#super mario role reversal au
top-tier-tickles · 1 year
Ok so I figured out who to swap with DK but in the meantime here's ya girl
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dragon-fly34 · 3 months
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Hi guys! Sorry for being away for so long without posting my Roleswap AU, but now I'm back!
As I already posted a post that in this AU Bowser is a girl, deciding to make her/him with Prince Mario, I can't classify myself as a Bowsario in my AU, but I've seen many AU roleswap where Bowser still likes Peach , of course I'm not going to judge them, but I like the idea that Bowser likes Mario in this AU, maybe I'll do Tatanga with Luigi or Wart with Yoshi.
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aro-arttorneys · 2 months
consider a swap smp aa au where Miles is the pixl
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HI I absolutely RAN to my ipad upon seeing this ask to make sure I had some sketches down. Ended up working out some coherent designs ehehe
Man I lowkey like these designs more than I had for the initial AU :') Also OUGH I think Phoenix getting so fucked up and sad that he ends it all is just...kind of neat actually.
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pianokantzart · 3 months
Seeing @keakruiser making AUs in a bullet point storytelling format inspired me to take a crack at my own AU that I've been thinking about for a bit. What would happen if, in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, after Mario and Luigi are separated, Mario was the one who ended up in the clutches of Luigi’s eventual arch nemesis, while Luigi teamed up with some of his own close allies to go rescue him? Essentially The Super Mario Bros Movie, but with the brothers' roles reversed. So, without further ado...
The Super Mario Bros. Redux (Pt. 1)
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 ________
The beginning is much the same as it was in the original Super Mario Bros. Movie until they are separated in the warp pipe, with two exceptions: 1. When their van breaks down, Luigi's first instinct is to take the tool kit and try to fix the motor (mechanic Luigi, my beloved). But before he can get a good look, Mario insists that there's not enough time, and heads to the job on foot. Luigi closes the hood of the van and follows him. 2. After Mario leaves the dinner table, the focus goes to Luigi's conversation with his dad rather than Mario holed up in his room.
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"What did I say?" "''You're bringing your brother down with you'?" Luigi asks, finally able to get a word in now that his uncles have shut up. "Why would you say that?" "Luigi, be honest. How much did that commercial cost? How many new clients has it gotten you? Huh?" "It's only been a day! And Mario'll figure something out. He always does." Luigi insists, taking his brother's plate of pasta and picking it free of mushrooms. "I just want to help him out along the way."
Pio sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "You can't hide in your brother's shadow your entire life, Luigi. One of these days you're gonna have to man up and start making your own decisions." Luigi doesn't answer, he simply finishes removing the mushrooms from Mario's plate, and gets up from the table to deliver the food to his despondent brother.
After Mario and Luigi attempt to save Brooklyn, after they end up in the warp zone, and after they are ripped from each-other's grasp, Mario is dragged into an unsettling looking pipe surrounded by purple smoke and overgrown with gnarled branches.
Luigi flies onward, emerging from a pipe inside what looks to be another sewer, not too different from the one back in New York. No sooner does he regain his senses does he find himself dragged away by a powerful blast of suction. Flying backwards through the air, he stops suddenly as his back clogs the nozzle of a strange vacuum-like contraption being carried by a little old man.
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"Oops! Sorry, Sonny! I thought for certain you were gonna be a ghost!" the old man apologizes, releasing Luigi from the vacuum's suction with a flip of a switch. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small device that loosely resembles a hand-held vidoegame console, reexamining the numbers flashing on the screen. "When my readings showed that pipe 983 had suddenly reactivated, I thought for sure King Boo was trying to use it to send his band of ghosts to Sarasaland!"
Before Luigi could ask one of the thousands of questions on his mind, the old man introduces himself: Professor Elvin Gadd (E. Gadd for short.)
Luigi introduces himself in return, then asks about his brother. He tells the professor about their situation in detail, describing the warp pipe that Mario had disappeared into.
E. Gadd tsks sadly and shakes his head. He explains that particular pipe leads to "Evershade Valley," and though the valley used to be perfectly habitable, ever since King Boo shattered The Dark Moon nobody who has set foot in that land has ever returned.
"Wait, what do you mean? Who's King Boo?" Luigi asks "Well! You truly are out of the loop!" E-Gadd chuckles, "Then again... I remember how little I knew when I first arrived in this world." He continues to talk while leading Luigi through the underground, casually clearing a path for them with the powerful blowing and sucking functions of the vacuum. "King Boo is nothing less than the lord of ghosts! He is the master of illusions, the reigning tyrant of the undead, the loather of all living flesh, and– at the moment– the sole ruler of Evershade Valley."
This description unsettles Luigi. He retorts that if that's the case, he has to get to Evershade Valley as soon as possible. As frightened as he is, he's never been so frightened that he couldn't help his brother out of a tough spot, and he knows Mario would do the same for him in a heartbeat.
"Well! In that case I suggest you stick with me for a bit. And keep those tools with you." The old scientist gestures toward the tool bag Luigi had dropped on the ground in the mayhem, "I may have a few uses for them."
Just as Luigi comes to the question of where they are currently, Professor E. Gadd opens a sewer cover and leads him out into the middle of a big bustling coastal city in Sarasaland. Think the Daisy Circuit from Mario Kart, but way larger and more crowded (and missing the romantic statue of course.)
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Luigi struggles to keep up with the elderly scientist, who weaves his way effortlessly through throngs of turtle men, snake monsters, insect soldiers, giant sentient heads made out of stone, and a vast array of other strange and fascinating pedestrians.
"Stop your dilly-dallying, youngster!" E. Gadd eventually calls, getting fed up with Luigi's slow, bewildered pace, "I've got a meeting in The Birabuto Kingdom, and my train– our train– leaves in fifteen minutes!" "Birabuto Kingdom?" Luigi asks, allowing himself to be shoved along, "What's that? What about Evershade Valley?" "So impatient! Do you think I'd send you into such a place unprepared??? No no, first I'm going to perfect my equipment, then I'll help you find your brother."
E. Gadd purchases their tickets and they board the crowded 64 Express. Once seated, Luigi's eyes are immediately drawn toward the window. He stares out, deep in anxious thought as the train chugs along, traveling from the coastal city into a desert landscape.
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Then, we switch over to Mario. Standing up and dusting himself off, he looks around to find himself in the gloomiest place he'd ever seen... for the little he is able to see. There is a thick purple mist hanging in the air, and the path before him is shrouded in the branches of a forest long dead.
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Loudly calling out his brother's name on the off-chance he was somewhere nearby, Mario follows a light in the distance until he stumbles across a lone boo. More confused than frightened, and feeling a little sorry for the white specter shyly covering its face, Mario bends down for a moment to examine it, assuring "hey, don't worry! I won't hurt you, I'm just a little lost is all."
Suddenly, he is ambushed by a colorful trio of ghosts: a greenie, a slammer, and a hider. He tries to fight back, but every time he attempts to shove them off or swing his fists he phases right through them.
His attackers knock him around a bit until Mario succeeds in slipping away. Now in a panic, he continues rushing toward the distant light, far faster and more recklessly than before.
Eventually, he gets close enough to discover the glow was coming from the lit windows of an old mansion. He enters and – for the little good it will do – shuts the door behind him.
He wanders the halls for a long time, roaming from room to empty room, all the while haunted by the shadow of something following him. Something big.
At last, he reaches a towering portrait room. Unlike the rest of the mansion it is teeming with life, full of frightened faces pressed against picture frames, begging for help.
Mario is frozen in a moment of fear and confusion, but quickly snaps out of it. He rushes to the nearest portrait– an image of a strange little mushroom man– to ask what is wrong and what he can do.
Before the toad can give a coherent answer, the eerie presence that Mario had felt when he first entered the mansion casts a looming shadow over him.
He turns around and raises his fists in helpless hopes of defending himself. The candles of the surrounding sconces go out all at once, and in the pitch black darkness a cacophony of cackles fills the air....
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egot1stical · 2 years
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@neetclown posted their art (linked) so here’s my original designs and such of mr m, a small role swap from spm. he is absolutely pathetic
[image 3 reads “keeps FLUDD type device hidden in here? head pops out when needed/shocked (just for effect)”
image 7 reads “Please can you give me your credit card information? It would really help me out here! Sorry if it’s a bother…”]
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elitadream · 1 year
I really like the concept from the Super Peach game. Peach rescuing Mario for once. I would imagine it would give them both a new found understanding of their reversed role.
Peach learning how difficult it is for Mario to get to her everytime, and seeing it first hand.
And Mario being subjected to being in Bowser's dungeon for a period of time and seeing what Peach sees. Although, I think with your AU Bowser being really evil, he'd be put through a lot of psychological and physical torture.
I feel it would bring them closer. As always I love your art!
Very true! Role reversals are always super interesting in the way they flip perspective and can bring a unique sort of depth and development to the characters involved. 👌
Fun fact, I've been exploring a few potential scenes where Peach would actually get to defend and protect Mario from a dangerous threat, a concept I'm actually very fond of and hope to be able to draw eventually. ✍️✨️
My personal version of Princess Peach is in equal parts sweet and extremely powerful, and nobody know the true extent of her magical capabilities; Not even herself. 🎇 Mario being the one stuck in a helpless and frightful position gives me a lot to work with in that regard, and I gotta say I've been itching to include Bowser in my art again. 😈🙇‍♀️
I'll see what I can come up with! ;) 🙌
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numerowah · 9 months
So, in your AU, even Wario gets to wear a princess dress? ;) Despite the swapped roles, everyone is the same gender as they are in canon?
Everyone's the same gender as canon, yeah! Just their roles that got switched up.
Wario does have a dress I'm workshopping, yeah >:]! With Mario, Luigi, and Waluigi I feel they're much more in-tune to wearing dresses, y'know? Mario Odyssey gave Mario a wedding dress, Luigi swaps clothes with Peach in Super Mario Adventures [I have the book with this in it it's great. This is also the main driving force of why my au exists and why Luigi swaps with Peach specifically!] as well as Superstar Saga. And then Waluigi just has the vibe and I think he'd look great in any kind of dress.
Wario is the odd one out since like. Lack of a better term, he's the manliest outta them, right? He's described that way somewhere, anyway. So while I definitely think he'd also look nice in a dress, I think he's less receptive to it than the others, so the outfit I initially gave and still have for him is this:
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ALSO! Since he spent. a WHILE. as a cat, I decided to give him funny ears and fangs. Maybe the curse is still there in some capacity and if he gets really worked up, it flares up and he turns back into a cat. idk hehee. He gives Shokora one of the earrings because he trusts her to not lose it, he wants to keep her safe [i hc the jewelry+crown has a protection charm or at least a curse reversal thing to them], and I think it's cute that Wario of all people would share something so valuable, monetarily and sentimentally. also i gave him a tooth gap and stubble. i thought it'd be cute and i was right, sue me
ALSO ALSO! I used to think Shokora's True Form was wearing overalls, or at least shorts. We don't get official art of her true form [i think that's a crime] so we only have the pixel art. I recognize my mistake now, but my misunderstanding is also a reason Princess Wario doesn't currently have a dress designed. That, and I need to figure out a motif.
Waluigi has space as a princess like Rosalina, and plants in general, leaning more on vines. Luigi has rights to any shroom-themed apparel, and most of his outfits are thunder or rain themed thanks to Thunderhand. Mario has plants from Daisy, and fire of his own right. Since fire flowers are a combo of both, that's his main theming as of right now. While Peach's outfits don't have a shroom look to 'em, she definitely has her niche of pink.
Wario could def have a theme of wealth, but that's a bit hard to convey when I don't want to just cover him in gold and call it that, it feels too easy. And Shokora, due to her human form[s] only being shown in a newspaper and at the very end of the game, doesn't have a lot either, if anything. Her official art doesn't give me a particular theme to her, other than that she also wears pink, albeit a different shade [I do have that as a semi-joke, semi-serious reason Shokora doesn't like Peach in the AU. That blondie totally snagged her style!]
His more masc outfit works well enough as a placeholder for now, and honestly I think when i DO finish his dress, he'll still have this outfit, just updated to fit his themes. I really like designing dresses, and I feel they allow for more symbolism or, like, character to be shown, y'know? Like, most of Princess Waluigi's outfits are flowy, which while it def shows the spaciness, i think it also conveys how distant he's made himself to be over the years. Through all the designs I've went through with Mario, they've all had striking colors and lots of frills, both to show who he swapped with and also how outgoing and happy he is. I make sure Luigi's main dress is REALLY puffy, both because it draws on clouds and so it looks like he's swimming in his clothing, like it's too big for him and he has a ways to go before he comes into his own.
So I wanna make sure I do as good of a job with Princess Wario. Hey, after all it's Wario! Only the best for him! Definitely has to show off his toughness, since I do think that's incredibly important to Wario as a character.
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starlitships-moved · 2 years
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I’m ok with sharing most of my f/os, as long as you’re not a jerk about it!
૮₍。´ᴖ ˔ ᴖ`。₎ა
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• Daycare Attendant/Sun/Moon/Eclipse (FNAF Security Breach)
💝Status: MARRIED AS OF DECEMBER 23RD, 2022!💝
When we first met: December 23rd, 2021
Together since January 20th, 2022
General tags: 🌞~sunbun for Sun,🌛~moonpie for Moon and 🌞~eclipse~🌛 for their combined form/ruin eclipse
ship tag for both of them is: 🌞lights of my life🌛
Playlist tags: 🔆~a glitter glue covered playlist~🔆 for Sun and 🌌🌠~a starlit playlist~🌠🌌 for Moon
The Merfolk AU is tagged as: au: 🧜‍♂️~celestial merfolk~🧜‍♂️
Fairy AU is tagged as: 🧚‍♂️fairy au🧚‍♂️
Daunsun's Flowershop Au is tagged as: flowershop au
Any of the role reverse AUs are tagged as: reverse au OR inverted au
Daily life at the daycare is tagged as ☁️⭐🌈~tales from superstar daycare~🌈⭐☁️
Daily adventures with their siren versions is tagged as: 🐚~seaside siren adventures~🐚
Birthday: July 25th ( a day before mine!! 🥺 )
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Baldi Baldimore ( Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning )
Status: ???? ( IDK He's like a cool bug I found on the sidewalk... EDIT; it's romantic... =_=; )
First f/o'd him: September 6th, 2023
His tag is 🍎📏🔢
General headcanons for him are here
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• Deacon (FO4)
💟 Status: MARRIED AS OF AUGUST 8th, 2022! 💟 Dating since January 27th, 2018
Tag is: Sneaky Deaky
Ship tag is: ☆~ship: 🕶whispering lies🕶~☆
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• Kamek (Super Mario)
💟 Status: MARRIED AS OF FEBRUARY 14TH, 2022! 💟
His main tag is: The Magical Genius.
Our ship tag is: 🌿balmony garden🌿
I've loved him since I was around 10 years old, officially shipping with him since February of 2011.
Sexuality headcanon: Genderfluid or nonbinary, either bi or demi.
Pronouns are usually he/him, but ok with she/her and they/them as well!
(Humanized form picrew by adriabun)
AND THIS IS A PHOTO OF MY FAMILY: (tag for all of them except kamek is koopa family):
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DJ Music Man & the mini music men ( FNAF Security Breach. Their tag is 🎶🕷 ! )
Fiddleford Hadron Mcgucket ( Gravity Falls, his tag is 🪕~fidds )
Codsworth ( FO4, his tag is ⚙🐙~codsy )
Secret F/Os (Their tag is 🚀~blasting off at the speed of light~🚀 Shipping with them for literal YEARS. They're literally SUPER IMPORTANT to me! ToT)
Tallest Red and Purple (Invader Zim, used to be romo! Tag is ❤🍩💜)
Ford Pines ( Gravity Falls, liked him for years, shipping with since February 13th, 2023! Tag is 👓~fordsy )
Bill Cipher ( Gravity Falls, honestly I didn't really know where to put him on my list, our relationship is kind of ambiguous... but it goes here for now! Tag is ⚠️🎩~the illuminacho~🎩⚠️ ! Ship tag is ⚠️🦇🐈‍⬛~curiosity killed the batcat~🐈‍⬛🦇⚠️
Marvin the Martian ( Looney Toons, shipping with for... I honestly can't remember... It's been so long :o )
Calvin Van Lowe/Aries (Fallout 76, tag is 🐏the only one on your am radio🐏)
Luigi (Super Mario, tag is lean mean green machine, ship tag is ☆~ship: 🗝skeleton key to my heart🗝~☆ Liked him since I was around 5 years old, I ship with him in a different universe from my kamek ship! And with a different s/i!)
Kruller (Luigi’s Mansion 3, his tag is purple paul blart, ship tag is ☆~ship: 🍩sweet as a donut🍩~☆)
Piccolo, and by extension Nail And Kami (Dragon ball Z/Super/GT, tag is Big Green Boyfriend. Sexuality headcanon: Possibly either Ace or Aroace? Maybe even Demisexual )
Wilson Percival Higgsbury ( Don't Starve, tag is gentleman scientist , shipping with him since May 14th, 2014! )
Platonic/friends: (tag for all of these characters is " platonic tag ")
My entire pokemon teams throughout the various games! My most important members are Mimikyu, Rotom & a Joltik named Spindle! Their special tag is poké pals !
Dr. Mobius ( FONV, Honestly, he might eventually move to the QPP list instead... his special tag is 🦂 robo scorpions!!! )
The Glamrock Animatronics ( Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Monty, Roxy ) Their tag is " pizzaplex pals "
Salvatore Moreau (RE8.)
Mario, King Boo, Boos, Yoshi (Super Mario)
Doopliss (Paper Mario TTYD)
Most of the Portrait Ghosts in Luigi’s Mansion
Most of the boss ghosts in Luigi’s Mansion 3
Raider Punk (Fallout 76)
Pietro (Animal Crossing)
King Dedede (Kirby)
Captain Olimar & Louie (Pikmin)
Psycrow (Earthworm Jim)
Familial: (tag for these characters is familial tag)
Gohan (Dragon Ball Z/Super/GT, adopted son!)
Dr. Potter (Luigi’s Mansion 3, plant grandpa!!)
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top-tier-tickles · 1 year
I may or may not have done a thing
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Also an edit I did for funsies
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dragon-fly34 · 11 days
If I make a fanfic of Mario movie but in my Super Mario Roleswap AU, you would read? (Say the truth)
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bitway-arts · 4 years
title: Lady Tippi and Bleck characters: Tippi, Count Bleck summary: A memory flashes. He knows her. a/n: part of @augustwritingchallenge || AUgust Day 15 - Role Reversal AU
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pianokantzart · 7 months
I can’t remember seeing much of it but what are your thoughts on like a reverse scenario or AU where instead of Luigi being Mr. L it was Mario being Mr. M🔥🔥🔥
Actually, @neetclown did my personal favorite interpretation of what would happen to Mario if the roles were reversed, and he became Mr. M:
See, I love the idea that Nastasia's brainwashing doesn't create a new personality so much as it brings to the surface the side of you that you keep buried (probably for good reason) and amplifies it.
With Luigi (at least in the Paper Mario universe), his desperation for recognition and social ineptness manifested into extreme selfishness, an inflated ego, and a habit of insulting and belittling everyone around him. Mario on the other hand? I think his tendency to tamp down his fears and put on a brave face for the sake of everyone else would manifest into him being an emotional black hole. He'd be constantly terrified and on edge, always sorrowful and self-blaming, certain that anything short of perfect success will result in horrible catastrophe. He can not be reassured, and performs every task with a frantic, over-the-top desperation.
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nerdykatyz-blog · 6 years
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Many Forms of Peasley
Top: Cannon Peasley
Bottom: Mario CatPG AU Peasley
Far Right: @darkstar-fairy 's SwapStar Saga AU Peasley
Far Left: Something based around an idea for an edgey fan comic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ranty-ramblestein · 3 years
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(captions~) Day 1 of the Mario Update was here, and I winded up dressing up as Nezuko instead of Princess Peach, haha!  I wasn’t sure if the Basket Pack would be a good idea, but I’ve seen some role reversal AU images of Demon Slayer and it was really cute~  So that’s kind of the vibe I’m going for with this cosplay... maybe.  I could always reorder the privacy mask, though, hmm...
Then I did some experiments with the pipes, and noticed that the exit direction is random?  Which can result in jumping up a cliff!  So, well, imagine an adventure island where there’s an upper and lower path based on where the pipe spits you out!  *remembers the upper and lower path Bowser maze from the original Super Mario game*  Yeah, like that! Well, it’ll be 4 more days before I can expect an experience like that on a normal island.
+ Mira lost a biker pouch, I noticed the hinamatsuri doll altar is available now (no the bonbori lanterns yet...), and I changed the star garlands in Croissant’s room from green to purple so they matched the theme better~
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I decided to put dirt paths under the three pipes I set up, but since they’re just 1x1 furniture the path-marks aren’t huge when seen on the map, haha!
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thedarlingdoodles · 4 years
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Only You: Super Mario Electric Boogaloo. 
Nah in all seriousness this is a role reversal Super Mario AU i came up with based on @captainluky ‘s Mario AU.  
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kokoronbain · 4 years
My Palomas as...
Ladies from Super Mario (Part 2)
Well I make the first part a while ago... And now I created a new alternate Paloma which is perfect for cosplaying as Rosalina
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Yep the mafia one has the perfect role: she is calm, nostalgic, pretty powerful, mysterious, is a protector/guardian and both of them have cold colors (via the cyan/blue).
Now for the reverse one...
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I realised she was perfect for my waifu Bowsette 🥰🥰🥰. The reverse one is basically an evil version of Paloma (like Bowsette to Peach) and this design is totally her style!
R!Paloma: "Fuck yeah I love it! 😎 Literally better than the shitty dress from before... But you are still to me a piece of shi-"
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RS!Paloma: "Oh um... I'm glad you didn't forget me... But por qué??"
Me: Technically White Mage isn't AT ALL a mario character: She is from Final Fantasy. But the first time I saw her was on a basketball mario game on DS and I liked a lot her style. And if I chose you for this character is because you are both magicians!
RS!Paloma: "Okay b-but I don't know nothing about the basketbal-"
It's finally done with my Palomas as my favorite Mario Ladies (normally)!
Hope you like my art!
The Mafia AU belongs to @hotelmist
The Reverse AU to @ask-the-au-crew
And nothing said who made the Role Swap AU in first ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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