#supplication platform
sw5w · 1 year
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:14:54
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pangur-and-grim · 2 years
I’ve been trying to write an alternate first chapter to the book, and think I finally have it! it’s silly and cliched, but fun I think, and accurately sets it up to be a world of overpowered idiots.
Forty years prior
The next man to see the king had a pinched, weaselly face, and a fashion sense that bordered on sacrilege. He wore a black robe that blended with his dark, limp hair, giving the impression of a cowl. Perhaps in a purposeful perversion of an Elder’s white gown - the king glanced at the visiting church representative seated to his right, curious to see her reaction. The Elder, however, had herself fully occupied with a drinks order. A stooge hovered, bent nearly in two to better hear the woman, peppering every pause she left with compliments as to her taste.
“I am the Sorcerer Mer–“ began the man, his voice raised imperiously over the muttered conversations of other merchants, farmers, and freshly washed peasantry that waited to be seen behind him.
“Hang on,” said the king, raising a hand heavy with rings. “Elder Beth, do you have any thoughts on his robe?”
She looked annoyed to be interrupted, even by a king. This emotion quickly redirected on the unfortunate man. “The shade is unpleasant. What does black symbolize, death and wickedness? And in that cut - does he pretend to be a monk?”
The man treated the woman to a look of undisguised hatred. Though tall and lanky, he stood some feet beneath them, the king and his guest being seated on a raised platform to keep them clear of the masses. “I don’t pretend to be anything. I am the sorcerer Merulo, and I have come to announce my intentions!”
At the sharpness of his proclamation, almost a shout, a hush fell over those nearest to them. Everyone listening mutually understood that this would likely end in jailing or execution, leaving them with (if not their wishes granted) at least a front seat to the freshest gossip material.
The king thumped his goblet meaningfully, and the knights guarding the platform ceased their yawning and scratching of armoured asses to advance on the man.
“What are your intentions, young man?” Elder Beth spoke with a laziness that betrayed her presumption of control. Her voice rang clear as a bell across the crowded throne room.
“I will, eugh,” the man’s voice broke, and he cleared his throat urgently, blinking. His eyes matched his attire, chips of flint in a ghoulishly pale face. “I will kill your God,” he continued, clearly trying to match the Elder’s volume and charisma, “and destroy this world’s magic!”
Laughter came from the crowd, some of it nervous and some genuine. The king himself hid a smirk behind a broad hand.
“Now, most people come to speak to me about property lines, or to complain about conning merchants. He’s obviously insane,” this last comment made to the Elder, who had leant so far forward in her seat that it threatened to topple. She looked like a dog pulling at an invisible chain, eager to render. “Shall we take pity on his lack of faculties?” The king already knew the answer.
“Doing so would be an insult to Order itself,” she growled, then louder: “God is everlasting. We shall give you ample leisure to reconnect with Him through prayer and reshape yourself into piety. Escort this man to a holding chamber.”
The king bristled at having his men ordered, but this was the way of the church. To contest the will of its representative would be akin to blasphemy. He swung his attention back to the supplicant with a sigh, only to choke in surprise. Glowering up at them without fear, the man had his thin lips pulled back in a flash of teeth. Of course, the poor idiot lacked all sense. Still….
“He did claim to be a sorcerer,” said the king, glancing sideways at the Elder and fingering an emerald in his ring.  
Before a response could be given, several figures stepped out of the crowd, their motions stuttery and faces blank. The knights paused, clearly having readied themselves for a day of sweating monotony, but the figures showed no such hesitance. Accelerating into a run, they met the knights with fingers that looked less like fingers by the second, and mouths that split into splinter-lined cavities. All illusion vanished, then, with the creatures thrashing at the deeply surprised knights revealing themselves to be twisted and sickly trees, given a freakish semblance of life.
The Elder rose so fast she stumbled, whipping out an elegantly gilded wand of carved ivory. She spat an incantation, aiming at the sorcerer, and gleaming ice swords condensed from clouds of sucked moisture, leaving the air dry and staticky. They encircled the black-robed man, stabbing inward - only to shatter into a cloud of refracting droplets, at a single barked word.
“Damn,” said the king, sitting back, “he’s good, huh?”
The sorcerer’s next word sent the Elder sailing backward in a billow of white cloth, like a giant swatted dove, to crash against a tapestry-draped wall. The king winced in sympathy, but made no move to assist.
“You understand then?” shouted the sorcerer, panting not from exertion, but from what seemed to be anxiety, “I’ll kill God, destroy the magic, yes? I anticipate a timeline of –“ He ducked a thrown dagger, one of his wooden servants dashing to maim the source, “Five years, give or take, so if any changes in infrastructure are required – Oh, for fuck’s sake.”
A particularly burly knight had broken through the wooden monsters, with great rending sweeps of his broad axe. He roared, lunging at the sorcerer, who gestured hastily, flicking pale fingers. Immediately, the knight collapsed in a clinking heap, where he remained motionless.
Throughout this, the crowd screamed, trampling each other in their rush to escape through the great double-doors, and forcing the sorcerer to shout at an ever-higher pitch to be heard.
“Look, you’ve been warned, yes? This is a warning? I have 23 more stops to make, and can only hope that other rulers treat me with more grace. Goodbye, King … er.”
They realized it simultaneously: the sorcerer had forgotten the king’s name. A moment of awkward eye contact followed, which the sorcerer broke first with a grimace. Looking rather slumped and defeated, the man hummed a portal into existence, an unfurling hole in reality that he stormed into with an imperious flap of his robe. What wooden servants remained followed him through, crawling and leaping, the portal folding shut behind them like the closing petals of a flower.
“Well,” said the king, taking a sip of his wine. Then again: “Well.”
Bodies jammed the double doorway. Despite this, the crowd maintained their pushing and shouting, worsening the clog. Throughout the room, a scattering of trampled citizens lay dead or unconscious, along with a number of prone knights. Blood speckled the tiled floor and smeared the tapestry where the Elder had slid down it. The king took another deep drought of his goblet.
“He’s definitely mad,” he murmured, pulling thoughtfully at his beard, “but good show, nonetheless.”
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mothiir · 3 months
words rarely spoken
for @kit-williams, who requested perturabo and a praise kink. my first time writing the Big Iron Boy so apologies if his characterisation is a little all over.
cw: power imbalance.
The best thing that the leaders of your world ever did was die, and die swiftly, so cooler heads — those with a more accurate assessment of your ability to defend against the might of the Imperium — prevailed, and negotiated a surrender. Surrender is a delicate way of putting it — wholehearted supplication is more accurate. Levies and taxes and all sorts of sacrifices made; but the intricacies of the deal do not trouble you. The important thing is that you are still alive; that your cities may be rubble, but the land is not scoured and irradiated waste.
You were in a refugee camp, bird-boned and hollow-eyed from living off thin soup and stale bread, when the Iron Warriors swept through looking for serfs. You were picked because — though skinny — you were still able to stand on two feet, and were not actively dying of dysentery.
You are at the unveiling of the new barracks by pure chance. Your status is lowly enough that you are, in essence, the serf of a serf; the assistant to a housekeeper for the recruits. She attends, since she will be overseeing the running of the mighty kitchens, designed to deal with the appetites of baby Astartes; you attend, because she needs someone to take notes, since she’s almost completely deaf after years of dealing with neophytes who are unable to control the volume of their eardrum-busting voices, and she does not want to admit it.
A chill sea breeze whisks your hair back, carrying with it the scent of salt and the distant aroma of lasgun fire, still lingering even months after the capitulation of the system. The barracks is built along the coast, great buttresses of durasteel effortlessly blending in with the native black stone cliff, while the pinnacle of the building stretches towards the slate grey sky in a series of brutalist blocks that — despite their overtly industrial inspiration — seem perfectly at home in the bleak landscape. Already salt-stained and circled by dozens of gulls, howling to each other over the scream of the wind, you would think that the barracks had stood here since time immemorial.
You, and the other household serfs, are honoured with a place on the levitating platform that sweeps along the barracks’ length; you stick to the back corners, not held in place by chain or protocol, but by simple human awe — for at the head of the platform, atop a dais of raw iron, stands Perturabo, Primarch of the Iron Warriors; builder, destroyer, champion. His face is as hard and merciless as the ocean, and even his sons — terrifying creatures that they are — treat him with deference. You’ve heard rumours of decimation, of brutality your sheltered life can’t begin to fathom. So you avert your eyes. So you make yourself small. So you, like the other serfs, attempt to be as grey and faceless and featureless as the cogs in a machine.
The platform is silent, save the occasional hushed conversation between a nervous Iron Warrior and his Primarch. You cannot hear much, but occasionally make out a word or two —
“…not fit for purpose…apologies father —“
— it sounds like he is grovelling. You feel a strange stirring of pity and find yourself wondering: what is the point of all this? Peturabo built the barracks; his sons were overseen by him personally. Surely there is nothing here he has not already seen. And he cannot be trying to impress his serfs, or the native populace. Then why have this barebones ceremony at all?
You glance around the platform, as discreetly as possible. It is huge, larger than a town block (back when your towns still stood). Almost like it was designed to accommodate more people. Almost like he was expecting more guests.
You shake yourself out of your fantasy — you’re not one of those who fervently believe that the soldiers from the stars can read minds, but you don’t want to risk it. To distract yourself, you look back at the building — just as a bolt of sunlight struggles through the cloud, illuminating the barracks in streams of gold. All at once, it is transformed, sharp angles glowing, cavernous pockets of shadow providing dramatic definition against the light. Despite yourself, you whisper: “It’s so beautiful.”
You are not accustomed to how swift Astartes can be, nor how silent — and so when a low voice rumbles behind you, you almost jump out of your skin, heart leaping straight into your gullet.
“What did you say?”
The serfs around you peel away with astonishing speed; there is no solidarity here, especially not when a Primarch looms behind you like a threat. You daren’t turn around, through his shadow obscures the sun, and you smell him — hot iron, and burning plastisteel — and feel the heat of his armour radiating against the chill. You are no psyker, but you feel the weight of his presence heavy on your shoulders, and the prey-animal fear it ignite in you almost has you bolting to the sea, seeking the solace of the waves, and the drowning dark.
However. You master that feeling. You have lived this far; you will continue to live, so help you — not god. No gods here, not anymore. So help you you.
“It’s beautiful,” you say, then think that this is somewhat lacking. “My lord,” you add.
No one shoots you, so you assume this is the correct form of address.
“Beautiful? No. It serves the purpose it is intended for.”
You really should let it slide. You should. But your lips, numb with cold and salt-stained, are still moving. “It can do both — it can be both beautiful and functional. The way the buttresses slope to the waves, along the cliffs like veins or tree-roots; the way the buildings are angled just-so, looking like — “
You risk a sidelong glance; not at his face — you are not so bold — but at his shoulder-pauldrons.
“—looking like your armour, sire — uh, lord — it all has this rhythm to it, this poetry, this uh — “ Shit, shit, shit, you’re going to die, you’re going to die. “—pattern.”
Silence. Full, poignant silence. The serfs have now completely abandoned this corner of the platform; out of the corner of your eye you see that both they and the Astartes have taken up position at the far end, all making a show of looking literally anywhere but at the Primarch. Some are more convincing than others.
“—go on.”
You take in a deep breath, and continue. The windows, visible at a distant, small enough to insulate, large enough for natural light. The grey of the rock stained black by the waves. The craftsmanship of it all. Your voice trembles a little — after all, Peturabo still looms behind you — but the passion in your words is genuine. It really is beautiful, and more beautiful when you consider the context of it all: the coastline had been benighted by warfare and is now transfigured into something useful, something that will stand the test of time; a monument to endurance.
You have been talking for ten minutes and thirty two seconds and Perturabo has been hard for eight of those minutes — approaching nine. Now nine. Damn it all to the Warp, his body is a vile useless animal, and he despises its frailty, and you are a lowly mortal, your opinion is worthless, you are worthless —
“The craftsman really understood the native landscape —“
By the Emperor’s right ballsack, he’s going to go mad. He rests one hand on your shoulder — you oof at the sudden weight, peering up at him properly for the first time, all huge eyes and spit-wet mouth.
”Come with me,” he says, and strides off — you jog to keep up, managing three swift strides for each one of his, asking no questions, reeking of fear. And yet you were totally honest with him — he could sense it. Every word of your praise had been the unvarnished truth, even if your voice shook.
You genuinely thought the barracks beautiful, his craftsmanship without peer. Which - -yes, obviously, of course you would. It is. And yet — to hear it stated so plainly —
He does not say a word, nor look at you, the entire journey back to his quarters aboard ship. You trot in his wake the entire way, and when the doors roll open to his spartan accommodation you stare around: blank grey walls, a Primarch-sized bed, topped with a mattress roughly the width of a human thumb. A singular grey pillow.
“Um,” you say, and Peturabo ignores you, tapping at a panel on the wall to lock the door. His erection is acutely uncomfortable, sandwiched against his armour, and even thoughts of the least appealing things he can muster — Dorn naked, Dorn naked, that one time he saw Horus’s hairy arse in the shower — it isn’t going away. His thoughts, usually so regimented, keep turning back to the earnest praise you delivered in that lilting mortal voice, powered by lungs smaller than his palm.
“Talk,” he orders, striding towards you; you shrink back, and he huffs impatience. “I am not going to harm you; you are not in trouble. Talk. Repeat what you said about the barracks.”
”S-sure,” you say, and begin the tale again; it isn’t a duplicate of what you said before, but an escalation, going into more detail, more observations about the quality of the stone masonry. His cock throbs, and he fiddles with his armour, managing — with some indignity — to remove the crotch plate, and thumb aside the skin suit, revealing his hard, leaking member. It is roughly level with your chin, even as you stand, and the sight of your pink tongue gives him some ideas — but then you wouldn’t be able to talk. And he so wants you to talk.
“Touch me,” he says, and you reach up to obey, soft hands against his overheated flesh. Soft hands that have never known truly hard work, fingers that won’t span his girth, and a voice that continues praising him.
“And uh — making destruction into something functional, rebuilding, that’s — that’s a talent that —“
You’re starting to stammer as you stroke him, using both hands to do so. He feels his orgasm start to build — it has been far, far too long — and he moans throatily, his eyes half-closing with pleasure.
“Keep going.”
You are breathless with effort now; he’s heavy in your palms, and he’s crowding closer, leaving you with no choice but to angle his cock directly to your face.
“—and you’re good, you’re so good, you’re the craftsman who makes crisis into construction into cities —“
With a hard grunt, Peturabo cums — and keeps cumming. He paints your face and throat white, and knocks your hands away so he can milk the last little bit out himself, directly onto your chest, soaking the fabric.
“There,” he pants, self-satisfied and rose-cheeks. “Good girl.”
You look astonished more than anything else, reaching up to wipe your face. Once again, he catches your hands.
“Leave it on. I’m not done yet.”
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dystopicjumpsuit · 1 year
Stars Beyond Number - Chapter 4
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The Supplication of a Dead Man's Hand
Rating: T (rating varies by chapter; mature content will be tagged; regardless of rating, minors DNI)
Pairings: Echo x Riyo Chuchi; Gregor x OFC Cerra Kilian
Wordcount: 3.2k
Warnings: angst; injury; fake medicine; hurt comfort; alcohol use; Fox girlies don't come for me
Suggested Listening:
Summary: The Rex, Echo, and Gregor return with Fireball, and Riyo gets to know Echo a little better.
A/N: This story shares continuity with Martyrs and Kings and "Do It Again," but all three fics can be read as stand-alones. A huge thank you to @freesia-writes for beta reading this chapter!
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Here the stone images are raised, here they receive the supplication of a dead man's hand under the twinkle of a fading star.
—T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men”
Setting up the surgical pod took the better part of the day, and Riyo was grateful she had no pressing business in the senate. She knew Cerra didn’t really need her assistance, but it was such a relief to not have to keep up her careful masquerade, and Riyo was grateful for the invitation. 
If she were completely honest, Riyo had to admit she found Cerra somewhat intimidating—even a little terrifying, at times. There was something about her silent intensity that made Riyo wonder just how close the woman was to snapping at any given moment. It made the senator nervous, and she found herself babbling awkwardly in her presence.
Cerra surprised her. Yes, she was prickly, but she was also surprisingly kind, and Riyo had ended up revealing more about herself than she had ever intended. She wasn’t sure why; Cerra certainly hadn’t pressured her. Quite the opposite, in fact. But when Riyo had spoken of her grief for Fox, something about Cerra’s reaction made Riyo think she empathized more than she let on.
They had just finished calibrating the surgical pod and was running a final diagnostic when a loud beeping sound reverberated through the garage.
“What’s that?” Riyo asked, alarmed.
“Proximity alert,” Cerra replied, wiping her hands on a rag. “It’s probably Rex.”
Despite Cerra’s calm demeanor, Riyo couldn’t help but notice that her hand drifted almost imperceptibly toward the blaster strapped to her thigh. Riyo slipped off the pod and hurried to the front of the shop as they heard the familiar clang of a ship landing on the platform outside the garage. 
She’d be lying if she told herself that the opportunity to spend more time with Echo hadn’t formed a large part of her motive for visiting the shop, and she was relieved that he had returned before she needed to depart. A small stab of guilt coursed through her. Am I being disloyal to Fox? Is it too soon to be interested in someone else?
Cerra followed more slowly. The freighter ramp was down, and Rex disembarked first, supporting a clone in green armor as he limped out of the ship. He was carrying his helmet, and his face was tense with pain. Gregor and Echo followed behind Rex and the new clone, and Gregor thumped Echo on the back, laughing triumphantly.
“Welcome home, boys,” Cerra called. “Need any help?”
“I could eat. Not if you're cooking, though,” Gregor said with a cheeky grin.
Riyo’s eyes flitted to Cerra, wondering how she would react to the commando’s casual taunt, but surprisingly, a tiny smile flitted across her lips, and she hurried to help Rex as he reached the bottom of the ramp.
“It’s your lucky day,” Cerra said. “The senator brought snacks.”
“Fireball, I’d like you to meet Cerra Kilian and Senator Riyo Chuchi,” Rex introduced them.
"It's nice to meet you, Fireball," Riyo greeted the young clone.
"Senator," he gasped through gritted teeth.
Cerra moved to support him under his other arm, easing his helmet out of his hand and passing it to Riyo. “Easy, buddy. I've got you. Do you need a medkit?”
He shook his head. “Rex patched me up on the shuttle.” His voice was tight. “Just waiting for the bacta to work.”
Together with Rex, Cerra led Fireball to the shabby old sofa and got him situated as comfortably as possible. Riyo went to the kitchenette and doled out the soup she’d brought in a heated delivery canister, then distributed it to the grateful team, checking in with each of them to make sure everyone had made it back safely. Cerra declined the cup Riyo offered her, mumbling something about checking the ship’s supplies, and then disappeared into the freighter. Riyo went to Echo last and settled next to him on the sofa, basking in his soft, warm smile as she handed him his food.
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Cerra was relieved to escape into the silence and solitude of the freighter. She could only hope that someday her treacherous brain would stop seeing Fives in the face of every clone she encountered. It wasn’t as difficult when she had time to prepare, and she knew that she would eventually have to get used to it if she stayed with Rex. 
She took a quick inventory and restocked the ship’s medical supplies. Even from inside the freighter, she could hear Gregor telling the senator about the mission. It sounded like it had gone relatively smoothly, right up until Fireball took a blaster bolt to the thigh. But the clone was alive and free, so Cerra counted it as a win. She worked methodically, telling herself that she was just being conscientious, and not that she was avoiding interacting with Fireball until her brain had time to catch up to reality.
It’s not him, she told herself sternly.
Heavy footsteps on the ramp warned Cerra of Rex’s approach.
“Did you get the pod up and running?” he asked.
“Just finished when you got back,” she replied.
“I’d like to remove Fireball’s chip as soon as possible,” he said.
“Do you think he’s up to it?” Cerra asked. “His injury looked nasty.”
“It’s too dangerous to leave it in,” Rex said with finality. It was unmistakably an order, even if it wasn’t phrased as one.
“Understood,” Cerra nodded, before adding, “So long as he agrees.”
“How are supplies?” Rex asked, ignoring her tiny show of insubordination.
“Getting low,” Cerra acknowledged. “I’ll have to make a run soon. But we should have enough bacta and stims for now.”
He nodded in acknowledgment. “When you go, take Echo with you.”
Cerra frowned impatiently. “We’ve been through this. It’s too risky for a clone to go. If anyone recognizes him—”
“They won’t,” Rex interrupted.
“You don’t know that,” Cerra said with an irate huff, but she let it go for the moment.
She finished restocking the supplies, and when she exited the ship, Riya and Echo stood alone on the landing platform. They leaned close together as they spoke, and Cerra hurried into the garage, acutely aware that she was encroaching on a conversation that was not meant for her to hear. 
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“Have you been keeping safe?” Echo asked.
He stood close to Riyo, close enough that he could smell her subtle, sweet perfume. Close enough for him to admire the way her tattoos curved over her cheekbones and emphasized her beautiful eyes.
“Yes,” she said. “My guards have doubled their shifts, but they haven’t uncovered any further threats against me. It seems that Rampart was the only one behind the assassination attempt, after all.” 
“I hope so,” Echo said. “I hate to think that you’re putting yourself in danger for us.”
In the semi-darkness, the whirling lights of air speeder traffic reflected in Riyo’s golden eyes as she stared up at him. “Isn’t that what you did all through the war? Put your life on the line to protect us? It seems only right that I return the favor.”
“That was different,” Echo objected. “We were soldiers. That was our purpose.”
“You’ve always been more than that,” Riyo said, taking his remaining hand in both of hers as she swayed closer to him. “May I ask you a question?”
“Anything,” he replied.
“It’s somewhat personal, so please don’t feel you need to answer if you’d rather not,” she said hesitantly.
Echo smiled. “Noted. Please go on.”
“Why did you decide to join Rex?” she asked. “You had a chance to have a life away from all of this—a life with Omega and your brothers. What made you choose to stay and fight?”
He paused for a moment, considering. “Fighting is—well, it’s all I’ve ever known,” he said slowly. “It’s what I was created for. When I was with the Batch, I was still risking my life nearly every day, but it was for petty, meaningless things. Missions that only served to make someone else rich. With Rex, at least I’ll know that I’m fighting for something. For a cause. That I’m risking my life to make a difference, to help people. And if I die…”
Riyo looked away, distress written plainly on her features. Echo cupped her chin gently and tilted her face back toward his, ghosting his thumb across her soft lips.
“If I die,” he continued, “it will be for something worthwhile.”
He felt her take a deep breath as she gazed up at him. “Echo—”
Raucous laughter burst from the garage, and she startled away from his touch.
“I should probably get back to the embassy,” she whispered, tearing her eyes away from his.
“Would you like an escort?” Echo asked.
“It’s kind of you to offer,” Riyo said with a smile, “but you must be exhausted after your mission. I wouldn’t want to trouble you.”
“It’s no trouble at all,” Echo replied.
“Perhaps some other time,” she said.
Echo nodded, not wanting to pressure her. “Of course, Senator.”
He helped her carefully into her speeder, then watched as she piloted away from the platform and disappeared into the swarm of Coruscant traffic.
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Rex caught Cerra’s eye and tilted his head meaningfully at Fireball. She took a deep, steadying breath, then went and sat next to the clone.
“How are you feeling?” she asked.
“Free,” Fireball said with a shaky laugh.
She smiled. “How’s the pain? Are you up for having the inhibitor chip extracted?”
“Yes, sir,” he nodded.
“You can just call me Cerra,” she said. “Everybody else does.”
He nodded again, visibly relaxing. “Does it hurt? When you take out the chip?”
“You’d have to ask Rex or Gregor what it’s like,” Cerra said. “But you’ll be sedated, so you shouldn’t feel a thing. I’ll have to shave your head, though. Got any preferences for a hairstyle?”
“How do you think I’d look with a mohawk?” he asked with a roguish smile that reminded her so much of Fives that Cerra nearly gasped aloud.
It’s. Not. Him.
“Let’s find out,” she said with a forced smile. “You can always shave the rest of it off if you hate it.”
Echo rejoined the group just as Cerra finished shaving the sides of Fireball’s head. Since they already had experience using a similar pod to extract the inhibitor chips from the Bad Batch, he and Rex performed the extraction. Cerra and Gregor observed so they could handle the procedure in the future if necessary. The chip came out without any complications, and before long, Fireball was recovering on the sofa, sipping a glass of water while the rest of the team sat around him on crates, sharing a flagon of spotchka.
“Kilian, you said?” Fireball asked, eyeing Cerra curiously. “My first assignment was under an Admiral Kilian.”
Cerra nodded. “My uncle, Shoan Kilian. Whole family is military. That’s just what Kilians do.”
“And what did you do?” Fireball asked.
“Supply officer,” Cerra said with a self-deprecating shrug. “The more things change.”
“The admiral was a good man,” Fireball said. “I heard he retired.”
“He did,” Cerra said. “He lost someone close to him.”
“Ponds,” Fireball nodded.
Cerra looked at him sharply. “Yeah. After Ponds d—” The word lodged in her throat, and she swallowed before she continued. “Well, after Ponds, it was like all the fight went out of him.”
“I guess that’s understandable,” Fireball said.
“Not to me,” Cerra replied.
Echo followed the exchange closely, his gaze flicking between Cerra and Fireball. Cerra shifted, uncomfortable with his scrutiny.
“I’m going to get some air,” she said. She grabbed another bottle of spotchka as she made her way to the edge of the landing platform. She sat down and dangled her feet over the abyss, staring out at the whizzing speeders. 
She hadn’t spoken to her uncle in over a year. She hadn’t spoken to any of her family, actually. It was too much of a security risk, and besides, she couldn’t bear to face their disappointment and anger after she’d abandoned her post on the Ro-Ti-Mundi following the battle of Coruscant. In their eyes, it was the worst possible thing she could have done. She sometimes wondered if they would have preferred her to have gone down with the Resolute rather than desert.
She avoided her uncle Shoan for an entirely different reason. He knew better than anyone in her family what she had gone through, but at least he had retired honorably after his lover’s death. A bounty hunter had executed Ponds as Shoan watched, helpless to intervene. It had been a brutal but swift death in the line of duty, at the hands of a clear enemy. Fives had been hunted like an animal and then gunned down by his own brothers. He had been lost, confused, and terrified, and he had been murdered by the very men whose lives he was trying to save. 
So no, Shoan did not understand Cerra’s decisions.
Lost in her thoughts, Cerra didn’t hear Gregor’s approach until he lowered himself to sit next to her on the edge of the platform. Had it been any of the other clones, she would have scowled at them until they went away. But it was Gregor: warm, steady, funny, comforting Gregor, who had taken a single look at Cerra and simply claimed her as his best friend the day that Rex introduced them all those months ago. 
He settled next to her, bumping her shoulder with his and holding out his hand for the bottle of spotchka. Cerra handed it to him wordlessly, and he took a long drink. They sat together in silence for some time—unusual for the commando, who could run his mouth with the best. Sometimes, he reminded Cerra of Fives in that way. Gregor was gentler than Fives, whose sense of humor sometimes made him a little abrasive, but both of the clones had a way of drawing everyone around them into easy, friendly conversations that somehow became unshakable bonds.
Cerra felt immensely lucky to have a friend like Gregor, which is why she didn’t shove him off the platform when he inevitably started talking.
“How are your ribs?”
“Fine,” she said. “Definitely not broken.”
He gave her a skeptical look but let it go, and they once again lapsed into silence. Unfortunately, he couldn’t resist prodding again.
“Everything all right?” he asked.
She shrugged. Suddenly, she felt exhausted. She leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm loosely around her back and pressed a kiss to the top of her shaved head. His lips were warm against her skin, and she sighed as he rested his head against hers.
“Talk to me,” he cajoled.
“I talked to Riyo today,” she began slowly. “About Fox.”
Gregor’s shoulder tensed. “Yeah?”
Cerra hesitated, not wanting to reveal Riyo’s personal story that she’d shared in confidence; not even to Gregor. “They were friends. When she talked about him, it was so different from how I’ve always thought of him.”
She paused, and Gregor waited in silence as she gathered her thoughts. He squeezed his arm around her encouragingly, and she scooted closer to him, reaching for the spotchka bottle. He handed it to her, and she took a fortifying drink. At length, she continued.
“It was like, in my head, I’d built him up to be this monster, but Riyo only ever saw him as a good man.”
Gregor waited a moment to see if she was going to continue before he replied, “We all want to think the best of our friends. Heh, and the worst of our enemies, too.”
“Do you think Fox was under the influence of his inhibitor chip when he killed Fives?” she asked. Her voice sounded very small.
“Maybe,” he said. “We can never know for sure. But I think it’s a good thing that you can consider the possibility.”
“Yeah?” she asked.
“Yeah,” he replied firmly. “It’s progress.”
“Did it bother you to hear me talk about him the way I did before?” Cerra asked, feeling a stab of remorse about the many, many times she had cursed Fox in front of Gregor. 
“Nah, kriff that brother-killer,” Gregor said easily. “I never knew him, and I don’t give a single kark about honoring his memory. But I give a lot of karks about you.”
Cerra laughed, a thick, ragged sound. “You’re a really good friend, Gregor. Maybe don’t say that in front of Riyo, though.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said. “Is there anything else on your mind? You’ve been even quieter than usual the past few days.”
She looked behind them to make sure they were still alone on the platform before she replied.
“It’s Echo,” she confessed. “It’s strange to have him here, this constant reminder of Fives.”
“Is it the usual problem?” Gregor asked. 
Cerra had told him months before how she struggled when meeting new clones, but that was not her current issue.
“No,” she said. “He looks different enough that I don’t get… confused.”
“What is it, then?” Gregor asked. He sounded a little defensive, and Cerra knew that he was torn between his friendship with her and his loyalty to the clone who’d helped rescue him from the Imperial base on Daro.
“It’s nothing he did,” she hastened to reassure him. “It’s just hard to meet the other person in the galaxy who was closest to Fives, but we don’t know each other at all. It’s like this giant, looming thing. I don’t know how to talk to him. I don’t know how to tell him that Fives and I—”
She faltered.
“Maybe you should get to know him,” Gregor suggested.
“Rex certainly seems to think so,” Cerra said with some asperity. “He wants me to take him with me on my next supply run.”
Gregor chuckled. “I don’t think Rex will ever stop feeling responsible for the boys in the 501st.”
“He needs to channel that energy into something productive instead of hounding me all the time,” Cerra said, disgruntled. “I hear needlepoint is very soothing.”
“Heh. I should ask him to embroider me something. Maybe a TK trooper helmet with the words, ‘Aim. Shoot. Miss.’”
“You know, you’re the one who taught them how to shoot,” Cerra pointed out.
“Good thing, too. We would probably be dead by now if I’d taught them properly,” Gregor said.
“Oh, so it was a strategic decision from an elite commando, then,” she said.
“Exactly,” he said with a giggle.
Cerra snuggled closer to him, reaching across to hold his free hand. She knew that the hoarseness in his voice sometimes made him self-conscious, but to her, it was the most comforting sound in the galaxy, because it was his.
“You know I never met Fives,” Gregor said quietly. “But I do know Echo. He’s a good man, Cerra. He saved my life. If Fives was anything like his twin, then it’s even more of a damn shame that I’ll never get to know him.”
“Fives would have loved you,” Cerra said. “I can’t imagine what kind of bizarre pranks the two of you would have gotten up to if you’d met.” Gregor laughed and nudged his knee playfully against her leg. “He’d be happy to know I have you to watch my back.”
“I always will,” Gregor promised, squeezing her into a hug. They stayed that way for hours, watching the airspeeders streak across the neon city, their dazzling lights swarming through the darkness of the night sky: a spiraling, unnatural galaxy of stars beyond number.
Next chapter
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Hi, do you have any recommendations for someone who wants something silly? Or maybe something inspired by platformers like Mario, Sonic, Banjo-Kazooie, Crash, etc.?
THEME: Silly Games
Two platformers and two silly games, coming right up! These are all pretty rules-light recs, which I wasn't super surprised about, considering "silly little guys" is a theme that pops into most TTRPG designers' heads at one point or another - and then by that point you just want to get the game out there.
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Dream Allies, by Quest Friends!
Wishland is under attack! This sleepy magical world has a BIG problem, and the only person who can save it is shaped like a friend.
Dream Allies is a bite-sized tabletop roleplaying game for 2+ players inspired by the Kirby games. Work together to create a friend and help them save Wishland from one of 16 problems, but be careful! Without your help, these problems might be too big for even your friend to chew.
A two-page game with three stats and some very cute character fluff, Dream Allies will all work together to fix a Very Big Problem. In this game, each player creates a character who acts as an ally to the hero, while the hero is created and shared by everyone at the table. As a result, this game works as a GM-less game. There’s interesting enemies, little dances, and a big villain who was there all along.
Spindash, by MadLobotanist.
Spindash is a One-Page RPG inspired by a Certain Blue Hedgehog. It's designed to tell stories about Saving the Day and Beating the Bad Guys. Its simple character creation that leaves room to make all sorts of different characters.
This game is similar to Dream Allies in that it is quick, one page, and has only three stats to worry about. However, each player embodies an equally heroic character, with the Game Master embodying the rest of the scene. There’s a small table of inspiration to get you started - after a few minutes of set-up, you’re ready to go!
Secret Science Sewer Siblings, by Cloven Pine Games.
You and your siblings are sewer animals mutated into bipedal beings with bodies and minds similar to human adolescents. You've also been trained in ancient martial arts. Go rescue your mentor and learn to share pizza with your siblings!
A simple tabletop RPG in the vein of Lasers & Feelings. Perfect for onboarding interested newcomers into the world of roleplaying games.
Unlike many popular Lasers & Feelings games, this game has four Stats, rather than two: Teenager, Mutant, Ninja and Cryptid. You’ll still assign a number to each one, but in this case, the highest stat is always the best one, and a low roll is always good. This game also has one of the most comprehensive GM page for a Lasers & Feelings kind of game that I’ve seen before - there’s advice on keeping the game in the right genre-space, some good fallbacks when figuring out where to start or what to do next, and a “Team Pie” that works like Forged in the Dark clocks! This game isn’t an ENnie nominee for nothing!
Mouse Cult - by MintRabbit (me!)
You are mice, and you are in a cult.
You may be small, but your dreams are larger than life. Sniff, Squeak, Supplicate and Squeeze your way to increasing your deity's magical power, rolling a number of different polyhedral dice in the process. 
This game is 2 pages, designed for brochure layout. It has information about Mouse stats and powers, as well as a few obstacles for the Game Mouse to present to their players.
This game is meant to be short and silly, and uses 4 different kind of dice. It’s also free!
Other games I’ve recommended in the past
Clown Helsing, by Planarian.
Cephalopod Squad, by The Mirage Company.
Slugblaster, by Wilkie’s Candy Lab.
Jellyfish Felonies, by Penguins King Games.
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howtomuslim · 7 months
The Heartbeat of the Community: The Mosque as a Multi-faceted Institution
Exploring the Versatility and Vitality of the Mosque
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The Sanctity of Worship: A Place of Spiritual Reflection
The mosque serves as a sacred space for Muslims to gather in communal worship, fostering a sense of spiritual connection and devotion. Through congregational prayers, supplications, and remembrance of Allah, the mosque becomes a sanctuary for the soul, inspiring believers to deepen their faith and strengthens the bonds of community.
Quran (9:18) — “The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer and give zakah and do not fear except Allah, for it is expected that those will be of the [rightly] guided.”
Dispensing Justice: The Role of the Mosque as a Judicial Center
In many Islamic societies, mosques function not only as places of worship but also as centres for dispute resolution and legal arbitration. Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) is applied to adjudicate matters of personal and communal concern, ensuring fairness and equity in the dispensation of justice.
Community Outreach and Support: Providing Assistance and Aid
Mosques often serve as focal points for community outreach and social welfare initiatives. From distributing Zakat to providing food assistance, shelter, and counseling services, mosques extend a helping hand to those in need, embodying the spirit of compassion and solidarity encouraged in Islam.
Hadith (Sahih Bukhari) — “The believer who mixes with people and bears their annoyance with patience will have a greater reward than the believer who does not mix with people and does not put up with their annoyance.”
Education and Enlightenment: The Mosque as a Center of Learning
Madrasahs (Islamic schools) within mosques play a pivotal role in imparting religious knowledge, moral values, and academic excellence to students of all ages. Through Quranic studies, Hadith discussions, Islamic history lessons as well as language classes, mosques nurture future generations of scholars, leaders, and centres of learning.
Promoting Unity and Harmony: A Beacon of Interfaith Dialogue
Mosques serve as platforms for fostering interfaith dialogue, understanding, and cooperation. By opening their doors to people of all faiths, mosques facilitate mutual respect, tolerance, and appreciation for diversity, fostering peace and harmony within society.
Hadith (Sahih Bukhari) — “None of you will have faith till he wants for his brother what he loves for himself.”
The mosque, with its multifaceted roles and contributions, epitomises the beauty and richness of Islamic civilisation. As the cornerstone of community life, the mosque embodies the values of worship, justice, education, charity, and unity, serving as a beacon of light and guidance for Muslims.
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Introduction to Islamic Law by Jonathan A. C. Brown
Mosques and Community Development: A Study of Chicago’s South Side by Susan M. Kobara
Mosques in America: A Guide to Accountable Permit Hearings and Continuing Citizen Oversight by Faith in Public Life
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vamp-domme · 2 years
Mistress, I came across your blog and was enchanted by your aesthetic and dominance. I ask two questions with bated breath in the hope that you will grace me with your attention.
What are your favorite boots?
This is a humble request to fill my mind with the fantasy of submitting to you and worshipping you through them. As well as the fantasy of making them for you, to serve you that way.
How did you approach your voice feminization?
This is an acknowledgment of the beauty and skill your voice contains and a desire to gain some of that skill for my own feminization journey.
This supplicant requests mercy from the Lady of Midnight and will accept her place, whatever Mistress decides it to be.
(OOC: sorry if this is too heavy-handed, but I like good roleplay with other hot girls. I am in my late 20's btw and looking for a little fun conversation)
Awww, you're a sweet little doll, darling. Lady Midnight will answer your requests - since they were worded so politely.
Mm, to me your first question has two answers. My favorite pair that I currently own is probably this set:
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They're tall, elegant, easy to pair, and the stilletos can leave such beautiful marks.
Now if I could have anything I wanted... I would want something thigh high and tailored, made of pure leather, with a thick platform, maybe around 4 inches, and heavy lug soles so I could do plenty of damage, along with plenty of studs tastefully arranged along the front. I would absolutely kill for something like that.
As to your second query - like many, I stumbled across TransVoiceLessons on YouTube and followed some of her primers. There were also a couple of apps I used, Voice Pitch Analyzer is a good one, and it's completely free, though it's mainly used as a benchmark to see where you stand.
I would also caution you to be wary of which communities related to voice training you join. Some of them have a habit of setting unattainable goals and becoming rather negative, which can be disastrous for your development. To break character for a moment, if it sucks, hit the bricks. 💋
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Voting, Truth, Unity, and the Future of the USA
Our Forefathers Started This Nation on Christian Values, Now We Must Keep Them
As Christians, we should care about the future of our nation.  We should care about who serves on the Supreme Court, social issues like abortion and traditional marriage, and also the social and cultural future of our nation. ­­­­We have the opportunity to vote for men and women who support our Christian values. Some people do not want to vote as they believe we are to separate church from state. However, the separation between church and state does not mean we are to be isolated from politics, but rather that we influence politics with Christian and biblical principles. The separation between church and state was meant to keep the government from overruling the church; as the new republic our forefathers founded, wanted to be free of the government telling the church what they could do. It was about freedom of religion so the government would not interfere with the freedom of God’s people.
We must have a president who will support religious freedom at all levels of government. I am thankful that our current President has taken a strong stand for religious freedom for Christians in this nation, as well as his strong stand against abortion.  Remember we are voting for more than just one leader, we will also be voting for either the Democratic Party Platform or the Republican Party Platform when we choose our president.  Read the platforms of both parties and you will find that the Democratic Party supports abortion, while the Republican Party supports the sanctity of life. That one thing alone should influence our Christian vote. There are many other issues on the Democratic Platform that are opposed to Christian belief, but this one issue alone should tell us what party to vote for. 
Our current and future president will face enormous challenges and problems and he will need our support and prayers, not our criticism. We are admonished in the Word of God to pray for all leaders, as God wants us to have leaders that will make decisions that will allow us to live quiet and peaceable lives (not chaos) in an environment of godliness and honesty according to the scripture below:
1 Timothy 2:1-5:   1 I exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
My Prayer for the Elections
We have diligently been praying about the upcoming elections, as so many other Christians are doing, as well. “Lord I pray that we elect the right people who will hold the offices that will determine the future of the United States. Give Your people and others who don’t even know You, discernment and wisdom in the voting for the offices of president, senators, and representatives that will ultimately rule over us. Lord, there is much division in the body of Christ and our nation, may we hear Your voice and rally around You and Your Word, as we make any decisions. Lord, I come against the spirits of division and confusion that keep the church and the nation divided.  Lord, I stand against all the lies, confusion, and chaos that are bringing deception to Your people. Lord, reveal to us the truth as we vote for people and the issues on the ballots across the land. Lord, we know You look at things differently than we do, as You look at the hearts of people and You know the future, so we can trust You to show us Your choices.  Give us Your wisdom to vote properly. Deliver us from all deception and show us the truth and let us be led by Your Spirit, not just in voting, but in every area of our lives because we are surrounded by so many threats at this hour like Covied19.  Protect us from this evil and bring an end to it.  We know if we seek You and repent You will forgive our sins and give us Your mercy and grace to overcome in these perilous times. Give us revelation of Your will and the grace to obey You in all things. Let there be a revival in the land. Lord, we know You are shaking all things and allowing sin and rebellion to be exposed. Expose the lies and the people who have been lying.  Lord, search our hearts and show us anything we have believed that is wrong and show us where we have been deceived so we can be set free. Let us hear from You about these elections.  Let Your anointing rest on the elections and may we vote, led by Your Spirit, and be guided in all of our ways.  Let us all hear Your voice and walk in Your ways. May we all surrender to Your will in all things and then Lord, we will know the truth, as that is the key to hearing Your voice.  In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.”  
John 7:17  “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.”
For Those Who Have Chosen Not to Vote at All
Many people do not even want to vote at all because they hate discord and disunity. That should not be our attitude, as not voting at all is still “a decision,” as we are allowing others to vote for us and passively accepting what they want. 
Also, we must be very careful, as believers, not to become cynical and critical of our leaders, as we are admonished to pray for them, not criticize them. We can speak up about things that are wrong, but not with the wrong attitude, as our critical attitude can be just as sinful as what they are doing in the eyes of God. Remember, we will be judged with the same judgment we speak about others.  This does not mean we cannot acknowledge anything that does not agree with the Word of God, as that is a discernment issue when we see things that do not line up with the Word of God.  However, when we start “bad-mouthing” people (both politicians and preachers) we are not pleasing to God. We can disagree if something does not line up with the Word of God, but we should not berate one another.  God tells us in the Bible how we are to deal with things of this nature so it would be good to pray and let Him show us what we need to do to correct wrongs. I would recommend a good Bible study on the subject of what we should do as Christians when we disagree. This will also help in marriage disagreements.   Remember one of the things that God hates is “discord among the brethren.”
My Prayer for Those in Disagreement
This is the prayer I ask people to pray with me when they disagree with me.  We should all be willing to change if we are wrong by submitting to God and one another in prayer so that we can come into His unity. Unity can only exist when we rally around the truth. We cannot allow pride to keep us apart. We must sincerely want to know God’s will and be willing to change once God shows us.
“Dear Heavenly Father, You know that my brother (or sister) is in disagreement about this subject and we each believe that we are right, so I am humbly submitting my opinion and belief to You and asking You to show us which one is wrong.  Lord, if it is me, then I desire to change and receive the truth.  Lord, we cannot change strong-held opinions and sometimes even what we believe to be true without You giving us revelation and Your truth on the matter.  Because of this, show us which one of us is right and who has the truth, as I believe my brother (or sister) is seeking the truth, as I am. Give us both Your love and patience with one another to await Your revelation on this matter as You have called us to unity and love and it is only in You that we can receive it. Lord, help us not to react to one another in anger because we do not agree, but let us trust in You that You will speak to each of us in this matter. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”
1 Corinthians 1:10  “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and the same judgment.”
Speaking Blessings Not Curses Will Make a Difference in the Course of History
One of these is to use our words and our vote to change the course of our nation.  The other mighty thing we can do is to pray for all people, both the ones we agree with and the ones we do not agree with.  There are enough people in the world who are cursing our leaders with their evil words.  They need to repent and start praying for our elected leaders in both parties, as critical people will reap what they sow.  If people are speaking death to others, then death will come back to them. We are either speaking life or death.  Speaking death is not just speaking that people will die, but we can invoke the “death principle,” as well, which is speaking about death to marriages, death to our finances, death to family relationships, death to our surroundings, etc.  We need to be very careful what we speak, as our words create good or evil. 
Proverbs 18:21  “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
Deuteronomy 30:19  “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”
Voting is our Civic Duty
Please encourage others you know to sign up and vote, as well.  Share with friends and encourage them to vote.  I know some people just do not want to vote at all, as they are upset with both presidential nominees.  However, I remind people we are not just voting for a man, but for the platform issues of the party, for our Supreme Court judges, and for the society and culture that will rule based on the party platform that prevails.   If we vote for no other reason than to stop the evil abortions that are killing babies every day, the Lord will have His stamp of approval for that alone on our lives, even though many other anti-biblical issues are supported by deceived people, as well.  Read for yourself what the issues are that are supported by the Republicans and compare them with the Democrat platform issues and I believe any Christian can see clearly how to vote if he honestly wants to know the truth and is willing to humbly ask God to show them how to vote. We must vote for the people and the things that most closely line up with the Word of God remembering that no human is perfect.  Go to Billy Graham’s website to view these platforms and then ask God which of these pleases Him and then side with God with your vote. 
If you sincerely still do not know how to vote, I encourage you to pray in the spirit, as when we pray in tongues we are praying according to the will of God as outlined in scripture. When I watched the debates, I did not know how I was to pray so I prayed in tongues the entire hour and a half, as I knew those prayers were led by the Holy Spirit’s guidance and I would be praying for the will of God to be done in the midst of what was going on.  May we all humble ourselves and seek only the will of God in all we do at this hour, as God is the only One Who will be able to save us from the evil we see in the world. No man nor party can do that, but since God knows the future, we can rely on Him to show us how to vote and what to do in every circumstance. How can we vote and approve things that God hates? As long as the Democratic Party party supports abortion and does not support the sanctity of life, we should not support those people.  If you read the party platform issues you will find the Democratic Party also supports many other anti-biblical ideas, as well.  Remember we are voting for more than one man, we are also voting for the platform issues of the party. I am praying for God to rule our nation through the servant-hearted people He raises so that we can all live in peace and harmony. I am praying for God to change men’s hearts and especially all of our leader’s hearts so that we will be that Christian nation that is a light on a hill for all the world to see.  Closing with this scripture once again:
1 Timothy 2:1-5 1 I exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 
Reminder to Register to Vote
This is just a reminder to make sure everyone is registered to vote this year. This is an extremely critical year for Christians to vote. The deadline in Arizona is October 23, 2024.  (Search online for your state’s deadline.) So, if you are not registered to vote, please for the sake of the nation, your home, and your state, you must register and vote this year. It is not only critical that we vote correctly, because it will help prevent more judgments from coming on our nation (like the Pandemic). Or, if we fail to take a stand for our nation’s future, it will speed them up, depending on what each of us does. Voting is just one of the civic responsibilities we should step up and do. We must repent for being apathetic, if we have failed to vote in the past, we must understand that it is our civic duty.  We each hold the key to our future when we determine to follow the Lord or go our own way.  We must do both – pray and vote. From: Steven P. Miller @ParkermillerQ, Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups Monday, August 14, 2023, Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Sparkermiller.JAX.FL.USA, https://www.facebook.com/StevenParkerMillerQ Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956, Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1, @ParkermillerQ, https://twitter.com/StevenPMiller6 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/gatekeeperwatchman, https://www.tumblr.com/gatekeeper-watchman, https://www.pinterest.com/GatekeeperWatchman1/ #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981
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yokefellows · 2 months
God’s Omnipotence in Creation
Today's Saying
God stepped from behind the curtain of nowhere and stood upon the platform of nothing and spoke a world into existence.
Today's Scripture
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1
Today's Sermonette
An eloquent preacher said, “God stepped from behind the curtain of nowhere and stood upon the platform of nothing and spoke a world into existence.”
God is the creator of all that your hand can touch, your eye can see, your ears can hear, and your nose can smell.
If you see a watch, I hope you assume there’s a watchmaker. And if you see the precise atomic flux of the universe, I hope that you don’t believe that happened by chance.
Evolutionists believe that if you take billions of years and add time plus chance, that you can turn frogs into princes. In school they call that fairy tales. In the laboratory they call it science.
God spoke your life into existence. His Word sustains your breath. His Word can silence your breath.
Thank God for your life today!
Today's Supplication
Father, I come before You with a heart full of gratitude. Thank You for speaking my life into existence. I acknowledge that Your Word sustains my every breath and that You hold the power to silence it as well. I am grateful for the life You have given me today. Amen!
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tqapk · 3 months
The Power of Daily Duas and Supplications: Enhancing Spiritual Connection with the Help of an Online Quran Academy
In the daily life of a Muslim, duas (supplications) hold a place of immense significance. These heartfelt prayers are a means of communication with Allah, seeking His guidance, blessings, and forgiveness. Engaging in daily duas not only strengthens one's faith but also fosters a deep, personal connection with the Creator. An online Quran academy can play a pivotal role in helping Muslims incorporate these supplications into their daily routines, ensuring that they are recited with understanding and devotion.
The Importance of Daily Duas
Duas are an essential part of Islamic worship. They are not confined to any specific time or place, allowing Muslims to seek Allah’s help and express their gratitude at any moment. The Quran and Hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, PBUH) emphasize the significance of supplication:
Connection with Allah
Duas are a direct line to Allah, allowing believers to communicate their needs, desires, and concerns. This constant dialogue fosters a closer relationship with the Divine.
Spiritual Growth
Regular supplication nurtures spiritual growth. It helps believers maintain humility, recognizing their dependence on Allah’s mercy and guidance.
Emotional Comfort
In times of distress, reciting duas provides emotional comfort and strength. It reassures believers that Allah is always there to listen and respond to their prayers.
Gratitude and Patience
Daily duas cultivate a sense of gratitude and patience. By regularly thanking Allah for His blessings and seeking His help in difficult times, Muslims develop a balanced and contented mindset.
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Incorporating Daily Duas with the Help of an Online Quran Academy
An online Quran academy offers structured courses and resources to help Muslims incorporate daily duas into their lives effectively. Here’s how these platforms can facilitate this spiritual practice:
Comprehensive Courses
Online Quran academies provide comprehensive courses on duas, covering their meanings, significance, and proper pronunciation. These courses are designed to cater to all age groups and proficiency levels.
Expert Guidance
Qualified instructors with deep knowledge of Islamic teachings guide students through the learning process. They ensure that students not only memorize the duas but also understand their context and implications.
Interactive Learning Tools
Modern online Quran academies utilize interactive tools such as video lessons, quizzes, and virtual classrooms. These tools make learning engaging and help reinforce the memorization and understanding of duas.
Flexible Schedules
Online Quran academies offer flexible schedules, allowing students to learn at their own pace and convenience. This flexibility ensures that even those with busy routines can incorporate daily duas into their lives.
Personalized Learning Paths
Recognizing that every student has unique needs, online Quran academies often provide personalized learning paths. Whether a student is a beginner or has prior knowledge, these academies tailor their programs to match individual proficiency levels.
Essential Daily Duas
Here are some essential daily duas that every Muslim can benefit from, with guidance on their importance and context:
Dua for Morning and Evening (Adhkar):
Morning: "Allahumma bika asbahna, wa bika amsayna, wa bika nahya, wa bika namoot, wa ilayka annushoor." (O Allah, by You we enter the morning and by You we enter the evening, by You we live and by You we die, and to You is our return.)
Evening: "Allahumma bika amsayna, wa bika asbahna, wa bika nahya, wa bika namoot, wa ilayka annushoor." (O Allah, by You we enter the evening and by You we enter the morning, by You we live and by You we die, and to You is our return.)
Dua for Seeking Forgiveness:
"Astaghfirullah wa atoobu ilayh." (I seek forgiveness from Allah and repent to Him.)
Dua Before Eating:
"Bismillah." (In the name of Allah.)
After Eating: "Alhamdulillah." (All praise is due to Allah.)
Dua for Traveling:
"Subhanalladhi sakhkhara lana hadha wa ma kunna lahu muqrinin. Wa inna ila rabbina lamunqaliboon." (Glory to Him who has brought this under our control, whereas we were unable to control it. Surely, to our Lord, we are to return.)
Dua for Protection:
"Bismillahil-ladhi la yadurru ma'asmihi shay'un fil-ardi wa la fis-sama'i wa huwa as-sami' ul-'alim." (In the name of Allah with whose name nothing on earth or in the heavens can cause harm, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.)
Daily duas and supplications are vital for nurturing a strong spiritual connection with Allah. They provide comfort, guidance, and a sense of closeness to the Creator. An online Quran academy offers a valuable resource for Muslims seeking to incorporate these practices into their daily lives. With structured courses, expert guidance, and interactive tools, these academies make it easier for believers to learn, understand, and regularly recite essential duas.
By integrating daily supplications into your routine with the support of an online Quran academy, you can enhance your spiritual journey, foster a deeper connection with Allah, and navigate life's challenges with faith and resilience.
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recitedua · 3 months
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Discover ReciteDua.com, your go-to platform for a wide range of Islamic supplications and prayers. Whether you're seeking dua for guidance, protection, or prosperity, we offer authentic and verified prayers to suit every need. Our collection covers daily prayers, special occasions, and specific challenges you may face in life. With easy-to-follow recitations, transliterations, and translations, we make it simple for you to connect with Allah SWT through dua. Embrace the power of prayer and deepen your spiritual connection with ReciteDua.com.
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hayyathadi951 · 5 months
Discovering the Divine: Exploring the 99 Names of Allah
In the tapestry of the Islamic faith, the 99 Names of Allah, also known as Asma ul Husna, weave a rich and profound narrative of the Divine. Each name encapsulates a unique attribute, a facet of Allah's infinite greatness and mercy, offering believers a glimpse into the boundless majesty of their Creator. From the compassionate Al-Rahman to the merciful Al-Ghafoor, these names are more than mere words; they are portals through which believers deepen their connection with Allah.
Understanding the Significance
At the heart of Islamic theology lies the belief in the oneness of Allah. The 99 Names serve as a testament to this unity, illustrating the multifaceted nature of the Divine. Through contemplation and recitation of these names, Muslims seek to develop a deeper understanding of Allah's attributes and draw closer to Him in reverence and devotion.
The Journey of Discovery
Embarking on a journey to explore the 99 Names is an invitation to delve into the essence of Allah Himself. Each name holds profound meaning and significance, offering insights into His benevolence, wisdom, and power. For instance, Al-Wadud, the Loving, reminds believers of Allah's boundless affection and care for His creation, while Al-Alim, the All-Knowing, underscores His infinite wisdom and knowledge.
Nurturing the Soul
Studying the 99 Names is not merely an intellectual pursuit but a spiritual practice that nourishes the soul. As believers reflect on each name and its implications, they cultivate a deeper appreciation for Allah's attributes and their manifestation in the world around them. This introspective journey fosters humility, gratitude, and a profound sense of awe in the presence of the Divine.
Learning from Bisma Online Quran Academy
For those eager to deepen their understanding of the Quran and its teachings, Bisma Online Quran Academy offers a comprehensive platform for learning. With experienced tutors and personalized learning plans, students can explore the intricacies of Islamic theology, including the profound significance of the 99 Names of Allah.
Bisma Online Quran Academy provides a nurturing environment where students can engage with the Quran at their own pace, fostering a deeper connection with their faith. Through interactive lessons and guided study, learners gain insights into the spiritual depth of the 99 Names and their relevance in everyday life.
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Incorporating the Names into Daily Life
As believers immerse themselves in the study of the 99 Names, they are encouraged to incorporate these divine attributes into their daily lives. Whether through supplication, reflection, or acts of kindness, the names serve as a guide for cultivating virtues and aligning one's actions with the values espoused by Islam.
Strengthening Faith and Resilience
In times of trial and tribulation, the 99 Names serve as a source of solace and strength for believers. By invoking Allah through His various names, Muslims find reassurance in His mercy, compassion, and guidance. This deepens their faith and resilience, enabling them to navigate life's challenges with patience and trust in the Divine plan.
Embracing Diversity and Unity
The 99 Names of Allah transcend cultural and linguistic boundaries, uniting Muslims around the world in their reverence for the Divine. Regardless of nationality or background, believers find common ground in their devotion to Allah and His attributes. This unity in diversity is a testament to the universal message of Islam, which celebrates the inherent dignity and worth of all human beings.
The 99 Names of Allah are a profound expression of Islamic theology, encapsulating the boundless majesty and mercy of the Divine. Through contemplation and reflection, believers deepen their understanding of Allah's attributes and cultivate a closer relationship with Him. Bisma Online Quran Academy offers a valuable resource for those seeking to explore the significance of the 99 Names and enrich their spiritual journey. As believers incorporate these divine attributes into their daily lives, they embody the timeless values of Islam and find strength and solace in their faith.
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enas-gohar227 · 6 months
Studying for EMSAT during Ramadan: Time Management Schedule
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In the blessed month of Ramadan, individuals come up with schedules filled with acts of worship and righteous deeds, aiming to get closer to Allah and achieve personal and religious goals. Among these activities is studying for exams, which poses a challenge for many during this holy month.
Importance of Time Management in Studying for EMSAT during Ramadan:
Studying for EMSAT during Ramadan comes with its own challenges, requiring individuals to have a high level of commitment and focus to succeed and excel  in EMSAT Exam. To achieve this, time management is crucial. Here is a suggested schedule for managing time during Ramadan for effective studying for EMSAT :
Proposed Schedule:
1- Wake-up and Suhoor (3:30 AM - 4:30 AM):
Wake up at 3:30 AM for Suhoor and prepare for prayers and food.
Mental and physical preparation for the upcoming day.
2- Prayer and Remembrance (4:30 AM - 5:00 AM):
Perform the Fajr prayer followed by morning remembrance to enhance spirituality and focus.
3- Rest and Preparation for Study (5:00 AM - 7:00 AM):
Rest for approximately two hours to prepare for studying with vigor and vitality.
4- Study for EMSAT  (7:00 AM - 10:00 AM):
Start studying different subjects to prepare for exams with focus and attention.
5- Break and Breakfast (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM):
Rest and have breakfast to replenish energy and prepare for the rest of the day.
6- Review EMSAT Materials and Practice Previous Tests (12:00 PM - 3:00 PM):
Review materials and practice on past exam questions to reinforce knowledge and improve performance.
7- Dhuhr Prayer and Rest Time (3:00 PM - 4:00 PM):
Perform the Dhuhr prayer and take a short break to rejuvenate.
8- Study Other Subjects and Engage with Material (4:00 PM - 6:00 PM):
Continue studying remaining subjects and engage with lessons in different ways to deepen understanding.
9- Iftar and Prayer Break (6:00 PM - 7:30 PM):
Break the fast, perform the Maghrib prayer, and take a short break to prepare for Taraweeh.
10- Taraweeh, Reading, and Supplication (7:30 PM - 9:00 PM):
Perform the Taraweeh prayer, read Quran, make supplications, and reflect on verses.
11- Quick Review and Prepare for Sleep (9:00 PM - 10:00 PM):
Quick review of materials before sleeping and prepare for restful sleep.
ELMADRASAH.COM  Platform: An Essential Educational Tool for Studying for EMSAT 
Among the tools that help in organizing time and achieving effectiveness in studying EMSAT during Ramadan  is the ELMADRASAH.COM platform. It is a comprehensive educational platform that provides diverse educational resources and private Tutoring  for students of all academic levels, from kindergarten to high school.
Benefits of Using ELMADRASAH.COM Platform:
Providing educational materials: The platform offers a vast library of educational videos, interactive files, and diagnostic tests covering all exam subjects since Registration for the EmSAT, helping students understand concepts and consolidate information better.
Interaction and communication: Students can interact with educational materials through the platform, ask questions, and inquire with private tutors.
Access flexibility: Students can access educational materials anytime and anywhere online, making it easier for them to review lessons and study for exams flexibly and easily.
Progress tracking: The platform provides tools to track students' progress and performance in tests and educational challenges, helping them identify strengths and weaknesses and work on improving their performance before EmSAT Exam Dates.
Time and effort-saving: With the diverse and easily accessible educational materials library, students can save time and effort needed to search for external study materials, allowing them to focus better on studying for emsat.
By using ELMADRASAH.COM  platform, students can make the most of their time during the blessed month of Ramadan, organizing their study effectively to achieve success and excellence in the exams.
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anasraza25 · 7 months
The Role of Jummah in Community Building: Strengthening Bonds and Fostering Unity among Muslims
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In the tapestry of Islamic worship, Jummah prayer stands out as a vibrant thread, weaving together the diverse strands of the Muslim community into a cohesive whole. Far beyond its significance as a religious obligation, Jummah plays a pivotal role in community building, fostering bonds of fellowship, solidarity, and unity among believers. As Muslims gather in mosques around the world every Friday, the communal spirit of Jummah prayer manifests in myriad ways, enriching the fabric of Muslim society and nurturing a sense of belonging and togetherness.
At its core, Jummah prayer serves as a powerful catalyst for community cohesion, offering believers a sacred space to come together, regardless of their backgrounds, ethnicity, or social status. As worshippers converge in mosques for the Friday congregational prayer, they transcend the barriers of race, nationality, and language, united by their shared faith and devotion to Allah. In this inclusive environment, bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood are forged, as individuals from diverse walks of life gather as equals before their Creator.
One of the defining features of Jummah prayer is its emphasis on collective worship and communal engagement. Unlike the daily prayers performed individually, Jummah prayer requires Muslims to gather in congregation, symbolizing the strength and unity of the ummah. This collective act of worship not only strengthens the spiritual bond between believers but also reinforces the sense of belonging to a larger community. As Muslims stand shoulder to shoulder in prayer, they are reminded of their interconnectedness and interdependence, transcending individualism and embracing the collective spirit of Islam.
Moreover, Jummah prayer serves as a platform for social interaction, communication, and exchange within the Muslim community. Before and after the prayer, worshippers have the opportunity to greet one another, exchange pleasantries, and strengthen social bonds. These informal interactions foster a sense of camaraderie and solidarity, as believers come together to share their joys, sorrows, and experiences. Through these interpersonal connections, friendships are nurtured, support networks are established, and the sense of community is deepened.
Furthermore, Jummah prayer provides a forum for addressing communal concerns, sharing knowledge, and promoting social justice within the Muslim community. The Friday sermon (Khutbah), delivered by the imam or religious scholar, offers an opportunity to impart guidance, wisdom, and counsel to the congregation. It serves as a platform for addressing contemporary issues, addressing social injustices, and promoting ethical conduct and moral values. By addressing pertinent topics such as poverty, oppression, and inequality, the Khutbah inspires believers to take proactive steps towards positive change and collective action.
In addition to its role in fostering community cohesion, Jummah prayer also serves as a source of spiritual nourishment and renewal for believers. As Muslims gather to worship on this blessed day, they seek Allah's mercy, forgiveness, and guidance, drawing strength and inspiration from the collective supplications and invocations. Through the recitation of Quranic verses, the remembrance of Allah, and the performance of prostration, worshippers experience a profound sense of spiritual upliftment and closeness to the Divine.
In conclusion, the role of Jummah in community building is multifaceted and profound, encompassing spiritual, social, and communal dimensions. As Muslims gather in mosques around the world every Friday, the communal spirit of Jummah prayer fosters bonds of fellowship, solidarity, and unity among believers. Through collective worship, social interaction, and engagement with communal concerns, Jummah prayer strengthens the fabric of Muslim society and nurtures a sense of belonging and togetherness. By embracing the communal spirit of Jummah, Muslims can cultivate a vibrant and inclusive community that embodies the timeless values of Islam—compassion, justice, and unity.
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cityoffaith · 7 months
From Prayer Closet to Global Impact: Lakewood's Intercessory Powerhouse
In the bustling heart of Lakewood lies a sanctuary pulsating with fervent prayers and unwavering faith – City of Faith Community Church. Nestled within its walls is a spiritual powerhouse, where intercessory prayer takes center stage, transforming lives and transcending boundaries. Today, we delve into the profound journey from the intimate prayer closet to the far-reaching impact of Lakewood's intercessory prayer movement.
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Intercessory Prayer Lakewood, the act of pleading with a higher power on behalf of others, is the cornerstone of City of Faith's ethos. Here, prayer isn't just a ritual; it's a transformative force that ignites supernatural faith and catalyzes global change. From humble beginnings, this community has harnessed the power of collective prayer to touch lives across continents.
At the heart of Lakewood's intercessory prayer journey lies a commitment to spiritual growth and empowerment. Through dedicated prayer gatherings and immersive experiences, individuals are equipped with the tools to deepen their connection with the divine and activate their faith on a supernatural level. The result? Miracles unfold, chains are broken, and lives are forever changed.
One integral aspect of Lakewood's intercessory prowess is the emphasis on spiritual literature, such as the transformative "Book for Supernatural Faith." This resource serves as a beacon of enlightenment, guiding believers on a journey to unlock the boundless potential of their faith. By delving into its teachings, individuals are empowered to walk in supernatural authority and manifest God's power in their daily lives.
But the impact of Lakewood's intercessory prayer extends far beyond its physical boundaries. Through strategic outreach initiatives and digital platforms, the ripple effect of prayer knows no bounds. From healing the sick to bringing hope to the downtrodden, City of Faith's intercessors are catalysts for divine intervention on a global scale.
In conclusion, Lakewood's journey from the prayer closet to global impact is a testament to the transformative power of intercessory prayer. As believers unite in faith and fervent supplication, barriers are shattered, and miracles abound. City of Faith Community Church stands as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path to a world where prayer knows no limits.
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divinitigifts · 7 months
Journeying with Grace: Safar Ki Dua Frame and Gold Plated Gifts for a Spiritual Travel Experience
Traveling is more than just reaching a destination; it's a spiritual journey filled with discoveries and challenges. For those special individuals in your life who find solace on the road, consider gifting them a Safar Ki Dua Frame – a unique blend of spirituality and elegance. In this blog post, we'll delve into the profound significance of this prayer and explore how combining it with gold plated gifts can elevate the travel experience for your loved ones.
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The Essence of Safar Ki Dua:
"Safar Ki Dua" is a supplication from Islamic tradition, seeking protection and guidance during journeys. By framing this prayer, you're not only offering a tangible symbol of divine blessings but also providing a source of strength and comfort for the traveler.
Elevating the Aesthetics:
The Safar Ki Dua Frame isn't just a spiritual token; it's also a piece of art that adds beauty to any space. Imagine the joy on a travel enthusiast's face as they receive a meticulously crafted frame adorned with intricate designs and gold accents. The combination of elegance and spirituality makes it a truly unique and thoughtful gift.
A Protective Amulet on the Dashboard:
Placing the Safar Ki Dua Frame on the car dashboard transforms it into a protective amulet for the journey ahead. The constant visual reminder of divine blessings instills a sense of peace and assurance, making each mile traveled a spiritually enriched experience.
Unveiling Gold Plated Gifts:
To enhance the gift-giving experience, consider exploring the realm of gold plated gifts. Whether it's a gold plated god photo frame or a set of intricately designed ornaments, the touch of gold adds a luxurious and sophisticated element to the spiritual journey.
Where to Find Spiritual Products Online:
In the age of convenience, finding the perfect Safar Ki Dua Frame and gold plated gifts is just a click away. Numerous online platforms offer an extensive array of spiritual products, ensuring a hassle-free and enjoyable shopping experience. Explore these virtual stores to discover unique items that resonate with the spiritual essence of your gift.
Gifting a Safar Ki Dua Frame paired with gold plated gifts is more than a material exchange – it's a gesture of love, protection, and spirituality. As your loved ones embark on their journeys, let this unique combination be a constant reminder of the grace and blessings that accompany them on the road. Elevate their travel experience with a touch of elegance and spirituality, making each adventure a truly divine expedition.
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