#super narnians
dragonpyre · 5 months
Narnia sequel series that takes place in the present day (in our world) and the kids are super creeped out by the Narnians treating them as messiahs
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minamorris1857 · 1 year
(Narnia, Dawn Treader spoilers alert!) One of the only complaints about the CoN I have is the lack of epilogue type of content in TVotDT. There’s just so much more that Lewis could’ve given us at the end. Things I wish he’d expanded on:
1. What happened to Caspian? Like, he obviously lives out his life in Narnia as king, but immediately after. What did Aslan say to him? Was there a conversation, or did Caspian turn to find himself alone completely? And did Aslan send him back to the ship magically? Or, the much more probable and heartbreaking option, did he row himself back completely alone? How miserable would that have been, to have gone with your brother and sister, this boy you are just getting to know and love, and one of your most devoted soldiers and friends, only to have gone back alone? The Pevensies are always having to leave, but what about Caspian getting left behind?
2. How did Aunt Alberta and Uncle Harold respond to the change in their son? Are they horrified by the change in such a short time, indifferent, or pleased? It seems like they’re both super indulgent with their son, so are they okay with him becoming a Narnian, or does it disturb them how similar he now is to his cousins.
3. How did Peter (and maybe Susan) respond to Eustace going to Narnia. I’d like to think that Peter and Eustace are both nervous to see each other, but they just immediately click and Lucy is like “is this what it feels like to not be the favorite” and Edmund is like “screw you, but yes”.
4. Do Lucy and Edmund teach Eustace all about Narnia, or just kind of tell him as he asks? Like, do they sit down and just have a Narnia lesson with language, history, geography, etc., or does Eustace one day just ask questions like “wait there’s a Narnian language??” (Because you know he wouldn’t have been paying attention to background noises and everyone would’ve talked to him in English to be nice) or “wait wait wait the first king was a cabby??”
5. Does Eustace still like entomology and ask tons of questions about bugs and stuff in Narnia, or is he ashamed of himself and the frames of dead insects on his desk. (I know he wouldn’t kill any more bugs, but would he avoid the subject all the the time?)
6. What was Ed and Lucy leaving like? Did they make plans to see each other soon, were there a ton of tears and choked up hugs?
Idk, I love the book how it is, but I wish there was more shown on the new sibling/cousin dynamic between Ed, Lucy, and Eustace and how the whole trip affected everyone.
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I only ever hear headcanons about Susan (and Lucy, when she's older) having lots of suitors and Peter practically beating them off with a stick, which are great, I love a protective big brother, but what about Edmund? seriously. teenage girls love him here, can you imagine how narnians would react? they'd be attracted to him like flies to honey. and not just because they find him charming, but because they sense Aslan's work in him. the Just King radiates with His power, His forgiveness, His love, and he acts like it.
Peter would have an aneurysm. he'd be far more focused on the women who were trying to court Edmund. that's his little brother, stop looking at him like that, he's a child! meanwhile 19 yo Edmund is just like :))
I need to go on a search for more protective brothers fics lol
anyway, messy golden age Edmund sketch that I might hate in the morning, but I had a vision that i needed to get out of my head before I go to sleep (please ignore just how messy it is. I know. i'm lazy)
btw this started because I was thinking about how Edmund was probably a super lanky, gangly teen, but then as I was going through screenshots on pinterest I was reading some comments and realized just how many teenage girls(including myself lol) have or had a crush on him
ps, incest shippers dni, I will block you so fast:)
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dancingdryads · 2 years
Narnia Fic Recs-After the Return
I’m starting a short fic rec series to spread some love for Narnia authors, they aren’t in any sort of order other than the really long ones are on the bottom.
A lot of these stories are on ff.net which I know is a pain of a site to use, however, I sorted through a lot of Narnia fics to find these and I think they deserve some love. I did check if anything was on ao3 and put that link instead if I could find it. Please give these authors some love, kudos, favorites, comments, etc. They’re all great and it’s always fun to find older fics!
If y’all have any fic recs you can send them my way, or if you know if any of these authors are on tumblr let me know. I’ll be releasing more rec lists sorted roughly by era so look out for those under #lillys fic recs
Children Do Grow Up by Francienyc
Rated K+, 3k words
This one is short and sweet, based on the Pevensie’s mom and a friend reflecting on how different the siblings are. 
Disarmed by Aebhel
Rated K+, 1k words
The classic outsider POV witnessing Edmund’s unusual sword skills (and Peter’s too).
Seriously by ValkyrieVeela
Rated K, 2k words
Another fic with Peter and Edmund showing off their sword skills to confused peers/teachers. 
Homecoming by Crimson White
Rated K, 1.5k words
Outsider POV of Helen Pevensie reconnecting with Edmund right when they get home, very cute. 
A Good Day by Masterarcher
Rated K, 4k words
Another fic showing how unique the Pevensies are, this time at a Ren Faire, a bit of showing off with archery and sword fighting, fairly lighthearted. 
Slip Ups by Aytheria
Rated K+, 22.5k words
The Pevensies make mistakes where they show their true selves/skills a bit too much and people notice of course. Most of the chapters are focused on a single sibling before combining them. A lot is set at school and it’s great.
once a king or queen of narnia, always a king or queen by drigewithoutmusic (@ink-splotch)
Rated G, 12k words, 7 works
A lot of introspection about the Pevensies after leaving Narnia, largely focused on Susan. 
National Service by @burntcopper
Not really rated overall, but I’d say T-M, 63.5k words, 7 works
An interesting series really diving into how people see the Pevensies, specifically in a war context as Peter and Edmund join up with the military. More of a otherworldly vibe to the Pevensies as people don’t understand how a couple of kids can be so brutal, charasmatic, and efficient. Little bit of shipping of Edmund in the last works, but not really the focus. The last major story so far is a crossover with Torchwood which is super fun and really brings Susan and Lucy to the forefront. 
Stone Gryphon by @rthstewart
Rated G-T, 604.5k words, 17 works (Don’t let the size freak you out, the stories need to be read mostly in order but each plot wraps up in the individual work)
This one has really fun characterization and world building. It’s set after the Pevensies come back the second time, and while it’s set in England, there are lots of flash backs and descriptions of the Golden Age. The world building is unique in the characterization of talking animals and the focus on how the talking animals are similar to actual animals while still being thinking beings. The siblings are split up, Peter makes friends with the professor’s friends and is preparing for college, while Susan starts helping with the war effort. She keeps Edmund abreast of the war through a Narnian code, similar to how they worked as joint spy masters in Narnia. 
Be aware there is some shipping of the Pevensies with OC’s especially as you get further and acknowledgement of them as adults because they were adults in Narnia. I’m not sure if I actually finished it, but I still think about it frequently because of how intriguing the world building is and how interesting it is to see Susan and Edmund helping with a human war. Definitely worth checking out. 
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tending-the-hearth · 2 years
Been reading and loving your Narnia thoughts (you might have noticed). Do you have any opinion on Caspian's relationship with the Pevensies? Like how he has no family and feels possibly slightly out of place in the beginning of Prince Caspian and by Dawn Treader he's treating Lucy and Ed and even Eustace to a degree as family
oh my god YES I DO
god, you're so right, they ARE his family, he says it at the end of "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" to Eustace, Edmund, and Lucy. They're the closest thing he has to a family, they're his siblings, he hasn't got anyone else, and I think that really affects how he interacts with each of them!
so i think Caspian's relationship with the Pevensies is SUPER interesting, and i'm going to break it down with each sibling!!
obviously, from the get go, there's resentment and tension between Caspian and Peter. Peter spent the beginning of the second movie showing how desperately he wants to go back to Narnia, how desperately he wants to return to his people and take care of them. When he finally does get to return, it's only to see that they don't need him anymore, and he's basically been replaced by Caspian.
the entire battle in the castle scene shows their relationship REALLY well, and I think it does a good job of showing their separate experience. Peter, of course, knows how to lead an army, he knows how to launch attacks. Caspian's really not familiar with being in an actual battle, and it's shown in the mistakes that he makes. At this point, Caspian's still a rival for Peter, and he's angry. His people have died because of those mistakes, and maybe Peter remembers his first few years as king, remembers the Narnians that he lost because of a few foolish mistakes, and hates that he sees himself in Caspian.
then, their relationship shifting into something more friendly after Caspian's nearly enthralled by Jadis. Once again, Peter's seen himself in Caspian, but more importantly, he sees Edmund in Caspian. He sees the same fear, the same desperation in Caspian that Edmund had the first time he entered into Narnia.
Peter giving the final blow to Caspian during the duel is a MASSIVE moment for them both. First off, it's a parallel to the "not me. him." scene between Peter, Edmund, and Trumpkin at the beginning of the movie. It's also Peter acknowledging Caspian's place, and the passing of the sword, both in this moment and at the end of the movie, is Peter showing that he's grown and understands what's happening.
So while they don't become as close as Peter and Edmund, or as close as Caspian and Edmund, I do think that their friendship could have been something SO much closer had they had a little more time! Caspian's never gotten to have an older brother, so I can absolutely see Peter mother henning the HELL out of Caspian because ofc he gets stuck with two dark-haired self-sacrificial idiots as younger brothers
Their relationship is SO frustrating to me, because i absolutely think they would have been better off just giving Caspian and Susan the same enemies to friends plot line that Caspian and Peter got.
Like, I struggle to find things I like about their relationship, because I really don't like the romantic subplot. It doesn't make sense, especially because Caspian finds his canonical love interest in the next movie, so it doesn't even matter.
I would have loved to see a Caspian who's grown up with a little hero crush on Queen Susan the Gentle, who's transformed her into this ethereal being in his mind. Then, when they meet, she's his age, and that hero worship lessens as they get to know each other. Give me a Susan who's had to endure countless marriage proposals from Narnian nobles, who has boys in England flirting with her, but Caspian doesn't do any of that. He genuinely wants to be her friend without any ulterior motives! Give me platonic soulmates Caspian and Susan!
Their relationship is so special to me. Like, they easily could have used Caspian to replace Peter, personality and actions and all, but Caspian and Edmund just have a separate relationship, and it really gives me the vibes of how Peter and Edmund must have acted together during the Golden Age!
Their swordfight on the Dawn Treader is one of my favorite moments, because you can tell they're just goofing around and having fun! They're laughing and grinning, and there's no tension.
Also, the entire subplot with Peter's sword, with who Peter's successor will be is so perfect. Edmund hiding his resentment about Caspian getting Peter's sword, to him showing his true emotions during the golden pool scene, to Caspian giving him the sword for the final battle, it really fits with them reconciling with each other.
I also really love the little nuances between them, like how Caspian always calls Edmund "Ed", how he comforts Edmund when they think Eustace is dead, the way he shouts Edmund's name when Eustace grabs him, how Edmund's the first one Caspian shakes awake when Lucy's missing, just everything is so well done.
My favorite Caspian and Edmund scene is probably when they're preparing for the battle, when Caspian helps Edmund with his armor and says "I want you to know I think of you as my brother, Ed", before giving Edmund Peter's sword.
Also, I think it's really important to note that both Caspian and Edmund's fathers play a large role in who they are, and their big decisions: Edmund's loyalty to his father is what prevents his relationship with Peter from growing until he understands Peter's struggles, and Caspian's desperation to please his father's memory holds him back until he's able to let go and learn to be a better king at the end with Aslan.
I wish so badly that we got more moments between Lucy and Caspian in "Prince Caspian"! Like how I wish Susan and Caspian's relationship had looked like, I would have loved to see something similar between Caspian and Lucy.
Caspian admiring Queen Lucy the Valiant, her being this mythical figure for him, and then he meets her, and his Big Brother Instincts™️ go into overdrive!
Their relationship in "Dawn Treader" makes me so emotional. Like, Caspian is truly another big brother to Lucy, and the fact that she's the one he goes to when he spots them in the water, and she immediately knows it's him by his voice, and you can hear the happiness in her own voice when she says "Caspian!", they're siblings your honor.
Also, I'm picturing Caspian rushing to get clothes for both Edmund and Lucy when they show up, frowning as he tries to make sure he has something for both of them, because he'll be damned if they sit around in wet clothes because they'll get sick!!!
Caspian also immediately noticing that Lucy's missing before they go off to find her is very important to me, the way that he, Edmund, and Lucy have such a strong connection that they search each other out and know when one of them is missing works so well.
Once again mentioning Edmund and Lucy stepping into Peter and Susan's roles, Lucy becoming the voice of reason between Edmund and Caspian, keeping them calm and being that jumping off point for them to discuss the Mist and their emotions. She's the healer, that's been her job since she first entered Narnia, and Caspian and Edmund both understand that, but also step into the roles as being her supports, her rocks when she needs them.
so yeah, i'm obsessed with Caspian's relationship with the Pevensies, I think he's such an important character, and has so much potential that I wish there had been a bit more to his relationship with Susan and Peter!
finally... y'all mind if i just fucking sob over the way Caspian interacts with them??????
like the way he reassures Eustace, so affectionate with him, and Eustace is finally returning that affection and holds him back? Like Edmund in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", Eustace starts off on the outside of all the affectionate moments between Caspian, Lucy, and Edmund, and now he's at the center of it all, and he's not afraid to return that affection. And Caspian doing the Big Brother Thing™️ that he, Peter, and Edmund do to reassure Lucy????
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then, his hug with Edmund, which has no right making me as emotional as it does. The way they hold onto each other, because they're brothers, they understand each other in a way that no one else does, because Caspian's really the only other one who was nearly tempted to Jadis's side, so like Edmund and Lucy have that special connection because they were the first ones in Narnia, Caspian and Edmund have that special connection because of their personalities and weaknesses.
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Lucy and Caspian's hug makes me fucking cry my eyes out. I've already discussed how Lucy is the most tactile of the four Pevensie siblings, but this just makes me want to violently sob. The way she's already reaching for him, and he doesn't hesitate before pretty much lifts her off her feet with the force of the hug, how they both cling to each other so tightly. Lucy's so connected to Narnia, and that includes Caspian. He's her big brother, she's his little sister, of course they're both heartbroken about being separated.
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Narnia edition! Lucy, Edmund, Susan, Peter, Mr. Tumnus, Aslan, Reepicheep, Puddleglum, Eustace Scrubb, and Jill Pole!
Oooh themed set! That said, I can tell you already that the inclusion of Aslan in here is making this very very hard.
Marry: This is a super difficult choice, debating between Peter and Edmund, but we're going with Peter, because I think he and I have a very similar outlook on life and would work a little better together.
Drink tea with: The excellence of tea at Mr. Tumnus's house is a literal PLOT POINT; who else could I pick?
Party with: Lucy! Because she is a ray of sunshine and also probably knows all the best Narnian celebrations.
Kiss: Reepicheep, on the head or paw, in the purely platonic way of a lady greeting a knight.
Go out on a date with: Edmund, because I'm not marrying him.
Push down the stairs: I have ended up with Jill Pole here by process of elimination; we're assuming it was an accident.
Slap: Eustace Scrubb, pre-dragoning, and he definitely deserved it.
Invade the dreams of: Puddleglum; I want to know what a marsh-wiggle dreams about.
Take a nap with: Aslan; there is NO OTHER good answer. I don't nap, but if I had a chance to nap by Aslan's side? I will pretend to sleep if necessary.
Rob: Susan (in the sense of borrowing her stuff and then apologizing when I bring the thing back).
Send me 10 characters and I'll tell you what I'd do with them!
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come-along-pond · 6 months
Just be really careful you don't know these people really. People can be anything online. You strike me as young and naive (respectfully). These people might be nice but when they're being super nice it's usually for a reason like grooming for sexual favours. It's a bit strange for adults to suddenly hone in on someone innocently making a Narnian character and be all over them giving them edits etc. It's like your youthful innocence is turning them on. Please be careful ffs
Don’t worry, i’m not cheap enough to be turned by Narnia oc gifts.
You’re so right I am young and naive (respectfully) and thus will believe everything a random person has said to me without even a url.
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But in all seriousness, this DOES happen, I am not discrediting that. But due to the hate campaigns sent by anons, anything sent like this over an ask, is going to be tainted by that. If this is genuine, I appreciate the concern, but you have to understand why i’m sceptical.
I’m sure everyone who made me a gift will be happy to know that if they ever ask for sexual favours, they will be BLOCKED, and REPORTED.
Although VERY unlikely. Like near impossible unlikely. Like so slim I’d cry seeing it on a calculator due to the amount of zeros.
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caspianxth · 1 year
beautiful icon so great job bestie, also, NEVER apologize to me for talking about King Caspian, I think he was my first tv crush when I was like 6, absolutely knocking Peter out the number one spot, like he was truly the best king to ever live (no shade to Peter and Edmund, even if Edmund, well you know). Actually I just got an intense urge to rewatch it now, so I thank you for reminding me, although I'm not sure if I'm in the mood for crying (as one does at the end) but we'll just have to find out won't we
see I do gotta disagree edmund had such a good character arc, a traitor who could mend!!!!! the just king!!!!!!! I love edmund so much but caspian is my top narnian king for sure. my mutual mal (@maliagf) has a super sick would've could've should've edit for him (all her narnia edits SLAP), and a sick it's time to go edit w him as well lemme find and reblog them for u!! they're so so so good mal does Not mess around w her narnia edits. u should def rewatch them it's sad but it's so so so good!!! dawn treader is so so fun <3
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isbethknowsbetter · 2 years
helllppp! my attic is a portal to unknown worlds!
about every fourth time i open the attic door, the attic isn’t there anymore. tbh i don’t look too hard at what’s behind the door because i’m freaked out, but it’s definitely not an attic. the lighting is weird and sometimes it looks like outdoors? it’s usually the attic again by the next day, but it’s definitely not hallucinations. i walked through the door once and picked up a stone and i still have it.
it’s an old house but the people who lived here before me didn’t say anything about this. no one else in my family seems to notice it, either. they’d say something, right? i’m super bummed. this is our first time owning our own place and it would be perfect if it weren’t for the attic portal thing. wtf is going on? please and thanks!
not a narnian
Dear Narnian,
The fact that others haven’t said anything about it doesn’t necessarily mean they haven’t seen it. After all, you haven’t told anyone either, have you? You don't think they would believe you. That's why you've come to me.
You said you’ve gone through the door once already and brought something back from the other side. I'm not sure you realize the magnitude of what you've done. That kind of thing is all very well in books, but dangerous in real life.
So I say to you knowing what powerful magic curiosity is, knowing you probably won't listen. If someone said the same to me, I wouldn't either. In fact, I didn't. That was the beginning of all of this, in a way.
If I thought the details of my adventure would help you, I would tell you everything. As it is, that's a story for another time. We're all called to different things and we don't choose what chooses us. The most useful piece of advice I can give you is that doors like that can rarely be closed from this side of things.
You mention "we" and your family. If you have children, don't let them into the attic. The Pevensies came back, but wild magic is not lenient to anyone for any reason, regardless of age.
You have two choices, Narnian.
One: Close the door. Lock it with as many locks as you can get your hands on. Board it up, plaster and paint over it-- anything you can do that will help you forget it exists. Eventually you will. Or you won't, and the knowledge of it will gnaw at you until the day that you charge upstairs with a claw hammer to smash through the drywall and see whether it's still there. You may find a blank wall. Sometimes doors like yours will go away on their own, like a cat that leaves if it's not being fed.
Or you may find the door right where you left it and the call you've fought all these years will be too strong to resist any longer. And so you will find yourself at--
Two: Look at your family while they're sleeping, one last time, and with the moon as your witness, promise you'll come back to them. Pack your bag with what you think you'll need. Bring something small and meaningful to remind you of home and keep it close to you, treasuring it above all else. Make sure you have food for the road, but take no more than you can easily carry.
You'll have a long way to go.
As ever, Isbeth
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queenlucythevaliant · 3 years
How to be a Narnian lady
[I think I could be brave enough]: rub your face against anything soft, especially old furs // tell the truth // learn the Lion’s moods, quicker than you realized you could // cover your face when the knife falls, but never, never look away from him for the rest of your life // wrap yourself in yellow-gold; laugh like you mean it // braid your hair back and go to war // speak deep enough to wake the trees; feel them tremble; understand that they will only answer to one voice and it isn’t yours // yell at the others when they’re wrong; stamp your feet if you have to // listen for your favorite voice // sing loud // dress in borrowed, too-big clothes; sleep in someone else’s cabin; begin to feel like yourself again // walk barefoot in the grass // volunteer to help; when they ask if you’re afraid say no // get up early to watch the sunrise // cry out in the dark // have courage, dear heart //
[I’m game if you are]: stand five foot not much in frilly dresses and hairbows // hide away in attics // be curious // write stories so your imagination doesn’t run away without you; don’t let anyone else see // talk sense, even if no one listens // give as good as you get // watch your arm begin to bruise; be rightfully angry and indignant; forgive him when he asks // back your friend up // feel the wind in your hair and savor it savor it savor it // keep things in your pockets; you never know what will come in handy // don’t go to sleep yet; close your eyes and try to fix the images in your inner eye; wish you had some paper // don’t interrupt, but keep your options open // stay back when he goes to his mother in the stuffy-smelling sickroom; watch from the doorway as a miracle occurs; fix the moment // when he falls down and cries, hold his hand // go on adventures; tell them you’ll sit still when you’re dead //
[I did not do all this for the sake of pleasing you]: be sharp and rough-edged and tell them your lies // steal your brother’s knife his armor his ring keep him close even though he’s gone // run away like you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain // try not to count the steps you take as you leave; count them anyway; lose count and start again // tell the peasant boy off and pretend not to notice the expression on his face // lose patience with fear; fear won’t help with anything // take command // stay still and don’t be seen // ride hard heart beating in your throat until you feel the claws raking down your back taking skin tearing bloody stripes; keep riding // bite down the pain and breathe // wish it was you in the battle; focus on a blade of grass in front of you and pray to whomever Narnians worship that he will be safe // go live in the mountains with joy // fall into an easy pattern of arguing and making up; fall in love somewhere in between //
[May we come with you—wherever you’re going?]: take care of your siblings, your sister most of all; in your heart she’s still five years old and you’re in charge for the night // stand still and watch the snows melt; watch the flowers bloom like a sped-up film reel; let your heart burst open within you // bury your hands in his mane; feel how soft and how sad; try to comfort // spare your brother’s feelings and keep the Lion’s death a secret // let them kiss your hand and wax poetic about your beauty let them place a hand on the small of your back on the dance floor; never never let them see your poise falter // care for the motherless // drop petals on the ground as you walk in memory of those who died when you were worlds away // never shoot to kill // smell the Lion’s breath; let your doubt and anxiety pass away // spray floral perfume and put on a party dress, can you come zip me up please // wend your way home someday //
[Even if I can’t stop blubbing, I won’t get my string wet]: be tiny and gangly and crying; believe in magic // stand beside the river dying of thirst and ask if you will be safe; take a deep breath // let it out once you’re in midair and a new world is spread out below you // remember remember remember the signs // smile like a china doll and make them love you // call him by his first name just once // disappear up into the winter night; wish that it could always be like this // step forward with a Lion and a dead king at your back; discover how to feel invincible // little by little grow into your frame // practice shooting until your callouses have callouses // straiten your collar in the mirror before you leave for the train station // gather strays // feel the world ending in your bones when the feathery demon passes by feel cold and afraid and horrified down to your core // speak defiance of this evil; realize that you’re going to die // be brave one last time//
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rosesnvines · 7 years
The Minotaur
Dawn came all bright and glorious the next morning, rousing everyone from their beds. Lucy merely groaned and rolled over, though her eyes were open so as not to knock off the little lion sleeping on her decorative pillow. She watched him sleep as she mulled over the conversation and events of the day before. To summarize, Hades had chosen her and two others to be superheroes! What fun! And the little lion that slept by her side, the Nemean Lion, as she found out, was the only way she could turn into a superhero. All she had to say was, Nemea, power up and the invincible hide of the lion would cover her in a super suit. Almost like Hercules! Except, she was a girl and Hercules was a guy, but Nemea told her that he liked her way better than Hercules already. She rubbed the Nemean Lion’s tummy, causing him to purr happily, while she thought to their conversation the day before. She learned that, besides the invincible coat, she could extend the claws on her gloves and even turn them into knives that could cut into anything; she could create illusions; she had enhanced speed, strength, and endurance; a super sonic roar that could push anything backwards; she could even create a magical shield, which she had done to protect herself and Ghost Hound from the Hydra’s flame; and her special power, which was basically to create a more detailed illusion showcasing whatever the monster wanted to see. She wondered if she’d in fact ever need to use that power, seeing as how Ghost Hound alone needed his powers to revert the monsters back into stones. She and Firebird were only needed to make sure that Ghost Hound was able to turn the monsters into stones and deliver them to Hades. Still, it felt good to be able to help. It gave her something to do to help the Narnians until she and her siblings became old enough to inherit the throne. Well, primarily Lucy had to be old enough for them to inherit the throne, but the four of them were really close in age, so it wouldn’t be long before they would ascend to the throne.
A soft knock was rapped on her door followed by her sister’s voice, “Come on Lucy, it’s time to get up. Mother and Father will be here soon.”
“Right! I’ll be out in a minute!” Lucy called back. She bounced out of bed and dressed quickly, softly explaining to Nemea what was going on as her movement had woken him.
“Will there be breakfast?” mumbled Nemea as he rolled over with a yawn.
“Only if you hurry it up and get those lazy bones out of bed,” teased Lucy.
“OK, OK, I’m up, I’m up.” Nemea took a couple of steps forward on the bed before plopping down again. “Nope, too tired.” His stomach growled. “And I’m hungry too.” Lucy merely chuckled as she walked back to the bed.
“Oh, come on, hop into my pocket. I’ll try and get you something to eat. But you have to be very quiet.”
“I’m so tired, I don’t think I could even snore.”
“Well, you were just a few minutes ago.”
“I was?”
“Yup, but I don’t think it was loud enough for anyone else to hear.”
“Oh good. Don’t scare me like that.” Lucy merely snickered before closing the pocket flap and leaving her room.
“There you are. What took you so long? Mom and Dad are practically here!” Susan berated her.
“Sorry, Susan, I had completely forgotten that I had already gotten my clothes set up the night before and was looking for them in the drawers.”
Susan sighed, “Of course, go figure. Well, go brush your teeth at least, breakfast will be ready in a minute, and Mom and Dad will be here any second.”
“Right!” Lucy dashed off into the bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth. She rushed right back out, right as a car pulled into the driveway.
“Mom, Dad!” she called out as she rushed outside to greet her parents, followed by her siblings.
“Hello! How are you doing?” Mrs. Pevensie hugged each of her children.
“Since last week? Not bad,” quipped Edmund as he gave his mother a hug.
“Not bad? What about that report last night of a monster and superheroes arriving to save the day?” asked their father as he led the way back into the cottage.
“Oh, that, yeah, um, we’re still fine, thanks to those superheroes,” replied Edmund.
Peter chuckled before taking up the narrative, “No, we don’t know who’s behind the masks, but two of them, Lioness and Firebird, explained that Gaia was trying to take over Narnia by combining monsters with her gems to make them more powerful. Hades was the one who found out, and, with Hephaestus’ help, created the gems that gave the superheroes the power to defeat the monsters and hand them over to Hades for safe-keeping.” The family proceeded to sit around the table as Mrs. Pevensie helped Susan serve breakfast.
“Wasn’t there a third one?” asked Mr. Pevensie.
“Yes sir, Ghost Hound they said his name was, he was bringing the stone right away to Hades and had asked them to check to make sure that everybody was alright,” replied Peter. Lucy began picking at her food to prevent anyone noticing her sneaking food to Nemea. Was it the right thing to say? Ghost Hound hadn’t really asked them to per se, that was just what she had said to help put Ghost Hound in a better light to those who had seen him, and were wondering whether he was really a member of the team or not. Lucy also hoped to establish the fact that Ghost Hound was basically the leader of the group since, as Nemea had put it, Cerberus knew more about the whole situation. And yes, Cerberus was the three-headed guardian of Hades’ gates, but he was still a dog, and probably so much cuter than how many described him.
“And Firebird was openly flirting with Susan,” quipped Edmund.
“Ed!” hissed Susan.
Mr. Pevensie’s eyebrow went up as he glanced at his eldest daughter and asked, “So, does this Firebird seem like an excellent character?”
“You mean, besides his quips that reminded us of Edmund? So far so good,” replied Peter with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Which is funny, because he really reminds me of Leo Valdez, and I know Susan doesn’t care too much for Leo . . . man, wouldn’t it be really funny if the only difference was the mask,” quipped Edmund. He shot a glance at Susan, but she clearly caught on to what he was indicating, and refused to look at him to either deny or confirm his idea. Lucy shook her head, everyone knew that, though Leo flirted with every pretty girl who crossed his path, he always seemed to care the most for Susan. And who couldn’t? She was clearly one of the most beautiful girls in all of Narnia, and as a son of Hephaestus, Leo had an eye for beauty. Not to say that Lucy didn’t get caught with some of his corny one-liners, or anyone else for that matter, but Leo seemed to save the special ones for Susan in particular. And Edmund, of course, being practically his best friend along with Prince Corin of Archenland, tried his best to help his sister come to love the mischievous imp. It was a slow progress, but Lucy had noticed that Susan was warming up to him. And now with Firebird, well, if Lucy could find out that he was in fact Leo Valdez, she wouldn’t try to stop him as Lioness. But if it wasn’t, well, she just hoped that she wouldn’t have to use brute force with him. But now that Edmund had mentioned the similarities, Lucy was beginning to think that Firebird was in fact Leo Valdez. But then, who was Ghost Hound?
“Well, it’s good to know that at least Hades has our best interests at heart. I hope the Hydra didn’t mess with your Michaelmas celebrations.”
“Oh, if anything, it made it more fun!” replied Susan with a big grin. The others quickly chorused an affirmation, big smiles lighting up their faces.
“Oh my, now this, I have to hear,” quipped their father as he sat back in his chair with his arms folded and a big smile on his face. The children shot each other big grins before delving into the whole tale. Lucy stayed out as much as possible during the time she had been Lioness, mostly easy considering Peter had just about locked her in the safest room at the barracks, often nicknamed the panic room. Thankfully, he hadn’t actually locked her in, otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to save Ghost Hound as Lioness.
“Oh, and we did get to meet Nico di Angelo, the son of Hades,” blurted Lucy.
“Hazel’s half-brother, right?” asked their mother. They had met Hazel before, but not her reclusive half-brother. The children nodded.
“He’s really not all that bad, mainly quiet. I think that’s mainly because so many others despise him merely because he’s the son of Hades. We watched as he pretty much made the rounds, trying to get people to talk to him,” explained Peter.
“We sent Lucy to fetch him to our table when he just about gave up trying to find anyone to talk to,” continued Edmund.
“Did they have any problems with him besides being the son of Hades?” asked their father.
The children shook their heads as Susan replied, “Well besides looking scary, they never really gave him a chance to open up to anyone. He really didn’t open up much to us either, but, he seemed quite content to be just finally included in something.”
“Is he really that scary-looking?” asked their mother.
“Oh, no more than a lion, and I think he became less scary the more we opened up to him,” blurted Lucy. “I think he was enjoying himself for the first time in years.”
“Oh, how horrible!” exclaimed Mrs. Pevensie.
“Well done! You made someone lonely feel wanted and cared for. Good job, all of you!”
“Thanks dad!” they chorused.
“Should we tell them, Frank?”
Mr. Pevensie merely smiled and replied with, “How about we show them?”
“Show us what?” asked everyone excitedly.
“Come with us, and you’ll find out.” That was all they could get out of their parents. With their curiosity aroused, they piled into the car and began the two hour trek to the seashore. Meanwhile , the children continued to give all they could recall learning about Nico di Angelo.
Mr. Pevensie surprised them with a question, “Do you think he would make a good advisor?”
“As in, someone you can trust to give sound advice and wise judgment when you need it.”
“I think so. I mean, we haven’t asked him to advise us on anything, or judge anything, but I observed him as much as he observed us. He’s not stupid and he notices more than what others give him credit for. Though, now that you mention it, I would like to discuss a couple of battle strategies with him. Perhaps being a son of Hades, he might know a thing or two that could help turn a battle,” pondered Edmund.
“Compared to, say, Ares or Athena?” asked Susan.
“Well, they do have some good strategies, well, Ares has a few questionable ones, but, since Hades is the ruler of the underworld and all, he might have a few tips that only a child of HAdes could obtain.”
“Don’t make it the first thing you talk to him about.”
“I know, I know. We could probably connect over making fun of the school snobs.”
“Edmund!” berated his mother.
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
“Learn about his interests, and go from there,” suggested their father.
“Yes sir.”
“Oh look, there it is!” exclaimed their mother.
“What is?” asked Lucy as the children all attempted to press against the right-side window.
“Ow! You pulled my hair!”
“Get off of me!”
“Hey! Stop pushing, will you?”
“Will you quit that? I’m not a jungle gym!”
“Everybody, sit down!” The four quickly sat down, a couple of hands still pinching at each other. “Give us a minute and you can get out to take a look for yourself.”
“Though you can see a bit of it through the front window,” added their mother.
“Wait a second, is that a castle?” blurted Edmund.
“Is that, our castle?” asked Peter.
Mr. Pevensie shot them a grin in the rearview mirror before replying with, “You got it. That’s Cair Paravel, just about fully restored. It should be completed by your coronation.”
“It looks magnificent!” exclaimed Susan.
“Wait until you see the rest of it,” blurted Mrs. Pevensie.
“Ooh! I can’t wait!” squealed Lucy.
“Well we can’t wait to show you!” said Mrs. Pevensie. In a couple of minutes, Mr. Pevensie had parked the car and everyone practically dove out of the car to get a good look at the progress on Cair Paravel.
“Whoa,” they all gasped. The sight was certainly breathtaking with the castle overlooking the sea.
“And to think that, long long ago, four kings and queens actually used to sit here,” muttered Edmund.
“Exactly, one of whom your brother was named after,” remarked Mr. Pevensie, indicating Peter.
“Yes, Ann, Martin, Rose, and Peter,” rattled off Lucy.
“Well, thank you for not naming us all after them,” quipped Edmund.
Mr. Pevensie laughed, “Now, now, we didn’t know we were going to have just four. Once Lucy was born, we had considered it for future children, but, well, you know your mother can’t have any more children.”
“Which is so sad. I wish I could have some younger siblings,” stated Lucy.
“I know, dear, but, you do have the rest of the country because, in a way, I am their mother as well.”
“But in a few years, that will be Susan and I, and the girls Peter and Edmund marry.”
“That is true, but for now, be their sister,” said Mrs. Pevensie as she hugged her youngest. The family got a quick tour of the first floor of Cair Paravel, the overseer not wanting anything to happen to the royal family. Once the tour was over, the family made the two hour drive back to Imiaimos, the entire time chatting away about how grand Cair Paravel was going to look once finished. As they got closer, a certain dread seemed to fill them, but only Lucy knew immediately what it meant, another monster had arrived.
“Hey, um, I think this same feeling came over me yesterday before the Hydra arrived,” quipped Edmund. His siblings echoed that the same had happened to them.
“Then that must mean that another monster has arrived. Let’s go see if we can help,” said Mr. Pevensie as the car was pulling into town.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Frank?” “They need us right now, Helen. Besides, if we can do anything to allow our superheroes to handle this monster without worrying about the safety of civilians, then that’s something, right?”
“I suppose so,” said Mrs. Pevensie, though she wasn’t too certain. Lucy, however, was itching to get out of the car so she could a hidden spot, become Lioness, and help her team. She had to make sure that the two of them were alright, especially Ghost Hound, he was the most important part. He alone could turn the monsters back into stones. Was Firebird looking after him effectively? She had to get out there, Nemea was the only one who could cut through anything and could shield them from the worst attacks. Thankfully, it didn’t take long before they came across people running from the monster.
“Everyone out! We need to get these people to the barracks!” called out Mr. Pevensie as he brought the car to a stop. Lucy tried desperately to think of some reason to get away from her family to turn into Lioness. Oh why couldn’t she tell them? Nemea said that no one could know, but it was hard having to keep secrets from her family. Aslan, help me, she thought desperately. A thought hit her to run towards the incoming crowd. She acted on instinct and rushed forward. In a matter of minutes, she was lost within the crowd and quickly took her chance to get to a secluded spot.
“Let’s do this! Nemea, power up!” The little ion flew out of her pocket and into the sunstone set in her barrette. The changes happened instantaneously, and Lucy was soon dressed in a leonide suit with the lion’s mane for a hood. She bounded off in search of her team, and it didn’t take long for her to find them. They were moving the monster away from the crowd, but this monster was proving to be rather difficult. Lucy gasped when she paused long enough to get a good look at the monster. It was a minotaur! And it was covered in dark armour! She slowed down her approach, yes, the original minotaur was a horrible monster, but, minotaurs in Narnia had become some of its greatest citizens. Even now, some were helping get the crowds to safety. One approached Lucy when he noticed her stop.
“Lioness, I appreciate knowing that you among so many see us now as friends and family, but please, help your team take out this minotaur. That is the original minotaur and was no doubt sent by Gaia to raise tension between our races. We may be descended from him, but we do not believe as he does. So please, for the love of Aslan, help your team destroy him!”
Lucy glanced at him, determination in her eyes as she nodded and said, “I will.” She took off, reaching Ghost Hound’s side right before the minotaur attacked and blocked the attack with her shield.
“What took you so long?” shouted Ghost Hound, relief evident in his voice at seeing her.
“Sorry, got caught up in crowd control. The royal family is helping get people to safety!”
“Say what?” Lioness nodded at Ghost Hound’s surprised expression. “All the more reason to take this beast down.”
“Right. Where’s the stone located?”
“Hey! No fair!” shouted Firebird as he went sailing over their heads and slammed into a tree.
“It’s on his chest, but be careful, he’s fast.”
“Well then, I guess it’s time for Nemea to show me just how good he is,” said Lucy with a wink. She pulled out a couple of the claws, the two turning into knives the instant they left her paw-like gloves, and rushed towards the minotaur. The minotaur bellowed as he rushed into her attack.
“Lioness, what are you doing? Stop!” called out Ghost Hound. But Lucy just kept on going, though she could tell that Ghost Hound and Firebird were following behind her. They were going to be a while, so she had to work fast, and work fast she did. She could hear Nemea’s voice suggesting a few moves, and she acted on them. She dove under the minotaur’s legs, came up quickly behind him, and thrust a dagger into his side. The minotaur bellowed in rage and pain as he swung out his arm to knock her over, but she ducked and thrust the other knife into his chest armour, cracking it. She jumped out of the way as his big hands came down on her, barely missing her by inches.
“Hey, Lioness, wait!” The sound of Firebird’s voice indicated that the two were coming up quick, but Lucy didn’t wait. She pulled out another claw and sent it flying into the crack. There was a silent pause as the minotaur’s armour cracked open and fell off him.
“Ghost Hound, now!” Lucy kept her eyes on the minotaur as Ghost Hound practically flew by her and brought his glowing scythes down on the minotaur’s chest. It screamed as it melted away into a stone.
“Wow, that was awesome, Lioness!” exclaimed Firebird as he raised his hand for a high five. Lucy gave it to him, big grins on their faces.
“Where did you learn to throw knives like that?”
“Oh, I’ve been practising,” replied Lucy with a shrug.
“Nice! Hey, Ghost Hound, aren’t you going to thank her, praise her, or something? She did just save our necks back there.”
“Uh, yeah, good job,” mumbled Ghost Hound as he offered his hand. Lucy shook it, but she began to wonder if there was something else.
“Something on your mind?” she asked. Ghost Hound let out a sigh, she hit the bull’s eye.
“Hades said we shouldn’t reveal our identities to each other, not yet. He thinks we should work on being able to keep our own identities hidden before learning each other’s.”
“Oh, OK.”
“Sounds reasonable.”
“Is that what’s been bothering you this entire time,” asked Lucy when she noticed Ghost Hound’s surprised expression.
“Well, I mean . . .”
“What? You said we could at a later time, that’s not a never, man,” remarked Firebird.
Ghost Hound seemed to relax a lot as he said with a smile, “That’s true. I guess I just overthink things, especially things like this because you were really wanting to do it.”
“Well of course we really want to do it! But we understand what Hades is trying to get at. I am finding it rather hard to keep my identity a secret,” stated Lucy.
“Same goes for me,” remarked Firebird.
“Well, I’m glad you understand. Oh, I should get this to Hades, and you should check on the royal family!”
“Say what?” exclaimed Firebird.
“Yeah, Lioness told me that the royal family was helping with the evacuation.”
Firebird glanced at Lioness for confirmation, “Really?”
Lucy nodded as she replied with, “Yes, I saw them before I came over.”
“Then yeah, we’ll go check on them!”
“You go ahead, Nemea is telling me he’s exhausted and hungry, I’d better find the little guy some food.”
Ghost Hound nodded, “Good idea, the both of you deserve it. Good work today, team.”
“Yeah, for our second time at this, we’re pretty good!” grinned Firebird.
“Yeah, well, there was one other thing that was worrying me . . .” began Ghost HOund. He let out a sigh before continuing, “Hades says it’s only going to get worse.”
“But he told me that Hephaestus is making more to help us when the time comes.”
“Wait, Hephaestus made these?” asked Firebird.
“Um, yeah, the two are clearly working together for our benefit.”
“Wow,” Firebird softly muttered.
“Well, now that we’ve got that cleared up, shall we part ways now? I can practically hear Nemea’s stomach.”
“Oh, right, sorry Lioness, yes. I’ll bring this to Hades.”
“And I’m off to check on the royal family,” blurted Firebird before taking to the skies. In the next second, Lucy was racing back to the barracks, ducking behind a tree for Nemea to change her back into her regular clothes.
“Oh, please hurry and find me some food. I am so hungry!” moaned Nemea.
“I will, but first, I have to get back to my family before Firebird gets to them!” It didn’t take long for her to find them, the all-clear had been given and people were filing out of the barracks.
“Lucy! Where have you been? Don’t ever run off on us like that again!” exclaimed her mother as she wrapped Lucy in a bear hug.
“I’m sorry, mom, but I wanted to see the superheroes in action. They were so amazing!”
“Well, now that your curiosity has been quenched, I hope, you won’t run out on us again,” stated her father. Lucy bit her lip, that was something she couldn’t fully promise.
“I’ll, I’ll do my best, sir,” she finally said. Her father seemed satisfied with the answer and gave her a hug.
“Oh good, you’re alright!” Everyone glanced up as Firebird landed gracefully. “Lioness saw you on her way to help us, and we got worried about you, so, I came to check on you.”
“What about Ghost Hound and Lioness?” asked Peter.
“Ghost Hound is taking the monster to Hades, and Lioness had used all of her power to defeat the minotaur, so she went home to recharge,” replied Firebird.
“That was kind of you to come and check on us,” remarked Mrs. Pevensie.
“And I know this is only the second time you guys have defeated a monster, but is Ghost Hound going to always avoid talking to us by using the excuse to get the stones to Hades?” asked Edmund.
Firebird shrugged, “I don’t know, but if this happens again next time, Lioness and I will have a word with him.” He then turned to Susan and bowed. “Is there anything else you require of me, your highness?”
Susan stifled a giggle before replying with, “Nothing for now, thank you.”
“If there’s ever anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” He took her hand and pressed it to his lips before shooting her a wink and flying off. Lucy noticed a slight blush coming to her sister’s cheeks.
“Oh boy, Leo’s got quite the competition,” muttered Edmund before the family turned to walk back to their car. Lucy and Peter glanced at each other before letting out soft snorts. Yeah, he did, but Lucy wasn’t too worried about it. If it was Leo beneath that mask, then Susan was falling for him. But if it wasn’t, well, things would eventually work themselves out, and Leo would get himself a new girl. Just, in that moment, Lucy was never happier to be alive, and a superhero.
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duchessofvodka · 4 years
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when fanfiction inspires a costume design?
any way thanks, @eidetictelekinetic​
a “ghost king” Quentin, court magician of Narnia from return to the sunlit lands by PanBoleyn
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nothinggold13 · 4 years
Things the people in charge of Netflix’s Narnia series should do:
Read all the books before beginning. Not just the book they’re currently working on. Know all the stories before going in.
Make notes about how the stories connect. Make sure they know how one book leads into another. Note how the characters grow and behave from one book to the next. Narrow down the continuity. Understand the overarching plot.
Make notes on continuity errors, as well. Come up with answers for each of them. Know which ones can simply be removed, and which ones need to be explained. If there are conflicting details, consider carefully which ones to use, and what will best serve the story.
Consider the timeline. Make certain they know all the characters’ ages and how long each story takes. This will make it easier to to figure out the best order to film & produce the stories. The schedule is tight between some of the books, whereas there is plenty of time to spare between others. Those in charge should be experts on this before they begin.
Most of these come down to this: know all the stories. I daydream a lot about what the series should have and what it shouldn’t. I post about it a lot. I think a lot about how scenes should look and what could be added while still remaining true to the greater story. And let’s be clear, I would be thrilled if any of those ideas came to life. But this is the most important thing the producers need to know. They need to know all the stories. They can’t go into this one book at a time. They can’t get by with only a vague idea of what comes next. To properly produce this series, they need to fully understand the timeline, the characters, and the worldbuilding. And sure, that’s true of producing any series. But with Narnia, and the way the stories are sometimes disjointed from one another, and the constantly changing cast of characters, it’s so important to know the central point of each of the stories, and how they connect to one another. From The Magician’s Nephew to The Last Battle, 49 years of English time are covered, as well as thousands of years of Narnian history, and the years don’t always match up. The 7 books span a lot of time, characters, and content. So there it is. All other things I would love to see aside, the most important thing is understanding every story fully. There is so much to know and love and understand.
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lasaraleen · 5 years
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“It was a picture of a ship - a ship sailing straight towards you. Her prow was gilded and shaped like the head of a dragon with wide-open mouth. She had only one mast and one large, square sail which was a rich purple. The sides of the ship - what you could see of them where the gilded wings of the dragon ended-were green. She had just run up to the top of one glorious blue wave, and the nearer slope of that wave came down towards you, with streaks and bubbles on it. She was obviously running fast before a gay wind, listing over a little on her port side. (By the way, if you are going to read this story at all, and if you don't know already, you had better get it into your head that the left of a ship when you are looking ahead, is port, and the right is starboard.) All the sunlight fell on her from that side, and the water on that side was full of greens and purples. On the other, it was darker blue from the shadow of the ship.”
-The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis
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believethesigns · 6 years
tiny psa
try as i might, i'll never understand those that are anti-aslan. it was not aslan who threw the pevensies out of narnia: they spent time there to carry over the virtues they learned into the real world. the pevensies chose to leave between lww and pc. peter and susan had learned all they could by the end of pc: ie. bravery, selflessness, wisdom, love, etc. edmund and lucy also did following votd: ie. forgiveness, humility, inner beauty, faith, etc. narnia, though beloved as it is, is only a temporary place. The real beauty was found in aslan's country. aslan, in no way was a cruel king, in fact, he was righteous and loving. mr. beaver describes him as "good", although he points out that the lion king "isn't safe". but it isn't because he is dangerous, it is because the lives that are changed as a result of knowing aslan become a force for good. aslan cares so much that he was willing to sacrifice himself to save edmund, he built up peter to be a courageous and confident leader, he helped lucy find self-worth and true beauty and trust, and he had yet to fully impact the life of susan (by the way, susan's story deliberately mirrors lewis' own, so there is ample evidence to suggest that susan did come to know aslan again, because the great king use(d)s tragedy for his good). even the other characters that come in contact with aslan in the narnia-verse are bettered by knowing aslan. aravis is punished by aslan because she was cruel and selfish toward her servant, and this taught her justice. jill and eustace rely on faith in aslan to defeat the emerald witch, and jill learns to stand up to her bullies with help from aslan. even digory's life is changed because of aslan, who tells him how heal his mother, and digory never stops searching for him after leaving narnia. so yeah, i'd like to know why people are anti-aslan, because someone that did all that doesn't seem like someone to be disliked. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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luffys · 5 years
Hey guys! I don’t think I ever made a post about it but since my main blog (@hauntedthief) was terminated I lost access to my sideblog @narniadynamics​. Because of this I decided to make (yet another) sideblog for Narnia. Instead of just being focused on the many different relationships in the series/adaptations, it will be a general blog now like @fyeahnarnians​ used to be but without any posts about the cast.
I’d really appreciate if you could vote here for the new sideblog’s url! Thank you so much in advance😘
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