#sway bar bushing noise
exitrowiron · 2 months
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As a self taught entry level shade tree mechanic, I try to follow the Hippocratic Oath - ie I may not fix the problem but I try not to make it worse. I try to avoid the worst case scenario of calling a tow truck to retrieve a car I was unable to return to drivable condition.
Today's project started with replacing the oil, an easy task made even easier (and cleaner) by using an oil drain plug that connects to a small drain hose.
The next project was more challenging. The car has been making a thunking noise from the right suspension when going over bumps at low speed. I thought it might be the swaybar link. The parts for the right and left were only $12 each so I figured it was low risk.
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The original OEM parts were definitely worn out and I installed the new parts correctly, but unfortunately it didn't fix the problem. The next most likely culprit is the strut or strut mounts (the sway bar bushings looked fine) but struts are above my pay grade so it looks like I will have to go to the dealer after all.
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adminbryantsaki · 10 months
Kurogiri/Oboro X Reader.
(I do not own My Hero academia or any of the characters/references to the show or manga in this story. Horikoshi Kohei does. If this isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee, move on. Reader discretion is advised.)
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TW: kiss, mention of past death, romantic feelings. WC: 1,742
You rattled the bars of your cell, trying to gain attention to anyone that might hear you and hopefully let you out since you were wrongly accused for a crime you never committed. You now were in the captivity of the Paranormal Liberation Front after being caught during the raid on the Jaku Hospital and the Gunga Mountain Villa. You had been one of the participants in the raid on the villa where you had been captured and sent to the new headquarters of the Front where they would regroup and rebuild their numbers.
You didn’t know what that meant exactly but you had a bad feeling that one of their crazed scientists would turn you into one of those ‘nomu’ because of your unique quirk which was practically useless because of the quirk-blocking drugs that had been laced in your food. You were now pacing your cell thinking of a way out of the place without your quirk. You were almost on a solution to get yourself out when a commotion broke out just outside the prison. You listened to the noise until the door was broken down and some heroes ran through. “There she is, Kurogiri, get her out of here!” One of the heroes spoke and gestured to your cell. You were confused until you saw a dark purple portal opening below you, your eyes widened and you screamed as you fell through into a void. You fell through on the other side, now outside the hideout where a man, standing about 6’5”, his body was covered from head to toe in a similar dark purple mist, wearing black trousers and shoes, a white, long-sleeve dress shirt, and a gray vest over the shirt and a simple, striped tie. He had a metal brace that covered his neck and shoulders, protecting something that piqued your curiosity.  He looked back at you for a moment before looking back at the building. “Are you alright?” He asked. You were frozen in place, still having to process all that had happened to you in the span of the past few seconds. “I’m fine… Thank you for saving me.” You spoke. “You’re welcome, now stay down. This battle isn’t over yet!” He spoke and you hid behind a bush while the battle raged on inside. Soon, Kurogiri got a signal from inside and he looked back at you, opening another warp gate behind you, picking you up and carrying you through the portal and into a wooded area. You looked at how vastly tall the trees were and the noise of the birds chirping and the rustle of the wind making the branches and leaves sway with it’s movement. You noticed the run-down log cabin that Kurogiri was carrying you and you waved your arms frantically to get him to stop. He stopped and set you down, letting you take a couple steps away from him, looking around the area then back at him. “Y/n. Are you alright? You seem a little worried.” Kurogiri noted and held a hand out to you as he wanted to provide comfort to you. “I am worried! I’m scared and afraid of you! I know you as the Warp gate Villain seen in the attack on the USJ months ago! Then you somehow are apart of the Heroes raiding one of the Villain’s hideouts? What the heck is going on?” You asked as you walked around the driveway and gripped at your hair and looked back at him. “I can explain once we’re inside. I am good now, otherwise the other heroes wouldn’t trust me to get you out of that prison now, would they?” He asked and waited for you to respond. You thought for a moment and calmed yourself down and took his hand, letting him lead you inside. Once inside, Kurogiri had you sit own while he put a pot of water on the stove for tea.
AS the water boiled, he sat across form you and began explaining what had happened. “Kurogiri and I had been captured back when all the other heroes were infiltrating the Shie Hassaikai and saving that little girl Eri. At the time, I had been locked in in the backseat of my mind while Kurogiri was driving and in control. But with the help of my friends… I was able to slip out a regain control of my mind and my body. But Kurogiri was still there. It was a long struggle for months until he and I came to an agreement that I would be up front driving while he would be in the backseat listening and watching, only coming up into the front seat when I allowed it and I needed the assistance. You met him earlier after he helped you escape out of your cell.” He spoke and let some of the dark purple mist appear from his left side and cover his whole body. “Hello there, Y/n. It’s good to see you again. Tea should be ready soon if you’d like some.” He spoke and looked back to the kettle which was almost boiling. You looked back at the kettle then to the man in front of you. You needed time to process all the information he just told you and tea sounded wonderful. “That would be nice. Thank you.” You managed to speak and you held your head in your hands. Kurogiri nodded and stood, walking into the kitchen, and catching the kettle just as it began to whistle and setting it to the side, and making some tea for the both of you.
Oboro brought the mug with the steaming hot liquid inside to you and made sure you were comfortable with a blanket that had been provided by the heroes and their families. “Here you are. I hope you’re comfortable.” He spoke.
You pulled the blanket up more to cover your shoulders and keep you warm as he sat down with his own mug of tea. He took a couple sips before setting the mug down and taking a deep breath. “There is something I’d like to say to you… I love you and I’d like to build a life with you… That’s why I brought you here. I wanted to bring you here so I could confess to you safely.” He spoke. You looked at him shocked, and paused to think as you held your mug. “Let me think it over, please. A lot has happened today and I haven’t really had much time to process everything over. Let me sleep on the subject and I’ll get back to you…the both of you in the morning, okay?” You spoke before taking another sip of your tea. Oboro’s eyes widened as he realized he was putting too much on you in one day and he investigated the contents of his mug. “I’m sorry I pushed this on you. I’ll let you be to process all this. Kurogiri and I will go get started on dinner.” He spoke, standing up and leaving you alone in the living room in front of the fireplace that was crackling and roaring away, giving heat to the room.
You stared off into the flames as your mind processed all that happened that afternoon and that your hero confessed his feelings to you in the same afternoon which was a lot to handle. You leaned back and closed your eyes as you remembered his face from when the two of you went to U.A. together. You had your eyes closed until Kurogiri woke you up to let you know that dinner was ready and he would bring you a plate in a moment. You nodded and watched the flames until he brought you a bowl of some soup and bread on the side.
“I hope you enjoy.” Kurogiri spoke before he returned to the kitchen and sunk back into Oboro’s body, letting him appear as he sat in the kitchen with his own bowl of soup and began to eat. “Hey…you can eat with me, you know. We don’t have to be alone.” You called out. Oboro looked up and carried his bowl over to where you were sitting and ate with you in silence. “I thought about what you said to me earlier. I remember you from before your accident… and that I had feelings for you then and I still do now. You have no idea how happy I am that you are alive and we can be together at last.” You told him, looking over at him and leaning closer to pull him into a soft, gentle kiss. Something you never got to do before he died over fifteen years ago. You were happy to do this now as you cupped his cheek, letting your fingers wander up and entangle themselves into his cloud-like hair that seemed to move on his own. He set his bowl to the side and turned to you, pulling himself closer to you and deepening the kiss.
He pulled away after a few seconds and smiled softly before the smile faded. “There are things that you should know about us.” He spoke as he sat back down in the chair across from yours. “It’s okay. I see past the things that you and Kurogiri did. Kurogiri, from what I understand was under some sort of influence that made him obey every order that All for One or Shigaraki gave out. You helped him since the two of you had been freed to understand what is true and that All for One is a horrible man.” You reassured him and he felt relieved, pulling you in for a hug and another kiss as he let tears of relief fall down his cheeks and onto the fabric of your shirt. “Thank you, Y/n. This means so much to me… to us. I love you so much.” He spoke. You returned the kiss and held his hand as the two of you cuddled on the couch, watching the flames flicker away in the fireplace.
This was just only the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
The end.  
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lie-reviews · 2 years
Roses bleeding love
She should have known better. But she didn’t as anyone wouldn’t when it comes to the sleepy countryside town of Baramachi (rose town) named after the abundance of wild rose bushes and the unique flowers grown there.
Now Haru like everyone was enamoured by her mother’s the quaint little hometown. She was there in the country side enjoying her vacation before university started again.
As a budding photographer the charmingly mysterious Baramachi was a tempting location she couldn’t pass up on.
With quaint little enchanting houses with blooming fruit and flower gadens in their backyards.
One fine day while enjoying her little vacation haru was walking on the empty road having no particular destination in mind photographing everything that caught her eye. From one of the many rose bushes to rice fields to the empty roads with an occasional farm vehicle passing by.
Haru’s mother had told her not to stray too far into countryside but haru being a curious cat did exactly what she was warned not to do.
She ventured into the country side.
Maiko, her mum had grown up in the town but had left it around the she started elementary school for reasons. But she still remembered the various myths and legends about the rose town which she had passed on to her daughter in the form of bedtime stories.
Being fascinated by the stories haru decided to track down one of the legends, “the curse of the blue rose mansion”.
A mansion so enchanting that many had lost their lives trying to attain it. The townspeople had various stories as to why.
But none knew the truth.
None knew of the weeping lady who sat in front of the blooming blue roses
To grieve her lost lover.
None ever saw the sight of her drenched in blood and covered in gore from head to toe.
None ever saw because no one was brave enough to step foot past the ivy-covered gates.
No one until Haru who definitely wasn’t brave but curious enough to put herself into a dangerous situation.
She stopped right in-front of the mansion gates looking at the massive beautiful structure through the bars of the gate. She couldn’t fathom why the villagers she had run into oh her way here had warned her against going there. She remembered their horror-stricken expression vividly.
The old lady carrying freshly picked jasmine flowers in the handwoven basket on her back had asked her. “Dear girl, don’t ya know about the spirit that lives there?”
The old man who was with the lady had piped up from behind haru scaring the daylights out of her as she hadn’t noticed him getting behind her.
“The blood thirsty spirit who devours anyone who dares to step inside her rose garden.” He spoke.
Haru had then quickly left running away from the slightly creepy old couple and towards the mansion they had warned not to go.
 Now she stood clicking pictures of the gate and the mansion through the gates.
If she had paid attention to her surroundings outside the camera frame she would’ve noticed the figure walking towards her.
The figure her camera lens couldn’t see.
The moment she took her eyes of the camera screen to push open the gates her fate was sealed.
She came face to face with the most beautiful woman she had ever laid her eyes on, a woman so beautiful she shouldn’t exist in this era.
She was covered head to toe in classical Japanese attire, a kimono with an extravagant obi(belt) and with hair ornament’s that twinkled like star lights under the twilight shades of the setting sun.
As she tilted her to look at haru with an almost predatory expression her hair ornaments swayed making no noise.
Haru should’ve noticed the strangeness of the situation but she didn’t, she couldn’t.
She couldn’t see pas the beauty Infront of her. Haru was enchanted.
Under a spell that would result in her death.
The beautiful lady beckoned haru with a finger, when she turned the gates opened on their own and haru followed, walking willingly into a beautiful hell of blue roses. The last she would ever see.
 She followed the beautiful figure Infront of her like reverent pilgrim, she didn’t even notice her camera falling from her grasp.
Her camera that was a irremovable part of her life was forgotten. Forgotten under the everlasting spell she was under.
On the other side of the town in the bustling streets of Baramachi, stood Haru’s house currently with her mother inside.
Inside the warm cosy house filled with the scent of spices and life, laid maiko on the couch having a quick little nap before continuing her work.
In the warm house with summer just around the corner maiko shivered in her sleep feeling a chilling cold settle into her bones as she trashed around because of her nightmare.
Her nightmare in which she found her daughter standing immovable facing away from her with a blue rose blooming from her shoulder, a blue rose dripping red red blood.
She woke up screaming. “HARUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!”
In a second, she was out of her house running towards the mansion.
Praying for her daughter, hoping she would reach on time.
Back in the mansion haru now stood in the expansive rose garden.
Being drawn in by the blue roses in front of her and the figure standing amidst them.
She now stood in front the enchanting figure, finally coming to her sense although a bit too late as she asked. “Who are y---”
She never finished her sentence for she could no longer speak.
The beautiful woman had touched her heart and that was all it took for the flowers to bloom.
Bloom inside haru, as she opened her mouth to scream, she could feel the thorns from the rose vines stabling her vocal cords taking away her speech.
She could feel them growing out of her breaking her skin, drenching her in ruby blood, her blood.
She fell to her knees no longer capable of holding her weight, looking up at the beauty she was lured in by she could now see despite her vision growing red, she could feel little thorns reaching to her eyes, she looked and saw the beauty
She was lured in by.
Who still stood beautiful and enchanting but no longer human, how could she be when her eyes bled and her neck spilled flowing rubies down her kimono.
Yet she stood there tall and enchanting looking down at haru. As she titled up Haru’s face with her chillingly cold fingers.
She spoke “perfect, a bit stupid but with blood so nutritious for the roses. Ahh Miyoko would’ve loved to see them bloom.”
She was indeed right in spite of her fading sight she could make out the blue roses blooming behind the beautiful apparition in front of her.
Haru could no longer kneel as she fell down falling sideways as her world went dark.
She could feel the roses ripping up her insides as coughed up blood.  She now bled from her fingertips, her skin splitting. She screamed but no one heard no one will for her scream remained soundless.
She felt the apparition circling her watching her writhing in pain as she faded.
The apparition, the beautiful lady, Ibara Hanazaki the owner of the mansion,
The vengeful ghost who had stayed behind choosing to take care of the blue roses her beloved Miyoko had adored, and lost her life protecting.
Ibara now stared down at the writhing girl bleeding profusely, she held no sympathy, she felt no regret. how could she when she cared about nothing except her beloved Miyoko’s happiness.no matter what it took.
She was late. Too late. They had already bloomed.
Haru heard a scream of a familiar voice as the gates crashed open as she faded she heard and felt her mother’s voice.
Maiko now there fell to her knees as she saw her broken daughter, with the blood pooling around her she looked into her daughter’s unseeing blood shot eyes. She cried out as she cradled Haru’s broken body in her lap “oh you silly girl why didn’t you ever listen. Why? Why?” she heard no reply.
When she finally dared to look up she saw what Haru had seen an unearthly being staring down at them.
Ibara spoke “she has pleased Miyoko with her blood, I have no more use of her or you. You can take back the empty husk if you wish.”
Maiko looked down at haru when she no longer could feel her breathe.
Haru was no longer alive she had faded away like the beauty of the roses leaving behind an empty broken husk. Her curious sparkling eyes no longer sparkled.
Maiko sat there and screamed. Screamed as loud as she could but no one came.
No one came as Ibara went inside the mansion, as the doors closed.
As night fell and stars rose.
No one came. No one will.
For all knew.
For When the blue roses bloomed it meant a life was lost.
All over the mansion and the town the blue roses bloomed so vibrantly, for they had been nourished with a life.
As maiko continued to scream. She didn’t hear the camera shutter going off.
Ibara had fulfilled Haru’s lifelong desire.
Haru had wished to capture beauty none ever had with her camera.
If one looks closely at the camera lying on the grass one would see on the screen a shot. A beauty no one could ever dare to imagine.
They sparkled like blue sapphire studded with blood red rubies.  
A scenery of brightly blooming blue roses, twinkling under the starlight, splattered with crimson blood.
They bloomed so lovingly a beautifully bloody scene none could ever think of.
A beauty one could see at the price of life.
A life for a rose.
For that was the way of Baramachi.
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Chapter 3: Dark Clouds
Narrated by no one.
Narrator: Night falls. The skies above Ninir Royal City are overcast, but this doesn’t keep the crowds from celebrating.
Narrator: The festival is about to begin... a festival of desire.
Narrator: Nightbane passes by the ecstatic crowds, observing their desires and subtly magnifying their wishes.
Narrator: With a snap of his fingers, a starving boy devours loaves of bread in seconds.
Narrator: Countless gold bars and diamonds appear in the bank, practically drowning the patrons.
Narrator: He extracts the colors from blooming flowers and makes them expand in size.
Narrator: A gigantic tulip pops out from a roadside bush, its large petals breathing flames of desire.
Narrator: Nightbane gives it a sniff. Sweet, annoyingly so.
Narrator: In the distance comes a cacophony of noises. A delight to Nightbane’ ears.
Narrator: He closes his eyes and listens, and smells, and lets himself bask in the atmosphere, as if he were back in the dark abyss.
Narrator: He was a mere skeleton then, clumsy, barely able to hold himself together.
Narrator: In the cold, numbing darkness, he heard a voice...
Goddess of Desire: Would you like to dance?
Narrator: The skeleton could only reply by rattling its bones.
Narrator: Clank... creak... crackle... pop...
Narrator: And then, the skeleton found himself gazing into the eyes of the Goddess of Desire.
Narrator: She blinked, with it, the skeleton rose up, movements shaky, bones swaying in an uncanny dance.
Narrator: The Goddess of Desire flicked her fingers.
Nightbane: Master.
Narrator: The Goddess of Desire smiled down at the newborn demon in front of her, now clad in a sleek suit.
Nightbane: I am your loyal servant. Your wish is my command.
Goddess of Desire: I want there to be even more greedy voices, and I want them to keep getting louder. I want them to go on forever.
Narrator: Her wish was to absorb the boundless desire of humans.
Goddess of Desire: You hear that?
Nightbane: Hear what?
Goddess of Desire: Hear those delightful sounds? Make them louder. Louder.
Narrator: Nightbane opens his eyes. The festive noises are indeed getting louder.
Nightbane: I hear them, Master. I hear them. The voices of desire... they’re growing louder, bigger...
Nightbane: The world will soon be yours, my Master.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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psbushings · 3 months
Common Misconceptions About Polyurethane Bushings Debunked
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When it comes to vehicle suspension and performance upgrades, polyurethane bushings have become increasingly popular. However, despite their benefits, there are many misconceptions about these components. In this blog, we will debunk common myths about polyurethane bushings, focusing on their application in sway bar bushings and rear control arm bushings. Understanding the truth behind these misconceptions can help you make informed decisions about your vehicle’s suspension system.
What Are Polyurethane Bushings?
Polyurethane bushings are a type of suspension component made from a durable and resilient polymer material. Unlike traditional rubber bushings, polyurethane bushings offer enhanced performance characteristics, including improved handling, longevity, and resistance to wear and tear. They are commonly used in various parts of a vehicle's suspension system, including sway bar bushings and rear control arm bushings.
Misconception 1: Polyurethane Bushings Are Too Harsh
One of the most common misconceptions about polyurethane bushings is that they are too harsh and can lead to an uncomfortable ride. This myth likely stems from the fact that polyurethane is a stiffer material than rubber. While it is true that polyurethane bushings can transmit more road vibrations than rubber, this does not necessarily result in an uncomfortable ride.
In reality, the increased stiffness of polyurethane bushings provides better handling and more precise control. For drivers who prioritize performance, especially in sports or off-road vehicles, the trade-off is often worth it. Moreover, modern advancements in polyurethane formulations have led to bushings that offer a balance between stiffness and comfort, mitigating the harshness without compromising performance.
Misconception 2: Polyurethane Bushings Are Noisy
Another prevalent myth is that polyurethane bushings are inherently noisy. Critics often claim that these bushings can produce squeaking or creaking sounds, especially in older or poorly maintained vehicles. While it is true that improper installation or lack of lubrication can lead to noise, this issue is not exclusive to polyurethane bushings.
To prevent noise, it is crucial to use the appropriate type of lubricant during installation. Polyurethane bushings should be installed with a special grease designed for polyurethane materials, which helps reduce friction and eliminate noise. Regular maintenance and reapplication of lubricant as needed can also keep the bushings quiet and performing optimally.
Misconception 3: Polyurethane Bushings Are Difficult to Install
Some vehicle owners shy away from polyurethane bushings because they believe these components are difficult to install. This misconception is often fueled by the assumption that special tools or advanced mechanical skills are required. While it is true that installing polyurethane bushings can be more involved than replacing rubber bushings, the process is not excessively complicated.
Most polyurethane bushing kits come with detailed instructions and all the necessary hardware for installation. Additionally, there are numerous online resources, including videos and forums, that provide step-by-step guidance. With the right tools and a bit of patience, most DIY enthusiasts can successfully install polyurethane bushings. For those who prefer professional assistance, many automotive shops are experienced in working with these components.
Misconception 4: Polyurethane Bushings Do Not Last Long
A common concern is that polyurethane bushings do not offer significant durability and might need frequent replacement. This misconception likely arises from experiences with low-quality products or improper maintenance. In reality, high-quality polyurethane bushings are known for their longevity and resistance to wear and tear.
Polyurethane bushings are more resistant to oil, chemicals, and environmental factors compared to rubber bushings. This makes them ideal for use in various conditions, including harsh off-road environments. When properly maintained, polyurethane bushings can outlast rubber bushings, providing longer-lasting performance and reducing the need for frequent replacements.
Misconception 5: All Polyurethane Bushings Are the Same
Not all polyurethane bushings are created equal, yet some people believe that all products on the market offer the same quality and performance. This misconception can lead to disappointing results if low-quality bushings are chosen based on price alone.
It is essential to select polyurethane bushings from reputable manufacturers known for their high standards and quality control. Researching and reading reviews can help identify the best products for your specific vehicle and application. Investing in high-quality polyurethane bushings ensures optimal performance, durability, and satisfaction.
Misconception 6: Polyurethane Bushings Are Only for Performance Vehicles
Another myth is that polyurethane bushings are only beneficial for performance vehicles and not suitable for everyday cars. While it is true that performance enthusiasts highly value polyurethane bushings for their handling benefits, these components can also provide advantages for daily drivers.
For everyday vehicles, polyurethane bushings can improve ride quality by reducing body roll, enhancing steering response, and increasing overall stability. These benefits contribute to a safer and more enjoyable driving experience. Additionally, the longevity and durability of polyurethane bushings can result in lower maintenance costs over time, making them a worthwhile investment for any vehicle.
Misconception 7: Polyurethane Bushings Do Not Affect Sway Bars
There is a misconception that polyurethane bushings have little to no impact on sway bars and their function. In reality, sway bar bushings made from polyurethane can significantly enhance the performance of the sway bar system.
Sway bars, also known as anti-roll bars, are designed to reduce body roll during cornering. The bushings play a crucial role in the effectiveness of the sway bar by providing a stable mounting point and allowing controlled movement. Polyurethane sway bar bushings offer increased stiffness compared to rubber, which helps maintain the sway bar's effectiveness and improves handling during aggressive driving or off-road conditions.
Misconception 8: Polyurethane Bushings Are Incompatible with Stock Components
Some vehicle owners worry that upgrading to polyurethane bushings will require replacing other stock suspension components, leading to increased costs and complications. This is not necessarily true. Polyurethane bushings are designed to be compatible with most stock components, making them a straightforward upgrade for many vehicles.
In fact, many polyurethane bushing kits are created to be direct replacements for factory rubber bushings. They fit within the existing suspension geometry and do not require additional modifications. This makes them an accessible and cost-effective upgrade for improving your vehicle’s suspension performance without extensive modifications.
Misconception 9: Rear Control Arm Bushings Do Not Benefit from Polyurethane
A specific misconception regarding rear control arm bushings is that polyurethane versions do not provide significant benefits over rubber. This is far from the truth. Rear control arm bushings play a critical role in the suspension system by maintaining the alignment of the wheels and absorbing shocks from the road.
Polyurethane rear control arm bushings offer improved performance by providing better alignment stability and reducing deflection under load. This results in more predictable handling and improved tire contact with the road, which can enhance both performance and safety. Additionally, the increased durability of polyurethane bushings means they will maintain their performance characteristics for a longer period compared to rubber bushings.
Polyurethane bushings are a valuable upgrade for many vehicle suspension systems, offering improved handling, durability, and performance. By debunking common misconceptions about these components, we hope to provide a clearer understanding of their benefits and applications. Whether you're considering sway bar bushings, rear control arm bushings, or other suspension components, polyurethane bushings can enhance your driving experience.
Proper installation and maintenance are key to maximizing the advantages of polyurethane bushings. Choosing high-quality products from reputable manufacturers ensures you get the best performance and longevity. With the right information and approach, upgrading to polyurethane bushings can be a worthwhile investment for both performance enthusiasts and everyday drivers.
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Suspension Solutions: Elevating Your Mini Cooper's Ride with Expert Service
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Elevating the driving experience of your Mini Cooper goes beyond its stylish design and zippy performance. A crucial aspect often overlooked is the suspension system, which directly impacts ride comfort, handling, and safety. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of Mini Cooper suspension service, exploring how expert maintenance can transform your driving experience.
Understanding Mini Cooper Suspension:
Before delving into service solutions, it's essential to grasp the fundamentals of your Mini Cooper's suspension system. Mini Coopers are renowned for their nimble handling and responsive steering, attributes largely attributable to their sophisticated suspension setup. From MacPherson struts to multi-link rear suspensions, each component plays a pivotal role in delivering a balanced and engaging driving experience.
Signs of Suspension Issues:
Recognizing the signs of suspension problems is the first step towards addressing them effectively. Common indicators include excessive bouncing or bottoming out, uneven tire wear, steering wheel vibration, and a noticeable decrease in ride comfort. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's crucial to schedule a suspension inspection promptly to prevent further damage and ensure optimal performance.
Comprehensive Suspension Inspection:
A thorough suspension inspection is the cornerstone of effective service. Qualified technicians will assess various components, including shocks, struts, springs, control arms, and bushings, for signs of wear, damage, or fluid leaks. Utilizing specialized tools and diagnostic equipment, they can pinpoint the root cause of any issues and recommend appropriate solutions tailored to your Mini Cooper's specific model and driving needs.
Shock and Strut Replacement:
Shocks and struts play a critical role in stabilizing your Mini Cooper's ride and absorbing road imperfections. Over time, they can degrade due to normal wear and tear, resulting in diminished ride quality and compromised handling. A skilled technician will replace worn shocks and struts with high-quality replacements, restoring your Mini Cooper's stability, control, and comfort.
Spring Inspection and Adjustment:
The springs in your Mini Cooper's suspension system provide support and help absorb bumps and vibrations from the road. During a suspension service, technicians will inspect the condition of the springs and adjust them as needed to restore proper ride height and weight distribution. This ensures optimal handling and minimizes the risk of bottoming out or sagging, preserving your Mini Cooper's dynamic driving characteristics.
Control Arm and Bushing Maintenance:
Control arms and bushings connect various suspension components and play a crucial role in maintaining stability and alignment. Over time, these components can wear out or develop excessive play, leading to noise, vibration, and poor handling. Technicians will inspect control arms and bushings for signs of wear and replace them if necessary, restoring precision steering and handling responsiveness.
Alignment and Tire Balancing:
Proper wheel alignment and tire balancing are essential for ensuring even tire wear, optimal handling, and a smooth ride. During a suspension service, technicians will perform a comprehensive alignment check and adjust the camber, caster, and toe angles to factory specifications. Additionally, they will balance the tires to eliminate vibrations and extend tire life, enhancing overall driving performance and safety.
Performance Upgrades and Customization:
For Mini Cooper enthusiasts seeking to enhance their vehicle's performance and handling, suspension upgrades and customization options abound. From sport-tuned coilover kits to adjustable sway bars and strut tower braces, aftermarket upgrades can transform your Mini Cooper into a corner-carving machine. Knowledgeable technicians can recommend and install upgrades tailored to your driving style and preferences, elevating your Mini Cooper's ride to new heights.
Your Mini Cooper's suspension system is a complex network of components that directly impact its ride quality, handling, and safety. By investing in expert suspension service, you can address issues promptly, restore optimal performance, and elevate your driving experience. Whether it's replacing worn shocks and struts, adjusting springs, or upgrading to performance-enhancing components, a skilled technician can help unleash the full potential of your Mini Cooper, ensuring every drive is a thrilling adventure.
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beemersshop · 6 months
ide Smoothly Again: The Essentials of Vehicle Suspension Repair
A smooth and comfortable ride is something every vehicle owner desires. However, over time, the suspension system of a vehicle can wear out, leading to a bumpy and uncomfortable driving experience. Understanding the essentials of vehicle suspension repair is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and ensuring a smooth ride. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of the suspension system, discuss common signs of suspension problems, delve into the key components of the suspension system, and provide tips for effective suspension repair. So, let's dive in and learn how to ride smoothly again!
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1. The Importance of a Well-Functioning Suspension System
The suspension system of a vehicle plays a critical role in providing a comfortable and safe ride. It is responsible for absorbing shocks from the road, maintaining tire contact with the surface, and ensuring stability and control while driving. A well-functioning suspension system enhances the overall driving experience, improves handling, and reduces wear and tear on other vehicle components. Neglecting suspension issues can lead to increased discomfort, decreased safety, and potential damage to other parts of the vehicle.
2. Signs of Suspension Problems
Identifying signs of suspension problems is essential for prompt repair and maintenance. Here are some common indicators that your vehicle's suspension system may require attention:
Uneven Tire Wear
Uneven tire wear is often a sign of suspension issues. If you notice that your tires are wearing out unevenly, it could indicate problems with the suspension components, such as worn-out shocks or struts.
Excessive Bouncing or Vibrations
If your vehicle bounces excessively or experiences vibrations even on relatively smooth roads, it may indicate worn-out shocks or struts. These components are responsible for absorbing shocks and maintaining stability, so any issues can result in a bumpy and uncomfortable ride.
Nose Diving or Rear End Squatting
When braking, if your vehicle's front end dives forward or the rear end squats down, it may indicate problems with the suspension system. This can affect braking performance and overall vehicle control.
Drifting or Pulling
If your vehicle tends to drift or pull to one side while driving, it could be a sign of suspension misalignment or worn-out components. This can affect steering control and overall handling.
Excessive Body Roll
Excessive body roll, where the vehicle leans excessively to one side during turns, can indicate worn-out or damaged sway bar links or bushings. This can affect stability and control while cornering.
Noises or Clunks
Unusual noises, such as clunks or squeaks, coming from the suspension system while driving over bumps or during turns, can indicate worn-out or damaged components. These noises should not be ignored and should be inspected by a professional.
If you experience any of these signs, it is advisable to have your suspension system inspected by a qualified mechanic to diagnose and address the underlying issues.
3. Key Components of the Suspension System
The suspension system is composed of several key components that work together to provide a smooth and controlled ride. Understanding these components will help you better comprehend suspension repair. Here are the main components of a typical suspension system:
Shocks and Struts
Shocks and struts are essential components that absorb shocks from the road and help maintain stability. Shocks are typically found in vehicles with separate suspension systems, while struts are integrated into the suspension system and also serve as structural components.
Springs are responsible for supporting the weight of the vehicle and absorbing road shocks. They come in various types, including coil springs, leaf springs, and torsion bars, depending on the vehicle's design.
Control Arms
Control arms connect the suspension system to the vehicle's frame or body. They help control the vertical movement of the wheels and allow for smooth and controlled handling.
Sway Bars
Sway bars, also known as stabilizer bars, help reduce body roll during turns. They connect the suspension components on opposite sides of the vehicle and distribute the weight more evenly.
Bushings are small rubber or polyurethane components that provide cushioning and reduce friction between various suspension parts. They help absorb vibrations and noise while allowing for smooth movement.
Ball Joints
Ball joints connect the control arms to the steering knuckles and allow for smooth movement and rotation. They are crucial for steering control and stability.
4. Suspension Repair: Tips for a Smooth Ride
When it comes to suspension repair, it's essential to follow these tips to ensure a smooth and effective process:
Regular Maintenance
Regularly inspectand maintain your suspension system to prevent potential issues. This includes checking for leaks, inspecting components for wear and tear, and ensuring proper lubrication.
Professional Inspection
If you suspect suspension problems or experience any of the signs mentioned earlier, it is advisable to have your vehicle inspected by a qualified mechanic. They can diagnose the issue accurately and recommend the necessary repairs.
Quality Replacement Parts
When replacing suspension components, opt for high-quality parts that meet or exceed the manufacturer's specifications. This ensures durability, performance, and a longer lifespan for the repaired suspension system.
Proper Wheel Alignment
After suspension repairs, it is crucial to have a professional perform a wheel alignment. Proper alignment ensures that the wheels are positioned correctly, minimizing tire wear and maximizing handling and stability.
Test Drive and Fine-Tuning
After suspension repairs, take your vehicle for a test drive to ensure that the issues have been resolved. If you notice any lingering problems or discomfort, consult with your mechanic for further adjustments or fine-tuning.
5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: How often should I have my suspension system inspected?
A1: It is recommended to have your suspension system inspected at least once a year or whenever you notice any signs of suspension problems. Regular inspections can help detect issues early on and prevent further damage.
Q2: Can I drive with a faulty suspension system?
A2: While it is possible to drive with a faulty suspension system, it is not advisable. A compromised suspension system can affect your vehicle's handling, stability, and braking performance, compromising your safety and potentially causing further damage to other components.
Q3: How long does suspension repair usually take?
A3: The duration of suspension repair depends on the specific issue and the availability of replacement parts. Minor repairs can be completed within a few hours, while more extensive repairs may take a day or longer. Consult with your mechanic for a more accurate estimate.
Q4: Can I replace suspension components myself?
A4: Suspension repair requires specialized knowledge and tools. While some minor maintenance tasks can be performed by DIY enthusiasts, it is generally recommended to have a professional handle suspension repairs to ensure proper installation and optimal performance.
Q5: How much does suspension repair cost?
A5: The cost of suspension repair varies depending on the specific issue, the vehicle make and model, and the labor rates in your area. Minor repairs or component replacements can range from $200 to $500, while more extensive repairs can cost upwards of $1000. It is best to consult with your mechanic for an accurate cost estimate.
Maintaining a well-functioning suspension system is crucial for a smooth and comfortable ride. By understanding the importance of the suspension system, recognizing signs of suspension problems, and knowing the key components involved, you can take proactive steps to ensure optimal performance and address any issues promptly. Remember to prioritize regular maintenance, seek professional help when needed, and use high-quality replacement parts for effective suspension repair. With these essentials in mind, you can ride smoothly again and enjoy the journey with confidence and comfort.
Remember, a well-maintained suspension system not only enhances your driving experience but also contributes to your safety on the road. So, take care of your vehicle's suspension, and enjoy the smooth ride you deserve!
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automotive0 · 6 months
6 Most Common Problems with Mazda CX-5 Explained
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Mazda CX-5, the epitome of style and performance in the world of SUVs, has garnered a loyal fan base for its sleek design, robust engineering, and delightful driving experience. However, like any other vehicle, it's not immune to its share of issues. In this blog post, we'll delve into the six most common problems that CX-5 owners might encounter, offering insights and solutions to keep your Mazda running smoothly on the road.
1. Mazda CX-5 Transmission Issues:
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Among the most reported problems with Mazda CX-5 is transmission-related issues. Some owners have experienced jerky shifts, hesitation during acceleration, or even complete transmission failure. This could be attributed to faulty transmission control modules or clutch problems. Regular maintenance checks and timely fluid changes can help mitigate these issues. If you notice any unusual behaviour in your CX-5's transmission, it's crucial to get it inspected by a qualified mechanic promptly.
2. Mazda CX-5 Infotainment System Glitches:
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As technology becomes increasingly integrated into modern vehicles, the infotainment system plays a central role in the driving experience. However, Mazda CX-5 owners have occasionally faced glitches in their infotainment systems, such as freezing screens, unresponsive controls, or Bluetooth connectivity issues. Updating the system software regularly and resetting the infotainment system can often resolve these issues. In some cases, a software update from Mazda may be required to address persistent problems.
3. Mazda CX-5 Noise from Suspension Components:
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While Mazda CX-5 is renowned for its smooth and comfortable ride, some owners have reported noises emanating from suspension components, particularly over bumps or rough terrain. These noises can be attributed to worn-out bushings, struts, or sway bar links. A thorough inspection by a qualified technician can help identify the source of the noise, and replacing the faulty components can restore the tranquillity of your CX-5's ride.
4. Mazda CX-5 Fuel Pump Failures Issues:
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Fuel pump failures have been cited by some Mazda CX-5 owners as a recurring issue. Symptoms may include difficulty starting the engine, stalling, or loss of power while driving. A failing fuel pump can disrupt the fuel delivery system, leading to engine performance issues. Regular inspection of the fuel system and prompt replacement of a worn-out fuel pump can prevent potential breakdowns and ensure the smooth operation of your CX-5.
5. Mazda CX-5 Paint Quality Issues:
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While Mazda is renowned for its attention to design and aesthetics, some CX-5 owners have expressed dissatisfaction with the paint quality, reporting instances of premature chipping, peeling, or fading. Environmental factors, such as exposure to sunlight and road debris, can exacerbate paint damage over time. Applying a protective wax coating regularly and promptly addressing any paint imperfections can help preserve the appearance of your CX-5 and prevent further deterioration.
6. Mazda CX-5 Electrical Issues:
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Electrical gremlins can plague any modern vehicle, and Mazda CX-5 is no exception. Owners have reported various electrical issues, ranging from malfunctioning power windows and door locks to erratic dashboard warning lights. These problems could stem from wiring harness issues, faulty sensors, or a drained battery. Regular battery checks, ensuring proper grounding of electrical components, and addressing any wiring issues can help minimize the risk of electrical failures in your CX-5.
How Service My Car Assists You?
Looking to ensure peak performance for your Mazda CX-5? Discover top-notch car repair dubai solutions tailored to your vehicle's needs. Entrust your beloved ride to our expert technicians who specialize in providing meticulous care and maintenance. From routine check-ups to intricate repairs, we've got you covered. Ready to experience Service My Car excellence? Let us elevate your driving experience with our unparalleled dedication to keeping your Mazda CX-5 running smoothly mile after mile.
While the Mazda CX-5 boasts a plethora of admirable qualities, including stylish design, agile handling, and advanced technology, it's not impervious to common automotive issues. By staying informed about potential problems and proactively addressing them through regular maintenance and timely repairs, you can ensure that your CX-5 remains a reliable and enjoyable companion on the road. Remember, a little care goes a long way in preserving the performance and longevity of your beloved Mazda CX-5.
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Some car sounds indicate that a part is loose.
Clunking noises could be heard all around a Honda CR-V when it was traveling over normal and bumpy roads. 
Through his inspection, the technician found that the front right sway bar link is noisy and moving a lot.
Worn strut mounts and bushes can also cause clunking sounds.
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exitrowiron · 2 months
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@bluedesignwall unfortunately the sway bar bushings weren't the problem. In the picture the new one is on the left and the old is on the right. The clunking noise is still there. I'm bummed and resigned to taking the car to the dealer.
I think that means the noise is either coming from the strut or the lower control arm bushing. I'm guessing the latter because the strut doesn't look like it is leaking.
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symptomfinder · 1 year
🚨 Is your car making strange noises or handling differently? It could be a sign that your sway bar bushings are worn out. These small but essential components are responsible for keeping your vehicle stable on the road, and when they fail, it can lead to dangerous driving conditions. 🔍 So how can you tell if your sway bar bushings are in need of replacement? Look out for signs such as clunking or rattling sounds when going over bumps, excessive body roll when turning, or uneven tire wear. If you notice any of these warning signs, it's important to get your car checked out by a professional mechanic. 💰 Ignoring sway bar bushing issues can lead to more expensive repairs down the line, such as damage to your suspension system or even a loss of control while driving. Don't take any chances with your safety – keep an eye out for these warning signs and get your car serviced as soon as possible.1. What Are Sway Bar Bushings and How Do They Work?Sway bar bushings are small components that connect the sway bar to the frame of your car. They are made of rubber or polyurethane. They work by reducing the amount of body roll when the car is turning. They also help to improve the stability and handling of your car. When the car turns, the sway bar transfers the weight from one side of the car to the other. The sway bar bushings help to absorb this weight transfer. They prevent the sway bar from moving too much and keep it in place. If the bushings are worn out, the sway bar can move too much, causing your car to sway and lean excessively. Replacing sway bar bushings is a simple and affordable way to improve your car's handling. High-quality polyurethane bushings are more durable than rubber ones and can last longer. They also offer better performance and reduce body roll more effectively. Regular inspection and maintenance of your sway bar bushings can help to prevent excessive wear and tear. Don't underestimate the importance of sway bar bushings in your car's handling and stability. Make sure to check them regularly and replace them when necessary. Your car will thank you with better performance and a smoother ride. 🚗💨 2. Common Symptoms of Worn Sway Bar Bushings Clunking noise when driving over bumps or making turns Excessive body roll when cornering Uneven tire wear or tire cupping Steering wheel vibration or shimmy at high speeds Loose or unstable feeling while driving 🚗 Keep an eye out for these symptoms to avoid further damage to your vehicle. 🛠️3. How to Diagnose Sway Bar Bushing ProblemsOne common sign of a bad sway bar bushing is a clunking noise when going over bumps. Another symptom is excessive body roll when turning corners. Inspect the bushings for cracks, tears, or wear. Check for looseness in the sway bar or links. Use a pry bar to check for movement in the bushings. Replace worn or damaged bushings with high-quality replacements. 🚗🔧👨‍🔧4. The Importance of Replacing Worn Sway Bar BushingsWorn sway bar bushings can cause a variety of problems, including poor handling, noise, and uneven tire wear. Replacing them can improve handling and reduce noise. It's an inexpensive repair that can save you money in the long run. It's important to replace them as soon as you notice any symptoms. Old bushings can cause the sway bar to move around too much, leading to poor handling and a less stable ride. Replacing them can improve your car's stability and make it easier to control. It can also prevent uneven tire wear, which can save you money on new tires. Worn bushings can also cause noise, such as clunking or squeaking, when driving over bumps. Replacing them can eliminate these annoying sounds and make your ride more enjoyable. It's important to get them checked regularly to avoid any potential safety hazards. Overall, replacing worn sway bar bushings is a simple and inexpensive repair that can greatly improve your car's handling, reduce noise, and prevent uneven tire wear. 👍🚗💰5. Tips for Maintaining Your Sway Bar BushingsRegular maintenance of sway bar bushings can improve your car's handling and stability. Here are some tips to keep them in good condition: Inspect your sway bar bushings regularly for signs of wear and tear. Replace worn or damaged bushings immediately to avoid further damage to your car's suspension system. Use high-quality bushings made of durable materials to ensure longevity. Apply silicone lubricant to your bushings to reduce friction and prevent squeaking. Consider upgrading to polyurethane bushings for improved performance and durability. Proper maintenance of your sway bar bushings can prevent costly repairs and improve your driving experience. Remember to inspect and replace them as needed and use high-quality materials for optimal performance.6. Choosing the Right Sway Bar Bushings for Your VehicleWhen it comes to upgrading your vehicle's suspension, choosing the right sway bar bushings is crucial. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice: Consider the material: Polyurethane bushings are more durable and provide better handling than rubber. Check the size: Make sure to get the correct size for your sway bar diameter. Think about the environment: If you frequently drive on rough roads, consider getting bushings with higher durometer ratings. Look for reputable brands: Stick with trusted brands like Energy Suspension or Whiteline for quality and reliability. Upgrading your sway bar bushings can improve your vehicle's handling and reduce body roll. Don't overlook this important component of your suspension system! 🚗👍🏼 In conclusion, keeping an eye out for sway bar bushing warning signs can save you from a lot of trouble. Don't ignore any unusual noises or vibrations coming from your vehicle. It's always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your safety and the safety of others on the road. 🚗💨 Regular maintenance and inspection of your sway bar bushings can prevent costly repairs and ensure optimal performance of your vehicle. Don't wait until it's too late to address any issues. Take action as soon as you notice any warning signs. 🛠️ Remember, the sway bar bushings play a crucial role in keeping your vehicle stable on the road. Don't underestimate their importance. By taking care of them, you can enjoy a smooth and safe driving experience. 🚦👍 https://symptomfinder.com/sway-bar-bushing-warning-signs/?_unique_id=647e4b333ab30
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swissautoservice · 2 years
Signs of suspension issue in your Mercedes
Mercedes is known for providing a luxurious ride. Mercedes was the first to introduce the airmatic suspension system instead of the traditionally used coil springs to enhance the travel experience and smoother ride.
When any suspension issues are encountered in your Mercedes the warning lights in our vehicle dashboard begin to illuminate indicating suspension failure. In such cases, it is essential to visit the nearest authorized Mercedes service center in Dubai & Abu Dhabi and get the issues sorted out so that you can experience a smoother ride without any hindrance.
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There are numerous components included in the suspension system of your Mercedes like control bushings, ball joints, sway bar links, tie rods and many more.
Some of the signs of the rear suspension issues in the Mercedes are listed below,
Pay attention to the bumpy rides in your Mercedes
The good functioning suspension system reduces the negative effect caused by uneven roads and ensures you always experience smoother rides. If you begin to feel every bump on the roads while travelling in your Mercedes then it indicates the defective suspension system.
The health of the suspension system in your Mercedes can be determined by carrying out the bounce test.
Your Mercedes sitting lower than usual
If you notice your entire vehicle sits lower closer to the ground level then indicates the issues with the suspension and needs to be inspected by certified Mercedes specialists as soon as possible.
And also if one corner of your Mercedes is sitting lower than the other it indicates the problems with the suspension.
Strange noises
When you hear any unusual noises in your car especially when you add heavy loads to your Mercedes there might be a high chance for the presence of suspension issues.
Drifting or pulling of your Mercedes, especially during the turns, uneven and frequent tire wear are some other signs that indicate the need to check the suspension health in your car.
Leaving these signs of suspension issues in your Mercedes can provide you with major damages demanding hefty repair bills.
What are some of the important causes of rear suspension failure in your Mercedes?
There may be numerous reasons for the suspension issue in your Mercedes some of it are air suspension compression failure, leaky struts, faulty fuse and many more.
If you are encountering any suspension issues with your Mercedes, Our trained technicians at our German car workshop will provide you with smarter solutions and high-standard services.
We have years of experience in handling the various issues with European cars including the Mercedes Benz you can trust for all sorts of regular maintenance and the electrical and mechanical services you look for to keep your Mercedes in roadworthy condition for the years to come.
Call us at 800 794477 or drop us an email at [email protected] to book your appointment with the leading and trusted Mercedes service center in Abu Dhabi & Dubai. We are ready to provide your car with the perfect care that you are looking for.
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pinerrecruitment · 2 years
When i turn my steering wheel it creaks
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The vehicle our mechanic works on in the video above requires automatic transmission fluid. You should also use the power steering fluid required for your vehicle when you’re topping it off. When replacing a power steering pump, or if you need to replace a power steering system line, you should flush out the entire system using the manufacturer-specified fluid. If the whining noise is left unaddressed for a while, you’ll need to fix any related leaks and replace the power steering pump. In a case where the whining noise just started recently, you check your power steering fluid, find that it’s low, check for leaks and find one that you’re able to repair, top off your power steering fluid, your steering pump will probably be okay. Power steering cooler (if applicable – located in front of the radiator) – generally fails to do corrosion and needs to be replaced.Place a large prybar (think 3 ft crowbar) under the tire and rapidly pry the tire up.
If you are unsure of how to check ball joints the usual method is to raise the car by the lower control arm. Pressure line – often fails due to rust, and usually needs to be replaced entirely. Creaks, groans and other noises while turning can be a signal of something serious.Steering rack and associated seals (if applicable) – when leaking, often due to rust, they usually need to be replaced.Hydraulic brake booster (if applicable) – some can be rebuilt, but they are most often replaced entirely.If I get above 30 mph or so the 'noise' goes away. No matter the direction I turn the wheels it will pop, once or twice, not close together it just pops as I turn the wheel further it will pop again. Power steering box (if applicable) – can often be rebuilt, or replaced. My car has a faint 'pop' when I turn at low speeds, I tend to feel it in the steering wheel, it feels like faint 'clicks'.If that seal is leaking, you’ll probably find fluid on the power steering belt. Power steering pumps are generally replaced when they begin leaking externally from this seal. Power steering pump – Check the seal behind the pulley.Power steering reservoir – may need a new o-ring seal, or an entire replacement reservoir if cracked.Power steering hoses and all connections – when hoses are leaking, they generally need to be replaced.Safely raise your car and inspect the following parts and areas for signs of leaking fluid: Check for leaksīefore replacing your power steering pump, you should look underneath your car for power steering fluid leaks. Left unaddressed, power steering pump damage caused by low steering fluid usually means you’ll need to replace the steering pump. If you notice a whining noise and check your fluid right away and it looks like it should be topped off, adding more fluid should prevent steering pump damage, and the whining noise should stop. If your power steering fluid is low, it can become aerated. When this occurs for an extended period of time, it can damage your power steering pump. Inspect your power steering reservoir, fluid, and fluid levels Unusual car noises while turning can have different causes, but if your car is making a whining noise in particular, that means there’s probably a power steering issue, and that noise typically comes from the power steering pump. How can I troubleshoot and fix the whining noise I hear when turning the steering wheel? I gave a little pull on the passenger's side sway bar link and it make a very similar sounding noise.For more videos visit our video library. Wasnt sure if other answers applied to the Rogue as well. Dealer in SC, USA, said steering fluid was low, topped it off and it quit for about 3 hours but started again. I'm pretty limited on tools though so I'm likely going to have to pay someone to fix whatever it is for me.ĮDIT So a bit more internet research has turned up a lot of stuff about bushings and sway bars causing things like this.ĮDIT 2 I loosened both strut mounts and lifted both wheels off the ground. I have a 2013 Nissan Rogue SV with SL package that creaks when I turn the steering wheel, especially to the left. I got the same sound with the wheels off the ground.Īny ideas on what to look for next. I jacked the front end off the ground to remove weight from the wheels and rule out bad ball joints. I found the boot on one end slightly greasy but overall still intact. I started off by checking the tie rod ends. The creaking sounds like it's coming from more toward the center of the engine. I'm trying to figure out what it is but I've hit the limit of my car knowledge now. My car has developed an annoying creaking sound when turning.
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psbushings · 6 months
Top Signs Your Vehicle Needs New Upper Control Arm Bushings
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Your vehicle's suspension system is a complex network of components working together to provide stability, comfort, and control. Among these components, upper control arm bushings play a crucial role in maintaining proper alignment and minimizing vibrations. Over time, wear and tear can degrade these bushings, leading to various issues that affect your driving experience and safety. In this guide, we'll delve into the top signs indicating your vehicle may need new upper control arm bushings. From subtle vibrations to noticeable handling changes, understanding these signs can help you address issues early, ensuring a smoother and safer ride.
Understanding Upper Control Arm Bushings:
Before diving into the signs of worn upper control arm bushings, let's understand their function within the suspension system. Upper control arm bushings are rubber or polyurethane components that connect the upper control arm to the chassis or frame of the vehicle. These bushings allow for smooth movement of the control arm while dampening vibrations and noise from the road. Additionally, they play a vital role in maintaining proper alignment angles, ensuring stable handling and tire wear.
Top Signs Your Vehicle Needs New Upper Control Arm Bushings:
a. Excessive Vibration: One of the earliest signs of worn upper control arm bushings is increased vibration, especially during acceleration or over rough terrain. As the bushings deteriorate, they lose their ability to absorb shocks, resulting in vibrations that can be felt through the steering wheel or floorboard.
b. Steering Wander: If you notice your vehicle drifting or wandering while driving straight, it could indicate worn upper control arm bushings. As the bushings wear out, they allow excessive movement of the control arm, leading to instability and poor steering response.
c. Uneven Tire Wear: Worn upper control arm bushings can cause irregular tire wear patterns, such as cupping or scalloping, on the tread surface. This occurs due to changes in alignment angles caused by the excessive movement of the control arm. Regularly inspecting your tires for unusual wear patterns can help identify potential bushing issues.
d. Clunking or Knocking Sounds: A common indication of deteriorating upper control arm bushings is the presence of clunking or knocking sounds when driving over bumps or rough roads. This noise occurs as the worn bushings allow excessive movement of the control arm, resulting in metal-to-metal contact or play within the suspension system.
e. Reduced Handling and Stability: Worn upper control arm bushings can significantly impact your vehicle's handling and stability, especially during cornering or sudden maneuvers. You may notice increased body roll, delayed response to steering inputs, or a sense of instability at higher speeds.
Importance of Timely Replacement:
Ignoring signs of worn upper control arm bushings can lead to further damage to your vehicle's suspension system and compromise your safety on the road. As the bushings deteriorate further, they can cause excessive wear on other suspension components, such as sway bar bushings and suspension bushings, leading to costly repairs. Additionally, compromised suspension components can affect vehicle stability, braking performance, and overall driving comfort.
Steps for Replacement:
If you suspect your vehicle needs new upper control arm bushings based on the signs mentioned above, it's essential to take timely action to address the issue. Here are the steps involved in replacing upper control arm bushings:
a. Inspection: Start by thoroughly inspecting the suspension system, focusing on the upper control arm bushings for signs of wear, damage, or deterioration. Pay attention to any visible cracks, tears, or deformation in the bushing material.
b. Diagnosis: If you're experiencing symptoms such as vibration, steering wander, or unusual noise, consult a qualified mechanic or automotive technician for a professional diagnosis. They can perform a comprehensive inspection and determine the extent of bushing wear and any additional repairs needed.
c. Replacement: If the upper control arm bushings are worn or damaged, they should be replaced promptly to restore proper suspension function. Replacement bushings are available as individual components or as part of a complete control arm assembly, depending on your vehicle's make and model.
d. Professional Installation: While some experienced DIY enthusiasts may attempt to replace upper control arm bushings themselves, it's often recommended to have the job done by a certified mechanic or automotive service center. They have the necessary tools, equipment, and expertise to ensure proper installation and alignment, reducing the risk of future issues.
Maintaining a healthy suspension system is essential for the overall performance, safety, and longevity of your vehicle. By recognizing the signs indicating your vehicle needs new upper control arm bushings and addressing them promptly, you can avoid further damage and ensure a smoother, more stable ride. Whether it's excessive vibration, steering wander, or unusual tire wear, don't overlook the importance of regular suspension bushings inspections and timely maintenance. Invest in quality replacement bushings and trust in professional automotive services to keep your vehicle running smoothly for miles to come.
Incorporating high-quality Upper Control Arm Bushings and paying attention to the signs of wear and tear can significantly improve your vehicle's performance and safety. Regular maintenance and prompt replacement when needed ensure a smooth and stable ride, enhancing your driving experience and prolonging the life of your suspension system.
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ellabxrnes · 2 years
The Mole of Gotham | Chapter 4
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Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Batman visits the reader after the party.
A/N: Sorry for the delay. I am just now getting back into writing for the first time in a while. Reblogs, likes, and comments are appreciated.
Series Masterlist | AO3
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"Get in the car," your mother whispered as a tall man dressed in all black opened the door and held his hand out for you and your mother.
"Please send my thanks to Mr. Wayne for hosting this year," your father smiled and waved at someone before hopping into the car alongside you and your mother. His smile quickly turned into a frown when the car door closed.
"What the hell was that Y/N? We," he said as he looked to your mother. "are trying our best to raise you, help you become as successful as us,"
"Marry a nice man!" your mother interjected.
Your father rubbed her leg. She backed down and let him finish. "We are trying to somehow get through your thick head that you must have a good reputation in this world."
You couldn't help but nod. It was one of those times where apologizing or- god forbid- explaining wouldn't work. You just had to take it.
"I, for one, " your mother piped up after your father. "am sick of this behavior. I do my best to introduce you and spare you a few moments with the Prince of Gotham; please don't dismiss him to go to the bar." At this point, she was tearing up.
"Mother, why are you crying?" you asked. Was she that angry? Oh hell, you hoped not.
"I just- WE," she motioned to your father. "Are trying to help you, and you don't accept our help. We just don't want you to end up with someone who isn't classy or doesn't belong in our world." By this time, you could hear the car stop and the driver enter the pin leading up to your home. You knew you had to wrap up this conversation soon to relax the rest of the night.
"Mother. Why don't you BOTH ease up? I will be fine. I'll find someone when I'm ready to open my heart. And I don't think I'm ready to do that with anyone right now." Anyone other than Bruce Wayne.
You had never experienced a spark like you had tonight and were never easily impressed by wealth. Hence why you had never dated anyone seriously, but something about Bruce helping you tonight made your heart skip. Part of the reason you'd run off from him was because of your fear. You couldn't get over yourself enough to talk to him, and you hoped it hadn't ruined your chances of at least a friendship with him.
When the car stopped, and the driver politely alerted you that you had arrived at your house, your parents seemed to drop it- for now. You were all tired, so once inside you all said goodnight and parted ways. You made your way up the staircase and down the hall to your room.
As soon as you shut the door, you turned the lights on and headed straight to the bathroom. You had to hurry up and remove the makeup off your skin. It was already caked on, much to your dismay. Once you removed your makeup, you changed out of your dress into a comfortable nightgown.
You had a nightly ritual of going to your balcony and looking out at Gotham's skyline before heading to bed. Tonight was no different. You grabbed the book you were currently reading and left the door open behind you, making the curtains sway with the slight breeze.
It was a gorgeous night. The moon was bright, and the stars glimmered. You sat on one of the chairs and picked up your book, attempting to read a chapter or two before heading inside, but before you could make it through the first five pages, you heard a noise.
At first, it sounded like an animal, maybe just running through a bush or stepping on a twig, but it sounded like something else. You got up and walked to the railing. It wasn't below you. Now it sounded like it was above you. You put your book down on the table behind you and listened for other distinct noises. You didn't hear anything more, but you had a strange gut feeling that you were being watched. So, like every dumbass in a horror movie, you call out.
"Hello? Is someone there?"
And that's when you heard it. An intentionally loud step and throat clearing behind you. You turn around and let out a yelp, but not before the dark night comes up to you and puts his hand over your mouth.
"Shh," he says quietly. By this point, he's pulled you farther from the railing and released his grasp on your mouth.
"Wh- What are you doing here?" I mean, it's the only thing you can ask. You had only ever heard of the stories of Batman; you'd never seen him this close.
"I have reason to believe that your father is a part of an undercover operation with the Gotham mob. There have been documents that very few people- including him- have access to that are leaked." He responds quickly. One look, and you can see the man is calculated. His answer garnered no thought from him. He looked like a man on a mission. Before you could respond, he interrogates you. "Would you happen to know anything about that?" he presses.
You shake your head. "My father share's very little about his job as mayor with us. He- um." you clear your throat. "He says it's better if he just sits back and does the dirty work so that my mother and I can shine in the spotlight." you think back to the meetings he has been holding in his office downstairs.
"Interesting," Batman responds. And you nod.
"Now that I think about it, he has been meeting with people in our home; I honestly don't know what that's about," you laugh. It wouldn't surprise you if your parents were involved in something; they seemed too perfect. "Do you think I-"
He interrupts, reassuring you. "I don't think you have anything to do with this,"
"Oh, that's good." This time it's his turn to nod and respond.
"Yes, I do think it's good. If not, I wouldn't be able to ask if you're willing to work against your father," you gawk.
"What do you mean?"
"I guess I'm asking for your help. I need someone close with him to determine and test to see if he's guilty."
"I-" he cuts you off.
"You don't have to make a decision now. I understand that it takes time. After all, what I am asking you to do isn't easy." the man assures.
You turn and walk away from him to sit back on your chair, the one you were reading in earlier. "Why don't you just ask Bruce Wayne, isn't he like your benefactor?" You could see the man physically tense at that.
You must have caught him off guard. He turns back and starts walking toward you, thinking of what to say when he finally comes up with, "It would be too difficult and risky to involve him." Fair enough.
"Alright," you look him in the eye. "I'll do it, but I have a few questions." He nods. "If I find anything, how will I relay it back to you? Also, if my father is guilty for some reason, will I be dragged down with him in the fallout?"
"We will find a safe place to meet up. In the following days, I will send instructions to you. It may be in the form of a person or note. Keep your guard up, and if you can help it, don't tell anyone about this other than me. As far as the situation's aftermath, I'll ensure you stay safe. Any more questions before I leave?"
You stand up and walk closer to the door leading inside. "No, I think that's all."
He nods and jumps off your balcony, fading into the night. You run back to the railing to make sure he isn't hurt, but you see no trace of him even being here in the first place. You sigh, grab your book from the table, and head to bed. After hearing about your family, you are even more stressed and tired.
It didn't hit you until that morning that you have agreed to help The Batman on his case involving none other than your father, The Mayor- or should you call him a Mole?
Taglist: @thedumbgirl
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avidgrapejuicelover · 3 years
childe brings home a puppy
pairing: diluc x childe
genre: pure fluff
warnings: none
word count: 4.1k
summary: Exactly what the title implies. Childe brings home a puppy, and chaos ensues.
A/N: because i have absolutely no self-control when it comes to chiluc, i ended up writing this oneshot last night to fulfill my craving. i hope reading it is as indulging for you as it was for me writing it.
also on ao3 under the user playfuldreams
Snow flurries danced on the wind as they fell to the cold ground, blanketing Mondstadt. Childe made his way to the gates of the city slowly. His face was slightly flushed from the drinks he had at Angel’s Share.
Kaeya had asked to hang out in order to discuss plans for the festivities that were coming up. Childe knew Diluc was busy with the winery during Yule, so he agreed.
They managed to come up with a rough idea of where and how to celebrate, but three Death After Noons later, their conversation was less on actual planning and more of random thoughts. Charles ended up cutting Childe off since he was scared of what would happen if Master Diluc found out. Kaeya laughed at Childe’s pouting face as he ordered a fifth Death After Noon.
Childe had stumbled out of the bar when Kaeya’s other drinking buddy, Rosaria, walked in. Thankfully, the cold winter winds sobered up Childe somewhat. Enough for him to make his way back to the winery and back to his firefly.
After saying good night to Lawrence and Swan, he made his way out of Mondstadt’s city gates and back towards the winery. Humming a Snezhnayan song, Childe strolled through Springvale swaying with the breeze and melody, enjoying the cold late night air.
Only when he got past the bend by the domain, the wind picked up as did the amount of snow falling. Childe started jogging in order to reach the winery faster. As he passed the wooden platform by the now frozen puddle, he heard a small whimper that tugged at his heartstrings causing Childe to slow down. He came to a stop once he heard the noise again.
Looking around, Childe saw some bushes shiver.
No, that’s not right, something in the bushes was shaking. Childe walked over carefully. Well, as carefully as he could inebriated. Moving the leaves, Childe laid eyes on a small orange fur ball whimpering. Childe knelt down and realized it was a puppy.
The puppy continued to whine and shiver as the snow fell harder around them. Childe pet the puppy gently. All Childe wanted to do was take it back with him and keep it safe and warm. However, even his hazy mind knew Diluc probably would not need a small puppy causing havoc while the winery got ready for the festivities.
Plus, Childe had rarely seen Diluc interact with small animals, or animals in general, unless they were livestock or his falcon. He figured Diluc wasn’t a huge fan of them.
So Childe set aside his sympathies and got up. He stood up too fast causing him to stumble and feel nauseous. Diluc would not be happy to see him this drunk.
Childe took once last look at the puppy before continuing his walk to the winery.
He paused a few times to take in the fresh cold air to try and sober up a little. And each time, he heard the pitter-patter of small paws followed by a whine. After the third time, Childe looked back only to have his doubts confirmed.
The puppy had been following him. Childe groaned. It looked even sadder now with it struggling to walk after him.
Childe closed his eyes and took a deep breath to try and clear his mind. A sad whimper interrupted him. He let out another groan, sliding his hands over his face.
He looked down at the puppy who managed to make it all the way to him. His heart clenched at the sight of the puppy-dog eyes.
“Okay you win. But you better be on your best behavior if you want to stay.” Childe said.
He picked it up rather easily, seeing as it was too weak to struggle against him, and stuffed it into his coat, blocking the snow whirlwind before continuing on his way to the winery.
He just hoped he could keep the puppy a secret long enough for him to come up with a plan to convince Diluc to keep it.
Adelinde greeted him in the foyer once he got to the winery.
“Welcome back Master Childe. Allow me to take your coat.” She made a move to remove his outerwear. Childe jerked back causing the puppy to let out a small bark.
Adelinde looked at Childe’s stomach, where he was currently holding the puppy. She blinked twice before composing her face to look back at Childe.
“I assume you’ll be needing help with that?” She asked.
He should have known he wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret from Adelinde. Childe carefully unfurled his coat to show the puppy. “Do you think you could bring some blankets to warm it up?”
Adelinde hummed. “We should probably give it a warm bath before wrapping it up in blankets.”
She called for Moco and Hillie to heat some water for both the puppy and Childe. She turned back to Childe.
“Please hand it to me. I’ll make sure it’s cleaned up and warm.” Adelinde extended her hands.
Childe hesitated. He didn’t want to lose the warmth of the small animal. And something about it reminded him of his younger siblings.
“I... I’ll wash it up myself. We can save more water that way. And I’m sure you’re busy enough with all the preparations.” Childe said.
Adelinde opened her mouth as if to retort. but instead of saying anything, she closed it before nodding.
Childe started up the stairs, taking care to not sway too much. He paused midway.
“Is Diluc back yet?” He asked, turning his body slightly.
“Master Diluc has not returned from his outing.” Adelinde answered. Childe nodded in response, continuing up the stairs.
Once he was in the bedroom, he carefully laid the puppy wrapped in his coat on the bathroom floor. He checked the temperature of the water, making sure it was not too hot. Like always, the heat was just right. As expected of the Dawn Winery Staff.
Childe picked up the puppy that was still shivering and gently wet it with some water. The puppy didn’t seem to expect that so it began to struggle in his hands.
“Hey, I just want to wash you. You’ll feel better once you’re all cleaned up.” Taking care not to put in too much strength, Childe kept a firm grip on the animal as he continued to rinse its fur.
He managed to clean all the dirt off and dry it. Satisfied to see it was no longer shivering, Childe wrapped it in a towel and set it on the floor so it was still in his view while he washed up.
Although Childe wanted to take a long bath, he knew Diluc would be back soon. So he cut his bath short and got dressed once he felt he was sober enough.
Picking up the puppy, he went back down to find Adelinde and figure out a place for the animal to sleep.
Childe found her by the fireplace in the living room.
“Is there a place it can sleep?” He asked.
“I suppose there is an extra room I can prepare for the puppy. Is it a present for Master Diluc?” She asked.
“Uhh... something like that” Childe said.
“And I assume you wish for it to be a surprise?”
Childe nodded.
“Very well. I’ll be sure to inform the staff and have everything ready for it’s stay.” Adelinde said. She turned to ready the room for the puppy but paused and looked back at Childe after a few steps.
“Does the puppy have a name?” She asked.
Childe hadn’t even thought of one. He didn’t even think he would be able to keep it in the mansion. He looked down at the puppy in his arms and blurted out the first word his still alcohol induced mind could think of.
Adelinde stared at him before smiling politely. “How very... descriptive.” And with that she left to get the room ready.
Childe sat down in front of the fire with the puppy, Sunsettia, on his lap. The puppy’s fur did remind him of the fruit, but maybe something else would have been a better name. Oh well, Diluc can just come up with another one if he doesn’t like it.
Childe began drifting off, feeling warm and content. A few minutes later, Adelinde woke him up gently and let him know the room was ready.
“Master Diluc will probably be coming later than usual, so you should go and get some rest, Master Childe. I’ll be sure to keep an eye on Sunsettia.” Adelinde said. Childe handed over the now sleeping puppy before getting up.
“Thanks Adelinde.” He said, heading to the bedroom for a much needed sleep.
There were still five days before the party. This meant that Childe still had to hide the puppy from Diluc for five whole days. It was a lot easier than it should have been since Diluc was swamped with getting everything in order for the celebration. But that also made it more difficult to keep the small animal from getting out of control.
Since it was a puppy, Sunsettia was rather energetic. Childe made sure to let it out whenever Diluc went into town.
He tried to tire Sunsettia out as much as possible so that it would sleep quietly at night without making a sound.
His plan worked for the most part. The staff’s children ended up coming and playing with Sunsettia after hearing about the puppy. Even though the staff told their kids, it seemed that they haven’t spread the word to Diluc.
After having no complications for three whole days, Childe began to let his guard down. Diluc was busy, going in and out of the winery all day, and Sunsettia had been good about being quiet when Diluc was at the winery since the puppy was usually napping.
Childe figured he could actually pull the surprise off.
Of course, the moment he began thinking that, he doomed himself.
Diluc ended up coming back home early two days before the party.
One of the workers’ kid had alerted him that Diluc was on his way, so Childe had enough time to hide Sunsettia in the back with some of the staff to keep an eye on it.
Diluc walked into the living room, unbuttoning his coat and laying it over one of the chairs. He sat down beside Childe in front of the fire to warm himself up.
“Everything going well with the preparations?” Childe helped Diluc out of his boots before placing his feet on his lap. Childe massaged them to help work out some of the stress his lover was feeling.
Diluc closed his eyes and hummed. “As well as it could be. Although Venti kept bothering me about increasing the amount of alcohol I would have out, which I’m sure Kaeya incited.”
Childe laughed, increasing his pressure in the middle of Diluc’s sole when he saw a positive reaction.
“I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to add a few more bottles. It is Yule after all.” Childe said.
Diluc opened his eyes to meet Childe’s. “You’re only saying that because you want to drink more too.”
“You got me there!”
Diluc moaned softly as Childe continued to work out the tension in his feet. Childe started to work on Diluc’s legs as well.
“You aren’t going to be the one who has to deal with all the drunkards destroying our property.” Diluc said.
“We have more than enough money to fix some property damage. Come on, you don’t want to be a downer.”
Childe continued to work on Diluc’s calves before sliding back down to his feet.
Diluc sighed in pleasure as he caved. “I guess I could include three more bottles.”
“That’s the spirit!” Childe finished up his massage.
“Want me to do your back too?” He asked Diluc.
“Aren’t you tired? I heard you’ve been playing with the kids all day.” Diluc said. Childe tensed up.
“Haha... they said I was just playing with the kids right?” Childe asked.
Diluc sat up and looked at him for a moment before asking, “You didn’t try to fight them did you?”
“Me, try to fight the kids? Of course not!”
“Then why do you sound so suspicious?” Diluc narrowed his eyes.
Childe cursed internally. Diluc always had good instincts, especially when it involved Childe and trouble.
“There’s nothing to be suspicious about. So I might have taught them some sword movements but that’s all. I promise!” Childe said, putting on his most innocent face.
“Uhh huh...” Diluc did not look convinced.
“Why don’t we go up, and I’ll give you a back massage that will make you feel brand new!” Childe tried distracting him.
He pulled Diluc up by his arm and began dragging him towards the stairs.
Diluc halted at the bottom of the stairs causing Childe to jerk back into him.
“I have something else in mind that you could do to help relieve my tension.” Diluc whispered in Childe’s ear. He shivered in response.
“Oh? And what would that be?” Childe asked coyly, slowly walking up the stairs backwards, facing Diluc.
Diluc followed him.
“Instead of just a back massage, why don’t you give me a full body one?”
“Hmm,” Childe licked his lips as he saw Diluc’s eyes fill with lust. “I like the sound of that.”
Diluc grabbed Childe’s hand and tugged him up the rest of the stairs towards their room.
Once in the room, he pressed Childe against the closed door. Diluc kissed Childe’s lips hungrily and slid his hands underneath Childe’s shirt, letting himself melt against his lover.
Their lips broke contact as Diluc began leaving a trail of kisses on Childe’s neck, stopping over his collarbone. He licked the skin there a couple of times before sucking on it and biting gently.
“Someone seems to be pent up.” Childe chuckled, already breathless.
“Shut up, we barely had any time together this past week.” Diluc mumbled against Childe’s skin. He lifted his head to meet Childe’s blue eyes. “Unless you want to stop.”
“Hey now, I never said anything about stopping.” Childe said. He most certainly did not want to stop now.
“Good.” Diluc grunted. “Now where’s that massage you promised.”
“Coming right up, Master Diluc.” Childe said as he slid his hand towards Diluc’s pants.
He would make sure this massage would release all of Diluc’s tension.
The next day, Diluc was finalizing the details on the special menu for Angel’s Share and double checking everything for the celebration. The party would be tomorrow so all of the staff was running around to get everything set.
Most of the decorations were already put up, and the gift bags were put together and ready to hand out. Childe had spotted at least three mistletoes on his way to fetch Sunsettia from the kids he let the puppy play with.
He had already sent his letters and presents to his family and friends two weeks ago, so they should be arriving soon. Now, he just had to figure out how to hand the puppy over to Diluc.
Childe had thought about all the ways he could let Diluc know. None of which he liked completely. So, he decided to just wing it. Whatever happened would happen. And if Diluc did get mad about the puppy, he just give him another “full body massage” to ease his anger.
Childe laughed to himself before shaking the night’s memories out of his head. He did not need a rod in his pants when he met the kids.
He heard their laughter coming from around the corner. Following the sound, Childe found the kids playing tug-of-war with Sunsettia and a rope.
Sunsettia was putting up a good fight, but was ultimately unable to rip the rope out of the larger kid’s hands.
“Having fun?” Childe asked.
The kids turned to look at him.
“Yeah! Is he gonna stay here forever?” One of the kids asked.
“Hopefully.” Childe laughed.
“Yay! That means we can play with Sunny forever!” The kids cheered making the puppy bark.
“Sunny?” Childe asked.
“Sunsettia is too long to say, so we shortened it to Sunny!” Another kid said.
“I see. Sunny is easier to say.”
The kids nodded in agreement.
Childe was about to propose a game they could all play with Sunny when he heard his name being called.
Childe knew that voice, and there was only one person in Mondstadt who called him by that name. All the color left Childe’s face as he turned to the kids.
“Quick! Go hide with Sunny over there!” Childe urged the kids. Thankfully, they understood the gravity of the situation and picked up the dog to go hide behind some of the crates nearby.
After making sure the children and puppy weren’t able to be seen, Childe turned towards the footsteps approaching him.
Diluc stood in front of Childe. His hair was slightly ruffled and his cheeks flushed from the cold.
“Diluc, love, firefly, sunshine!” Childe stammered.
Diluc raised his eyebrow. “...Are you okay?”
“Of course! I’m lovely!”
“...Right.” Diluc continued to stare at him. Childe felt sweat drip down his spine as he prayed to the Tsaritsa that the children and Sunsettia would stay quiet.
“Anyway, I was actually going to ask if you could escort the last of the batches on their way from Stone Gate. The knights, inefficient as always, had a mix up and are unable to come and help. Diluc said.
“Of course I can, sunshine! Should I head down now?” Childe asked. He was a little apprehensive about leaving the puppy alone with the kids, but he knew the staff would keep anything from getting out of hand. And besides, his lover needed his help.
“They’ll probably get there within the next hour so if you could be there by then that would be great. “
“Got it!”
“Thanks.” Diluc smiled.
Childe figured the Tsaritsa was still discontent with him getting with one of Barbatos’ beloved bloodlines.
Why did he think this?
Because his prayers were not answered as Sunsettia thought it was a good idea to start barking.
Diluc clearly had heard it as his eyebrows furrowed at the sound. So Childe, having no time to think of anything else, tried to cover up the bark by... barking himself.
“Woof!” He ended up saying.
Diluc blinked.
“Did... Did you just bark at me?” He narrowed his eyes.
“Haha... maybe.” Childe said, licking his lips.
Sunsettia clearly wasn’t finished because the puppy continued to bark, making Childe cover it up with his own barking.
“Woof! Woof! Ruff!” Childe said. He was honestly close to crying when he saw Diluc’s expression.
He turned his face slightly to peek at the kids. Their faces were mortified, probably thinking they ruined the surprise. Childe moved a hand behind his back so that it was out of Diluc’s view to motion for them to get ready to run away.
“Why on Teyvat wou-” Diluc started.
“Ruff!” Childe ended up interrupting him to hide another bark.
Diluc closed his eyes and took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. Childe used that moment to motion the kids to run. Thankfully, the message passed on as he saw them scamper away.
“Are you going to explain or am I just going to have to accept this as is?” Diluc said, not having caught the kids running.
“Uh... It’s a new fad in Snezhnaya my sister told me about. It’s a new way of saying I love you.” Childe lied through his teeth with the best smile he could put on.
Diluc opened his mouth, pausing, before letting out a long sigh.
“You bark at someone to tell them you love them?” He asked, still not believing it 100%. But what did he know of the current fads in Snezhnaya.
“Ruff ruff!” Childe said, laying it on.
“Well at least it fits you.” Diluc said.
Childe blinked and tilted his head.
“You always did act like a dog. Always biting me to mark your territory. Don’t think I don’t notice.”
With his words, Childe’s mind filled with the previous night’s escapades causing blood to rush below his waistline.
“If you prefer, I can meow too.” He said, the puppy no longer in his mind. Diluc watched as Childe stopped within a foot of him.
Childe leaned in. “And maybe if you touch me just right, I’ll even purr for you.” He said in a sultry voice.
Diluc swallowed. Childe saw his red eyes darken and knew he would be able to get away with his lie. Of course, Childe was also going to fully take advantage of the situation as well.
With that in mind, Childe got stepped closer and captured Diluc’s lips. Childe nibbled on his bottom lip to try and get Diluc to open his mouth. Diluc happily complied, allowing Childe to slip in his tongue.
They both were in their own world, enjoying the taste and heat of one another for a good three minutes before they returned to reality with a loud crashing sound.
They broke apart, breathless. Childe, wanting to continue, leaned forward again to press his lips against Diluc’s. Except a loud bark froze him.
The lust in Diluc’s eyes vanished as quickly as it had appeared. The bark had clearly come from around the other side of the winery and not from Childe’s currently closed, puckered lips.
Childe knew he messed up.
“Why don’t you meow for me now?” Diluc said in a low voice with a deadpan face.
Now that they both were of sound mind, they could hear the chaos happening on the other side, surely caused by an energetic puppy happy to run around without restriction.
“Hehe... meow?” Childe bit his lip and winked.
Diluc glared before pushing Childe off him to go figure out what was happening.
Childe sighed, scratching his head. He could only hope one of the kids would be open to taking care of Sunsettia. With that in mind, he went after his lover to help with whatever mess was created.
Thankfully, nothing broke. Sunny had just gotten over excited and jumped onto a table causing one of the bowls filled with sunsettias to spill and hit one of the stands holding up a banner. The commotion mostly occurred due to the children trying to catch Sunny, fearing Diluc had heard the dog and the surprise was over.
Diluc helped set everything back up, while Childe managed to calm down the children before rushing to meet the delivery at Stone Gate. Everything was brought back safely to the winery and set up with no complications.
Childe rolled his shoulders, trying to get some of the tension out, as he walked into the bedroom.
Diluc was sitting at the desk going over some papers. Childe walked up to him, placing his hands on his shoulders to give Diluc a massage.
“Are you still mad?” He asked, pressing into a knot he found.
“I was never mad.” Diluc retorted. “Just surprised that I completely had no clue. My staff seem to be very good at keeping secrets.”
“That’s true. I really thought someone would slip. Even the kids kept quiet.” Childe said.
Diluc hummed as he enjoyed the massage.
“So... are you going to get rid of him?” Childe probed.
Diluc sighed.
“You even named it. And everyone seems to already have become attached. How long has it been here?”
“About 4 days.”
Diluc huffed. “If I got rid of it - what was its name?”
“Sunsettia, but the kids call it Sunny cause it’s shorter.”
“Well if I got rid of Sun-Sunsettia, I would be a terrible person.” Diluc said.
“Don’t worry! You won’t even have to do anything. The staff have been fine taking care of him, even with all the preparations going on. And the kids would love to take Sunny on walks and play with him.” Childe said.
“So you’re going to bring in a puppy and push all the responsibilities onto the others?” Diluc raised an eyebrow.
Childe paused his massage, placing a hand on his chest.
“I am simply letting everyone do as they wish.” Childe said, acting offended.
Diluc got out of the chair and took Childe’s hands in his.
“Albeit early, thank you for the gift, Ajax.” Diluc kissed Childe’s hands.
“You’re very welcome, firefly.” Childe’s heart warmed at the affection.
“Now, why don’t I find out just how to make you purr.” Diluc said, pulling Childe close by the waist.
Childe more than willingly followed Diluc’s lead. He just hoped they would save enough energy to last them through the party tomorrow night, but that was his wishful thinking.
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