#sure that works. ty for the ask!
peninkwrites · 3 months
🍓, 🪲, and 🧩
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
lmao. I knew I wanted to be an author when I was like eight. discovered rpf was a thing when I was 12. wrote weird gritty aus about real people that were so distant from the real people honestly it was just fuckin' free writing with stolen names and a few references. it haunts me to this day. how else do you get into fanfic.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
which one???? ah ok uhhh
“Little games?” Quackity sneers.  “Is that what this fucking is?  That’s bullshit.  You’re not doing this for fun, alright?  You’re doing it because you’re fucking paranoid.  That’s your confession?" He laughs, sharp and bitter and painfully aware of the consequences.  "Finally you’re gonna admit it, but not all of it.  You’re never gonna do that because that means admitting you’re fucking scared.”
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
I am already so picky about fics at this point I only read shit the mutuals put on my dash and I trust that peer review, but back in the day, um. There's the answer everybody gives, which is first person. And mischaracterization, especially in dialogue. If right out the gate the characters don't sound right, I cannot endure it. ESPECIALLY with c!tommy. don't fuck up my boy :(
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cpressmn · 2 years
i love love love your prompts. 9 or 19, whichever you prefer <3
i was gonna try to combine them, but all i could think about was your fic so i decided to try and be original instead. hope it's everything you were dreaming it would be <3
19. sitting on each other's laps
“Nope, get up. That’s my seat.” Steve snaps his fingers at Dustin, other hand balancing his plate of pizza.
“You got up,” Dustin counters. “You forfeit all rights to your seat when you get up.”
Steve doesn’t bother arguing with the kid, knowing he’ll be met with a snotty, Those are the rules, Steve. What, you want me to change the universal laws of dibs for you? Get over it. Instead, he frowns at El, settled in between Dustin and Lucas on the couch in the Wheeler’s basement. “You were supposed to save my spot.”
She has the grace to look at least a little sorry. “I tried.”
“You have superpowers. Seems like maybe you could’ve tried a little harder.”
El shrugs, apparently done feeling apologetic.
“She just likes me more than she likes you. More than anyone, actually.” Dustin slings his arm around her shoulders, gummy smile on full display. “I’m her favorite.”
“Ha.” Max’s eyes are unfocused, but she still manages to fling an unimpressed look in Dustin’s direction, shifting in her wheelchair next to the couch.
“I’m her favorite boy,” Dustin corrects.
“Hey! What about me?” Lucas pouts.
“I’m literally her boyfriend,” Mike says from where he’s sitting on the recliner opposite Eddie, taking a break from their discussion about the latest campaign to scold his best friends.
“Tough shit. Still her favorite.”
El looks at Mike, then at Lucas, at Dustin, considering, and back to Mike. “Dustin’s my favorite,” she confirms.
“That’s messed up,” Lucas mutters, accepting Max’s consoling pat on his arm.
“Congratulations,” Steve says dryly, interrupting Dustin’s cheers of victory and Mike’s flustered protests. “Now where am I supposed to sit?”
“You can sit right here, princess.”
Eddie, comfortably sprawled in one of the recliners, pats his lap and grins smugly at Steve, like he knows his invitation won’t be accepted.
It’s been some kind of unspoken competition between the two of them lately, seeing who can get under the kids’ skin the fastest with their excessive displays of affection and pet names. It started with a co-parenting bit the kids developed several weeks back. The dipshits love to tease them, enjoy how frustrated Steve gets when they call him their mom and Eddie their dad, and the best way to get them to lay off, Steve had reasoned, was to lean into it. 
Instead of huffing or rolling his eyes the next time the kids told Eddie to “talk some sense into his wife,” Steve had said, “Eddie agrees with me. Don’t you, honey?” while unnecessarily straightening the collar of Eddie’s jacket, pressed close into his space. 
Eddie’s eyes had widened in surprise, but only briefly. Almost immediately, his hands were settled on Steve’s hips, and he was crooning something ridiculous, along the lines of, “Always, baby.” It had the kids gagging in response, making various faces and comments that all meant the same thing: they hated seeing the two of them act like this. 
Which is, of course, exactly why Steve and Eddie keep doing it.
It’s like a game of Gay Chicken, except the only people they’re trying to freak out are their obnoxious observers. 
So when Eddie offers his lap and looks at Steve like he knows he won’t do it, like this is too far outside the range of Steve’s comfort level, Steve rises to the challenge.
Like he does most things in his life, Steve doesn’t think it through very much, just shrugs and plops down in Eddie’s lap. “Thanks,” he says over his shoulder, relishing the surprised sound Eddie lets slip.
It’s more uncomfortable than he thought it would be, and he shifts around a little, fully blaming Eddie’s skinny ass legs. He’s never actually sat in someone’s lap before, though, so maybe he’s a little to blame, too. 
He always loved being the one with a lapful of the latest girl he was flirting with. He got to wrap his arms around her waist, tug her closer to his chest. It was easy to access her ear for whispered conversations and her neck for teasing kisses. And it was always nice, being that close to someone, the weight of them bearing down on him pleasant. Comforting, even.
This, though, being on the other end of it, isn’t as fun as he thought it would be. His thighs are tense, still holding himself up so he doesn’t crush Eddie beneath him, and he feels about two seconds away from toppling over. 
“You’re not gonna break me, you know.” Eddie’s voice is low, his breath hot on the back of Steve’s neck, and Steve fights like hell to suppress a shudder. He’s supposed to be the one with the upper hand in all this. “I’m stronger than I look. Relax.”
Eddie’s arm loops around his middle and pulls him in, and Steve finally lets himself melt into his hold, resting his full weight on Eddie. He wraps an arm around Eddie’s shoulders and angles his body inward, keeping one leg tucked between both of Eddie’s and draping the leg closest to Eddie across Eddie’s other leg. He doesn’t resist it when Eddie grabs Steve’s outer thigh, keeping him in place. Steve would never admit it, but it’s almost…nice. Being held by Eddie like this. Possibly even better than being the one doing the holding. 
“Must you? There’s a stool, like, right next to you,” Dustin says, pointing to the stool that is, in fact, available and right next to them.
Whatever. Steve shrugs. “This is more comfortable.”
“Aww, sweetheart,” Eddie coos and taps Steve’s nose with his ringed forefinger. Steve narrows his eyes. Leave it to Eddie to keep trying to one-up him. Trying and succeeding, which is the most irritating part.
“Ew,” Max says after Lucas explains to her what they’re doing. “Can you not?”
“Seriously. We were in the middle of a conversation,” Mike adds on, eyeing Steve with disdain.
“And? I’m not stopping you.” Steve takes a bite of his pizza. Pretends like this is completely normal and not at all affecting him in any way.
He feels, more than hears, Eddie chuckling and has to bite back his own smile in response. “Continue, Wheeler,” Eddie beckons, and everyone resumes their conversations before Steve interrupted them so he could sit on Eddie’s lap.
At least, Steve thinks they do. It’s hard to focus on anything other than the way Eddie is unconsciously rubbing his thumb in soothing circles against Steve’s waist. It’s a little dizzying, and Steve blames his recent dry spell on his reaction to such a simple touch. To any of Eddie’s touches as of late. He’s just desperate for any kind of human contact, so it only makes sense that he’s more sensitive to it, no matter who it’s coming from. 
He’s startled out of his thoughts when El makes Dustin’s drink explode in his face. Dr. Pepper drips off his nose, and the room erupts into laughter as he lunges to wipe his face off on her sleeve despite her twisting away, squealing. 
Eddie laughs, delighted, never tired of El’s displays of her powers, and his grip on Steve tightens. When he turns to Steve with his bright eyes and dimpled cheeks, Steve is powerless to do anything but return his smile and hope it doesn’t look too dopey. 
Maybe Eddie would want to try this again during movie night this week. Steve reaches up to grasp his other wrist, properly encircling Eddie’s neck with his arms, and sinks further into Eddie’s hold. The kids would hate it. 
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brightdeadthing · 11 months
if you would like, a web weaving on changelings?
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jean-paul sartre / blue kid / holly black / clarice lispector / @a-story-of-atoms / andrés cerpa / natalie wee / silas denver melvin (x2) / the amazing devil / ada limón
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gingergari · 1 month
Ooh for Toad Peach AU how did the first meeting go with the officials of the Beanbean Kingdom? Ohh maybe more on Peach and Peasley's becoming friends. Does he help her feel a little more confident in her true form? Gimme all of the dynamics hehe
idk why i thought i dreamed this ask but i forgot you sent it 😭 here ya go!
the beanbean and mushroom kingdoms have an extremely close relationship that’s rather old, and as such the births of both heirs were highly celebrated by both families.
here, peasley is roughly 1 year older than peach, and the betrothal between the two was set up very early so the two do not remember their first meeting as they were infants at the time. but still, they visited peach many times before her debutante.
peach’s parents died in a horrific incident i still haven’t detailed when she was around 3-4, which did result in queen bean reaching out more often as peach grew older to offer additional guidance and support :]
but back to peasley and peach, they were thick as thieves and peasley introduced her to fencing! toadsworth wasn’t a fan at first but eventually relented (whatever endears her to peasley, plus any experience with a weapon could come in handy if the mushroom kingdom were to ever leave the peacful era). she’s quite adept in both forms, but prefers to fence in human form. it isn’t something she practices often in current day but it’s something she treasures the memories of alongside trying his bean pillow and learning about beanbean allies and his travels :]
though, as they got older, the two became more aware of their betrothal and what would follow, but things weren’t clicking so they decided to experiment a little (read: they kissed and neither of them liked it. sad!) but neither have brought up calling anything off as both are quite fine with something contractual if it came down to it (but peach would call it off if peasley asked)
at peach’s debutante, they danced together first as a show of the kingdom relationship, and when the first attack/kidnapping happens, the beanbean kingdom offered aid and refuge (little fungitown)
re: her appearance and peasley—she initially meets the beanbean family in toad form, but as she got older this became rarer as experience (and her self image) became priority. peasley makes sure to praise her toad form’s beauty when he sees it, and when mario does come into the picture is of the firm opinion alongside daisy that he does not deserve her if he doesn’t like her true form. on most days she agrees with him
as for superstar saga, he still arrives to the mushroom kingdom ahead of time and toadiko volunteers to take peach’s place instead of birdo (the effect is later undone before peach arrives in the beanbean kingdom)
post superstar saga, the two meet (peach crownless) to discuss their love interests, and their betrothal is officially called off. consequent meetings with the beanbean kingdom are held in her toad form :]
#gari’s asks#nintendo#smb#toad peach au#princess peach#prince peasley#ty key ily 🩵#oh my god i hate tumblr no i did not click on that notification i was working on a draft 😭#for clarification: mario and luigi know about her toad form by superstar saga#i’m not sure if peach ever publicizes their relationship but they are more explicit/open after superstar saga#but overall peasley is a treasured confidant before daisy enters the picture#and i imagine that peasley would give her gifts from other kingdoms since between her preparations and toadsworth she never left the castle#so peach has a healthy love of travel#i feel like peach wouldn’t have wanted to call off the betrothal first and foremost bc of how much she loves queen bean#like she knows that it wouldn’t change but still#also after the debutante and the bowser thing that’s the only thing saving her from a marriage plot working#kind of. you know what i mean#peasley visited a few times after her debutante but he did not meet mario or luigi until superstar saga#(they weren’t isekai’d yet or mario was away or sick)#half wrote this off the seat of my pants but it is mainly based of what i wrote about their relationship in my notes#i did write that she was gonna get married at like. age 23-25 but im still figuring out the timeline so rn superstar saga happens when shes#a lot later than that i think. i don’t want everything to be so compressed but if i want everything to fit in a certain timeline i need#to do some adjustments on timeframe and/or maybe make peach younger when smb happens#peasley and daisy have a lighthearted rivalry 👍🏽
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bropunzeling · 9 months
I was rereading your mattdrai sex pollen fic the other day and kept wondering how all of that would've seemed to Matthew. So if that pov flip sparks, I'd love to get insight into his brain in any scene of it!
It's probably stupid, taking Leon home with him. If Matthew were smarter -- he can practically hear Brady laughing at him, which, fuck off, imaginary Brady -- he would've order the Uber to the hotel where the visiting team always stays, hauled Leon into the elevator and shoved him into his hotel room, and stayed there until Leon texted a trainer. Then, and only then, would Matthew have bailed, and he would've been right to do so.
But something about Leon makes it far too easy for Matthew to make stupid choices. So instead, he's taking Leon home with him.
He feels somewhat better about it when he sees how out of it Leon is, wobbling his way up the path to the front door, fever hot to the touch. Leon's still as hard as he was in the hall on the way to the restaurant bathroom, but Matthew is devoting his considerable focus to getting them inside the house, and not thinking about -- that.
"This is your house," Leon says, sounding childishly bewildered as Matthew struggles with the door.
"I'm not leaving you at some hotel by yourself," Matthew retorts. It's harder to deal with the keys than he thought. Leon's presence, he's sure. He's had months to get over himself, but Leon barely has to say a word for Matthew to relapse. God fucking damn it.
Hauling Leon inside is hard. Not in the way it was a few years ago, both of them grappling for control, slamming into walls and the corners of furniture in an effort to be the one with the upper hand, back when the way they pushed and pulled at each other was half the fun. No, it's hard because Leon is dead weight, hanging off of Matthew like a limpet. There's no ignoring how hard Leon is now -- unnaturally hard, Matthew reminds himself, it's not because Leon wants him, it's because something's really fucking wrong -- or how hot his skin is to the touch. Like no fever Matthew's ever seen.
"Okay," Matthew says, once he's deposited Leon on the couch. He takes one, then two steps back, just to put some space between them; barely ignores the way Leon visibly swallows. God, Leon looks so -- is it fucked up to be this into Leon when he's like this, out of his mind, not under his own control, dark-eyed and sweaty and so turned on he can barely say anything to Matthew? Probably. But fuck, Matthew is.
Not like that's new, though. Matthew's been into Leon any and every way he could have him for years.
"You're -- what do you need?" Matthew asks, tearing his gaze away from Leon's face to look at the walls, the fireplace, his stupid Stepbrothers print, anything that isn't Leon. "To feel better?"
"I--" Leon says haltingly. When Matthew glances at him, automatic, Leon just shrugs. Fucking figures.
"Leon." Maybe Matthew shouldn't have done this. Maybe he should've done like Leon asked and left him alone. But Matthew's not even sure how to do that. Not even after Leon left him on radio silence, ignoring every text Matthew sent. Didn't stop him from walking up to Leon, did it. Didn't stop him from bringing Leon home, bringing him here. Doesn't stop him from wanting to figure out just how to get Leon to stop hurting, to stop looking like he's barely holding together on Matthew's new sectional. He chews his lip, feeling the spot that always cracked and peeled back in Calgary. "You -- does it help? When I touch you?"
Slowly, Leon nods.
"Okay. Okay."
Matthew has to psych himself up to walk over to the couch. Remind himself that even if it hurts, it'll be worth it. That's how being with Leon has always been, pain and pleasure all tangled up until Matthew's brain doesn't know the difference anymore. But he does it, takes those steps, reaches out and cups Leon's face with one hand. Feels Leon's beard, strangely soft under his palm. "Like this?"
He feels more than hears Leon inhale. Then: "I -- more."
Matthew's pulled like a marionette, other hand reaching before he knows what he's doing. He wants to dig in his nails, leave marks. Wants to cup Leon's face like the most precious thing he's ever had. His thumb moves slowly along Leon's cheekbone, a gesture he can't help, revealing as it is. "Is this enough?"
Leon's eyes are shut. He doesn't look when he shakes his head.
"Leon," Matthew says. He bends down, closer. From here he can see the wrinkles around Leon's eyes, the small freckles and moles dotting his face. Learning them anew. His heart is pounding hard. He thinks he knows what Leon might say next, but he's not -- he needs to help, but if Leon asks him to -- "I can't," he says, fear making his tongue go too fast. "You have to give me something."
Slowly, Leon opens his eyes. Then --
It's not a good kiss. Too rough, too dry, too fast. But Matthew wants it -- fuck, he knew it would happen, and he wanted it, and he -- he can't do this right now, not if Leon doesn't mean it, not if --
Matthew pulls away, even though it's so fucking hard to do it. Watches Leon hiss through his teeth, like it actually hurt to stop, even though it should be hurting Matthew more. Matthew's the one who had to give this up, after all. "Leon," he says, and he hates how his voice shakes. "This better not -- if this is some kind of fucked up joke --"
Leon shakes his head. When he speaks, his voice is soft, slurred, like he can barely get the words out fast enough. "I'm not fucking with you. I don't -- I don't know what's happening to me, but it feels better when I touch you. When I..." He trails off, swallows. Matthew watches the bob of his throat; can't look away. When Leon looks at him, his eyes are wide and dark and pleading. Leon's never been good at hiding anything, not even when he wants to; there's no way he doesn't mean this. "It's the only thing that's helped," he says, and Matthew believes it.
Matthew shuts his eyes. Now is the time to stop. Turn back. There has to be something else, some other way. Has to be something that isn't going to leave Matthew's heart out in the open, unsheltered by his ribs, where Leon can bruise it all over again.
Even as he thinks that, though, he knows there isn't anything else. Not really. Not when Leon's asking like this, trusting in Matthew to help. Even now, even though he knows better, Matthew knows he can't say no.
Not when he wants to touch Leon so badly it hurts.
"Fuck," he says. "This is such a bad idea."
Then he opens his eyes. Looks at Leon -- sweating and flushed; expression so open and vulnerable that Matthew almost wants to hide him away, keep anyone else from seeing it.
"Fuck it," he says, and kisses Leon back.
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hyperfixated-homo · 1 year
y’know it kinda feels like psychological horror is kinda perfect for Leo, but i still wanna hear your reasoning
Psychological horror is my favourite genre to read. Maybe it's because I'm so intrigued by understanding how others think, but it just really hits the spot for me.
There's such a heavy focus on our mental and emotional states in psychological horror that you don't get as much with other genres. That's part of the reason that I chose it for Leo, because it's not based on any real, tangible fear, but rather what is going on inside your head. It works well for him because Leo internalises literally everything! And represses the hell out of it! He's literally the perfect psych horror protagonist. He wouldn't trust himself- much less the people around him- with what he's thinking, which would lead to spirals and inevitably more dangerous situations.
I also think that Leo wouldn't be scared of that many other genres unless it was a very specific sort of fear caused by a phobia. I can imagine him maybe having a fear of death, or of losing his family, but neither of those fears have a full genre based on it (like Raph's fear of the paranormal). Both seem more likely to be used as plot devices in a psychological horror story.
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masonscig · 1 year
Man. I won't say I'm disappointed with this book, but I think the series is a whole lot better when the focus is on things being done TO the mc vs random people suffering because x wants their blood
Like, book one was about Murphy going after the mc. Simple clear threat that fits the tone of the books. Sure some other people died but I don't think it hindered anything
i liked book 2 because it was just a genuine supernatural problem. The carnival guys who's name I can't remember rn were just having a simple conflict of interest with wayhaven. I'm not mad at the trappers coming in at the end but I think a simple low stakes ending where they sign the treaty or don't would have been just as fitting
But book 3 was absolutely not ready to actually handle the dark topics it wanted to devle into. The scope of the plot was way to wide and it still managed to feel slow. If it were up to me I would have just had the trappers going after addie with no connection to mc. It would be lower stakes than like. A dozen or whatever kidnappings and wouldn't have made the actual romance (you know the focus of the books?) Feel so out of place tone wise.
Sorry for rambling into your ask box lol I just have many thoughts about book 3 (like the fact that on steam it sits alphabetically between book 1 and 2 so my steam games list goes 1 3 2. That's going to bug me forever)
HI <3 before i respond, don't apologize for leaving a long ask in my inbox! i absolutely love getting asks and especially ones that open up discussions! <3 thank you for this !! answering below the cut
you're so right about the differences between books. it's so much better when it's contained – the story for this was just too big for her to get her hands around. and that's awesome that she was ambitious! the story quality just suffered a lot bc of it. dude i LOVE that it was just One Guy Versus Unit Bravo for a while, because it was just so much more focused and allowed for more romance to bloom – and a huge reason i liked falk so much is that, like you said, it was a conflict of interest. he's not evil – just from another world with another cultural standard for "judgment". in book 3, it's literally a human (or supernatural in this case) rights violation. these are children – being kidnapped and attempted to be sold. this isn't a story that should have any lighthearted plot beats in the slightest – unless they were organic, and none of them felt that way
it's funny (not funny haha, funny weird) you say that about addie, because i was having an in depth discussion with friends about how much better the plot would flow if less people had been kidnapped. even just the idea that there are supernatural youth existing in wayhaven and that it is in fact, not safe for anyone! human or supernatural!
this book is just lacking the emotional impact plot-wise that it should, in my opinion, because she tried to cram so much into one book. that doesn't mean any of the plot points are bad, per se, they just needed to be workshopped, edited down, saved for later books, cut out completely – whatever makes the series flow better! and that's not to say any of these ideas are bad ideas – it's just unrealistic to write literally every possible idea for twc! there's going to be a point where there's too much to call back to and it's going to affect the story if those things aren't mentioned again yk?
also STOP ITS OUT OF ORDER ON STEAM??? LMAOOOO the cherry on top to a shit sundae huh.
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cuteiemonster · 2 years
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My piece for the @hermithorrors zine!! I had the honor of drawing Jevin’s face melting into slime!! ^-^
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stevethehairington · 1 year
i had plans to work on my big bang fic today but then the stommy brainrot got to me and i started working on a "recounting of steve's real first kiss, not the one he tells everyone about" fic and well... here's a lil snip of what i put down today:
Steve tells everyone that asks that his first kiss was Sheila Anderson when he was fifteen years old. But, really, that’s not true. It was Tommy Hagan. When he was fourteen. It was late in the night, late enough that it was starting to be early. Steve’s parents were out of town, and Tommy was spending the night, as he usually did when Steve had the house all to himself. Steve didn’t like how big and empty it felt when he was all by himself, but Tommy did. He told Steve he liked the freedom, liked the quiet — no parents to tell him what to do, no sisters to argue with or fight for the bathroom. So whenever Steve’s parents disappeared (which was becoming more and more often these days), he invited Tommy over.  They were sharing Steve’s bed, Tommy on the left, Steve on the right, heads bent together and bodies curved towards each other like parentheses. All of the lights were off, and the sheets were pulled over their heads. Even though it was just the two of them here, no parents to bust them for being up well past lights out, it felt wrong not to burrow themselves beneath the covers. There was something sacred about hiding away under them, anyways. Just Steve and Tommy and all of their secrets, tucked into their own little bubble, safe from the rest of the world. Untouchable. Steve liked that. Liked feeling that way with Tommy. It was Tommy that started talking about girls first. He was recounting the story that Mike Lewenski had told him the other day about Vicki Carmichael and how she’d grabbed him by the wrist at lunch and tugged him out behind the school gymnasium and kissed him. Tommy told Steve that when he asked Mike how it was, Mike said sticky. Steve wrinkled his nose at that, and Tommy laughed, loud in the otherwise quiet room. His knees jerked forward, bumping into Steve’s, and he hadn’t moved them back into his own space. “Sticky?” Steve repeated. “Yeah,” Tommy said, the ‘duh’ unsaid, but implied. He pointed at his own mouth. “‘Cause of the lipgloss.” Steve’s eyes followed the path of Tommy’s finger, flickering over his lips, full and pink and curved into a wicked sharp smile. His teeth were so white, practically glowing, even in the dark. “Oh,” Steve said, distracted. “Oh,” Tommy echoed, mocking, and laughed again. He continued prattling on about Mike and Vicki, telling Steve that he wasn’t jealous of Mike beating them all to the punch because Vicki was pretty and all, but Mike hadn’t been her first kiss, and Tommy thought it was kind of weird for the girl to have more experience. “That’s just not how it’s s’posed to be, y’know?” He said. Steve was inclined to agree. Not because he thought it was weird for a girl to have more experience than a boy, but because he wanted it to be special. For both of them. He wanted to share the experience with someone.
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cathartidae · 22 days
ive seen some people on tiktok who keep pet monkeys inside their house and i wanna know if thats really horrible and or stupid...
yeah abso fuckin lutely. there are certain very small i think it's bushbabies (?) and mouse lemurs (? please don't quote me on either of the two) that COULD hypothetically be kept as pets, but due to their intelligence and habits they need an insane amount of enrichment and space to keep them properly happy and healthy, so i wouldn't say that any private keeper should do that.
bigger monkeys are typically worse as well, because when they get bigger (chimps and great apes especially) they do not at all know their strength and can seriously harm people. in addition, once again their intelligence and natural habits are something that one private keeper won't be able to fulfill. this includes stuff like spider monkeys, large lemurs, and especially great apes.
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fraudefiscal · 7 months
In all honestly I was just gonna like one post and move on but I saw your blog name and it's the best thing ever, please never change it.
this is actually the nicest compliment I've ever received in this blog, thank you ^^ (te saludo desde la cárcel con cadena perpetua :D)
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April Update!
Howdy! Cobalt here, as many of your guys know It’s Showtime and its characters/story are gonna be turned into a horror game by the same title. So for both Gamejolt and this blog I am gonna start trying to do monthly updates on development. I think it’ll be a good way to put into perspective how much progress is being made each month and keep you guys in the know about how things are going. These are gonna be formatted with work made that month going first and then afterwards any other small announcements or thoughts we’d like to share on development. That or things that weren’t created that month that I basically keep stored in case we have months where progress is slow or I can’t show much behind the scenes stuff. These logs will likely contain personal stuff too, since with me and my partner being the main heads of the project. Our well-being or IRL goals are relevant to how much work is being done. Also while developing Showtime I intend to create other games similar to it, to sort of learn and test the waters + Since those ones aren’t tied to an IP I can actually make money off of them. Something I can’t [or at least not without Mike n Meatly’s permission I suppose] with Showtime or its characters.
April was sadly, not my month, I found out I was vitamin D deficient and got a slight fever. So I spent a lot of days tired and recovering from that. Progress has still been made though, mostly on learning 3D modeling more, I’m almost done with a model I’m making for someone else actually and while it is not perfect by any means… I think it looks really awesome for being my maybe fourth or third model and it’ll be my first truly finished model as well. I also have made good progress on writing both dialogue and summaries of Showtime’s story. I did particularly get ideas for a good chunk of Showy's campaign however, which involves a character I was on the fence about including in Encore!... Until very recently... Art wise not too much has been done specifically this month besides some concept art for cycle designs and some progress on textures for the studio. But that’s okay cause we’re not really at a spot where major progress can be made art wise yet. There’s so much more I want to share but I’ll be doing my best to space out those things out between updates. So no update is too long or too short with nothing interesting in there. Also sorry this is all so vague and non-specific I’m gonna try and get in the habit of actually documenting what work is being done on Showtime monthly from now on, so I’ll be able to be more specific about what parts are being chipped away at.
So onto something that didn’t happen this month but is important we have decided to switch to Unity instead of Unreal Engine 4. I’d like to take some time to explain why and also make sure nobodies too anxious over the change. For one thing, not a lot of progress was made on Unreal Engine, you could hear footsteps as you walked, use a buggy animation to enter a miracle station and the map was just a room full of lights. This is due to the fact while working in Unreal Engine was interesting and I learned quite a bit, I found myself often feeling it was not a good fit for Showtime and that trying to make it so was fighting against the engine as opposed to working with it. Unreal Engine seems to be built for realistic, open world or multiplayer FPS type games. That’s not to say you can’t make anything else with it, but finding tutorials for things I wanted to do was. Basically a nightmare because youtube was flooded with videos on how to make those games specifically. Another big aspect however was the general style. Unreal Engine is great if you want very realistic lighting and have a computer that can tank the sort of weight of that too. Neither is true for me however, Showtime’s characters are all very stylized, our humans are cartoony have clear shapes and most of all, I just want Showtime’s overall style to pay loving homage to 1930’s and general 2D Animation. I think both are really underappreciated and god do I love them. Also I’m making this on literally a laptop, a new one and not a janky one by any means, but still not a desktop. Unreal Engine works great for those who know how to use it and want to create the games it was optimized for, but it’s not ideal for my purposes, Godot seems promising but Unity is just great at specifically doing what I want to do with Showtime. It’s great for beginners to Game Development, has plenty of tutorials for all kinds of games and is very flexible in style. Sadly nothing is better at being Unity than Unity right now. I’m still mad about what the CEO did, and I’m glad for those who were able to switch engines to those with better management but it’s not really an option for us currently. Of course, this will put things back a bit but I’ve already been learning how to build a basic map in Unity and so far have only run into a few issues. Still I would love any advice on how to do this, esp from those who had made games similar to BATIM and other mascot horrors. [I have been thinking of building the maps inside Blender first and then importing them into Unity, to see if that’s easier or practical, but mostly I would love to hear what others commonly do to build such intricate interior design in Unity.] Either way while this month wasn’t terribly exciting by no means was no work done, just nothing too fun to show off yet.
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falling over things,,, trippingow fuck my shin, sprinting to ao3 to read chap 5 for some good soup 😭
🥹🥣 have fun! star wars au is (and will continue to be) a little weird🫠 but i hope you like it 🥺💕
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irlusa · 11 months
“blue” for the fanfiction guessing game!
“Ivan, is the muzzle really necessary?” He whined out, soft blue eyes turned upwards in a pleading pout. “You know I don’t bite.”
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moonsmultimusings · 6 months
“ Keep trying and you'll succeed. ” ( @ yoosung! )
5-Word Sentence Prompts - Accepting ☾
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There were times when Zen could be a bit… what was a good word for it? Narcissistic? Or maybe… self-obsessed? He may even spring for something like cringe-inducing at times. There were times when he opened the chatroom on his phone while walking between classes, only to see a selfie posted with more than a big of bragging, and a bit too much encouragement from Jaehee. But, at the same time, there were instances when he truly did feel like Zen was a reliable person. Someone he could come to with his worries who would support him. A shoulder he could lean on. More than Seven, who might not understand the severity of his problem, or Jumin, who was probably the last person anyone would seek out for any sort of emotional support. Jaehee, too, was too busy. She had enough on her plate already. When Rika's arms were no longer held out to him, and he distrusted V too much to even consider him an option, he found Zen waiting for him.
There were instances, too, where Zen tried to offer some unsolicited advice that wasn't taken to heart. Little things about how he needed to quit playing LOLOL to get a girlfriend, and how he needed to change his diet and work out more. These were often ignored on his part, dismissed outright. While they weren't untrue, they seemed like large steps. Too large for him to try and take reliably. But… he recognized the thought behind them. That Zen was speaking from a place of concern.
In that sense, Zen was a bit like an older brother to him. One who would tease him on occasion, sure, but who was still there for him. He was someone who could be relied on, someone to run to when things became a bit too much. So, at the end of the day, the encouragement offered here still retained its weight.
'Keep trying and you'll succeed,' he could say, so casually, with so much certainty. How could Zen sound so sure of something that was so difficult to predict? There was no way to know, was there? There was so much uncertainty in the future, so much he couldn't know until he let go of the past. As hard as that felt, he couldn't hold on forever. He needed to keep trying. That was the key. He wasn't there yet.
“You… think so?” he asked, searching for any semblance of that certainty in his own tone. “I hope that's true. I really do want to find a way to succeed. Even after everything that's happened… I can keep trying, right?” Even if it seemed difficult. Sometimes even impossible. “And someday, I'll find a way to bury her in my heart. Like Jaehee said.” He drew in a deep breath to steady himself. “Thanks, Zen. I appreciate it.”
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rillette · 2 years
What’s a fandom trope you hate?
making hal irresponsible or a loud mouth lol. Hal is pretty laid back and quiet, and he's definitely not irresponsible.
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