#this is what happens when i try to actually watch the supergirl series and how my supercorp’s “friendship” turns out
obliviouskara · 2 months
nothing infuriates me more than knowing that a ship that i have fallen miserably head over heels in love with (like to the point of probably botherline obsession) is not even freaking canon but also so badly written that watching them canon causes you nothing but full on rage what do you mean an entire community can see their chemistry all except the writers/producers of the show?? are you fucking kidding me
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fazedlight · 10 months
re: weird trauma reversal and also being late to the fandom
i was also quite late to the fandom and one of the things i’ve noticed is that i think in some ways you can tell when someone bingewatched the series after it was complete, or close to when it was complete, and especially in terms of the relationships people have with the characters.
i think one of the biggest examples of this is james - i kind of feel like a lot of the people who are more open to the fact that guardiancorp happened or felt there was ‘potential there’ etc are people who would have watched seasons 1 & 2 in particular play out in real time over the course of 2 years, so they had time to form more of an acquaintance and acceptance of what his character was intended to be, whereas i think if you watched all of the seasons back to back to back over a matter of weeks james’ behaviour is so erratic across the course of seasons 1 - 4 that he just seems kind of like a manipulative jerk because suddenly the kara -> lucy -> kara -> guardian -> luthors are evil -> lena is hot comes right on the heels of each other in a way that it wouldn’t have if you were watching the series in weekly episodes.
but in specific relation to what you were saying about cheapening kara’s traumas, i think bingewatching makes that cheapening effect even worse and that it also has an impact on how people see kara and lena actually, because - similar to how it’s hard to see james as the character the showrunners intended when you binge watch - when you speedrun through s3 - s4 the inconsistency with kara’s character and her traumas makes some of her flaws, like the self-righteousness and the hypocrisy, seem even worse in a way because it’s so much more compressed? it’s a lot easier to see how it must have seemed to lena when she looked back in retrospect and revisited their friendship after the trauma of lex because the flipflopping in one episode to the next isn’t over the course of a week or a season.
(i thought the lex trauma comment in one of your earlier posts was really astute and it resonated with me so much - while there’s plenty of balanced fiction and also fiction that completely ignores that lena did Bad Things, on the other side of it I really don’t think a lot of lena’s antis really account for the fact that yeah, she completely went haywire and yeah, it was pretty ooc, but at the same time the writers did try to set the stage for it - she lived through making a morally grey decision involving a once beloved family member and then having the rug pulled out from under her immediately after, and right on the heels of some very erratic behaviour by kara. lena sitting in her office feeling used that kara only wanted her to use her as a source always gets me, like her doubts of their friendship weren’t just seeded by supergirl/kara being two people alone.)
sorry for the long comment! i try so hard to be a normal person but some of the things you say just really resonate with me, and then… this happens. congrats on completing diat as well and excited for your wips!!!
Yeah!! That makes sense. Having started the show in early 2022 and binging it, I have no sense of the pacing at all. Someone (maybe you?) brought up in another ask that the stuff with Kara’s DNA in S6 came up during covid era, when talk about DNA replication was pretty common on the news, which made it especially odd in the show that they treated it like a single-opportunity thing. I would never have thought of the covid context, since I wasn't watching then.
It makes sense that bingewatching would make that trauma reversal aspect even worse! I hadn’t thought of that. Also, ouch, the rift buildup being worse tears my heart out - it was already pretty heartwrenching from my point of view, speed running through the series!
... also, god, waiting an entire summer between S4 and S5 would’ve killed me 🤣
I feel pretty lucky in that I haven’t come across too many anti-Lena or anti-Kara folks (yet?). I just really don’t understand it… they’re just both such compelling characters. They’re both flawed, and they’re both trying to do the right thing, and they’re both trying to deal with their traumas, and I can’t imagine reading stuff for this ship without loving them both.
(Thank you for the comment, please never apologize!! I love reading these! It’s not like I’m normal either 🤣)
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juskru · 3 years
It actually happened. Supergirl is over.
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I usually lose my mind while watching the episodes, posting as many stupid and sassy comments as I can come up with 😆
But not this Tuesday.
Couldn't come up with anything. Still can't, to be honest. So this post won't be my finest job 🙈
Ever since the finale it's been a mix of being about to combust at any second and feeling hollow at the same time. What kind of sorcery is this? 🤨
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Fucking pissed Disappointed that we didn't get the Supercorp we needed? Of course.
Surprised? No. 😂 As the main targets of the showrunners blatant greed and malice to increase ratings at all costs - including our hearts and sanity - were we ever surprised? 🙄
Doesn't mean it hurts any less.
But we did get our Supercorp 💖
After everything that's happened in these 5 years, especially this last season, we know very well that Supercorp is more than real. It just wasn't as obvious as our girls deserved because fuck you coward homophobic showrunners, I'll despise you for the rest of my life 🖕.
Mirrored/synchronized gestures. Longing glances. Comfort seeking. A way of staring at each other that is reserved only for them.
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Instant change in mood and body language when seeing each other. Refusing to allow the other to be in any kind of danger and yet never hesitating to put themselves in harm's way for them.
Literally risking the safety of the entire universe for one another. Defying the laws of physics to create solutions to ensure their protection. Never giving up on each other, even when everybody else did.
Unadmitted confessions.
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This scene still makes my heart skip several beats 👆
"I know how much your sister means to you Alex, and yet today you made the most painful sacrifice because it was the right thing to do, and I... I don't think I could do that"
Then we have Alex yeeting all reason to the sun, taking all the totems to Lex to save Esme 😏
"I believe in you"
"It's only because you're on the team that I'm here"
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And Kara LEANED IN, bruh! 🤣😭🙌🙌
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Alex's reaction was so delicious 😂 And loud!
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And countless other moments 😌
And Queller and Rovner have the AUDACITY of trying to pass their feelings as just friendship?? When people that don't even watch the damn thing can see right away that they're in love? 🤦🏻‍♀️
"My office is overflowing with flowers"
"You're the only person in the galaxy I know will do right by it"
"For a friend like you, there are no boundaries"
"You protected me from losing a part of myself. You always do"
They have something that's so uniquely theirs. So easy to see, hard to explain and impossible to deny.
"It's not just what I feel for you. It's what I do not feel for anyone but you" (not sure who the author is)
I know it sucks not having the ending we wanted, even a Korrasami style one. But we still got it.
But the sheer insolence of choosing to develop a faux romantic relationship between the bald psychopath and the imp in the few remaining episodes instead of allowing Kara's 5-year relationship with Lena to take its natural course for no other excuse than the fact that Lena is a woman - as the fandom discussed multiple times, had either Lena or Kara been a man, their actions would've been seen as romantic a looong fucking time ago - is just grotesque.
If the showrunners only intent was to queerbait us to finish the series with strong ratings, then they shot themselves in the foot, because all they did was comfirm what we all knew since the very first time the best Luthor graced the screen with her presence 😂
"Of all the friends I've ever had, you have pushed me the most. Challenged me the most"
"You've made me a better person"
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It happened. Supercorp happened. That's a fact. And no you can't change my mind, and no this is not up for debate. Go pester someone else u.ú
There's only so much the actors can do when they're being suffocated by the assholes that call the shots. But it's more than just the script.
Everything that was within Melissa's and Katie's (and the rest of the cast too, specially Chyler, I love you babe) power to give us, they did it with beautiful and brilliantly thoughtful acting choices - easiest way to see this is by muting the sound of supercorp scenes (specially the finale) and focus only on what they're trying to show you. Look at their eyes and where they're going, their faces and bodies, their touches. They're trying to show you what the script won't allow them to say with words.
They fought for us till the very end 💖
Ugh their love is soooo loud! 😭
All in all, the show ended with the characters on their way to happiness, feeling at peace with themselves, full of hope for the future. A happy ending to all of them. In the end that's all we wish for the people we care about ❤
That alone was better than most series out there - again, I'm looking at you cw ಠ ωಠ ( っ'-')╮ =͟͟͞͞💣
As much as I would've loved to see a big wet tongue-sucking kiss, my babies have a whole future ahead of them where that's gonna happen (shout out to all you beautiful magicians out there giving us endless heartwarming content 😘).
All things considered, I'm fine with that ❤
I think the weight in my chest comes from not being able to say "there's always next season", "there's always next episode" anymore. And the cast is so incredibly sweet and genuine that knowing they won't be around their little found family as often, and we won't be a part of that as much, is making me miss them that much more.
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Don't even get me started on all the scenes from the finale that weren't shown in every country and the big chunk of dialog that was removed; I'm still livid at that 😤
I really really hope the fandom gives Queller and Rovner absolute HELL from now on 😈
Don't touch the actors nor the writers or anybody else in the crew. They have no say at all in what happens in a show. What we see on the screen is what the showrunners allow.
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Rescue Mission – Suicide Mission.
Part 4 - Not a fair fight.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Brainy x Reader, Eliza Danvers x Granddaughter!Reader.
Word count: 2480.
Warnings: Injuries. Pain. Angst. Some graphic fight scenes I guess.
Previously on the series - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Whatever it cost.
Your life has been put at stake before. You almost died three or four times. Honestly, too much for a 16-year-old-girl. But this. This is different. There’s no aunt Alex to call for help, no Supergirl coming in to help you pick up the pieces. No Lena waiting for you at home with comfort hugs and donuts.
You land on the DEO, shaking. You thought about not coming the entire way here. What if you just wait until Supergirl wakes up so she can help? Would it be that bad?
“Brainy!” You call him, and he turns around to you. Tablet in hands, still monitoring the shapeshifters. “Can we wait until my momma wakes up? Then we can go for them. I mean, I didn’t see much damage around the city so-”
“We can’t.” He stops you.
“Why? Honestly, we both know I’m no match for a shapeshifter.” You say, and Brainy looks up from his tablet.
“Oh.” He smiles a little. “That’s what I’m counting on.”
“I’m sorry?” But it doesn’t take long until you tie all the knots. Of course. Of course you couldn’t trust anybody!
Brainy turns into Supergirl right in front of your eyes, and hits you with a blow of freeze breath that throws you back down. You fall, all fours, and look up to the shapeshifter in front of you.
“You are definitely not a match for us.” It presses something in the tablet and soon you hear a woosh of air coming from containment and landing a punch on your face.
Shit! Fuck! Damn it!
It played you just right! Made you believe that you could trust ‘Brainy’ because he found your family, and imprisoned one of the shapeshifters, but it was obviously just a plan. Now both are here in front of you, and if one was already hard enough, two looks impossible to beat.
You get up and fly out of the DEO. First superhero rule: if possible, take the fight to where no civilians can get hurt, so you will have less casualties. In this case, maybe just yours is enough.
The other two Supergirls fly right behind you. You feel one of them grabbing your feet and tossing you back to the ground. You fly up less than a palm before your body hits the concrete. You keep flying farther away from the city, but it’s forced to stop sooner than you would like.
One of the Supergirls punches you down, and you feel your body smashing against a boulder in the desert, making a hole on the hard rock. Dust rises up and around you. You cough, getting up from the hole and you look at both aliens in front of you, using your momma’s pretty face. You can’t win. You wouldn’t be able to win even if you were up against just one Supergirl, let alone two. You breathe deep. You were right. Two Kryptonians are better than one. You just wish this advantage were to your side.
“So, it was you all along.” You yell from a distance.
“I told you not to trust anyone.” You hear Kara’s voice and your heart beats faster. “But I suppose you are just a kid.”
“I am.” You agree with your head, taking a deep breath. “But I am her kid!”
You fly towards them, punching one in the face, making it fall in the hard rock, like you did, breaking it off in the process. But you won’t give it a chance of recovery. You fly down, settling on top of its body. Kara’s body.
“You don’t deserve this face!” You say, giving it another punch. “You don’t deserve these powers!” Another one. “You don’t deserve to wear this crest on your chest!” It’s where you punch after and you watch the alien losing its breath, looking as beat up as you found your momma. You raise your fist again, ready to end it, and feel the other alien grabbing your hand.
“What makes you think you do?” It says, flying high with you, while you try to untangle yourself from its firm grip. When you look up again, it has changed its form. You’re face to face with yourself.
“I’m not a phony!” You twist around, and it drops your hand, kicking you in the chest instead. You fly far away, trying to regain your breath. “But now it’s a fair fight.”
“Is it?” It asks, tilting its head at you. You look at your face staring at yourself on the other side and smile. Yes. Now it’s a fair fight. You know your strengths, and you know your weaknesses. And you have so many of them.
It flies closed fist at you, but you saw it coming, it’s always your first move. You fly out of the way, hitting its back with your heat vision, making it fall on the ground, raising up dirt all around it.
“You can’t win.” Supergirl gets up from the hole it was in. Oh, come on, it was almost gone. You use your heat vision again, but it’s met in the middle with its own heat vision. Shit, this is useless. Fighting Kryptonians it’s a fucking hell.
The other alien rises from the ground, and you see yourself between both of them. You don’t have a lot of options, it’s clear to you. You can run, but where to? You can buy yourself time, but for what? Help isn’t coming, you know that.
“We shouldn’t both waste our time with this kid.” Fake Supergirl says, almost ignoring your presence right there between them. “You know where she took them. Go get them.”
Breath stops midway. Heart stops mid beat. Time slows at its own accord.
No. Not them. Not your family.
“Oh yes, we should thank you, by the way.” The other Superkid flies to Supergirl’ side, and your eyes are filled with tears with the sight of that. You wanted that. You wanted a Superkid and Supergirl team-up. Instead, two monsters are using your faces, bodies and powers. They don’t seem to acknowledge your discomfort with the scene, as they go on.
“Getting the whole family together in one place. You just made our job a lot easier. Now we can kill Supergirl and everyone she loves in just one blow. And you? You’ll be alive to see it all going down with your help.”
You swallow hard knowing they are right. You helped. You thought you were the one doing the saving, but they were letting you. They were playing you, so you can do the job for them and that’s why it felt so easy. That’s why you encountered almost no resistance; it was all for this moment right here.
It’s your fault Lena has no memories. It’s your fault Jamie was taken. It’s your fault Supergirl is not here defending the city and the family. And now it will be your fault they’ll kill all your family in one blow.
You feel something burning inside of you. It’s not anger, it’s not sadness. It’s a mix of all the feelings you once had. It’s the slow burn of love, and the heavy taste of hate on your mouth. It’s the bittersweetness of having such a strong and rotten last name, and the wonderfulness of being a part of this family. It’s the cautiousness of hiding your powers, and the relentless yearn of letting go and bursting into flames, destroying everything and everyone on your way. But most of all, it’s that moment where ‘you should do better’ kicks the ‘you’re doing great’ to the side of the curbs and takes a hold on you.
You could even try to hold this feeling inside you, but you know better. This is the time to stop thinking, stop using your powers, and let them use you instead.
“Don’t thank me just yet.” You say with a little smile playing on your lips.
Fighting two of them was never going to be a fair fight and you know it. Even with you letting your powers take over you, even after beating them, even with this faintest feeling that you might -just might- pull this off because you’re fighting for the right reasons.
It doesn’t take long until you find yourself trapped under both getting punches after punches. The taste of blood is strong on your mouth. You know you’re going to lose. You’re minutes away from blacking out.
You have been beaten down before. By red kryptonite Kara, by villains using green kryptonite against you, by aliens from another dimension, by your own fears and your anxiety. You were once beaten down to the point of suffocation. You were once covered in your own blood and vomit. For time and time again, you thought you were going to die. Once you even prayed that you would.
This moment right here, feels like another one of those. You can feel it. When they’re beating you down so hard your blood is the one splashing on their faces, when you slowly feel yourself losing consciousness. When the last thing you see before your mind goes totally blank is Lena’s eyes and Kara’ smile. Maybe this is the last time you feel you are going to die. Maybe this time you’re actually dying.
And you know what comes next. They’ll go to the Fortress. March in there using your face. It’s your face your family is going to see blowing up the entire place. And when they realize it’s not you, it will be too late, they will be doomed. Your whole family will be destroyed like they promised in the message.
You won’t accept it. You may die, but your family won’t.
You untangle yourself from them. Grab Supergirl’s cape -capes are lame, you still remember that- and fly up. Up. Up. Up. The other shapeshifter follows you, trying to catch you before you do what they understand now it’s going to happen.
“If you do this, you will die!” You hear Kara’s voice. But it’s not her, and you know your Kara would do anything to protect her family. Anything.
“I don’t care if it kills me. All I care about is taking you down with me!” You say and you reach the exact point. You know if you keep going, you’ll be too far gone. You almost died in outer space once. You don’t know exactly how you survived, but you know this time you can’t pull it off again.
You hold Supergirl’s cape stronger and spin it around. You see the shapeshifter trying to change its form, but it’s too late. You toss it into space and look down to the other one.
“Two Superkids dying in outer space together is almost… Poetic.” You fly towards the other shapeshifter, the one with your face.
“You don’t want to do this.” It says, staring at you, like it's looking at your soul.
“You’re right, I don’t.” You grab its throat and look up. “But it’s whatever it costs!”
Up. Up. Up.
No air left in your lungs, no other thought except that this is the right thing. Dying was never going to feel right but dying for your family, it’s the closest you could ever feel to death being right.
The other you are now transformed back into its ugly alien form, turning blue. They’re gone. It’s over.
You close your eyes feeling light-headed and you feel like crying. It doesn’t matter if it’s the right thing or if it’s for your family, you still don’t want to die, and you’ll still miss them.
You know this won’t matter. But maybe, just maybe, the watch will send them a signal and Kara will come for your body when she wakes up. That way they can mourn you properly. All of them, but Lena since she doesn’t even remember you anymore. At least she won’t suffer, you think. You press the emergency watch. And you’re out.
“Will you please stop going to outer space?” You hear softly in your ear, and you open your eyes trying to focus them on what is before you. Blonde locks flying in the wind, a perfect baby blue sky over you, and that warm smile only one person in this universe has. “I’ve got you, little one. You’ve got me before; I’ve got you now.”
You smile. And before passing out again you think that you have to stop almost dying. It’s starting to get truly exhausting.
You open your eyes, looking around to make sure you actually didn’t die. It’s stupid, you know, but still you find it’s hard to believe you pulled it off. Somehow you pulled it off.
Alex is in the bed next to you, awake, finally. Brainy is also in a bed, the real one that was probably hurt by the shapeshifters so one of them could take his place. Kara is pacing around nervously, and the rest of the family are also in the infirmary, creeping around the sick ones.
“You fucking dipshit!” Jamie slaps your arm, and you almost feel the sting. “I told you to come back. You promised you would come back whatever it costs!”
“Well… I’m here.” You give her a little smile and she rolls her eyes, full of tears. Next thing you know, she is hugging you tight, and sobbing on your suit.
“I hate you.” She whispers in your ear, and you smile, while the whole family looks at both of you. “I hate you and your hero complex.”
“I love you too.” You smile and she lets go of you with a smile. Kara is the next one to throw her arms around you and kiss your temple.
“You’re the best superhero in this town.” She says, and you almost believe her. Almost.
“Mom.” You let go of Kara and look around in the room. “Where is she?”
They all stare at you blankly. No one says a thing.
“Where is Lena?” You demand, and Kara drops her head low and lets out a sigh.
“We’re gonna get her back, kid.” Her hand cups your face, and she strokes your cheek. You see the pain in her eyes, and you feel tears forming on yours. “One thing at a time.”
Your heart squeezes on your chest, and you forget about the fact that you were probably actually dead for at least a minute, not long ago. This doesn’t seem remotely important, as Lena not having her memories and not knowing who you are right now. You almost died, and your mom is not here to hold you gently and say, ‘you’re ok babygirl’.
Kara seems to be able to read your mind, like Lena usually does, when she puts her hand on your knee and gives it a gentle and assuring squeeze. “One thing at a time, baby.”
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likesrandomstuff · 3 years
Avalance Fic Recommendations Part 4
The final part of this series. Thanks to everyone who reblogged and liked, and a huge shout-out to @heywhereisperry who encouraged and motivated me into doing this.
As I said in Part 1, feel free to add any more stories you think should be recognised to any of these posts, and my ask box is open if you would like more detail on anything.
Part 1: Bite Sized
Part 2: Snacks
Part 3: Meals
Banquets (Over 75,000 words)
When you do not have anything you need to do in the next couple of days
You're My Miracle by bihexualmess
My tags: Ava is FBI, Sara is a Private Investigator, Rip brings Sara on for a case
This just got updated the other week and ruined multiple nights of sleep for me. At almost 350k words, still going, I don’t know how to explain without spoiling stuff that happens a long way in. There are so many layers to both Ava and Sara here, and the trauma, and the issues, and the fact they will not talk to each other about anything. I jumped on this a bit late, as the title and description didn’t grab me, but oh boy, I was missing out. I did get to read a heap of it in one go, but that doesn’t help the slow burn. I would start this even though it’s still a WIP, just because it will take you a while, to read, and also the storylines need time to settle in, because they are heavy, but just amazing. It is now the longest Avalance fic with the latest update.
this is the way that we love (like it's forever) by CoffeeAndArrows, moonlitprincess
My tags: College Avalance dated and broke up, five years later they meet again, Ava’s dating someone else
This fic had me crying in the lunchroom during my second week of work because I couldn’t not read during my lunch break, and it was hitting me so hard. That was after starting it at 10pm, reading to 2am, sleeping until 6am, reading until 11am a couple of days before. Warning for major character deaths; the funeral for one is alluded to in the description. If anyone says something bad about Jordan, I will not be happy; one of the best original characters I have ever read in a fic. Sara’s not in a great place initially, but she gets there. And there’s some cute flashbacks to college Legends too.
you make me smile (please stay for a while now) by CoffeeAndArrows, moonlitprincess
My tags: High School Rivals AU, Ava’s class president, Sara is the superstar soccer captain, they have more in common than they thought
I just looked at the word count for this, and it must be the first time I have, because wow! It is a journey! There’s a couple of prequel, sequel and interjection stories in this universe too. Ava has to deal with her family not being super supportive when she comes out. Sara has to deal with Laurel struggling and their mum having a clear favourite (Laurel). Most of the Legends have really great arcs in here as well. Ava’s family is great. I wanna hang out with her little sister. Don’t be like 2018 me who gives up after the first chapter because they are mad about what Laurel is going through. She’s fine, and there’s a heap of great Sara and Laurel moments. I recently re-read the last 10 chapters, and I still couldn’t stop myself from reading like it was the first time.
i am who you used to love (and you are just a memory) by justpalsbeingals
My tags: The Vow AU, but Ava makes some better choices early on, they’re married, Ava gets into an accident and loses all memory of Sara
I hate the movie this fic is based on. The movie’s fine, and it was a delight seeing Tatiana Maslany in it while I was watching Orphan Black, but basically it is my worst-case scenario, losing my memory. The fact that this fic kept me hooked despite that, is a testament to the quality. The fic itself says “light angst”, I say it’s much, much heavier than that, but that’s just me. Warning, there are some intense twists in here, and everyone is a bit OOC to me, memory loss being considered, which might not be your thing.
and i will stumble and fall (i'm still learning to love) by lucylikestowrite
My tags: SwanQueen kid fic AU, yes, I know go with me on this, Ava adopted Sara’s unexpected baby, said kid finds Sara years later
In general, as I’ve mentioned before, I don’t like kid fics. Fics with future children coming back to meet their parents, or the couple going into the future? Some of my favourites ever. This has no time travel, but I trust Lucy. This story is under 75k, but the sequel is almost as long, so combined they’re over. The sequel is a WIP. I didn’t watch Once Upon a Time, but it’s the plot of the start of that, except the gay actually happens. There are a lot of issues our girls have to work through here, but the kid is so cute.
and we could try by plinys
My tags: it’s a story mostly told on twitter through fake screen shots of social media, Sara drunk messages Ava, Ava doesn’t block her
I’m sure this format of storytelling is not for everyone, and that’s okay! I was so confused by it at first. I would recommend starting with the shorter one, I can be your hero (in Part 2), just to see if you like it, before jumping into this. I read this when the epilogue, the fic, was released, and I was up until 5am because I couldn’t stop. It became part of my personality. Story wise, Sara and Ava are on different coasts, but both know Nate, Ray and Nora. Ray and Nora get engaged, and Avalance have to deal with planning that wedding, and whatever is going on with them.
take my hands now by plinys
My tags: Another Social Media twitter AU, Sara is The Canary, Ava is trying to arrest vigilantes, Nate accidently gives Ava Sara’s number
Another brilliant twitter story. Some of our gang is trying to arrest the other half. Sara knows who Ava is, Ava doesn’t know that Sara is the person she’s chasing. Everyone has public twitter accounts. Sara actually gets [spoiler villain] to stop an attack by sending them money for a drink.
your eyes, they shine so bright by plinys
My tags: Social Media AU, everyone works for not Buzzfeed, a colab series is pitched, Sara and Ava’s teams have to work together
Ava makes factual videos, Sara does not, they are forced to work together. Nate is everyone’s boss technically, but they do what they want. Nate and Ava are non-biological siblings, and Satan Camp is a running gag. Oh, fake dating is in there too!
right to the top, don't hold back by SJAandDWfan
My tags: American Ninja Warrior AU, Sara’s a veteran and the Legends train together, Ava’s a rookie, rivals to training partners to friends to …
I re-read this every year when the new Australian season comes out. It’s so burned into my brain that when I was watching the speed climbing at the Olympics I genuinely thought “I wonder how Amaya would go in this?”. Amaya’s pre-Ninja experience is rock climbing in this fic. I learnt so much about Ninja Warrior and how the show (at least in this universe) works, and it’s fascinating. Would recommend watching some clips if you’re unfamiliar with the concept. The story goes pretty in detail about the courses. For recommendations, either Jessie Gaff, who was a S1 Supergirl stuntwoman, or Australia’s own Olivia Vivian, who is just stages better than our next female.
biding our time (until tomorrow) by TheTruthAboutLove
My tags: Period setting AU, Ava’s too noble for her own good, Oliver’s dad is the villain
This was a really cool experiment. Basically, told in lots of mini chapters like a soap opera. I do not know much about this period of American history, but it did not matter. A lot of different Arrow-verse peeps show up along the way. I’m sure I complained out loud “you’re allowed to want things Ava!” at some point. There’s an attempt for fake dating, and it’s not the homophobia but the second daughter problem that gets them.
Click here to see all the parts
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jmoriarty-221b · 3 years
So I saw somewhere a post that talked about how some fictional characters just have a divorce vibe going on, like, at no point in time were they ever married but they just give off that feeling that they got divorced
And now I can only think of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor having that vibe
And I spent close to an hour talking about this to my sibling and how it would be a good idea for a new DC show like, you can make so much money off of just the main Batfam alone and there are literally so many people in there that it’s just an amazing idea to have them all in a show together but kind of like a Good Luck Charlie kinda thing because there’s more than enough angst in the world
But in the case of not having enough of a budget for so many characters in one show I turned to the Superfam (Batfam is Huge like, I don’t even know half of the extended family version and that’s like at least ten characters so I could see why it wouldn’t be entirely feasible to have a show that included everyone while still being good with nice character development without having a billion dollars for the budget)
The Superfam, in my personal experience, is composed of Ma & Pa Kent (farm vibes plus I refuse to have either of them die in my AU), Clark Kent (main Superman), Lois Lane (Lana? was Smallville Lois i guess??? But idk enough about her so she’s not here), Jon Kent (Superboi II), Kara Danvers (Supergirl) & Conner Kent (Superboi I)
Now I’ve stopped watching CW shows like, forever ago??? But my brother kinda keeps up with them and basically the gist is that the ratings of every other show suck Except for the Superman & Lois show (because it’s 💫new💫) and I saw the cover of the poster like “Ah, the werewolf dude. . . mmmhhmmm that’s Lois yes, yes that’s Johnny boi, and um is that???? Nooooo, they wouldn’t do that to Conner right???? Please tell me they didn’t make Conner blonde” and I was informed that the blonde teen is Chris???? Like
Whoms’t do ye speak of
I’m not even joking but the only way I even know of Chris is from a random fanfic I read where Dick Grayson gets his own super from an alternate reality named Chris, that’s my only point of reference for this character
But let’s talk about how Conner Kent (OG Superboi) was excluded
Now I haven’t seen any episodes of this and I probably never will (no hate I’m just really unmotivated to start new shows at all) so idk if they might mention Conner or even allude to him in one scene or something
But this was my main motivator as to my new Superfam TV Show Idea
Have Lex Luthor not be a Superman villain, he’s mainly a successful businessman, a little shady but who isn’t, and he doesn’t want to Kill Superman, he just wants to be able to have some sort of viable protection against a Kryptonian in case of an invasion (see Man of Steel + CW’s Supergirl) or suddenly having a mind controlled Superman on their hands (see Justice League series or just look up what Red Krytonite does) so he makes it like his side thing to figure out ways to neutralize or hold back a Kryptonian, Clark totally thinks that Lex is obsessed with finding a way to kill Superman because they had a bad end to their friendship in high school so he’s always suspicious of Lex, Lex hasn’t really ever tried to kill him though because 1. It’s not that deep Clark ok? And 2. He’s a busy busy man with a very important job position and a company to run so does he look like he has time to harbor an obsession over someone who rejected him back in high school??? You’re more of a constant side quest Clark, so stop trying to put him on the JL watchlist ( btw ik about Lena Luthor, haven’t forgotten her but she doesn’t really play a part in this AU so let’s just have her and Kara off to the side doing their own thing ok? Ok)
Lex, Bruce & Oliver all knew each other when they were kids and went to the same school, this is just an extra detail I wanted to happen because Lex and Ollie definitely know Bruce is Batman and absolutely HATE having to deal with Brucie Wayne because “I know you’re just doing this to irritate me Bruce, you just want to see if you can make a vein throb in my forehead but I will valiantly ignore your dumbassery because I know you hate being Brucie just as much as we hate having to put up with Brucie so suck on that you petty bitch” because they bonded in ye olden days, childhood friends so to speak
Anyway so Cadmus tries to get Lex to make an investment in their company, seeing as Cadmus is shadier than Gotham when it rains Lex is basically like ‘no ❤️’ and doesn’t make a deal with them, Cadmus gets mad at not having Lexcorp financially backing them so Lex has an ‘accident’ and they steal his DNA, then they steal Superman’s DNA somehow and *boom* a Superboi is formed
Because I don’t know much about how the Core Four became friends in the first place (Robin Tim Drake, Impulse Bart Allen, Wonder Girl Cassie Sandsmark & Superboy Conner Kent) I’m just gonna go with what happens in the show Young Justice except it’s the Core Four becoming the Core Four when they liberated Conner (who at this point believes himself to be a clone of Superman and has only been given Superboy as a name) from Cadmus, same shit goes down meaning that Clark is just straight up NOT vibing with Conner, Conner just wants a mentor please, and the Bats kinda give Clark a passive aggressive treatment for not taking Superboy under his wing or at least agreeing to teach him how to control his powers, especially Tim because that’s his Bestie so yes
Anyway, YJ saves ppl and is on the news or whatever and Lex finds out about Superboy’s existence that way, so he researches this new super on his free time, finds out that he came from Cadmus and claims to be a clone of Superman, yet doesn’t have the whole power set Superman has??? Wait, didn’t Lex reject Cadmus’ proposal and the got into a mysterious accident??? Long story short Lex goes connecting the dots, hacks into Cadmus’ files, finds out he technically has a son with Superman and decides to take Superboy under his wing (I’ll go more in depth as to why Lex would want to do this in this AU later but the abridged version would be that he wants a kid but doesn’t have the time nor interest in finding a wife??? Also the radiation that made him bald as a kid also affected his reproductive system so while it’s not impossible for him to conceive kids he would have a very hard time actually getting to father a kid)
Him and Conner, who still goes by Superboy at this point in time, meet up and Conner finds out that here is a parent figure that is both available and actively wants to be a part of his life, so he agrees to get to know Lex and the series would focus on them becoming a family, with a special episode when Conner asks Lex for help in choosing a name for himself and it ends up with him agreeing to become Conner Luthor, it would be heartwarming and Mercy would make sure it happens within a day (Mercy is Lex’s bodyguard/PA but they’re also besties and she becomes the Responsible yet Chaotic Aunt as Lex and Conner’s father-son relationship progresses)
Obviously Clark becomes super suspicious of Lex getting close to his ‘clone’ and when Conner decides to go public as Lex’s son he’s like *GASP* and calls up Bruce because we need to get on this Bruce, Lex is a villain and blah blah blah but Bruce would be over Clark’s shit and hit him with that “actually, Lex was also an unwilling genetic donor to Superboy, who actually is not your clone either, and has agreed to take him in, I’ve been on this shit since they first met and the kid is doing just fine so if you keep poking your nose in their business then that’s your problem but you better be ready to pay child support bitch . . . have a good day ❤️”
The series would just focus on Conner getting to have a good parent figure in Lex and go more into their civilian lives rather than focusing on the superhero thing, Conner, Bart, Tim & Cassie have a sleepover at Lex’s house at one point, Lex totally Knows what’s up but it’s all good because these are his baby’s friends and they’re good people who are more than willing to prank Superman for rejecting his kid and giving his baby self worth issues (Mercy supports them)
Anyway, that’s basically the idea for a new Superhero Show
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so i finally caught up on the supergirl episodes before crisis and will be giving my thoughts and feelings on how the whole supercorp situation was handled
first of all, i keep thinking about how it took lena months to tell kara she knew about supergirl, which she justified a number of times throughout the season: she wanted to make kara hurt like she hurt, she was able to use kara this way, yadda yadda. but if you watch her interactions with the superfriends during that time, you see her smile so often. like she’s treasuring every little moment with her whole heart. almost like she’s trying memorize every bit, preparing for a goodbye that she keeps postponing.
because yeah, kara may have lied to her, but deep down, lena knows kara loves her. she can’t trust kara, but she can trust her love and it’s shown time and time again by how comfortable she is with putting herself in harm’s way (literally jumping off a cliff a second after she used the watch, for example). and that’s already so different from anything she’s ever known, because even with relationships that mattered to lena, she used to be the protector (i.e with andrea or pre-supergirl kara). so hell yeah she wanted to enjoy some of that. she had the opportunity to feel kara’s love at 100% for the first time, and she took it. to actually feel like a hero when her best friend in the world chose to work with her to take down bad guys.
lena could tell herself whatever she wanted about how strategically beneficial it would be to pretend like nothing had changed (and she definitely took advantage of that), but i think her driving force was way simpler: she wasn’t ready to let kara go.
even in the fortress, you see her trying to take myriad behind kara’s back - which is so damn stupid because obviously kara would notice, but she tried. because i think a part of her still was putting off the inevitability of what was going to happen once kara found out the truth. lena was living in denial for way longer than just s5, and i think she wasn’t ready to give that up.
another thought: the episode showing the source of lena’s distrust was very eye-opening, but my favorite part is the fact that she used to have another very intense female friendship before kara. sapphic women know how this is: monogamic intense friendships whose end always break you. lena had a boyfriend, but she didn’t hesitate to say that andrea was the person she’d loved most, the one she would have done anything for. and don’t get me wrong, i’m all for girl power and friendship, but if there’s one thing life has taught me it’s that no matter how intense your friendship is, a straight girl will always end up loving her eventual boyfriend more. not because she’s evil, but because romantic love is just too maddening.
if i’m being honest, i’m not sure what kind of a read to get on kara. but lena, that’s a girl in love.
a girl in love with the person who gave her everything when she had nothing, who gave her a family, who gave her hope, who gave her the chance to be blindingly loyal once again. and who took that all away because once again, it seemed like lena cared more about her than she did about lena. and there’s not much that’s more heartbreaking than that.
let me make myself clear: this is a theory and basically a rambling trip i have gone on based on what i’ve seen in the sapphic community and what i have experienced. it means nothing more than that, so if you don’t agree, feel free to just ignore it, because i don’t feel like arguing with anyone over a television series.
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shadowdianne · 3 years
Fic writer review [Or a fic writer tag game if you prefer]
I was tagged by @naralanis and I can already see her grin all the way from where I am xd Thank you, dear, for the tag, let’s see what are my answers, shall we.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
*bursts out laughing* Adding both pseuds I have… 535 according to the account info but by counting them all I’m reaching 541 so I’m guessing it’s counting some drafts I need to re-find.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
I seriously hated you for this one xd I was going to do it by hand by I decided one-third there that I value my mental stability a little bit more xd according to the stats page back at a03 that number would be 1257884. It may be wrong. I think there should be a few more numbers up there but the majority of my works are one-shots so *shrugs* There’s also the fact that counting my ao3 things only is shaving off like half of it Xd Anyway, can we laugh at the fact that I’m a pain in the ass and that I’ve written a lot? More than I should have, that’s for sure
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
Trick question because I haven’t crossposted everything I wrote back in ffnet and I actually erased some fics from my account back there so the numbers are a little blurry there.
When I had the entirety of my work posted both in ffnet and a03 I had written for: Twilight (Bella/Alice) Glee (Faberry and there were a couple Pezberry and I don’t fucking remember the pairing name for Santana and Quinn), Harry Potter (Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Narcissa, Hermione/Bellatrix) OUAT (SwanQueen and several oneshots focusing on the mad hatter and the blue fairy solely back at ffnet that were written in Spanish and never translated), I actually had a veeeery old au prompt of Frozen (Elsanna in where I wrote them as non sibilings), Rizzoli and Isles (Rizzles), Dishonored 2 (Emily Kaldwin/Alexi Mayhew), Lara Croft and Wonder Woman, Supergirl (SuperCorp/Supercat) I had a 100 one -or maybe two??- (Clexa), The Shannara Chronicles (Amberle/Eretreia [Or Princess Rover], Rwby [Blake Belladona/Yang], The Worst Witch (Hecate Hardbroom and Pippa Pentangle), The Half of it, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Madam Satan/Zelda Spellman) and… I think that’s it(?) I may be forgetting some but probably nothing important if I’m not remembering it lol.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
Ah, we are going to go there, uh? Xd My works are not the kudos and comment getting type Xd So I was quite surprised when I went to check this.
1: Cracked it I wrote this one back in 2017, it was a prompt done by an anon: Lena is nerding with one of her projects at home, mumbling mostly to herself because she’s stuck and Kara casually mentions how to solve the problem like it’s nothing. I really had some fun with this. It was back when some us, SQeeners were fully doing the jump between OUAT and SuperGirl (I mean, there had already been some crossover as for fandom is related but this when the girls were actually getting their conjoined voice within the fandom)
2: Dateless I honestly needed to check what this one was about but I think I can see why this one shot has the amount of kudos it has. It’s a short and sweet idea and responds to the Teachers Au that went SO well with SQ. Everyone thinks they hate each other and try to set them up with other people whilst they, in truth, are dating. I don’t remember if I wrote them as married rather than dating but despite being from 2017 as well is one cheeky enough to be cool Xd I probably would edit some lines now *shudders*
3: After you I truly didn’t expect this one to be top 3. Makes me think of a lot of things, if I’m being honest Xd. After you was a one shot written almost feverishly as an answer to the fabulous drawings that Sejic did of both Lara Croft and Wonder Woman back at 2018 or something. It’s just Lara and Diana being himbos but not at all with each other.
4: How about… How about is one I remember perfectly, it was my answer to the ending of the Half of it film. I had SOME thoughts about it, let’s just stop there Xd I really liked the film itself but I think and I thought at the time that my response to wishing for a final scene at the very end of the credits responds to me being in a different personal moment than the characters. I really wanted to explore my feelings about it and so I wrote about them finding each other again after some time passes. It was also something I wrote after quite the hiatus so I took it as something I could write about without focusing too much on the why.
5: Come to me
Ahh, SuperCorp Xd I remember this one actually. A friend of mine and I were talking about descriptions, and she mentioned quite off-handedly how she wanted a fic in where Kara’s back was described. I complied… more or less.
Fun tidbit, despite the big volume of my work is obviously set in ouat there’s only 1 SQ fic there as you can see, the others are either SuperCorp or the random one shots I created for Wonderwoman/Lara Croft and The half of it. *sighs in deep thought* I’m also not going to look too much into how almost all of the fics were posted and written back in 2017. Nope, not at all.
*Small voice screaming you peaked in 2017 and everything else is garbage jumps back and forth*
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
I tend to always respond, yup. I truly value comments. I might have gone for spells of time in where I didn’t have the mental capacity to check in old fics because I truly didn’t know what to answer but I treasure every single comment and you all who comment know that I can start to ramble in the answers xd -sorry about that- I really really REALLY love interaction.
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending:
Ok, Nara, come on, this one is a catch for me. I’ve written angst in far too many fics to remember the angstiest one :P I have the most recent one, though, that is the easy one to think about: Goodbye.Written for @delirious-comfort. I’m just going to say “Kisses with their last dying breath” as an idea of what awaits inside but I’ve written about death and loss and angst quite a lot. There were some I wrote back to SQ with Regina needing to kill Emma during the Dark Swan arc that, to this day, I still love and some others in where Regina is the one that dies, again and again, trapped by magic while Emma watches. I have the loss in mental destruction form and… I REALLY like my angst y’know xd
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not counting Lara and Wonder Woman not really! I think it comes from the fact that I loooove worldbuilding as a whole and some pairings would require all my focus into making the world perfect which in turn would make me self conscious on the OOCness of it all.
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
*snorts* I’ve received hate due to the pairing I’ve written about, how I’ve written about it, the amount I’ve written, how slow or quick I can be, the usage of some tropes, the lack of usage of those same tropes… Let’s just go with: yuuuup.
9. Do you write smut?
I’ve written smut, yeah! But I can already see the pointed looks of some so let’s elaborate Xd I write smut when asked and sometimes when not asked but there’s a part of me I like to call a terrible tease that prefers writing the beginning of a scene, taunt it, focus on what happens before the sex scene per se as I find it more enjoyable to write. The process of escalation is always the best for me to see what can I do it by using both dialogue and descriptors tbh, so I tend to tease more than show.
9. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
A few weeks ago I’d have said: Maybe(?) But trying to follow the trail of some other fics that had been stolen from some friends -I think it was me trying to find more about the page that stole something from your Nara!- I found some pages in where my fics had been reposted. In some it was stated that the person posting the fic wasn’t the author but I had never been contacted in order to see if I’d say yes to such a thing and in some others the page was locked up but I could still see someone was pretending to be the author. I did the thing and got some of those down.
Pointed note: Ask me if you want to post or translate or anything. I will look into you and answer you if you seem honest about the thing. But despite every joke and self-deprecating comment those 500 and then some fics represent MY time so very kindly I say fuck off to those who wish to steal from me and if I catch you… you don’t really want to see me angry, trust me.
10. Ever had a fic translated?
I’ve given permission to some, yeah, but never heard it back from them so I’m guessing it didn’t stick.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I’ve written series alongside other authors as @stregaomega for example. And some others that are unpublished -looking at you @carsonnieve - I’ve also done collabs… but fics co-written in the sense of two authors same chapters I don’t have anything posted I’m afraid :P
13. All-time favourite ship?
*snorts*, I guess the obvious answer is SQ uh? And I do think they were the ones that allowed me to read and write SO much. The one I feel more strongly about, however, is Bering and Wells from Warehouse 13.
14. WIP you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
All of them counts as a valid answer? But if I only could finish one that would be Arcadia. With A forgotten Promise second and the one I did as an Assassins Creed AU third. (I don’t remember the name so there’s no link, sorry xd)
15. Writing strengths?
Uhhhh, you REALLY want me to say that? I don’t fucking know!! To me everything I write is garbage. I always try to go for the feelings so I guess. Dunno xd I’ve been told I’m good at worldbuilding and to be honest is what I enjoy the most.
16. Writing weaknesses?
Everything Xd Pacing? What I hate the most sometimes is dialogue, I would count it as a weakness but I’m always far too focused on description rather than dialogue. I don’t think it’s a bad thing per se but it’s something that I don’t do as much.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I’m conflicted. Always. Majorly because I think that having bilingual characters in fanfiction is portrayed and expected in a way that I don’t feel it’s honest with how bilingual people -us- talk. So if I go by what I know I do I think it’s not what readers hope to see when it comes to that and if I go for how canonically is hoped to be found I don’t think it’s logical. But that’s me and my overthinking Xd If I have the option I like to do it.
18. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Belice! Or Bella/Alice. Worst first fic ever but oh, well, I’m always saying that :P
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
Uhh… Don’t make me do this XD Agh, I don’t know. I’ve always been very vocal about Metallic Ink because I let myself enjoy the process of creating a magic system almost out of zero and that was fun. Despite hating some of the writing process and that I’d do it differently now I think I’m going to stick with that answer. Or anything that had any steampunk-based undertone. To be honest I like more thinking of concepts, I had one in where Emma was a thief and it involved the robbery of a ring that was Regina’s one way ticket to freedom I then later repurposed that I adored thinking about so let’s go with…. Yeah, I love having the option of changing things up a little and focus on how characters would fit in different aesthetics for this one Xd
Annnd… these are four pages, gods. I’m just going to tag @waknatious @carsonnieve @stregaomega here and see what they do- Enjoy the questionnaire ladies :P
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juuls · 4 years
Juulna’s ‘Hold Onto Your Sanity’ Fic, Book, and Music Recs for the 2020 Dumpster Fire... Part 3!
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So you just crash-landed behind enemy lines in a war you know barely anything about except that your role seems infinitesimal and insignificant, and dumped into a year, 2020, that already seems fifteen years too long.
Before you drown your sorrows in some fantastic scotch or wine coolers for days (or weeks)… I have a proposal.
That you step back from the flames, tune things out for a bit, and try to forget about the outside world for a while (but don’t forget to vote or I will be very sad at you!).
These fics are meant to take you out of your head (I’m including more plot/story-minded fics than PWP) for the next few weeks or months as the world goes to hell (even more) but of course there are some bits of solid angst in these as there is wont to be in many a fic. Check the tags, read responsibly, don’t like-don’t read, ship and let ship, and please do leave a kudos and maybe even a comment! :)
Check out here for Part One and most of the Marvel fic recs, along with a selection of book recs too. :)
And here’s Part Two, which has the bulk of my Star Wars and Game of Thrones recs, along with Spotify playlists!
Part Three is this one here, all about the Potterverse.
(Not yet complete) Here’s Part Four, filled with even more shippy goodness from all over the Star Trek universe. So. Many. Ships. :D
(Not yet complete) Part Five is Witcher, Man From UNCLE, Stargate: Atlantis and SG-1, Sherlock, Hannibal, and Doctor Who.
(Not yet complete) Part Six will probably be all for my newfound love of Supergirl, along with some Game of Thrones and Marvel ships I skipped, because I gotta stop somewhere with all these recommendations or I’ll be at it forever. Seriously, how much of this stuff have I read!?
But I think we all need some distractions from the world these days, eh? Or something to console us other than internet rage and a barrel of ice cream and/or hard alcohol.
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I’ve chosen to pick fics (mostly) off of AO3 for their easy reading access, though HP fics’ golden years were on sites like fanfiction.net and other independent archives like Sycophanthex and others which have closed their doors over the years, sadly. Some of these fics date back to almost 20 years old, or more, amazingly!
For fics on fanfiction.net, I highly recommend using this link (FicSave) to epub/mobi converter rather than dealing with the frustrating app. It functions like AO3′s built-in download button.
Rec assistance by @perrydowning​
Second Life by Lariope
Phantom of Hogwarts by Good_Witch
Romancing the War by Pubella
The Poison Garden by turtle_wexler @turtlewexlerwrites
A Light in the Fog by turtle_wexler
Pride of Time by AnubisAnkh
The Savage by MagdatheMagpie
Snape’s Story by Tbird1965
Recognition by jezzie (krith)
Tedium of Time by oneredshoe
Tango by Desert_Sea
Sense and Insensibility by Desert_Sea
Time Mutable Immutable by Grooot
The Twenty by Leyna Rountree
For the Only Hope by ausland @run-with-me-to-the-sea
Bundle of Joy by LadyTuesday
Our Hands Tied by multilingualism
Choose Something Like A Star by TeddyRadiator
Mistress of the Stacks by Ms_Anthrop
A Derailed Train of Thought by Ms_Anthrop
Antiquities by stormcorona
Watch Over Me by @snapeslittleblackbuttons​
Dropped Down into the Unknown by @q-drew​
Delicate Transitions by @morbidmuch​
Lay Me Low by TeddyRadiator
The Savage by MagdatheMagpie
Another Dream by @dragoon811​
A Chance For Happiness by @corvusdraconis​
Breath of the Nundu by corvusdraconis, Dragon_and_the_Rose
Just to Be by Amarti @amarti-writes-stuff​
Hinge of Fate by Ramos
Forged in Flames by @mswhich​
Days in the Sun by bluespring864
Making sure the boy who lived, actually does by Hold_en @hold-enwrites​
The Problem With Purity by Phoenix.Writing
One Step Forward, Two Decades Back by corvusdraconis
The Headmaster’s Wife by Mrs_HH @propertyofseverustsnape
The Master, the Warden, the Headmaster, and the Deputy by mak5258
Cloak of Courage by Wendynat
Hermione Granger and the Intended Vessels by ShawnaCanon
Augury and Ardor by SnapeySnax
Before the Dawn by snarkyroxy
The Love You Take by Subversa
His Draught of Delicate Poison by Subversa
and sooooo many more if you want them just ask, this is both mine and Perry’s oldest ship lol
Gramander (Original Graves x Newt)
A Gilded Cage is Still a Cage by Anonymous
take a deep breath (and let it go) by lincesque @tumbloncat
Roar by @elenothar
Matchmaker, Matchmaker by @prosodiical
Dearly Beloved by prosodiical
Basic Instincts by @manic-intent
Promised by Miss_Lv
Plan G by Aate
Heat of the Chase by argentoswan @wannahearaboutmycats
Newt Scamander’s Guide to Getting Things Done by arthureameslove
Against all Odds by Maril
Where I Belong by Mishafied
He Wants To Say, “I Love You, Nothing Can Hurt You”  by @obsidionwingsofmidnight
Arranged by Miss_Lv
death of a bachelor by gudetama (elementary)
The Graves Identity by Mishafied
you make me feel this way somehow by gudetama (elementary)
The Nature of the Beast by AntiGravitas @absolutelynogravitaswhatsoever
The Knights, the Newt, and the Rose by @yinyangswings
The Wizard’s Cat by @natecchi
The Color of Boom by gypsiangel
Signalling Theory: Blue Coat by @obaewankenope​
Flame by @esamastation​
And The Tag Read Simply: “Pretty” by @funkzpiel​
Aren’t You Gonna Arrest Me, Officer? by JoyBurd
a little bit lost by shortbread @shortbread-fanfiction​
Rec assistance by @cuthian​
Seven Times by kerri240879
Her Beauty and the Moonlight by BrilliantLady
The Fallout by everythursday (orphaned and only available on AO3 now, but complete)
The Eagle’s Nest by HeartOfAspen
Turncoat by elizaye @imnotleavinherewithoutyou
The Virgin Conundrum by AkashaTheKitty @akashathekitty
Bad Faith by Morrighan256
Isolation by bexchan @bex-chan-blog
The Serpent, the Witch, and the Broom Closet by bitchywitchy
Silencio by AkashaTheKitty
All You Want by senlinyu @senlinyu
Static by galfoy @heymanticore
What the Room Requires by Alydia Rackham
And We All Fall Down by @rumaan
Ambition’s End by Hanako A
Wait and Hope by mightbewriting @mightbewriting
Rewriting Destiny by mayawrites95 (mayarox95)
Chronos Historia by In_Dreams @indreamsink
A Muggle-born Magic by Musyc @willhavetheirtrinkets
Hunted by Bex-chan
A Second Look by @riverwriter
The Nietzsche Classes by Beringae
This Too, Is Sacred by HeartOfAspen
Bite First, Ask Questions Later by Daredevilsinthedetails, Kaylessi
Nocturnus by In_Dreams @indreamsink
Broken by @inadaze22​
The Green Girl by Colubrina
Lady of the Lake by Colubrina
Rebuilding by Colubrina (really just anything written by @colubrina)
Presque Toujours Pur by @shayalonnie
Can’t Change the Way I Am by @nauticalparamour
Law and Marriage by DragonGrin (formerly TeenTypist)
The Tower Window by @xodramaqueenox​
Unexpected by Emara88
Something Old, Something New by Kate Dessi
Suppressed Emotions by hopelesslydevoted.xx 
Silver Blood by @freyaishtar
When the Day Met the Night by @bex-la-get
A Marauder’s Plan by CatsAreCool (Rachel500)
A Step to the Right by CatsAreCool (Rachel500)
Eighth by lorien829
The Catalyst by lorien829
Harry Potter and the Isle of Mists by lorien829
Knife’s Edge by Celtic55
The Black Book by mosteveryonesmad
Awakening by SweetShireen
The Sword and the Snake by bartonfink1974
Dispelling the Silence by Indygodusk
One Year Later: Return to Hogwarts by Twilight’s Inferno
Fourteen Thousand Galleons by @frumpologist
The Invitation by hot_elf @hot-elf
Love Love Love by MissELY @misselylux​
Changing Scenery by aethling
East of Eden by msmerlin @ms-merlinblack
Turn Back Time by Dazeventura6
Foxfire by @setissma
Come Together by @nuclearnik
The Soul of the Wolves by LR_Earl @fanficbylrearl
Running From Lions by tryslora @tryslora
An Unexpected Family by ladyroxanne21
The Prophecies by jamcreynolds
Reconstruction by @aldersprig​
Fell From the Sky by BrandonStrayne @brandonstrayne​ (I really love this one, and not just as a Canadian.)
Demons From the Past by pottermum
Rec assistance by @newtypeshadow​
Rarely Pure and Never Simple by birdsofshore
Aural Gratification by birdsofshore
Lost Among and Falling by @bafflinghaze
The Corruption Sequence series by beren @berenwrites
Sentinel ‘verse series by elyssblair @elyssblair-blog
Date Blindness by dysonrules
Starts With a Spin by Maxine @serasarahhhh​
Temptation on the Warfront by alizarincrimson
Paradigm by dysonrules
Here’s The Pencil, Make It Happen by ignatiustrout
Draco Sodding Malfoy by Shewhxmustnxtbenamed @shewhomustnotbenamed
Pieces of What by Jadwiga
Found, Not Lost by inspiration_assaulted
Shared Detention by DadIWriteGayPorn
Dirty Little Secret by Writcraft @writcraft​
19 Years by shilo1364 @whimsicaldragonette​
Morning Suns & Coffee Runs by laugh_a_latte @queer-coffee​
Reus Una by purplepen76
Between Ink and Blood by Candamira
Distractions by @morningsound15​ 
(This seems like it’s a bit cracky, but there’s some good ones, I promise! I sorta stumbled ass-backwards into this ship but really enjoy some of them.)
One Step Left by Cysteine @cysteine
Extinction by @rubikanon​
Blinding Light by @16-pennies​
Somebody Loved by beforeyouspeak
There. This is much better, isn’t it?
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So my challenge to you, if your world is falling, burning down around you in flames... is this:
...if you feel yourself getting anxious or depressed, whether from the news or being cooped up in isolation or bored or on the verge of tearing your hair out or jumping off that roof or grabbing something to go after the dictator-of-the-week.... pause, take a breath, open up this rec list, close your eyes and pick something, and let chance take you somewhere hopefully far away. Let yourself be transported.
Oh, and don’t click on this Google Drive link. Really, there’s not 30+ GB of data on that Drive I’m sharing. Shame. There totally aren’t tens of thousands of books, as many audiobooks as could fit, and a large collection of fanfiction downloaded from AO3 in there. (Also, not all fics have been shared to that folder yet; I’m working on it a little at a time as I download more.)
154 notes · View notes
c-optimistic · 4 years
or, it takes sixteen weeks and one day for lena to forgive kara
She’d once had a nightmare about Lena discovering her secret in the worst possible way. It consisted of Kara being outed in the middle of a superhero-villain showdown, with her on her knees and with Lena’s wide-eyed look of betrayal burned into the back of her eyelids.
When she was feeling particularly masochistic, she’d continue the nightmare, trying to twist it and force it to conform to a reality she wanted. Lena would look betrayed, yes, but with Kara’s life on the line, a lie would seem trivial in comparison. (Never mind the fact that it was a series of lies, over the course of years, all despite the fact that Lena had trusted her with everything when Kara couldn’t do the same.)
They’d win in this scenario of Kara’s making, managing to twist the ending such that Lena would choose to vent her emotions by pulling Kara into an angry but relieved kiss and after a few days of space, Kara would reintroduce herself as Kara Danvers/Supergirl with an apology on her lips, and the promise of more shining in Lena’s eyes.
The reality she got, unfortunately, was much worse than her worst nightmares. It was cold eyes and an emotionless, vacant stare after the reveal. It was radio silence, it was a bitterly cold shoulder the one time Kara attempted to make contact, it was learning through Alex that Lena and James had decided to give it another go (and learning through Nia that it had fallen apart), it was blocked phone numbers and the loss of one of the most important people in her life.
Gone, as if she’d never been there—a clean, surgical cut.
And Kara....well, she sort of fell apart.
Week One
She’d never been addicted to anything, but she rather thought that this must have been what withdrawal felt like.
(Shockingly, she’d never quite realized just how integrated her life had become with Lena’s: it wasn’t just lunches and game nights and coffee dates, it was more. It was phone calls after a long day, texting throughout working hours—even if Lena’s responses sometimes came slowly, timed between meetings—and even spontaneous meet ups for Kara’s newest food craving or satisfying Lena’s need for a good work out.
She didn’t realize just how much she and Lena were intertwined until it all came to an end.)
The first day without Lena was agonizing. She kept turning to her phone, willing it to ring, willing it to vibrate with a notification, wondering where on Earth she’d ever gotten the idea that she’d be okay in a world where Lena Luthor hated her.
The second and third day, she spent an inordinate amount of time as Supergirl, purposefully flying past Lena’s building if only to get a hit, needing to hear Lena’s voice.
On the fifth day without Lena, Kara called in sick and laid in bed, staring at the ceiling as she wished for her best friend back.
And at the close of her first week without Lena in her life, Kara found herself in her sister’s arms, sobbing as she realized she really had no one to blame but herself.
Week Five
It wasn’t easier, it could never be that, but it was different.
(Sometimes, when she was least expecting it, she thought her chest rattled with a heaving breath, a repressed sob attempting to shake loose her lungs.
More often than not, however, all she felt was a dull ache, a hole—an emptiness—where her heart was supposed to be.)
She didn’t fly by L-Corp anymore. In fact, she was proud to say she was actually clean, not having watched Lena’s interviews online in order to take in her voice, not having asked Alex how her research project with Lena was going, and even smiling at James (mending her friendship with him, unable to keep pushing him away when he’d done nothing but care about Lena).
Lena’s absence was everywhere. Kara felt it literally all the time. But where it once paralyzed her, made her unable to keep her head on straight, it was now just something that dogged her every step, heavy and cumbersome.
(She wondered, idly, if this was what it meant to get over someone.)
Week Seven
The first time she spoke to Lena since revealing her identity should’ve been a bigger moment than it actually ended up being. She rather thought it should’ve been accompanied with fireworks and other fanfare, but instead it was a quiet moment at the DEO, when the latest threat on Lena’s life had left her no other choice but to call for Supergirl’s help.
“—and you can keep an eye out for anything suspicious from the sky, Supergirl,” Alex was saying, relaying her orders to the DEO agents before turning to Kara. “Provide backup.”
Lena snorted indelicately from where she stood, a large tablet in her hands, her eyes fixated on something on the screen with a focus Kara was sure was being faked. She must have noticed that everyone’s eyes were on her because she cleared her throat as she looked up, shrugging remorselessly. “What? No need to keep up the charade anymore, is there? We all know who’s under that cape, you can use her name.”
“Supergirl’s identity is secret, Lena,” Alex said, her tone harsher than anything Kara could remember her using with Lena before. They had remained friends, despite Kara’s estrangement with Lena (though Alex had assured Kara dozens of times that she would cut off ties as well if it would help—seeming to understand far too well when Kara had insisted Alex maintain her relationship with the Luthor).
“Alex, it’s fine,” Kara tried, placing her hand on Alex’s shoulder in an attempt to placate her. “I’ll just go. My comms are on if you need me.” She forced a smile, only briefly glancing at Lena before striding off.
She wondered if she was only imagining Lena’s gaze burning into her back, and she realized as she struggled with the weight on her back, that she most certainly wasn’t over Lena.
The wound she received from Lena’s would-be assassin wasn’t, by any measure, a bad one. In fact, Kara was rather sure it was similar to the papercut she’d gotten after she’d blown out her powers. She didn’t even need to spend any time under the sun lamps at the DEO, choosing instead to stand on the balcony to absorb the last of the sun’s rays as night began to slowly fall.
Thus, she was understandably surprised when she heard someone in heels walk up next to her, leaning against the railing, and even more surprised to realize that that someone was Lena.
“I heard you were hurt,” Lena said curtly, causing Kara to look at her in shock. Not that Lena noticed—her eyes were focused firmly on the setting sun. “Had to make sure that I can’t be blamed for anything that happened to Supergirl,” Lena continued coldly, “so I thought I’d check in.”
“I’m fine,” Kara said softly, unsure if her voice truly sounded so defeated or if that’s what she heard because that’s what she was feeling. Odd, really, after so much that it would be losing Lena that would break Kara down and surrender.
(Then again, perhaps it wasn’t so odd. Perhaps it should’ve been obvious. While Kara wasn’t sure she’d go as far as say that she was in love with Lena—loves her, sure, but in love was another matter entirely—she was in touch with her emotions enough to know that Lena’s presence and friendship was...priceless. It was everything. Even without all the romantic feelings tossed into the mix.
And to lose it? To watch Lena’s eyes grow hard and turn her back on Kara, on everything that was between them, all that history and affection, and yes, love? Well, it was heartbreaking.
All the more heartbreaking because Kara could’ve prevented it all. If only….)
“You’re bleeding,” Lena said dispassionately, gesturing to the small cut above Kara’s left eyebrow. It wasn’t even bleeding, and Kara was rather sure it would disappear in the next few minutes—with or without sun. Yet, with Lena’s eyes on it, Kara couldn’t help but reach up and press her fingers against the small wound, wondering if she was crazy and just imagining the look of concern in Lena’s eyes at the motion.
“I’m honestly fine,” Kara said quietly, dropping her hand and gaze, unable to meet Lena’s eyes anymore. Perhaps that was a good thing, because Lena’s next words nearly brought her to tears.
“Thank you, for saving my life today. I didn’t think you would—I didn’t know if….” She trailed off with a huff, as if unable to finish the sentence, but Kara heard her anyway. She wasn’t sure if Kara would want to help her, protect her, be on her side. And that, more than the disappearance of texts, more than the cold shoulder, more than the hard gaze, it was that that truly broke Kara’s heart.
How could she have strayed, done so much wrong, that it was enough to make Lena think that?
“I know my word doesn’t mean much to you anymore—for good reason,” she added when she could feel Lena take issue with her sentence, “but I promise you, I’m on your side. I’m here for you. Always.” Lena didn’t respond, merely cleared her throat and turned away, clearly about to head back inside. Kara’s eyes followed her and before she was even fully aware of what she was doing, she was speaking again, desperate to say something, desperate to explain somehow, someway. “Lena, wait.” To Kara’s ultimate surprise, Lena actually did pause, even turned back to face her, meeting her gaze evenly, as if merely looking at a stranger. “I...” Kara began, floundering now that she had Lena’s attention (after wishing for it for so long). “I never meant to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you. You’re my best friend, I love you.”
For a long moment, Lena was silent. Then, so quickly even Kara with her speed and super senses was unsure she saw it, pain flashed in Lena’s eyes. (Pain that she, Kara, caused. That she brought about.)
“That’s funny,” Lena finally said, her voice soft and tinged with so much that went unsaid. Things like, why; things like, how could you? “The only reason it hurt was because I loved you.” She waited just long enough for the words (and oh, the tense) to register, eyes raking over Kara’s face before she turned on her heel and walked away.
And she left Kara feeling as though Kryptonite was hanging on her neck: physically sick and ready to fall to her knees from the pain.
Week Twelve
“I told you she would hate you,” were the first words out of Lillian Luthor’s mouth when Kara visited her in prison, the guard grunting and eying Kara suspiciously before he slid out of the room. “You should have told her sooner.”
“Mrs. Luthor,” Kara tried, swallowing hard, “my name is Kara Danvers, I’m a reporter with CatCo Magazine. We’re publishing an issue about the lasting effects of the recent events involving Lex Luthor’s attempt to take over the world. Again. I was hoping you could answer a few questions about your son for the piece.”
(She had begged James to send someone else. Anyone else. But he’d been adamant: Lillian refused to speak to anyone but Kara and the magazine was desperate for her to go on the record for the first time.)
“I told Lena not to trust you. You’re all the same in the end, you...reporters.” Lillian stressed the word just enough to send a shiver of panic down Kara’s spine, making her itch to somehow find a way to contact Clark and make sure he was okay even off planet and far away from the Luthors.
“Mrs. Luthor—“
“—Dr. Luthor is fine—“
“—Lillian, then,” Kara said, setting her shoulders and raising her eyebrows. For her part, Lillian just seemed amused, leaning back in her chair and smiling, motioning for Kara to speak. “Like I said, I only had a few questions.”
“I’ll answer whatever you like, but only if you answer one question of mine.” Lillian grinned when Kara just nodded stiffly, clutching her notebook a little tighter. “You love like a Luthor, Kara Danvers. Lies, secrets, double-crossing...it’s how we show affection. I did wonder why Lena seemed to warm to you so quickly, you must have reminded her of home.”
“That’s not a question.”
Lillian laughed, every bit as regal and dangerous in the navy inmate outfit as when she was on the outside in thousand dollar dresses and heels. “Well, why waste a question when the answer is already written all over your face?”
Week Fifteen
As it likely was always destined to be, it was Alex who finally sat Kara down and gave her a much needed talk.
“Do you remember when you were fifteen and you broke the snowglobe dad gave me?” Alex asked, handing Kara the potstickers without bothering to ask if she could have one (most likely because she already knew it was a lost cause).
“Vaguely,” Kara mumbled between a mouthful of food.
(That was a lie, of course. The truth was that the memory of breaking that snowglobe was etched deep into her mind, always a point of confusion and pain and guilt.
She’d crushed the snowglobe in a fit of rage, upset over a myriad of things: the loss of her planet, Alex’s obstinance, losing her foster father, the pain of Clark’s emotional and physical distance. And Alex had been so...broken. She hadn’t cried, but had instead taken one look at the crushed globe then one at Kara before just walking away, leaving Kara to drown in silence.
It took nearly a week before Kara managed to get Alex to speak to her again, a week of silence that felt just as damaging as all that time in the Phantom Zone.)
“Do you remember what you did to get me to forgive you?” Alex asked, raising her eyebrows.
“I’m not sure breaking the snowglobe is the same as lying about who I am for years, Alex,” Kara said with a groan, looking at her potstickers dejectedly as she lost her appetite.
“But do you remember what you did?”
“I’m pretty sure I annoyed you until you gave in,” Kara said with a roll of her eyes.
Alex chuckled as she sat down next to her, allowing Kara to lean against her, offering a loose, one-armed hug. “You apologized. In about a million different ways,” Alex whispered against her temple. “I know you want to allow Lena her space, let her dictate the boundaries, and that’s a good thing. But Kara, you didn’t even try to apologize, to show her you’re sorry. You didn’t fight for her at all. Why?”
Because Kara wondered at night if Lillian Luthor was right, she wondered about herself and how she’d allowed it to go so wrong. She thought about the pain she caused Lena, the trust she shattered, and the feeling of breaking her own heart through her own actions.
Well, because Kara didn’t deserve another chance with Lena.)
Maybe she spoke aloud, maybe Alex could read her mind, or most likely, maybe her sister knew her so well that she could see the answer in Kara’s eyes, hear it in Kara’s silence. Because after a moment, she pressed a kiss to Kara’s forehead.
“Maybe,” she said softly as she pulled away, motioning towards the freezer where Kara had stocked up on ice cream to get through the heartache, “it’s okay to ask for another chance and let Lena decide whether or not you’re worth it. And if you ask me, Kara, you’re always worth it.”
Week Sixteen
Four months after her nightmare scenario was realized (and ended up much worse than Kara could’ve even begun to imagine), Kara gathered the courage to seek Lena out.  
She landed on the balcony outside Lena’s office, not as Supergirl, but as Kara Danvers (it was risky, it was stupid, but she thought it was worth it). It took three taps on the glass before Lena noticed her, looking up from her work, brows furrowed. For a long second, Kara didn’t think she would let her in.
But then, miraculously, Lena stood and pushed the glass door open, letting Kara step into her office.
“It’s still not an entrance,” Lena muttered, crossing her arms over her chest defensively as she took Kara in. “What are you doing here? Need my help with DEO business? A quote for Cat Grant? I hope you appreciate how busy I am, so—”
“—to be perfectly honest, I didn’t tell you at first because of your last name,” Kara interrupted, much to Lena’s shock, her arms falling to her sides as she studied Kara with narrowed eyes. “I knew you were different from the second we first met, that you were good and kind and had the biggest heart.” She swallowed, took in a deep breath, and forced herself to look into Lena’s eyes. Needing her to see the truth of what she was saying. “I trusted you from the second we met, Lena Luthor, but between Clark and Lex and your mom and the Alien Amnesty Act and just...it seemed safer for you and me to not say anything.”
“Kara, I—”
“—and then, when it would have made everything easier to just tell you the truth, I...I ruined things. I got scared, I lashed out, and suddenly, you couldn’t stand Supergirl. And with Reign, I figured it was safer for you and me to just...not say anything.” Kara took a step forward, disheartened when Lena took a step back. “And this past year, with the backlash against aliens and the Children of Liberty, I convinced myself it was safer to just not say anything. But the truth is...well, the truth is, I’ve been lying to myself.”
“I don’t understand,” Lena said, shaking her head.
“I haven’t had a good reason to keep who I was from you since Medusa,” Kara admitted quietly. “Probably even before that. I just didn’t want to see you look at me like you’re looking at me now.”
(It was a cold stare. Hard. Unforgiving.
And it broke Kara’s heart.
Again, and again, and again.)
“It was selfish, I knew it was selfish. I even tried to tell you once, but I...I didn’t want to hurt you—I didn’t want you to hate me.” She blinked rapidly, trying to stave off the tears she knew were coming. “I’m sorry, Lena. And I will show you how sorry I am every single day for the rest of my life if I have to, I will earn your trust back. But please, please, don’t shut me out. Don’t hate me.”
Lena’s jaw clenched.
One second.
She took a deep breath.
(Five seconds passed, Kara counted.)
“I really think you should leave, Kara,” Lena said, her gaze boring into Kara’s.
(It was a confused stare. Perplexed.
Week Sixteen and One Day
Kara opened the door before the knock even came, revealing Lena with her hand still raised, a flicker of amusement on her lips.
“How did you know I was here?” she asked, a clear and obvious test.
“Super-hearing,” Kara shrugged easily, “and I have x-ray vision, you know.”
“Interesting,” Lena said, smiling at Kara for the first time in what felt like centuries. “I thought a lot about what you said yesterday. Maybe let’s start with coffee, a conversation about Krypton, and go from there. What do you say?”
Kara didn’t need five seconds—she didn’t even need one.
“Perfect. Lead the way.”
553 notes · View notes
Me, throughout the entirety of 6x05:
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And I suppose I could just leave it there but NO, we’re doing a LIST. Of all the excellent things from “Prom Night!”
AV Club reviewer giving this episode the first ‘A’ of the season: :D
AV Club reviewer still insisting that “Midvale” was filler: D:<
Forever destined to disagree with the AV Club reviews in some way or another...
Okay, so! We begin with a very helpful reminder from Alex that things are different, in this Post-Crisis World!
(I mean, on the one hand, am I slightly distressed that key aspects of the Pilot and the WHOLE of “Midvale” are now gone, along with Earth-38? Yes. 
On the other, Kara remembers her lived-experiences of everything that had transpired in the Earth-38 timeline, so they still sorta happened and have informed her characterization. 
So...it’s fine. It’s fine. This is fine.)
I do love that, ‘Kara punched a meteorite out of the sky’ is now a Thing That Happened, though. 
(Well perhaps NOT ANYMORE but I’m getting ahead of myself.)
“Scooby-Duo” listen, as someone who has already imagined all these kiddos in Hanna-Barbera cartoon style, running around Midvale, solving crimes and saving the day, I loved this description.
Alex being like, ‘DO. NOT. SCREW UP. MY PAST.’ ahhhhh we love to see that scary Older Sibling energy on full display.
And then Brainy and Nia are off to the past!
The only thing that could’ve made the utterance of ‘totes’ worse would’ve been the addition of, ‘magotes’. Thank goodness they exercised restraint in the writers’ room.
FORTUNATELY the terrible ordeal of reliving dated slang is offset by some truly excellent lines and line-reads throughout the rest of the episode.
For instance! Loved Brainy’s, ‘the perfect optical illusion’ and ‘off the dash, please.’ So great.
Other honorable mentions: ‘Damn it, Mitch!’ ‘That’s a LOT of exposure’ and I forget the line itself but when Cat’s like, ‘normal town my a--’ and then the cut to commercial break AAAAAHHHHHH so good.
Okay, back to the episode, Nia and Brainy, on the Legion Cruiser, AND THEN!
I love them. It won’t happen, but gosh, I want a Midvale spin-off so bad. 
Like, the Crisis retcon made some space in the girls’ past for a spin-off to actually...kinda work. 
(But sustaining the premise across multiple episodes/seasons would be tricky and there would always be the threat of running up against like. The current show’s continuity.
But hey! They could just ignore it, I guess! That’s what the Superman show is doing!) *insert frowny emoji here* 
So the kids have gathered with Alex for milkshakes, which is delightful.
But ALL IS NOT WELL! As Alex reads about the ‘luckiest town’ and is like:
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(Except with a lot more anxiety and frowning)
I feel as though we already knew Alex went to Stanford but I can’t remember if Kara’s (terrible) resume revealed that she went to National City University?
*Checks* Yes it did.
Another thing I LOVE is just. Alex as the Responsible One, whose anxiety is perpetually cranked to a 9.5, driving the Scooby-Duo around in the suburban mom van for super-ing jobs.
Also, ‘super-ing’ is an excellent verb, 15/10
Young Cat Grant! ....More on her later.
Nicole and Jesse did such a great job with the comedy in this episode--their initial attempt at a cover story/lie is so good. 
And the masterful transition into an actual good lie that Nia knew would win Kara over...VERY NICE.
Kara being so obviously thrilled that there are OTHER ALIENS! WITH POWERS! HERE, IN MIDVALE! RIGHT HERE!
Fandom has ruined the whole ‘Kara has golden retriever energy’ as is their way but I must say...very much getting ‘excited puppy energy’ here. 
Nia and Kara comparing powers was so CUUUUUUUUTE!!!!
As was the picture on Kenny’s desk of him and Kara. D’aaaawwww.
Okay in addition to all of the incredibly adorable content we also get lots of FAMILY FEEEEEEELINGS, which: Yes, good, yes.
But Eliza is only here as a PICTURE on Kara’s nightstand and a NAME on Alex’s badge, I am sad. :C
(Hope Helen Slater is in this last season at some point...need that soothing mom energy after all the Phantom Zone angst)
I think I’m out of order now but Kenny wanting to help Kara help people is just. The most adorable thing. 
Spoiler alert: I use the word ‘adorable’ a lot in this list. Sorry...but also not. 
The Brainy music when he’s in the school computer lab watching the printer is really great. I think we’ve heard it before, but it meshed so well with the whole vibe of both the character and the episode, just stood out nicely, I guess.
Okay, so. Do we think that Jesse could always do the baseball bat tricks, and the writers wrote it in, or do we think that he learned them for the show? My money is on the former.
Either way, very impressive.
And now for the truck situation! I kinda thought it would turn out that it was Cat’s doing, as she was trying to suss out the ‘super’, but nope, it was the blue dudes.
(Which makes more sense, since they have no qualms about endangering other people.)
And ON THAT NOTE, the blue guys! They are the perfect level of ridiculous, and they are wonderfully straightforward in ways that the Phantoms are not.
Also, I love that one of them is named Mitch?
Nia and Kara save the day!
After Kara busts the brakes and is like, ‘uhhh....they’re not working’
I noticed the Metropolis license plate and while yes it’s a little strange that plates are...apparently city-based in this corner of Earth Prime, stranger still is that Cat presumably drove clear across the country to check out this story. Right? Like, that’s the only way she has that plate out in Midvale?
Wait, wait. Totally forgot to mention Kara and Nia’s EXTREMELY OBVIOUS ‘don’t be suspicious’ sunglasses gambit at the Midvale College campus you absolute DORKS.
Right, so.
Remember those FAMILY FEELZ??? WELL!
We’ve got Nia’s call to her mom, which, oof. OOOOOF. 
And then we have even MORE FEELINGS aka: The garage talk.
Okay. OKAY. So even though I’m a little sad “Midvale” no longer occurred in Earth Prime’s timeline, I am fascinated by the ways this new series of events have impacted Alex, Kara, and their past. (Also thrilled that Kenny lives, natch). Alex’s resentment and the burden of ‘protect Kara, PROTECT KARA’ have been left to simmer while Kara’s determination to help people has led to some...earnest but slightly careless secret hero work. The building blocks of the conflict introduced in “Midvale” are still there so while it might at first seem a little...repetitive, for Alex to lay all this out to Kara, it’s really just the reveal of a new boiling point; a post-crisis update on the scene in Midvale where Alex is like, ‘I had two parents before you showed up.’
And then like. The new, but also not-new angle, of Alex leveraging her world-weariness against Kara’s youthful optimism/somewhat reckless desire to help, and then Kara throwing BACK that she’s explored other solar systems. 
Also that Alex is like, ‘we need weapons, let’s tell mom and also call the DEO,’ classic Alex.
The garage talk ends with Kara determined to come clean to Kenny...BUT OH NO, THE HERO HIDEOUT IS SO CUTE, AND KENNY IS SO DEAR. 
And the reveal that the almost-kiss in “Midvale” actually happened d’awwwww these kids. 
Like. I am legitimately torn, here. I totally understand and support Kara in being honest with Kenny about the whole college situation--but also GAH. KENNY IS SO NICE AND CUTE AND EARNEST. 
You know what ELSE is nice and cute and earnest?
Nia singing “9 to 5″ to Brainy to cope with stress and boost morale.
Heckin’ adorable, gosh.
Aaaaaand some other stuff occurred as the episode closed out but I don’t have them in my notes and BASICALLY I want the next hour like, now. Right now. Because this was WONDERFUL. FROM START TO FINISH.
So some Overall thoughts!
I said we’d get to Cat ‘CJ’ Grant later, so here we are: I...think I liked her? Overall? It was a performance that gradually won me over, is how I would describe it.
Absolutely wild that Cat built a media empire in a mere six years. 
Also her whole, ‘I am going to find this extraordinary being and name them and kick Lois Lane into the classifieds’...I mean she eventually gets two out of three, there.
As I already started to mention, sad that Eliza wasn’t here! But it makes sense, since a lot of this, Kara is trying to keep on the DL.
Obviously, I am ALWAYS down for these flashback situations with the young Danvers. But it was also nice to take a break from the Phantom stuff. The plot here is simple/streamlined in a way the Phantom stuff...isn’t. I love the emotional character stuff coming out of the Phantom Zone arc but wow, the Phantoms are just. Needlessly complicated. 
The little episode recap where Lena is explaining that Phantom Prime is like a bloodhound was like, ‘oh right, they do that too...in addition to all the other stuff that they apparently do.’
So, yes. Welcome change.
The change of scenery + type of action was nice too!
Though RIP to everyone’s hair, fighting against the moisture.
This episode also handled the Brainy/Nia relationship really well, IMO. Like, due to the whole, ‘trying to fit so much in, always’ approach to Supergirl episodes sometimes results in a bit of...one-sidedness, for various characters. Think for instance of Kelly needing to cheer everyone on in episode 2, but not having space for her own feelings/emotional needs in that episode.
I’ve felt that a bit with Brainy and Nia thus far--one will sort of take up more narrative space, so the relationship feels a little lopsided.
NOT SO HERE! They are both going through some stuff, they are both struggling to cope, they both come to rely on one another for help. 
Something I’m loving about season 6 overall is that so far, it doesn’t feel like the plot is stepping on character development too much. Like, it still isn’t a perfect balance, and some episodes manage it better than others, but compared to season 5? Leaps and bounds.
Everything was so nicely tied together and the dialogue was witty, the humor was delightful, EVERYONE WAS ADORABLE AND EARNEST AND DID I MENTION ADORABLE?* but they never lost sight of the themes and emotional through-lines and GAAAAAHHHHHH MIDVALE EPISODES ARE THE BEEEEEESTTTTTTTTT!
*Okay Alex was mainly stressed out but that’s to be expected.
TL;DR - Best episode of the season thus far? Best episode of the season thus far. 
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365days365movies · 3 years
May 6, 2021: The Martian (2015) (Recap: Part One)
We’re leaving lo-fi sci-fi, people. Kind of.
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I mentioned before that films like Her are what I define as “lo-fi sci-fi”, which is a category that I’ve kind of made up. Basically, it’s the science fiction version of low fantasy, meaning it contains science fiction themes contained within an otherwise contemporary setting. In the case of Her, Joaquin Phoenix’s character, along with many others, live in a world and setting basically like ours, but with technology advanced enough to generate AIs (like Siri) that are intelligent enough to actually ascend our reality. Because we live in a society.
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You give me Joaquin Phoenix, I’m gonna make a Joker reference; it’s in the contract of my existence. Anyway, that is admittedly kind of broad, right? I mean, that has the capability of crossing over with a BUNCH of sci-fi genres and themes. And, considering that we’ve already seen magic, speculative technology, time travel, monsters, and artificial intelligence, we’ve already touched on quite a bit.
And with science fiction, the sky’s the limit. Literally. So, I think it behooves us to re-examine lo-fi sci-fi a little bit. Specifically, we should note that it can also be defined as an extension of currently existing technologies and possibilities. Writers would call this “speculative sci-fi”, assuming in this case that it’s set within the present or a near and attainable future. Her definitely fits in this category, as does Westworld. But, let’s crossover to another genre by speculating upon another possibility. And it begins with this man. Probably.
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Hey, Elon, what’s up? Now, Mr. Musk here is a...controversial figure, for COMPLETELY understandable reasons. Instead of touch upon the man himself, I feel like touching upon one of his recent focuses: space travel. With SpaceX and the various upcoming space trips and journeys that they’re planning, Musk has made it clear that he plans to shoot to the Moon. Again, literally.
In fact, this full plan is to go even further than that, and to fuel potential commercial space flights in the future, which is admittedly very cool. And of course, if you’re going to shoot for the Moon...
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Guys...guys, that’s Mars. THAT’S FUCKING MARS
Is that not amazing? We have sound and pictures from FUCKING MARS! THAT’S A DIFFERENT PLANET, GODDAMN IT! It’s cooler than I have the ability to properly express, but it IS goddamn cool. And this means that, easily within my lifetime, we could (and likely will) land on Mars. Which is amazing. God, I really want to see that happen.
And so, landing on Mars is BARELY science fiction, but since we haven’t yet done so...yeah, it’s fictional at the moment. And so, any film about landing on Mars falls within this category. Well...to an extent.
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2000′s Mission to Mars, for example, was a Disney-funded film (to my IMMENSE surprise; and it’s based off of an old Disney World ride, WHAT), and a movie that I saw a LOT when I was a kid. I also barely remember it, to be honest. But that film is straight-up science fiction because of, well...aliens. The idea of Martians is, as far as we know it, fictional. And most fiction involving Mars includes these aliens somehow. Whether it’s DC Comics’ entire civilization of Martians, as seen in Justice League, Supergirl, or Young Justice...
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...Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s heavily mythologized civilization, as seen in the Barsoom series of novels (and another Disney film)...
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...Or one of the best Looney Tunes characters.
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Mmm. Yes. Isn’t that lovely?
But, yeah, Mars and aliens go hand-in-hand in our media. So, to properly look at lo-fi science and speculative science fiction in relation to the Red Planet, we’ll need a movie that goes to the planet, and doesn’t touch upon the concept of aliens AT ALL.
Enter...Ridley Scott?
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Yeah, the director of Legend, Alien, Thelma and Louise, Blade Runner, Gladiator. Also the director of Kingdom of Heaven, Prometheus, Exodus: Gods and Kings, and...ugh, 1492: Conquest of Paradise. I’ve talked about his mixed record before, in my Recap of Legend right here.
In 2014, he was brought on to adapt a book by Andy Weir called The Martian, which is a great book! I’ve listened to the audio book, and I whole-heartedly recommend doing that. And because of that, I am VERY MUCH looking forward to watching this film, especially seeing as it’s often called one of the best science fiction films made during that year, and was critically acclaimed then and now. It got seven Oscar nominations (although it won none of them), amongst other awards. So, enough navel-gazing, huh? The Martian!
Recap (1/2)
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On Acidalia Plantitia, at the landing site of the Ares III mission, a group of scientists are gathering samples. These scientists are commander and geologist Melissa Lewis (Jessica Chastain), pilot Rick Martinez (Michael Pena), systems operator Beth Johanssen (Kate Mara), surgeon Chris Beck (Sebastian Stan), German chemist Alex Vogel (Aksel Hennie), and overly talkative botanist Mark Watney (Matt Damon). 
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The group seems to have a good dynamic, but that dynamic is interrupted by a massive dust storm, which is large enough to cause the entire crew to evacuate. However, in the chaos of the dust storm, Mark is hit by debris and lost in the shuffle. Although Lewis goes back to find him, she can’t get to him before they need to leave, and Mark is believed dead. This is reported (pretty callously) by NASA Director Teddy Sanders (Jeff Daniels) to the press soon afterwards.
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But of course, that wouldn’t be much of a movie, now would it? Mark’s alive! And Mark’s alone. With his suit damaged, and low on oxygen, he trudges back to headquarters, which is intact and still contains breathable oxygen. He gets inside, and realizes that he’s been stabbed in the abdomen by some debris. He removes it, and stitches up his own wound. Which is...god, it’s fucking BRUTAL just to think about, nevertheless watch.
Once he’s finished, he records a log for the future, if he doesn’t make it. It’s day 19 of the 31-day mission at this point, and Mark’s basically screwed. He needs lasting oxygen, water, and food, and he might need that for 4 years, when the next manned mission can come to the red planet. Additionally, he has absolutely no way to contact NASA, leaving him completely stranded. Another dust storm rolls in that night, and Mark looks over the belongings of his colleagues, packing them up for their eventual return. It’s somber, to say the least. However, Mark affirms that he’s determined not to die on the planet.
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After doing the math, Mark should have enough food to last him for about 300 days, especially if he rations it. Until then, he’ll need to figure out how to grow his own food, on a planet where nothing grows. Which is, of course, going to be a difficult feat to accomplish. But Mark Watney’s a botanist with botany powers, and he’s gonna do it.
It’s day 31, and Mark’s brought in dirt from the outside, and uses the bio-waste from the crew’s stay there for a form of compost. After 5 days, mostly full of him watching Happy Days on TV and trying to farm, he realizes that he needs water, both for himself and for the soil. To do that, he goes chemical and decides to use hydrogen-laden rocket fuel, wood from Martinez’s belongings, and good old-fashioned fire to make water! And since hydrogen + oxygen = water, it should work. With a minor side-effect.
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So, yeah, he blew himself up. As as he records a video log, the sound mixing makes itself impressively known by subtly and realistically generating a tinnitus sound. It’s VERY well-done, holy shit. Anyway, he makes a stable fire, and the place is soon covered in condensation, moistening the room and the soil successfully.
We get to day 54, and Mark’s planted leftover potatoes from the crew in order to grow them. And while he’s being mourned at a funeral on Earth, and in NASA, he’s seeing the fruits (or shoots) of his efforts.
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Back on Earth, Mars Mission Director Vincent Kapoor (Chiwetel Ejiofor) is trying to convince Director Teddy to let him lobby for another Ares mission, despite the risk of bad press for the callousness of the proximity to Watney’s death. Meanwhile, satellite technician Mindy Park (Mackenzie Davis) looks down at the Ares III site, and realizes that the site has changed visually, meaning that Mark may actually be alive.
Shocked by this, she tells Kapoor, Teddy, and media director Annie Montrose (Kristen Wiig) about this, and they realize the absolute clusterfuck that this whole thing is. They can’t tell the other members of the Ares III crew about it, because it’d devastate them for the 10 months they have to get back to Earth, at the VERY least. They can’t tell the WORLD about this, because they just had a funeral for the guy, and they’d reveal that they left him stranded on Mars accidentally, destroying faith in the Mars Missions Program. And they can’t save Mark, who they’re sure will starve eventually. It’s a mess. And Kapoor also wonders what’s happening to Mark psychologically through all of this.
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And yet, they reveal this to the world regardless, causing the clusterfuck reaction that they think it’s going to cause. But Mark’s busy on Mars, figuring out how to get to the site of the next Ares IV mission in 4 years, at the Schiaparelli crater about 50 days travel away. This is a struggle, as his Rover has only so much power and fuel, and he can only get more power by cutting out the heater is risking death by freezing. So, problems. However, he figures out a potential solution: radioactive isotopes! In a move that is, let’s face it, COMPLETELY INSANE, he digs up a radioactive generator from the ship in order to heat the ship.
On Earth, they try to figure out Mark’s moves, as well as how to resupply Ares IV sooner for Mark’s benefit. This is with the director of JPL, Bruce Ng (Benedict Wong), and the flight director of the ship Hermes, Mitch Henderson (Sean Bean), who insists that they tell the Ares II crew. They continue to monitor Mark, and note that he’s been travelling for 17 days in his Rover towards something. Kapoor figures it out, and flies to California.
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See, Mark needs a way to contact NASA, and he believes that the way to do so is through Pathfinder, the first probe ever sent to Mars in 1997, lasting for 9 months since landing until they lost contact. Mark digs it up, and the people at JPL in California start their own efforts for contact. And despite communication being extremely rudimentary, initially limited to yes/no questions that use a still-frame camera, it fucking WORKS! WHOO!
To boost this communication hurdle, the two camps figure out a hexadecimal system for communication, allowing them to communicate using a circular table of numbers that represent an alphabet. That allows them to teach Mark to hack into the Rover, allowing it to piggyback off of its broadcast signal and send them messages via keyboard. Nice! Now that communication is reasonably possible, Mark’s able to ask how the crew is handling his death. But upon learning that they haven’t told him. He’s understandably a little goddamn enraged. And so, they FINALLY tell the Ares III crew about this.
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The news breaks the crew, even though Mark continues to stress that he’s all right, and that it wasn’t their fault. Meanwhile, Mark’s able to survive for 912 days with his potato plants, and things improve with the help of technicians on Earth. They plan to launch a supply rocket to him in the next year, and things are looking fine! Unless, of course...something goes horribly HORRIBLY wrong.
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Well...fuck. Good place to pause for Part Two, then?
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industryhearts · 3 years
Just felt like responding to that anon saying her fandom is her own creation. The monster was dr. Frankenstein’s own creation. 🤷‍♀️
Some times things get too big. Like trying to start a bee cultivating business in your basement. Sounds like a great way to get honey but one step too far and now your house is infested with bees and you’re living in a hotel.
If you ever saw the show called the umbrella academy (based on a comic book series where these adopted siblings all have super powers and their guardian formed them into a crime fighting team as kids) one of the characters accidentally becomes the leader of a cult. And he enjoys it for awhile and then eventually someone talks him into stopping and he tries to tell them he is not the messiah and the cult doesn’t believe him. Lol. They think it’s a test. So he ends up just running away. Lol
A similar thing happened on the show supergirl (based on the comic book superhero cousin of superman) when she finds out people were worshipping her like a god she tells them to stop and the cult turns on her because they think it’s a test or that she needs them to help her realize she’s a god. Then eventually they hate her because she they feel she misled them.
I use these few examples from fictional popular culture because I think it captures what it’s like to be the person being idolized. A final example comes from the famous song Stan by Eminem. This song is where we get the term “stans” and “stan culture.”
TW: abuse
The song is about a crazy fan of Eminem/slim shady who is so obsessed with him and takes all of his lyrics to heart and believes they are so true that he ends up killing his wife and unborn child because Eminem didn’t respond to him in a timely manner. His entire identity was eminem. He tattooed his name across his chest, he dyed his hair, he wanted to name his daughter the same as Eminem’s. He spent all of his time in the basement with walls covered in slim shady/ Eminem merch and posters.
The last verse of the song is Eminem writing back and trying to tell Stan to chill out. The story actually happened to him and he was really messed up mentally about it. The story is about how we live in a world where your persona becomes bigger than the real you and you have a responsibility (that no one really wants) as a celebrity to remind people that you are human and to keep your fans grounded. I watched a cool tiktok where a girl said that most celebrities nowadays forget the last verse of Stan when it comes to their stans. They forget that it is their responsibility to check their fans. Your fans are a reflection of you ultimately.
All this is just to say sometimes the things you create become bigger than you. And you don’t realize how big it is until your standing in the center of an ocean of people who want to believe you are their friend and all you want is to go to the bathroom in peace. Lol
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Red Kryptonite causes drama and trauma – The series.
Part 4 – There is happiness past the blood and bruise.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader
Word count: 2370.
Warning: I cried writing this, so be prepared. But happy ending, I promise.
Previously on the series - part 1, part 2, part 3
You would love it if things had suddenly gone back to normal again. If you could just forget what happened, and go on with your life. You are not angry, really. It’s just this feeling of sadness you can’t ignore. Every time you look at Kara you remember everything she said. So, you’ve been keeping your distance these past few days. You’re not being mean, or impolite. You’re just not soft and sweet like your usual self.
It’s Monday, and Kara flies in through the window in her Supergirl’ suit and sees you sitting there on the couch, working on your new invention.
“Hey, you didn’t show up at training today, I got a little worried.” She says and you move on the couch uncomfortably.
“Oh! Ah, yeah. Did I- did I forget to mention that I’m not doing that anymore?” You don’t look at her while speaking. You just keep working.
“Doing what? Training?” She asks and you nod. “Kid, you need to practice.”
“Oh no, I know. I mean, I will. Just some other time, and with…” You mumble. “Someone else.”
You don’t have the courage to look at her. You know she’s hurt, and you don’t want to see it written in her face. Kara sits down on the couch in front of you. She is still in her super suit, which is weird because usually the first thing she does when she walks home is change. She doesn’t say anything for a while.
“I thought it would be good to learn different fighting styles and all.” You try to explain, but you both know that’s not the real reason.
“Okay.” She finally says. “Sure. That makes sense. So, who are you training with from now on?”
“Aunt Alex.”
“Oh yeah, great! Alex, yeah, she has a great fighting technique.” She stands up fast. “Ok, yeah. Cool.”
“I hope it’s ok.” You say even though she just said it was. You know it’s not really ok.
“No, yeah. It’s fine. It’s, um, cool.” She paces around a little, you can see from the corner of your eyes. She looks like she still wants to say something, but doesn’t have the courage. She keeps opening her mouth. “And the powers?”
“Sorry?” You ask, finally looking at her.
“Who are you going to train your powers with? I mean, Alex doesn’t have them.”
“Oh. I actually talked to Nia about it, she said she would love to help.” You try to smile, but it doesn’t seem right. You don’t know what to do with your face. Or with your hands. And you can’t hold her gaze any longer.
“Nia!” She screams. “Wow, that’s wow.” She keeps pacing nervously.
“I thought it would be good since it took her awhile to have control over her powers too.”
“Yeah. Mhm. Great idea. You’re so full of great ideas…” Kara stumbles on a chair behind her. “Well, you’re working on something so, I’m going to-to leave you to it.”
Your heart shrinks a little, but you know it is the right call. Training with your momma is what got you in the red kryptonite mess in the first place.
Next day you get to work with aunt Alex and things go great. You’re practicing on a dummy at first, and she just shows you a few moves. It’s easier with her, you don’t know why, but it is. Even Jamie joins, because Alex wants her to learn some self-defense moves.
“Hey kid.” Kara says when she sees you walking home after the training session, she puts the TV on mute and looks at you. “It’s a little late, where were you?”
“I had a training session.” You say making your way to your bedroom.
“Oh. How-how was it?” She asks, adjusting the frame of her glasses and you stop walking.
“It was fine.” You don’t know what to say, you don’t know how hurt she would be if you told her the truth. “Aunt Alex just showed me a few different moves that are easier for me to do.”
“That’s great!” Her voice comes out loud and squeaky. “Do you want to order pizza?”
“Um, not really I... already ate.” You point to the hallway and give a little smile. “Gonna go work on my project.”
“Sure. Ok!” She gives you a flat smile and a thumbs up and you disappear inside your room.
You’ve been in your bedroom for an hour when you hear a knock on the door. You lower your glasses and look through the door.
“Come in, mom.”
“Hey babygirl, what are you working on?” Lena asks, putting her face inside your bedroom and you look up from your prototype.
“Anti-kryptonite force field.”
“Oh, that’s cool.” She walks in and sits in your bed in front of you. “How does it work?”
“It doesn’t, yet.” You give her the prototype. “But when it does, this bracelet will automatically generate a force field around you as soon as you enter a space with kryptonite. No matter which one.”
“That’s bold. So why is it not working?” Lena looks at the calculations on your notebook.
“Well, it might be, but I can’t test it without being exposed to kryptonite, so...” You shrug.
“Do you want me to test it for you?” She seems excited to work on it and you agree with your head. “Really? That’s great! I’ll take it to the lab tomorrow! Can I have the notes too?”
“Sure.” You point at the notebook and she picks it up again.
“You can come by after school tomorrow and we can work on it together.” She says while flipping through the pages.
“I can’t, I have training.”
“You do? I thought training was on Mondays.” She is still looking at your notes.
“Oh, it’s, um, with Nia. She’s helping me with the powers and Aunt Alex with combat.” She looks up to you right away.
“And your momma?”
“I thought maybe she could be just my momma from now on.”
“Oh.” It’s her only reaction.
“Do you think she’ll hate me for it?” You ask looking down. Lena puts all the things she is holding aside and hugs you tenderly.
“She could never hate you.” Lena kisses your forehead and you smile lightly. “It will take her a while to get used to that, you know how much she likes being around you all the time, but things will fall into place.”
“Yeah, I can’t wait for things to fall into place.”
“Have you spent any time with her lately?” Lena asks and you shake your head disagreeing. “I thought she was your best friend.”
“Jamie’s my best friend.”
“Right. But she was close second?” She’s not exactly asking, and you know. You shrug. “I know you are hers.”
“I thought you were.”
“Oh, I was. And then you were born and I happily gave up that title so you could hold it.”
“Mom, I…” You breathe heavily. “I can’t.”
“No pressure, baby. You have to respect your time, but just think about it, ok?” She stands up grabbing your prototype and your notes. “I’ll test it tomorrow, and I’ll let you know.”
“Thanks mom.”
Lena closes the door and you lay on your bed thinking about what she said. You don’t want to use your super hearing, but sometimes your powers have a mind of their own, and you can’t really control them. That used to upset you, but now you just embrace it.
“Hey, is that her project?” You hear Kara’s voice.
“Yeah. Automatic anti-kryptonite force field generator.” Lena’s voice comes and you can hear she’s very proud of you. “It’s amazing, and I never thought of this.”
“Wow. That’s incredible! Does it work?” Kara also sounds impressed.
“I’ll test it tomorrow. But the math looks right.” You can hear Lena’ smile through her voice.
“She’s so clever, I can’t believe she’s my daughter sometimes.” Kara says and you hear a deep breath, but you don’t know from who.
“Are you ok? With the whole training with Nia and Alex thing?” Your heart skips a beat and you even hold your breath to hear better.
“I’m, yeah, it’s fine.”
“Kara.” Lena calls her on her bullshit. She doesn’t answer for a while. You think this is the time for you to stop listening. You should put your headphones or something like that, but then you hear:
“I’m so sad, Lena.” Her voice comes out small, and you know she’s crying. “She didn’t, she didn’t call me when she got shot. And now she is going to train with other people. She doesn’t need me anymore.”
“That’s not true, honey. She needs you.”
“She doesn’t though. She has you to help her with science. She has Jamie to talk to, Nia to help her with her powers, Alex to call for help.” She’s crying so much it’s hard for you to listen. “Lena, I have superpowers and she called Alex to help her!”
“I’m sorry, honey.”
“We used to be so close, and then I ruined it. She used to tell me everything, and now she won’t even talk to me. And it’s all my fault.”
“Just give her time. She’ll come around. She always does.” You can hear the pain in Lena’s voice too. It’s so hard to keep listening.
“I think this time is different. I told her to use the watch only for emergencies and she got shot, but thought she was not emergency worthy. Then, Lena, I beat my own daughter. I told her horrible things and I left her all alone. I don't think she'll come around.”
“Kara, hey hey. That wasn’t you.” Now you and Lena are both crying too.
“I know! Of course it wasn’t me. But-but it was my face she saw flying away while she was suffocating and begging for help. It was my voice she heard yelling for her to get up over and over again, even when she couldn’t.” There’s a long pause when you can only hear crying and desperate noises leaving her mouth. “Lena, when she was born, I promised I would always keep her safe, now it’s my name she associates with pain.”
You are also crying hard now. What are you doing? What were you thinking? What Kara did was bad. But what you are doing now is just as bad, if not worse. You know how much pain she is in. She’ll never forgive herself for any of that, and you’re not forgiving her either.
It’s red kryptonite. It’s not like you are immune to it. What if you get exposed and you physically hurt the people that you love the most, and they can’t forgive you for that? What if you say every single unfiltered dumb thought you’ve ever had in your life and they hold you accountable for it?
And it’s Kara of all people. She is the person you want to see whenever you feel sad. She is the arms you want around you every time you cry. She is the one you want to calm you after a panic attack, or a nightmare. She is also the person you want to go on waterslides with, and laugh with, and sing with. So, what the hell are you doing?
You use your super speed and run to their bedroom, quickly opening the door. Kara’s holding her pillow with so much strength it looks like it’s about to explode. Lena is kissing her shoulders and hugging her sideways.
“Momma.” They both raise their heads to look at you crying on their doorstep. You run to Kara’s lap before they can say anything, and she drops the pillow to hold you instead. “I’m sorry.”
“Little one, what happened?” She asks wiping your tears, even though her face is wet from her own tears. She immediately stops looking sad and starts looking worried.
“I’m-I’m horrible. It wasn’t you, I’m so sorry.” You hold her as tight as you can. “I know you would never hurt me. I know.”
“Hey, you’re not horrible! You’re perfect.” Kara says kissing your head. “You’re my baby. I love you so much, kid. I’m sorry you had to go through all of this. I wish you never got hurt like this.”
“But you didn’t mean to hurt me. It was the red kryptonite. I don’t have that excuse for hurting you like I’ve been doing.” You’re still clinging to her so hard you didn’t even notice Lena has left to give you two some privacy.
“Baby, I’m ok. We’re ok.” But you can’t stop crying and you can feel Kara’s tears falling on you. “We’re going to be just fine, kid. I promise.”
“I’m really sorry.”
“Hey. You don’t have to apologize.” She hugs you tight and breathes in relief. “You didn’t do anything bad, my love. I did. I hurt you and I said horrible things and I’m sorry for all of them.”
“You were right though. I’m crying to my mommy like a little baby.” Kara wipes your tears, and then hers, and she smiles at you.
“You have no idea how happy I am for this.” She kisses your forehead. “Little one, I love you more than anything and anyone in the universe.”
“I heard that.” Lena says putting her head in the door frame. Ok so, apparently, she wasn’t exactly giving you guys privacy.
Kara calls her with her hand and Lena comes to the bed and holds you too. You’re squeezed between you moms, and your heart calms down a little. You’re home.
“I love you both so much.” Lena kisses your forehead, and Kara’s lips. “I’m so glad you two are fine.”
“Yeah.” You smile. “We’re fine.”
And it’s true. Things finally fall into place, and you and Kara are perfectly fine again. You’re still training combat with aunt Alex, because it got way more fun now that Jamie joined too, and Kara noticed it. But she always joins your training sessions with Nia, which is great and really fun. You’re happy in your new found confidence and when you look at Kara, you see the real one, and not the freakish version anymore.
So, for the first time in a while, you are actually fine.
That’s it for this series, I really hope you all enjoyed it!
Another shout out for my idea buddy @hermen0404 who came up with the prompt in the first place
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coeurdastronaute · 4 years
Titan 5
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Previously on Titan
The Ambassador at Gotham Central was one of Lena’s favorite hotels on the planet, and she considered herself somewhat of an expert in such things. She loved to travel, to feel fresh sheets and comfy towels. It wasn’t often that she allowed herself to be pampered or enjoy the extremes of her station, but when she travelled, or when she was allowed to dote upon her wife, Lena wanted only the best. 
The penthouse was an absolute eden. Dark, ancient wood and clean white marble throughout, with a library, two bathrooms with showers with infinite nozzles and luxurious baths, a large bed with soft sheets and perfect pillows waited for them, calling out to be enjoyed. They’d stayed in many wonderful places, but Lena had a soft spot for the old school luxury of one of the oldest hotels on the planet. 
“I can’t believe they keep this room for you,” Kara sighed as she fell into the large bed in the master bedroom. 
“They don’t keep it,” Lena shook her head as she carefully held up a blouse and debated it, one of many she’d bought on their shopping trip that her wife was kind enough to offer to carry her bags. 
There would surely be pictures the following day, of the pair in Gotham, of their dinner with Bruce the night before, of the shopping trip and kissing outside of the ice cream shop. And Lena didn’t mind because in them she knew she’d look happy despite hating the city. It was just hard to be annoyed when Kara was around.
“They moved someone to another hotel so you could have it.” 
“And I didn’t ask them to do that.” 
“Who would have thought a name like Danvers would get such treatment.” 
Lena looked at her wife in the reflection in the mirror as she smiled to herself, amused at her own words. There was something wonderful about seeing someone, and she took just an instant to watch Kara breathe. 
“You are a part owner in this hotel now.” 
“Am I?” 
“Well how about that?”
Lena just shook her head and went back to trying to pick out what she was going to wear to give her speech. It shouldn’t be that difficult. It was written and ready. But Gotham made her itchy and she was suddenly worried and anxious about seeing her brother. Surely he’d know she was there somehow. 
Somewhere between her reverie and her anxiety, Lena must have drifted off, losing her focus as the shirt she held up and looked at in the mirror dissolved away and her eyes couldn’t see a thing save for all of the scenarios she was playing out in her own head. From the bed, Kara watched it happen. She saw Lena’s face change and her brow furrow and grow heavy. She watched too many thoughts happen too quickly and was determined not to let Lena get pulled away from her. 
With a quick movement, she stood and crept beside her wife, carefully kissing her neck and shoulder, careful to pull her from the stupor until she earned a smile and felt Lena’s body relax against her own. She squeezed, wrapping her arms around Lena’s middle and let her chin rest on her shoulder. Kara offered a smile so big her eyes shut and her cheeks hurt. 
“I like the green one,” she whispered. 
“You always say that.” 
“You look good in everything. I can’t pick.” 
“Why did I bring you along?” 
“Because I like eating at Yuva and because you need someone to look at in the crowd when you give your speech.” 
“Right, right. Makes sense,” Lena nodded. “I also made us reservations at Le Bernardin for after.” 
“Thank goodness. I’m starving.” 
Kara just shrugged and kissed Lena’s neck again. Just like that, she got her back, alive and vibrant in her arms. 
“Wear the green one, and then that black dress for dinner.” 
“You’re dressing me now?” 
“I know. It’s weird, when I’m so good at doing the opposite.” 
“You’re full of surprises, Danvers. But I think I can do that.” 
“Perfect,” Kara grinned before lifting Lena, earning legs hooked behind her back. “Can we please use this nice big bed now for more important things?” 
“Please don’t break anything--”
With a soft wafting, they landed on the bed and Kara hovered, holding herself up, Lena hanging slightly from her. They were happy. They smiled. They kissed. 
“I can be gentle.” 
“Can you?” 
Lena had given speeches before. She was used to speaking in public and at large events. Her TedTalk was one of the more popular on the page, garnering over forty million views and making her the easy target for many conferences and business gatherings. She liked to credit it to Supergirl, but the hero refused, saying she didn’t do anything. But a topic like overcoming inheritance was somehow magnified when talking about the Super/Luthor history. In reality, Lena could only thank her wife for so kindly teaching her to speak with an honest tongue about the things she felt. 
Lena had given commencement speeches before. She’d given toasts at balls. She’d thanked guests at galas. It wasn’t hard, but still her hands trembled slightly as she stood at the podium in front of the large group of new students.  
And then there was Kara, smiling softly in a corner. Kind enough to travel along and sit through an entire commencement, even though she was probably bored senseless. 
“I am honored to be with you all today at the onset of the grand adventures of your lives. I truly mean it when I describe it as an honor, and one I hold very dearly. Because I look out at this crowd, and these beautiful, kind faces, and I am blown away by the potential I see staring back at me. 
In many ways, often life can interrupt your dreams. Life wasn’t made for dreamers. Life is full of things like car payments and furnaces that break, it’s full of family and friends and twists and turns, it’s overflowing with reasons to simply stop dreaming.
But I’m not here today to tell you about all of the banalities of life. I’m here today to ask you to embrace them. Find comfort in the smallest atoms of your day, and they interruptions will become parts of the journey. 
I’ve never given a commencement speech before, and I was afraid of falling back on cliches. But I spent a good portion of time thinking about myself at your age, about the things I wished I’d been told to prepare for the next steps. So if you’ll allow me, I’d like to fall back on my cliches because I fully believe in them.” 
There was a small chuckle and Lena took a deep breath, finding her rhythm and voice. She looked out at the crowd and felt, for the first time in a long, long time, marginally successful, and as if she belonged there, as if it wasn’t too fanciful of an idea for these kids to look up to her and want some of her wisdom. 
“I met my wife when I was sixteen years old. She interviewed me for the school paper about our soccer game. It was sheer luck that she offered to take her friend’s assignment and cover sports. It was sheer luck that I transferred schools that year. It was a series of events that transpired on a very normal Tuesday to change my life. 
It was also a very normal Tuesday when I found out about my father and my brother. In life, things will happen to you, but you do not have to let them interrupt, and I beg of you to embrace every worst moment of your life. Wallow in it. Cover yourself in it. Feel it on every inch of your skin, but don’t run from it. Life is what happens to you, when you’re busy making other plans. And know that any normal Tuesday can change your life. No one wakes up knowing that everything will be different.
I was, and I didn’t learn this until much later, blessed enough to be surrounded by examples of what I did not want to be in my life. I could pick out trait of the people closest to me and know that I hated them, but what I realized was that I was surrounding myself with the wrong people. So not only should you take my advice to absolutely wallow in misery, you should toss out anyone in your life who makes you feel worse about the world. Life will throw you so much misery you won’t know what to do with it. No one wants to hear that in a commencement speech, but I believe in preparation. You must build yourself an alliance of people who want for you to survive. 
More importantly, and perhaps something I’m still learning, is that you should model yourself into being someone that others want in their alliance. Be the person people depend on for a ride to the airport. Helf the lady in the grocery store reach the top shelf. Smile and make faces at a baby in line for ice cream. Come running when called upon. And when you do, I promise you, life’s interruptions will become your actual life, and the dreams will follow.
You will meet people that will change your life in ways that you might never have expected. I can still remember a rather intimate conversation I had with a bus driver in the middle of the night about the reason to live. I should have known that Supergirl would change my life forever and in ways that I’m still just now beginning to understand. 
My name is Lena Danvers. I dream of solving environmental issues. I dream of providing good jobs to people who want to save the world. I dream of leaving the world so much better than I have found it, and I hope you all take this dream up with me, add it to your own, and let life interrupt you ont he pursuit of it.” 
She took a moment to let their applause wash over her, and she took a deep breath. It was alarmingly hopeful and she was becoming that way because of the world she’d invented for herself. 
“Have I mentioned you look stunning yet, Mrs. Danvers?” 
Lena couldn’t help but roll her eyes and blush at the comment as she took her seat at the table in their favorite restaurant in Gotham. 
“You have, actually.”
“Should I come up with new words?” 
“You are a writer, after all. I’d expect you to consult a thesaurus at least once.” 
“I suppose my old compliments are wearing thin. Do you remember when your dad took us to Oliver’s and I’d never been somewhere so fancy?” 
Without meaning to, Lena chuckled to herself at the memory. It wasn’t often her father was brought up, and it certainly wasn’t often that Kara mentioned him, respecting the self-imposed blockade Lena imposed. 
“I don’t think I could ever forget your face when you had escargot for the first time. What was that, our high school graduation?” 
“It was,” Kara smiled. “And now you’ve spoiled me completely.”
It wasn’t often that they went out with all of the stops. It wasn’t often they wore the fancy clothes and jewelry. But Kara loved it. 
And they sat at their table, after a rather busy day, after a rather wonderful speech and surprisingly uneventful trip to Gotham. They were going to enjoy their final day before heading back to a bit of normalcy. 
But things rarely went as planned for them, and somewhere between salads and the main course, their evening was ruined.  
“Well, good evening, little sister,” Lex smiled slowly. “And Ms. Danvers, or should I say Mrs. Luthor? Mrs. Luthor-Danvers? Danvers-Luthor? Either way, best wishes to the happy newlyweds.” 
Noticeably uncomfortable, Kara shifted in her chair. Lena saw her fist clench, saw her jaw tighten and her eyes narrow as she stared daggers at the interruption. There wasn’t much holding her wife back from murdering her brother. Lena was almost convinced that Kara was actively debating it at the moment, her strict morality not so much in question so much as what it would do to Lena as a result. But Kara seemed to win the round for a moment and sat back, not relaxing, but rather curtly dismissing any interactions that might develop. 
“Just Danvers, actually,” Lena informed her brother cooly. “The Luthor name is no more.” 
He frowned before catching himself. Lena still knew how to play the game well enough, knew where his weaknesses were, knew his tells better than anyone else. 
“I suppose it is waning a bit after Father was… what was it that happened to him?” he furrowed and pretended to think about it. “Oh, that’s right. After you murdered him.” 
“What’s a--” 
“I think you should leave,” Kara interrupted, speaking up immediately. 
“Oh, calm down, ponytail,” he chuckled and took a seat, motioning for a bottle to be brought to the table. “This is normal family conversation for us, wouldn’t you say?” 
When Lena didn’t answer, he sat up slightly. It gave Lena an odd feeling of power, to know that he didn’t know her anymore, that he had no idea what she was going to say, to see that slight twinge of fear to know that she wasn’t under his thumb any longer. 
“I think you should leave,” Lena repeated her wife’s wishes. 
“I would, but we have so much to catch up on.”  
With a motion of his hand, he asked for a plate and wine glass to be brought to the table. The waiter faithfully obliged, quickly supplying him and pouring a glass. 
Lena watched her brother, searched his face and couldn’t remember who he was supposed to be and what he was supposed to represent in her life. They were once each other’s everything, and now he was a stranger. He was worse than a stranger, if that was possible. 
But she didn’t let it ruffle her. None of it was who she was anymore. She was a new person. She had somehow grown equipped enough to handle this, though she didn’t quite understand it until it was happening around her. There was no more control. 
“I heard you stepped down as CEO,” he observed after enjoying the taste of wine. 
“Won’t your parole office be upset to hear you were drinking?” 
“He’ll understand. Now, our company.” 
“My company is doing just fine, thank you,” Lena sighed. “I believe you are legally barred from any kind of investments or tampering with L Corp.” 
“I’ve been known to bend the rules from time to time.” Slowly, he turned toward Kara who had not yet unclenched one muscle. “You look familiar. Have we met?” 
“At you mother’s funeral.” 
“That was a hell of a party, if I remember correctly. The real origin story of where we are all at currently, if you ask me. And not often am I pro-murder, but I’d say Dad got what was coming for him after what he did for her.”
“I think you should--”
“Kara, could you get our coats and call the car? I’ll pay.” 
They exchanged a look, and in it was an entire conversation. It’d been that way forever, and she was happy to be able to calm her wife and give them an escape. 
“Lovely to see you again, dear sister-in-law,” Lexa smiled and took another sip of wine as Kara stood. 
This time, however, Kara looked to her wife to make sure she was okay, and when she saw the smirk, the look, the confidence, and she knew. She didn’t like it, but she knew. Without a look at Lex, Kara nodded slightly and made her way toward the exit. 
“I need you to listen to me, and listen closely,” Lena murmured, picking up her wine glass, playing with it while casting a firm look on her brother’s face. “Whatever you’re playing at, whatever you’re planning, I will stop you. I will kill you. I have no qualms anymore about things like that.”
She finished the rest of her drink and stood. 
“You will stay away from my wife, from my company, and from my city.”
“It was good to see you, Lena,” Lex simply smiled. 
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mattzerella-sticks · 4 years
hi! i’m new to reading dc, because i hear new 52 and rebirth kinda suck, do you have any batfamily recommendations?
Welcome aboard! I’m gonna say something controversial - new 52 and Rebirth aren’t totally bad. Don’t get me wrong, before Flashpoint Batfamily was GOING PLACES. But I think they started strong with Batman in new 52 (like the Court of Owls wer fantastic and Julia Pennyworth is amazing) but then the aftermath of this Batman v. Joker fight during Scott Snyder’s run kinda fizzled the Batman run. And don’t get me STARTED on the bullshit Tom King has done. Not even James Tynion can save the Rebirth Batman title (but that’s because the powers that be probably had a vision that’s most likely been canned given how a lot of the brass was let go). I digress...
For New 52, I highly recommend: Batman (up until the Batman mantle gets passed, which is 50 or so issues in), Grayson (I enjoyed the spy atmosphere, plus the introduction of Helena Bertinelli, Tiger, and Midnighter - officially), Red Hood and the Outlaws (although the early issues and how they treated Kori are iffy), DEFINITELY Batgirl (especially the Gail Simone run and then the Babs Starr run, Batgirl of Burnside ftw) and - I’m including her into the Batfamily - the Harley Quinn series, because that’s good no matter WHAT. Things I’ve heard good things about but haven’t fully in-depth read were We Are Robin and Catwoman, although the former ends kind of unsatisfyingly. And, again, not Batfamily but adjacent - Gotham Academy. I was SO MAD when it ended because it was one of the best comics DC was producing. Oh and there was a Robin series where he has a giant bat!!! That was really good, too. 
Rebirth they really fucked themselves over for the Batfam. Don’t even look at Batman, the first few issues are okay but then it gets muddled in this Bane plot and ‘War of Jokes and Riddles’ which was the WORST Batman storyline ever. Went on too long imo because you kind of forget this is all Bruce telling Selena about his ‘worst sin’ even though she’d be DTF no matter what. Plus there’s so much emphasis on Kite Man (i think even an issue is dedicated to his POV which makes no sense given the context the story’s being told but again Tom King SUCKS). It’ll make you feel like you read a comic book of How I Met Your Mother. Only Batman issues I recommend are the ones that are Flash crossovers because those are my favs for obvi reasons. What you want to do is get into first year of Rebirth Detective Comics because 1) Cassandra Cain 2) Stephanie Brown 3) Kate Kane 4) Clayface!?!?! 5) Tim Drake 6) Dr. Oktober; Honestly it was such a good ensemble piece (James Tynion is an awesome writer, he’s not a miracle worker unfortunately). That was a good run, although it does change plot at a certain point - which was sad - but it still feels like a Batman book even after the ensemble leaves, better than the actual Batman title. So sticking with that over the Batman main series is good. I think Rebirth Outsiders was trying to capture that magic except the writing isn’t that good plus there were a bunch of creative differences that delayed the first issue and I lost any excitement for it (which was sad because I love all the characters in it - Duke, Black Lightning, and Katana). Batgirl, again, although you’ll come to a point where it stops being amazing - and that is when she ditches her Babs Starr costume for something AWFUL. #BringBackBurnsideBatgirl Once you see the costume change either lower your expectations or move on because it doesn’t recover. I’ve heard good things about the Catwoman series but I haven’t read it. What I have read is Harley Quinn (again unofficial Bat family member) and that has been consistently amazing (even if the last few issues gave Harley questional/straightwashed tastes). DEFINITE reads though that shouldn’t be too long (because DC likes ending good things) are Batwoman and Batgirl & the Birds of Prey. The Batwoman comic was too good for this world, we need more Kate Kane in our lives. And the Birds of Prey series felt like the movie a bit. They definitely seemed like friends (unlike the new 52 version, which was AWFUL) and there’s one story where the men of Gotham get sick that is so good I’m waiting on DC to turn it into an animated feature. Those titles are both like twenty or so issues. There’s a Midnigther and Apollo miniseries that was so great (also unofficial member). Red Hood and the Outlaws I liked, but after Roy leaves it lost the magic. Rebirth Nightwing was good at first, but Tom King ruined it even though he doesn’t write for that title. Best storyline was when he gets involved with this group for reformed criminals while in Bludhaven. The most recent storyline wasn’t bad, in a sense. The characters brought on were interesting. It was just apbrupt and clearly not what the actual writer had in mind, but they had to write around Tom King. And overall the character of Nightwing suffered. Young Justice doesn’t feel too canonical (and Drake is a stupid name); Teen Titans is okay but Damian is an edgelord. 
Moving on from that, outside of Rebirth and New 52, some other titles that I’ve enjoyed featuring the Batfamily were: Cassandra Cain’s Batgirl, Stephanie Brown’s Batgirl, Gotham City Sirens, Batman, Inc., Batman & Robin (with Dick as Batman, Damian as Robin), the Outsiders (the spin-off from Titans, probably in the mid-2000s with Dick Grayson leading)...
There was an interesting Detective Comics arc I read about the GCPD starring Renee Montoya that dealt with her ‘coming out’ (in the loosest of terms given how it happened).
A Batman/Superman arc I love revisiting is when they re-introduce Supergirl (and speaking of Batman/Superman, find the issue(s) where Superman gets affected by silver kryptonite and turns into a stoner because THAT was funny)
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention No Man’s Land or Batman Year One because those two kind of establish Gotham and the Batman character... You could read the Killing Joke but you can easily sum the entire story up with one panel (probably one of the first images that pops up when you google The Killing Joke). A better, edgier Batman story - imo - is when he gets addicted to Venom. Or the Death of Jason Todd - which reminds me Under the Red Hood is a good story! (I didn’t read the comic lol but I did watch the movie - Jensen Ackles ftw).
If you’re looking for kooky, anything from the 40s up to before Crisis on Infinite Earths where ANYTHING went. From World’s Finest to the Batman title, they got to some pretty insane shit. Very campy. Although the nineties-early 2000′s were campy in their own way, like so on the other end of the spectrum from ‘camp’ that it became camp again. There’s two different Batman storylines that were VERY anti-drugs (Shadow of the Bat was the running title, I think; one story against weed and the other against LSD) that were so ridiculous and trying to push kids away from doing drugs that you couldn’t help but realize how ridiculous and over-the-top this was.
Finally there are Elseworlds titles. Everyone always raves for Batman: Gotham by Gaslight but I think two very interesting takes on a Batman of a different world are: Batman - Holy Terror, and Batman: Nosferatu. There’s also an Elseworlds with Barbara as Batwoman and a female Joker (Batgirl: Thrillkiller I believe) and one that has Catwoman as the hero of Gotham and Bruce Wayne as a sadistic killer.
Hope at least one of these suggestions helps 😀
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