#super quantum computer
nunuslab24 · 2 months
Understanding The World of Quantum Computers
Imagine a computer so powerful that it could solve problems in seconds that would take our current machines millions of years. No, it's not science fiction—it's the exciting world of quantum computing, where bits become qubits and the impossible becomes possible. Let's dive into this technological marvel that might one day be as common as your smartphone!
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A quantum computer is a supercomputer that exploits quantum mechanical phenomena or in other words, a quantum computer uses tiny particles to perform complex calculations. Unlike regular computers, quantum computers use qubits instead of bits!
A qubit means that it is either neither 0 or 1, think of it as a wave; it can go up and down at any given moment! This ability to be in multiple states simultaneously is known as superposition. At the same time, a bit in a classical computer is like a simple switch that can be either off (0) or on (1), a qubit can be both off and on simultaneously, providing an incredible amount of computational power. But how do they really work?
How Quantum Computers Actually Work
Superposition: As mentioned, qubits can exist in multiple states at once. This allows quantum computers to process a vast amount of information simultaneously.
Entanglement: This is a phenomenon where qubits become intertwined, so the state of one qubit can depend on another, no matter how far apart they are. This can massively increase computational power.
Quantum Gates: Similarto logic gates (a device that acts as a building block for digital circuits) in classical computers, quantum gates manipulate qubits. but because of superposition and entanglement, quantum gates can perform complex operations much faster than classical gates (smartphones, tablets, etc).
What Do Quantum Computers Look Like?
Unlike the sleek laptops and smartphones we use today, quantum computers look very different. They are usually large (5ft wide & 20ft long), complex machines housed in specialized laboratories. A typical quantum computer setup includes:
Cryogenic Systems: Quantum computers need extremely low temperatures to function, often close to absolute zero (kelvin or -273.15 degrees Celsius or -460 degrees Fahrenheit). This requires sophisticated cooling systems.
Quantum Processor: The heart of a quantum computer, where qubits are manipulated.
Control Systems: These are used to manage and operate the quantum processor, often involving complex electronics and software.
In other words, quantum computers are not something you can slip into your pocket or place on your desk. They currently require a highly controlled environment and are far from being household items.
Why Does This Matter?
The potential of quantum computers is amazing. Here are a few areas where they could make a significant impact:
Cryptography: Quantum computers could break current encryption methods, making our data vulnerable. However, they could also create unbreakable encryption.
Drug (Health) Discovery: They can simulate molecular structures much more efficiently than classical computers, speeding up the process of drug discovery and development.
Optimization: Quantum computers can solve complex optimization problems that are currently unsolvable, impacting industries from logistics to finance.
Pros and Cons of Quantum Computers:
Speed: Quantum computers can solve problems in seconds that would take classical computers millions of years.
Power: Their ability to handle complex calculations could revolutionize fields like cryptography, material science, and artificial intelligence (AI).
Innovation: They could lead to new discoveries and advancements in technology that we can’t even imagine yet.
Complexity: Quantum computers are incredibly complex and difficult to build and maintain.
Cost: The technology is expensive and currently out of reach for most organizations.
Security Risks: The potential to break current encryption methods poses a significant security threat.
Will We Ever Have Quantum Computers in Our Homes?
Given their current state, quantum computers are unlikely to become household items anytime soon. The technology is still in its infancy, and the machines are expensive and complex. However, as research progresses and technology advances, it’s possible that we could see more accessible forms of quantum computing in the future.
For now, the most practical application for everyday users will likely come through cloud-based quantum computing services provided by tech companies. This means you could potentially access the power of a quantum computer over the internet, without having to own one.
Quantum computers represent a leap forward in computing technology, with the potential to transform numerous fields and solve problems that are currently intractable. However, they also come with significant challenges and risks. As this technology develops, it will be crucial to balance its immense potential with the necessary safeguards to ensure it benefits humanity as a whole.
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gearlycorvid · 3 months
Hey babygirl... Come here often
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nsewell · 10 months
i could put any character in a star wars au but i choose to temper this power. for my safety and those around me
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rjalker · 2 years
"And this is Ziggy! It's our super computer, it calculates the leaps and stuff for us!"
"Oh, Ziggy changed pronouns? Ziggy that's so aweso--"
"...Oh, no, sir, it can't talk. Sorry, sir I guess you might be confused, Ziggy isn't an AI, we just call it that, as a sort of gag around the office. It's just a normal computer, it can't talk to you, it doesn't have pronouns since it's not sentient."
"I'm. I'm sorry, could you repeat that? It sounds like you just say Ziggy isn't an AI. That Ziggy isn't a person."
"Well, you heard right, sir, it's not, it's just a normal computer, albeit a very advanced one. Uh, sir, would you like to sit down? You're looking kinda pale, there..."
"...Oh boy."
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simontebrinke · 1 year
Will a super computer help unlock a cure for cancer in the near future? Consider this: Google's latest quantum computer, 'Sycamore', completed a calculation in just 6 seconds—a task that would take 'Frontier', the world's most powerful supercomputer, 47 years to finish. Remarkably, Sycamore is 241 million times faster than the quantum computer Google introduced just in 2019. Mind blowing engineering and technology 🤯
Video source: https://x.com/FrRonconi/status/1703664540192329785?s=20 via Franco Ronconi
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muirneach · 1 year
uh oh (the reveal)
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techinsiderhub · 4 months
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algoworks · 1 year
Quantum vs super: which type of computing will reign supreme in the future? 🤔
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atalker-tech · 2 years
Super computer vs quantum computer
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esggs · 26 days
College Major Headcanons:
[Extra content for Capital - noritoshi kamo x reader, cute college au]
Yuuji Itadori - Media Studies, on a full sports scholarship even though he's not too interested in sports. He doesn't show up to practice that much but carries the team in tournaments. Not really very academically inclined but everyone he meets loves him so much that he's gotten a shit ton of internships and work experience just cuz he's nice to work with. Stays on campus dorms.
Nobara Kugisaki - Fashion Merchandising (yay legally blonde). Another one who's not very academically inclined but does great at the practical aspects of the job. Gets 40% off on tuition, but has some funds from her grandma. also gets money from her fashion blog, part-time jobs at fashion mags, and manages clothing for photoshoots on a freelance basis (if she commits she commits). Saves on residence by renting with Inumaki and Panda.
Megumi Fushiguro - Computer Science with a minor in Math. Full scholarship and bursary grant by the college due to his shitty financial conditions (orphaned and destitute at a young age). Prof Gojo is his legal guardian. grew up in and stays on campus dorms.
Maki Zenin - Star Athlete, literally training for the Olympics. Her degree is in Mass Communications but she doesn't actually have to attend classes cuz the Uni wants her to focus on sports. Disowned by her family. Full sports scholarship and occasionally gets sponsored by sportswear companies. Trying to go pro.
Yuuta Okkotsu - Sociology and Anthropolgy. He enjoys talking to and meeting people and works as a part-time Journalist for local news channels to bring attention to issues like poverty. Gets a bursary grant from the uni, gets paid for and is decently recognized for his journalism work. Both Geto and Gojo want to mentor him. He talks to himself when he's alone but that's a secret.
Toge Inumaki - Architectural Design, chose this degree just for the hell of it, is a solid B+ student. Has a YouTube gaming and ASMR channel with 200k followers but is struggling to monetize it profitably. Got in on legacy admissions but gets a sports scholarship of 30% (he's pretty good at athletics)
Panda - ???
Noritoshi Kamo - Economics and Finance, specializing in Private Equity and Investment Banking. he's the heir of the Kamo Conglomerate. Full legacy admission even though he graduated valedictorian of high school and is the captain of the Archery team.
Todo Aoi - Quantum Physics. he's literally the top student of every class he takes. he keeps taking random other classes from different majors based on his whims. his genius was recognised and personally mentored by Yuki Tsukumo, but is now undergoing formal college education for the certificate even though he already knows all this and more. he spends half the day in the gym and the other half streaming Takada-chan variety clips.
Mai Zenin - Economics and Finance, her family made her take it. good at academics even though she's not super into it. legacy admission.
Momo Nishimiya - Literature and Creative Writing. She posts regularly for a gender and sexuality magazine. loves nobara's blog.
Miwa Kasumi - Computer Science with a minor in Software Engineering. She just wanted a degree that would lead to a well-paying job. Cabinet Member of the Student Council. She vouched a lot for Mechamaru/Kokichi to get disability-friendly accommodation. she struggles a bit with academics but pulls through with A- all around. Kokichi/Mechamaru helps her if she finds something particularly difficult to understand. has her own campus residence but has practically moved in with Kokichi.
Arata Nitta - Health and Medicine, focusing on Emergency Care Medicine. he TAs for Prof Shoko's classes. his sister works in college admin office. has campus residence but mostly stays in the college affilitated hospital, bit of an over-worker.
Mechamaru/ Kokichi Muta - double major in Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering. Another top student of his classes. Found it a bit difficult to adjust to campus life at first (not enough disability accommodation) but with Miwa's help he got around. campus dorm with Miwa.
Gojo Satoru - graduated from top Ivy colleges, has 5 PhDs, and wrote 1000 papers and books, and is the one of the most respected physicist in the world but insists on teaching Intro-level Physics and Math. drives a Bugatti to college. highly competitive relative grading. prescribes his own books for his class. expect a problem set every day after class. gives a lot of individual attention to students tho, n is very nice in general. he'll accept a late submission if u bring him sweets. his lockscreen is prof geto?
Geto Suguru - teaches one class named Ethics, Philosophy and Law every semester. doesn't answer questions over email, only during Office Hours. great at explaining difficult concepts, his course is the one students fight to get into and say "opened their eyes". has a devoted cult of worshipping students, voted student favorite every year. his adopted daughters took a gap year to travel abroad and he talks about them in class. he always has sweets in his pockets?
Utahime Iori - teaches modules on Economics, Politics and Philosophy courses. great teacher, very clear explanations, bumps up the grading slightly (absolute grading) and is very accommodating as a prof. hates getting emails at night tho.
Shoko Ieiri - Shitty ass prof tbh but everyone takes her class cuz she gives everyone an A. teaches Surgical Anatomy. focuses on practical experience rather than theory. she has a no attendance policy and takes few very exams or assignments.
Yuki Tsukomo - Visiting Faculty, takes one super high level class Quantum Physical Theory one semester and comes back after 4 years. Independent researcher funded by the uni.
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docgold13 · 4 months
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Richard ‘Richie’ Foley grew up in Dakota City and was best friends with Virgil Hawkins.  When Virgil gained super powers from the Quantum Vapor, he decided to use them to become a costumed superhero and Richie helped him.  Naturally gifted in computer technology and engineering, Richie proved an invaluable asset to Virgil in his fledgling career as the heroic Static.  
At first Richie was jealous of his friend’s newfound powers and Virgil was often annoyed by Richie’s persistent insistence on helping him.  Yet the two were able to work it out and arrived at a compromise.  In that Richie and Virgil were longtime best friends, it was important that Richie hide his identity while assisting Static.  To this end he made his own costume obscuring his identity and took on the alias of ‘Gear.’  
Richie was unaware of the fact that he too had been altered by the Quantum Vapor.  The mutagen had greatly boosted Richie’s intellectual functioning, providing him a heightened level of genius.  He used this cognitive prowess to design and build all manner of technological marvels.  
Although Richie and Virgil were close, Richie hid from his friend the fact that his father was an intolerant bigot who regularly made racists comments toward people of color.  Richie was ashamed of this and did his best to make sure that Virgil and his father never met.  Yet it was unavoidable and Richie was devastated when Virgil overheard Mr. Foley say racist things about Black people.  Angry and mortified, Richie ran away from home.  Virgil and his own father sought out Richie and assured him he need not be ashamed over his dad’s ignorance. It was on Richie to break the cycle of racism and intolerance and it was a challenge he was up to.  
Actor Jason Marsden provided the voice for Richie with the young hero first appearing in the premier episode of Static Shock.  
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ask-ginger-chara · 1 month
Introductions are in order.
So I may or may not have just realized that in my original 'Ask Box is Open' post, I didn't actually give any information about myself. Let's rectify that. Greetings! (again, I couldn't resist) My name is Chara! I'm a fictive, or introject, of the Character(ha) from Undertale by the same name. I'm 22, like my Host, and go by any pronouns, primarily they/them. I'm not picky though, so you may refer to me however you please. Also yes, I am indeed a ginger, hence the name of this blog! I enjoy reading (primarily fantasy, urban fantasy, mystery, and horror), I, naturally, like chocolate (though I do have a preference for 70% pure cacao chocolate, or just regular dark chocolate if it's on hand), I have a passing interest in science (primarily physics and quantum mechanics, though I don't know as much as I wish), and I've been known to go drinking and/or smoking(weed, not cigarettes) with my friends (I'm partial to whiskey, personally, though bourbon isnt bad. Beer is god awful, at least in the US. Rum is good too.). Some fandoms I'm a part of are Owl House, Undertale (who would have guessed?), Good Omens, Supernatural, Gravity Falls, Life is Strange and Doctor Who, just to name a few. As far as dislikes, I hate anything overly sweet (yes that includes overly-sweet chocolate, I can see the questions from a mile away), I despise people who are intentionally stupid or ignorant (ex. a boomer who still doesn't know how a computer works. It's 2024. Figure it out, Sharon.), and I'm an 'eat the rich' sort of person, if you get my meaning. My political alignment is None Of Your Business and as far as religion, you could say I'm on the fence. Or, more accurately, I'm not super concerned about it. Whatever happens after I die is whatever happens, I'll just enjoy my life as best I can, thank you.
I also tend to ramble a bit, and go off on tangents, but I'll try not to do that when answering questions. Again, ask box is open, feel free to ask away!
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roomtemperaturetea200 · 4 months
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Thought this would be a good way to break in a new sketchbook
Text in green under the cut
(In all Caps)
Welcome to your:
Super quantum unit intel processor- SQUIP
Top secret can’t even look it up on the internet shit. It’s from Japan. It’s a grey oblong pill. Quantum nano-technology CPU. The quantum computer in the pill will travel through your blood until it implants in your brain and tells you what to do.
It’s pre-programmed. It’s amazing. Speaks to you directly. Helps you act correctly.
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mindblowingscience · 11 months
The super-special material graphene continues to surprise and fascinate scientists, this time revealing a rare electronic state termed 'ferro-valleytricity', which occurs when graphene is stacked up in a particular five-layer combination. When in this new state, the graphene stack exhibits weird and wonderful magnetic and electronic behavior, as reported by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard University, and the National Institute for Materials Science in Japan. Using graphene in this way could help in the development of both classical and quantum computers, according to the team, especially in terms of creating data storage solutions that offer large capacities but that also need relatively little energy to run. "Graphene is a fascinating material," says physicist Long Ju from MIT. "Every layer you add gives you essentially a new material." "And now this is the first time we see ferro-valleytricity, and unconventional magnetism, in five layers of graphene. But we don't see this property in one, two, three, or four layers."
Continue Reading.
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miquella-everywhere · 6 months
I think Miquella's eternal youth is actually a side effect of his rampant abundance.
Because, what is aging but the natural cycle of dying and replacing cells?
But his abundant life has left his body in a state that he regenerates faster than his cells decay to the point that his body just no longer does. Actually, ironically enough, I think it was thanks to the Rot inside Malenia, the only decay force strong enough to affect him, that Miquella managed to age past his infancy.
It would also explain why Miquella's stunted body became apparent once Malenia left to find her master. The amulet that depicts her and her master says that she was "a young girl" at the time, and the golden epitaph says that Miquella is "a young boy".
Also notice that in the amulet, Malenia is the same height as her master despite her being a girl and he's a grown man. So yeah, Miquella is totally the height of a human adult but it's considered a child's size by demigod standard.
Another side effect of Miquella's incapability of decaying is that his neurons are forever fresh, which would explain why he's just so goddamn smart: his brain can retain information and make synapses no normal human can because his brain is practically a quantum super computer that's forever updated 🤣
So yeah, this are my rambling theories about the curse of eternal youth
Valid takes all around lol
I for one personally don't like relying on the depictions/appearance of characters on the talismans (i think that a lot of liberties are taken there) Kinda like how the statues of Miquella at the Haligtree tree show him with shoulder length hair, and the DLC promo art and glimpse of him in the trailer shows his hair at being well past him his waist. But that just me lol
I do like the idea of Miquellas Abundance basically being his body and cells constantly refreshing themselves lol thats an interesting scientific stance on his curse.
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carionto · 10 months
The spirit never dies, but please watch over it
"What are you doing, Captain?"
"What? Going outside of course. Uncharted lands and all that. You said the atmosphere is mostly harmless and I even put on my suit. You can't stop me, Zhao. I outrank you. So there!"
Captain Knoslark of the crash-landed Radiant Dusk at Everest made this declaration pretty much the moment the chief engineer said we weren't going to be flying anytime soon. Something about the warp jump frying all quantum-based computers and connections. Oh yeah, can't contact Earth or anyone really.
Turns out going through a hole in space-time really does breaks quantum entanglement, so that kinda sucks. Or perhaps even that has limits on distance, the furthest anyone tested was from one end of the Milky Way to the other. Or maybe there is something in the physics of space between galaxies that we don't understand yet.
Regardless, we're totally alone and roughly 12 to 30 billion light years from home, depending on if we landed in the target galaxy or one that moved into its place from the time when the light from it reached us. Every celestial body being unknown leaves a lot of room for guessing.
Now, given the circumstances, a normal ship and crew would not permit this and simply declare the captain unfit for duty and his second would take over. However, we are a crew of 27 civilian engineers, researchers, scientists, and technicians, and only a third have some military training, the captain not being one of them, and all of us are... a bit on the odd side.
In short, three people eagerly volunteered to join the captain on his expedition outside - Engineer Emily Halliday, Physicist/Botanist/Microchemist/(and like five other PhDs) Haespar Kraus, and Trisha, no last name, she just appeared aboard a few years back and is generally helpful and real fun to hang out with, she knows so much random trivia.
The world outside was... flat, but layered. Some areas only had very small types of vegetation, think like a grassy field, but orange with grey flower-like clusters everywhere. Then there is basically a hard cut wall of this deep red and brown bushes and small trees with super wide trunks that suddenly jut out in their area. And the tall spindly trees? that kinda resemble stretched out cobwebs and have this hazy transparent look to them except at the top where it's a really rich green field of dense foliage.
There's some variations further out, but that's the general idea. Almost like someone haphazardly painted with only base colors on a canvas and refused to mix or gradient them.
"We are entering the red bushes now. I feel a tingling sensation, Zhao. This is fun! I wonder if we'll encounter animals here. If we're stuck here for too long we'll have to start farming. I've always wanted to be a rancher, you know, but space beckoned me!"
"Yes, captain, I know. Please be careful and return from your trip soon. Trisha, knock him out if he tries to bring back a pet."
"I heard that, Zhao!" "I know, don't make Trisha knock you out." "Hmmph. You're no fun." "I am paid to not be, sir."
There was a bit of grumbling before Knoslark ended the call on his end. Thankfully, the other three kept their channels open, as you are meant to do, so the onboard crew always knew what was going on. Unfortunately, drones are one of the things that utilize quantum connections to operate, so it'll take time to refit them to receive radio signals.
Suddenly, nearly all of the scanners and receivers on the ship noticed a variety of new signals and distant sounds - explosions. Repeating ones. And... are those fireworks? Since the Dusk was grounded it couldn't really properly scan the whole planet, just the area immediately around them, so they had no idea if this was inhabited by anything resembling a civilization.
Not long after that, there were physical impact signals coming from the North-East side of the ship. Cameras revealed there were several groups of quadrupedal creatures not unlike rhinos with giraffe necks mounted by smaller bipedal ones that sorta resemble moths, but made of jelly and fish scales?
"Captain, Emily, Kraus, Trish! Get back to the Dusk right now, there's natives on this planet and they don't like the ship." Sergeant Zhao shouted into the comms.
"Gonna be a moment, Ying." Trisha replied, "The Cap'n got himself stuck on a tree. Some kinda sticky fungus lives on the higher branches, we're working on choppin' it down."
"Well hurry, the density of the heightened vegetation makes it impossible to see with our scanners what's inside. You might not have much time."
"We'll be done in a-
The words got cut off by the whole cobweb-tree area rapidly ascending, revealing a titanic creature of fur, mud, and countless short but lumbering limbs coming out of the ground, just as the local star began to set over this world. All other similar patches did the same. The shorter red bush areas then began to glow a faint blue releasing little clouds of dust just above. The titans made their way over these hazy spots, and remain stood there for the time being.
The assault on the Dusk by the locals had ceased during this commotion. Aside from the hum of the single active reactor, everyone was silent for a few minutes, broken by Trisha coming back on:
"Ying, we're fine it looks like, but you got a better view than us, what are we on?"
"Uhh, a giant... headless moss turtle thing? It's not the only one and seems did not act because of you, so you should be fine, but hurry back here." Sergeant Zhao then addressed the onboard crew:
"Drop whatever it is you're doing and get a shuttle working NOW. I don't care how basic, I'll fly it manually if need be. We are not leaving anyone out there!"
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