#surprised with how i havent shared this here yet
xostomachaches · 4 months
ah, it's a wonderful cat life ! | ❤💙🐾
music / original lyrics: Nem
original illustration: Tama
translation: SirHamnet on yt
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earlgreytea68 · 15 days
i dont actually know the general consensus on I Am My Own Muse but to me it very clearly feels like pete addressing the fans directly - almost like a conversation? like the opening lines "here i am not sure you should take a chance. I like playing dumb letting you figure me out" basically completely summarises petes relationship with us during the early parts of this era. His uncertainty coming back but also the way he likes to keep us on our toes (like hes always done). His constant surprise that even one person appreciates his art. His odd fourth-wall-esque relationship w us - he always knows more than he lets on. like. these are crazy opening lines.
Especially looking at other songs petes addressed to us (namely thriller and our laywer). Those songs still feel like petes putting on a persona for our benefit. Hes talking to us through the mask he thinks we'll like best - but for his benefit not ours. In those songs he still wants to show his appreciation for the fans but hes afraid to be vulnerable about it. He hides behind tongue and cheek self deprecation (put this record down, we are bad news, we're only good to have almost famous friends... that whole song tbh) or like implication of rejection/disaster (we r not making an acceptance speech, car crash hearts, only thing i havent done yet is die) and its all glitz and distraction bc thats what he does. he will tell us their hearts beat for the diehards but not before telling us why its a bad idea. its defensive from the get go but in Muse he doesnt do that. yes he defends himself but his tone is balanced between resigned and resolute. its stripped down to just his own thoughts voiced aloud. it feels so much more genuine despite how much vaguer in address it is.
Also the general theme of this song is feeling hidden/secret (e.g. the angels didnt know his name, him feeling faded, feelings were tucked away) but trying to draw attention anyway(throw the year away, smash all the guitars, drop a bomb on things we care about) even if its hard/painful (twist the knife again, trying to keep it together).
This coupled with the title is a perfect representation of his journey as an artist in this era no? The vulnerability hidden in old songs and spoken word poems that he relives each night of the tour. An amalgamation of every little moment he created and tucked away is reborn on stage. And who has he shared this particular journey with??? The fans. It was us who he finally trusted with his works and words in the shows and we sang them back at him. Patricks journey alongside pete has felt more obvious bc of his whole demeanour but its pete who wrote his heart out to us. I think this song is a way of pete kinda of juggling this idea in his head before it ever took shape in thw real world. A way of connecting back with his audience. Not as an act of nostalgia but as moving on together. its a gorgeous song and it feels like a love letter to us in the very oarticular way a love letter from pete wentz feels like. its not soft or even sweet but it leaves you feeling comforted and stronger anyway. its solidarity yk.
ANYWAYS thats my ramble for today hope it was worthwhile <33 i really had to get that one out otherwise i may have exploded. can you tell smfs as an album and an era is my baby. sorry this is such a long one lol. hope you r having a great day :)
Awwww I *love* this. I *adore* "I Am My Own Muse" and I always have and I love everything you say about it. To write a song that sounds like that and then call it so deliberately "I Am My Own Muse," like, that we are there and ever-present but in the end he's got to come from his own authentic place. And it's like his instinct is to play a little coy and not be so vulnerable, but also he just wants to scream so someone hears him: Smash all the guitars 'til we see all the stars, like, he's screaming so that we will all see. He's trying so hard to keep it together, keep it together, so smash all the guitars 'til we see all the stars, because we are all in it together, and throw the whole year away and start fresh.
Look, i am Peterick all the way, we all know, and I think I've even used lyrics from this song in a Peterick fic, but in my secret heart of hearts, if you really ask me to be serious, what do I think Pete Wentz is writing about........I kinda think he's always writing about us.
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Hi how are you ❤️? You write amazingly well <3
I was wondering, if you take requests, if you could write a Jack/Ethan fic inspired by "You're Losing Me" by Taylor Swift. (You can decide the ending, line sad or not)
Thanks you 💕
thank you!! yall love being heartbroken, me too!! requests are open, i love doing them :)
you and jack had been dating for a year when he got offered a role in scream vi. you were more than excited for him, even though it meant you would be spending a lot of time apart. you both decided you would do everything in your power to make it work, but lately that was proving to be easier said than done. the last couple of days you could barely get in touch with him. whenever he did reply it was small or dry remarks. you felt lonely in the apartment you once shared. sitting, staring at the walls that were once filled with laughter and love. feeling your phone buzz you are quick to check the notification. 
“hey babe sorry ive had a long day on set” 
“jack we havent talked in days. i don't understand” 
“i know you don't. listen i’ll call you tomorrow” 
crashing on your bed, tears begin to dwell in your eyes.
you say, "I don't understand" and I say, "I know you don't"
we thought a cure would come through in time, now, I fear it won't
remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light
now, I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time
pacing your room with your phone up to your ear you begin to grow anxious. jack broke his empty promise and didn’t call you. so now here you were, trying to piece it back together. as the ringing stops, a smile is cast across your face. 
“jack!! hey, i miss you”
“hey what did you want”
“well you said you were gonna call and i just wanted to check up on you” 
“im a little busy right now” 
“oh okay maybe we can call again later” 
a deep sigh is his only response. 
“is everything okay?” 
“no everythings not okay! i cant get anything done when youre bothering me all day. im working and all you want to do is talk about your day. im sorry but i really don't care right now”
“oh okay. i’ll let you go” 
throwing your phone onto your bed, you break down in sobs. 
do I throw out everything we built or keep it?
i'm getting tired even for a phoenix
always risin' from the ashes
mendin' all her gashes
you might just have dealt the final blow
you spent the evening on your bed, shaking with tears streaming down your eyes. you could only thing about how good things used to be. when you had a boyfriend who absolutely adored you. now it seemed like you had no one at all. your heart was racing a million hours per hour and yet you felt absolutely nothing. 
stop, you're losing me
i can't find a pulse
my heart won't start anymore... for you
'cause you're losing me
after that night, that call, you made it a point to stay out of jacks way. he would facetime you every now and then. while he got his hair done, goofing around on set, or just in his trailer. none of these times did he seem to notice that none of your smiles reached your eyes. your replies were empty and solemn. you were happy to see him so excited but apart of you hated him for not realizing what he had done. for not realizing how deep his words had truly affected you. 
“hey you okay” 
biting your nails behind the screen 
“lately not really” you honestly replied. 
“hang on mason's gotta tell me something. i’ll call you later. love you."
every mornin' I glared at you with storms in my eyes
how can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'?
i sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick
my face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick
your surprised to hear a knock at your door. you open it to reveal your curly headed boyfriend. he had stopped responding to you completely a few days ago, so saying you were shocked to see him was an understatement. tired of being the only one trying to keep the relationship afloat, you let out your frustration. 
“what are you doing here jack” 
“hey i just wanted to check up on you, i have a few days off” 
he brings you into a hug, but you stay stiff below him. 
“whats wrong?” he asks, picking up on your mood. 
“you ignore me for days and expect me to be excited to see you?” 
“ive been busy you know that” 
“jack we barely talk anymore. and when we do you blow me off in the first 5 minutes. hell you even told me to stop talking to you.” you explain, tears filling your eyes. 
“look im sorry, the movies just been taking up all my time."
“and the movies more important than me right?” you say barely above a whisper.
“no but this is my job, my life” 
“then maybe you should only worry about yourself” finally looking into his eyes.
“what are you trying to say” 
“im saying we’re done jack. i cant keep putting myself through hell only for you not to give a shit” 
“no c'mon we can make this work.”
“yeah thats what you said last time. please jack im going to ruin myself if this keeps happening.” 
you both are a crying mess at this point. 
not saying another word, jack leaves. 
and the air is thick with loss and indecision
i know my pain is such an imposition
now, you're running down the hallway
and you know what they all say
"you don't know what you got until it's gone"
the next morning you find a letter left at your front door. 
my love, 
i'm sorry. for absolutely everything. i love you endlessly. when the stars realign, i’ll be there. but for now, be with someone who can give you everything i couldn't. 
stop, you're losing me
i can't find a pulse
my heart won't start anymore... for you
'cause you're losing me
stop 'cause you're losing me
crumpling up the paper you begin to cry. 
i gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy
and all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier
fighting in only your army, frontlines, don't you ignore me
giving up so much of yourself, you were absolutely exhausted. the beautiful relationship you once had is now behind you. 
you're losing me
stop, you're losing me
i can't find a pulse, my heart won't start anymore
giving up the fight, you were at rest. 
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seldomscilence16 · 6 months
Alright so this all started with a lego set at work, turned into a long ass intro, then its 11 on Christmas Eve and I decide to just do the Christmas snippet and finish the rest/context later.
So please ignore spelling 😬 and Happy Holidays all! Also TW for a bit of Racism at one point, theres a bullying scene but a short one. "Well if it isnt..." is where it starts and "there a problem here." Is where it ends.
Hope you enjoy this snippet! Stay safe everyone and thank @autisticlancemcclain for the Bug boy Lance!
Lance could kick himself.
He knows better than this. He knows what happens, he knows that once they get what they want, they'll leave.
And yet, here he is, spending hard earned money, on four classmates. Sure he'd saved them for last, focusing on his families gifts first and foremost- its the main reason he got the job, part going to saving for emergencies, the rest to spend on Christmas- but he was doing the thing he'd sworn off.
No people. People hurt and use and lie and tease. Lance was supposed to he strong until college, his fresh start, but then these four had to go and be NICE and do their part and- yeah the bar was really low...
"This isnt going to end well." He mumbles, the hustle and bustle of the mall overwhelming with holiday traffic and leaving him worn out before he even enters an actual store.
He scans aisle after aisle, berating himself for putting so much thought into something he wasnt even supposed to be doing. His eye catches something green and he comes to a halt. Its legos, one of those collectors sets that costs an arm and a leg, but Lance hadn't even known Lego did THIS.
'The insect collection'.
"Blue Morpho Butterfly, Hercules Beetle, and a Chinese Mantis." He breathes in awe, eyes scanning every detail.
"Well if it isnt Mclame."
His head snaps up, a group of classmates before him, most of which are his very reason for his No People rule.
"Still a freak about bugs I see, surprised you havent married one yet- maybe even they dont want you!" He snorts when he laughs, a strange noise from the back of his throat that remind Lance of a Donkey or Pig.
"Not like he could even afford it, if you want you can have your mom come clean my house." One girl taunts from the back, Lances blood boiling at the blatent racist remark despite Lance's CUBAN heritage.
"If you do have money to spare you should buy me lunch instead, for having to be in your vecinity for this long." Another boy plugs his nose, like he showers every day. Lance sits behind him in English, and he does not.
"There a problem here kids?" A man in the mall security uniform eyes them all carefully, eyes giving Lance a once over that makes him uncomfortable.
"No sir." He replies polity, deciding another store may hold better finding anyway- at least better company.
Lance's budget was low to begin with, but eventually he comes up with ideas for the four.
It starts with Hunks treats. The things that get them through their library sessions when the projects blur. And Lances job allows him access to plenty of people who would love to share things with anyone who will listen. So painstakingly, Lance translates recipes to paper as the older generations he enteracts with give him a little baking show.
Shiro's, surprisingly, comes next. A single comment about how much he hates ruined shirt sleeves, as they get caught on his prosthetic port. Its winter, and tank tops simply wont do, so Lance finds himself knitting in his spare time. Doing hours of research to see what possibilities will be the most comfortable, with of course a very lame joke on the front.
Pidge's was an accident. Lance's bike- sabataged it would seem- leaves him crashing off path in a ditch on his way home from work. He ends up limping his way through thick folliage, dragging a broken bike in the late hours of the afternoon. The little squeak is almost ignored, the second one however, well its Lance.
The little thing is a puffball, Lance was almost sure it was a toupé, until it moved and blinked at him. He thinks its a dog, no idea what kind, but its tiny and fluffy and following him home. Lance has three allergic family members, but Pidge mentioned a family dog who had sadly passed away and nearly broke Lances heart. The green eyes tell him this little thing will be a lovely match.
Keith is the hardest. Lance honestly almost buys a knife, because the guy is a conspiracy theorist and gets into way too much trouble not to have a few knives on him. But it doesnt seem right.
But Lance see's how often he doodles.
Freakin gorgeous doodles.
Then he finds the brand 'Keff Artistry' and its too close to 'Keef' for Lance to pass up.
He almost tells his family to simply lock him up and burn the gifts, but then they'd be worried and he's trying to avoid that thank you, hes been doing an excellent job masking his turmoil thus far.
So, the day before Christmas Eve, Lance gathers his gifts in trembling hands, and slips out of the house unseen. If this turns into a mess, he'll deal with it himself this time. He has to grow up eventually, he cant keep crying about bullies to his family, its not a big deal anyway.
"What the heck happened to your face!?" Pidge's incredulous tone has everyone eyes snapping towards said face.
"Its nothing, bike accident." Lance shrugs it off, as he'd done when he'd come home with it, he had too little proof anyway. Anyone could have carved 'McLame' into the side of it.
"Accident huh?" Its mumbled by someone, but Lance cant place it and decidedly ignores it anyway.
"I uh... have gifts... for you guys." He changes the subject, directing the attention to the bags he carries.
"For us?" Hunk asks, eyes wide and sparkly, "You know you didnt have to buddy."
Well, supposedly.
"Yeah, its not much, but uh, here." He hands them out carefully, extra careful with Pidge's.
"Guess its a good thing we brought ours to you then." Shiro says, pulling a wrapped box from the spare chair.
Lance's eyebrows furrow, staring at the box in confusion, perhaps with a little trepidation,
"You guys got me something?"
"Yeah! We all pitched in!" Pidge grins at him, something she does sparingly- grin that is.
He takes it with clammy hands, still shaking ever so slightly. He holds it to his chest as he watches the others open their bags, watches their faces carefully.
Hunk holds the hand bound book tenderly, eyes shining as he flips through the pages carefully.
Shiro stares in awe at his sweater, a chuckle escaping him as he runs his fingers over the soft material.
Pidge squeaks, as the small dog bumps its head against her face, cold nose sniffing excitedly. She holds the animal close, the dog snuggling up like he always belonged there.
Keith is staring at his gift. The art set held half out of the bag, as if he hadnt been expecting it. He turns wide eyes towards Lance, and the cuban can see the emotions there.
This is one of Lance's favorite parts about giving. When he did good in the eyes of the reciever, when they LIKE what he gave, genuinely. No matter its monetary value.
"Lance, this is amazing." Shiro breaks the silence, turning wide eyes his way, smile big and bright and real.
"I cant imagine how long this took, this is amazing! I havent even heard of some of these!!!" Hunk is tearing up, book hugged to his chest, grinning at Lance like he'd been given a great treasure.
"I cant believe you got me a dog! He's just a little puff!" The excitement is so nice to hear, its practically contageous.
"I... havent recieved something this nice from anyone but family before. Thanks Lance." Keith is downright shy as he admits this little fact about himself, and Lance could cry.
"I'm... really glad you guys like them."
"Now open yours!" Hunk encourages quickly, sitting to watch him intently, practically vibrating.
Lance could almost feel scared, but....
He allows himself a little hope.
He opens the paper gingerly, savoring his first gift from anyone outside of family. A corner is revealed, familiar for some reason, another inch-
Lego Ideas The Insect Collection.
"What-" It comes out choked, shock clear on his face.
Is it a joke? Are they mocking him? It was expensive, theres no way they'd spend that much on a joke right?
"Its the one you wanted right?" Pidge asks, a slight pinch to her brow.
"We only saw you from across the mall, so we didn't know- You're crying oh Gods, whats wrong Buddy-" Shiro Panics, quickly kneeling by the chair Lance had collapsed into.
"I don- Why- I can't- "
"Breathe! Come on-" Hunk exagerates his own, encouraging Lance gently to follow as he chokes on tears and air and spit alike.
"Its not a joke right?" He finally gets out, looking pleadingly to the group, running a reverant hand across the box, "You did this to be nice?" He can hear the vulnurability in his own voice, but he's about a second from breaking completely.
"Yes, yes, of course! All 1,111 pieces are inside!" Shiro assures quickly, rubbing a soothing hand over his shoulder and arm.
It gets a wet chuckle from Lance, as he pulls the box to his chest once more.
"No ones... thank you so much, I can't... can't tell you how much this means." He wipe at his face, "I'll repay you, I promise-"
"Hey, its a gift Lance." Keith says, voice softer than ever, "We wanted to get it for you."
"Merry Christmas Lance."
"Merry Christmas."
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brascu · 2 years
Alright, I saw some posts from people saying they didn’t enjoy Season 3 of The Umbrella Academy and although I think every one can have their own opinion, I’m here to tell you guys why you’re wrong (/j) and this is the best season yet and share how it made me like the first and second season. (all the spoilers, proceed with caution)
And I’ll start it by quoting dear Handler: Some things just don’t make sense... until they do.
She says that to Lila right after asking her to protect number Five. And like, I know her plan is all that “kill the higher ups, make shit for me and I’ll give you what you want”, but isn’t it funny how she lives for the Comission, she is the one to recruit Five and he is the founder of said Comission? 
Time is already not linear before Five is saved by her, she saved him because she works for an organization he will found. We were living a paradox since the begining. That’s why I feel some people are confused about the third part of the series, But my time-travel-loving self is more than happy.
Everything is conected.
Do you remember when Reginald dies and Luther says that in his last call the old man said for him to pay attention to who he trusts? And how Luther than asks Klaus to speak with Reginald so they can ask him if he was murdered? And when Klaus dies trying to help Luther, his father tells him 1) he’s dead 2) Reggie killed Reggie. By the end of season three, finally someone betrays Luther and kills him. Who? Reginald. Klaus goes into the void and finds out Reginald killed Luther. How Klaus ends up in the void this time? He helped Reggie and died in the end. What was going to happen in season 3 has already been told to us by the first season. Klaus only realized he died in season 3, but Reggie had already told him that.
When Allison is worried about Ray, after the protest, Klaus tells her that she needs some menudo, which is what he eats with his mother when he is finally understanding himself and his powers(and it’s also the menudo that get’s him together with his father once again). At this point in season 2, Allison havent used her powers since Viktor and she is currently afraid os loosing everything by using it again, like an addict.
Klaus than tells her that fable of the frog and the scorpion. That is about someone’s way of being remaining the same even if it ends up fucking everyone up, including the scorpion. But it’s also about making a deal with someone who wants to use you. This is foreshadowing both of them being used by Reginald, but also Allison vilanization arc. “The point is: frogs are bitches and we do not negotiate with terrorists”. Both negotiate with Reggie lol Klaus for his love and Allison for her life.
Klaus goes from a real mess in season 1 to the one that’s dealing better with all this shit, while Allison goes from the person who had her shit together to the most unstable one. Allison lived her first life getting everything she wanted and when she looses her “things” she acts like the spoiled brat she’s always been(the scorpion). We know she got her husband, her carrer and control over her daughter by using her powers. Why are we really surprised that she’s doing anything to get it back? 
In season 3 we understand why Reginald adopted 7 kids. In season one, they said that when Ben died, eveyone went their separate ways, so Reginald got him back, so he could unite the families, as he said he did to said Ben by the 10th episode of this season. If loosing a kid would fuck up his plans, he would’ve got more, but he didn’t did him?
And for those who wanted more of the sparrows this season, I must remind you that Reginald walks around with an umbrella, not with birds. Birds are nice, they are part of this scenary, but they’re not as useful as an umbrella. We see birds through all seasons and they are, indeed, important. But they are pieces to take the umbrellas where they need to go, to make the umbrellas do what they had to do, little pieces of Reginald’s game. And they “flew away” after doing what they needed to do. 
first season we had Agnes, who loved birds. Second season has Harlan always holding a little wooden bird. And the third season has the sparrow academy. Every one of these “birds” came in handy by the next season. Hazel takes that video to Five because Agnes asked. Harlan saves them from Christopher. And I’m pretty sure Sparrow Ben (and probably Sloane too) are gonna be fundamental next season.
Specially since we kinda got that feeling that Season 1 was about Luther, with the moon and beins a leader, Season 2 was about Diego, being his own batman and saving the president (also seeking revenge from his father) and Season 3 with Allison’s need for control and for things to go her way. Next one is Klaus’s, who’s been preparing himself since the first season.
Now he’s lost everything again, right? Scoup after scoup after scoup. Like he’s menudo being eaten. Brother, Lover, Mother and Power, or even the Void, where he likes to be and where he believes is his place, his found home. And Ben, his best friend and possibly lover, is back but not really but yes. I’m pretty sure he will try to stick to Ben and this is gonna be fundamental by the end. Why? Because even though Ben “is with them” now, he is not, just like in season 1. And what saves them from those armed guys is Klaus and Ben working together. I’m sure this was foreshadowed there. in season 3 Klaus was again responsible for uniting them all by the end of the season.
I think the main point is understanding that everything they’ve been through was to make them go into Oblivion with Reggie. They had no other choice. Both previous seasons happened so the third could happen. Every little detail.
Luther died because he voted against going to Oblivion because he met sloane because he was kidnapped because Marcus went missing because they caused a paradox because they were never born because Viktor saved Harlan because he ended up in Sissy’s place because he lost his memorys because he destroyed the moon because Luther decided to attack him against Allison’s will because she lost her voice because she fount out about Harold Jenkings because Diego got info on him because he was friends with Patch who died because Cha-cha and Hazel kidnapped Klaus because he was high because that’s how he coped with his powers because Reginald trumatized him because he wanted to control him and because he needed to be helped out of the pills he took because Pogo left him because he wanted to get the kids to the oblivion because he wanted to reset the universe. And you can do this with everything in this fucking show. and this is only possible to notice when you’ve seen the three timelines.
It’ like Reginald set up all those domino pieces and every move they make happens exacly acording to his plan. 
In first season when we see the flashback of the day Five got lost in time, there are two things to pay attention to: Reginald explains time travel in a way that would only make sense to those who had traveled already and he doesn’t even try getting up to go after him when he runs off. Five is the one sibling Reginald worked to have a high self steem, for him to disobey him and try time traveling, so he gets lost, so he comes back, so he guide his siblings to new 2019, so they go to oblivion. Old Five saying to little Five to not save the world is his way of trying to stop Reginald. The comission exists to try and kill little Five to stop Reginald. why? I don’t know lol  Some things just don’t make sense... until they do.
My point being that 1st and 2nd seasons kinda end in themselves in a nice way, but the third opens the wound again and we can better understand things we understood on them.
Before I stop, I just wanted to point out that when Five meets Reginald in 1963, he recites Homer. Reginald reads it to Pogo: “ Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story of that man skilled in all ways of contending, the wanderer, harried for years on end-- “ and stops there. The wanderer is Reginald, who’s seen many universes colapsing (he tells that to Five by the Obsidian Hotel). The Muse is his wife. Ulisses leaves Ithaca to fight in Troy and keeps trying to get back home to Penelope, his wife, who’s patiantly waiting for him.
The poem says:  “He saw the townlands/ and learned the minds of many distant men, /and weathered many bitter nights and days/ in his deep heart at sea, while he fought only/ to save his life, to bring his shipmates home.” , and just as much this could be about Reginald, this could also be about Five. Maybe especially about Five, since it continues:
“But not by will nor valor could he save them, / for their own recklessness destroyed them all “
When I finished the first season, I had exacly this image in my mind: Five was trying so hard to save his “shipmates”, but their impatience, lack of comunication, anger, recklessness destroyed the world.
The umbrellas are at this boat together, trying to navigate Reginald’s waters. At times they have to deal with sirens(Harold Jenkins, JFK, drugs), at times they have to be invisible to scape a ciclops(Dead Ben, Five blinking, Allison in 1963), at times they would get high in a strange magic island(the wedding, high luther, high klaus) or deal with their own delusional lust (Allison in wherever it is that she’s at). But they are just trying to get home. To rule their own life.
(Ulisses is a King, for those who didn’t know)
Anyway, I felt like this season gave me this feeling that even if we are watching it from afar, we don’t have the whole picture yet, for it’s four or even five dimensional.
We’ll see, boys, we’ll see
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ma3mae · 1 year
This might be kinda dumb but imagine this. Tecchou and s/o are in their first days of their relationship and they haven´t share a passionate kiss so could i request hc of tecchou and s/o sharing their first passionate kiss?
Cherry Sweet Kiss!
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Summary: It's been two weeks since you and Tetchou officially got together but something seems to be missing... a surprise might help with that, no?
Genre: tooth rotting fluff, gotta brush my teeth after this. Also def suggestive themes here!! 😩✋
A/N: The way I nearly cried writing this, had to hold myself BACK from writing smut but im also too immature for it so... ill just imagine the rest.. .😭
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Tetchou x Reader!
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Like the schedule of the both of u are just fucked up so hard 😭 hes already working at ungodly hours and even if ur working hours are "fairly" normal, its still difficult to get some time together
Being together with one of the Hunting Dogs wasn't easy at all.
It was already a fight getting together at all since weird schedule + oblivious tetchou kept putting some bricks in your ways of entering a serious relationship
Even after having overcome that hurdle, the both of you havent had enough time together, only seeing each other during the day or night for short moments before one of you needing to leave
yet after a not so planned sudden "date" (which involved him just suddenly dragging you out of your house) things progressed faster than you expected...
"T-Tetchou, where the hell are you taking me?!"
"Just wait, we'll be there soon." He merely stated, glancing down onto your shocked face, his lips twitching slightly upwards as he continued to make his way with you in his arms, carrying you in a traditional bridal style.
You arms would tighten around his neck with each jump, twirl, hell even flip as he made his way to god knows where.
For anyone else it would nearly seem as if he was showing off but you knew that it was just his way of reaching that random place faster.
Was your heart thumping loudly from the fact that he just yanked you out of your own house and began to ran with you in his arms like a lunatic or...
That it actually even seemed somehow romantic to you since it felt as if the both of you were running away into the night together...
A halt in his movement yanked you out of your thoughts.
The sudden hitch in your breathing let a soft smile appear on his face as he slowly and steadily let your feet touch the ground, his eyes not leaving your face, engraving your beauty in his mind forever.
"Do you like it?" He asked as he let you take in the sight before you, watching you take a few steps forwars towards one of the many cherry blossom trees covering the field.
"It's... It's more than beautiful... But how come we are here?"
You had a slight hunch on why he had brought you specifically to this place yet you didn't want to get your hopes up, too afraid of the potential rejection it could hold.
"You said that you had wanted to watch the cherry trees but couldn't because of work. So when I found this during a mission some days ago, it made me think of you."
Ah, the surprise turned out better than expected.
All his worries melted away as he saw how the moonlight would illuminate his favorite features on you. Your face, your hair, the way your eyes were twinkling brighter than the stars as you stepped closer to him.
Everything about you was and is breathtaking for him.
"Honestly... You never fail to surprise me, Tetchou." You told him as you felt your eyes sting, gently letting your hand rest on his cheek as he put his over yours immediately, wanting to feel more of your warmth.
"I love it very much. Thank you for taking me here."
Yet your words didn't seem to reach him quite as you wanted, a slight furrow between his eyebrows as he cupped your cheek, wiping something off of it with his thumb.
"Then why are you crying?"
He asked, confusion laced in his voice as your breath hitched at the sight of a clear stain on his gloved thumb.
"I... I don't know... I think I'm just really happy right now and-"
Trying to gulp down the lump in your throat, you stepped closer to him, pressing your bodies against his as you wrapped your arms around him, him immediately latching onto you as well.
"I just missed you, you know? Being this close to you like this. I know we are together and we'll be spending much more time as a couple as well but... I didn't like how we wouldn't see each other at all for the past days and-"
"I missed you too."
Moving his hands towards your face, he let them cup your soft cheeks, tilting your head slightly upwards, gazing into your teary gaze as his began to glisten as well.
"Getting together with you was the happiest day of my life. I didn't like that every time one of us would be home, the other would be gone. But that won't happen anymore."
The gentle breeze let his soft strands graze his face, petals crowning his hair before he gently pressed his lips onto your forehead.
"I've talked to Fukuchi about it and I won't let anything come between us."
"But your work is important too..."
He tilted your face slightly to the side, pressing his lips onto your right cheek.
"It is but you're more important."
Pressed his lips onto your left.
"And I want to be there whenever you need me."
Before pulling back to put his forehead against yours, his gaze having never left yours even once.
"Why go so far for me? I don't want you through so much trouble because of me..."
You tried to move your gaze away from him yet his eyes were just truly too captivating.
"Because I love you, Y/N. And I'll say it to you every day. Even after the both of us would be in graves, I'll still continue to hold and love you. Nothing will ever change that."
How could you stop your tears from falling after such a heartfelt declaration?
Cupping both of his cheeks, a smile graced his lips, mirroring yours.
"Then I'll do the same for you. You better be ready because I can be pretty clingy"
"It's okay because I'll just never let go of you."
Were his last words before he finally pressed his lips against yours, both of your feelings flowing strongly into it, as you wrapped your arms around his neck, him letting a hand gently grasp the back of your head while the other slid down to a stop at your hip, grasping it to pull your body even closer to his.
You felt him swipe his tounge at your bottom lip, you immediately opening your mouth for better access. You felt him smile into the kiss as he deepened it without hesitation.
A small moan escaped you as you felt his hand slid down onto your ass, him having accidentally squeezed it out of excitement.
He let his teeth graze your lip before pulling back, the both of you heaving as the color on your faces matched the beauty of the cherry petals around you.
"As beautiful as it is around here, I think we should slowly go back home. Don't want us to catch a cold out here."
He let out a hum at your words as you felt him squeeze his arm a bit tighter around you.
"One more. One more and then we'll go home."
You laughed under your breath at his words before pressing your lips onto his once more, a breeze letting soft petals fall onto your flushed bodies as the moonlight continued to shine brightly under the night sky.
You were willing to take the risk of being sick the next day if it meant spending your time with the love of your life in such a place like this.
well u were the only one who ended up being sick but dw ur future hubby will take care of u 💅
Just stop him from feeding you a weird combo or you'll be inhaling the amongus potion and turn into the imposter 🤡
Jk but that night would truly be one of tbe most memorable ones, the other ones being some in your bedroom.... 😩
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This turned out longer than i wanted omg. I recommend listening to the houseki no kuni soundtrack bc it rly set the mood for the romantic scene. Now i'll cry bc i also want to be kissed under the cherry trees by HIM 😭😭😭 also didnt properly proofread this bc i gtg go to work soon but i hope you'll like it!!
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thegrimreepurr · 2 months
anyway i have a silly guy i wish to share i don't think i've talked about him much at all to anyone except for my friends but i love him and i figured i should bring him into the world because i am normal about him so. his name is basalt he's a version of murder,, and so like.
basically, in my main 'au' of sorts, murder is besties with reaper [my reaper is nicknamed thanatos so yeah :3] because after he actually managed to beat the player [the player gave up 💀💀], he was just kinda. left alone in dusttale until thanatos showed up to reap the dead of dusttale :3 now usually, normal Guys™ can't see him but sometimes, rarely, those with high LV can and murder just so happens to have very high LV so he can see thanatos he sees him just like walking around and he's kinda like 'huh. that's sus,,,' bc he killed everyone and WHY is there a dude first he just brushes it off as a hallucination because he is VERY aware that he's insane and schizophrenic but then he keeps seeing him just about everywhere so one day he decides to check it out and he goes up to thanatos and is just like 'yo. dude. who tf are you' and then thanatos is obviously surprised that he's been noticed so he's just kinda like 'oh yea so uhhh,,, im the grim reaper or something,,,' and murder's like 'wha- so like. why are u here' and thanatos is just like 'doign my job' anywya blah blah blah they talk for a while and then thanatos leaves but then he comes back occasionally and every time, murder finds him and has a conversation with them and soon enough thanatos starts coming back even after he's finished his work and he becomes besties with murder :D but also like. thanatos doesnt go back to his au anymore cuz he's been coded out of it since he's away from it so often, but thats a story for another day anyway, they soon become like therapists for each other thanatos tells murder about interwsting things that happen while on the job and also about his relationship struggles [thanatos has SO much angst and i absolutely love him for it] and murder tells thanatos about how fucked up he is also there's an alternate timeline in which murder eventually gets cursed alastor cat as a pet but that is not in this timeline [don't ask, it was a silly thought my friend and i had bc my headcanon murder had a cat named alastor {THAT WAS BEFORE I WAS EVER IN THE HH FANDOM BTW} ] and so yeah they're therapist besties but then uh. thanatos dies [i havent figured out how yet, i will eventually]
and that's when basalt exists! so basically uh. murder was just kinda handed thanatos's powers and job and thanatos TOLD him this would happen if he ever were to die, since he basically has to choose an heir to hand his power to [and he has a shit ton of kids, but all of his kids hate him so he didn't want to put that on them] which this is how basalt finds out about thanatos's death and he's just kinda shocked because how the fuck does the grim reaper die buuut he eventually uh. just accepts it and becomes rhe grim reaper he has no friends until further notice im gonna draw him but i made him in gacha [yes i am a gacha kid, cry about it] anyway
his design is under the cut
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he is a skele btw i just can't make skeles in gacha also im going to change his design bc i made it too colourful [it's a habit :,)] and too complicated in a weird way that i cant draw his outfit makes like zero sense even to me
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arkhamknightz · 2 years
love songs about you
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↳ in which, you write an album about your boyfriend joe :) (branches into an interview explaining the songs i wanted to put like 3 fics into one so)
pronouns: they/them
warnings: none
notes: i havent been able to think of anything else but singer!reader and joe so i put a ton of my favorite songs and made it so that they r ab him🫶🏽 also this is kinda just me projecting really lovey dovey joe bc i love the idea of it so here we are i hope this wasnt too bad
songs: brooklyn baby - lana del ray, pete davidson (renamed joe) - ariana grande, lover - taylor swift, paper rings - taylor swift, dandelions - ruth b, love songs - maggie lindemann, pov - ariana grande, halleys comet - billie eilish
“can’t you just give me a little sneak peak!” joe had been sat next to you impatiently waiting for your album to release the next day, he’d been asking for weeks every chance he got.
“i told you! you’re gonna have to wait like everyone else, its a surprise and i think you’ll like it” you laid a small kiss on his cheek and swiftly got up out of your seat. “im gonna go call my agent, find us a movie?” you smiled at him and he nodded in defeat, a small smile on his face as he grabbed the remote.
you and joe had been dating for 3 years, everyone had known since you both showed up at the stranger things red carpet event together and paparazzi had caught you both on multiple occasions.
you quickly grabbed your phone and posted the instagram draft that had been left in your phone for the past week. you quickly posted it and walked back to the couch where joe had your favorite movie up on the tv. you sat next to him on the couch and cuddled into his side, listening as his phone buzzed. a small smile grew on your face as you watched him pick up his phone.
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y/ny/l/n: ive never felt so scared, but so proud to release another album. this has probably been in the works for about a year, i wanted to pour all i could into it. as you could probably tell by the cover, thats my boyfriend !! i took this picture a week after we moved in together. i sat on the bathroom floor while he sat sore in the bath from filming. we talked about everything from penguins to how planes fly. he asked what my thoughts were on love songs and i told him i wasnt sure yet. well i hope this awnsers ur question my love <3 and a year and 8 tracks later, “words for him” out tomorrow!!
joe looked over at you. wide smile on his face. “you wrote an album about me?” a small nod of your head and he launched himself at your face, leaving small kisses anywhere he could. “woah woah romeo. you havent even heard the unreleased ones yet”
he looked at you confused. “theres more than 8 tracks?” a small “mmhm” left your mouth. “i just picked my favorites but maybe ill let you listen to the rest someday. now lets watch this movie hm?”
he let out a laugh and kissed you again before pulling you into his side, pressing play on the tv again.
you and joe both sat against the headboard of your shared bed. spotify set on your laptop in front of the both of you. “ready love?” joe nodded and you pressed play. the melody of brooklyn baby playing through the speakers. you listened and looked at joe as the chorus came up, a large smile on his face.
you both sat in silence as the album played. as it came to an end you looked at joe to see he was already looking at you. a lovestruck look in his eyes. “i love you so much” he muttered as he leaned in to kiss you. “i love you too” you smiled between kisses.
joe was sat behind the computer as you hopped on a zoom meeting. it had been 2 weeks since your album had released and this was the first interview you had agreed to do.
“hey! y/n how are you?” “im doing good! how are you doing?” joe watched behind the laptop as you spoke to the interviewer.
“so i wanna ask you, what was the thought process behind all of the tracks?” you let out a small laugh. “well, other than my boyfriend-” you looked at him from behind the screen and smiled. “it was all written in the span of a year, well obviously i have a lot of unreleased and unfinished songs i wrote about him but with brooklyn baby i kinda wanted to focus a bit more on what we started off as.”
“the first verse starts with they say im too young to love you, this stemmed from a conversation i had with my parent at the time. they thought i was too young to know what real love was, they didnt want me to give my all to someone i had just started seeing and was worried about me. after i told them how much i really liked him they said i would always be too cool for him.” i let out a soft laugh.
“theyve always been very supportive of our relationship after that, and the chorus obviously comes from the fact that joes in a band. sometimes when were bored at the house he whips out his guitar and ill sing along to whatever he plays. he loves playing lou reed, hence the line.”
“joe is about how i really think he was brought into my life for a reason. ive never felt this way with someone and i was in a really dark time when we met. hes been there with me through all my bad days but since hes came into my life theres never been an actual bad day- hes changed my life in so many amazing ways and i thought id write about it.”
“now for lover. i really like this one actually- it really kinda puts everything together in a way. like how our first christmas we left the lights hanging until january because we liked the glow it gave the house. “have i known you 20 seconds or 20 years” kinda describes the spark i felt we had. it doesnt even feel like we met 3 and a half years ago its felt like ive known him my whole life.”
the interviewers lips curl up as you ramble on about your relationship, joe behind the camera smiling widely aswell.
“paper rings is another story, back to before we started dating. we went on dates for months but never made anything official, but yeah paper rings is just about how in any situation it would always be him. no matter what happens no matter the circumstances its always gonna be him.”
“dandelions is a song i wrote before we dated. when i was a kid every time i would see a dandelion i would pick it and wish that i would be happy- like really happy. that i would be able to meet someone who was meant for me. dandelions is just about me being completely head over heels, the lyrics are very self explanatory.”
“love songs i wrote most recently. me and joe both felt very vulnerable this night, i dont remember what it was but something just felt so like mushy in a way? we both just sat on the couch and we talked about everything from our darkest fears to what we wanted in the future. hes my safety net and i wanted to kinda put that into music.”
“smiling feels different with you, crying feels better with you, if love is a game then im willing to play cause something was missing till you” is probably my favorite verse out of the entire album. i feel like it puts words to a lot of everyday feelings for me- like i feel like a little swarm of butterflies is around me at all times whenever im with him.”
joe quickly got out of his seat and apologized to the interviewer for interrupting. quickly kissing you and sitting down next to you, your hands interlaced with his. “sorry sorry- just you know needed to be right here” joe laughed along with the interview as she nodded in understanding.
you shook your head and let out a laugh. “pov is about how i think he sees me, and how i wanna see myself in the same way. its easy for me to get really insecure in relationships. and everytime without fail hes managed to put a smile on my face.”
“pov is basically just me explaining i wanna love myself the way he loves me, i wanna see every flaw and every good thing about myself the way he does. he has this inside look on me and its something he always says he wishes i could see aswell.”
“and lastly halley’s comet. ive always loved space so i thought the name was very fitting but its kinda just the euphoric feeling of love. ive always been scared of it, i was terrified falling in love with joe but its been the best thing i couldve done.”
“ i wrote it when we were early into our relationship. he left for atlanta to film and i wrote it while i was staying with my brother. i was falling in love with him faster than i could comprehend and i sat and talked about it with my brother, next thing i knew i was sat on his couch writing a song about it.”
“whats your favorite track? question for both of you if thats okay-” you and joe both nodded. you looking at him for his awnser. “thats really hard but i think its pov- something ive always wanted was to show them the world through my eyes. how i see them.” he rubbed his thumb against the back of your hand.
“mine is probably dandelions, being in love is something i always seemed to want as a kid, so getting to kinda write about my experience with it is definitely something i know 13 year old me would go insane about.”
you had awnsered a few more questions, joe joining in to input his thoughts on some of them and you left the zoom call. joe looked over at you with a lovesick grin on his face. “i love you. so so much and one day i really do hope you get to see yourself the way i do. you are such an incredible person and im so lucky to have you.”
your eyes slightly teared up. grabbing joes cheek you planted a kiss on his lips, resting your forehead against his with a smile on your face. “i love you so much more than you can comprehend.”
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ok its me again hi AAAHHHH this is so nice i feel so warm im lying on my bed kickin my lil legs i cant believe this thank you for being nice omgggg now im on a roll im gonna say things about julian hkdhjgdgjf
only one song really that i scanned the whole tag looking for to see if anyone said it before and i was so surprised that i didnt find it and i went to check the official playlists on spotify cause maybe its on there already and thERE ISNT ONE WHAT???? i had the muriel one liked on here and id never checked any other ones out lmao but like i swear there had to be one?? like maybe they made it first and its somewhere separately??? julian is like the most popular one how the hell does he not get a spotify list is that how this tag was created?? *gasp* am i discovering the ~fandom lore~
(just gonna say you dont actually need to answer any of that in detail dont waste your time gksgkydgjf im just screaming into the void cause i was so flabbergasted after those 3 whole minutes of research i put into this)
ANYWAY the actual song would be House of Wolves by our lord and saviour MCR! its so good for him with his whole Woe is Me drama king vibe lol and the plaguey thematicssss mmmm delicious TELL ME im a BAD BAD BAD BAAD MAAAAN aight you lil masochist i see u and the "you better run like the devil cause they never gonna leave you alone" you get it caUSE HES A FUGITIVE DO YOU GET THE DEEP UNRAVELABLE METAPHORS DO YOU GET IT DO YOU G aight shut up hkhfjtdy anyway
ok i lied jystfhte heres another one i just remembered i really wanted to put here its not new but just in case somebody hasnt seen it yet lmao its such a masterpiece ill do anything to give it its due here ya go
and the other thing im really glad to have seen people mention here is musical songs cause thats one of the things i love about him the most like yass we love a thespian king slay grl so then anytime im binging a musical there always come the intrusive thoughts of "aw hed love this one" and "oh hed be great for this role" like i went to see f-ing swan lake with my f-ing grandpa and one of the major takeaways i got from the experience was (UH IM GONNA PUT A SPOILER WARNING HERE? I GUESS? IN CASE ANYONE CARES HELLO JULIAN BAD ENDING SPOILERS AHEAD DO MOVE ALONG NOW IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT AVERT YOUR GAZE CITIZENS LMAO LIKE YOU HAVENT SEEN FANARTS N ADS ALREADY ALRIGHT ALRIGHT) "omg jules would be so perfect as that bird guy villain IN HIS BIRD GUY SHAPE TOO OMG WITH THE WINGS ON STAGE THIS IS AWESOME WHY CANT I DRAW GOOD GODDA-"
anyway hed love hadestown (hed at least try to cast muriel as hades cause hes perfectly intimidating for it but theres way too many lines which okay Maybe but AND he has to sing???? nah hes out bkgdhkdt) i dont know what hed think of pierre natasha & the great comet cause its maybe a little eccentric i suppose but i think hed appreciate the cultural roots of the vibe with him being fantasy ruso-slav-ukrainian-whatnot heritage i reckon and hed definitely have a blast at a live performance and hed ABsolutely join in with the actors in between the rows at some point and theyd ABSOlutely let him cause hes that good and game recognize game cmon hes gonna show you amateurs what a real kazotski looks like
i can also see him enjoying sweeney todd, for its delightful edgyness, maybe even some themes relatable for him, and his sappy ass would SO memorise Pretty women to whip it out at an opportune serenading moment khgdturshc im so cringe and loving it
well i cant think of any more shows to throw him together with so thus ends my soliloquy wow i cant believe thats how you spell that anyway i hope anybody who knew what the hell im talking about enjoyed all that jgfztits see you in another 20 minutes when i come back like "AND ANOTHER thing-
Yay, it's the character song essays anon!! :D
I'm glad to see you back, and I will once again be re-linking the song you shared below and adding your suggestions to the tag ^.^
And frankly, I'm 76% certain that one of Julian's love languages is theatre, especially musical theatre. That could be tickets, that could memorizing the lines from one of this favorite scenes and reciting it back to him, it could be showing up to every single performance he's involved in :)
I'm glad to see you back in my inbox, friend, feel free to message me if you ever want to obsess over the characters together! Cheers -
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sairitaikutsu · 5 months
Writing practice cuz i havent written anything in a while
Not salt raiders but this is based on my own experiences. Sry <3
“Eat shit. Actually.”
This was her fifth loss against him today. It’s no secret that Marin was better at…most videogames in general than her twin brother Jaun, yet here he was, beating the absolute life out of her like it was nothing.
The two were playing a fighting game they bought for themselves during the holidays, and since then, they were nothing short of obsessed. Jaun was interested with the story and characters and while Marin shared his sentiment about the game, she was having fun being behind the controller for a lot of the times they played. She loved actually playing the game.
However, Marin still hadn’t decided which character she’ll main. It wasn’t like there was a plethora of fighters in the roster, only around twenty of them with a few others locked behind an expansion pack, but she didn’t have the patience to learn every single one of them.
She didn’t know the moves and combos for any of them, currently playing as a soldier with superpowers, but as much as the adrenaline was rushing, none of the moves seem to have a drastic impact on Jaun’s main, a nunchuck-wielding pyromancer.
With every button Marin pressed, her frustration grew worse as she could do nothing but watch her character take it all. It was as if her controls weren’t working (even though they were in good condition), and her pride was even more hurt seeing another victory from Jaun, the latter cackling as they watch the victory animation play out.
Clearly, this fighter wasn’t suited for Marin’s play style.
Marin groans and chooses the option to select a new fighter, waiting for Jaun to do the same for it to work.
“I will have my vengeance,” she says, half-jokingly. Jaun says nothing as he lets Marin choose another character.
Marin eyes the many close-up images of the fighters, seeing which one was promising. Her brain then supplied her with a memory from when she was playing through the game’s Story Mode. There was a character who created clones and utilized portals, and he was kinda annoying to fight in her opinion. Luckily, he was playable.
Another match between her and Jaun begins. She just wants to win already.
Marin starts with her go-to combo for fighting games, alternating between the front and back punching buttons, before doing the same with kicking. To her surprise, the character did have a combo for her go-to attack, and it felt impactful on both the opponent and her sanity. She continued trying out whatever was possible, even pausing the game momentarily at one point to read the character’s special moves.
Soon, she finally won. Even though it was one win over Jaun’s six more in total, Marin was content. She at least knew which character she was most comfortable playing, the one that suited her “random bullshit” play style the most. Her main, her in-game identity.
The more she played as her new main, the more powerful she felt. How else was she going to describe it? The longer she played him, the more comfortable she was with doing his special moves and combos. Sometimes she’d find herself lost in the idea of winning, letting her fingers do the job pushing buttons and her muscle memory do the work for her.
Contrasting Marin’s anxious, introverted personality was her aggressive attack-based play style. Sure, over time, she learned to be more careful, going on the defense when necessary, but she always tried to attack as soon and quick as possible. Honestly, who wouldn’t? The first hit sometimes decides whose victory was promising and who needs catching up.
And Marin knows she can’t afford to miss.
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
What especially gets me about certain fandoms, is someone will literally request something, then get mad you didn't copy and paste the idea they were thinking of from their brain, like if you have an exact idea of what you want, write it yourself, don't send me a request then get mad since my interpretation isn't what you wanted. That gets me as well, like this is a hobby, we are here writing for free, and you have the audacity to get mad I represent something differently than the idea you had built up of that idol in your mind. It's so irritating, since it robs the joy from something you enjoy doing, then you have people complaining why don't you do this or that anymore, and it's just like because of you.
I was in the NCT fandom right when 127, U, and Dream debuted (showing my age here since I was here the day they debuted), and it was a wild time, like 40 year old smut writers were interacting with 14 year olds, and like I don't even write smut on my blog since I personally just don't, but like that ain't gucci, ain't cool, interacting with kids young enough to be your actual child nah. Engenes seem to be a lot more respectful than other fandoms I've seen, which I feel is wonderful. Like the other day my whole feed was nothing but people sharing minors that write smut with each other so we can all block them, which I feel is so nice, since I remember in my NCTzen days, people would say stuff like oh it doesn't hurt anyone, and it's just like it's hurts me, my heart, minors don't need to see that stuff or interact with it they are children. I know, like you wrote like 10 things about him, then are all oh I didn't know his age, like I don't believe you at all, but okay; I'm surprised they didn't try to pull a 'I meant Taki Riki not Niki Riki' since Taki's 18. The only fandom I feel I can compare to the Engene fandom in how chill the tumblr writers are(or seem to be at least) is the Wanna One fandom, like I had some younger writer friends that called me mom; if anything was weird about the interactions, it was usually them, I'd be like 'go eat dinner and go to sleep you have school tomorrow', and then they would be all '1-800-get-that-dick go get laid you old lady'.
THIS THIS THIS!!!!! when i tell you back when i started writing it was mostly bc i barely found people who wrote content rhe way i wanted it to so i was like fuck it imma do it myself and i wish some people would do it themselves bc how are you gonna get your crusty ass in an inbox and requests smth super specific just to be UNHAPPY with what the WRITER and owner of the blog wrote like get the fuck out of here 💀
and yeah, i experienced similar things in the anime fandom like i lit had mutuals aged 17/18 and then moots who were in their thirties and besides one of them i just felt like both sides overstepped boundaries all the time like girl PLEASE 💀 that's probably why i always stick to my 99/00/01liner babies bc my irl friends are also in that age range and i feel the most comfy with them. (i dont mind you ger or older mutuals ofc) and honestly that whole riki part is just so icky bc they probably kew exactly what they were doing and only felt "sorry" bc they got called out for it yk? but yeah, older fandoms used to be way more chill when it came to the whole different ages but gladly i havent had any problem among engenes on here yet so fingers crossed 🫰🏼
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anzynai · 4 months
Hii it's the anon who sent the ask Abt looking other places for fanfic so I found this longfic called Ocean Mist on Wattpad and there's specifically a chapter called "Ticklish", Yuu finds out Azul is ticklish in that one and it's sooo cute(tbh I just loved the whole fic so much flustered Azul <3)
Additionally, on AO3, you may or may not have found these already because they're not tagged but they're tkl fics
Tickle Attack (You notice the octatrio isn't feeling well, cheer-up tickles ensue)
Tsuisorando Shotsu (I'm not sure if I spelled the name right, but there are quite a few tkl fic chapters in there, I think it's best to just select "read entire work" and command-f "tickl" bc that's what I did to avoid anything potentially explicit) But just in case you don't want to come across anything like that, there's the chapter 'Our Lovable Octopus' which might have had one vague explicit implication but I don't think there was anything major and the tickling was wholly sfw
A Fine Line Between - I just liked this fic in general the M isn't for any sexual content, and there's a tkl scene (if you wanna skip to just that part, I'd recommend just clicking read entire work and command-f 'tickl')
Also, I'm not sure if you already know this (probably do, but just in case) there's some fics w/Azul that were made in 2023)
On Wattpad, NGL I just looked up 'twst tickl' and sifted through the stuff I got so sorry that I couldn't rec much stuff, also I saw this one that was a transcript of tkl audios but there was an explicit chapter in there meaning this was probably a kink for them so I clicked out)
Ffn's mostly AO3 cross posting so there isn't anything there you wouldn't find on AO3 (I'm saying this to myself because I was about to check only to realize that everything there's on AO3, sorry)
Tbh I mostly looked for every single fic I could find on AO3 and then ended up also finding sfw tkl scenes in the process (I also command F'd a bunch of longfics) so I can mostly just say specific scenes from certain fics sryyy
Anyways, I hope at least one of these is new to you <3
hello anon! thank you sooo much for these, i already read the first one just now and it was so cute omg and also i thought i was the only one who would search for tickle content by using “tickl” cuz it can be ticklish, tickling, tickle, and litwrally just all that LOL anyways these are very appreciated and if u ever find any more, please dont hesitate to send them my way hehe
im going to link some of the ones from ao3 under the cut
so tickle attack which is by missyliz - which i haven’t read yet! it seems really cute tho!
and uhh i couldnt actyally find the next fic tbh😭😭 i searched high and low but maybe im missing something?? could u possibly provide an author?
a fine line between by kyuubiluver342 - i actually havent reqd this one either but i did skim over it so for others, the scene is near the end of chapter 2 and from what i’ve seen, it’s comfort tickles
and yeah, ffn is something i noticed did have lots of crossposting, but i never really minded because i dont really know how to work the website anyway LOL
also since you shared some, ill share one that i found also!
so the first one is giggles by psycheprincess — this one isnt tickle centric but it does have a small scene
and here’s a SNIPPET of a scene in this azujami one-shot — that is this is me by dizplixity but the wcene is very short so i have a photo below
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and im assuming u have read the fics under the tickling tag, but there’s some really cute ones there too! if not, i don’t mind sharing them:)
again, thanks for these recommendations and i really didnt expect them to be centered around the octatrio so it was a nice surprise hehe <33
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hajihiko · 2 years
Hi I followed a bit ago mainly as a silent lurker but I just wanted to share how happy I am to see the appreciation and lovely artworks you share here for the sdr2 survivors! I always enjoyed these guys a lot so it’s quite fun to see your tales on them. I’ve been through this when I played the games back in 2020 yet my interest had been reinvigorated and I can’t stop thinking about what things were like for them post neo-world program 🤣. Just so many thoughts and feelings!!! Such a fun bunch!
Yeah I'm so surprised I havent seen more of "ex-villains who live together" do you know how many fans would kill for their media of choice to end like that? It's like my favourite kind of ending
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mestos · 6 months
I could imagine XD
Have been experiencing coai brainrot myself once I saw that scene in a yt short! But I haven't had the chance to watch it yet ಥ‿ಥ
Have you see it??
- the fan that's fan-ning
i have!!!!!!
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here's some conan doodles i made immediately after seeing it. i had to go to bed so i could go to work so i didnt draw ai scenes yet (but thats a good surprise for u anon)
SPOILER FREE RATING: 10/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the CoAi moments its a solid 8/10 but the extra 2 points is because its REALLY good as a watch especially for those people who havent tried to keep up w the canon (me included) . really really really loved the set up + execution AND how conan and ai were protrayed in this movie. ALSO THE MUSIC IS THE BEST IN THE WHOLE DAMN FRANCHISE. CHEFS KISS
it was enough for me to unearth some random drabbles and wips i started working on in sept but gave up on lol
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even a fic wip ! HAHAHAH
BUT ANYWAY!! absolutely go watch it, its amazing, thank you for giving me an excuse to share my thoughts too HAHASKGJG
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biipbop · 1 year
Ooooh how about the other P5 cast? Strikers and Royal included. In the Flower child au
Havent played strikers yet (I own it and will get to it soon I swear 😞)
The first time Ann hears about Akira knowing gas chamber is from Ryuji. So its no surprise that she thinks he's full of shit and Akira would 100% commit to the bit and never confirm it. Everyone else will similarly follow suit and also think Ryuji is trying really hard to convince them that not only does Akira totally know gas chambers on a personal level but tatsujun isnt just PR. Theyre married and are Akira's adopted parents. It gets to the point that Ann and Ryuji start arguing about it publically. It becomes a running joke among there classmates.
Most of their classmates are pretty ick about it (they dont really think positively of Ann Ryuji and akira as is so they joke about how the deliquent is really out here trying to convince everyone he's related to celebrities). Mishima on the other hand believed it the instant he was told:
Ryuji: *points to Akira* This guy is the love child of tatsujun from gas chamber
Mishima: *sideeying ryuji* reaaaaally?
Akira: *straight faced knowing he looks like he knows you know hes lying* yep.
It was enough for Mishima.
Futaba already knew. She found out while doing a bg check on Akira before he moved into the cafe. She also doesnt tell anyone bc she also thinks it's fucking hilarious that no one else knows.
Haru initially doesnt believe them but she once met Jun at a charity function when she was younger. He had tatsuya with him and she did get the impression that they actually were romantically together. One day she corners Akira to find out the truth but it very much goes similarly as it did with mishima (Akira confirms but is he *actually* confirming it or just messing around??) Haru is eventually able to get a crack in the facade when she tells him how he met the two before and how she thinks they might actually be together. How encouraging it was to see a queer couple who were so in love that they couldnt really hide it. Akira breaks and ends up sharing family photos with her.
If youve seen my flower child au comics theyre kinda inconsistent with how and when morgana and Akechi find out. Earlier comics had them knowing during the events of the game while my more recent comics have them finding out post game. But i think I prefer them knowing during game cause it just makes better sense for me timeline wise so....ignoreing my own comics I guess
Morgana would technically be told the same time as Ryuji except Morgana would have 0 context as to who tatsuya and jun are or even who gas chambers is. So from Morgana's perspective Ryuji thought Akira's dad (who morgana saw pictures of from when Akira was a kid) was a girl. (He will never let Ryuji forget this). Ryuji would later be talking about gas chambers with Ann and she would be the one to show morgana their music and recordings of interviews and live shows. Because theyre fully dressed like a v-kei band Morgana wont put 2 and 2 together until after he actually meets them.
Even though he would also do a background check on Akira, Akechi doesnt know that about who Akira's parents are. (Jun and tatsuya couldnt legally adopt Akira so technically Katsuya and Maya would be Akira's legal parents but everyone in sumaru knows bc Jun and Tatsuya never hid their relationship. Also all the members of Gas Chambers go by a stage name for privacy reasons)
Like Ryuji Akechi also grew up familar with Gas Chamber bc his mom was a fan (side note: I think both Ryuji and Akechi would have young moms who couldve been good friends). Akechi, gun to head, would never admit this to anyone especially not akira but Jun would be his gay awakening. Akira only finds this out after Akechi meets his parents. They dont break up over this but they get close to it. Akira would refuse to talk to his dads for a week when he finds out leaving his parents panicked bc their bby boy is big sad and might have broken up with his first bf but doesnt want their help. They stay together and all is good but lord help Akechi if he ever points out any similarities between Jun and Akira.
Yusuke has no fucking clue who Gas Chambers is. But when he meets Eikichi he will go to stalker level to get a chance to draw him. Luckily for him Eikichi finds out about the little weirdo thinking hes beautiful and is all about it. He keeps every piece Yusuke gives him and even has Yusuke's paintings in the family restaurant as well as his home.
Sorry this is rambly!
Edit: I forgot Sumire!! I'll be honest, I have no clue. I dont believe she would know who Gas Chambers is. Futaba would probably only know bc she's a gremlin and constantly online.
Sumire most likely would think Ryuji is trying to tease her and not believe him either. She would be with the squad when they go visit Akira and find out Ryuji didnt lie. Shed be glad that Futaba and Akira got the pleasure of their long con going through without failure.
Also the p2 squad will realize that the metaverse was a thing when they hear Morgana talk.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Can I request pony from mha with I L O V E H E R (the secret is pretty obvious and skip the second E)
oh my goodness of course! pony is such a cutie! i never see writing for her, so i hope you enjoy @idkwhattonamethis7401!!!
Fluff Alphabet with Pony (I L O V E H E R)
Pairing - Pony x reader
Warnings - none!
Notes - (image below is not mine) thanks again! i think this is super cute and i hope you do too! have a great day! <3
And don’t forget REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!! So, if you want to request any writing, don’t hesitate to ask. Please read my pinned post before requesting though. Have a good day/night and please stay hydrated!! <333
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I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
i feel like both of you changed in some way
pony became more open because of you
not like she was super reserved before, but you helped her be more comfortable with being an exchange student
i feel like you are each other's inspiration for becoming heroes and your goal is to protect each other, it's super sweet really
you two were both kind of scared to try new things before you met each other, but after, you guys will literally try anything together
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
she would come up a little shy and in a little voice say "i... uh... i have a crush on you"
you would ask her to repeat herself and her face would go bright red before blurting it out at you quickly covering her mouth and running away
she would avoid you for a while until you come up and explain to her that you like her too
she would be a little awkward and embarrassed for a while, but is happy nonetheless
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
she is SWOONING for you
she loves you so much
she will randomly run up and press big kisses on both of your cheeks before pressing one to your lips and going back to what she was doing
it is literally so obvious for everyone
like everyone knew she had a crush on you before she actually confessed to you
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
this relationship means the world to her
it was hard for her to be all alone as an exchange student, so when you stepped into her life, everything changed
she is very thankful to you and would do anything for you
she wants to be your hero and would do anything to achieve that
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
depends on the day
sometimes she gets a little shy doing something normal like ordering food, but when she is in the zone for hero work she would do anything for you
she is a strong girl and she is not afraid to show that
it's also dependent on the day for you
other than that, you two are pretty equal
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
she may have like one or two that not even i would know of, but those are for another day
other than that though, i dont think she would hide a lot
even if she's fighting she would just giggle and talk about how sweaty she is or how she hasnt shaved in weeks
she doesnt mind being open and who she is in front of you
i mean, how else is the relationship going to work if she has to hide who she is???
she wont actively hide anything from you, she just might have a few things she hasnt told you yet that just havent been brought up
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
so romantic omg
but i dont think she would like cliche stuff
she would take you to america to see a rodeo or something, no regular dates around here
you would always be doing something fun and creative like bowling or milkshake making or something
she wants to make you happy so she would ask you what you want to do, but other than that, she loves planning dates and surprising you
she just loves the look on your face when she surprises you
she would just love kissing you everywhere too
super romantic in her own way
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