#this was a normal thing to do at 1:30 in the morning i think
jennilah · 22 days
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justmeinadaze · 3 months
Don't Be So Hard Part 2 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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Warnings: Older Steddie (Early 30s), Dom Coach Steve Harrington/ Dom Professor Eddie Munson/ Sub (Early 20s) Plus Size Fem Y/N
SMUT! Jealousy fueled smut, mean!Steddie, punishment (spanking), degrading (whore, slut, dumb), hair pulling, semi public (in Eddie's office on campus), use of the stop light system (Yellow mentioned), aftercare of course.
ANGST! Angsty, angsty, angst (because I'm me), Steddie gets jealous when reader starts dating a boy she acts with on stage even in the beginning they push her away to "protect her". They do catch her with him after they both have particular bad day/evening.
Mentions of Chrissy and their scars again. Mentions of what happened with reader and the football player in the last chapter (brief).
Word Count: 4349
Chapter 1 Here
As your alarm went off that following Monday, you stayed completely frozen in bed. That Sunday morning prior, you awoke to an empty house and a note telling you that your car was outside and your things were by the door whenever you were ready to leave. 
You were unsure of what to do. Do you leave your number? Do you wait and confront them? Did they just want this to be a one-time thing? Were you supposed to pretend nothing happened? 
Now with the new week starting, you had brand new concerns like if Martin would be in class and what would he even say or do? 
Braving the outside world, you got dressed and headed for your first class. As you stepped inside, you were thankful Martin wasn’t there but your bliss was short lived when a hand lightly but firmly ushered you forward. 
“Find a seat Miss Y/L/N.”, Eddie commands without so much as a cursory glance your way as he heads towards his desk. As the class continues, he avoids your eyes, choosing to look anywhere else as he speaks making you feel extremely self-conscious as you hug your arms around your body. 
“Alright, you guys are free. Get out of here. Miss Y/L/N, can you stay behind please?”
“Yeah, of course.”
While you wait for the class to leave, your eyes take in his slightly agitated frame. His hair was a bit more messy than normal and his clothes were not as put together as before. The aroma of cigarettes was heavier around him and even as you slowly walked towards his desk at the front of the room, he still didn’t look your way. 
“D-D-Did I do something wrong?”
“Uh, no, Y/N; Steve and I did.” When his beautiful hues finally met yours, they seemed so hollow as if he hadn’t slept. “What happened was a mistake and can’t…WON’T…happen again. To avoid any further confusion, I would recommend you get a transfer to another literature class or drop my class entirely. I’d be more than happy to sign a form for you.”
Your eyes widen as he speaks completely thrown off guard. You could understand if they wanted it to be a one-time thing but to say it was a mistake…that hurt.
“I don’t want to drop or transfer.”, you whisper. 
“Yeah, well, this isn’t just about you, sweetheart.”, he responded curtly making you angry.
“Fuck you.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Fuck you. If you didn’t want me you should have just took me back home.”
“Forgive us for considering your feelings and shit. We wanted to make sure you were ok.”
“By fucking me like a whore!”
“Lower…your…voice.”, Eddie growled as he started to step around his desk, pausing when you backed away.
“I didn’t think it was a mistake.”, you mumble.
The professor chuckled condescendingly as he folded his arms over his chest. 
“I wouldn’t expect you to, little girl, but like I said, WE fucked up. Go back to your pathetic little life and forget about us.”
“Did you give Chrissy Cunningham the same option?”, you sass under your breath, immediately regretting your words when his chocolate irises shift your way and you see the pain behind them. 
You jump at Steve’s booming voice as he enters the classroom and promptly hang your head feeling like a small child getting caught saying a bad word. His presence towers heavily over you as he places himself just inches in front of your frame. 
“That’s your professor and MY partner. You will show him respect.”
Blinking away tears, you find the courage to meet his equally annoyed gaze.
“Or what? You’ll punish me? I’m a mistake according to your partner!”
Grabbing your arm tightly, the coach starts shoving you towards Eddie’s office in the back corner with the professor himself slamming it closed behind him. 
“Lower your goddamn voice.” Sighing, he turned to his boyfriend. “Did you tell her?”
“I emphasized that we made a mistake but she doesn’t seem to agree.”
“Why are you doing this? Did you…I thought…was I that bad?”, you ask in a small voice that shatters their hearts to pieces and falters their hardened demeanors. 
“No, Y/N—”
“I don’t understand then. I thought you were attracted me.”
“We were…are…—”
“Were you just using me? Is that why you two were gone when I woke up?”
“STOP INTERRUPTING ME! Jesus Christ! I’m trying to fucking tell you something here! You did NOTHINGwrong. Do you hear me? Nothing. Eddie was right. You’re a twenty something student who’s so fucking beautiful she deserves to be seen and live her fucking life! We’ve been hiding for 10 years, Y/N, I assure you it’s no picnic.”
“Sweetheart, we liked being with you and not just the sex the part. It was nice to feel needed for once… but like he said…It’s not just because you’re a student. There’s so much more to it. You deserve better.”
Wiping your eyes, you nod as you stand up straighter. 
“You could have just said that… Um, I’m sorry for what I said to you, Mr. Munson and giving you both attitude. I-I-I would like to stay in the class please. I promise I won’t…make trouble.”
Eddie nods as you flash them a small smile and quickly run out the door to collect your things. 
The next month went by with little to note as you floated through your days. Eddie barely looked your way during class and when you ran on the track Steve was never there. The one time you did see him was as Martin’s father was stomping out of the locker room and you got a glimpse of the coach fuming in his office.
Focusing on your production, you continued to rehearse your lines repeatedly till you had them down to a T but when it came to your scenes with the boy playing Rocky you found yourself slightly nervous and it wasn’t just because he was gorgeous to look at. 
Every time he glanced your way during any scene he was in made you blush. One day, you were doing a dress rehearsal with him wearing only gold boxers and you with your bra, panties, and a lab coat. When he walked out your eyes immediately ran over his delicious looking abs before averting your eyes so you didn’t get caught. 
“Brad. Janet. What do you think of my creation?” 
“Oh, well, I don’t like a man with too much muscle.”
The boy beamed in your direction before ducking his head like he was supposed to. As soon as you finished, you expected him to disappear to quickly put on some clothes but he lingered behind with you on stage.
“You’re really good at all this.”, he grins as he gestures around the auditorium.
“Oh, um, thank you. I haven’t seen you in any of my classes or any other productions. Are you a theater kid or did you just transfer?”
“Naw, the school said I had to have some kind of arts credit and I thought this would be fun. Mrs. Lilah comes to the arcade that I work at sometimes so I know she’s a cool, easy-going lady…kind of like you…but not as pretty.”
You giggle as you push some hair behind your ear and he smiles. 
“Can I, um, may I have your number?”
After giving it to him, his smile grows as he extends his hand out to you. 
“I’m Theodore but my friend’s call me Theo.”
As your hand connects with his, he playfully bows and kisses the back of it. 
“I’ll talk to you later.”
You grin as you watch him run off stage but it’s wiped clean off your face when you turn to grab some of your things, coming face to face with Eddie who had been watching your interaction from one of the rows in the auditorium while your teacher was talking to him. 
Throughout the week, Eddie began appearing at all the rehearsals and the last few times he brought Steve with him. You ignored them as best you could, doing your scenes and listening to what your director was telling you. 
It wasn’t until the evening you had your scene with you ‘naked’ in the container with Theo that they said a word. 
“Hey Liliah! Are you sure this play is a good idea? I mean having them getting caught being intimate and then you have two students that close together in front of an audience…like that.”, Eddie critiqued as you pretend to not be listening.
“Huh. Out of all the people in Hawkins I thought you would condone this more. Its expression and these students are consenting adults. Y/N! Theo! Do you two feel uncomfortable about the scene right now?”
“No ma’am.”, the boy responds with zero hesitation. 
“No ma’am. I feel extremely comfortable and safe next to Theo here.”, you coo as you lean your head on his shoulder and he in turn wraps his arm around you.
As the night came to a close and you gathered your things behind the curtain, you were surprised to hear both men’s voices as they continued to sit in the auditorium.
“I fucking hate this, I hope you know that.”
“I know but we both agreed this was best.”, Steve exhaled heavily. 
“Fuck, every time his hands touch her I just wanna—“, Eddie growls as his partner chuckles.
“Yeah and every time she allows it, I wish I could just throw her over my knee. You know she’s getting off on it though; making us jealous.”
“Well, it’s working because I want to fuck her so hard and make her scream my name repeatedly till she fucking remembers who she belongs to.”
A small groan leaves your lips at his words. You desperately wanted that to but they pushed you away. Theo seemed like a good man and if they insisted on not being with you there wasn’t much you could do. 
Sitting in the bleachers Friday night, you clung to Theo’s hand as you two watched the football game unfold. Since Martin was removed from the team, Steve had a new quarterback in play and everyone was talking about it. Every missed throw or tackle had him growing angrier as he paced back and forth fuming. 
People around you speculated what could have happened and parents condemned him for removing his star player from the team. If only they knew… Hell they’d probably take Martin’s side. Everyone in the town had a backwards way of thinking.
“Hey, are you alright?”, Theo asked, not realizing that you had squeezed his palm tighter. 
“Yeah, just, um…hearing people talk…”
“About what happened with Martin?”, he inquired with a low tone so no one would hear. “The game’s almost over. Do you want to go for a walk?”
He grins when you nod, leading you down the row and towards campus. 
“I’m sorry you went through that. Guy is a fucking dick.”
“Yeah, he is, but…”
“But nothing. Just because he’s king badass or whatever doesn’t mean he can hurt you like that. Have you heard anything yet from like the dean or anyone?”
“No, not yet. I haven’t even see Martin. I’m terrified what he’s going to do when we do run into each other.”
“I’ll protect you.”
“Oh, you will, huh?”, you smile as he flashes you his own.
“I will, babe. These abs just aren’t show!”, Theo chuckles. “So, um, are you like Janet? Are you not into guys with muscles?”
Biting your bottom lip, you blush as he grabs your arm to stop you two from walking down the hall. 
“Because I can get some flab if you want me to. I can gain like a sexy paunch and—”
You laugh before tilting up on your toes to tenderly kiss his lips. 
“I think you’re sexy just as you are.”
Theo’s hand slides behind your neck and brings your lips back to his, kissing you with much more passion as he walks you back into a classroom. Feeling something hard against your back, the boy doesn’t miss a beat as he lifts you onto the desk and you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you as he grinds his hips against yours. 
“I’m not…moving…too fast am I?”, he pants between kisses causing you to vigorously shake your head. “Good…your lips…taste really…really fucking good.”
You both jump apart as Eddie and Steve angrily enter the classroom. 
“The fuck do you think this is?! A bedroom!?”, your professor shouts. “Sex and making out on campus is prohibited but it’s definitely forbidden on my fucking desk.”
Glancing around the room, you realize you were in his classroom.
“I swear, Mr. Munson, we didn’t know this was your room?”
“So, that makes it better?”, Steve snaps sharply. “You disrespecting other people’s property by grinding on it?”
“No, sir.”
“Please Mr. Munson, Coach Harrington, this isn’t her fault. I brought her in here—”
“She doesn’t have a mind of her own? From what I saw she was a willing participant.”, Eddie cut him off. “Get out of my sight and be lucky we don’t tell the dean or Lilah about this.”
“Yes, sir, thank you.”
Taking your hand in his, Theo starts to lead you to the door before Steve grabs your bicep.
“No. Don’t want you both leaving together and ending up in another room on campus. You can wait a few minutes, Miss Y/L/N.”
As soon as the door shuts and your date leaves, the coach tugs you roughly towards the office before Eddie bangs the door behind him.
“I’m sorry. I swear I didn’t know—”
“Face the wall.”, the coach commanded, growling when you hesitate. “I said face the wall and place your hands against it.” 
Slowly, you do as he says, gasping when he roughly takes hold of your hips and brings them out more before lifting your skirt to expose your panty covered ass.
“I’m surprised she has panties on. Fucking little slut seemed so desperate for his cock.” Steve’s palm came down hard and you jerked forward at the feeling. “Don’t move! Keep your ass out.”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Harrington.”
In quick succession, he spanked you a couple more times, his hand grabbing at your flesh before delivering another. Fingers aggressively yank down your underwear and he spanks you again. 
“Jesus, Ed, look at her. Fucking pussy is dripping. You’re so fucking needy aren’t you, little girl.” When you didn’t respond, he hit your behind much harder than before. “Answer me!”
“Yes…yes, sir, I’m a needy girl. Ahhhh…”, you whine as he hits you again.
Hearing him back away and shuffle around behind you causes you to turn your head but he immediately forces your face forward with his palm as he smushes your cheek into the wall. 
“Don’t fucking look at me. You want to be a whore? We can treat you like a whore, Y/N.”
Running his tip through your folds, he guides himself into your entrance and sets a brutal pace allowing you no time to adjust like they had before. Out of the corner of your eye, you see one of his hands fall on the other side of your head as his other spanks you before gripping your hips.
“Is this what you—mmph—what you fucking wanted, little girl? You think that little boy can fuck you better? Huh?”
“No—mmm—no, Mr. Harrington.”
“That’s fucking right.”, Steve grunts as he slows his rhythm but not his intensity as he slams his cock deep inside you.
“Oh…Oh my god.”
“Yeah, you little slut? That’s the spot. I know, baby. I know how to please desperate, needy things like you.”
“I…I don’t…understand…”, you whine.
“What? What doesn’t your dumb little brain understand? Why you’re being punished?”
“Yeeeesss. This is what you—fuck—what you wanted.”
Pulling out, he spun you around, hooking his arm under the back of your knee to lift your leg and slides his length back inside of you.
“This is what we wanted? For you to fuck some other guy on Eddie’s desk? To…to touch him on stage while you’re practically fucking naked?”
Your hands tug on his hair forcing him to meet your lust filled gaze.
“I-I wanted you two.”
Your mouth falls open in a silent moan as you cling to the base of the neck and cum hard around him. Steve’s head falls onto your shoulder as he pounds his cock harder into your cunt chasing his release before gripping your hair tightly in his fingers and pushing you to your knees. 
“Open!” You do what he says, moaning as he forces his dick into your mouth. “Look at me! Don’t take those eyes off me.” When your irises meet his honey ones, they flutter slightly as he thrusts his cock down your throat. “Th-That’s it, baby. I want this burned into that dumb little brain of yours. MMM! That way when you’re on your knees for him, you think of me.”
Steve grunts and his grip tightens as he spills down your throat. Your eyes never leave his as you swallow every drop he gives you. 
As soon as he steps back and out of the way, Eddie’s on you, lifting you to your feet and manhandling you to the couch against the wall of his office. Spreading your legs open wide, you groan loudly as he shoves his face into your pussy, open mouth kissing between your folds as his tongue flicks your clit.
“P-Please…Please, Mr. Munson.”
Your hands try to tangle in his hair but he promptly grabs your wrist and holds it against the sofa. Tilting back, he spits into your hole before maneuvering his cock out of his jeans and guiding it into your heat. 
“No, little girl. You don’t get to fucking touch me. Your hands have been all over your new boyfriend.”, he says with disgust as he rolls his hips hard making his length slam roughly into that spongy spot inside you. “Fuck, sweetheart. Have you fucked him yet?”
When you don’t answer, his palm spanks you hard. 
“No what.”, he growls as he hits you again.
“N-No, sir.”
“Shame. I’d love to—mmph fuck—know what that little fucker says when he realizes you’re ruined.”, Eddie spits as he pumps into you a bit faster. “You begged us to, baby, remember? To split you in half a-and stretch you open. Fuck. Still so fucking tight for us but little prick like him…”
Leaning down to hover over you, the metalhead grips your throat tightly between his ringed fingers.
“You say it correctly, whore. You’re in MY office in MY classroom.”
“F-Fuck…I’m sorry, Mr. Munson…feels so…good..”
“I know, baby. I know it feels good. You know what didn’t? Watching you flirt and swoon over that asshole on stage. Watching him touch you and you not pull away. Didn’t take you long to move on from us. What did—mmm—we fucking expect. You’re meant to be a toy, Y/N. Just a fucking slut for men like us to use.”, he growls in anger, completely oblivious to the tears that had begun to fall from your eyes. 
“Yellow.” Your word comes out barely above a whisper; so small you’re surprised he heard it. Eddie lifted his head as his movements stopped, his eyes scanning your face as he blinks back his anger and worry replaces it. “I didn’t move on. I wanted you…I liked being with you. You pushed me away… Y-You said so many mean things after class…”
Your professor sighs as his forehead falls on yours.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’m so fucking sorry for hurting you. Can I make you feel good? Can you say it?”, he requests when all you do is nod. 
“Yes, sir, you can keep going.”
When he starts thrusting into you again, it’s much gentler than before. 
“We didn’t use you that night, Y/N. Fuck, you have no idea how much we still think about you.”
“We talk about you at night while we’re in bed.”, Steve adds in low, soft voice behind your head. “It almost always leads to us playing with each other as we talk about how tight you were or how much your whimpers made us hard.”
Your eyes flutter closed at their words as Eddie picks up his rhythm once again. 
“Shit. You feel so good. We-We don’t just talk about your body but we like how kind you are and so fucking smart, princess. I love reading your essays about the books I assign. You have this—oh my—this unique view of the world…”
“Why-Why did you push me away?”
Falling flat against you, he clings to you back as he rolls his hips and his cock pushes impossibly deep inside of you. 
“Because this is wrong, honey.”, Steve answers for him. “So fucking wrong but…fuck…watching you with that kid…”
“You’re ours, sweetheart. Fuck, baby, cum.” Grinding your waist, you thrust up to meet his movement till you feel your body tremble as the coil breaks. “Good girl, Y/N. Good girl.”
It doesn’t take long for Eddie to follow and his eyes squeeze shut as you feel him warm your insides. 
Nobody speaks as he pulls out of you and grabs your hand to help you sit up, petting your head as you wince slightly at the pain in your behind. Steve quickly comes between your legs and cleans you, tenderly kissing your knee when you whine at the soreness.
Both their heads hang when he comes back to take a seat beside you.
“D-Did you guys win?”, you ask, sighing when the coach shakes his head. “I’m sorry, Mr. Harrington.”
“Steve…” Your gaze shifts his way as he mumbles his name. “You can call me Steve when we aren’t out there or playing.”
“I’m sorry we made you uncomfortable, Y/N.”, Eddie exhales. “We didn’t mean to be so rough. We’re just…passionate people.”
“That’s an interesting way to say you were jealous.”, you tease as they smile. “It wasn’t the roughness. I like rough. It was the implication that…you used me solely to get off that night…After what you said to me in class, it just…hurt my feelings.”
“I understand. I’m sorry, baby.”
“We’re just trying to—”
“Protect me, I know. I just don’t understand from what. At first I thought it was because your faculty and I’m a student but then you said it was because I deserve to be seen… yet here we are… and I still feel you…pulling away. What aren’t you two telling me?”
“Did you just interrupt me again? Jesus Christ. IS it me? Am I just not as intimidating as him?”, Steve tries to joke and deflect.
“Does it involve what happened with Chrissy Cunningham?”
The metalhead grumbled as he exhaled, turning to face you with a newfound fire in his eyes. 
“We gave you rules that first night, remember? Don’t ask about our scars. Maybe that rule deserves some expansion. Don’t ask about what happened 10 years ago AT ALL. Not only do we not want to talk about it but we CAN’T talk about it. If that’s a fucking problem then we can fully end this thing now. No little games or what happened tonight. Hell, I’ll even tell the dean myself what I did so he can fire me.”
At this declaration, Steve growls and when you glance his way you’re surprised to see annoyance, not towards you but to his partner. 
“Ok, I understand, Eddie. I won’t ask any questions anymore but I need you to know…whatever happened I’m not afraid. I never thought you did anything to them and I trust you both. I know they say Hawkins is cursed but I feel like it’s more the people here that are said curse. I’ve been bullied most of my life by people like Martin. These backwards citizens condemning you for no reason and then hurting Steve because he’s your friend… it’s bullshit. I’m sorry you went through that and if anything happens again I’ll defend you.”
“We know, honey. That’s what worries us.”
“You don’t want to go through what we did, Y/N, trust me. We don’t want you to experience the pain and loss we have.”
“You’re implying my life has been devoid of pain and loss up to this point.”, you breathily laugh causing them to exchange a concerned glance. “I, uh, I should head back to my dorm. Theo’s probably calling to make sure I’m not dead. He really is a nice guy.”
“Do you want to come back to our house? You can take a bath and we can make you some dinner.”, Eddie offers nervously.
“Decide now. I can’t go back and forth with you two. If you want me to be yours I can be that. But if you’re going to push me away again or I’m going to wake up alone, I’d rather go back to my single dorm room and call the guy that seems to genuinely like me and isn’t afraid to say so.”
“We aren’t afraid, Y/N. This right here is more complicated than all that but we aren’t afraid to say we like you.”, Steve answered as he rose to his feet, reaching for your hand to help you do the same. “Can we take this one step at a time? Don’t forget, this is new for us to and a lot more is on the line. We could lose our careers and reputation.”
“And I don’t have much of one in this town to begin with.”, the metalhead joked making Steve roll his eyes. 
“You’re willing to put all that on the line for me?”
“Of course.”, they responded in unison with zero hesitation making you grin. 
“I did it for Eddie countless times and I’d do it again.”, the coach coos as he grabs the man’s cheeks and brings his lips to his own.
“Ok…one step at a time.”
@joannamuns9n @dckweed @corkadymu @lilaclazer @aol19 @nailbatanddungeon @dashingdeb16
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sae1549 · 17 days
More very random head cannons. -SFW—NSWF-
Characters mentioned: Astarion, Gale, shadowheart, laezel, Wyll, Karlach, Minthara and Halsin +1
Content warning: hair pulling, oral f/recieving & m/recieving, knife play, size kink, predator/ pray kink.
Word count: 3.2k
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- He has a very gravelly voice in the morning that lasts around 25 minutes.
- He absolutely loves cats. And later you end up moving to the underdark, you both adopt a cat that is able to travel alone to get the things that they need. He sees it as your baby and treats it as such.
- He is the person you go to if you want any gossip. When you both get to the underdark I could see him becoming a bartender or something like that. Where he can swindle people of their money while having fun doing it.
- He can cook. Contrary to him not eating normal food anymore he was once human. But he will look over cookbooks for a while if you tell him that you would like to try his cooking.
- He dislikes flowers, of course he thinks that they are beautiful but they do not live long. He gets sad because he links that thought to losing you. So he tries to keep those thoughts away from him.
- He absolutely loves shoes, he can rant and rave about them, when everyone was in camp he would like to go up to gale the most. He really liked his shoes, even going as far as stealing them. Only to have a grumpy gale walking through camp with his arms crossed pushing Astarion over and taking his shoes back.
- Astarion has to clean himself in his bat form as well as his normal form. So he takes extra long in the shower. But he gets so fluffy!
- He starts seeing a therapist after everything is settled in the underdark.
- He loves to give forehead kisses.
- Astarion loves to be called beautiful!! Call him beautiful often!!!!!
- When you ask him what his natural eye color is he thinks about it for a while getting back to you telling you that they were a steel blue.
- He does not have many things, but he wants to some day. So without him noticing you slowly start to give him little things here and there. Like an extra bedroll that you had, a blanket. Some new pillows, candles, anything that you can find that you think he would like to make him more comfortable.
- He loves horror movie nights!!!!!!!!!
Ascension ver.
- When he is ascended he does not care as much if you get off first.
- He would be a lot more rough, biting much more feverishly and more often.
- He would give you head, but he would not do it for long.
- He knows exactly how good you are feeling, but will make you tell him.
- He is the dominant one.
- He will take up multiple partners as he expects you to do the same. He would go out of his way to ask if you would want to add another partner into your nightly activities.
- His sex drive would increase greatly.
- He sets a brutal pace.
- He likes to tease.
- He would not fall asleep after doing it, but he would ask you about what you liked and how he did.
- He lets you rest your head on his lap to fall asleep after.
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- Man can sing. But mostly does it when he is bathing or concentrating. Quite interesting to hear for the first time when you are in battle together. Singing in a tired gravely voice before shooting off another spell.
- He tried to convince Tara to let him dress her up in a cute little outfit one time. He left around 30 minutes later covered in scratches. That is to say he does not make those comments anymore.
- He likes painting from memory, yes he can control the weave but he would like to have some sort of proof if there was ever a day when he could no longer handle the weave any longer.
- When coming back from a particularly hard day, if you massage his shoulders a bit he will melt into a puddle and fall asleep.
- His favorite juice is apple juice.
- Always likes books more than movies. Does not matter if it is actually a good movie.
- He keeps photos of you on hand so he can show his students. And they know so much about you and he wants to ask if you would visit his class to shed some light on recent events. Totally not an excuse for him to see you more.
- He likes his food hot, even his salads. All food needs to be hot.
- Loves silver jewelry, his wedding ring is silver with purple stones embedded into the ring. You have the matching version obviously but it is a wide band with white and purple stones honored on the ring.
- He is into pulling hair, if things are getting a bit more rough. You are sitting on his lap. Getting into a very heated makeout session, in a heated kiss his hand snakes up onto the back of your head, seating itself into your hair. The other hand softly rocking you back and forth. He breaks away from the kiss. “You are quite breathtaking my love.” He says through slightly labored breaths, he grips and gently pulls on the hair at the back of your head. Swiftly latching his lips onto your neck.
- He does like when there is a bit of lightheartedness while making love, but it is serious so he will always go back to being more serious.
- He likes to lay in the sun after finishing, watching as you also bask in the light, he thinks it makes you look ethereal.
- He would go at a moderate pace, and would not have very good rhythm when he first starts.
- He thinks it is a bit romantic to have music playing while enjoying eachothers company. So there will be soft piano playing in the background.
- He definitely uses magic, mage hand would come in handy, being able to bind your hands for a little rougher session.
- He does not own any toys, but would be okay with owning some if it helped you get off better. He would end up enjoying it immensely.
- Public sex is something that he could be talked into. As long as it is somewhere where less people are. But there is still the thrill of possibly being caught.
- He masterbates from time to time, it is not often. But if you are not around and he is fully alone then he would enjoy himself.
- His stamina is not very high, but he can fully please you and a little more if he is asked.
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- She would keep a collection of rusted or busted knives to fix while at camp. It helps her calm down plus it gives her something to look forward to.
- She would eat dinner at either 5 pm or 10 pm no in between.
- Talks to herself all the time. Saying she is the best therapist she knows.
- Her favorite color is Silver.
- She likes to read before she goes to bed.
- She also likes to sit on a high point at the camp to look at the stars.
- She would be an astrology girl. And would believe it completely.
- She is the top.
- She is a biter, lightly gliding her teeth across your skin. She loves to feel you shiver from the touch she is giving you.
- She is not loud, and does not want you to be loud either.
- She would be 100% serious in bed. No laughing, no jokes.
- She has a moderate sex drive.
- She is a C cup.
- She would not fall asleep directly after having sex. She would wait until you fell asleep before she would sleep.
- She would have a small collection of toys that she would bring into your sex life.
- She has a lot of stamina, she would want to go more than one round if you are up for it.
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- He liked bugs when he was a kid.
- He really likes spicy food, and will go out with Karlach to find it.
- Has a very big sweet tooth, and loves to share it with everyone in camp. He has a whole pocket in his pack dedicated to sweets. Giving them away to children you may meet. It makes him feel extra happy if there is a group that he can give it to. But he has a special place for candy that you specifically like, which he gives to you when you feel down.
- He loves Halsin, and goes to him for advice about his father.
- He loves sensual romantic sex.
- He could get off to kissing. You don’t even have to fully have sex to get him all riled up.
- Man is cheesy, he will set this up when you are living together. Setting out roses leading from the front door to your bedroom. When you walk into the bedroom it is enveloped in a warm soft glow of candlelight dancing over the horned man laying across your bed that is also covered in flower petals in the shape of a heart. “Welcome home my sweet.” He would say in a sultry voice, getting off the bed to meet you. Taking a rose off the table and handing it to you.
- He would be really good at praising you.
- “Tell me how good I make you feel.”
- He is not very experienced, but that is okay, he is very willing to learn.
- He likes things to be more serious in the bedroom, but a soft giggle or smile would not go missed.
- He would have a slow pace, he would want to take his time and enjoy every moment.
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- She loves yoga. And will do it every chance that she has downtime to do it. But it is mostly just her stretching.
- She would be a Hello kitty girl, and would own so many of the stuffed animals.
- She hates classical and post- disco music. But would love R&B and jazz music. Shadow heart in the garden with soft music playing in the background. She hums along while you are on the opposite side of the garden. This was an activity that you both loved to do. She would be dressed comfortably in a shin length skirt that was covered in loose soil. She turned the music on a little louder, swaying from side to side as you both worked together, sharing in kisses here and there. It was quite an eventful afternoon.
- she hates orange juice. Like genuinely hates it and will get upset if you give it to her.
- Likes a good cup of tea. With very little sugar. But if she were to have coffee she would want a lot of sugar but no cream.
- She wants a flower garden.
- She would end up being a plant girlie.
-She is somewhat experienced. Having done it with a handful of people at most.
- She would get her nipples pierced. I think it would make her even more confident than she already is.
- She is very confident in bed, she is fully okay with taking charge or letting you take control.
- She would try almost anything once. Outside of things that would hurt her too bad.
- When you are in the comforts of your own home she is really into bondage. Being bound really excites her.
- She is serious while doing it, you can laugh during it. But she does want it to be a more serious moment shared between the two of you.
- She would prefer a faster pace, it would drive her wild.
-She is a B cup.
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- She gets very protective of scratch, he lays near her when going to sleep for a very long time.
- She loves going swimming since it cools her down. But will refuse anyone to go with her since the water around her would get way too hot. And possibly boil anyone going in there with her. But that is in fact how she has gotten you dinner before. When everyone was literally starving and going off wine and grape soup for the 4th day in a row. Karlach brings back fish. And sets them on the table. She announced that we will be having something different for dinner than the normal everyone was so excited that they forgot to ask. Later on that night she told everyone. And was met with a still silence. Before someone cleared their throat and everyone went right back to conversation.
- She would drink a lot of water to try and cool herself down.
- Her favorite color is Blue.
- She likes doing yoga to stay limber.
- She smells like Vanilla and Amber.
- She is the top, no questions asked.
- She would have nipple piercings if she could. But her heat would have them melting to her skin. So she just settles for real and natural.
- She is not very experienced. Since she was always fighting for others she never got to find much pleasures of the flesh. But don’t worry she is a quick learner.
- She would definitely be goofy in bed, joking here and there. But does know when to be more serious.
- She would enjoy slow and steady pace, she would also enjoy taking her time. But also loves a brutal pace from time to time.
- She is a D cup
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- She would jump out and scare children if she could.
- I feel like she eats the crust first on pizza.
- Despises ranch.
- She ends up wearing glasses later in life.
- She would only eat while standing.
- She likes red wine, and will always ask if you would like to join her in a drink.
- She becomes softer and a bit nicer when you start to get close to her.
- She could fall asleep standing up. She is also a really light sleeper.
- Scary in a hot way.
- She would be into knife play. Holding a knife to yours not the other way around.
- Top.
Her favorite part of her partner's body would be the neck. Thinking that it could be the quickest way to kill you in case you threaten her. But also that it is so sensitive and gives wonderful responses when kissed.
- Gives absolutely amazing head.
- She likes the predator prey dynamic, finding it quite thrilling to chase before taking what is hers.
- loves to see you in skirts (if you wear them) Or really tight fitting pants. And will tell you all about it in confidence later.
- She is quiet, she does not moan too much.
- She is very experienced, she has enjoyed many pleasures of the flesh. And is ready and willing to show you everything she has learned.
- She is very serious during the deed, there would be no laughing.
- Brutal pace or nothing. She wants to go hard and fast bringing herself and you to a high quickly before doing it again.
- She is a D cup.
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- He walks around barefoot. You question how his feet are still intact from all the rough places that you have traveled together.
- He literally sleeps on the ground for more than half of the time he is in your camp. I think he just didn’t know how to bring up that he didn’t have a bed roll and just waited till he could buy one. He will never tell you that though.
- He cannot handle spicy food in the slightest.
Likes plum juice, and would drink it all the time if he could.
- He has joint pain, so he sits on the ground to relieve a bit of the pain and stress off them. He will often ask if you would like to join him for a walk. When you say yes you both walk together for a few minutes before he sits on a rock in the woods. You sit down next to him and continue your conversation. For a long while. You knew why you had stopped, This had become a favorite spot to stop for him while you are in this area. Before he got up and continued walking. He would give you a soft warm smile as you walked holding hands.
- He will carve you small gifts and sneak them into your pack as long as you have the room.
- he would partake in the grass. But would be away from anyone else so they are not bothered by him.
- He likes fruit and vegetables over meat.
- He is quite fluid, anything you want to do or try he would be down to do it.
- He loves when you kiss his neck, the tenderness will make him melt.
- His ideal place to do it is in a field of flowers, or a forest area where there is a soft patch of moss.
- He likes to bite, gently of course. But he gives soft nips and bites any part of their body. Loves leaving hickeys.
- We all know this man is experienced, he is ready and willing to give you all of that experience.
- He can be goofy during, he likes when things are lighthearted but sensual.
- Animalistic pace, or soft and sensual no inbetween.
- High sex drive.
- He only masterbates when he has not gotten action in a long time. But would find a very secluded area to do so.
- It takes him a long time before he falls asleep after. But when he does he sleeps like a rock.
- he thinks you being smaller than him is very hot. Definitely has a size kink.
A little extra…
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- He thinks it is funny when people try to cast magic and it fails.
- He ends up taking on an apprentice.
- When he has down time he would read all the books that were in the tower.
- When he would go back to his tower after the events of the game he would be sad seeing many of the books, but went in to look for survivors that may have been inside.
- He was a spoiled child, but he grew out of the spoiled attitude.
- He is only sweet in private.
- He would not be into PDA. But does kiss you when no one is looking.
- He wants to be able to teach people magic. But, would treat them all wonderfully. He would be a great teacher.
- He would smell like cedar and old books.
- When he blushes the blush spreads over his face and up to his ears.
- His favorite part of his partner's body would be their hands.
- He thinks that it is so hot to cum on your face and chest. The thought alone would make him cream his pants.
- He is not experienced. He has not been able to experiment while on his travels.
- He is loud, his moans can be heard from a fair distance away.
- He loves to degrade.
- Power bottom on a good day. Bottom.
- He can get really shy when asking for alone time.
- He loves when you take charge and tell him what to do.
- He has moderate stamina. But will only want to go for one round.
- He will fall asleep soon after finishing the deed.
I'm sorry for any of them being shorter than others. I have not been able to do all of their story lines yet. I am slowly working towards finishing them all. So if any of my head cannons are very off from the characters I am very sorry! Thank you!!
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lazycats-stuff · 2 months
Pls Fluff with Tim x m!Reader
The rear pulled some all nighters and surprised Tim with all his finished work so he can finally rest for more than just 1 hour. Tim is like"thank you so much more come sleep with me" and they both cuddle and obviously the reader falls asleep first so now Tim is watching them sleep and just thinking about how lucky he is
Sure... Some love to Tim. Sorry for taking this long to write this. I know it's short, but I can't write much anymore. School is kicking my ass... I hate school.
Summary: (Y/N) helps Tim rest.
Warnings: fluff, tired couple, Tim adores (Y/N), I need sleep too, I lowkey want a Tim in my life.
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Tim is notorious for pulling all nighters and just not sleep for a few days before just crashing somewhere in the manor. Well, he moved out of the manor with his boyfriend. (Y/N) and Tim knew each other for a long time and Tim got some courage to ask (Y/N) out in high school. The two have been going strong for 3 years now and the two has decided to move out.
(Y/N) and Tim searched high and low during their college days and it wasn't an easy feat, since they had decided to move out during the college years, the time when everyone is flat out broke. Tim and (Y/N) didn't want Bruce to intervene, because they wanted to do this on their own.
Also, (Y/N) was scared every night for his boyfriend. (Y/N) knew that Tim was Red Robin from the year 2 of their relationship. It was a stressful week after the big revelation, because the problem wasn't Tim being Red Robin.
The question was whether or not (Y/N) would see Tim. If Tim would make it back alive. But as the time went on, (Y/N) would get more at ease and that stress would slowly disappear, knowing that Tim would come back to him no matter what happened that night on patrol.
Tim would always make it back to (Y/N). That was something that Tim promised to (Y/N) when he told (Y/N) his secret identity. He would always make it back, even telling his boyfriend that he would crawl through hell through hell just to come back to (Y/N).
That put (Y/N) at ease and the feeling of anxiety slowly faded, but it was still present, but not so intense.
But there was one thing that (Y/N) didn't like. The fact that Tim didn't sleep normally due to patrol is one thing. But your night off of patrol can't be used to work too and then sleep for 20 to 30 minutes during the day. (Y/N) was very worried about it and he has decided to do something about it.
And (Y/N) may not be a detective like Tim is, but he can certainly going to try. So, once Tim was on patrol (Y/N) tried to get some work done, but was stopped by the complexity. He knew Tim is a smart man and that he does a lot of complex stuff...
But this is nuts with how complex it is. (Y/N) snooped more through the laptop and found something very simple... But... It would take him all night.
But for Tim?
He would do it without a single complaint, even more when he knew that Tim could rest and not mix coffee with Red Bull. So, (Y/N) got to work and he did work through the entire night.
Now, Tim was going to be in for a surprise when he comes back from patrol this morning.
Tim came back at 7 am, tired, but knowing that he needed to do some work. (Y/N) on the other hand was beyond exhausted from the all-nighter and was now waiting for Tim to check his laptop to see that the work for today was done. He watched from the couch, curious about his reaction.
Tim sat down and checked his laptop, getting ready to do his work... But it's all completed? Tim furrowed his brows in confusion. Who did this?
Tim look at (Y/N), who smiled in return from the couch.
" Did you pull an all-nighter for me? " Tim asked quietly, knowing that (Y/N) didn't like all-nighters. He loves his sleep and has never pulled an all-nighter.
" I did. " (Y/N) said before yawning, covering his mouth with his hand.
" Love... Did you do it for me...? " Tim asked quietly and (Y/N) nodded.
Tim closed his laptop and walked over to (Y/N). He cupped his face and gave him a big kiss on the lips. (Y/N) laughed into the kiss and allowed Tim to give him a big smooch.
" You pulled an all-nighter for me? " Tim whispered against (Y/N)'s lips, a smile tugging on his lips.
" I did. " (Y/N) whispered back, smiling too.
" You hate all-nighters. " Tim said and moved some hair out of (Y/N)'s eyes.
" Yeah, but you need rest. " (Y/N) said, leaning into Tim's touch.
" Oh love... Come on, lets sleep. You need it. " Tim said quietly and helped (Y/N) stand up, before leading him to their bedroom. He gently laid (Y/N) down and he made sure the room was dark before tucking (Y/N) in bed and then, finally he joined him.
He made sure (Y/N) was warm and he hugged him tightly, making sure he slept well. (Y/N) fell asleep quickly, probably the moment his head hit the pillow.
Tim smiled at that sight and watched his boyfriend sleeping. Not everyone would sacrifice their sleep for their partner. And knowing how (Y/N) hated all-nighters and valued his sleep, the gesture was nothing but amazing.
His boyfriend was amazing.
Tim always knew that his boyfriend was an amazing person. Kind and understanding to his crazy and chaotic schedule, not to mention, could handle his crazy family. Damian is the most insane one out of the fam and he managed to befriend him. Not to mention, Alfred approved.
Bruce was very happy that Tim started dating in general. Everyone was shocked, but soon realized that (Y/N) was an angel sent from above to Tim.
Of course, we are talking metaphorically, but mostly it was real. Why? (Y/N) made sure Tim got at least two hours of sleep, made sure to make him drink water...
And he motivated Tim to take care of himself more. So, one hell of a positive thing.
Tim agreed with the fact that (Y/N) is an angel from above, the one who cared about Tim for Tim. Not for money and notoriety and fame. Tim watched the still sleeping (Y/N) and smiled widely.
He is truly the luckiest guy on Earth. He thought about marrying (Y/N) and he started looking for an engagement ring even. Bruce and the others told him to go for it.
He would love nothing more than to marry (Y/N), his love. His light. His darling. Tim sighed quietly as he looked at his beloved boyfriend, who was completely out. Like a light.
Tim leaned down and kissed (Y/N)'s head, before laying down himself and falling asleep quickly. Maybe he needed this. Maybe he needed (Y/N) in his life...
Maybe it was meant to be. Maybe it was fate who brought them together.
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acrux-jr · 7 months
Meeting Abby -
(Extension of Carousel - prequel)
Summary: What Mike didn't know was the two of you had already met, and Abby wholeheartedly approved.
Word count: 2.3k
Tags: pre-established relationship, fluff, dates
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This was your 3rd date since the carousel meeting. Mike was still well Mike, the more quiet, nonchalant, and tired type.
Mike really was interested in you but his mannerisms did leave you questioning if he did or of he was trying to get a quick fuck.
The two of you sat at the diner, it was 1 in the morning. It was an odd ass hour to have a date but Mike said it was because of his work hours. Though there was a tinge of fear that maybe you were a side chick or he was trying to land some action.
You were wide awake, you had a nap after class so the sleep wasn't creeping on you but it was slowly on Mike.
Every so often he would nod off and blink himself awake, hoping you wouldn't know; you did.
"Do you want to schedule this for another time?"
He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head 'no.'
"You look tired Mike."
He liked it when you said his name, and showed concern.
"S fine. I have a semi-normal shift tomorrow."
"Then you should be sleeping then. I don't mind waiting. "
Mike didn't want to say so he shrugged instead. "S fine," he repeated.
You gave a sigh but nodded. You noticed the book by. "What's the title?" You asked, cutting the country fried steak to eat.
"Oh um it's called dream theory. It's … hmm.. it's about how every single thing we see is stored in our brain in like this deep vault and dreaming subconsciously unlock those tiny details."
"Hmm. I think I've something similar to the whole we remember everything subconsciously but I never really looked into it. Though I guess it could explain my art."
"Your art?"
"Yeah about half my paintings are landscapes, but I don't really remember any of those places when I was too small. Like um when we went to see snow the 3rd time around when I was a little older and able to grasp some things, I remember I dreamt this oasis of cold in the redwood forest, a tree had fallen down and was mostly covered but some red was showing. Anyway, I dreamt it but don't remember the actual day, just that one scene and when I painted it my mom was shocked I even remembered that specific place. I was still small, she even showed me pictures."
"What made it stick out that you mom knew it was the place you guys went too?"
"Oh um hehe yeah, there was this small grave with flowers on it. It was in the painting as well."
"How old were you?"
"Maybe anywhere from 3 to 5."
"And you remember that detail."
"I'm assuming so, the picture my mom showed was when I was like 1 but we revisited again about that age range. There were no pictures at that spot again because of the grave. We recently started going again and I leave flowers."
"That's nice, I mean to leave flowers for someone you don't really know."
"Yeah, I guess. It was such a lonely place for a grave though so I guess maybe that's why I leave flowers, so they're spirits can know someone else enjoys that spot too. They must have really loved it to be buried there."
"You believe in spirits and the afterlife and all that?"
You hesitated, "I don't know. Do you?"
"Maybe," was his short reply. The conversation came to a stop as the two of you ate quietly.
Glancing at the time, you say it was 1:30 a.m. now.
You quickly finish as Mike finishes his. "Come on l, get up." You leave $25 on the table for the food and tip. Mike protests but still allows himself to get dragged away.
The moon is full, and the asphalt is wet from the earlier rain. You jump on the bed of the small beat pick up truck, patting the seat next to you. Mike took the offer and sat next to you.
With the dead of night and few lights, the two of you stargaze. Mike listens as you ramble on and on about the constellations, giving a nodded and humm of acknowledgment to show he's following along.
He looked at you. As you talked and talked, he loved how your hair frames your face, or how he noticed you fret about your mascara even now and then especially if you laughed a little too hard you'd cry a bit, he liked how passionate you got, and he really liked how kind you were.
While he would get praised for taking care of his sister from strangers, for being kind and self-less. He still felt selfish in a way.
He looked at your headband, shiny black and small. Abby popped into his mind. He knew that after texting for a day he was already too deep to let this be a fling.
It became silent after you were done listing the constellations, now just appreciating the night.
Mike cleared his throat to talk, and you turned your attention to him.
"Would…," he breathed out, "would you want to meet my little sister Abby?"
Your eyes widened in shock. While Mike didn't say much, he said even less about his sister. Another reason why you thought this was maybe just a fling, or trial run before he really got out there.
You opened your mom to speak but nothing came out.
Mike sighed and got up. "It's fine. I gotta go-," "Wait!"
Mike stared as you went up, "I wanna meet her! I do, really. It's just I was shocked since you've never like well talk about her."
Mike stared at you still not really knowing what to say. "Look Mike. What do you want out of this? Before asking if I wanted to meet your sister I was kind of getting the impression this was like a fling. And I'm not really interested in a fling right now."
"Oh?" You questioned.
"Well what made you think this was a fling?"
Mike looked down, not really wanting to look you in the eyes. "I don't know, I just got the feeling you weren't too interested. Mike, well we've only been together for about 3 dat3s. I genuinely can't recall anything you like or dislike or memories you've shared. Even when I text you it feels a bit one-sided."
You hummed as you continued to look at the stars, giving Mike some time to collect his thoughts.
"I'm not really a big talker if you haven't noticed. To be honest, I like to listen to you talk. You have a nice voice."
He gave you a look, "Okay?"
"Okay I can work with that. I just needed to know if it was disinterest or if that's just how you are."
"So it's fine? If I don't speak a lot most of the time."
"I guess we'll find out together, but between you and me I like that whole stoic, "bad boy" look / attitude you have."
Mike laughed and smirked. "Bad boy?"
"Mike every now and then you look like a genuine degenerate."
Mike raised his eyebrow. He closed the distance between the two of you. "Yeah? Isn't that what you like though." He whispered before he gave you a chaste kiss.
You blushed and gave a small laugh. "Yes, yes I do."
You brought out your phone and the time read 2:30 a.m.
"What time do you have work?"
"11 a.m. to 5 p.m."
He had an amused look on his face, "What?"
"Oh my god! Go home already you have work in less than 12 hours ! You still have to sleep!"
"Don't sleep much to be honest." You huffed air out of your nose.
"Well you should."
Mike grinned, and he put his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. "I like the color green."
You smiled back. "Green? Hmm…"
"Hmmm… what?"
"It fits you."
"Is that a good thing?"
"Yeah of course, green is a very strong but soothing color."
"It is."
The two of you sat in silence before Mike's phone rang. He looked at it and rolled his eyes.
"Hello. Yeah. Yeah, got it. Okay I'm on my way."
He gave a sigh, "Sorry that was my aunt. I asked her to babysit but I guess something came up at her place."
"Oh okay that's fine. Text me when you get home so I know you made home safe."
He gave a tired smile, "Isn't that my line to you?"
"It would be if you weren't running on minimal sleep."
"Fair enough. But text me too okay, in case I forgot while talking to my aunt or you get home first."
You gave a nod and he gave you another chaste kiss. You blushed again, and smiled. He hopped off the truck and waved bye. You waved as he left the parking lot in his beat up car.
You rushed inside your car and towards home, excited to tell your friends everything.
With texts of 'I'm home,' and 'goodnight' s, the two of you feel asleep dreaming of each other.
A week had passed before Mike brought up meeting Abby again. This date was way earlier and on his day off.
"Do you think she'll like me?"
Mike paused. "I'm not sure to be honest. Not ! Not that you're unlikable or anything like that! She's just a timid kid, hell she barely likes me."
"I'm sure she likes you Mike."
"Yeah well you haven't met her," he grumbled.
You gave an amused look but relented. "So she gets out in an hour right?"
Mike nodded.
"Okay and you said she likes art right? To draw and such?"
Mike nodded again. "Okay, perfect. I'll be back here at 3!"
As you started to slide out the booth, Mike stared at you confused. "Wait where are you going?"
"Don't worry I'll be back." You practically dash out the door to your car.
Mike gave a frustrated sigh and got up after paying the bill. 'I guess I'll just have to wait until 3 too then.' He ran a hand through his curly hair and hopped in his car.
Mike parked at the diner, looking back at Abby. "Okay we're gonna meet a friend of mine okay Abs?"
Abby furrowed her brows, "Your girlfriend?"
Mike nodded. Abby stayed silent. He got out of the car as did she. He held her hand as they entered, he spotted you immediately.
You h/c shining from the sun, you were drinking water while reading a book. Lost in your own world Mike cleared his throat. You looked up at him and then down at the little girl.
Abby recognized you as you recognized her. "Hi!”
Before you could get another word in, Abby motioned you forward. You raised an eyebrow towards who gave a shrug reply but you went with her request.
“Don't tell Mike about Mr. Bunny.” She said in a hushed whisper.
You stared at her then at Mike and then at her again. “Okay. Got it. But why?”
Abby looked at Mike, shoved him slightly to get away from their secrets. She cupped her hand, “Because I want to have a secret between us. I like you, you gave my Mr. Bunny when you didn't have to.”
You gave a warm smile, “ Okay deal. Pinky promise, and seal the deal.”
As you pinky crossed and thumbs stamped together, Mike gave you an expectant look.
Abby slid in across from you and Mike sat next to her.
“What?” He rolled his eyes.
“What were you two whispering about?”
“It's a secret!” Shouted Abby.
Mike looked at you again. “Sorry can't see, those are the secret rules and it's backed by a stamped pink promise. You'll never know.” You have a sad look and shrugg. Abby laughed at your expression and Mike shook his head.
“Well I guess it can't be helped.” You and Abby nodded.
You remembered a thought, “Oh yeah!” You rummaged through your bag and got the present for Abby you bought.
“Here you go Abby. It's a sketchbook for your private drawings.”
“Private drawings?” She turned her head to the side.
You smiled at her, “Yeah, drawings for yourself. I have a lot of them that I don't wanna share because they're private and for me.”
“You draw!”
You nodded and hummed. “Can you draw me something?”
“Uh sure. Is it fine if it's in your book?”
She nodded vigorously. “Okay what do you want me to draw?”
She pondered the question. “Oh! A bunny!”
“A bunny? Hmm okay like a realistic bunny or a cartoon?”
“Yeah sure.”
Mike smiled. “Yeah she's been obsessed with bunny's after some girl won one and gave it to her instead.”
You fought off the smile as you drew, and Abby giggled. Mike gave her a questioning look but all Abby did was stick out her tongue, which Mike did back, only for a split second though.
Mike and Abby watched as you sketched out the cartoon bunny, erasing and redoing the line a couple of times. You finished the outline as food came, Mike ate and watched as you stuck your tongue out slightly finishing up the little details. It had a top hat and a bow.
“Alright Abby, here you go!”
Abby squealed in delight. “Thank you!” She stared are your drawing as she ate, it did resemble Mr. Bunny. Mike noticed that too but thought it was a mere coincidence.
The meal went smoothly, with Abby begging for a shake and Mike giving in. Sitting here, you thought it was nice, maybe something to get accustomed to. In fact, you hoped it was.
Y'all I can't stop writing im procrastinating 😩 anyway enjoy!!
Taglist: @stinkii-boii @hellothisisprincesskitty
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keelt9 · 17 days
Chapter 1
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I collapse on the couch, letting my bag crash on the floor, taking a slow breath; all the walls have the same color, a creamy yellow, basic furniture already set, the only thing out of place is my suitcases… and me.
The apartment is a few blocks away of the rehabilitation center; Liam, my coach made all the arrangement for I just focus in my recover, in a couple of days we met the physiotherapist, a renowned one, Anton Guille, after a deep researched of the coaching team, he stand out as the best option for help me get through my injury.
The weather here is kind of cold, but I guess it is normal for the end of the winter, and fits perfectly with my morning. This day in particular it’s cloudy so before I leave the apartment I try to put on my hoodie.
Like a chronometer exactly after 30 minutes of his text Liam knocks the door, I rush for open as I try to put my hoodie on, just my head is in, and my shoulder is reluctant to move. 
“Here, let me help you.” Liam said as he enters helps me to roll it down. “Bad day?” He asks me if I feel more pain than usual. 
I grab my bag, and shake my head. “No, it’s…the painkillers are taking their time for work.”
Liams has that concern expression all over his face.
“Let’s go, or we'll be late.” I cut that thought by grabbing the keys and walking to the door, hearing him bluffing about something.
The center has those classic motivating colors, blue, green and white. As we walk to the room I keep watching different kinds of athletes training, doing rehabilitation, some with painful expressions, others with exhausted looks, and few of them with proud eyes.
We didn't have to wait because just after we closed the door, it opened again. This time, a tall man appears in sports clothes, probably in his early 30́s.
“Hello, you must be Y/N.” He walks and shakes my hand. “I’m Anton, I heard great things about you. Let me see what we are facing.”
Anton examines me with a long hard look, just with the simple touch on my shoulder I feel a hell all over my body.
“Well?” I asked him as he softly laid down my arm, he took a few notes and sat in front of us.
“It’s a severe bursitis; my biggest fear was that the damage already reached an important muscle but we are on time to avoid it.” The shoulder bursitis it’s a type of injury that used to happen for the excessive use over the shoulder, small “bags”, called <bursas> swelled up causing pain and stiffness.
I guess my expression must be talking for me because he takes a deep breath and smiles. “Don’t worry Y/N we will work harder and in a couple of months you must be brand new.”
Days passed and Anton along with Liam set a new routine for me, some changes in my daily activities and a lot in my exercises; some days I feel my body exhausted, others in a constant pain, slowly feeling my shoulder start to gain more range of movement.
“Easy Y/N, take it with calm, it’s the first day with this, don’t pressure your body.” The internal rotation stretch will help me to improve the rotation of my shoulder. Who will think grabbing a towel will be the most painful thing I do in months.
“Ok, slowly, that’s it, well done.” Anton helps me to relax my shoulder. “It’s all for today Y/N, go home, rest, sleep well, we see you tomorrow.” Liam gave me the last instructions before I went out.
I walked to the small garden the center had where a few athletes usually take their time for rest after a long session or just looking for fresh air. I checked my cell phone, stopping in the video of my team in our daily practice, even though they told me I shouldn't be sad; I can't avoid that nostalgic feeling. I was so distracted in the video that I didn't notice when my bottle of water slipped from my legs and got stuck between the crystal doors.
“Great.” I whisper, knowing that pulling it out will be a hard task. I slowly sit on the floor next to the door, seeing the wall across the garde, I stretch my left arm feeling with the tip of my fingers, the bottle not being able to grab it.
The irony of my situation makes me bluff, the only way to reach it is to twist a little bit my chest to give my left arm a few more centimeters, and grab it; as I do I feel a stabbing pain in my right shoulder. I grab the bottle but the pain is consuming me that the bottle slips one more time from my hands rolling through the floor.
I stand grabbing my shoulder but my bottle is already in front of me. “Here.”  
“Thanks, sorry I’m clumsier than usual.” I grab the bottle, by the time I raise my sight his face looks familiar, but the pain clouds any coherent idea.
“Injury?” He points to my bracelet, a sign that I'm in rehabilitation. Everyone who gets in the center and is there for rehabilitation gets one.  
“Shoulder bursitis.” He lends his head and pouts his mouth, I explain to him what is, he genuinely listens all the time.
“Sounds painful, still seems you're dealing really well.” I don’t know if it was sarcasm or a compliment. 
“I have to, if I want to be ready.” The Archery World Cup Team Event will be next year. If I want to be there I must be with my team for the primary competitions. 
“Hey Max, let’s go.” He observes that the person was at my back before extending his hand. 
“I’m Max, by the way.” I took his hand and shook it. “I guess I’ll see you later.” I nod to him before he leaves the garden.
Late at night in bed my mind with painkillers working, my mind clears. Tall, blue eyes, a curious face, blue cap with the logo of Red Bull, name Max. 
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writing-blog-iguess · 4 months
Online Matchup 8
Summery: It’s Halloween and y/n’s hosting a party that she doesn’t even want. But not to fear, Jason’s there with an escape plan.
Warning: mistakes, alcohol, tipsy!reader, tired Jason, Ellie’s done with her siblings bullshit.
A/N: So sorry for the wait. I got overwhelmed with how many wips I have and stopped writing for a bit, and it doesn’t help that I don’t have internet. So, that’s fun. Hope you enjoy though! Chapter nine should be on its way soon.
Feedback is welcomed!
ao3 Part 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
October 31
Ellie (7:30 am)
Not my boyfriend
Shouldn’t you be in school?
Not yet anyways
Don’t worry about it
It was two days ago, Ellie
It was a last minute decision
Didn’t really have time to tell you anything
Could have told me after
Or yesterday
But no, I find out from Conner who found out from Clark
Clark Kent
Conner’s uncle
Also Bruce Wayne’s best friend but I have doubts
How? You’ve never met Bruce
True, but the stories Conner told me about
Anyways, we’re not talking about that
We’re talking about you and going out with Jason
Looking all fancy and rubbing elbows with the rich
Did you have to word it like that?
Did you meet his family?
Tell me, are they as intimidating as Conner makes them out to be?
They’re all dorks and you would fit right in
Trust me
They’re very curious and protective of Jason
But they’re good people
I like them
Don’t let Jason hear you say that
Or he might think you’ll leave him
Ellie, what the fuck
That wasn’t me I swear
Fuck off conner
If you want to talk to me use your own phone
This is the type of relationship you two have, isn't it?
You’ll have no peace, sorry
So, how'd it go?
His brothers hounded me with questions
Bruce made a speech about jason
And then we left to get some burgers
You’re the worst at telling stories
I don’t know what you want me to say
You’re feelings about how in love you are with Jason
I’m not having this conversation with Conner reading over your shoulder
Boo you’re no fun
Suck it Ellie
Jason (1:39 pm)
How’s it going today?
I am not the biggest fan of Halloween
I’ve had three different people scare me today on campus
Tripped over some decorations
And my friend is bugging me for a key so she can decorate my apartment once her last class is finished
I don’t know why she needs my key, she has her own
Yikes doesn’t even cover half of it
I’m half tempted to hide in the library and not go to the party
But it’s your apartment
That’s the worst thing!
I shouldn’t have agreed to throwing it there
I want sleep
I don’t think I’ve seen you sleep at a normal time
You’re one to talk
You’re up at the oddest hours
I’m not surprised anymore when you text me at like 2 in the morning
You can always come sleep with me when you’ve had enough
Sir, I’m not that kind of person
That is not what I meant
You know that
Do I though?
Y/n I swear to god
They’re your words, Jason
Do better
Sometimes, I hate
No you don’t
No I don’t
What I mean is, you can always stay the night at my place.
To sleep, can even have the couch since that’s were you sleep most of the time
I want to be offended
But your right
Aren’t I always?
With the party in full swing, and friends practically drunk, you hadn’t had the chance to look at your phone.
Now hiding in your room a few hours later, you grabbed it and went through your notifications. Nothing too important until you said Jason’s text asking to call you. But it was sent at five, and you were pretty sure he meant then instead of now.
But curiosity got the better of you, and you called.
“Hey Jason,” Barbara’s voice cut through the line, distracting Jason a little. He grunted in reply, and retreated behind the dumpster. “Someone named Y/N is calling. What do you want me to do?”
“Put it through,” Jason answered, looking around the dumpster to see how many were left. Three were left, shouldn’t be a problem.
“Are you sure?”
“It’ll be fine,” he said and Barbara hummed before connecting the call. “Hey Little Bird. What’s up?”
“I don’t know, you were the one who wanted me to call you,” you answered. Jason furrowed his eyebrows.
“I don’t think so,” he said, moving to shoot the one standing up. He winced at the sound and hoped you didn’t hear it.
“Mm, pretty sure you did,” you said, and he heard movement from your end. As if you moved the one on away from your face. “Yeah, seven-forty you said call me.”
“That was four hours ago,” he reminded, and smiled when you laughed.
“Yeah, well, I’ve been busy with a party and all,” you said and he can picture you shrugging. “This a bad time?”
He took a moment to answer as he ducked down when the other two started shooting. “Uh, don’t know.”
“Is that…is someone shooting at you?” you asked and he grimaced at the question. So much for keeping you out of this. “Jason, are you okay?”
“No, there’s no shooting. And I’m fine,” he grunted out, letting out a noise when he felt something hit his shoulder. When did he move? He faintly heard you saying something, but wasn’t quite sure. Ducking behind something else, he took a deep breath before saying, “you don’t do parties.”
“No, I don’t,” you agreed, “but, as I said, my friend is hosting the Halloween party at my place tonight.”
“It’s Halloween?” he found himself asking.
“It is. Jason, are you sure you're okay?” you asked, concern dripping in your voice.
“Peachy,” he said, staying down as the other two started shooting him. Where was the backup when you needed it? “So, how’s the party anyways? Sounds like you're having fun.”
He heard you sniff and could picture you sticking your nose in the air. “I am not having fun,” you said dryly.
“You sure? You sound drunk,” he said and laughed when you squawked.
“I don't get drunk.” Jason hummed and let the silence stretch out before you begrudgingly added, “okay. Maybe maybe I’m a little drunk.”
“Thought so,” he said, “just go to bed.”
“I can’t,” you grumble, and Jason can picture you looking at your bed longingly.
���Why the fuck not?”
“Jason, there’s a full blown party out there and I can’t sleep knowing people are trying to get in my room for a hookup.”
“Tell me you locked the doors.”
“I’m not an idiot, Jason. But that doesn’t stop them from trying to get in. Four tries since I called, and each time I tell them that the room is busy.”
“That’s not so bad.”
“Okay yeah, but I want to sleep. I’m tired.”
“If you give me twenty minutes I’ll come by to pick you up.”
“Mm, tempting. But I’m also tempted to sneak out and go to the cafe where we first met.”
“You’re not leaving the apartment alone this late at night.”
“You can’t stop me.”
“I sure as hell can try.”
“I don’t see how, given that you’re probably across town.”
“I swear to god.”
You could have sworn you heard someone laughing, but in your drunken state you weren’t sure. “Well, I mean I could make you swear for a different purpose.”
There was a choking noise coming from Jason and you smiled. “Who knew you were a flirty drunk.”
“Not drunk, tipsy,” you reminded, and slowly opened your window, hoping Jason couldn’t hear it.
“Same thing in my books,” he said. You swore when the window creaked and stilled. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” you said a little too quickly.
“That sounded like a window opening,” Jason claimed, “please tell me you aren’t escaping through the window.”
“How do you know what a window opening sounds like?”
“Really? That’s your takeaway from this?”
“I mean, it’s not everyday you learn that someone knows what a window sounds like when someone opens it.”
“Did you open the window?” Jason asked, and you stayed quiet but it was an answer all the same. “Why?”
“Well I mean, there’s a fire escape like right there,” you defended, holding your phone between your cheek and shoulder. With both hands, you pushed open the window. “Ha!”
“Y/N,” Jason sighed out and you could picture him pinching his nose. Kind of like a dad when he sees his child do something stupid and questioning why they are like this. You wonder if that’s what he’s thinking about you, but you don’t care too much about that right now. “If you're going to do something like this, then keep me on the phone.”
“But won’t I disturb your family movie night?” you ask as you giggle the window screen off and slide it into your room. Once placed on the ground, you grab your keys and wallet before climbing through the window.
“I’m not watching a movie,” Jason said, confused.
“But I heard gunshots,” you reminded him, “it sounded like some western film.”
“Oh,” he said like he had forgotten. You paused on the steps, and looked up in concern when he didn’t say anything else.
“So you were getting shot at,” you questioned. Jason made a noise and you continued down the fire escape.
“No, no one was shooting at me,” Jason said, “brothers were playing a game, guess it was too loud.” You hummed as you concentrated on walking down the steps. “So, did you escape?”
“Do you want me to answer that truthfully?”
“You are, aren’t you?” Jason asked, sighing deeply.
“It’s a lot sturdier than you’d expect.”
“You say that like you’ve done this multiple times.”
“I like to sit outside sometimes,” you defended, “and sometimes I am too tired to go to the roof.”
“Why not just open a window?”
“Not the same,” you replied and kept going down the stairs.
“There’s no stopping you, huh?” Jason voiced and you kept quiet. “Just keep me on the phone while you're out at least.”
“I can do that…as long as my phone doesn’t die.”
“Do you ever charge your phone?”
“I don’t believe you,” Jason teased, and you stuck out your tongue even though he couldn’t see you. “I’ll meet you at the cafe as soon as I can.”
“Might want to hurry, I think I’m going to sleep there if they let me.”
“I have no doubt,” Jason said, laughing.
“Your confidence in me is astounding.”
Your phone ended up dying halfway to the cafe, and Jason wasn’t going to let you live it down. No matter, you were almost there Jason was sure of it.
Quickly tying up the thugs he’s been dealing with while on the phone with you, Jason sent a message to Barbara before leaving.
“What? Done already?” Her basics filtered through the earpiece, surprised. “You’re never done this early. Got a date or something?”
“Or something,” he answered, starting his bike.
“Oh, come Jason!” Barbara exclaimed, “everyone else practically met them. It’s only fair that I know more. I did help you with your dating profile,” she reminded him.
Jason groaned and hung his head in defeat. “Fine! Fine,” he sighed out, ignoring the cheering in his ear. “Yes, I’m going to meet up with them after I’ve changed.”
“But I thought you were going to be out all night,” she said, “given that Y/n’s busy too.”
“Yeah, well. Plans change.”
“Are they okay?”
“Just a little tipsy and isn’t much for party’s. They just left for a cafe near town. Even though they didn’t listen when I told them not to and to wait for me. They insisted they go. So I told them I’d meet them there. Happy?”
“Extremely,” she sang, “and I’ll be even more happy when I get to meet them.”
“I will bring it up. Promise.”
“So, what was it? The motorcycle picture or the puppy that did it for the ?” Barbara teased, and Jason rolled his eyes.
“No idea, but feel free to ask when you two finally meet.”
“I have every intention to and share some stories of my own,” Barbara said and laughed as Jason groaned.
“Oh no.”
“Have fun,” she sang before signing off. Jason shook his head, and rode off back to his apartment.
A short while later, after he dropped by his apartment, he made his way to the cafe.
Parking his bike near the entrance of the building, he got off and looked through the window to see if he could spot you. He didn’t, and frowned hoping you made it safe.
Taking his helmet off, he made his way inside.
“Was wondering when you’d show up,” one of the barista’s called when he walked in.
“Traffic,” he explained, looking around. “Is Y/N here?”
He heard a sigh, and a thump from behind the counter. He turned his head to see a barista when her head was on the counter. “You okay?”
“Don’t mind her,” her coworker answered, waving his hand. “She’s just had to sit and listen to Y/N complain about school and how you were taking so long.”
“Right,” he hummed and looked towards the talk he was directed at. And there you were, head down using your arms as a pillow.
“She’s so tired it’s unreal,” May, after a quick look at her nag tag, groaned. “I can’t wait for Christmas break. That way, they can take a fucking break and sleep he break away. Between school and working, it feels like they don’t sleep.”
Jason hummed and made his way towards your table. “Hey,” he whispered once he reached you and gently placed a hand on your head. You stirred, barely lifted your head up. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”
“But there’s still a party there,” you groaned out, nuzzling further into your arms. “I don’t want to go back.”
“Okay. Counter offer, come to my place. Sleep there, it looks like you need it.”
That had gotten your attention as you lifted your head to glare at him. “Sir, you know just what to say to sweep a girl off their feet.”
Jason laughed and helped you up. “Come on, you’ll feel better once you get some sleep. Promise.”
“Mm,” you hummed, clutching his hand as you followed him outside, waving at the two friends as you passed by. “Bike?”
“What else?”
“It’s cold out,” you pointed out, sticking your tongue out as he set the helmet onto your head.
“Yeah, it keeps you awake though.”
“But it’s cold.”
“Why didn’t you bring your jacket?”
“It was not in the room when I made my escape,” you said, watching as he climbed onto the bike. You followed once he sat, and snaked your arms around his waist, settling your chin on his shoulder.
“You make it sound like you were held against your will,” he said, chuckling when you made a noise, stating that you practically were. “Alright, hold on tight.” That was your last warning, before he started the bike and took off.
You watched the city lights as Jason drove, in awe. You found, since moving to Gotham, that Gotham nights were much more pretty and peaceful then Metropolis. Granted, It wasn’t really safe with all the fighting and toxic gas’s being dispelled by the villain of the week. But it had its charm you fell in love with.
You shivered slightly as the cold air blew past you and felt Jason pick up the speed a little. You couldn’t help but smile at the tiny gesture. He was right though, the cold air does keep you awake.
Watching the lights whiz by, letting your mind wonder. Mat wasn’t kidding when she said you don’t sleep. Between classes, work and your personal projects, you’ve kind of neglected sleep in order to focus on everything else.
Sure, you get a couple hours of sleep, and naps. But it isn’t enough and it’s starting to take its toll on you. Sighing deeply, you tightened your grip and closed your eyes. Christmas break couldn’t come sooner.
You felt the bike slow, causing you to open your eyes. You waited until he parked and shut it off before climbing off. “That was thrilling,” you mumble out through a yawn.
“Would you like another ride?” Jason asked, helping you take off the helmet.
“Definitely,” you answered with a nod, “though maybe when it’s warmer and I’m not prone to fall off your bike due to sleep deprivation.”
Jason laughed, and tugged you into the building. “That’s fair. Now, let’s get you something to drink and eat before getting you to bed.”
“Sounds nice,” you said sleepily. “Is your couch comfy? I feel like it might not be.”
“Now that’s just mean,” he said, stopping short in front of his door. You nearly bumped into him and groaned out his name. “Sorry, but you might need to stay out here for a bit.”
“Did you leave your dirty laundry out or something?” you asked, rubbing your nose. You stepped back all the same instead of pushing it.
“Something like that,” he answered and you watched him unlock the door and stepped in. He closed it quickly, not giving you a chance to look inside. You shrugged and looked around the dimly lit hallway before turning to lean your back on the wall beside the door.
You closed your eyes, letting your head fall back against the wall with a small thump. It was strange, being at Jason’s apartment for the first time. And to sleep instead of being awake and hanging out. But you were giddy all the same.
Yes, you trusted Jason not to do anything with you. And you liked him enough to be okay with sleeping over at his place. It’s not the first time you’ve slept in the same place. And just remembering how warm you felt with Jason’s arms around you sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
“Alright, it’s safe to come in,” Jason’s sudden voice beside you made you jump slightly. “Sorry. Didn’t realize you were sleeping.”
“Not sleeping,” you said, pushing him back in as you walked through the door. “Just resting my eyes.”
Jason hummed and put his hands on your shoulder and steered you into the kitchen. He gently made you sit, before setting a cup of water and a plate of toast in front of you. “Slowly. The. You can have a shower and change out of…whatever costume you have on.”
“You’re an angel.”
“Some would say I’m not.”
“Then they can fight me,” you said, taking a bite out. “And how dare you. Not recognizing the greatest hero of all.”
Jason looked you over slowly, and you tried not to flush. “Yeah, I'm still not getting it.”
“Wonder Women,” you said through another bite of toast. “Sure, it’s not the greatest costume. But it’s the thought that counts.”
“Would you like a change of clothes? I doubt it would be comfy to sleep in.”
“If you don’t mind,” you said with a smile. “I would appreciate it.”
“No problem,” he said, kissing the top of your head before leaving the room. You flushed slightly and finished the rest of your food. It felt all so normal, like you did this everyday. And that thought made you giddy.
“Okay, the sweatpants might be a little big and so is the shirt. But they should be fine.”
“Thanks Jason. That means a lot,” you said, getting up to hug him. He returned it with a smile and shooed you into the bathroom.
Once showered and dressed, you walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed. “Jason?”
“In here,” he called and you followed the voice until you reached the bedroom. “This is your room for the night.”
“I thought I was taking the couch,” you question, leaning against the doorframe, watching as he was getting it ready.
Jason snorted and gave you a look. “Please, I would never do that to you. Besides, it’s not as comfortable as the bed.”
“So you’re going to take the couch?” Jason nodded, and you bit your lip in thought. And before you could change your mind, you bit out, “or, now hear me out. We could share the bed. It’s not like it’s happened before.” You're blaming the alcohol for it, and you can't regret it.
Jason looked up at you with raised eyebrows. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” you said with a nod. “I’m sure. We’re just sleeping right? The worst that can happen is cuddling in the middle of the night.”
“Okay,” he laughed and with that, the two of you climbed into bed. You were more tired than you thought, you fell asleep the minute your head hit the pillow.
For Jason, it took a lot longer for sleep to reach him. He turned over, and looked at you for a moment before slipping his arm underneath you. With his other, he wrapped it around your waist and pulled you closer. And only then he could fall asleep, but not with the thought of how dangerous this could be.
But he found that he didn’t care.
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 9 months
I don’t want to hear thoughts... Unless they’re yours.
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Chapter 9: Paint me a picture of who you are Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader Word count: 6.2k Warning: I don't think there are any here? Just so much fluff. Summary: Wanda wanted to live the normal life she was never afforded, but something was always missing. Something she denied herself and buried deep inside. But watching you move next door, she quickly realizes that this may not be possible for much longer. Especially with all the interesting things she found in your thoughts. Chapter summary: An unexpected invitation from your neighbour leads to a wonderful day out and a magical evening at her house. How far will Wanda dare to go, when she has you all to herself? Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7; Part 8 ; Part 9; Part 10; Series materlist                                     Masterlist of all my works
The next morning you woke up with a clearer head and a determination not to waste your thoughts on negative things. Yes, you’d had a few bad days and you were feeling down lately, but everyone had such days from time to time. It was normal. But you didn’t like to dwell on those things and you always thought of yourself as a problem-solver. So if you felt lonely, perhaps the best thing to do was to simply find yourself a date. There had to be single women in Eastview, right? With that in mind, you made yourself your favorite coffee and you picked out a comfortable outfit for the day, just denim shorts and your favorite t-shirt, ready to actually go through with your plan, when your doorbell rang and startled you out of your thoughts.
You swung the door open only to see Wanda, wearing her casual clothes for the day and a bright smile on her face and just the sight of her, the mere thought of her positivity somehow lifted your mood. God, how did she do that?
“Hi, Y/N!” Her smile grew brighter, flashing her pearly teeth. “I hope this isn’t a bad time?” “No, of course not, come in!” You smiled back, moving your body out of the way, so the woman could enter. “Would you like a cup of coffee, or something to drink?” You offered, heading towards the kitchen. “Oh, no… I came for just a moment.” She explained, seaming a little nervous. A look you hadn’t seen on her yet, making you curious. “I’m actually planning on taking the boys to the park this afternoon. They’re having some sort of fest, so there’s going to be music, ice-cream, cold drinks… I thought to make a day of it and I was hoping you’d like to join us? If you don’t have any other plans, of course.” She asked, playing with the rings on her fingers. “Oh…” Now that invitation stunned you for a moment, not really expecting it. “That sounds really fun, actually.” You agreed, after thinking for a moment. “Thank you for thinking of me!” You smiled at the woman. “Of course I did. You’re our favorite new neighbour.” Wanda’s smile somehow widened, happy to see you agree. “You’re too kind, Wanda.” You tried not to blush, looking away from to woman, so you could compose yourself. “When should I be ready?” “Oh, I’ll put the boys to bed around two, and they usually need maybe an hour-hour and a half, so we should be ready to go at about 4:30? Is that ok?” She asked, not letting you even start a sentence, before she changed her mind. “You know, how about we come over to pick you up? Just in case we run late?” She suggested, stepping a bit closer to you and licking her lips, before she caught herself and stepped back. “Sounds perfect. Should I bring anything? I don’t have much toys, but I have a big picnic blanket?” You offered. “I think that’s a great idea.” Wanda smiled. “And as much as I like to stay and chat, I have to go make lunch. But I’ll see you soon, Y/N.” Wanda smiled, waiting politely at the door for you to let her out and turning, when she was at your gate, so she could give you a wave, before you closed your door.
The thought of a day out made you smile and your thoughts quickly filled with plans and preparations, perhaps finishing some choirs, before you go out and you turned on your sound system, picking out a playlist. Yes, the positive thoughts were really helping. You were already feeling much better, you decided, excited for the afternoon.
In her house, Wanda listened in on your thoughts with a sigh of relief. This little distraction should keep you away from dating apps at least for a bit. And if Wanda played her cards right, she wouldn’t have to worry about it for much longer. The important thing was that she’ll have you to herself today.
* * *
Putting the boys to bed left Wanda with nothing but time on her hands. She was excited about this afternoon with you and she wanted to make the best impression, so she rummaged through her closet, looking for the perfect outfit and she settled on a floor-length yellow skirt and a white, modest v-line top, tucked inside the high waist. She looked like sunshine personified, the colour bringing out her features.
She felt a little silly, getting all dressed up to impress a girl, but she couldn’t help the butterflies in her stomach at the prospect. You weren’t just any girl. She knew so much about you, about who you were, she had shared so much with you, even if you didn’t always feel her presence or know that she was there. You were special, she just knew it. She could feel it, from the first time she listened in on your thoughts, back when you were just settling in your house. There was something about you, and now she knew what it was, now she knew, that she needed you, needed to have you, so it only felt right, to put in the time and effort you deserved.
To make the preparations easier, Wanda packed a bag for the boys ahead of time. She put in their favorite snacks, plenty of water, a couple t-shirts, just in case, she packed a ball and a Frisbee for them, making sure they’ll have plenty of entertainment and she waited for them to wake up from their nap.
Just as she predicted, or perhaps, because she told you to expect them around 4:30, that’s exactly when they knocked at your door. Their happy faces greeted you, immediately making you smile as well and you quickly grabbed your things.
Wanda looked radiant, easily drawing your eyes to her and bringing a slight blush to your cheeks at how shamelessly you were staring at her, but you just couldn’t help it. The woman was magnetic, she had something inexplicably attractive about her that went beyond her looks.
The boys kept coming up with ideas the entire way there and they excitedly asked you to play all sorts of games with them, something you happily agreed to, almost making their mother jealous for your attention. If she wasn’t happy that you got along with her children so well, perhaps she would have even said so, but she knew that she’ll have plenty of time with you for herself.
When you reached the park, already full of people and buzzing with activities, you decided to look through the booths with food, shops and music, making mental notes about where you wanted to return, before you set down your picnic blanket a little farther away from the noise, preferring to settle closer to the many other families with children and pets, who also decided to spend a day out in the sun. It was full of young couples too, teenagers who grouped together… It seemed that the whole town of Eastview had come out today and it gave the place a lively atmosphere.
“Now boys, don’t you run off where I can’t see you.” Wanda instructed with a serious tone, watching both boys nod and give mumbled confirmations, before she let them play, their toys already in their hands. They seemed to find a game quickly, running through the grass happily, and you watched Wanda sit down next to you on the blanket with a sigh. “Where do they find all that energy?” She asked with a chuckle. “Afternoon naps and life unburdened by responsibility?” You asked, only half-joking. “I think you might be right.” She agreed, her smile widening. Her eyes followed them with an adoring look, an almost glow that gave her a dreamy quality and you hurried to look away, before she caught you staring. “By the way, thank you for coming with us today.” Wanda changed the topic, her hand darting out to rest over yours for a moment, before she pulled away. “I always get so overwhelmed coming to these things alone.” “My pleasure. Although I can’t believe you have a hard time finding company. You’re always so nice.” You said, shuffling in your spot nervously.
It was often like that, Wanda knew. She had to be patient, chipping away at your initial awkwardness and shyness, until she felt you were relaxed in her presence. She could hear your mind buzzing with thoughts and anxieties, fighting through years of feeling awkward around people you didn’t know well and she helped you move past it all, always kind and soft with you.
“Company I like…” Wanda emphasized. “That’s hard to find. And I like you very much, Y/N.” Wanda tried to say the words casually, knowing she was taking a risk. But in the end she reasoned with herself that it was the truth and it felt right to tell you. “See? I told you you’re very nice.” You smiled, trying to hide the way her words affected you, secretly wondering if she was flirting with you. “Would you have preferred it if I was mean?” Wanda raised a playful eyebrow. “Probably not.” You smirked. You couldn’t picture Wanda as mean.
For a moment Wanda was tempted to show you the kind of mean she could be, but she knew it was too early, so she filed away the thought for a more appropriate time and decided to meet your words with a soft chuckle and change the subject to something more casual.
“So why don’t you tell me about work?” Wanda said with a curious expression. “It seems to be going quite well?” “As well as it can be expected at such an early stage.” You explained, a little reserved to speak on the subject.
But Wanda had you opening up in no time and the topics shifted quickly, and soon you were sharing funny stories about past co-workers and then just stories about life. She was good at doing that. Making you feel at ease, feel safe with her, feeling like you could trust her. And soon enough the two of you were speaking like old friends, eager to share more, your laughter only interrupted, when the twins ran up to you both and practically threw themselves on the blanket.
“Hey, mom.” Tommy started, mischief in his eyes. Billy was right next to him of course, the same look on his face as well and you found yourself eager to see what the two of them had cooked up. “Yes?” Wanda smiled, seemingly knowing what was going to follow. “Can we have ice-cream please?” The boy asked, giving his mom the biggest puppy dog eyes. “Please?” Billy chimed in, mirroring his brother. They were adorable.
Wanda could only laugh, being used to their ways. Those two loved ice-cream and she already knew that she would let them have some, even before they had left the house, so she easily agreed.
“All right, you can have ice-cream.” She smiled, rummaging through her purse to find her wallet. “Why don’t you let me go get them?” You suggested. “What do you guys want?” You asked the two kids, that looked at you with amazement. “Rocky road!” They both exclaimed, a little more excitedly than you expected. “What about you, Wanda?” You asked the woman. “Why don’t you surprise me? Pick whatever you think is nice.” “All right… Coming right up.’’ You smiled, getting up from your spot and finding your way to the ice-cream stand, where parents and children were already waiting in line.
Returning with 4 ice-creams and a wallet proved harder than you expected, but you managed to carry them to the blanket, where Wanda and her sons already waited for you, the boys taking theirs off your hands as soon as you were within reach.
When they thanked you properly, something their mother insisted on, they dove right in, talking amongst themselves, while Wanda took the cones from your hands, so you can sit properly next to her, much closer to her than you were the first time around, now that you were 4 people on the blanket.
“So what do we have here?” She asked, as she looked at the content in the cones. “One is caramel, the other is pistachio.” You explained, smiling. “And which one is for me?” She asked slyly. “The pistachio, of course. You look like someone who would enjoy it.” “You’re right. I really do.” She smiled warmly, her words quickly confirmed by the twins.
When all the ice-creams were finished, the twins didn’t hesitate to pull you into a game. The four of you laughed at their crazy ideas, but you ended up indulging them, only allowing yourself to sit down, when they had fully exhausted you.
“Oh, poor girl.” Wanda laughed, when you crashed on the blanket. “Thirsty?” She asked as she looked you over. “God, yes!” You groaned, wanting to practically lie on the ground, but refusing to be that dramatic. “Let me get you something to drink.” She offered, ignoring the weak protest you tried to voice. “Boys! Come help me.” She called, taking their hands.
On the way, she must have explained what she was getting, because you heard exclamations and soon enough, they returned, one of them handing you a cup, while they cheered.
“Slushies!” They yelled, half of theirs already gone. “Thank you.” You smiled at Wanda as you took a sip, sighing at the delicious, cool liquid sliding down your throat. “That’s exactly what I needed.”
Your neighbour only hummed in understanding, taking her seat next to you and taking sips from her drink. She was so close, attentive as she listened to you and it brought a slight blush to your cheeks. She continued her conversation with you, happy to let the boys play as she got to know you a bit better. It didn’t bother her at all that she had known already some of the things you told her. It was better to hear them from your own lips anyway.
When the sun started to slowly sink, the four of you started to collect your things, giving yourselves some time to pass through the many booths and explore the fest better, before you left. Wanda found it adorable, watching you move through the crowd of people, stopping wherever she liked and giving her time to look through the many products. You seemed to have eyes only for her and she basked in your attention. You were such a charming girl, uninterested in the little trinkets and decorative objects. It was almost a shame, she had hoped to keep you longer with such distractions, but seeing it wasn’t your thing, you all headed home.
You were practically in front of their house, ready to say goodbye for now, when Wanda’s voice stopped you.
“Y/N, would you like to join us for dinner?” She asked, pulling her sons closer to her body. She was scared that you’d refuse and she wanted the comfort of their bodies. “I wouldn’t want to bother you?” You said, almost on instinct, but with a lot less conviction than you had done in the past, which gave Wanda hope that she might yet convince you. “No bother at all.” She smiled. “Yes, join us! We can play Mario after dinner!” The boys exclaimed.
Normally, Wanda would at least think about letting them play, but they had behaved well today and their invitation seemed to weaken your resolve further, which she found most welcome, so she decided to let it slide. And seeing that the whole family was happy to welcome you into their home, you agreed. You had such a lovely time with them, laughing more than you had since you moved to this town, so you happily followed them into their house.
It was a little smaller than yours, but it had such a warm, welcoming atmosphere, that you found it charming. Something you didn’t miss saying to Wanda. The twins, of course, tried to steal you away, wanting to show you their room and their board games, but Wanda claimed you for herself, asking you to help her cook.
She was so captivating in this setting, confident and easy-going as she effortlessly bossed you around, which you were more than happy to permit. It dawned on you again, how close she was being, how her touches lingered, how easy it was for you to return the gestures, teasing comments making her chuckle. You felt lucky that her directions helped you feel at ease, like you had something meaningful to do and the preparations passed quickly and soon you were all settled around the dinner table, chatting about the day that you had.
You weren’t surprised that the food was delicious, or that the happy chatter filled your heart with joy. You couldn’t remember ever having that in your life. You were raised by a single mother, a woman of ambition and high expectations, so your dinners never looked like this, casual and care-free. Your partners never brought that atmosphere either, it was never cozy and light-hearted and the scene brought a sense of longing within you. A life of your own that would look like that some day.
Wanda didn’t miss the look on your face or the accompanying thoughts and she wished to tell you that it was with her that you could find all that. It broke her heart a little, to know that you had longed for a family like this, just as she did, for most of her life. It made you kindred spirits, you and her. It was only right that you would find what you missed in each-other. A thought that comforted her and gave her hope. But she couldn’t let you dwell on such dark things. She wanted to see you smile and enjoy this moment with her and her family, so she pulled you out of your thoughts and into a conversation, until you no longer felt sad and when the dinner was finished, she let you and the boys play, just like they wanted, while she cleaned up her kitchen, her glance often falling on the three of you with a sparkle of hope and adoration, eventually joining you and only daring to interrupt it all when it was way passed the boys’ bedtime.
“Enough play for tonight, boys, I want you in your PJ’s, teeth brushed and into your beds in 15 minutes.” She instructed, her words met with protests from the twins. “But mom!” They pouted. “Just 5 more minutes?” “It’s way passed your bedtime.” Wanda reminded. “But Y/N is here!” They tried again. “I said, it’s time for bed.” The redhead insisted, tone hardening and head tilting a little to the side. It was rare for them to test her patience like this. “If you’re good and do as you’re told, I’ll let you come down and say goodnight to Y/N later.” She offered, as a way to soften her words. “Fine.” The boys grumbled, but got up from their spots and headed upstairs, waving at you, before they disappeared from your view. “Should I go too?” You asked, as soon as they had left. “It’s getting late and I don’t want to impose.” “Of course not. Just give me a few minutes to put them to bed and then you and I can have a glass of wine. How does that sound?” She offered with a smile you couldn’t quite decipher, something playful and even a little flirtatious flickering there. “Sounds lovely.” You agreed, returning her smile, your eyes lingering on her body, when she turned around and headed upstairs, so she can follow the boys.
As Wanda disappeared from your view, you couldn’t help but bite your lips. Watching her sauntering away did sinful things to you and you had to cross your legs to find some kind of relief. It was terribly wrong to think of her that way, you knew that. The woman was being so sweet and kind to you, inviting you into her home and at her table and you didn’t want to repay her by taking her good-natured actions as something more and fall from her graces.
Just a floor away, Wanda listened to the racing thoughts in your head with a smirk. Poor girl, all flustered and confused, you didn’t know how to handle all those mixed emotions. But she would help you. She’ll show you exactly what her intentions really were and she’ll guide you, until you were ready.
With that in mind, she helped her sons prepare for bed and when they had put on their pyjamas and brushed their teeth, she walked with them downstairs, to let them say goodnight, watching them wave at you and repeat their good night wishes a few times, before they went back upstairs and climbed into their beds.
Wanda tucked them in, placing a loving kiss on their foreheads and lingering for a few minutes to talk to them, smiling when most of their words started to get swallowed by yawns and she turned off their light, peaking a few seconds longer, before she closed the door.
“You know, they really like you.” Wanda said as she joined you in her living room, elated to see you seated comfortably. She had imagined you here so many times, but now that you were, she couldn’t quite decide what she wanted to do next. “I really like them too.” You said honestly, sitting up a little straighter in her presence.
God, those manners of yours. Back always straight, shoulders squared, chin high… She loved the elegance of it, she couldn’t deny it. But she wanted to see you relaxed, so she went into the kitchen and got a couple of glasses from the shelf.
“Do you like red wine, or white?” She asked, as she glanced at the glasses in her hands pointedly. “White.” You answered as you followed her movements with your eyes. “Do you need any help?” “Not at all. You sit comfortably, sweetheart, I’ll be there in a minute.”
So sat there you did. You felt a little nervous now, when it was just the two of you. You weren’t sure what you should talk about, the tension building within you with every passing second she was silent and you didn’t even know why.
“There you go, darling.” Wanda finally spoke, offering you the glass of wine and sitting next to you on the couch, the space between you much smaller than you expected. “Thank you, Wanda.” You smiled, taking a sip of the liquid and holding the glass in your hands as you looked at the other woman. “I have to thank you. I’m really glad you came with us today. Even more so that you stayed for dinner.” Wanda smiled back. “I love my boys more than anything, but sometimes it’s nice to have a grown person to talk to.” She confided. “You don’t have many friends?” You asked, perhaps more bluntly than you should have. “Not really…” Wanda shook her head. “How come?” You found yourself asking. “When I had the boys, they became my whole world. I closed myself off… Perhaps that was my fault. I didn’t give myself or others many chances.” She said with a thoughtful look of her face.
There were many questions you could ask her on the topic, but it was such a vulnerable moment, a quiet reflection you didn’t want to disturb.
“I understand.” You nodded instead. “I think it’s brave.” You added, taking another slow sip. “Only you would find something positive in that.” Wanda chuckled a little. “We have to find the positive things in life. Without them, there’s very little left to live for.” “You have the soul of a poet.” Wanda noted. God, she loved that about you. “Do you write?” “I used to… I haven’t in a while.” You said, thinking of what made you stop. “But I’m in the presence of an artist and I haven’t seen any of your paintings yet.” You suddenly remembered. “Then perhaps this is a good time.” The redhead smiled, getting up and offering you her hand.
She helped you stand, waiting patiently for you to leave your glass on the small table and refusing to let go of you, as she started to lead you through the quiet house, steady and unwavering as she moved through the dimly lit rooms. It was a sort of seduction of your senses, the way your eyes adjusted to the softer lights, the way the air grew cooler as she led you further in, the way she paused in front of the closed door… All magnetic and irresistible. The feeling of her skin against yours, warm fingers almost intertwining with yours as she let you enter and she turned on the lights, illuminating the space. If you had any words in you to speak, you would have written her a poem.
There were canvases everywhere, paintings hanging off the walls, or leaning against them, the room permeated with the smell of the wooden frames and the dye that she used. In the centre there was only a chair and an easel with a painting she was yet to finish.
It was a broken mask, the two pieces barely held together by what was left of it. The left side was painted in pristine white, the lines clear and the surface perfectly smooth and unblemished. The right however was in dark red and black, little pieces were chipped away here and there, the whole thing cracked and twisted, almost grotesque, yet somehow seductive. It was gorgeously painted and it left you in awe.
“I love the idea of it.” You mused. “And the mask design is so unique. How did you come up with it?” You asked, noting the high raised ends, resembling horns, although they were very different too, complimenting their respective sides. “It just came to me.” Wanda said with a note of avoidance, but you didn’t think much of it.
Your eyes scanned the room, looking at the rest of her work. She had so many paintings of her sons, which you found unsurprising, yet so sweet.
“I love this one.” You said with a fond smile, looking at a painting of the twins, both of them curled in a hammock in her back yard. They looked so cute, exhausted and sleeping in the shade of the tree. “They’re adorable.” “Yeah, they were so cute.” She smiled fondly.
Wanda stood behind you, while you looked through her work. She listened to your thoughts, as much as the comments you made out loud, her eyes following your movements and wandering your body. You looked more at ease now, more open to her and she felt her fingers tingle with anticipation and desire to touch you, to trace your neck, your shoulders, to hold your hips and your waist, to pull you close to her and breathe you in. And her senses told her you’re ready for it, you were primed and waiting for her to make her move.
As you continued to look, you found a painting that intrigued you, one of a woman, beautiful and gentle, hovering over a bed, her arm outstretched and stroking the hair of another woman, who lay there, unsuspecting. She appeared to be sleeping, calm and undisturbed by the figure that watched over her, sheets barely covering her naked breasts. The painting looked intimate, it reminded you of gothic paintings of vampires, beautiful and seductive as they devoured their victims.
“Do you like that one?” You heard Wanda’s voice. She had gotten closer, her words almost whispered in your ear.
You were suddenly hyper-aware of her presence behind you, the way her body radiated soothing warmth. And she was getting closer by the second, one of her hands resting on your shoulder, while the other fell on your hipbone, gentle, yet impossible to ignore. She was right behind you now, almost entirely pressed up against you, her head bowed, so she could breathe you in.
“I do.” You managed a small nod, gathering all your bravery, so you could turn in her arms and face her.
You don’t know when this moment turned charged with unresolved tension. It was almost like it snuck up on you, but as your eyes scanned the painting, it was starting to fall into place. God, she was so close, her touch full of tenderness, yet firm.
She was so tempted to spin you around, pin you up against the wall, but she held back. She needed to make sure that you want this, so she waited patiently, listening to your scattered thoughts as you realized what this moment meant.
When you finally moved, your eyes searching hers, you almost gasped. Had she always looked at you like that? You couldn’t tell. Her hands were wrapping around you again, steady and firm as they pulled you into her and her hand moved up, so she could cup your cheek.
“Wanda…” Your tongue darted out to wet your lips as you looked into her eyes. She was captivating. “Such a beautiful girl.” Wanda mused, her thumb stroking your cheekbone.
Her eyes were darting between your eyes and your lips, leaving her almost breathless with desire. She wanted to kiss you so badly, to show you the depth of her passion for you, leaning in closer with every second as she held you.
“I want to kiss you.” She stated boldly, leaning even closer.
You barely nodded, breath caught in your lungs as you waited for that moment when she closed the distance between you. The anticipation was almost unbearable and you almost whined as you looked up at her, your arms pulling her flush against you and clinging to her back. It was then that she finally pressed her lips to yours. Her kisses were slow and gentle, and from the first moment you felt them, it was like the whole world disappeared. All you could feel was Wanda. The way her grip tightened a little, the way her breath hitched at the feeling of you, the intoxicating way in which she smelled and tasted. It was heavenly.
When she pulled away, just enough to look at you and she took you in, she knew she was addicted. She wanted to see you like this every day. She’d give almost anything to have you like this every day. Yes, this felt right. So she kissed you again, this time with more passion, her hand moving to hold the back of your neck, fingers tangling in your hair and scratching at your scalp. God, you were driving her crazy. You were so soft, so pliable in her hands, your lips parting for her as soon as you felt her tongue glide against them, asking for permission to deepen your kiss.
She kissed you like this for a few long minutes, exploring you and savouring you, holding you as you almost trembled against her, quiet moans leaving your throat and making her feel lightheaded. Holding you in her arms was so much better than she ever imagined, better than any fantasy you could conjure up, better than her wildest dreams. Having you in her arms was what she was missing all these years, what she had been chasing with random women and meaningless flings. You felt right.
It took everything in her to pull away, to ignore the inner voice that screamed at her to pull you back into her embrace and kiss you, until your lips hurt.
“That was…” You tried to find the right words for what you felt, but truly there were none. “Yes.” She nodded, stepping closer again. The pull between you was magnetic and Wanda could hardly resist it.
In an act of bravery, it was you who closed the distance this time, your arms wrapping around her neck as you stood on your tip-toes. You felt exhilarated, melting against her body and letting her hands roam wherever they wanted. It felt so good to be touched by her, to be kissed by her, to let yourself really experience her.
It didn’t take long for Wanda to once again deepen the kiss and she was soon pushing you backwards, her hand holding your head protectively as she guided your bodies to the nearest wall and trapping you there. She could feel paintings around her, but she didn’t care. Your body was her only focus and she wanted to explore every part you’ll allow her to.
She took hold of your thigh next, an arm wrapping around it and pulling it up, securing it around her waist and settling between your legs. Bold and filled with lust, she sneaked her hand under your t-shirt, her fingers touching the skin of your abdomen and making you gasp.
She was just about to move higher, cup your perfect breasts over your bra, when a painting fell from its place against the wall, crashing loudly and startling you both from the trans you were in.
Wanda stepped away from you swiftly, both your heads turning up and ears attuning to the sounds in the house, waiting to see if all the noise had woken the twins, but when no sound came, you finally breathed in relief and you giggled, looking at each-other, a moment of pleasant silence passing between you.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about doing that.” Wanda sighed. “You have?” You asked, hope filling your eyes. “More times than you can imagine.” Wanda smirked. “I’d like to show you that. If you let me take you out on a date.” “I’d love that.” You smiled, after only seconds of thought.
It seemed to you that Wanda wanted to say so much more than that, yet she remained silent as she looked at you, cheeks flushed and lips swollen from her kisses. If you could read her mind, you’d know that it was exactly how she pictured you, every time she thought about making you hers, but since you weren’t, you cleared your throat, trying to sound at least a little more composed than you felt.
“I should probably go.” You said shyly. “That’s probably best.” She confirmed. “Otherwise I might be tempted to do that again.”
You could only blush at her words, not really sure what to say. So instead, you finally let your gaze move away from hers and to the painting on the floor that had interrupted the best kiss of your life.
It faced down and you picked it up, turning the canvas towards you, only to see blue eyes, deep and kind, sparkling as if alive, looking back at you, piercing your very soul. You could read so many emotions there, like they spoke to you… Or they would. But they were surrounded by red, face almost entirely swallowed by it. Mysty and overwhelming. Like smoke, that suffocated everything that it touched, it took over the rest of the painting, leaving only the eyes, that continued to stare at you, as if pleading for you to understand what they were trying to say, as if reaching out and into you.
“That painting…” You gasped. “That’s a little dark, I’m sorry.” Wanda said, her mood suddenly shifting. She looked almost uncomfortable that you looked at the painting and you put it down, trying to be respectful of her. “No, its… Breathtaking.” You said, trying to convey the awe you felt for what you saw. “I’ve never seen anything like it. Wanda, it’s gorgeous. And you’re so talented.” “Thank you.” She forced a smile. “It’s really old. One of my first real paintings, actually.” She confessed, refusing to really look at it. “Well, I think it has real soul. It’s touching.” You said, turning to leave the room, much to Wanda’s relief.
She had forgotten that this painting was there and she was glad that you didn’t ask about it. She was terrified to tell you that the eyes you stared at, those soft, kind eyes were Vision’s. She was terrified to tell you what he meant to her, or what happened to him. It was too soon for such things and she didn’t want to scare you away, so she followed you out of the room and she walked you to the door, pulling you towards her one last time and brushing some hair away from your face.
“Today was lovely, Y/N.” She said softly. “When will I see you again?” She asked, wanting to secure her date with you and show you just how serious she was. “Maybe you can come over with the boys for another pool party tomorrow?” You asked smiling. “That sounds wonderful.” Wanda practically beamed at the prospect of seeing you in a bikini and spending an entire day with you. “See you tomorrow then.” You pulled away, only to be stopped by her hand.
She held you close to her again, looking down at you and into your eyes, before she kissed you again, deeply and fully, before she released you with a sigh and let you open the door, watching you walk away and entering your house.
When you finally disappeared from her view, she closed her front door, leaning against it with the biggest grin on her face. She had kissed you. And it was magical.
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eddiemunsons80sbaby · 3 months
Never Say Never
Chapter 11
Pairing: SingleDad!StevexReader
Summary: You are a 32 year old single mother, raising your seven year old son on your own. After being widowed at 30 and going out on awful dates with disgusting men for the past month, you have decided that you're giving up. You already had your great love. One person can't possibly get lucky enough to have two in their lifetime. But then your son starts playing baseball and the coach might just change your mind about that.
No posting schedule.
18+ only for eventual smut
Word Count: 9.4K
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Three hours later found you sitting in the passenger seat of Steve’s car, wondering if doing this together was a good idea. After you managed to get some actual baking done, your counter littered with trays of sweet treats, you'd realized what time it was. Steve announced that the two of you should go get the kids. Like this was a normal occurrence, the two of you picking up your children from school together. Like you wouldn’t be making some epic statement to the world when you exited the same car at Hawkins Elementary. 
What would Eli think when he came out of school to find both you and Steve waiting for him? How would he feel riding home from school in Steve’s car? Who were you kidding? Your son would be ecstatic. He’d get to spend more time with Jeremiah, which was always a good thing in his book. And wasn’t this exactly what the boys had been pushing for? The two of you together?
Were you together? It should be obvious after what had gone down in your kitchen. But was it? It was fairly obvious to you that Steve had been around the block a few times. From the way he and his friends talked he was no stranger to relationships. Did sex mean anything more to him than just a good time? Did you want it to mean more? As much as you liked him, what in the hell had you just gotten yourself into? It felt like you'd just bypassed far too many steps and were stumbling into what could be dangerous territory. Shouldn’t there have been some conversation about what you were to each other, declarations of love or something before you got all carnal with each other?
You had no idea. You were really bad at this. You and Justin hadn’t slept together until the night he’d told you he loved you and you'd said it back. There had only been three guys prior to him and only one of them had been a one night stand, a drunken mistake your freshman year of college. Was that what this had been? A one night stand? Or, actually, a one morning stand since it hadn’t even been noon when it began? Or was Steve thinking you were now officially a couple? Jesus, you needed to talk about it but this would be a really bad time now. You couldn’t have this discussion with the kids around.
Why hadn’t you said anything in the kitchen? It wasn’t like the two of you had been silent. You'd talked as you baked but it was all meaningless stuff. Steve filled you in on the new project his company was working on. You told him about the helicopter mom that had been in the office yesterday, standing over your shoulder as you'd administered vaccinations. He’d been touchy, kissing the back of your neck as he transferred baked goods to the oven for you or placing his hands on your hips, watching over your shoulder as you tried to show him how to properly measure ingredients. The guy had no idea what he was doing. He was used to seasoning to his heart’s content. You had to explain that baking was like chemistry. It had to be exact. But not once had either of you addressed what had just happened or what it meant. 
“Anyway, you don’t have to if you don’t want to but I know Jere would love it. And I would love it too but I don’t want to put too much pressure on you. I know this thing has just started, really.”
This thing? What thing? The two of you? Was it a thing? Were you the thing? Had it started? And what did that mean? Was he your boyfriend now? And what had he even been saying? Were you having the exact conversation you were thinking about and you were missing it? Your inner monologue had just interrupted him and now you had no idea what Steve was asking you. 
“I am so sorry. I kind of missed all of that. I was stuck in my head. What were you asking me?”
“We’re having Jere’s birthday party next weekend. It’s at my ex’s place. It will basically be all the people you met at my house plus my ex, her husband, and her parents. Anyway, Jere really wanted Eli to come so I promised I would ask. Nance and Jonathan hired some guy that dresses up like Batman so he knows he’s coming and he said Eli would be so mad at him if he didn’t get to meet Batman too.”
“Your ex’s house?” you asked, that one detail the only thing you could focus on out of everything he’d just said.
You'd gone on one date, somehow bypassed the appropriate amount of time before sleeping together considering he’d just ravished you on your damn kitchen counter, and now he wanted you to meet his ex-wife? To be introduced as his…what? His son’s friend’s mom? His friend? His girlfriend? What was happening right now?
Your fingers wrapped around the handle of the car door, squeezing tightly. Inhale. Exhale. You were not about to have an anxiety attack in his car. You were not going to do this right now. You had control of yourself and your body. This was insane. Why couldn’t you just respond to stress like most people? Why did the slightest things always set you off? You hated it. You hated that you couldn’t just handle the normal ups and downs of life anymore.
“Yeah. Look, I know it sounds weird but I promise you it won’t be. Nance is great and she’s dying to meet you.”
“Dying to meet me?”
“Yeah. I mean, Jere told her about you so she asked and then I told her about us going out.”
That explained it. The ex wanted to size up the new woman who was in his life, the new woman who was in her son’s life. You couldn’t blame her for that. If you were in her shoes, you would probably feel the same way. You'd want to know who was hanging around your son. Maybe she thought this was all too fast. Maybe she was pissed because he hadn’t talked to her about it first. Maybe you should have met her beforehand?
But how could you have? This all began because you were trying to set up a playdate for your son, not one for yourself. You'd had no intentions of dating Steve, not at first. It just kind of happened. There was no way to go about this the proper way when it hadn’t been planned. But was she going to hate you? To see you as some woman who was sneaking in behind her back and trying to take her place? 
“Look, you don’t have to come if it makes you uncomfortable. I knew it would be a hard ask. But if you don’t mind, I can always pick up Eli and take him myself. Jere would be shattered if his best friend wasn’t there.”
“No. Uh…I’ll go,” you stammered, swallowing down the tension that was filling your throat, choking you slowly. Why were you agreeing to this? Because you just couldn’t say no to that face, those hazel eyes, golden in the afternoon light that were looking at you with so much hope.
“You sure?”
“Yeah.” You turned your head toward him, offering up the best smile you could muster. You might live to regret it but it would make your son happy and Steve really seemed to want you there.  “Eli will be so excited.”
“Great. It’s at three. I would offer to pick you up but I told her I would help with setting up. You know, him being my kid too and all. I’ll give you her address.”
Steve pulled into the school parking lot, sliding into a space. You stepped out and walked to the front of the car, waiting for him to join you. You were pleasantly surprised when he took your hand in his as if it was just something you did, the two of you making your way up to school. He wanted you to come to his son’s birthday party and he was showing a display of affection in front of everyone at school. Maybe this was more than just hooking up. Maybe the two of you were a thing now. Your stomach both fluttered with joy and rolled with nerves at the thought.
You could feel the eyes following you and could practically hear the whispers that would be flying around like wildfire at the sight of the two of you. Not only showing up at parent pick-up together but holding hands. Whatever. It didn’t matter really. The rumor mill had already started churning from the moment you had left the baseball game together so let them talk. At least now what they were saying was actually true. 
The doors swung open, kindergarten releasing first followed by first grade. Little feet racing across the concrete into waiting arms, squeals of joy that the school day was over and they were going home to bike rides and basketball hoops in backyards. You caught sight of your son, right next to Jeremiah, where he always was, the two boys talking and laughing. His eyes fell on you, moved over to Steve, and then went directly down to where your hands were clasped. Him and Jeremiah shared a wide-eyed look and then they both yelled out loud, fists pumping in the air. 
“I think they’re happy. What do you think?” questioned Steve with a grin.
You laughed, “I would definitely say they’re happy.”
The boys ran over to you, both yelling, talking so fast it was difficult to catch what they were saying. They kept it up the whole walk back to the car, barely waiting for the car to start before questioning their parents.
“So are you guys like boyfriend and girlfriend now?” asked Jeremiah, leaning between you. 
“Put your seatbelt on,” Steve stated.
“But are you?” he asked again, sitting back and buckling in. 
“Yeah. Are we all going to live together now?” piped in Eli.
“Oh, that would be so cool! Are you getting married?”
“Do I call you daddy?”
It was happening again. You sunk down into your seat, eyes focusing on the numbers on the clock, the pine tree shaped air freshener hanging from the mirror, the sunglasses clipped on the visor above Steve’s head. You closed your eyes. Sounds…you couldn’t focus on sounds, nothing could be heard over the myriad of questions the boys were spewing out in the back. 
Then a warm pressure landed on your knee. Fingers pressing into the jean material, centering you, keeping you still while inside you felt like you were losing control. You inhaled through your nose, exhaled through your mouth, focusing on Steve’s fingers, the warmth and pressure, the comfort it provided. 
“You good?” he asked when you slowly opened your eyes and you nodded. You were. Somehow you were. “Alright. Let’s calm down a bit, okay? Eli's mom and I are just getting to know each other. We like each other and we would like to spend more time together and keep doing that. But no one is moving in anytime soon and no one is getting married anytime soon. Okay?”
His eyes darted to the rearview mirror and both boys nodded. He squeezed your knee again reassuringly. 
“But we might be spending even more time together than we have been. Would that be okay?”
“Yeah!” both kids yelled enthusiastically. 
“Alright. How about we start with tonight? I need to help your mom box up all the goodies we baked today for the school carnival on Saturday. How about after we’re done with that we go to the diner to grab some burgers and then we can come back and play some games, all four of us? Sound good?”
“Can I get a milkshake too?” asked Jeremiah.
“Oh yeah. What’s your favorite flavor?”
“Let’s both say it on three!”
“Okay,” Eli agreed as both boys turned to each other, counting before exclaiming at the same time, “Strawberry!”
Steve chuckled, turning those beautiful eyes on you, “That okay with you?”
“Yeah,” you replied, pressing your lips together. “That would be nice.”
“Good because I’m not ready to stop looking at this face yet.” He winked and your heart stuttered. 
“Rita, can you schedule Tyler for a follow-up in two weeks?” you inquired as you walked Tyler and his mom to the front, turning to the mother. “Dr. Wilson just wants to make sure it’s a respiratory infection and not asthma. He’ll listen to his lungs again to make sure they’re clear after using the breathing treatments and corticosteroids. As long as everything sounds clear, then he should be all set.”
“Thank you so much.”
“Of course.” Leaning forward, you ruffled the six year old’s hair. “We’ll have you back out on the soccer field in no time. Just make sure you take it easy for a couple weeks, okay?”
“Okay,” he grumbled. 
You smirked, amused, because you knew if it were Eli he’d be the same way. There was nothing worse than trying to keep a little kid from being active. Your son would be devastated if he found out he couldn’t play baseball or run around at recess or don his cape and race around the backyard for a couple weeks. 
Kids. They just didn’t understand. You would give anything for someone to order you to take it easy for a couple weeks. You'd catch up on the books that were piled in your bedroom, the ones you couldn’t seem to stop buying but never seemed to get to. You'd watch all the movies that you hadn’t had time to go see in the theater. You'd take long bubble baths and afternoon naps. 
But barring some crazy illness, that was not in the cards for you. And you couldn’t afford a crazy illness, certainly not one that would knock you down for a couple weeks. Not with the school carnival tomorrow, Eli’s game on Sunday, and the impending promise of your parents showing up for a visit. 
Your eyes wandered over the appointment list, seeing that you didn’t have another patient for an hour but your mind was anywhere but. Your mind had been anywhere but where it should have been all day. You should have been focusing on test results, examinations, immunizations, medical histories, and charting. Instead it somehow kept finding its way back to your kitchen yesterday afternoon. 
What in the hell had you been thinking? That was precisely the problem. You hadn’t been thinking. Your brain had completely shut off and your body had taken over. You were like some teenage girl completely controlled by your hormones and your urges. He’d just looked so damn good and then he was kissing you and he was all you could think about, the only thing you could feel. And you'd wanted more. 
Right now, standing here, in the middle of the office, you wanted more. You wanted to get in your car, drive to his home, and have a repeat performance. It might have been a mistake but damn if it wasn’t one that would be worth repeating, if for no other reason than you were damn near positive that you would never feel like that again with anyone else. What was even more terrifying was that you didn’t want to. He was all you could think about and feeling this intensely this quickly was unsettling because it would make losing him all that much harder if it happened.
Was it Steve? Was he just that amazing at sex? His fingers and tongue had done things to you that made you forget your own name. He was definitely skilled. But was it as simple as that? Was it the combination of the two of you? It sure as hell felt so. It felt like you just fit, like his body had been carved to mold perfectly against yours, all your curves and edges lining up. 
“Hey girl!”
You shrieked, jumping about a foot in the air, your arm lashing out and knocking a cup of pens off the counter and onto the floor. Grumbling, you bent down to grab them, glancing up to find Janice grinning at you, eyes wide. 
“Sorry. What’s got you so jumpy?”
“Nothing. I…it’s nothing,” you muttered, setting the cup down, plopping the pens back inside. “What are you doing here?”
“I brought lunch,” your friend stated, holding up a brown paper bag and a cup holder with two coffees. “June made us two of her phenomenal turkey and pesto sandwiches on sourdough.”
“Okay…” you said, the word dragging out suspiciously. “And why exactly did you bring me lunch?”
“Does a bestie have to have a reason to do something nice for her favorite person on the planet? Also, do I have to have a reason to want to have lunch with you?”
“I guess not.”
“So, are you free?”
“Yeah, actually. I just looked and my next patient isn’t scheduled for another hour.”
“Did you want to head to your little spot by the pond?”
You followed Janice, who bounced on the balls of her feet, only furthering your suspicions that this wasn’t just her wanting to have lunch with her best friend. The girl definitely had an agenda and whatever it was, she was pretty anxious about it if the bounce in her step was any indication. She bopped over to the bench, you joining her, as she pulled out two sandwiches wrapped in brown paper, offering one to you. 
“Thank you,” you said, taking a long drink of your iced coffee. “I needed this pick-me-up today. My morning caffeine hit is quickly wearing off.” Unwrapping your sandwich, you took a bite. “God, this is so good. I didn’t even realize how hungry I was until now.” You both ate in silence for a couple minutes, the only sound little groans of pleasure. June’s talent did not stop at a good cup of coffee. She knew how to make one perfect sandwich as well. “So what? Just needed a little break in your day?”
“Not exactly…” Janice began, pressing her lips together. She looked up at you, her lips pressed together in a nervous smile. “I’m pregnant.”
“What!?” Your arms flew out, the last few bits of the bread scattering off of your lap. Oh well. The ducks would definitely enjoy it. “Are you serious? When? How long have you known?”
“About two hours,” she said, mouth tight. “I just took the test this morning after Matt left for work.”
“What? Does he know?”
“No. You’re the first person I’ve told.”
“Janice…oh my god! I’m so…I’m so happy for you!” You pulled your friend into a hug, joy feeling like a balloon, filling you up until you could absolutely burst with it. “But, you told me first? I mean, you are planning on telling him, right?”
“Yes. I am. But I was just so nervous. I’ve been feeling a little nauseous and at first I just thought I’d caught a bug. But then I realized my period was a week late and it’s so early. I know it is. I probably shouldn’t have even told you because the chances of something going wrong are so drastically high right now…”
“Nothing is going to go wrong,” you assured her. 
“You can’t promise that.”
“No. I guess I can’t and maybe you wait until the second trimester to announce it to the world but you can’t wait that long to tell your husband. Matt is going to be so excited. The two of you have been trying for months. He’s going to be a dad, Janice.”
“I know! Trust me, I know. It’s just…he wants this so much and what if I tell him and we’re all excited and we’re picking out names and then something happens? I’m thirty-two and Holly is the same age as me and she had a miscarriage. I don’t want…”
You winced, remembering that emotional phone call you'd received just six months ago. Holly, your mutual friend from college, lived in California now, having moved there when her husband got a job transfer, but she still stayed in touch. Weekly phone calls, cards for special occasions, and she’d even flown in last summer to spend a week with you. A glorious week where you had taken vacation time and you'd all lounged at the lake, eaten far too much junk food, and stayed up half the night laughing and talking as you shared a bottle of wine. It had made you feel like you were twenty again, just starting life, optimistic about what was to come, not a care in the world. 
“Okay, yeah. That’s always a possibility but you can’t assume that. It had nothing to do with her age. Don’t you remember Stacy? We were only twenty-one and she had a miscarriage and that girl was the epitome of physical fitness. She ran track and watched everything she put in her mouth. She couldn’t have been healthier. Sometimes there’s no rhyme nor reason to it and it’s not fair but it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. Let yourself be happy. This is a happy occasion. If you don’t want to share it with everyone for a while, then fine, but you have to share this with Matt. The two of you deserve to be in your own little bubble of bliss.”
“I know. I know you’re right. I just…I don’t know. I saw those two pink lines on that stick and at first, I was so excited. I screamed and I jumped up and down. I almost hopped in my car and drove straight to his work to tell him. But then all these doubts started creeping in and I just couldn’t. I freaked out and so I did what I always do when I freak out.” She paused, smiling, her shoulder lifting in a slight shrug as her hand covered yours. “I ran to you.”
“Well, while it is a tough job to always be the one to try to lead you back to the shallows when you jump off the deep end, it’s not a job I would ever trust to anyone else,” you told her, wrapping your fingers around your friend’s hand, squeezing gently. “And oh my God, Janice! You’re having a baby!”
“I’m having a baby!” she cried and the two of you collapsed into a hug, weeping and laughing and shrieking. “You’re going to be an aunt!”
“Eli is going to freak when he finds out.”
Janice raked her teeth over her bottom lip, “Can we not tell him just yet?”
“Of course,” you assured her. “Of course. We can absolutely wait until you’re ready. Besides, you and Matt definitely have to be the ones to tell him this news. He’s always wanted a younger sibling and I don’t see that happening so maybe he’ll settle for this.”
Janice shifted, one eyebrow raising, “I don’t know. There’s still a possibility.”
“Oh please,” you snorted with a dry laugh. “I’m widowed and in my thirties. Justin and I…I mean we talked about trying for another baby but then he was gone. I would have loved to give Eli a sibling but I really don’t think that’s in the cards.”
“Never say never,” your friend sang. “You have a new guy in your life. You’re not ancient. You’re sitting there telling me my age is fine for being pregnant so why couldn’t you do it?”
“Janice, Steve and I barely know each other. We’ve gone on one date.”
“Well, you know my argument on this. The two of you have spent far more time together than that. Besides, I think we can safely count it as two now. He was at your house yesterday baking.”
“That was baking. We were just getting stuff ready for the school carnival.”
Your face flushed with heat, your gaze dropping to your lap, thumbs twirling tightly around one another. It was far more than just baking but did it count as a date? Probably not. A mistake? Absolutely. Steve had been with quite a few women if rumors were to be believed and now you'd just lumped yourself in with the rest of them. So much for making him wait or keeping him interested. He already knew everything you had to offer. 
“Still, you were alone and…why’s your face all red?”
“What? My face is not red,” you protested, sucking down a massive gulp of iced coffee, willing the cool drink to also cool your flesh and stop giving you away. 
“You are too! You’re redder than a boiled lobster.”
“We’re not talking about me. We’re talking about you. You’re pregnant! We’re very excited about that.”
“Like hell we’re not talking about you. Don’t you try to change the subject. I mentioned baking and you got all flustered. The two of you, alone in your house, no kids around…you had sex, didn’t you!?”
“What!? I…no…I…”
“Girl, don’t bullshit me,” Janice warned, one perfectly manicured finger just an inch from your nose. “We’ve been friends for fourteen years. I know you better than anybody. You had sex, didn’t you?”
You groaned, your body sagging against the bench, “Yes.”
“Holy shit! Holy shit! I knew it! Oh my god, this is amazing. How was it? Where was it? Who initiated it? Does he look just as good underneath those clothes? Is he hung? Details! I need all the details!”
“Jesus Christ, do we really have to do this?”
“Yes we have to do this. My friend got well and truly fucked for the first time in over two years. I need to know everything.”
“But you don’t. It was…”
“Oh god. What’s wrong with him?” Janice cringed. “Is he a minute man? Was he one of those guys who thinks penetration is enough to get you there? Does he have a micro penis? Oh Jesus. He has a micro penis, doesn’t he? Guys like that, they always look like they’ll be hung but then they’re not. But it’s okay. We can work with it.” 
“No! God. It…it just shouldn’t have even happened. It was a huge mistake. I don’t know what I was thinking. That was the problem! I wasn’t thinking. I just…god, I wanted him so badly. I haven’t had sex in forever and I lost all control and then it was happening and there was no stopping it once it started and now he’s going to think I’m easy and he’s not even going to be interested. And now there’s all these feelings that wouldn’t have been there if I would have just kept my damn legs shut and if it doesn’t work out it’s going to be even more devastating. I’m terrified of what another heartbreak will do to me when I’m already hanging on by a thread most days. And it was so good and it shouldn’t have been that good. I shouldn’t be craving him the way I am right now. I can’t stop thinking about him and then that makes me feel awful because it feels like I am just completely abandoning Justin. I’m just moving on as if he didn’t matter. I shouldn't even be able to feel like this about someone else.”
“Whoa!” Janice held both hands up in front of her body. “Alright. Take a deep breath for me.” She inhaled slowly, gesturing for you to join her. After you did, Janice smiled. “Okay. That’s a lot of shit to unpack. So, let’s take it a step at a time, okay? So what if you already slept with him? Are you stuck on some archaic three date rule or something? You guys don’t fall into that category because you’ve been spending time together for a few weeks already. So, forget that. Steve is not going to think you’re easy. Honey, you’ve been the Virgin Mary since Justin passed away. It was inevitable that your self-control was going to snap. And around a man that looks like that, who could blame you? As for the feelings, feelings aren’t a bad thing and you can kid yourself all you want but sex isn’t changing the fact that you were already in deep for that man.” She pointed to herself. “Person who knows you best, remember? I know every expression that crosses your face, every little gesture you make, every emotion that you wear painted right across your sleeve. You’ve been in deep for that man from the moment you saw him on the baseball field. I could see it the first time you talked about him. So, that ship has long since sailed. If this all ends, you’re going to be just as devastated whether you opened your legs or not so you may as well have fun with it. I will throw your own words right back at you. You can’t control the future so be happy. You deserve it and as far as Justin, stop it. Stop obsessing about what he would think. He’s not here, honey. You’re not cheating on him. You’re not forgetting him. If you were, you wouldn’t be obsessing about how he would feel. He would be pissed, absolutely, if he were alive but he’s not. You wouldn’t be doing this if he were alive so that’s inconsequential. And the only thing he ever wanted, the only thing that ever mattered to him, was that you and Eli were happy and taken care of. Justin would love Steve because from what you’ve told me, he’s amazing to both of you. So, stop it. Okay? Get out of your head and enjoy this. Something amazing is happening here. Be in your own little bliss bubble.”
“I really like him,” you admitted.
“Well, duh,” laughed Janice. 
“It terrifies me. He’s amazing. I mean, he shouldn’t be real. He’s gorgeous. He’s kind. He’s attentive. He listens. I mean, he really listens to everything I say. He’s respectful, always making sure I am okay with what’s happening before it happens. He makes me laugh. He is a wonderful father and just a wonderful human. He’s so self-sacrificing, always putting everyone else before himself. I think…I think I might be falling for him and that’s insane. We barely know each other. Isn’t that insane?”
Janice shrugged, “Is it? I mean, there’s no timeline for this kind of stuff. There’s no manual on how to feel about something. We can’t control it. I knew I loved Matt on our fourth date. I don’t know. I just knew he was it for me. I didn’t say it then, of course. I was scared he would think I was crazy and I would chase him away. But he said it after we’d been together for six weeks and so I said it too. And look at us. Look at you and Justin. How long did it take you to say the L word?”
“Two months. He took me ice skating. I fell and took him with me and he just grabbed my face and told me he loved me. And I don’t know. I just knew I felt the same way. I think I actually knew it for longer than that but I didn’t say it.”
“So, do you love Steve?”
“I don’t know,” you groaned. “That’s a really big word for something that’s barely begun.”
“Babe, you’ve been about as intimate as two people can be. And you all hang out like you’re a little family already. I don’t think it’s as big of a word as you think. Or, it is a big word, but I don’t think it’s too big to describe what’s happening.”
“Maybe…I…I just don’t know. I know I really like him. I know that I can’t stop thinking about him. I know that I am counting down the hours until he picks us up tomorrow for the carnival because I just want to see his face.”
“Sure sounds like it to me,” Janice grinned. “Look, it’s not a big deal. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. No one’s saying you have to say anything or define anything right now. Just stop obsessing and let yourself enjoy this because it’s pretty damn cool. You, my friend, are in the midst of a love story, a sequel if you will to your first one. Just enjoy the ride.”
“I’ll try,” you assured her, dropping your head on her shoulder. “Now, how soon am I allowed to start shopping for my niece or nephew?”
“Oh lord,” she chucked. “You’re going to spoil this kid rotten, aren’t you? I guess I deserve that for all the shit I’ve bought for Eli over the years.”
“Four hot dogs with everything and a popcorn please,” the jovial dad announced as he stepped forward in line. 
“You got it. Would you like anything to drink?”
He glanced over at his wife, the two conversing over their drink options. Their kids, a boy in third grade and a girl in fourth, chimed in, making sure their preferences were known. It quickly turned into the kids whining and huffing when their parents settled on waters, denying their request for a Coke and an icee. 
The icee machine was something that Laurie was very proud of procuring for the school carnival. Apparently, she convinced Sal, who ran the gas station in the middle of town to allow them to borrow his for the evening. You were pretty sure Sal was just the next in a long line of men that Laurie strung along, flirting shamelessly to get what she wanted from them. Poor guys. They didn’t realize they would be receiving nothing in return until they were in too deep. 
Steve loaded up the hot dogs, handing them off to you so you could hand them to the family. You reached into the cooler to grab their bottles of water while he scooped out popcorn, loading it into the red and white striped boxes that were customary at every concession stand. 
You smiled as you watched your son and his friends race past, their faces covered in paint. Tina had kindly offered to keep an eye on them while Steve and you fulfilled your hour at the concession stand. You took the money the dad offered, telling them to have fun, watching as Eli stepped forward to try his luck at the duck pond. His little face lit up when he turned his duck over to reveal a number. The guy offered him a tiny rubber finger alligator and he couldn’t have been more pleased, immediately placing it on his finger and roaring as he shoved it in Jeremiah’s face. The boys thought this was hysterical, all of them breaking into a fit of laughter. 
“They’re sure enjoying themselves.”
You jumped at Steve’s words spoken right in your ear. You tilted your head to find him, one arm propped on the counter, his lips just a breath from yours. The smile he gave you was as soft and familiar as a pillow, the one you even had to take on vacation because it was molded to your shape. 
“Hi,” he whispered. 
“Hi.” You laughed, the sound hoarse and breathy as you tried to get your bearings. His presence invading your space sent you entirely off kilter like a planet knocked from its orbit, floating haphazardly in the vast nothingness of space. 
“We’ve been working back here for thirty minutes together and have barely talked.” His fingers walked across the counter to cover your hand with his own. “You’ve been kind of quiet.”
“No. No, I haven’t. We’ve just been busy.”
His head tilted, lips pouting in that way that just made you want to kiss them right off his face. One eyebrow lifted, those hazel eyes reaching straight through you and into your soul, as if he could read you like the pages of a book. The thought, while comforting, was also a bit unsettling. You weren't sure how to feel about him being able to see you so clearly after such a short time. 
Had you been quiet? Probably. Your brain was a bit occupied with everything that had occurred in the last forty-eight hours of your life. You'd not only gone on a date with Steve but crossed the line into sex. What did it mean? Were you a couple now? Were you still just getting to know each other like he’d told the boys? Did he still look at you the same way even though you'd been so willing to be intimate with him so quickly? 
You were spinning out a bit. Your talk with Janice had helped some but you hadn’t done this in years. You had no idea how to deal with the bevy of emotions that were twisting you into a knot. You couldn’t stop thinking about him. A simple touch and you were like a sixteen year old girl, hormones raging, on the verge of losing control, ready to grab him and smash your lips to his in front of all these damn people. 
“Is that it?” he mused, forehead tilting down, almost close enough for yours to touch. “I know we haven’t really talked about what happened on Thursday but I’d like to. I wanted to…”
“Help has arrived!” came a high pitched sing-song voice and you moved your head around Steve to see the source. It was Janet Comstock, one of your least favorite people on the planet. And judging from the look on Steve’s face, she didn’t rank very high for him either. “Looks like you two have been pretty busy.”
“Janet? I thought your shift didn’t start for another thirty minutes. You and Ryan are supposed to do the next one together,” Steve stated, straightening and turning. He leaned back against the counter, arms crossed, staring her down like she was a misbehaving child. 
“Oh, it doesn’t but I figured you two could use the help when I saw how people just kept lining up.”
“I think we’re alright,” protested Steve. 
“Nonsense. It never hurts to have more hands, right?” she beamed and then snorted, rolling her eyes. “You know, if you fill up the popcorn boxes in advance then you don’t have to waste time when people order them. Much more efficient. See? You need me.”
“Like a hole in the head,” he muttered, teeth clenched tightly, only you hearing his words. 
“Oh, hi there." She smiled at you as if she'd just noticed you standing there. "I didn't realize you were volunteering." Bullshit. She'd been at the meeting. "How have you been?” Janet breezed, donning a pair of latex gloves in preparation to scoop up popcorn. 
“Okay…” you replied slowly, growing more confused by the minute. You weren't a fan of Janet either but Steve seemed to be extremely put off by her presence. 
“That’s good. I’m so glad to see you doing better,” she continued as she scooped. “We were all so worried about you for a while. No one ever saw you. I swear, you became a hermit after everything. Not that I blame you. Justin was perfect, wasn’t he? You had every woman in town jealous. If only we all could find our soulmate but alas, we’re not so lucky. I mean, when there’s only one person who’s really meant to be yours, what are the chances of you finding them in this great big world?”
“I…I mean, yeah, I was lucky to have Justin. He was an amazing man,” you said awkwardly, unsure of what was happening. 
Steve was like a statue next to you, standing rigid, his jaw so hard you were sure it could cut through six inch glass. This was the most uncomfortable situation you'd ever been in. You would never pretend like Justin wasn’t one of the best things to happen to you but you really didn’t want to talk about that in front of Steve. But Janet couldn’t know that, right? People may have made assumptions about the two of you but they didn’t actually know what had happened. 
“Oh, he was,” crooned Janet. “Strong, kind, and so romantic. I remember when he had all those roses delivered to the doctor’s office for you. I had taken Sally in for an ear infection and they were everywhere, completely covering the counter. Poor Rita could barely see.” She laughed. “The way you two would look at each other, it was like something out of one of them cheesy romance movies. The kind you think are completely fake because nothing like that could ever actually exist. But you two showed us all it could. You must miss him terribly. It must be awful knowing you can never find anything that could come close to that again. But at least you had it for a while, right? Some of us never do.”
“Yeah. I…I…did…” you stammered, your fingers wrapping around the counter so tightly they were tingling, on the verge of going numb. What was this? Why was Janet saying all of this? 
You were struck with the need to get out of there, to be anywhere else but here, talking about your perfect love that you no longer had in front of the guy you were hoping to find it with again. To find something with again. The muscle in Steve’s jaw jumped, his nostrils flaring. He was angry. 
Was he angry because you were talking about Justin? He knew. He knew you'd been married, knew you'd lost your husband, knew you had loved him very much. Was he not capable of handling this? Of knowing that you'd had a great love before? Justin was never going to be erased from your life. Eli was proof of that. You would forever have a piece of him and if Steve couldn’t handle that then this whole thing might be over before it had even begun. 
Janet turned with a sad smile, sighing deeply, her plastic covered hands coming to her chest, “I thought I had that.” Her eyes moved over to Steve and it felt like a ten pound stone had just dropped in your stomach. “I really did but some people are just too scared to let true love in, to see what’s right in front of their face. They keep running to the wrong thing instead of embracing the right one.”
Oh god. Janet. It all came rushing back. That day on Steve’s deck, the girls all talking about this woman he’d dated. Janet, the one he almost had to get a restraining order against. The one who had become obsessed with him. And now it all made sense. Now you could see why Janet was going on and on about Justin. She was trying to make Steve see that you were all wrong for him. Was he thinking that too?
You lifted your fingers from the underside of the counter, curling them one by one, focusing on the feel of the smooth stainless steel. Your eyes zeroed in on the popcorn boxes, the familiar red and white stripes. You needed to get out of here before it happened again. It could not happen here, not in front of Janet, not in front of half the town. You would never live it down. The news of you breaking down at the school carnival would be everywhere before everyone’s heads hit the pillow tonight.
“You know, since you showed up early, how about you help Steve for a bit? I’m going to go check on the boys,” you said, pushing off from the counter, inhaling slowly through your nose. 
“Wait. What?” Steve had been zapped from wherever his mind had just been taking him. “No. I…we only have twenty minutes left…I…”
“No, really. It’s silly for all three of us to be back here when it really only takes two. I’ll go relieve Tracy.”
You walked off before he had a chance to respond, not trusting yourself to spend one more minute in the midst of that tension and animosity. You could not hear Justin’s name come out of that woman’s mouth one more time. You could not watch Steve grow angrier each time he came up. You marched out, on the hunt for your son, ready to lose yourself in the chaos of the carnival instead of the chaos of whatever the hell that was. 
“Janet, what the hell was that?” Steve snapped as the heavy door closed behind you. You'd darted out of there as fast as possible, not that he blamed you. He hadn’t wanted to be there either but one of you had to stay behind. 
“That was me trying to save you from making a huge mistake,” she stated, arms folding over her chest, brown eyes burning into his. “Are you really that naive that you can’t see it?”
“See what exactly?”
“That girl is all wrong for you! You’ll never be able to measure up to her husband, ever!”
“I’m not trying to!” he yelled, jolting when he noticed Sarah standing at the counter, looking sheepish at interrupting what was obviously a heated argument. 
“Hey there,” she said brightly, waving. “So sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to get some popcorn and a couple of icees.”
“Of course!” Janet beamed brightly, turning to handle her order as if they hadn’t just been yelling at each other.
Sarah cringed, mouthing sorry to him and Steve just gave her a small smile and a wave of his hand, indicating it was okay. She probably knew what was happening. The whole town had known he’d dated Janet for a while. Hell, he was sure the whole town knew how he’d broken her heart because she’d probably made sure they all knew. 
She thanked Janet as she took the snacks and traded her money before heading off, turning back once to look back at Steve with sympathy. Everyone knew Janet was a bit crazy. He just wished he’d known before he decided to ask her out. He wished he’d listened when his best friend told him she was after meeting her once but it probably would have already been too late by then. She’d been a stage five clinger from the first date. 
“Steve,” she began, shaking her head, pulling her gloves off and flinging them in the trash can. “You didn’t see the two of them together. I did. That was epic, once in a lifetime love. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life living in some man’s shadow? Because that is all you will be to her, a pale comparison of what she had before.”
“You don’t know anything about her and I, and it’s none of your damn business!”
“It is my business! It is! I gave you everything. I took care of you. I bent over backward to be everything you wanted and you still threw me to the side like I was nothing but trash!”
“I didn’t throw you anywhere! And maybe that’s the problem. You shouldn’t mold yourself into what you think someone wants. Then that’s not really what they want and that’s not fair to you. Why would you want to be with someone if you have to pretend?”
“I wasn’t pretending! I’m telling you, if you head down this road, you’re just going to wind up heartbroken. She will never need you like you need to be needed. You will never be number one for her because he always will. You will never be the most important. And you and I both know how much you want that.”
Her words hit their mark. He would never tell her that. And how the hell did she know him that well? Robin had said all those same things to him. How he craved to be the most important to someone because he’d never been to anyone else. But now he had Robin and he knew he was pretty damn high on her list. Not to mention Dustin. That kid relied on him for damn near everything. 
But what if he couldn’t ever be that person for you? What if you looked at him and just saw the next best option? Like he was the store brand version of your name brand husband? What if he couldn’t ever have all of you because part of you had been buried in that casket with him? 
When Steve envisioned a life with the person he was meant to be with, he envisioned them having all of him, him having all of them. Two people who were so connected that nothing could come between them because they were a force that nothing could break. But could he have that with someone who’d already had that? 
“You know I’m right, don’t you?” she smirked, one eyebrow lifting smugly. “She might be a pretty package but she’ll never truly be yours. That gift tag has someone else’s name on it. Dead or not, it doesn’t change that.”
He was saved from responding when the door swung open, Ryan, the other dad who had volunteered, entering. Before he could even get a word out, Steve was gone, pushing past him and into the gymnasium. As if all the doubts Janet had just put in his head would be locked behind that door too when it shut behind him. 
Weaving through running children hurrying from one game to the next, his head was on a swivel, looking for any sign of you or the boys. The entire place was chaos, a constant drone of conversation, squealing, and feet smacking against the linoleum. He hadn’t made it halfway through when a little body slammed into his legs, arms wrapping around him. He looked down, expecting to see his own son but finding Eli instead. 
“Steve! Steve, you have to come see! They have a reptile guy here and he has real snakes! There’s a python that’s like ten hundred feet long!”
You stood just behind him, Jeremiah next to you. You offered him an uncertain smile and he gave one back. He had no idea where you stood. No idea where your head was at after that embarrassing scene in the concession booth. 
Hell, he had no idea where you stood, period. He was hoping you would get a chance to talk tonight. But between the boys and Janet, that wasn’t looking likely. He knew the two of you had crossed the line, and rather quickly. He didn’t regret it. That moment in your kitchen had been playing on a loop in his brain ever since. But he needed to know how you were feeling about it all. Were you officially a couple? Or were you thinking that was a mistake that you wished you could take back? You really might be after what just happened. 
Eli grabbed his hand and Steve allowed himself to be dragged across the gym. He responded appropriately with wide eyes and gasps as the boys made him look at every single reptile the guy had from iguanas to a python that was not ten hundred feet long but still pretty damn big. But the whole time his mind was on you, on what you were thinking right now, what you were feeling. He was dying to talk to you, to find out. He wished he could peer into your brain. Were you feeling for him the way he was for you? Or was this just a stepping stone, like Robin had been scared of, a jumping off point for you to move on from the man who’d truly made you happy?
The two of you followed the boys from game to game, dutifully holding any prizes they won. You spoke, your words polite but clipped, uncomfortable and he hated it. The boys didn’t seem to be aware but he sure was. Steve stepped up at the game where you threw a ball at pins and won a goldfish for Eli. 
“Mommy, look!” he shrieked, holding the bag up proudly. “Steve got me a fish! I’m going to name him Flash. I know Flash is red and he’s orange but I bet he can swim really fast.”
You smiled at your son, trying to convey excitement but your eyes weren’t quite showing it, “Oh fun.” You looked up at Steve, so exasperated but damn if you didn’t look cute. “Now we need a bowl and food.”
“Sorry,” he offered when the boys raced ahead, leaving you holding the newest member of the family. “I guess I didn’t really think about the ramifications of winning a living creature.”
“It’s fine,” you sighed. “My biggest concern is keeping this damn thing alive. If Eli sees him belly-up, he’s going to be heartbroken. And with a fish, the chances of that are pretty likely.”
“I can stop and grab supplies on the way out of here and drop them off for you,” he offered.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
“Of course I do. It’s my fault you now have a fish to house and feed. It’s not a big deal. I can even help him get Flash all set up if you’d like.”
He wanted you to say yes. He wanted another reason to see you. He wanted an opportunity to talk to you, somewhere away from all the nosey residents of this town. And he was kind of hoping that maybe the boys would head off to Eli’s room and give you some time alone. Time for you to hash all of this out and figure out what exactly was happening here. 
You swallowed, your eyes off in the distance and he feared you were going to say no but then you turned to him, smiling. 
“Okay. Thanks. I don’t really know anything about keeping a fish alive so that would be helpful.”
Steve shrugged, “It’s not that hard. Not a goldfish anyway. They just need some freshwater, a bowl, and some fish food. I can get a couple fun things for in the bowl too. Some fish are more complicated. My uncle had an aquarium and he had saltwater fish and that’s a pain in the ass. You have to make sure the water is the right PH and everything. But goldfish are pretty basic.”
By the time the carnival was coming to a close, the boys had exhausted every single activity, many more than once. They had maximized their time and the very full bag of cheap prizes that Steve was holding proved it. The baked goods had been a hit. Even Laurie had approached you to tell you how amazing your treats had been, leaving you with that pink blush to your cheeks that Steve loved so much. 
The boys were moving much more slowly as they made their way to the parking lot, the energy they’d exuded in the gym finally starting to catch up to them. 
“You know, if Jere is really tired, you don’t have to run to the store,” you told him. “I can always go tomorrow. Hopefully this guy can survive in a bag for one night.”
“Nah, he’ll be fine. Watch.” He turned to the boys. “Hey Jere. We’re gonna stop at the store to grab some stuff for Flash and take it to Eli’s. You good with that or are you two tired to go to his house?”
Jeremiah’s face lit up, his exhaustion forgotten as he bounced on his toes, “Yeah!”
“See?” teased Steve with a laugh. “He’s good at bouncing right back when he’s excited.”
“Can we have another sleepover?” asked Eli. “Jeremiah hasn’t stayed at our house and then he can hang out with Flash too. We can sleep in my room. My bed is big so we’ll both fit!”
You sighed, smiling, looking over at Steve who shrugged, letting you know he was okay with it if you were. You looked back at the boys, opening your arms wide. 
“Alright. Why not?”
“Yes!” both boys shrieked at the same time.
“Well, then why don’t I just take Jere back with me?” you asked. “The boys can play for a bit until you get there with the fish stuff.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“Bye daddy!” Jeremiah yelled, jumping in your backseat with Eli. 
“Well, alright then. See you in a bit, okay?”
“See you in a bit,” you smiled. 
Steve walked to his car, hope blossoming in his chest, a tiny green sprout of hope that this would work out in his favor. If he could play his cards right and hang long enough, until the boys were passed out, then you could finally have the conversation you needed to have. And then he would know. Either that sprout would spread and bloom or wilt and die. 
Chapter 12
Taglist: @katethetank@roxiehorrorshow@sapphire4082@bakugouswh0r3@frostandflamesfanfic @mix-matchsocks @mushy-mushroom04 @palmtreesx3 @littlebookworm86 @eddies-trailer-babe @cheesewritings @emilyj444 @daisyhollyxox @angelbabyivy @the-fairy-anon @loritate7311
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my little story! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist. 😊 And replies and reblogs are always appreciated if you enjoy it. ❤️❤️❤️
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dw19791967 · 4 months
That Type of Girl Part 1
Pairing: Dean x reader (Eventual), Sam x reader (Platonic)
Warnings: language, unrequited love, slight angst, some fluff
This is the first fic I have ever written, all mistakes are my own. Please be gentle on me!
I had never been the type of girl that men would look at twice. I have always been on the heavy side of the scale. I have a big gut, small ass, and ok sized boobs. After struggling with my confidence for a better part of my life, when I hit my 20’s I stopped caring about what others thought of me. But I would still wear clothes a size or two too big. But I felt confident (for the most part). I didn’t give a rats ass what most people thought of me, which definitely helped when it came to hunting. 
My life changed forever when I met the Winchesters. Sam was like the big brother I never had. Dean…well, that was a different story. Everything in me knew the moment I met him, that he was something special. The way he could make me laugh, make me smile, make me feel appreciated. No one had ever made me feel the things he did. But I knew he would never see me as more than a friend, and after some time I was ok with that. I knew a man like him would never even consider being with a girl like me. 
“What ya thinking about Y/N?” said Sam. We were currently sitting in a roadside bar after we finished our most recent hunt. Of course Dean was busy flirting with some gorgeous blonde, leaving Sam and I to our own devices.
“Just thinking about what life would be like if we weren’t hunters.” I lied of course. I was thinking about why couldn’t I be the type of girl Dean would turn to for more than friendship. Something I thought about pretty frequently.
“Do you really want that type of life ?” Sam stated with a curious look on his face. 
“Hell no, I’m not made for normal. Just always like to think about where I would be ya know? Would I be married, have 2.5 kids, and a full time job or would I be a crazy cat lady.” I giggled.
“Well considering you're allergic to cats you definitely would not be a crazy cat lady.” Sam was laughing.
“You’re right Sammy, guess there goes that day dream.” I said. I couldn’t stop watching Dean. I really needed to find something else to occupy my time.
“You know I see how you look at him.” Sam said.
“I don’t know what you mean Sammy.” I replied.
“Y/N you should tell him how you feel, you never know he may feel the same way.” Sam looked at me with an optimistic grin.
“Yeah right Sam, I’m going to the restroom then I’m heading out. You boys can stay and have some much deserved fun.” I got up to head towards the restroom, if only Sam knew how deep I was in.
The following day after returning to the bunker the night before, I got up around 6:00 to make the boys breakfast. It was something I did every now and then, even though I made a pretty shitty cook. I rolled out of bed and put some shorts on. I had an old AC/DC shirt on (I didn’t bother wearing a bra since the shirt was baggy), threw my hair up in a messy bun and was ready to get to work. I made my way to the kitchen as quietly as I could. Evidently I tend to stomp when I walk in the bunker halls (according to Sam), so it is something I am trying to work on. I got the eggs and bacon out. Scrambled would have to be it for today because I don’t have the patience to try anything else. Sam made his way into the kitchen as I was finishing up with the bacon.
“Well good morning sunshine!” Sam sang.
“Damn Sammy can you keep it down somewhat, you know how I feel about being happy first thing in the morning.” I covered my ears.
“Oh yes so sorry grumpy pants” Sam laughed.
“I’m pretty sure you are like the only person I have ever seen to be so excited at 6:30 in the morning.” I finished putting some eggs on a plate for him.
“Well why are you up so early anyway? You made us breakfast?” Sam asked.
“Well yes you big giant, I did. I felt like doing something nice even if I am a grumpy pants.” I sat his plate down in front of him.
“Well I appreciate it and I’m sure Dean will too. Where is Dean?” Sam took a bite of his eggs.
“Pretty sure he is still sleeping, I’ll wake him up on my way to shower. How does it taste?” I asked.
“It is actually pretty good, way to go Y/N you have finally learned how to make eggs!” Sam was laughing. I enjoyed the teasing banter we had with one another, it made me happy that we didn’t always have to take things so seriously.
“Haha very funny, looks like now I will have to cook more often.” I stated as I walked out of the kitchen.
Heading down the hall I stopped at Dean’s room. I opened his door slightly, he was sprawled out over his bed snoring loudly. Blondie must have tired him out last night. I usually don’t like waking him up because he has such a hard time sleeping. Especially lately but I knew he would be pissed if he missed out on bacon. I made my way over to him.
“Dean” I whispered.
“Dean I made breakfast” I patted his shoulder.
He rolled over and opened his eyes. Looking at me in a way that almost made me blush.
“Hey sweetheart, what time is it?” he asked.
“7:00” I stated.
“Damn I actually slept in some, that was amazing.”
I’m sure it was, I stated to myself. Damn my jealousy.
“Well I just wanted to let you know there is eggs and bacon, Sam said that I actually learned how to make eggs so guess that means they are good this time. I laughed. “ I’m gonna take a quick shower then I will meet you back out there” I said.
“You had me at bacon” he got up and stretched. 
“Well good morning sleeping beauty” stated Sam.
“God it smells amazing in here” Dean said with a grin.
Dean loaded up a plate with tons of bacon and a few scoops of eggs.
“Damn this is awesome” Dean moaned.
“Would you like me to give you some alone time with that?” Sam laughed.
“Sammy, she seriously knows how to make my damn morning. This bacon might be the best I have ever eaten.”
“Well she has been up since 6 working on it so I’m glad you are enjoying it.” Sam was reading something on his laptop now.
“What would we do without her?” Dean wondered aloud.
“What would we do without who?” I stated as I made my way back into the kitchen. I had taken a quick shower and changed into jeans and a flannel. Baggy of course. I never wore tight fitting shirts. My hair was still a little wet but I wanted to make sure the boys were taken care of before I moved on with my routine.
“You sweetheart, you are seriously too good to us.” Dean stated, staring at me. 
I blushed, “Well I would do anything to make your guys day a little better.” Sam looked at me with a knowing look, please dear lord do not let him say anything.
Sam continued reading something on his laptop without saying a word. 
“Well I’m gonna head to the library to check out this book I need, do you guys need anything?” asked Sam.
“I’m good, thank you though Sammy.” I stated.
“Unless you are stopping at the store, in that case we need pie.” Dean said while stuffing his face with more bacon.
“Of course Dean, I will make sure to get your precious pie.” Sam said while laughing.
With Sam gone, I struggled to find something to say to Dean but the silence was killing me. 
“What time did you guys end up coming home last night?” I asked. I really didn’t want to know but yet I needed to.
“Uh not too long after you, it was kinda a bust.” stated Dean.
“What happened to Blondie?” I asked without even thinking.
Dean looked up at me, “She was talking my ear off about her ex. I told her if she couldn’t stop thinking about him then she probably needed to talk it out with him.”
Good I thought to myself, I knew he deserved a good time but I am glad he struck out. I really need to stop thinking like this.
“Well I am sure you will have better luck next time” I said with a smile. It took everything in me to muster that up.
“Nah next time we need to work on finding someone for you.” Dean stated.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well I know it's been awhile since you have found a guy for you, so I figured I could help you look.” Dean said with a shrug.
Did he seriously think I wanted to find someone? I really was not the love them and leave them type. I tended to get too attached. So I just took care of things on my own. Plus it was hard to find someone to spend the night with when you are desperately in love with someone else.
“I’m really not interested Dean. I would rather just drink and make a fool of myself.” I laughed.
“Come on Y/N, I’m sure you could use a night of romance or whatever you want to call it” Dean looked at me.
Anytime I had even considered taking a guy home they would make comments about my body. Which usually ended with my fist bleeding and the guy laying on the bar floor.
“Dean, do you seriously not remember the last time I looked for a guy, he ended up calling me a fat bitch and I knocked his lights out.” I picked at my nails. I couldn’t look at his face right now.
“Yes I remember, that was just one shitty guy. I have faith we can find a good one.” Dean got up to clear his plate.
The one guy I want doesn’t want me so I really don’t want to try to find another one. I will just end up with my feelings hurt and my confidence wounded. It’s not worth it to me.
“I appreciate the offer truly, but I don’t want a night of romance. I just want to spend a night with my two best friends. That’s it. Can we please drop it?” I got up to start working on the dishes.
“If that is what you want Y/N.” Dean looked at me softly. “I will get them sweetheart, the least I can do since you cooked.” Dean started working on the dishes.
"Thanks" I said. "I'm gonna go finish fixing my hair." I made my way out of the kitchen as fast as I could. I wish he could understand how I felt, but this is one area in which Dean and I are very different.
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darkstar225 · 5 months
@woso-fan13 Updated Masterlist
Updated: 04 January 2024
I have no clue why I did this, I just love this writer sm and wish I could check everything in one place since I keep re-reading the fics lol
PS: If the writer wants me to delete the post and send it to you so you'll post it, feel free to message me! I just love the fics and felt like doing this :D
It didn't fit everything so check out @woso-fan13 for the other masterlist with the rest S2
Sicktember 2023
Number 1: Hopelessly Bad at Self-Care
Number 2: Quest For A Cure
Number 3: “What Happened To Your Phenomenal Immune System, Huh?”
Number 4: Hiding an Illness
Number 5: Preventative Measures (Not Taken)
Number 6: Sick & Injured
Number 7: “You’re A Jerk When You’re Sick”
Number 8: Persistent Fever
Number 9: White Coat Syndrome
Number 10: “The Only Place We’re Going Is To The Pharmacy”
Number 11: Beginner’s Guide To Faking Sick
Number 12: Home Remedy/Old Wives Tale
Number 13: Anxious Stomach
Number 14: “I shouldn’t be worried about you, but for some reason I am.”
Number 15: Sick in an Inconvenient Place
Number 16: Consulting the Internet/Web MD
Number 17: Magical Remedy/ Healing Potion
Number 18: “Wear Your Coat, You’ll Catch a Cold”
Number 19: Curled Up With a Pet
Number 20: Cramping Pain
Number 21: “But if you stay, you’ll get sick too.”
Number 22: Terms of Endearment/Nicknames
Number 23: Coughing Fit
Number 24: “Did you just sneeze?”
Number 25: Confused/Disoriented
Number 26: Forehead Kisses
Number 27: Uncooperative Patient
Number 28: “I should have stayed home”
Number 29: Side Effects/Adverse Reaction
Number 30: Patient 0
Number 1: “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.”
Number 2: “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.”
Number 3: “Like crying out in empty rooms; with no-one there except the moon.”
Number 4: “I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes.”
Number 5: “You better pray I don’t get up this time around.”
Number 6: “Do or die, you’ll never make me; Because the world will never take my heart.”
Number 7: “I paced around for hours on empty; I jumped at the slightest of sounds.”
Number 8: “I’ve got soul, but I’m not a soldier.”
Number 9: “Learning everything ain’t what it seems, that’s the thing about these days.”
Number 10: “Can’t you see that you’re lost without me?”
Number 11: “All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed.”
Number 12: “I haven’t slept in days but who’s counting?”
Number 13: “It comes and goes like the strength in your bones.”
Number 14: “Feed me poison, fill me ‘till I drown.”
Number 15: “I don’t need you to help me, I can handle things myself.”
Number 16: “Would you lie with me and just forget the world?”
Number 17: “You’re the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest.”
Number 18: “I tend to deflect when I’m feeling threatened.”
Number 19: “I’ll take one final step, all you have to do is make me.”
Number 20: “People don’t change people, time does.”
Number 21: “See the chains around my feet.”
Number 22: “They never saw us coming, ‘til they hit the floor.
Number 23: “It’s gonna get me by the end of the night.”
Number 24: “I’ve got a head full of chemicals; mouth full of ridicule.”
Number 25: “You’re not delivering a perfect body to the grave.”
Number 26: “Sometimes I get so tired; I don’t even know myself.”
Number 27: “You drew stars around my scars; But now I’m bleeding.”
Number 28: “We might not make it to the morning; so go on and tell me now.”
Number 29: “I only sink deeper the deeper I think.”
Number 30: “It’s okay, just to say, ‘I’m not okay’.”
Number 31: “I thought that I was getting better.”
Comfortember 2023
Sweater Weather
Leaves Changing
Comfort Show/Movie
Late Night Phone Calls
Coffee/Tea Break
Loved Ones
The New Normal
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alex51324 · 2 months
It's Almost Here! North American Solar Eclipse, 2024
As I mentioned in that other post, it will be visible as at least a partial eclipse to most of North America, with the path of totality cutting a diagonal from Sinaloa, Mexico to Newfoundland, Canada, including 15 US states from Texas to Maine.
Don't be fooled by how we just had one back in October, and another one a few years ago in 2017: total solar eclipses are rare! They only happen when the Sun, Moon, and Earth line up just perfectly--and only for a small portion of the Earth's surface each time.
It's a wild coincidence that North America/the US has gotten three in such a short span of time; the last one before the recent trio was in 1979, and the next one won't be until 2044. (We do have a big partial coming to us in 2033!) The Northeastern US won't see another until the 2070's.
(Note: If you are not in North America, you can use these maps to see when your continent will have its turn!)
This eclipse is also really special in that its path of totality sweeps across a lot of heavily-populated areas. About 31 million people live within the path of totality, and millions more are expected to visit.
So, it's a pretty big deal, and now's the time to get ready!
If you live in the path of totality:
Lucky you! Look up your location on these maps to get the exact time and duration of totality.
Be ready for extra traffic & crowds--especially if you live somewhere with stuff for tourists, or a place that people outside the immediate area will have heard of.
Totality times are in the afternoon, ranging from about 1:30 in Texas to 3:30 in Maine (local times), so if you'll be at school, or at work in a setting where you can't choose your own break times, now's a good time to talk to whomever you need to. It's not unreasonable to ask to step out into the parking lot for the three minutes that people will be coming from far and wide to see--but depending on your setting, it may take some arranging ahead of time. (If you're in school, hopefully your science teachers have already thought of this, but if not, ask them. And if your science teachers are jerks, try other teachers.
If you live near the path of totality:
Try to go! As the American author Annie Dillard says, "Seeing a partial eclipse bears the same relation to seeing a total eclipse as kissing a man does to marrying him, or as flying in an airplane does to falling out of an airplane."
(Link is to the Atlantic; if you hit a paywall, the 12-foot ladder works.)
Here's a map of approximate driving distances to the path of totality, in the US (from this page).
If you're close enough to think about going, here are some Google maps with eclipse overlays for more detailed planning. (I like the Xavier Jubier one.)
Once you're inside the path of totality, anywhere you can see the sun is a valid viewing location, but if you're making a day of it and you want to find a special spot, check local visitor's bureaus or tourism offices for the area you'll be in. They'll probably have a list of parks and other places. For instance, here's what Erie, Pennsylvania has.
Seriously, If you are able to drive/have a car, live within day-trip distance of the path of totality, and can be away from work/school without losing your job/being arrested for truancy, you should go. This is a once-in-a-lifetime type of thing, and there's still loads of time to plan a day-trip.
(Note: If you aren't in day-trip distance, but now you want to go, you don't have a lot of options: hotels and flights have been full for ages. However, if you're in two-days-driving distance, you might be able to find a Sunday-night base camp, from which you can get up on Monday morning and drive several more hours to the path of totality. For instance, in Pennsylvania, there are still reasonably-priced hotel rooms to be had in State College, which is--in normal traffic--three and a half hours from Erie. (You might even be able to get a little closer than that; I just checked State College because they have a lot of hotels for the Penn State football crowds.} So if you're coming from, say, Maryland or Virginia, that could work, and there may be similar creative options for other regions. Again, if this is something that's feasible for you to do, without bankrupting yourself, getting fired, or other long-term consequences, I would strongly consider doing it!
If you live in North America, but have no way to get to the totality:
A partial eclipse is still pretty cool! And again, it'll be a while before you have another chance to see one, so it's worth it to make the time.
All of the 48 contiguous US states will be able to see some amount of eclipse. So will Hawaii, Mexico, Central America, and most of Canada and the Caribbean islands, plus a little bit of South America. (Alaska and part of the Yukon are SOL, but you will have your turn in 2033!)
Use these maps to look up the time and extent of the eclipse in your location.
As of this writing, you can still get eclipse glasses here, among other places. If you run out of time to get them, check for eclipse-viewing events at local parks, libraries, etc.--they may also have some to give away ahead of time, but even if not, if you go to an event, there will almost certainly be some to share.
The plus of a partial eclipse is that you have a fairly relaxed viewing window--as much as a couple of hours, depending how far you are from the middle of the eclipse zone--rather than a standout moment that you want to make sure you're in position for.
That makes it pretty easy to get a chance to see it even if you're at work--everybody can take turns stepping outside for a look. You can share eclipse glasses, too.
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octuscle · 3 months
I've done a few himbo transformations with the Chronivac, but I'm getting tired of being dumb. I want to be smarter without risking some crazy permanent change. Can you make it so I steal 1 IQ point from everyone who's in the same room as me? They can have it back when they leave.
You are a super Himbo. Always in good shape, always horny. And admittedly also a real feast for the eyes. I like your idea. It's a little bit experimental. But let's give it a try.
You're always the first one at the gym in the morning. You love to start your day pumped up. And it's wonderfully empty at this time of day. No smart alecks to make fun of you. You have the body, you have the face. An IQ of 89 is more than enough for an alpha guy like you! Normally you're done with your program by 07:30. That's when the gym usually fills up. Today it's surprisingly full. There's a congress in town, so lots of external guys always come to work out. By around 07:00 there are already a good 30, maybe 35 people training. One of the guys is really cute. You approach him. You talk about all sorts of things and train the next sets together. It's rare to find someone who has a similar political opinion and is interested in both Italian opera and astronomy at the same time. And who looks so awesome at the same time. You'll get a boner. He notices. You say that unfortunately you have to go now and you're going to take a shower. He says that he hopes you'll see each other again sometime. You see each other in the shower four minutes later. Not a soul around. And you fuck the guy like only a man with a bird's brain can.
You like your work as a motorcycle mechanic. Your machines are just as simple as your brain. You understand them. And you're really good at making them look hot and getting the most out of them. And you like to work alone. It's difficult in a team. Some know-it-all is always making fun of you. Pure envy, you think, and flex your muscles. But it does annoy you a little. That's why you prefer to do things in the evening that don't involve talking. Dancing. Fucking. Or go to the movies. Like tonight. "The Beekeeper". It's supposed to be good.
Shit, your head is starting to pound. The movie theater is maybe half full. You do a quick count. Yes, exactly 378 people. 78 percent male. That was to be expected. According to a rough estimate, they all spent a total of 3,117 dollars on Coke and popcorn. One guy went to the loo for the third time. You've noticed 67 things in the movie so far that are illogical. Bored, you take out a cell phone. You surf to the MIT website. A very interesting article from the mathematics department about the Riemann conjecture. By the end of the movie, you've finished the proof.
Fortunately, your favorite pub, where you're having a nightcap, is almost empty. Your buddy at the bar, a handful of the usual regulars. Your cell phone vibrates incessantly. Lots of calls from unknown callers. From cities you've never heard of. Boston, San Francisco, Cambridge in Massachusetts, Cambridge in England. Göttingen. Isn't that in Poland? What do they all want from you? You turn off your cell phone.
The next morning you have 189 missed calls. You check a few messages. But you can't understand a single word they're saying. Something about genius. And a brain that only exists once. Hehehe, you've heard that a lot about your cock. You're going back to the gym. You're late today. Your crush from yesterday is already here. And so are 40, 50 other people. CNN is on the screens. The headlines are about the proof of Riemann's hypothesis. Your crush asks you if you know what it is. You explain it to him and outline your solution. As best you can reproduce it. It's really complicated. Your crush stares at you open-mouthed. "You've proved Riemann's conjecture?“ You grin a little sheepishly.
Shit, this guy has a hot ass and a talented tongue. But why can't he keep his tongue in check? After a few minutes, the first reporter is in your workshop and asks you about this Riemann shit. Tell him to go to hell. A second, a third reporter arrives. They're on the floor laughing as you answer their questions. The weaklings are about to get the shit kicked out of them. In the afternoon, a courier arrives from this Cambridge, which is not in England. With a letter. An invitation to a ceremony. Whatever that is. And then there's a check inside. A check for a million dollars.
You like airports. A place where you can do sociological studies. You also really enjoyed the flight. The documents that the mathematical institute in Cambridge sent you are very interesting. But you see a few inconsistencies that you would like to discuss. A driver is waiting for you at the airport. You take a deep breath when you are finally out in the fresh air. It's funny, there's a guy holding a board with a name just like yours on it. You walk up to him. "Mr. Wood?" he asks a little incredulously. "Hehehe, someone must have given us that name one early morning. Do you understand, dude? And by the way, my name is Al." Curt is a cool dude. You get to sit up front and talk about football and stuff. Curt lifts iron too. He recommends a good gym near the hotel and campus. Then he tells you stuff like you can freshen up if you want. Then the dean would like to meet you for a private lunch in private. And then the prize will be officially presented in the setting. Then there is also time for your speech. You say that you smell like a real man and don't need to freshen up. And you ask what a dean does and what the hell the speech is all about. Curt grins.
The dean wipes the sweat from his brow. The food tastes quite good, but you would have preferred an honest burger. You don't understand a word of the stuff the old geezer is talking about. He keeps mumbling something about a catastrophe. You ask yourself why you're wearing that stuffy shirt. It would actually be cool right now to just wear a tank top with all the nerds and show off your muscles. Dinner is finally over. The dean, or whatever his name is, stands up and asks you to follow him. You walk towards a really cool looking building, which is called Kresge Auditorium. Funny name. You enter the hall, which is packed with dozens of people, all of whom are beaming with joy at you. The dean waves you off, pulling you along behind him. You are standing in a huge lecture hall where hundreds of people are already waiting. More and more people stream in behind you. The dean asks you to keep your mouth shut for God's sake. Then he gives his opening speech. He gives a somewhat twisted rendition of the essence of Riemann's conjecture. But as far as you know, he's not a mathematician either… The dean ends with the words "…. And yet this man has obviously proved one of the biggest problems in mathematics. Mr. Wood, would you like to say something?“ You interpret his gestures as him asking you to just shut up. But you're here to chat about math. You stand at the lectern. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honor for me to speak to you today in this magnificent building. I assume that you are familiar with my remarks on the Riemann conjecture. I don't want to bore you with that either. Let's talk about another interesting topic instead, the P-NP problem." The dean faints.
Shit, the day was really exhausting. You're so happy when Curt finally drives you to the hotel. It's already late, but you still want to make your muscles burn. So you make your way to the gym. There's hardly anyone here at this time of night. One guy looks nice and really hot. You chat a bit. You train together. You both end up in your hotel room and fuck the rest of your brains out. Ian says that you absolutely have to come to Springbreak.
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Fuck, Ian was so right. Spring break is awesome! The weather is incredible. Eating, drinking, working out, fucking, partying, all outdoors. You're one of the stars here. Because of your body and your cock. Certainly not because of your head. Hehehe, the 200,000 dollars that you've already spent here from your prize money has certainly contributed to your reputation. The party is in full swing. Suddenly the sky darkens and a thunderstorm with hail breaks out. The party people stream into the hotel lobby. And you flow with them. One of about 400 wet, muscular bodies. You take a quick look around. 423, to be precise.
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sachirobabe · 2 months
Chapter 3
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Kuroo Tetsurou x reader
Wc: 1664
Summary: You, a dedicated member of the girls' volleyball team, find an unexpected connection with Kuroo Tetsurou. Igniting a bond over shared passions and stolen moments, love blossoms on the court; all because you met him at a captains meeting.
<— Previous | Masterlist | Next —>
Taglist: @merlucide, @lemurzsquad, @02shuuu
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After a grueling week, your tryouts officially ended. There was already an idea of what the lineup would be looking like, but your coach wanted to have a meeting about it.
Which is why you're at school on your only days off from both practice and your studies. Normally, meetings weren't every week, but it was a new season so they'd be more frequent for the first couple of weeks.
Your team had been too busy with tryouts to have a practice match with the boys', but it'd be happening this upcoming week and you were so excited.
"Good morning." You say walking into the gym, Kuroo and coach Nekomata were both seated—well Kuroo was on the floor, lying on his stomach.
"Good morning." Kuroo smiled, then began writing on his piece of paper on the floor.
"Where's Mori at?" You look around confusingly, trying to spot her light brown hair, pulled back into a loose pony tail.
"Her office, I think." Kuroo answers.
"I thought she said the bathroom?" Coach Nekomata furrows his brows and in response Kuroo shrugs. You sit down next to him and eye his paper, he's drawing up some lineups.
You frown at the absence of your coach. She made you get up early when you should be sleeping in like the rest of your teammates. The worst part is she didn't bribe you this time so you had nothing to look forward to.
Kuroo finishes and hands his paper to his coach, he examines it and held onto it for a minute or two. He kicks his feet, waiting for feedback. You laugh at him silently, in your head. He's kinda cute.
"What do you think about this, Y/n?" Coach Nekomata hands you the paper, it's slightly crumpled, you're starting to think that all of Kuroo's papers are.
You take it from his hands and look at the rotations, "I think a 5-1 is a good choice, especially if your second setter is clearly outplayed by Kenma." You follow the rotations more, seeing which players are getting switched.
"You guys also run a 5-1 too, right?" Kuroo bites the inside of his cheek, not wanting to sound like a creep for knowing.
"Yeah," you chuckle, "I think it looks great. You have a good use of substitutions." You smile and hand back the paper to him. His hand brushes yours for a millisecond as he grabs it.
"This is the lineup we'll beat your team with." He smirks.
"Oh yeah? Confident, I like it." You say,the door to the gym opens and all of your heads turn. "And where were you? We agreed on 9:30 am sharp. You're late." You lecture.
"Oh please, I don't want to hear it." She laughs. "I was here before you, I just had to get some things from my office." She shuffles some things around in her backpack, then pulls out a blank piece of paper, like Kuroo's, just not crumpled. "Start thinking of some lineups." She says.
You frown, "Can I borrow that?" You point to Kuroo's pencil and he immediately nods and slides it to you. "Thank you."
"I think we got this one in the bag." Kuroo now flips from his stomach to his back and faces the gym ceiling.
"Uh-huh, sure." You draw out the last word. "How many tournaments have you won?"
He clicks his tongue, "We've won."
"Recently?" You raise an eyebrow, staring into his eyes.
He can feel his cheeks begin to heat up, he turns away before you could see, "Yeah well, you lost some valuable players last season."
"We have good first-years." You say, "I heard one of your first-years can't receive well, isn't that what your team's known for?"
The two coaches watch you two banter back and forth, Mori reminding Kuroo that you had to finish the rotations still and to stop distracting you. The meeting was pretty short, there wasn't a lot to cover besides lineups.
"You're staying?" You point between the two coaches, Kuroo and you helped clean up and were ready to leave.
"We've got a board meeting in a little." Coach Nekomata says and you nod, bidding them goodbye for the day as you walk out with Kuroo.
You're not surprised to see that it's lightly raining, since it had been all week, and yet you still didn't bring an umbrella. "You have an umbrella?"
"Of course I do." He chuckles, opening it and luckily it was big enough for the two of you to be under. "Have you eaten already?"
You shook your head, "I was starving that whole time," you laugh, "Have you?"
He shook his head, "There's this convenience store by my house, you wanna go get something?" He strengthens his grip on the umbrella.
"Yeah." You smile.
He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding and turns his head so he can smile like a schoolgirl, he quickly recomposes himself and look forward again.
You thought Kuroo was nice, you've never really gotten to know him, but you were semi-close to Kai, one of his teammates, only because he was in your class.
"How'd you feel about the first week of classes?" You ask after a moment of silence.
"Pretty easy, I'm enjoying it while it lasts." He says and you chuckle.
"Yeah, it gets rough around June and July. We usually use the first hour of practice to study before actually playing." You say.
"So you guys practice less?" Kuroo is intrigued by this, he had never heard of a team doing anything like it.
"No, we extend it to end an hour later, coach just wants to make sure we at least do something productive before practice." You clarify.
He hums, "I'm sure you have no issue passing exams." He compliments.
You smile, "Not really, I study frequently. I could say the same about you." You slightly nudge him.
He shrugs and rolls his eyes playfully, "Aw stop it, I just pay attention, that's all."
"Consider that the last time I compliment you." You laugh.
"I'm kidding! I appreciate it, thanks." He laughs along with you. "This is it." He says, looking both ways before crossing the street to the convenience store. The second you spot food, your stomach began to grumble.
You found yourself in a different aisle than Kuroo, trying to choose from the two onigiri in your hand. You decided to take both, you're extremely hungry. Kuroo came up next to you in line, you noticed he had a sandwich and a drink, an iced tea you think.
It was your turn next in line, you kindly greeted the man at the register and placed your items on the counter. What you didn't expect was to see Kuroo's items placed next to yours, you turn confusingly, but he had already given the man his card.
"You didn't have to—"
"Nonsense. I'm the one who asked you to come." He smiles widely, then quickly takes his card back and puts it inside of his wallet. "Cmon, let's eat." He grabs the bag full of your shared items.
"Thank you." You sincerely say, feeling a little bad about him paying, not that it was expensive, but still.
"Of course." The rain had stopped, the sun began to come out of the gray clouds. He leads you to one of the benches at a nearby park, it had an umbrella so it wasn't too soaked.
"God, I'm starving." He says, handing you your items.
You agree with him and a comfortable silence falls between you two as you're both distracted with eating. You eye the area around you, it was unfamiliar, but it wasn't too far from your home.
You watch an owner play with her dog, repeatedly throwing the ball for the dog to run and get it, it made you smile. You crumble up the wrapper the onigiri was in and place it on the table.
"You know," You begin, Kuroo was also watching the dog, but now his eyes were looking into yours, "I've lived here for a while now and I've never been to this park before."
Kuroo chuckles, "It's nice, right?" And you nod. "Kenma and I would play here all the time."
"That sounds nice." You smile and begin watching the dog again, Kuroo can't help but continue to stare at you.
"He didn't like it very much, his arms would hurt after playing volleyball for a long time." Kuroo recalls the memory.
"I believe that. I'm surprised he's still playing." You honestly say.
"I think he likes it. In his own way." He shrugs. "You and Himari are close, too."
You smile, thinking of your best friend, "Yeah, we grew up next to each other. It was nice having someone in the same grade, it felt like I wasn't going through anything alone."
"I get that, she's like a sister to you." He says and you immediately agree. Both of your families had been close since the day they moved in. "You don't have siblings don't you?"
"No, only child." You shrug.
"I have an older sister." He says.
"Really?" You're surprised, you would've thought he was an only child.
"Yeah, she's way older, so I don't see her very often." As he finishes his sentence, the sun quickly goes away and the sounds of thunder hit your ears. "Oh shit." Kuroo says.
"I think it's gonna rain again." You say, "I better get going."
"I hope it's not too long of a walk." Kuroo says, worried that you're going to get soaked.
"No, don't worry it's not." You smile, "I'll see you later. Thank you again for paying!" You say as you leave, speed walking towards your house.
Kuroo watches you get further and further away, his heart was pounding from the moment you walked into the gym. A small smile remains on his face as he walks back home.
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no-see-um-incorrect · 7 months
OK I think you’ve waited long enough 
My apologies if this Sucks Ass
In All My Years 
William/Marie (1/3)
TW ⚠️colm being awful⚠️harmful hands have been placed⚠️cursing⚠️smoking⚠️ arguing⚠️ mentions of past addictions and trauma⚠️
“You got it boss!”
She quickly stacked the plates on her arms and heads over to the table before feeling a buzzing in her pocket 
“here you go that’s two orders of french fries two orders of cheese fries, and two orders of chili fries right?…..good everyone enjoy”
She pulls her phone out of her pocket 
CALLER ID:  David 
She quickly hangs up her apron and goes out the back door behind the restaurant. And answers the phone
“hello Marie”
“David sweetheart, I wasn’t expecting your call how’s the morning been treating ya?”
“it’s been going fine other than the fact that Asher almost put regular gas in my diesel truck. this morning has gone smoothly. How about yourself?”
“just trying to get through lunch rush”
“well, I commend you I have a hard enough time making sure tank and Christian don’t rip each other’s heads off I can’t imagine dealing with rude entitled customers”
“well when you got a little over 17 years worth of practice it comes just that little bit easier. So what kind of news gets me a phone call from the big man at the peak of noon?”
“right. Tomorrow we are having a small pack meeting with the house of Solaire.  it will only be a few people, and I would appreciate it if you joined us”
“well…hold on let me see what time?” She hears paper flipping on the other end “does 7:30 work for you?” she thinks for a moment “yeah that’ll work out just fine. Oh and David, by any chance will my son be there?” “yes, I asked Milo to attend as well”
“OK well I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t overwork yourself you hear me young man. Take care of yourself. Make sure you take your lunch break and drink some water all right?”
“yes Marie thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow”
 Curiosity, plagues her thoughts as to why David requested for her specifically. But she doesn’t question it.
The day progressed as it often does and the next thing she knew it was closing time she finishes wiping down the counters and tables, making sure everything’s in their place.
“i’m heading home Sadie”
“you need a ride Marie? It’s pretty dark out there”
“Thanks for the offer hon but I can get home OK. Tell Abigail I said hi” 
“Will do Marie”
Once everyone leaves, Marie locks the door and makes the walk to her apartment.
Message from: My little man
“Hey Ma I would normally call you but my phones about to die and I’m out of the house. I Just wanted to say have a good night and get home safe. love ya Ma❤️”
“Love you too baby💋”
She carefully opens the door to her apartment. Cautiously walking down the hall, and upon seeing her partner passed out in the lazy boy in front of the TV.  turns around and head towards the bathroom to wash up.  washing away the day, feeling the tension leave from her head when she puts her hair down.  she ties up her robe and heads to bed. 
—————————-time skip——————————
(⚠️⚠️⚠️ argument⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️)
The day went on as it often does, and  Marie got off of work and her usual Monday time and was now getting ready for a meeting with her pack and apparently a few special guests 
Her hair laid in short coffee curls that just barely grazed her shoulders. The dim light above shining just bright enough to highlight her dark eyes.
“who are you getting all gussied up for?”
She turned her attention to the figure behind her. Her partner leaning against the doorway groggily 
“David’s having a small pack meeting  with the Solaire house….and requested me there.”
She says finishing her makeup. And grabbing her jacket. He scuffs  “still rubbing elbows with mosquitoes Marie..” she discreetly rolled her eyes. “times are different now hon…vampires aren’t as bad as our parents made them out to be…”
Colm slams his fist against the wall “THEY STOLE OUR LAND AND KILLED OUR PEOPLE!”
She was upset at his behavior, but in an effort to not escalate the situation further, she kept her tone calm  “we live in America Colm. Half of history, is people taking land and killing people…the way I see it is easier to form an opinion on an individual then where they came from…..AND you know our pack doesn’t tolerate that kinda attitude” he got up in her face as if trying to intimidate…but if he knew the woman he was talking to for even a day, he would know that she’s beyond intimidation 
“David is just as spineless as his father was…this pack Isn’t even a WOLF PACK ANYMORE!”
“what are you trying to say?”
“our alpha and beta are engaged to humans! One of our strongest is with a Vamp, OUR SON IS-”
“DONT. Do not bring our son into this colm…..the boys are happy and that’s all I care about. I’m not gonna….i’m not gonna fight about that…..I gotta go I’m gonna be late-” he pulls her arm with a death grip “colm That Hurts!” He tightens his grip  “you Do NOT talk back to me woman I AM THE MAN OF THIS HOUSE. YOU LISTEN TO ME! YOU GOT THAT!” Before she could even conjure a response  he was already gone.
She rests back on the wall, slowly sliding to the floor. Her arm stung worse than anything he’s done before. Some tears escape her eyes before she quickly whips them away. “Come on Marie..you got no time for that right now..”
She gets up and stands there for a moment trying to gather her bearings when she hears *PING*
Message from: my little man 
“Me and sweetheart were just about to head out Are you sure you don’t want us to get you? it wouldn’t be a problem”
“i’m good baby I was just about to head out. need some fresh air anyway”
“all right Ma, see you there”
 she put her phone in her pocket and quickly looks in the mirror  before heading out the door.
————————at the pack Den————————-
Marie arrived, just as she sees her son and his mate walking inside. She Quickly makes her way in there, nearly bumping into Sam. “oh, I’m sorry sweetie”  Sam turns to face her a slightly concerned look on his before shifting to a smile  “oh, you’re fine Miss Greer. if you’re looking for Milo, I think I saw him and my mate talking to Asher” she gives his arm a squeeze  “thank you hun”
She walks up behind tank  and softly places a hand on their shoulder  “i’m not too late am I?” Darlin gives her a side hug  “you’re good mama M the Solaire’s aren’t even here yet” the slight brush against her arm stung but she tried not to let it show. Milo turns to face his mom before a feeling of concern washes over him “hey Ma… what’s this mark on your arm? Did something happen?” she winces in pain at his touch  “Oh I didn’t realize it left a mark…it’s nothing honey just a little workplace injury” sweetheart appears next to Milo’s shoulder  delicately replacing his hands on Marie’s arm  “here Marie let me get that for you”
“Oh thank you honey” sweetheart quickly heals  the wound with ease the pain relieving from her face  “what kind of workplace injury did that Ma?” “Milo it was just a simple smack from a cupboard nothing ya ma can’t handle no need to worry, baby” he let it go….for now. You see
if Milo knew how his dad was to his mother…….he would commit violent homicide. So Marie kept it from him. she felt that it was easier for him to swallow that his father made a full recovery when he left home vs his father taking out his frustration in new ways.
————————Solaire pov ———————————
William looked out the window seeing the park  passing them by illuminated in fairy lights.
“You know I could have driven us instead of having you waste the extra dime on a car” Vincent spoke catching Williams attention  “oh please Vincent. I have the dime to waste. plus I know you partner wasn’t feeling well I would hate for them to need something while we are gone and be stranded without a car….how are they feeling by the way?” With a soft laugh  Vincent turns his attention to the lock screen of his phone  “they’re in good spirits…they had a nice laugh about how funny it was that a vampire can get food poisoning” William returns his laughter  “….. you’re lucky you know…it is not common for vampires to find love as deeply felt as you both. I have had many people tell me how envious they are of you two….” he turns his attention back to the window. Vincent had a strange feeling after he said that. a strange feeling he wasn’t saying all that he meant. But he let it go.
 William was old, older than the very city he lived in, older than all of its citizens, older than the university that held the cities name.
And to someone who has been around that long The concept of love seems like a faint memory, A movie that he has seen only once or twice but that he hears references from every day. And for some reason he can’t find a place to watch that movie again.
The car arrives at the Pack Den. And the two vampires make their way to the front door when William hears a quite remarkable sound coming from inside.
“I’m sorry. Did you just say you FELL DOWN A MOUNTAIN?!” he analyzed the voice as it echoed through his brain 
“Heh. Looks like milo’s in trouble again”
“I beg your pardon?”
“you’ll see*Knock knock*…….Asher!”
Behind the door was a tall man with a bright smile
“Hey Vincent! OH! And your highness..” he  attempts to bow before he is stop “no need ash” the younger man nods as they walk inside. William looked around still trying to find that voice. “Oh..um my name is Asher Talbot I’m the  beta of the Shaw pack” he extends his hand out awkwardly. The king returns the gesture “it nice to put a face to the name. David has told me great things” just as he said that David entered the room “William, Vincent. I hope it was Easy Getting here i know it’s not the most convenient spots”
“No trouble. Will had a nice time seeing all the murals on the way here” he shook his hand. “Yes. I don’t get a chance to come to this side of town often..it is quite beautiful”
David gestures to the pack room. Moving the conversation in there
“William there is someone I want you to meet” he signaled across the room. A shorter man in gold chains and casual bright floral button up walks over next to David “Milo. This is king William Solaire. William this is one of our packs strongest. Milo Greer” the smaller man rolled his eyes before speaking “it nice to meet ya William” he shook his hand  “You as well” as the small conversation continued he glances past Milo’s shoulder 
William’s POV:
Oh. Oh my.
She’s standing there.
What a site 
Her body curved in all of the most beautiful places, her skin shines with a copper glow, and that face. Michelangelos statues would be jealous.
Nobody’s POV:
The older man was snapped out of his thoughts.
“Will. We’re about to start. Are you ready?” He lightly shook his head clearing his thoughts “oh. My apologies we can start now yes”
Maria’s POV:
I was talking to Sam waiting for the meeting to get started. When out of the corner of my eye. I see Vincent and Milo. and….Oh
I make eye contact with the man shaking hands with my boy.
Well, ain’t he a looker. 
“Sam honey, who is that man standing next to Vincent?” Sam turns around. Before facing me again “That’s my king William.  don’t be fooled by the slightly intimidating appearance he’s a very nice man” bold of him to assume his appearances  isn’t very nice too.
 Chiseled face, silver Fox…..Wait NO Marie Greer WHAT are you thinking!?-Oh he’s looking at me..oh
Eyes. he’s looking…at me…..oh those eyes-
Nobody’s POV
“Today we are joined by the house of Solaire. Who you may also know as the vampire clan that shares our Sam collins. Everyone meet king William and I’m sure most of you know of his prince. Vincent”
“It is a pleasure to meet all of you”
The meeting went on as most pack meeting do. Although to be completely honest, none of it was absorbed.  the two were too busy dancing there glances and attention around each other.  almost like a little game that neither of them knew they were playing. a game of who could look the longest without getting caught by the other.  who could take in the most information about the others appearance before the other turns their head. Of course William spoke when he needed to and Marie added her input where she felt necessary. But nothing more. 
At the end of the meeting they both mingled about until Milo decides to introduce her.
“William this is my Ma. Marie” quite enthusiastically She extends her hand out in front of her.  “Sam tells me a lot about you. It’s a pleasure to meet ya” he softly turns her hand and kisses the back of her palm  “And It is more than a pleasure to meet you Miss Greer” the corners of her mouth curl up into a soft grin “well ain’t you sweet” “well it is not every day I see someone like you in my glances. Sam as well as Vincent and your son here has told me a lot about you. All good things I can assure you”
Darlin walks out of the pack den  and sees Vincent sitting on the bench, a trail of smoke following his hand with the small amber illuminating his rings 
“you smoke?” he quickly looks up at the unexpected voice before relaxing his head again “lovely doesn’t like it, but takes the edge off every now and again….want one?” he tilts the open box towards them  “what kind?” he squints at the label “Marboro black menthol 100s..” they shrug their shoulders and walk over to the bench sitting beside him  “yeah sure why not”
“so..what kind of edge are you trying to takeoff with these Princey” he signed rubbing his eyes with his palms “…..i’m just worried about Will I guess....I mean Williams a nice guy…sometimes too nice ya know. He’s not the kinda guy to let you know that somethings wrong” Darlin takes a drag of the cigarette  “*Coughs*.. so how can you know if somethings wrong if he won’t tell you” “exactly! Like he seems content enough, but  what does he do? He watches Bob Ross, buys properties AND READS  but he doesn’t hang out with people he’s not that kind of dude and I don’t want him to-” “feel lonely? Yup been there before”
Vincent puts the finished cigarette in the ashtray and rests his elbows on his knees  “I wouldn’t stress about it too much Vinny he’s been around for however fucking long i’m sure he’s come up with ways to deal with loneliness….but I will tell you one thing…” they put out the half finished cigarette on their finger and stuff it behind their ear “I saw how he was looking at a particular pack member of mine tonight and..…something tells me Willy Boy won’t be lonely for too long” they say before quickly running back inside  “WAIT HOLD ON! what do you mean?”
He rushes inside to see darlin peering behind a doorway 
“Look!” They whisper, signaling him to come next to them. What does he see?. William
But he’s not alone 
“And Asher was the worst of them always taking dares and bets. he barely knew how to ride a bike without training wheels on LET ALONE! Down A damn near vertical hill” William laughed with a smile that could light up a room “and I thought The newborns were a handful! They must consider themselves lucky to have such an impressive  healer in their pack and you son must be grateful to have a good teacher” she shrugs her shoulders  “actually Milo never had much interest in healing magic BUT he had plenty interest in the ration of shit territory. I was younger when I had him, and peoples opinions about that were less than forgiving….so I wanted to raise him with a strong spine and a loud voice so he can dish out just as much as he takes ya know” the king nods in agreement “from what David tells me you’ve done a splendid job at that…now forgive me if I am speaking out of turn but. Is his father with us?”
She signed with a small smile “he’s at home…Colm is a…character alright..” William slightly tilts his head in confusion “he must consider himself a very lucky man to have a woman like you by his side” her brain rattled with the events from earlier “yea I don’t know if that’s how he’d phrase it” William looks her in the eye with a genuine smile “well that’s how I would phrase it” she smiled at the comment “Thank you. That’s quite the compliment from someone like yourself” he raises an eyebrow  “Someone like myself?” An almost devious smirk appears on her face “yea..a looker such as yourself saying, something like that about Little old me. i’m flattered” he was slightly taken aback at her boldness but instead of taking it back, he double down  “i could say more if you’d like. I must confess ever since I first walked in here…my mind has been filled with an abundance of things to say”
“Oh is that so~” “MA! You ready to go!” before the king could respond Milo had intervened. “just a second hon!” She reaches into her purse and grabs a small notepad and a pen. Quickly scribbling something. and handing it to William  “give me a call..if you wanna chat some more” William takes the paper and smiles  “I will. Thank you. it was wonderful meeting you Miss Greer”
“oh please. call me Marie”
—————————Time skip———————————
Time went on as time often does… but this time it’s different.
Marie and will had been taking nearly every day since then. And yes, you heard that correctly. “will”
Not William, not Mr. Solaire 
Just Will.
They would talk about life and like William said he had no shortage of giving Marie any compliments  that didn’t cross a particular unsaid line.
“special delivery for a Miss Marie Greer?” Marie rushed to the front of the diner “I’m Miss Greer. What’s this about a delivery?” The delivery boy handed her a small bouquet of orange roses.  “these were sent for you. Have a wonderful day” the delivery driver left and Marie was just a tad bit clueless as to who would send her flowers at her place of work. That is until she read the card. 
“Orange roses. Bright and bold. reminds me of someone I know…”-WS
With a big grin on her face she rolls her eyes, and sets the flowers down to take off her apron “SADIE IM GOING ON LUNCH!” Flowers in hand she exited to the back of the diner.
*ring ring ring* “this is William Solaire speaking”
“Hey will” you could practically hear her grin though the phone “I take it you received the flowers I sent?” “Yea. I did. Thank you By the way these are gorgeous” “well I would only except the best. How has the workday been treating you?” She smiled. slowly turning the flowers in the sun ray. “well, it’s been work. im doing a little bit longer of a shift than usual but nothing I can’t handle” “my dear. It is a shame that you have to work so hard. you deserve to be pampered every now and then for how many hours you work” she laughed at the thought. Pampered. sadly, that word had almost become foreign to her.  “i’m a big girl Will. I can handle a longer day…thank you though these flowers made my day brighter” “it is my pleasure….I would hate to cut our conversation short but I’m afraid I have a meeting with my progeny…in a few minutes my sincere apology. If you are not busy, we could talk in person later?” as he said that Marie’s Boss called for her “…….I’ll have to see” “please feel free to decline. Just know I am available” “i’ll keep it in mind Will. thank you”
They both say their goodbyes. And she heads back to work putting the flowers in a vase in the office so they wouldn’t dry out before she got Done. The workday continued like it normally did but Marie’s mind seemed occupied. And her smile seemed just a little bit wider. 
It was 8 o’clock time for closing. Marie sat in the office waiting for her boss to hand her her tips. Holding the vase of beautiful orange flowers. Delicately examining each pedal. Lost in a daydream. “who’s the lucky guy” she’s quickly brought out of her daydream by the sudden voice in the room. “OH! Sadie. I’m sorry I didn’t see you there” Sadie sits down and starts counting the money. “answer the question Marie. who’s the lucky bastard sending you flowers. I know for a fact it’s not that bum ass husband of yours…”
“SADIE!” She would say she’s shocked. But Sadie has never liked Colm…to be fair no one really liked Colm. But next to Milo, Sadie was on the top of that list. “What? I’m right aren’t I?” Marie rolled her eyes and slouched down in the chair  “he’s just a friend…” “A Friend that has You smiling brighter that I never seen you when he calls, A Friend That sends you a dozen orange roses..is this the same friend that was flirting with you at your pack meeting?” Marie was quiet. but that told Sadie all she needed to know. “Look Marie. I’m not going to tell you how to live your life but I am going to tell you to START LIVING IT. Your Life isn’t there to serve others life is there for you to live it for yourself…” Marie remembered what Will said earlier  “Just know. I’m available” and “my dear” about how those words felt. About all the things he said he liked about her, her laugh her smile, her eyes. All things that have been critiqued about her. 
she thinks about how William kissed her hand, About how soft his lips felt. About how when they were talking it felt like an eternity long conversation she didn’t want to end….that’s how every conversation felt. about how she felt listen to not ignored, about She felt talked to and not talked down to.
Then she thinks about Colm…
About her when her son was growing up, she barely saw him and when she did he was lecturing her about something she didn’t do, or about something she didn’t do “correctly” she thought about how even her late alpha one of the most kind men she knew, told her that she could do better. About how even her son said that she Deserved better.  she thought about his shouts. the things he’s broken in his hissy fits.
she didn’t want this.
She wanted to feel safe, she wanted to feel cared about and respected.
“…..Thanks for the advice Sadie….I’ll think about it” she puts her tips in her bag and heads out. As she walks to her apartment her head won’t stop ringing.
What if colm is just acting how a significant other supposed to act? 
What if it was all in her head? What if she’s just grasping at straws and William doesn’t actually-*Ring Ring Ring*
Caller ID: Will
“hey Will” she can hear him talking to someone in the background, but not loud enough for her to make out what they’re saying  “hello dear. I trust the rest of your shift went smoothly?” Was she hearing things or did he sound actually nervous? “oh yeah. the shift went great…and you will be happy to know that these pretty flowers you sent me lasted through lunch rush” William lets out a soft laugh  “I am happy to hear. Now to the reason I called you….. I have a request..An invitation if you will” “an invitation?…. what kinda invitation?” She hears he take a deep breath. Before responding “I would love to take you out to dinner tomorrow night.. if you are willing” she stops in her tracks. Did she just hear him ask what she think she heard him ask  “….Will honey feel free to call me a fool, but are you asking me out on a date?”  she replies with the biggest shit eating grin painted across her face. 
“���.we’ll i….I am comfortable with calling it whatever you want…but yes I will confess I did have the idea of a date in mind” “we’ll….then a date it is. See you tomorrow night will” she can hear papers shuffling around  “does 8:30 work for you?  the sun will just be setting so it’ll make things a lot easier” “8:30 works fine will. I’ll see you then. goodnight”
“Goodnight my dear. Get home safe”
ah fuck. Ok this sucked and I’m really sorry.  I realize this is the longest fic I’ve ever made.  and I double realized that I’m really bad with formatting and other things… next one will be better I promise. Um thank you for being so patient for everyone who has been waiting for this.  it has been very much appreciated.  I hope everything is somewhat enjoyable. Y’all have been super awesome and  have hyped me up so much…so I’m sorry if this is bad
Forgive me for any spelling errors 
TAG: @frog-0n-a-l0g @foggytimemachineinternet @weepingredwillow @antipasto-the-theif @prince-damien-of-darkness @everything-redacted-and-others @evansotherthoughts @astranephele
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lily-174 · 2 years
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‘i’m scared’ evan buckley x reader
overview: you and buck have a pregnancy scare.
trigger warning: mentions of sex and pregnancy.
a/n- i cant lie i hate this so much😭😭
you’d made a joke to eddie hours earlier at the bar about buck being awful in bed, now you couldn’t decide if you regretted that decision.
buck flopped down next to you breathing heavily, you were trying to catch your breath too pulling the covers up to shield your naked body. now that was good sex, maybe you should joke about buck being bad in bed more often.
“still think i’m bad in bed hm?” buck laughed, him having now caught his breath. you shook your head, chest still moving up and down rapidly trying to get your breath back.
“i’ll get you some water i’ll be back” buck kisses your forehead, and laughed as he got up putting some sweatpants back on and headed downstairs to get some water.
when he came back upstairs he put the glass on the nightstand and laughed again realising you were asleep, he got in bed and pulled you into his chest, normally you could stay awake for his amazing aftercare but tonight clearly not. and neither could he falling asleep straight away.
that was three weeks ago now, you had now called in sick to work at the 911 call centre having been sick multiple times when you woke up, you didn’t think anything of it until your best friend maddie called you.
“where are you?” she asked down the phone.
“i’m currently in bed i was sick all morning, i’m starting to feel better now though” you heard maddie gasp slightly down the phone.
“that’s exactly what happened to me! thats how i found out i was pregnant” you heart stopped, surely not.
“i couldn’t be” panic filled your body, you weren’t ready, buck wasn’t ready. you’d only been dating a year. what if you are? buck might leave.
“ when was your period due?” you took a minute to think, last week.. your whole world came crushing down.
“ oh my god maddie! last week! oh my god. buck is gonna leave me..” you said as you could feel the tears swelling up in your eyes.
“no way! not on my watch. he loves you so much y/n he wouldn’t do that. i’ll come by when i finish work and you can take a test.” you agreed and ended the phone. that whole day you felt sick with anxiety. what were you gonna do. bucks job, if something happened to him you couldn’t raise a kid on your own. child care was so expensive, you didn’t want to not work. you were overthinking every little detail all day until maddie got to your house.
“thank god!” you exclaimed when you saw her, your anxiety decreased for a minute then it doubled when she pulled out the pregnancy test.
“you ready?” she asked, you shook you head panicked out of your mind. how would buck react.
“i’m terrified” maddie pulled you into a hug and reassured you everything would be fine. you both walked into the bathroom and you peed on the stick, you put the cover over it starting the timer and turning over so you couldn’t see the results.
“mads i’m so scared.. whats buck going to say..” you were unbelievably worried, you loved buck and you didn’t want this too scare him off at all.
“it’s buck. he’s probably going to panic, but he will do the right thing. he loves you and he will love that child just as much” she smiles and gave you another hug. you nodded, you glanced at your phone seeing you still had to wait 1 minute 30 seconds, you wanted to cry. you stood there and waited for the timer to go off. it was the longest minute and a half of your life.
“you’ve got this y/n/n” maddie smiled as she clicked the off button on the alarm. you nodded and took a deep breath before turning over the test. positive.
your heart dropped to your stomach, but a small part of you was kinda happy. you could have a little evan running around, evan would make beautiful children. and he would be an amazing dad. you’d seen how he was with chris. you thought for a second all could be fine.
you and maddie sat on the couch talking and laughing trying to pass the time until buck finished his shift. maddie was a god send, she didn’t want you to sit alone and over think so she stayed to try and distract you. she was excited, she was having a niece of nephew.
when buck finally arrived home maddie gave you a hug before ushering a small goodbye to buck and she rushed out the door with a big smile on her face, buck laughed at his sisters antics.
“what was that about?” he asked smiling as you got up, you walked over to him and he kissed you his arms going around your waist pulling you into him.
“buck… i need to tell you something” his expression changed to a more serious one and his brows furrowed together.
“okay.. what’s wrong?” now he was concerned..
“i’m pregnant” you mumbled, his face now having a shocked expression his arms dropped from your sides.
“you’re what?”
“ we’re having a baby buck..” he stood there just looking at you in shock for a moment which made you panic even more then before, then a small smile arrived on his face which confused you.
“i’m gonna be a dad??” he asked, you nodded and the smile grew, he picked you up and span you around, when he placed you back on the floor he kissed you passionately. he was happy, and that made all your anxiety leave your body.
“you’re gonna be a great dad evan” you smiled, he started listing off millions of things you had to do, find a new apartment, him and eddie could decorate the baby’s room, all the vitimins you needed to take. he went full nerd.
“okay buck calm down” you laughed, he smiled and hugged you again.
“sorry i’m just excited i love you both so much already”
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