#sure most of the details are on the Wikipedia page
catsafari25 · 1 year
The urge to lend my copy of Project Hail Mary to all my friends so they can also experience it vs my need to keep it as a reference for writing fic: fight
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marzipanandminutiae · 3 months
Dear marzi, for reasons of trying not to give period characters too modern fetishes in my smut, may I have some recs as to where I may find some of that olde fetish content you've previously seen?
On the Wikipedia page for the "corset controversy," unfortunately!
Historians have been taking obvious tightlacing fetish letters seriously for...way too long. And sometimes still are. Confirmation bias is a hell of a thing. Of course, there's no way to 100% tell which letters are fetish fuel and which are real, but generally any that use particularly heightened language or common erotic tropes- or that seem to fly in the face of evidence from extant garments, unedited videos, stock and advertisements from real corset companies, etc. -are to be viewed with suspicion.
(The same is true for letters used now to claim that nipple piercing was a real Victorian trend- for, indeed, the only source is anonymous magazine letters and many of them fall into the same obvious patterns as the tightlacing letters. One DOES describe the alleged process in detail...but it's basically the same as the process for ear-piercing, a service jewelers did commonly offer back then. Just applied to nipples. So whether it's real or not is still uncertain, but it's highly doubtful that large numbers of Victorian women were running around with nipple piercings given that no extant nipple rings have been found, such piercings are never mentioned in letters or diaries or other more concrete sources, etc.)
Besides that, I've seen glimpses of most modern fetishes in various sources:
the Psychopathia Sexualis, a medical manual of "sexual mental illness" (in heavy quotes because things like homosexuality and gender variance are mentioned under that heading), talks about everything from a fetish for tight boots and gloves on women, to bloodplay (initiated by a woman, actually, who wanted to drink her husband's blood), to force-femming, to some very elaborate femdom scenarios that I hope the sex workers in question were paid well for. Of course, since the cases are anonymous, these are also difficult to confirm- but clearly someone had THOUGHT of them, since they're written into the book.
And I've seen at least some of them in other sources, too, including some of the magazines that published the nipple piercing and tightlacing letters. The Englishwomen's Domestic Magazine was notorious for its letters on tightlacing, tight gloves, spanking, etc.
Photographic porn was definitely a thing almost as soon as photography came into being. A lot of it is pretty vanilla, but I could swear I'd seen piss kink photos (with urine painted in after development) before the blog where they were hosted went defunct
James Joyce's letters to his wife get into farting and scat fetish territory. Yes, really.
Speaking of letters, there was one man living here in Boston who, in the late 19th century, wrote letters to his wife describing erotic dreams of her as a giantess who pissed on him and then ate him. I cannot remember his name and it's going to drive me insane all day, but he was the head of Boston's censorship organization, the Watch and Ward society and these letters were first released by his own children for an unauthorized biography written five years after his death. Guess there was little love lost there.
BDSM is old. Like, really old. Old, to quote the sacred texts, as balls. I'm pretty sure there are sexual flagellation texts going back to the Renaissance, but don't quote me on that.
Basically, Rule 34 can be back-applied, too. If it existed, there was a fetish for it, probably. Of course, things that specifically involve modern technology or properties are out, but beyond that...the sky is the limit
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toa-arania · 2 months
I found Touhou on IMDB and then it got worse.
So there's a bit of a story behind this, as there should be with any post. I have spent the past *checks clock* fifteen minutes and counting losing my goddamn mind over this.
Touhou 1-11, including 7.5 but not 9.5 or 10.5 for some reason, are all on IMDB. This is not that strange, as many video games are listed there for their writing or voice credits. What's weird is how I discovered this. I heard a voice in, of all things, a four and a half hour video about the Lego Ninjago show and how badly it fumbles its women. One of the characters sounded a bit like Azula ATLA so I checked. It was not the same VA. Then I saw this.
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And then I saw this.
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Now the sharp-witted amongst you may have noticed the tiny little inconsistency that
Touhou has never had voice acting, especially not back in 2003 when PCB came out. There's also the detail that Layla Prismriver does not appear in PCB, nor does she appear in any Touhou game outside of her mention in the character profile of the Prismrivers, which firmly establishes her as very dead and thusly incapable of speech. You'll be pleased to know that it continues to get worse.
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This is not the plot of PCB. What the fuck do you mean only one of these heroines intends to stop it. The cast list is also fucking bizarre.
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Merlin and Lunasa are here but fuck Lyrica I guess. Alice and Youmu are not credited and REIMU ISN'T HERE EITHER. Youki Konpaku is credited. Youki Konpaku is not in this game. The goddamn Saigyou Ayakashi (which is spelt disastrously wrong here of course) is given a voice credit. THAT IS A TREE. THAT IS A TREE THAT DOES NOT TALK IN A GAME THAT DOES NOT HAVE VOICE ACTING. I AM GOING INSANE. WHERE IS REIMU.
Now obviously what I did at this point is start checking the other ones, and th8, 9, and 10 don't really have much interesting going on other than a continued and bizarre lack of Reimu in all of them. 6, 7.5, and 11 however are all bizarre for fun new reasons. Let's start with Subterranean Animism and work backwards.
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I was suspicious of the lack of images so I went to check all of their pages and they're mostly men as far as I can tell. Most of them are credited in a film called Sule, Ay Need You, which a brief google has only barely convinced me is a real film that exists in the first place. It has a wikipedia article in indonesian. One of them, however (the only one with a picture) has been in eleven million different things with reasonably big parts. I have no idea what's going on here. With the player character situation there are eight characters uncredited not including Koishi, who is also nowhere to be seen (which feels strangely appropriate) and Sanae who I remembered literally as I was typing this is in th11.
Moving on to Immaterial and Missing Power:
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Also I'm pretty sure Meiling wasn't in IaMP? (According to a quick google she was added in a patch but not given a story mode). Anyway the sudden appearance of Reimu is the only real interesting thing here because random cast absences are just so commonplace now. Now lastly for the weird fucking pages we have the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and oh wow this one is something else.
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Where do I even begin. Reimu is gone again. Three separate people are credited as Remilia. Actually most characters are credited twice except for Marisa and Sakuya for some reason. Sometimes they specify (voice) and sometimes they just don't. Most characters have [Character Name] and [Character Name (Voice)] which implies that one person is doing mocap or operating a puppet or something while another voices them but then there's just Rumia and Rumia. Who voices Rumia. Remilia has three fucking credits. Marisa and Sakuya get to be normal people. Reimu and Patchouli are just fucking gone. What the hell is happening.
And now it gets stranger once again because I said th1-11 earlier, not th6-11. The PC-98 games are all here too. However. Those pages are all just. Normal. ZUN is credited as the writer. There are correct plot summaries. No voices are credited. The name format is even different (Touhou [Number] [Japanese name]: [English name] instead of just Touhou [Japanese name]: [English name]). They're far too good quality. It honestly feels like whoever uploaded the PC-98 games is a different person to whoever's been doing their bizarre uploads of the windows games.
Now at this point I was looking for other interesting stuff to add - IMDB has Did You Know segments that had fun little details about the games, which seemed to be accurate. It also has a More Like This section linking to the other pages and-
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Luna Nights is here too.
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beesmygod · 5 months
the heat death of the universe
gregory bennet
You want to order from a local restaurant, but you need to download a third-party delivery app, even though you plan to pick it up yourself. The prices and menu on the app are different to what you saw in the window. When you download a second app the prices are different again. You ring the restaurant directly and it says the number is no longer in service. You go to the restaurant and order in person. You mention that their website has the wrong number and the woman behind the counter says they have to contact the company who designed the site for changes, which will cost them, but most people just order through an app anyway. You want to watch the trailer for an upcoming movie on YouTube but you first have to sit through an ad. Then you sit through a preview for the trailer itself. Then you watch the trailer, which is literally another ad. When it ends, it cues up a new trailer, with a new ad at the start of it. [...] Your friend has a short story published online but you need to pay for a subscription to the site in order to read it. You message them and ask if you could get a copy. They say ‘sure’ and send you a PDF. You read the story and like it. You are curious about one detail. You message them for more information and they recommend checking out the Wikipedia page. You read the Wikipedia entry and there is a lot of useful information supplied by a community. One of the sources cited is a non-fiction book. You go to your local library’s website and although they don’t have the exact book, they do have others by the same author. You place a hold on two of them, then go get your shoes on.
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15-lizards · 2 months
I really like your posts about the culture of ASOIAF and I was wondering if you could go into detail about the foods the different eras in Westeros eats?? Thank you!
* Chanting* food culture food culture food culture
So obviously Im familiar with the medieval cuisine Wikipedia page like any normal person is and I agree on a lot of that for Westeros. However I do believe in small differences based on culture ofc
The crownlands, westerlands, and riverands are like prime medieval England to me, with heavy focus on cereal grains and wild game as meat. You get the gist. Classic roast pheasant or duck or whatever Tyrion describes in too much detail. Also the riverlands have a lot of root vegetables To Me.
The reach is also similar to that, but there are also way more fruits and vegetables available due to its fertility. So more deserts and wine to be made. I know their fiber intake is high and bowel movements regular.
Dorne has mostly crops and animals that can survive in dry, hot climates, like olive trees and chickpeas and goats/lambs. There is also an abundance of seafood on the costal cities, and spices both native to the deserts and from trade with essos. Very much similar to the cuisine of the Levant
The north’s food probably sucks if I’m being honest. Peak miserable medievalism. The meat is plain and gamey, but filling I guess. Lots of soups and stews and what have you. Not much variety in vegetables and essentially no fruits. Decent amount of dairy tho.
Stormlands is pretty much like the crownlands and, but probably a little bit plainer, as less trade and willingness to branch out. Meat pies, roast duck, lots of bread etc etc. Filling tho. You’ll never leave your Baratheon grandmas house hungry.
Vale has a good variety, though the soil isn’t as good in some places, so most of the focus is on meat. But they sure do try to grow things and have moderate successes. So their sheep dishes always have little sides of (kind of sad) vegetables
Iron Islands somehow worse than the north. What few livestock animals they have are malnourished from lack of grass or feed, and there’s honest to god not a single piece of fruit on those rocks, just pathetic root vegetables maybe cabbage if they’re lucky. Everyone’s sick of salty fish.
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octomae · 2 months
so i saw a post about Lemuria Hub and the Deepsea Metro having ties to each other, and i have a conspiracy theory that's been rotting in my brain ever since i saw the Deepsea Metro map in Lemuria Hub
here's all your proof of that:
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plus, the eye posters from Kamabo Co. being present in Lemuria Hub as well. it's pretty obvious from these that Lemuria and Kamabo are tied together.
we all know and remember Tartar's goal: bring back humanity. but the name "Lemuria" holds a lot more weight than most casual splatoon players might realize.
because i am a nerd, i looked it up.
From the Wikipedia page:
Lemuria, or Limuria, was a continent proposed in 1864 by zoologist Philip Sclater, theorized to have sunk beneath the Indian Ocean, later appropriated by occultists in supposed accounts of human origins. (...)
The hypothesis was proposed as an explanation for the presence of lemur fossils on Madagascar and the Indian subcontinent but not in continental Africa or the Middle East. Biologist Ernst Haeckel's suggestion in 1870 that Lemuria could be the ancestral home of humans caused the hypothesis to move beyond the scope of geology and zoogeography, ensuring its popularity outside of the framework of the scientific community. (...)
The theory was discredited with the discovery of plate tectonics and continental drift in the 20th century.
this (now disproven) theory ties in pretty neatly with Tartar's goal. "Bring back humanity". the implications of Lemuria Hub being tied to Kamabo Co. very likely means that Tartar's hypothetical new age of humans would have originated from Lemuria. Splatoon 3 seems to like a focus on origins, because we also get the origins of marinekind in its storymode, Alterna and the Return of the Mammalians.
but there's something else that caught my eye too.
with the release of Lemuria Hub, nintendo brought back the fictional band, SashiMori! which is great and fantastic, but im pretty damn sure that they didn't bring any other bands back from Splatoon 1 or 2 completely unchanged for Splatoon 3. sure, OTH was brought back for multi-player OSTs, but in the form of Damp Socks. (and the idols are a sort of special case anyways.) Squid Squad returned only as Front Roe. Yoko from Ink Theory returned only in Yoko and the Gold Bazookas.
but nintendo didn't change SashiMori's presentation at all. the only thing that did change, and was notably very mentioned, was the fact that SashiMori's DJ Paul was older now. that's it. (nintendo also didn't change Acht. this is an important detail, but ill get to them in a minute).
Paul is pretty interesting when you look at him. there's very little information, but what we do have about him ties in pretty nicely with Kamabo Co., Tartar's association with humanity, and Lemuria Hub. for starters, Paul's DJ mixing for SashiMori is hailed as unique in universe, for incorporating human voices into SashiMori tracks.
From the Splatoon Wiki page on SashiMori:
Paul is the band's DJ, an Octoling. He is 10 years old in Splatoon 2 and 16 years old in Splatoon 3, and his favorite foods are kelp and biscuits. He remixes from sources including DJ Real Sole, DJ Octavio, and various ancient records, and is surprisingly talented for his age. Originally, SashiMori had a traditional vocalist, but they were replaced due to their self-centered personality, after which Paul was recruited through a tweet. According to the Japanese Family vs. Friends dialogue, he is friends with Marina.
(...) This music has vocals but no vocalist! Through the genius of DJ Paul, all the vocals have been sampled from a collection of ancient vinyl.
so, Paul and SashiMori are associated with humanity because they literally use human voices in their tracks.
here's the final nail in coffin to make it all tie together. it's a pretty popular theory that Paul and Acht "Dedf1sh" (who was sanitized by Commander Tartar and composed all the Octo Expansion soundtracks) are blood relatives.
Here's their designs from Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3:
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Acht and Paul have the same symbols on their hats. their ink color even matches (from before Acht was sanitized). Acht has blue tentacles and red tips, Paul has red tentacles and blue tips.
even from the wiki trivia section of SashiMori's page:
In-universe, Paul and Acht are speculated to be blood relatives. They notably have the same symbol appearing on their hats, wear black clothing, with Paul wearing black T-shirts in both album artwork and Acht wearing a black dress, have three tentacles for their hair, and Paul's ink color looks similar to Acht's ink color before they were sanitized.
so what does this have to do with Lemuria Hub?
following nintendo's trend of splatoon artist releases with each season, they bring back an old artist and repurpose them into a new band or presentation. for Sizzle Season 2024, the band they brought back was SashiMori, but completely unchanged. (tangentially related, for the release of Side Order, they brought back Dedf1sh, also completely unchanged.)
the return of SashiMori completely unchanged breaks nintendo's pattern. alongside that, the stage released this time was only Lemuria Hub, and no other stage. (with the exception of Drizzle Season 2024, which released only Marlin Airport,) the trend has been to release two stages per season. this time, it's only one stage.
Kamabo Co.'s goal was to bring back humanity via testing and blending marinekind through the deepsea metro. Acht "Dedf1sh" was the musician of Kamabo Co., and sanitized in the name of this goal. Paul from SashiMori uses human voices in his tracks. Acht and Paul are very likely related. Lemuria Hub has Kamabo Co. posters and its deepsea metro map on display. the name "Lemuria" is associated with the origins of humanity via a (now disproven) theory. SashiMori's new music was released alongside Lemuria Hub.
SashiMori's new songs, with human voices mixed in them, playing over the train station of Lemuria Hub, which was likely an access point of some kind or tied in to Kamabo Co. somehow, is an EXTREMELY POWERFUL AND INTERESTING IMAGE. Lemuria Hub is hearing human voices for the first time via SashiMori's new songs, and it's been taken over for the one thing Tartar hated the most about marinekind: Turf War. (in a twisted way, Lemuria Hub hearing human voices is probably what Tartar wanted, but I doubt it wanted it like this. very ironic, i approve.)
so what does all of this mean? well... we can only speculate at this point. the themes of humanity in Splatoon 3 are matched in quantity only by Salmon Run lore (but, that's a whole other essay post, i won't get into it here). i personally think it means that we're going to see some kind of connection to humanity, OR salmonid development/lore in the next game. and with the FinalFest theme for Splatoon 3 being "Past, Present, or Future", im REALLY excited to see what it could mean. maybe Tartar's alive somehow, or maybe we'll get to look back at the evolution and development of marinekind, or maybe Lil Judd will finally snap since he's taken over Grizzco and the salmonids will have their apocalypse.
(as a final ending note: there's also a TON of association from all of this... with Off The Hook. OTH is associated with nearly everything here; its speculated Pearl was SashiMori's original vocalist before they got Paul, Marina is friends with Paul, OTH helped 8 break out of Kamabo Co., Pearl herself murdered Tartar with her voice; Off The Hook changed the world with Chaos vs Order, and Off The Hook is representing "the present" in the FinalFest. coincidence? maybe. who knows?)
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jeio-kimi · 17 days
Lost In Translation
A deep dive into the widespread misinformation of 19 Days (19天) prod. By: Old Xian (Old先)
Part: 1
Part: 2
Hello! 19 days readers! How many times have you and I seen this online?
"19 days takes place in the past when all of the characters are in middle school."
"I've been reading 19 Days online, and I just found out that they're all 15 year olds??!"
"What? They don't look like they're in middle school."
Many people within the 19 Days Fandom seem to believe in two important details about this story: 1. This story is a flashback. 2. The flashback of this story takes place when the characters are in middle school.
However, while it is provably canonical that the story we are reading is majorly in the past. The ages of the characters have never been specified by the creator of the web series Old Xian. In fact, there is more evidence directing towards an older age for the main characters than the one perceived by most readers. But why is this the case? If the story itself shows the readers what the ages should be assumed to be, why would so many people assume a completely different age? This confusion is mostly caused through the mistranslation of the readers.
Now, while it should be stated that 19 Days has no official English translation at this time. The fandom's appointed English translator, "Maomaozaii" (on Twitter), has never stated within the translation of a chapter, nor off script the canonical ages of the characters. So where is this "they're all 15 year olds" claim derive from?
Here's what I've fround:
19 Days: Chapter 45
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In what is probably one of the most perplexing chapters of the series, Our main character Zhan Zheng Xi, explains that his best friend Jian Yi had disappeared after the second day of high-school began. Jian Yi explains in a "flashback" sequence that he was kindaped to an island by two strange men, which Zhan Zheng Xi has a hard time believing.
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This has lead to the majority of the fandom assuming that the story of 19 days takes place before Jian Yi was kindaped. When the two boys would have been in middle school.
However this idea can be quickly debunked when continuing to the next chapter.
It is never stated how long Jian Yi was gone for, but what is stated is that both boys are still in high-school after Jian Yi returns.
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After showing back up to Zhan Zheng Xi house, Jian Yi works on homework and expresses that he wants to attend the same university as Zhan Zheng Xi when he graduates. The chapters after Jian Yi's return continue with the two's daily life in high-school with no reference of taking place in the past. Due to this I can be assured that the story is taking place contemporarily.
19 Days Wikia
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Now I'm sure most of us understand why "Wiki" & "Wikipedia" pages are not considered reliable sources, I will explain just incase. Fandom "Wiki" and "Wikipedia" itself are pages of a website that can be created and edited by anyone with a wiki account. These accounts are not moderated and not verified by the site owners. Meaning, any information released on the web pages are not from official or trusted sources, and shouldn't be taken as authentic. The 19 days Wikia, makes claims of canonical information that has never been specified by the creator, within or outside of the web series. Along with this, the web page itself is entirely outdated, only having coverage of the series up to chapter 210. As well as other false information.
19 Days: Chapter 122
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This chapter introduces the infamous "3rd Year" label on the lockers next to He Tian and Jian Yi. Most people will see this and try to surmise what "3rd Year" refers too. So let's talk about the Chinese school system.
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"3rd Year" in this instance can refer one of two Grade levels: "Chu-3" (9th Grade) or Gao-3 (12th Grade). The assimilation by viewers that believed that Jian Yi is still in middle school with Zhan Zheng Xi that the "3rd Year" label refers to "Chu-3" making all of our main characters 9th graders. However, as I stated earlier, it is shown to us that Jian Yi and Zhan Zheng Xi are both still in high-school when he returns. Which if the label refers to "Gao-3" or 12th Grade this would also make since. If Jian Yi gets kindaped the second day of 10th grade (second day of high-school), disappears for two years, then comes back, it would make him a 10th grader. Which would make the most sense following what is shown to us within the story. I will STRONGLY note; that neither, Jian Yi nor He Tian interact with the side the lockers labeled "3rd Year" are on. So, it's possible that it's not even in reference to their grade level.
So... what are their ages?
Continues in:
Part: 2
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the-great-ladyg · 7 months
So, I watched the James Somerton second apology video so you don't have to, this are my highlights, feel free to add more if I missed something important:
He monetized the video to donate to HBG's team and Wikipedia, apparently, he said also he has reached some of the people who he plagiarized but still, if he did he would have explicitly said "I'm donating to them"
Did he really said "well, I'm a white cis gay man, I don't have the same experiences as others in the community" as an excuse on plagiarizing others' works? And the "I thought I might be able to won over some people" sounds like some white savior shit
He still throws Nick under the bus, it really shows that James doesn't regret any other times he did that and it sounds like he hired Nick as a shield for criticism and not to have a more diverse work team
He apologizes to Jessie Gender and many others, but doesn't explicitly addresses why he might have offended them on first place (except for the police incident), yeah, he says he was reactionary, but he has been on many occassions. I'm not expecting a full detailed explanation, but at least he could have said "for the Nebula drama" or something like that
James says that at one point, due to covid economic consequences, he and Nick became poor and that led him to plagiarize more since they had to upload more videos, and look, I suck at organizing my time, I tend to do everything with little time before the date, and I wrote most of my thesis on the last minute with one or two days of investigating and I still didn't plagiarize, I could cite all of my sources the correct way, if my early 20s procrastinating ass could wrote a 70 page thesis on my own without plagiarizing, he could write a script with a second person without stealing but he prefered to do it anyway
Also the alegedly head injury, I'm not going to say that's a lie, but knowing how this guy uses any card on his favor, this might be something he pulled from his ass to justify himself
I don't know why but some of this Telos drama explanatiom sounds again like he didn't even know how to do all of this, and I get what is to start a project having little to no idea on how to start or continue, but he tried to do so much with so little without asking for any help when he clearly needed some help other than Nick, and also sounds like another excuse to justify plagiarizing
"Misinformation made its way into our past videos", no, my friend, it doesn't make its way when you investigate or check a site other than the first one you see, James loves to say he likes to investigate but still says things like this. "It wasn't malicious", (seriously, the audacity of this bitch), oh yeah, there's nothing malicious coming from the mysogynist biphobic and transphobic dude who misgenders trans people and erases a woman's bisexuality, specially when this lady told you she wasn't a straight woman as you said and this was a known fact for a few years
The ADHD thing feels like some ableist shit, like "don't blame me, I have ADHD uwu", James has offended many groups and communities through his youtube career and in his apology video he still finds the way to insult another group that suffers from many harmful stereotypes
As I said on a post addressing his first apology video, James can't create a space for everyone if he's transphobic, mysogynist, acephobe and racist, and he pretends he's convinced he was creating an "inclusive space"
Just as many people have said before, he didn't address anything of the things he's been accused of except plagiarism, he only says "I'm sorry to everyone who I have offended", no dude, you don't address mysogyny, racism or transphobia this way, James is a piece of shit and a coward.
And this idiot has put on public display some of his videos, specially the ones that show his racism (yeah, the Killing Stalking and Painter of the Night videos), I'm not clicking on them but I'm pretty sure he didn't cut his racist mysogynist rants, because they might not be plagiarized (if James is to be trusted) but they show the worst parts of him when he's trying to be original, and putting this shit videos on public shows he regrets nothing on being a piece of shit.
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notes-from-sarah · 8 months
Magneto: A Biographical Timeline, 1963-1991
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Magneto just might be one of the most iconic comic book antagonists of all time. He was created in 1963 by Stan Lee and started out as the X-Men’s deadliest foe. Not much is revealed about Magneto through the 60’s but when author Chris Claremont takes over writing the X-Men starting in 1975 he began to develop the character and give him a complex backstory. Magneto quickly started his journey to being a hero and by the 80’s he was no longer a foe of the X-Men, but an ally, and eventually the leader of the Xavier Institute. After corporate meddling forced Magneto back into an antagonistic role in the 90’s, Magneto was eventually killed off and Claremont was fired. This was the end of a cohesive story and trajectory for the character.
Magneto’s backstory has become murky in the years since. The wiki pages (both fan wikis and wikipedia) often take the angle of attempting to synthesize everything ever said about the character into one cohesive story. That, of course, isn’t very helpful when there’s been sixty years of contradictory information and continual reboots – both hard and soft – of the character, his relationships and his backstory. Even his name has come to be muddled with every few years someone deciding to give him a new one. Below, I’ve compiled a list of all the relevant biographical details as they appeared in print from 1963 – 1991. This is a comprehensive overview of the character during his most iconic storylines, many of which have gone on to be adapted to both television and film.
I have included links to relevant historical information at various points as well as to an excellent 2018 documentary, available on YouTube so be sure to check that out as well.
X-Men #1 published
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #4 “The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants” by Stan Lee
Wanda and Pietro are introduced with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. They are introduced as brother and sister, no last names are given.
Wanda owes Magneto a life debt because he prevented villagers in the heart of Europe from burning Wanda as a witch. Wanda and Pietro aren’t happy about being in the Brotherhood.
Magneto is described as tall.
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Avengers (1963) #16 “The Old Order Changeth!” by Stan Lee
Wanda and Pietro join the Avengers.
Wanda mentions that Pietro is older than her.
Wanda is described as “black-haired” (though in many later appearances she is most often drawn with brown or red hair)
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #50 “Hail, Queen of Mutants” by Arnold Drake
Mesmero claims that Polaris (Lorna Dane) is Magneto’s daughter and attempts to brainwash her to join Magneto.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #52 “Twilight of the Mutants” by Arnold Drake
Iceman (Bobby Drake) reveals to Polaris that Magneto is not her father and is “conning” her.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #58 “Mission Murder” by Roy Thomas
The Magneto who appeared in issues #49-52 is revealed to have been a robot all along and Magneto is unconnected to the plot of the robot Magneto.
December 1970 – June 1975
No new books are written for X-Men and the title exists solely as reprints of earlier issues. In effect, the book is dead.
Defenders (1972) #16 “Alpha, the Ultimate Mutant” by Len Wein
Magneto is turned into a baby by the mutant Alpha.
Chris Claremont begins writing for the Uncanny X-Men starting with issue #94.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #104 “The Gentleman’s Name is Magneto” by Chris Claremont
Magneto is returned to adulthood by Eric the Red.
The Champions (1975) #16 “A World Lost!” by Bill Mantlo
Magneto works with Beast (Hank McCoy) to free the former X-Men team from Doctor Doom’s mind control. (I believe this marks the beginning of Magneto’s turn to being a hero)
Marvel Team-Up (1972) #69 Featuring Spider-Man and Havok “Night of the Living God” by Chris Claremont
Polaris reiterates that she is not Magneto’s daughter.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #112 “Magneto Triumphant” by Chris Claremont
Magneto reiterates that he never worked with Mesmero and the being who claimed to be Polaris’ father was a robot.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #113 “Showdown!” by Chris Claremont and John Byrne
Magneto’s Antarctic base is destroyed and with it the “work and memories of a lifetime.”
Magneto is sad to have the X-Men destroy everything but steels himself with the thought “I am alive.”
Avengers (1963) #186 “Nights of Wundagore!” by Steven Grant, Mark Gruenwald and David Michelinie
Wanda and Pietro return to Transia looking for information about their past.
Transia is a German-speaking nation.
Their mother is revealed to be Magda, no last name is given for her.
Magda left her husband because she feared his powers and desire to rule the world. (This story will change somewhat as the idea is developed)
Magda ran away from Transia after giving birth.
The narrative implies she went into the wilderness to die.
Wanda and Pietro were then given to Django Maximoff and his wife to raise.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #125 “There’s Something Awful on Muir Island” by Chris Claremont
Magneto runs across an image of Magda on a memory tape and reminisces about his late wife thinking “Magda… my late wife. I’d almost forgotten how beautiful you were… How deeply it hurt when you ran away from me.”
This reveals him to the reader as the father of Wanda and Pietro.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #138 “Elegy” by Chris Claremont and John Byrne
Polaris is once again mentioned as not being the daughter of Magneto.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #141 “Days of Future Past” by Chris Claremont and John Byrne
In a far distant possible future Magneto is revealed to be working with the X-Men after mutants face genocide and persecution.
Magneto’s name is revealed to be Magnus for the first time, no last name is given.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #148 “Cry, Mutant!” by Chris Claremont
Magneto meets Cyclops’ (Scott Summers) girlfriend, Aleytys “Lee” Forrester, for the first time on his island base in the Bermuda Triangle.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #149 “And the Dead Shall Bury the Living” by Chris Claremont
Charles Xavier reveals that Magneto is “Caucasian, probably Nordic.”
Charles reflects that Magneto was “the first ‘evil’ mutant the X-Men fought.” (The use of quotes around the word evil is intentional to suggest that Magneto is not really evil)
Charles thinks that “Magneto and I are uncomfortably alike.”
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #150 “I, Magneto” by Chris Claremont
Magneto learns of Jean Grey’s death and says that he grieves for her. He states “I know… something of grief. Search throughout my homeland, you will find none who bear my name. Mine was a large family, and it was slaughtered.”
Magneto speaks to the crew of the Soviet submarine Leningrad in Russian.
Magneto keeps his computer programming book written in a language neither Kitty nor Storm (Ororo Munroe) can read.
Later, after a fateful confrontation with the X-Men, Magneto thinks he’s killed Kitty Pryde. He is gripped with remorse saying “What have I done?!” and “Why did you not understand? Magda – my beloved wife – did not understand. When she saw me use my powers, she ran from me in terror. It did not matter that I was defending her… that I was avenging our murdered daughter. I swore then that I would not rest ‘til I had created a world where my kind – mutants – could live free and safe and unafraid. Where such as you, little one could be happy. Instead I have slain you. I remember my own childhood – the gas chambers as Auschwitz, the guards joking as they herded my family to their death. As our lives were nothing to them, so human lives became nothing to me.” (This is the first time Anya is mentioned even if she is not yet named, as well as the first time that Magneto is mentioned to be a Holocaust and Auschwitz survivor.)
Storm tells Magneto to pray to his deity as she intends to kill him for hurting Kitty. Magneto replies “As a boy, I believed. As a boy, I turned my back on God forever.”
When Storm suggests that his good dreams have been corrupted, Magneto insists that he is too old to change and has lived with his hatred too long.
Afterward, Charles offers that Magneto “Will emerge from this crucible the good man he once was and may yet be again.”
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #161 “Gold Rush” by Chris Claremont
The narrative tells us the following took place twenty years ago placing these events around 1962.
Charles recalls meeting Magneto long ago in Israel when he went there to help treat Holocaust survivors.
Magneto is a volunteer at the hospital where Charles is working.
Magneto is introduced as Magnus, no last name is given.
Magneto reveals that he grew up in Auschwitz and states that “I have no family, Dr. Xavier. Anymore.”
The Auschwitz prisoner number tattooed on Magneto’s arm is revealed to be 214782.
The doctor Charles is working with says most of the volunteers were concentration camp survivors who “bring a degree of empathy to their work that the rest of us can’t match.”
Charles and Magneto grow close during their time together despite different views on the future of humans and mutants.
They also become close with Charles’ patient, Gaby Haller who is suffering severe psychic trauma from her experiences during the Holocaust.
Charles eventually comes to realize that “in many ways, Magnus has been as deeply scarred by his experiences as Gaby.”
Charles and Gaby start dating.
Eventually Charles and Magneto reveal to each other that they are mutants.
Charles and Magneto go to Kenya to rescue Gaby, who has been kidnapped by Hydra.
Magneto tells the Hydra leader, Baron Strucker, “You will find me considerably harder to slay than your countrymen did my family at Auschwitz.” and “Unfortunately, my power did not manifest itself ‘til I reached adulthood. By then the war was over. But had I possessed it in the camps, butcher, the tyranny of your Third Reich would have been ended overnight!”
They rescue Gaby and part ways still ultimately disagreeing about means and ends because of the violent methods Magneto used against Hydra.
Magneto flies off with an enormous stash of Nazi gold plundered from Hydra.
Until he disguises himself as Hydra, Magneto only wears white throughout the issue.
Marvel Graphic Novel #5 “X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills” by Chris Claremont
(This story is a stand-alone story, it doesn’t really get mentioned in the regular Uncanny X-Men timeline or referenced anywhere else, unlike the Dazzler graphic novel published in the same line. That does not necessarily mean it is out of continuity, just that it doesn’t ever get called back to during Claremont’s further writing.)
Magneto joins forces with the X-Men to save Charles from Reverend Stryker and prevent his anti-mutant genocide. He tells Cyclops “I am not your enemy, X-Men, nor do I consider you mine.”
Cyclops presses Magneto about his plan to become world dictator and Magneto replies “I have lived under a dictatorship… and seen my family butchered by its servants. When I rule, it will be for the betterment of all.” Cyclops asks who takes over after Magneto dies, Magneto responds “You, of course, Cyclops. And the X-Men. Why do you think I want you by my side?”
Charles refers to Magneto as Magnus.
Magneto asks Charles to join him and his cause after they defeat Stryker, and though tempted, Charles ultimately refuses holding on to his dream of human/mutant integration.
Magneto parts ways with the X-Men despite them asking him to stay.
Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1982) #4 “Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself…!” by Bill Mantlo
Magneto discovers what happened to Magda after she left him and finds out that he is Wanda and Pietro’s father.
Magda’s fate is more vague in this telling, saying only that she “fled into the night” without the implication that Magda wanted to die.
Magneto reveals this information to Wanda and Pietro. He meets Pietro’s daughter, his granddaughter, Luna.
Magneto asks Pietro and Wanda to accept him into their lives.
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (1984) #1 “The War Begins” by Jim Shooter
(Though the Secret Wars story line continues to be published after this date, the event ends and the regular in-universe timeline resumes with Uncanny X-Men #181 published in May 1984.)
When the Beyonder transports heroes and villains to a far away planet to fight each other, Magneto is placed among the heroes.
The other non-mutant heroes are leery of Magneto so Magneto decides to leave and solve their predicament by himself.
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (1984) #3 “Tempest Without, Crisis Within!” by Jim Shooter
Magneto captures Wasp (Janet Van Dyne) and brings her to his headquarters in hopes of convincing her to join forces with him
Wasp, addresses Magneto as Magnus.
Magneto and Wasp have sex.
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Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (1984) #4 “Situation: Hopeless” by Jim Shooter
The X-Men leave the other heroes and join Magneto to try and end the situation they were brought into.
The New Mutants (1983) #21 “Slumber Party!” by Chris Claremont
When Warlock falls from space he crashes into Asteroid M. Magneto attempts to create a force field to protect Asteroid M but is unable to do so. Asteroid M is destroyed and Magneto is apparently knocked to Earth from space.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #188 “Legacy of the Lost” by Chris Claremont
Lee Forrester finds Magneto injured and floating in the water near the center of the Bermuda Triangle. She fights off a shark and brings him aboard her boat.
New Mutants (1983) #23 “Shadowman” by Chris Claremont
Magneto insists on leaving the hospital and going back to his island base in the Bermuda Triangle.
Lee and Magneto journey there alone on Lee’s boat.
Magneto is seasick the entire way there.
On the island Lee challenges Magneto on his anti-human stances.
New Mutants (1983) #24 “Hollow Heart” by Chris Claremont
Magneto apologizes to Lee for being rude to her and compliments her appearance.
Lee begins to see Magneto in a new light.
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (1984) #10 “Death to the Beyonder!” by Jim Shooter
Magneto is tempted to join forces with Doctor Doom, who the narrative implies is using some sort of power to sway Magneto to his side. Magneto “Reaches out to grasp Doom’s spectral hand – but then, he hesitates. His eyes find Xavier’s, and for an endless split-second, he trembles on the brink…”
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New Mutants (1983) #26 “Legion” by Chris Claremont
Lee is awakened by Magneto having a bad dream, he is making noise and screaming.
Magneto is using his powers in his sleep and speaking in a language Lee doesn’t know.
She wakes Magneto before he causes himself harm and he is grateful to her for saving his life.
Magneto tells Lee that he was dreaming of “a time and place I thought forever… buried.” Lee says she’s never heard such desolation in his voice. Magneto replies “Death. Resurrection. I’d have died tonight, I think, if not for you. Twice now, I owe you my life.”
Magneto and Lee have sex.
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Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (1984) #12 “...Nothing to Fear...” by Jim Shooter
It is reveled that the Beyonder placed Magneto in the hero team because “His desires seemed like theirs.”
New Mutants (1983) #28 “Soulwar” by Chris Claremont
Lee has second thoughts about Magneto the morning after.
Magneto brings her breakfast the next morning, complete with a rose.
Magneto uses his powers to prevent Lee from leaving their conversation and this frightens her.
Magneto pleads with her to give him a chance. He tells Lee how Magda left him after learning he was a mutant. “My wife, Magda, had such a look on her face – I had saved us both from a marauding patrol of secret police, yet all she saw was that I had used super-powers to do it. In that moment, I became different – our love meant nothing. I was no longer human. I was a mutant, a thing. She ran from me, in terror. I never saw her again. Never knew – until much later, far too late – that she had borne my children. Don’t – please Lee, don’t you run from me, too. I cannot bear to be alone and I am sick at heart at the realization of what I have become. Help me, Lee, I… beg you. I need you.” (In this telling there is no mention of Anya, only a reference to the twins – Wanda and Pietro)
Lee refuses Magneto leaving him brokenhearted.
New Mutants (1983) #29 “Meanwhile, Back at the Mansion” by Chris Claremont
Lee has time to reflect and realizes she does have feelings for Magneto. She confesses her feelings for him and they reconcile.
Magneto apologizes for using his powers in a high-handed way and promises to do better.
Charles asks Magneto to lead the X-Men and the New Mutants against the Beyonder.
Secret Wars II (1985) #1 “Earthfall!” by Jim Shooter
Magneto rallies the X-Men and the New Mutants to fight the Beyonder, and as the Blackbird is out of service, Magneto uses his powers to fly the Xavier institute limousine from New York to California.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #196 “What was That?!!” by Chris Claremont
Magneto is brought into the X-Men fold.
Magneto dissuades Rachel Summers from killing an anti-mutant extremest demonstrating his full acceptance of doing things the Xavier way.
Magneto states that “My children have disowned me.” Referring to Wanda and Pietro.
Magneto draws a parallel between himself and Rachel Summers saying that he “Like Rachel… has dwelled too long in the valley of the shadow of death. In too many tragic ways, we are kindred souls – survivors of the holocaust, children of the abyss.”
Kitty remarks that Magneto has the makings of a hero and Magneto replies “No. I am no hero, merely a man… who has seen and done and endured what can never be forgotten… or forgiven.”
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #199 “The Spiral Path” by Chris Claremont
Magneto and Kitty attend a reception at the National Holocaust Center in Washington, D.C.
Kitty asks those in attendance if they have any news of her great-aunt Chava who lived in Warsaw before the war.
Magneto reveals that he knew Kitty’s aunt at Auschwitz. He also runs into some friends, other survivors who were at Auschwitz with him. They remark that Magneto helped to save them, and many others. (One could read this conversation as implying Magneto was Polish by nationality)
Magneto’s friends state that he had been in Auschwitz “from the very start.”
Neither of his friends use his name during the conversation.
Mystique and the Freedom Force arrest Magneto for the US Government. Magneto surrenders himself into their custody.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #200 “The Trial of Magneto” by Chris Claremont
Magneto is put on trial before the World Court.
Gaby Haller acts as his defense attorney.
She argues that Magneto should only be judged for actions undertaken after his rebirth from infancy.
She reveals that Magneto was an inmate in Auschwitz “as an adolescent.”
Magneto is revealed to be, biologically, only in his early thirties.
The proceedings are interrupted by an attack. Charles and Magneto end up away from the court.
Charles entrusts the running of his institute and the keeping of his dream to Magneto telling him not to return to court to be martyred. Charles is then beamed aboard a spaceship for urgent medical care.
New Mutants (1983) #35 “The Times, They Are A’changin’!” by Chris Claremont
Magneto takes up his post as the headmaster of the Xavier Institute. Magneto tells the New Mutants he is doing this to “honor that friendship” he has with Charles.
The New Mutants are skeptical of Magneto, but Magneto asks them to give him a chance. He says that both he and Charles view this as a way of “putting things right” after all the evil he has done in his life.
Magneto has doubts about his ability to run the institute.
Magneto wishes Lee were with him, but she’s running her ship. Magneto misses her which surprises him because Magneto “thought I was beyond such caring.”
Lee wrote Magneto a letter telling him that she loved him and calling him darling.
Mirage (Dani Moonstar) is attacked on her way home from town and once Mirage is safe, Magneto finds the attackers. He destroys their house and threatens “Once, with far less cause, I would quite cheerfully have slain you – rent your bodies limb from limb as easily as I did your house. Indeed, I am sorely tempted. The world would not miss such as you. But I am older, a littler sadder – and I hope, wiser. I have learned a better way.” and “Mine is the power to destroy – but I choose not to. Profit from my example. The evil you do others returns unto you a thousandfold – it scars both body and, far worse, soul. Continue down this cruel and bloody road you’ve chosen and one day, you’re certain to meet one not as forgiving as I. Is that what you want? The choice, as ever, remains your own.”
Mirage’s attackers turn themselves into the police.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #202 “X-Men, I’ve Gone to Kill the Beyonder!” by Chris Claremont
Magneto uses Cerebro.
Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1985) #6 “No Strings Attached!” by Steve Englehart
Wanda invites Magneto to her thanksgiving dinner but ultimately tells him that he will have to prove himself before she’ll accept him into her life.
Magneto takes responsibility for being a bad father. (the author doesn’t write consistently on if Magneto knew he was the twins’ father or not, he also doesn’t seem to care if Pietro has any hard feelings about Magneto, Wanda is the only one who counts. Also, he has Magneto call pregnant Wanda hysterical for no reason, just fyi.)
New Mutants (1983) #38 “Aftermath!” by Chris Claremont
The New Mutants are collectively dealing with psychic shock after their meeting with the Beyonder. This includes nightly collective nightmares for the students and Magneto.
Magneto has doubts about his ability to help the students recover.
Emma Frost offers that Magneto should send the children to her Massachusetts Academy where she can use her powers to help them.
Magneto meets the Salem Center High principal Analie Hogarth. Magneto reveals that he is posing as Charles’ “mysterious older cousin” and going under the alias Michael Xavier, an identity Charles created for him.
One of Emma’s students, a Hellion named Empath (Manuel de la Rocha) is revealed to the reader as having manipulated Magneto to feel lost and confused.
Magneto tries throughout the issue to help the New Mutants, but nothing works. He finally agrees to Emma’s offer.
New Mutants (1983) #39 “Pawns of the White Queen” by Chris Claremont
Magneto goes into a spiral after sending the majority of the New Mutants away to Emma’s school, Mirage and Warlock being the only students who didn’t go. Mirage criticizes Magneto for not doing more before leaving to go back to her family.
Magneto swims.
Magneto shaves with a straight razor.
Magneto learns that he was manipulated into letting the New Mutants go to Emma’s school. Magneto proclaims Emma “Will learn – very soon and to her eternal sorrow – the Magneto is not a man… to have as one’s enemy!”
Emma alerts the police, telling them that Magneto is attempting to abduct her students knowing that the Avenger’s will try and stop him.
New Mutants (1983) #40 “Avengers Assemble!” by Chris Claremont
The Avengers are told Magneto is going to abduct children, all of them assume Magneto has gone bad again and wants to use the children to reboot the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants with younger, more malleable minds.
Magneto has a conversation with Warlock reminding him to never take someone’s “lifeglow” aka their life force which would kill them.
The Avengers battle Magneto who tries to keep Warlock safe and not harm the Avengers. He attempts to explain himself but the Avengers refuse to listen. Captain America tells Magneto of Namor’s heroism during WWII, Magneto replies saying “How fortunate for him, Captain. At the time, I was but a victim of that self-same tyranny. Then, I lacked the strength to win my freedom – and save the lives of those I held dear – but Never Again!” Magneto insists that he has “learned a better way” and is no longer a villain.
The New Mutants rally together and come to Magneto’s aid giving Captain America pause to reflect that the Avengers have welcomed other reformed villains, why shouldn’t they also welcome Magneto.
Magneto and Emma work together to heal the New Mutants’ psychic shock. Emma “made their minds whole… but not their hearts, or souls. Now, at last, with their teachers’ help and support, they have faced their nightmares… and dealt with them… each in their own way.” Emma remarks that Magneto was able to reach the New Mutants on a deeper level which made a “crucial difference.”
Vision and the Scarlet Witch (1985) #12 “Double Size Climax!” by Steve Englehart
Magneto is invited to welcome Wanda and her twins home from the hospital after she gives birth.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #210 “The Morning After” by Chris Claremont
Magneto is invited to take the place of the White King in the Hellfire Club.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #211 “Massacre” by Chris Claremont
Magneto chides Kitty for eating junk food and tells her “Just don’t make a habit of such behavior.”
The X-Men discover that the Morlocks have been massacred. Magneto says “No! The horrors of my childhood, born again – only this time, mutants are the victims, instead of Jews.”
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #212 “The Last Run” by Chris Claremont
Magneto uses his powers to heal Colossus from grave injuries. The narrative states Magneto “Has taken life so often – brought harm so easily it became almost second nature. Now he has a chance to heal. He will die himself before he fails.”
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #213 “Psylocke” by Chris Claremont
Magneto informs the X-Men that he intends to join forces with the Hellfire Club and have the X-Men work alongside the Hellfire Club against the Marauders. The X-Men agree.
New Mutants (1983) #47 “My Heart for the Highlands” by Chris Claremont
While dealing with the aftermath of the Morlock attack, Magneto urges Moira to eat and prepares a meal for the two of them to share, complete with full place settings and candelabra.
Magneto tells Moira “I have lived my whole life with despair, Moira, believing the worst of humanity. But since becoming headmaster of Xavier’s – more especially, by knowing the New Mutants – I have learned… the virtue and power of hope. This is a lesson I will not easily cast aside.”
Fantastic Four vs. the X-Men (1987) #1 “Are You Sure?!” by Chris Claremont
(This miniseries dovetails into the regular Uncanny X-Men timeline and even though it runs concurrently with the similarly titled “The X-Men vs. the Avengers (1987)” these stories are not overlapping timeline wise and the events of the Fantastic Four miniseries only makes sense to have concluded before the Avengers miniseries begins.)
Kitty is in need of high tech medical care to resolidify herself after being stuck in a permanent phase. Without help she will eventually dissipate. Magneto goes to seek help from Reed Richards.
The Fantastic Four are suspicious of Magneto but agree to help.
Upon arriving at Moira’s Muir Island research facility, Reed has second thoughts and declines to help for fear he could outright kill Kitty accidentally. Magneto insists that he at least try and even attempts to steal Richards’ machine to use it himself, but the Fantastic Four thwart this plan and the X-Men are left without hope for Kitty.
New Mutants (1983) #48 “Ashes of the Heart” by Chris Claremont
Magneto is alone at the Mansion, the New Mutants having disappeared and by many are presumed dead.
Magneto goes through each New Mutant’s room and tidies it with the help of little robots he calls widgets.
Stevie Hunter, the school PE teacher, tells Magneto he should give up and face reality that the New Mutants are dead. Magneto tells her “I’ve come to know these children, and… care for them. Whatever I was, Stevie – whatever I become – they mean too much to me… to abandon them.”
Fantastic Four vs. the X-Men (1987) #2 “Truth and Consequences” by Chris Claremont
Magneto and the X-Men turn to Doctor Doom for help to save Kitty.
New Mutants (1983) #49 “Ashes of the Soul” by Chris Claremont
Magneto has a dream of when his family was killed by the German death squads known as the Einsatzgruppen.
It is spring time. A small group of people are gathered in front of a pit in the countryside.
Magneto is depicted as a young, black-haired boy, perhaps 10 years old, wearing short pants and long socks.
Magneto’s sister appears to be two or three years older than him.
German soldiers fire at the group of people killing all save Magneto. Without understanding what happens, Magneto’s powers manifest enough to spare him from death, “His mind burns, power he never dreamed existed coming alive.”
He is buried with his family and the rest of the victims, but since he did not die he climbs out of the pit.
Magneto is depicted breaking through the earth to the shock of the German soldiers. Magneto’s black hair has turned white.
Magneto wakes from his memory-dream thinking “So long ago, so far away. Yet the memories are still vivid. Every detail, etched with acid. My power – my mastery over magnetism – first manifested itself that morning. It saved me, why wouldn’t it do the same for those I loved?! The Germans were so astonished by my survival, the decided to spare my life. I was sent instead to a concentration camp. Auschwitz. Sometimes, I wish I hadn’t struggled so hard.”
Magneto wonders if his dream is a harbinger of mutantkind’s eventual fate.
Magneto is still undecided about joining the Hellfire Club thinking “If we stand alone, we could be destroyed. If I accept this alliance… we could be destroyed! The choice is mine – the responsibility is mine – but I don’t know what to do!”
The X-Men vs. the Avengers (1987) #1 “Justice for All” by Roger Stern
The Avengers track down Magneto and insist they’re going to bring him back before the World Court and end his trail properly.
(Jim Shooter is fired as Editor in Chief from Marvel Comics this month leading to several years of corporate fuckery that resulted in erasing all of Magneto’s character development and pivoting him back to being an antagonist by the 90’s)
New Mutants (1983) #51 “Teacher’s Choice” by Chris Claremont
Magneto and Storm work together to repair a failing breakwater and save a human community from a hurricane.
Storm urges Magneto to accept the position of White King in the Hellfire Club.
Magneto refers to his helmet as a symbol of his past life as a super-villain.
Magneto and Storm jointly accept the role of White King.
Fantastic Four vs. the X-Men (1987) #4 “A Matter of Faith” by Chris Claremont
Magneto confides in Storm his feelings of helplessness to do anything to save Kitty. He reflects on his past saying “Roughly five hundred miles in that direction is Auschwitz – the Nazi death camp – where my parents and sister were murdered. I should have died with them. And due west from Latveria is the Soviet city of Vinnitsa. There was a fire. I was injured saving my wife. My daughter remained trapped in the burning building. She was much like Kitty, my Anya. The most beautiful of children – two years old, Ororo, and she never cried. She only laughed – with wonder and joy – as though life was some magnificent adventure, staged for her alone.” (There is some contradiction between this telling and the others, some of the details change as ideas are developed even though the story remains wholly the same.)
He goes on to say “She burned, Storm! My power was weaker then. I used it to save my wife, but couldn’t reach Anya. A crowd had gathered. I begged for help. They refused me. They saw I was a mutant and some called for me to be hurled into the same flames that consumed my child. Too late – in rage and a grief that ravages me still – I came at last to my birthright: the absolute control over the forces and manifestations of magnetism that is the power of… Magneto! Magda… was so terrified of my power… and how I wielded it… that she fled from me. How different, I wonder, would the pathway of my life have been if she had not? In that awful moment, Storm, I lost everything.” (This telling of the story does not include the secret police)
Magneto tells Storm that he feels he is forever haunted by his past saying that people insist on seeing him as a villain even though he’s changed. He reflects that maybe he should have gone back to finish his trial.
Reed Richards finally comes to help them save Kitty and later Magneto and Richards make peace with each other.
The X-Men vs. the Avengers (1987) #4 “Day of Judgment” by Tom DeFalco
Magneto surrenders himself to the Avengers and agrees to finish his trial before the World Court.
Gaby Haller once again acts as his defense attorney.
Magneto uses his helmet and advanced technology circuits to influence the chief justice to rule in his favor. It is unclear, however, if he actually was able to influence the judge or if the judge ruled in Magneto’s favor of his own volition. The court declares it has no jurisdiction over Magneto.
Marvel Fanfare #33 “Shadows on the Soul” by Chris Claremont
(This story originally written for a different series but never released until 1987.)
Magneto and Lee are together and confess their feelings for each other.
Magneto calls the X-Men his friends.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #219 “Where Duty Lies” by Chris Claremont
It is revealed that Magneto has publicly assumed the identity as a cousin of Charles’ who also bears the last name Xavier.
Classic X-Men (1986) #12 by Chris Claremont
(Classic X-Men reprinted earlier Claremont X-Men stories but added new material (sometimes individual pages, sometimes additional short stories) to fill out the issue and tie into current comic continuity. Claremont wrote both the original X-Men issue that was being reprinted and the new material that was added.)
(New material that takes place directly after Uncanny X-Men (1963) #104)
Magneto is asleep not long after being resurrected by Eric the Red. He is dreaming “As always, the dream begins with Auschwitz… and Magda. More than a million people died in this camp. And with World War II ending – the Third Reich defeated – it’s guards wanted no witnesses left… to tell the tale of this horror.”
Magneto prevents a camp guard from killing Magda, then takes the guard’s gun and runs away with Magda.
Magneto is said to have “been here from the start… grown to manhood within its electrified barbed wire fence. If he was to die, it would not be in this abattoir… and not without a fight!”
Magneto and Magda run into the wilderness, eventually escaping into the Carpathian Mountains where they eventually settle and begin to build a life together. The page shows Magneto felling a tree, learning woodworking, studying, Magneto socializing with friends at a dinner table, getting married to Magda and cuddling his wife and newborn daughter, Anya.
Magneto is described as having “an insatiable hunger for knowledge, coupled with a wildfire intelligence” so eventually “he bade the village farewell and took his family eastward, into the Soviet Union, hoping to win a place at university” (This suggests that Magneto was living in a village in the Polish side of the Carpathians)
Magneto, Magda and Anya come to the “city of Vinnitsa, the biggest they’d ever seen.” (This suggests that Magneto and Magda came from a rural village or town before being sent to Auschwitz)
Magneto leaves his wife and daughter to go find work.
Anya is depicted as a child between 4-6 years old.
Magneto’s powers first manifest when he has a disagreement with another man. Magneto realizes the powers come from himself and isn’t sure what to make of it.
Magneto returns to the inn where he and his family are staying since this is their first day in the city. The inn is on fire and Anya is trapped on the second floor of the building.
Magda is in the building trying to save their daughter, Magneto uses his powers to get her to safety.
Magneto curses in Russian.
Magneto attempts to get to Anya but is prevented by secret police who are trying to arrest him for his earlier disagreement.
Anya dies in the fire, Magneto’s powers break loose killing those around him save for Magda.
Magda is terrified by what she just witnessed and runs away from Magneto.
Magneto wakes from his dream and uses his powers to save a nearby mother and child from a fire.
Magneto speaks French.
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New Mutants Annual (1984) #4 “Mind Games” by Louise Simonson
Magneto lectures Sunspot (Roberto da Costa) that the new Mutant Registration Act presents a real danger to all mutants. He states “There are diverse elements in the government who are eager to locate us mutants… in part through their Mutant Registration Act. Some of them would use us. The others would destroy us. I have staked my life that they will do neither.”
New Mutants (1983) #59 “Fang and Claw!” by Louise Simonson
Magneto is overjoyed when Sunspot and Warlock return from an absence.
A villain pulls up a file on the New Mutants showing their images and listing everyone’s name, code-name and powers. Magneto’s profile lists him as “Magnus, Magneto, Master of Magnetism, School’s Headmaster” no last name is given.
Classic X-Men (1986) #18 by Chris Claremont
(Additional material to Uncanny X-Men (1963) #112)
Storm reflects on when Magneto was turned into an infant, thinking “He returned completely to a state of grace.”
(The X-Men are presumed dead after the events of Uncanny X-Men #227)
New Mutants (1983) #61 “Our Way!” by Louise Simonson
Magneto discovers one of the New Mutants, Cypher (Doug Ramsey) has been murdered after a misadventure. Magneto lashes out at the New Mutants for not protecting Doug and for disobeying him. Everyone is deeply upset.
Magneto goes to the infirmary where Doug’s body is laying. He pulls back the sheet covering Doug and looks at the boy thinking “Curse you Charles Xavier, for putting me in this position! I have no rapport with these children. Observe the bitter fruit of my labors!” Magneto kneels at the side of the table where Doug lays and weeps over his body. “An ill wind is coming… they are registering mutants like the once registered my people in Poland…! Who knows what horrors await us. But they are only children. How can they possibly understand… any of this.” (This suggests Magneto is Polish by birth)
Classic X-Men (1986) #19 by Chris Claremont
(Additional material to Uncanny X-Men (1963) #113)
Magneto is described thusly: “His wealth places him far beyond the dreams of avarice. And he numbers some of the finest minds on Earth among his acquaintances. The one facet of his personality that has not changed throughout the decades is his love of learning coupled with an insatiable curiosity about the universe.”
Magneto is a regular correspondent with Stephen Hawking.
Magneto is seen working with advanced scientific equipment making discoveries capable of revolutionizing particle physics and would qualify him for a Nobel prize.
Magneto remembers that Magda used to find him studying long hours to the point that he’d “forgotten food, and sleep, and even her.”
Magneto shaves with an electric razor.
Magneto thinks about Magda and Anya thinking since his resurrection he’s never been stronger or more haunted.
Magneto wonders if Magda is still alive and if she recognizes the famous “evil mutant” as her former husband.
Magneto describes Charles as his dearest friend.
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(New material presented in the form of a backflash that takes place at some point after the Uncanny X-Men (1963) #161 story which details Charles and Magneto meeting for the first time. This story suggests that these events take place shortly before Uncanny X-Men #1 when the X-Men face Magneto for the first time in 1963.)
Magneto single-handedly takes out a secret Nazi base in South America and captures Oberstrumbanführer Hans Richter to be taken back to Israel and put on trial.
After using his powers, Magneto suffers from debilitating psychic pain “Worse than the bite of the kapo’s whip, the murder of parents and family. The death of a child. The loss of a beloved wife. It passes quickly leaving him alive – and almost wishing he wasn’t.” Magneto observes that “These seizures strike now whenever I use my powers. More extreme my usage, more debilitating the attack.”
Magneto reports of the captured Nazi to a group called only “Control” (This seems to be a stand in for a Mossod style organization.)
Two weeks later, in Rio de Janiero, Magneto reads an article about Charles Xavier and wonders if he shouldn’t reconnect with him and seek help for his psychic attacks.
A woman in a bikini and sarong approaches Magneto asking why he’s dressed so formally in a suit and tie at a beach front cafe. Magneto replies “This, I’m afraid, is as uninhibited as I get.”
The woman turns out to be Magneto’s lover Isabelle, no last name is given.
Magneto recounts to Isabelle about how Anya died and Magda left him.
Control did not want Richter captured as he was a useful informant, so they send a squad to kill Isabelle and Magneto. They succeed in slaying Isabelle, but Magneto uses his powers to fight against them.
Magneto looks on Isabelle’s body completely disillusioned with humanity. The reader is told that “the dream dies… and the nightmare is born.”
New Mutants (1983) #64 “Instant Replay!” by Louise Simonson
Magneto is disgusted with himself after being forced to lie about the circumstances of Cypher’s death. He tells the New Mutants “It’s wrong. His parents have the right to know the truth about their son… about the way he died. But I feel that it would be dangerous to reveal ourselves as mutants at this time.”
New Mutants (1983) #66 “Sorcerer’s Duel!” by Louise Simonson
Magneto is seen in his old purple and red villain costume for the first time since Uncanny X-Men #188 and Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #12. This seems to be the start of Magneto’s corporate mandated pivot back to being an antagonist.
New Mutants (1983) #69 “Bad Company” by Louise Simonson
Magneto, dressed once more in his traditional red and purple outfit, holds his helmet in his hands as he says “All I have ever wanted for mutantkind is peace and prosperity. I thought I had found a better way to achieve my goal… and eschewed my old, violent ways. I had hoped to find solace as teacher and protector of the young. But they refuse to be safeguarded, if they are on Earth, I will find them… and protect them actively in the way that I know best.” Magneto puts his helmet on.
New Mutants (1983) #74 “The Right Stuff” by Louise Simonson
Shaw blames Magneto for damages to New York City caused by Magick’s (Illyana Rasputin) Limbo demons.
Magneto and Sebastian Shaw fight each other briefly, Magneto accuses Shaw of not caring for mutantkind.
Later, Magneto talks to Emma and suggests that Shaw was right to blame him.
New Mutants (1983) #75 “King of the Hill!” by Louise Simonson
Magneto fights with Shaw for control of the Hellfire Club.
Magneto comes out of the confrontation victorious and Shaw is expelled from the club.
Magneto and the New Mutants have a falling out and the New Mutants refuse to have anything more to do with him.
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #253 “Storm Warnings” by Chris Claremont
Magneto and Moira quarrel on Muir Island about him parting ways with the X-Men, the New Mutants and the Xavier Institute.
Magneto is convinced “There is a war coming, Moira. And you are a fool if you do not see it. We mutants cannot be wished away, we are here on this earth, more and more born every day. There are those who will accept us, and those who fear us and seek our destruction. And, worst of all, those like Genoshans… who desire to exploit us for their own power and profit. We must be strong enough – as a people – to survive without the sufferance of the one or the aggression of the others. I mean to ensure that. I must – because there is no one else.”
Magneto tells Banshee “I am sorry things have to end like this – but I suspect it’s for the best. Some roads are better traveled alone.”
Magneto leaves.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #269 “Rogue Redux” by Chris Claremont
Magneto intervenes to save Rogue’s life after she is reborn from another dimension without her mutant abilities. He attempts to return her to her previous strength and powers in his base in the Savage Lands.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #273 “Too Many Mutants” by Chris Claremont
Jean tells Storm that she’s concerned Magneto is returning to his old ways.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #274 “Crossroads” by Chris Claremont
Magneto narrates this issue: “All my life, I have been drawn to the wild and desolate places of the world. As a boy, I saw myself walking where no man ever had. Alone against the elements. The more I came to know of people… the more strongly that yearning dream spoke to me. As the fierce, unyielding emptiness without struck some resonant echo within my heart and soul. Yet for all of that… for all of life replete with it’s share and far more of rage and pain and suffering, as harshly given as endured… still I manage to find myself with allies. Who appear determined to stand by me, regardless. I wonder which are the greater fools: they for trying and trusting, or me for allowing it.”
Magneto is working with Ka-Zar and a depowered Rogue in the Savage Lands against the evil Zaladane.
When Rogue fights one of Zaladane’s goons, Magneto intervenes, thinking “I hear my daughter Anya scream as she burns before my eyes… hear Isabelle’s gasp of surprise as she is murdered… two I loved but were unable to save. Only avenge. It will not be that way with Rogue.”
Rogue presses Magneto to be merciful, saying “We’re the good guys, right?! We’re s’posed t’ stand for something better!” Magneto narrates “She actually believes that. Why can’t I? All I see is blood. That already spilled. That yet to be. I see my path so clearly. But I turn away.”
Magneto narrates “Later in my citadel, I reflect that ages ago – in what for me was another lifetime – I used my knowledge of genetics to mutate a band of swamp savages into super-powered beings. When they were no longer useful, I abandoned them to their fate, forgot their very existence. More of my past come back to haunt my present and threaten the future.” and in regards to his past as leader of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants “It is a goal I once had, in those long-gone days of madness, when I was reviled and condemned as a super-villain” and then later “My life’s ambition has been to safeguard my fellow mutants. Zaladane has no such compunction. And I hear the echo of Der Führer’s voice in the radio of memory, smell the awful stench of the sick and dying as the cattle cars brought the condemned to Auschwitz. I wear red, the color of blood, in tribute to their lost lives. And the harder I try to cast it aside, to find a gentler path… the more irresistibly I’m drawn back. I should have died myself, with those I loved. Instead, I carted the bodies by the hundred by the thousands… from the death house to the crematorium… and the ashes to the burial ground. Asking now what I could not then – why was I spared?! To bring others the death that passed me by?”
Magneto narrates on Zaladane “The more I come to know of her… the more I find myself trapped in a mirror… staring at a distorted vision of myself. Sleep is a mistake. But I’m so weary this once I can’t resist. Any more than I can hold at bay… the nightmares that come along. Flowers. Scent of growing things. Joyful sounds of life. So clear. So crisp, after more than half a century. Someone sobs. My sister holds tight my hand. My father still cannot believe this is happening. I hear laughter. The guns blaze, and I’m falling with the others. Into darkness. Loamy earth smell tainted by the acrid burning of lime. All of us pressed so tight together, embracing eternity. So easy to give up. Lie in my grave. Breathe my last. But I fight!” (This recounts the events around Magneto's family's death depicted in The New Mutants #49)
Rogue wakes Magneto and they share a moment before being interrupted by Ka-Zar. Magneto thinks “Am I imagining the sudden spark between us. Leaving Rogue as shaken as I? Leave well enough alone. I am pledged to another. As much as one can pledge a heart full of ghosts.”
Magneto narrates “I cannot recall a point in my life when I did not fight. Nor any longer of a time when war held the slightest horror for me.”
Magneto’s group is aided by Nick Fury’s group which includes the father of one of the Soviet sailors killed by Magneto on the submarine Leningrad. Magneto narrates “Again, a cry from the past. One father to another, in anguished grief for a slain child. At the time, my actions seemed quite appropriate. The Leningrad had fired a salvo of nuclear ballistic missiles at me, so I sank her, with all hands. Thinking of that crew not as people, but merely an object lesson: how dare they defy me, threaten me, these Russians whose countrymen let my daughter burn to death? There is too much history and hate between us. I cannot talk to these men.”
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #274 “The Path Not Taken” by Chris Claremont and Jim Lee
The Russian colonel guns down Magneto leading to him being captured by Zaladane. The colonel joins Zaladane. Zaladane uses a machine to try and transfer Magneto’s powers to herself. Under the influence of the machine Magneto narrates “Try as I might, I cannot stop this. And worst of all, as my life is torn from me, turned into a sideshow entertainment for the Brainchild’s sadistic pleasure… with my strength devoted wholly to that struggle, I have nothing left to block my emotional responses to the memories themselves. Once more, I hear myself howl ‘til my voice shatters at the sight of my daughter, Anya, burning to death before my eyes. Once more, hot blood mixes with salt tears as my beloved Isabelle’s throat is cut by those I thought my trusted friends. Once more, rage flashes through me… hand in hand with a terror I’d not felt since Auschwitz… as at last I confront the Shadow King. Followed by sick shame at the awful cost of my survival.”
Zaladane leaves Magneto with her minions. Rogue and her team have infiltrated Zaladanes stronghold and once Magneto realizes they are there, he strikes the minions unexpectedly. Magneto narrates “They think me beaten, finished. A mistake many have made in the past. As I found the strength, as a boy, to survive being machine gunned and buried alive, and later the unimaginable horror of Auschwitz… so do I find it in me, here and now, to break free.”
Magneto narrates “The primal, paramount lesson of my life is that I can depend on no one save myself.”
Magneto fights against the Russian colonel saying “I am sorry for your son, colonel. Which is more than I ever heard… for the slaughter of those I loved.” Colonel Semyanov says “Your… daughter you mean? And that absolves you of any crime?” Magneto replies “I never said it did. For who we are, and what we have done, comrade colonel… we are both of us condemned.”
Rogue and Magneto argue over how he intends to deal with Zaladane. Magneto says “The New Mutants were left in my charge and they suffered for it – because I tried to pattern myself after Charles Xavier. I am not Charles Xavier. I will never be Charles Xavier. I was a fool to try. As he was, for believing I could succeed. My people are in danger – more so now than ever before – from the Hellfire Club and their accursed Shadow Kind, from foul creatures such as this, perhaps even from the very United Nations which Colonel Fury loyally serves. And a kinder, gentler Magneto cannot save them.”
X-Men (1991) #1 “Rubicon” by Chris Claremont and Jim Lee
Magneto has established a mutant haven on a new Asteroid M. World governments are wary of it and the X-Men are dispatched to discover what’s going on.
Magneto raises the submarine Leningrad (which he sank in Uncanny X-Men #150) from the sea floor. He finds some of the nuclear missiles the submarine was carrying are intact.
Inside the submarine, Magneto finds himself sitting among the bones of the Leningrad’s crew. “Now though, at last, he finds himself face to face with the consequence of his acts. And he remembers another time, other bodies, bones still coated with the flesh of family and friends, tossed into a lime-soaked pit and him along with them, only he was still alive. Somehow, he clawed his way to the surface.” (This again refers to the account of Magneto's family's death in The New Mutants #49)
Rogue tells Magneto that his actions are scaring people. Magneto says “I tried my best to change, I did my best to follow Xavier’s path to a peaceful co-existence between Homo Sapiens and Homo Sapiens Superior. And paid for that folly with the blood of innocents.”
Later on Asteroid M, Magneto ruminates on his latest conflict with the X-Men thinking of Wolverine in particular “For the brief time I worked with the X-Men, he accepted me wholeheartedly. If not as a friend, then at least as a comrade-in-arms. Why then has he turned on me? What has changed? Why must blood always come between me and others?” (Magneto has been working with the X-Men and the New Mutants since 1985)
Radical mutant acolytes that have decided to follow Magneto, led by Fabian Cortez, fight with the X-Men. Magneto puts a stop to it and says “All my life, I have seen people slaughtered wholesale for no more reason than the deity they worshipped, or the color of their skin – or the presence in their DNA of an extra, special gene. I cannot change the world but I can – and will – ensure that my race will never again suffer for its fear and prejudice. Henceforth, I declare Asteroid M a sovereign world. Home and haven to mutantkind. If you are born Homo Sapiens Superior, then you are automatically a citizen, entitled to safe haven above and security below. Even you X-Men – even your mentor, my old friend, Charles Xavier – are welcome here. But mark this and mark it well – harm done against any mutant is harm done to me. And I shall respond accordingly.”
X-Men (1991) #2 “Firestorm” by Chris Claremont and Jim Lee
Beast says that the Genoshans are changing for the better, and asks why Magneto is going in the opposite direction. Magneto says “You know that answer, Beast… you would have to live my life. And I would not wish such a fate, even on my most hated enemy.”
Magneto abducts Charles and Moira looking for answers about his genetic structure. Moira admits that she saw there was a genetic instability in Magneto’s genetic matrix, and she tried to stabilize it when he was an infant in her care.
Magneto is infuriated that Moira conducted genetic experimentation on him in an attempt to change who he was. He questions every decision he’s made since his rebirth.
Moira is apologetic, but Magneto’s anger is unabated. He tells her “I heard those same rationales as a boy, in the Auschwitz death camp, from Dr. Josef Mengele himself!”
X-Men (1991) #3 “Fallout” by Chris Claremont and Jim Lee
Moira reveals that the genetic experimentation she did on baby Magneto didn’t work.
Moira also points out that Cortez has been using his power to weaken Magneto.
Cortex flees Asteroid M and fires a shot at the complex that will kill all the inhabitants.
Charles and the X-Men prepare to leave in their spacecraft, but Magneto refuses to leave with them instead choosing to stay on the asteroid to preserve its integrity as long as possible using his powers. He tells Charles “My life was shaped by forces and events none of you can possibly understand. You speak to the best of humanity. I have endured the worst. You imagine the reality of the Holocaust, of the Nazi death camps. I grew up in one. Perhaps, as you say, I am tainted by blood and rage – and death. But perhaps as well, that blood and rage and death comprise the armor that will sustain me and those who stand by me through the ordeal to come. The past is prologue, old friend. And the future I behold for you is… war. We have already chosen our path.”
Asteroid M blows up just as the X-Men escape. Charles tells them all “At the last… he opened his thoughts to me. He is still the man I remember from younger, happier days – who was my friend – and yet… none of that matters anymore, does it? ‘I save you, X-Men,’ he said, ‘because that is my task in life: to safeguard my people – Homo Sapiens Superior – mutantkind – from those who would do us harm. And those forces are legion. In that and I suspect nothing else, Charles, we are much alike. I have survived one Holocaust, I could not tolerate another. Nor any who – by accident, by intent – act to bring it about. I bore no animus to you, old friend, or your students until you chose to oppose me. Then, I had no choice but to count you among my enemies. Have no illusions on that score. Perhaps it’s best it end this way, Charles. Best for my dream to end in flames and glory, here far above Earth… for if we were ever to meet again… I would have shown you no mercy. I give you your dream, Charles. But I fear, in time, your heart will break as you realize it has ever been a fool’s hope. Farewell, my friend.”
Chris Claremont was removed from the X-Men without explanation and left Marvel after this book. He had been writing for the X-Men for 17 years. To learn more about Chris Claremont and his work on the X-Men and the corporate fuckery that lead to him leaving watch the 2018 documentary Chris Claremont’s X-Men which is currently available free on YouTube.
If you feel like I’ve overlooked or left out an important issue from the 1963-1991 era, please contact me and let me know. I will update this list with more information if any comes to light.
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luna-rainbow · 2 years
You know that headcanon about Bucky aggressively editing Steve’s Wikipedia page? What if Steve also aggressively edits Bucky’s Wikipedia page?
One day, Wiki users noticed that under the “Controversy” section, which starts with “Barnes has been criticised for his involvement with Hydra and his stint as the Winter Soldier”, someone had added “except these people are mostly journalists out for sensationalist clout or people who have poor parsing of facts” followed by a 1700 word dissertation on why an innocent man is not responsible for the crimes of Hydra.
Then, one day an excessively detailed “Achievements” section appeared. It had once just listed Bucky’s short academic and sports and military achievements, but now also includes a bunch of obscure awards including “most memorable choral performance” awarded in elementary school which Bucky was sure was a group participation award he wouldn’t have remembered even if he didn’t have memory problems. Notably (to Bucky at least) there is an omission of "best dance", also awarded during elementary school, because it was a shared award with a girl (whose face Bucky couldn't recall but whose full name Steve could recite off the tip of his tongue on command, with a scowl).
Steve doesn’t have a social media account, but fans have learned to keep up with what’s happening in his life by checking the Bucky Barnes page periodically. Steve didn't realise he outed himself when he inconspicuously (he thought) added “Bucky Barnes was a gifted student, a terrific sportsman, a brilliant sharpshooter, a reliable leader, but also a fantastic dancer and breathtaking kisser [41]” and a keen-eyed fact-checker found out the reference was to a Steve Rogers magazine interview that was still pre-publication.
It became the fans' best known secret. Through Bucky’s Wikipedia page, particularly the “Personal Life” section, they learn about Steve moving back to NY from DC, Steve adopting a dog (and Bucky adopting a cat), Steve’s volunteer work with various charities that don’t get mentioned on his own page but is listed on Bucky’s page because he’s so happy about what Bucky is doing (with him) that he wants everyone else to know about it.
Even after Bucky starts updating Steve’s page, the two of them stay blissfully oblivious that everyone has pretty much guessed that they’re the ones editing each other’s because god forbid if you get your facts wrong you will be hit with the brick wall (ie 800 word essay) of truth.
Then one day, Bucky's "Personal Life" section was updated with a simple "Bucky Barnes is currently engaged."
The next day the headlines are all, "CAP FINALLY SET TO MARRY HIS CHILDHOOD SWEETHEART?"
Meanwhile Steve is furiously checking his own Wiki page because he and Bucky agreed to hold off updating his page until he’s made an official announcement. “How did they know???”
The watching Avengers simultaneously roll their eyes and go back to their breakfast.
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jkrockin · 1 year
Wait what guy who hadn't read Atlas Shrugged?
I was pretty sure I'd told this story here, but a cursory search suggests that I have not. Okay let's gooooo
Many moons ago, I worked in an emergency services call centre. I worked nights- I could get regular shifts, it paid well, and I am a huge freak, just like everyone else who works nights in a call centre. It is a lifestyle that attracts freaks. Some of my coworkers weren't full-time creatures of the night, but students or whoever who picked up occasional nights for the extra money, and one of them was Libertarian Shithead, who we'll call LS for short.
LS was a twentysomething white dude who wore a lot of name brand surfwear and designer sunglasses. I assume his parents were rich. LS loved nothing better than recreational arguing. Unfortunately, he wasn't very good at it; he had some of the most dogshit opinions I've ever encountered in the wild, and was terrible at defending them. He'd say some crap about how Gattaca-type eugenics is Fine, Actually, because if you let people make designer babies, the ~*Free Market will decide what traits are desirable! Racism and colourism and ableism and sexism and intersexism won't affect those choices at all! And I'd get mad, because I have principles to speak of, and we'd get into it, and WITHOUT FAIL, we'd get maybe halfway into an actual discussion about whatever horseshit garbage he was on tonight, and the second he thought he was losing, he'd say "oh, well. I'm an ~*Objectivist, so you can't really understand my perspective unless you've read Ayn Rand." Then he'd sigh, and change the subject.
At the time I had not read any Ayn Rand. Being fundamentally powered by spite, I withstood maybe three weeks of this shit before I pirated an epub of Atlas Shrugged, put it on my e-reader, and proceeded to slam through it at supersonic speed so I could finally get to finish an argument with this terrible boy.
Anon, I fucking hated Atlas Shrugged. The book is bad. It's way too long, every single character is an unbelievable douche, the prose sucks. Ayn Rand wants to fuck a train so so so badly, but the prose is so turgid I couldn't even get invested in how much she wants to fuck a train. And the core of the matter, the politics I was there to understand, are, y'know. Objectivist. Eye-bleedingly selfish and capitalistic, expressed in amazingly childish and blinkered terms. Even the bits where it seems like the shithead capitalist dudes want to fuck each other are too mired in the scunge of Rand's terrible views to be enjoyable.
But I read the fucking thing! I powered through it with only quite minimal complaining! I finished the book on the train to work, and when I saw that LS was on that night, I plonked myself in a seat by him, and metaphorically cracked my knuckles, ready to fuckin' party. In a perfect world, I would have been cool enough to have waited for the perfect mid-argument moment to drop, but I didn't. I think I lasted exactly until we were both off a call at the same time, and then leaned in as close as the desk dividers would let me, and said "So I finished Atlas Shrugged. I have some thoughts."
I cannot overstate how quickly it became obvious that LS had not read the book. For a hot second I thought maybe it had just been a while and the fine details had escaped him, but no; he didn't know who half the characters were, or key points of the plot, or even know any of the stuff in the John Galt speech, i.e. the big juggernaut of Here's How Objectivism Works near the end of the book about Objectivism that this fucking guy hypothetically based his Objectivist views on. It took me maybe five minutes, in between calls, to realise this, and another five for him to admit he hadn't actually read any Ayn Rand. He'd read her Wikipedia page.
ANYWAY I didn't speak to him for like a month after that, and I don't think either of us lost out there!
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ceilidhtransing · 3 months
Election masterpost for UK people!
Scottish friends! English friends! Welsh friends! Northern Irish friends! Friends who don't identify as any of those but who are still eligible to vote in a UK general election!
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You have until 11.59pm on 18 June to make sure you're registered to vote in the upcoming election on 4 July. Tap here to go to the voter registration website.
You have until 5pm on 19 June to apply for a postal vote. If you live in Scotland, England, or Wales, tap here to apply for a postal vote. If you live in Northern Ireland, tap here.
You have until 5pm on 26 June to apply for a proxy vote. If you live in Scotland, England, or Wales, tap here to apply for a proxy vote. If you live in Northern Ireland, tap here.
You need to bring photo ID to the polling station in order to vote. Find out here which forms of ID are eligible.
Tap here to find the location of your polling station. Polling stations will be open from 7am until 10pm.
Here is one site which will advise you on voting tactically against the Conservatives. That website uses data from the four most recent general elections as well as recent by-elections, polling and local election results, plus historical and local information. Here is a different tactical voting site, which focuses on only the most recent general election results. If your constituency is currently held by a progressive party, that website recommends voting for it; if your constituency is currently Conservative, it recommends voting for the party that came second in the last election.
Be aware that constituency boundaries have changed since 2019 and that the political landscape of the UK has also changed. To make the best of your vote, bear in mind that the most recent general election result may not accurately reflect how your constituency will vote this year. (For example, Labour is predicted to overtake the Liberal Democrats as the main opposition to the Conservatives in many English seats, and is also forecast to take a lot of seats from the SNP in Scotland.) It may be worth comparing information from a variety of sites, as well as recent polling data, to figure out how best to vote. You can use the above sites to find the exact name of your constituency and then visit its Wikipedia page, where there will be detailed results for the 2019 election as well as information on who is standing this year. Wikipedia also has a treasure trove of polling data for the upcoming election, which may give a more accurate and up-to-date snapshot than results from half a decade ago.
And then remember to vote! Set a reminder on your phone, arrange to go to the polling station with friends or family, do whatever it is you need to do to make sure that you don't lose your vote by falling at the final hurdle.
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amethysttribble · 2 years
The thing about characters in the Silm and the other extended histories is that… well there’s not really much there, is there?
There’s usually a handful of key facts; there’s hopefully a family tree; there’s the recorded history of the breadth of a life
But by god, it’s like trying to reverse engineer a character, a personality, a soul out of a Wikipedia page. Those are prompts, those aren’t the typical literary characters we’re acquainted with whose authors dig into they’re heads and record dozens of their conversations in full.
The Silm is a coloring book of characters- there’s structure and outlines and clues, but you get to choose what crayons bring which shapes to life. And let’s be clear, there are more obvious colors to use than others to color those characters in, ones that make more sense and probably more accurately reflect authorial intent.
Like a coloring book tiger, no one can be faulted for using orange and black. But some folks might use purple and red, and usually, they’re just as correct based on what is actually in text, provided we’re staying inside the lines (this metaphor’s getting away from me)
And I must say, as a fanfic writer, it is a dream kind of scenario, there’s a lot to play with. From a creative standpoint, it’s really fun, and I admit I take pride in some of the characterizations I’ve cooked up, because I think they are a different shade from most colors I see. I do it on purpose.
I’ve rambled, and I’m not sure there’s much of a point here. I mostly mean to articulate a thought and to say that I actively enjoy that there’s always a veritable buffet of characterizations for every individual character in this fandom, as different authors choose to highlight different aspects of the scant few details and conversations we have. And some might not be my cup of tea, but it’s cool that they’re there.
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cadmusfly · 8 months
Analysing the Quality of Napoleon's Marshals With Silly Data Science
Let's talk numbers and laugh at funny graphs with missing data!
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Other people in this fandom do really lovely detailed information posts, I do weird fanfic, dragon shitposting, body pillow design shitposting and run a stupid Lannes ask rp blog. But! I'm also a programmer with an interest in Numbers, and today we're going to Analyse These Dead Frenchmen with a bunch of screenshots of graphs.
Ethan Arsht published a really interesting article called Napoleon was the Best General Ever, and the Math Proves it., where using data scraped off Wikipedia articles, he creates a statistical model drawing from multiple variables per battle to calculate How Good A General Is At Winning.
Give the article a read, it's great stuff, but if you don't feel like it, he basically applies WAR - "Wins Above Replacement" - which is a value from baseball that measures how many wins a player is worth when compared to a replacement.
So the general's WAR would be how well they compare to a completely average general who replaced them. Yes, as Arsht says, "in other words, I would find the generals’ WAR, in war."
But as he says, this is not a stringent historical analysis and is more of a fun thought experiment. Wikipedia is probably the most comprehensive dataset on this topic that he had access to, but it is Wikipedia the crowdsourced online encyclopedia, so it is going to have holes and inaccuracies. And this was written seven years ago, and the data was collected then, so any updates to these articles since then wouldn't be reflected.
And it's not a perfect model that takes into account everything - it's an approximation, a whole bunch of number crunching. I haven't looked too deeply into how the numbers work exactly, even though I could.
I think that 0 would be "completely and utterly average"? A positive WAR is good, a negative WAR is not. Napoleon is the best general ever at 16.679 WAR, the next highest is Caesar at 7.445 WAR.
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(Link, you can hover over each battle and look at each datapoint!)
But I'm interested in Napoleon's marshals. The 26 men he raised up to military nobility! The dramatic assholes who kept arguing with each other. I'll post links for all of them at the end of this, but I won't be screenshotting each of their WAR graphs, just a few.
I'm not entirely sure how the scraper collected the information about what battles a commander is considered in "charge" of - I tried looking at the provided code repository but I am reminded that data science people bless them are not really good at structuring or publishing code and why are all the html pages just straight up saved in the root folder why are the jupyter notebook outputs just uncleared aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Oh yeah this was scraped from seven years ago so current wikipedia pages won't be reflective of what's on the graphs - so we can assume that this is just grabbing stuff from the "Commanders and leaders" part from each individual battle page and collating them into numbers
Anyway let's look at the iron man himself, Davout, considered to be the best of Napoleon's marshals.
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Heh, here we see the first hole in the dataset - Jena-Auerstedt is considered to be one battle, and Napoleon would like you to think that's the case.
Anyway, pretty good! Let's look at Jean Lannes, the lively Gascon
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Oooooh, even better than Davout! Helps he didn't go to Russia. Wait, why is Aspern-Essling dated to before Ratisbon, especially when Lannes died in the former?
Let's look at André Masséna, also known as being pretty cool:
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Damn, neat, though I think there's a lot of omissions here.
Here's Murat:
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Lol Tolentino, I do like how Murat Peaked there a little bit
But we're forgetting a certain redhead, aren't we?
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Ouch. But also Waterloo not appearing there, hmmm.
Anyway let's finish off the screenshots with Napoleon's greatest strategist, Jean-de-Dieu Soult, the man that Wellington called a master of the defensive!
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honestly this is the entire reason why i wanted to write this post
in soult's defense - as a soult defender - he had a pretty shitty army full of conscripts, was isolated, was occasionally pretty bad at adapting tactically to new surprises and had to deal with the english being stubborn fuckers, but he was brilliant in setting things up strategically and forcing the english to catch up through a fighting retreat with a demoralised army, stopping them from closing in on france too
but also the way this graph bullies soult so hard makes me laugh a lot
Anyway, yeah, these graphs are definitely inaccurate and I'm also posting these to see the Napoleonic community on tumblr's reaction to them, but they are a fun way to engage with history!
Just don't take them seriously, and feel free to argue in the tags/comments/reblogs
I could theoretically use this guy's code to rerun this just for the Marshals now - I know my way around some data science code - but I do have a lot on my plate, but it would be a fun experiment!
Marshal WAR Graph Links
Note: So these are under the Wikipedia article names at the time that the web scraper was run seven years ago so some of these names turned out to be different from what they are now and I had to do a bit of digging to fix some
you can definitely tell that the information is incomplete on a lot of these, again i repeat the information was scraped off wikipedia seven years ago
Louis-Nicolas Davout
Jean Lannes
Joachim Murat
Michel Ney
André Masséna
Jean-de-Dieu Soult
Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey (one battle lol)
Jean-Baptiste Jourdan
Charles-Pierre Augereau
Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte aka Charles XIV John of Sweden (Two battles and only Swedish ones I think)
Guillaume Brune
Édouard Mortier (two battles)
Jean-Baptiste Bessières (two battles)
François Christophe de Kellermann (one battle, Valmy)
François Joseph Lefebvre (two battles)
Charles-Victor Perrin (ouch)
Étienne Macdonald
Nicolas Oudinot (lol)
Auguste de Marmont (loll)
Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr
Józef Poniatowski (three battles but hmm. pretty bad but feel like there's too much missing info here)
Emmanuel de Grouchy (two battles, can't make a Where's Grouchy joke)
Marshals Without Graphs Not because they didn't command anything but I couldn't find their graphs on the website or in the code repo
Catherine-Dominique de Pérignon
Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier
Louis-Gabriel Suchet (wtf? maybe seven years ago the documentation on him was sad)
EDIT: wait i was looking at the notebook (the uh place where the code was being run, to see if i could run the code myself)
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soult is one of the lowest ranked generals overall on this initial list pfftHAHAHhahahahahahahaha
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trans-cuchulainn · 9 months
I just got to reading a translation of "The wooing of Emer" online. Why is no-one (especially the online encyclopedias) talking about the fact Emer is fomorian?
why aren't the online encyclopaedias talking about it: bc they are not that useful for medieval irish literature most of the time, tbh, being heavily simplified and reliant on secondary sources that are often themselves not particularly reliable (although there have been efforts to improve some pages inc. wikipedia pages). loads of fun details missing from them, always
why isn't anyone else talking about it: eh. probably two main reasons
there's a lot of it around. cú chulainn's got a fomorian grandma (on lug's side) and no one ever really talks about that either. it's not that big a deal. i'm sure he's not the only one; can't throw a rock around here without hitting someone with a fomorian uncle or something. there's a lot more overlap / interaction between them and the tuatha dé danann than a simple oppositional binary would suggest, and family trees get fucky in general. being related to the fomoire doesn't automatically = being fomorian yourself bc belonging and kin-groups and stuff are a bit more complicated than that
i'm pretty sure it's only mentioned in tochmarc emire and only in passing and not directly in relation to emer herself, so it's easily overlooked even if you're dealing with that text and a lot of people will be dealing with other texts. it's also only in the later, longer redaction of the text and not in the earliest one, although so are a lot of things. if the authors thought it was important as part of her heritage -- whether they saw it as a good or a bad thing -- they would bring it up more often, but TE seems to be the only one that bothers to give background information about forgall's family tree, so mostly it looks like they think it's not that relevant. (although as it is not a particular focus of mine, it's entirely possible it comes up somewhere else and i just haven't noticed)
e.g. you might expect it to come up in fled bricrenn but it doesn't
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sidenote: why the fuck henderson translations "ben ind fir as dech" as "wife of the best wight" i have no idea. it's just "fer"! it's just man! why are you trying to make cú chulainn sound even weirder than usual! it's a mystery to me. other than the fact it's from 1899 and people did whatever they wanted at that point tbh
(the parenthetical explaining the meaning of "Manach" is also editorial and not in the Irish; the meaning "tricky" may be more suitable bc it might have something to do with clessa, but that's getting into my friend emmet's in-progress research so i won't delve deeper there)
also, tethra, who is supposedly forgall's uncle in TE and who is described in the text as a "king of the fomoire" is a bit of a weird one iirc and there's potentially more going on with him than that phrasing suggests, although i can't remember the details and that's getting into cath maige tuired territory, at which point you're better off asking @margridarnauds bc it's not a topic i know a huge amount about
finally i'll be honest another factor is probably that there hasn't been a huge amount written about emer as a character. there's been a lot written about texts that she's in and her function there, but less on her just like, as a person (bc medieval celtic studies is a very small field, there are a lot of texts and characters, and there hasn't been that much written about anyone really). so lots of things don't get talked about. doesn't mean they're not worth talking about. just means nobody's got around to it yet.
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foggynitefic · 6 months
Drop Them Bones Chapter 9: Hard and Fast
This one's a doozy...
Hard and Fast
To be sure of, without a doubt, without debate History: In seafaring times, the term ‘hard and fast’ was used to describe a vessel that was beached on land and unable to be moved. [Don’t lie. Absolutely none of us thought it meant that. None of us.]
So, funny thing. Since posting Chapter 8, I had a wonderful long weekend in Manhattan, followed by the worst stomach flu I’ve gotten in at least a decade. Then, after a few weeks recovering from that, I partially dislocated my knee and sprained my MCL. Full damage assessment still TBD in a couple months, but I have a care plan for now.
What I’ve posted as Chapter 9 was supposed to be ten pages max plus additional scenes, and then this happened. So, I have 6k words of Chapter 10 already because I split Chapter 9 in half, and I’ve had the final scene in Chapter 10 (originally intended for Chapter 6, hah!) written for the last three months…
I currently have 9 more chapters planned out, but as this adventure has shown me, that’s more like guidelines. This chapter would have been out sooner, but reference above, and in retrospect, this chapter’s title also describes me in seafaring times right now…
At least I’m recuperating and back to excessive research spiraling:
If you have the equipment, time, and inclination, you too can om a gator nom. I have only ever outsourced my gator dining experience to trustworthy restaurants, because I’m happy to compensate people accordingly for their labor and gator meat is fucking expensive to have shipped up north.
I’ve mostly encountered alligator fried or in etouffees in restaurants, and if you can’t source alligator or just think they’re too cute to eat (look at them faces!), they do taste like a fishy chicken, but less swampy than frog, and have the consistency of a pork chop. So, imo, you can substitute either white chicken meat or pork to about the same effects in all the recipes except the whole smoked gator. Alligator meat is very lean and easy to dry out, though (flashbacks to straw-like fried, breaded nonsense on that one trip to Florida…) The Daily Beast has an article from 2019 that goes into more detail on taste, etc. I’m not going to link to any of the butchering videos I watched to make this fic, but if you’re interested, deermeatfordinner on Youtube has a good one.
And yes, in true Louisiana fashion, the state government does have an alligator cookbook available in PDF for free. The final page notes that funds for it came from both Florida and Louisiana, and the most approximate publication date I can find for it is 1994. Its text, graphics, and ingredients definitely look like something from the 80s or 90s…
I was not tracking that discarded crocodile and alligator fat can be used to produce biodiesel at competitive prices…
I went down a lot of interesting 1700-1800s sailing history that involved the provisions given per day to British Navy sailors, how much salt was needed to brine 100 lbs of meat, and how the brining process actually worked (floating eggs and meats, oh my!) The average alligator yields about 40 lbs of meat, so all the proportions and weights for applegators came from multiplying that by three, then adding on more layers of fat than an alligator would have because applegators can also go out in the deep sea. Yes, I know this is a fanfic for fantasy pirates on an imaginary planet. If Oda-sensei can say they’re all stronger because gravity, I can make chonky applegators.
Curing meat Wikipedia article; Quora entry (of all things) on sailor provisions; Colonies, Ships and Pirates blog; and an NIH paper with some science of curing meats; plus a definition of pellicle; and some historical pre-refrigeration context.  Salting meat Wikipedia article and smoking meat Wikipedia article. And of course, once the fancy bougie restaurants start using salt water, it’s cool again.
If you don’t have a smoker at home, here’s a stove-top smoked salmon recipe that could work with any type of fish (though, I don’t think a sweet cure would really go with white fish).
How to dehydrate food without a dehydrator ideas
Making a ground oven: I actually learned about this technique back in anthropology of food, as it’s one of the oldest cooking methods that we know of, and I’ve always wanted to try it. Darn you, local fire ordinances.
Random fandom trivia: If you’re a fan of 911 Lone Star, you may remember the first (I think) season episode of a family ground cooking in their backyard and their racist neighbor being a dick about it then getting a righteous comeuppance from the team. Is it over the top justice? Yes. Is the drama hilarious? Also, yes.
They use a technique in this chapter that I based off a New England clambake set up. Mainly, a pit on the beach with seaweed, hot rocks, and a wet sail over top, covered with sand. General bake concepts and times came from here (if you can read it through that horrible font…)
Sustainably harvesting seaweed.  Modern Farmer has a pretty informative newsletter I’ve been subscribed to for a couple years – It’s an interesting read if you’re into agriculture news (food-related technology, regulations, innovations, etc.) and like to know more about your food supply chain.
I didn’t know how to make sausage before. Behold, basic sausage tutorial!
Recipes bludgeoned in the making of this chapter:
I have never cooked gator meat or a whole pig, but here are recipes that sound like horrifying fun:
Whole Smoked Gator
But also, whole pig ground cooked
Kalua Pork  
Alligator Jerky
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