#supercommando code
Mandalorian Code Interpretation [link is found here]
Strength is Life
Honor is Life
Loyalty is Life
Death is Life
2. Honourable Conduct [link is found here]
Honour in self
Honour in the Community
Honour in the Galaxy
Honour Amongst Clan
Honour in Partnership
Honour in Leadership
Honour in Combat
3. Adoption Law [link is found here]
The Legal Definition of Foundling
Foundling Procedure
Disownment of Parent
Community Adoption
Adoption regarding criminal activities
Adoption regarding marital conditions
Adoption Consent
4. Marriage and Divorce [link is found here]
Spouse Definition
Spousal Privileges
Conditions for Legal Engagement
Consent and Age Restrictions
Conditions for Legal Marriage
Conditions for Legal Divorce
Children, Clan and House Considerations
5. Resolnare [link is found here]
The Six Tennent’s Broader accepted conditions
Way Followers Interpretation
Naasaade Interpretation and Redemption of Vows
Noncombatant Interpretations
The Mandalorian Healer’s Code
The Mandalorian Armourer's Code
Codes recognised in Conjunction
6. Clan and House [link is found here]
Definition of House
Responsibilities of House
Definition of Clan
Responsibilities of Clan
Requirements needed to be declared Alor of Clan
Requirements needed to be declared Alor of House
Requirements needed to be declared a Major House
7. Language Protectorate [link is found here]
Mando’a in Practice
Rights to change, add or remove words
Script usage and recognition in Mandalorian Space
8. The Position of Manda’lor [link is found here]
Requirements needed to be a candidate for Manda’lor
Commanding body
Restrictions, Compliance and Declarations of Misconduct
9. Education and Cultural development [link is found here]
The Education Responsibilities of Clans
The Education responsibilities of Schools and facilities
Freed Re-education programs and foundations
Religious and cultural rights within education systems
Parental rights throughout education
10. Electoral Process [link is found here]
The Court of Houses
The Sector Governors
The System Governors
The Astro Body Governors
District Electoral Members
Electoral Voters
Voting conditions
Overseers of the Ballot
Postal Elections
Voting Eligibility
Right and Responsibility
Conditions for Referendum, Re-election and Hung Parliamentary Votes
11. Court of Law
Family Court
Criminal Justice Court
Court of Appeal
Military Court
Financial and Business Court
Public Courts
12. Responsibility and due process
Parental Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
Political Responsibility
Financial Responsibility
Military Responsibility
Adoption Due Process
Engagement and Marriage Due Process
Divorce and Separation Due Process
Election Eligibility Due Process
Firearms Licensing Due Process
Verdgoten and Adult Graduation Due Process
Election Results Due Process
Parental Disownment Due Process
Clan and House Formation Due Process
13. Foreign interaction and policy
Foreign Ambassador acceptance
Externa; Ambassadors abroad
Foreign Currency and Exchange
Border Security
Digital Security and Programming Policy
Citizenship and Visa Acceptance
14. Employment within and outside of the sector
Legal age and parameters of employment
Contract and procedure for levels of employment
Foreign policy for Mando'ade working abroad
Foreign policy for outsiders working in Mandalore
15. Property and payment
Land ownership and tenancy
Forms of payment accepted in legal contract
Ownership and registration of vehicles
Ownership and registration of Firearms
Ownership and registration of Non-sentient Animals
Copyright, fair trade and artistic license
16. Beskar
Donations to Foundlings
Sacred right to wear beskar as armour
Conditions for percentage declared
Rights to mine and export
Religious significance
17. Recognised Mandalorian Sects and Coverts
Haat Mando’ade
Way Followers
Creed Bound
Silver Children
18. Armour and Weapon Classifications
Military Issue
Military Grade
Civilian Use
Hunter and Mercenary Equipment
Trade and Specialist Equipment
Journeyman, Protectorate
19. Criminal sentencing
Grievous bodily harm
Criminal Negligence
Medical Malpractice
War Crimes
Demagolkase - War Crimes against children
Sentient Trafficking and experimentation
Financial Misconduct and Tax Evasion
20. Military and Law Enforcement
Mandalorian Protectors
Journeyman Protectors
Home Guard
Manda'yaim Reserve
21. Land Rights and Conservation
Land Ownership
Sale and Redistribution of land
Declaration of Sacred Places
Sector Council Lands, Protectorate Lands, Crown Lands and Stock Routes
Protected Areas
Water Ways
Tenancy, Lodging, and Temporary Accommodations
Public Areas
Squatters' Rights
Sanctioned and unsanctioned terraforming
22. Commerce, Business and Integrity
Currency and Zones
Business Licenses and Legal Procedure
External business practice
Monopoly businesses and Mega Businesses
Banking within the Sector
23. Discrimination [link is found here]
Religious Interpretation
24. Closing Statements
Manda'lor Jaster Mereel [link is found here]
The Translator
25. References
Regarding headcanons for Houses; [link is found here]
26. Contacts and Relevant Supervising Personnel of Note
[This post will be altered as I go, and as amendments are made]
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mearchy · 4 months
❌ Work on my OSHA certifications
❌ Work on my WIPs
✅ Review all the Legends material and study a bunch of honor codes and warrior society lawbooks to come up with a proposal for what the Supercommando Codex might have looked like from beginning to end
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feelinkeeli · 2 years
Not to derail @yukipri 's excellent recap of Galidraan post but they brought up an interesting point I wanted to expand on.
For reasons unclear to us readers, Jango decides to do a job for information on Death Watch instead of just interrogating the Governor of Galidraan for it.
Jango might have made that choice because he was Jaster's heir and Jaster wrote the Supercommando Codex; essentially a Code of Conduct and Ethics. Jango might have been following Jaster's rulebook to the point of Honor before Reason. (to pull a quote from the TVTropes page, "Quite often this kind of decent, chivalrous behavior will come at a great cost to the hero's happiness, kill them outright, or similarly leave them a destroyed human being". Which, yeah.)
On the other hand, this might just be a Mandalorian cultural aspect. We see Din in The Mandalorian agree to similar "favor for a favor" deals. Din agrees reluctantly to the egg hunt in return for his stolen ship parts and takes out the Krayt Dragon in return for Cobb Vanth willingly handing over the Mandalorian armor in his possession. Boba Fett, whose relationship with being Mandalorian is Complicated(TM), goes above and beyond to help Din rescue Grogu because they had a deal.
In Rebels, Sabine talks about how she realized what she was doing for the Empire was wrong. How she stood up and spoke out against her own actions, and she got abandoned for it. When she expected her people, especially her family, to stand by her.
In the Kotor comics, Cassus Fett takes owing Zayne Carrick a favor seriously. Staging a fake invasion with a fleet of Mandalorian ships levels of serious. Rohlan Dyre also acts similarly, though his story is pretty complicated to get into.
According to Karen Traviss, Mandalorians don't have a concept of Heroes because everyone is supposed to act proactively to protect the community.
I think overall, there's this concept that Mandalorians are a people of action but also community. That isn't ever really focused on and written out but is present across depictions of Mandalorians in Legends and Canon.
(It's a hard concept to concisely articulate because the best description for it that I can think of RPG Protagonist if an entire culture created RPG Protagonists.)
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crazydaisy710 · 2 years
What is a Mandalorian?
I don't know about you, but do you ever think of the scene where Bo-Katan accuses Boba Fett of not being a Mandalorian, and he goes, "I never said I was." And you, as the viewer are like, "Well, what does it take to be a Mandalorian?"
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Okay, so let's talk about that. (I'm not going to claim to be an expert on Mandalorian culture because there are plenty of people who truly are and I deeply admire them. And keep in mind that some parts of the Mandalorian culture are still Legends/EU and other parts are canon.)
This is a crash course on Mandalorians. Buckle up.
For those of you who are not obsessed with Mandalorian culture, there are these rules/guidelines all Mandalorians follow to keep the culture alive. It's called The Resol'nare, Mandalorian Code, the Supercommando Codex, etc. There are six pretty simple rules from the Resol'nare, a Legends/EU text. The Mandalorian Mercs and others use this to understand Mandalorian culture due to a lack of written rules/guidelines and information from canon.
Wear Beskar Armor
Speak Mando’a (The Mandalorian language)
Defend the family (Create a family, foster the culture, protect each other)
Help the clan to succeed. (Contribute to your broad, extended family so everyone can benefit from the clan)
Raise children as Mandalorians (through adoption and offspring)
Rally to the cause of the Manda’lor (the leader of the Mandalorians
All Mandalorians are familiar with these rules and seem to follow them to whatever extent they interpret them.
The cult Din Djarin is in, The Children of the Watch, is incredibly traditional. The Children of the Watch are probably an offshoot of Death Watch, but they're also super religious, and through Din Djarin, we know they call their idea of the Resol'nare "The Way," which is also called "The Way of the Mandalore." It has a tie-in of rules that dictate how a Mandalorian acts called the Mandalorian Creed, but honestly, it sounds like the Boy Scout's Scout Law, a list of values/code of honor everyone should follow but doesn't always.
We don't really know much about the Creed/Way, but we know it includes keeping your word, having a very superstitious view of how the Darksaber and leadership structure is passed down, and not taking off your helmet. And obviously, in super religious fashion, breaking one of these rules means "no longer being Mandalorian." AKA, try to break these rules and you'll lose the entire structure you have only ever been familiar with. Which is the position Din is in at the moment.
But not all Mandalorians believe in this strict interpretation of what a Mandalorian is, especially not people like Sabine Wren or even Bo-Katan, who is apparently very stingy with the title.
This is because the term "Mandalorian" means way too many things:
A language- Mando'a
A planet- Mandalore
A network of planets conquered by previous Mandos- Mandalorian Space
A religion- The Way of the Mandalore
A belief system- the Code
A culture/way of life
A leader- Mand'alor
The first leader of Mandalore was literally named "Mandalor the Great"
A series of wars and factions
A person- Mando
Manda literally means like "soul/spirit of Mandalore," to lose it means you have no soul and is also what Mandalorians call Heaven
A type of bounty hunter/mercenary who wears distinct armor
A TV show
Din Djarin to most people IRL
It's a lot! It's confusing, intentionally, and I've spent a lot of time learning about it. I guarantee I've missed at least one concept that falls under the list. So, again, what is a Mandalorian?
And by that, I mean, what is a person who follows the specific way of living called Mandalorian?
Is it a bounty hunter? Probably not; that's more of an optional profession. There are multiple examples of Mandalorians who never were bounty hunters, some who once were, and others who have always been. Boba Fett is/was a bounty hunter, and he's not Mandalorian, but Din Djarin, who collects bounties to support his clan/cult, is not.
Is it a person who was distinctly born on Mandalore or its conquered planets? No, the Mandalorian code encourages its people to adopt others and teach them what it means to be a Mandalorian. Din Djarin was not born on a Mando planet, was adopted, and then found someone to adopt later on.
Do you have to wear the armor? Maybe? Definitely not all the time, including the helmet. Satine Kryze and her followers don't, but some of them do. Alrich Wren is never seen wearing armor, but the rest of his family is.
Do you have to speak the language? Honestly, so little Mando'a has been spoken in the Star Wars universe that you can't even try to know if any Mandos know it. But there are examples of people reading it. Boba uses his chain code to show who he is and is descended from.
Do you have to be a warrior? Yes, for sure. Maybe not a violent person, but someone ready and willing to fight.
How important is family to a Mandalorian? EVERYTHING, family is everything. But, consider Sabine Wren, who left her family because she shamed them, or Bo-Katan Kryze, who was so against her sister's ideas she joined a group that wanted to kill her. And later is upset her sister was murdered (you can't have both, Bo). So, it's important, but it can be complicated. Boba Fett has a great attachment to family and continuously seems to be honoring his father. (This is also why they hate Jedi, who have no family/attachments.)
Do you have to have children? It's probably an important part, but let's remember that the only Mandos we know who have children are the parents of other Mandos. (Ursa and Alrich Wren, Jango Fett, maybe Satine Kryze) Bo-Katan literally says she's the last of her clan, so she's 100% failed on that part.
Do you have to follow the leader of Mandalore? Honestly, if they could just figure out who that person is and why, this would all be much easier. The debate about the Darksaber, how it's possessed, and who is a legitimate leader is too long to add to this post. Unfortunately, disrupting the governmental structure of the Mandalorians because no one can agree on anything is key to destroying them. That's why most Mandos are concerned about clans and families.
Do you have to hate Jedi? Debatable. Din Djarin does not seem to know he must immediately hate every Jedi he meets. Sabine Wren literally lives with two of them for six years despite other Mandalorians, her mother and Fenn Rau, advising her not to trust them. Ahsoka has so many ties to Mandalore even Bo-Katan likes her. Clones were taught to implicitly trust Jedi.
To put it frankly, Bo-Katan's statement probably has more to do with the fact that Boba is a clone and the looming yet unanswered question in Clone Wars, "Are clones beings with rights?" It's easy to think as a more traditional Mandalorian, Bo-Katan, who once led the terrorist group Death Watch, would be offended that the Kaminoans would pick someone from her close-knit, irreplaceable culture to create millions of disposable weapons. It doesn't matter that there were soldiers like Rex who believed in brotherhood and fought like Mandalorians because that's how they were trained (Rex is a Gen 1 Clone and would've been taught by Jango Fett) and knew Mando'a. Her culture was exploited over and over for other people's gain.
It's unclear how the range of Mandalorians (orthodox to unconventional) feel the same way, but it's something to keep in mind.
So, some defining parts of being a person who can call themselves a Mandalorian:
They have a complex family system that is supposed to be built to protect each other.
They wear distinct armor made from beskar to inform others of their origin and protect themselves.
They follow a leader, and how they are determined as a leader is extremely debatable.
They believe in a set of values that include maintaining honor in all circumstances (they are basically medieval knights).
They pass down the core parts of the culture, if possible.
Be badass (probably a part of the values).
They fight for distinct causes. Fighting for the protection of Mandalore and its way of life is the most important.
You can lose your identity as a Mandalorian, but not because of silly rules like exposing yourself to the elements. *I plan to elaborate in another post
These are what I've interpreted and are definitely not in any particular order. Because Star Wars limits the amount of information to know about Mandalorians, hopefully, there will be more when season 3 of The Mandalorian comes out. Although I expect most of the rules will be from The Children of the Watch or other traditional groups who are just trying to survive, it seems that Din will explore what a Mandalorian is in season 3.
Thank you for making it this far!
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wantonlywindswept · 1 year
random Tribe/mando history thoughts
So you know what would be 10000 times more interesting than the Tribe being a splinter of Death Watch?
The Tribe being descended from the True Mandalorians.
(now admittedly all of my info about Mandalorian history is from wookieepedia and I could be entirely wrong about everything, so take it all with a shaker of salt etc)
Like, Woves’ disdain for Din not having any Mandalorian blood is entirely opposite of the Tribe’s ‘highest honor is saving a foundling’ thing, and DW seemed more concerned with lineages than the TM, who def at least valued foundlings (see: Jaster with Jango) enough to respect them.
And we still don’t actually know what the Creed is? Like there’s usually the assumption that it’s the Resol’nare, but that certainly doesn’t specifiy anything about keeping a helmet on all the time, and aside from foundlings being the future, I believe is the only rule actually stated in the show so far.
So what if the Tribe follows the Supercommando Codex instead/also? Being honorable and following a code of behavior seems to be a thing for them, and the helmet thing could have been added when they needed to go into hiding.
also i just have feelings about the true mandalorians okay they could have been great they would have been great they embodied mandalore as an honorable warrior culture but they were betrayed and i hate everything about it THEY DESERVED BETTER
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jebiknights · 2 years
Star Wars but Shmi was a Mandalorian, put into slavery later than in canon (? Idk if there is a canon age where she was became a slave, but I keep seeing that it was when she was 6? Correct me if I’m wrong) and she’s gotten time to have her armor and such. So she then teaches Anakin all this Mando stuff, which could affect his training - it probably would affect his training - but the fun part is when the war starts. And then the war starts, and he’s like “Okay well surely this is a valid reason to get armor finally” so boom armor! I think he at first just paints it kinda like how his mom described her armor, but that as he gets closer and closer to the 501st he starts incorporating his own colors and their colors. Also he was so excited when he heard they knew Mando’a, because Obi-wan is great and all, but man was it boring just having one person to speak Mando’a with.
He also definitely had a lecture with Ashoka about what she was wearing, because omg has anyone heard of battle appropriate clothes? Or maybe, idk, armor??? She absolutely complains, until she gets her first piece of armor
AHHH I AM ALWAYS DOWN FOR MANDO ANAKIN PLEASE (in all honesty I think the supercommando codex would be a good code for him to follow, gives him structure and direction and with the right mentor it would overall I think be very positive for him - granted he isnt under palps thumb).
ANYWAY Mando Shmi is a very interesting concept *eyes*, though I'm ngl, surprised there's no bitterness from Anakin that none of the Mandalorians came to rescue Shmi considering she was a lost child from their clan? Like I don't think Shmi would hold bitterness but idk, I think Anakin might at some point.
I also think the Jedi would probably let Anakin wear armor if he wanted to even before the clones come around but dfijgsifj love him getting excited to don armor and to possibly/probably be matching with his men! Honestly I think the clones would also be very excited at least one of their Jedi is all in on wearing armor whenever he can. There's also something sweet about say, Anakin trying to remember how his mother described their clan's/house's sigil, so he can paint it onto his armor opposite the Jedi Order symbol. All in 501st blue, a representation of all of his families!
If Anakin has Mando heritage (and is like, chill with it), it's probably the most sure fire way for Obi-Wan to get him to pay attention to his politics lectures too. Anakin would be the type to fixate on something like that, so they'd probably have so many conversations about Mandalorian history, the language, the current culture and political arena, what it means to reconcile both his Mandalorian and Jedi heritage as historical enemies. It's definitely a very fun lens to position an au around!!
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notthestarwar · 1 year
Snippet from: what the living do
Jango, haunting Obi Wan’s ship; tells the story that brought him here to Cerasi, haunting Obi Wan
What if he was a ghost. What if everyone was a ghost.
Jango could hear his heartbeat in his ears. He suddenly knew that he had to get this out. He needs to come clean. The whole thing. 
This might be his chance. His chance to have someone understand who he was when he started on this path, right at the start, because that wasn't Jango the man, that was who he was as a teenager. As a child. And maybe, he's just been trying to fix what he didn't get right. What he couldn't get right. Way back then.
"Can I tell you the whole story? All the way back. It's a long one..." He asks her suddenly, before he can think about it too hard.
Cersai snorted.  "Jango we've got nothing but time. Go ahead".
Jango made no argument, he didn't want to. He wanted to finally get this out, no more stalling. 
Something had changed, he had spent so long avoiding the subject that he hardly knows how to tell it, but it’s time. He wanted to be rid of the weight hanging from his shadow, this burden. Jango wants to be free.
He starts by taking a deep breath, a rush of oxygen that he didn't need, that he'll never need again, filling his lungs.
“My parents were farmers. When I was 10, a group of militants from a group called Death Watch, I suppose you could call them terrorists; came to my house and killed both my parents and my sister and set our home on fire.”
“I still do not know why they spared me. It was not a kindness.”
He's staring down at the floor with its soft rubbery lumps to stop anyone skidding across it. Something that Jango, is never going to have to worry about again and isn't that funny.
“There was another group, the Haat’Mandoade. They opposed Death Watch and they sought to one day succeed the New Mandalorian, a pacifist group that at the time ruled Mandalore.”
“The Mandalorian Civil War. there were 3 factions.
One ultra violent and using tradition as an excuse. Death watch were extremists.
One, extreme in their pacifism and determined to wipe the slate clean and rid us of all and any tradition.
“At the time I lost my parents, the Haat’Mandoade were a small faction, grassroots really, but everyone knew that one day, they’d be more. 
And then, one final group. The true Mandolorians.”
"The Haat’Mandoade arrived at my home too late to save my parents, my sister, but they did come. That mattered to me, that someone had cared enough to try.
It was a middle ground that Mandalore desperately needed, we were pulling ourselves apart, destroying our people with our own hands."
They aimed to fall somewhere in the middle, a movement where we could still be Mandolorians, keeping our language and our culture, but working to be better than the Mandolorians of the past. A modern Mandalore for modern Mando’ade. Promoting defence over expansion. Peace rather than war. 
Their leader was a man called Jaster. He had originally been a watchman and in his spare time, he was an amateur historian, he wanted to share with the Mando’ade what we once were. He wanted to give us a way forward, taking the best parts of our history and learning from the worst.
They followed a strict code, written by Jaster himself, the Supercommando Codex.”
“The Haat’Mandoade were dangerous to Death Watch. They had relied on the support of Mandolorian’s driven to them by the New Mandolorian’s strict approach to our traditions. With each controversial policy, Death Watch’s numbers would swell with those desperate enough to look away from their more distasteful acts, but as soon as these Mando’ade had another option, one that was fair and more concerned with defence over destruction and expansion, they had no need for Death Watch.
The Haat’Mandoade started as a group of highly trained Mando’ade loyal to Jaster. They worked as a for hire militia when they were not spending their time working to end Death watch, to save others from the devastation they had already brought to so many. 
That other option was the Haat’Mandoade, led by Jaster and his super commando’s. They were a middle ground.
The Haat’mandoade wanted to lead us towards a better future and with Jaster at the helm they were well on their way. “
“After losing my parents they took me in, I saw first hand as what had started as something small grew. Jaster had known my father, in truth, it was he personally who took me in, picked up where my Buire had left off, before death watch put a stop to all of that.
He taught me it all, to fight but also to follow a code, to follow his code.To fight for what was right. He taught me of our history, where we had come from as a people, what we had done. Jaster thought it was important for Mando’ade to know that, so we would know better than to keep repeating the same old mistakes. 
So I went with them, with Jaster. 
 “He offered. And that was Jaster in a letter. He knew how to give orders but when it was important, he asked. 
And then one day, he offered to adopt me.”
He offered to adopt me, if that’s what I wanted, and of course that’s what I wanted! 
He led by consent, he was only willing to lead if he knew that we wanted to follow, that he was leading us in the direction we all hoped for. 
There was no doubt in my mind that had I not wanted him to say those words, he still would have looked out for me. Had I wanted distance, he would have found someone else to care for me. That was the man he was and that is why I never would have said no. I wanted it all, everything I could possibly have and I wanted it immediately, so I could hold it tight to my chest and never let go.
Thanks to Jaster he had it all.
I never would have said no, not to Jaster. I was so young and still I already knew what It was to lose it all. I loved him, I wanted Jaster to be my Buir because he was Jaster.
So he adopted me and I found myself with a parent, once again.”
Jaster had given Jango all he could ever dream of just by being himself. Just by offering up what he was to Jango, because really, all Jango has ever really wanted, whoever he is: a boy standing on the outskirts of a burning field; or maybe someone a bit older, looking down on the crumpled body of his mentor; a teenager, kneeling and bound, surrounded by the bodies of people he'd led in to battle; or an adult, just, stumbling down the gangway of a slave ship, blinking away the light of the first sun he's seen in years; was to be loved. 
“The thing was though, all those things that made Jaster so great, they weren’t apparent only to me, everyone saw it. It was why he had so much support. It was why his super commandos were so loyal. It was why death watch were so scared of him, why they hated him so much.
Sometimes when you want something so much, you only end up pushing it further away. Like squeezing a slippery bar of soap so hard that it shoots right out of your hand and- splats- right in to the murky depths of the drainwater.
So when Jaster adopted me, it hadn’t just been Jaster the man adopting me, it was the Mand’alor saying those words too.”
Jaster adopting him could never just be Jaster, stepping forward as a buir. It would always also be the Mand'alor stepping forward. The voice of his people, elected by their will. And so in accepting that offer of adoption, Jango, a small boy from a farm in the rural outreaches of Concord Dawn, was stepping in to something he would never really have enough time to fully understand.
His people loved him, that’s why they followed him. That is why they took him as their leader. But he wasn’t just their leader. They had made him King.
“The members of the Haat’Mandoade, their supporters had elected him to the position and now he was a King as well as a man, the Mand’alor and in their eyes, the only rightful one. A complication considering that death watch claimed Tor Viszla as the rightful Mand’alor of Manda’yaim and the new Mandolorians were claiming that the position was defunct. 
"I'd been adopted by the King of our people. He was, an elected leader but also a king: the Mand'alor, and, he was killed for it. His second betrayed him. I was 14.
My second chance at family, at a parent, shattered just like that and the Haat’Mandoade found themselves without a leader. They needed a new Mand'alor and they had few alternatives. The thing is they didn’t want an alternative, they wanted Jaster, but he was dead and so, they picked the only person who symbolically, might offer their movement what Jaster once had.
His people’s trust, would paint a target on his back and In the end, it was Jaster’s position as Mand’alor that would take him from me before I could even legally drink on most planets in the Galaxy, leaving me parentless once again.”
They picked me.
I was 14.  I wasn't ready to be their leader. But to put me on the throne was to send a message: you can kill our leader but you can not kill what he has started.
“The Haat’mandoade were now My People, the movement was My Movement, I was not just part of a greater whole, I was responsible for them, for it all. I had advisors and Jaster’s friends and Verd but that could never make up for all that I wasn’t, all that I hadn’t had time to be.
So in many ways it was a symbolic gesture, handing me the reigns. But calling someone a King can never just be symbolic. I was at 14, now the leader of our people.”
I couldn't be who they needed, what they needed. I was trying just to keep my head above water. On one side we keep having to fend off attacks, on the other the official government are decrying us, lumping in with those maniacs. 
I just tried to keep us going as we had been. Mercenaries for hire to keep food on the table while we gathered support and figured out what the hell else we were supposed to do. We made sure always, that we stuck to Jaster's code.
But a code is not enough to lead a movement, that’s why they had made Jaster Mand’alor in the first place. He’d taught me, those few years we were together and thanks to that in many ways I understood his intentions what he was trying to do, but I was also a child, in even more ways I did not understand, I could not.
We were going to make a new Mandalore, a better future for our people, together. But in my hands, we were barely surviving.
“My people, had put the trust they once had in Jaster, in me and it would be that, that killed them. It would be that, that killed Jasters dream.
"In the years after I took the crown I managed to keep things going just about, thanks to the help of my advisors and my Buirs friends, most of which were the same people. We took jobs, the worlds we visited carried on turning, and then there was Galidraan.
What the Haat'mandoade had, what delicate soft thing had been laid in Jango's waiting hands, it could have been something. They could have been something and Jango, he can never forget that. He'll never let himself forget that.
The Haat’Mandoade started dying the day I took the crown. It took a few years but the writing was on the wall from the first moment I touched it, A boy leader to thank for a dead kingdom.”
We took a contract or rather, I took a contract because I was the leader, I was in charge.
The governor of the place tells us there are terrorists hurting people, he told us they were Mandalorian.
We put two and two together and figured, death watch.
So we took the Job and tried to find them but we didn’t get a chance to take them down before the other shoe dropped.”
Death Watch were on this planet, they were there because we were there. It was a setup, the Governor was in their pocket, when it came down to it, we were on that planet because Death Watch had invited us and what a welcome they had prepared.
The Governor went to the Republic with a plea for help. He told them the same story he had told us, with one key difference. He told them that we were the terrorists and he told where they might find our camp. 
“I was a king, but I was also a boy. I couldn't protect them. They were all dead."
Death watch created evidence to support the tale and at the behest of their republic, the Jedi flew in to save the day.
The scheme was a success. The Jedi killed almost all of my people that day. The Haat’Mandoade were no more.”
He can't hide the part that he played. That's who Jango is, the Jedi killer. And he's sat here, In a Jedis quarters with a Jedis dead best friend.
"I killed 6 Jedi with my bare hands but it still wasn't enough to save my people.  I don’t tell you this to brag, only for you to see what it was like. 
You have to understand the brutality of it, in all directions. I fought with all I had, I would have given my life for my people, you have to understand that. But I survived. I survived and they all died at the hands of those Jedi. 
In a day, they had destroyed all that we built just because they blindly waltzed in without checking.”
“Eventually the Jedi captured me and they took me to the local authorities who handed me to the Governor and the Governor was working for death watch, always had been. 
They'd killed my parents, my sister, my adopted buir and now they had set up the annihilation of all I had left. All that Jaster had left in my hands.
It’s the truth. There's a part of Jango that never really left that ship. 
When he walked out that door he had to tear a part of him loose. Something that got caught during his time there, and was and always would be, lost, thanks to his time in slavery. 
The governor sold me in to slavery. It was. It was bad. Torture really. Spice ship. Took me years to escape. The person who left that ship, he wasnt the one that got put on it"
Sometimes Jango closes his eyes and thinks he's still there. And that's ridiculous really because he's never been further from slavery than now, you can't chain a ghost.
Slavery is like that though, It seeps in to your bones, you can never leave it behind. Afterall, didn't he go ahead and enslave the clones, that's what the Jedi had said he'd done anyway. 
He'd learnt the violence of slavery at the hand of another and when he'd finally gotten away, he'd just gone and turned it on another, on a million others.
“After I left that ship, what was left of me at least, I found myself back in the Galaxy without any kind of purpose. I had been a king and now, there was nothing. I had led my people, Jasters people, to their certain end.
He takes a shaking breath. He's near the end now. So close he can feel the shape of it, his end. It's almost within touching distance.
What was left of the Haat’Mandoade had scattered. But most of them were just dead. There wasn't really anything left for me to go back to. I'd led most of my people to death. I was hardly about to rally the survivors and secure their deaths too.”
Once, I'd been handed a legacy. A chance to do better. With that code our people could have been something. Jaster had set us on that path and all that was needed of me was to keep our people still following it. But I hadn't been able to do that.”
He'd seen the consequence of violence more than most which probably makes the next part worse. Jango knew what even well intentioned violence could do and still, he set out as a bounty hunter.
By his early 20s, he already found himself responsible for the death of hundreds. People were still dying thanks to what he had failed to do, they would be for decades. Death watch had gone unmatched for all of his time away and still, they wrought terror now he was free. But he couldn’t fix that. There was no way for him to fix all that his incompetence had brought down upon his people, upon Mandalore.
Thanks to Jango, there was nothing left of Jaster’s path and so he set out to find a new one. 
His skills lent well to bounty hunting and so that is what he did. It was all he was good for really, killing. Death had torn through his life since he was a boy, he knew the consequences of what he was doing more than most and still, he sold himself as a killer for hire. 
"Now I've got a reputation by this point. They called me the Jedi killer. They'd thought me dead for the past few years, but here I was. I'm back and I'm different, but I've got to do something. I need food, I need a life. 
No-one is going to hire the Jedi killer for any Non-violent job are they and really, what else was I good for. Its all I knew. I was good at what I did. Jaster had taught me to hunt. 
I already had the kind of reputation you need as a bounty hunter, far before I stepped a foot on that slave ship, all of us did, we'd been working as mercenaries. So I picked up from there."
More than anything, Jango is a violent product of a violent world. He just can't help himself.
He'd been good, he'd been more than good. Jango has never been able to approach a task with anything but brutal competence. If he doesn't know how to do something, he learns. More than that, he becomes an expert. 
It was that really, that sealed his coffin. Signed the warrant and dotted the t's of his downfall. 
"I made a name for myself. Even more of one. Jango Fett, bounty hunter. 
Jango was too good. He caught the wrong type of attention.
I was the one they came to for the difficult jobs. The one you contact when you can pay. 
A man approached me and he said, I've got a job for you. An unusual one but you are uniquely qualified.”
The Jedi have ordered an army. They want it ready in 10 years to fight in a war the Jedi will lead them in. For the Republic.
“He tells me the pay is good. Ridiculously good. But he says, that's not why you'll want to do it though, here's why:
He says, we've got an idea. Me and my employer. 
We want you to be the donor. It'll be a clone army but they won't be able to think like people or anything. Just like droids but they'll be grown rather than made. 
The Jedi will have their army but in the end they won't really be loyal to the Jedi and that’s why we want you, Jedi Killer as the template. They'll turn on them and you'll have your revenge.”
“You have to understand, the Jedi, they'd taken everything from me. I'd lost everything i knew so young but thanks to Jaster, I'd rebuilt from there. The Jedi took that from me.
The new Mandolorians were a monster of the Republic's creation and with them, we'd been shoved to the sidelines. They had split our support in half, every non Death Watch Mando’ade was too busy fighting each other to properly oppose Death Watch. 
That is why they were so strong. That is how they succeeded. The republic did this.
The Jedi and everything they represented, the Republic,  they were the reason we'd been vulnerable to death watch in the first place.
And now, such a obvious show of their arrogance, still claiming to be peacekeepers while ordering an army. So yeah, I wanted it all to blow up in their faces. They were asking for it"
Jango shrugged. “So, I agreed.”
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shieldmaiden19 · 4 years
I need everyone to know that I just had a two-hour nerdout over combining my two favorite things (Star Wars and folk music) and in that time managed to not only translate the Mo Ghile Mear chorus into Mando'a but get it to scan correctly. *flexes*
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winterinhimring · 2 years
i need to check discord for answers about the nightmare fic :D but in the meantime let me also ask about Mando'ad Draar Digu?? (your titles are very creative i love them)
Oh, that one. I love that one. *rubs hands together gleefully*
The premise of Mando'ad Draar Digu came flying out of left field to smack me in the brain when I started thinking about how I could potentially merge The Mandalorian-era Disney canon with the Republic Commando series. Initially, I thought it was going to be a crack fic, assuming it ever got written at all, but then it started to grow actual plot, and drama. And, well, I could explain it...but I'd rather give you an excerpt!
"Lady Bo-Katan, there's a message for you." Koska sounded confused. "It's on the old supercommando coded frequency." "How old is old?" Bo-Katan asked, her mind still mostly on the Darksaber, which now hung from her belt, courtesy of the black merlie of the Wren clan, and how she could go making good on her claim to the throne of Mandalore now that it was in her hands. "Old old. The system's only picking this up because we're in a clan stronghold that's been used for decades. These codes date back to when Fett was Mand'alor." "I thought all of Fett's supercommandos were dead years ago." "Well, whoever this is has all the right tech, at least." "Put it through." A hologram materialised over the table, and Bo-Katan stared into the visor of an unfamiliar Mandalorian in black armour. "Bo-Katan Kryze," he said, in a tone that was just barely this side of utter contempt. "You have me at a disadvantage, I'm afraid. And it's Lady Bo-Katan.""You are a dar'manda Kyr'tsad hut'uun," the stranger said, without a change in his perfectly level voice. "You do not deserve a title and you do not deserve the Kad'dha. You are fortunate that I grant you your father's clan name." "I have better things to do than to listen to an angry relic of the past prattle at me," Bo-Katan retorted icily. "And I have better things to do than waste words on the ears of insolent children. My name is Walon Vau. I served Jango Fett until his death, and now I serve Mand'alor Fenn Shysa. I challenge you in his name for the Kad'dha.""I accept," she said at once, nettled by his casual contempt."Good." It sounded as though he had smiled behind the helmet. "Name your time and place.""Ten days from now," she said. "I'll transmit the coordinates.""Excellent. You will be able to reach me at this frequency. I look forward to meeting you in person."
(wip ask game is here.)
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23 - Discrimination (Yeah I went there)
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[Text in image is as below]
i) Species;
a) All Sentient Species recognised by Mandalorian Law are completely within right to be adopted, adopt, and live within Mandalore, and Mandalorian Society. b) If a Species wishes to be added to the data base, a General Notice for Recognition can be applied for through the Mandalorian Archive of Galactic Sentients. The Mandalorian Archive of Galactic Sentients will also keep in check genealogy to take notice of the rare cases of possible gene modification and cloning. The Mandalorian Archive of Galactic Sentients is the official government and information authority for all occasions regarding inter-species law in Mandalorian Space. c) Sentient Species cannot be outlawed from sectors or systems – Mandalorian Law stresses the difference between a Species, and its local Governments. For example, a fleeing Zygerrian is not guilty of the crimes of the Zygerrian Empire. d) Sentient Species cannot be barred entry into clubs, pubs or venues due to their species. e) Sentient Species cannot be required or told by schools, family, or others to physically alter traits and physical features that do not cause harm. For example, a Zabracki shall not be demanded to wear a headdress to attend classes for the safety of other students.
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[Text in images is as below]
ii) Sex;
a) Mandalorian Law recognises separate biological sexes for all documented species under the Mandalorian Archive of Galactic Sentients. b) Mandalore recognises the separate sexes, sub-sexes, and individual genders within the Species Codex held by the Bounty Hunter Guild Associations. c) Mandalore retains its right to utilise the genderless and sexless terms and wordings in day-to-day use. d) Medical Professionals, and those whose services require said information are the only beings within Mandalore allowed to require a response to request of an individual’s sex, species, and gender information. e) Job applications and education shall not require confirmation of sex or gender for acceptance or application. f) Mandalore and the Mandalorian Sector practices the use of a multitude of private and communal refreshers – schools in the Mandalorian sector will tend to have two segregated bathrooms for the two more common humanoid sexes, a disabled bathroom, a unisex bathroom, and the communal bathrooms utilised in most military settings. Individual sectors can offer a differing, or greater range of choices – for example, Ordo Minor, which has the selection of disabled bathrooms, individual bathrooms, and the communal bathrooms with no segregation of any sort. g) Married Mandalorians are not required to inform anyone of their or their spouse’s gender or sex. h) Sex work in Mandalore falls under the Fair Work Acts, and is acceptable under strict and heavily monitored conditions. A Mando’ade who worked in this sector of business is permitted to apply to other forms of employment. Attempts to block applications and transfers of employment is both discriminatory to the Mando’ade’s financial freedoms and their sexual freedoms.
iii) Religious Interpretation;
 a) Incomplete
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[Text in image is as below]
iv) Language;
a) Mando’a’s multitude of accepted forms are not to be excluded, impeded or banned in any way within Mandalorian Space. b) Mando’a is to be taught at every school in Mandalorian Space in the sector’s most common forms. c) No Mando’ade should be barred in any way from learning Mando’a. d) Speaking a Freed language is a protected right, and those found guilty of excluding or discriminating those speaking or who have spoken Freed language fall under Sentient Discrimination and can face charges at both Mandalorian and Galactic Courts. e) Speaking Basic is not banned in any way, but it is not a specific requirement to graduate, educate, be credited or to have a job. f) Basic cannot be a prerequisite in jobs that do not have any relevance to the speaking of the language. For example, a mechanic does not need to speak fluid Basic to practice on Ordo Prime or Manda’yaim. g) Learning to speak, read and write is a Right, not a privilege, and those barring students for financial reasons either in low or high levels of education will be held to account under Mandalorian Law. Learning languages in Mandalore is a Protected Right, and not to be interfered with by external pressures. h) Clan Foundlings wishing to continue to learn their pre-adoption language is a protected right under Mandalorian Law. Foundlings will not be punished for use of their pre-adoption languages.
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[Text in image is as below]
v) Ability;
a) All Clan members, regardless of their capacity or ability to fight, are crucial to Clan Welfare. b) Clan members, or Mando’ade who are visually or verbally impaired should have allocations made for their comfort and to ease participation in day-to-day life. This includes species that routinely have these impairments, for example, nocturnal species being allowed to be as active as they require at their biologically required hours. c) Clan members, Mando’ade or warriors who have been injured to the point of being removed from combat have completed a great service for their Clan and their community, and any discrimination or exclusion of these Mando’ade is punishable by law. d) Mando’ade born with non-life-threatening defects are to be treated as ordinary Mando’ade under Mandalorian Law. e) Mando’ade born with life-threatening birth defects are catered for under the Public Health Acts, and can even be served at external hospitals around the galaxy under the Mandalorian Resources and Children Protectorate. Parents can make direct calls for assistance to the Mandalorian Protectors, and can expect near immediate response and support in the occasion of life-threatening illness or injury. This is a right under Mandalorian Law. f) Mandalorians with movement impairments, mental impairment and illness, and other neurological discrepancies are protected under Mandalorian Law. In the event of a Neurological Unsound Mando’ade hurting a child, the Mano’ade risks becoming institutionalised. g) Those of impaired, separated, different nature or disposition, and disability are completely able to be charged with serious offences. However, much like criminal justice, intent must be proved for charges such as ‘murder,’ or the charge will simply be held as high degree grievous assault and manslaughter. Ability Impaired Mandalorians will still face a firing squad if found guilty of War Crimes, Child Abuse, or Sexual Assault. h) Mando’ade that cannot live by themselves can either select, or have a carer selected for them out of their Clan or Community that passes Health and Carer Training and Psychological Evaluations. The selection will take place after their diagnosis with impairment. If a Clan member has already been acting as the Mando’ade’s carer, provisioning will be made for that Clan member to have access to appropriate resources and training without separating the Carer from their charge.
[Again, if anyone has any criticism, I am open to any form of assistance you can provide. Sections like this are close to my heart, as I have members of my family who cannot give informed consent, or have a disability that stops them from being able to hold a job. When the time comes, I'm hoping to link a master post for disability and medical beskar'gam symbols to this post so that disabled verde can colour and pattern their armour appropiately, and have it understood.]
[back to main Codex]
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kurara123 · 2 years
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Boba Fett is the most interesting example of a character retcon (or evolution) imo. First we have supertroooper/supercommando in white armor then Holiday Special cartoon and then movies. He is given some backstory in pre-prequels EU* books (is from Concord Dawn his real name is Jaster Mereel and he is journeyman protector and he, if im not mistaken!!, killed officer for ra*ing his wife and Boba was banished from Concord Dawn for good) but is still mysterious and also comics made him badass and mandalorians and mandalorian culture in born. He survived Sarlacc in the books and in the comics (he fall back in sarlacc twice in the comic!). Before AOTC premiere there was a comic in which we learn that he is/was married (Sintas was eighteen and Fett sixteen years old!!) and has a daughter (that EU* storyline was retconed and making a return (r*ped wife)) and he was not good father or husband. AOTC made him a clone of Jango Fett. This fact is present in all of later materials. Then there is also an EU* book series Legacy of the Force in which he trained the daughter of Han and Leia to fight his brother who turn to the dark side. Fact that he was married and has a daughter (and granddaughter) from the EU* material and the fact that he is a clone is present in this books and he is a leader of all the mandalorians. Of course canon Clone Wars gave him more character than in the movies (and gave us origin of the dent in his helmet in unfinished Clone Wars arc with Cad Bane. Then he suppose to be a main character in 1313 canceled game :/ Finally we see him alive and well in The Mandalorian series. The Bad Batch gave him a code name 'Alpha' and a sister Omega. He become a crime lord and ruler on Tatooine. New Marvel canon comics are good. And don't get me started with his appearance/armor evolution! From concepts to movies, animations and tv series maybe 15 different armors/outfits!!!!!! That's a lot!!!!!!!!
The fact that some of the early EU* facts made canon is promising. I'm talking about:
-Mandalorians and their culture
-Jaster Mereel (from Boba's name to adoptive father of Jango Fett)
-the fact that he survived sarlacc
- he is a ruler of people, maybe he will end up as Mand'alor like in EU* books!! Sorry Din you have no experience in this matter 🤷🏼‍♀️
And i'm happy that his marriage is no longer a thing.
Dudebros and haters of TBOBF stopped somewhere in the 2000 before AOTC premiere. Boba Fett needs a character development!
*EU-Expanded Universe, please treat as a Multiverse/Elseworld concept not canon material!
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vessels-cape · 3 years
Following the supercommando codex would have been a much better and more unifying way for Mandalorians to live rather than Death Watch’s extremism, or the NM government’s pacifism, and Jaster Mereel would have been an incredible leader had he lived longer and if he’d been properly put into power as the Mand’alor
‘Mereel found that many Mandalorians of his era had become dissatisfied with the dishonorable and overly savage ways that had become prevalent among a number of the culture's warriors. Mereel chose to become a reformist, one who sought to restore honor to the clans and reinstitute the old warriors codes’
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sidhebeingbrand · 3 years
Was BoBF rough: yeah
Was it also joyful in a way that SW media occasionally fails to be: YEAH
Struggling to put into words how much it means to see an angry dour bastard character defined by rage, loss, and vengeance from age 10 mature out of that, and start defining himself by what his loved ones gave him rather than by their absence.
Still brutal but humane enough to know who doesn’t deserve to be brutalized. Still angry but wise enough to listen to cooler heads. Moved by compassion and empathy: not ‘I suffered so you should suffer’ but ‘I suffered and so I fight to keep you from suffering’
Watch him trip his way backwards into creating the Supercommando Codex as he tries to come up with a better code for bounty hunters.
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leandrafalconwing · 3 years
So back when The Mandalorian season 2 was coming out and we discovered that Mando’s group was basically a splinter sect, I was really puzzled when I kept seeing people refer to his group as being Death Watch or former Death Watch, because I’d never gotten that impression. As far as I could tell, the main reason for thinking that was the name “Children of the Watch” which didn’t feel like definitive proof to me. No, when I thought about them, there was an entirely different group of Mandalorians I was reminded of.
Specifically, the True Mandalorians. My knowledge of the True Mandalorians comes solely from fanfic and the occasional Tumblr post, so I’m well aware I may be completely off the mark. This is more for fun than anything else.
With all that said, here’s my comparison of the Children of the Watch and the Haat Mando’ade (as learned through fandom):
1) Bo-Katan Kryze, in her very brief explanation of the Children of the Watch, says “Their goal was to re-establish the ancient way.” Now, this is one of the things I’m shaky on, but I seem to recall hearing that Jaster Mereel’s Supercommando Codex thing was also supposed to be pulling from ancient Mandalorian history and tradition. (If I’m remembering wrong/was told wrong and the man made it all up from scratch, someone please tell me and I will laugh forever over them calling themselves the “True Mandalorians” while following a brand new code.) To be fair, Death Watch is also apparently all about adopting the ancient ways; they just seem to be far more focused on the murder and conquest and violence ancient ways than the other groups.
2) Foundlings! Children, and specifically the ones adopted into the group, are clearly very important to the Children of the Watch. Meanwhile, whenever fandom is talking about Mandalorians loving children, they nearly always seem to be thinking of the True Mandalorians. Death Watch? If they’re taking kids, they’re probably abusing and brainwashing them. New Mandalorians? Well, most of the Mandalorian fandom doesn’t seem to count them as actually being Mandalorian, so I very rarely see anyone associating them with traits like loving children and adopting them at the drop of a hat.
3) Mando says to Bo-Katan at the end of their first meeting: “There is only one Way. The Way of the Mandalore.” Look, I don’t know about the rest of you, but that seems to go really, really well with a group that decided to call themselves the True Mandalorians. Maybe it’s just a rule that if you’re Mandalorian, you get to gatekeep and tell everyone else what really makes someone Mandalorian?
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blackkatmagic · 4 years
Insult to injury where Jango is concerned. After two-ish years in slavery, the first thing he does is get his armor back and go after Tor, the one who set up Galidraan to happen.
(Which by Kotor 1 lore, Galidraan made Jango Dar'Manda|Disgraced|Dishonored and those were the steps he needed to take to restore himself. Something Jango probably believe since Jaster’s Supercommando Text was inspired by the same era's warrior & honor codes.)
And by the time Tor is dead (due to local wildlife which might actually negate Jango's attempt at restoring his honor|Mando'ade status, but its been a while since I played kotor 1) Santine and the New Mandalorians were probably in power and enforcing their agenda.
So uh... between DW continued slaughtering of TM and NM's rise to power in his absence (and questionable status by TM standards) no wonder Jango decided to self-exile himself and take up bounty hunting.
It’s entirely understandable and just. So tragic and painful on all sides. 
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max--phillips · 3 years
Ok so y’all remember that fabric I bought a few days ago?
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I was looking at it and realized that I had no idea what that little bit of Mando’a text was up to the right of Din’s head. This guy
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Because obviously they can only print details so small, it runs together, and the shape of the Mando’a characters isn’t super helpful. But, I’m pretty good at these kinds of puzzles, and at least the last two words in each line are the same. Right? Right. And thankfully I know that this is just English transposed into Mando’a characters so I don’t have to do any actual translating (which, c’mon, disney, give me more stuff IN MANDO’A YOU COWARDS)
Anyway point is I ended up with this
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Strength is life
Honor is life
Loyalty is life
And I’m like, “huh, this sounds pretty damn mandalorian. Wonder what’s up”
Y’all, this is 3 of the 4 Canons of Honor. The only one missing is “Death is life,” which I can. Kinda understand why they might have left that one out vis a vis marketing but the reason I’m so ???!!!!!! Abt this is bc this is legit, licensed, Lucasfilm merch, and it has some interesting implications if one were to consider this fabric “canon.”
Since the Canons of Honor are part of the Code of Honor which also contains the Resol’nare and the Supercommando Codex, this further implies to me that Jaster is still like. An influence in whatever’s going on, which tracks since he was mentioned in the chain code (if you also wanna decode that lmao) that Boba shows Din in chapter 14.
And, of course, this brings back the whole question of if the covert Din was/is apart of was following some wack interpretation of the Resol’nare or what was going on. If yes, one of the Resol’nare is rallying to the Mand’alor’s cause when called upon. This is suddenly VERY relevant.
I see two scenarios. One: Din gets in a bind and has to call on his covert and/or other Mandalorians who adhere to the Resol’nare. No big deal.
Two: Din is so desperate to get rid of the Darksaber it ends up in the hands of someone who shouldn’t have it, and Din ONCE AGAIN has to choose between his creed and his own personal motivations when that person calls on him and other Mandalorians.
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