#swd fanfiction
zephyrchama · 1 month
“Don’t,” you warned Lucifer. You saw that self-assured grin on his face. You knew what he was planning.
“What? I just came to see what you were doing.” He leaned on your shoulder with enough weight to tilt you several inches sideways, no matter how much you pushed back. “Don’t mind me, carry on.”
“Don’t you have more important things to do?” you retorted, but it was too late. The others were catching on.
“Hey, hey! What’s going on?” Mammon came over and pushed against your other shoulder, tilting you back upright. “What are two of my favorite people doin’?”
You tried to shrug them both off, to no avail. “We’re not doing anything. We can stop this.”
You couldn’t stop it. Asmodeus was on his way and wasted no time crossing his arms over your back, happily leaning into you from behind. You tilted forward. “Hey! What’s happening here?”
You sighed, “we’re not doing this again.”
Asmodeus teased you with honeyed innocence, “doing what, hon? Something on your mind?”
These three demons thought they were so funny.
A passing Satan made eye contact with you. In that exact moment, you used every bit of imaginary telepathy you could muster. Surely Satan would understand. He could save you. He could free you before it really was too late.
He observed what his brothers were doing, nodded, and approached with a congenial grin. Mission failed.
“Traitor!” You regretted ever agreeing to join this exchange program as Satan slowly fell back into you. You didn’t even try to catch him, you were too busy trying to remain upright under the combined weight of four demons. They were hardly even holding back.
You couldn’t see who was running up, being too busy blowing Satan’s blonde hair out of your face, but at this point it didn’t matter. They were all coming for you.
“Let me in on this!” Leviathan said cheerily.
“Yeah!” “Come on!” Asmodeus and Mammon gladly made some room for Leviathan, which was difficult because you were sinking lower and lower, and you felt another weight pile onto your back as Levi cozied up to your torso. This scenario had played out enough times now that the brothers could somehow keep you from falling over like a Jenga tower, but it was still only a matter of time.
Belphegor squeezed his way in between Satan and Lucifer and wordlessly collapsed onto you as if overcome with narcolepsy. He sure looked cozy. He smirked while you lamented, “I’m never forgiving any of you, ever.”
“Beel? Are you coming?” Lucifer summoned the cherry on top of this ridiculous parfait. You braced as Beelzebub licked the crumbs off his fingers in preparation. He knew what had to be done.
“Are you ready?” At least he had the decency to ask, unlike six other degenerates. The six lumps of dead weight each grabbed a part of your body, shifting from leans to awkward hugs. There was no way to run.
With an exaggerated “hah!”, Beelzebub’s weight and outstretched arms were enough to send everyone crashing down. You were protected from any real damage by the shell of demon brothers, but they soon had you pinned down against someone’s chest in the world’s most embarrassing cuddle pile.
“Aren’t you guys too old for this?” you asked. “By like, ten thousand years?”
“We were just checking up on you,” Lucifer said.
“Yeah, how did this happen? Hmm..!” Asmodeus’s voice dripped with sarcasm.
Satan draped his leg over yours and not-so-accidentally kicked Lucifer. “You should have told us what you were doing.”
“I think it’s fun.” Belphegor was the only one to admit the truth.
Hands were running through your hair and over your stomach. Somebody was pushing the edge of your mouth up into a smile with their finger. If these guy were so touch-starved, they could have just said so, like sane people.
“My! What do we have here?”
You groaned, partially because everybody was really heavy and partially because you really didn’t need Diavolo to arrive just then.
“My lord, it appears we have walked in on something quite interesting.” Et tu, Barbatos?
”Indeed! Is there room for two more?”
Your “no!” was drowned out by seven resounding yeses.
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hopeluna-archived · 8 months
mammon drabble if youre up for it !
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Drabble ask game
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"I made you something"
Mammon has to suppress the urge to run away like a schoolgirl when you turn around at his voice. "What did you make?"
"Uh-", Mammon's nerves are running as he digs his hands in his pocket. You notice the pop of colourful threads on his hand. "-a bracelet"
Its not that well done. Soft yellow and loosely wrapped, its clearly been tampered with an effort to make it pretty. Its looks so delicate in Mammon's tight, anxious grip.
"Mammon, its so pretty!"
The demon sighs in relief before his lips quirk up into a grin at your appreciation. He was terrified you would find it pathetic. "Hell yeah, it is! I made it after all"
Your laugh heats his face up, happy that he caused it. Mammon beckons you to put your wrist forward. His hands are slightly clammy as he struggles to tie it on, almost jumping whenever your hands touch.
"There you go! Ain't it awesome?"
"Its very awesome Mammon! Where did you get the materials? Didn't Lucifer block your cards?"
Your innocent question makes him tense up. "Don't ya worry about it!." Mammon tries, and fails, to give you a unsuspecting smile.
He hopes Asmo doesn't notice that his accessories box has been messed around with.
His heart feels as if it was going to burst open and bleed out on the floor when you lightly peck him on the cheek as a thanks. And he knows he's not even going to complain about the stain his heart would leave behind.
As long as you're the cause.
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© hopeluna. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any of my work in this or any other site. Do not steal or modify my ideas/concepts either.
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
I don't know how I feel about this smut right here, but I spent some time writing it so I might as well post it, right?
I'm really obsessed with all of their demon forms. I love the horns, the wings, the tails, everything. There is just something about them that I find soooo hot. Does this make me a monster fucker? I honestly don't know, someone please tell me. I feel like they're still mostly human-like, so I don't think it counts?
Anyway, the point here is that I wanted to write some scenes where it's the first time they have sex with MC in their demon form. I imagine that the demon parts are extra sensitive in this particular situation.
Again, I'm not sure this is very good, but here it is anyway lol. Just when I think I'm getting more confident about writing smut, I question it again. Ahhh the woes of being a writer.
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Lucifer x GN!MC - NSFW MDNI
Note: MC's genitals are not described, once again I tried to keep it gender neutral. Established relationship, not the first time they're having sex, just the first time in demon form lol.
Warnings: demon form (obviously), penetrative sex (reader receiving), biting (but no blood)
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Lucifer's bedroom was lit by the soft orange glow of candlelight, shadows playing against the walls, the air warm. You sat on the soft silk sheets of his bed, your clothes long discarded back by the door.
Lucifer himself sat on the edge of the bed with his back to you, waiting. You ran your hands up the muscles of his back, letting one go all the way into his hair, fingertips brushing against the gray edges.
"Show me," you said, your voice hushed.
Obediently, Lucifer shifted into demon form. You watched as the horns emerged and the two sets of wings unfurled before you.
You couldn't help sucking in a breath. You had never been this close to them before.
The black glossy feathers shimmered in the light, trembling slightly. You slowly traced your fingers downward, branching them out over the tops of his wings, feeling the bone structure beneath the feathers. Tenderly, carefully, you let your fingers run along the feathered edges, overcome by just how soft they were.
You let out a little sigh. "Stunning."
Lucifer twisted around to look at you and you saw the blush that was spreading across his cheeks. He frowned at you. "Are you quite finished, MC?"
You smiled. "Absolutely not."
He looked like he was about to protest, but he stopped when you knelt over him, straddling his lap. You ran your fingers along his horns next, delicately feeling out the pattern of the ridges. He sucked in a breath beneath you.
You looked down at him for a moment. His eyes were closed, the frown still in place, the blush as bright as ever.
You leaned forward just a little more and kissed one of his horns.
His hands grabbed your waist and he pulled you into him, pressing his face against your chest. You could feel him trembling against you. You saw the way his feathers shook slightly as his wings closed in around you.
And then you felt his lips on your chest, hot and heavy. "Please," he practically moaned against you.
You had anticipated that his horns and wings would be sensitive, but you had not expected him to react quite like this. It sent a thrill through you.
You took the entire tip of one of his horns into your mouth. He squeezed you and gasped lightly against your skin. You could feel his erection pressing against your thigh.
You pulled away slightly, lips still pressed to the cool surface of his horn. "Please…?"
His hands couldn't stay still, gripping your hips one moment and running up your back the next. You could feel the tips of his feathers brushing your shoulders.
"You tease me at your peril," he said, his voice so low it was practically a growl.
You could tell he was getting impatient, that you were riling him up every time you touched his horns or brushed against his feathers. His entire body was tensed beneath you, like he was doing everything he could to keep himself restrained.
There were a lot of things you could have said then, but you decided your mouth was better used elsewhere. You pressed a line of kisses along his horn before leaning back just enough to set your lips upon the black diamond on his forehead.
It was as though you had pressed a switch by doing this. He lifted you off his lap so abruptly, you had to fling your arms around his shoulders to balance yourself.
Moments later, you found yourself sprawled back on the bed with Lucifer hovering above you, his wings still tucked around you slightly, creating a sort of canopy around you both.
Lucifer lowered himself on top of you, your bodies flush together, as he kissed down your neck. The heat flooded you, every single spot where your skin touched his felt like it was on fire. You sucked in a breath and reached up, gripping his horns in your hands because you just wanted to hold on and you couldn't resist touching them again.
Lucifer rumbled low in his throat, one of his hands running up and down your side, his mouth pausing on its way down your neck. "MC…"
You let your hands slide down his horns, to grip his face and make him look up at you. You shifted beneath him, opening your legs and wrapping them around him, locking your ankles behind his back.
You pulled his head forward just enough so you could kiss the black diamond on his forehead again. His hand squeezed your hip so hard it was almost painful and the sweet moan that fell from him made the desire already pooling in your stomach flare with heat.
"Lucifer," you whispered, your lips still pressed against him. You let go of his face, reaching up to brush your fingertips down the top set of wings, the edges of which were still tucked beneath your back.
Lucifer responded by sinking his cock into you, slowly and deliberately. Your body arched beneath him, setting free his pinned wings which fanned out in a glorious display of glossy black above you.
He was so beautiful like this, eyes half closed, cheeks covered in a blush of passion, wings spread, horns visible, the black diamond glistening slightly from the wetness of your kiss. He was already lost in your heat as he so softly moaned your name.
You both stayed that way for a brief moment, taking in the feel of each other. You, mesmerized by his demon form, him, overwhelmed by the love in your eyes.
Lucifer's first thrust was so slow it made you crazy, but you couldn't help letting out a little gasp at how good it felt. Your hands clutched at his shoulders just behind his wings, your fingers barely brushing their edges.
Your legs tightened around Lucifer as he increased his pace significantly and the way his cock felt inside you made you cry out, unable to hold your voice back. You couldn't even form words, only making incoherent noises between gasping breaths. Your heart was thudding fast, your body heating up, a layer of sweat forming at your back.
Lucifer was focused on you, his lips on the hollow of your throat, his teeth brushing lightly against your skin.
Your reactions only prompted him to go harder and faster, to bite down on your shoulder just enough to leave a mark, but not enough to draw blood. You felt the extra sharpness of his fangs. You reached up for his horns again, grasping them as he continued to thrust into you, hitting your sweetest spot every single time. You could feel the pleasure building up, so close, you were so close.
Lucifer leaned down even more, pressing himself against you and whispered in your ear, "You are mine."
Your hands slid down to hold his face again, pressing your forehead to his, holding on as your body jolted with every single thrust. You couldn't say anything back to him even if you wanted to, the sensations rolling through your body were too distracting. Even if you could, you would only agree with him.
You cried out his name as you came hard on his cock, squeezing him with every part of your body.
Lucifer growled, not at all slowing his pace, and you felt yourself careening toward over stimulation. It was so good, but you could barely think. All you managed to do was pull his head down again so you could put your mouth on his diamond one last time.
Lucifer moaned your name out low and heavy as he finally came inside you, the heat of his cum filling you up, his wings rustling around you as they shivered with the rest of him.
For a few moments, you didn't move at all, your chest heaving as you pulled in heavy breaths. You were still holding Lucifer's face and you smiled up at him before letting your hands run across his wings again.
Lucifer was flushed already, but you could still tell that he was blushing even more from the way you touched his feathers. You also knew he couldn't move away from you while your legs stayed locked around him. He was trapped there as you leaned forward again, kissing his head, kissing his horns, kissing the edge of the top set of his wings.
You soon learned that Lucifer would only put up with so much of these gentle touches before he decided to make you scream his name again.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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nerinefy · 5 months
hellooo may i rq an obey me imagine where a blank faced , cool and calm mc who is exceptionally good at seductive speech-craft just drops the biggest flirt on the brothers and just acts cool about it not giving them a reaction. how would the brothers react ? tyy - 👺 anon
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- details: pronouns: you/yours | headcanon | crack + fluff | word count: | warnings: slight cursing if you squint + some...jokes
- author's note: im back ig, and im sorry if this req took like a year :')
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you really are a pain, truly. the avatar of pride may try his hardest to hide the effect you have on him yet he was proven the opposite. surely you wouldn't have noticed?...right? wrong. why would you continue teasing the absolute devildom out of him if you didn't notice?
the way he looks away and adjusts his perfectly neat tie is one thing, but looking closely, why would someone unaffected have short and shaky breaths with slightly flushed cheeks?
at this point, mans just gave up and ran with it. what do you mean you had him flustered? are you sure you've been sleeping well? he's known all along and sure is amused, yeah, he definitely thought of that at first.
even with his rough start, he managed to win you over. not like it was a competition in the first place but he'll take it as one for the sake of his image. he surely did a number on you later on. did you really think he'll let you do that to him? yeah, maybe after this life, just maybe.
eventually you'll be even more of a mess than him if he takes up the challenge. the other brothers may have complained more than once since you two have been going at it ever since you started teasing him using your 'assets'.
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unlike lucifer who eventually leaves you high and dry (or wet, idk about you), mammon fails, and he fails at the worst possible way. at least in his eyes, he is an overdramatic little shit if you've forgotten.
he acts as if you haven't taken his breath with just one word. he can't really convince anyone with forehead dripping with sweat and his entire body shifting and squirming whenever you take the smallest step closer to him. go easy on him though, please. he's trying his best.
he doesn't recover well the longer you speak to him, he brushes it off with the brightest blush you've ever seen even though he swears it's just the heat going on these days (it was not hot, actually, it was very cold at that time.)
you'd likely have to watch out, he might faint even at the sight of you. he just can't help it you know, you already look so irresistible doing mundane things, so you directly giving him all your attention, and with that voice of yours...it most definitely will leave him melting in your arms.
it's utterly embarrassing for him to be a mess in front of you, but soon he just accepts it. if that's the way you'd like him to be, then he'd be just that. only for you. of course, he'd never in his very long life admit it out loud but you get the point.
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this one is a tough one for sure. not because you have no effect on him, it's most definitely not that. it's more like he's actively finding a way for you not to approach him. he's hiding and running away from you like he did numerous crimes bad enough to not be spoken of, not like that'll work on you though.
you've already traumatized him enough with his first encounter with you, he's not willing to go in for a second round. one word from you and he might actually faint. it's bad enough that you're the most enchanting person he's ever seen, but you going out of your way to speak to him with that mesmerizing voice of yours, it's like you came straight out of a video game with how unimaginably beautiful you are.
if you ever have him cornered, he just might have the courage to face you somehow. unfortunately, his newfound confidence will be immediately replaced with clammy hands and teary eyes. and yes, hugging him to comfort him would make things worse.
just a thought though- please go easy on him.
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©nerinefy do not plagiarize, repost, or translate. | reblogs are appreciated!
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daytaker · 2 months
Chat Log: A Human Child Arrives in the Devildom
Beelzebub: I don’t remember. Beelzebub: I don't remember that either. Mammon: Oi, Beel, what the hell are you saying? Satan: That isn’t Beel. It’s “the new human exchange student”. Mammon: Why are ya sayin’ that in quotes? Satan: You’ll see. Mammon: The hell does that mean?! Beelzebub: I fell. Beelzebub: I fell out a tree and then I was here. Lucifer: Satan, Asmo, Beel. I thought I said to look after the human child. Why is it sending nonsense in the chat? Asmo: It can’t talk, so we’re asking it questions out loud and having it answer like this! Lucifer: Why did you not create a new chat where you could interrogate it without annoying the rest of us? Satan: Convenience. This chat already existed. Mammon: Whoa whoa whoa, did you say human CHILD? Why the hell did you guys recruit a child? Lucifer: We didn’t. Something appears to have gone wrong in the summoning process. Barbatos is attempting to resolve the issue as we speak. Mammon: Is the kid still in the chat? Asmodeus: Yes, Beel loaned it his phone. Mammon: Hey kid, ya like ice cream? Beelzebub: Yes. Mammon: Well, I got a massive chocolate cone for any human kid who’s willing to come hang out around the central plaza for a few hours. Demons’ll pay good money to get a look at a genuine human child.  Mammon: Hey, Asmo, is it cute? Beelzebub: They want me to tell you I'm not going anywhere with you. Asmodeus: Yeah, leave the poor thing alone! It probably misses its parents! Asmodeus: And yes, it’s adorable! ♡ Mammon: Good, folks’ll pay more for that. Leviathan: Whaaaaaat? Sorry, just backread, but wow! You guys isekai’d a BABY to RAD? LOLOLOLOL Beelzebub: I’m not a baby. Lucifer: I apologize for the delay in sending this message. I was occupied with Diavolo and Barbatos. Lucifer: Mammon, if you take that child out in public and it gets eaten, I will flay you alive. Beelzebub: Do demons eat kids? Mammon: Yep. Mammon: They’re pretty freakin’ delicious too. Way better than old people. Mammon: ‘Cause they’re softer. Lucifer: Shut up and listen. Lucifer: Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as if this issue is going to be resolved as quickly as I had hoped. Lucifer: Mammon, if I leave you in charge of the human until tomorrow, do you think you can keep it alive? Mammon: What? Why me? Ain’t Asmo and Satan there already? Lucifer: I hesitate to entrust a child to either Asmo or Satan for any extended period of time due to certain personality defects each of them possess. Asmodeus: Rude!!! Mammon: What about Beel? Lucifer: Beel would certainly eat it. Mammon: …Yeah, I guess that’s fair. Lucifer: Satan, Asmo, Beel. Please take the human to the school gates and wait for Mammon to retrieve it. In the meantime, Diavolo has graciously offered to lend it the D.D.D. he had prepared for the original transfer student, so stop by the dean’s office to pick it up. Asmodeus: Fine, we're going. Mammon: I really gotta do this, huh? Lucifer: Yes. Mammon: :( Leviathan: LOLOLOLOL!!! This is hilarious! Lucifer: Don't think I've forgotten about you, Levi. I'd like you to prepare a few dishes Barbatos says are in vogue with human children. Leviathan: Wait, are you making me its personal chef? Mammon: Ha! Serves ya right! Leviathan: Shut up, Mammon. Lucifer: Macaroni and cheese. Lucifer: Chicken tenders/nuggets (in the shape of dinosaurs, if possible) Leviathan: Dinosaurs? Lucifer: Apple juice. Lucifer: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Lucifer: French fries. Lucifer: Cheese pizza. Leviathan: Do I have to make all of this right now? Lucifer: Chocolate chip cookies. Lucifer: Human-world grapes. Leviathan: Am I being trolled right now? Lucifer: Absolutely not. Prepare one dish immediately using whatever ingredients we already own. Lucifer: Human, if you are still here, I would like to extend my deepest apologies on behalf of the Royal Academy of Diavolo for this unfortunate mistake. Lucifer: I hope we are able to resolve this in a timely manner.
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jayden-writes · 6 months
pairing: Lucifer x gn!Reader
wordcount: ~0.8k
genre: fluff
cw: none!
summary: a serene evening with Lucifer
other notes: no name, Y/N or MC used // based on this drawing I commissioned from @stulili // AO3 // thanks again to @gravedwe11er for helping me so much with this fic!
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“Come on now. Don't be shy,” Lucifer said, his hand stretched out towards you expectantly, a soft melody filling his bedroom. It was rather late in the evening and you had spent most of the day with him, taking advantage of the fact that he had taken a day off - for the first time in who knows how long; he was wearing those sweatpants you had gotten him once half as a joke, even if only in the privacy of his room.
“You know I can't dance and I don't want to step on you,” you rebuffed him, but he refused to be deterred by that.
“I am perfectly capable of leading you. Besides, I assure you that I can handle a few missteps here and there,” he pointed out while he watched you, his expression and posture relaxed. A satisfied smile tugged on the corners of his lips when you eventually relented, and he guided your palm up to press a kiss on your skin, causing your cheeks to heat up. He settled his free hand possessively on your waist, and you rested yours on his upper arm, keeping a small, yet comfortable distance. Both of your socked feet were moving silently, and your eyes were fixed on the wooden floor as you struggled to keep up and at the same time not step on him.
“My eyes are up here, dear,” he teased you after a few minutes of silence and slow movements - his were practiced and cadenced, yours were clumsy.
“Well, I don’t want to step on you”, you reiterated, feeling embarrassed by the obvious difference in skill between you and him.
“You won’t,” he reassured you softly, “at least try not to look down so much and relax, just exist in this moment and let go. You will do fine, I promise.”
You huffed quietly and kept staring at the ground, your brow furrowed with the effort of not misstepping. Without a warning, he snaked his arm around your waist until his palm came to rest on your lower back and he carefully, but assertively, pulled you closer to him. For a second, your already unpracticed steps faltered, though miraculously, you didn’t tread on his feet. Out of instinct, you wrapped an arm around his torso to steady yourself and he continued to guide you, unperturbed by your blunder.
“H-Hey!” you stammered. At that, he chuckled affectionately, thoroughly enjoying having caught you off guard. He nuzzled your hair with his nose, his breaths gently tickling the top of your head and you shuddered a little, goosebumps forming on your skin. Being pressed flush against Lucifer allowed you to feel the rise and fall of his chest, the familiar heat of his body seeping into you. With your ear resting right above his steadily beating heart, you finally let yourself relax a bit more and trust in him.
He led you a bit longer until gradually, he became slower, coming to a stop, and the two of you simply stood in the room, holding each other. Lucifer let go of your hand and cupped your cheek instead, tipping your face upward to meet his gaze.
“I love you,” he whispered into the small space between you, his garnet-red eyes brimming with warmth as he regarded you tenderly and you felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach. No matter how many times you had heard these words from him, it still made your pulse race and your knees weak.
“And I love you,” you muttered in response, closing the remaining distance. When his warm lips met yours, he tightened his grip on you marginally, pressing you even closer as if he never wanted to let you go and you let him, melting into Lucifer’s all-encompassing embrace.
After a few moments you pulled away, needing to catch your breath, and he used the opportunity to press light kisses on the corner of your mouth, cheek and temple, making you giggle. He laughed faintly, placing his lips on your forehead, then he withdrew, taking your hands in his and kissing your knuckles as well. The flush on your face grew more pronounced and you sheepishly averted your gaze.
“Now, now, none of that,” he murmured, tilting your head back towards him with a delicate grasp on your jaw. “There you go, that’s better.”
Lucifer looked at you, his eyes crinkling as he smiled fondly, pecking your heated cheek once again before pulling you with him to his bed. Lying on the mattress, he tugged on your hand until you laid down next to him, and almost like it was second nature to him, he wrapped his arms around you to draw your body closer to his. You nestled your face into the crook of his neck, the skin cool against your blush.
He hummed contentedly, tucking your head underneath his chin while he held you securely, tangling his legs with yours; there was no way you could move away, even if you wanted to.
There was nowhere else you’d rather be.
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collectorofsoulss · 1 year
Exile! Mammon x F!Reader
Mammon had a secret life. After all, his brothers can’t destroy what they don’t know. But what if they found out? Would they use this moment to be supportive? or destroy his single source of happiness?
A disagreement within the Household of Lamentation left Mammon packing, which wasn’t the first time. He comes back–eventually. Mammon always found a reason to return home, always. And even then in his absence, he wasn’t truly absent. Lucifer was able to keep track of his wildcard of a brother. He was so chaotic, destruction followed. All Lucifer had to do was pick up the newspaper and read. However, this time around not even the local casinos saw him.
Then finally! He returned. To Lucifer’s surprise, there were no traces of damage. Mammon was different. Here the minute, gone the next. Mammon was only present to handle royal affairs or attend mandatory meetings. Of course, there were occasional moments where he needed to cast judgment on those who were assigned to his layer of Hell, however, once the business was handled –Mammon was gone. 
It continued for a few years until Lucifer sought interest in his whereabouts. What changed him? Every demon he sent to trail him wound up missing or dead. The leads were cold, and no information was gained. It was only a matter of time before he did it himself. The Lords of Hell soon found themselves on a trip, scouring the realms of the world to find their dearest brother, Mammon.
When they did not find him during the first search it made them realize Mammon did not want to be found. While Lucifer hunted high and low he discovered rumors and talks about what’s become of his brother. Mammon did have a track record. He was known for entering bad deals, being easily manipulated, baring a curse he was unable to break. They all grew restless, and aggressive in finding answers. Some necks had to be broken, some lives had to be taken. Each result had Lucifer stepping over pools of blood to get to him.
Lucifer had everyone dispersed to cover more ground. Naturally, it was he who discovered the location. The neighborhood was quite…ordinary, basic, a place Mammon would never be caught dead in. The community was bright, friendly with neighbors who’d say ‘hello’ as he, a dark entity passed through white picket fences. A solid knock from his fist nearly unhinged the door. Even in his humanoid form, Lucifer was still large, still mighty. A single flick was all he need, anything more could decimate cities. Frustrated was what he was. His patience ran thin. It was not often Lucifer loses his composure but when it comes to those he loves, composure be damned.
“Hello, how many I help you?”
Lucifer wasted no time getting to the point. “Mammon. Where is he.”
“And you are?”
“It’s not about who I am but what you are going to be.” The air became thin. “Now. Where. Is. He.” A single wave of his hand had the knob snatched from your reach.
Enough of these games, he demanded to see his brother. A dip of his head, he stepped through the low door frame. Mammon was here, he could smell him.
“Excuse me!” you exclaimed, brutally shoved from the entrance. “You need to leave!”
Lucifer’s shadow consumed your form. Tsk. As if you were a challenge, you were barely an opponent. His aura dispersed through your home, immediately plants began to wilt. His crimson eyes radiated the gates of hell, instilling fear into your soul. Maintaining a distance, you accidentally collided into the furniture; the vase toppled over, shattering. A spell left your lips, attempting to buy some time to run–
“Did you really think such amateur hex could work on me?” he adjusted his gloves, breaking the barrier to pass the entrance hall. “You are more foolish than I thought. A trait that will now cost your life.”
“Does he owe you money too?” you whispered. “Please,” you plead. The racing of your heart left you breathless. “I’ll give you the money, just don’t make a scene–”
Before you knew it, small footsteps approached the confrontation. Tiny hands held a stuffed animal, a small child appeared but was frozen from fear. There’s a stranger in the house.
Lucifer’s intense demeanor shifted to observe this miniature human. No one else had those striking blue eyes and soft milky white hair. This human was, different – familiar.
The fear was evident in your eyes which made tears swell up in his ocean blues. “M-Mommy, I’m scared.”
“MJ, go back upstairs, I’ll be up shortly.”
As much as he wanted to move, he couldn’t, his legs refused to listen. Even with blurred vision, MJ saw the dark power. It drained everything of its natural energy. He was feeding from life itself. MJ had never seen anything like this, his eyes glossed towards yours and watched how it was consuming yours too. Soon his socks soaked as he made a puddle on the floor. In seconds you raised your child into your arms.
“If you can wait outside, I’ll give you everything I have, just please, leave my children out of this,” you reasoned.
Rage diffused from Lucifer’s body and was replaced with a new feeling, an unfamiliar emotion he dared not name. He took a moment to observe the walls and furniture of your home. Gradually, he approached a frame causing you to take a few steps back. Lucifer held it. There were you…him…and two additional members who ironically looked just like his brother. His dark eyes creased, unable to handle such vital information. Setting the photo down, Lucifer removed himself from the premises to make one single phone call.
In seconds you bolted up the staircase, MJ cradled against your chest until you reached the nursery. Maximus was peacefully asleep when you snatch him from his bassinet. He stirred a little but you hushed him forcefully. Traveling light, you wrapped him against your back.
“Mommy, my socks,” MJ whined.
“Honey, we don’t have time for that,” you grabbed his hand. “Let’s go.”
He fumbled a little, “B-But I'm wet.”
“We’ll change you later,” you promised. Quickly the two of you moved. That man – no, demon – invaded your home without permission. His presence was heavy, he made you weak. For a moment, your knees buckled as you pushed open the door. You surely would have fainted if you had stood in his presence any further. 
MJ lagged, small legs unable to keep up with your ferocious steps. Eventually, you boosted him into your arms. MJ’s buried himself deep into your shirt as you move, fearful of what’s to come. The exit was near, you could taste the freedom on your lips. Once you were outside, they wouldn't act. Demons wouldn't dare draw attention once in public. Where there were demons, hunters were to follow. If only you could get out in time.
The second you saw the door, the man was already sitting across the room – comfortably, as if he didn’t break a sweat in arriving before you. It felt as if time had stopped the moment you saw him. Expression – unreadable, he stared, not at you but at your children. He rose while your legs failed to continue. The blood rushed in your ears, your heartbeat – loud. 
Everything slowed, you were suffocating in the coldness of his presence. You tried to speak and say something, but there was nothing. Your mouth stayed shut as the demon approached, gradually closing in on the children. Your arms trembled with the lack of control. MJ peeked out from your shoulder and the intruder did not bare the atmosphere of death. Gently, you lifted your babies higher, trying to shield them both from view.
���I am not going to hurt you,” he disclosed.
He was lying, had to be. This demon came with intentions to tear you to shreds. What caused him to change so easily? Your throat constricted painfully. What should you do? Should you run? Stay still? All options seemed useless. Cause no matter what if he wanted you dead, you would be.
“I am Lucifer Morningstar; Mammon’s eldest brother.”
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janumun · 8 months
NSFW Alphabet (Obey Me Simeon)
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Rated: NSFW/18+ (please proceed at your own discretion)
Author’s Notes: Juno, hi! Never any shame in simping for the goodest angel placed among us. Thank you for asking for him and for being so patient! I’ve picked five NSFW alphabets here for Simeon, I hope you will see this and enjoy @living-in-the-state-of-dreaming 🙇🏽‍♀️♡
Also tagging @reallyfuckedupsmalldragon as requested!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Once the two of you have finished and have had the time to catch your breath, Simeon skims a line of gentle kisses along your jaw, your neck. Bodies entwined and close as he holds you in his embrace. Before he lets go at last, to get you a soft, clean towel, prepared well beforehand. Tracing it down the length of your body with care and affection so delicate, you almost croon in joy. If you insist on cleaning him up in turn, he seats himself, obedient. Back to you as you wipe down the curve of his beautiful body. Sessions like these often turning to laughter and kisses exchanged, sweeping soft cloth at each other until you’re both tangled into the sheets and feeling each other in an airy, sweet exchange of kisses.
Simeon also often keeps a pot of a certain, soothing blend of tea ready for your post coital needs. A recipe of the heavens, he claims, it is known for its comforting flavor and properties. Creamy on the tongue and a dash of fresh herbs, with a hint of bitter, but that you suspect is due to your Simeon’s own touch of expertise in the kitchen. You find it truly does help, however, when he utters a short incantation to warm up two cups of tea and settles himself against you for your moment of peace.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)/ E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Simeon hasn’t really shared any meaningful romantic relationships over his years, despite several centuries spent at Michael’s side. There's never been quite one he connected with, to such a spiritually deep degree, as he has with you. Most of his time spent on dealing with affairs within the Heavens and ensuring a smooth process for his fellows, countless centuries spent only for the betterment and happiness of his people.
Simeon is the kind to fall in love with a person’s soul, and yours is the one he found true comfort in after all this time. Before you, there wasn’t exactly a need to be with someone. He does not harbor any regrets from his time in the Heavens, time spent on his own. But with you, it does feel as if there’s part of him you complete with your own, when the two of you are together and one. And he wants to exhibit those feelings for you, with his entire being.
As such, he’s never really felt the need to relieve himself sexually, never felt the desire to perform acts that would not only bring one pleasure but leave one with child, if so desired. But with you...
You almost have to wonder if all angels are so... incredibly gifted in their abundance of semen, or if it’s just your Simeon who’s so incredibly wonderful, he leaves you pleasantly aching and so very full each time, you feel his release leaking from you, against your thighs and onto the sheets beneath with the slow withdrawal of him from your depths. So much of it, it leaves you flushed each time you feel the audible slosh of him inside and released from you.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)/P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? Etc)
Simeon is an incredibly passionate and adoring lover; none before have treated or handled you with as much care and devotion as Simeon puts into your love-making. And that’s exactly what he does; makes love to you, in the rawest, truest sense of the word.
Each garment he relieves you of, followed by a gentle flitter of kisses across the exposed patch of skin. Murmuring praise and love onto your flesh until you’re positively alight with happiness and pleasure. A flurry of kisses; mouths meeting and parting in soft, hushed laughter and private whispers. Hands cradled and entwined through the other’s, bodies pressed against each other, as he moves within you, slow and deep. So very weaved into each other, you feel every part of him, as if he sears his own brand of love against you with each roll of his hips.
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End Notes: Thank you for reading!
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lala3244 · 9 months
Heartbreaks: Lord DIAVOLO
-First time using 2nd POV. I hope I did okay :)-
You started dating them but others had decided they should date demons of powerful lineage not a mere human.
Warnings: Hurt/no comfort
Lucifer Mammon Satan Belphegor Asmodeus
You arrived in Lord Diavolo’s office. The Prince was sitting in his chair, sadness written on his handsome features. You frowned your eyebrows, wondering what was happening. He stood up when you entered the room and smiled. He showed you the chair in front of his desk and you sat down with a nod. You sat straight and put your hands on your lap. He was staring at you all along and waited for you to be comfortable. He still had his smile on his face but it wouldn’t reach his eyes. After a few seconds of silence, he cleared his throat. “I need to tell you something and it’s not easy.” You looked at him, your frown still on your face and nodded at him for him to carry on. “I… I don’t really know how to tell you this but a few of the nobles’ families had a council a few nights ago and they had decided that I should start courting a demon of one of their families to produce an heir. I guess they’ve heard rumours about the two of us dating and they don’t agree. Unfortunately, even though I am their ruler, they hold a lot of power and can decide or veto who I date so we won’t be able to go on dates anymore.” 
While you were listening to him, your chest started to become painful and you couldn’t breathe anymore. Tears were forming in your eyes which you tried to retain. When he said the last sentence, you stood up and said “I understand Lord Diavolo…” and before you could say anything else, he was in front of you. He grabbed your chin so he could look in your eyes. His eyes were a mirror of yours. Tears forming and sorrow darkening them. He pulled you closer to him. “Please, don’t be sad…” You took a deep, shaky breath and smiled. He lowered his head and rested his forehead on yours and took a big inhale to smell your odour. He closed his eyes to remember this moment. You put your hand on his cheek and whispered “I will miss you Diavolo”. You kissed where your hand was on his face and left.
Once the door was closed, you let your tears fall freely and ran towards the House of Lamentation. While running, you started to wonder how they knew you were dating Lord Diavolo. You remembered you had a talk with him and except you holding his arm when you entered a room you never showed any intimacy towards each other whatsoever but surely you were slowly falling in love with the future Demon King. Maybe was it the way you both looked at each other or how you would talk? You kept asking yourself all those questions that you wouldn’t be able to answer. You finally arrived in front of the House of Lamentation and opened the door violently then ran up to your room, leaving the front door open but slamming the door of your room. You locked it, so no one would bother you, and sank down on your bed, sobbing. 
A few weeks had passed after the end of your relationship with Lord Diavolo. All of the brothers tried to cheer you up. They didn’t know what had happened but they didn’t like seeing you so depressed. You slowly started to feel better when you all received an invitation. Lord Diavolo was having a party at his castle to celebrate his new relationship with a demon from the most powerful family in the Devildom. Yours had a handwritten note attached to it. It read “Hello my dear, I know it is not easy but I really wish for you to come. I would love to see you again as it has been weeks since I last saw you. Of course, it will be your choice. I miss you. Diavolo.” Your hands started shaking and you tried to hide it as the brothers were all around you and they still didn’t know about your relationship with their Prince. You heard Asmo squealed with happiness but slowly you could hear your heartbeat in your ears and it drowned all the sounds around you. After a few seconds, you looked at all of them and smiled. “Ah good, I am happy for him!” You hoped you sounded cheerful. 
The day of the party was there and you were a crying mess. You weren’t sure how you would be able to stop crying before you had to leave the house. You decided to put some music from the human world, music that used to cheer you up before and it worked slowly. You washed your face then started to get dressed. You went shopping a few days ago with Mammon and Asmo to get an outfit for the party. You wanted to look your best so Diavolo would see what he was missing and also you hoped it would help you feel better about yourself. You had a really good time with the two brothers and they even said they would be your date for that night. You had laughed at them but said yes so you all bought matching outfits. Asmodeus and Mammon knocked on your door so you could finally go to the castle.
You arrived in front of the building, you took a deep breath and braced yourself to get inside. You entered arm in arm with the two demons. You looked at the room and you saw them. Lord Diavolo saw you arriving with two handsome demons and his gaze darkened. You had a big smile on your face while Mammon was talking. He caught your gaze with his and slowly you approached them. You smile faded slowly with each step you took towards them. You were staring at her. She had dark hair and was pale skinned. She was the total opposite of your prince but she was such a beautiful demon. You gave them a weak smile and with tears in your eyes you bowed down, thing you’ve never done in front of Diavolo and left in a hurry. While your back was turned Diavolo started to follow you but Barbatos stood in front of him and slightly shook his head to let his master know that he shouldn’t run after you. He returned to his place, a sad look on his face. You carried on running tears finally flowing freely from your eyes. You ran and ran not caring about your way and after a while you stopped. You found yourself back at the Hall of Lamentations and contemplated either if you should go inside or go somewhere else.
Might do the others. I will see :)
No talk about cat this time
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curatoroffiction · 5 months
Overprotective (Part 1)
Based off of this post It all came to a head with The Incident™.
You were frustrated, having just left Levi's room. You'd brought him a series that you thought he'd love, it was much more like some of the stuff he used to be into, which had heartbreak and drama, but you'd heard it had a good resolution, even if it was sad. But the second things started turning sour emotionally, he began to panic. And when he asked if you knew what would happen, and you said "I've heard about the ending, but I saved actually knowing it for you", you didn't expect what he did next. He stopped the show and took the DVD out. This started a long fight that you barely understood. Him being upset that you weren't 'taking care of yourself', and you being upset that he was trying to micro-manage what you watched! You even jabbed at him telling him that "Avoiding the sad stuff isn't healthy!" which only made him more upset. You didn't understand why, so you just left. You ran into Asmodeus, who started worrying about the stress you were visibly under. Stress isn't good for one's health. He first asked if you wanted to take a soothing bath with him, which you shrugged off, thinking that would be the end of it. But it wasn't. He kept badgering you to let him help you destress. It started very flirty at first... Until it became desperate. You continued to decline, and he became more worried, which caught Satan's attention. When Satan heard you were stressed out, several stress-related illnesses flashed through his memory and he became very serious trying to give you other options. If anything, their insistence on controlling another aspect of your life was making it worse. You were on the verge of exploding when Belphegor came around. You called out to him, but he turned right around and walked away. You frustratedly chased after him, but when you turned the corner he disappeared behind, he was gone. Instead, you found Mammon. With the shadiest bag of vitamins you've ever seen. No label, just some random supplement in a plastic bag. "You want some vitamins?" The sight would have made you laugh a week ago, but right now, it was just frustrating. "No! I want everyone to stop badgering me! And for Belphegor to stop AVOIDING me!" "Sounds like you could eat. Lemme cook you up something." Mammon was the one who was the best at reaching out. He'd been slyly learning how to cook on the side, so he could get more veggies and fruits into your diet. And the food he's learned to cook was really yummy. Begrudgingly, you accept, and he takes you to the kitchen, also giving Asmo and Satan a covert thumbs up. The two let him take care of you, seeing that your stress instantly began to melt at the idea of food. That is.. Until you got to the kitchen. Mammon begins pulling out veggies and fruit to make you a few dishes, but Beelzebub keeps hovering around to try to control your portions. No matter how much you told him it was insulting, he just couldn't bring himself to stop worrying. Mammon always makes you too much food, seeing as how he keeps trying to pack in the nutrients like they're going to culminate in prolonging your life indefinitely. Once again, you're pissed, and this time with new vigor. You finally storm out of the kitchen and out of the house, only to see Lucifer coming in from the walkway. And he's blinded by how dangerous it is for you to walk around Devildom alone. He tells you as much and you just shout "WELL I HOPE I DIE THEN, BECAUSE IT'D BE BETTER THAN THIS HELLSCAPE" while trying to brush past him in frustration. You didn't even mean the words, but no one had been listening to you and no one was giving you a chance to control anything in your life without supervision. They've been so controlling and so accidentally belittling, making you feel less-than, making you feel like a child in a house without love. Part 2
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zephyrchama · 24 days
(Mentions/descriptions of minor injuries, present and past.)
“There, all good.”
“Thanks, Satan.”
Your leg looked much better now that it had been disinfected and bandaged. Not that it was in bad shape to begin with.
Anyone would have thought a dire medical emergency occurred by the way everybody had leaped into action when you fell. Six of the brothers somehow managed to carry you together - one for each limb and another two on the sides to support your back - because they couldn’t pick just one person to help you back to the classroom.
It was incredibly embarrassing. You closed your eyes to avoid making eye contact with any of the other students, but you still heard the hallway whispers and Thirteen’s loud laughter.
Once back inside, Lucifer immediately evacuated his seat behind the podium at the front of the room. You were placed down like a precious glass ornament. Each brother played a different role in patching you up, but you would have been fine on your own.
“This cut kind of reminds me of one I got as a kid.” You twisted your leg around a few times to look it over. “It’s in the same spot.”
Mammon leaned against the back of the chair and grabbed your shoulders. “Are you tellin’ me you cut your leg before?”
“First time I’ve heard that.” Beelzebub frowned.
Satan nodded thoughtfully, hand on chin, “you’ve never told us this before.”
“Yeah, ‘cuz I just remembered it.” It happened so long ago that you completely forgot.
Asmodeus buried his face in his hands. “How could you be so irresponsible?”
“I was a kid! Kids get scrapes all the time. I probably got it the same way, too.”
“You fell? Well… At least it didn’t scar.”
“Asmo, how d’ya know that?” Mammon asked.
“Because I know every inch of their skin very intimately.” Asmodeus smirked.
Mammon gripped your shoulders tighter. “Ok! Well! So do I!” he growled.
Leviathan came to sit on the floor next to you, looking worried. He fiddled with your pants leg to make sure the hem wouldn’t roll down over your bandage. “So there were other times you got hurt as a kid?”
“I mean, yeah? Bruised my arm pretty badly one time, right here.” You pointed to the spot.
“How come you never told us?” Belphegor asked. He was craning his head up to look at you while laying on the table, which Lucifer hadn’t noticed until that moment. The eldest gave him a push.
Belphegor muttered some choice words and slunk off to get a chair of his own, which he relocated closer to you. It screeched loudly as he dragged it along the floor. Beelzebub just stared and the others flinched, but Satan and Lucifer looked ready for violence until the youngest finally plopped down.
“We’re supposed to know everything about you,” he stated.
“Since when?”
“Since forever,” Leviathan was quick to clarify. “You have to tell us everything, and don’t spare any details.” His sentence ended there, but you swear you heard “the lore…” whispered almost imperceptibly.
“You better not be holdin’ back on us.” Mammon shifted a bit. He appeared to be getting tired of standing, but didn’t want to give up his prime real estate by your side.
“So I have to tell you everything? Like… when a butterfly poked me in the eye?”
A couple of them winced.
“Did it hurt?” Asmodeus asked.
“Did you tear it apart?” Belphegor asked.
“No, I think I was more shocked than anything? Maybe a little? And no!” You glanced down. “Levi, stop taking notes about me.”
Leviathan tutted and swiped out of the notes app on his D.D.D..
These demons and their theatrics. You couldn’t help but smile. “You’re all just overreacting, as usual.”
Satan shook his head. “No, I think you’re under-reacting. There are lots of dangers to humans in the Devildom. You could have gotten a nasty infection.”
Asmodeus gasped, “you could have lost your leg!”
”Or attracted predators,” Beelzebub added.
“On school grounds? Please. At worst I’d only attract Mephisto sniffing around for a scoop for his newspaper.”
Lucifer crossed his arms. You had faith he was going to say something sensible. “At least this isn’t as bad as that time you bruised your rear in the bath.”
There were seven scandalized gasps, including your own. “I told you that in confidence!”
Mammon was yelling in your ear, “how come I wasn’t the first to know about this? Hah?”
Asmodeus lept forward, “show me where!”
“Is it still there?” Satan inquired.
“Do you not trust us anymore?” Beelzebub looked deflated.
“That’s not it, Beel, I just- ack, Levi!” You shouted and shook your bandaged leg as the third-born clung to it desperately.
“It wasn’t my bathtub, right?” he practically sobbed. “Aahhh, I knew I needed to fill it with more pillows. Ahhhh.”
“Why would they be anywhere your tub?” Belphegor took hold of Levi’s collar and wretched him back. By the way he fell, it wouldn’t be odd for Leviathan to get a butt bruise, too.
“If it happened in your room, you would have been there,” you assured, knowing this would start another round of arguing.
The bell signaling next period mercifully rang. You’d never been happier for class to start again. All that was left was to get to your usual seat, which you stood up to do.
“Woah, whaddya think you’re doing?” Mammon put an arm in front of you.
“Going to my seat…?”
“You’re in it, sit back down.” Lucifer said.
You hesitated, giving them a puzzled look. For a moment you considered running past them. A simple cut wouldn’t hold you back, but there were no scenarios where you could outrun them without magic. You narrowed your eyes and sat down as the seven surrounded you again. You got a bad feeling.
“Just make it quick.”
Other students were already starting to filter into the room. You didn’t particularly want to be seen being relocated by these overly doting brothers. You grabbed the edge of the seat as four of them lifted it up, with the others griping about there being insufficient space for them to grab hold anywhere.
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The Love of Pride (Obey Me!) fic
content: Lucifer X reader fanfiction. Romance, established relationship, mature subject of sexual intimacy and making love.
Lucifer took his time gazing at you. His bedroom filled with the soft sounds of your breathing. His own naked frame lounging on the bed with a chilled glass of Demonus as his red hues took you in. What little light that filtered in tracing over your own bare skin. He smiled to notice how you had fallen asleep after that last round of making love. Since the two of you had been in his room for several hours by now. Completely your fault if anyone asked him.
A huff of a chuckle escaped Lucifer's lips before he sipped at the cold liquid. Those scarlet eyes gazing at you with complete contentment and unconditional love as he sighed. He had stopped asking himself how you had captured his attentions a long time ago by now. Instead choosing to savor what the two of you might savor together. His simple and secret ways of hinting at his feelings leading to these moments of bliss. Tonight, you had deemed to tell him to stop working and do some self care instead. Which had led him to whisking you into his arms to kidnap you to his bedroom. Clothes soon stripped of both your frames as he spoke molted words of desire against your ear. Lucifer had taken his sweet time being slow and meticulous with you. Touching your body in ways that made you moan his name through parted lips. His kisses over you given in sacred worship of making you breathe out his name like a prayer. Lucifer gave you a slow kind of torture to send both of you to bliss over and over. Which had left you fully sated and half conscious as Lucifer held you close.
Lucifer soon drained his glass to hear you shift in the bed. His smirk one of playful mirth as he gazed at your face. Your eyes meeting his for his wings to give a shiver of delight. "It seems you finally woke up. Perhaps next time you will think twice before telling me to stop working. Now then, my darling little lamb. I think it is time I devoured you."
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
Hello! Could I request the bros reacting to an a quiet Mc who’s love language is just silently leaving hand-crocheted plushies/items in their room and leaving wintout saying anything? Kind of like how a cat would leave a dead lizard or mouse for you, but instead it’s small handcrafted stuff.
Some people also head cannon Asmodeus as a crocheted or knitter, and it could be fun to keep that in mind if you want.
Thank you in advance, and have a nice day!
Hello, anon!
Okay so you just happened to hit on something that I have knowledge of lol. I haven't crocheted in a while, but it is something I have done quite a bit of! Though I have yet to make an amigurumi type project, I really should get on that.
Anyway, I didn't know about the Asmo headcanon, but you can be sure it has been fully accepted by me now.
Thanks for the request!
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the brothers react to GN!MC who leaves them crocheted gifts
Warnings: none!
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The first time he finds a little crocheted item in his office or bedroom, he's slightly perplexed. What exactly is this thing made of yarn? But while Lucifer often acts like he's aloof, he pays close attention to you, and he's seen you crocheting before. This causes him to realize that you've left him a gift. In the privacy of his room, he's going to blush because he can't handle how cute you are.
Confronts you about it. MC, did you make this for him? If you try to dodge the question, it won't work. He knows it was you, he just wants to hear you say it. You might as well indulge him and admit it. If you do, he'll tell you he has a gift for you, too, which turns out to be a hug or a kiss.
If you made him a little plushie, he keeps it forever on his desk or beside his bed. Absolutely glares down anyone who might even think about picking it up. If you made him something like a scarf, he wears it at every opportunity.
He's not going to be blatant about it, but the way he clearly cares for the things you've crocheted for him lets you know how he feels. He's protective of them, but he also likes to show them off.
You'll be leaving things for him in his room for some time before you realize how much it means to him. Because every time he finds a little crocheted item you've left for him, he stashes it away like a little treasure. He knows they're from you, but he's too embarrassed about how much he loves them to talk to you about it directly.
You figure it out when you stumble upon the stash. It's in his room somewhere safe and you just happened to find it. A little hoard of every crocheted thing you've ever given him. If he's there when this happens, he's going to insist that it isn't because he likes you or anything. Of course you're makin' stuff for the Great Mammon, MC! He just figured he might as well take care of those things since you spent so much time on them and everything.
If you make him an amigurumi crow, he'll lose his mind. Customize it by giving it gold button eyes, maybe using yarn with little gold streaks in it. This becomes his most prized possession.
Mammon is constantly buying you more yarn to make things with. It's not that he wants you to make new stuff for him! (He does.) He just saw some and thought you might like it! (Please keep making him things, MC.)
Oh? What's this? An adorable crochet plushie version of his favorite anime character? He LOVES IT. It's one of a kind! No one has this but him! It's the most limited of limited editions! Yeah, he's thrilled. Like Lucifer, he figures out pretty quickly that it was you because he's seen you crocheting before. He's so happy to have received this item from you, he finds you instantly to tell you how great it is.
MC! W-would you maybe be willing to make him more? Like if you made a little Ruri-chan, you know he's going to want an Azuki-tan, too. At the very least! He starts a whole collection. Custom crochet character plushies. He makes a blog to show them off to people online.
Make him some fingerless gloves to keep his hands warm while he's gaming. You'll find he almost never takes them off. Gets comments about them when he's streaming, but doesn't ever answer any questions about where they came from.
He might actually ask you to show him how to crochet. He might want to make you something in return. He also might be interested in making crochet clothing items to go with various cosplay ideas. He'll give you all these reasons, but secretly Levi just wants to spend time with you.
He knows exactly what's happening, but he doesn't say anything to you for a little while. He wants to see how many things you'll bring him first. Eventually he can't help himself, though, and he casually mentions how much he appreciates all the little gifts you've been leaving him. You truly are adorable, MC.
He might actually ask you to crochet him a book cozy. He's probably seen them on Devilgram - little pouches for holding a book to keep its pages safe from getting bent up while on the go. If you make it, you can be sure Satan will never part with it again. Though he may need you to make more than one for different sizes of books.
You can really make him blush like crazy if you make him a bunch of cat plushies. Every time he sees a new one, he's overcome by the cuteness. It's the closest he'll ever get to having his own cats in the House of Lamentation and that means so much to him.
Returns your gifts with things he's chosen for you. Writes you poetry. Gives you books of crochet patterns. Makes you bookmarks with ribbons and pressed flowers. He isn't overly demonstrative in general, so this is his way of letting you know how much he loves when you make him things.
Since he can also crochet and likely knits, too, this becomes a gift-off. Every time you leave him a little something, you find something from him in your room the next day. They're often on theme - for instance, if you make him a plushie of himself (once he's done swooning over it), he'll make you one of yourself. That way you're always matching.
He likes the secretiveness aspect of this, too. Sneaking in your room to leave you gifts is exciting. But he can't keep it up for very long because he wants to tell you how much he loves what you've made. As soon as he sees you've found his gift, he gushes to you about the one you left for him.
Now listen, MC. You can crochet, he can crochet, the only thing you guys could possibly do is design some crochet outfits and accessories! He wants you to model them all for him, too. Posts everything on Devilgram unless you're too shy and then he only posts selfies you've taken with him. Crochet accessories become a trend in the Devildom after that.
Asmo also just loves to crochet with you. Sitting side by side, watching some TV or listening to his brothers bicker or just chatting while you both work on your latest projects. Teaches you new stitches and patterns that he's created over the years.
As long as you don't make him a plushie cheeseburger or something, he's going to love them. Any time you make anything food themed, you run the risk of it being eaten before he realizes it was actually made of yarn. It's probably something he figures out after the first few times, but even if he knows it's not technically edible, that might not stop him if he gets hungry.
He has a much easier time remembering not to eat things that are not food shaped, though. Make him a little plushie of himself and Belphie and he'll be over the moon. Make him extra happy by giving him one of yourself, too.
If you make him some kind of accessory like a scarf, it just becomes part of his regular outfit. He rarely takes it off, wears it every day. Beel is really protective of it, too. Keeps it safe when he does take it off, makes sure it never gets crumbs on it.
You're really amazing, MC. He's genuinely impressed that you can make so many cute things with just some yarn. He actually loves to watch you crochet because it looks like magic, but you're not actually casting any spells.
Another secret hoarder, so at first you're not sure he's even getting your gifts until he wears something you made. Enjoys gloves and little pillows, but fully appreciates everything you make, even if he acts like he doesn't. Keeps them all next to his pillow on his bed.
While crocheting a blanket can take some time, if you do this for him, you can be sure that blanket will become his favorite thing in the world. He doesn't like to nap without it. If he's going to get cozy somewhere, he brings that blanket with him. He'll love any pattern you go with, but if you make one that matches his cow print pillow, he'll probably lose his mind.
Absolutely loves to wear any and all items you make for him because there is something so soft and cozy about the yarn. He might use all of them as pillows at some point. They're comfortable and they smell like you.
Belphie likes to sleep on your lap while you crochet. He'll hold the ball of yarn for you while he sleeps. He likes to snuggle up with you and he likes the steady rhythm of your body moving with each stitch you make. Please tell him whenever you're planning on sitting and crocheting for a while, MC. It's kind of his favorite thing.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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ashriverr · 1 year
Laying on Lucifer’s chest in his bed, your face buried in his shirt. It’s nighttime and you can faintly hear the sounds of the nocturnal Devildom creatures outside. Lucifer gently and slowly traces constellations onto your back. You try to guess each one, letting out an irritated huff when you’re incorrect. He corrects you, teasing you a bit in the process.
“I love you,” you admit for the first time in your relationship after a moment of silence. Lucifer’s tracing pauses and you can barely hear the sharp intake of a breath. You pull yourself up and look into the demon’s crimson eyes.
“Say that again,” he breathes, eyes wide.
“I love you, Lucifer.” He places a hand on your cheek and strokes a thumb across your skin. The outside noise fades away and it’s suddenly just the two of you in this moment. His eyes soften and his lips curve upwards in a smile filled with absolute adoration.
“And I, you.” He pulls you in for a kiss, and your heart bursts like a star in the night sky.
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kitsune-oji · 7 months
Mission Accomplished
Another fic I had in my notes and thought I'd repost! Can't remember what I called it the first time around so it got a new title
Mephisto & Regressed!Mc (they/you)
Word count: 1'699
Warnings/Tags: positive Age Regression, regressor Mc, involuntary regression in public spaces, fluff, Mephisto is a bit tsundere?, Diavolo & co know about Mc's regression
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You yawned, trying to be discreet about it while you continued watching your teacher talk. Really, you should be paying attention but you found that to be harder with every moment passing.
If only you weren't so tired and so incredibly comfortable at RAD. By now, the school, no, academy had basically become a second home to you. But it was also filled with so many stressors.
Of course, the at the House of Lamentation you had to fight for time alone as well and the constant attention and fights from the brothers stressed you out but at least you knew them and got comfortable with them. Here, there were so many people you didn't really know, a good portion being demons who didn't particularly like you either, just for being human.
Then there was the need to cram information into your head lesson after lesson, group projects, tests, presentations-
It was really no wonder you sometimes couldn't keep yourself from regressing on campus. Fortunately, the brothers knew about your age regression and always kept an eye out for you. If you did end up going tiny, there was usually always someone there to take care of you, to excuse you from the lesson and take you elsewhere. Somewhere you could stay and play until you slipped out of your headspace again.
It was sort of embarrassing that there was a corner for you to play in Diavolo's Office but oh well, it was nice having them all support and care for you so much.
That was, usually. Right now, there was nobody around you for once. A rare occurrence but possible nonetheless.
It wasn't like you couldn't navigate and survive the RAD hallways on your own but when you felt yourself gently slipping into your headspace, a low simmering panic gripped you. Desperately, you tried to stay big, blinking rapidly and shaking your head but it was of no help.
It was one of those times when you couldn't control it at all. Had something triggered it? You didn't notice anything that could have but sometimes you don't understand why your brain reacts the way it does.
Anyway, you had to figure out what to do. There were lots of other students in the halls, you were undercover now, they couldn't know you're actually tiny. Your mission was to get somewhere safe without anyone finding out you're not big right now.
Alright, you nodded your head sharply only once, determined to succeed.
It was strange walking like this, so tall, your limbs feeling kind of lanky and clumsy in their movements. You tried to take control of them as best you could but a part of you was worried you looked weird in the way you walked. Did you look like a robot? Maybe, maybe not.
Your lips pursed but then you noticed and quickly tried to stop, pressing them together instead. Subtly, you looked around, seeing a door that wasn't like the others. It looked kind of similar to the one heading into Dia's office and with a spring in your step, you quickly walked over to it, happy to find it opening easily.
In one swift movement, you walked in confidently and closed the door, stopping in your tracks while looking at it. Mission accomplished!
Your facade fell like a heavy cloak from your shoulders, a big grin stretching your lips and a giggle as clear as the sound of bells ringing out. You did it! You really did it!
Euphoric, you turned around, just to see another wall in front of you. No, not a wall, a chest.
Slowly, your gaze wandered up to the face of the person standing in front of you. Tan skin, purple hair, looking a bit haughty... You've seen him a few times before. Mephio-hm mephispophe- no, whatever, Mephi.
He looked a bit scary standing so close and looking down at you in what you guessed was disapproval? Sometimes you guessed expressions wrong but you thought you were probably right this time.
Your hands clasped behind your back, you rocked on the palms of your feet, pressing them together just like your lips again. Should you say something?
"What are you doing in here? Do you know how rude it is to just barge in without even knocking?"
Ah, right. You didn't think anyone was in here but Lucifer did say knocking is important.
"'m sorry..", you mumbled, trying to rub your feet together. It proved a bit difficult with your shoes in the way.
Since you were looking to the side, you couldn't see the frown on Mephisto's face deepen. He was sure you were behaving strangely, the few times he had seen or even interacted with you, you hadn't behaved like a child but now..
"Never mind that now, what are you doing here?"
Mephisto sighed and relaxed slightly. There was no reason to stay mad at something he couldn't change right now. Rather, there were much more pressing matters, such as your behavior and sudden appearance in the RAD newspaper office. You should be glad he was the only one here right now.
"A mission!", you exclaimed much to the demon's surprise, "Gotta get away from people outside cuz they can't know I'm-"
Gasping, you clasped your hands in front of your mouth as your eyes widened. You had almost just told on yourself! The mission wasn't successful at all! He had seen you when you weren't acting big!
But why was that bad again? Mephisto didn't seem dangerous or angry or put off by you, so it should be ok, right?
While you were thinking, he watched your facial expressions change with your thoughts. You really had no filter when you were regressed, it seemed.
Yet Mephisto didn't know the reason for your strange behavior and only watched on in curiosity. The more he saw, the more he was sure that you acted like a child.
Unrestrained, honest, pure. The demon had to admit it was kind of cute, no matter how strange the situation was.
"Can't know what?", he asked after a while, eyes following your hands as they lowered and you fiddled with your fingers, unconsciously pulling at your skin.
Without thinking about it, Mephisto took your hands in his and stopped you from further pulling on your skin, his tone reprimanding when he told you to stop it before you accidently hurt yourself. But apparently he sounded too mean because the next thing he knew, your bottom lips started wobbling and tears gathered in your eyes as your shoulders started to shake.
Eyes wide, the demon let go of your hands and apologised, ushering you further into the room and to one of the couches, asking if he could touch you to soothe you. He had meant to maybe rub your back but instead you sobbed and threw your arms around him in response.
A bit overwhelmed, Mephisto shushed you and rubbed your back until you calmed down, handing you a tissue when you finally let go of him. Though it was surprising, he couldn't really say that he minded.
Was that how he found himself walking with you towards Lord Diavolo's office? You held his hand and walked funnily, making strange sounds the whole way there.
He had asked you if you wanted to go somewhere else, since he had no idea what to do with you right now and thought he heard wrongly at first.
"T' Dia!", you had said, throwing Mephisto off completely.
"You mean Lord Diavolo?"
"Yea, Dia!"
Your open palms flew through the air in your excitement. Since going to him meant play time, of course you wanted to go there, surely Mephi must know that, right?
But of course he didn't know, how could he? Still, Mephisto agreed to accompany you to the prince's office on school grounds.
Part of him was glad that class was currently in session and nobody but the two of them roamed the halls. Hell forbid someone saw him with the human exchange student, while they were acting strangely at that.
Though no matter what Mephisto thought, he started treating you as you were acting. Like a child.
There wasn't much thought behind it, it was almost instinctual in the way he made sure you didn't trip and held your hand without complaint. Perhaps this was the the effects of a curse? That was the only reasonable explanation he could come up with.
Until you arrived at Diavolo's office and you let go of his hand to run up to the future demon King with no warning. Instead of confusion however, Diavolo responded with laughter as he quickly stood up to catch you in his arms and spin you around to lessen the impact of your tackle hug.
To him, it was clear that you were regressed. After the many times he had looked after you, it was no surprise. But Mephisto only seemed more confused than before.
For now, Diavolo ignored his questions and set up the play mat and toys with a flick of his wrist. They flew from the cabinets and found their places neatly, only to be disturbed by your hands the moments Diavolo gently set you down.
Normally, he would have let you explain it yourself but Mephisto wouldn't leave until he understood what was happening and since he had already seen you like this anyway..
After the short but precise explanation Diavolo gave him, Mephisto looked back at you.
He watched the way you looked entertained by stacking smooth wooden blocks on top of each other, trying to make the tallest tower but failing again and again. Sometimes, you even destroyed it yourself, sounds of delight leaving you as you clapped your hands.
Not a curse then, just the wonders of the human brain.
Thinking about it, he wouldn't mind taking care of you again, though vehemently denied it when Diavolo asked. Judging by his laugh however, Mephisto hadn't fooled him at all.
Still, if you came to the Rad newspaper club again while in this state of mind, Mephisto would be sure to help you out.
Just because Diavolo would want him to, of course- !
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antaresgalaeth · 6 months
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I'm working on the 2nd part of my fanfic about Lucifer and MC (Click here to read part 1 on Ao3/Wattpad/Tumblr)
Meanwhile, I was designing my MC, Antares :3
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