#super show reboot when nintendo?
multicolour-ink · 1 year
For the all the references and easter eggs the movie throws at us, I'm glad the cast was only down to six main characters (or eight if you count Kamek and Cranky)
Ngl when I saw this shot
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I was like "Yes! The gang's all here!" 💗
And yes I'm aware Daisy is missing but sssshhhhhhh next time in the sequel!
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emile-hides · 1 year
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I’m so obsessed with the Mario family and while I’m a very hard Uncle Tony stan I’m also insanely obsessed with Auntie Marie and her daughter. I want to know all about them.
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radiantrookie · 23 days
The disappearance of Donkey Kong Jr
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When he was first introduced, he was Donkey Kong's (Cranky Kong) son and stared in his own game where he would rescue his father from Mario
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He would also appear as a playable character in Super Mario Kart
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However that would change when Rare would soft reboot Donkey Kong and create a new DK, the Modern Donkey Kong who is grandson of Cranky Kong, which would make also make him the son of DK Jr, however oddly, we never see a grown up version of DK Jr anywhere, when he appears in Mario Tennis 64, he's his child self for some reason, playing tennis with his future son
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This would be his last major appearance, his only other notable modern appearance aside from cameos is that he would be the transformed state of the Big Island King from the All Stars version of Mario Bros 3
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His existence would come into question when Yoshi Island DS showed Modern DK as a baby at the same time as Mario
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This was made even worse when the Mario Movie came out, stating that Modern DK is Cranky's son and not grandson and while it isn't canon, it does imply that he doesn't exist anymore according to Nintendo
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He would appear in Mario Kart Tour as a sprite character, but interestingly, he's called "Donkey Jr. (SNES)"
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With all this, info, it could imply two things:
DK Jr doesn't exist anymore and has been retconned from existence
Or DK Jr has been retconned to be a younger Modern DK
Edit: One alternate explanation is that that Baby Donkey Kong from Yoshi Island DS is actually a baby Donkey Kong Senior (Cranky Kong)
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goombasa · 4 months
Star Fox and the Wish for Potential
I really wish that we got more Star Fox games.
Don't get me wrong, Nintendo's done some of their other franchises much dirtier than Star Fox, with the absolute astounding gaps between entries in franchises like Metroid or F-Zero have proven, and yet Star Fox is probably the series that bothers me the most, because most of the time, it doesn't feel like Nintendo particularly cares about the potential of its world or its characters or the stories that could be told with a group of mercenaries that wander the solar system… most of the time, Star Fox as a series for them is a tech demo series for them.
Don't get me wrong, there's something to be said for that. The original Star Fox was essentially the perfect example of how far you could push the Super Nintendo and still have a viable, playable game with its use of polygons, Star Fox 64 pushed the series further with its branching path system and showed off just how much rumble could enhance the experience of a game, Star Fox Command is basically one of the examples I think of when I think of a game that uses a system's central gimmick to its absolute extreme since basically the ENTIRE game is stylus driven, and of course, poor Star Fox Zero was the last bastion of trying, desperately, to show folks that the Wii U was cool.
There is something to be said for having a particular series that you like to use to show off the potential of your hardware or control schemes (which makes it all the stranger that Star Fox missed out on the Wii, when its control scheme would probably have worked really well with a rail shooter), but it's often to the detriment of everything else. If there isn't a gimmick or new hardware or new tech to pair it with, it often feels like the series just doesn't matter to Nintendo that much, and the narrative and characters feel like they suffer for it. I'm not saying that Star Fox's story is some sort of underrated masterpiece, but I'm the sort of person who just gets real annoyed when potential goes unexplored.
There is so much that could be done with the world of Star Fox with the premise that it has, and yet most of the time, it feels like Nintendo's only ever interested in telling the same story. Both Star Fox 64 and Zero are retellings of the original game's story, and while the other games do follow an actual flowing story, that was sort of thrown out the door with Command and it's multiple endings, all of which are pretty unsatisfying, and pretty much all of them were confirmed noncanon anyway, which led to Nintendo just rebooting the whole thing.
Well, I say Nintendo, but all things considered, Nintendo's never really developed any of the Star Fox games in-house. They have a lot of say in what does and doesn't get into the game, obviously, but the main developers for the games are almost always third party developers, though usually ones that are pretty close to Nintendo. We've had Argonaut Software, Rare, Namco, Q-Games, and Platinum Games. The only one that had no other studios involved, or at least none that are listed, is 64, which was only done by Nintendo EAD. This is one of those series that Nintendo seems to hand out to other developers rather than work on in house because I don't think a lot of their top devs have a lot of interest in the series. And it's just frustrating, as the game jumping about from developer to developer doesn't help its consistency much, which leads to a lot of divisive opinions on each game. Most of them (Rare exclused, as they basically slapped Starfox on top of an original IP they were working on at the time) really only know Star Fox as a rail shooter series and Nintendo probably doesn't give them a wide breath to experiment beyond that.
But imagine if we had a game that took more advantage of the fact that our main characters were mercenaries. There doesn't have to be a huge, grand-scale problem for them to solve. We've seen that so much already in the series, most of it related to Venom and the sort of monsters that spawn from there. A game where you fly around, explore the lylat system, still have shooting sections, but are attempting to take on jobs for various groups, assisting folks who are still recovering from all the combat that was happening before, there's a lot of potential there, and you wouldn't even have to abandon the rail-shooting or dog-fighting gameplay that has been the pillar of the series.
At the same time, I'm one of those freaks who thinks it's good to see a series step away from its comfort zone now and then. I actually enjoyed the ideas behind the on-foot missions in Star Fox Assault, and actually really liked the idea of a Star Fox Musou game that was rumored to be a pitch after Hyrule Warriors blew up. What I want is to see something that pushes the boundaries of the series and tries something familiar yet unique, like how Nintendo reinvents Mario just a little bit with each Entry, or how Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom have given Zelda a bit of a fresh identity, or how Dread has completely revitalized Metroid as a series (though again, the primary developer on that game was MercurySteam, with assistance from Nintendo EPD). I would love to see that level of passion devoted to a Star Fox game in the future, one that doesn't have to be reliant on a gimmick or new tech in order to justify is existence. I just want a Star Fox game that helps define what Star Fox is, or what it can be, so many years after the original. I want a game that doesn't retread well trodden ground with its story and breaks away from series tradition, just a little bit, maybe let the characters breathe just a bit more, or at least give a bit more justification to your wingmen.
This post has been a lot more rambly than I meant it to be, but I generally have a hard time organizing my thoughts when I start getting onto a topic like this. A lot of what I write is stream of consciousness and I just hope that something legible pops out, so I apologize if I've failed here, it just bums me out that the latest Star Fox game was Zero, which would have been a pretty mediocre game even without the tacked on gyro controls, which came out ten years after the last fully original Star Fox game, Command, which in and of itself had tons of issues, not least of which being its branching storyline gimmick, and now it just feels like we're not going to see another new one any time soon, and that makes me quite sad.
Then again, I could be surprised when whatever Nintendo's new system is going to be. I mean, we got a brand new F-Zero game late last year in F-Zero 99 after almost twenty years of nothing for that series, so anything is possible. I just worry that it will continue to repeat the pattern and try once against o start fresh with the same story we've had three times now, when what the series needs it some sort of push in a fresher direction. Trying to play it safe with a basic rail shooter wouldn't be the best idea with this series at this point.
My fingers are crossed, and I'm absolutely hoping for something unexpected for the series in the future. Preferably sooner than later, but hey, I'm decently patient. Until then, there's always musing with other fans on what could be.
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britesparc · 1 year
Weekend Top Ten #585
Top Ten Games I’d Like to See at Not-E3
Welcome to the latest edition of David’s Hastily Rewritten at the Last Minute Top Ten!
So here’s a little peek behind the curtain. I’d planned to do a couple of weeks of gaming-themed Top Tens (Tops Ten) leading up to a “prediction special” before the Xbox summer showcase in late June. And I am still doing that, more or less – except, with the announcement of the PlayStation showcase this coming week, I decided late in the day to switch gears a little bit. I had thought, well, I don’t really play on the PlayStation – or even on the Switch that much, to be honest – so making bold predictions was rather daft. But then maybe trying to make any kind of predictions was a bit daft in any weather.
It used to be that E3 was a big deal, with all the major platform holders having a showcase and revealing their big news – alongside smaller, indie news nuggets too. But during the last console generation that stopped being as much of a thing, with multiple events spread across the year now dispensing news more evenly. Plus it feels like journalists – and Reddit – have gotten smarter at predicting what the major players are doing. For instance, they know when Nintendo are ordering processors or whatever, indicating they’re producing new hardware. That sort of thing. This detective work, although kinda cool, also robs us of a lot of genuine unexpected surprises. We knew Playground Games was working on a Fable reboot for, what, a year or two before it was announced. That’s just how these things happen I guess, and I don’t even feel I’m trawling for news or anything. I quite like to be surprised.
So anyway, I did have some Xbox-specific predictions written down but they seemed perfunctory and slight and, crucially, mostly unfunny. So instead I’ve once again cast my net industry-wide and rather than making bold and preposterous predictions – or even accurate ones – I’m just going to talk about what I’d like to see. Closer to the time I might go over some of my Xbox dreams, but it’ll be body text and not in the list. For now, here’s a list of ten games – some real, some imagined! – that I would love to hear about in the various shows and presentations over the next few weeks.
And that’s it!
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Fable: we know it exists, we know Playground are making it… and that’s about it. What form, exactly, will Fable take? I assume it’ll be a third-person RPG as per the previous games. But Fable had such a distinct style, not just in art but also in tone and gameplay. Even if original developer Lionhead still existed, would it be possible for new people to recapture the magic of (especially) the first two Fable games? Will there be a dog? Will there be the simplistic one-button combat? Or breadcrumb trail? Will it be super-accessible but also really naughty? And just when can we play it? I’m hoping, with a tiny touch of realism, that it might be out by Christmas 2024, and we’ll get a bit of gameplay or at least an in-engine trailer this year.
Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2: a game that feels like it’s really taking its sweet time but which – I have decided to believe – will be out this year. Maybe. Anyway, I’d like to see more gameplay – a proper extended live playthrough, right there on stage. And I’d like it to end with “November 2023” or something. That’s it!
Ara: History Untold: I’m fascinated and intrigued by Microsoft’s Civ-a-like. We’ve had a sort-of cinematic trailer and a few ambiguous screenshots, but I really want a serious deep-dive into what it’s like, how it plays, and why it’s different to the all-conquering Civ. I’ll be playing this regardless – Game Pass, natch – but I want to see it in action, and I want some seriously detailed articles from embedded journalists.
Mass Effect: another game that’s taking its sweet time, and one we’ve seen even less about than Hellblade 2. The first Mass Effect trilogy is tremendous, one of the best game series of the 360/PS3 era – and that’s really saying something. After the misfire of (slightly underrated) Mass Effect: Andromeda, we’re all rooting for this new game, especially as it looks like it’ll have some returning characters from the classic trilogy. I’ve no idea when it’s due, but it’d be great if EA could show it off a bit this year.
Indiana Jones: another one that’s shrouded in mystery, but surely with Dial of Destiny in cinemas now would be a good time to see the first Indy game in an age? I’ve no idea what to expect – presumably a third-person action-adventure, hopefully one that puts as much emphasis on Indy’s wits and smarts as it does on his ability to punch Nazis. It’d also be great if it was due in the next eighteen months. One thing I’m not looking forward to is the inevitable console war it’ll kick off: produced by a Microsoft-owned studio, but featuring a huge global franchise, I genuinely could see it going either way vis-à-vis its appearance on a PlayStation. And whatever happens, some people are going to be very vocally annoyed.
Quake 2: “but Quake 2 has been out since 1997,” I hear you cry. Yes, but not on Xbox Series X/S. After Quake’s surprising (but delightful) console remaster, I want Quake 2 to get the same treatment. But – here’s the thing – I want to see them implement the fantastic ray tracing effects you can get on PC. There just isn’t enough ray tracing on console, people! I know this would be smaller potatoes than some of the other huge fries in this list, but then I like a bit of retro fun.
Civilization VII: I mentioned Ara above, but the daddy of the genre is obviously still Civ. I’ve played Civ VI a frankly unhealthy amount – 1,700 hours on PC and another 200 on Xbox by last count – so even though there’s still (still!) a lot to do I’m ready and willing to see what’s next. Now, I’m certainly not expecting a deep dive filled with gameplay; they’ve only recently released DLC for the latest game. But a proper announcement and maybe even tentative release date (2024?) would be enough. Although I’d love a screenshot.
Mario Kart: now, realistically, I’m not expecting a new Kart – or a new Mario – until the Switch’s successor is released. But maybe that’ll happen soon! I’ve seen some prognosticators assuming that the “Switch 2” (please, please call it the “Super Switch”) will be out by next March. If so, they’d better start announcing games soon, and one I’d love to see would be a brand-new Mario Kart. Where do they go from here, is the question? Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was almost a best-of package of the entire Kart saga. What more can they do, really? I’m fascinated to find out. And – selfishly – I’d like it to still come out on the old, original Switch too.
Lego… Something: yeah, vague. I dunno. After last year’s Skywalker Saga – a bit jaggedy round the edges but still excellent overall – I’m hankering for more TT Lego action. The company has a long history of making these fantastic, immersive, damn fun little games filled with Lego renditions of your favourite characters. I know they’re working on a new game – rumours have swirled about Marvel Super Heroes, Batman, and a general “Disney” game featuring Disney Animation and Pixar characters – but rumours have also swirled about development hell and projects being cancelled and rebooted. I hope they’re working on something, and I hope it’s in a good enough state to show, and I hope – for my own personal satisfaction – it’s either a DC or Marvel project. Adopting the open world hubs of Skywalker seems cool, but I’d rather they kept the actual missions tighter and more focused. And, personally, after revisiting their first success (Star Wars), I think they should go back to their second success (Batman). How about a multiversal mashup – Lego Batman: Infinite Crisis perhaps?
Lemmings: look, a guy can dream. I know Sony are working on some cool things – I’m very intrigued to see Wolverine – but they’re also sitting on Lemmings. Not literally, that’d be uncomfortable. But after the recent success of EA’s Command and Conquer remaster, I would love – love – for Sony to give the first two Lemmings games a spruce up with 4K graphics. Just make them inherently more playable and accessible on modern hardware; stick them on Steam, Epic, GOG, whatever. Hey! Howsabout you do some funky VR shit and put them on PSVR2 while you’re at it? I don’t care; I just want to easily play Lemmings 2: The Tribes on my PC. And after all my old wishes – new Fable, new Perfect Dark, Ron Gilbert returning to Monkey Island – actually went and came true, I’ve got to find another unrealistic aspiration.
So I tried to be more-or-less realistic here – Lemmings is the only one that’s truly out-there and very unlikely – but I could pluck from my ether several more games that I would like to see. A remaster of Fate of Atlantis in the manner of LucasArts’ other graphic adventures? Yes please! A new Banjo Kazooie? Seems inevitable at this point! More Crackdown? I doubt it! But all the same, the next few weeks should be full of incident and – hopefully – some of those surprises I mentioned before.
Zool on Game Pass! Red Alert 2 remaster!! HALF-LIFE 3!!!
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demonfox38 · 1 year
Completed - Star Fox Zero
Before we can get into a proper conversation about "Star Fox Zero", you have to understand three things about my particular brain and biases:
I don't like claiming that I am good at anything. (Mostly, because I am not definitively the best at anything. All I can guarantee is base competency.)
I am good at "Star Fox 64."
I am a proficient bassoon player.
1 and 2 relate in a comedic way, sure. What's up with 3, though?
Well, I bring up the whole bassoon background because the bassoon is one of the more mainstream weird-ass musical instruments. It's a double-reed bass instrument that requires proper breathing control, responsive embouchure, memorization of proper fingering techniques (ha ha, yes, I know), and the ability to read in bass clef (and tenor, if you're dealing with some real dickhead composers.) A music ed teacher does not just hand a child a bassoon and tell them, "Good luck!" It requires musical competency and practicing. Just absolute shittons of hours of practicing so you don't sound like a dying duck. But, if you get good at it, you'll always have a seat in a band or orchestra. It's weird, sure, but it adds warmth and speed to bass lines. There's value in its weirdness, which I hope is something we know and appreciate, being denizens of this so-called hellsite.
What's the point of me bringing up playing the bassoon in a "Star Fox Zero" review? Because I am used to practicing weird shit, and that's 100% going to color my perspective in this game.
Also, I might like this series.
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Just a teeny bit. (Hell, I even forgot a few things...)
"Star Fox Zero" is a 2016 rail shooter / driving game for the Nintendo Wii U. It is best classified as a soft reboot of both SNES' "Star Fox" and the Nintendo 64's "Star Fox 64", although it is far more comfortable hanging in the pockets of the latter. The beats should be fairly familiar to most "Star Fox" fans. Doctor Andross is being a scientific asshole; he's got the Lylat System curb-stomped; General Pepper hits up mercenary team Star Fox for help; lasers get jammed up nasal cavities. Ya know. Standard "Star Wars" meets "Bambi" plot, if you have the mind for it. (Or, if we want to be hyper specific, Shinto iconography meeting "Thunderbirds". The former comparison may be a bit more parsable, though.)
There's a veil of pity and tragedy around this game, which caused me to stay my hand in playing it until 2023. First of all, it's one of the last projects associated with former Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, who effectively died in the saddle. Like, what can I say about that situation but "Damn" and "RIP." Secondly, a lot of people were bitching about the controls. A lot. Lastly, I didn't even own a Nintendo Wii U until April of this year. I wasn't going to buy a console for one goddamn game, alright? That's not what a reasonable person does. Besides, so many Wii U games were being ported to the Switch. I was willing to wait a little while just to see if "Star Fox Zero" got to jump ship as well.
It's 2023. The Switch ship has sailed. Nintendo's eShop has closed. Wii U consoles are succumbing to memory loss. It's not now or never, but…c'mon. I know how the Nintendo used game market works. This is about the lowest price point before nostalgia and console degradation jack prices back up. And hey—the Wii U I bought did come with "Super Mario Maker." So I didn't buy a console for just one Wii U game. Ha! Ha…
Whaddya say? Want to start with ripping a bandage off first? Has to hurt more with fur, I'd imagine…
About those dreaded controls, then. Honestly? I didn't find them that unintuitive. I do think there's a problem that happens when a "Star Fox 64" brain maps onto them, though. Considering how outrageously popular that game is in comparison with its sibling titles, that's a fairly big hurdle to leap.
For the sake of this conversation, I'm going to show you my controller grips between "Star Fox 64" and "Star Fox Zero."
Here's "Star Fox 64":
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(Manual image sourced from: https://m1.nintendo.net/docvc/NUS/USA/NFXE/NFXE_E.pdf)
Here's "Star Fox Zero":
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Obviously, we're working with wildly different control sets. The initial brain shock comes from moving primary functionality from face buttons to controller triggers. Like, when it's been memetically drilled into your head to tap the Z or R buttons twice to…well, you know the line. You're going to try that with the Wii U controller as well. Then, you're going to be very surprised to find bombs and lasers going off instead.
Basically, in "Star Fox 64", your left thumb is navigation, your pointer fingers are used for defensive actions/threading, and your right thumb is used for offense and specialty actions (evasive maneuvers, going into different perspectives, and hailing calls.) In "Star Fox Zero", your thumbs are handling navigation and evasive maneuvers while your pointers handle offense. For three out of your four play-responsible fingers, that's an inverse of operational duties. A bit tricky!
Having said that, I picked up on the thumb stick shortcuts within two practice sessions. Once I understood how to somersault with the sticks (left down, right up), I thought, "Well, can I U-Turn by left and right down?" And by God, that was correct! Didn't need anyone to tell my ass how to barrel roll. Figured that out, too!
Weapon targeting is a particularly contentious subject in this game. The game wants you to improve your accuracy by using both the cockpit (first person) view and the gyroscope controls in the Wii U gamepad to pick up your targets. While it can't be completely turned off, you can set the controls to only take gyroscopic input into account when you are charging lasers. And you know what? 100% do that. No need to have that always slipping around. There's exactly one boss I've encountered where having them on all the time helped, and that one was optional. And a dick. But, I suppose that's to be expected of a boss…
The last major controller issue has to do with the split of external ship and cockpit views being simultaneously displayed on your TV screen and your Wii U gamepad. Now, which view is where can be toggled by hitting the minus button, so you don't necessarily have to crane your neck down every time you need to consult something in one view or another. However, this dual screen setup is wholly a bad design choice. "Star Fox 64" was able to have the same functionality with a single screen and a dedicated button for flipping back and forth between views if you really had to do that. Which, honestly, was pretty rare to begin with. If something really needed to be put on the lower screen, that should have been a radar/map. Even, then. Lower-right corner of the TV screen. That's where "Star Fox 64" had it. Dead horse, beat.
It could've been fun to have a set of "Call Teammates" buttons down on the Wii U gamepad. Ya know. Just to harass Falco in the middle of a firefight. "Hey, girl. How's it going?" "NO TALKING WHILE THIS LIZARD IS TRYING TO EAT ME!" That kind of vibe.
And if for some reason you thought of something dirty involving Leon Powalski, that's between you and your morality-affiliated consultant of choice, my dude.
So, alright. You get your Arwing controls down. Congrats! You've got four more machines to learn! The main ship variants this time around are the Walker (think like "Star Wars"'s AT-ST, but made out of Arwing parts), the Landmaster (a tank with its own aerial form now because why not?), and the Gyrowing (a helicopter used for stealth and hacking missions.) The fourth, the Roadmaster, gets tossed in after you finish the game, so you don't have to sweat learning that one too much. It's like a hostile RV toy.
Of these, I took the most issue with the Gyrowing. It is easily outclassed and thrown away the first opportunity the game gets. Honestly, I know the Blue Marine gets shit-talked, but that submarine was at least solid at offense and chugging along. Gyrowings, oof. Not so much. Even the baby toy machine can outperform that thing. Absolutely ridiculous.
If I may speak positively, for just a moment—I actually liked the Landmaster design scheme better in this game than "Star Fox 64." Heresy, I know! I just didn't feel weighed down using it like I did in the past. And, granted, that may have been because the Titania level in "Star Fox 64" could really chunk up its framerate. But, here? It was smooth and responsive to what I needed it to do. Gotta award points where they are due.
Although, if you want to see some chunky framerates, go fight the Aquarosa boss. Or don't. (It's the pain-in-the-ass optional boss that I was ragging on earlier.) It's just one of those things where if you commit to fighting it, you've got to do it twice to get into two bonus stages. And, I mean, hell. Even Hercules did good enough fighting the Hydra once…
If I may give more credit, I also found the aesthetics of this game to be strong. I could have used better camera positioning for what I saw, sure. But, I genuinely liked what I saw. In particular, I really thought that the Titania level for this game was oddly beautiful, with pieces of debris from a nearby fight raining through the storm-swept desert atmosphere. The music for this game is on point, too. While some themes are recycled from "Star Fox 64", there is quite a bit of new music diversity. It's all composed gorgeously as well (if a bit excessively for Andross' theme.) If you want some samples, try out the following links:
Boss A
Inside the Colony
Planet Fortuna (and child track Dangerous Skies)
Return to Corneria (My favorite track!)
Stage Selection
Training (Part 2) (There's actually five parts to this!)
In additional audio perks, there's a lot of returning voice actors from "Star Fox 64." I mean, not everybody. (Rick May's a notable exception, but the guy was having awful health towards the end.) Whoever couldn't get picked up got pulled from the 3DS remake as well. Considering how much the English version of "Star Fox 64" thrived on its hammy performance and cheesy dialogue, this is definitely a point in "Zero"'s favor. Frankly, I think some of the voice actors have even gotten better over time. Lyssa Browne particularly has come leaps and bounds in her performance as Slippy Toad, if you'll forgive the pun.
Appreciation of late 90s English video game dubbing is wholly a subjective matter. But, I do find something charming about its raw authenticity and goofiness. We might still have meme culture without one or two titles. But, man. "Star Fox 64," "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night," Metal Gear Solid," all of those "Resident Evil" games…The Internet would be a duller place without the vocal work from those games.
Speaking of all these credits—what credits is "Star Fox Zero" going to give you? Outside of general plot advancement, you can get medals for excellent performance. These are usually granted for kill counts, sequence breaks, collecting certain items, finishing a fight under a certain time limit, or general competency. Granted, earning these doesn't seem to reward the player with much. You do get access to bonus missions, but the greatest rewards are model swaps of your Arwing, a model viewer, and a sound test. Completely pointless—especially if you have access to the OST on YouTube or a couple of Amiibos laying around the house.
Beating the game will also open up an arcade mode where you can shoot through the entire game again in one run. That's a bit more tempting, but honestly, quite overwhelming even to someone like me. I mean, I can handle "Star Fox 64" because it's a quick hour. Going through a "Star Fox Zero" run could take several hours. That's a pretty big gamble, man. It feels like going back a step as well. Like, you know how much more polished I could be at "Star Fox 64" if I could just re-run specific levels on demand? I mean, I guess there's always save state abuse, but I'm trying to discuss playing these games through legal means, here.
I don't think the plot here is enough for a casual player to cling onto, either. Especially, again, if they've played "Star Fox 64" before. It's mostly just rehashing that script, but with Andross dicking around more with space portals than bioweapons. The whole experience comes off as less thought-out and/or mature than "Star Fox 64," even if that's a weird detail to bang on about. Like, I shouldn't complain about seeing clowns in a circus, should I? Trust me, I love the goofy goober banter everyone has. I just wish a little extra polish went into it. Especially for the intro. Like, God. I'm pretty sure that some Cornerian Minister of Propaganda wrote that thing.
Although, General Pepper is a huge asshole this time around. Like, holy shit. It would have literally been more ethical if he put two rounds in the back of Andross' head. You can't toss a mad scientist into another dimension and not expect him to come back and kick your ass Krang style. Not to mention how quick he was to ditch Peppy when the latter was in distress. Like, geez, dude. Isn't he your friend?
I did end up liking the Star Wolf beats better here. Mostly, because they weren't just chumps for the easy pickings, this time around. Also, the implications of whatever James McCloud is in this universe is significantly more horrifying than it was in the past…
In some ways, the problems with "Star Fox Zero" are the problems that have been with the "Star Fox" series since Game One. These games are siblings to titles like "Devil May Cry" and "Parasite Eve" in that all three were accidentally successful betas. ("Star Fox 64" and "Devil May Cry 3" may be even closer related in the "Oops! We succeeded even harder!" department.) If you don't anticipate something being successful, how much thought are you going to put into its future? Perhaps the only reason fans and executives sweat over this detail is in relationship to Fox, Falco, and Wolf's "Super Smash Bros." related popularity. Although, I pity anyone who would fret over lore for Ice Climbers or Mr. Game & Watch like some do for "Star Fox" characters…
Harder still is trying to keep gameplay fresh and relevant to modern audiences. I mean, let's be real. "Star Fox" games are essentially souped-up "Space Harrier" titles. They're concentrated, arcade-difficult challenges meant to test your memory and reflexes. In a world that values a game's breadth of content over mastery of skill or difficulty (minus FromSoftware titles), that's always going to chop off the tails of these kinds of games.
And, hell. I've heard the "controls suck" complaint before, too. It was just for "Star Fox Assault" instead.
My personal problem with "Star Fox Zero" lies more with my thoughts about stagnation versus radicality. Plotwise, this game takes its events way too conservatively. Control-wise, well…we know about how that ruffles feathers, don't we? If there was an inversion with these two details—having a wild, engaging plot with a standard control scheme—this could have been the revival Nintendo wanted for the series. At least, that would have made for a sweet struggle.
Developers and players want "Star Fox 64" again. But, what does that look like in a modern era? Hell, what's even the silver title to that game's gold? I mean, I'd accept several different answers, depending on what a player got out of each title. The only wrong answer would be "Star Fox Command." That melodramatic, noncommittal garbage got us into this mess.
Personally? If I had to make another "Star Fox" game?
The "Star Fox" series appeals to me in not only its learnable difficulty, but its comradery. Fox McCloud would not be the sort of character that I would want to play if he begrudged his teammates. (Eyes on you, Slippy haters.) He's trying to do the right thing, not only for his father's honor, but for their sakes as well. I would want to construct a game that puts more emphasis on teamwork, even in a single player setting. Now, what that looks like could be tricky. "Star Fox 2" and "Command" fell into traps trying to do that. But, I'd have to try to do something, even if it's banal as stat boosts or motivational dialogue via radio communications. (Although, resource scouting/sharing might be an interesting twist. Does your partner trust you enough to attempt shield repairs in a firefight? Hell, would you for them?)
Even if a single confrontation is all it takes to knock Andross out of a timeline, it's harder for another villain to get out of his shadow. (It doesn't help that every other Nintendo character gets dedicated villains as well. It's all patterns fixing patterns.) Maybe, we don't need to. Hell, I could easily see scenarios where investigating some forgotten lab of his unleashes some horrific bio-techno monstrosity that lays waste to a handful of planets. It's not the most intelligent solution, but hell, neither were Aparoids. Didn't mean they weren't a legit threat.
I mean, if we really want to get messed up, the Lylat System is very poachable, if you get my drift. Particularly, if the wrong set of hunters were to come across it…
The simple answer would be just to make "Mass Effect" or "Halo," but for furries. But, personally? I'd want to toss "Star Fox 64," "Star Fox Assault," "Sin and Punishment: Star Successor," "Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin," and "Resident Evil 4"into a blender and chug what comes out. I know. Absolute madman shit, especially considering how I kept getting sick from "Resident Evil 4"-related adrenaline rushes. I know what I want out of a "Star Fox" game, and that's to go fast, kill some messed-up stuff, and vibe with my teammates. If I do it with my head in a bucket, then it'll at least be authentic to what it'd actually be like if I had to dogfight.
The flesh is weak, but the brain is sharp. And man, does it crave high-speed violence.
"Star Fox Zero" brought a lot of emotions out of me. Satisfaction, for having finally experienced it. Frustration, for letting the opinions of others cloud my interest with it. Sadness, for how the series has languished. But, it's all in perspective. Yes, this came out a decade after a predecessor that I found distasteful. Yes, it's been seven years without another game. (Well, hell, not even that, if you want to toss in "Starlink: Battle for Atlas" or "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.") The past is written. The future is unknown. I have what I have now, and I can find value in it. And, hell. As rough as that might feel, it's still not as raw as "F-Zero" fans have got it. Or even harder, "StarTropics" fans.
If you're looking for anything like a course of action from this evaluation, then I must recommend that you play "Star Fox 64" first. OBVIOUSLY. If that whets your appetite, fantastic! I can recommend you harder and/or weirder shit after that. Hell, maybe even this game, if you want to roll up your sleeves. As an introduction to the "Star Fox" series, it's about as appealing as a haunted house. But, if you are desirous of that kind of nail-biting shock, this is a solid game to play.
I wouldn't say that you have to be like me and pick up a Wii U for just this game. But, if you've got the console and ten bucks to spare, this game is cheap enough to pick up. And if you hate it like saner people do? Then, all you'll be out is a cheeseburger. Benefits of being a late adopter to a Nintendo game, for once! How often does that happen?
Do yourself a favor; dodge "Star Fox Command." Do an indie developer a favor; pick up "Ex-Zodiac." Do Rick May a favor; get your COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters. And, obviously…the last order writes itself, doesn't it?
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downfallofi · 5 months
Ok but, if love to hear about some of your super heroes someone. Man if you haven't played Stardew Valley in a while you should, they recently updated it and added some cool new stuff. Also I totally get the shibari thing. I don't sketch or draw but I think it's very aesthetically pleasing in a non perverted way and can see how it's be a fun excessive in posing and angles and such, especially with some of the more extravagant artistic shibari. Do you have a PC and what consoles do you have? Sorry to hear that about your friend, I know even if you're growing apart loading a friend can suck really bad.
Thank you for this ask, also.
I so wanna see how the new updates look in Stardew, like there's a new island to explore? And whole new fruits? (My wine aging casks in the cellar are a vital part of my little operation bringing in cash every day so new fruit to make wine with is exciting to me, baha) And yeah, like even being like ten years in on one playthrough there are still so many trophies I want to attempt when I start it up again. Even though some of them depend on being a traitor and siding with Joja mart in a new save.
For consoles have my slightly battered PS4, which has weathered two moves and multiple corrupted data reboots sadly, and may need puttin out to pasture soon 🥲🥲🥲 Im really strapped for cash and the thought of pricing a PS5 or something as a replacement and Im trying to be like hold on old girl just one more 700 meg download of a DLC for me
I also have a Nintendo Switch handheld with, like, two games loaded that my friend James sent me, it's second hand and I do not love the controller drift but I really enjoyed Pokemon Sword and the remaster of Skyward Sword a lot!
And also my GBA, that thing will outlive me and I still have a dozen games for it. First edition, I got it for Xmas 2001, it has followed me my entire adult life.
And yeah, you get it! I truly believe all art has validity to it, even horny art has it's niche as expression.
And man I would love to talk the heroes I created in high school, it's just such a thing that I might be here all night 😅😅😅 It started, oddly enough, with me mimicking cartoons. Idk if like anyone remembers, there was a bad, old Avengers cartoon on Fox in the 90's. (It was. Bad. They all had armor, nonsensically) so starting in middle school, using that as a jumping off point, I created Avengers in Armor ripoffs I called the Detectives. And they were my first real attempt, middle school wise, to do more than just random comics. I took spiral bound notebooks and I just began filling them up. And I was experimenting, tinkering all the time, because creating an experience that was as much as I cojld make it LIKE a comic book, in that it was very crudely drawn anatomically bad figures from a middle schooler. But the formula began taking shape, the notebook pages became stock, nine panel grids and from there I just filled page after page with ongoing adventures of this team.
Now. The Detectives. Sucked. And even in 8th-9th grade, I was losing interest in them because that Avengers show I took the germ of inspiration for their adventures from didnt even last that long, and I was getting into other stuff. Harry Potter. Blade Runner. Toonami cartoons, MUCH better shit than Fox Kids. I began using that and started cranking out more and more heroes.
Killed the Detectives, just wholesale had them wiped out, they sucked.
But I began building a universe of heroes beyond them, starting with a Harry Potter sort of pastiche that I also used as a commentary on high school and he was a little bit okay a lot like me, named Johnny Dreamer. And then other heroes in Johnny's world. And then, another comic, which I brilliantly named Systems Crash, about a dark anti-hero named Downfall (total Deadpool ripoff) and a Supergirl pastiche I based off a friend of mine. And just on and on. The notebooks began bursting with content, and I was riding some fucking lightning pushing these out and not doing any schoolwork. I was creating a little shared universe.
Like I said, I remember it all too well. It's just there doesnt seem to be any getting it back 😅 which makes me sad.
And yeah. Story of my life a bit, friends leave. It never stops being hard, when people who spoke to me every day begin texting less and less and move on with their lives, but it feels like Im just not... worth it? Idk it does make being friends with people hard for me.
So uh.
Thank you for the questions, honestly
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jcmarchi · 10 months
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III Was November's Best-Selling Game In US, Already Second Best Of The Year
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-iii-was-novembers-best-selling-game-in-us-already-second-best-of-the-year/
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III Was November's Best-Selling Game In US, Already Second Best Of The Year
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Video game analyst group Circana has released its November 2023 U.S. Video Game Market Highlights report and in it, the company reveals that, unsurprisingly, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III was the best-selling game of the month. It launched on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC on November 10 and is already the second best-selling game of 2023, behind Hogwarts Legacy. 
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The annual Call of Duty game always sells extremely well – it has taken the top spot of November for five years straight – so today’s results are no surprise. However, what’s new this time around is that Modern Warfare III is now an Xbox-owned game, after Microsoft successfully completed its acquisition of Activision Blizzard for a colossal $69 billion. Also, notably, despite Modern Warfare III reviewing poorly – it has a 56 on Metacritic, the lowest of the rebooted Modern Warfare series, and received a 5 out of 10 from Game Informer – it’s still selling very well, per usual. 
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III was the best-selling game of November, instantly becoming the 2nd best-selling game of 2023 year-to-date. It is the 5th consecutive year that a Call of Duty title was November’s best-seller (Red Dead Redemption II ranked 1st in Nov 2018).
— Mat Piscatella (@MatPiscatella) December 13, 2023
However, on both PlayStation and Xbox, it was the second most-played game of the month, behind Fortnite, which is free-to-play, on both platforms. 
Here are the top 10 best-selling games of November 2023: 
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Hogwarts Legacy
Madden NFL 24
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
EA Sports FC 24
Super Mario RPG
Mortal Kombat 1
NBA 2K24
And here are the top 10 best-selling games of 2023, year-to-date: 
Hogwarts Legacy
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Madden NFL 24
Diablo IV
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II 
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Mortal Kombat 1
In terms of platforms, the PlayStation 5 remained the best-selling hardware platform in both unit and dollar sales for November. Xbox Series X/S came in second for both measures. The newly released PlayStation Portal was the fourth best-selling platform of November. 
Overall, U.S. consumer spending on video game content, hardware, and accessories fell 7 percent compared to this time last year, to $5.9 billion. Circana executive director Mat Piscatella says this decline was driven by a 24 percent drop in hardware spending, to $964 million, and a 3 percent dip in content, to $4.6 billion. 
“All current generation consoles experienced a dougle-digit percentage decline in dollar sales when compared to a year ago, with Nintendo Switch showing the sharpest drop year-on-year,” Piscatella writes on Twitter. 
For more, check out October 2023’s best-selling games and then read the September 2023 video game spending results after that. Read Game Informer’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III review and then find out what we thought of Hogwarts Legacy. 
Have you been playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III? Let us know what you think of it in the comments below!
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maguro13-2 · 10 months
War of Shadow Realm ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Part 10 ~
"During the Black Arms Invasion - 6 Years ago"
Shadow (in his super form) : Only one thing left to do.
[The Messiah - Yutaka Minobe]
Black Doom : Shadow, what are you doing?
Shadow (in his super form) : Now to put the past behind me. Chaos...CONTROL!
(teleports the Black Comet outside of earth, where it becomes ARK's target)
Black Doom : Shadow! Don't do this to me! I'm the only relative that you've ever got! You wouldn't do this to your own father, would you?
Black Doom : No, shadow! Shadow, please! No, Shadow, no! No, no...NOOOOOOOOOO!
"6 years later..."
Shadow : So with Black Doom, being only the relative in the family, fueling his hatred against Mobius, The Death God Grim manage take his soul away and sent him to the inferno, just to believe that the villains in our universe were always full of stubbornness since the ancients arrived on the planet. But with the Black Arms Invasion coming to an end, who's responsible for this madness that harmed Mobius to fuel the hatred between humans and Mobians, and even intergalactic beings?
Sonic : You alright there, Shadow? What's bugging ya?
Shadow : Oh, nothing bothers me. I was thinking about the incident since the Black Arms invasion. That "other" incident.
Sonic : What? You talking about the Gizoid incident back in 2003? That incident was Eggman using Emerl to put Mobius in danger after his weapon on the death egg was destroyed. But I now remember that I realized he was reincarnated into that Gizoid back in 2004. It hasn't been like this since the Dreamcast era ended in 5 years.
Tails : Hardly to tell you guys, now you thinking about these incidents we're starting to kicking it up a notch. But in the real world AU, the Space Colony ARK is in really hot water right now, when this declaration of war is going to destroy the world, but we do know is that the Real World AU is being collided with the Ohkuboverse and it could really rip through the fabric of space time. However, that's only a facade.
Knuckles : A facade? Heh, what is this, Neo Contra from 2004? All I'm saying that this Soul Eater nonsense is blowing everyone's mind since their show had failed due to the unknown circumstances at Square Enix. We don't know what was Japan thinking that not all Japanese animation we're failures, but the studio did a pretty good job on the reboot of Fullmetal Alchemist. In fact, I got the voice of that Flame Alchemist Colonel Roy Mustang. What new voice did you get?
Sonic : I got Roger Craig Smith, that did Batman and Chris Redfield from Resident Evil.
Knuckles : Well, I guess Egghead still have his voice since 4kids had him dropping the balls of being the Mike Pollock guy. No wonder his old voice sadly passed on since he voiced in one of those games in the old days.
Sonic : Way to hang it. It's been like this since the Olympic Games with Mario to defeat our respective foes to save Canada and London. I wonder what's he up to now? (Mario appears on the screen)
Mario : Good evening, Sonic. How is my rival/smash fighter friend doing on stopping the conflict?
Sonic : Oh, hey, Mario. Yeah, yeah, there's a war going on. What's the sitch? How's everything going on in the war zone?
[Tense - Kenichi Tokoi]
Mario : Not to worry. You see we had a problem back at Nintendo in 2009. But since you made the agreement of becoming a Smash Fighter along with Snake, we decided to give you information on that Square Enix representative. This Maka Albarn we interrogated with, isn't appeared what she used to be. Turns out that she was actually a disguised form of someone that looks alike her. (Shows a photo of Bendy and his lover Inky Albarn in a black dress)
Sonic : Who is that?
Mario : This one on the left is cartoon legend Bendy the ink demon, and over on the way right here is his ex-lover, Inky Albarn, or should I say the Demon Queen of his world!
Sonic : So, the protagonist of Soul Eater is...(flashing images of Inky wreaking havoc and attacking people)
Tails : A fake! So the protagonist of Soul Eater was actually the queen in disguise? How did you know she was Bendy's former love?
Mario: Because the bratty teenagers from Soul World were bamboozled by this imposter who was trying to conquer the real world in inky darkness and enslave all of mankind. But poor, poor, old Bendy and friends could not take his lover's evil ways anymore. So to put a stop to the queen's reign of terror, he helped the technicolored toons Cuphead and his companion Mugman to defeat her instantly and therefore imprisoning her underneath the studio that is responsible for the creation of Bendy's world and was remained sealed away. Until now...
Sonic: So, a couple of colored toons managed to defeat her and eventually saved the world of toons and the real world itself. So what happened after her himprisonment?
Mario : However, not all things were going great in Real World AU. So, since her defeat, the queen discovered that a man named Atsushi Ohkubo wanted a new Japanese manga after Shotaro the Dokeshi's tale has mysteriously reached his end and named the title Soul Eater, a title that he got it from the weapon wielded by PSO NPC Kireek.
Sonic : That's not how it happened, you know what really after her defeat, Inky Albarn had stood underneath the Studio of Bendy's World for a long time, but before the 21st century hits, the queen had an idea of getting the perfect disguise, by becoming the hero of Soul World as we all know it!
Shadow : And not to mention it, the queen had framed the "real" Maka Albarn in her demon form to cause the incident that took place back in the 2000s. But to prove her innocence, Grim the mobian death God had no choice but to help her out and set out on a request to find the queen to put up her wicked ways against humanity!
Sonic : I gotta agree with it to you, Shadow. It's much more than that to stop a demon's reign of terror that could easily destroy the world, the real world.
Mario : So, do you agree with terms of using the powers of the Chaos Emeralds? And I will offer you a smash ball if you don't mind.
Sonic : So much for shadow of being a stuck up assist trophy. And I only have one arrangement song for Angel Island that Senoue always forget, but you're absolutely right about that, we'll use the power of the emeralds and take down the queen itself!
[SA2 (ver.B+C) - Jun Senoue]
Tails : Meet us there!
Sonic : Come on guys, we got some baddies to take down, stopping their reign of terror, and kicking their butts!
Knuckles : It's only a matter of time before Neo Metal Sonic plans to take over the real world, we don't have much time left before the planet is done for! Then I'm right with you guys!
Silver : Don't forget about me!
Sonic : Silver, you're going with us too?
Silver : Look, back in rivals, I just wanted to apologize how harsh I was back then, and I had to help you defeating Solaris, that turns out to be a science experiment that went out of control.
Knuckles: Hey, remembered Espio helped you out on defeating the ifrit? That monster released by Eggman Nega was it? Grim manage to help you and Epsio to track down that nasty descendant of his, who knew capturing Chao to feed the Ifrit was about committing Chao genocide? That Eggman Nega fella sure knows his place.
Sonic : Mario, you got yourself a deal. We'll put an end to this conflict once and for all! Just leave the world to the fastest hedgehog there is!
Shadow : Well then, LET'S GET MOVING!
~ Sixtieth Scene: A Hero's Warm Welcome ~
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ladala99 · 1 year
Nintendo Live - Monday Journal
Just some journaling of my experience with Nintendo Live today (Monday, September 4).
I got Monday tickets from the free lottery that happened months ago. Did not get any Warp Pipe passes, but really wanted to see the Legend of Zelda concert, and if not that, then the other (Super Mario Big Band) concert.
I went with my parents and we parked by one of the light rail stations, got tickets, but when the train came, they had technical issues and had to reboot the system. And then they did it a couple more times. Eventually, the conductor said that the train was unable to move and everyone got off. We were very delayed and decided to just pay for parking closer to the venue.
Got to the external doors about 10 to opening, but that wasn’t where the real line started. No, we had to go up several escalators to this huge room that was about a quarter full of people waiting in line. It was moving relatively quickly, but time ticked by and by the time we got through the first portion of three, it was 10:30 - the time the Legend of Zelda concert would start.
Happily, they did pipe the concert through to the queue. I held back tears as it started, both from being sad I didn’t have a chance to watch it live, but also at just how beautiful the music was. I love orchestral music so much.
Once we finally managed to get through the line at about 10:45, we headed towards our first stop: Animal Crossing. We entered a very large line and I set my alarm for 11:30, as the Mario concert was at 12:30 and I was not going to miss my chance. We were only about halfway through the Animal Crossing line as it got to 11:25, so I just called it there and let my parents go to the photo op as I headed to get a spot in the concert.
There was no official line yet, but there was a guy standing around who had been there the day before and had seen where the line started. So I was #2 waiting for a spot. Honestly, it was surprisingly entertaining watching commercials for an hour, as that was what was on the screens the whole time. They had enough and long enough ads that they didn’t repeat any while I was standing there.
12:00 they started seating the Warp Pipe Pass holders, and sure enough they were directing people behind us for the standby line. A few minutes before 12:30 they let us standbys off into some plush backless benches - and I got in the front row of those. They were behind the reserved seating (which was much nicer) with a hallway in the middle. While they were not allowing random people into the hallway in front of us, I was positioned just so a staff member was right in front of the right side of the screen where they were showing appropriately-timed gameplay, which wasn’t great.
The Mario Concert was not as emotional as the Legend of Zelda concert. It was jazzy and fun, and there was audience interaction. Specifically for the Warp Pipe Pass holders, as one of the trivia questions asked to the audience no one up there knew but someone in my section did, and the conductor completely ignored him and the others around him projecting it. Definitely gave the vibe I was in the poor people section. But no really, it was a really fun show. It had music from 2D and 3D Mario games from all eras. I’d call myself a casual Mario fan but I recognized all of them and was bopping along the whole time. My favorites, the ones that I felt more than just fun and recognition, were from ones I’ve actually played and loved: Galaxy and Odyssey.
In the end, Mario and Luigi showed up, and my section actually got more out of them than the passholders. They didn’t do much other than show up for the concert, but as they left, Mario waved as he went by and Luigi gave everyone in the front row a high five.
The internet in the venue was super slow, there was some delayed Marco-Poloing to try to meet back up with my parents. Ultimately, they were close to where I was initially, but I had been shepherded out a different way. And then as I tried to get back to them, the Paldea starters blocked my path, so I went even another direction. But we found each other and the Paldea starters were exactly where I wanted to go next.
We managed to get to the starters for the photo op just before they went back to Pikachu, and here I got my first promotional badge - three of them, in fact: each of the Paldea starters.
At this point, though, it was approaching 2 and we had barely had a cup of water, let alone any food, so we left the venue temporarily to eat lunch. At this point I felt a bit disappointed in how little I had seen and made an itinerary for the rest of the day.
First stop when we got back: Super Mario Wonder. The line was nonexistent as there were so many stations set up and we very quickly got to play a 15-minute demo. I didn’t see anything I hadn’t already seen, and honestly 2D Mario isn’t really my thing, but it was pretty fun to try out. I liked in particular the option to use more female characters than just Toadette. I ended up using Peach and my dad Toadette - though that did get confusing with the elephant power-up as the only differences between the two in elephant form are their eyes and hats, which are relatively small. As a bonus, we got elephant Mario pins for playing!
Next stop: Pokemon gameplay. Now that I knew that playing the games gave more swag, I wanted Pokemon stuff. This line took a very long time. Over an hour. There just weren’t enough stations for the demand. My mom decided to head into the merch line at this point. I had brought my Switch and was given the option for more advanced gameplay since I had already beaten the game: a choice between a battle with the staff member (called Professors on the website, but looked like every other staff member in the venue) and to try a Tera Raid against Mewtwo. While I had already beaten the Mewtwo raid with online people and said as much, I decided to try duoing the raid with the Professor. We chatted about strategies as we gave it two good tries but ultimately got our tails handed to us. My Mew was full support and the Professor’s Mew was half support, half attacker, and we just didn’t have enough power. At the end of the gameplay, I was given a double-sided small poster of concept art in the two DLCs.
After this, my dad and I went to meet up with my mom at the merch line, which she was close to the front of. I am grateful for her time sacrifice because I got a neat shirt. I also got to do a photo op with Princess Peach out in this area, and got a Princess Peach badge for doing so.
Less than two hours remained, so I decided to focus on photo ops, since those would be shorter. We went to the Legend of Zelda one, then the Lego Bowser (which was so cool. It was huge and it moved.), and then finally the Kirby one. In line for the Kirby one (which was a neat area with statues of Kirby in various forms and Waddle Dees) staff members were giving out random badges since it was the last hour of the last day. After Kirby, about 45 minutes remained and I felt satisfied. We all hurt from standing in lines so much and carrying around swag, so it was time to go. But we got stopped and advertised to by a Mickey Mouse game staff member, so we went and did that demo real quick to get a Mickey pin. Honestly, that game is a pretty standard 2D platformer from the intro, and has a lot of dialogue at the start and only 8 minutes for the demo so there wasn’t really much time to play. Cute artstyle, though.
After that, out. We needed out. We needed food. We needed home. It was a longer day than any of us expected. I didn’t realize so many people would be there and that lines would get so clogged, since the ticket lottery made me believe they were tempering the number of people there.
There were other things I wish I could have done, particularly some of the semi-competitive games such as the Mario Dojo (compete in three Mario games with others) and the Nintendo Switch Online showcase, but I’m pretty satisfied with what I got to see and do despite the slow morning. It was a fun convention and I’m glad I went.
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enviousmoons · 2 years
1 - Share an embarrassing (but not too personal obviously) secret about your sibling/friend
4 - What’s the most recent dream you can remember?
7 - What is the last piece of media that genuinely made you feel emotion?
12 - What’s the last book you read?
1 - An embarrassing secret about a friend or sibling
Once my sister and I went to Tesco with my nana, and she refused to dress properly saying that nobody would know she was in pyjamas BC they looked so much like clothes. As soon as we walked through the door a young kid probably about 5 or 6 said very loudly "Mummy why is that girl in her pyjamas?" 😂
4 - The most recent dream you can remember?
I had a super fucking weird dream that me and my bf were watching a BBC announcement (akin to a Nintendo direct, no these don't exist IRL for any non British followers) and it said that they were rebooting a bunch of TV shows from CBBC when I was a kid. That dream made me happy!
(Tumblr has 0 prank patrol GIFs and I'm disgusted)
7 - The last piece of media to make you genuinely feel emotion?
I watch Smile in cinemas recently, that was a scary film. Genuinely very creepy and unnerving. Other than that I finished Dishonored for the millionth time and that ending always gets me, makes me tear up a lil bit.
12 - The last book you read?
Probably IT by Steven king! Tho I didn't finish it 😅
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threadswint · 2 years
Spellcaster university switch
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Spellcaster university switch series#
There’s a level of polish that coats the entire game, including the hub world (a nice addition to what a typical ‘Party Plaza’ has looked like in previous games. While the overall premise of Super Mario Party is cutesy (aside from the truly friendship-ending minigames), the menus this time around are slick and more ‘grownup-like’ than before. The Menus, Hub World And Finishing Touches This seamless integration is something we didn’t realize we’ve wanted since the beginning. On the surface, it is set up like past entries, but rather than hitting a button to enter ‘Practice Mode’ and hoping you remember the instructions, the practice is built right in. The Minigame Instructions And Practice Mode Are AmazingĪs a complete surprise, one of the standouts from our short dive into Super Mario Party was the minigame instructions hub. Whether its in the small details strewn through the different boards or the water droplets after cascading down white water rapids in the new River Survival Mode, it shows that this game wasn’t an afterthought for the Big N. This should come as no surprise, but Super Mario Party is truly beautiful. Check out games like Undeads vs Humans, Dwarven Skykeep, Autumn Leaves, Potion Tycoon, Fantasy Town Regional Manager, Drinks Company Tycoon. Is there any new about this I'm interested into purchasing this game on gog as soon as it supports a controller 5. Nintendo Switch taken by author via Super Mario Party Our dev is working on switch version, so we should have this option one day. Here are three reasons to stay hyped and pick up your copy of Super Mario Party: 1. With promises of back-to-the-basics board game modes to newer, inventive ways to play (here’s lookin’ at you, Toad’s Rec Room), did Super Mario Party live up to the hype? Nintendo Switch taken by author via Super Mario Party Spellcaster University is now available on Steam for your regional. As a fan of at least some of these genres, I tried my hands on what is being referred to as a Hogwarts simulator.
Spellcaster university switch series#
The last two entries into the series were the worst of the bunch, and Mario’s board-game-meets-game-show franchise needed a reboot. Now fully launched, Spellcaster University defies simple genre classifications, being a mix of a deck-based engine builder, a tower builder and a management sim. When Super Mario Party was announced at Nintendo’s E3 2018 Direct, we were ecstatic.
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I think the DC Super Hero Girls franchise is being slept on. It should be more popular. I feel it’s this generation’s big female lead cartoon/franchise like the way Kim Possible, Winx Club and Totally Spies were in the 2000s. It’s just as good as those shows and should be popular as them.
DC Super Hero Girls as a franchise is really important. The reboot and the original are both good for different seasons. I don’t trust people who hate the original DC Super Hero Girls cause it was really important to little girls. Before it, there was no superhero stuff marketed to little girls. No female superhero toys marketed to girls. No female superhero Halloween/dress up costumes for girls and so on. It wasn’t bland or boring it was really good, people who hate it just haven’t watched all of it and the movies or read the books/graphic novels. The original doll line was really great.
If it wasn’t for the original we won’t have the reboot. The reboot is really good. The dolls for the reboot are the weakest part of the reboot and the toys/dolls are the most important part of and the whole reason why DC Super Hero Girls was created. Be sure to buy the dolls to support DC Super Hero Girls. A Nintendo switch game was just announced so buy that too.
Maybe it’s not popular because Cartoon Network mistreats the show. Cartoon Network has always mistreat DC Super Hero Girls even when the original was around. They always aired the movies on Boomerang a channel not many people have and they always gave them bad time slots. It’s a good thing they put them out on DVDs. At first Cartoon Network was putting the reboot at good time slots but now they’re not anymore. Luckily it’s on Netflix so that should help it. DC Super Hero Girls is really good. It deserves to be popular. Do not sleep on it.
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purple-phantoms · 4 years
Reggie Peters x Alive!Reader
Requested by anonymous: “hey uhhhhhhhh could u write a reggie x reader where the reader is like from the early 2000s and they pm get to experience new things together”
A/N: I’m so sorry about this, I tried to save the original as a draft but accidentally posted it lol. Also, sorry I’m writing this so late. School is super hectic. I might have to end up closing my requests for a little bit if it becomes too much. For this I wanted to include the iCarly reboot! I’m from the mid-2000s so I know quite a bit, but not too much. Sillybands deserve a comeback. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
Warning: If you were born in the late 2000′s you probably won’t know some of these things
Julie and the boys were rehearsing in the garage for an upcoming school dance. Y/n was just coming back from a study session at school. She couldn’t wait to see her boyfriend, Reggie, after a long day. Plus, she had just found out that iCarly was going to get a reboot! Y/n and Julie used to watch that show religiously and would sometimes pretend to have a show like Carly and Sam. They’d always say, “it was just an easier time.”
“Hey guys,” y/n said as she entered the garage. Alex, Luke, and Julie mumbled a ‘hey’ back, and Reggie walked over to hug y/n. There’s nothing like Reggie’s hugs. He always smelled lavender and his presence was always warm.
“Y/n, did you hear the news,” Julie grinned.
“Of course I did,” y/n beamed. “I can’t believe it’s actually happening!”
“What’s happening?” Luke asked. It such a shame they never made it into the 21st century. They missed out on so many trends that would’ve been immaculate. They probably had the potential to be the Backstreet Boys of their generation. They certainly had the looks for it.
“This show we used to watch called iCarly is getting a reboot,” y/n said.
“It’s about these 2 girls who get famous for their funny web show,” Julie added.
“It sounds boring,” Alex rolled his eyes. 
“Well what kind of comedy did you guys grow up with,” y/n challenged. 
“The Rugrats,” Reggie instantly said. Never watched that.
“Boy Meets World,” Luke added. 
“You know there’s a spin-off of that one,” Julie mentioned. 
Y/n shook her head and laughed, “we don’t talk about that one!” Girl Meets World wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great either. We won’t get into that today
The discussion continued until everyone got bored and went their own ways. Luke stayed with Julie, Alex went to be with Willie, and Reggie stayed with y/n in her room.
“You know, you guys missed out on so much,” y/n started.
“Right,” Reggie beamed. “We missed out on senior prom, on the Orpheum.”
“Oh, no, I meant on pop culture,” y/n laughed. “You guys missed out on sillybands, Spongebob, Club Penguin.”
“What’s a Spongebob,” he asked. 
Y/n started going through her close to find some of her older things. She knew there had to be at least 1 thing that she still had. And then she found her stash in the back corner. That was where she hid her old Justin Bieber posters and her Nintendo DS.
“Who’s that,” Reggie laughed.
“This is Justin Bieber,” y/n cringed. “I guess he was for me what Britney Spears was for you.” Reggie would never have admitted that, never even to Luke or Alex. He loved Britney Spears. His favorite song by her was Oops!... I Did it Again. She didn’t have that many songs when the boys were still alive but according to Reggie, her “newer” songs were “tubular.”
“What’s that,” Reggie pointed at the DS.
“This is a DS. You play games on it,” she explained. “It’s kinda like a gameboy, but bigger” She let Reggie try to figure out how to use it as she browsed for a show to watch. He was amazed that it was touch screen.
“So do you want to watch Spongebob,” y/n smirked. “I feel like it’s your kind of humor.” Reggie agreed. By the end of the night, he understood why Squidward was always so irritated.
@flashoe @carnationcreation @camihoran00 @joyjoyner @prongsy-parker @g7aesthetic @link-102
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puppy-phum · 3 years
get to know me
am going to mix these two different tag games into one post so thank you a lot for tagging me @jazthespazz and @i-am-just-a-kiddo ♥
it’s somehow funny to do these same games again after a while so let’s see what I come up with:
Part I
name: real name petra but i prefer vish/vishie over here ^^ 
pronouns: she/her
star sign: aries ♈
height: 178cm (which am coming more and more proud of while i realize how damn tall every cdrama actor is lol)
time: 10:37pm as am answering this one
birthday: 10th april!
nationality: finnish 
fave bands/groups: ah well this is always a hard question but let’s go with these: BTS, DAY6, OneRepublic, Hurts, Oneus, Hoppipolla, TXT, Red, Mamamoo
fave solo artists: (forgive me if i’ve assumed any of these wrong) Novo Amor, Talos, Crywolf, Liu Yuning, SYML, EDEN, PVRIS, Joker Xue, NF, Halsey, Sleeping At Last, Nuz, HyunA, Sam Smith, Taemin
song stuck in your head: it’s OneRepublic’s Rescue Me bc of the song tag game i did earlier today :’D that one always gets stuck in my head whenever i as much as see the title lol 
last movie you watched: i think it’s The Yin-Yang Master (2021)? I haven’t watched any movies after that bc am so busy with all of my dramas haha
last show you binged: i think binged would be The Journey Across the Night! I watched that as a whole in 4 days
when you created your blog: in 2013 
the last thing you googled: ummm i think it was “what is a ball of wool called” bc of fic purposes haha as a non native speaker i always get a bit lost with words like this 
other blogs: none, i just dump everything here like the idiot i am 
why i chose my url: dates back to my intense summer of binge reading J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Vishous was my favorite of the brothers haha. i first used this username in some random game on my nintendo ds lol 
how many people are you following: 358 which somehow feels like a lot but also like way too few?? i should probably search for some new blogs with other topics than cql, bts and/or dmbj bc i do love a lot of things at once 
how many followers do you have: over 800 
average hours of sleep: i’d say around 7h
lucky numbers: i remember answering 5 previously? i don’t really have a lucky number but 5 pops into my head
instruments: nope, no. not touching those tyvm. i admire everyone who can play any instrument tho
what i’m currently wearing: black jeans, socks with foxes on them (plus my woolly socks), a gray cardigan (my fave thing ever!) and an orange/brown top
dream job: writer would be ideal but that is very faaaaar into the dream zone 
dream trip: around different parts of asia to taste all the amazing food ;; maybe a road trip of sorts through europe? or inter railing? another trip to london bc i miss that ;; a trip to the very northern part of lapland to see all the auroras etc! i’ve never been that far north :’D 
fave food: if i need to quickly name something then sushi. otherwise am pretty fine with anything spicy 
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: i remember thinking about this a lot the last time i answered this but hmm. currently i’d say dmbj still bc that world is fascinating AND i would love to talk to the characters. mass effect would be the second one currently bc i miss those games and the space stuff is super cool! and the third one would be assassin’s creed rogue bc that is my fave ac game and i like the northern sea and the places in it AND i could probably be one of abstergo’s employees instead and just test/play those simulation games haha 
Part II
Last Song: am currently listening to my playlist with just everything so i have Andrew Belle’s The Enemy playing right now (also I only just now realized that Andrew Belle also sings Pieces which is one of my fave songs? my bff linked that to me after it played in some tv series she was watching)
Last Movie Last Stream: i didn’t want to mention the same movie again or skip this question and i’ve wanted to talk about this anyway so! i watched Liu Chang’s bday live last night :’D it was so much fun even if i couldn’t understand anything. it was just nice to watch him being himself and have fun and chill with his fans. also the songs were amazing ;; i cried with Liu Sang’s character song as well as the ending. and all the while i couldn’t turn my gaze away from his eyes! he has such pretty eyes and they were absolutely Sparkling throughout the whole stream, it was so nice :’)
Currently Reading: Devotions by Mary Oliver (i adore her poems! they’re a very nice change after Siken haha) and then some uni stuff for a course about culture and mental health plus my thesis
Currently Watching: Douluo Continent, Word of Honor, The Long Ballad 
all of these are amazing and make me feel different things! i started Douluo Continent just a while ago and am now on ep 16 i think? it’s been very pretty and very chill and i watch it during the weekend while i wait for new episodes to the other two :’D it’s nice to see Xiao Zhan again and i’ve enjoyed the rpg game type of feeling in it? the group of seven is doing amazing and it’s interesting to watch them craft their team work! Word of Honor again has reached the ending and i just hold my breath with it. am not too far gone with it so i am not getting as heavy feelings about it as i probably could but i enjoy it  alot still and i do cry at times ^^ and then The Long Ballad has just blown me away! i didn’t expect to love it this much and be this invested in it but everything about it has been such a positive surprise and it keeps making me super emotional! i love the characters and the story and the romances even! it’s a great accomplishment for me. also yes i cry on the daily bc of hao du and bc of ashile sun’s hair haha
(i am also rewatching Ultimate Note kind of and been thinking about getting into rewatching Reboot bc it has been on my list ever since i finished it)
What is antipoetry to you: okay hmm i had to google this too and have to agree with Kiddo here. i don’t have strong feelings about poetry tbh, i wasn’t into poetry that much before maybe a bit over year ago? Siken has really blown me away haha. but i have always loved song lyrics which i never thought as poetry but then Kiddo said to me that they consider them poetry and yeah ok. i agree? so idk poetry can be whatever i suppose. i’ve never seen any rules in it anyway. i know there are many rules for different types of poetry but then again. i feel like poetry has always been just words put together to feel things and i guess that is the core purpose of every written type of art in the end right? 
Currently craving: a drama as good and as personal as The Journey Across the Night. that show really just stole my heart and i want that feeling back. i think about that show every day. i miss Li Jia and his two partners. i miss the vibes. i miss sitting on my floor watching it and just sobbing my heart out haha. also! craving a properly subbed, whole version of Anti-Fraud League. only the first 12 eps are badly subbed out there. wetv has... blocked? deleted? the whole show??? i need it to my life, i wanna see Xiao Yuliang being cute as Mi Ruo and i wanna know where the story goes smh 
thank you so much for these both! i had fun ^^ also am sorry this is so long but haha if you’re asking me to talk about myself and my interests then this is what you get :) 
tagging (to do which ever part you want or both!): @cross-d-a @jockvillagersonly @humanlighthouse @kholran @xcziel @minmoyu and @leonzhng ♥
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daleisgreat · 3 years
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Today’s entry will mark the first official 4K home video release I am writing about. I already own a few other 4K UHDs, and a couple of months ago, I watched my first 4K video at home with 2001’s The Fast and the Furious. However, I already covered that movie’s BluRay release here several years ago, so I will not be dedicating another entry for it, other than to say that the 4K upgrade pops and makes it look like a new release. Today’s entry is for 1994’s Speed (trailer). Before diving into this movie, I noticed one of the tracks from this film’s score repeatedly used throughout sounds awfully like one of the main themes I primarily associated with the Metal Gear Solid franchise. I have no idea if this was pointed out before, and I just overlooked it all these years, or maybe I am grasping at straws. Click or press here to take a listen and decide for yourself. 1994 was a hell of a year for Hollywood movies primarily transpiring from a highway with The Chase, Speed, and the OJ Simpson Bronco chase….oh wait (although I highly recommend the ESPN 30 for 30 on it, simply titled: June 17th 1994). The majority of Speed has a straightforward premise: serial bomber and local madman Howard Payne (Dennis Hopper) planted a bomb on a bus rigged to explode once the bus drops below 55 miles per hour. Police officer Jack Traven (Keanu Reeves) is alerted to this by the bomber himself to exact revenge on Traven after successfully rescuing hostages from an elevator Payne armed at the beginning of the film.
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From there, for the middle hour of this nearly two-hour film, the action almost entirely takes place on the bus. Traven makes a grand entrance onto the bus by commandeering a Jaguar and having its owner (Glenn Plummer) take the wheel so Traven could heroically leap onto the bus and save the day. It would not be that easy of a rescue mission as Payne has eyes on the bus, and Traven has to play by his rules and get him his $3 million ransom to disarm the bus. Without question, the middle hour on the bus is the best part of the film. The opening half-hour is an excellent appetizer with the elevator hostage crisis that Traven and his partner, Harry (Jeff Daniels), successfully foil. However, once the action shifts to the bus is when Speed takes off. Shortly after taking control of the bus, one of the passengers freaks and inadvertently shoots the bus driver, and a fellow passenger, Annie (Sandra Bullock), takes over the wheel. Throughout the film, Annie and Traven have wonderful chemistry, and I could not help but root for the duo throughout. Every couple of minutes, there is a new potential conflict to overcome to keep the bus going over 55mph. The film wisely peppers in brief dialog exchanges to let the movie breathe just enough before the next hurdle makes itself present.
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The film's standout moment is the major obstacle for the bus to overcome when it encounters a stretch of unavoidable highway under construction and missing a hearty chunk of the road. Traven’s solution is that since that stretch of a road is on an incline, they may clear that gap if they build up enough speed! That epic stunt hits all the right notes, and I got goosebumps all over again re-watching it, and odds are, I bet you did too if you have seen this movie. If you have not, then watch this scene and see for yourself by click or pressing here. A lot of the critical discussion in the aftermath of this movie was if that jump was realistically possible. The best thing I can do is to compare it to another film, Road Trip, which is likely a better indicator of what could happen when attempting such a feat. Once the middle bus portion of the film is over, there are still about 20 minutes left where Traven tracks and chases down Payne in a subway station. The movie felt over once the bus portion had such a satisfying conclusion that it almost feels wrong to keep sticking with the film by this point, but I recommend you do since there is a satisfying payoff in the form of Payne’s demise. I have to share a story now when I first saw this film at around 13 or 14 on VHS. My dad’s VCR had what seemed to me at the time was a revolutionary feature where if I kept pressing the pause button repeatedly, it would slowly, frame-by-frame, play the film in super slow-motion. At that age, I thought this was a fantastic way to get the most out of the biggest stunts in action scenes. My favorite moment exploiting this feature was seeing Traven and Payne wrestle around on the top of a subway train until Payne was not watching his field of vision, and a warning light lead to his sudden beheading. I slow-motion replayed that sequence countless times in my awkward, early teenage years. Suffice it to say, Hopper plays the out-of-his-mind bomber perfectly, going so far as to make sure he receives his appropriate cinematic comeuppance.
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The director ensures the many passengers on the bus maximized their minutes to the point I where it feels like you are right there with them!
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Two audio commentaries are the only extra features of the 4K disc in this 4K/BluRay combo pack. One is with the director, Jan de Bont, and the other is with producer Mark Gordon and writer Graham Yost. Props are to whoever decided to subtitle the commentary tracks. I very much appreciate it! I first started to bounce back and forth between the two commentary tracks, but Bont was way too relaxed and had too many pauses to hold my attention, and I finished up with his track within five minutes. However, Yost and Gordon are very much engaged from beginning to end and have fun cracking jokes and sharing memories throughout. Some quick takeaways I got from them were how they wanted to film a major scene outside of a sports arena, dealing with critics poking holes at how unrealistic their stunts were, and how watching the movie felt very different at the time of the commentary recording just two months after 9/11. The BluRay disc contains the remainder of the bonus features. Inside Speed is a four-part feature lasting just under an hour breaking down the visual effects, stunts, and location sequences, but half of it also contains an HBO First Look special hosted by Dennis Hopper that hits all the right kinds of cheesy mid-90s EPK nostalgia that it is worth checking out. Aside from 12 minutes of extended scenes and a Billy Idol music video that seems totally off base with the tempo of the film, there are a couple of Action Sequences mini-features breaking down some of the stunts. I highly recommend watching the one dissecting how they did the bus jump, as it shows raw footage of what really happened when they shot it, and showed footage of some of the specific safety measures they instilled to make that stunt as safe as possible and had some eye-opening interviews with the stunt driver before and after.
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After watching that old VHS copy nearly a dozen times, Speed wound up being one of my favorite action films I got burnt out early on and never bothered upgrading to a DVD or standalone BluRay. Watching it again in 4K all these years later breathed new life into it for me. I am not an expert at breaking down video quality by any means, but watching the 4K disc on my 4KTV gave the impression of this having far more current production values. The editors somehow managed to remove all the old film grain defects for a smooth 4K upgrade. If you have not seen Speed yet, then it has everything you could want out of a mid-90s action movie with explosions, gripping thrills and stunts, dramatic rescues, plenty of zinger one-liners…..and a Billy Idol theme song. Pardon me while I attempt my best Dennis Hopper impression here, “Pop quiz, hotshot, which 1994 blockbuster that takes place primarily on a bus is a perfect candidate for beer and popcorn movie night at home?” Other Random Backlog Movie Blogs 3 12 Angry Men (1957) 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown 21 Jump Street The Accountant Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Atari: Game Over The Avengers: Age of Ultron The Avengers: Endgame The Avengers: Infinity War Batman: The Dark Knight Rises Batman: The Killing Joke Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Bounty Hunters Cabin in the Woods Captain America: Civil War Captain America: The First Avenger Captain America: The Winter Soldier Christmas Eve The Clapper Clash of the Titans (1981) Clint Eastwood 11-pack Special The Condemned 2 Countdown Creed I & II Deck the Halls Detroit Rock City Die Hard Dirty Work Dredd The Eliminators The Equalizer Faster Fast and Furious I-VIII Field of Dreams Fight Club The Fighter For Love of the Game Good Will Hunting Gravity Grunt: The Wrestling Movie Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Hell Comes to Frogtown Hercules: Reborn Hitman I Like to Hurt People Indiana Jones 1-4 Inglourious Basterds Ink The Interrogation Interstellar Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Jobs Joy Ride 1-3 Justice League (2017 Whedon Cut) Last Action Hero Major League Mallrats Man of Steel Man on the Moon Man vs Snake Marine 3-6 Merry Friggin Christmas Metallica: Some Kind of Monster Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpions Revenge National Treasure National Treasure: Book of Secrets Nintendo Quest Not for Resale Old Joy Payback (Director’s Cut) Pulp Fiction The Punisher (1989) The Ref The Replacements Reservoir Dogs Rocky I-VIII Running Films Part 1 Running Films Part 2 San Andreas ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Pilgrim vs the World The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Shoot em Up Slacker Skyscraper Small Town Santa Steve Jobs Source Code Star Trek I-XIII Sully Take Me Home Tonight TMNT Trauma Center The Tooth Fairy 1 & 2 UHF Veronica Mars Vision Quest The War Wild The Wizard Wonder Woman The Wrestler (2008) X-Men: Apocalypse X-Men: Days of Future Past
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