supernatural-freek · 4 years
Taxi Cab
Dean x Sister!Reader, Sam x Sister!Reader
Synopsis:  Hey! I had this Winchester sister (13 or 14) one where she gets beat up pretty badly in school and she’s sitting outside bleeding with cuts and bruises on her face and she’s just smoking and Gabriel is like hey what happened? And he takes the cigarette off her and is like have this lollipop instead? :)
NOTE: I’m still working my way through your other requests! Also, I don’t like this ending and it’s probably not the best sorry :/
A gust of wind lushes out the curl of smoke in the air, scattering it across space until it can’t be seen anymore. You sigh and take another drag - it’ll probably be your last, so why not savour it?
“I hope your brothers don’t know about this habit of yours, baby pop.”
You can’t help the soft smile that tugs at your busted lips, even as fresh blood seeps through the cracks and spills down your chin. It hurts, but it’s dulled by the swirl of nicotine in your lungs, so you let it be.
“Gabriel,” you say with a heavy exhale. Relief is heavy in your veins as the archangel sits down beside you. “What if I say my brothers do know?”
“Then I’d have to kick their ass for endorsing something so horrid and tasteless.” Gabriel’s voice is light and amused, but there’s an undercurrent of seriousness that betrays his concern. “Getting into fights isn’t the best thing to have a reputation for.”
Ah, right. Your face is busted up pretty bad. Figures that Gabriel would think the habit is getting your ass handed to you instead of fucking smoking. “You want a cigarette?” You offer humourlessly, taking another drag.
Gabriel murmurs his refusal but doesn’t say anything more. For a while, the two of you just sit quietly, smoke staining the air between you.
Finally, the cigarette burns out and you smush it into the concrete, mindless of the heat that licks at your fingers. You’re already hurting, why worry about adding another injury? Without even thinking, you reach for another cigarette.
It’s taken from your hand before you can light it. “Come on, baby pop,” Gabriel says, strained. “You know better than that.”
“Do I?” You retort, reaching for the cigarette back. “C’mon Gabe, give it back.”
“No,” Gabriel says and the cigarette disappears with a flash of grace. “You want something to suck on? Have this.” The innuendo on your tongue dissolves when you see the lollipop Gabe offers you. It’s chocolate flavoured. Because Gabriel is nothing if not a fucking miracle-worker.
Still frowning, you take the lollipop and unwrap it, cramming it into your mouth in an attempt to chase away the niggling need for more nicotine, the wriggling need for something to dull your feelings and pain.
“Thank you,” you say reluctantly, rolling the lollipop around in your mouth.
Gabriel offers you a sad smile. “So why do you look like you’ve gone three rounds with a brick wall?” 
Excuses are slow to spring to mind, and you flounder for a moment, biting down on the lollipop without thinking. Gabriel winces at the crack of the candy. You wince as your already throbbing teeth throb a little more sharply. 
You don’t know what to tell him, if not the truth. And if you wanted to tell the truth, you didn’t know how to tell it. Just like you could never tell Sam or Dean. Just like you could never tell Cas or Jody or anybody because this is your cross to bear. You have to keep it to yourself, because if you can’t, then what use are you as a hunter?
What use are you as a Winchester?
“My last name here is Mathews,” you say quietly. “Y/N Mathews. I have to be that person for eight hours every day, five days a week. I have to be the person who’s normal, who can’t fight back, who doesn’t really have a family.”
Gabriel shifts closer. “Can’t fight back?” He repeats, brushing a gentle finger over the reddening bruise in your cheek. “Who are you not fighting back against?”
“Nobody,” you say, pulling away from the touch. “Forget I said anything. Can you just take me home?”
Gabriel makes a small noise of protest. “No can do, baby pop. Not until you tell me what’s going on with you.”
Frustration shreds through your chest. “Stop caring and fucking take me home!”
It’s a Winchester legacy that nobody can get close to you without getting hurt. Pushing people away has literally been bred into your blood. Your brothers are like that, your dad was like that, you’re like that. And Gabriel doesn’t deserve it, just like Cas has never deserved it, but there’s a screaming thing in your heart that says you’re not worth enough for someone to care about you.
Y/N Mathews isn’t worth enough to save.
“Talk to me.” Gabriel’s voice is heartbreakingly soft and gentle, wreathed in sadness and love in equal measure. For a moment, it’s crystal clear that he used to be a brother - he just ran out of people to be a big brother to. “Tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.”
And you want to, you do, but shame is latched around your wrists, and your throat constricts with the knowledge that Y/N Mathews will never be enough. 
It makes you wonder if Y/N Winchester will be any better.
“Nobody here has seen Sam or Dean,” you say. “Or anybody. I just show up in the mornings and then go again in the afternoons. So they’re saying that I don’t have a family. That nobody cares enough to come and get me, to come and protect me.”
Gabriel’s breathing speeds up. “Who’s they?”
You wave a hand dismissively, ignoring the twinge in your shoulder and the sharp ache in your stomach. “Just some kids.”
“Give me some names, baby pop.”
“I can handle them.” The cut on your eyebrow is stinging something fierce. “I just want to go home and see Sam and Dean.”
Gabriel doesn’t push, he only brushes a gentle hand over your hair and allows his grace to soothe away your aches and pains. The cuts on your face seal up and disappear and the forming bruise melt away. The nicotine that’s still lingering in your airways vanishes as well.
You sigh, feeling more at ease. There’s always a warm feeling in your stomach after being healed. It’s probably the after-effect of the archangel grace. 
Gabriel rises to his feet and offers you a hand up. “Come on, baby pop,” he says lightly. “I’ll take you home. I might even be able to convince your other brothers to let you stay up with me for a movie night.”
“Dean’ll love that,” you say genuinely as you let him help you up. “He’s been keen to watch the new Equalizer movie.”
Gabriel chuckles, presses a chaste kiss to the top of your head, and vanishes you both with a flap of his wings.
You know there’s words exchanged between your blood brothers and your angel brothers. You can hear Dean’s raised voice from the kitchen, and you can hear Cas calm him down again. You can hear Gabriel and Sam bickering, Cas and Gabe bickering, Sam and Dean bickering. 
But it’s for you. It’s because of you.
And when the Impala pulls up in front of school the next afternoon and Sam, Dean, Cas and Gabe all get out and search the crowds for you, you think that maybe it was a little bit worth it.
You go home with the taste of chocolate lollipop in your mouth.
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read-and-review · 5 years
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Amanda Hocking’s “Freeks” is not the kind of book I would normally choose for myself at this point in my life. Perhaps in high school or university I would have been drawn to the red-accented, high-contrast black and white cover art, but supernatural themes and cover designs have long been ruined for me thanks to their propensity in the mid aughts.
That said, the carnival setting and trope of circus performers with actual supernatural powers is a familiar one, though not exhausted. Written from the first-person perspective of 19-year-old Mara, we are walked through introductions of a tight-knit cast, whose powers are introduced in a way that clarifies the characters are comfortable and welcome within the confines of the carnival, but knowing and wary of normies who may threaten or harm them because of their differences.
The concern (not fear, refreshingly) is evident and justified, and Hocking demonstrates her writing prowess cleanly by following the show-don't-tell rule that can sometimes evade less-experienced writers. Though the plot drags at times - I have little patience these days for mysterious secrets, nor do I care much for romantic subplots - it is overall well-written, with enough mystery and fear to keep the reader pushing forward to find out what is haunting and hunting the circus ground.
I don't really have any complaints about the story itself. To an informed reader, the hints dropped along the way (Mara's vague middle-eastern heritage, the setting of the story being on old Choctaw territory, consistent use of tarot cards) may allow them to figure everything out relatively easily. For those unfamiliar with such things, they set up the story well and allow major reveals to feel well-timed, rather than surprising. In fact, with so many elements at play, it is easier and more enjoyable to let the author do her job and just be taken along for the ride.
As an aside, Hocking is the first American author I've read this year, and while it may simply be her style, the frequency of first-person pronouns was a bit distracting from the tone of the book, especially through the prologue and first few chapters. From the prologue:
I didn't scream - there was no one who could come to help me, nothing that could stop the monster that lurched behind me.
Personally, simply cutting the word "me" from this sentence would improve the atmosphere of the prologue and better set the tone of the book. From a cultural standpoint, I'm vaguely interested to find out whether this is a tendency of American young adult fiction or simply an author quirk.
Speaking of culture, one thing I hadn't realized is how much familiarity plays a role in how easy a story is to enjoy. Though I've never been to Louisiana myself, Caudry is a small town not too far removed from the one I myself grew up in. Certain characters seem a little unbelievable at times because of this (I'm looking at you, Deputy Bob) but that may be more because my perspective is more inside-out.
Similarly, I often take for granted relationships and character dynamics. It's nothing I can enunciate just yet, but the way even family interacts in the UK versus US seems different, and as an American myself, it's easier to read between the lines of those relationships and interactions to understand what is happening in full. A lack of familiarity with English relationships means having to work harder to understand nuances that may be more easily understood by those who have lived it, which may also play a role in my understanding of the book as a whole. Perhaps the more I read, the easier this will get - and if not, it might be time to give Kate Fox’s “Watching the English” another shot.
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Been awhile since I posted a podcast partly cause life, partly cause finding fiction podcast by any means except word of mouth is nye impossible, and mostly cause I've been stuck in the post Weeping Cedars haze of "wtf do I with my life now" but I'm back!
Podcast of the week:
Genre: horror, horror anthology
Rating: 9/10-10/10 depending on whether the quality dips after these first couple episodes.
Thirteen is a horror anthology podcast that updates on the 13th of every month. The sound and voice acting is very good, and the writing let me tell you, horror is kinda my thing if a story isn't freeking me out a bit it just doesn't hold my attention, but this is the first podcast in a WHILE that actually kept me from turning out the lights for a bit after listening. Anyway this podcast made for a very enjoyable evening making candied oranges, please give it a try it's sure to send chill down your spine and make you question if you really did put the cat in the other room, or was it that "other" thing?
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watchingarrowsfly · 4 years
So I haven’t updated in a while...
The last couple episodes I skipped writing reactions too, but I hope to get back at it soon.
Here are just a few quick thoughts from the last few episodes
Arrow s3e2-3
So I know Sara’s doesn’t stay dead, I got spoiled😩, but it really feels like she’s dead, and I don’t see how they’re going to fix that.
Laurel needs to tell lance, this is going to be so hard on him when he finds out!
Also I’m so glad she’s learning to fight!!
Although I wish Oliver would have said yes to teaching her.
Felicity is working for the creepy stalker dude, but I’m finding it hard to hate him. He’s really seems nice, except for the stalker part....
he better be a good guy, and not get in the way of felicity and Oliver.😠
so he found the plans from ARGUS... but the missile launcher from the island is there, so we’re the people on the island ARGUS?
So Thea’s awesome now!!!(she always was)
Totally can see why she would stay, but glad she’s coming back with Oliver.
Also Oliver’s like “imma tell her everything”
Then only tells her one thing, and it’s not that he’s the arrow🤦🏻‍♂️
Malcom is surprisingly calm about this.
So I thought it was him that killed Sara, they were both in the league, but he was in corto Maltese, sooo maybe not? Idk
So the coffee getting spilled on Thea at the airport scene, was amazing.
Oliver’s like. WTF? She didn’t even flinch, somethings up.
So I mentioned earlier that I read something(by accident) that Thea becomes the “red arrow”? Or something... so I thought she was the one in the red suit. But that turned out to be Roy...
my theories are to dark, this better not happen😡
Also loved the corto Maltese episode!!!
Flash s1e3-4
Not much to say about this.
Loved that felicity was there for an episode.
Iris tries to get them togeather😂
Love that she’s running a blog in “barry”😍
Harrison wells get scary angry at Cisco but that is understandable.
Getting a bit on the overprotective side though.
So Barry and felicity on the train alone....
They both realize that they are perfect for one another, and yet they both want someone else... then they kiss.
If someone would have told me they kissed I would have though I would be mad at the scene, but this almost felt like a friendly well-never-be-together kiss.... if there is such a thing.
Constantine s1e1
So this Constantine is the inspiration for Castiel in spn, so I was expecting a supernatural like show... BOY WAS I WRONG.
(I’m not really good with scary stuff so... yeah)
So what is con(imma call him John). What is johns friend? He just dies and comes back. Is he an angel?
John dresses like Cas and acts like dean... I luv it!😍
So I’m getting mortal instrument vibes from Liv. (Even though I’ve only seen half of the movie, and never read or seen the tv show)
Isn’t that what it’s about though? Seeing things that no one else can?
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haveamagicalday · 4 years
Supernatural/Mythical creature book recommendations
 Ratings-- MG: Middle Grade, YA: Young Adult, A: Adult
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake (YA)
The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall by Katie Alender (YA)
The Diviners by Libba Bray (YA)
The Drowning Kind by Jennifer McMahon (A)
Far Far Away by Tom McNeal (YA)
The Ghost Tree by Christina Henry (A)
The Ghosts of Rose Hill by R.M. Romero (YA)
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson (A)
House of Salt and Sorrow by Erin A. Craig (YA)
The Invited by Jennifer McMahon (A)
The Mediator by Meg Cabot (YA)
Missing, Presumed Dead by Emma Berquist (YA)
My Darling Dreadful Thing by Johanna van Veen
The Narrow by Kate Alice Marshall (YA)
Possessions by Nancy Holder (YA)
The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell (A)
The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw (YA)
Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson (YA)
Ashes on the Waves by Mary Lindsay (YA)
Aquamarine by Alice Hoffman (MG)
Beneath the Haunting Sea by Joanna Ruth Meyer (YA)
Coral by Sara Ella (YA)
Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown (YA)
Lost Voices by Sarah Porter (YA)
Mermaid Moon by Susann Cokal  (YA/A)
The Mermaid’s Mirror by L.K. Madigan (MG/YA)
The Mermaid’s Sister by Carrie Anne Noble (MG)
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw (A)
Sea Witch by Sarah Henning (YA)
Seven Tears into the Sea by Terri Farley (YA)
The Siren by Kiera Cass (YA)
Sirena by Donna Jo Napoli (YA)
To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo (YA)
The Vicious Deep by Zoraida Cordova (YA)
Wake by Amanda Hocking (YA)
Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz (YA)
The Coldest Girl in Cold Town by Holly Black (YA)
Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris (A)
House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson (A)
House of Night by P.C. Cast (YA)
Insatiable by Meg Cabot (A)
Bras and Broomsticks by Sarah Mlynowski (MG)
Cackle by Rachel Harrison (A)
The Death of Jane Lawrence by Caitlin Sterling (A)
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins (YA)
How to Hang a Witch by Adriana Mather (YA)
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones  (All)
Jinx by Meg Cabot (YA)
Juniper and Thorn by Ava Reid (A)
Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey (A)
Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman (A)
The Salem Witch Tryouts by Kelly McClymer (YA)
Spellbook of the Lost and Found by Moira Fowley-Doyle (YA)
When We Were Magic by Sarah Gailey (YA/A)
Winterwood by Shea Ernshaw (YA)
The Witch Haven by Sasha Peyton Smith (YA)
Witch of Wild Things by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland (A)
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black (YA)
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black (YA)
Dreamer’s Pool by Juliet Marillier  (A)
Fairyland Series by Catherynne M. Valente (MG)
The Harp of Kings by Juliet Marillier (YA)
In Darkling Wood by Emma Carroll (MG)
Stolen Heir by Holly Black
These Hollow Vows by Lexi Ryan (YA)
Tithe by Holly Black (YA)
Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier (YA)
Original creatures/Various
For the Wolf by Hannah F. Whitten (A)
Freeks by Amanda Hocking (YA)
Gilded by Marissa Meyer (YA)
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray (YA)
Here There Are Monsters by Amelinda Berube (YA)
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland (YA)
Into the Heartless Woods by Joanna Ruth Meyer (YA)
Not Good for Maidens by Tori Bolvalina (YA)
Silver in Blood by Jessica Day George (YA)
Small Favors by Erin A. Craig (YA)
Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel Harrison (A)
Tidepool by Nicole Wilson (A)
The Waking Forest by Alyssa Wees (YA)
We Shall be Monsters by Alyssa Wees (A)
What Big Teeth by Rose Szabo (A)
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Review: Freeks by Amanda Hocking Rating: 4/5
"We all have some kind of power that everyone else would claim is supernatural."
Mara Beznik is no stranger to the secrets of the universe. A member of a travelling carnival, she is accustomed to living with psychics, necromancers, magicians and oddities. But when they pull into the town of Caudry they find themselves up against a supernatural force they've never encountered before. There are secrets in Caudry, far darker than anything they've encountered before.
I'll be completely honest, I was not expecting this to be any good but Amanda Hocking proved me wrong. After not enjoying her Watersong series, I was worried I'd grown out of her books but that doesn't seem to be the case. This is of course aided by the fact that the characters in Freeks are all quite old for YA - it borders on NA, really, which suited me just fine. It meant that this spooky circus story got to be darker and creepier which I loved. I also loved that it was set in 1987 - I don't know why it was but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
Mara was quite an understated heroine. Without any psychic powers of her own, she's a bit of a misfit among outcasts which was interesting. Her romance with Gabe was lovely - very sweet and respectful. I loved the cast of characters as a whole - they all had such interesting backgrounds and powers. But this is very much a plot-driven novel so the lore surrounding the characters does end up being a bit more interesting than the characters themselves.
I think what I loved most about this book was the sense of family among the characters. They've all come together to protect and care for each other and that's always comforting to read about. And I loved the tarot card illustrations throughout the book - I'd love a proper deck in that style, to be honest.
A compelling, compulsively readable book full of spooks and sparks of romance. A fun, easy read.
Warnings: Violence, one mild sex scene, an off-page suicide, references to sexual abuse.
Flourish design sourced from Pixabay
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denimwrappeddemons · 7 years
If supernatural is going to do an alternate universe, I want David Haydn Jones to come back as Arthur Ketch but then a stay at home dad who had nothing to do with bmol. Dean would have trust issues like always en Ketch would probably Freek out when Dean points a gun at him. Hell maybe he even pass out 😂
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books-in-a-storm · 6 years
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A Book To Read Recommendations
Book recommendations series and single books. A complete list of books to read for when you need something new to read.
A Whole New World(Twisted Tales #1)
Alice in Zombieland(White Rabbit Chronicles #1)
A Court of Thorns and Roses(A Court of Thorns and Roses #1)
A Thousand Pieces of You(Firebird #1)
At Wolf Ranch(Montana Men #1)
Angels’ Blood(Guild Hunter #1)
A Madness So Discreet
Angelfall(Penryn & the End of Days #1)
As Old As Time
Archer’s Voice
A Wicked Thing(A Wicked Thing #1)
Against the Ropes(Redemption #1)
Angelfire(Angelfire #1)
Ash(Ash #1)
All the Bright Places
Asylum(Asylum #1)
Anna Dressed in Blood(Anna #1)
Boomtown(Freebirds #1)
Broken Compass(Supernatural Prison Story #1)
Beard Mode(The Dixie Wardens Rejects MC #1)
Black Ice
Bitten(Otherworld #1)
Before I Fall
The Becoming of Noah Shaw(The Shaw Confessions #1)
Born in Fire(Fire and Ice Trilogy #1)
Beastly(Kendra Chronicles #1)
Black Wings(Black Wings #1)
Blood of Eden(The Guardians #1)
Blood of the Earth(Soulwood #1)
Burn for Me(Hidden Legacy #1)
Blood Sinister
Born at Midnight(Shadow Falls #1)
City of Bones(The Mortal Instruments #1)- Cassandra Clare
Carry On(Simon Snow #1)-Rainbow Rowell
Clockwork Angel(The Infernal Devices #1)
Center Mass(Code 11-KPD SWAT #1)
Cinder(The Lunar Chronicles #1)
Compulsion(The Heirs of Watson Island #1)
Cast in Shadow(Chronicles of Elantra #1)
Cruel Magic(Royals of Villain Academy #1)
The Cruel Prince(The Folk of the Air #1)
Conceal, Don’t Feel
Chain of Gold(The Last Hours #1)
Cry Wolf(Alpha & Omega #1)
Carrier of the Mark(Carrier #1)
Dragon Marked(Supernatural Prison #1)
Dangerous Secrets(Callaghan Brothers #1)
Dead Witch Walking(The Hollows #1)
Dirty Little Secret(Wild Rose Ranch #1)
Dominic(Slater Brothers #1)
Dumplin’(Dumplin’ #1)
Defiance(Defiance #1)
Dead Beautiful(Dead Beautiful #1)
Dark Gods(Academy of the Gods #1)
Downshift(Skid Row Kings #1)
Dropkick My Heart(Powerhouse M.A. #1)
Dying to Meet You(Conjuring a Coroner #1)
Divergent(Divergent #1)
Don’t Look Back
Demons in the Bedroom(Paranormal House Flippers #1)
Dark Currents(Agent of Hel #1)
Dragon’s Lair(Wind Dragons MC #1)
Daughter of Deep Silence
Dream a Little Dream(Silber #1)
Daughter of Smoke & Bone(Daughter of Smoke & Bone #1)
The Darkest Minds(The Darkest Minds #1)
Evermore(The Immortals #1)
Eve(Eve #1)
Freeks-Amanda Hocking
Fated (The Soul Seekers #1)
Fire & Flood(Mount Olympus Academy #1)
Flunked(Fairy Tale Reform School #1)
For Darkness Shows the Stars(For Darkness Shows the Stars #1)
Furthermore(Furthermore #1)
Forgiving Reed(Southern Boys #1)
Forgotten Magic(Stolen Magic #1)
Freshman Witch(Supernatural Academy #1)
Frostfire(Kanin Chronicles #1)
Fallen(Fallen #1)
For Fox Sake(The Chaos of Foxes #1)
Forever Mine(Providence #1)
Glow(Sky Chasers #1)
Grave Witch(Alex Craft #1)
The Gathering(Darkness Rising #1)
The Genesis of Evangeline(The Lost Royals Saga #1)
Half Bad(The Half Bad Trilogy #1)
Hunger (Riders of the Apocalypse #1)
Hail No(Hail Raisers #1)
Howl’s Moving Castle(Howl’s Moving Castle #1)
Hollowland(The Hollows #1)
The Hurricane(The Hurricane #1)
Hush, Hush(Hush, Hush #1)
The Host(The Host #1)
Hex Hall(Hex Hall #1)
Herd That(The Valentine Boys #1)
Harley Merlin and the Secret Coven(Harley Merlin #1)
Heart of Malice(Alice Worth #1)
Hemlock(Hemlock #1)
Hide Your Crazy(KPD Motorcycle Patrol #1)
Halfway to the Grave(Night Huntress #1)
Her Wolf(Silver Shifter #1)
Incarnate(Newsoul #1)
The Inheritance Games(The Inheritance Games #1)
Into the Storm
Initiation(Elite Supernatural Trackers #1)
Indexing(Indexing #1)
Incarceron(Incarceron #1)
If I Stay(If I Stay #1)
The Iron Trial(Magisterium #1)
The Jewel(The Lone City #1)
Kill Me Softly(Beau Rivage #1)
Kingdom of the Wicked(Kingdom of the Wicked #1)
Kissed by Wildfire(The Cimmerian Cage #1)
Kindling the Moon(Arcadia Bell #1)
The Last Princess (Last Princess #1)
Loki’s Wolves(The Blackwell Pages #1)
The Lightning Thief(Percy Jackson and the Olympians #1)
Loving Cara(Love Under the Big Sky #1)
Lady Midnight(The Dark Artifices #1)
Lucifer’s Daughter(Queen of the Damned #1)
Lost Rider(Coming Home #1)
Lament(Books of Faerie #1)
Lights To My Siren(The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC #1)
Lucifer’s Bride(Married to the Devil #1)
Legacy(The Four Horsemen #1)
Moon Chosen(Tales of a New World #1)
Moon Called(Mercy Thompson #1)
Mayhem(Mayhem #1)
Magic Bite(Supernatural Bounty Hunter #1)
Making the Cut(Sons of Templar MC #1)
Marked(House of Night #1)
Mess Me Up(Bear Bottom Guardians MC #1)
Magic Trials(Half-Blood Academy #1)
Midnight’s Daughter(Dorina Basarab #1)
Mirror, Mirror
Magic to the Bone(Allie Beckstrom #1)
Mute(Dragon Runners #1)
Magic Forged(Hall of Blood and Mercy #1)
Nameless(Tales of Beauty & Madness #1)
Nevermore(Nevermore #1)
Night Shifter(Magical Creatures Academy #1)
Night Shift(Jill Kismet #1)
New Moon(Alpha Wolf Academy #1)
Once Burned(Night Prince #1)
Of Poseidon(The Syrena Legacy #1)
Olympian Challenger(Olympian Challenger #1)
Once Upon a Dream
Of Beast and Beauty
Owl and the Japanese Circus(The Adventures of Owl #1)
Our Chemical Hearts
On the Edge(The Edge #1)
Prince of Wolves(The Grey Wolves #1)-Quinn Loftis
Paranormalcy(Paranormalcy #1)-Kiersten White
Pestilence(The Four Horsemen #1)-Laura Thalassa
Protector(Night War Saga #1)
Pitch Please(There’s No Crying in Baseball #1)
Passenger(Passenger #1)
Part of Your World
The Power of Hades(The Hades Trials #1)
Protected by Love(Montana Heat #0.5)
Perfected(Perfected #1)
Poison Study(Poison Study #1)
Princess of Thorns
RoseBlood-A.G. Howard
The Raven Boys(The Raven Cycle #1)-Maggie Stiefvater
Red Queen(Red Queen #1)-Victoria Aveyard
The Return(Titan #1)-Jennifer L. Armentrout
Renegade(Moonshine Task Force #1)
Radiance(Riley Bloom #1)
Royal Street(Sentinels of New Orleans #1)
Reawakened(The Reawakened Series #1)
Red-Headed Stepchild(Sabina Kane #1)
Riders(Riders #1)
Riches to Rags
Spelled(The Storymakers #1)-Betsy Schow
Suspicion-Alexandra Monir
Some Girls Bite(Chicagoland Vampires #1)
Shades of Wicked(Night Rebel #1)
Shadow and Bone(The Shadow and Bone Trilogy #1)
Struck(Struck #1)
Starcrossed(Starcrossed #1)
Shadow Hunter(Rosie O'Grady’s Paranormal Bar and Grill #1)
Spark(Academy of Unpredictable Magic #1)
Surrender to You(SAPD SWAT #1)
Something Wicked(University of Morgana: Academy of Enchantments and Witchcraft #1)
Stalking Jack the Ripper(Stalking Jack the Ripper #1)
Stitching Snow
Storm Front(The Dresden Files #1)
Supernatural Inmate(Supernatural Captivity #1)
The Scorpio Races
Switched(Trylle #1)
Straight On Till Morning
Serial Hottie
Sweet Evil(Sweet #1)
Shock Advised(Kilgore Fire #1)
The Summoning(Darkest Powers #1)
The Shrunken Head(The Curiosity House #1)
The Sword of Summer(Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard #1)
Tiger’s Curse(The Tiger Saga #1)
Touch of Frost(Mythos Academy #1)
Twilight(The Twilight Saga #1)
Throne of Glass(Throne of Glass #1)
Teardrop(Teardrop #1)
Talon(Talon #1)
Touch the Dark(Cassandra Palmer #1)
Taming Him(Bishop Brothers #1)
This Savage Song(Monsters of Verity #1)
These Broken Stars(Starbound #1)
Three Mages and a Margarita(The Guild Codex: Spellbound #1)
Touched by Fire(Demons of New Chicago #1)
Untamed Magic(Academy of the Elites #1)
The Ugly Stepsister(Unfinished Fairy Tales #1)
Unexpected Reality(Unexpected Arrivals #1)
Unearthly(Unearthly #1)
Unspoken(The Lynburn Legacy #1)
Ugly Love
Wondrous Strange(Wondrous Strange #1)
Wake(Watersong #1)
Wintersong(Wintersong #1)
Whiskey Neat(Uncertain Saints MC #1)
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supernatural-freek · 4 years
Heartbeat Highway
Dean x Sister!Reader, Sam x Sister!Reader
Synopsis: I have a little sister reader request. Could you do one where the reader has a heart condition and has to go to the cardiologist for her yearly check up? And the reader hates going because she feels like she’s not normal because of it. And the brothers comfort her through the entire appointment/tests. I personally have Pulmonary Atresia so if that could be the condition the reader has that’ll be great.
NOTE: If anything about this is wrong, I apologise. I did some research, but I don’t have the medical condition, so I may have gotten some things wrong.
You’ve never been more terrified to go to a clinic.
Well, okay, maybe terrified isn’t the word for it. Because you aren’t scared. You’re actually stuffed full of loathing, and loathing doesn’t equal fear. Loathing is much more fun. Loathing is what makes you dig your heels in before your older brothers could usher you inside.
Dean sighs. “Y/N, come on. You were doing so well.”
“I’m not going in,” you say stubbornly, wrapping your arms around your torso and scowling. “C’mon, let’s just turn around and go back to the Bunker-”
Sam’s hand claps down onto your shoulder, pushing you forward another step. “You’ve gotta go in, bub.”
“I don’t want to.”
“We know.” Dean’s voice is gentler this time. “But you can’t skip this check up. Your condition isn’t something we can treat lightly, okay?”
Your frown deepens, but you’re no match for your brothers. Sam herds you forward a few more steps while Dean ducks inside to get you checked in. Once you’ve checked in, you know there’s no escape. “Why couldn’t Cas just heal me?” You grumble.
Sam’s sigh is sadder than Dean’s, stretched thin by years of clinics and doctors and that one memorable time you had to go to hospital in the back of an ambulance. “You know he’s tried,” Sam says. “You know he can’t fix something that was wrong when you were born.”
“He can fix Dean.”
“We both know that’s not the same.”
No it isn’t. And it’s not fair of you to put the blame on Cas. You know your condition isn’t something that can be treated with a flick of his fingers. You just wish it didn’t mean you had to be poked and prodded at every check up, wish you didn’t have to be careful about your blood pressure or monitor your breathing, or be careful not to sleep too much.
You let Sam lead you inside, finding Dean in the waiting room. It’s dangerous, having your brothers both here given that most of your family members are considered murderers and criminals, but it’s like Sam and Dean said.
You can’t just not go to the check up, and the only way to have the check up is to be yourselves.
“See?” Dean says when you sit down next to him. “Nothing scary here.”
“I’m not scared of the clinic,” you shoot back under your breath. eyes flicking over the other couple of people in the waiting room. “I just hate being here.”
Sam sits next to you, his overly large frame swallowing up the tiny seat. It’s almost funny. “Why? You never used to mind when we were younger. Is it because Dad isn’t here any more?”
Ah, John. To his credit, the man had been dutiful with your medicine and monitoring your physical well being. He hadn’t let you hunt for years. He’d taken you to every check up. He’d cared. 
But once that demon had come back, and he’d taken off and left you with Dean, the invisible injury didn’t exist.
“This isn’t about John,” you say lowly. “And I would appreciate it if you kept your assumptions to yourself until you know what you’re talking about.”
Sam’s knee knocks against your in a wordless apology.
You legs twitches and jumps while you wait, belying your nerves. Dean and Sam are both content to just sit, but you can’t stop fidgeting. It’s not like you have to be here. You had the operation as a baby. You should be fine. You haven’t had any incidents.
You’re fine.
“Y/N Winchester?”
You jerk at the sound of your name, startling both of your brothers in the process. "Christ Y/N,” Dean hisses. “Tryna give me a damn heart attack?”
Sam reaches over and whacks him in the back of the head before you can respond.
The cardiologist runs a critical eye over the three of you before nodding and leading you down the hallway. You follow silently, pressing your hands to your stomach and pushing back into Dean’s space. His hands settle on you shoulders gently, steering you into the room and then lowering you into the seat.
The cardiologist clears his throat and smiles. “Hello Y/N.”
You manage a small, “Hi.”
“You’ve come in for your yearly check up?” The cardiologist, whose name tag reads Jameson, clicks rapidly on his mouse, eyes darting across the computer screen. “Yes, it says here you were born with Pulmonary Artesia, is that correct?”
“Yes sir.”
Jameson hums, clicking some more. Dean’s fingers settle on top of your head and you lean into his side where he stands. “Now, your file says you had a surgical correction procedure done, but you were in hospital for laboured breathing, dizziness and sleepiness a few months ago.”
Sam inhales slowly. “The hospital cleared her though, said she was alright.”
Jameson nods. “Yes, her records say that she shouldn’t be in any particular danger. You were both present during her time in care, yes?”
“Yeah,” Dean says. “And we were right there when she went through all the tests.”
“They said it was because her heart was beating too quickly,” Sam adds, glancing down at you. “Her body couldn’t keep up with the adrenaline and blood flow.”
“I see,” says Jameson and then he starts desperately clicking again.
You lean harder into Dean, biting your lip to stop it wobbling. You don’t like Jameson, don’t like how disinterested he is, how dismissive. He seems like the kind of doctor who’ll put you through more tests just because that’s something he can do, and then he’ll send you on your way.
Dean gently runs his hand down your hair. The tension in your shoulders eases only slightly.
“Doc, not for nothing, but my sister really hates these check ups. Do we have to be here long?” 
Sam shoots his brother an irritated look, but Dean simply looks down at you in answer. Sam’s face tightens in understanding.
Jameson stops clicking and stands, a bland smile on his face. You shrink back into Dean. “Her records say she doesn’t need any tests, so I’ll just take her blood pressure and check her heart beat, and she should be good to go.”
Thank fucking god.
You sit still and silent as Jameson does his thing, trying desperately to keep your eyes on the poster of a cartoon woman and her sick baby. You hate this, you hate this, you hate this. It’s one of the easiest check ups, but you hate it.
You shouldn’t have to go to check ups. You shouldn’t have to be so careful with your life. You shouldn’t have to pull your brothers into this too. This isn’t their problem. They don’t need this extra weight on their shoulders.
“One more thing,” Jameson says once he’s entered his results into the computer. “Y/N, you aren’t doing anything in your day-to-day activities that may cause you to feel overly stressed or anxious?”
Dean and Sam very suddenly seem to find the posters on the walls rather interesting.
You manage a tight smile. “No, doctor.”
Jameson returns the look. “Okay then. Have a great afternoon.”
The Impala rumbles to a halt on the side of some nowhere, backwater road where the trees are taller than most mountains. You’re in the front, like you usually are after appointments, and Dean is driving. Sam is in the back, headphones in and eyes closed.
“Spit it out,” Dean says once the Impala is turned off. 
You frown at the dash. “What?”
“Each year, you get more and more upset about your appointments.” Dean squints at you. “Tell me why.”
“You’re seriously quoting Back Street Boys at me right now?”
You sigh, looking down at your hands and you twists your fingers around each other. You’d hoped you could avoid this talk, like you do usually, but Dean seems strangely insistent on talking about it. God this family sucks sometimes.
Sam stirs in the backseat before you answer, taking his headphones out and blinking at the both of you. “What’s up?” He says blurrily, yawning hard enough to crack his jaw.
Dean never takes his eyes off of you. “Sis is about to tell us why she hates her appointments so much.”
“I don’t hate the appointments.”
“That’s not what it looked like from where I was sitting.”
“I just want a simple answer.”
You lick your lips, a nervous tick you developed when you were three that never went away. It’s a fair question, and they deserve the answer, but it’s hard, okay? It’s hard to admit that there’s something wrong with you as a person, that there’s something fundamentally flawed.
Sam leans forward. “Y/N,” he says gently. “There’s nothing wrong with you, you know that right?”
Dean blows out a breath. “Is that what this is?” You flinch, but he doesn’t sound mad. He just sounds so very sad. “Baby girl, your condition isn’t a flaw or a problem. It’s just a part of who you are.”
“Then I’m broken,” you say miserably, splaying your hands slightly. “Okay? I’m not normal.”
“Normal is overrated,” Dean says fiercely. You scoff and start to turn away, but he leans over and pushes on you cheek insistently until you’re looking at him again. “No, Y/N, you listen to me. This doesn’t make you broken, or bad, or unnatural. This doesn’t make you a bad thing. You’ve seen bad things. You’ve seen monsters. You’re not one of them.”
“But I’m not a hunter.”
“You’re our sister,” Sam says softly. “That’s good enough for me.”
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lostinlit-becca · 8 years
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I would like to wish a Happy Book Birthday to Freeks by @amanda_hocking This book sounds so unique and amazing! I am going to include the synopsis below! Check it out!!❤️• • 📘Synopsis📘• Welcome to Gideon Davorin’s Traveling Sideshow, where necromancy, magical visions, and pyrokinesis are more than just part of the act… Mara has always longed for a normal life in a normal town where no one has the ability to levitate or predict the future. Instead, she roams from place to place, cleaning the tiger cage while her friends perform supernatural feats every night. When the struggling sideshow is miraculously offered the money they need if they set up camp in Caudry, Louisiana, Mara meets local-boy Gabe…and a normal life has never been more appealing. But before long, performers begin disappearing and bodies are found mauled by an invisible beast. Mara realizes that there’s a sinister presence lurking in the town wit• • Thank you to @stmartinspress for sending me a copy!! 📚• #Freeks #amandahocking #stmartinsgriffin #bookbirthday #onmytbr #bookstagram #newbook
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Today the universe did it again, I must say it has proper upped the game. Putting it politely, I had a proper “mente mierda” .
It went well beyond jut destabilizing my well grounded and established beliefs about the nature of reality. Today for what seemed like a long time , but was actually a split second, I was in some surreal nightmare. My brain could not grasp what was happening.
Normally in “iffy” situations I can often suss out an exit strategy, or a reason that makes sense of what is occurring .
In strange, surreal , or dangerous situations my brain gets a shot of super octave epinephrine hormone neurotransmitting agent , and it becomes a super brain and it enters a “race state” .And time actually seems to slow down.
In the right situation, under certain “trigger” conditions my body will give my brain a shot of super octave epinephrine.
The result is my thinking speeds up to an incredible speed that it is far to quick for me to follow in a cognizant way. As a boy I called it my Quickening, hahaha
My thought process runs all over the place “here there and every where” looking for an answer, a way out, a contingency
. First trying one possible route, then another.
OOOH , this all reminds me of something that happened many years ago , Yes there are definite parallels to the two events , the quickening and the betrayal. So I going to digress as per usual .
1976 a very hot summer, I had left school, as was enjoying the summer with no intention of seeking work. Most Friday’s we would go to the Spread Eagle pub in Doncaster town centre for some underage drinking.
After the pub closed three of us, Westy, Johno and myself decided to go to Wakefield to the Northern Soul AllNiter . We were all very drunk and had missed the bus.
Johno decided to steal a car to take us the 20 miles or so. He disappeared and sometime later pulled up at the wheel of Ford transit van. Johno drove, Westy sat in the middle and I sat at the passenger window.
We headed for Wakefield.
We decided to take the back roads, to avoid any police cars. After a while we spotted another transit van in front of us.
As we tried to over take it, our offside wing mirror scraped down the side of the other van, and took our wing mirror off.
I assumed that we had also taken the other van’s driver’s side wing mirror off too.
The other van began to pursue us. We tried to loose it, tried to escape. Johno’s driving was erratic and quit dangerous, going up curbs, near missing lampposts etc.
I thought that we would crash.
‘Stop the van’ I said ‘There are three of us, we will just drop the guy . If there is any trouble.’
We pulled the van over and Johno switched the engine off.
The pursuing Transit swerved in front of us.
The double doors burst open and, what I assumed was half of Wakefield Trinity Rugby Club poured out of the rear doors and ran towards us.
As six burly men came towards us.
My brain started to “race state” everything slowed down, as all the possible endings, all contingencies etc , ran through my head.
They ran over to our driver’s side.
The lead thug opened the driver’s door and grabbed Johno by the hair. He dragged Johno from the seat, and kicked him in the head. A few others joined in.
My brain had sussed it out, Johno was going to get his head kicked in, we were outnumbered and well outgunned.
Westy would be the next to face street justice, and unless one of them opened my door , I would be the last.
I thought last would be worst.
The lead guy turned his attention to Westy and me.
These were big thuggery thugs, we were just weedy teenagers. He looked at us, anger cringing his bearded face.
‘Come on then, where is his fuc**ng support?’ he screamed.
‘Oh, thank you’ I said.
‘Thank you, we have just hitched a lift from this guy about twenty minutes ago, and he went crazy on us . We thought we were going to be killed’
At that moment a young woman appeared,
‘Where are you going?’ she asked.
After we had informed her, she gave us some directions.
We quickly got out of the van, walked around the bend in the road, then ran into a field and hid.
Westy began hugging me saying ‘How on earth did you think of that?’
‘I don’t know; it just came ‘I replied . The quickening had saved us from getting a beating , but there was the betrayal involved . “the quickening and the betrayal”
We had disowned our friend in an act of betrayal
We spent the night in a field, and walked back to Doncaster the next morning.
When we saw Johno later that day his face was black and blue. ‘Sorry about that Johno’ I said.
‘But there was no point in all of us getting a kicking was there?’ I laughed.
My race state saved me, I had no idea of how to get out of the situation , till I heard my voice saying what I said.
When my brain goes into this race state ( I call it my race state, because of the speed at which it works .
My race state is probably the normal speed of an average persons brain haha)
Surprisingly my Race State Brain usually arrives at a solution with plenty of spare time to execute the escape plan.
Returning to the event of happened today.
Today, as the universe threw me a curve ball. And, reality for a spit second broke down and entered a cartoon world.
My brain entered a race state, and after doing its “here there and everywhere “ thing. It could only come up with “ You are proper Fuc**d .
It freeking left me to it, “the quickening and the betrayal”
Betrayed by my own brain.
Today reality had an hiccup .
I work in Private Education, it is probably the best job I have ever had.
The place I work is on the third floor of an old Mill. The Mill is huge, I mean proper big. Proper proper big in fact.
To get to the third floor . You can take the stairs (tried that once. It aint happening again , I can tell you)
or you can use the lift.
The lift is brilliant , its one of those old style ones (see photo) You have to look through the little window to see if it has arrived.
Once you have confirmed arrival, Then you can open the shaft door, this has to be done manually. Followed by pulling the lift door open.
You have to close the Shaft door behind you before closing the lift door.
Once that ritual is complete you can select the floor required. But you have to look through the little window to make sure it has aligned with the window of shaft door on the floor you are stopping at.
I really do enjoy the lift, it rattles and shakes and shudders, It unnerves some of the younger students. Which always gives me the opportunity to say something like
“If tha think this is bad lad, you woulda papped ya sen in t’pit cage”
Adding “ If tha was ever on a bouncer tha bollocksbe in tha gob tha knows”
I use the lift about 5 times a day,
I enjoy being in it on my own, because I like to look through the little window.
Today I went out for a smoke break, pushed the button , looked through the window for the lift to arrive.
It shuddered to a halt. I open the shaft door, followed by the lift door, reversed the door routine , pressed G , then looked through the window going down .
Once I had alighted, I went outside for a ciggie. There were a couple of students already outside, we exchanged pleasantries. After my nicotine fix , I said “ see you later lads”
When I arrived at the lift, I looked through the little window, and was pleased to see it had not been summoned and was still on the ground floor.
I opened the shaft door, I then slid the lift door open and entered. As I entrée the lift I closed the shaft door , I turned and pulled the lift door shut.
I pressed 3 on the panel.
Looked through the window.
I was expecting the lift to go up , ( Why would I not ?) Up is what you would expect , there is no basement.
The whole of reality went all cartoon like.
I was looking through the window expecting to go up
It went freekin sideways .
( At that moment I entered race state and time slowed down)
My brain repeated what my eyes and strangely my body too had seen and experienced
“ Im moving effing sideways.”
My brain raced,
“It had to be a tv prank”
“Why has it not crashed through the wall?”
“If the wall has somehow ceased to exist” my brain ran on
“it has to be something unnatural , supernatural”
“I’m being abducted by aliens” my brain circled around this, “ I’m gonna be probed up my jacksy”
“ No I don’t think so, it not an alien abduction, I’m some how going through an inter-dimensional stargate,
I’m in bed at home this is a dream? NO IT’S A EFFING NIGHTMARE.
My brain had exhausted its race state, and was now looking for an out for itself, It deserted me. It went to a nice place, I had been betrayed.
I was just about to start to cry, and scream like a girl . When the lift door was slid open, and the two students entered the lift.
“relative motion “ I said aloud.
I had seen the shaft door slide open, immediately after pressing my floor button,
I experienced what we all have at some time,
When sat on a train, and the train out the window moves, You experience the sensation that the train you on is moving.
I truly thought that the lift was moving sideways
“relative motion” I said half laughing
“Pardon” asked one of the students.
I replied “ “ I need another smoke, and I got out of the lift”
Proper proper strange, and best “mente mierda” I have had for years.
THE QUICKENING AND THE BETRAYAL Today the universe did it again, I must say it has proper upped the game. Putting it politely, I had a proper “mente mierda” .
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worldofspearcraft · 8 years
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We are so lucky to have this amazing book as part of our giveaway thanks to the amazing people at @griffinteen. The book is FREEKS by @amanda_hocking It was published recently on January 3rd. This is a definite must read and needs to be on your TBR list. . Here is a little about the book: Welcome to Gideon Davorin’s Traveling Sideshow, where necromancy, magical visions, and pyrokinesis are more than just part of the act… Mara has always longed for a normal life in a normal town where no one has the ability to levitate or predict the future. Instead, she roams from place to place, cleaning the tiger cage while her friends perform supernatural feats every night. When the struggling sideshow is miraculously offered the money they need if they set up camp in Caudry, Louisiana, Mara meets local-boy Gabe…and a normal life has never been more appealing. But before long, performers begin disappearing and bodies are found mauled by an invisible beast. Mara realizes that there’s a sinister presence lurking in the town with its sights set on getting rid of the sideshow freeks. In order to unravel the truth before the attacker kills everyone Mara holds dear, she has seven days to take control of a power she didn’t know she was capable of—one that could change her future forever. . Have you read this awesome book? Is it on your tbr list? Drop us a comment ⬇and let us know. . Fabulous photo by @lisa_lostinlit http://ift.tt/2j8utxm
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supernatural-freek · 4 years
Park Avenue
Dean x Sister!Reader, Sam x Sister!Reader
Synopsis: It’s game night in the Bunker. Dean takes it a little too seriously. Sam and Cas are there to win. You’re honestly just there for the food.
See, the thing is, Dean’s pretty fucking bad at Monopoly.
Consider also: he’s a sore loser and can spend hours bitching about the fact that he lost.
So, as per Sam’s brilliant suggestion, you play Monopoly. Because it’s always nice to fucking destroy Dean at something. Cas tags along for the ride, because he doesn’t quite understand Monopoly yet, but he can play better than Dean and he enjoys being the little thimble. He also enjoys the houses.
Dean lands in jail in the first round.
“motherfucker!” He seethes, slamming his piece (the little dog, of course, and he literally drew blood to obtain that piece, you have the marks to prove it) down on the board hard enough to rattle the others. “What kind of bullshit is this?” “Sucks to suck, Dean.”
“Just wait until we get to Scrabble. I’ll obliterate you.”
“You gotta get out of jail first, bro.”
Dean snuffs and curses and he doesn’t hit anything, but it’s a near thing. You have a bet running with Sam that tonight will be the night that Dean breaks a beer bottle against the wall. You’re gonna make sure you win that bet. If you win, Sam owes you soooooo many fucking milkshakes.
Typically, by the time someone is clearly winning (Sam), the game is already falling apart. Cas is trying to build a city out of the houses, you and Dean are playing go fish with your property cards, and Dean is casually suggesting you use the Monopoly money for poker.
Sam claims the victory before the game is over. Nobody fights him. Cas doesn’t put this thimble away. “I identify with this object,” he says, but he won’t tell you why he identifies with a fucking thimble. Dean just gives you a long-suffering look and helps pack up.
There’s a common misconception that Sam is the book-smart sibling of the Winchester trio. It’s all a lie. A conspiracy fed to the world by God. Because you sit Dean down in front of a Scrabble board and he pulls out shit like quixotic and equalise and syzygy.
It’s pretty fucking awful if you’re honest. 
Dean wins by a landslide.
Nobody wants to play another round.
Of course, board games can only hold the appeal for so long. There’s only so many times you can fail at the English language, only so many times you can go bankrupt, only so many times you can pay trouble before the dice dome thing starts to get hit a little too hard. Cas doesn’t even want to play properly. He just marches his men along, humming a low tune to keep them in time. It’s adorable.
It defeats the point of the game.
So Dean busts out the Wii, puts in Mario Kart, and then all hell breaks loose.
“Fuck you!” You screech as you topple off the edge of Rainbow Road and plummet towards death in a ball of angry fire. “Dean, we are the same team!”
Dean cackles as he crosses the finish line in first place, seconds before the blue shell makes contact. “Sorry girlie, but I’m a one-man machine!”
Your character, Yoshi obviously, crosses in third, and you toss your remote down on the sofa only to launch yourself at your brother. Dean laughs as he lets out are him down, playfully wresting with you on the floor as Sam gently coaxes Cas along in 11th place and 12th place respectively. 
“This is a very visually appealing track,” Cas says pleasantly as Princess Peach meanders along the road. “I can see why this one was chosen first.”
Sam has restrained murder in his voice when he says, “Castiel, you’re my friend and I would hate to have to burn your body. Hurry up.”
Cas does not hurry up. 
Dean elbows you in the face. You bite at his wrist. He yanks your hair. You kick his thigh. It’s really rather aggressive but you’re both breathless from hysterical laughter, so it’s all okay. Because Dean’s grip isn’t restrictive, it’s grounding, more like a damn bear hug than any type of trapping hold he’s used on people before. He’s warm, and comfortable, and you settle your weight somewhat awkwardly on him as you both watch Cas cross the finish line.
Princess Peach wails with dismay. Cas turns to you and Dean with the brightest smile and says, “I like this game. Perhaps we can choose another track that had a strong aesthetic?”
Sam selects Maple Treeway. You and Dean scramble up from the ground, diving for the remotes as the timer counts down. 
“Sorry Deano,” you say meanly as you launch away from the starting line. “Maple Treeway is my shit.”
He knocks you with his foot and Yoshi skids off to the side. “Wait until we get to Koopa Kape,” he mutters, looking very angry at being in 4th. “I swear if you beat me at the end, I’m going to fill all of your shampoo bottles with permanent dye.”
“Jokes on you,” you shoot back, laying down a perfect trap with your three banana peels. “I change the colour of my hair weekly. I’ll be totally down for whatever colour you’re gonna try and get me with.”
Dean curses and chooses to ram you off the road. 
You take that motherfucker down with you.
Neither you nor Dean come first overall. King Boo, the dumbass ghost, cheers on the podium. Yoshi dances in second place. Waluigi (Dean), Peach (Cas) and Daisy (Sam) watch jealously from the sideline.
“Sucks to suck,” you sing-song, only for Dean’s socked foot to connect with your ribs. “Hey!”
Before the two of you can start grappling again, Sam clears his throat. “I think we’ve worn our resident angel out,” he says softly, gently taking Cas’s remote from his hand. 
The angel clearly isn’t fully asleep, but his eyes are closed and his breathing is steady and slow. He looks peaceful, dressed in some of Dean’s old slacks and one of Sam’s shirts instead of his suit.
You reach over and gently comb Cas’s hair away from his face. “He’s adorable,” you coo.
Dean rolls his eyes and tugs you back, taking your place and gently shaking Cas awake. “Come on,” he says, too gruffly to be anything but fond. “Let’s get you to bed.”
Cas grumbles a complaint, but easily follows Dean’s hands up off the couch, stumbling after the hunter as Dean guides him down the hallway. Sam shakes his head with a small huff, switching off the Wii and starting to clear the remotes and empty snack dishes.
“Here,” you say, joining him. You clean the rubbish up as Sam takes a stack of plates back to the kitchen. Someone will do the dishes tomorrow. You gather the empty beer bottles and sweep them into your arms, carrying them to the bin and dumping them with a loud crash.
Sam bids you a warm goodnight, pressing a swift kiss to your forehead before ambling away to his room. You blow out a breath before dragging yourself to Cas’s room. Dean’s still there, tucking the angel in.
You slap a hand over your mouth to muffle any sounds you might make, because it’s just so damn cute! You know that Dean’s a mother hen, despite his attempts to suppress that softness. He cares for his fucked up family, and if that isn’t the sweetest thing...
“Your turn for bed, missy,” he says once he’s made sure Case is comfortable. The angel is already dropping back off the sleep, head snuggling into the soft pillows. Dean snorts and eases the door closed behind him. “You reckon you can use those puppy dog eyes of yours tomorrow, get Sam to do the dishes?”
You pout. “But Dean, the kitchen is your area.” He gently taps the back of your head. “Ow! Alright, I’ll see what I can do.”
He slings an arm around your shoulder and draws you close as you walk. “Good. That’s what I thought.”
You remember getting back to your room, remember someone helping you taking your socks off before the simpleness of warmth. Hands easing the covers over you, a palm gently smoothing your hair back and knuckles soothing down the side of your face. 
A gentle press of lips to your forehead, just to the side of where Sam had planted his kiss, and then the light turns out and you sink into the soft darkness of sleep, content.
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magini666 · 8 years
Circus, monsters and curiosities
Circus, monsters and curiosities
Hello, guys. I’ve got my first review of 2017 for you! If you like supernatural creatures, curious carnivals, deadly monsters and a bit of romance then this books is just for you.
Freeks by Amanda Hocking
My rating:
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supernatural-freek · 4 years
Lost In Translation
Dean x Sister!Reader, Sam x Sister!Reader
Synopsis: Hi, I was wondering if you could do a story where the Winchester’s hunt a witch with Castiel and the reader. The witch does a spell that makes people speak their first language. Sam and Dean are freaking out because of Cas speaking Enochian. In the drive back to the bunker, Dean is yelling at the reader because she messed up. She hasn’t talked yet, and finally Sam has had enough and tells her to defend herself. She just restarts talking full blown German (they had no idea she was Germany please?
(Translations are done from a website, so if they’re incorrect please don’t come for me. Also, the sister is a half-sibling which is why they don’t know she’s German)
NOTE: Damn, I’ve been putting off writing some of these requests. I’m sorry about that. It’s real crappy of me. Hopefully I’ll get them all out quickly.
The Impala purrs quietly, happily speeding down the open highway. She’s clean, Dean took the weekend to detail clean her with painstaking care, but the same can’t be said for her passengers. Blood is plastered to skin, clothes are matted and filthy.
Cas says something in that guttural language of his, throwing his hands up in frustration at the blank looks he gets in response. Sam sighs, risking a glance back at you. You’re quiet, head pressed against the window. He almost feels sorry for you.
“So,” Dean says, too casual to be anything but angry. Sam winces. “Y/N. Care to explain what the hell happened back there?”
You open your mouth, clearly think better of it, and remain silent. Cas says something else. Nobody understands a word of it. 
“Dammit Cas,” Dean hisses, “nobody understands what you’re saying! Stop trying!”
Cas folds his arms and looks out the window, a petulant look on his face. Dean rolls his eyes. Sam inhales sharply. “Y/N,” he says, voice jarringly gentle compared to Dean’s harsh anger. “We just wanna know why you froze up like that. Dean needed you to kill the witch and you just stood there.”
Still you remain silent. Sam doesn’t understand how you can do it. You like arguing, like calling Dean names. Once, shortly after you’d first joined them, you’d punched Dean in the face after he told you to shut the fuck up. You like talking. You love being heard.
So why won’t you fucking talk?
“Maybe you need a break from hunting,” Sam suggest quietly and you stiffen, your vacant look sharpening into a glare. Sam sighs. “I don’t know what else to do, Y/N?”
“We can’t have you messing up like that again,” Dean says, and Sam bites down on his tongue so he doesn’t say something that will make this so much worse. “Dammit, Y/N, you could’ve gotten us killed!”
Cas spits something. Nobody bothers to pay attention to it. It’s not like any of you can understand Enochian.
Dean’s hands tighten on the wheel. Sam makes one last bid to get you to talk, if only to protect you from the fireball that Dean will become if nothing happens soon. “Y/N, please-”
“Halten Sie den Mund! Sie haben keine Ahnung, was ich denke oder fühle!”
That’s....not what anybody expected.
Sam jerks back at the foreign dialect, and the anger in your eyes is scorching. Cas settles back in the seat, chin raised and mouth twitching smugly. He mutters something under his breath and nudges you gently. You bat his arm away, but it’s a playful move, not a violent one.
Dean breaks the silence first. “What?”
“Mach die Ohren auf, Blödmann.”
“I don’t understand fucking Dwarfish.”
You scowl. “Fick dich, Dean.”
Sam inhales sharply, trying not to laugh at the offended look on his brother’s face. Neither of them know what you’re saying, but it’s not easy to miss that you’re being incredibly insulting and probably vulgar.
He clears his throat, shifting in his seat. “I never knew German was your first language.” You duck your head slightly. Sam doesn’t seem to notice. “I mean, it had to be your mom, right? Dad never spoke German, and he wasn’t around enough to teach it to you consistently anyway, so it had to be your mom.”
“Sie hat mir eine Menge Dinge beigebracht,” you say. “Deutsch war die Sprache ihrer Familie, und sie wollte, dass es auch meine Sprache ist.”
“Yeah,” Sam says, “I have no idea what you just said.”
Cas chooses that moment to wave his hand, chattering excitedly in the rough language of the angels. He’s leaning forward and talking to Dean, who snarls at him and swerves rather dramatically to a halt on the side of the road.
“Castiel!” Dean snaps, turning around to face his angel. “I don’t know what you’re fucking saying-”
Cas erupts into light.
Sam swears and Dean yelps, but you make no sound as you shy away from the sudden brightness.  It’s hot enough to burn, but it’s over too quickly for any damage to be done. When Cas gradually eases back into dim existence, you and the boys are panting.
“I said,” Cas harrumphs with a sharp look at Dean, “that I figured out how to break the curse.”
“So you did,” says Dean, who doesn’t like to admit that he’d wrong.
Sam and Cas share an exasperated look before Sam’s turning to you expectantly. “Y/N?”
“Ihr Haar lässt Sie wie Jesus aussehen,” you say, just to be difficult.
Dean groans. “In English, please?”
You pause, grinning with entirely too many teeth. “I said if you don’t buy me a frappe on the way to the Bunker, I’m going to cut your dick off.”
Dean skids the tires on the car when he takes off.
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supernatural-freek · 4 years
Words So Softly Spoken
Dean x Reader
Synopsis: Can I request for Dean Winchester? The reader is dating him, and when she’s stressed out, or upset or something, she often talks in her sleep. She’s been under a lot of stress lately and Dean was worried and when he tries to ask her about it, she brushes it off. One night, she begins talking in her sleep and Dean is there. He got the idea to talk to her and when he does, he has a full on conversation about what was upsetting her and he helps her feel better and comforts her.
NOTE: I’m still working through your other requests, I just have a lot of exams and work and stuff to get through too. Thank you for your patience!
Dean winces as you slam the bedroom door.
It’s not the first time you’ve come home angry this week, but it’s certainly the first time you’ve been so openly vicious and aggravated. “Hey!” He shouts, thumping once on the door. “No need to break the damn door down!”
Instantly, he hears a very angry, “Fuck you!”
Well, alright then.
He shakes his head and takes a drink of his coffee, turning on his heel and wandering through the hallways of the bunker. He’s starting to get worried now - you’re clearly under some kind of pressure, but you won’t tell him what’s bothering you. He doesn’t know how to help you. 
“Was that Y/N?” Sam asks when Dean makes it back to the kitchen. Dean purses his lips and shrugs. Sam frowns. “She’s upset.”
“No shit Sherlock,” Dean says flatly and drains the last of his coffee.
Sam scowls at him, settling into one of the chairs in the kitchen as Dean moves over to wash his coffee mug. “Have you tried talking to her about it?”
Dean sets the coffee cup down a little too harshly in the sink; Sam winces at the sharp crack of ceramic against metal. “Of course I did,” Dean says. “She damn near bit my head off for it.”
It’s not often you lose your temper with your boys, but when you do, it’s nuclear. Usually, the most they can do is duck and cover and pray that whatever’s bothering you goes away quickly.
This time, though, something unidentifiable sits cold and heavy in Dean’s chest. “Crap,” he sighs, and Sam frowns at him in confusion. “I’m gonna have to keep pushing,” he elaborates half-heartedly. 
“You just said she wouldn’t talk to you before.”
Dean lifts one shoulder in a half shrug. “Something’s different,” he explains. “Something’s really wrong.”
Sam shakes his head slightly, only to startle when they both hear an angry scream come from the shooting range and then rapid fire bullets. Shit, you gotta be really mad to be down at the range. You always hate being down there on your own.
“Whatever man,” Sam says, still staring at the doorway as though he expects you to appear and start shooting at him. “She’s your girl, not mine. You’re the one whose dick’s in danger, not mine.”
There’s the sound of more shots.
Dean suddenly has a very vivid picture of you shooting his balls off.
He swallows. “Maybe later,” he says to Sam, who nods in agreement.
Except, when later comes around and he creeps into your shared room, you’re already asleep in your damn clothes. Your face is lined and tense, but your breathing is light and even and you don’t stir when Dean strips down and gently slides into bed next to you.
“What are we gonna do with you?” He murmurs, brushing a hand through your tangled hair. It hurts to see you so worked up, and it hurts knowing that he can’t help you because he doesn’t know what’s wrong.
You snuffle, words slurring together into an indecipherable mess as you press your face into Dean’s chest. You do this sometimes, talk in your sleep, so Dean does nothing except you hold you.
“Dean,” you say quietly.
Dean hums, checks your eyes to make sure you’re asleep, and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Yeah?” He whispers back.
You puff out a breath. “I’m sorry that I can’t be enough for you.”
That’s not-
“I know I should be doing better,” you say, still asleep. Dean feels paralysed, but he can’t stop you, not now. “I should actually be helpful, and instead I’m just taking up your time and attention.”
“Hey.” Dean’s voice breaks and he clears his throat. “Hey, no. Don’t think-”
“If I were you, I wouldn’t love me either.”
Any oxygen he may have had in his body is stripped away all at once. Dean gapes down at you, throat closing up and chest burning and head hurting-
How can you-
He wants to wake you up, to have this conversation while you were actually conscious and aware of what you were saying, but he knew deep down that this kind of honesty only came from your sleep. You’ve made confessions in your dreams before, but nothing like this.
How can you think that about yourself?
“Y/N,” Dean says miserably. “Why do you think I don’t love you? Why do you think you aren’t helpful? Where’s this coming from?”
Your face screws up with discomfort and you wriggle back a little, still completely asleep. “We’re no closer to finding Jack,” you tell him. “Cas is still AWOL somewhere. You and Sam keep fighting without actually fighting, and I’m watching you drift further and further away from me, and I can’t stop it.”
Because you’re not entirely wrong. Because it has been stressful lately, but it hasn’t been because of you. Dean is distant because Dean is hurting and confused about whether to hug jack or punch the kid when they find him. Dean doesn’t know where Cas is, doesn’t know if he should pray or just let the angel be.
But he still loves you. He’s never stopped loving you.
“Baby no.” He closes his eye tightly, guilt clawing at his stomach. “I love you. I love you more than anything. It’s just-”
“Stressful,” you sigh and roll over so your back is pressed against Dean’s chest. “I know. And I’m sorry that I’m not helping like I should be.”
But that’s not what you’re supposed to do. Dean doesn’t need you to be helpful to love you. He just needs to you to be safe and happy. He just needs you to be you. 
“I’m sorry it’s gotten this far,” he says sadly, burying his face in your wild mane of hair. “I should’ve have noticed before this, should have asked. This is my fault.”
“No it’s not,” you say, sounding far more awake than you just were. Dean doesn’t force you to turn back around though, allowing you that illusion of sleep .It’s so much easier to confess when people aren’t expecting it. “Dean, I’m scared. That one day you’re going to turn around and not love me anymore. That’s on me, not you.”
“If you think I’m just going to not love you one day, then I’m clearly doing something wrong.”
“I don’t want to fight with you on this.”
His hold on your tightens. “Then don’t. Just let me love you.”
You sniff, and yeah, you’re definitely not asleep anymore, but neither of you care about that. And maybe the talk isn’t over yet, maybe it’s only just begun, but you’re both tired and you’re both aching to just hold each other close as the bunker settles in for another night on Earth.
And just maybe, you both dream of the same thing.
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