#swapfell riches
fuminoomi · 11 months
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the thought of his dumbass being so amazed by an office store makes me think of how old he is
local old ass man amazed by gel pens! ok deadass wine/m'lord/whatvr fucking name would be the exact same but more like. calm abt it and holding in his deep affection for sticky notes.
ok i cant talk shit i fucking love office stores only because im an artist
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popatochisssp · 10 months
The Court AU has me DEAD!!! If you’d be willing, what sort of outfits would they wear? I’d love to draw them!
Anon, I had so many tabs open looking up medieval-type fashion and armor, we're talking like 30+, felt super awesome finishing this and closing them all 😌
Sans (Undertale): What’s black and blue and white all over? Why, him of course! His jester’s motley features a black-and-white diamond pattern, offset by bright, rich, royal blue—a mark of his service to the king. He doesn’t wear one of those silly hats, though…because he wears a silly hood instead! Less chance of falling off, you see. When not in costume he tends toward simple tunics, of decent material and often still in blue.
Papyrus (Undertale): Almost never out of full plate armor, even in downtime, he has to dress for the job he wants and that means being a shining metal bastion of knightly glory at all times! …Though he does often remove his helmet and hold it by his sword at his hip, or fasten it to his steed’s side. He’s a very handsome skeleton, it would be cruel to deny the people the chance to see their hero’s face!
Sky (Underswap Sans): Soft blues and yellows, as a squire only lightly armored—greaves and pauldrons, a mail shirt beneath his tunic if he’s expected to go into battle—but he considers even that much armoring to be overkill for what he’s doing. Still, his Captain insists, and it makes his brother feel better, so he takes care protecting himself. He has some nicer finery to wear about court, as a nobleman, but tends simpler for anything that might be dirtied or torn in training.
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): Rich green and earthy browns, his clothing tends to be without ostentation—no embroidery, no gold buckles or buttons, or anything especially elaborate. He may be noble but he’s a scholar and a recluse and prefers not to stand out much. Still, the fabrics of which his clothing is made are always fine, as coarse or stiff materials quite put him off. Mostly cottes—long belted tunics—with the occasional robe over, if it's cold.
Jasper (Underfell Sans): Blacks and browns, sturdy plain clothes which can stand up to considerable wear and tear. Often wears a short diamond-quilted gambeson and some leather armor (vambraces and greaves), but always has a sword belted to his hip and a cloak made of dire-wolf’s fur draped over his shoulders. If ever he should need to acknowledge his denounced family name, he does have some finer clothing stored away somewhere—in red—and a shiny gold signet ring with his family crest on it.
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): Usually in half plate armor, dark metal heavily scratched and scorched, dents meticulously hammered back out. He also wears a tattered red cape about his shoulders that billows quite majestically behind him when he rides or runs into battle. He will occasionally dress down in laced tunics and breeches, still in red and black, fine but not too fine as to raise suspicion about his heritage. Should all that ever come out, he does have a suit of pristine night-black armor he’s been dying to inherit and a silken cape to pin about it with a golden clasp of the family’s crest.
Mal (Swapfell Sans): Mostly black but flaunts his privilege and royal ties with purple accents wherever possible. Brigandine armor with a fine gold-plated gorget and pauldrons and a few other ornamental trappings—he is the Empress’ personal guard and must in some capacity be as elegant. Very fine doublets and tunics for his (rare) downtime, often with gold threading, but not fond of most jewelries.
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): Dark colors and crisp whites, noble yet eccentric, he has a lot of fine doublets and other such court-wear but tends not to actually…wear them. He can mostly be found in loose-fitting cottes, baggy sleeves often penned up by leather armlets to keep them out of his paints. He has a fur-hooded cloak for travel or cold weather, but he rarely leaves his rooms, much less the castle, so he doesn’t don it often.
Slate (Horrortale Sans): Dark browns and off-white cream, simple rough-hewn clothing showing signs of wear and occasionally odd stains. He works in the stables, with animals, and being around animals so much makes it difficult to keep clean. He has a somewhat decent dark blue cloak that he’ll wear into town for errands, or in polite company—it has a hood to conceal the great jagged hole in his head that tends to make the squeamish or timid flinch away from him.
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): Still hasn’t quite shaken the habit to be armored, even when it isn’t necessary, but he’s cut down from full plate to chain mail only, much lighter and easier to move around in—which is vital when hurrying to the training field for an accident, or running to meet a wounded knight at the gates. He wears a simple tabard over his mail, blue with red edging (the Queen’s colors), and keeps a pouch of bandages and other aid supplies belted to his waist instead of a sword.
Ash (Undergloom Sans): The livery of the king’s court, gray and gold, but dyed into fabrics suitable for common folk. He still wears gray when not performing at court, tunics so thickly woven they could pass as a gambeson and often paired with hooded cloaks, but he keeps his golds set aside until needed to keep them in good condition. He takes equal care of his shiny brass sackbut (it’s a horn, with a very funny name but an instrument nonetheless) so it always plays well.
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): Off-white and tan linens, loose and breathable for hot work in the kitchens, sleeves rolled up and pinned at the elbows to keep them from getting in the way. Always an apron about his waist, occasionally with food stains after a long day’s work but these he quickly tends to as soon as he’s able. He has nothing in the way of real finery but tries very hard to make sure what he has is clean and presentable.
Brick (Horrorfell Sans): Fine brocaded doublets of rich red and shining gold thread, as a duke and brother to a king, he does have to dress the part a bit. He wears more jewelry, especially rings, but nearly always still has his dire-wolf fur cloak over his shoulders. When called for executions, he dresses down quite a bit, in simple black cloth with only a leather pauldron over one shoulder to help brace the weight of his axe before he swings.
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): Half plate armor essentially at all times, even formal or polite occasions—he’s the owner of a stolen throne and all too aware that it could be stolen from him the same way he got it. His breastplate is scaled and his pauldrons are elaborately spiked, but it’s all black. The only pop of color on him is his crown, the same worn by Asgore and Undyne, gold and sharp, with rubies inlaid.
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): Chain mail over a finely-made kaftan and beneath a traveling cloak, the latter two with signs of wear from a long journey. His head is notably absent of a crown—left behind in the kingdom he fled—but a new one awaits him soon, of flashing silver and blue stone, depicting the phases of the moon. When fully established in his new kingdom, he may begin dressing as a proper king again, draping himself in the blue and silver finery of the land that sheltered him.
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): Browns, greens, and blacks, he wears light leather armor—really just a breastplate and vambraces—and a thick woolen cloak about his shoulders. He has no need of greaves for his shins, legs lost to an accident in the wilderness, but supplanted by magical prosthetics, living blackened wood provided by his land when he called upon it for aid. …Not that he’s fully accepted that it’s his land, keeping his crown of twisting copper and emerald tucked away in a saddlebag instead of on his brow. Maybe someday…
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): Rich purple and verdant green, amidst a sea of black—he favors very fine fabrics with open lacing at the chest. Still not especially fond of jewelry, but wears considerably more decorative leather braces on forearms, shins, and even the occasional full-chest corset. (He has some chronic pain and the extra pressure and support in certain spots helps.) He wears considerably more plain clothes for knight-training purposes and when traveling wears a black cloak with a cowl that comes down over the hole in his face at a point, as the beak of a raven.
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): Usually in half plate splint mail armor for his patrols along the wall, but favors rusty oranges, brown and black for the tunics and boots and breeches he wears out of it. Often carries a lantern, and always has tinder in a pouch on his hip. Beside his pouch is a war-horn in case an alert would need to be called, loud enough to make everyone come running if it’s ever sounded.
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): A cavalierly styled courtier, at first having made do with graciously lent clothing and now being able to buy his own in a whole variety of rich colors—yellow, blue, magenta, and on. His aim is to look at home in court, which means he must dress as other courtiers do, so he has doublets and fine tunics and many, many fashionable capelets with embroidery and stylish pins, as well as a few equally chic plumed hats. The other courtiers look to him now for the latest fashion trends and he couldn’t be happier.
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): A bit more subdued in style than his brother…though only a bit. He favors black frocks, almost as a cleric would wear, but beneath them, elegant doublets in greens and yellows as vibrant as anything his twin wears, with fine silver filigree work in his buckles and pins and clasps. He’s the pinnacle of restrained class and taste and it’s no wonder at all that the king should respect him so highly if his care in thought is as his care in appearance.
Spectr (Transcendtale Sans): Deep, dark black from head to toe, most prominently a long hooded cloak with two eye-lights glowing in the darkness. He always wears gloves and never lets his hood down, as he’s not especially fond of his metal bones and doesn’t really wish to be seen. It’s difficult to see in the daytime, but at night he’s trailed by faint wisps of ghostly light in all colors of the rainbow, such a strange sight that many a drunkard who’s seen him has poured out their bottle presuming they’d had quite a bit too much.
PapAIrus (Transcendtale Papyrus): Full plate armor, of course, but as he’s now some sort of spectral entity, it (and he!) glows and is slightly see-through. Being ghostly has washed out his colors quite thoroughly which is unfortunate—mostly all white with hints of silvery blue—but on the up-side he seems able to change his appearance some by will alone, donning or discarding his helmet at will, manifesting a majestic cape for himself out of the ether, and so on. It seems a fair enough trade to him!
Xanth (Ascendswap Sans): A man at court now, he’s donned an eye-patch and abandoned the trappings of prospective knighthood, fully embraced courtier fashion…if a bit ‘eccentrically.’ He favors bright yellows and spring greens, flowing garments of fine cloth layered beneath and over leather vambraces, gorget, and tasset. All these are elaborately, intricately designed and certainly make the similarly intricate gold jewelry (with multicolored gems) that he wears at wrist and neck stand out, but it’s hardly in fashion… Still, the mystic’s thinking is often inscrutable.
Piper (Ascendswap Papyrus): Unlike his brother, very fashionable and eye-catching, in rich amaranths and brilliant turquoises, with even the occasional lavender. He has many fine embroidered doublets, threaded liberally with gold, and wears many pieces of gold jewelry as well—necklaces, bracelets, pins, and brooches. When showing the birds of the crown at court or bidding them on a royal hunt, he wears the livery of the crown-proper—royal purple and gold—and always has a thick leather falconer’s glove on his left hand.
Carmine (Underfell Fruition Sans): What’s black and white and red all over? Well, newspapers haven’t been invented yet, so it’s him, of course! He’s no jester so he hasn’t a motley to wear to work, but he is a performer and does dress in the livery of the king, which is red and black. The material is a bit finer than he’s used to, but being that he’s no longer wearing rags and rotting in a hole, he’s quite pleased with it and doesn’t mind the bright colors that help him attract the eyes of many comely nobles at court. Off-duty, he sticks to loose, somewhat open tunics—red still very much preferred.
Tank (Underfell Fruition Papyrus): Laced linen shirts, not especially loosely fitting due to his largeness in the chest and shoulders but he hasn’t burst any seams in awhile so the measurements must be somewhat correct. He’s fond of white and a true connoisseur of red, all shades from dark to very light. He keeps an array of small carpentry tools—hammers, chisels, things for measuring—in a roll on his hip, a dedicated apprentice to the core.
Vi (Swapfell Fruition Sans): All black, pourpoint armor beneath fine silk doublets but almost disappointingly plain otherwise—no embroidery, no ornament, or stitched pattern, or brocade. Over this he wears a cloak, equally fine and with at least some ostentation, a bit of silver stitched decoration that matches the intimidatingly clawed silver gauntlet he wears upon his left hand—a symbol of his wealth, if not his status. These flashy items are for matters of court only, as he has a much more nondescript hooded cloak and less identifiable sharp implement which he uses for matters of stealth and misdeeds when it is important that he not be recognized.
Hunter (Swapfell Frution Papyrus): A prince in princely attire…mostly. He happily flaunts the color purple but proudly wears it with the black of his old family name, and drapes himself in silk tunics, fine (mostly decorative) pauldrons, capes and capelets. He tends to show off a bit more of his chest than seems appropriate for a man of his station, and seems to wear his elegant silver jewelry in ways such that the eye is drawn there, and…other places, but few question the whims of royalty. His pewter crown is heavy and inelegant and he’s talked much with his brother about how angry people would be if he had it melted and recast into something more stylish.
Kohl (Descendtale Sans): Plain, rough tunics, in black and dark brown. He wears a heavy fur-lined gabardine as it gets quite cold in the dungeons, though it’s uncertain where he managed to get such a nice garment. He keeps a knife on his belt, large and jagged-toothed, and though he hasn’t had need to use it yet, the threat of it tends to keep most prisoners from attempting to bring him harm.
Bram (Descendtale Papyrus): He’s traded in his full plate armor for a comfortably fit leather jerkin, accompanied by matching gauntlets to protect his hands and torso (inasmuch as they need protection, without flesh) from the thorns he trims back every day. He mostly wears black and white and brown, all things closely fit to his body, less they snag overmuch and need to be replaced too often. His clothing is simple but well-suited to his work, and he wears it nicely.
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S/O and main 10 Skeletons play monopoly
Undertale Sans - It's all fun and all until as you go to take money in the bank, you realize the bank is empty. Confused, you look at Sans and somehow he has all the money. When the hell did he get that rich? You call him out, screaming he's a cheater, but the worst part is that he didn't even cheat. He's just a lucky bastard and he's slowly stealing all the houses on the board. You stand no chance.
Undertale Papyrus - He tries to guilt you every time he has to mortgage one of his houses, which works very fine. Until he stabs you in the back by buying back all your houses with all the money he won after you had mercy on him. He's really good at bluffing, you should know better.
Underswap Sans - He's sulking like a child after an hour because he went bankrupt as you and Honey allied to take him down. Now he's mad and he won't even look at you. Blue is a sore loser and he thinks it's unfair you both decided to go against him.
Underswap Papyrus - He's having fun but he's a tough negotiator, to the point where you're pretty sure you got scammed. Too late to realize it though. By the time you think about it, he buys the last of your house and smiles at you as you go bankrupt right in front of his eye sockets. Don't let his little flirting game go to your head or you might regret it.
Underfell Sans - He's ruining everyone's fun by buying a house in every color on the board, just so no one can have the full set. You lost Edge already, who got so mad he made the entire table fly, and now he's testing how far you can last without having a mental breakdown, smiling like a shark. He doesn't care about winning the game. He only wants to ruin YOUR game.
Underfell Papyrus - Unfortunately, Edge is not the most patient person on Earth. The game pisses him off really quickly and what small patience he had left completely leaves his body when Red targets him for a good hour. Eventually, he jumps at his brother's throat and starts to scream random laws he learned as a lawyer to prove to his S/O that what Red is doing is illegal and that he needs to pay for his crimes. When his S/O said he's going to far, he screams that Red managed to win you, kicks the table at full force and leave, mad. Maybe let him cool down for a bit.
Horrortale Sans - This game has too many rules and he's completely confused as the game goes on. Poor Oak gets manipulated by his own brother who has no scruples using his confusion to make him go bankrupt in ten minutes. He stays the rest of the game sitting with a sad face :( Until you decide to team with him to destroy his brother, which he accepts happily!
Horrortale Papyrus - He's targeting the weak points. Poor Oak and Toriel stand no chance as he's using their confusion to make his moves. You're a tougher challenger though, but that's fine. He's good at bluffing and manipulating you with weird stares to force you to give up on some purchases. He realizes too late you understood his game and manipulated him the same way, making him panic in the last minutes of the game and go bankrupt. Urgh. Your dinner tonight is going to be saltier than usual.
Swapfell Sans - You have a hard time reading any of his expressions. He's an extremely good player and you underestimate him. The man used to bet random things Underground playing this game, you stand no chance against his skills and perfect strategies. The game ends not half an hour later after Nox destroyed not only you but all the players around the table. Of course, he will never tell you he used his good old rigged cards to win.
Swapfell Papyrus - He was tired of losing so when you left to go fetch some biscuits, he put super glue on the board game. He watches with intense satisfaction as you put your hand on the board but can't take it back. As you start to panic, asking him to do something, he simply smiles at you and picks your houses on the board, one by one, looking you in the eyes. Who said you needed money to win? You just have to be clever.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He criticizes your way of playing the game and the bad decisions you took until you get mad and give up. No one told you business is not about money, but about how much bullshit you can make others believe? Well, he clearly deserved to win then. Better luck next time.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Poor Coffee doesn't want you to be sad so he refuses to buy the colors you have. Which leads to you buying most of the board game and him going bankrupt in ten minutes. He's happy you're happy though. Can you cuddle with him now? He lets you win, he deserves a reward.
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kuvvydraws · 4 months
Solitale AU
Praetorius' HCs 💙
Part 1 → Next>>
A Sans-type, of the swapfell breed
Stoic, rough, mostly quiet - he's a practical monster, and doesn't feel the need to entertain others with tales or unnecessary details, and thus he comes off as straightforward and sharp
Educated, with a very rich lexicon - if you don't understand him, that's your problem, he's not going to repeat himself
Has a very cutting way with words
His body is a weapon, his magic is a weapon, his mind is a weapon, and he moves in a very economic way, without too many gestures, which makes him seem a bit robotic and artificial
His jaw is permanently set, which gives his face a stony and cold expression - he wouldn't be frowning, but it's certainly not a welcoming face either
His body is crammed with scars and cracks, some so deep you can even spot the blue glow of his magic pulsating in them. The wounds crawl all over his bones, with very few exceptions, he has a bunch of deformed ribs due to an injury that healed wrong, the missing parts replaced and welded with gold
Has the sharpest eyes, and they're heavy, it would be impossible to not notice it if he looked at you - he cannot read SOULs but the way he acts would make anyone believe the opposite
Doesn't care for riddles or jokes, and treats most conversations as exchanges of information in the most pragmatical way
He smells like ink, dust and his own magic, which leaves an aftertaste of iron and citrus in the air
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ratsoh-writes · 5 months
Masterlist 34
(****) = suggestive
the longest they've gone without doing the do (lf ot)******
most excited to go on a rollercoaster
SO wants company when upset, but doesn't want to talk (fs ut sf)
crush asks to pet their gaster blaster (lf st ul)
their favorite flower/fruit goes extinct (farmers + dt)
the rich boys have a SO who isn't used to money being spent on them (lf drt)
hogwarts houses (uw ht flt bt)
when their shop got broken into
his pet traps SO
crush accidentally burns themselves (ut uf ht)
SO is affectionate after he wrecks them (ut uf hf ht fsg)****
his pp gets bigger/smaller (gears maple)*****
alien invasion (sf hfm tt dt)
SO is temporarily blind
SO can flirt but cant be flirted with (mf lf lsf uf)
SO jokes his dong is too big (nt ft)****
SO wears thigh highs and his shirt (lf mf +brothels)****
they're cursed with the truth (marcelo papyrus captain chaos red)
the bauble and flavor siblings home
wedding vows (fsg fsr)
gaster comes back from the dead
doing a presentation (nt ff hfm fs sf)
gay sex wins, fatality (brothels + fsg lf)**
monkey paw clown nose
he's cursed to speak backwards for a week
board games (brothel + bf fs)
pigs blood (drf tht fs ss lf)
non sexual intimacies (brothel + fs bf)
kid comes home with disrespectful date
object becomes sentient (flt ss gt hfm bs)
voice actor SO (uf lsf mf lf fsg)
karen fights for them (basil Sugar, Pluto, Peaches, Cider, Compass, Sparks, Finn, Quill and Papaya)
their brother is lv sick (fsg sf)
first date (cash mutt weasel pesto gold coffee)
tv laugh track (tht ut)
SO has vertigo (bf + brothel)
SO has a cursed job (ut bbt os)
crush accidentally burns themselves (ht uf ut)
SO is dazed after getting railed lol (ut uf ht hf fsg)****
how the ut uf us bros handled meeting their horror counterparts
what was wines and coffees mother like?
the horrorfell civil war
strongest and weakest ten update
other heat cycle species seasons**
more snail breeds
how the old farm aus are doing without the monsters
temmies children kevin
difference between fae born monsters and normal ones
night sky in ebott
can skeletons choke
Heat changes (all)****
How many fingers to kitsune have. And more wing info for birdtale
spunions axelaterals and lavender quarts
sky serpents, and what form do slime monsters take
how does one become a prince
pet taxes and registration
animal bias and needlecones
fire elementals dealing with rain and ebotts grade system
why is dual colored magic "ugly"
ogres swiftees bugbear
skeleton bones vs human bones + how breaks heal
how smooshable are the skeletons (featuring quill)
fortune telling?
most common ecto color (all monster types)
whos now the main mafia? (rps only)
common monster names
train system
EBOTT MAP first draft + where the skeletons live
more random monster behaviors
side characters
juniper devi argo
blight dwight their parents
more rich b*tches
Damocles Cassia (and vlock info)
Diane Swann (and vila info)
what they look like
vamp and duchess' mates
Poseidon and Salacia's children
sans kid is a changeling
fellswap red
mutt and oblivious SO
mal and vila SO
cash and oblivious SO
roulette comes back from the dead
bruisers SO reveals they're a selkie
maid SO**
taffy gets cheated on
silex gets cheated on
Jupiter gets cheated on
fellswap gold
if wine and coffees mother had survived
coffees braces
the brothel
do they regret taking the lust serum?
did they have to take the lust serum
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capricioussun · 1 year
papy request! choose for every diff pap a different fanfic trope <3
Oh boy fanfic tropes uhhh okay okay I will do my best! I’m not super well versed in fic and tropes so bear w/ me here lol
Rus (undertale) - devoted knight. Not to one person, rather a cause. His friends and loved ones, protecting them, taking care of them, by whatever means he has.
Edge (underfell) - collapse. He works himself so hard, it was bound to happen eventually. He’s not going to learn his lesson.
Stretch (underswap) - overheard at the worst possible time. Whether it was his secret spilled or he found something out he wasn’t meant to, I feel like Stretch is very good at finding himself in the wrong place at the wrong time without fail.
Copper (swapfell metal) - (platonic) slow burn. He’s a stubborn asshole but with enough goofing off and late night talks, he might open up a little, and be better off for it.
Ghost (fellswap glass) - framed. Uh oh! Looks like you’ve been framed for a crime you didn’t commit, and now it’s up to you and you alone to find a way out of this. Good luck!
The rest under the cut!
Uno (glitchedswap) - disappearance. It’s been many years since the sudden unexpected disappearance of Papyrus Gaster, but the hole his absence left still seems to be growing.
Heartfell Papyrus - soulmate birthmarks with a twist. That twist being that…he doesn’t seem to have a mark. Oh dear.
Lace (lovefell) - heartbreak in the rain. Self explanatory.
Rosewood (mafialovefell) - curse. He’s had a curse put on him, and only true loves kiss can break it...
Boss (mafiafell) - isekai. I would love to put his ass in a situation. /j but seriously. “Medical malpractice”. He is subject to experiments beyond his control. It does not end well.
Luck (mafiaswap) - lost the bet. Like rags to riches but in reverse. Will he be able to climb back to the position he once had?
Hawk (mafiatale) - poison. Uh oh! You’ve been poisoned. Is this gunna end at the hospital or the morgue?
Dove (horrortale) - second chances. He deserves a new lease on life, after everything…right?
Rust (horrorswap) - memory loss. He loses his memory in a terrible accident…but maybe that’s for the best.
Dusk (horrorfell) - life candles. And his has almost run out…
Ice (invertedfell) - (platonic) forced confessions. Trapped with a friend in dire circumstances and after a point, all they have left to pass the time is talking.
Clover (sweetswap) - flower shop. He’s always loved how colorful flowers are, even if he’s been partially colorblind since his accident.
Pictoris (outertale) - arranged marriage. But maybe it won’t be so bad after all..?
Aurigae - (platonic) slow dance. He gets pulled into dancing by a friend. He was having a terrible day, but…that helped. Maybe more than he’s even willing to admit.
Antares (outerfell) - space pirate. Is this a trope? I honestly don’t know but I love the concept and am standing by this.
Elester (demonfell) - absurd meet cute. He’s a demon, he needs to be placed in the story by extreme means, right?
Dos (glitchfell) - ghosts of the past. Something from his past is haunting him, and he can’t outrun it forever.
Void (vesselfell) - [redacted] coffee shop. He likes coffee :*)
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undertalesyafiqah12 · 10 months
Gaster Gang what ifs pt 1:
With a vote with a tie,
Let's start with a what if "Gaster Gang had the same age":
Or in other words, what if Gaster Gang basically had same age as their oringal Gaster, Wingding.
{Note: Wingding's age is 105 and 20s in human years. Let's think how the other Gasters' life if they'll be if around his age. And also, what I explained is based on his monster age, as their human age kind of doesn't make sense.}
Swapfell did not really change since he's already confirmed to be same age as Wingding
Maestro would still in the war era, probably didn't know the void nor being in (but even if is, they're the only Gaster that isn't stuck in the world)
Swap would probably had Sans or just married... Or still followed his culture
Fell still being a run away monster and still hard to live for his life, I doubt he was offered to be a warrior at that age
B would possibly still being in his "Prince" era or early war era.
Stars... Well... Possibly still follow "The Order" and still in his "cold" side. (Because he's the oldest and very old to us, we didn't exactly know what age he consider "teen adult" in his father side.)
Now the second, "What if Bunnymuse used Swapfell's old design":
Or to be specific, what if Bunnymuse keeping his "rich type of Swapfell"
To be honest, we didn't exactly know how he exactly would do. We just know a bit of detail of he's a spoiled rich man who does anything as specimen. So... If Bunnymuse would actually do that... I don't think B and Maestro would be safe from him- And Fell would probably don't like him from the start.
Anyways that's all I can say for the what ifs. Next vote for what ifs will follow tomorrow or later..
{Edit: Changing a bit of the age part because I reread back of the Gaster Gang's age. Wingding is actually 105.}
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littlehappyrabbit · 2 years
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[image not mine, found it on google]  Was nobody going to tell me swapfellshift exists?? i feel utterlyy betrayed jk, but i love this-
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messedupessy · 5 years
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So decided to just post this very unfinished pic I have of Cash in my phone, as this is a phone doodle where I just been using my fingers to draw xD and it’s been ages since I worked on this, and the program I been using has like been abandoned so it won’t be updating ever again etc, so thought I should just post the unfinished doodle as I still like it hella lot UwU
Like yes there is a bunch of things that is hella messy, especially anatomy etc, but I still like it af man I did after all do this on my phone with my fingers so pft xD so anyway enjoy this messy Cash boi who is like supposed to be holding a see-through scarf thingie while been the overly naughty boi he is pfft
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popatochisssp · 10 months
Hi!! If the Papyri are knights what are the Sanses? Also you should totally make an AU of this, you beautiful brain
You have no idea, none of you have any idea how absolutely insane I went about this goofy little one-off AU concept
...Some of you have an idea. And some of you maybe know me well enough to have just guessed I would go off the rails the way I have lol
Anyway, this is the first, but absolutely not the last of The Court AU:
Sans (Undertale): The court jester, in possession of a quick wit and a cutting sense of humor and with no desire to let either go to waste. He’s much beloved at court and prides himself on his ability to make even the stuffiest of courtiers chuckle with his jokes and pranks—and his jester’s privilege makes him nigh untouchable to those who somehow aren’t amused by him. It’s a good life…
Papyrus (Undertale): A proud knight of the kingdom and a member of the Royal Guard! Er…well…eventually, he will be. The Captain won’t make him a full member of the Guard until he’s proven his valor through a series of knightly quests…but she won’t tell him what the quests are, so he travels the kingdom as a knight-errant, helping those in need and solving problems that may or may not have needed solving! You’re welcome, good citizens!
Sky (Underswap Sans): A squire, or knight-in-training, attendant to the Captain of the Guard until he properly earns his own knighthood. …Frankly, he’s already capable and qualified to be a knight now, but he’s aware that the Captain has some reservations regarding his health and is hesitating to just give him the job because of it. He fully intends to prove himself to her in the line of active duty, and someday be recognized as a fully-fledged knight of the realm.
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): The court archivist, most at home amidst shelves of tomes and records and far away from the social obligations of the court itself. He tracks and preserves all kind of documents, from agricultural reports to genealogies to romantic poetry, and is on call to locate specific texts for any nobles or otherwise literate folks seeking to reference them. It gets a bit musty sometimes but he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Jasper (Underfell Sans): A mercenary, traveling the kingdom in search of people to sell his sword to for a bit of coin—and then traveling in search of satisfying ways to spend that coin. He does occasionally venture outside the kingdom for both of these things, but he has quite a few connections to well-paying opportunities within the borders, so as much as he avoids putting down roots, he tends not to stray too far from ‘home.’
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): A knight in the Royal Guard, touted as a black knight for the scorched and stained armor he wears—a marker of the many deadly, heroic feats he’s conquered. No quest is too dangerous, no enemy too great for him to overcome, and he bravely takes on what lesser knights fear to risk. He’s quite accomplished dealing with dragons, and wildfires, and even mages, who always seem to cast fireballs and…well, perhaps that’s the reason his armor is so blackened…
Mal (Swapfell Sans): Personal guard to the Empress herself, nominally part of the Royal Guard as well but far from the front-lines of battle as his duty to her highness’ safety comes first and foremost. He’s involved in a lot of the structuring and scheduling of patrols for the lower ranking guardsmen, and his opinion is often sought in matters of state and military, but his primary concern is accompanying the Empress wherever she goes, or standing post just outside the door. Only on rare occasions does anyone else fill his role, and that’s just the way he likes it.
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): He’s a nobleman who used his wealth and free time to pursue a passion in painting. His passion paid off in the form of a bit of notoriety for his work and several offers of patronage from other nobility seeking portraits and frescoes and the like done in his hand. …Or as he sees it, rich people paying him to do what he loves instead of some sort of actual job. As long as he can comfortably afford his paints, he’s happy.
Slate (Horrortale Sans): He’s a stableman at the queen’s castle, looking after the horses and hunting dogs kept there. He isn’t as quick as he used to be, and his memory hasn’t been the same since his head injury, but he was graciously employed elsewhere rather than dismissed and it’s…fine. Well enough, at least. It’s dirty and often thankless work, but he is fond of the animals, and much prefers their company to anyone else.
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): He’s a medic in service to the knights of the Royal Guard. He actually used to be among their number…sort of…but there were some changes, in his life, and his eye-sight isn’t really what it used to be anyway, and… Well! He spent some time learning from the court physician and got very interested in ways to treat illness and injury. He’s not as skilled and knowledgeable as a full-fledged healer but he’s happily on hand for minor training accidents and sicknesses or injuries in those coming back from patrols. He loves to be able to help!
Ash (Undergloom Sans): A musician who plays his trusty horn for the court during all the feasts and festivals. He’s only one player of many but enough of a talent to be selected for the job and pleased that his music should entertain the king and queen and all their noble guests. It’s not the most glorious of positions but he’s happy enough doing it and lives well for his station.
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): Head cook in the castle kitchens, a station he worked up to from the bottom as a lowly kitchen boy. He has a lot of experience making meals for the royal couple and for all the nobles that regularly attend court gatherings and he knows how to give the people what they want. There are several other cooks and kitchen attendants that work with him but it’s his job to make decisions and keep everything running smoothly, which keeps him busy but happily so.
Brick (Horrorfell Sans): He sticks exclusively to the royal court these days, not as a hired sword but as a wealthy and rakish duke of the kingdom. His brother gave him the title and it’d be stupid not to take advantage of the perks—though he does have to earn them. He’s less a hired sword now and more a hired axe, performing the duty of the royal executioner whenever he’s called upon to do so. No need to wear a hood, everyone knows who he is and what he does to enemies of the crown.
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): The king of the castle, in a very literal sense. Some may call him a usurper or a traitor to the crown to have seized the throne for himself without proper claim… and for those people he arranges a meeting between their necks and his brother’s blade. He seized the throne because he’s loyal to the crown and the queen he deposed was wearing it quite poorly. If he could, he would’ve stepped down by now and given way to the true queen, but the people have been through enough upheaval—so he will remain as their king, as long as is necessary.
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): A cursed king who lives an austere, lonely life in a desolate castle by the sea. He fled from his true realm in disgrace and now awaits an end to his curse or his shame—whichever comes first—in the ruins of a fallen kingdom as degraded as he is. He doesn’t expect to be found, or saved from the curse that his own choices wrought upon him, and just tries to bear his fate with the grace expected of him.
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): Prince-errant of his kingdom, meant to be ruling his people but instead gallivanting off across the countryside in search of his missing brother. He wants to find him and know he’s well about as much as he doesn’t want to go back and be the ruler of a kingdom, for which he was never properly trained and is wholly unprepared! Maybe in his search and his hardships, he can find the strength and maturity to do what the kingdom needs him to do…but he’s not there yet, and finding his brother is his priority.
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): Every knight in the Royal Guard is hand-picked and trained by him. He held a high office among the guardsmen once, but a severe injury put him out of commission and without his sight, he was no longer fighting fit, as they say. Still, his strength and his skill didn’t abandon him and while he could be a liability on the battlefield, he’s nothing less than a powerful asset when it comes to training the knights up to his own exacting standards. Only the best make it through his gauntlet.
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): He walks the wall of the castle at night, standing guard for any threats to the kingdom that might otherwise go unseen. He takes his duty very seriously and refuses to let any night pass without a watchman on duty, even in foul weather or nights of great feasts and festivals. His vigilance has protected the kingdom from many a threat and he feels certain that his job is of much higher importance than any frivolous pastimes he absorbed himself in before.
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): A courtier of…mysterious origin. He’s often at court, making conversation and telling colorful stories to anyone whose ear he can snatch—and he manages to snatch quite a few—but no one can manage to figure out quite where he came from or what he ought to be doing. Mostly, he entertains himself and others with various leisurely pursuits, games, hunts, dances, songs, and as such he’s a well-liked person at court…wherever he came from.
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): Another man of mystery who appeared at court on the heels of his brother, though far less flamboyantly. He’s obviously a learned man, well-educated and well-spoken, and though he wasn’t as warmly embraced by the courtiers at large, he was eventually welcomed into the king’s confidence as a royal advisor. The backing of the king being what it is, he’s accepted and respected as probably some sort of nobleman, regardless of his unclear origin, and continues to advise the king on matters of state.
Spectr (Transcendtale Sans): A wanderer, uprooted from his life and former kingdom and left to walk the land in search of meaning. Some say his kingdom was destroyed but for a small handful of survivors. Some say he turned to dark magic and sold his soul for the chance. to take revenge on the one who desolated his home. Some say he’s ageless, bones turned to cold iron and chest empty of breath to contain the power he now holds. …They’re all right. But his quest is long over, and all that’s left to do now is wander.
PapAIrus (Transcendtale Papyrus): He’s a proud knight of the kingdom! He may not have been in the Royal Guard when he was tragically cut down before his time, but he did come back from death as a ghostly semblance of himself at the same time everyone else did—and when your Captain is no longer worried that you might get yourself killed in battle because you already did, promotions are in order! So, he now serves his phantom kingdom as a phantom knight, valiantly and eagerly, but of course, taking time every now and then to visit his (mostly) living family member, to keep him from brooding too hard.
Xanth (Ascendswap Sans): It’s…slightly unclear what he does. He’s seemed strange for a time, a bit touched, but the queen seems to hold him in high esteem and never fails to consult him (among others) before any major decisions are made. Sometimes he’ll appear in unusual places with cryptic messages, or look into peoples’ eyes and divine their intentions (should they be ill ones), and for all this, though he holds no specific title, he’s at least informally called the court mystic. There are rumors that his strangeness and that of those closest to him is because he made contact and some sort of bargain with the faefolk…but those are surely just rumors.
Piper (Ascendswap Papyrus): The royal falconer, primary trainer, keeper, and handler of all the hawks and falcons owned by the queen. It wasn’t a job he was born into, but one he sought out of the blue one day, and he earned his way by demonstrating a remarkable affinity for the birds even prior to any training. By now he’s a figure of great respect for the command he has over the flighted beasts, and he happily demonstrates it during the queen’s feasts and king’s hunts.
Carmine (Underfell Fruition Sans): He’s earned his way at court with talent, performing dazzling displays of bullets and other magic for nobles and royals alike. He’s a standout from other such entertainers in that his well of magic never seems to run dry and he can keep showing off his juggling and his light shows and his dancing bullets from sun-up to sun-down without ever tiring. He doesn’t talk much about his life before coming to court, but he’s happy now so it’s just as well.
Tank (Underfell Fruition Papyrus): He was trained from a very young age to be a soldier, a paladin meant to fight in a holy war and raised to believe his greatest purpose was to die on the battlefield and bring glory to the cause. That all…never happened. He was freed from the grip of the zealots and reunited with the brother he hadn’t seen in ages, but then left at odds for what to do now—a warrior with no war to fight. Eventually he becomes apprenticed to a carpenter in town in the hopes of learning a trade to live on, and…he’s starting to be content.
Vi (Swapfell Fruition Sans): Spymaster to the crown, head of a small network of covert informants, assassins, thieves and the rest of their ilk. It was a career he…inherited…but also one he carried out diligently, carefully, and above all, secretly. At least, until his brother married and he left to join him in his new kingdom, where he serves much the same function at court—with the added responsibility of wrangling and occasionally nominally filling in for the crown prince. All according to plan.
Hunter (Swapfell Fruition Papyrus): He was in the same family business as his brother, but when he caught the eye of a visiting monarch and won an invitation to their kingdom, to marry, well… how could he refuse? And when, after an unsuspicious amount of time, his spouse is found dead under mysterious—but not too mysterious—circumstances, and no one from the proper line of succession seems to be coming to take their place… He really has no choice but to go from the prince consort to the crown prince, for the sake of his late spouse’s people. He’s far from a proper or responsible prince, and certainly has some kind of reputation, but he’s pleased enough with how everything’s going.
Kohl (Descendtale Sans): He minds the royal dungeons. It’s not what he started out doing, but somewhere along the way he lost the humor for anything else, and it’s as good a job as any. Not too many strangers make it into the kingdom these days, but plenty have foul intentions and it is something he takes some pride in, keeping watch over those ill-meaning outsiders and making sure they stay put, where they belong. He’s not the kindest of dungeon-keepers, but quite frankly, since when was ‘kindness’ part of that job description?
Bram (Descendtale Papyrus): His brother keeps the dungeon and he keeps the grounds. While a groundskeeper isn’t anything close to what he thought he’d want to be, a lot has happened—to him personally and to the kingdom as a whole—and well, he’s providing a very valuable service with his work, humble though it may be. Anyone with skin would have a horrid time pruning back all the wicked, cursed thorns that keep trying to consume the realm, and unchecked, they could probably run wild in less than a fortnight, where would they all be if he let that happen?
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Would the skeletons be down to watch movies or tv shows with a human friend? And what is their favorite genre?
Undertale Sans - An activity when he can just sit and do nothing? Count him in! He's a sci-fi lover, so pretty much any movie with aliens will please him. Bonus point if the special effects are terrible, he loves cringe movies.
Undertale Papyrus - Sure! He likes comedies the most, but he's happy to discover new things too. He likes everything as long as he can cuddle on the couch. He's a big fan of TV games too, especially quizzes. He takes them very seriously, he's counting points and he will annihilate everyone in the house. He can be a dirty player when he really wants to win.
Underswap Sans - URGH. Really? Blue doesn't like to just sit and do nothing so chances are you start the moving, he loses focus after ten minutes and goes to play on his phone lol. Choose what you want, he really doesn't care.
Underswap Papyrus - He loves this very much, and obviously, you're going to watch either a Disney or a Marvel movie. He knows them all by heart and he saw them 30 times each, but he loves them too much to not watch them again. His favorite things are movie marathons.
Underfell Sans - He likes TV shows where people are fighting for the stupidest thing. Like their wedding day, or a dinner, or because that crazy rich woman can't have a new pair of shoes when she has a billion already. He can't get over it. He loves to bitch with his S/O watching them.
Underfell Papyrus - He doesn't like horror movies but since he wants to impress his S/O he pretends it's his favorite genre ever. Then, he's not sleeping for three days because what the hell he has nightmares and he's scared you will get possessed and he doesn't want that. Worth it though if you liked it.
Horrortale Sans - He's not difficult, whatever you're watching is fine. Anyway, he's going to forget what the show is talking about midway so... He's just there for the free cuddles on the couch honestly.
Horrortale Papyrus - He's a romantic movies sucker, especially around Christmas. He can watch movies for entire days, crying and hugging his pillows (or S/O). It prevents him for working too hard as well when you notice he's too stressed because he can't stop watching them.
Swapfell Sans - He doesn't like watching TV very much, but he can exceptionally watch a movie with you. He likes the old classic ones. Above 2000, he will criticize everything and claim it was better before, which can get very annoying.
Swapfell Papyrus - He likes stupid comedies and funny TV shows, especially when the type of humor is absurd. He's a big fan. He's always finding the worst movies ever so you two can have a good laugh, like Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. You don't even want to know how he found that movie.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Only movies that win prizes because he's a snob. You swear he doesn't understand anything to what he is watching like you, but he's pretending very well. One day, you'll catch him.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He could watch cartoons and animes all day long so YES, please. He can even make some pop corn, and grab a blanket, and make a pillow fort! And then you stay there forever and you never leave!
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bonetrousledbones · 5 years
★ sf Papyrus?
Sad headcanon-
Before he moved in with his brother, he actually had a lot of friends! They’d hung out a lot, and even though he was usually the one who would pay for everything, he liked spending most of his time with them.
Unfortunately, after his Grandpa “died,” and he lost access to most of his money, they all cut contact with him pretty quick, and did so even quicker after he moved to Snowdin. It hit him pretty hard to realize that they had all only been hanging out with him for his money, and that was around the time he started experimenting with weed. Eventually, after being a consistent straight-A student for most of his life, his grades dropped severely, and he ended up dropping out of school. 
Because of that, he has a pretty hard time calling anyone his friend. At the moment, Undyne is the only one who comes close, and he knows for a fact that most monsters in the underground think that she’s crazy, so he prefers to act like he doesn’t really need anyone.
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nighttimepixels · 7 years
You are the onky person that has made me feel feels for Black. That has made me think, i could like this character. HOW DO YOU DO THAT
ahhh heck yeah i’m honored-!
man i think people just don’t ever flesh out Black’s character (or even russ’s, but he at least gets some slight cred sometimes) enough? it’s incredibly surprising, given how much there is to work with, really - i personally live by spending way too much time thinking about these skeletons so, y’know, headcanons galore.
… speaking of, would it hurt or help the cause if i say i headcanon that both Black and Russ are really into retro games…? like, hardcore into them. like, literally go on auction sites when they end up topside and play one hell of a challenge trying to get them. and one time, when someone cheated the system to outbid them at the last second-
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they sure did right the record.
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ratsoh-writes · 1 year
Main ten but replace swapfell purple with red, boys s/o comes home with a mirror that doesn’t show reflections but when the boys look in the mirror a evil version of them pops out and starts cause chaos
Sans: legit he would dust on the spot. Mirror dimension evil twin? It’s all of sans’ sci fi themed nightmares put into one person. Tell papyrus he wants his dust dumped in the core where it belongs. Meanwhile his evil twin is probably setting off nukes or something. Eh, it’s not that important
Papyrus: it is now his personal mission to turn his evil twin to the light side! Under papyrus’ careful teaching, soon the evil paps learns the error of his ways and now we have two sunshine boys! One is a little twitchy sometimes, but when the original papyrus smiles at him he seems to go back to normal.
Star: him and evil star lock eyes. After a brief stare down, they immediately start fighting. There’s dust in the air, you hear lazer beams, they’re both cursing, and there’s some strange noises like in a loony toons fight. Thankfully for the world, Star comes out the victor. …..or is that really him?
Honey: the idea of an evil honey is hilarious. Like what’s he gonna do? Replace the butter in the fridge with margarine? Oh shoot, he did do that. Now honey has put a hit out on his evil twin for daring to dirty the sanctity of his kitchen.
Red: and this is his problem how..? Red just kicks his twin out of the house and is all “have at it I guess”. He has an alibi, and with all the trigger happy fell monsters wandering around just itching for a fight, reds sure his twin won’t last a week. Sucks for them, he doesn’t care
Edge: doomfanger has never been more confused. On one hand, evil, on the other hand, said evil has promised daily catnip toys if she’ll help him get rid of the original edge. What a hard choice… edge is lucky doomfanger has at least a grain of loyalty.
Oak: his evil twin somehow repels animals while oak attracts them. The result is a perfectly normal monster that animals are indifferent around. Oak is distraught and his twin is laughing at his pain. All things considered though, this really isn’t that bad
Willow: it’s on sight. The evil twin pops out, calls oak an invalid, and willow does not hesitate. Pushed off the porch. Evil twin still has willows bad back and dusts when they land. Monster dust is rich in calcium so he sweeps it up and adds it to the chickens feed that evening. Never waste an enemy! :)
Lord: his evil twin is almost indistinguishable from lord. They too are cursed with anxiety but are a nasty person. On the other hand lord is anxious but also snappy because he’s anxious. It takes mutt ages of questioning to figure out which is which. Truly a frustrating day for both lords
Mutt: well, mutts about to answer the time old question of “would you bang your clone?” That is all
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battlemaiden13 · 3 years
Muffet hc's?
13: Heck yeah
Muffet (Classic)
Still speaks in a very cute, polite way with dark or morbid undertones to the point where most humans who have the privilege of conversing with her come away thinking she’s a serial killer.
Is working to get her own Bakery above ground so that she can can make more funds for spiders, although humans are not to fond of this idea so she is having a really hard time
If she sees you disrespecting spiders with words or actions you will be in an encounter very quickly. It has actually got her in trouble a lot of times.
Tuffet (Underfell)
Is the richest monster both under and above ground. She is a very greedy and frugal monster making it easy for her to save and keep her wealth that she loves to flaunt in front of literally everyone
She acquired most of her wealth through tricking others into gambling. Making other monsters gamble with gold or their lives. She ran a pretty popular casino underground.
She never forgets a debt and basically every monster owes her something. She is pretty lenient with the payback, loving hoarding something over other monsters but there is still a deadline. Emphasis on the dead
Missy (Underswap)
Owned a bakery underground that specialized in sweet making. It was a family run business and Missy was known to be very generous to her community
Isn’t shy but doesn’t speak a whole lot. She much prefers to listen to others talk and is actually very good at giving advice if that is something you want.
Is a pacifist and hates fighting. She hasn’t been in an encounter since she was very little however she is still one of the strongest monsters underground and if put in a corner for her family she would destroy someone.
Madam M (Swapfell)
Runs a brothel/strip club, or at least runs one underground located in Helldin. It was known for its exorbitant prices but also had a very classy reputation.
Unlike some other Muffets, although Madam M made a bunch of money underground they would always use it to give back to their employees finding little worth in being rich themselves and actually found it to be an empty feeling.
Is very flirty but doesn’t take shit from anyone. If you get on her bad list it is very difficult to get off of it as she doesn’t believe in second chances.
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aus-from-undertale · 3 years
(Or Fellswap-gold)
Ok, so, i talked some time ago about another AU which also was a mixture between Underswap and Underfell called Swapfell
So whats the difference?
Well, while Swapfell happens in an underground, violent because of the capitalism (cus only the rich survive),
Fellswap happens in an underground, violent because of the Totalitarianism :)
Everyone should serve the capital, and all ideia of freedom and choices are NOT ALLOWED.
(if you're still confused about these AUs, i recommend this link : here)
There's a comic incoming I think, but for now, here are the character sheets and their desings:
And here is the masterpost of what we have till now:
More about the AU on @fellswap-gold :
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Desings by @blackggggum :
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