#sweet wilbur
royalarchivist · 1 year
Quackity: *sniffling and crying* Wilbur, can I speak to you?
Wilbur: Yeah, you can.
Quackity: Can I speak to you privately?
Wilbur: Wait- Tallulah's saying something to you, Big Q.
Quackity: What is Tallulah saying?
Tallulah's sign: mr Quackity I hope you can feel better soon <3
Quackity: [SOBS HARDER]
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teethkid67 · 4 months
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aka a valentine for the lovely @itsnotmystic / @corvids-calling - fanart for stars fic of the same name, which you can read here !!! i really enjoyed this concept and wanted to do some art for it :3 hope you like it because i REALLY loved your work & i hope this shows that !!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !!!!
this is also a loose love-letter to the wonderful @arginnit 's crazy background-drawing-ability and style/skill at portraying environments . wadds your stuff is insane and i love it
happy @mcyt-valentines exchange !!!!
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chaotic-goodsir · 2 months
Wilbur just sitting there slow clapping watching Ted finally survive a timeline, while Hidgens dies for the sake of getting his show released on youtube.
What a perfect ending. Thank you Starkid.
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abbygalz · 5 months
one more thing gents and ladies and others before I hypothetically sleep I need this man this one only this one
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To call me a his sweet girl
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maskedbutsilly · 1 year
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and i will be gentle with your heart, if you promise to do the same
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phoibos-querella · 2 months
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getting back to posting ctnt fanart by drawing fanart of how I interpreted tntduo to look like in the beginning of the first chapter of the fanfic Burning Iron and Honey Sweet Promises by @emi-writings
please check out the fic on ao3 with this link or check out emi's tumblr account :]
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ctntduotism · 2 months
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WAAUGHWAHGHHH I finished fnv it was so gooddd
I just started fallout 3 and the story is soo music duo dude
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ace7librarian · 2 months
The fairy and the woods have the same dynamic as miss Holloway abd Wiley, change my mind
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dontfindmerain · 1 year
(for my lovely @wiipes bcus ur works are amazing)
warnings: slightly suggestive
enjoy my first fic lol
It’s not a common occurrence to be roommates with someone famous. Well, he might not be considered a celebrity but Gods did he have a following. A few years ago you put out a sort of advertisement looking for someone to share rent with after your ex-roommate decided to leave without warning you. Wilbur had been desperately looking for a new place to stay and messaged you.
The both of you fit quite well together, and you lived together for quite some time before you became aware of his presence online. When you eventually did, there wasn’t any argument or rash discussion, just a simple curiosity that he was happy to indulge. You would often put his streams on in the background, never really chatting or donating, just observing. The numbers surprised you at first, not quite comprehending how he could ignore them, though later on you grew accustomed to his fans and even became one yourself. When he started Lovejoy he would play the snippets for you, giving you sneak peaks at lyrics and melodies. It was his small way of continuously including you in his life, excited to share new things with you. He even had you in his office while he streamed sometimes, wanting you to be closer to him.
After one particular stream, you had gone to the shops to pick up food and arrived back at the office to a stuck Wilbur. You had forgotten the rule about his office door. You laughed at the expression on his face when he saw you through the window, hitting the glass and begging for you to let him out.
“You alright, Wil?” You chuckled after finally getting it open, “Didn’t mean to leave you trapped.”
“I can’t believe you did that! I was stuck for a whole 14 minutes,” he gasped dramatically, smiling down at you. “Did you bring me my food at the very least?”
Your tone turned sarcastic, teasing him, “Oh gosh! I’m so sorry, I completely forgot about you. Nope, this is all mine. Looks like you’ll have to starve, Wil.” You smile, holding up the two bags of food, way too much for just one person, before handing him his order. “Of course I got your food, dumbass. Now let’s go home so we can eat, please?” You say turning around and heading back toward the stairs.
“I don’t think I like your tone very much, Pebble,” he smiled, hurrying to walk beside you. It was his favorite nickname to use ever since you had been locked out of the flat with a dead phone and resorted to throwing pebbles at his window.
The walk home was quick, the two of you chatting about nothing in particular. He opened the door for you when you arrived, handing you the food bags and taking your coat, an unspoken tradition.
“Can you grab the silverware for me, pretty boy?” you ask, immediately covering your mouth at the pet name. You had never called him that before and had no clue as to why you did just now, but you hoped he hadn’t heard it.
His eyes widened in a similar shock, “What was that?”
“I said, ‘Can you grab the silverware for me?’” You replied, your face flush with embarrassment.
“No no no, I specifically heard something else. Why don’t you repeat it for me?” he teased. You shook your head and attempted to push past him, deciding to grab the cutlery yourself, but he didn’t budge. “Come on, now, the food will get cold, just tell me what you said,” he smirked at you, placing his hands on your shoulders to stop you from getting around him. Your blush deepened as you continued to deny having said anything before giving up.
“Fine! I called you ‘pretty boy’! But it’s just an observation really, you are a boy and you are pretty. I think that’s quite accurate,” You rambled on, his smile getting wider.
“Alright, alright, Pebble, calm down. You didn’t upset me, I just enjoy messing with you,” he laughed out.
Your face was still red after dinner was finished. You took all the dishes and began to clean up. His eyes were on you the whole time, “You’re still red ya’ know.”
“What? I am not! Shut up,” you mumbled, busying yourself with cleaning and avoiding his gaze. You suddenly felt his presence behind you.
“I like when you get flustered, it’s cute,” he speaks softly, placing his head on top of yours and his hands at your waist. His demeanor was cautious, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. You turn around to face him and suck in a breath, his face is dangerously close to yours and his scent was intoxicating. ‘Was he always this handsome? Wow, his eyes are pretty.‘ Your mind went incredibly fast, the deep blush returning to your face as you looked up at him. His eyes glanced at your lips before looking back at you.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispered, so quiet you wonder if you had hallucinated. You nod and he leans in, gently pressing his lips to yours. He pulls away for just a moment before kissing you again, just as careful, but this time with more confidence, his hands moving to the back of your neck. This is clearly something he has been wanting to do for a while. He pulls away, watching you with a smile on his face. “You alright?”
You swallow before answering, “Yeah, just nervous I guess.”
“There’s no need to be nervous.. I’m not gonna bite you or anything,” he says, his smile softening as he notices how flushed you are. You laugh and speak in a quiet sarcastic tone, “What if I want you to bite me?” You stick out your tongue at him and he laughs.
“I might consider it if you ask real nice,” he says playfully, reaching out and pulling a loose piece of your hair back into place. You shuddered at the thought, mind wandering to less appropriate places. He leans into you, whispering in your ear, “You’re adorable, you know that?” He presses a small kiss into your neck before pulling away again, clearly feeling quite smug with himself.
You feel as though your brain has short circuited, you become incredibly flustered and struggle to make eye contact with him. He grabs your jaw lightly, forcing you to face him. “Do you want me to bite you?” he asks, his voice much lower than before. You nod without thinking twice.
He smiles and pulls you in gently, moving his hand from your jaw to your cheek. He kisses you passionately, before slowly biting down on your lower lip. His free hand grips your waist as he sucks on it, enjoying the change in your breathing. Again, he pulls away, “Is this what you wanted, love?” The smile on his face is proud when you mutter a small yes. He kisses you again, this time biting harder. His hand gently wraps around your neck, holding you in place. His lips travel from yours down your neck, sucking dark marks into your skin. His knee pushes between your legs, teasing you further before he stops all together.
“Fuck..” you breathe out. 
“Yeah?” he teases, “Here, let me help you finish cleaning up and then maybe we can talk?” His head tilts and you melt in his arms. He’s just too damn cute. You nod and the both of you work quickly, putting everything away and wiping down surfaces. When you’re done, he grabs your hand and drags you to the sofa.
“You are positively gorgeous, Pebble” he mutters, sighing before turning serious. “Y/n, I love having you around, spending time with you, getting dinner and such. Gods, I love simply talking with you,” he pauses nervously, “Do you think..? Would you like to be my partner?”
Your eyes widen and your voice is soft, “Are you serious, Wil? I would love to.” He smiles and pulls you in for a small kiss.
“I really like you a lot, Pebble. It’s been absolute hell trying to hide it,” he chuckles.
“I guess I kinda like you too, Wil. I mean, you’re alright,” you say playfully. He hits your arm and laughs.
“I’m amazing, thank you very much!”
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Luzu: Yeah, you know, I told people that I would happily make some dictionaries so that you guys have expressions to use, like you can have a book in your inventory that you open to have like basic Spanish stuff, I'm gonna mess his one, like his -
Phil: Oh yes, please.
Luzu: - book up, and I'm gonna make all like, have no meaning.
Phil: Please give him like, a - a silly book, a - give him a silly one.
Luzu: Yeah. How do I pronounce his name, Wilbur, or Wilb? Or Wil?
Phil: You got it right the first time! Yup, it's Wilbur.
Luzu: Oh yeah? Alright.
Phil: Yup yup! Or just Wil. Either - either works.
Luzu: I wanna have to find a way to, yeah, have a cold revenge. Like, he - he may be laughing today, and, "heehee, haha!" we did like this small joke, and in 20 days I'm gonna destroy everything that he loves in this server.
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emi-writings · 2 months
hello fanfic writer emi-writings 🫡 in burning iron and honey sweet promises, what is wilbur wearing under his brown cloak/what colours does he often enjoy wearing?
I want to draw ur fic's tntduo if ur wondering where these questions came from :]
Well, unfortunately, for most of the fic Wilbur is a sad beige baby. He literally only wears shades of brown, because his father is paranoid about him getting noticed by the fae. Not going to lie, I just picture Link's Hylian Armor but brown when I am writing him in his usual day to day wear. He does enjoy wearing literal lapis lazuli jewelry.
If he had his choice though, he'd be wearing blue! And it's actually one of the colors that Quackity puts him in whenever he's using glamor to make a scene for them, the other color being purple. There is also the outfit he wore during his ritual.
His ritual out was most based on this dress but with a sheer black cloak and some fantasy inspired jewelry. The outfit that Quackity puts him in for their autumn dance was based on this dress and this crown. His winter attire is more well described, but I can't resist showing off the cloak that inspired it.
Also I am mentally screaming at the idea of Burning Iron art.
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theredcuyo · 11 months
After what happened today on Bad's stream with Tallulah, I got a terrible angst idea
What if when Wilbur comes back he spends a few, very nice, very sweet says with his little girl, who just now is finally healing from being so apart
But then, the Elquackity starts to track him down, because he may be onto something, Wilbur as he is, may know too much, may just have noticed more that he should, and, maybe, just maybe, theres also a bit of resentment too
And then Wilbur goes missing, and not his dad, not his friends know where he is, and poor little girl is being taken care of by someone else but her papa again, but this time... No one knows when he'll return, even if everyone is helping to search for him, except obviously for...
Tallulah then thinks about it, and runs away, to go see him, her "other dad", who may know something, and she finds him... And he's not alone, no, her papa is with him!
Oh, she's so happy, and runs to give him a hug... But, thing is, instead of his usual warm response, or kind, loving words, he isn't moving, he's silent, and even if she holds onto him tightly, he feels cold, he feels so cold that she starts to worry, and when she looks up, gets nothing but an emotionless gaze, under a face that she can recognize but that its not the same, and a few words that make her tiny heart break into pieces
"Who's this little girl?, is it yours?" Wilbur asked Quackity, barely even looking at her
He smells like smoke and fireworks after they are used, she notices
This is a terrible, terrible idea...
Worst thing is, this could totally happen-
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greyyson-but-no · 1 year
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look at this comment wilbur put on a ycgma video <3
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nomsfaultau · 6 months
Gods are ever-shifting creatures. When they were gods of Harvest and Festivals, it made perfect sense that Technoblade and Wilbur would be intertwined. When rebellion broke out, naturally the hands and will of Revolution would be side by side. And then came the day when Wilbur became a god of Loneliness. He began to light floating lanterns, praying his other half would come home. Only, Wilbur didn’t realize the beauty of beacons is they draw in ALL who are lost and hopeless.
This mythology au contains themes of grief, hope, and the cure to loneliness that is found in one another. Major Character Death*
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smallishbabes · 2 years
Here is a couple of times Techno has included himself when referring to SBI
Sources under the cut
MCC Pride 2021
Spreading propaganda
Today I will cause problems on purpose
Moving stream
Gravity mod march stream
Nov 16
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maarriiii · 1 year
wilbur soot calling his daughter, Tallulah, darling, honey and “that’s my girl” will be the death of me. i can not and will not handle this well. i will be freaking out about this for the entirety of my waking moment.
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