#superman is nice to pigeons just like everyone should be
shinynewwriting · 1 year
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Action Comics #1057 making it canon that the pigeons of Metropolis flock to Clark like he's a Disney Princess, and that he gives them both baby-talk and his lunch.
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zambie-trashart · 3 years
Miraculous New Jersey Special Part 1/3
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Miraculous rewritten masterlist
Miraculous New Jersey masterlist
Summary: The class is going to Metropolis! Marinette has to decide if her crush on Damian is really worth it if he's not looking for love, Jon has to worry about his relatives liking his superhero boyfriend but on top of it all, Hawkmoth follows them there and Batman and Superman might not like their kids going back to Paris. Everything is legal in New Jersey.
Jon looked up seeing a mass of birds flying over him and sighed ready to have to make some sort of excuse to slip away from Damian who would, in turn, do the same.
"It's the bird guy again," Jon said smiling as Mr. Pigeon on round 69 at this point and a pigeon landed on Damian's head pecking him once before Damian shooed it away aggressively with his hand.
"I HATE BIRDS! They are literally flying rodents!" Damian yelled as another pigeon attacked him walking along with Jon.
"Funny coming from you, what do you think about this whole field trip thing to you know, home?" Jon asked as a pigeon landed on his shoulder and ladybugs fixed everything around them. Marinette and Adrien had everything handled this time so Jon was finally able to catch up with Damian and not run off as Multimouse or Superboy.
"I'm sure it'll be just fine, we're going to Metropolis not Gotham at least they won't be on father's territory," Damian said and Jon just sighed.
"I personally can't wait, dad's gonna meet Adrien for real this time and who knows maybe my teen wishes of having a boyfriend that my dad actually approves of might come true," Jon said hands held together smiling like a little lovesick girl.
"Ugh, I'm gonna vomit," Damian said shoving Jon who laughed shoving his hands in his pockets. "You are the exact reason why I don't do relationships," Damian added standing outside his residence.
"You never know who you might find Damian, keep an open mind," Jon said looking slightly above him to see Ladybug swinging away clearly heartbroken.
"What a great start to a weird day," Chat yelled off the rooftop behind Jon and Damian rolled his eyes opening the door to Nino's giving a nod to Jon and closing the door behind him.
"I just want them to get together already," Jon said as Chat landed next to him throwing an arm around his shoulder.
"Think, a week of bonding in Metropolis will have to get them together, there's no way they both come out of this single," Chat said and Jon frowned.
"Promise?" Jon asked and Chat tugged at the collar of his uniform nervously.
"Well, not promise but they'll at least be closer, Marinette never meddled with us and we turned out fine," Chat said smiling which made Jon relax a little.
"I guess you're right, no meddling," Jon said and Chat jumped away waving and going home to pack on a trip that his father for once agreed with was important because he would be meeting Jon's parents. Oh no, Jon's parents, they'd hate him. He acts like a flirt, dresses in leather to fight crime, and not to mention gets Jon in a bunch of trouble superhero-wise. Adrien flumped down against his bed letting out a groan.
Marinette sighed in her room staring at a picture of Damian on her phone when she heard a knock on her trap door and saw Jon peeking his head through.
"Hey," he said not even trying to act happy about what she had heard. "Uh, sorry for grossing Damian out of love?" he offered trying to make her laugh before floating over beside her with Mullo and Tikki running a hand through her hair comfortingly. "He'll get over himself soon enough I promise," Jon said and Marinette pushed Jon away.
"I don't want him to change Jon, I want him to stay the same and if he doesn't believe in love then I'll just find someone who does, Luka's nice," Marinette said and Jon laughed a little.
"Uh-huh, very nice, good at the whole kissing thing too," Jon said and Marinette turned red.
"I forgot about that, shit!" Marinette said laughing slightly.
"We have a trip to pack for, you want to impress Kara and Connor right?" Jon asked reminding Marinette about Jon's cousin and brother whom she hadn't met yet.
"Oh no!" Marinette said running around her room pulling out outfits and panicking.
"You know we all just wear flannel or leather right?" Jon asked and Marinette sighed.
"You guys really need a new wardrobe," Marinette said packing a dress carefully.
"You can't take the Kansas out of the aliens trust me," Jon said thinking back to a time when Kara tried on heels for the first time and then proceeded to burn them with her heat vision claiming they were evil.
"Go pack Jon, we have to get to bed early tonight so we can be ready to go tomorrow," Marinette chided with a wave of her hand. "Be sure to pack clothes I made you, I want to show you off!" she called after him and Jon poked his head back in her room.
"Already done Marinette."
This field trip had to go well, for both of their sakes.
"We're going to be late!" Marinette yelled as they rushed out of the house suitcases in hand.
"There is no way we're going to miss this plane Marinette, not today," Jon said nodding to her and she got on his back as he grabbed the bags running to the next stop around the corner where the bus would stop to pick up Damian and Nino for the trip before stopping at the airport.
"Damian!" Jon said exhausted seeing his friend.
"Didn't you two have your own stop?" Damian asked and Nino smiled at Marinette starting to make small talk.
"You know we're both late to everything, can't have that here though, I've been thinking all night about what I'm going to say to mom about Adrien when I first introduce him," Jon said pulling out a small notebook from his bag. "Can you go through these?" Jon asked smiling cheekily.
"No," Damian said as the bus pulled up and Jon sighed.
The actual ride went without a hitch until they arrived over actual America. Laughter and screaming could be heard from around the plane as an engine was taken out.
"Who gave the Joker a fucking jetpack!" was screamed from one of the passengers and panic consumed the entire plane.
"You have got to be kidding me," Damian sighed from next to Jon who went to get up but saw another red cape outside the plane along with a jet and he knew they would be fine, everyone else on the plane didn't exactly get that message through as Batman poked into the com system.
"Everyone relax, and let us do our thing," Batman said and that caused more hysteria.
"We're all gonna die!" Kim screamed and lasers were suddenly behind him in the form of Supergirl's heat vision.
"No one is dying," Supergirl said grabbing parts from inside the plane and Kim blushed sitting down but staring at Supergirl as she worked. "This good enough?" Supergirl asked holding up the part to Batman who nodded and she started to assemble the plane's engine while Superman and SB Prime were fighting the Joker who seemed to get his upgrade from Lex.
"One more screw should do it Supergirl," Batman said getting out of his jet setting it to autopilot to join the blonde just to make sure she wasn't missing anything. "Heat it up and we're good to go," he added and the class stared in awe at America's heroes who by then had Joker jetpackless and quivering in the clouds.
"Welcome to Metropolis," Superman said hands on his hips in classic hero position while Supergirl and SB Prime just laughed at him and Batman hopped back into his jet.
"Enjoy your stay," Supergirl said and Prime just saluted as they left the plane.
"This is going to be crazy," Alix said and Kim nodded watching the girl of his dreams descend the clouds. "Oh you are out of your mind," Alix added as the plane landed.
The kids got off the plane and were greeted by Clark, Lois, Kara, Connor, and surprisingly Bruce.
"Ready?" Jon asked Marinette, Adrien, and slightly Damian who shrugged as they walked through the gates and suddenly a lot more people than just Bruce from the Wayne family were there.
"You know I didn't believe you before Kent, but perhaps this will be more fun than expected," Damian said tapping his shoulder before going over to greet his family and Jon buried his head in Adrien's shoulder.
"Let's go."
JPS:  @crystalangelluna @liquid-luck-00 @thatonecroc @ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole @shadow-mystic @mochegato @wannajointhecrabcult @ranger-gothamite @moonspiritwolf1 @mochinek0 @toodaloo-kangaroo @ash-amg @enchanted-nerd @hateswifi
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th3okamid3mon · 5 years
Spies in disguise, weirdly wholesome (Spoilers)
This movie was so freaking weird. I thought Blue Sky Studios was so dead, the only movie I´ve seen from them was Ice Age and Robots, and Ice Age went downhill after the 3rd movie. But this??? This could be their revival.
Lance Sterling is one of the best spies in the agency. He loves his job and does it really well but when a bad guy starts harming different people across the world using his face, Sterling has to clear up his name in any way possible with the help of a young scientist called Walter Beckett. Problem is, though, the same scientist tried a very complex experiment on him by accident which result on him turning into something everybody hates: a pigeon. 
I´m sure Blue Sky has made more animated movies than just Ice Age, but being completely honest I literally only knew that one. I loved that movie, I also like Robots, but the rest they´ve made aren´t as striking to me. 
As an animation studio they know what they are doing, it is really good. The details in the water and rocks, all the backgrounds? They all look awesome!
It´s no Klaus though. In comparison to other movies, this is pretty much blends with the rest of the CGI movies there exist. Ice Age and Robots had a very distinctive style, but this one? This looks like something Pixar would do (they kind of went a bit downhill, Toy Story 4 was not needed and The Incredibles 2 felt off and incomplete, animation was fine, writing meh. I hope Onward and Soul are better. Fingers crossed.) I also thought Dreamworks made it. It´s not very... original as in the style of the animation. 
The lighting was cool as hell!! The first scene in Japan WAS SO FREAKING AWESOME. It had amazing highlights and it was perfect blend in the atmosphere. The darks werent so obscure you couldnt see anything and when a certain light hit the character it was a great contrast. 
The design of the characters were really great, the background characters looked kind of the same though. It was like the main characters were anime protagonists in this case, not only because of the design but because they use more striking and hotter colors in them while the background characters had really opaque palettes. 
Story and Characters: 
So.. Disclaimer: Spy movies taken seriously is not my thing. I HATE Mission Imposible. I HATE JAMES BOND 1, 2, 3, INIFINITE WHATEVER. I hate them, they are boring and the main characters are worst than Superman (Who, by the way, I also HATE. not the animated one, just the live action one. LIKE BATMAN I HA-). That´s because they portray them as all mighty, powerful, type of card of all traits. Making them too useful and too able makes it boring and it makes you question Why do they even have a freaking team with them?
In this case you have the all mighty, hella cool and able Lance Sterling. He works alone, he is able to do everything and anything, right? Well, at least he is charismatic and such. Of course you have to add something to him so he isn´t just a cocky super human spy. What do you do? GIVE. HIM. AN. OBSTACLE. AND. MAKE. IT. HILARIOUS. Thank god this is comedy. 
It was a really weird premise for the super spy to become a pigeon. From all animals, a Pigeon? Uh... Yeah, sure? This director and writer do know how to make this shit work. And BOI was this really interesting. 
So it goes like this: Sterling goes against a bad guy who isn´t even the main bad guyTM. He does his cool fighting montage during which POOF, GLITTER! Glitter..? Da fuq? And he rolls with it because if he doesn´t he COULD DIE. (I know there´s the flashback montage for Walter at the beginning but bare with me). He gets the briefcase, which had a very dangerous and powerful machine which in spanish is called LITERALLY ASESINO (MURDERER) , LA-DI-DA-DI-DA he goes back to the agency and... The briefcase is empty and some agent comes all of the sudden and has some recording where it is shown HE stole it and killed some guys in Japan with it.
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But he escaped, relax. 
Now, previously he had fired Walter because he got into Sterling´s things and put the glitter bomb, which actually did his purpose: distract and make everyone happy. 
Walter is actually a curious character to me. He has good intentions, he just wants to make a safer world and all his inventions in comparison to the rest are to minimize damage and to protect not only the spies but also the villains. Now days we have characters who are mostly all in favor to not kill, because killing is wrong. It´s not a new thing, its a pretty old concept, but it is mostly seen in TV shows (at least from the movies I´ve seen, even if the hero doesn´t want to kill, the villain still ends up dead somehow). From all the movies I´ve seen, there were several that didn´t killed the villain but... I didn´t like them at all because the villain didnt even made sense (IM LOOKING AT YOU FROZEN 1 AND THE INCREDIBLES 2, FUCKING WASTE OF MONEY AND VILLAINS, SO HELP ME GO-) 
I dont know why Walter stick to me so much more than any other characters in other movies. His motivations were always for the greater good even as a kid. The biggest inspiration in his life was and is his mother, and I think because of her dead that motivation became even stronger. His whole personality and genuine care into his work to help others leaks in everything he does. It´s in your face, ALL THE TIME, but in a good way? It isnt at the point of being annoying, it´s weird how they manage to make such a nice character with certain points that are quirky without making him annoying. 
Ok, back to the story without spoiling much and going to the point, they both start working out how Sterling as a pigeon can do his spy work and Walter works on an antidote while also helping Sterling with the spy work. Question: Is it original? I dont know. Does it matter? No. 
Look, the concept of a character turning into something is not really original and as spy movies we all KNOW in all 9 levels of Mictlan that Spy theme movies are not original at all. Spy Kids? That was slightly more original than any other spy movie I ever seen AND I LOVED IT. The important manner here is and will always be the characters which... Well... Will Smith acted as Will Smith, or well.. I watch in spanish... wait... 
Ok, I already knew Mario Filio was the official Will Smith voice Actor... 
Where was I...? Ah, yeah. 
As a plot, it had pretty much a lot of dark themes and several heavy spots. For example: The talk between Will- I MEAN Sterling and Walter in the boat, where they talk about how to fight the villain we saw a bit more of them. We already knew the motivation for Walter, but Sterling? The cocky cock has feelings? WHO WOULD´VE KNOWN! He really doesnt want people to get killed and it gets to him, because that form limits him a lot. Walter is so stress too, they both want the best for the people and they argue but in a manner that makes it a bit heavy. Walter is still young and too dreamy, Sterling has worked in the battle field, he tells Walter  you have to fight fire with fire and doing it Walter´s way is not gonna work because bad people doesnt care about the good people. Walter replies that there are no good or bad, only people. (UM... I HAVE A BIT OF A PROBLEM WITH THAT?? But I will discuss it later.) 
There some scenes i did not expect to get emotional and it quickly returns to comedy but not as awkwardly as I would thought. It´s a fun movie, if it wants too it gets a tad heavy and if it wants to it becomes extremely dumb. It´s a weird blend, the concept is super dumb but the plot and the characters teaches you certain things like: People still get hurt even if you acted with the best intentions. Sometimes to solve a problem you need to think in another way. Kindness is a powerful weapon. And most importantly: Weird is good. 
So... It was a really fun movie. Weirdly wholesome, weirdly good! Pretty good actually, it didn´t get me much as other movies but it did stick to me. It has good animation, the characters are enjoyable and charismatic, the super good boi is Walter MY GOD, HE DESERVES THAT JOB HE GOT. Sterling is a good pal once he sees the value in Walter. That part with the egg was strange but Walter made it have sense and they both rolled with it and it was pretty cool.
Now, the messages are good. I understand people are people and such. You shouldnt kill because its wrong. I mean, the villain DID kind of had second thoughts after Walter saved him from falling after turning the droid off, which was SO COOL TO HAVE KILLIAN LOOK LIKE THAT. He didn´t had to say shit, just that look of ¨Huh... That kid did save me even after I tried to kill him...¨ Yes, give me more shown not tell. THIS MOVIE HAD A LOT OF SHOW NO TELL, THANK YOU. 
Still, bad people not always want to change. Some bad people stay bad, and sometimes we will have to fight back. We had movies like The Incredibles 2 or Steven Universe: The Movie shown what should we do and what happens to the villains. They had a backstory, they had their motives, as heartbreaking their backstories were what they did was wrong and at least one of them in those examples were punished for their wrongdoing. Steven in the movie fought back instead of getting himself hurt. 
In this movie, the villain was kind of kept a mystery, his backstory wasn´t a flashback or anything, it was told by the character but I think that was a good thing because the pain in his eyes and the anger he felt leaked from his explanation to Sterling. Even when he was explicitly a bad guy from the beginning, before even the movie started, we can see that those bad guys, in fact, are people too, and as the good people they can get hurt too because they have families, friends, pets, interests, hobbies and more. Walter does have a point, they are just people so we shouldn´t kill them. I guess the problem I have with the saying ¨There´s no good or bad, just people¨ is that the people who do bad things, people like Killian, they hurt and murder so many people and I am not fine with those kind of people. I say Eye for an eye, but then again ¨Eye for an Eye and everyone gets blind¨. 
I dont know why or how they manage to get somehow complex in movie where a person LITERALLY TURNS INTO A FEMALE PIGEON. Oh, yeah, by the way. Sterling becomes a female pigeon because Walter uses a feather of his female pet pigeon. 
I had low expectations and came out impressed and howling with laughter even after getting home. I do recommend this movie for his whole ridiculousness and for his weird but wholesome character development, bonding, different characters and final message. 
Weird is good and we need weird to make the world a better, safer place. 
-Sincerely weird, T.O.D 
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