#Gungan High Council
sw5w · 1 year
What is to Become of Jar Jar Binks Here?
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:16:29
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sugarpkts · 1 year
FOOLSERRAND Hopeless task OOZE Turtles discover it's secret FHQWHGADS Come on ____ I said ____ IMNOTWEARINGHOCKEYPADS Bruce's response to "What gives you the right? What's the difference between you and me?" (2008) AGAKAKSKAGESH Violent animated nodding react SPIRITOMB Reward for speaking to 32 trainers underground LUIGI Came into possession of a mansion in 2001 DUKENUKEM He's got balls of steel POPPYSEED Pretty good bagel EXPIRE What shampoo doesn't do GOLDENEYE Brosnan's debut OMOCHAO Robotic menu attendant on GCN FUNKOTRON Toe-jam and Earl planet, but it sounds like the name of a dancing robot FINGERS Helpful in a pinch ASTROLOUNGE Album featuring When The Morning Comes, and All Star OBJECTION Phoenix's cry EGADD Inventor of the Poltergust NEPTR Ceaseless pastry tossing automaton GATESMCFADDEN Paging Dr. Crusher KRAID Corpulent, three-eyed green reptilian boss BOSSNASS Leader of the Gungan High Council, if meesa recall CROMULENT Acceptable or adequate, perfectly so DONCHEADLE Boogie Nights actor born November 29, 1964. ABANDONED What Daniel Plainview did to his boy SHAGADELIC Great word for a groovy carpet or parody spy MISTERROGERS Ultimate showdown victor NEN Gon has plenty of it SIXMONTHS Time served for stealing half a calendar NOOKSCRANNY A different sort of Uncle Tom's cabin JENOVA Source of Sephiroth's mommy issues JOCRYSTAL It gives him (38, houston) confidence at work, home, social situations, etc. TANUKI Cousin of dogs legendary for their shapeshifting (and hint for the cabin clue!) TURKISHDELIGHT Starch confection and temptation of Edmund Pevensie REVACHOL BABYPARK Mario Kart stage with extra laps ALMONDS If a Hershey's bar has these it can fuck off LANKYKONG He posseses neither style nor grace, but may handstand if required SHEHULK Alter-ego of Jennifer Walters MONSTERRANCHER Mostly forgotten anime franchise featuring an eyeball, a golem, and a kickboxing rabbit ESPRITDECORPS A feeling of loyalty between fellow soldiers, or officers of the Revachol Citizens Militia CARMELA Mother to Meadow and AJ HALF Type of A press BANSHEE Flying counterpart to a ghost or wraith ROFLCOPTER ASCII transport NUMANUMA Common name for Dragostea Din Tei
THESEDAYS Useful sentence fragment for when ‘now’ is a little quick on the draw
MONEYPENNY M’s secretary
KOKOPELLI flute-playing Native American fertility deity and purveyor of fine television sets
MCNAMARA SecDef to Kennedy and Johnson, playable Nazi zombie character
HARVEST Type of moon
CLYDE Rounds out Inky, Pinky, and Blinky
SUE Clyde’s female replacement
WILBUR Caretaker for Mr. Ed
PUDDYTAT I tawt I taw one..
TONGA Polynesian kingdom with over 170 islands
GRIMOIRE A tome of spells
LAPITUP What racecar drivers and thirsty cats do
CHUMBAWUMBATUBTHUMPING Artist and title of that 1997 hit that can’t be kept down
BOUVIER Marge’s maiden name
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astrajinn · 9 months
Once Upon a Time… A Daughter
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The Viceroy and his advisor were captured, Anakin returned with the other pilots to the hangar and was greeted with praise for his achievement in blowing up the base. The next day, things seemed to be proceeding normally in Naboo. The council members and now Chancellor Palpatine had arrived, one to inspect everything and the others to bid farewell to their comrade.
"Congratulations on your election, Chancellor," the queen celebrated when she stood in front of him.
"Your bravery, Majesty, saved our people and deserves congratulations. Together we will achieve peace and prosperity in the Republic. Although, if you'll allow my curiosity, I have been informed of the death of Master Qui-Gon Jinn. I would like to extend my condolences to young Astra Jinn."
"Astra Jinn, just like her master," she murmured in astonishment.
"Did you not know about this, Your Highness? The young one was the master's daughter."
By sunset in one of Naboo's chambers, Obi-Wan was on his knees, awaiting the verdict of Master Yoda, who walked impatiently in front of him.
"With the appointment of Jedi Knight, the council honors you, but to the child you accept as your apprentice Padawan, in agreement I am not," the master reproached, hitting his cane against the floor.
"Qui-Gon believed in him," he reminded, causing the master to sigh and lower his ears sadly.
"The chosen children they may be. However, in the training of the boy, I sense grave risk."
"Master Yoda, I gave my word to Qui-Gon. I will train Anakin, even if the council does not authorize it."
"The challenge of Qui-Gon I sense in you, and that you do not need. Agree with you; the council is. Your apprentice Skywalker will be. But if you ask me about training Astra, saying no is my duty. Another master for her there must be."
"Do you think she will wake up, Master? If she sleeps longer, she won't be able to say goodbye."
"The best, perhaps that is, pain, a sad path to the dark side can be."
On the night of the third day after the defeat of the Federation, in a temple in Theed where tears were shed for the fallen heroes, the cremation of Qui-Gon's body took place. Apart from the participants in the battle, such as Queen Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Captain Panaka, Anakin Skywalker, the council masters, high-ranking officials, and citizens of the Gungan and Naboo peoples gathered to pay their respects to the fallen master.
"What will happen to me now?" Anakin asked, looking at the body of the supposed master turning to ashes.
"The council has given me permission to train you. You will become a Jedi, I promise."
"And what about Astra? I haven't seen her in days; she didn't even come to say goodbye to Qui-Gon."
One of the things requested from the soldiers and palace personnel was not to reveal the state of the girl, who had not yet woken up. Only the closest ones had knowledge, including Obi-Wan, the council, and the queen herself, who on the second day ordered that the girl be taken to her personal quarters to have all possible comforts during her recovery.
"There is no doubt that this mysterious warrior was a Sith," Master Windu affirmed.
"Always two there are, no more, no less," Yoda corroborated. "A master and an apprentice."
"But who was destroyed? The master? Or the apprentice?"
While this was happening, no one thought that on a distant planet, a woman of great beauty embraced a worn-out robe while crying bitterly for the loss of her loved one. She looked at the stars in the sky of her planet and wondered what would become of her now or how long destiny would take to reunite them. The Force was strong in her, but she felt lost as she perceived how her energy vanished from the galaxy permanently, leaving her behind.
At dawn on the fifth day, a grand celebration took place, commemorating the union between the Naboo and the Gungans. The ships piloted by the Naboo soared through the skies at great speed, while the Gungans played music with drums and trumpets, crossing the streets or carrying banners. People waved ribbons with joy, and children tossed petals into the air. They welcomed Chief Rugor Nass of the Gungans. The queen wore a beautiful white dress, the chancellor and the senator wore elegant suits, Captain Panaka donned his freshly pressed uniform, and the Jedi wore their well-arranged robes, including Anakin, who now even had the Padawan braid, and R2-D2 was once again cleaned to shine that day. When the king finished climbing the stairs, Padmé walked towards him and handed him the peace globe, to which he raised it proudly and exclaimed.
Winning cheers from all those present. The party continued that night, but Padmé retired to her room with her handmaidens. She changed out of her dress and into something more comfortable before kneeling by the bed and taking Astra's hand, who, by how much she tossed and turned, seemed to be having a nightmare.
"Calm" she whispered, stroking her hair. "I'm here now, little one, everything will be fine."
"Your Highness, if you allow me, I can take care of her."
"No, Sabe, I will take care of her. I want you to talk to the Jedi masters and tell them that I disagree with their idea of taking her to Coruscant tomorrow."
"My lady, she is a Jedi. Shouldn't she be with her own?"
"If she's in this bed, it's because of me, so I want to take care of her until she wakes up."
"You can't keep blaming yourself, Your Highness" another one argued while removing a tray with food.
"She lost her father because of my stubbornness, Duja" she wiped her tears as she did every night. "She just turned nine. How do you tell a nine-year-old girl that she will never see her father again? The person should be protecting."
"it's every little girl's first love, and I took hers in the cruelest way possible."
"You weren't wielding the saber" trying to console her, they sat by her side with a glass of water and a spoon.
"Was that what I lacked? She didn't even see him for the last time; she was protecting me while he losing his life" she straightened the girl's head and tried to give her small spoonfuls of water, as she did every day, to prevent dehydration.
"Your Highness, I didn't know he was her father. How could I suspect it? Jedi don't even have partners."
"I didn't want to see it! How he carried her, how he protected her. That love in their gazes. He sent her with me knowing that it was less risky to take care of me than to face the Sith. Honor, power, wealth, courage, or respect in this entire galaxy; they are useless if I can't ease this guilt or the pain of an innocent child" she sighed before ordering. "Out."
"Your Highness"some tried to object.
"Out, I said get out" she yelled, and they all collected their things and left. "Forgive me, Astra, it's my fault that you lost your father, and I can't bring him back. But I promise you I will try to make amends for this harm" she picked her up and walked to her balcony to let her feel the cool night air. "You won't have to protect me anymore. Now, I will take care of you, Astra, I promise. I will give my life if necessary to protect you and those you love."
Convincing the council was impossible, and at noon the next day, they placed her in a cabin on the ship they had come on and departed for Coruscant with the promise to notify Padmé when the girl woke up. Master Yoda's lightsaber was returned to its owner by Captain Panaka, who found it after the fight, and Astra's speeder was handed over to Obi-Wan to take care of. Now, in the temple, it was practically impossible to hide the condition of his friend from Anakin. The moment the boy found out, he developed the habit of going to visit her after his training but before dinner. He sat in a chair next to the bed and told her about his day and what he had learned.
That went on for at least three weeks until one day the girl opened her eyes and inspected her surroundings to orient herself. Until Obi-Wan came in and helped her sit up.
"I'm glad you're awake, Astra. We feared the worst."
"How long did I sleep?" she asked, feeling her throat dry and her voice strange.
"Four weeks."
"Where's dad?" she inquired, noticing that he wasn't by her side as he always was when she got hurt.
"Astra, it was a complicated mission." he argued, trying to lay her back down.
"You need rest; I'll explain everything, but you need to rest."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi, do you have ten seconds to tell me, where my father is" she demanded, struggling to get up.
"He didn't survive, Maul… The Sith we fought stabbed him, and he didn't make it."
"It can't be" she whispered, feeling her soul leaving her body.
"You need to know that he loved you. Astra, he thought of you until the last moment, and if there had been another way, a way to avoid it, I'm sure."
She stopped him, getting off the bed "Yes, there was. There was another way!"
Contrary to what anyone might believe about a girl who had been unconscious for weeks, deprived of food, and with limited water. Astra got out of bed, stopping Obi-Wan, and walked through the halls with such great anger running through her veins that anyone could swear she would destroy the temple if she wished. But that wasn't her goal; her goal was the council chamber where the masters were currently discussing, as they had every day for the past few weeks, who would be the girl's master, thinking she was unconscious.
When the doors opened, no one could believe what they saw. Astra was standing, with such a firm posture that she seemed about to enter into combat. Her hair was completely loose, reaching down to her hips, and the cotton pajamas that touched the floor, combined with her small stature, gave her an almost angelic appearance.
"Is it true?" she asked, standing in front of them.
"Young Astra?"
"Is it true?" she asked again with an empty gaze. "Is Qui-Gon dead?"
"I'm afraid so" Windu was the first to answer.
"If he had stayed in the temple as I asked, it could have been avoided" she asserted, feeling tears flood her eyes.
"We all regret his death; his sacrifice clarified the facts, and we are doing everything in our power to stop the Sith."
"I lost my master, I lost my best friend, the only person who tried to understand me. My father! And you say you regret his death!" she shouted, astonishing those present. "I lost a loved one because of your damn pride and arrogance that blinded you, preventing you from seeing the evil growing like a parasite in the shadows. And you say you regret something!"
The disturbance in the Force caused by this little girl was more than any of those present could have imagined, alerting Anakin, who had not felt his friend wake up. He ran in her direction with the intention of helping. But when he arrived, he saw her standing in the middle of the council chamber, tears running down her cheeks and fists clenched, shouting that no one could understand that pain. So, she would make them all feel it. The masters seemed to be struggling desperately for a little air, and it took the padawan a few seconds to understand. It was Astra; she was so angry and hurt that she was strangling them with the Force. Perhaps unknowingly, perhaps intentionally, but he couldn't allow it.
"Astra, Astra, you have to stop."
Anakin shouted as he tried to reach her, but an energy sphere seemed to hold him back.
"Astra, please, you wouldn't hurt anyone" he called out through that strange connection, which, amplified by the display of force from the girl, was noticeable to those present.
"He's dead, Anakin. Qui-Gon is dead. They took him from me, Anakin. They deserve to suffer just like me " she murmured, still crying.
"I know, it's true, they deserve it, but Qui-Gon wouldn't have wanted this" he tried to take her hand, but it was impossible. "He loved you, he wanted the Astra I knew, the one who wanted to save her companions even at the cost of his life."
She fell to her knees, loosening her grip on the throats of the masters "I'm alone, Ani, I have no one."
"That's not true, Astra, you have me" he hugged her in an attempt to shield her from the consequences of what she had done. "I will take care of you, and you will never be alone again. Now, I'm a padawan, and I'll be able to pilot a ship, and you will be the best Jedi in the galaxy."
"I don't want to be alone."
"You're not alone; I will always be with you" he promised, unaware that this would not come true.
"Qui-Gon wanted you to be a Jedi" she wrapped her arms around his torso and let the masters fall. "He believed we could bring balance. Do you believe it?"
"Yes, but you have to heal. Rest; I won't leave you."
Chut Chut Pateesa
How are you? I hope you're doing well. We're just 3 chapters away from finishing this first season and 3 days away from the much-awaited Festival of Light.
I hope you know that I create this story with all my love for you, and I take extra time trying to edit the images the best I can to relate to the chapters. (I would usually write more, but I'm dying of sleepiness. Let me tell you that taking care of younglings is ten times more challenging than training a padawan. How does Master Yoda do it?) Anyway, as always, I ask you to comment, give likes, and now go follow me on my accounts on:
Take care of the Sith, and remember that "they are what they are, and you shouldn't expect them to understand." May the Force be with you.
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alexversenaberrie · 8 months
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The Explorer King Narmlé (Legends)
Narmlé was an ancient King of the planet Naboo whose short-lived reign took place around 2032 BBY. Known as "the Explorer," the King, with Naboo royal crest on his cape, is shown in a palace's room and surrounded by holos of places, which he helped to built or colonized.
By 1 ABY, the city he had helped build still bore his name, Narmle (presented on the holo on the right).
Narmlé was widely regarded as a charming and intelligent man. He was a restless explorer who spent most of his time on distant worlds searching for new vistas. The Naboo Royal Advisory Council eventually suggested that Narmlé relinquish his throne and become an ambassador instead. Before Narmlé left office as king, he planned the construction of a new settlement on the Naboo's swampy moon of Rori (the holo of it is shown on the left). He envisioned Rori becoming an active agricultural hub one day, supplying food and medicines to other neighbouring planets. However, Rori attracted only few settlers. Frustrated, Narmlé left Rori and vanished into the Outer Rim forever, which also is shown as a holo.
Queen Amidala | Queen Jamilia | Queen Neeyutnee | Queen Apailana | Sosha Soruna | Queen Réillata | Queen Mairayni | Queen Sanandrassa | Queen Kylantha | Sabé - The Decoy Queen | Queen Yram | Queen Dalné | The Gungan-Naboo War Queen of Naboo | Queen of Naboo from the New Republic | King Jafan I Star Tours Queen of Naboo | King Veruna | The First Queen of Naboo | King Tapalo | Queen Ameé | Queen Ekay | King Jafan III | The Queen of beaded emblems | King Narmlé | Queen of Naboo from High Republic | Queen Elsinoré den Tasia
#star wars paintings  |  SW Paintings
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onlyanidala · 3 years
onlyanidala fic archive
These are fics with titles J-P.
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Title: just a bliss Author:  stranestelle Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  A lightheaded Anakin Skywalker wakes up to the heavenly vision that is Padmé Amidala. Can you blame the man for wanting to kiss his wife on the spot? Well you can, when the whole thing is witnessed by a room full of senators caught in a hostage situation... and she'd really rather they had waited for later.
Title: just carry me home tonight Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  "I – I didn't mean to, it's only that… Well, the Force, it lets me feel… What you feel, and I know this wasn't exactly what you imagined for your wedding night, so I…" His flesh hand rose to scratch his neck awkwardly, "I suppose I just wanted to make this special for you…"
Title: king of my heart Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Anakin Skywalker's holiday to the small country of Naboo takes an unexpected turn when he unknowingly foils an assassination attempt meant for Padmé Naberrie, the nation's Crown Princess. Saving a Princess is crazy enough. The only thing crazier... well, actually, there are a few things. Things Anakin is well on his way to experiencing.
Title: lights in the valley outshine the sun Author: elizabeth7 Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  What would happen if Padme survived and Darth Vader finds out? Padme & Anakin Darth Vader.
Title: look into my eyes it’s where my demons hide Author: shelivesfree Status: WIP/Unupdated Rating: T Summary:  Each time he comes back to her, a little piece of him is missing... left out there, in the field, with his brothers. She can see it in the way he smiles and it doesn't reach his eyes. In the way he cries to himself when he thinks she's not awake. And all she can do is hold him.
Title: lost Author: pinkeastereggs Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  “I feel lost." “Lost . . . what do you mean?” Padme couldn’t help but frown, searching for any signs on her husband’s face that could give her an insight to what he meant. But Anakin was just frowning to the side, seeming conflicted about something. He seemed distant, his eyes filled with an emotion that the young wife couldn’t begin to describe. How long had Anakin had this look in his eyes? Had she been oblivious to it before now or was this something new? Anakin and Padme have a heart-to-heart when he admits to feeling lost and frustrated with the Jedi Council. With truths about his relationship with Palpatine coming to light, Padme fights to talk some sense into her husband.
Title: madam president Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Between late nights and headaches and mountains of paperwork and fierce opposition from her political opponents, President Padmé Amidala already had enough on her plate. And then she just had to go and fall for one of her bodyguards, a relationship which would ruin her reputation and his career if anyone were to find out about it. Also, someone's trying to kill her.
Title: make the world a little colorful Author: estrangedlestrange Status: WIP Rating: G Summary:  The morning after meeting her soulmate, Padmé woke up and saw color for the first time. In the midst of a political crisis, Padmé had just met a gungan, two Jedi, and a slave boy and his mother. She, like any rational young woman, assumed the padawan learner was her soulmate. Ten years later, after having accepted that she would never be with her soulmate, Padmé, reunited with both her supposed soulmate and the slave boy, she realized how wrong her assumptions were. The slave boy, Anakin, who had looked at her with wide hopeful eyes and asked if she was an angel, was her soulmate.
Title: the masterplan Author: stranestelle Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  In the midst of the endless galactic conflict, Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala have made a shocking discovery that brings more questions than answers. And maybe, just maybe, an end to the never-ending war. Sequel to Give Me A Signal.
Title: mother knows best Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.... Shmi Skywalker Palpatine had ruled the Galactic Empire on behalf of her son, Anakin, since the death of his father. For his part, the next Emperor has been content to leave politics to his mother and engage only in military exercises. All that is about to change as Padmé Naberrie, former Queen of Naboo, comes seeking aid for her charity, Amidala's Crusade, and Anakin's long-dormant crush comes surging back. What should be a perfect match is opposed by a mother determined not to lose her son and convinced hers is the only way...
Title: no colors in our skin Author:  JTHM_Michi Status: Abandoned Rating: T Summary:  Anakin grew up knowing that his masters called him the wrong words. They all called him “girl” or “girl-child” and it was just another way for them to dehumanize him. He didn’t know that, of course, not in those words, but it was true enough. His mother was always very clear with him, from the first time he came to her and asked her if she knew which master had taken his “boy parts”, that just because his masters called him a girl didn’t make him one. a.k.a. the Transgender Anakin Skywalker Verse
Title: no heroes on the high seas Author: spellcleaver Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  When Luke's aunt and uncle are executed by order of the Emperor's right hand, Lord Vader, he flees his home to search for his sister and the mother he never knew. But then Obi-Wan Kenobi stows away aboard the same ship, Vader gives chase, and Luke is dragged into a conflict that his family are at the very heart of. Gen.
Title: nos cedamus amori Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Anakin is a gladiator and a slave. Padmé is the wife of the Roman emperor's heir. Circumstances should never even allow them to meet, let alone fall in love.
Title: of mutated worlds Author: gemma Status: WIP Rating: M Summary:  Nobody saw the end of the world coming. It happened overnight, no warning, no escape. They came from the shadows, biting, paralysing, and killing little by little until they were the majority. One day, everything was normal and then, suddenly, Padme Amidala Naberrie woke up in hell.
Title: of options and comlinks Author: estrangedlestrange Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  In that moment it seemed like there were only two options: help Master Windu arrest the Chancellor and secret Sith Lord or heed to Sheev Palpatine’s begging and turn against the Jedi. But then, in a split second, a third option revealed itself.
Title: order 66-S Author: disco shop girl Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  The order was to exterminate all Jedi: Past, Present and Future. Captain Rex has a different plan. Order 66-S: to save General Skywalker.
Title: parent-teacher conference Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Anakin has to meet with the twins' second grade teacher after Leia punches a classmate in the face. But he hadn't counted on Ms. Amidala being quite so pretty.
Title: pas de deux Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  When Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker meet at their mutual friends' house party, the sparks immediately fly, resulting in a one night stand that both of them want to be the start of something more. Except it turns out that Padmé works at the ballet company Anakin just took over. And Anakin is in the middle of a very heated divorce as he tries to gain custody of his daughter Leia. With pressure coming at them from their private and professional lives, making their fledgling relationship work will prove the biggest role of a lifetime.
Title: the path of the dark Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Vader triumphs. Padmé resists. Series:Three Paths Not Followed. Series: The Darker Path.
Title: perfect Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  The war is over, Luke and Leia are five years old, and Anakin and Padmé finally have the peaceful life and big family they've always dreamed of. But their life is about to get a little less peaceful and their family a little bigger.
Title: perfect strangers Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Anakin Skywalker meets a masked angel at a Halloween costume ball, and the two of them hook up for the best night of his life. But when the morning comes, she is nowhere to be found. Padmé Amidala forgot to get the name of a guy she hooked up with at Halloween before running out for work on November 1. A few weeks later, she realizes she's pregnant. Two perfect strangers, certain their paths are never going to cross again. Oops.
Title: pipe dream Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Padmé's new plumber is the most attractive human being she's ever laid eyes on, so naturally, she keeps faking plumbing emergencies so she can keep seeing him.
Title: pocket full of sand Author: philthestone Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  “I’m Leia Skywalker,” she says, and there is something unfathomably life-changing about that little declaration. “We’re here to rescue you!” Luke remembers the circumstances of his mother's arrest with a frustrating amount of clarity. AU series where Anakin never falls, Padme is a spy in the senate, and the dynamic duo of Force Sensitive twins don't know they're related.
Title: purgatory Author: helent Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  A newly dead Anakin Skywalker wakes in a new world - given the appearance of his 23 year-old self. However, the self-sacrifice that ended his life has also given Anakin an unexpected boon that he isn't sure he can accept. Worse, it comes with conditions that might just be impossible to meet. A moment of redemption is one thing, but a full reformation another entirely.
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jedirhydon101st · 3 years
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Jedi Master Katelyn Kenobi of the Jedi Order; Jedi General of the Republic Clone Army. Jedi General of ARC Commander Arthur and the 82nd Attack Battalion. Jedi commander of the 82nd Attack Fleet and Admiral Melissa Porter. Daughter of Obi-Wan and Siri Kenobi; Twin Sister of Rhydon Kenobi, and Eldest Sister of Miranda Kenobi. Stepdaughter of Duchess Satine Kryze, Eldest Half-Sister of Elisa Kenobi and Anya Kryze. Wife of Commander Daniel Klerk; Mother of Arthur Kenobi, Sierra Kenobi, and Jack Kenobi. Former apprentice of Siri Kenobi. Master of Sierra Kenobi.
Katelyn Kenobi is the daughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi, and the twin sister of Rhydon Kenobi; though she was born first by six minutes. The two twins were able to be born on their fathers birth planet of Stewjon, and immediately showed that they were Force-sensitive, encouraging their parents to bring them back to Coruscant to be trained in the ways of the Jedi Order. It would be later on in her life, that it was discovered that she had been born with a bipolar disorder, though her family supported her. Throughout her childhood, Katelyn exhibited moments of heightened excitement, but also depression, having trouble sleeping, often high levels of anger that made her family life difficult, all of which were signs of bipolar disorder (all of which Rhydon stood by her side through, forming a strong bond between the two siblings). Partly due to their unique birth, and their status as twins, Katelyn and Rhydon had a unique connection and bond with each other and the Force, proving to be more powerful than any other Jedi at their age. Like all other Jedi and their parents, Katelyn and her twin brother began their training as Jedi Younglings under Jedi Master Yoda’s supervision and tutelage. Once Katelyn was nine years old, she was chosen as her mother Siri’s Jedi apprentice, where Rhydon was chosen by their father Obi-Wan’s.
Katelyn’s first mission as a Jedi Padawan under her mother’s was to go to the planet Mandalore, to transport humanitarian supplies to the people of Mandalore. As Katelyn and Siri delivered the supplies they were requested by Duchess Satine Kryze, who wanted their help in dealing with some Death Watch activity. Katelyn and her mother teamed up with several Mandalorian warriors loyal to Satine and Mandalore, and began investigating the Death Watch activity. It would be here where the first signs of her bipolar disorder would begin to show, as she often showed moments of excitement, but also had moments of depression that her mother couldn't understand why. Fortunately it would be with the help of Duchess Satine's personal doctor, that Katelyn was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, revealing why she had mood swings the way she had been, throughout her life.
During this time, Katelyn and her mother would meet Jango Fett, a Mandalorian bounty hunter who was an ally of the Jedi Order, and was secretly hired by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas to be the genetic template of a clone army. Katelyn would also meet a young female Mandalorian warrior, named Zarina who came along to help them fight Death Watch. Zarina explained that she was the former daughter of the Death Watch leader, Pre Vizsla, but didn’t believe in his ideals, and ran away from her home. Katelyn further learned from her observations, that the other Mandalorian warriors that were with them seemed to ostracized Zarina, due to the fact that she was related to the Death Watch leader. Fortunately for the girl, Jango was the only one to show the girl respect and inclusion, along with Katelyn herself.
Katelyn’s mother Siri listened well to Zarina as the girl explained the best way to defeat the Death Watch, and she followed the girls advice to the letter. Zarina’s plan worked perfectly, with Katelyn, Siri, and Jango witnessing Zarina successfully defeating her former father Pre Vizsla in single combat. Afterwards, the group returned to the Mandalorian capital city of Sundari, and reported what happened to Duchess Satine. Katelyn watched proudly as her mother even included Zarina, and explained how the young girl was able to defeat and shame the Death Watch leader, something that had finally earned the girl respect from the other Mandalorian warriors. As Katelyn and Siri began to get ready to leave Mandalore back to Coruscant, they would be able to witness Zarina be adopted by Jango Fett and his wife Zara. They were even allowed to watch as the young Mandalorian girl received the highest symbol of honor, as well as the most difficult to earn, among the Mandalorians: the famous Jaig Eyes.
Upon their return to Coruscant, Katelyn and her mother would be greeted by Sheev Palpatine, the former senator from Siri’s home planet of Naboo, and now the new Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. Prior to the meeting, Katelyn shared her twin brother’s mistrust for Palpatine, and didn’t hold much credence to the man, and now after meeting him, and seeing the uncomfortable and perverted look in his eyes when he looked at her, Katelyn immediately despised the man further than she had before. As Katelyn’s mother met with Yoda and Mace Windu, she soon learned about what was going on in regards to the Trade Federation invasion of Naboo, and how Palpatine was elected as the new chancellor, after the previous Chancellor Valorum was impeached by the Republic Senate, after a unanimous vote of no confidence in the man.
Katelyn traveled to Naboo with her mother, the Jedi Council, and the new chancellor, who was constantly throwing inappropriate glances towards her, inadvertently causing Siri’s distrust in him to grow stronger. Upon arriving at Naboo, Katelyn watched as her mother quickly embraced Obi-Wan, and fussed over Rhydon, much to her amusement, though she too also embraced her father and twin brother, glad that they safe and alive. She would then learn of how her father and Qui-Gon battled a Zabrak Sith Lord named Darth Maul, her brother aiding Queen Amidala to take back her planet, and how Anakin Skywalker, a young boy from the desert planet Tatooine, destroyed the Trade Federation droid control ship. Katelyn would also learn that Queen Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker were two of the four chosen ones; the four individuals who would one day bring balance to the Force, alongside with her and her twin brother Rhydon. Afterwards, a special ceremony to celebrate the Trade Federation’s defeat, and the peaceful union between the people of Naboo and Gungans.
Katelyn would then accept her new mission with her mother, which was to remain on Naboo to officially serve as Queen Amidala’s protectors and advisers, alongside with her father and brother. Secretly however, she was to train alongside with Padmé Amidala, as she was secretly a Jedi, and was believed to be one of the Chosen Four. During her training on Naboo, her family was surprisingly summoned by the king of the planet Stewjon; Katelyn’s home-planet, along with her twin brother Rhydon, and her father Obi-Wan Kenobi. Upon arriving at the planet Stewjon, Katelyn would learn that the king of Stewjon was in fact her grandfather: King Orion Kenobi. This in turn led her to meet her grandmother Queen Marion Kenobi, uncle Prince Owen Kenobi, and aunt Princess Helena Kenobi.
After meeting her family, Katelyn and Rhydon happily watched as their grandfather married their parents. Katelyn and Rhydon would even learn the history of their family, and how they were beloved by the people of Stewjon. The only member of their family that they didn’t like was their great Uncle Reuben Kenobi, who constantly belittled the Jedi, and showed nothing but disrespect and hatred to Katelyn and her family. Eventually they would return to Naboo, and resume their duties as Padmé’s protectors and advisors. Katelyn even found herself being judged harshly by her great uncle, when it was revealed that she had bipolar disorder, and Reuben looked at her as though she was infected with a disease, but was openly accepted by her grandparents and other family members.
Soon, Padmé’s tenure as queen ended, but tensions in the Galaxy had arisen when several planets and star systems defected from the Galactic Republic, and joined a movement known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems, otherwise known as the Separatist Alliance. The tensions were so bad, that there was a potential threat of war between the two government factions, and the Jedi and former queen learnt that the Republic Senate, now under the leadership of Sheev Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor, was voting for the creation of an army. Katelyn and Rhydon, while apprehensive about the idea of a war, were willing to accept that there would be a need for the Jedi to be involved. Katelyn herself felt that the Jedi, as protectors of the Galactic Republic, should do whatever it took to defend the Republic; even if it meant leading an army into battle.
Katelyn would witness Padmé take on the mantel of senator for Naboo, with Jar-Jar officially serving as the Gungan representative, while also secretly serving as Padmé’s protector in the Senate. Katelyn, her father, mother, and brother began to escort the newly nominated Naboo senator back to Coruscant, but when they arrived, an explosive was set off, destroying the ship they used to transport Senator Amidala. Fortunately, the Senator wasn’t really on the ship, but instead a decoy.
Afterwards, Katelyn and her family were given new assignments: with the war soon coming her father Obi-Wan, along with her brother Rhydon, had been tasked with finding out who attempted to assassinate Padmé, while Katelyn and her mother would go to Mandalore, to ensure that the alliance between the Jedi and the Mandalorians would remain strong. Siri and Katelyn accepted their duties, and immediately began making preparations for their voyage to Mandalore. As they made ready to leave, they learnt that a Duros bounty hunter named Cad Bane attempted to assassinate Padmé, but was stopped by Qui-Gon and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker. They also learned that Obi-Wan and Rhydon interrogated the bounty hunter, and learnt that he was hired by a pair of Mandalorian warriors named the Borkus brothers.
Katelyn listened as her mother promised her father that they would ask Duchess Satine if she had heard of the Borkus brothers before, while he and Rhydon ventured to Kamino. Obi-Wan explained that there were two reasons for this: one was to speak with Jango Fett, and inquire if he had heard anything about the Borkus brothers, and the second was to learn how the clone army was progressing. Katelyn watched as Siri understood what her father was telling them, but cautioned her father to be careful, and gently kissed him before departing for Mandalore.
Upon arriving at Mandalore, Katelyn and her mother stood before Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore, and the two Jedi were greeted by the surrounding Mandalorian warriors with respect. After what Katelyn and Siri did during the Death Watch situation, it had earned the Kenobi women, and the entire Kenobi Family great respect amongst the Mandalorians. Katelyn watched and listened as her mother immediately began speaking with the Duchess, informing her of what was happening in the Galaxy and the rising tensions between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Katelyn could tell that Satine understood that what Siri was asking her was essentially Mandalore’s loyalty not only to the Republic, but also to the Jedi. Duchess Satine assured Katelyn's mother that while Mandalore would remain neutral in the coming war, the Mandalorian people would be loyal to the Jedi; and further assured Siri that if the Jedi ever needed the aid of the Mandalorians, the warriors of Mandalore would respond immediately.
Katelyn and her mother felt assured by Satine, and proceeded to ask her about the Borkus brothers, and if she had heard about them. To Katelyn’s interest, Duchess Satine’s body stiffened, and her facial muscles tightened, as though hearing the name of Borkus, was a bad thing. Interestingly, the same response was seen by the Mandalorian warriors who made up the Duchesses Royal Guard; some of them, including Duchess Satine’s sister Bo Katan Kryze who served as the captain of the Royal Guard, even clenched their fists. Satine explained that the Borkus brothers were Mandalorian warriors who were part of the Death Watch, a fact that was confirmed by Obi-Wan based on what he had learned from Zarina Fett, Jango Fett’s adopted daughter. As they finished up with their assignment on Mandalore, Katelyn watched as her mother Siri contacted Master Yoda to inform him of the Mandalorians answer, which not only pleased the old green master, but satisfied him as well.
After receiving her mother's report, Yoda then ordered Katelyn and Siri to travel to Stewjon, and see how the Stewjoni cloners were coming along in regards to the task that he hired them for. Curious as to what Yoda was doing on Stewjon, Katelyn smiled when Siri accepted her new task, and began to make preparations to leave Mandalore. As they were preparing to leave, Duchess Satine approached her mother Siri, and asked to speak with her before she left. Katelyn's mother agreed, and remained on the ship, as Siri and Satine walked along the landing platform.
Unaware of what her mother and Satine were talking about, Katelyn worked on preparing for takeoff, as she waited for her mother to finish talking with Satine. Finally Katelyn found herself rejoined by Siri, and fired up the ship to takeoff, and their ship left the planet atmosphere, and jumped into hyperspace for Stewjon. During their travel to her home planet, Katelyn asked her mother what she spoke about with Satine. She would find herself shocked when Siri revealed that her father Obi-Wan had been in love with the Mandalorian Duchess, before he reunited with her mother, and that Duchess Satine was still in love with her father. Hearing that another woman held her father’s heart at one point, and still had a place for him in hers, was certainly something that surprised Katelyn; she couldn’t picture her father with another woman, but she suspected her mother was up to something that would allow her father to be with Satine at the same time.
Eventually Katelyn and her mother arrived at Stewjon, and upon their landing, they were greeted by Queen Marion. Katelyn happily greeted her grandmother, and was inquired as to what they were doing on Stewjon. She listened as her mother explained that she and Katelyn were sent to Stewjon by Master Yoda, to check on the Stewjoni cloners. To Katelyn’s interest, Marion immediately understood, and began leading them to the secret Stewjoni cloning facility.
Upon arriving at the facility, Katelyn and Siri were met by a sight: female clone troopers of Jango Fett’s wife: Zara. Katelyn and Siri spoke with one of the Stewjoni cloners, and was informed that they used many of the Kaminoan cloners methods of making their clones, such as growth acceleration. However unlike the Kaminoans, the Stewjoni cloners had a way to deactivate the growth acceleration, and then initiated a special feature that they called the growth deceleration; meaning that the growth of the clones would be slowed down, making the clones lifespan slightly longer than the normal human as it is essentially slowed down.
As Katelyn continued to tour the facility, she noticed that her was being contacted by her father and twin brother from the planet Geonosis. After returning to their ship, Katelyn and Siri opened the communication, and learned that Obi-Wan was also trying to contact Qui-Gon, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé Amidala who were on Tatooine. Obi-Wan explained that he needed a communication connection to the Jedi Council and Chancellor Palpatine on Coruscant, and the two separate groups immediately set to it. After doing so, Obi-Wan and Rhydon reported that they had found a massive droid army being built, and that Count Dooku was preparing to use it to attack the Republic. Then to the horror of Katelyn and her mother, Obi-Wan and Rhydon were attacked by Geonosian warriors and battle droids, and taken prisoner.
Katelyn and her mother immediately set to leave Stewjon for Geonosis to rescue the rest of their family, and also to contact their Mandalorian allies for their help. Upon arriving at Geonosis, Katelyn and Siri rendezvous with a Jedi task force led by Jedi Master Mace Windu, and proceeded to the planet surface; as well as learning that Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, and Jango and Zarina Fett were also captured. They then infiltrated the Geonosian Arena of Justice, coming across the confiscated lightsabers of their Jedi companions, and the blasters of Jango and Zarina. Katelyn and Siri took the lightsabers, while elected to take the blasters, in order to return them to their rightful owners. Afterwards, they continued to move into their positions, only to be met with quite a sight.
The arena was packed with Geonosians, all focusing on the center of the arena, where Obi-Wan, Rhydon, and the others were chained to several pillars, and were being approached by seven monstrous beasts: a Nexu, Reek, Acklay, Gundark, Krayt Dragon, Anooba, and a Rancor. Fortunately each of the prisoners managed to escape from their chains, but they still had to contend with a specific beast: Obi-Wan was faced with the Ackley, Anakin the Reek, Padmé the Nexu, Qui-Gon the Gundark, Jango the Krayt Dragon, Zarina the Anooba, and Rhydon ended up facing the Rancor. Katelyn and her mother watched with baited breath as Jango and Zarina had managed to take down the Krayt and Anooba, while Padmé, with help from Anakin who had managed to get control of the Reek, took out the Nexu. But Obi-Wan was struggling to stay ahead of the Ackley, while Qui-Gon was evading the Gundark, and Rhydon was just barely staying below the Rancor.
Fortunately for them, Windu gave the signal for the Jedi to reveal themselves, and Katelyn and Siri activated their respective lightsabers: Katelyn’s dual blue and green lightsabers alongside her mother’s purple bladed lightsaber joining with the multitude of lightsabers. Unfortunately for the Jedi, this didn’t stop a battalion of battle droids from rushing out into the arena, forcing them to go on the defensive. Despite the setback, Katelyn and her mother returned the recovered lightsabers to their respective owners, as Windu did with Jango and Zarina’s blasters. As her mother cut down multiple droids, carefully watching as Obi-Wan was also able to take down the Ackley, Katelyn stood alongside Rhydon, helping him in taking down the Rancor.
Unfortunately for the Jedi and two Mandalorians, they would eventually be surrounded by the army of droids, but stood their ground. Fortunately, they would all be saved when Master Yoda and Jar Jar Binks arrived with clone troopers aboard gunships, and many Mandalorian warriors, all of them arriving to aid and rescue the remaining survivors. Once Yoda, Jar Jar, the clones, and the Mandalorians arrived, the battle began to resume, with the Jedi boarding the gunships, while the clones and Mandalorians provided cover fire; though in the confusion of the evacuation, Katelyn observed that her twin brother Rhydon was separated from their father, but joined up with Twi’lek Jedi Knight Aayla Secura. As they escaped the arena, the cease fire would only last until they reached a large plain where the Droid Army engaged the Clone Army.
It would be during this time that Katelyn and her mother were separated from Obi-Wan again, along with Rhydon who ended up fighting besides the Twi’lek Jedi Knight Aayla Secura. Throughout the battle, Katelyn and Siri lead clones into the battle against the droid army, but she maintained focus on ensuring that many clones survived, all while maintaining a seriously calm demeanor as she swung and twirled her two lightsabers. When she saw Master Yoda fly overhead to where Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Anakin, and Padmé followed Dooku, Katelyn heard her mother immediately called for a gunship, and she and Siri followed after Yoda with a contingent of clones, including Jango and Zarina who flew into the gunship. Along the way, they picked up Rhydon who was fighting the battle droids alongside Aayla Secura, as well as Padmé, Jar Jar Binks, and a single clone trooper who explained that the three of them had fallen out of the gunship that carried Katelyn’s father and the other two Jedi.
Upon arriving at Dooku’s personal landing platform, the fallen Jedi Master turned Sith Lord’s sailor barge took off, and Katelyn listened to her mother quickly order the clones to open fire, only for the shuttle-sized ship to fly out of range. Afterwards, Katelyn and her group ran into the hangar, quickly running over to her father, to help Obi-Wan up. After the battle, Katelyn would return to Coruscant, and witness the marriage of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, as well as her brother Rhydon and Jango’s daughter Zarina.
Obi-Wan and Jango constantly joked that Rhydon and Zarina’s newfound relationship was love at first sight, Siri, to her own personal chagrin, had to agree, whereas Katelyn found herself amused that her twin brother was marrying a girl who had become a good friend of hers. Katelyn was more than happy to welcome and accept Zarina as her sister-in-law, and she supported her brother getting married at his young age, given the hard times they found themselves in now. She easily saw that Rhydon deeply cared for Zarina, and she could sense through the Force that Rhydon and Zarina were meant to be with each other. For these reasons, Katelyn happily accept her brothers happiness, and welcome her new sister-in-law.
After the Battle of Geonosis, the Clone War began, and Katelyn became a Jedi Commander, and her mother was given command of her own clone battalion: the 414th Legion. Katelyn, along with Siri and her mother’s new clone commander: CC-414, Clone Commander Osiris, took the 414th and turned it into one of the Republics top clone units. As time went by, Katelyn began to wear the amethyst purple colors of the 414th Legion, to have a close connection with the clones that were under her and his mother’s command, and it proved to be successful.
Along with the 414th Attack Battalion, Katelyn’s mother was also given her own fleet and flagship: the 414th Fleet, with the Venator class cruiser Frost. With her new flagship, Siri also received a new fleet admiral named Admiral Cadmus Ordo from Mandalore. Like her mother, Katelyn appreciated and respected Admiral Ordo, due to the fact that he was a man who was not afraid to go head to head in a battle, and still be concerned about the safety of those under his command. This respect was returned by Ordo, as Katelyn and Siri both often asked him for advice in regards to space combat strategies. With Admiral Ordo, was a female officer named Captain Melissa Porter and a male officer Lieutenant Daniel Klerk, who Katelyn quickly became close friends with and formed romantic feelings for, respectively. When Katelyn became a Jedi Knight, and was given command of the 82nd Attack Fleet, her mother gave her permission to take Captain Porter as her own fleet admiral, and Lieutenant Klerk as a naval second-in-command (while also pursuing romantic relationship with him).
Katelyn worked closely with her mother and Commander Osiris, but there were a few times that Katelyn worked with other Jedi on separate missions. One such mission was with Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi to Hypori, a mission that nearly took Katelyn’s life, as well as her twin brother Rhydon. Katelyn, alongside Rhydon, went to Hypori to destroy a droid factory on the planet with Jedi Knights Aayla Secura and Tarr Seirr, Jedi Masters Ki-Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti, K’Kruhk, and Daakman Barrek, and Jedi Padawan Sha'a Gi, or as Katelyn and Rhydon liked to call him, Shaggy. Upon arriving at the planet however, their ship was caught in an orbital minefield, and were forced to crash land on the planet surface. In the duration of the crash, each Jedi were separated, but would regroup with each other, with the unfortunate exception of Master Barrek, as he was slain by the Separatist’s new general, a Sith Stalker named Grievous. Katelyn and the other Jedi were then attacked by the Sith Stalker, with Rhydon barely saving Sha’a Gi from getting crushed to death.
As the lightsaber battle began, Katelyn watched as Sha’a Gi was knocked out, and Aayla Secura was thrown up into the roof of the wrecked ship, but witnessed Tarr Seirr being killed, K'Kruhk slashed by Grievous. Katelyn would then witness Ki-Adi Mundi kicked down, and Shaak Ti get thrown into a wall, leaving her and her twin brother alone to fight the Sith Stalker. As Katelyn and Rhydon continued to duel with Grievous, Rhydon was knocked down and pinned by a piece of debris, forcing Katelyn to battle Grievous alone.
Katelyn matched Grievous' strikes blow for blow, she quickly proved herself a formidable opponent for the Sith Stalker, but it would still not be enough to keep herself from getting injured. Just as her twin brother got free from the rubble he was under, Grievous used the Force to bash Katelyn into a crumbled wall. As a result, Katelyn achieved a gash on the left side of her temple, and slumped to the ground, instantly feeling the affects of a concussion. As Grievous was about to use his sabers to kill Katelyn, she watched as Rhydon quickly used the Force to pull his lightsaber to him, along with one of her lightsaber, which turned out to be the red bladed lightsaber which she had taken from a Dark Jedi, and began clashing blades with Grievous. Though Rhydon was not as well trained in dual wielding lightsaber combat as Katelyn was, he was determined to protect his sister. Unfortunately for Rhydon, his inexperience of fighting with two sabers turned against him, as Grievous locked his blue bladed lightsaber, while destroying Katelyn's red lightsaber, and then cut off Rhydon's right arm at the elbow, before going further to slash his lightsaber across Rhydon's face.
Disoriented from losing his arm, and being slashed across his face, Katelyn watched as Rhydon was kicked down by Grievous, and fell near her, his left hand close enough for her to grip. Although she was struggling to remain conscious, Katelyn reached out and took hold of her twin's left hand, and held on as Rhydon lost consciousness. She then looked up, as Grievous towered over them, and prepared to strike down and kill them, but fortunately their lives would be saved by Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi, who intercepted Grievous' killing blow, and pushed him back away from Katelyn and Rhydon long enough for ARC Captain Fordo and the Muunilinst Ten to evacuate them, along with Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura, Sha'a Gi, and K'Kruhk, all of whom were still alive.
Katelyn would be transferred to a medical frigate named Bright Hope, where she would be treated for her concussion, and her brother placed into a Bacta Tank for healing. Because she received relatively minor injuries in their ordeals on Hypori, Katelyn was released pretty quickly, but she chose to stay on Bright Hope, refusing to leave her twin brother alone. One part of her reasons for staying with her twin, other than loyalty towards her family and close bond with her brother, also has to do with her bipolar disorder, as she wondered if her brother would blame her for him losing his arm. As she waited for Rhydon to recover from their ordeal, Katelyn worked on building a new second lightsaber, to replace the one destroyed by Grievous. She knew she would have to return to the secret planet Ilum, to find a new Kyber Crystal for the lightsaber. Eventually Rhydon would finally awaken in the Bacta Tank, and Katelyn made sure that she was the one to calm him down, so that the medical staff could help him. As she continued to help her brother recover, Katelyn's bipolar disorder caused her to discuss her difficulty with Rhydon, who to her personal disbelief, held no malice nor did he blame her for what happened to him, and held her in a hug to prove it.
After Rhydon was discharged and allowed to return to the field, Katelyn requested to leave for Ilum, and get a new Kyber crystal, and was allowed to do so. Dressed in cold gear, Katelyn entered the caves of Ilum, to find her crystal, and soon found it. After putting the crystal inside her second lightsaber, the blade that came out took on a purple hue, in which she often paired with her blue lightsaber; in many ways she often compared the blue and purple blades to her family, since her father and brother had blue lightsabers, and her mother had a purple one.
Eventually, after her father and mother were accepted onto the Jedi Council, Katelyn and her twin brother Rhydon were allowed to take the Jedi Trials, which they both had passed with flying colors. After becoming a Jedi Knight, Katelyn was allowed to take command of the 82nd Attack Battalion, which was a newly formed battalion, and selected ARC-82 "Arthur", who was also at Hypori as a part of Muunilinst Ten that rescued her, Rhydon (who took command of the 101st Legion), and the rest of the Jedi survivors, as her battalion commander; this would come to be doubly beneficial as Arthur became a sort of confidant for her, and he often consoled her whenever her bipolar disorder started acting up. Together, Katelyn and Arthur made the 82nd Attack Battalion into a formidable fighting force, alongside Arthur's two remaining batch mates Merlin and Lancelot; Katelyn also took the liberty with awarding Arthur with the prestigious Jaig Eyes, a revered award among the clones as it was seen ass mark for exceptionable honor, just as Rhydon awarded his own legion commander, ARC-101 "Zeus" with the same Jaig Eyes. Katelyn also took command of the 82nd Attack Fleet, and requested for Captain Melissa Porter be promoted to Fleet Admiral under her command, and Lieutenant Daniel Klerk to be promoted to Commander.
Katelyn would lead the 82nd Attack Battalion in many campaigns alongside Arthur, Merlin, and Lancelot throughout the Clone Wars, often teaming up with her mother's 414th Legion, her father's 212th Attack Battalion, the 501st Legion under Anakin Skywalker, or even Qui-Gon and the 12th Legion, but for the most part Katelyn's battalion would fight alongside her brother Rhydon and the 101st Legion. As the Clone Wars progressed, Katelyn and Rhydon grew stronger in the Force as they fought side by side, both of them being recognized as heroes of the Republic, and gained reputations and nicknames for their own. Because of her ability to bring calmness and mediate arguments between two individuals, Katelyn became known as the Peacekeeper, while her brother became known as the Protector, because of his innate desire to protect his own troops and innocent civilians in any battle.
Katelyn would soon receive word that her mother Siri and Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi had convinced the Jedi Council to agree in allowing the Jedi to practice polygamy, the practice of multiple marriages, in which a member of the Jedi Order could be married to at least three partners. This essentially allowed jedi to be married to any partner of their choosing, and Katelyn, while she respected her mother and her achievements, only had romantic feelings for Daniel Klerk. Unfortunately, she had to keep her feelings for Daniel to herself, as Palpatine was spearheading smear campaigns against any female Jedi falling in love with either their clones or military officers, but she opted to keep a secret relationship with Daniel. Their relationship was known only a trusted few; such as her twin brother Rhydon who supported her relationship, her mother and father, and ARC Commander Arthur.
On many occasions throughout the Clone Wars, Katelyn would encounter General Grievous, and remembering her first encounter on Hypori, Katelyn fought the Sith Stalker with wariness, learning the best way to fight the menace of the Jedi Order. on several occasions, Katelyn would encounter Darth Maul, Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress, and her father's arch nemesis: Darth Xanatos, a fallen Jedi that had at one point been apprenticed to Qui-Gon Jinn. Because Xanatos wanted to break Obi-Wan's spirit, he often tried to kill Katelyn and Rhydon, but liker her twin, Katelyn was always careful, and came out on top over Xanatos.
As the Clone Wars drew near to a close, Katelyn was preparing to go to Mandalore, which had been taken over by Darth Maul and the rogue Mandalorian warriors named Death Watch who had become loyal to him, alongside her father, brother, and Anakin Skywalker when word of a Separatist attack on Coruscant was attempted, where Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and Senator Padmé Amidala were captured, and Katelyn, Rhydon, Obi-Wan, and Anakin had to go in and rescue them, while Rhydon and Anakin’s respective padawans Zayla Secura and Ahsoka Tano took a respective half of the 101st Legion and 501st Legion to Mandalore. The space battle above the Republic capital planet was hectic, and Katelyn couldn't help but watch as her father Obi-Wan nearly lost his life to buzz droids at one point, had he not been rescued by Qui-Gon Jinn, who flying with his clone fighter group, Green Squadron. Upon successfully landing in the main hangar of General Grievous’ command ship, the Invisible Hand, the four Jedi realized that Palpatine and Padme were placed in two different parts of the warship. Padme was put up in the top of the ships observation tower, while Palpatine was in an observation room, near the ships bridge at the bow section. Choosing to split up, Katelyn and Rhydon went to get Padmé, while Obi-Wan and Anakin both ventured to the Chancellor’s location.
Fighting any droids they encountered, Katelyn and Rhydon reached the Invisible Hand's observation deck, Katelyn and Rhydon approached Padme as she was held in an observation chair, only to end up finding Dooku waiting for them. Katelyn and Rhydon reluctantly engaged the Count, not because of his formidable Form II Makashi lightsaber combat style, but because they both knew that he didn't really want to fight them, or any Jedi. They sensed, through their strong connection in the Force, that Dooku had had enough with fighting for the Dark Side and wanted to seek redemption, but was hesitant to do so. In the end, Katelyn and Rhydon overpowered Count Dooku, and offered him a chance to seek redemption; when Dooku still hesitated, they managed to contact Master Yoda, who reinforced their offer of redemption to Dooku.
To Katelyn and Rhydon’s great relief, Dooku accepted their offer of redemption, and helped release Padme. After that, the group of four began to make their way back to the hangar, where they rendezvoused with with Katelyn and Rhydon’s respective astromech droids: R3-D1 or Red as Katelyn named him, and B1-U3 or Blue as she was called. They learned from the droids that Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Chancellor Palpatine were captured, along with Obi-Wan and Anakin’s droids R4-P17 and R2-D2, and were taken to the bridge. Deciding to save their father, friend, and the Chancellor, Katelyn and Rhydon, along with Padme, Dooku, and the droids began to make their way to the bridge, cutting down any battle droids they met along the way.
Soon they reached the bridge where Obi-Wan and Anakin were battling with Grievous’ magnaguards, while the Sith Stalker and Xanatos watched. To their great interest, Grievous and Xanatos initially thought Dooku was on their side, but were instead surprised to see the Separatist leader use his red lightsaber against them, aiding the Jedi, and succeeded in killing Xanatos. Katelyn, Rhydon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Dooku proceeded to confront Grievous. Rather than be captured by the six opponents, Grievous surprised them by throwing an electro-staff of one of his destroyed magnaguards, and the Sith Stalker was sucked out into space, while the Jedi, astromech droids, politicians, and Dooku held onto different monitors to avoid being suck out into space with Grievous.
As Grievous managed to get back into the ship, only to jettison in one of the escape pods, Obi-Wan and Anakin realized that the Invisible Hand was disabled, and directed on a collision course to the planet surface. Immediately Katelyn, Rhydon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Palpatine, and Dooku strapped themselves into different chairs while the astromech droids that they had with them magnetized to the floor. Katelyn watched as Rhydon aided Anakin fly the ship down to the planet surface, while the others strapped themselves into their seats, just in case anything went wrong. Eventually the ship crash lands onto the surface of Coruscant, coming to a stop on an airstrip.
After the Battle of Coruscant, a massive hunt for Grievous would begin, along with the other remaining Sith leading the Droid Army. While her brother immediately left for Mandalore, Katelyn remained on Coruscant, helping Dooku get reacquainted with the Jedi Order, as he was constantly escorted by clone troopers of the 157th Attack Battalion, a special division of clones assigned as a special security contingent to the Jedi Temple. She would often be seen speaking with Dooku, until she learned that Jedi Grandmaster Yoda was preparing to take the 41st Elite Corps, and leave for Kashyyk to help the Wookies. Katelyn would offer the assistance of the 82nd Attack Battalion to Yoda, who gratefully accepted the offer, and Katelyn prepped her flagship, the Jedi Cruiser Keeper, to leave for the jungle home planet of the Wookies, and soon left Coruscant once Yoda was onboard. As they traveled to Kashyyk, Katelyn spoke of her concerns about the growing darkness that existed in the Galaxy, prompting Yoda to console her, as he reminded her that the Jedi Order was prepared for whatever the Darkness has planned for them.
Katelyn and Yoda arrived at Kashyyyk, and rendezvoused with Qui-Gon Jinn and his clone unit the 12th Legion, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, who was the Jedi General of the 41st Elite Corps, and Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos. Unfortunately, Katelyn also discovered that the 66th Regiment, a clone regiment that was heavily favored by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, and worked alongside in a couple of battles and didn’t enjoy it. The 66th Regiment was not like any of the other clone units in the Clone Army, specifically that they held no value for honor and loyalty like the rest of the clones had, and they had no respect for the Jedi Leadership. Because the 66th Regiment held no honor, and no value for loyalty, many of the clones in the other clone units did not get along with the 66th, especially those that were led by Jedi.
As the Battle of Kashyyyk raged on, Katelyn led her troops from the front as she always did, while Yoda watched and directed the battle with Clone Commander Gree of the 41st Elite Corps. She knew that Luminara Unduli was dealing with the droids in the jungle, and Quinlan Vos was taking care of the swamps, leaving her to lead the fight on the beaches. Fortunately she was accompanied by Qui-Gon and the 12th Legion. Katelyn and her 82nd clones managed to keep the droids from advancing up the beach, when she and her troopers started get fired on from every clone from the 66th Regiment and a few of the 41st Elite Corps and 12th Legion. This was the issuing of Order 66.
Katelyn found that none of her own clones from the 82nd Attack Battalion were trying to execute the order, and quickly discovered that Palpatine had somehow found out about her relationship with Daniel, as well as the deep loyalty that Arthur had to her, and chose to eliminate the 82nd Attack Battalion entirely. Finding herself and her men pinned in a crossfire between the droids and the clones of the 66th Regiment and the imperialist clones of the 41st Elite Corps and 12th Legion, Katelyn and Qui-Gon ordered their men to keep fighting to the last man, until rescue could be sent. She did try to contact Yoda, but found that he was busy fighting off imperialist 41st and 12th clones himself, alongside Commander Gree, and Wookies Chewbacca, and Tarfful and several 41st and 12th clone loyalists. Fortunately, rescue did come, in the form of gunships and shuttles carrying female clone troopers.
Katelyn and Qui-Gon jumped at the chance to order their troops and the 12th and 41st loyalist to get aboard the gunships and shuttles, so that they could escape from the 66th Regiment and imperial 12th and 41st. Katelyn did make sure that the gunship she and Qui-Gon were in picked up Yoda and Commander Gree, but she was sadly unable to save Luminara, as she, Qui-Gon, and Yoda learned that she was killed, while Quinlan's fate was unknown. Forced to leave Vos behind, Katelyn ordered the gunship pilot to leave Kashyyyk, and head for her flagship the Keeper.
As the gunships approached the Venator Star Destroyers that were waiting for them, Katelyn watched in shock as her command ship the Star Destroyer Keeper, blew up in flames from the other star destroyers that were trying to stop them. Fearing that her admiral and best friend Melissa Porter, and her lover Daniel, who were aboard the Keeper, was killed in the explosion, she would be relieved to know that Melissa and Daniel were able to escape the Keeper, and made their way to the Jedi Battleship Yamato. Once the gunships landed in the starboard hangar of the Yamato, Admiral Porter gave the order for the remaining ships to jump to hyperspace. Immediately after the ship jumped into the blue haze of hyperspace, Katelyn sought out her lover, and held him in her arms, thankful that he was alive, along with her best friend.
The remainders of the 82nd Attack Fleet and Battalion would proceed to the rendezvous coordinates given by Yoda, which were taking the ships to the planet of Dagobah. Once at Dagobah, Katelyn would learn of Yoda’s contingency plans, and make their way to the secret jedi planet of Ceresta, where the Jedi Order would go into exile in the Unknown Regions, hiding from the new Galactic Empire. After arriving at Ceresta, Katelyn would reunite with her family, who had all thankfully survived Order 66 (something that had bothered her immensely, especially as her bipolar disorder increased her concerns), thanks to their loyalist clone troopers. Katelyn, alongside her twin brother Rhydon, would eventually oversee the of the integrations of female clone troopers and male clone troopers, which turned out to be relatively quick and easy, as the female and male clones had already accepted and openly welcomed each other.
Katelyn would continue to serve as the general of the 82nd Attack Battalion, and to her surprise, she would be given a seat on the Jedi Council, along with her twin brother Rhydon, Anakin, and Padme. After that, Katelyn would eventually take a Varactyl of her own, and named it Thorn, and witness the birth of her newest sister Miranda from her mother and father. Katelyn would also go on to give birth to her firstborn son, Arthur Klerk-Kenobi (Who was named after Commander Arthur), who would be apprenticed to Jedi Master Shaak Ti, Sierra Klerk-Kenobi who she took on as her own apprentice, and Jack Klerk-Kenobi who would be apprenticed to Mace Windu who would help him to control his anger (especially as he inherited Katelyn's bipolar disorder). She would also witness the births of her many nephews and nieces from her twin brother and three sister-in-laws: Thomas, Sofia, and Jango Kenobi from Zarina, Kimberly, and Orion Kenobi II from Taylor; and Harry, Gwen, and Zoey Kenobi from Grace. Katelyn loved each of her three children, and it would be at his point in her life that she had a better management of her bipolar disorder, though she still had random bouts of depression and sadness.
As time went by Katelyn, along with her twin Rhydon, advocated for a modification to the military ranking system of the Jedi Loyalists Forces, and Jedi military ranks. Fortunately for her, the Council agreed, and the ranks were modified, as well as the military powers and ranks of the Jedi Order, with the addition of a special rank known as the Jedi Supreme General, who would hold all military power and decision. To Katelyn's surprise, her twin brother would be given this very rank, but she noted that he felt concerned that the power would be too much for him, and requested that she be given the same rank, to balance him out, and his request was granted. Katelyn would continue to lead the 82nd Attack Battalion, which like many the many other loyal clone units was now comprised of male and female clone troopers, in many battles against the Empire.
When Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn, who Katelyn did have previous interactions and experience with, decided to defect from the Empire and join the Jedi, she, along with her twin brother Rhydon and father Obi-Wan advocated for the induction of Grand Admiral Thrawn, believing that the Jedi and their clones would benefit from the Chiss’ knowledge, which earned her and her family Thrawn’s respect and loyalty. With support from Thrawn and her brother, Katelyn advocated that the Jedi reorganize themselves, as they captured more territory form the Empire. When asked how the Jedi should reorganize, he controversially suggested that they make an empire of their own, but different from the Palpatine Empire that they were fighting against. Understandably the Jedi Council were concerned by this recommendation, and so both Katelyn and Rhydon came to Thrawn's aid. To ease her fellow Jedi, Katelyn and her brother recommended Padme to be the empress of the Jedi Empire, since she was extremely respected throughout the Galaxy. In the end, the Council agreed, but with some counter-arguments stating that the Jedi Order be slightly separate from the government of the new empire, and thus the Amidala Empire was born, with not only the planet of Naboo, but countless worlds and star systems flocking to the Amidala Empire for protection from the Palpatine Empire.
When it came time for the Jedi Order to consider an alliance between the Amidala Empire and the Rebel Alliance, Katelyn was as equally as wary as her brother was and feared that the Rebels wouldn't want to ally with one Empire, just to fight another, but fortunately the respect that Padme had in the Galaxy was more than enough for the Rebellion to ally with the Jedi. In the end, the Amidala Empire and Rebel Alliance came to work together quite well, though to both Katelyn and Rhydon's dismay, Senator Mon Mothma, who served as the executive leader of the Rebel Alliance, was not as fond with the idea of another Empire, or that former Palpatine Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn was openly accepted and protected by the Jedi, but held her reserves to herself.
Katelyn continued to serve the Jedi, leading Commander Arthur, the 82nd Attack Battalion, and the clones through multiple engagements with the Empire. She would advocate for having Melissa promoted to the rank of Grand Admiral after the successes of Thrawn as a Jedi Starfleet Grand Admiral, and seeing her children grow up to be great Jedi or military leaders in their own rights.
Katelyn would participate in the Battle of Endor, where she would eventually go onto the Death Star alongside her twin brother Rhydon, Anakin and Padme Skywalker. They would engage in a lightsaber battle with Darth Grievous, Asajj Ventress, Darth Hunter, Sara Palpatine, and Grievous’ Sith Stalker guards, along with Palpatine himself, as Maul had already been killed by Qui-Gon nearly a year prior to Endor. The Sith Lords of Palpatine’s Order proved difficult for the four Jedi to fight, but fortunately, Katelyn’s daughter Sierra, Rhydon son Thomas, and Anakin and Padmé’s twins Luke and Leia came to their aid. With the additional aid from their respective kids, Katelyn and the others were able to take down the Sith Lords and stalkers, with Katelyn and Rhydon finally ending Grievous’ reign of terror on the Jedi, and avenging themselves for their humiliation on Hypori during the Clone Wars. With all the Sith taken care of, Katelyn recognized that Palpatine was the last threat, and watched as Anakin and Padme fought the Sith Emperor. With the assistance of Luke and Leia, Anakin and Padme defeated and killed Palpatine, and began to get off the battle station as it began to blow up.
The Jedi would successfully manage to escape from the dying battle station, and witness the Second Death Star be destroyed during the Battle of Endor. With the destruction of the Second Death Star, it officially ended the reign of Emperor Palpatine with his death, and his high ranking Sith Lords. To Katelyn’s happiness, from the dying embers of the Palpatine Empire, rose the new and better Amidala Empire, which guaranteed and protected peace, freedom, and justice for the people of the Galaxy, with Padme as the Empress, and Anakin as Emperor.
Phantom Menace:
Jedi Padawan.
Jedi Padawan (Cloak).
Jedi Padawan (Cloak; Hooded).
Attack of the Clones:
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Phase 1 Helmet).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Hooded).
The Clone Wars:
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; 414th Legion).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Phase 1 Helmet; 414th Legion).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; 414th Legion).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; Hooded; 414th Legion).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; 414th Legion; Battle of Hypori).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Wounded; 414th Legion; Battle of Hypori).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; 414th Legion; Medical Frigate Bright Hope).
Jedi Padawan (Medical Frigate Bright Hope; Healed).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; 414th Legion; Scarred).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Phase 1 Helmet; 414th Legion; Scarred).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; 414th Legion; Scarred).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; Hooded; 414th Legion; Scarred).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; 82nd Attack Battalion).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; Phase 1 Helmet; 82nd Attack Battalion).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; 82nd Attack Battalion).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; Hooded; 82nd Attack Battalion).
Jedi Knight (Cold Weather Gear).
Jedi Knight (Cold Weather Gear; Goggles).
Jedi Knight (Cold Weather Gear; Goggles & Hood).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; 82nd Attack Battalion).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; Phase 2 Helmet; 82nd Attack Battalion).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; 82nd Attack Battalion).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; Hooded; 82nd Attack Battalion).
Jedi Robes.
Jedi Robes (Cloak).
Jedi Robes (Cloak; Hooded).
Revenge of The Sith:
Jedi Knight.
Jedi Knight (Cloak).
Jedi Knight (Cloak; Hooded).
Post-Order 66:
Jedi Master (Jedi Combat Robe).
Jedi Master (Jedi Combat Robes; Cloak).
Jedi Master Jedi Combat Robes (Hooded).
A New Hope/Empire Strikes Back/Return of The Jedi:
Jedi Master (Jedi Combat Armor; Supreme General).
Jedi Master (Jedi Combat Armor; Phase 3 Helmet; Supreme General).
Jedi Master (Jedi Combat Armor; Cape; Supreme General).
Jedi Master (Jedi Combat Armor; Phase 3 Helmet; Cape; Supreme General).
Family: King Orion Kenobi (Grandfather), Queen Marion Kenobi (Grandmother); Prince Owen Kenobi (Uncle), Princess Helena Kenobi (Aunt), Prince Samson Kenobi (Cousin), Princess Jessara Kenobi (Cousin), Sayuri Kenobi (Cousin); Obi-Wan Kenobi (Father), Siri Kenobi (Mother); Rhydon Kenobi (Brother), Zarina Kenobi (Sister-In-Law), Thomas Kenobi (Nephew), Sofia Kenobi (Niece), Jango Kenobi (Nephew); Taylor Smith (Sister-In-Law), Kimberly Kenobi (Niece), Orion Kenobi II (Nephew); Grace June (Sister-In-Law), Harry Kenobi (Nephew), Gwen Kenobi (Niece), Zoey Kenobi (Niece); Daniel Klerk (Husband, Arthur Klerk-Kenobi (Son), Sierra Klerk-Kenobi (Daughter), Jack Klerk-Kenobi (Son); Miranda Kenobi (Sister); Satine Kryze (Stepmother), Eliza Kenobi (Half-Sister), Anya Kryze (Half-Sister); Lord Tobias Kenobi (Granduncle), Lady Belle Kenobi (Grandaunt), Ellen Kenobi (First Cousin), Oliver Kenobi (First Cousin).
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ilonga · 3 years
new chapter of Master Krell!
Anakin's second introduction to the Jedi Temple is nearly as strange as the first.
Sure, the first time it'd been completely overwhelming—his first time off planet, and suddenly he was on Coruscant, the capital, in the heart of the Jedi and already being presented to the Jedi Council. But now he's returning, and in the meantime he's seen a Jedi die, a planet nearly collapse under siege, and blown up an entire droid control ship from the inside out. 
And he's returning not as a terrified to-be reject, but as a Jedi padawan.
None of this feels real.
Obi-wan had cut his hair, back on Naboo, and arranged his new Padawan's braid; apparently it was tradition for the Jedi Master to do it, but after correspondence with the Jedi Council and Master Krell it had been decided that in the interests of smoothing out his transition, Anakin would be skipping out on most of the formalities and ceremony.
Anakin's not quite sure how he feels about that, yet. Maybe the formalities would have made it feel less like the ground was falling out from under his feet but, then again, maybe they would have made it even worse.
He'd said his goodbyes back on Naboo—to Jar Jar, the clumsy but kind and good-hearted Gungan, to R2, that crazy daredevil of an astromech, and to Padme, the brave and brilliant Queen (he still can't believe she had been the Queen all along, that he knows the Queen of a planet). He'll miss them, he thinks, though of course not nearly as much as everyone he'd left behind on Tatooine; his heart aches for his mother, for Kitster, and the rest.
What does your heart tell you?
His heart says he'll meet them all again someday—the Naboo and the Tatooinians. So it must be true. 
"Nearing the atmosphere," the pilot says, and Anakin looks up only to meet Obi-wan's uneasy gaze. 
"Best strap in," he says, though it looks like there's something else at the tip of his tongue. "Just a few more minutes now, and you'll meet Master Krell for the first time. He'll be waiting at the Temple."
"Okay," Anakin says, though what he really wants to say is I know. Obi-wan's repeated himself enough on this trip that Anakin's practically got his words memorized.
Obi-wan watches him for another moment before turning away.
"Landing sequence activated," the pilot says. Anakin cranes his neck around the safety restraints to get a look at the planet's surface. The last time they'd come here, he'd been both too nervous and too far from any viewports to get a good look.
It's. . . incredible.
Seeing Coruscant from afar had been nothing compared to this.
The entire surface is covered in glittering, distorted metal structures as far as the eye can see, shooting up for the skies with fervent vigor. As they get closer, he can see what looks like hundreds and thousands of ships and speeders, descending from the skies and rising from below and twisting and weaving between buildings and streetlights. His eyes catch on a strangely shaped metal dome to the side, rising out of the masses like Gardulla's palace in its glory days.
"Uh," he says quietly, tugging at Obi-wan's sleeve before he can think the better of it. "What's that over there?"
"Hm?" Obi-wan says, startled at the contact, but then follows his gaze and sees what he's pointing at. "Ah. That's the Senate Rotunda—it's where all the galactic governmental duties are carried out. It's where Queen Amidala went before, to request aid against the Federation's blockade."
His gaze catches on something else and he gestures to Anakin. "If you look over there," he says, pointing ahead, "you can see the Temple in the distance. We're very close now."
Anakin follows his line of sight. All he can see are the spires, really, and the hint of the rectangular form below. Their first visit had been rather rushed; he doesn't remember much but high ceilings and long hallways, and the endlessly intimidating Council Room. Hopefully they can skip out on that part this time. He's been accepted for certain, right? No need to go through the tests again?
Obi-wan coughs delicately and Anakin realizes with a start that he'll be living at the Temple now. If all goes well, for maybe even the rest of his life.
The thought settles strangely against his chest and he jams his hands under his seat to stop them from shaking.
"Just a few minutes now," the pilot says. 
They pull ever closer.
They land without much fanfare. 
If he had been just a little bit less nervous, Anakin would have begged to watch the landing sequence from the cockpit—the Naboo pilots had been so nice to him, and this ship has got to be one of the most beautiful he's ever been on in his life—but as it is, he stays glued to his seat instead.
Obi-wan is the first to get up, and gestures for Anakin to follow him with a jerk of his head. On the landing pad, he recognizes Master Yoda and Master Windu. Behind them, there's a tall alien whose species he's never encountered before and a few other figures he remembers from the Council Room.
"Knight Kenobi," Master Windu says gravely. Suddenly Master Qui-gon's absence feels like a gaping hole—everyone keeps shifting as if to accommodate someone who isn't actually there. Obi-wan glances to the side and meets Anakin's eyes instead; he purses his lips and quickly looks away. 
"Commend you, for the feat you have achieved in defeating the Sith, we do," Master Yoda says. "A great deed you have done, young Kenobi."
Obi-wan blinks. He looks to the side again. "I only did my duty," he finally says.
Master Yoda speaks again, but this time, Anakin doesn't catch what he says. He's trying to take in as much of his surroundings as possible without being too obvious.
There are about six others with him and Obi-wan right now—Master Yoda, who's still speaking, Master Windu, three others he remembers from the Council, and the imposing reptilian figure who has both sets of his arms crossed. Could this be the Master Krell Obi-wan had mentioned before? The one who Obi-wan had said would take over Anakin's training?
The figure huffs and trains his gaze on Anakin, and Anakin quickly looks away. 
The rest of the hangar is a cavernous, elegant space; transports and shuttles of various builds line the walls, with Jedi (mechanics? Mechanic Jedi?) dotting the walls here and there, busying themselves with repair work. The floor below them has its tiles arranged in a bright, colorful pattern, almost reminiscent of Naboo's palace though not nearly as ostentatious. 
A passing mechanic (Jedi?) looks up and meets his eyes. She's a blue Twi'lek, probably just a few years older than Anakin himself. She grins and waves.
Hesitantly, Anakin waves back.
"We've bored you two enough for now, I should think," One of the Masters from the Council says, and Anakin snaps his attention back to them. "Shall we move on to a more pressing order of business?"
"Ah - yes. Yes, of course." Obi-wan says. He turns to Master Yoda. "If you would - "
The reptilian figure steps forward and speaks, cutting through Obi-wan's hesitant stutters. "That is more than enough, Knight Kenobi." 
"Master Krell - " The same Jedi from before says - Master Billaba, Anakin remembers now. She'd been in the Council Room during his original examination, but had barely spoken at all. Her voice is nice, Anakin decides. Soothing. "Perhaps we should take it with a bit more . . . patience?"
Master Krell - so Anakin was right, he was the mysterious Master Krell - concedes and steps back. "My apologies, Master Billaba. I am . . . eager to begin."
"Understandable." Master Billaba says lightly, but her gaze continues to rest on him. Is there something Anakin's missing, here? Some friction between the two of them? Master Billaba hadn't spoken for or against him during the examination - but maybe she was one of the ones that didn't want him trained, and even Master Krell's appointment didn't change his mind. Maybe he'll need to be on his best behavior to impress her. Or maybe it'll be better to avoid her entirely. Out of the corner of his eyes Anakin sees Obi-wan fold his arms into his sleeves.
"Then, if I may?" Master Krell says, beginning to move away from the group. The surrounding Masters nod their consent, followed by Obi-wan with a few seconds' delay. Vaguely Anakin wonders how Master Qui-gon would react to all of this, if he could see it now. Would he be happy Anakin was being trained? Upset, that he had been replaced by a different Master? Would he have changed his mind entirely, decided that Anakin should have been left behind after all? "Come with me, Skywalker."
Anakin can do nothing else but follow.
They walk down the long, winding hallways for what seems like forever before Master Krell finally decides to speak.
"Young Skywalker," he says. "You have heard by now that you are to be my Padawan, correct?"
"Yes, sir," Anakin says quickly. He wonders when Master Krell found out. Had he volunteered? Been forcibly assigned to him? Had he just found out before they landed in the hangar, or known days in advance?
"Good." Master Krell says, keeping his gaze trained on the hallway ahead. "This means, of course, that for the next decade or so until you become a Knight, you are under my authority as my Jedi Padawan. I will teach you, direct you, and train you every day until you meet and surpass the qualifications necessary for Knighting. I can make you into the greatest of the Jedi, as befitting of your title of prophecy - but only if you listen, and obey. Am I clear?"
"Yes, sir," Anakin says again.
"Excellent." Krell says, leading them further down the hallway. Maybe any moment now, they'll be coming up on Anakin's new rooms. His own rooms - he can hardly believe it.
"You will be the very best of us, Skywalker," Krell says, sounding rather less like he means it as a compliment and more like he means it as an order. "The very best."
Anakin doesn't know how to respond to that, but he's saved from the efforts by Master Krell's satisfied huff.
It rather seems like his new Master prefers the silence.
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massharp1971 · 2 years
Rewatching The Phantom Menace
I can do this, I can rewatch the film that marked the biggest disappointment of my life.
You have to understand, I was six years old when A New Hope hit the cinemas.
Phantom Menace had been rumoured for two decades when it finally hit.
I was crushed when I saw it. All my giddy fannish excitement crumbled.
So now, thanks to the new series I'm risking a rewatch.
Oh, it's okay so far, Ewan and Liam, very nice. Ewan's Alec Guinness impersonation is uncanny.
Fuck, I had entirely forgotten the horror that is Jar Jar Binks. Make it stop!
Wait, "there was no father" as in he's not in the picture, or as in virgin birth? That was weird.
Kid has high empathy, a quality entirely lacking in people who commit mass murder but ok
Hey don't the Jedi have some sort of code of ethics about using powers to influence financial deals and the outcome of bets? Seriously dodge, Qui Gon
Nope, I'm just gonna skip the pod race
The kid's cute though, it's going to take a lot to convince me he'll turn into a genocidal evil lord (spoilers: they will forever remain unconvinced)
Wait a sec, so antisemitic trope guy owns Anakin's mom, and has just hit financial hardship, meanwhile Anakin's now mates with a queen… please tell me there's a reason they don't nip back to Tatooine a month hence and go buy mommy
Darth Maul is ridiculous. That is all. So is his lightsaber
Jedi council: bit of a boy's club huh? and they're kinda dicks
And in the same galaxy that elects 14-year-old girls as leaders….
"The boy is dangerous". Oh FFS, which is it, predetermined evil or groomed into evil by Palpatine? Make up your mind, people. He's an itty bitty marshmallow.
I remember first hearing about the Force and thinking wow, yeah, that makes sense. I remember first hearing about midi-chlorians and thinking ok now you ruined it
Hey can someone explain to me how Coruscant has a breathable atmosphere please and thank you
"We cannot use our power to help the queen" no of course qigong that would be unethical, wheras using your power to try and get parts for your spaceship and win bets….
Taking a moment to appreciate Amidala, military strategist. She is infinitely the best thing here
Okay the "stay in the cockpit" thing. Cute. Kid is cute.
Nonono playing the battle for comedy with dead Gungans all around? First you code them with really offensively racial sterotypes, then you make them trivialised canon-fodder. ugh.
Yay Obi Wan gets a mini-me. (PS there was a point in the early 1980s when literally every teenage girl had that haircut)
Huh. After all that I have to admit none of it was quite as terrible as I remembered, but I remain underwhelmed, and where was the foreshadowing? I'd have liked to see one darn thing about that boy that hinted at danger. He should be murdering small animals for fun by now to get where he's going.
Up next: grumpy teenage Anakin beckons and I will still not be convinced he could turn genocidal
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starwarsfangirl · 3 years
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Qui Gon Jinn, Jar Jar Binks, and Obi-wan Kenobi meet with Boss Rugor Nass and the Gungan High Council in the underwater city of Otoh Gunga.
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sw5w · 1 year
Mesa No Tink So
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:15:22
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constilationn · 4 years
Fire and Rain || Part 12
A/N: SUPRISEEEE, this is it guys! after months of planning and then weeks of delays (my bad), the last part of fire and rain is here! Guys, I hope you loved it as much as I loved writing it and please, please do leave me feedback it is so greatly appreciated!!
Rating: T 
Warning: naughty words 
Summary: You find yourself with Poe once more but this time, maybe he’ll realise you’re more than a technician 
Part 11 🔥
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As it turned out, it was not like riding a bike. 
Flying around the base with Poe by your side was very different from crossing systems by yourself. You were such an idiot, you hadn’t figured out an entrance plan or an extraction. Hell, you didn’t even know where the man was. You’d turned into Poe: jumping into a situation with no preparation and hoping for the best. Usually you were so cautious, so organised. You never would’ve done this before Poe. The only thing that drove you towards him this time, was pure fucking passion and it pissed you off to no end. 
You regretted a lot of things as you flew over the Royal House of Naboo, landing almost gracefully in the loading bay. You weren’t the best pilot, granted, but the dirty looks thrown your way as you crossed towards the Gungan High Council house made it seem you’d killed everyone in sight by the time you’d landed. 
You stepped across the threshold into the Gungan High Council, watching carefully as you were tracked across the building towards the desk that sat at the front. “Hi.” You shot the women sitting behind the desk a sweet smile. 
She barely looked up, focused on the book in front of her. “Business or pleasure?”
She looked up, bored. “Business or pleasure?”
You shrugged, what did you class Poe as? You shivered thinking about that night in the desert, berating yourself for thinking about him like that. You rolled your eyes, this stupid man had you brain in knots and he wasn’t even here. “Pleasure, I guess.”
“You guess?” She sighed, folding her hands in front of her as she fixed you with a frustrated expression. 
“Listen,” you leaned across the desk. “I think my boyfriend’s cheating on me.” The women shifted on her seat, moving forward in interest and by the glimmer in her eye, you knew you’d caught her. “I just need to know where he is,” you wiped a tear you’d forced from your eye. “Please, he’s got dark curly hair, beautiful brown eyes and the sharpest jaw you’ve ever seen.” The women started to nod slowly and you gave her a relieved smile, your mind reeling from how easily the words had rolled off your tongue. “Do you know where he is?”
The women put her hand gently over yours and you rested the urge to snatch them back, remembering you were supposed to be some sort of inconsolable girlfriend. “I saw him heading to the Royal House of Naboo a few hours ago, anyone that goes anywhere passes through me. If you hurry you should be able to catch him.”
“Thank you,” you pulled your hand away from hers as quickly as you could, wiping nonexistent tears from your cheek. “Thank you.”
You turned on your heel, leaving the Gungan High Council in search of Poe. You couldn’t begin to imagine what Poe had gotten himself into. The very fact he was in The Royal House of Naboo, probably unarmed and definitely irritating everyone within a ten meter radius, spoke volumes. 
Your boots echoed across the marble floor as you scanned the foyer. What once had been the pride and joy of Naboo had been turned into a museum; preserving the pieces of history that didn’t quite fit anymore. There was no logical version of events that would leave Poe stranded in the middle of a museum on the very planet he'd run into trouble not so long ago.
“Hey!” The voice caught you by suprise and you snapped back to attention, spinning on your heel with fists clenched and heart racing. “Thank god you’re here.” 
Your mouth fell open. Actually, physically fell open as Poe’s eyes met yours. “What are you doing here?” You hissed. 
“Me? Why did it take you so long?” You gave an indignant scoff, still gaping as he pulled you towards him. The touch of his skin on yours made you crazy.
“You pissed me off.” 
Poe looked down, guilt dancing in his eyes. “I know. I know I fucked up.” 
You wanted to scoff, to hit him; to hate him like you were supposed to. But you couldn’t do it. You couldn’t bring yourself to despise him, not when he was standing in front of you looking at you like that. You eyes softened, “No. I did.” 
“I wasn’t thinking. I jumped to conclusions way too quickly.” 
Poe nodded, unsure if he could reach out, touch you the way he wanted. “I swear to you, nothing happened.” 
“I know.” 
You laughed softly. “I know. I ran into Jessie the other night. Turns out you turned her down.” 
“Sweetheart,” he looked up, slow, cautious at the use of nickname. “I wouldn’t do that to you.” 
You shook your head. “I know. I panicked. I told you everything that hurt me. I told you what destroyed me and for a second I thought you’d done exactly that.” 
Hurt flashed across his face. “I didn’t.” He replied flatly. 
You frowned, his toneless response bothering you. You’d come to Naboo to rescue him, to tell him that you were in the wrong. “Can blame you me?” You fired back, angered by the offense he’d taken. He couldn’t expect you to trust him, could he? Not after everything that he’d put you through. Not after his reputation on the base. Surely he knew what people said about him? He���d created that persona, hadn’t he? Why shy away from the truth? 
How many questions until you drove yourself crazy?
“I know what people say.” He murmured and you lifted your eyes to meet his. “I know how they see me.” 
“That’s not my fault.” 
“I’m not saying it is.” His reply was quick and you looked down sheepishly. Of course it wasn’t your fault and he’d never accuse you of such, so why were you jumping to conclusions? Why did you want everything to go so horribly wrong? Was it some last resort to try and save yourself? Your survival instincts were beginning to show and it was most certainly going to be your destruction. Unless you fixed it. Unless you showed him that he was wrong. “I know I took who I wanted when I wanted. I know that.” He took a cautious step towards you and your eyes flickered down to where your hands met. “But I’m telling you now that I want you. Sweetheart, all I ever wanted was you.” 
“Please,” and your name was falling from his lips like a prayer. “I want you to believe that. I need you to believe that.” He looked like he was about to drop to his knees and beg for you. You had no idea where the sudden display of emotion had risen from. Poe Dameron was not the kind of man to beg for a girl when he could get anyone he wanted. 
“What’s this about?” You asked gently and he knew what you meant. He seemed needy, desperate, for you and whilst you certainly didn’t mind the sudden show of commitment, it wasn’t typical Poe behaviour. 
“I thought I wasn’t going to see you again.” He mumbled, “I was all cocky and confident but the minute I realised I couldn’t get home was the minute I realised I’d lost you.”
You looked down. Obviously he knew he’d fucked up but did he really think that you wouldn’t come for him? Did he really believe he meant that little to you? “Didn’t you think I’d come for you?” 
Poe stayed silent and you nodded, tears threatening to spill over. Then, quietly “I knew you would.” 
Laughter fell from your lips and Poe grinned broadly as tears slipped down your cheeks. And then he was stepping forward, his hand cupping you cheek as he kissed you like you were the only thing that mattered.
Because Poe Dameron may not have lived life slowly, but he certainly lived it by your side.
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viceroygunray · 3 years
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ANIMATED // have you met NUTE GUNRAY yet? THEY are a SIXTY-FIVE year old AGENDER NEIMOIDIAN. they’re originally from NEIMOIDIA and now show loyalty to THE SEPARATIST. they are best known for being a FORMER VICEROY OF THE TRADE FEDERATION/CHAIR OF THE SEPARATIST COUNCIL, and i hear they’re pretty PRAGMATIC yet also GREEDY at times; i hope they survive the galactic civil war. (Devin, 23, EST, He/Him/His)
Born in the year 84 BBY, Nute Gunray like all Neimoidians spent the first seven years of their life in a communal hive, where with the other grubs had to hoard food in order to survive. Not only was Nute able to hoard food to surive, they hoarded more than any other in their hive, proving themself worthy of being a high ranking member of Neimoidian society. Joining the Trade Federation as a Junior Trade Officer, Gunray made the final decision to expel a member of the corporation, opening a seat on the Trade Federation Board of Directors, which by the age of 30 Gunray filled. 
In addition to the seat Gunray was also appointed the Trade Federation’s Senator, where they served for the next 10 years. During the year 44 BBY, the Trade Federation came into issues with the Stark Commercial Combine. After the brief Stark Hyperspace War Gunray was made Viceroy of the Trade Federation for their role in securing a victory for the Trade Federation. Eleven years into their leadership of the Federation, Gunray would come into contact with Darth Sidious for the first time, when they were gifted with a rare red spotted pylat. Sidious would help Gunray turn the Trade Federation into a Neimoidian monopoly at the disastrous Eriadu Trade Summit. Giving Gunray complete control over the corporation.
Shortly after, the senate and Chancellor Valorum would enact taxes on the free trade routes, and with the backing of the mysterious, yet powerful, Darth Sidious Gunray would enact a blockade around the small, minor planet of Naboo. This blockade would soon become a full scale invasion. Taking control of Naboo, a resistance formed, and Queen Amidala formed an alliance with the Gungans. Together they defeated the Federation and Gunray was shipped to Coruscant where they stood trial 4 times, where they failed to convict and they remained Viceroy. 
After going through these trials, Gunray was approached by Count Doou, where they joined the former Jedi in forming a new galactic government, The Confederacy of Independent Systems. In that role they served as the Chairperson of the Separatist Council, they would also put a bounty on Padme Amidala’s head, seeking revenge for the Naboo incident. Being present at the Battle of Geonosis, and the start of the Clone Wars, Gunray would watch as the galaxy became embroiled in war. Falling in Republic hands at one point, and watching as Neimoida, and Cato Neimoida were attacked by the Republic, Gunray’s only remaining option was to trust in Dooku, and Sidious. 
During the final days of the war, and after the deaths of Count Dooku, and General Grievous, Gunray would be the Head of the CIS, overseeing the final few hours of the war from a bunker on Mustafar. Sidious promising the CIS leadership peace, and a new place in society. Instead Gunray and the other CIS leadership were struck down by Sidious’ apprentice, Nute having been betrayed by the man who he had entered into deals with 14 years prior. 
The last thing they remembered was the slash of red, and then nothing. Yet now, Nute Gunray had awakened on Cato Neimoidia, 26 years after they had died. Wasting no time, they have discovered that the Trade Federation was disbanded, but that the Separatist movement lived on through the New Separatist Union. Using the cover story that they had committed suicide after they knew the war was lost, Gunray blasted this as Imperial lies and that they had been in hiding all along. Gunray before this had been considered a martyr of the CIS. Like any wise Neimoidian, Gunray had kept secret safe houses where they had houses robes, a very large sum of credits, and other valuables Nute did not trust the rest of the CIS knowing about. 
Taking advantage of their Martyrdom and their sudden return, Nute has taken up a leadership role within the New Separatist Union, this time actually wanting to create a new sustanable government for two reasons. The first, to make money and secure a high ranking place for themself. Secondly, to be safe from Amidala and other former Republican officials who may want to see them arrested, as they now have diplomatic immunity. 
Nute Gunray is duplicitous, greedy, cunning, and extremely avaricious. They are also however pragmatic and before Sidious came into their life knew how far they could push the law. With this second chance, Nute does not plan on falling in league with any Sith Lords, they wish to return to the life they had before Sidious, where they were wealthy, feared, and respected but also incredibly comfortable. Now with so many various galactic factions though, the galaxy is ripe for the picking, and Nute plans on getting their share of the riches.
0 notes
Return to Me - Chapter Two
Chapter Two: Let Them Try
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A/N: Thank you all for the love from chapter one! I’m so glad you’re all liking it. Here’s chapter two! The mission that Leia sent Poe on at the end of the last chapter is the one she sent him on in the Poe Dameron comic (which, god, you should all read) to find Lor San Tekka. Now we’re at the start of The Force Awakens. If you have any questions, let me know! Also, if you want to be tagged, or I missed you somehow, let me know!
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Word Count: 4,784 Synopsis: After securing the map to Luke Skywalker from Lor San Tekka, Poe is captured by the First Order and tortured for what he knows. Meanwhile, the reader tries to find her place between the Resistance and the world of politics as she returns home to ask for aid to the Resistance.
Tag List: @xeniarocks​, @too-many-baes​, @araceli91103​, @holybatflapexpert​, @themihala​, @idocarealot, @treblebeth​, @treestarrrrrrrr​, @thescarletknight2014​, @charlottie2998​, @ibikus​, @mellow-f1​, @mrsdaamneron​, @trustme3-13​ (Some links didn’t work, if this is you, make sure that your settings allow for you to be tagged by people who don’t follow you, so you can still get the tag.)
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
“I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance on board,” Kylo Ren said, stepping into the torture chamber Poe was now being held in.
“It has been a few years, but I haven’t aged that horribly,” Poe said, tasting blood from his pooling lip. Ren paced behind him, standing where Poe couldn’t see. “Have you had some work done? It’s alright, you never were that good looking, so a few plastic corrections—" Poe groaned as his metal restraints tightened.
“Not really.”
“I’m impressed with you, Commander. No one has been able to get out of you what you have done with the map.”
“Might want to rethink your technique.” Ren appeared in front of him again, his facial expressions still impossible to read behind the mask, but Poe could sense his anger. He silently raised his hand in front of Poe’s face, and before Poe knew what was happening, Ren began to open his mind. Poe started to struggle, his head smacking into the back of the hard metal chair he was confined to. He was looking for the memory of what he did to the map, but somewhere in his subconscious, Ren took a turn into more personal matters.
Flashes of you began to appear. Sitting together under a tree a few hundred yards from the old base. Climbing up to his X-Wing to give him a kiss. Swimming in the lakes surrounding Naboo. Laying together in bed.
Poe jerked out of his control, breathing heavy. He looked up weakly at Ren. What must have been a laugh registered from his mask, making Poe feel sicker.
“What nice memories.”
“You’re a pathetic waste of life,” Poe spat, lifting his head up to face Kylo Ren just as he Force pushed Poe’s head back against the metal headrest.
“How do you think Y/N would feel knowing that you are giving away all of the deepest, most intimate details of your relationship?”
“I don’t know.” Poe strained as Ren started invading his mind again. “But I bet she still likes me better than you.”
“When I’m done, you won’t have reason to laugh anymore,” he said, opening Poe’s mind again.
“Where is the map?” he asked as Poe’s face began to redden, the pressure of trying to fight him off becoming too much.
“The Resistance will not be intimidated by you.”
Ren put his full effort into his trick, extracting a scream from the pilot as he searched for his needed information.
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After your trip to the Resistance base, returning home felt like returning to a prison cell. You had only been gone for little more than a day, but short lived freedom was still freedom. You arrived back to Naboo early in the day, and all you wanted to do was crawl in bed, but, as always, you had a full schedule.
“Y/N, please keep your head up,” Loré pleaded for the fourth time.
“Sorry,” you said, straightening yourself in your seat, “I’m just tired.”
“Do you want another cup of tea?” Sondé asked.
“No, I’ll be fine.” You looked into the mirror as Loré tied your hair up in an intricate ponytail and fought off the emotions that were threatening to destroy everything you had built up the last two years. The more time you spent away from the Resistance, the further you felt from who you were back then, and you were starting to wonder if you could ever truly get her back.
“Nové, you’re going down to the military base with Zaisa today, right?” you asked.
“Yes, my lady,” she said, glancing at you with worried eyes, sensing your stress.
“And you’re going to make sure—"
“I know my mission,” she said, nodding. Nové was going down to Naboo’s military base with Captain Zaisa in order to scope out any new recruits who would be a good fit for the Resistance. Nové’s commlink buzzed, and she sighed with a frustrated smile. “The Council is ready.”
“Okay,” you said, looking back at her for an understanding to her frustration.
“Along with Count Lin Ral who just got in from Serenno,” she said. You looked back into the mirror and steeled your demeanor.
“I’ll be right along. Loré, will you go announce my presence? I just need to put my earrings on, and I’ll be right down.”
“Of course, my lady.”
Everyone exited, with Nové bringing up the tail. She gave you a parting look, one last look of encouragement. You clipped on the gigantic earrings to compliment your dress and readied yourself for your council meeting. Although you had already transferred personal credits over to the Resistance, there was still a lot more you wanted to do, which could only be made possible with funds and supplies granted by Naboo’s council. Given that the Resistance wasn’t technically in existence, though, this was going to be a difficult task.
As you stepped into the Grand Council Room, everyone stood. The Royal Advisory Council consisted of five people: headed by Lord Sarsa Broden, with members, Lala Jrul, Rickan Gilkpasc, Sarin Sutaton, and the Gungan representative, Jobee Qod.
Occasionally, your father would sit in on these meetings as he was well versed in all things Naboo politics. Thankfully, though, he was off visiting your mother on Hosnian Prime. If he got wind that you were hoping to aid the Resistance, choosing a definitive side in the cold war between the Resistance and the First Order, when the Senate specifically forbade it, he would personally ask for your dethronement.
“Your Highness,” Broden said, taking your hands in his. “Naboo is once again blessed with your presence.”
“Thank you, Lord Broden,” you said, taking your seat.
“How went your trip to Bith, Your Highness?” Lala Jrul asked with a kind smile.
“Wonderfully well. We have worked out a trades deal that shall be beneficial to both of our planets.” You took a pause, looking at the rest of your council, trying to sense their reaction before they gave it. “My discussion with Bith gave me another idea as well,” you said carefully.
“An idea?” Jobee Qod asked.
“It has been a long time since the building of our Ion Pulse, since any real threat was attempted to our way of life. We have been lucky, but we are not the only ones in the galaxy. Our trades deal with Bith has given me the idea to draft new legislation.” Sondé stepped forward with your plans and projected them on the Holo table. “With our shared commitment to helping others, I have come up with a plan where we can share resources with endangered people and places all over the galaxy. This program would be run by a group of advisors who would decide what issues most need our help and choose the necessary supplies. We’ll make sure to get students and other bright minds from around Naboo to join the program, creating a group of young leaders ready to make a change.”
“Who would you suggest lead this program?” Broden asked after a moment’s thought.
“I don’t have an initial pick right now, but there are a handful of people I would trust as interim until one can be appointed by our council.”
“What about when we need help?” Rickan Gilkpasc asked.
“Of course, the Naboo are our first and most important priority, but with each and every act, we’d be gaining allies who would help us out if we run into trouble. If we ran into a course of action where we needed to step back, then our advisors would decide to do so.”
“Meesa thinks issa splendid idea,” Jobee said.
“Thank you, Councilor.”
“I second that,” Lala added.
“I agree,” Broden said, smiling at you. With his vote, your program would go into action, and you could help the Resistance.
“Thank you for your confidence, and I hope to earn the rest of yours as well once the time comes,” you said, looking to the other council members who looked less ecstatic about your proposed plan.
“You always do eventually,” Sarin said with a smile.
Each of the councilors had their own proposals to discuss, so your meeting lasted for another two hours. Once finished, you were the first to stand and leave. You went out a side exit and waited for everyone else to leave so you could have a word with Broden.
“Your Highness?” a voice asked, making you jump. You slowly stepped away from the pillar you were hiding behind and found Lin Ral standing in front of you. He bowed, making you reluctantly laugh.
“You’ve found me,” you said.
“What is a queen doing hiding in her own palace?”
“Palaces were made for hiding.”
“Is that so?” he asked as he extended his arm to you. With a nod of your head, you took it and allowed him to lead you away from the council chambers.
“When did you arrive?” you asked.
“This morning. A few hours after you did.”
“Yes, the people of Bith kept me for the night,” you said, lying easily. “How are things in Serenno?”
“Wonderful. I wish you would come see it for yourself.”
“Perhaps someday soon,” you said, making him sigh. “What are you doing back?”
“My family sent me to see if we couldn’t tie up the last few strings of our arrangement.”
“Are you here to ask me to marry you?” you asked, looking up at him.
“I am.” You stopped in the middle of the hallway, looking into his eyes to catch a trace of a lie. “But judging by your face, now wouldn’t be a great time.”
“No, I’m sorry, it wouldn’t. I’ve just proposed a lot of new legislation, I have many trips planned in the coming months, this isn’t the time for an engagement.”
“But if it were . . ."
“If you’re asking for an answer, I don’t have one for you. I’m sorry,” you said, unraveling your arm from his.
“Did you meet someone more charming?” he asked. You laughed and shook your head, continuing your walk down the hallway.
“No. I just . . ."
“Can’t marry someone you don’t love,” he finished. You looked back at him, smiling sadly as you carefully nodded. “I didn’t think I could either, but when duty calls—"
“Please, spare me. I’ve heard this from my parents a million times. I have a duty to my people still. I just started campaigning for my next term, if re-elected I will have two more years as queen.”
“Do you want me to wait that long?”
“I can’t tell you to do that.” He nodded and folded his hands behind his back, steeling his demeanor like you had done many times before.
“You’re a very hard person to crack, Your Highness.”
“Years of practice,” you said with a smirk. He bowed his head softly.
“Well, I’ve kept you from your secret rendezvous long enough.”
“Oh, I—"
“There you are, my lady,” Broden said, coming up the hall. Lin smiled at you once more before turning around. “I thought you wished to speak. Did I interrupt?” he asked, glancing down the hall.
“No,” you said, shaking your head to compose yourself. You turned your eyes from the hall and looked up at Broden. “You don’t think they—”
“Suspect anything? Of course not. And why should they? You’re not doing anything wrong. You’re trying to help the right people.”
“The people I think are right.”
“They are. And so are you. You shouldn’t doubt yourself.”
“I try not to,” you said, breathing in.
“Maybe if you delivered the news in person it would put a breath of fresh air in you,” Broden said simply. You looked into his eyes, a smile spreading across your face slowly.
“I know you were just there, but I think it’d do you some good to go back to the Resistance base. Perhaps for longer than a night. Sondé can step in for another day or two, but that’s the longest you can stay away. And no more secret missions for quite some time.”
“Absolutely,” you said, quickly hugging him. “Thank you.”
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“Fuck,” Poe groaned, coming to in the torture chamber.
Kylo Ren had collected the information he needed, and once he was done, he pushed Poe’s head one last time against the metal headrest, knocking him out cold. Poe pulled on his restraints, knowing that he needed to warn the Resistance. Ren knew that the map to Luke Skywalker was in BB-8, which meant that everything he had fought for during the last few years was now in jeopardy.
The restraints weren’t budging, and the longer he sat there, the more his mind began to wander. The images that Kylo Ren had managed to salvage from his mind were playing over and over in his mind. He felt like he had betrayed you, showing all of your most intimate moments to that monster.
The doors slid open, taking him from his memories. Poe opened his eyes, unaware he had even shut them, to see another Stormtrooper walk into the room.
“Ren wants the prisoner,” the newcomer instructed. The guard watching over Poe nodded and released him from his restraints. Expecting that he was about to be led to his execution, Poe looked at his guide less than enthusiastically. The new Stormtrooper ripped him down from his shackles, only to handcuff him again
“Come on,” he said, pulling Poe into the hall. He marched him up and down corridors, so much so that Poe couldn’t have found his way back to his cell even if he wanted to. One more twist around a corner and the Stormtrooper commanded him to turn into an abandoned closet.
“Listen carefully. You do exactly as I say, I can get you out of here,” the Stormtrooper said quickly.
“Wh— what?” Poe asked. His mind was still reeling from Ren’s torture, but he thought he just heard the Stormtrooper say that he could help him escape. The Stormtrooper took off his helmet and Poe took him in for a moment.
“This is a rescue. I’m helping you escape. Can you fly a TIE fighter?” he asked.
“Are you with the Resistance?” Poe asked.
“What? No, no, no, I’m breaking you out. Can you fly a TIE fighter?” he asked again.
“I can fly anything,” Poe said confidently. “Why— why are you helping me?”
“Because it’s the right thing to do.” Poe fought the urge to roll his eyes.
“You need a pilot.”
“I need a pilot,” the other man conceded. Poe looked into his eyes, seeing that he was genuine and beamed.
“We’re gonna do this.”
They got back into position, the Stormtrooper with his helmet back on, Poe reshackled in his handcuffs. He marched Poe through the halls until reaching the hangar. Stormtroopers were everywhere, but the thought of getting BB-8 back and away from the First Order kept him smooth and steady. His accomplice, however, was anything but relaxed.
“Okay, stay calm, stay calm,” he muttered, glancing around.
“I am calm.”
“I was talking to myself,” the man said. Poe reminded himself that he needed to escape, no matter who with. He readied himself, and at the Stormtrooper’s command, turned to the left and boarded one of the TIE fighters lining the wall.
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You returned to the Resistance base with less decorum than the first time. Sondé was masquerading as you back on Naboo, which meant that you weren’t actually here. You sent Leia a transmission that you were coming, and she met you in the back of the base. There wasn’t a large welcoming committee waiting for you on the base, which was a relief. For the first time in a long time, you weren’t Queen Bhavisama, you were just Y/N.
“Y/N,” Leia said with a smile, taking your hands in hers. She took you in for a moment, your blue dress, and your hair in natural curls down your back.
“Thank you for having me back on such short notice.”
“You don’t need to thank me, this was your home once, too. We’re always glad to have you back. And you’ve come bringing good news, I hope?”
“Yes. The Naboo Royal Advisory Council approved my legislation, which means, through some handiwork of Broden’s, we can transfer credits to the Resistance without anyone taking notice.”
“I don’t know how you managed to pull that off, but all I can say is I’m glad you’re on our side,” Leia said. Smiling, you followed her into the base just as the dark clouds that had threatened to rain all day made good on their promise. You rung out some of the water from your dress and when you looked up, Leia was smiling at you.
“It’s just really good to see you. You know, acting like yourself.”
“Well,” you hummed, “I still don’t feel much like myself. It’s been so long since I’ve been anywhere without a trail of people following behind me. I still feel so strange being back here,” you said with a sigh.
“I might have a way to fix that,” Leia said, opening the door to the main, bustling hallway of the base. You looked around the room and saw a group of orange jumpsuits gathered around a Holo table.
“Leia, I’m not sure I’m ready to—”
“Poe’s off on a mission right now,” she said, smiling back at you. “But I thought it would be good for you to see how your donation will be used in our fight.” She led you over to the table and each of the members of Black Squadron looked at her with admiration, and you with anything but.
“General,” Snap said, nodding his head. “Your H—”
“Uh, just Y/N, Snap,” you said with a smile. “Bhavisama is back on Naboo.” He nodded his understanding and even granted you a small smile.
“What brings you here, Y/N?” he asked.
“She comes bearing gifts,” Leia explained.
“My Royal Advisory Council has approved my program to give aid to lifeforms all around the galaxy. Our first donation will be to help the Resistance.”
“That’s wonderful,” Suralinda said. “Thank you.”
“You’re really welcome.”
“We’re supposed to have a strategy meeting about upcoming missions, why don’t you stick around and hear how your contribution will be put to use,” Leia offered.
“Oh, I shouldn’t.”
“I insist,” Leia said, motioning for you to take a seat.
Her debriefing only lasted for a few minutes. She explained to the group vague, but powerful plans for what to do when the credits and supplies started coming in. She spoke about which planets they would start on, where their strongest enemies were, and everything in between until there was nothing else to cover, except one thing.
“Of course,” Leia said, “This all relies on what information Poe is able to gather on his mission.”
“Are you going to tell us where you sent him, yet?” Karé asked. “Or when he’ll be back?”
“No need.” You all turned your head at the sound to see Commander D’Acy walk into the room. “Commander Dameron just returned,” she said. There was a clear look of worry on her face.
“Is he alright?” Suralinda asked, quickly standing. “Can we see him?”
“Of course. He’s in the Medical Wing.” The rest hung around for the rest of the story, but Suralinda took off immediately. As you watched her leave, you felt a twinge of jealousy.
“What happened?” Leia asked.
“He’s fine. Ran into The First Order,” D’Acy replied.
“Did he find the map to Luke?” Leia asked.
“Map to Luke?” you asked in shock. She seemed to remember that you were still here for the first time and immediately stood.
“Y/N, would you excuse us?” she asked, coming over to your side and pulling you up out of your chair.
“What? No. Why? I thought I was supposed to see how my donation was going to help—”
“Yes, but this information is confidential.”
“Are you kidding me? If Poe found information on—”
“Y/N, please understand, now is not the time,” Leia said firmly. You breathed out of your nose, hoping to calm your anger before it boiled over. It felt like you had just been scolded by one of your parents, in front of all of your old friends. You scoffed and looked to them for any needed assistance. They all averted their eyes, frowning sheepishly.
“Fine,” you said, “Let me know when you’d like more than just my money.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Leia sat down again after you had stormed out and explained to Black Squadron the mission on which she had sent Poe. They all agreed that with the severity of Poe’s mission, it was best to be careful about who knew what until they could secure the map to Luke.
All eager to see Poe, they went down to the Medical Wing together. As they walked in, they saw Suralinda’s hand wrapped around Poe’s bandaged bicep, smiling at him. He had a few bandages on the rest of his body and lots of cuts on his face and hands, but he had definitely looked worse. When he saw the rest of his friends, he sat forward and beckoned them forward.
“How are you feeling?” Snap asked, touching his shoulder.
“I’ve been worse. Glad to see you’re all worried about me, though.”
“Worried about you?” Snap asked with a grin, “Never.”
“Yeah, we were actually all hoping that Snap would get your job,” Karé said with a smile, wrapping her hands around her husband’s shoulder.
“Well, I’m not gone yet.”
“Not for a long time,” Snap said, taking his hand in a firm grip.
Poe smiled along with his friends until his eyes found Leia’s. For a moment he forgot the monumental fuck-up he had created by losing the map to Luke. He cleared his throat to keep from laughing at something Jessika said and looked at her seriously.
“I’m sorry, General, I don’t have the map to Luke.”
“Lor San Tekka didn’t have it?”
“No, he did, but I stowed the map inside of BB-8 before the First Order captured me.” They all looked anywhere from mildly surprised to downright outraged that he had been taken by the First Order.
“Alright, so let’s go get BB-8,” Jessika said. “Is he still down on Jakku?”
“I don’t know,” Poe said with a sigh. Leia looked at him curiously, sensing that there was something he was hiding. “When the First Order captured me, Kylo Ren took it upon himself to get the map’s location out of me. I wasn’t able to resist him. He used some kind of mind trick—”
“Did the First Order get to the map already?” Leia asked, cutting him off.
“I don’t know. BB-8 wasn’t on Jakku when we crash-landed.”
“Who’s we?” Suralinda asked.
Poe filled them in on his new friend, Finn. He explained what happened when they landed on Jakku, his rescue by Naka Iit and how he got back to base; the entire time, reading Leia’s face to gauge just how disappointed in him she was.
“Well, we must find BB-8 before the First Order does,” Leia said, standing, “Javos, reach out to your contacts in the Outer Rim and have Threepio do so as well. Black Squadron, suit up. Once we have confirmation of BB-8’s location, we’ll need an immediate rescue mission.”
“Yes, General,” they chorused, making their way towards the door. Poe began to sit up, hoping to join them, as Leia put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down.
“Not you,” she said firmly.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re not well, Poe.”
“I’m fine. Quick shower and I’ll be ready to go,” he said, once again trying to get out of bed.
“He was in your mind, Poe. It’s not something you can immediately snap back from.” He thought back to the memories that Ren had extracted from his mind, trying to piece them back together. Leia frowned at him, touching his arm softly.
“I have to do this,” he said softly, looking up at her with wide eyes.
“Because I’m the one who lost the map.” It was difficult for him to admit defeat, especially to his mentor. “He broke me, Leia.”
“Even the strongest person would succumb to his powers.”
“Yeah, not me. It wasn’t supposed to happen to me.”
“You’re not invincible, Poe. No matter what you try to convince yourself. It’s okay to be compromised,” she said. He dropped his head with a sigh. “We can get the map back.”
“I know.”
“Then what’s bothering you?” she asked.
“He didn’t just look for the secrets to the map,” he admitted.
“Y/N?” she asked, already expecting his answer.
“Yeah. He decided to take a detour through our personal memories just to fuck with my mind.”
“I’m sorry,” she said. Poe shook his head, looking across the room at nothing in particular. “It’s not your fault.”
“I shouldn’t have let him in,” he said, looking back at her seriously.
“Well, there’s nothing you can do about that now,” she said with a frown. “Except get the map before he does.”
“I thought you said I couldn’t go—”
“I’m not stupid enough to think that you won’t tag along anyways once I leave this room. So, I might as well tell you what you’ve missed before you dash off to save the day.”
“Alright,” Poe said with a laugh.
“Y/N was able to get us the funds we need to keep our fight going.”
“That’s great. Right?” Poe asked, looking at her worried face.
“It is. I just wanted to warn you that she’s here.”
“Here? As in here here?”
“Why?” he asked.
“She wanted to deliver the good news in person.”
“And she misses it here just as much as we miss her. She was just giving Black Squadron the good news when Commander D’Acy said you were back. I sent her away when the discussion turned to Luke.”
“Because Y/N isn’t just a member of the Resistance anymore, she’s the queen of a planet. We won’t always be her top priority. I want you leading Black Squadron when we locate BB-8’s location, but only if you’re up for it. I am worried about you, Poe. You’re only to go on this mission if you’re well enough.”
“I am. I won’t let you down again.”
“That’s what I like to hear,” she said, standing. “You’ll be ready soon?”
“Yes, General.”
“Good.” She smiled as she walked to the door and stopped with her hand on the handle as Poe called her name.
“Leia, is Y/N still here?” he asked.
“For the time being. Why?”
“It’s nothing. I’d just like to apologize,” he said weakly. Leia frowned and walked back to him.
“I’m sure you both have a lot to apologize for, but if you’re going to apologize for what Kylo Ren did, save your breath. Y/N knows the power of his control. She wouldn’t hold it against you.”
“It’s not just that,” he said, taking a deep breath, looking at his bandaged arm.
“Nothing,” he said with a sigh.
“I meant what I said, Poe. I only want you out there if you’re ready.”
“I am ready, General.”
“Good. Get the map.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Poe said with his most charming grin.
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politics-notmything · 4 years
Peace is a lie - Episode one
(Peace is a lie)  (Help sheet)  (Episode one)
TW- violence, beheading, lightsaber battles and bad language
Catherine of Aragon moved her hand to grace the handle of the purple lightsaber resting on her belt. She glanced over at her partner, Jane Seymour who looked much calmer than she was. Jane had always been a peaceful one. Where Catherine would rather listen to the higher-ups and follow rules, Jane would follow her heart and that’s how they ended up coming back to the Jedi temple after their patrol with 2 force-sensitive children. Their names were Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard. 
Katherine Howard was a shy girl with potential and when Aragon’s teaching failed to help her understand the ways of the force, Catherine of Aragon turned to Jane Seymour to help her. Jane took Katherine as her apprentice and taught her how the force controlled all things in the galaxy. 
When Katherine learnt about balance and peace, her older cousin Anne would train with Catherine of Aragon and her goddaughter, Catherine Parr.
Anne Boleyn was outgoing and everything a Jedi wasn’t. Her form was careless and her attack was sloppy. She lacked discipline and self-control and her movements and actions were chaotic. Anne would always act on instinct and she almost drove her master to madness. 
However, her best friend and training partner, Catherine Parr thought she was the greatest Padawan in the world. 
Catherine Parr was just like her godmother, she was top of the class, always focused and her form was flawless. She was perfect. 
Anne and Catherine’s first mission once they became Jedi, was to pick up a delivery of supplies on a small planet called Naboo. This is where our story begins. 
Catherine Parr had just finished unloading the last of the supplies onto their ship and noticed that the loading bay unusually quiet, 
“Annie?” Catherine boarded the ship only to find her best friend sleeping in the cockpit with her legs resting on the control panel. “Oh, my yoda- Annie! Aragon’s going to kill you!” 
“She can’t kill me, it isn’t the Jedi way,”  Anne grumbled as Catherine attempted to shove her feet back onto the floor. 
“We didn’t come all this way for you to sleep, Anne.” Catherine huffed, “I need your help to me make a deal with the supplier, Jane didn’t give me enough credits.” 
“And what should I do about it?” Anne grunted as she stood up to grab her lightsaber.
“Figure something out. Improvising is your area of expertise.” Catherine followed closely behind her friend. 
“That’s not the only thing I’m good at.” Anne shot Cathy a knowing wink as she exited their ship, “Let’s go, BD-6.” 
BD-6 was Anne’s droid. The BD unit is an exploration droid Designed to assist with exploration in remote and dangerous locations. So, it wasn’t much of a surprise that Anne found her small friend when investigating an imperial crash site with Katherine who later helped explain that BD-6 saved their lives when their ships’ hyperdrive started failing. 
BD-6 jumped onto Anne’s shoulder as she headed over to the Gungan who sold them the supplies. The Gungans are tall humanoid creatures with a flexible structure and strong leg muscles which allowed them to live in the waters of Naboo. However, they would often trade supplies with the Jedi in exchange for money and their protection. 
“Greetings-” Anne began, 
“Misa already know you have little credits.” The Gungan answered, “Misa know you are Jedi.” Anne looked over at Cathy who just shrugged. 
“So, do we have to pay?” Anne tried to bargin,
“Misa suggests you turn around.” The Guncan pointed behind them at their ship, 
‘Wait, what?!” Anne Boleyn turned around just in time to see a masked figure load their final crate of supplies onto a speeder bike and drive off, “son of a-!” 
Anne didn’t have time to ask questions, she didn’t even stop to hear what Cathy had to say before getting on a speeder bike of her own and chasing after the enemy. 
“I’m very sorry, but I have to go,” Cathy said farewell to the Gungan and quickly boarded the remaining speeder bike and went off to find Anne. 
She caught up to Annie pretty quickly and the sight she saw wasn’t what she hoped to see. Anne had acted on instinct and was now fighting the sith. There was no way Anne would survive this without help. 
“BD-6,” Cathy rushed over to the droid sitting on the back of Anne’s stolen speeder bike. “Send a message back to Catherine and Jane, tell them that a Sith has intercepted our mission, Annie’s fighting it and we need help!” 
Anne Boleyn was way out of her depth, her green saber clashed with red and she felt weak as she was launched into the air for the second time. She could see Catherine Parr arrive in the corner of her eye and was obviously radioing something back to the Jedi council. Backup? Help? Anne would be killed if they ever found out about this. She needed to prove herself. 
Anne couldn’t stand being underestimated, she wasn’t weak like Aragon said she was. She was a Jedi. Why wouldn’t anyone see that?! 
The Boleyn girl decided to attack with everything she had. She started forming a plan and would try and confuse the inquisitor who went by the name of ‘Henry’. 
It was all Cathy’s fault… yes, Catherine Parr was always so good at everything, that was the only thing standing in the way of her and becoming a Jedi master. Catherine couldn’t do something like this! 
Anne was distracted and was knocked back by Henry who was about to behead her when a blue lightsaber suddenly blocked her vision, Catherine Parr had joined into the fight. 
“I’ll kill you all!” Henry raged.
‘So much anger,’ Cathy force-pushed him away, she wasn’t good with one-to-one combat! “Annie?” Catherine glanced around the battle area, the only thing she saw was the inquisitor walking towards her, a sly look on his face as he spun the hilt of his lightsaber. 
Henry was gaining ground as Cathy stood in a ready position. She couldn’t let herself get consumed by fear! Fear was the path to the Dark side. Henry threw his helmet off and towered over her, red light was emitting all around them. This is it. 
Meanwhile, Anne watched from her deflated position on the floor. Her green lightsaber was out of reach and her best friend was about to be slaughtered by an inquisitor. Anne felt hopeless again, she was angry that they had got themselves into this situation, angry that she couldn’t do anything and feared for Cathy, she loved her! She wouldn’t let this happen. 
Anne Boleyn pushed herself up off the landing pad that the two were fighting on and limped over to the fight, she used the force to grab her lightsaber on the way. 
Catherine Parr was struggling to hold Henry off. She used her lightsaber to protect her from being beheaded but just wasn’t strong enough to hold it for much longer. Henry was pushing it back and Cathy started to feel like she was ready to die. 
A swoop of green light illuminated the area and Anne was running towards them. Henry didn’t have time to react before Anne leapt into the air and used the blade of her saber to slice into Henry’s shoulder. 
“Finally, a worthy opponent.” Henry force-pushed Catherine back into a nearby wall and readied himself to take on Boleyn. 
Anne was overcome by anger, she charged towards Henry and their lightsabers clashed! Anne jumped back and spun her lightsaber back to her ready position. Henry did the same and they ran at each other one last time. Anne jumped into the air in the last second to catch henry off-guard and it worked! By the time Henry realised her plan, he was surrounded by Catherine of Aragon and Jane Seymour.
“Anne, go see to Cathy, we can take it from here.” Jane ignited her blade, ready to fight. 
“No!” Anne was high on adrenaline and had no intention of coming down, “This is my fight!” Anne Boleyn had changed, she wore a face of hatred and disgust, her eyes had turned a harsh yellow and she had sweat and blood seeping from her forehead. 
“Anne Boleyn, that’s an order-” 
“No! You never believed in me Catherine, now I’m going to prove why you should.” Anne force-pushed Aragon and Jane into the abandoned speeder bikes and directed her attention to Henry. “Let me show you how this ends.” 
Henry was scared, he had never seen this happen to a Jedi before and started to back away. This wasn’t the plan! Anne thrust out her open hand in his direction and Henry stopped moving. Anne was now in control of his every move and she was ready to kill. Boleyn used her free hand to ready her lightsaber and Henry couldn’t fight the force that held him in place. 
It was now Anne’s turn to do the killing, she let Henry go and he fell to the floor in a heap. Boleyn raised her lightsaber and a green light would be the last thing Henry saw before his head was removed from his shoulders. 
Anna of Cleves, couldn’t help but watch with a smile. This was all going to plan.
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codenamesazanka · 4 years
hi there! do you have any meta thoughts about horikoshi's two latest star wars place name references: jaku general hospital and/or gunga mountain villa? since some of them do seem to have had symbolic meaning in the past (dagoba, hosu, kamino), i'm curious, and i haven't seen anybody talking about this yet?
Hiya!!! Thanks for the ask!
Sadly, idk much about Star Wars, but googling and reading a few wikia articles, I think I have some ideas of the symbolic meaning?
Jaku => Jakku
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This, I sorta know after watching The Force Awakens: So Jakku is a barren desert planet where ruins of spaceships lie half buried in sand. A wasteland to scavage what you can?
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I’m guessing after Shigaraki’s wake-up, the HeroAcaLand city of Jaku isn’t going to exist much anymore, except for dust and ruins.
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Also, look at the people running for their lives from destruction!! Much fun:
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Gunga => Otoh Gunga/Gungans?
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Gunga, I’m more unsure about, but it’s a reference to an alien species, and their underwater city - Otoh Gunga. In Star Wars, the city is sorta isolated by being underwater, away from the other inhabitants of the planet? While in HeroAca, the Gunga Mountain Villa is isolated by being up in the mountains. Both places houses the inhabitant’s leaders - the high council for the aliens, the leadership for the PLF:
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More importantly though, is it being location of a battle - or, at least kinda in Star Wars’ case, in that that battle doesn’t take place in the city, but the aliens was still fighting an invasion force to defend their home. For our PLF warriors, they’re defending their home/HQ from the invading Heroes.
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It’s two sides rushing at each other, close enough?
From what I read, though, the Gungans won their battle and successfully drove off the invaders; so here’s hoping the PLF can also win, or at least force the Heroes to retreat!
I hope that helps? Sorry I couldn’t go all in depth, but thanks again for the ask!
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cassatine · 4 years
Chapter Three finally! Although I toyed with the idea of doing one post for the whole chapter I decided not to in the end, because it’s turning into a monster but also because it’s just easier for me to go over bits of interest one by one. 
After Padmé’s Tatooine Plan, it’s back to regular Naboo fuckery for a bit, and Chapter Three brings a rather generous helping - in fact I went excUSE mE in record time, because we get into election results, and of course it’s an occasion to remind us the Naboo Do Democracy Best before anything else:
Theed was the last region of the planet to vote, and once time zones were taken into account, they were always finished by noon. The Naboo had more than mastered efficient democracy. (Queen’s Shadow, Chapter Three)
I swear I’m like ‘maybe I should tone it down’ and then the book throws “the Naboo had more than mastered efficient democracy”, which is one of these things I’d love if only I was supposed to take it as bias from Eirtaé, handmaiden and Naboo POV, rather than as a statement of fact. Also it’s the kind of thing that should have been fixed at editing - and I don’t mean fixed to conform to my take on Padmé and Naboo, but to EKJ’s, because I very much doubt she wanted Eirtaé to sound like a sanctimonious ass here. More than mastered efficient democracy? Come the fuck on, even if Naboo actually was a democracy that’d just be grating, and it doesn’t have to be - Eirtaé can think her planet’s system efficient without sounding like she’s quoting from some propaganda-filled guidebook.
But also, since apparently I’ll die on that hill, Naboo’s still not a democracy. Yes, Naboo monarchs are elected. They have a constitution that at the very least limits monarchs’ terms, in length and number, although it’s unclear how much latitude they have to modify the constitution. The Royal Advisory Council’s role seems limited to, well, advising, but there is a legislative assembly made up of elected local representatives that we don’t know much about yet. So the Naboo government does have some features in common with contemporary representative democracies - short of term limits, monarchs’ powers don’t seem much limited, however, and ideologically what they do is rule by the wise. The notion that children have a sort of pure wisdom that makes them more qualified to lead isn’t a 1:1 for Plato’s philosopher-kings, maybe, but the fundamental idea remains that exceptionally wise people should be in charge; and lbr that’s about as anti-democratic as you get. Ironically enough, Padmé’s pretty quick to shut down Anakin when he himself suggests someone wise should make people agree in AOTC, with seemingly little awareness that it’s literally been her job description for four years. Then again, it doesn’t seem like political philosophy in the GFFA ever got to the difference between elective and democratic.
I swear I will get to the election results someday, but I wanted to go back to another, previous passage:
The gears of democracy were well oiled, and centuries of tradition made the biennial event run smoothly, even with the inclusion of Gungan voters for only the second time in the planet’s history. Though few of them chose to vote, Padmé knew her efforts to include them were appreciated because Boss Nass had told her as much. Loudly. (Queen’s Shadow, Chapter One)
*cracks hands* AND NOW THE GUNGAN SITUATION. And more specifically, Padmé’s answer to it once they turned out instrumental to saving her own people, ie “her efforts to include them”, ie giving Gungans voting rights. I was a little too brain-stuck on Lucas’ garbage colonial fantasy from the TPM commentary when I first went over that passage (see Chapter One notes), but I’ve thought some more about the voting thing, and since my conclusion is that it’s one of these things that’s supposed to sound good - and to make Padmé, who made it happen, look good - but that kinda breaks down if you think about it, now’s as good a time as ever to go over the details. 
Going back to the situation in TPM, the thing is that Naboo and Gungans are basically separate societies, each with their own government. We’ve touched upon the Naboo, but the Gungan have a High Council, presided by Boss Nass - unlike the Naboo, however, the Gungans do not have space-travel capacities, and since they live separately, it means only one of them has representation at the level of the Galactic Republic. That’s the underlying problem of the Gungan Situation, not whether they get voting rights within the Naboo government. 
In fact, depending on how you look at it, the voting rights are skeevy - again, the Gungans have their own government. The Naboos don’t have a say in choosing Gungan Bosses, whatever the process for that, which leaves us with the question of, should the Gungan vote in Naboo election, actually? Or, put differently - if they vote, they acknowledge that the Naboo monarch’s authority extends to them, because the social contract goes both ways; they become a part of the Naboo polity, rather than remain a separate one. Which is what they are in TPM, and I don’t really see why they shouldn’t want to remain one. After Padmé’s speech and the Battle of Naboo they’re in a pretty good position to ask exactly that, but also to be that on equal standing with the Naboo. To make something like that work you’d need planetary joint institutions, because there will be aspects of local planetary policies of concern to both groups, a legal framework to work out for cases with shared jurisdiction between Naboo and Gungans - basically a bunch of common institutions to smooth things out wherever and whenever there’s the need at the local (planetary) level because of different ways to do things - they actually have it pretty easy, compared to Earth. And finally, representation in the Galactic Republic would be shared; that one’s kinda tricky, because Naboo’s seat in the Senate is for the Chommell Sector - if I remember well some Core planets have their own seats but most seats stand for a conglomerate of planets, Sector or otherwise - also some corporations have seats, which is probably Elon Musk’s wet dream since money can’t buy that yet. AnyWAY, the equivalent of regional capital gets a seat, and everyone else gets Junior Representative, standing for a planet or a specific cultural group. 
Which is what the Gungans get! Jar Jar Binks as Junior Representative. In the hypothetical scenario outlined above, that could work within a rotation system to ensure fair representation for both Gungans and Naboos within the system as it exists - one group gets a Senator, the other a Junior Representative and every so often they switch. I mean, the Naboo are supposed to care about democracy, and the GFFA only knows representative democracy, so you’d think they care about representation and fair systems and the like. 
Buuut this all a hypothetical scenario, since the Gungans vote in the Naboo election! And thus surrendered their sovereignty because Padmé handing voting rights sounds like she cares a lot about democracy so she used her queenly powers to make some more of it happen. That’s some prime fuckery, right there. 
Now, unsurprisingly, we don’t have a lot on specifics on what exactly Padmé did with her queenly powers wrt the Gungan Situation, but the voting rights do imply the Gungans are now her citizens - and there is, I suppose, an argument to make for that scenario, which is that the Naboo are the ones with Republic-level representation, and if you reform their government to ensure that constitutionally it ensures equal participation and representation for the Gungans within it, specific provisions to protect their culture, semi-autonomy as a previously independent polity, etc etc this be the best of all possible worlds… we can come up with something pretty similar to the first hypothetical scenario I went over; instead of preserving the two polities and building a bridge between them, you’d merge them, with a mind to preserve their specificities. Might sound like splitting hairs, but policy and organization-wise the differences aren’t small. For example, the bridging of different legal frameworks would be done differently - you can create a legal body expected to rule over cases implying two different legal systems, which comes down to a system built in great part on precedents but also that treats each case on its own, which does sound complicated, but go retooling a legal framework so it accounts for both Naboo and Gungan systems without privileging either and tell me which is option is actually easier. As far the basic, easier-to-figure-out stuff goes, you’d have a Royal Advisory Council constituted of Gungans and Naboo, in equal numbers or proportional to the overall population, or with double representatives for each post since they’re kind of like ministries, with known posts centering on urban planning and The Arts; the local representatives of the legislative assembly would number both Naboo and Gungans, and again you’d have to chose between different modes of representation: do you have Naboo and Gungan regions, or does each region have a representative that could be Naboo or Gungan, maybe with some constitutional provisions in place to ensure everyone gets their turn? And of course, the office of monarch would also be open to both, again with some provisions to ensure everyone gets their turn, same for the office of Senator. 
Alas, nothing points to that. For now there’s literally nothing to tell me the Gungans get to participate into Naboo politics beyond voting - all the candidates and the people they’ll replace that have been mentioned so far are humans, and the bigger hints to tractations between Naboo and Gungans was a quick mention of treaties in the context of environmental conservation, mainly to make a point that the Naboo cared about the environment before those treaties anyway. Just like the voting thing, the only reason it’s even mentioned is to have yet another ‘Isn’t Naboo/Padmé Great’ moment.
I should reserve judgment, because more info might be revealed, but if the narrative makes a point to tell me Padmé gave voting rights to the Gungans, then I think it could also make a point of telling me whether that’s all they get - and that wouldn’t take an organizational chart. It wouldn’t even take actual Gungans. It could take as little as two words, not even kidding on that one: “centuries of tradition made the biennial event run smoothly, even with the inclusion of Gungan voters and candidates for only the second time”, there you go. 
I wouldn’t even insist that much to be given something substantial to know for sure the Gungan Situation isn’t just a new kind of fucked up post-TPM if the novel didn’t read like an attempt at a panegyric. Admittedly I wasn’t the target audience in the first place, since I’m rather attached to Naboo fuckery for thematic reasons. I don’t exactly expect brilliant political commentary from Star Wars novels either, and this one is YA coming-of-age, the politics an aesthetic more than anything with actual substance. But like, there’s a wide range between brilliant political commentary and accidentally robbing the Gungans of sovereignty because you thought Padmé handing out voting rights has good democratic vibes.
Previous notes: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2.a / Chapter 2.b
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