#suspended world
ufolvr · 5 months
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A reworked version of this since I started using Canva for ref sheets. Protip do not do that.
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inkskinned · 4 days
please i love you i'm begging you bring back suspension of disbelief bring back trusting the audience like. i cannot handle any more dialogue that sounds like a legal document. "hello, i am here to talk to you about the incident from a few minutes ago, because i feel you might be unwell, and i am invested in your personal wellbeing." "thank you, i am unwell because the incident was hurtful to me due to my childhood, which was bad." I CANT!!!!
do you know how many people are mad that authors use "growled" as a word for "said"? it's just poetics! they do not literally mean "growled," it's just a common replacement for "said with force but in a low tone." it's normal! do you hear me!! help me i love you please let me out of here!!!
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gummi-ships · 4 months
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - Castle Town
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zu-is-here · 1 year
[4/15] Happy birthday, Ink! ٩( ᐛ )و♪
Ink by comyet
Song: Eve – Outsider [LKing English cover]
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mishoru · 6 months
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Don't you think I look pretty curled up on this bathroom floor?
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jennilah · 20 days
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tomatoteddy · 7 months
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Thiught up a genderbent David design in my head, but instead of drawing the idea in my normal artstyle like a normal person, I decided to try my hand at making a DRDT sprite for some reason. Was it hard as shit? Yes!! Was it worth it? Also yes cause goddamn I love how this turned out.
Anyways I’m calling her Diane (yes I know other people named their genderbends Diane/Diana but I’m dumb and I’ll go with whatever everyone else chooses) Her sprite is actually just a Frankenstein of the other character’s sprites. Her head was traced off Whit’s, her body off Teruko’s, her hands off Arei and her legs off Veronika. Her eyes were traced off David’s but using Hu as a reference for the eyelashes.
This was surprisingly fun. If people like my design, I might make the manipulator version of her (or some more sprites poses. I’m willing to sacrifice my time for some DRDT fun)
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ufolvr · 5 months
I'm too tired to draw so I make up for it in daydreaming. So [does the math] I don't think Viola would know Frieza much, which is funny. There's one major piece of shit missing from his roster and he sure doesn't want that to change anytime soon.
I did want to point out though that they can only be fully reformed in my head if cherry is there with them and vice versa. It's like trying to tame a komodo dragon that's been mauling everyone around it but calms down when this random ass buffalo is in the room. Oh and the buffalo is also known to kill people very often but calms down when it sees the murder lizard. Do not separate them (the bloodshed
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kof1128 · 1 year
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When will I see you again?
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spnscripthunt · 7 months
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"All that remains of the collection:: my empty tote bag and a shipping receipt longer than I am tall 🥹"
— @mittensmorgul
Fundraisers we donated item(s) to:
SPN Family Giving: J2M 2022 birthday fundraisers ($1,791 Thinkery, Austin; $2,180 Attitudes in Reverse; $1,350 Nova Ukraine); Jensen's birthday for Random Acts: direct donation $3k + $1k from auction = total of $4k for Random Acts
deanismybuddy, awomanredacted & friends: $1200 ($1475 including Jarboard) for Misha's United24 Demine Ukraine fundraiser + Entertainment Community Fund (Jarboard raised $510; $275 Demine Ukraine + $235 OutYouth)
The Green Cooler: $1100+ The Transcend Project & OutYouth
aborddelimpala, thewalkerwiki & friends: $1000 OutYouth for Jared's birthday ($1235 including Jarboard)
#ScullyCoffee4NF 2024: $3897.50 raised for the NF Network
Total: $17,028.50
Fundraisers/Raffles we ran:
$45 GoFundMe receipts
$50 Project C.U.R.E.
$175 National Network of Abortion Funds
$7048 ($6848 + $200 off-counter employer match) The Trevor Project
$3820 worth of receipts submitted for the "Thank You" raffle (Misha's United24 fundraiser)
$5066 World Central Kitchen
$10086.10 RIP Medical Debt
Big three: $22,159.10
Our total: $26,249.10
Shenanigans in total (ours + others we donated prizes to): $43,277.60
Update: Jan 12, 2023
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The $10,086.10 we raised for RIP Medical Debt abolished $1.18 million in medical debt for 621 people living in five states!
Update: Jan 13, 2023
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tennessoui · 29 days
Love that mer au is fun and silly most of the time and you're like but what about the Angst, what about the suffering. 😂
no this is so true i decided it would be more fun if obi-wan's story was like. he gave up his mermaidhood to be a human and he was actually having a grand old time and when he was like 25 he meets a street urchin named ani and begins to care for him like a stray kitten, finding food for him and work and telling him stories about a people that are half fish, living beneath the water to help him sleep
only for obi-wan to board a ship one day for a short excursion, get caught in a storm, thrown overboard, and drown--but the Force/ocean won't let him die so it turns him back to a mermaid instead cause obi-wan is nothing if not the Force's bitch boy and obi-wan never tries to visit the human world again after the ocean has made it so clear that he is of it and belongs with the ocean and he's bitter about it because he really liked being a human and then he meets anakin who is now a mermaid and everyone says it's because of his love for the queen amidala but this anakin is really really focused on obi-wan for some reason
and obi-wan won't admit to being ben, the man anakin remembers, but anakin won't let it go either
so there's a lot of angst but also a good deal of silliness because the angst is taking place while anakin is like. draped in pearls and resting on his giant royal clam shell. as one does when one is a mermaid lol
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daily-slugplush · 3 months
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day 23: celebration
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joyflameball · 3 months
Why was Meatly surprised that Sammy so popular he's literally skinny canonically blonde shirtless has suspenders ties you up tries to kill you and is tragic what did you expect people to NOT wanna fuck him
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redbootsindoriath · 11 months
I remembered today that if I want to continue my accidental Bilbo and the troll tradition I need to get cracking on a new drawing before I wake up in 2024 having missed my chance.
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2023 Bert stole 2020 Bert’s hair and put it all over his face.  That’s why 2020 Bert was bald.  I just didn’t know that at the time.
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writing-good-vibes · 4 months
Bestie! Can I please have number 4 from the steamy prompts for your valentine's day drabbles? I'm thinking an expansion on or a similar scenario to the thing with the waitress in Dirty Domestic Bliss. Definitely a post-Michael!Corey but you can decide if you want it to be cunningmyers!Corey or a distinct iteration. Thank you, happy Valentine's Day! <3
bestie, thank you for the req !! ahh the way i'm kinda kicking my legs, twirling my hair that you brought up dirty domestic bliss 😈 it's not necessary to read that story first, but this is the (un)official sequel. i hope you enjoy because this spiralled !! 💗
WARNING for corey x f!reader, smut, flirting, a tiny little bit of angst because i couldn't resist, and the fact this is technically set in the cunningmyers au (but michael only makes an appearance emotionally lol). 2.5K word count.
🍓very cute divider by @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more 🍓
taglist: @ethanhoewke @voxmortuus (just let me know if you want to be added or removed !!)
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You finish wiping down the counter after a very, very busy night. Valentine's day always brings in more customers, even to the roadside diner you have no hope of leaving anytime soon.
You're on shift for the next four hours alone, but you're thankful that it should be a quieter from now on, with most couples heading back home to relieve their babysitters or to make the most of the rest of their night in the comfort of their own beds. All that remain are stragglers and harmless ne'er-do-wells who have nowhere better to be at this hour.
Around 1 am, you hear the bell over the door jingle and you look up from the counter to see a young man walking in.
If anyone saw the intensity of your doubletake, you would have been mortified.
He sits at a booth towards the back of the diner, but in clear view of the door. He's polite when you go over to take his extensive order -- a coffee with creamer and sugar, a club sandwich, side of fries, a plate of bacon and eggs, with hash browns if you have any -- and thanks you earnestly when you bring out his food.
He keeps to himself, and you'd almost be able to forget he was there while you served the couple of other patrons, if it weren't for how striking he was. Dark hair, tousled but naturally curly, and even darker eyes. Eyes that look almost black even under the harsh halogen lights. He holds his cutlery tightly with broad, bruised hands.
He ate like he was starving; you'd seen plenty of men with eyes bigger than their stomachs, but he seemingly wasn't one of them. All of his plates are cleaned when you take them back to the kitchen.
The reserved atmosphere between you makes you question if this is really the same guy. He has to be, right? The possibility of someone else like him was slim to none, with his curly hair that you desperately want to pull on again, his broad, handsome features that you could stare at forever and never get bored of, and his Levi's jeans that hug him in all the right places.
Returning to his table, you ask, "Can I tempt you with dessert?"
"I think you can. What would you recommend?"
"The cheesecake is my favourite, but I'm biased because I make the strawberry drizzle for it." You lean your hip against his table,
"Strawberry? I normally pick chocolate."
"We have a great chocolate cake too?" you suggest instead.
"No, let's try strawberry. I'll have a slice of cheesecake, please."
"Sure thing," you smile. When you turn back to the counter, you glance over your shoulder, catch him watching you. The sway of your hips is unintentional, should anyone ask.
You draw a few love hearts in strawberry sauce around the edge of the plate. There's something wrong with me, you think, but you don't get a new plate.
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He turns the plate slowly once you put it down in front of him, considers each strawberry heart. Then his eyes turn up to you, and it's almost like those strawberry hearts are reflected in his dark, dangerous eyes. "Would you sit with me? Please?"
"I'm working," you smile, but still you linger at his table, waiting for him to convince you.
"I'm sure they won't mind," he says, nodding towards the other weary patrons, nursing steaming coffees, filling in crosswords with blotchy pens, or reading the sports pages.
No one gave you a second glance as you slid into the booth across from him.
You watch while he eats, his pretty pink lips closing around each bite. There's a comfortable silence between one, one that you could get entirely used to, if given the chance.
"It's nice to see you again," he smiles around the food in his mouth. You'd rather get used to his voice though.
Breaking into a grin, "I thought it was you!"
"I've been thinking about you," he half-drawls "Every day since I last saw you."
The last time you saw him was a couple of months ago -- six, maybe? -- sat at what might of been this very same booth. He was just as bruised and timelessly rugged as he is now, and you remembered him being with a another man -- older, more weathered, but rugged in the same sort of way. This guy, your guy, had ordered for the both of them, and seemed relieved to find his companion where he left him after your back alley escapade.
"This is really good," he compliments. "And it's your favourite, right? Have some," He offers you a piece of cheesecake on his fork, smeared with extra strawberry sauce that had dripped down onto the plate.
You open your mouth, lips closing around the fork just where his lips -- his soft, pink lips -- had been, and take the bite from him. You chew slowly. Even without the strawberry sauce you labour over making in the kitchen, the cheesecake really is good.
He watches you closely, and you find that you don't mind at all. He's not like other men, whose stares bore into you because they want to take something from you. No, no he looks at you like he wants you to take something from him.
The palm of his heavy-knuckled hand, the one that isn't still holding his fork, feels rough against your skin when he catches your chin; the pad of his thumb is slightly weathered when he swipes it over the corner of your mouth, catching a stray spot of strawberry drizzle. Pulling his hand back, you watch him -- his eye contact never wavering -- as he sucks his thumb into his mouth, licking it clean.
"When do you get off?" His question catches you off-guard, startling you from your fleeting thoughts of his lips and tongue and hands.
"Um," you try and remember your shift. "4 am." You glance at the clock on the wall and silent curse. Still two hours to go and there's no way he's going to wait for you, why would he? This perfect stranger with his split knuckles and pretty lips and --
"I think you deserve a break, don't you?"
You don't think this is like last time. This won't a quick smoke break endeavour. "I still have --," you're about to gesture at the other customers, but when you turn around, you find the diner empty. You hadn't even noticed them leave, you'd been so caught up with...
Shit. "I don't even know your name."
"Corey," he answers, and his accent swells stronger on his name than you'd noticed during the rest of your conversation.
You give your own name in return, giggling because you can't quite believe any of this is real. Because a beautiful boy walked into your diner and made you fall for him, and you never even thought to tell him your name.
Corey stands from the booth, not quiet as smoothly as you think he might of wanted to because his hip catches on the edge of the table. You're not surprised, he's built like a bull, all broad shoulders, broad hips, broad hands that trailing along the table top as he walks past. Even so, he wanders to the door, flips the open sign to closed and twists the lock.
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The backroom is pretty small, the table has been wobbly for as long as you've been working there and no doubt for longer, and you distantly register that you never closed the door behind you, so you have a mostly-clear view into the diner, all the way to the locked front door, but you don't really have time to think about any of that. The only thought your mind can conjure up is please!
Corey is somewhere under your sunshine-yellow skirt, there's a sharp sting at your hip when he snaps the elastic of your panties against your skin, then his teeth biting so gently at the flesh of your thighs that they could be kisses instead. Desperate to see his face, you pull your skirt up to your waist and moan involuntarily at the sight of him, flushed and focused, between your legs.
His eyes glint impossibly dark, pupils blown wide, and he doesn't stop look at you. Reaching down, you twist your fingers through his tangle of curls, making him moan into your heat.
When he kisses you, he tastes just like you remembered, like cigarettes and something distinctly boyish, but now he has the sweetness of strawberries on his lips, like chapstick, and on his tongue there's the heady taste of your own arousal.
Corey's cock is pretty and pink just like the rest of him. (How can even his cock be pretty?) Grazing your entrance slowly, you angle your hips to encourage him, tightening your legs around his hips to pull him in.
"Is this okay?" he asks, tip pushing just enough to make you clench on him. His rumbling voice right by your ear makes you shiver, with anticipation, with need, with downright desperation.
"I've been thinking about you too," you say in lieu of any other answer. "Every night since I last saw you. Wanting to see you so bad."
Sinking it your wetness, Corey groans, sounding almost surprised. You clench around him to draw out the sound, louder and longer, until he makes himself pull back out, only so he can thrust back into you. The table rocks beneath you precariously, Corey's thrusts making it shudder an inch across the bubbling lino.
Corey's as good as you expected and even better; he's heavy on top of you, covering your torso with his, until there's nothing between you. His smell all around you, and you hope it seeps into your skin, taints you forever with the smell of the storm that he carries with him. His lips pressing wet open-mouthed kisses anywhere he can reach, along the soft line of your jaw and scattered on your neck, trickling down, down, down as he unbuttons your yellow shirt.
And his pretty cock isn't just for show; heavy inside of you, coated in the wet mess between your legs, hitting just the right spot to make you squirm and clench and rock your hips up against Corey's, his auburnish hair providing the most delicious, burning friction on your clit.
The tinny radio in the main diner is barely audible in the break room over the sounds you both make. Every thrust drawing a breath, or a groan, or a moan. Corey starts low in his throat, a rasp of a groan always on his lips, until he gets closer, and high little breaths spill out of him like he's going to cry if he doesn't finish right now.
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You pull up your panties and catch Corey following your hands along your curves. He seems... cuter, somehow. Before he was a powerhouse of confidence, every bit the All-American rogue you daydream about walking through your diner doors. But now he's more modest; bashful as he tucks himself away.
The shift in personality brings your confidence back, and as the endorphins hums pleasantly under your skin, you feel like you did back then; taking a chance on hoping a pretty boy might make out you by the dumpsters.
You smile slyly at him as you straighten out your uniform, lip caught between your teeth. There's a string of hickies around your collar, you can feel them already. You want to poke and prod at them to stop them fading.
"I gotta go," he mumbles, doing up his fly and buckling his tarnished-silver belt buckle.
There's a long pause between the two of you. Uncertainty.
"Sure," you say. You chew your lip as you head back out to the diner, with Corey following behind. "So, um... will I see you around again?"
Corey shrugs, seeming genuinely unsure, "Maybe, maybe not. We might have to leave soon or... I'll see."
You decide not to push him on it, and there's too many reasons, too many different situations and scenarios for you to even start speculating on what might make him so skittish about sticking around. The thought forces an ache through your chest anyway.
"Well," you force a smile. "Whenever you come back, I'll be here waiting with a slice of cheesecake for you."
His smile lights up his whole face, tugging up one corner of his mouth and then the other in a dimpled grin.
Corey pays in cash and another kiss, before walking out of your life as if he didn't just ruin it.
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You could recognise him anywhere. Anywhere, any place, any time. You'd recognise Corey by the sound of his boots on the lino, or by the smell of his cigarette breath, by the accent that cradles his words, or by the bruises that paint storms across his sunset skin.
He walks through the door, bell jingling cheerily at his arrival, and sits at a booth towards the back of the diner, shrugging his leather jacket off.
It'd be embarrassing how much his reappearance disarms you, if your mind could think of anything other than how you need to keep your promise.
There's a plate in your hand, a slice of cheesecake covered in strawberry drizzle sits pretty in the centre. You hardly remember crossing the diner; Corey's dark eyes watch the way your sunshine-yellow uniform hugs your hips as you walk.
Sliding into his booth, you place the cheesecake in front of him and press a fork into his scarred palm.
Pretty pink lips pull up into a broad grin that he almost bites back before giving in; his smile is glorious on his bruised face. His knuckles are split. His throat is ringed with yellowing bruises that shift when he swallows.
Your hand finds his on the table top. "Welcome back."
He eats slowly, even though you can tell he's hungry. After this, you'll fix him all the food he wants, plates upon plates of it until you're sure he's happy and well-fed.
"You in town for long?" This time, goes unsaid.
Corey's smile falters, his dark eyes reminding you that you probably can't even begin to imagine what it is he does, and where he goes and how he lives his life outside of the witching hours you spend with him in your diner.
"Yeah," he says, boyish smile returning. "I think I am."
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on the topic of restaurant sex, you should also read [warnings apply]:
good boy by ghost (@/ghostwriterforghosts). corey and reader go out for dinner and he is very, very fun to tease.
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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Delicate gold, royal blue, and a little something delicious ✨
Treat me ~ Tip me
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