. He dances with Buck and Nat sometimes as well. Tony obviously takes peter under his wing and helps him with assignments. One time everyone was in the same study room and him and pietro have a redbull shot gunning challenge. When Peter wins Thor picks him up and almost yeets the poor boy into the ceiling. "VERY WELL DONE YOUNG PARKER YOU SHOULD BE DOING THAT WITH BEER IN NO TIME." "Thor plz" Tony and Thor help him ask MJ out and even spy on them during a dinner date. (Imagine thor with sunglasses and a scarf around his head pretending to be tonys date) He feels so accepted in college because of the gang and gets all his work done on time. Goes out of his way to get everyone christmas presents and is so excited for friendsgiving. Becomes a little stressball during finals and midterms and stays in the library till it closes. He spots loki alot in there and helps loki with science classes while loki helps him with political science classes. He meets MJ through wanda and is obviously blushing the whole time while being introduced. Gets embarrassed when the guys flirt with aunt may. "guys plz stop" This is when Sam earns his "milf hunter" nickname. "Pete hows your aunt?" "She doesnt want you sam i-" its not like that... actually it is like that"
Coulson: Alumni Icon. Is the gangs Intro professor and is the reason why everyone meets eachother. (the class was chaotic indeed) Coulson loved that class so much and he still gets visited by everyone from time to time. He is obviously close with Nick. They were there that night when Tony was signing Queen at the bar and couldnt help but laugh.
Nick Fury: Dean for criminal justice and is heavily involved with criminal justice club and mock trial. He is tired of everyones shit as always. Makes a tiktok account for the criminal justice club and has no idea how to manage social media so gets Loki to help. Has to delete it when Loki commented "hah losers" on the engineering tiktoks page. He looks intimidating but in his office he has a picture with the club and has all the gifts he gets on display. (He even framed lokis comment because it was hilarious afterall)
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Under the Mistletoe
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warning: smut, cursing, fluff
word count: 8,467
a/n: I didn’t want to edit this last night so lmao... sorry!!!!! anyways, this is super cute and yall should like.....read it :D
Synopsis: The mistletoe tradition is known by all, and if used correctly it can end in a sweet moment. Too bad Todoroki Shouto believes that people fuck under the mistletoe and not kiss under it.
“So you’re telling me that when two people meet under a mistletoe they have to...” Shouto trails off as he looks at the green plant nestled in between his fingers. “They have to—”
“They have to fuck, yes,” Kaminari nods his head. 
His arms are crossed over his chest, his eyes closed as he nods. His words, of course, are a flat out lie, but to Todoroki Shouto it seems as if his friend is speaking the truth. “It’s why it was never put up during our Christmas celebrations at school! With some of you guys not turning eighteen until after Christmas and all. That could have turned out to be child porn or something!”
“I haven’t had sex though,” Shouto huffs as he throws the mistletoe towards the blond who yells as it hits his head. “I don’t think I want to be caught underneath it. Didn’t Mineta wear a hat with it attached to it last week though?”
“Yeah, but that’s the only way Mineta can get girls, plus didn’t you see how the girls avoided him like the plague?” Sero pipes in, a large grin on his face as he takes the mistletoe and throws it above Kaminari’s head.
Shouto, however, sees this as a substantial poof.
“Bro, are you telling me you wanna fuck?” Kaminari winks as he looks up at the mistletoe.
“No, I just don’t think you’ll ever get to smash without this either!” Sero laughs as Kaminari slaps the mistletoe from Sero’s grasp.
“Would you fucking bastards GET OFF YOUR ASSES and come fucking help out?!” Bakugou roars as he enters the living room where the three men were sitting around.
Shouto stands up first, his eyes looking at the mistletoe that lays innocently on the floor. White people were pretty weird for starting that tradition.
Of course, it wasn’t to say that Shouto didn’t want to meet anyone under the mistletoe! Had it been a tradition where he would get to kiss someone it would be different, but fucking? Having sex only because you were caught under a plant was a bit too much.
“Todoroki-kun, are you okay?” Midoriya asked as he walked while hold two tables to put up for the dinner. The boys of the since graduated class 1-A were in charge of hosting the first annual Christmas party. Of course on because Iida volunteered them all.
Shouto nodded his head as he smiled strained, “I’m going to be avoiding the mistletoe all night.”
Midoriya looked at the fallen plant as he quirked an eyebrow, “Really? I thought it could be a great idea to get— mmph?!”
Shouto’s eyes widened as he saw Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima covering the One for All user’s mouth. They began dragging him away, their mouths at his ear as they whispered at him.
“Todoroki-kun, Kirishima-kun!” Iida yelled as he brisked over with red cloth in his hands, “I need your help in spreading snow out in front of the house! It hasn’t snowed enough yet!”
“Iida, what do you think about mistletoe?” Shouto asks as Kirishima jogs over to them.
“It’s a weird tradition,” Iida admits as he rubs the back of his neck. “But there’s too much to do, and the girls will be here within an hour!”
“Don’t worry bro,” Kirishima laughs as he slings an arm around Shouto’s shoulder. “Just avoid the mistletoe! Unless... you want us to send y/l/n-chan your way!”
Shouto couldn’t hide the flush the built on his cheeks at those words. The joyous laughter of Kirishima’s teasing didn’t help either.
Shouto stared at himself in the mirror.
Iida had insisted on formal wear tonight. He believed their first Christmas celebration outside of U.A. was a cause to ditch the Santa gear. It was definitely weird celebrating Christmas with his friends and not wearing the Santa suits.
But Shouto chose a dark navy blue suit, a white button-up, and a slim black tie. His fingers buttoned one of the buttons on his jacket before putting in silver cuff links. He was ready.
Stepping out of the bathroom, Shouto placed his clothes into the designated room. It seemed, however, that he was the last one ready as everyone else was sitting at the grand table. It had been beautifully prepared by Sato and Tokoyami. The aroma of the cooking food filled the air causing Shouto to sigh, he was quite hungry.
“Bakugou, where’s the mistletoe?” Shouto asked his ash-blond friend who was walking around with his hands shoved into his pockets. Shouto watched as Bakugou groaned as he whipped around towards him.
“What makes you think I would fucking know, hah?” Bakugou grunts as he rolls his eyes. “It’s hidden for a goddamn reason, you’re not supposed to know!”
“Would you help me look for it?” Shouto asks as he rubs the back of his neck.
“HAH?! Why the hell would I look for it with YOU, half and half bastard?! Are you trying to—?” Bakugou’s mouth was then taped shut. Shouto watched on in confusion as the ash blond’s attention was stolen by Sero; who was now running away in his white tux from the storming blond.
“Why aren’t they just being bizarre!” Aoyama dramatized from Shouto’s left. Glancing over, Shouto chuckled at his friend dressed in a literal suit of armor that was blinding to the eye. “Now, are you confessing your feelings to Mademoiselle y/n? Christmas is the most romantic time to do so!”
Before Shouto could speak to the smirking blond, Iida bursts into the dining area with coats in his arms.
“The ladies have arrived!” He announced.
Shouto watched as six girls entered the room talking amongst themselves.
They all wore Christmas appropriate formal dresses, and yet his heart fell as he was quick to see that you weren’t there.
Where were you?
“I know I’m very late!” You exclaim into your phone as you struggle to shove the dark red evening dress over your body.
You weren’t supposed to have stayed as late at work as you did.
Missing the bullet train back to your apartment, you had completely missed the preparation for the party. Lucky for you, your neighbor had a useful quirk that let him do makeup and hair in ten minutes. So after offering him your soul (a promised meeting from his favorite Pro Hero Froppy), he agreed to do it.
The formal wear, however, was a bit too much in your opinion.
One month ago Iida had sent out appropriate outfits to gather ideas of what to wear for today. To put it simply he wanted a full-blown ball gown for a party for twenty-one of you.
So there you sat in your room, pulling the dark red dress into place. It had a semi sweetheart neckline, the bodice was made of soft velvet, and the skirt was multiple layers of red lace. Overall it was cute and simple. Slipping on your white heels you grabbed your coat and presents for your friends. Placing your phone to your ear you raced out to where the taxi was waiting for you.
“Iida won’t let anyone eat until you’re here! And I’m positive Bakugou is going to kill Midoriya out of a hangry fit if you don’t get here quick!” Mina once again tells you as you give the taxi driver the address.
“It’s not my fault villains decided to be villains where I work! Had it been my decision I would’ve been there with you guys! Plus it’s starting to snow,” you sigh as you pinch the bridge of your nose. “Tell Iida you guys can start eating, I’m not offended!”
“Girl, I told him that one hour ago, and again right before I called. Trust me, we’re not touching the food until you’re here!”
“Wow, you didn’t even want to wait for me?” You tease as you watch as the taxi drives into familiar areas.
“You know I’m teasing, besides loverboy here won’t let anyone eat until you get here too~!” Mina giggles in her sing-song tone.
“Don’t call Shouto that!” You groan as you try to calm your flaring cheeks. “We’re friends!”
“Friends who have the sexual tension that brings god to her knees! And the romantic chemistry that makes the cutest couple tremble in jealousy!” Mina exclaims. “Don’t worry, we saved you the seat right between him and me!”
“Oh, gotta go! Bakugou AND your precious Shouto~ are demanding an update, see ya soon cutie!”
The line went dead as you puffed out your cheeks.
Sometimes Mina was too slippery for her own good.
The rest of the taxi drive was quiet. Your taxi driver most likely wanting to get you out as soon as possible to go home themselves. Your eyes focused down at your cellphone that was getting text messages demanding your location.
Most of which was spam from Kaminari and Uraraka who seemed to be the most starving. Sighing, you shared your location with the class’s group chat for the next twenty-four hours. So they could track you for the next few minutes it would take for you to get there.
kaminari: i dont think ive ever been this excited to see y/n in my life… ever… and im 98% sure i had a crush on her 0.0
you: omg i told you guys you could EAT stop HARASSING ME
sero: tru lets blame iida
iida: You all would have been very upset had we eaten without you! Besides, this is our family so we have to wait, it’s only polite. - Iida Tenya
mina: …
you: …
midoriya: …
kirishima: i thought someone ingrained it into iida that he doesnt have to text… like that…
momo: I believe it is okay, Iida-san! It is confusing to know who’s texting on this chat! Sincerly, Yaoyorozu Momo
bakugou: hurry the FUCK UP Y/N
you: id rather die
“We’re here,” the driver sighs as they turn around. “That’ll be 2,000 yen.”
You smile in gratefulness as you pull out two 2,000 yen. “It’s a tip for working on a holiday, thank you!”
“Happy holidays.”
“To you as well!”
You stepped out of the car and closed the door behind you. Your eyes fluttering as you watch the snow fall in front of you. A shiver runs through your spine as you pull your coat tighter around yourself. Holding the presents closer to you, you walk down to the front door. You take notice of the heaps of snow in front of the lawn and grin. Although you had no evidence, you bet Iida made Shouto and Kirishima create snow unknowing that it was going to snow this much.
Opening the grand door, warmth and the waft of cooking food invaded your senses. Removing your coat, you heard chairs scraping against the floor as a small mob of people raced to greet you.
“Merry Christmas!”
“Season greetings!”
“I’m so fucking hungry, thank Santa you’re here!”
“Move bitches I get the first hug!”
“Let me grab her coat first!”
It had been a while since you had last seen everyone. But in this moshpit of who you would consider being among your best friends, it warmed your heart. “Thank you, Iida,” you smile as he nodded in response.
“You followed the guidelines quite well, you look great!” Iida compliments as he turns to put your coat away.
“Of course she looks great, we all went out together to a dress shop!” Jirou sighs as she pulls you into a hug.
You greeted everyone, hugging them all as you went until you finally found the one person you wanted to see. His hair styled slicked back and his hands rested in his pockets as he smiled at you. Your face felt like it was heating up as you stepped closer to him.
“Merry Christmas, Shouto,” you smile as the dual-colored man smiles at you. You pull him into a hug.
“Merry Christmas, y/n,” he mumbles into your hair. “I’ll take those from you?” Shouto offers as he grabs the bag with the presents.
“Thank you,” you say letting go of the bag.
Shouto nodded as he turns on his heel to put the presents away.
“TIME TO EAT!” Kirishima and Kaminari roar as everyone starts making their way back to the dining table.
“Just to let you know, there is a mistletoe somewhere here, in case you want to make a move,” Mina whispers in your ear.
Oh, this dinner seemed like it was going to get increasingly harder to stay composed.
“It’s present opening time!” Iida exclaims as he ushers the class into the living room where the tree and presents resided. “Please have a seat, Yaomomo and I have organized the different piles for everyone! Until you have been seated will you receive your pile!”
You were talking with Tsuyu as you entered the living room. Your eyes shining as you took in a beautifully decorated living room.
“You boys did an amazing job at decorating!” You exclaim as you grin, the night had been going perfectly so far.
Dinner had been lively and hilarious. Old banter and topics bleed into the night’s conversation made your heart ache for the old days. It seemed so long ago when you spent every day for three years with these guys. You missed it.
With Mina at your left who discussed her new fighting style. Shouto at your right who talked about his life at home. His family had finally was becoming something he loved completely. While you two had late night discussions talking about it no one else knew about it. It was invigorating to see Shouto grin and laugh in conversations. His old dense self was still ingrained in him yet he’s grown so much since his fifteenth year. You were proud of him.
You watched as Tsuyu took a seat on the couch, her eyes trained on you as she spoke. You moved to sit next to her until something shoved you to the side.
“Oh, that’s my seat!” Mina exclaimed as she sat next to Tsuyu, her smile large as your eyebrow rose. “There’s more, don’t worry!”
You turned around and saw a seat near Midoriya who was near Tsuyu. It seemed you could continue your conversation about her position as a Hero Commander. Midoriya would like that conversation as well.
“That’s my spot!” Uraraka shouts as you were about to sit down. You sighed as you stood back up, your eyes raking the couches for a place to sit.
“There’s a spot by Todoroki-kun,” Midoriya said pointing at Shouto. Shouto was sitting on a seat that was a bit too large for one person, but too small for two.
“Thanks,” you smile as you walk over to Shouto. “You mind if I squeeze in next to you?”
Shouto looks at you, his eyes intense as he shakes his head, “No, go ahead and sit.”
You sat at his left with a grin. Your body pressing into his left arm as he concentrated on Iida, and with a nudge, you captured his attention. “I hope you like the gift I bought for you,” you whisper as Iida begins handing out the piles of gifts to each person. Ojiro helping as they were big.
“I don’t think I could hate anything you could give me,” Shouto whispers back as he grabs his pile from Iida.
“Random panties I find on patrol?”
“I’d be honored you thought of me.”
“That’s so gross, Shouto,” you laugh as you take your own pile from Ojiro.
“You’re the one touching random panties from the streets of Japan!” Shouto retorts as he helps you settle your pile onto the floor.
“Touche, Shouto,” you grin as you shove him with your shoulder, “touche.”
“Because it is Uraraka-kun’s birthday coming up, she should go first!” Iida suggests and everyone agrees.
“Oh, I need to tell you something,” Shouto whispers as you cheer on Uraraka who is lifting a gift over her head.
“What is it?” You ask turning your head towards him.
“You look beautiful tonight,” he whispers before focusing back in onto Uraraka. She lifts out multiple bags of strawberry mochi with a triumphant scream.
“You look handsome tonight, too.”
It doesn’t take long before presents are being opened and you’re feeling content pressed into Shouto’s side.
From Aoyama, you got a crystal mirror that sparkled in the light. The poem about the North Star engraved into the back of the mirror.
From Mina, you got workout clothes specific to a dance class you and the girls were planning on attending together. They were in your favorite color and came with a jacket with your name stitched into it.
From Tsuyu, you got a plushie. It was of your favorite animal and held lots of tiny little snacks that you could carry during a patrol.
From Iida, he presented you with a pair of exercise shoes you had been needing for a while. After all, sparring with Bakugou and Midoriya left your old ones disintegrated.
From Uraraka, she bought you a charm bracelet that had two charms on it already. One of the U.A. building and another of a small group of girls.
Ojiro gave you got a new winter coat. It was white, waterproof and insulated. Your jaw on the ground as you tried it on because it made you look like a marshmallow and you adored that.
Kaminari gave you got his mixtape. On the cassette were a bunch of Kaminari originals he had been promising you for years now, and now you had a copy. That and a gift card to your favorite restaurant.
Kirishima gave you a new ankle and wrist weights. Something to help with your manly journey to becoming the best hero!
Koda bashfully announced that you were getting an all-inclusive trip to an animal and tea shop. Something he gifted everyone in the class, and an event you girls were quick to plan.
Sato gave you a free pass to let him bake you anything you wanted. Another gift given to all the girls, and another gift you girls were excited to use.
Shoji had gifted you a massage gun. Something you had enveloped him in a hug for minutes afterward because it was something you had been meaning to buy.
Jirou’s gift was in a white envelope, two VIP tickets to your favorite band. A very discounted item because her parents knew them and the fact that she was a Pro Hero too.
Sero’s gift was something that made you laugh, it was a high-quality blanket. Soft to the touch, with the ability to keep you warm in a blizzard! It had a class picture printed on it photoshopped with Kaminari’s wheey face onto everyone’s picture.
Tokoyami gave you a picture album with the class’s best memories. It also had many more blank pages for your own pictures.
Hagakure bought you a new set of makeup and brushes. Brushes that you had been eyeing the time you two had gone shopping together too!
Bakugou bought you a new outfit. It was definitely an outfit for warmer weather, and he got annoyed when you went to hug him.
Midoriya made you a present. It was two notebooks full of analysis and suggestions that you had asked for when sparring. You wanted to continue improving and Midoriya was definitely going to help you.
Mineta bought you a gift card to use at a local lingerie store. On the one hand, it had a lot of money on it, on the other hand, you wanted to destroy it.
Momo blushed as she stood up, her grin wide as she looked at everyone. She apologized about being able to properly buy everyone an honest gift as she had been busy these past few months. Nut she promised she made up for it. She had paid off everyone’s apartment/house rent or price. Or in Iida’s and Shouto’s case their groceries for four months.
“This is for you,” Shouto whispered as he handed you a thin rectangular box. “I didn’t want it getting smashed so, I held onto it. I didn’t forget to give you a gift.”
Your eyes focused on the gift that was wrapped in red and silver wrapping paper. Your fingers gently taking it from him as you nodded. Shouto had been giving everyone else gifts with things that reminded him of them. It had some of the most hilarious items to date. But the box told you nothing, no hint, no clue. The attention of the group was on Aoyama who was modeling the new outfits that were gifted to him.
His eyes bore into you as you opened the gift, your eyes widening as you opened the box. “Shouto…” you trailed off as you looked down at the simple yet gorgeous necklace that lay in the box. It had a single diamond on it, yet you knew that it was more expensive than anything you’ve ever bought in your life. “W-What?”
Shouto remained silent as he gently pulled the necklace from the box, he asked you wordlessly to turn around so that he could place it on you. You complied as you shifted in the seat.
“I promise I looked everywhere else for you before choosing this!” Shouto admits as his warm fingers push your hair to the side. The cold chain presses into your skin as you look down at the jewel. “But no matter what I looked at, this was the only thing I liked for you. So, no, I don’t regret or worry about buying you this because I know it was meant to be yours.” His breath teased your exposed skin and it took everything within you not to melt as he fixed your hair.
Not knowing how to thank him, you pulled him into a tight hug, your arms holding him near as he returned the hug. Your lips pressed gently against his cheek, “Thank you, Shouto.”
You pull away and look back to your friends who were still focused on Aoyama who did a spin. Your fingers grazed the shiny jewel, and you lay your head against his shoulder as you consume the fashion show laid out for you.
“You’re confessing to him, right?!” Mina hisses as the girls called an impromptu meeting seconds before you were "about to kiss Shouto" on the couch.
“Mina-san, she was about to kiss Todoroki-san right before you ripped her from his grasp!” Momo sighed as gave you an apologetic smile.
“Y/n has liked him since high school! Her first kiss with Todoroki-kun is not going to be while Bakugou is modeling his clothes!” Hagakure defended Mina as she crossed her arms.
“First off, I was not going to kiss him,” you defend yourself as you point a sweeping finger at your friends. “I was going in to get lint in his hair!”
“There wasn’t lint in his hair,” Tsuyu chimed in to which everyone agreed.
“Leave her alone!" Jirou waves her hands, to which you thank her. "She was going to take the lint out with her teeth! To show him what that mouth do!”
Jirou snorts as you shove her.
“Do you see that rock on her neck?! You know she’s not gonna show him only what that mouth do, but also what her—!” Uraraka snickers as she was interrupted by the kitchen door opening.
“Y/n?” Shouto asks, his eyes wide as he sees that you’re flustered and pointing your fingers at them all. “Um… I was wondering if we could talk?”
“Right now?” You squeak as you smooth over your dress. “Of course right now, um, yes let’s go!” You declare, glaring at your friends as you walk towards Shouto. Grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the kitchen the door closing behind you.
“They put up the mistletoe outside right?” Momo whispers as she looks at Jirou who gives a thumbs up.
“Yes, Kaminari said they convinced Todoroki to talk with y/n outside.”
“Does… does Todoroki-kun even know what to do under the mistletoe?” Uraraka asks as she realizes her sheltered friend was still learning new things to this day.
“The boys must’ve explained it to him,” Hagakure insists as she nods. “You can’t fuck up explaining that you kiss someone under the mistletoe. Besides, they want them to get together too!”
“Fuck, it’s cold,” you shiver as you wrap your jacket around you.
“Sorry,” Shouto apologizes as he grabs your hands in his. Heat immediately spreads through your skin. He was warming you up, the cold winter air is ignorable, as you and Shouto walk towards the edge of the porch. “There wasn’t any room in there that was private enough, and I needed to talk to you about something important.”
“Oof, don’t tell me you meant to give this necklace to some other girl named y/n,” you tease as you rest your back against the snow-covered railings. “If so, I’m going to need to fight both you and her for it.”
“No, no,” Shouto chuckles as his thumb rubs smooth circles into your skin. “But it is about the necklace.”
You nod your head as you squeeze his hand reassuringly, “What about it?”
“It’s not… too forward is it?” Shouto asks as he takes his right hand to brush your hair from your face. “If you think it’s too much I can take you to return it for something else you’d like.”
The worry and concern that are heavily etched into his face make you laugh softly as you shake your head. “Even though I can’t give you something as great in return, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.”
“What do you mean? I liked your gift.”
“Shouto, it was a two paid in full all you can eat meals at that soba joint you love, of course, you were going to like it!” You tease as you think back to the hole in the wall you had introduced Shouto to a few months ago.
“Yes, I have to starve for a week to make the most of your gift,” he teases and you snort as you shove him. Your eyes roll as you focus your attention back onto him.
Wait, what was that?
Your eyes flew back up to the ceiling as you saw the powdered with snow mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. Your jaw dropped as your heart rate spiked. The hands that were in Shouto’s felt sweaty as you ripped your hands from his.
“What’s wrong?” Shouto asks as he follows your gaze up to the ceiling.
“Mistletoe,” you breathe as your eyes widen. This screamed like a setup to you, but how could the girls know the two of you would have made your way out here?!
“Oh.” Shouto’s voice nearly squeaked.
“You don’t have to—”
“I want to,” Shouto whispers, his cheeks glowing in embarrassment or from the cold, you had no idea at this point. “If you’re okay with it, um... I’ve never done this before.”
You lick your lips in anticipation and the feeling that Shouto wants to kiss you back. Your heart hammers in your ears as you smile. “It’s okay, I have,” you laugh gently.
“... you have?”
“It’s okay, it’s something I try not to remember,” you input as you shake your hands. His disappointed, flustered, and jealous aura screaming at you as you cup his cheeks. “You’re the one I wanted to meet under the mistletoe anyways.”
His hands slip through your jacket, holding your waist in his grasp as he lets out a shaky breath. Shouto’s eyes rise to lock on yours finally, and you nod at him.
“Wait you want to do this outside?” Shouto whispers as you near him.
“You’re supposed to do it under the mistletoe,” you mumble as your lips connect with his. Your lips end all arguments that he has as Shouto stills.
The kiss was slow, your eyes closed as you gently coaxed his stiff lips to move with yours. Shouto moved with you smoothly, the kiss gently growing in passion as he pulled you in closer. The kiss burns you as your lips languidly move against each other. Your hands moving from his cheeks to tangling into his gelled hair.
It was perfect, and you found yourself pulling away, ready to confess your feelings for him. But Shouto didn’t seem to be on the same page as his lips pressed against your throat. The feeling of his heated and soft lips against your colder skin made you suck in a sharp breath of air. Your head tilting backward as he peppered clumsy yet attentive kisses against your skin.
“S-Shouto,” you moaned as your fingers grabbed onto the collar of his jacket. This wasn’t what you were expecting from him. Nor was it something you believed to come from a visit under the mistletoe. Your peaked breaths soon calmed, they smoothed into soft and shaky moans as his teeth teased your sensitive skin.
Shudders flew through your body as his tongue caressed your skin. your mind was sinking into a sinking pit that is until he trailed his tongue to the cleavage of your breasts.
“Shouto!” You squeak as you shove his jaw up, his eyes locking on yours confused and drowning with lust.
“What’s wrong, love?” Shouto asks as a strand of hair falls into his eyes. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Is this how you meet everyone under the mistletoe?” You pant as your mind is racing too many thoughts a second, you can’t keep up as there is a heat building in you. A heat that begged you to get over your shyness and just let him kiss you in such a lewd way. But this wasn’t Shouto, it couldn’t be.
“I’ve never been under a mistletoe before,” Shouto mumbles as his lips press together. In this brief hesitation, it seems that he remembers something. “Who have you… met under the mistletoe…”
Your face warms as you sigh, it wasn’t a memory you much enjoyed.
“It was Bakugou, but only because the damn store owners were so insistent on it!”
This confession made Shouto still. His eyes turning a near black with emotions you hadn’t seen on his face in quite a while.
“Shouto? Are you okay--mmph?!”
His lips were back over yours immediately. His bruised lips fervently danced against yours as he held his right hand to the back of your neck and the other firmly onto the small of your back. His kiss was demanding, sultry, and overwhelming.
Your questions of his emotions out of your mind as your ass hit the porch railing. The cold snow burning through your dress made you cry out, and Shouto’s tongue presses into your mouth. Your back arches as his left-hand leaves your body. It slams against the railing and the snow melts, and the tongue in your mouth warms you as you shudder in his hold.
Not wanting to be manipulated like this, you ignore how your body feels like it’s melting in his hold. Your mouth suckles onto his tongue. Your hands fist into his hair, making him moan into your mouth as you tug on it sharply.
You can feel the falling snow hitting your cheeks, but your body temperature has spiked so high that it melts before it can make complete contact.
Ripping your mouth from his, your lips trail down his neck, nipping and sucking hickies onto his pale skin. The harsh pants that escaped his mouth and the shaking of his form further incited you as your painted lips met the collar of his shirt.
“Should we go back to my place?” You ask as you pull away, your hands fisting around his tie as you look into his lust-fueled eyes.
“I thought you said we had to do it under the mistletoe?” Shouto questions, his upper lip in almost a sneer as he uses your hands to loosen his tie. Your eyes widened as he stripped off his jacket. He placed it onto the railing that was turning the snow into steam whenever it made contact. “Did you take Bakugou home after finding yourself under the mistletoe with him?”
The words were a near snarl, his eyes angry, his face jealous.
Some part of you wanted to utilize this. You wanted to use this surplus of emotion Shouto was emitting to get him to fuck you against this railing. Another part of you, a louder part of you, demanded to know what was wrong.
“Why would I bring Bakugou home?” You ask as you take Shouto’s flushed cheeks in your hands. “It’s mistletoe, not a porno.”
Shouto blinks once, twice, thrice.
“Mistletoe, not porno,” you repeat confused. “Shouto, you’re supposed to kiss under the mistletoe.”
It’s then that Shouto’s body freezes. His eyes widening as he stares at you.
His face flushed, lips were swollen from kissing, and hair messy.
“You’re… you’re not supposed to fuck?” He asks, his voice barely above a whisper as he shakes his head.
The small sentence causes your heart to beat wildly as you stare at him, your hands moving from his cheeks to your mouth. “NO!” You squeak as Shouto takes a step back from you, his head dropping.
Coldness envelopes you as Shouto nods his head, “I’m sorry for forcing myself on you, y/n. I… I should go.”
You watch as Shouto turns on his heel, his back stiff as he walks towards the door.
Everything in you screams at you to make him stop, pleading that you pull him back and say you’ll still fuck him. The kissing itself had ignited a fire within you. And there was nothing else you wanted but Shouto to subside the need and desire that had built within you.
“I like you,” you reel as you find yourself taking several steps forward as Shouto’s hand touches the door handle. “I have feelings for you, and when I found out that I could kiss you tonight I took the chance! I know you might be feeling a whole bunch of different emotions that I can’t list. But I want to let you know that I wasn’t letting you do that because of the mistletoe, Shouto! I genuinely really like you and I was going to let you fuck me against the porch railing I was that ready.”
Shouto is frozen at the door, his back tense as his hand drops. You watch in what feels like slow motion as he turns around, his eyes locking on yours. It clicks, his confession is silent as he walks back towards you.
The world has gone silent as Shouto cuts the distance between the two of you before you could react. His mouth pressing against yours as you’re sent walking backward. Your hands grasping his biceps as you’re pressed against a familiar railing.
“I like you,” Shouto gasps against your lips. “Fuck, y/n, I like you so much.”
You don’t answer him as you instead sink your teeth into his lower lip, a groan leaving his mouth as you pull away. His eyes flash dangerously, something new stirring within him as your lips come crashing together again. In a tangle of lips and tongue, his hands leave your waist and grab your ass through the fabric of the dress. The cold is ignorable and the jacket around you is making you sweat as you moan into the kiss.
The melodious sound escaping your mouth stirs Shouto on and his leg slips between your thighs as you arch into him. His leg presses indescribably into your crotch, so you do what you must and grind your hips against his leg.
The grip on your ass tightens as Shouto begins to guide your hips into wide circles against his leg. The grinding pleasures you. The slowly building pressure overwhelming you as you whine against his mouth. His name escapes your mouth like a prayer, soft and hopeful as your mouth suckles against his tongue.
“It’s too hot,” you whimper as you pull away, Shouto trying to follow you with his mouth as you tilt your head. His wandering lips press against your neck and you sigh as you shift to take off the jacket.
“You’re going to get sick,” Shouto warns. His hands leave your rotating ass as he tries to slip the coat back over your shoulders.
Taking his hands and instead press them onto your breasts. As his eyes shifted to your breasts, you dropped your coat to the floor and you stare at him with a growing smirk. “Then you better fuck the cold away.”
His eyes take you in and he slowly nods, his hands groping your breasts as he growls in response, “Don’t think I won’t.”
“Big words for a virgin,” you moan as warmth spreads throughout your body.
“Those are fighting words for someone who’s at my mercy,” Shouto snaps as he pinches your side.
A pained moan escapes your lips as Shouto’s teeth sink back onto your neck. His tongue then lashing out to smooth the wound that was left in its place. He continues to mark your neck as your gasping praises and grinding hips gives him the confidence to continue. His touch is intoxicating and you find yourself whining for more, begging that he do more. Finally, with a deep chuckle, Shouto pulls away from your neck, his lips red and raw.
His eyes trace your body as his hand’s trail from your breasts back onto your ass. Your eyes widen as he picks you up as if you weigh nothing, his hands massaging your flesh as he places you onto the rail. A low sigh escapes your lips at the feeling of the warm wood underneath you.
Your chest heaves with your quickening breathing as you see that this position gives Shouto the perfect entrance to fuck you out here.
There wasn’t much you could do outside. With snow blanketing the world, your friends indoor, and both you and Shouto craving the other there was only so much you could do. Fully expecting Shouto to start unbuckling his pants, your eyes shot open as he lifted the skirt of your dress. His heated fingers trailing up your cool flesh.
Trembling you watched as his fingers reached your panties. His finger stroking your folds as your hands held tightly onto his shoulder. Your pussy aches for more. Your panties soaked from the thigh riding and the being so overwhelmed with emotions for Shouto.
You can do nothing as you feel your panties being peeled from your skin. The soft fabric trailing down your legs and you watch as Shouto looks at them before pocketing them. A smirk overcomes his facial features as you watch him. He takes your wrists in his right hand and moves them behind your back. Your eyes widen as a familiar sound hits your ears.
“I might be a virgin, but I’m not a prude,” he whispers into your ear as cold ice encloses your wrists. “You have only a few minutes to get yourself to cum against my fingers, or else… well, I don’t want to find out.”
Unintentionally, you whimper in both pleasure and pain as the coldness seeps through your skin and your pussy throbs at the threat. Should you heed his command or make him recant. As you contemplate that, you rub your legs together. The slickness of your essence much more noticeable without the fabric in place, and you moan.
Shouto smirks as he looks at your moving legs, and he takes his left hand to trace your inner thigh, teasingly, barely touching your skin. Your eyes flutter as they brush against your slit right before he plunges two fingers into your wet heat. Cursing his name, your walls tremble against him as you press your forehead onto his shoulder. His fingers are warm, but your heat is even warmer.
“Is something wrong?” He feigns innocence as his fingers curl against your wall. They circle within your cunt as you whimper lewdly.
“N-No!” You stammer. The freezing sensation of the ice is almost ignorable with his fingers beginning to push within you. He nods as he begins to move his fingers slowly. Your body squirms in his hold as he increases his speed. Soon his fingers pump within you at unimaginable speeds, your head throwing backward at the pleasure. Your hips find themselves bucking against his fingers as you mewl.
The ice begins to burn as his thumb brushes against your clit.
Your eyes clench close as you surge forward. Your lips pressing against his as you attempt to stop your loud moans. Shouto swallows your moans as he continues to pound his fingers in you. A third one soon entering as his thumb flicks against your clit.
So close, you’re so fucking close.
You can feel the pressure building in you, the coil tightening as you cry out his name, pleading for him to make you cum. Shouto muses at your desperation but does not relieve you of your desires as his fingers leave your cunt. You cry at the expulsion, your pussy craving for him to reenter your needy cunt.
Instead, your wrists are set free from their icy cage. Your skin feels like its burning as Shouto places his fingers into his mouth. He's licking your essence off his skin and you whine at the visual.
“I decided that I want you to come around my cock instead,” Shouto chuckles as you glare at him.
“You’re a dick,” you whine as you watch as Shouto loosens his tie after removing his jacket.
“You’re the greedy one who wanted to fuck right here,” Shouto hums as he unbuckles his belt. You stare at him feeling your pussy throb at the impending sex.
Your eyes fall onto his cock as his pants bunch at his knees, and your mouth dries at the sight of him. Eight inches and thick, his hand fists against his length, low grunts escaping his mouth as he steps near to you.
“Are you okay with this?” Shouto asks as the head of his cock brushes against your wet folds.
You nod your head as you shudder at the sensations that run through your veins, “Yes, are you?”
He nods too as he grunts softly. He begins to grind his cock against your folds. The increased pressure than what he was doing before makes you moan as he coats himself with your juices. Your hands hold onto his biceps as he continues to move his cock between your folds. teasing your clit instead of penetrating you and you whine in protest. The stimulation of your clit appreciated but you wanted him to fill you up.
“Will you just fuck me already?!” You rasp as you pathetically circle your hips against his length.
Shouto chuckles as he locks eyes with you, “Maybe.”
Your mouth opens to argue, but you’re cut off by him pushing himself into your needy pussy without warning. His length barely fits entirely within you, and his girth causes your head to spin as he stretches you out. “FUCK!” You hiss as your head presses into his collarbone.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Shouto shudders as your walls spasm against him, overloading him with sensations as he tries to calm himself. “Y-You’re so fucking tight.”
“Move, Shouto,” you beg eagerly needing more friction from him. “Please fucking move.”
With a grunt of confirmation, Shouto rolls his hips. You curse as his hips move outward before bottoming back into you. Your hips move in time with his, and intermingled moans resonate within your now joined mouths. His thrusting picks up speed the more comfortable he gets. His moving hips slamming against yours as you cry into his mouth. His hand grips your waist as he pulls you from the railing, one of your legs hooked around his waist as the other shakily stands. He slides his other hand down your back so that he can cup the bottom your ass. It’s a stretch and it adds to his vigorous thrusts into your cunt.
The feel of Shouto’s pelvis slapping against yours is your remedy — you’re craving him even more and he is well aware of that fact.
You’re swelling with euphoria and lust when he decides to amp up your pleasure by bringing his right hand to your clit. His fingers circle against your clit with his ice-cold touch, it shocks you as your heated body jerks under the new temperature. With the added temperature play, it feels as if your body is breaking under his will. Your pussy clenching at sensations he’s giving you. Your hips rolling against his pounding hips, and he moans in return to how your walls clench against him.
Your head lolls to the side as you’re overwhelmed by the blazing heat in your core. The pressure of your cunt heavily evident throughout your entire body. You needed to keep it together, you wanted to keep going. The head of his cock finally comes to press against your sweet spot as he shifts your hips and you shriek.
“Fuck! Please, right there!” You beg as Shouto shakily nods, his hips coming to snap into that same spot over and over. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you’re no longer able to speak. You’re completely overpowered by his snapping hips.
“Will you come for me,” he groans out, his voice a pleading hope.
Your head nods frantically as you're unable to trust your voice. The action satisfies Shouto as he hisses lowly. Faster and harder, his fingers switch from pressing small circles to large figure-eights on your clit, while his hips slamming faster into you. You can’t handle the pleasure any more, and you feel your high coming.
“Shouto,” you gasp as he presses a kiss against your mouth again. His hands moving to lift you up, you can only cry in pleasure as he slams your back against a pole. His hips continuing to snap into you at insane speeds. You’re not able to keep up as sparks ignite in your veins as he slams into you over and over.
Your orgasm hits your body and it’s as if you’re falling away into ecstasy. Your mind spinning and dazed from the continuous world-altering sensations. You cry out his name as he still continues at his unmerciful pace. That is until he suddenly pulls out and drops you onto your shaking legs.
Whining at the loss of his cock, and the fact that you’re now on your feet, you open your shut eyes and stare at him unable to speak.
“Turn around,” he growls. You can’t believe he wants you to go for his own orgasm with you in a whole new position. Was he really a virgin you question as he fists his cock as you reposition yourself onto the railing. Your chest presses weirdly onto the wood as your knees buckle, and you look over your shoulder to see Shouto raising the skirt of your dress.
Shouto doesn’t ask to insert himself in you again. Your fingers grip the railing as he slams back in and you let out a sharp cry as you seize forward.
He starts up a brutal pace with his hips slapping against your ass with each and every thrust. Your hands move to your mouth as you cry as you rock forward with every thrust. His hips remain steady as his pace accelerates. You watch on a dazed high as snow falls onto your moving hair. Your fingers shoved into your mouth like a gag as he grips your hips. You use all of your willpower to push your hips back against his to meet him thrust by thrust.
Slowly, he starts to vocalize more and more. His lips moaning your name and crying out. He keeps one gripping hand on your hips while the other slips to your clit. Your mind snaps as he begins rubbing meticulous shapes onto your puffy nerves.
You can tell he’s close.
He’s chanting your name against your spine like some mindless prayer to you. His hot breath fanning onto your exposed skin. The hand on your hip grips you tighter, definitely bruising your skin. So you grip the railing with one hand and the other remains in your mouth.
“Are you ready?” Shouto growls while nipping at your skin. “Ready to take my cum?”
“Yes! Please, Shouto!” You choke out from your fingers, the pleasure and overstimulation reaching their tipping point once again.
“Then fucking come.”
Your toes curl as you let out a sob of pleasure. Your arm is unable to support yourself anymore as you let your torso slam against the railing. The circles on your clit finally stop and your abused cunt clenches around Shouto’s cock. Your body reaches its second orgasm of the night, and Shouto arrives with you.
He cries out a “Fuck!” and your name as his speed spills within you. It’s the loudest he’s been all night, which makes you whine at the sound of your name being said so vulgarly from his mouth. As your cries become breathless pants, you press your hands against the railings. The saliva on your fingers turning cold as the two of you stand still for what feels like some time. You feel him slide both of his hands on top of yours to intertwine with yours as cum spurts out of his cock, filling you up.
He rubs circles on top of your hands with his thumbs as he slides himself out. The feeling of him gone makes the both of you whimper at the loss of each other’s fill. You feel some of his cum seep out, and you shudder at the emptiness your cunt now feels.
You slowly stretch back up, your body hurting and now quickly turning cold with the lack of his heat.
Shouto is two steps ahead of you as he grabs your tossed coat from the floor and wraps you tightly within its fabric. “There,” he smiles as he pulls up his own pants, his face still flushed for different reasons.
You giggle as you shake your head, “Did I really get dicked down because of mistletoe?”
A snort escapes Shouto’s lips as he nods, “You did.”
“Well, I do like you, Shouto,” you whisper as he finishes dressing. “It’s not just because of the mistletoe.”
“I know,” Shouto whispers as he takes your cheeks in his hands. “And now this is me asking you on a date and if you’d like to be my girlfriend.”
Joy fills your heart as you laugh softly. “I’d love to be,” you say as your lips meet his in a gentle kiss right under the mistletoe.
taglist (message to be added):
@flayvus @antigenius @mariahschoices @cherry-pie-shay @the-secret-thief @vampire-dumbass @monst
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al3x1ss · 4 years
Bring them to your home for the holidays {HCs}
Includes: Oikawa, Akaashi, Noya, Terushima, Kiyoko
Author’s note: In my family, thanksgiving means the Christmas stuff is put up after breakfast, so I got this idea ab the holidays and I got v happy. Enjoy!
Warnings: None, fluffy holidays for y’all!
okay mans HATES the cold confirmed
like snow comes he’ll probably hiss
(Not me seeing a few feet of snow with my sisters and going “wow look at all that cocaine”)
so y’all met when both of you happened to be in Brazil and he thought you were cute
long story short you had a few dinner dates, even hung out with Hinata!!
you guys hit it off very well :)
so you guys have been together for about 2 years and you’re like ya know what
“Come to my house for the holidays :)”
not only is this man a simp but he loves the warmth so ofc he says yes!!
so while you’ve lived here all your life, only really moving out of Tampa to Miami, you did have to take this tourist him to a basic spot
but you did want to take him to some of your favorite places
after him seeing your family again, you took him to one of your favorite carnivals!
then classic gotta go to the beach I mean
why not go to the ocean!!
issue with December weather in Florida is it changes every second so today was a bit C H I L L E D
(You did have to force him to eat something other than rice tho)
Picky eater kawa confirmed
what better way to spend December 25th than Disney
I mean
Mans whole went “wow 😍” when you told him
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you were an exchange student during her whole high school career, turning into best friends and deciding to go to college together
college came along, and with the help of a few friends, parties, and a little too much twister, you realized
you were actually lesbian.
which you know what, we support!
it’s not like you’ve never liked a boy, it just happened to be that women were more your type
oh yeah another thing
Kiyoko is the prettiest thing in your eyes.
so what you DONT know is that Kiyoko has realized she actually feels the same
during your third year in college, she had broken up with her boyfriend of a year, Tanaka, but never told you why
i wONdEr whY
But, after living in Japan for 7 years, Christmas time is rolling around once again
And you are going home for the holidays!
usually you would go home during summer break, but this time you really wanted to spend Christmas since your older brother had your niece!
and since Kiyo didn’t have any plans you were like
“hey, do you want to come home with me?”
home girl choked on her water 😳
“Yeah! I’m going back to New Orleans for the holidays.”
cue brain calming down and like sLIGHT disappointment
it’s you
and she loves you.
so you guys did presents and stuff
your niece LOVES Kiyoko btw
your dad was like “👀”
been knew you were 💅AND HE SUPPORTS
so around 4 you’re like let’s go do something!!
and she says okay!!
so one movie Kiyoko really loved was “Princess and the Frog”
Funny enough there’s actually a bakery you’ve gone too growing up
so you get New Orleans’ best beignets!
Ahh, fun times
next, you’ll always hear some type of caroling anywhere you are in the city
which means?
you see random groups of people smiling around 7pm, the sun already down
and you’re thinking to yourself
I want to ask her to dance.
and you do :)
Finally at around 10pm you take her to this one street where each place has a bunch of Christmas wonderlands lit up
hile it doesn’t really snow in New Orleans, people used fake snow!!
gotta get that spirit somehow 😗
when I say Kiyoko is a goddess I mean it
the lights bouncing off her face while she’s smiling?
*chefs kiss*
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ah yes the city that everyone thinks is a state
Chicago!! ✨
Terushima HAS visited Illinois before
However, surprisingly has never been to Chicago
So you were like
I’m born here!! 🥰
Come come!!🥺
And he said
Si si!! 🤪
so y’all flew out on the 20th
while your parents don’t live here, some old friends do
and why not have them meet your amazing boyfriend!
literally all of them were shocked I mean
(Y/N) likes a boy with a tongue piercing?
the amount of BONKERS
but yes you love him very much
and he loves you!!
honestly your friends already fell in love with you two being in love it’s canon
afterwards you guys went too ZooLights
you threw one at his face
Not y’all fighting like little kids-
n e wayz
best way to end the 24th?
ice skating-
It’s actually buying late presents because you two actually forgot to get some people presents and Christmas is literally in like 4 hours!!
It was mega fun tho
surprisingly y’all didn’t get kicked out
you almost did when Terushima thought it would be a good idea to ride a skateboard into the electronics section at target 🤡
but we will ignore that for tonight ❤️
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this one will be the longest one with the most detail for certain reasons! also, for akaashi’s you do have a given birthday because Dec 30th is actually my birthday and I wanted to sprinkle in some of that ❤️
best for last :)
So you got to be in an exchange program during college
and that’s when you met akaashi since you guys were in the same classes!
he also showed you around and was very sweet
so you offered to get him coffee
and after a while he confessed by giving you a copy of a book you both really loved
you semester was ending
which means home for the holidays
luckily, you guys would only have one more semester away from eachother before you guys graduated
but you did want to spend the holidays together
so you offered for him to come to New York with you
boy got excited so fast my heart-
But like Christmas in New York with your loving boyfriend of 4 years?
Sign me up
So you know that during winter it’s a hit or miss with snow
is it still freezing cold?
But can we guarantee 3 feet of snow every December?
But we can guarantee it in like March JEJHRTJ
one thing you told him immediately was that you guys will be watching the ball drop from the roof
“Because I don’t want to get mugged, shoved, or vomit on my shoes, Keiji.”
Yes ma’am indeed
so you guys had a pretty (quiet?) Christmas
your family?
Regarding to going places
You guys chilled all day in pajamas
Like the most y’all did was go to dunkin for hot chocolate
but the days leading to New Years?
Classic tree photo yes ma’am
bro side note their kabobs in that one corner
best thing I’ve ever had I stg
I haven’t been to the city since last Christmas wow now I miss it
you wanted to show Keiji so many things
You were used to walking like 10 blocks in any shoes as fast as you can
Akaashi was not 😂
So y’all had to take breaks sometimes
get him warmed and fed ya know
give the man smoochies 🥺
id be giving him smoochies 24/7 if I could
so you better for me 😠
His favorite place was the big Macy’s no lie
the perfumes and cologne section on the 2nd floor looked SO WELL PUT TOGETHER
okay nvm scratch that
FAO Schwartz was his favorite place
he loved the trains
you bought him a train as a late present SHH NO ONE SAY NOTHIN
So the 29th you decided to take him to where you were born
it was super fun showing him where you lived before you went to college
and before your siblings moved to different parts of the city
It was lovely
But the final thing you wanted to do was December 30th
your birthday :)
and one thing you absolutely love to do is ice skating
now usually you go ice skating at the public rink like a few minutes away from Rockefeller rink
not only was it cheaper, but there was a Panera like 2 blocks away so quick food!
you also wanted to give Keiji the experience
so you sucked it up and paid
you guys went at around 8 and had a blast
one of the best birthdays with him honestly
but, you realized people were starting to exit the rink at around 10
“Doesn’t the rink close at midnight?”
“Huh, weird.”
but Keiji kind of starts looking around while you realize you two are the only ones on the ice
So you’re like
I guess we have to get off 😔
But this sly fox
Pulls you to the center of the rink
Now, you were never one for the cliché act
Especially since so many proposals have happened on this rink that you’ve seen
But when you saw Keiji get to one knee
It didn’t even matter that this happened to so many other people
It was happening to you.
I guess you can just suck it up, cuz at least you have a ring on your finger :)
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- Lex 🖤🤍
End note: Let me know if you guys would like a part 2! Also if you have any ideas for a certain character or place, put it in asks!
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compo67 · 3 years
Oh, Lazarus
Here we are in 2021. I no longer have to wake up and face Super Awful Cheeto Doomscrolling. Back to my regularly scheduled Doomscrolling.
I took a social media break that I didn't even know I needed until I was like 2 weeks into it. After those 2 weeks, the break was easier and easier. I spent a lot of time in this weird emotional space of not knowing what to do with my hands or how to fill gaps of time without Tumblr, Facebook, IG, and whatever. But I started reading and watching more stuff. Poetry. News. Physics and astronomy documentaries (omg Michio Kaku). I started illustration for my kids book that's due in June.
Then the whole dynamic of my mom's house changed. Let's just say late stage Alzheimer’s is challenging on your mind body and soul. We have a new routine now, but it's taken a lot from everyone to get used to. My grandma is a gift and it's a privilege to be her grandchild.
And finally. The Capitol shit. Being on high alert as a qtpoc. Lots of trauma there. The heaviness these past two weeks, yall. I feel like I can breathe again.
Through all that, I've been writing holiday fic, researching other fics, illustrating, caregiving, grieving, picking up side gigs, switching insurance, going to appointments, struggling to manage finances, liver stuff, dealing with flares, and working my day job on a new schedule with new responsibilities and a new supervisor. It's been kind of a lot.
I'm more of less okay though. Like. I'm in a better space. I did check my email and read any and all ao3 comments that came in, kind of as a lifeline to positive things and things that make me happy. Those were helpful beyond measure. And I'm overall feeling less pain. Though pain is largely why I'm awake now, dammit, at three in the morning. Damn ribs.
But yeah. I'll be back on here on a gradually more regular basis. Gotta get back in the groove of things. Baby steps. All that jazz.
I care very deeply for folks in Fandom and for the writing I share. That hasn't changed.
Love y'all. ❤️
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lovingnekoma · 3 years
haikyuu but like, we’re actually in it: w/ my moots part II
uhh part 2 because i have a lot of moots and i love you all. happy new years! i appreciate you a lot <3 part I
@taeya-san i feel like you’d be happiest in fukurodani. third year. girls volleyball player <3 you and konoha? kind of a vibe. you third wheel w bokuto and akaashi to get ice cream a lot but sakurai comes along too sometimes. you meet matsukawa by accident because he comes to tokyo on vacation and you run into him at the ice cream shop. you don’t ditch the others to hang with him but you get his number and you guys have a good relationship. you grow apart and sadly but mutually split. then you go to uni and go to watch some volleyball matches bc you miss playing and literally run straight into ushijima lmao. do i gotta say anything else?
@tetsurolls imma be honest. i see you at fukurodani being good friends with akaashi. i kind of see you more as like — an avid volleyball watcher or manager-in-training. you’re a second year. however — you have family in miyagi and meet iwaizumi there while on a run or walk. issa meet cute. he’s kinda a long-term crush you have but he’s kinda oblivious even though he likes you back and neither of you really act until he comes to tokyo and you guys both go to the same university.
@mostismore you should have gone to nekoma but y’all moved last min and ended up in seijoh. you like watching volleyball and picked up being a manager-in-training as an extracurricular in your first year. now you’re in your second year. you’re at this massive training camp and talking to some of the other managers and wind up meeting kuroo. you’re not super into him at first but as the week goes on you find yourself gravitating towards him and having incredibly productive and deep discussions about life and social systems and education. you end up exchanging contact info and stay long term friends until way into university, where you develop romantic feelings. lucky for you, he feels the same
@tsukkis-crybaby karasuno second year cheer squad. you would fight dia but sneak away in nationals to hang out with her lmao. you crack a joke at tsukki expensive when you first see him, something about him being a cornstalk, and he makes a snide joke back. you guys spend half a year bantering to the point where nobody except yamaguchi is sure if you have good or bad tension, and then another three months dating quietly, and then hinata catches you guys holding hands and is like “i thought you hated him??” and everyone else is like “where have you been.” also kiyoko has adopted you and you’re pretty chill with suga
@asteroikawa a seijoh, second year. you meet akaashi at the big training camp that everyone goes to, mostly because there’s a small group of third and second years that stay up late to study a bit and you end up sitting next to each other. you guys end up video calling to study after training camp, which eventually turns into you guys meeting up over your holidays for the next year in tokyo. he asks you out when you’re about to graduate, using the second button from his old school shirt that he saved for you.
@atsubos inarizaki cheer squad, third year. you meet bokuto in your second year when inarizaki goes up against fukurodani — he, literally, knocks you off your feet. bc you’ve got mad game, you get his number but he texts you first. you guys text and videocall constantly. you end up flying into tokyo during a break, and bokuto asks you out the minute you come off the plane. you say yes and exert significant other rights to have him cuddle you while you nap off the travel tiredness.
@liberhoe second year karasuno, manager in training. y’all vibe w tanaka and noya but imma be honest you meet yaku and hit it off. in the same way hinata collects setters, y’all collect liberos. you and yamagata send cursed memes back and forth. kageyama introduces you to komori and you convince him to play pokémon go because buizel looks like him lmao. yall have a wholeass squad going on. yachi is terrified. kiyoko is amused.
@sugawarakoushihoe third year karasuno. you jus kinda liked watching the boys practice but then kiyoko notices and ropes you in as a part-time manager. imma be honest i was gonna put u w tanaka but — you end up talking to daichi a lot bc you swing by to help w cleanup bc you have other extracurriculars and homework and stay late too. you’re kinda chill, so you help balance him out and reason with him. you guys gradually spend more and more time together until you very strongly imply he should ask you out and he laughs and does, right then and there.
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just-zenitsu · 3 years
Hey, We haven’t heard from you in a while so I hope you’re doing well and not pushing yourself too much! Also I just realised that we never asked for a name, what shall we call you by? - ☕️
hi hi hi hello latte anon this ask is a bit newer compared to others (STILL OLD THO SJDSJH) but im gonna piggy back off of it for the sake of convenience if ya dont mind
aha,,, ik i say this a lot but,,, holy cow, i am SUPER sorry for how inactive ive been these past few weeks > <’’ i havent even been queuing posts lately as opposed to just saving asks for later,, again sorry for that, just felt the need to let the latest posts be on top for a bit but inevitably i just began procrastinating on keeping this blog active
these few weeks have been a sort of stasis for me, i havent been liking kny as much as i used to and im really sad abt that bc this has been really one of the best fandoms ive been in in terms of me actually INTERACTING w it... it sucks that the little to no content has been making me kinda lose interest in it ajhkf
not to say that i plan to abandon this blog ofc! (i am INCREDIBLY sorry if i do end up doing it by accident on the future though) but ive just been taking a back seat and staying silent for no particular reason other than i just,, havent felt like doing anything at all
i am doing alright though! no need to worry and im sorry for causing anyone as such with me just dipping out of nowhere for so long, i hope yall have been doing good as well (merry late xmas and happy early new year btw, itll be 2021 here in like. 7 hours. wild (and to those who dont celebrate, happy holidays!)
BUT ANYWAYS you guys can just call me jans :D i dont mind any pronouns to be used for me, but i lean more towards they/them these days, thats all! 
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kezziablue · 4 years
Okay, so this is my first time ever using tumblr! Hopefully I do this right lol So basically, I wrote something for this fourth of July bc I’ve had a lot of conflicting thoughts about it lately, and it helps me a lot when I’m able to get some of my thoughts out of my head. I posted it on my other social medias (which yall are super welcome to check out and follow btw, i’m @kezziablue pretty much everywhere) and honestly very few people saw it from what i can tell. But my sister (god bless her lol) read it and urged me to post it here on my (up until this point) unused tumblr acct. So, here goes. Hopefully none of this goes against any guidelines? Like I said, V NEW HERE lol. Also forewarning, this is super long (I have a lot of thoughts lol). But it is here if you wanna read it and if you’re maybe thinking some of the same things:
I guess I should start by establishing the fact that i am American, since no one here would necessarily know that since I haven’t posted yet. Anyways! That being said, in the past, I’ve always loved July 4th, I think especially once we moved overseas because it was fun that it was a holiday that was distinctly American and reminded me of “home” (or at least one home of many). And to be honest, a lot of my love is probably for the BBQ and other delicious foods (potato salad 🤤) that I associate specifically with July 4th. And it’s in the middle of summer, my favorite season. There’s singing, gathering, and festivity. For me, it was the time of year that usually meant I got to see friends that I normally didn’t because we lived so far away. And fireworks are cool (at least they used to be, sound sensitivity is a B). What’s not to like? Or so I thought?
This year is different. I mean, that much is obvious. It’s different in almost every way imaginable. The amount of time between this month and the last, much less this July 4th and the last, seems unfathomable. So much has happened. So much has changed. So then, it seems reasonable to expect that this July 4th would be different as well. And it is.
Over the last couple of days, I’ve been asked what I’m gonna do for the 4th of July. Do I have any plans? And honestly, no, I don’t. The holiday hadn’t even crossed my mind. But with it being brought up, I started to think about it, and found that I was met with total disinterest in observing this holiday this year. It took me about 0.5 seconds to realize why: This year it just feels wrong. And celebration, honestly, is the farthest thing from my mind.
So I was left with the question: “do I celebrate the fourth of July this year?” And if not, what do I do instead? I pondered this, and didn’t come up with much. My brain is often so jumbled these days. So, in true millennial fashion, I did what I always do when I have questions like this that need answers, and I turned to Google, hoping maybe someone else was wondering the same questions I was.
I found several articles that were really helpful to me (and if i figure out how then I can link some if anyone wants to read). And I’m not gonna tell you what to think or feel or do. You decide what’s best and what’s true for you. And if this is something you care about at all, or if you’ve been wondering the same sorts of thoughts that I have, then I do encourage you to do your own research, figure out your own thoughts, decide what’s right for you. There really is a wealth of information out there that is so readily accessible.
So essentially, here’s what I’ve come up with, in deciding what’s right for me: this year I’ve decided that if I really care about America, the best thing I can do is educate myself about it. I can’t rely on school or media to tell me the truth. My twenty-four years on this earth and a lack of so much knowledge regarding both our history and the true current state of things have proven that much. I have to learn on my own. That’s my responsibility.
Even though I am black, I was raised in a white family, and by association and upbringing I also benefitted from white privilege in many ways (and this is something I’ll definitely discuss more as I continue learn and educate myself and process my own thoughts and experiences). I’ve spent almost half of my life living in countries other than the US, which also makes a difference. I’ve spent several years removed from many American realities and from feeling the immediate impact of prevailing issues that would have directly affected me otherwise.
I’ve come to recognize the weird duality of knowing that while I have experienced racism my whole life in many ways, I have also experienced white privilege in many ways. Because of my upbringing there were many times when, even when faced with racism directed towards me, I could turn away and say “it shouldn’t be this way”, thinking that my denial ensured that it wasn’t that way simply because I didn’t want it to be. It took a lot of learning (much of it still ongoing) to realize that the only way to truly eradicate racism is to face it head on.
So I can’t ignore the way things are right now (and have been for hundreds of years). And for me personally, I can’t use my breath to sing about American freedom while a man chokes out “I can’t breathe” as he is murdered by American police.
I can’t celebrate an ideal and ignore the directly opposing reality. Let freedom ring? When there are children being detained? Let us come together? When there are families being separated? “God bless America my home sweet home”? When we’re living on stolen lands? Sweet land of liberty? When the US has the highest rate of incarceration in the world? One nation, indivisible? When human rights and national safety become a political opinion instead of a given? Liberty and justice for all? When people of color are being disproportionately murdered by police who are not held accountable unless there is massive public outcry (sometimes not even then)? When we have laws that state that some people have the right to healthcare while others don’t simply based on who they love?
Maybe some of you have these freedoms and would like to celebrate that. But I don’t believe that any of us are free until all of us are free. So I’m not going to celebrate freedom today, because we don’t have it yet.
This is what I have decided is right for me. This isn’t me saying that you’re wrong if you choose to celebrate July 4th today. But I do ask that you be informed when you do so. Celebrate the freedoms that some of us do have, but don’t be satisfied, thinking that because some are free all are free. Maybe take a little time today to learn about things like:
-our country’s significant racist history
-the history of the peoples from whom this land was stolen
-the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls
-systemic and institutional racism
-police brutality
-state-sanctioned violence against people of color
-trans black women being killed
-the current normalizing of mass death by virus
-massive income inequality
-immigration detention facilities
-the prison industrial complex
-the school to prison pipeline
...and that’s just me naming a few of the things I can think of immediately. There is literally so, so much injustice in this country. So much oppression.
I can still absolutely acknowledge that we are a free nation in a lot ways that many other nations don’t experience. But the honest truth is that we’re a nation fighting for freedom yet built on racism and oppression. The freedoms we do have are guaranteed to some, and conditional to so many others. And so there is still so, so much wrong in this country that prevents us from fully experiencing “liberty and justice for all”. This isn’t me saying “wow. America is the worst”. This isn’t me ignoring the liberties that many of us do have. This is me acknowledging that in a number of ways it is (or is intended to be) good. But it’s not good enough. And it never will be, until we’re all free to fully access and enjoy our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
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dc41896 · 5 years
Welcome to the Family
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Hey guys! So this imagine was meant to be put out for Thanksgiving but as we see that didn’t happen lol. So although it’s a little late, I hope you guys like it and i also hope that for those who celebrate it, that you had a great Thanksgiving!! (PS: I wasn’t trying to follow a certain timeline so if things seem like they don’t make sense in that area, my bad I just pieced things together. Also his niece and nephew don’t have names because I didn’t know their names and didn’t want to give them fake ones because it of course wouldn’t be right so I just left it as is.) 
Pairing: Chris Evans x Black Reader
Warnings: None (I feel like y'all already know it’s gonna be fluff lol)
Word Count: 2,461
“There. Everything looks good,” you thought as you looked at all the covered food on the table. You and Chris were hosting Thanksgiving dinner at his place with both of your immediate families coming over and needless to say, you were a bit nervous. Not only was this was the first time you guys were in charge of Thanksgiving, this was also the first time both of your families would be in the same area and you hoped everything would turn out perfect.
Dressed in your slightly oversized burgundy sweater with dark jeans and thigh high black boots, you make your way into the living room to see your boyfriend currently getting cookies out of the jar on the counter. “Hey don’t eat all of them, save some for the kids,” you jokingly scold placing the top back on. “Plus if you eat too much you won’t want any dinner.”
“Sorry mom,” he laughs as he kisses your cheek. “You look beautiful by the way.”
“Thank you, as do you Mr. Evans in your adorable old man sweater,” you smile brushing crumbs off the dark navy blue piece of clothing. “Thank you Ms. Y/L/N even though you just said I have on an old man sweater when we both know there’s nothing old about me,” he counters with a wink.
“Uh huh yea we’ll see when you’re passed out on the couch later with the game watching you,” you smirk as he lets out his signature boisterous laugh. “Ok that’s only happened once and you were right there beside me passed out so what does that make you then?,” Chris asks with arms crossed in front of his chest, mocking your smirk.
Before you could answer, you both hear the rattling of the doorknob followed by a couple knocks. “Chris and Y/N?! It’s us!,” yells his mom, Lisa, as she makes her way down the hall along with his other family members.
“Hey! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!,” you greet meeting them halfway. As you all exchange hugs and ‘Happy Thanksgiving’s’, you hear the doorbell ring signaling your parents and grandma had arrived, which also meant dinner could officially begin.
“I got it,” Chris says before lightly jogging to the front door. “Can we eat now Y/N? I’m hungry and skipped breakfast to eat as much as I can,” asked his nephew, an excited smile spread across his face.
“Yes of course you can! I finished heating up everything a few minutes ago so go ahead and fix your plates,” you answer leading everyone to the table. “Oh my gosh Y/N everything looks so good! I love how you’ve decorated,” Carly, his sister gushed, one child on her hip and the other close beside her.
“Thanks! Hopefully it tastes as good as it looks,” you reply with a small laugh. “As long as Chris didn’t make anything, we already know it’ll taste amazing,” adds Scott as he walks by making you and the rest of his family laugh.
“Hey I heard that!,” interrupts Chris walking in the dining room with your family. “There’s nothing wrong with my cooking.”
“No none at all if we’re talking about pizza rolls, popcorn, or anything premade that you just have to heat up,” interjected his other sister, Shanna, making the kids laugh and Chris roll his eyes.
“Don’t worry sweetie everyone starts out rough with cooking,” your grandma, Diane, reassures gently patting Chris on the arm. “At least you didn’t make the oven catch on fire.”
“Grandma! Lets not bring up my cooking misfortunes,” you respond with a laugh. “No grandma I think that’s a perfect topic of discussion!,” he counters with a smirk wrapping an arm around your grandmother’s shoulders as he leads her to her seat.
Seeing both families talking and enjoying themselves, as well as the food, made a nostalgic feeling come over you, and you were instantly reminded of your family coming together for the holidays to spend time together doing everything from watching Christmas movies to play board games. With everything that came with your career as a singer, it had been a couple years since you had a proper holiday season with your family. Of course you had Chris to spend them with since he wasn’t able to go home either, and both of you loved spending that time together, but you both agreed that finally being able to see your families and spend time with them was something you both dearly missed.
Noticing your unusual silence, Chris grabs your hand resting on the table and lightly kisses your knuckles bringing you out of your temporary trance. “Hey, you ok love?,” he asks with a whisper so only you could hear him.
“Yea I’m fine, just really happy and blessed right now to see everyone and get to spend this time together,” you answer with a soft smile. You tried to hold them back, but you couldn’t stop the tears from escaping your eyes and now your separate conversation had caught the attention of everyone in the room.
“Don’t cry Y/N! Here you can play with my doll to feel better,” his niece offers hurriedly walking up to you with her American Girl doll and making you smile as more tears flowed and, more than likely, ruined your makeup.
“What’s wrong sweetie? Do you need to go outside?,” asked your mom, Mary, as she rubbed your back, something she always did ever since you were a small child to make you feel better.
“I’m fine I promise. These are happy tears,” you answered using one of the many napkins handed to you by everyone at the table to try to clean up your face. “I was just telling Chris how I’m so happy to have all of you guys here and get to spend time with everyone. The past couple years we couldn’t really travel to visit anyone because of work and schedules so it really warms my heart to finally have everyone together.”
“Aww and we’re happy to be here with you guys! While you missed us you know we all missed you too,” Lisa responds reaching across the table to hold both yours and Chris’ hand.
“I know, I’m just super emotional today and I’m sorry for crying everyone. I didn’t mean to switch the mood,” you answer with a small laugh followed by everyone shaking their heads and saying “no” to reassure you that you didn’t do anything wrong.
“The holidays is especially time for family and to spend time together, which brings joy as well as other not so pleasant emotions at times,” your dad, Theo, speaks making everyone laugh. “Don’t feel bad for crying honey, we know yall love us and we love yall too.”
“And speaking of family,” Chris starts as he turns to look in your eyes and take your hands in his. “I want to thank you for making this amazing dinner for my family and yours as well as decorating and basically doing everything that we all know I can’t and would definitely struggle with if I tried to do it myself.”
In the corner of your eye, you could see Scott get up from the table with his phone in hand, but thought nothing of it since you were so focused on Chris and what he was saying.
“And I also want to thank you for bringing my family, from my mom down to the kids, into your heart and treating them as your own from the first day. I feel like a lot of people wait until things are official to do that, but you didn’t and showed me, and them, how big of a heart you truly have and I love you for that,” he continues, eyes red from the few tears that fell while he was talking, which you wiped away with your thumbs. “With that said, I wanted to ask you Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N if you would do me the honor of marrying me, and not only making me the happiest man in the world, but also officially becoming an Evans and being part of this crazy family?”
Kneeling down on one knee, he pulls out a sparkling pear shaped diamond ring with smaller diamonds surrounding the centerpiece and around the band. You didn’t try to stop the tears from coming this time as you stuck out your hand while nodding your head.
“Yes! Of course I will!,” you excitedly answer as everyone around you clapped and cheered while he slid the dazzling piece of jewelry on your finger. Although you knew he was really supposed to be the only one on the ground at that moment, you couldn’t help yourself from kneeling down in front of him to kiss his lips.
“Way to make me bawl my eyes out after I just got myself together Evans,” you joke as he lets out a laugh, wiping away your tears. “I’m sorry love, but to make you feel better, you look just as beautiful as you always do future Evans,” he replies before kissing your lips again.
“Show us the ring Y/N!,” Shanna squealed, bouncing a little in her seat from excitement. Getting up from the floor, you reach your hand over the table to show everyone the immaculate ring shining against your skin. Now having time to really look at it, you realized that it looked very familiar, but couldn’t quite place where you previously saw it.
That is, until you looked at your grandmother, which caused your other hand to cover your mouth as more tears cascaded down your face and left your future in-laws slightly confused.
“Y/N made that look because she just realized that her engagement ring is a ring that her grandfather bought me a long time ago. She used to always look at it as a little girl and I would catch her playing dress up and wearing it sometimes so I promised her that when the time came, she could have it,” Diane answered blinking back a few tears of her own.
“With her permission, I had it updated with the smaller diamonds and made sure she liked the final product too,” Chris adds hugging you and kissing your forehead as your remaining tears stained his sweater. “What’s next are you surprising me with a puppy?!,” you ask causing everyone around to laugh.
“I don’t think Dodger would appreciate another dog taking away our attention. Would you boy?,” Chris answers bending down to pet the currently hyper dog seeing the emotions of everyone around.
“Ok I think this calls for a toast!,” announces Scott holding up his wine glass, followed by everyone else doing the same. “To Chris and Y/N, may there be many more holiday dinners just like this one filled with plenty of laughs and family.”
After everything from dinner was cleaned up and everyone was full, the talking moved from the table to the living room where the football game between the Patriots and the Cowboys was brightly displayed on the flat screen television. Of course Chris and his family were for the Patriots, whereas you and your family were for the Cowboys since that was your hometown team. Everyday leading up to this moment, Chris would tease you about how he’d be sure to let you cry on his shoulder once New England beat your beloved Cowboys.
However, he was pretty silent right now since Dallas was ahead by a touchdown. “Need some tissue love? You’re looking like you’re about to cry,” you tease pinching his cheek. “Here you can lean on my shoulder if you need to cry.”
“Very funny, but there’s plenty of time left in the game and I know we’re gonna come back,” he answers with a smirk. “Aww look at that, first lovers spat as an engaged couple! And to think Chris said all this was gonna happen when he first saw you Y/N,” Carly smiled, momentarily taking a break from playing with the kids.
“Wait you said we would get married when you first saw me? When did you first see me?,” you ask turning to look at your fiancé. “Hold up you didn’t tell her about your crush?! Oh this is good,” Scott shouts sitting up from the other side of the couch.
“I guess today is also completely embarrass Chris day,” Chris groans covering his face with his hands as he lays his head in your lap making you laugh.
“Okay so Chris had been a fan of yours since he saw your Grammy performance of Knew Better with Cardi B, and always wanted to meet you but wanted it to be natural and refused to let his team get in contact with yours. So fast forward to D23 where he was there for Marvel of course and he found out you were also there for your song for Forever Wonderland, and let me tell you he became a nervous wreck!,” he explains.
“Really?! You should’ve came up to me, I promise I probably would’ve been nervous too,” you answer playing with his hair.
“I was with him and tried to get him to go up to you, but he was all like ‘No she has enough going on, I’ll do it later’ and as you see it never happened. Then came the Oscars where your song was nominated and you were sitting down the same row as us, and I told lover boy that then was the best chance he would have in a while so he had to go for it,” Scott continues, ignoring Chris’ arm swatting at him to stop talking.
“So I’m expecting him to be like ‘No’ and all shy right, but he sits up a little straighter in his seat and tells me that I’m right and he has to get it done because he’s not missing out on his wife again. I was like ‘You’re wife? Since when?’ and he goes ‘Since Knew Better’ with the biggest smile and brightest eyes I have ever seen on him, and that is the story of how our dear Christopher Robert Evans knew he was gonna marry you Y/N,” he finishes with a smile as he nudges Chris’ shoulder.
Looking down, you notice his face and ears are as red as Rudolph’s nose, which make you softly giggle. “Babe that’s so sweet! In fact you want to know something? When I had to go up and perform and I saw you in the audience, something inside told me that you’d be in my life somehow.”
“And look at us now,” Chris responds as he turns to look up at you, softly caressing your cheek with his thumb. “Yea look at us now,” you repeat with a smile.
Taglist: @felicity-x0​ @melinda-january​ @honeychicana​ @themyscxiras​ @crushed-pink-petals​ @lady-olive-oil​ @fumbling-fanfics​ @lovelymari4​ @ellixthea​ @jojolu​ @jnk-812​ @brwn-sgr​ @captainsamwlsn​ @nina-sj​ @itshinothey​ @wildfirecracker​
If anybody else wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged and doesn’t see their name, or only wants to be tagged for certain people I write for, just let me know! :)
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clownbeep · 4 years
Happy holidays everyone!
I got lucky lately. Stuff has been super close to being devastating but ive narrowly avoided anything too terrible
Anyway I just wanted to say
Heyo! Sorry ive been inactive.. Some serious stuff has happened recently (my mother had a stroke + moving + other personal issues)
I would love nothing more than to post art and enjoy my time here but I might be a bit inactive for a week or so
(Shes okay but it was really scary)
I hope yall have a lovely holiday! Or just lvoely next few days if you dont celebrate :)
Ill try and be more active soon, ill post some holiday art probably like in January since I also have some commissions coming up
Love yall <3
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hiiggsmonaghan · 4 years
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Are you fuckin’ kidding me--?
Alright, I’ll answer them ALL. 
1. Name: Higgs Monaghan Silver/Silvio
2. Nationality: Canadian/Acadian
3. Age: 22
4. Birthday: July 19th 
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign): Cancer
6. Gender: cis male
7. Sexuality: Gay
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself):  This will have to wait until a special reveal. (Future cosplay things.)
9. What do you/did you study?: ... Does Egyptian history count?
10. What's your current job like?/What job would you like to have?: [Nervous laughter] I have no idea what I’d like to do for a job. 
11. Your birth order: First child
12. How many siblings do you have?: 1 “real” sibling, but so many siblings by bond.
13. Do you have good relations with your family?: Biological family? Absolutely not. Except for two of my cousins. They are cool.
14. How many friends do you have?: Too many that it’s obnoxious. [Just kidding, I appreciate you all.]
15. Your relationship status: Taken/Engaged
16. What do you look for in a SO?: Someone who can kick my ass. [Who can handle my anger outbursts]
17. Do you have a crush?: No. 
18. When did you have your first kiss?: When I was 14. It was forced and was a terrible experience. 
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?: Meaningful ones, funny enough.
20. What are your deal breakers?: Overly clingy, too loud, not respectful of my music choices
21. How was your day?: Cold. Snowstorm happened today.
22. Favourite food & drink: Pizzas/cheeseburgers || Strawberry slushie with tapioca pearls/orange juice
23. What position do you sleep in?: Fetal position. [Hahahah... ha.]
24. What was your last dream about?: Cannot remember.
25. Your fears: The ocean [drowning], deep forests.. uhh... There are others but I cannot think of it at the moment
26. Your dreams: To be on my goddamn motorcycle, livin’ a good life without my mental illness in the way.
27. Your goals: See above.
28. Any pets?: Not yet! Planin’ to get a black cat soon!
29. What are your hobbies?: Music and readin’
30. Any cool places in your area?: Pfft, no. It’s so fuckin’ boring here.
31. What was your last awkward situation?: I was at Tim Horton’s and there was a baby cryin’ behind me so I looked over at it and played... peek-a-boo with them. It was...weird. But at least the baby shut up. The mother didn’t do shit to make the baby stop cryin’ so.. Great Parenting.
32. What is your last regret?: Well too many to really talk about but I’ll go with the funny route and my last regret was not goin’ to Burger King yesterday and eatin’ salad instead of a burger. 
33. Language/s you can speak: English
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.): Not really. It’s all just whatever for me.
35. Have any quirks?: I bite my nails often... I pretend to conduct music while it is playing... uh...???
36. Your pet peeves: Everything.
37. Ideal vacation: Anywhere away from North America.
38. Any scars?: Many. 
39. What does your last text message say?: “Nah”
40. Last 5 things from your search history: Twitter, Vargskelethor’s twitch, Cloud Strife, YouTube, FF7 remake release date
41. What's your [device] background?: RK900 from Detroit Become Human
42. What do you daydream about?: Usually having super strength and throwing people whom bother me across the world or just... punchin’ them. 
43. Describe your dream home: A  simple house, really. Nothin’ too fancy. Just the idea of havin’ my own house? Even if it isn’t that big or anythin’... That is a dream for me. Oh, and I want it painted black. Hah.
44. What's your religion/Your thought about religion: I’d say I’m atheist but... I do believe in God. I AM God. :)
45. Your personality type:  ISTP-T
46. The most dangerous thing you've done: [Looks at the list of dangerous things I have done] ... There are too many
47. Are you happy with your current life?: At the moment? Yeah. There are things I am still angry about but it’s... fine.
48. Some things you've tried in your life: Smoking. Drawing. Singing. Writing. Playing the guitar. ???
49. What does your wardrobe consist of?: Black and reds. 
50. Favourite colour to wear?: Black.
51. How would you describe your style?: Goth/punk
52. Are you happy with your current looks?: Eh.. Not really but it’s all I got.
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?: Grow. Damn. Facial. Hair. Holy FUCK.
54. Any tattoos or piercings?: Snake bites. But I took one out so only one lip piercing now. And tattoos? Soon. Very soon. [Gonna be Higgs’ themed, baby.]
55. Do you get complimented often?: No and when I do I make it Stop. I hate it. Never compliment me. 
56. Favourite aesthetic?: Black/gold aesthetics as of late.
57. A popular trend that you dislike: Everything. I hate them all.
58. Songs you're currently obsessed with?:  Allesfresser by LINDEMANN 
It’s a great song to listen to for me because I just punch my punching bag to this song. Makes my anger just... go away. It’s fuckin’ nice.
59. Song you normally wouldn't admit you like: .... Let’s Dance by David Bowie
I am a new fan of David Bowie. It just literally started in July or late June. I’m the typical metal head but for some reason Bowie just caught my ear? I dunno, man.
60. Favourite genre?: METAL. Well, Power Metal. I love all sorts of metal except for like.. most death metal/black metal. It is too much for me sometimes. But yeah, if yall are into metal... I’m all ears. I love talkin’ about metal.
61. Favourite artist/band/genre?: Well I already spoke about my favorite genre. For favorite bands? God... Uh.. I have a list here of favorite bands/musicians. Check it out if you’re interested. 
62. Hated popular songs/artists?: Honestly? I’m gonna be one of those guys and say pretty much everything on the radio these days. I don’t like pop/rap and all the most popular stuff. Turning the radio on is ear torture these days. Except for the rock channel, that one is okay most of the time.
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5:
1 - System of a Down’s Chop Suey in the Style of Ghost by Ten Second Songs
This guy is simply AMAZING. If yall haven’t already, you NEED to check out his channel. He is wicked talented and he has different styles for different songs. Like for example, Metallica’s Enter Sandman in the style of David Bowie. It’s amazing. 
Check him out. His YouTube is Ten Second Songs.
2 - City by Hollywood Undead
This one just gives me my inner Higgs’ vibes. That is really all I can say.
3 - Mein Teil by Rammstein
4 - Cars by Fear Factory
5 -  龍が如く極 - Turning Point [From Yakuza Kiwami]
Yeah, hi. Yakuza fan here. Do I have to say any more? 
64. Can you sing or play any instruments?: I can kind of sing, [very badly, mind you] and sort of play the guitar. I’m tryin’ to learn Come as You Are by Nirvana at the moment... but that’s about it
65. Do you like karaoke?: 
.... Yes. My inner Nishiki in me just cannot lie about this.
66. Own any albums?: Absolutely. I am a firm believer in albums rather than just buying them digitally. I love having an actual copy in my hands rather just on the computer. 
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations?: Not really. I only listen to the rock station.
68. Favourite movie/series?: Star Wars.
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc: Uhhh... I don’t know
70. Your fictional crush/es: Sam Fuckin’ Porter Bridges, General Hux, RK900...
71. Which fictional character is you?: [Chuckles nervously] 
Higgs Monaghan-- 
Too many to write down. I’ll just pass myself the trouble.
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so: Eh not really. Only like.. Gavin/RK900 [Reed900] and General Hux/Kylo Ren [Kylux/Huxlo]
73. Favourite greek god?: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? I don’t know?
74. A legend from where you live that you like: None.
75. Do you like art? What's your favourite work or artist?: I’m gonna be cheesy and say all of my friends because it’s true. I love my friends art.
76. Can you share your other social media?: Yeah sure. My twitter is @hiiggsmonaghan
77. Favourite youtubers?: Markiplier, Jacksepticeye... Streamers: Vargskelethor and Vinesauce
78. Favourite platform?: Tumblr and Twitter
79. How much time do you spend on the internet?: .. Too long
80. What video games have you played? Which one's your favourite?: Ones I have PLAYED that are my favorite: Pokemon, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy XV, Yakuza 0/Kiwami. 
I also have a lot a games I love that I just watched. Like a lot of Legend of Zelda games and of course Death Stranding!
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts): Anything really by William Blake. I guess that really isn’t a “book” but.. all I really read are poems, Shakespearean plays and Egyptian history books.
82. Do you play board/card games?: No
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema?: No
84. Favourite holiday: Halloween
85. Are you into dramas?: Not really.
86. Would you use death note, if you had one?: ABSOLUTELY. And I do have one. Well... a replica. Not the real one of course.
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?: Get rid of the racists, rapists, pedos and homo/trans phobes. The world would just be more pleasant to live in, yeah?
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?: Probably. Because I stay inside a lot anyway.
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be?: A demon because I am that fuckin’ edgy.
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death?: VOID OUT, BITCH. Uh, I don’t know. 
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?: I did change my name so I am happy with it. 
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week?: Uh.. No one. Can that be an option?
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo: The devil smiling one I guess?
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true
1. I am in a poly relationship while I am also engaged.
2. I have a knife collection
3.I still used an mp3 instead of using my phone for music
95. Cold or hot?: ... Cold because you can get warm with blankets and sweaters while if you are hot, it’s damn impossible to not be hot.
96. Be a hero or be a villain?: Hero in my eyes, but to all of you I’m the villain for some DAMN reason.
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?: Sing I guess. Imagine singing in metal. Holy SHIT
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time?: CONTROLLING TIME.
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?: Immune to everything. I’m sick of being sick.
And there you have it. I’m... fuckin’ DONE. This took literal HOURS, ANON. I hope yall read through this.
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so i know im about a day late but i wanted to say happy new year and a special thank you to everyone who helped make 2018 a good year. ill name a few people here, but this is an in general thank you (i know i dont get on bya a whole lot but ive been busy with work and my licht whos part of isola). thisll get long, but im not putting it under a read more. oh well. yall get to see my gay ass in its entirety.
first, to my husband. hes always supported me making more muses (much to hazy’s dismay), helped me get through drama, and even introduced me to one of the friendliest fandoms ever- the touken ranbu fandom.
I kinda lost track of you and i dont know what blogs are yours, but the izaya I first interacted with, a special thanks to you! I miss rping with you and your muses were all really good! you helped me feel comfortable rping a non homestuck muse and although im not sure you realize it, helped me not give up on tumblr rping.
@kindredconfectionery you indulge my impulse muses and we always have fun. ive had fun with our bya and dirk plot, and youve just in general been a great friend since i met you. ily man. i dont thank you enough and i worry about that. i want you to know how much you mean to me.
@agamemnoncrying the best muku. we dont talk a whole lot cause youre busy but your muku is like, the best ever??? talking about bya and muku to someone who completely understands what i mean is amazing!! it makes me so happy! im so glad i got to meet you and that we rp and are friends. i love you!
@betrayou im tagging your isola sho-chan so youll see this but!! im so glad i met you!! bya and sho’s relationship is fun to talk about, and youve been a great friend and fun to talk to. i really cant put into words how much i love you or how grateful  i am to know you.
@lightning-will-bovino i think you were the first khr blog i interacted with?? for that, im grateful. you also interacted with some of my other muses, and im thankful for that oo
@isoscelesnightmare best bill mun. when i saw you on my dash i got super excited, and im so glad we can feel comfortable enough to talk regularly. you worry about your writing or your this and that, but youre fine, i promise. people will love what you write.
@fulminearcobaleno we’ve rped some, but i love having more people to talk to about khr things. its such a small fandom, that honestly i didnt think id run into anyone. and rping bya, i didnt think id get many more interactions other than “oh my god its bya youre so annoying bya youre so evil just by existing you make my life hell god please die”. but we were able to talk, and plot, and i enjoy our current thread (which ill reply to when bya wakes up from his fuckin nap. stupid rich bitch could at least take me with him when he went on vacation) i love your verde already and youre such a delight to talk to.
@queenharumiura THE QUEEN. i love hearing about haru and us planning the dessert duo interactions. im glad bya has a relatively mundane friend in haru, and someone mostly unaffiliated with the mafia he can be comfortable around. and youre so easy to talk to! 
theres more people i could mention, but this already got pretty long. ^^;; anyway happy new year and i love you guys. i cant tell you guys how grateful  i am to have gotten to rp a different muse and meet all of you people. im looking forward to things settling down a bit more now that the holidays are over and being able to get back to rping bya!
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