justinempire · 27 days
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Justin Empire
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...you dream of my mouth before it called you a LYING TRAITORR
a lyrical investigation of "Is it Over Now?" by the one and only Taylor Swift
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(moodboard by me, images from pinterest)
This song became one of my favorites from 1989 tv <3 A sad song disguised as a bop. :")
This song details an on-off relationship in all its tumultuous highs and lows, with Taylor's innermost thoughts coming out in the best possible way, detailing all the frustration, bitterness and anger after the end of a relationship (or is it?)
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"Once the flight had flown, with the wilt of the rose" refers to the fact that this was probably post relationship. "Flight" calls back to the line "2 paper airplanes flying" from Out of the Woods, which Taylor uses to describe the fragility of the relationship due to the fact that paper airplanes do not stay in the air for long.
"Wilt of the rose" brings to mind some Beauty and the Beast imagery-
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signifying that what limited time they had was over. It could also be a callback to "Slut!"--"Love thorns all over this rose". Assuming that "this rose" is referring to Taylor, wilting could mean that she had her heart broken.
The use of rose in singular form also implies that it is the type of rose that's typically in a vase, with the short lifespan of 5-7 days, reflecting upon the short lifespan of their relationship and how fragile it was. Despite that, it was beautiful while it lasted.
At the same time, it is more possible that it could be a reference to Clean, with the lyrics "When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst."
"I slept all alone, you still wouldn't go" strikes me as very similar to this one line in Clean ("You're still all over me like a wine stained dress I can't wear anymore.") in the sense that after the relationship was over, this guy still haunted her, she still could not stop thinking about him, as though he was right there with her.
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"Let's fast forward to 300 takeout coffees later" is a clever way to show the passage of time. After 300 days (roughly a year..? assuming she drinks coffee everyday) she still see his profile in unsuspecting waiters. Perhaps a reference to Holy Ground, where she sings "I still see your face in every crowd." She was not over him then, and perhaps subsconciously wants to see him again.
"You dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor" is a tricky one. "Lying traitor" suggests at a deception and betrayal. This is kind of a reference to both "Say Don't Go" and "Suburban Legends".
In "Say don't Go" she sings "Why'd you have to lead me on?" and in Surburban Legends "I broke my own heart because you were too polite to do it". Perhaps the deception is making her believe that he too felt the same intensity of affection for her, but in the end he was unable to "say the one thing" she had been wanting.
"You dream of my mouth" could be a reference to "Wildest Dreams"-- Red lips & rosy cheeks. He dreams of her before she called him out.
"You search in every maiden's bed for something greater, baby!" is a vicious and sassy line. It suggests that "he searched the world for something else" to make himself feel a fraction of what he felt for her. She's also calling him out for being promiscuous at the same time.
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"Was it over when she laid down on your couch?" This could be a reference to his infidelity, his betrayal. Alternatively, it could also mean that this was post break up, when he was with another person, trying to forget about her. In this lyric, she asks him whether he still thinks of her when he's in another relationship.
"Was it over, when he unbuttoned my blouse?" She reverses this question back at herself, when she was also in a new relationship, trying to forget about him.
"Come here, I whispered in your ear in your dream as you passed out" suggests that she still appears and beckons to him in his dreams even when the relationship was over.
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"When you lost control, red blood white snow" is a reference to the infamous snowmobile accident where "Remember when you hit the brakes too soon//20 stitches in the hospital room" happened. In this verse, she seems to be reminiscing upon moments in their relationship. (perhaps going towards the end of their relationship?)
"Blue dress, on a boat" addresses the famous photo of Taylor sitting on a boat alone.
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She then says "your new girl is my clone" (which is one of the best delightful lyrics in the whole song!!! that's just WILD!!) which reflects upon the bitterness and rage that she feels, seeing her ex have a new person in their life that looks exactly like her.
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"There were flashing lights" suggests that she sees her ex moving on with multiple people after their break-up in the news, and the hurt and humiliation she feels, thinking that he moved on so quickly from her. "At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight" shows that she fought hard to keep her own dates after their breakup out of his knowledge, but he was not as considerate to do so.
"Oh lord, I think about jumping, off of very tall somethings, just to see you come running.." suggests at the intrusive thoughts that she has about capturing his attention once again. How far will she go to get his attention is exaggerated here to add a nice touch of dramatics.
"And say the one thing I've been wanting, but no!" parallels "Say don't Go" in the lyrics, "I say I love you, you say nothing back." suggesting that his response is still hanging there, with her desperately hoping that he would say something back.
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I find it interesting how 300 takeout coffees are replaced by "awkward blind dates". Could this be suggesting at the ways she moved on after the relationship?
300 takeout coffees -> drowning her sorrows? 300 awkward blind dates-> trying to move on by dating other people?
OR it could also be on those awkward blind dates, she drank all those cups of coffee. Coffee is supposed to make you stay awake, so perhaps she was fighting hard to stay awake while with them? "Awkward" also suggests that she could not have the same strong connection that she had with her ex. (just a theory ahahaha)
BEST LINE: if she's got blue eyes, i will surmise that you'll probably date her!
Surmise basically means "i guess" and i like the way taylor uses it, it adds so much oomph to the song. She further implies how the relationship was not over (or at least how he wasn't over her yet) by dating people who look similar to her.
disclaimer: just my own intepretation of the songs! not speculation of what happened in taylor's personal life :)
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adiluv-moved · 1 year
being a writer is fun because every so often you get to figure out that you've been reading a word wrong for the entirety of your life
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cruell-summers · 11 months
"your new girl is my clone" would've caused deaths in 2014 what the FUCK
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macantu1 · 2 years
Rejoice Always
1 Samuel 2:1
Then Hannah prayed and said: “My heart rejoices in the Lord; in the Lord my horn is lifted high. My mouth boasts over my enemies, for I delight in Your deliverance.
You know there is a difference between our heart and physical being. The heart is what God looks at. Hannah is a perfect example. Chapter 1 she prays to God in her heart; Eli the priest thinks she is drunk; she gets pregnant and now we are here in chapter 2. Her heart again rejoices. She prayed for a child and she got one.
• 1 Samuel 1:12-14... As she kept on praying to the Lord, Eli observed her mouth. Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard. Eli thought she was drunk and said to her, “How long are you going to stay drunk? Put away your wine.”
Another observation or side note: Eli is a priest. Even priests make mistakes. They are flawed also just like us. In Eli's case he surmised, meaning that he thought she was drunk without confirmation of the truth.
• Philippians 4:4-7... Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
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seaseren · 5 months
My brain supplied "Alphinaud making a replica of Sharlayan in minecraft" and then immediately followed it up with "Fourchenault got investigated by the forum for leaking state secrets because Alphinaud made some very, very educated guesses."
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zillychu · 9 months
Consider for a moment: A slow-burn identity reveal “no one knows” AU with an emphasis on ghosts being taken seriously as an actual, world-changing threat.
Ghosts are treated as an exceedingly dangerous, but unavoidable force of nature. They can come and go without warning, through naturally occurring spontaneous portals. They're territorial, driven only by obsession and hunger for the living. Particularly powerful ghosts are on par with natural disasters.
Life goes on because there's simply no other option. All major buildings have varying levels of ghost shields, some stronger than others. Just about everyone has some form of personal shield, weapon, or general deterrent. For the most part, humanity takes this apocalypse in stride, barely keeping it all together because there's just enough safety to keep them all sane.
Which is why the rumors of Phantom being able to fully mimic a human body incites panic in Amity.
Phantom was already a nightmare as it was–one of the most powerful and intelligent ghosts on record. His territorial fights with other ghosts for haunting (hunting) grounds in Amity have made global news several times already. Powerful ghosts could appear more human–but to think he was transforming down to a cellular level? Hiding among them? Bypassing ghost shields and alarms? Picking them off one by one?
The focus is mostly with Lancer's class, and how the school deals with this new threat on top of everything else. Everyone is a suspect, no one is safe, and Danny Fenton in particular gets slowly more and more exhausted, apathetic, and… unnerving.
The stress, the lack of sleep, the fighting, no one to turn to, not even his best friends or family–it takes a toll on him. Starving himself doesn't help, but he refuses to do more than take small bites from the ambient life energy and emotion of the living around him. Nothing that won't actually do lasting harm. He begins to slip up more and more, which Sam and Tucker begin to notice but haven't quite connected the dots yet.
But, well. What else can Danny do when Pariah Dark comes knocking on Amity’s doorstep, and his whole class is in the line of fire?
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scootsaboot · 11 months
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thinking about Eddie & hyacinths again
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nano30cm · 5 months
Can you draw Harold please?
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i drew harold please :)
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justinempire · 27 days
(Justin Empire) Surmise 
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she is a) aware of the echatere bite scar, b) very detail-oriented, and c) not always fantastic at timing
finished this one up for @tes-summer-fest free day :'D
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giantchasm · 8 months
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 8 months
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is this anything?
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fernfloppercus · 11 months
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He feels very pretty Xo)
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himawanai · 11 months
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i know like 3 things max about trigun
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