#supernatural g/t
borrowedtimeandspace · 4 months
A Reader's Guide to the Multiverse
Hello! Welcome to my sandbox!
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Artwork by the lovely @abookishweasel
Though I still write long-form stories collaboratively with @neonthewrite [ Ao3 | DA ] and @nightmares06 [ Ao3 | DA ], my own writing has become more short-form and sporadic. This can make things a bit confusing for the blog, since there isn't an easy way to organize everything. That's what I use Ao3 for (user The_Raconteur_24601). And even there, it can be a bit complicated.
Under the cut is a guide to the stories you'll find featured on this blog; my attempt at organizing them here, and links to their counterparts on Ao3. My asks are always open for any questions this post doesn't answer!
Borrowed Time (and Space)
A Doctor Who/The Borrowers Crossover
[Ao3 Series] | Meet the OCs
Doctor Who belongs to the BBC, The Borrowers belongs to Mary Norton, and Zepheera and other borrower OCs belong to me.
It's the name of the blog, the OG, the one that started it all. The primary premise for this series is: The Doctor (usually Ten) takes on a four and a half inch tall borrower named Zepheera as a companion. It's all a bit wibbly-wobbly, but let me set things straight.
Common tags for the stories (and various posts) are #doctor who gt or #doctor who g/t (which stands for giant/tiny and indicates the involvement of drastic size difference, for the uninitiated) and #BTaS AU
Episode 1 | Minisode | Episode 2 | Episode 3
Originally there were ambitions to try and make the series episodic, like your typical season of Doctor Who but with a borrower tossed in. As such, the first three stories in the series are titled as 'Episodes'. These were among the first long-form stories I'd ever written and posted, so they predate the blog. That, and my writing style and ideas for the canon of the series have changed drastically since then. See this post for more details on that, and this one if you're not worried about spoilers.
The tl;dr of it is: These Episodes are the basis for the AU, but I don't consider them canon enough to impact any other stories in a meaningful way unless I say so.
Zepheera's Origins - In which I started cracking down on my borrower companion's characterization and backstory, compiling a number of prompts set during the time before she met the Doctor.
Zepheera-Visions - These were a fun writing exercise for me during this blog's early years! I would come up with shorts based on Doctor Who gifs that feature some low or high angle shot, imagining Zepheera as the point of perspective in them. If I were at all good at making gifs myself, I might have kept it up. A lot of the AU that ultimately came about branched off from these gimmicks, and still feature them in their stories. Here, they can be viewed under the #Zepheera-Vision tag.
Tales from the Vortex - A compilation of various prompts and shorts that take places in the BTaS-Verse, but don't have any major stories attached to them. These span different Doctors other than Ten, and feature a few other companions in some of them. Sometimes, enough stories accumulate with a similar theme to expand into their own AU, which leads me to...
Borrowed Time and Space AU
The Donna Trilogy - This was originally called the Donna AU, and the original shorts were tagged with #DonnaAU or #Donna AU. Nowadays, I've started to give AU their own titles and tagging them on blog posts. And recent events in Doctor Who have inspired this to span more than one story, making this the first multipart BTaS AU!
Part 1 - A Patient, and Time. [tag] [Ao3]
Part 2 - If I Could Turn Back Time [tag] [Ao3]
Part 3 - TBD...
To The Nines - One of the first AU created in which Zepheera is companion to a Doctor other than Ten! Despite titling the story later on, I must have had the idea for it earlier because a lot of the early shorts are tagged #To the Nines AU. Other tags include #nine AU and #To the Nines.
Time After Time - This AU, while it is NOT a sequel to any existing story, assumes that Zepheera and the Tenth Doctor went on their adventures in the past, and got separated at some point. Then Zepheera manages to find the Twelfth Doctor while he's at St. Luke's and meets Bill Potts. This was one AU that developed slowly over time once I realized I could get a story arc out of it, so a good chunk of the shorts are in the tag #Time After Time.
Borrowed Magic - co-written with neonthewrite
The first and so far only BTaS crossover! The wonderful neon lent me her boi Bowman from her story "Bowman of Wellwood" ( Paperback EBook Amazon ) to join my little TARDIS crew.
Lost in Flight - The inaugural story to introduce a tiny winged guy raised in the woods to all of time and space. It's so far the only complete story we've written, but we're absolutely open to prompts and suggestions for shenanigans for the crew to get into!
Brothers Apart AU - co-written with nightmares06
A SuperLock/Borrowers Crossover
Brothers Apart Ao3 | Meet the OCs
Supernatural belongs to the CW, Sherlock to the BBC, Brothers Apart to nighmares06, and listed OCs to me.
Brothers Apart is a borrower AU of Supernatural written by the inimitable nightmares06. We have collaborated on a few of the various AU based on that story, in which I bring the BBC Sherlock angle.
I don't post nearly as much here about BAU (Brothers Apart AU) since most questions about it are fielded at the dedicated blog @brothersapart; most of what can be found here are miscellaneous prompts and character tidbits. Brothers Apart AU posts made here get filed under #BAU.
More AU exist than listed below, and will be added as they're posted.
Brothers Consulted - Cursed Winchesters end up in London and join forces with the Baker Street crew to solve mysteries, as they do. #Brothers Consulted
Brothers Chosen - Canon Winchesters find a borrower during a hunt and have to figure out what to do with him.
A Tale of Two Sizes - Part of an unannounced BAU, featuring Stan and his family in a universe where Stan is a size-shifter. Finally compiled these into one collection. #size shifter Stan
Misc. Tumblr Prompts - A less clever name for a similar compilation of prompts that don't (or don't yet) have their own story, that have nothing to do with BTaS and/or have to do with my cowritten works.
The Brave Little Baker - In which I toss Stan and Nate into a fantasy world of giants and giant slayers! Also based on a series of prompts, revised and compiled into their own story once I had enough of them.
GT July
These prompt challenges have done wonders to keep me writing and inspired!
2022 Masterpost | 2023 Masterpost
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wolfie180g · 4 months
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Sink or Swimchesters
My artwork for my fanfic where Sam and Dean were born as Mer people two centuries ago. Mers grow to enormous sizes and live several hundreds of years, growing about a foot a year after their growth spurt after they first hatch. A tragic event happened and the brothers lost their parents in an attack by humans on whaling ships and Dean gives his life to save his little brother from sharks that were drawn into the area because of their parents blood in the water. Sam is left all alone in the world to fend for himself as the sole survivor of the family. He is the equivalent of a preteen and grows to be just over 200 years old and 212 feet long in 2019. In those 200 years, Dean has been reincarnated again and again, as humans and animals, and losing his memories of his first life over time, but never the draw back to the ocean. Currently, he is in his late 20's and finally has the means and drive to head to the ocean on his newly rebuilt sailboat for a solo excursion. Sam felt a pull come and go his whole long life and finally went towards it and found his brother but that couldn't be right, he's so tiny and has two tails and is scared of him. Sam has to make this right! Sam pulls the tiny being down underwater and wont ever let him go again. Sam will protect him forever.
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Eyo. Supernatural G/T because I am cringe. Here is that oc for that mystery fic i was talking about a few weeks ago. He was for this. I may write the fic but I just had to draw this art of the first meeting!
Im cringe ya’ll. Sorry ~^~
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brothersapart · 2 years
Can you give me some recommendations of g/t? I readed so much that I feel like I’m started to run out. Also I still can’t believe Oscar is older then bowman. When kiddo Sam meet kiddo Oscar and bowman. Bowman was like 5 year old or so and Oscar is like 8. I still can’t believe that.
Thx for your awesome work and how much you did for the g/t community. I Feels bad for asking a author twice
I never mind asks like this! And of course, everyone feel free to add your own recommendations, we all love some good g/t to read, whether it be old or new!
I often recommend Deanzilla and its sequel, but they also put out some short stories based in that universe that aren't as well known:
Frozen Memories
I find all of mamajamallama's stories to be bangers, personally.
Peacejojo is another writer from back before I started, and they had some fun supernatural g/t fics (and they were the ones who made most of the manips that got showcased in Deanzilla, an amazingly talented artist):
Trampled Underfoot
The Parting Gift
Now on to fics I found on Fanfiction.net, also mostly from before I started writing.
The Incredible Shrinking Sam (not to be confused with my own story, The Incredible Shrinking Winchester. I actually changed the name of mine so the two stories wouldn't be confused considering the nightmares I gave people)
World of Winchestercraft Do you like DND? Do you like Supernatural? How about a dash of g/t? Then this is the story for you! (Side note that this is an incomplete story and DO NOT send messages to the author begging for a continuation. Respect their decision to not continue)
A Supernatural Wonderland
Now we get to the Archive of Our Own fics, which definitely took me on an entire emotional rollercoaster:
A Study in Pocketlock
25c Pocket Guardian Angels (Destiel)
The Short Notice series, by story_monger:
Short Notice
Diminished Expectations
Small Victories
Coming Up Short
Big Developments
Little Angels (BIG time recommend, but there are very dark turns in the story, so beware)
Then I am, yes, the Bible that teaches you of freedom (If Supernatural had angels like NeonGenesis Evangelion)
What a list! And while going through stuff, I was a bit sad to see some other fics have been taken down, so those are lost to us.
You can also find links to all of the fanfiction people have written for Brothers Apart on my wordpress page. There's a ton of amazing stories in there as well!
As for Oscar and Bowman, I'm always entertained! Bowman is just a wee flit compared to the others in the supernatural crew, but remember Jacob is also just a wee babe in comparison as well! Sam and Dean would be doing a lot of babysitting whenever they run into the others at younger ages :)
Feel free to add any other fic recommendations to the bottom of this post!
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itsgothgirlthyme · 1 year
G/T July: Enchanted 
list by @gianttol
Sabrina Grova (oc) x tiny!dean 
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this is so perfect! 
Context: Sabrina Grove is a witch who's helping Dean who's been tiny (4in.) and alone for years. They’ve gotten past the first step of meeting (the good ol’ fearplay) and are now trying to find the witch which casted the spell/curse on Dean. 
Sabrina sat upright on her chair while reading a book with a faded leather cover. She hummed little tunes to herself as she took notes in her notepad. The one-room motel was quiet other than for page flipping. Her stomach finally grumbled and she shut the book in defeat. She saw movement out of the corner of her eye and raised a brow at the tall pile of books on the table. 
“Dean?” she asked but received no answer. “Did I scare you?” guilt started to build up in her chest. 
She frowned when there was no response or movement from him. Sabrina remembered how spooked he was when she caught him. Holding him in a fist as she tried to assure him he would be okay. She had been tempted to cast a sleeping spell on him at the time. 
She sighed and set the book on the table gently. She got up from her chair and walked to the other side of the table. There was Dean sitting on one of the books which poked out from the pile. He looked up at her with wide eyes but he didn’t run off. She gave him a small smile and pulled out a chair. Her knees were on the floor and she crossed her arms over the table. She rested her head on her hands and noticed him looking at everything except her. 
“Dean,” she spoke softly, “look at me.” 
He was hesitant but he met her brown eyes and started to drum his fingers against his leg. 
“What's on your mind?” she asked.
Dean blinked in response and opened his mouth when she was silent. 
“I’m worried,” his small voice squeezed at her heart. 
She nodded and he looked down at his feet. 
“I’m worried,” he paused, “This will be my life forever.” He put his hand through his hair and shook his head. “I can’t live like this for the rest of my life.”
A wave of silence suffocated both of them because Sabrina knew she couldn’t lie to him. He didn’t want her pity or lies. She didn’t want to break another promise. She blew air out her mouth finally and he looked up at her. 
“We’re going to make this work,” she said. “I’m going to help you find this ‘witch bitch’ and if not…” she paused. He looked so goddamn hopeless that it pained her to not sugarcoat anything for him. Sabrina unfolded her left arm and reached for him with her palm up. Her throat started to close up and her eyes got wet. 
“I’m still never going to let you be alone again,” Sabrina said, “I promise.”
Dean pursed his lips together as she saw the shine in his eyes. He put his hand on the pad of her finger. 
“Thank you,” his voice wavered as his smile met his eyes.
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waxingwinchester · 20 days
giant!sam wichester who’s already unusually tall for his species, but he’s the personification of big and scary-looking on the outside and secretly just nervous and nice. and tiny!reader who’s one of the smaller ones of their species, making the divide between them even bigger
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pinemotel · 1 year
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Dude stop youre scaring the hoes (borrowers)
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genderless-giant · 1 year
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Commission for @beep-beep-p0sts :D
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hauntedwaitingroom · 4 months
rest in peace charlie bradbury you would’ve loved chappell roan
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entomolog-t · 6 months
Got an Idea
In the world of "Bite Me" vampires are real tiny parasitic things, right? But they're still vampires. Does that mean there are people like paranormal hunters or something? There's so much potential in these...
So to avoid spoilers I'm going to be pretty vague-
Vampires in the Bite Me universe are abnormal but not paranormal (though I will be doing a paranormal au because there is SO MUCH potential so by all means I can try to answer some more trad vampire stuff if talking about the potential au).
THOUGH- that doesn't mean that the tiny lil bloodsucking activity has gone completely unnoticed right? I mean, Aedes can't possibly be the only vampire who's been caught...
Vampires are completely normal biologically speaking, in that they don't have supernatural powers. The vampires in the Bite Me universe are essentially just a type of well adapted parasite. Some lil tidbits about their biology-
⚠ Nerd Alert ⚠
They are nocturnal- and hunt at night. Their eyes are adapted for low light conditions, though they can still move freely in the light.
They have an instinctual fear towards light (feels open, the feeling of being watched etc...) essentially to avoid predation by animals or being spotted by humans
Vampires have keen senses (hearing, smell, taste, sight) and phenomenal reaction time in order to help hunt. With their processing speed and keen senses, unless you catch one in the act or manage to corner/trap one, vampires are extremely hard to catch by just grabbing (cough cough, unless a certain lil someone likes to be grabbed) His senses dull when not in active "bloodlust" in order to keep the mind from being perpetually overwhelmed by everything all at once, though even dulled they are remarkably keen.
They are stronger than humans (relatively speaking), and quite durable. They have a high density of fast twitch muscles that helps further bolster their reaction time.
I've dabbled with the possibly of them having mild electroreception (basically in order to have a 6th sense towards heart beats as the muscle contracts) BUUUT I want to play around with the speculative biology with that. Mammals don't typically have an electrosense (more of a fish thing) but there are exceptions- yet those are still water based (with the semi exception of the echidna) so I'd have to do some pretty hefty playing around if I wanted to make it work.
They're allergic to garlic (along with a lot of other foods). Carnivorous, especially blood based parasitic diets leave an organism with an extremely reduced gut (Fun fact, theres actually a reason behind Aedes' slutty lil waist 😭) so they typically lack the ability to digest some harsher irritants, garlic being a big one. The smell is also extremely pungent so, yes, it absolutely will keep Aedes away (though it would have to be crushed)
Vampires in Bite Me do have one ability that feels almost supernatural- they are natural mimics. Vampires have incredible vocal control and ranges. This is incredibly useful to both ward off predators and lure in prey. Because of this- there are some typical tactics they use to avoid being caught (Some in more remote regions will mimic a rattlesnake rattle to deter a person from coming closer if they get spotted- and are usually able to slip away while the human calls pest control). This skill has led to both folklore and urban legends, about weird sounds occurring in strange locations. With their speed and skills in avoiding detection, a person would likely assume their house is haunted well before thinking theres a little vampire running around their house
Typically their bite is mildly numbing- though a very small number of people have a mutation that makes the numbing nearly completely ineffective (June being one of them). In that case, the numbing tends to work against its intended purpose- the numbing instead being noticeably tingling, and without the numbing agent, the anticoagulation factors and vasodilators within the saliva increase sensation in tandem with the increased bloodflow to the bite area, as well as giving the overall area a warm sensation.
That was a chunky lore dump.
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seasonschange32 · 1 month
Hi, I'm Maria from Gaza.
I want your help if you can💔
. My family and I have been living under bombardment for 10 months. We just want to survive this genocide. Your help to me and my family, even with something simple, would make me happy. You can donate $25or $10to save me and my family.
Please don't skip that🙏💔.
Hello! I am not able to donate but I do encourage those who see it to please please donate
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wolfie180g · 8 months
Chapter Eighteen of Sink or Swimchesters is now up!
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Chapter 18 is up and ready to go :)
I had to put Dean's part in the next chapter because I wanted to flesh it out more. This chapter is already chock full of events, I hope y'all like it :)
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bylertruther · 1 year
do you ever think about how will probably wishes he was braver?
that he could tell mike the truth about himself without having to speak in code. that he could stick to his guns when he's been wronged and stand up for himself rather than tucking tail and turning the other cheek. that he could be less shy, less sensitive, less cowardly, and maybe then his loved ones wouldn't forget about him as often as they do.
maybe then they would pick him first, rather than leaving him for last. maybe then they would want to hang out with him and hear what he has to say. maybe then they would treat him like they used to, like he can still take care of himself just like they can, instead of like a fragile little thing that they pick up only when they need him. maybe then they would care about him as much as he cares about them. maybe then he wouldn't doubt that it could all come crashing down once they know who he really is, and always has been, because the rest of him would've been enough.
like, maybe he wishes he didn't freeze or run away so much. maybe he wishes he wasn't so afraid all the time, of every little thing. that he could be brave like mike, el, or his mom. i mean, el's been through so much, too. why can't he be more like her? why does he have to hide behind her? he hides behind her when the monsters come crawling back, and he hides behind her when he can't bring himself to say what he really means—even after getting on her case about it.
he spent so much time on that painting. he didn't let anyone see it—it was that special to him. why couldn't he own up to that? there's no monster in the van with him; it's just him and mike and this painting of the party, nothing inherently incriminating or romantic, and still—he can't help himself. he retreats back into the shadow, shrinks into himself, and tells lie after lie to the person that he never lies to, that he knows doesn't fucking deserve that, just because he's too scared.
of course he'd feel like a mistake sometimes. of course he'd hate who he is (if That script is to be believed), when he can't even talk to the one person that would understand without lying straight to his face, over and over again, like a fucking hypocrite. of course he'd feel so lost without the person that tells him it's okay to be this way and shows him that there is indeed strength in it. of course he'd hate who he is when he's encouraging someone to be true and speaking about their courage, all while being incapable of taking his own advice, and giving the credit for all of his love and efforts and emotions to someone else.
so many people died to bring him back, so many people died just because he didn't stay dead when maybe he should have, and for what? so that he can continue to hide rather than live his life? so that he can turn into a "worse" version of himself? so that he can live in fear? so that he can continue to ache for a past that he can never return to, while everyone else moves forward and berates him for not doing the same? time stopped in the upside down when will went missing, and he's been stuck there ever since, too. too much has happened for him to move on from. too much has changed—he's changed. he's too different now, in every way, and the older he gets the more clear it becomes.
of course he'd feel like a mistake. of course he'd hate who he is. he's the common denominator here: in his loneliness and in this war. the boy who came back to life when others didn't. the boy that got possessed and couldn't fight it. the boy that turned into a liar and a coward and must learn to live with it, even if it's at his own expense. the boy that can't let go of the past and whom the past won't let go of either, because even after everything, he's still connected to this great evil that won't let him go. they got it out of him, and yet the tether remains, because of-fucking-course it would.
just—why? why him? why can't anything ever go right with him? why is he always the outlier? i think that overwhelming amount of fear, shame, grief, guilt, exhaustion, and loneliness would wear anyone down, let alone a teenager that never asked for any of it and has experiences so unfathomably unique that the only other people that could have possibly understood are literally dead.
#will byers#byler#mine#long post#will#anyway. this is how i always interpreted the i hate WHO i am line especially in conjunction with the word ''mistake'' + being different#within the context of EVERYTHING that's happened to will and continues to happen to him and how unique it is to him in this narrative#bc rly. if you were will.... wouldn't you feel like a mistake? even outside of that outside of the supernatural i'm speaking to my#friends that have ''Something Wrong'' with them. when something happens to you and you're not the same after and you're surrounded#by people who are able to move on and be normal—don't you ever have those moments where you feel like a mistake? when you're#growing up and still interested in your same old interests but your friends start moving on and then you see that they went back to#those interests in your absence—don't you feel like you were the problem then? when people are able to be brave and you can't#find it within yourself to overcome your fear—don't you hate that feeling? don't you feel that negativity towards yourself when you#know that you SHOULD do something but you can't bring yourself to and it works against yourself? like. everything that has happened#to will E V E R Y T H I N G !!!!!!!!!!!!! can easily make anyone no matter what part of him you relate to the most understand that#u kno wht i mean? anyway. i jus wanted to bring this up bc his life is a fucking tragedy even without the gay stuff n his current pov on th#and the way that That conversation always centers on fear and bravery it's like. obviously being gay is not easy in that era but i don't#think that line is ''i hate being gay'' with no factoring in of the great many things that have happened to him which alienate him further#as well as with how he does want mike to know and his alan turing poster and his talk with jonathan etc etc#his conflict has always centered around how other people treat him and his issue with that bc that's what makes him feel bad#that just because he's different that doesn't mean that he's Different and must be treated as such#he's different and has people that make him feel BETTER for it like look at s2 for example all of those talks abt using what he perceives#as a weakness abt himself as a strength that no one else can bring to the table. and in s3 when he still believed in being a nerd#and never getting girlfriends etc but when it came from mike thts when he called himself stupid n started down this path bc now#there's that sprinkle of doubt. n tht doubt is the scariest thing in the world—understandably so#also. he literally has an evil monster in his brain like bdkfjhsbkdjhfbskj IT'S JUST A LOT.#he is different for many reasons and has even more reasons to hate Who he is the kind of person that he is#jus my take 😁👍
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giantisms · 8 months
g/t will have me interacting with media i wouldn't think of looking into without a gun
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itsgothgirlthyme · 2 years
i need little vampires
talks about blood and wounds btw
- i need a human finding a vampire who is completely rabid for their blood. the human is a HUGE BLOOD SOURCE for them.
- i have a couple ways this would go
- tiny vampire meets human and just BAM. fangs sinked right into the humans flesh, which truly isn’t that painful for a human
- depending on the mythology, vampires couldn’t live like borrowers. since vampires have to be invited in to homes
- i can imagine a human trying to bring a vampire in and be absolutely confused when the vampire is squished up against an invisible force field.
- vampires would most likely know this themselves
- for my softy gentle g/t concepts
- i’d love a vampire being found by a human who possibly knows about their existence
- a human bringing a vampire to full health via feeding them with their own blood
- though when the vampire is conscious they feel guilty for it
- because they hate the aggression that comes with feeding off humans
- and that they feels like it’s rude to even do it
- little calm vampire who feels guilty about feeding vs. a human who could care less
- but when the vampire feels comfortable feeding off the human it’s a very sweet gentle moment
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marydublinauthor · 1 year
Shot in the Dark coming at you 2024! 🧚🏼‍♀️✨💃🏻
Cliff, Jon, and Sylvia miss you ❤️
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