#supercorp wedding
rjmac211 · 5 months
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Kara and Lena’s wedding
Minister: If there is anyone present who can show just cause why these two may not be joined in matrimony speak now or forever hold your peace
James going to stand up
Lena pulls her gun out of her suit jacket
James sits back down
Kara: So I be worried why you have a gun at our wedding
Lena: I’ve waited years for you to be more then my best friend I’m not taking the chance someone disagrees with our marriage
Kara: Nothing can stop me from marrying you Lena
They give each other their rings
Minister: I now pronounce you wife and wife you may kiss
Lena and Kara kiss
Later that night
Winn: Have you guys seen James
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Getting Ready
“How are you feeling?” Alex asked, coming up to hug Kara as her sister looked in the mirror.
“Overwhelmed by emotion,” Kara answered truthfully.
“Any second thoughts?”
“No, that one I’m very sure about.”
“Okay,” Alex said distractedly as she guide Kara to turn to face her, giving her baby sister the once over. “You look handsome, but a bow tie?”
“Lost a bet,” Kara waved off. “But I think I pull it off.” Kara posed her body language seeking approval from someone who means the world to her.
“Definitely,” Alex eyed her playfully. “Maybe a little green.”
“No, I’m sure, but emotional. Lena loves me and I her and we are about to make it official.”
Alex nods, one quick definitive nod.
“Let’s go than.”
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akynoctua · 2 months
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They’re so married.
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crime-wives · 2 months
“you’re the loss of my life” and it’s two women who were irrevocably, undeniably in love with each other, all while missing their chance over and over and over again.
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thornedrose44 · 23 days
All Will Be Well (Supercorp Royal Wedding AU)
All will be well has been updated with two new chapters (50 & 51), enjoy:
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lgbtimelords · 3 months
a fanfic i'll never write, part 2:
scenes from the future and feelings from the past
Behind knowing everything ends up okay and that one should always be hopeful, there's something else Kara knows wholeheartedly: people always leave, eventually.
People leave like her grandfather did. One day he was telling her how excited he was to see her join the science guild and the next her parents were telling her he would not be making it to the ceremony.
People leave like her parents did. Or maybe she left. Still. Someone leaves. And she ends up alone again. And then came back, again. And leave, again.
Jeremiah left. Cat left. Mon-El left. Winn left. James left. Kenny left. Lucy left. Kal never showed up to begin with. They’re all a small missing piece inside her heart she had to take away so it’d stop hurting, leaving an empty void instead.
She hates the loneliness. Hates it more than darkness and villains and kale on her food. And yet, the feeling of being alone is the one thing that never seems to leave her.
Alex’s and Kelly’s car flies away. Up and away in their happily ever after. It brings tears to her eyes again and it warms her heart, that her sister got it all- everything she wanted, everything she deserves.
It all ends rather suddenly after that. The guests start to leave one by one- Kara doesn’t even know over half of them. Winn leaves, too- something about his wife and daughter and some weird movie franchise. Brainy and Nia leave together, rushed and with a tint of red already covering their cheeks.
“Are you coming with us, auntie Kara?” Esme says, two little arms circling her waist as bright eyes look up at her.
She smiles at the girl, throws a look to Eliza- receiving an understanding nod to her silent question.
“Sorry, bud. I have a thing,” she says, running her fingers through Esme’s hair, “but you’ll have so much fun with grandma.”
And so, Esme and Eliza leave, just for today- she wonders how long it’ll be before it’s permanent.
The waiters take everything down. The tables, the flowers, the chairs. They clean up every glass and every fork. They pick up every dirty napkin and mop spilled drinks from the dancefloor. All while Kara watches from the side, sitting below a tree in the corner of the property- light blue dress already filled with dirt.
“Hey, you,” a soft voice she knows so well calls out, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
Lena wastes no time before sitting down beside Kara. Her knees, still cladded in her sinful and gorgeous purple bodysuit, bump against Kara’s playfully. The action brings a small smile to her face. Knowing how much they’ve grown, how they went back to the playful and subtle touches again, the ones Kara had missed so so so much.
And somehow, something in the back of her mind, as she watches Lena’s knee move from side to side, always touching Kara’s when it moves to the left, tells her that Lena has already left, once, but Lena has always been the only one to ever come back.
“I’m tired,” she ends up confessing, even though perhaps they had already used up their emotional conversations quota of the day.
“Then let’s go home,” Lena whispers, care and warmness wrapping around Kara like a soft blanket. “I can make you some hot chocolate.”
“I mean… I’m tired of… everything. Everyone leaving”
Worry takes over Lena’s features. Kara has to look away in case it turns to pity, she doesn’t think she can deal with pity right now. “Alex isn’t gone,” she says, her hand taking Kara’s, “You know this.”
“I know. I know.” A tear rolls down her cheek anyway, “But she’s… Nevermind.”
“Hey, no, tell me,” Lena’s hand pulls, urging Kara to look into her eyes.
“It’s selfish,” she whispers.
“I don’t care,” Lena says back, “I won’t judge.”
“She’s no longer only mine,” she confesses, bites her lip in shame but she doesn’t find confusion in Lena's eyes, she doesn’t laugh at Kara’s words, she doesn’t tell her how selfish and ridiculous she’s being. She smiles sadly and squeezes her hand, asking her to keep going. “She’s no longer only my sister. She’s a wife. And a mom. And I love that, I do. But I’ve lost so much and now Alex can’t be my rock anymore, because if I drown Alex then I drown Kelly and Esme down with me, too. I can’t do that to her.”
“Just because Alex has new people to take care of, care for,” Lena says, “doesn’t mean she’ll stop taking care of you.”
“But I want her to stop taking care of me,” she exclaims, “I’ve held Alex back for so many years, Lena. So many. And I can’t be selfish enough to expect her to be there for me when she’s got so much good in her life now.”
“You are not a burden, Kara.”
“I know I’m not,” she sighs. “I know that if I ask for help, Alex will come running. But I don’t want to do that to her anymore. It’s just… It used to be us against the world. Alex was the first person I ever had since coming here. And I was the first person Alex ever truly confided in. And now that part of her has a new life, I realized… I don’t have anything that’s truly mine, now.”
She throws her head back against the tree. She wishes it could be full strength. Yet knows, full strength will break the tree in half. She plays with the ends of Lena’s fingers, tries to ground herself after letting out so many feelings.
“I understand what you mean by that,” Lena says softly. “I’ve never really had someone that’s truly mine either.”
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couchez-vous · 3 months
Supercorp "The Wedding Planner" AU!!
Lena as the wedding planner who gave up on love- those who can't wed, plan, and she's the best at what she does. She wears power suits and controls every aspect of a wedding down to the best man's speech. She's still carrying the hurt of being cheated on, and that betrayal is echoed in Andrea bursting into her life and trying to cheat/leave her fiancee for Lena. When she meets Kara she pushes her away because she doesn't believe that her love is genuine. They haven't known each other long enough to get married, why would Kara want to? Lena doesn't offer the option to date because she's so thrown off, Kara's gorgeous and kind she can't really mean that she wants to be with Lena Luthor, right?
Kara as the hopeless romantic sweetheart who wants to marry Lena immediately upon their first meeting since they were children. Earnest, sweet, good with her hands (makes a replica bird nest as a gift!). A Kara who thinks Lena is the most beautiful woman she's ever seen and is accustomed to Kryptonian arranged marriages, so she assumes Lena wants her too because the Luthors arranged it. Kara fries up potstickers for their friend-date and gives her good advice and reminisces with her about Lena's birth mom. Lena realizes she's developed a crush on Kara but keeps it to herself. Then Kara makes a big romantic gesture to propose and promises to take care of her "you will make me the happiest woman on earth" Lena accepts, but still has her doubts
Andrea as Lena's charming unfaithful soon-to-be-wed What If? Lena is drawn to her because she's a sweet-talking doctor who saved her life, but they constantly bicker. Their push and pull rollercoaster interactions feel normal because that's how Lena's relationship with Siobhan was, but she doesn't want that kind of love anymore. She needs someone stable and understanding
Lucy Lane as Andrea's fiancee
Jess as Lena's wingwoman
Siobhan as Lena's happily married cheating ex
Andrea leaves Lucy in a mutual breakup and runs to Lena before she gets married. She wants to run away together. Lena sees the situation for what it is: Andrea trying to hop from one serious relationship to another. She tells Andrea a firm no and marries Kara in the courthouse
Kara dips and kisses her softly and Lena's heart is warmed. they honeymoon in Ireland <3
I want Lena to have the self-awareness to recognize her pattern of wanting unavailable people, the self-respect to say no to the toxicity, and enough hope in her heart to take a leap of faith with Kara and then being more in love than she ever thought possible
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I'm watching My Fair Wedding, and now I'm having thoughts of Kara as a wedding planner, helping Lena with her wedding. Lena's mother is overbearing and her fiance never present. Kara does her best to alleviate some of the burden, diverting Lillian and running interference as necessary.
Over time, Lena goes from "whatever you think" to "what do you think?" until they're spending lots of time to finalize the details, and becoming friends in the process.
Eventually Lena's fiance shows up, barely a week before the wedding, and even then s/he can barely spare the time to participate in the last minute preparations. It breaks Kara's heart, especially when Lena visits her office the night before the wedding to tell her the entire engagement is off, wedding canceled.
Lena assures Kara that she'll still get her fee-- she's done an amazing job, and if she'd gone through with it, the event would have been the highlight of her marriage. But Kara doesn't care about the fee.
"Are you okay?" she asks.
Lena nods, even offering a smile. "Better than. Honestly I'm relieved. I haven't been happy in a long time-- it just never occurred to me to notice." She ducks her head slightly, looking at Kara through her eyelashes. "Not until I realized how much I liked spending time with you."
Kara's breath catches in her chest. "Liked?"
"Like," Lena corrects to present tense. "If you still want to?"
Kara can't nod fast enough. "Yes! Of course, yes! Always."
A beaming smile answers her. "Dinner? Tomorrow?"
"Tonight." Kara's never been more sure of anything in her life. "Now. Right now."
Lena nods, extending her hand in welcome invitation.
"Sounds good to me."
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I recently finished @i-am-robie‘s Wedding Date AU and it was so good, and a perfect vacation read. This scene in particular has been tumbling around in my brain.
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humanonstrike · 1 year
Currently my favorite SuperCorp fics are take [2000s rom com] and make it gay
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nguyen013 · 11 months
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Late Day 13/31 - Dream Wedding
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obliviouskara · 5 months
nothing infuriates me more than knowing that a ship that i have fallen miserably head over heels in love with (like to the point of probably botherline obsession) is not even freaking canon but also so badly written that watching them canon causes you nothing but full on rage what do you mean an entire community can see their chemistry all except the writers/producers of the show?? are you fucking kidding me
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coffeeshib · 2 years
listen... what if supercorp fake dated. what then
what if..... what if fake dating but reversed. au where lena takes kara to meet her family but lillian & lex are convinced that she hired kara (her best friend!!) to be her fake girlfriend & there's absolutely nothing, not even being handsy & making out at the mansion will change their minds
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emily-prentits · 2 years
why do people hate lena's goth wedding outfit so much. she's gorgeous it's literally gay and there's boobs there
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ekingston · 2 years
your wife is your muse…
truly my better half. today i got to wake up to this
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appropriatelystupid · 2 years
I'm sorry to bother you, especially if you're busy and don't do requests, but if you might have a bit of free time to make a gifset I'd really love to see one of Lena at the funeral in the finale. That's the outfit I always headcanon as what she wore to the wedding, instead of the um tragedy she ended up wearing :P Like I think she lost a bet.
anon, you're absolutely right, she definitely lost a bet... or she saw how alex had been doing her makeup lately and knew someone had to draw attention away from it
anyway i took your idea and ran with it a bit
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