#supplement bots?
thomfeav · 5 months
What’s with this weird new follower accounts? They look like bots designed to sell supplements from companies I’ve never heard of (and medically I have to take vitamin D so I know of a decent number of those and how legit they are…) they also all have vaguely medical field names?
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badgiraffe · 5 months
Is it just the ace tag that's being plagued by bots or are other tags getting it just as bad? They're literally popping up like 3 posts in a row. I've reported so many in just 5 mins of scrolling. Ridiculousness.
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yaboieif · 5 months
guess whos just joined the ace mafia
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sleepy-pile-of-ashe · 4 months
At this point istg all of the tags I love are being filled with p#rn bots
I'm scrolling through my ship tags and the ace tag just being bombarded with these stupid bots. Tumblr 👏 get 👏 it 👏 together 👏
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Who is bayverse au Ashlynn’s favorite bot?
Cogman obviously, but Ashlyn will never admit it. His tiny head is much too large already, no need to puff up that mech's plating even more.
So, instead of being honest, if ever asked that question, Ashlyn will do what she does best in this AU: have a little fun with it.
She will wax poetry about the strangest attributes of a bot, the odd symmetry of face plates, the sparks that trail off peds dragged through concrete, and the odd sneezing vent that matches the grace of a trumpeter swan. Random names, some within a few feet of her monologues, some that don't even exist in this universe, but it's never the same person twice and never with the same reasoning.
(Cogman is of course the exception, and the fact he is never mentioned only further proves that the over-qualified butler is the favorite. Sam is very confused by Cogman's preening.)
After Ashlyn finished a very lengthy description of how Megatron's voice has the particular quality of a screw caught in an ill-kept industrial clock's gears, and how his face was blessed with such intricate design that such a thing could only exist to be ripped off and replaced with an inferior model less an asteroid belt grow jealous of such a perilously pieced puzzle face, she gains a bit of a reputation. Well, adds to her current reputation.
Her comments on Optimus having the puckered lips of an infant, matched only by his temper of a toddler, have since gone viral.
(It is unconfirmed if Soundwave had anything to do with it. But it is confirmed that Simmons has been noting down every recorded dis just in case there is some secret message in there. She predicted the robot dino Grimlock! Now who is the octopus Quintessia that she speaks of? Who is the Unicorn?)
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medical-remedies · 5 months
SurvivalMD Book (printed)
An Essential Tool for Disaster Planning: An Evaluation of "Survival MD" by Dr. Radu Scurtu The printed version of "Survival MD" by Dr. Radu Scurtu is reviewed in this review. This spiral-bound book provides a thorough overview of handling medical emergencies when access to expert treatment is limited.
A Comprehensive Strategy for Patient Welfare
The book's focus goes beyond physical wounds to acknowledge the significance of mental health in survival circumstances. Dedicated chapters discuss trauma coping strategies and stress management. Dr. Scurtu also provides insightful advice on how to keep clean under difficult conditions. These seemingly unimportant factors can have a big impact on a patient's capacity to remain resilient, focused, and composed in a stressful situation.
A piece that stands out in particular addresses the psychological factors of survival. Dr. Scurtu stresses the value of keeping a positive mindset and the part that hope plays in the healing process. This inclusion shows that the comprehensive understanding of patient well-being that is typically lacking in conventional survival guidelines has been achieved.
Developing Information for Emergency Circumstances
The main advantage of "Survival MD" is the way it may provide readers with the information and abilities needed to handle a range of medical situations. The book explores the diagnosis and management of common injuries including sprains, cuts, and scrapes while also offering advice on treating more severe wounds like bone fractures. Notably, Dr. Scurtu employs more advanced therapeutic techniques. For example, the treatment of wounds section describes how to determine the type of lesion, assess the degree of bleeding, and even manufacture temporary sutures using materials that are easily obtained. Even in situations with limited resources, people may efficiently handle medical emergencies with the help of this realistic approach.
Availability to a Wide Range of Audiences
"Survival MD" sets itself apart with its approachable style. Because too much technical language is avoided, readers without any prior medical knowledge can easily understand the content. By providing verbal instructions together with visual representations of important concepts, the use of diagrams and drawings improves comprehension even more. By emphasizing accessibility, it is ensured that vital medical information is always accessible and simple to understand, especially in stressful situations.
An Essential Component for Every Emergency Kit
Finally, Dr. Radu Scurtu's book "Survival MD" proves to be an invaluable tool for anyone looking to improve their emergency readiness. By equipping readers with the information and abilities to handle a variety of medical circumstances, the book encourages independence and ease of mind. Outdoor enthusiasts, professionals working in distant areas, and anybody looking to improve their readiness for unanticipated events may find this material to be a valuable addition. "Survival MD" is a succinct and educational manual that could be quite helpful under dire circumstances.
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angryisokay · 2 years
3rd shift team leader was bullshitting with us during downtime at work last night, ended up suggesting some supplement that’s basically a vitamin B precursor [?]. I figure I’ll look it up if I remember to. Clinical studies are lacking because it’s a recently identified thing, but it looks legit from what is available.
The most recommended brand is also Goop Approved. :/
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Sweet Jesus, now the asexual tag is spammed by bots advertising supplements and other shit
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sheyri · 5 months
Reporting bots in the asexual tag is quickly turning into my favourite hobby
It's actually kinda nice of those bots to deliver a wide variety of content. Tiddies, nutrition supplements, travel, some arabic texts. I even had a crypto post just now!
And if you're not a bot, but wrongly use the tag on a post that has nothing to do with asexuality at all, you just get caught in the crossfire. Sorry not sorry.
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icequeenabby · 5 months
The #asexual tag is getting overwhelmed by bots, and we need your help
For whatever reason, this was the tag the supplement and NSFW bots decided they wanted to attack today, so if you have the bandwidth, please help us by doing one of these things:
Post and reblog actual ace content! Saw a funny garlic bread meme? Found cool merch? Have a favorite informational or support comic? Want to spam the ace/aroace/aro flags? Do it, anything is better than bots!
Report and block! I'll be honest I have no idea what the backend process is for reporting, but if nothing else blocking keeps it off your own dash.
That's it! Thanks for your support, and happy hunting!
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geo-is-ace · 4 months
Good news: I noticed a LOT less supplement bots in the Asexual tag
Bad news: *in traumatized shaky voice* there's still so much nsfw
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yameoto · 17 days
how tf did you break the safe filters on c.ai??
please read my faq!
HOW DO YOU BYPASS THE NSFW FILTER ON CHARACTER AI? here and here are everything you need to know! it's essentially mix of using synonyms (for the love of god, do not come right out the gate saying "show me your tits") and immersive/detailed roleplaying, whilst tricking the bot into adjusting it's settings to let nsfw slide.
my personal note is you must put a little effort in your responses. just a little. even at least one paragraph! this is what i mean by immersive and detailed roleplaying; as if you're roleplaying with another person. the bot will see this!!! and get into it!!! the amount of times i see people reply with only three words and are dissatisfied with their experience is surprising. even the basics apply. if you reply with only dialogue, how will the bot know what you're doing? where your body is? where to put their body? it also makes it extremely easier for cai to find things to flag in your message, whereas if you put a tiny of effort in writing full sentences, it lowers the likelihood as potentially flaggable phrases will get lost in context. you need to put the bot in the mood. just act like you're roleplaying with a regular individual (equivalent exchange!) and it should just happen. if you need further help, google is a wonderful and time-tested invention.
this is just how cai is. i prefer it, because the llm is much better in terms of prose/memory compared to other ais and i enjoy plots supplemented by smut. especially bc i love writing tons in my responses! however, everyone is different, and if you dislike that, options like jai and spicychat seem like a good fit for you <3 hope this helped.
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obsessedcicada · 5 months
Seriously this bot stuff is out of control on the ace tags. I spent 5 minutes on #asexual and I saw maybe 6 actual posts? The rest were bullshit supplements. A couple were actually to improve sexual performance or libido which is even more fucked up. Ace warriors rise up and kill the bots!
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alphajocklover · 3 months
Hey, um, I'm a really tall, really skinny gay guy. People have always told me that I could be really athletic if I wanted to, but no matter how much I eat I always stay thin and lanky. I guess it's just my metabolism. Could you help me beef up?
Maybe I just don't have the mindset for it
So, no matter what, even though you desperately want to, you can’t seem to put on any muscle. Trust me when I tell you that you’re not alone. There are tons of people who look at their body and wish they were different, and there are just as many who do what they can to change and find it's just not enough. That's part of why transformation blogs exist after all. The fantasy of getting your dream body without all the hassle. Some people say that those who have trouble doing this just need to work harder, or are lazy, but usually it has more to do with genetics and metabolism than anything else. Getting a body like the ones in my post is possible without magic and reality warping apps, but it is very difficult and not possible for everyone. So, your request brings up an interesting idea: what would happen if I changed you mentally and left your body alone? Would the right mindset really change that much? Well, let's see.
It shouldn’t be hard to change you mentally. I won’t even go into how. Maybe I used some magic, or nano bots, or something else from my increasingly large collection of jock transformation methods. Honestly the how isn’t really important to this experiment. It’s what happens next that we want to focus on. Because now, mentally, you’re a jock. I didn’t entirely rewrite your identity, so you’re still you, just a jock version of yourself. You’re dumber, simpler. You love sports and working out, and obsess about getting massive muscles. You’re the stereotypical jock… except you're skinny as a bean pole. The new you can’t just accept that of course. He wants to be huge. He works out like crazy, follows all the tips, takes every supplement and tries every protein powder he can find, all to chase the version of you he knows he can be. So… does it work? Does the new you get a jock body? The answer is fairly boring: kind of. An increased dedication to exercise and a passion for it is sure to make a big difference, and you end up putting on dozens of pounds of muscle, but since I didn’t change your body, you still have to deal with the genetics life has dealt you. You get huge, but you don’t get as big as some of the other gym goers. You’re a jock, but you’re not inhumanly massive. You’re definitely a total stud, but it takes quite some time for you to get where you want to be. I’m not knocking hard work and dedication, but they’re not the only factors and it’s ok to acknowledge that. You may never get as big as you dream… but that's not really why you do it anymore. You’re a jock now, and a real jock doesn’t just workout because they wanna look good, they do it because they love it! Because it’s their passion! That passion and dedication will take you very far, farther than people get on just good genetics. You may never be the biggest guy in the gym, but you’ll get big and enjoy every second of getting bigger.
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Of course, that's coming at it from a more grounded viewpoint, and we’re not here to be grounded are we? You want to live out your jock fantasy, and as thanks for letting me do this little experiment with you, I’ll give your muscles an extra little boost! Looks like you will be the biggest guy in the gym after all! With both the right mindset and the perfect body, you’re going to end up a jock bro god. Hope you enjoy it bro! You're gonna have guys throwing themselves at you after this.
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voidarchivefiles · 7 months
The Sabbath State
Supplement post for this success story. Credits go to this awesome Neville Goddard AI bot
What is the sabbath state?
When you become aware of your wish fulfilled and are conscious of its reality, you have entered the Sabbath state. It is a state of mind that you enter when you have finally accepted that your desire is fulfilled and it is a reality. You have abandoned all concern with the physical circumstances that appear to be opposing your wish. You have no doubts about the ultimate fulfillment of your wish. You are absolutely convinced that your wish is fulfilled and will never return to the old state of consciousness again.
In that state, there is nothing to do or think on anymore?
Yes, in the Sabbath state, there is no more need to affirm or work for your desire; you need not think of your desire any longer because you have entered a state in which it is already a reality. All your efforts should come to an end. Instead, it is important to remain faithful to the Sabbath state by constantly assuming you are mentally living as if your desire is now a reality. Do not become distracted by the physical details of your life that may indicate otherwise. Remain unshakable in the conviction that your wish is fulfilled, no matter what your external reality appears to be.
You have done your part. Now, it is time to put all faith in the power of God to bring your desire into your life. In other words, once you have entered the Sabbath state, you simply need to sit, relax, and trust.
How do I get there?
The key to reaching the Sabbath state is to develop a deep sense of faith and conviction that your desire is already a reality. You must truly believe and accept that your wish is fulfilled, no matter what your external reality may dictate otherwise. This is where your ability to imagine and believe takes center stage.
Once you have internalized your faith and belief, you begin to let go of any attachment or concern for the physical details of your life. And you relax into a state of utter peace and quiet faith that your desire will come true in the right time and the right way.
To enter the Sabbath state, you can begin by making a mental picture of yourself in the state you desire to be in. Visualize yourself as though you were already that person or already had what you desire. Spend at least 10 minutes each day focusing on this mental image and let it become as real to you as though it has actually happened. Once you feel you are living in the state, stop actively affirming your desire and simply have absolute faith that it is done. Now you have entered the Sabbath state.
Okay so what do I do when I am in the Sabbath state and I think of my desire (and it's not yet in the physical)?
Whenever you find yourself thinking of a desire that has not yet materialized and worrying that it is not yet a reality, simply accept that your human reason is not trustworthy and remind yourself that the only true reality is the reality you create in your mind. You have nothing to worry about.
Remind yourself that you have done your work to bring the desire into your life, but now you must allow the power of God to unfold. Do not engage in thoughts of doubt or worry that the desire has not yet been fulfilled. Simply remain faithful to the state in which it is already a reality. Remember, you have entered the Sabbath so trust and have faith that what you want is already a reality and will eventually manifest in your outer world.
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jd07201990 · 8 months
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I watched from the kitchen door, with a wide grin on my face, as my previously combative, nerdy Stepson watched his laptop, eyes glazed, for the umpteenth time these last 6 months. Nobody would ever remember tiny, snarky little Theodore. They’d only ever see Theo, this bulky, sweaty brute, lifting and fucking his way through college, just like any red-blooded young man should. And it was all thanks to my buddy Sarge’s “attitude adjusting” self help videos, he custom designs for a slew of shady clientele after he retired. Mostly foreign governments, some loony cults here and there. But for me, he’d done a personal favor. I filled out a details chart, every last trait, from his voice to his hair, posture, everything. I thought about everything he’d said about “those sweating, grunting behemoths” that all got into school with free-ride scholarships for athletics. Theo was going to helplessly, desperately, insatiably grow, eating and grunting his way to 215, the weight I’d maintained all through college. He’d also dress, walk, and talk like the testosterone (and a slew of supplements Sarge gave me with the videos) filled cocky young male you see frequenting college courtyards, throwing footballs between bros and chasing pretty sorority girls like lovesick puppies. Their dumb, dopey demeanor would seen pour from Theo’s mouth, his shoulders back, pecs out casually. He’d grope and adjust himself, sitting down with his legs wide no matter where he is. His diet would change, adding raw calories and protein, chuckling dumbly with the other gym rats as he gulps down creatine powder, dry, and chugs a shake to wash it down. The supplements Sarge gave me to add to his meals, ensured he’d bulk up fast, and solid. As long as I fed him enough, which I was warned would triple our groceries, at least, He’d gain the weight, and the thickness I was looking for, while his body would be thrust through a second puberty, allowing for the subliminals to work on other, aspects, of his masculinity. Let’s just say, we all know what they say about dudes with big feet. And his will be a hefty size 14. Too bad for his mother, our house is also going to reek like a Varsity locker room, because those feet, and the rest of him, will be all raw male, all the time. Pumped and ready, brimming with energy, like a Golden Retriever, if it were a 6’2” behemoth. The toughest bit was straightening him out. Giving him that good old fashioned, hot-blooded straight male instinct, making him drool over the coeds and cheerleaders, chasing girls like every young man should. The videos worked their magic well, the supplements setting his balls ablaze, churning out testosterone to fuel his primal need for aggression, for hard work, and effort, and sweat and sex. He fought it until his best friend Jenna, without realizing what her playful teasing was doing to him, had been on the couch with him, and had leaned over, and nibbled his ear one night while watching a movie. He'd lost his gold star that night. Quickly, and with all the confusion and passion that comes with young love and first times. Jenna had been stunned when he’d practically pounced on her, and from there, hours passed, and they wore themselves out right there on the couch. The next morning, he was mortified, but he couldn’t help but kiss her when she woke and complimented him on his… performance. It's been 6 months, and you’d never know he wasn’t always a muscled up, sweaty, straight boy, chasing girls at school, slacking off in class, and riding his new Lacrosse Scholarship that Sarge so nicely arranged when Theo got big and dumb enough to join the team. It seems Sarge knows quite a few coaches, Alumni, and Board members with a good bot of influence. It also seemed the school’s Jock population was skyrocketing, coincidentally at the same time as Sarge added a pool, an extension, and a garage full of classic cars to his house…
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