#sweetheart and Darlin bloody <3
hobie-enthusiast · 1 year
— rulebreaker!hobie brown x perfectionist!gn!reader
— enemies to lovers, cursing (hobie says bullshit), dramatic tension, high school, hobie being a menace, and reader is fed up with him, or are they
— hobie brown was everything you weren’t, so maybe that’s what attracted the two of you together so well (pt. 1)
— this was originally meant to be one fic then i started writing and bam two maybe three parts. let me know if it’s any good for another part
— part 1 (here) | part 2 | part 3
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This was a dangerous game you were playing.
Hobie Brown was a menace. An absolute prick who had no respect for the rules or anything anyone told him. He skipped school constantly, broke every rule set in place, and never did what the staff asked of him.
The complete opposite of you.
You were the model student, you practically had to be. Best grades imaginable, excellent rule follower, and apart of almost every club offered. Nobody could complain about you or what you’ve achieved.
Well, except for Hobie Brown. He’s been messing with you ever since your first encounter, and you honestly were in no interest in playing this game with him.
“Mr. Brown, if you can’t keep quiet in this class then I’m going to have to ask you to talk with the principal.”
Hobie rolled his eyes as he propped his shoes on the desk in front of him, hands behind his head. "Sounds be'ter than lis'ening to this borin' lesson."
You find yourself scoffing at Hobie's useless words. Of course he would chose to be difficult on the one day of the week he showed up to school. In your eyes, it would be better for him to miss rather than interupting the lesson for those who just want to pass the class.
Suddenly, the teacher glances in your direction. "[Name], would you mind escorting him to the office?" She asks in a pleading tone. You sigh but give a smile, nodding.
The teacher gives another stern look in Hobie's direction, but he just laughs as he puts his hands up. You walk towards the door and step outside, waiting for the vigilante to join you outside.
Hobie stepped outside, glancing down at you. He says nothing as he begins walking, in the opposite direction of the office.
"Uhm, I know you hardly come here," You start, catching up to him. "But the office is the other way."
"Didya really think I was gonna follow ya?" He questions with a chuckle. When you don't respond, he raises an eyebrow. "Wow, ya did."
You sigh, moving to stand in front of him. "Don't be difficult, Brown. Just go up there and we won't have issues."
"Ain't no need to be so uptigh', sweetheart. Even the class presiden' can 'ave some fun."
You glare as he brushes past you. "One, don't call me sweetheart." You say in a tone. "Second, having fun doesn't include disregarding what teachers tell you to do."
"Sure it does." Hobie says with a shrug, stopping to stare down at you. "Ins'ead of goin' to the office, I can go do whatever I feel like doin'. Much bet'er, don't ya think?"
The way he spoke so casually about breaking the rules infuriated you. Of course you didn't want to be here as much as the next person, but you couldn't imagine just interrupting and walking out like this. You were here to be the best you could possibly be, no distractions. But Hobie Brown was not letting you do that.
"Keep starin' and you might find yourself in a position you don't wanna be in, darlin'." He said, looking back over his shoulder.
Okay, that pissed you off. "Excuse me?"
Hobie rolled his eyes, turning back to you as he made his way to you. His hand lifted your chin, peering down on you. "Ya heard me. Though, maybe ya do wanna bend the rules with me."
"You don't know anything about me."
"I know u've had plen'y of time to go back to that bloody boring class."
As much as you wanted to deny his words, he was right. Why haven't you just left him to his own devices? It wasn't that hard to just walk away and let him suffer the consequences.
Why were you still here?
Your silence prompted a smirk from Hobie. "I'll see ya around, sweetheart." He says, turning back around to walk out of the school. You let out a frustrated groan, trying to ignore the way your stomach flipped at the contact or nickname.
Your next encounter with Hobie Brown was in the cafeteria the day after that incident. It was honestly a shock to you he even showed up two days in a row.
You walked along the halls with your good friend, casually chatting as you made it into the lunchroom. Lunch period was such a refreshing time in your mind, a good time to actually talk with people you like. And not deal with a certain someone.
You still couldn't figure out why you were thinking of him so much. Just from the one encounter, he's plagued your thoughts and mind. It was honestly so annoying in your eyes.
You grab a lunch tray, moving to grab a meal prepared for that day. It wasn't the most appetizing food, but it was better than nothing. You paid before stepping out of line to find a seat.
But of course, someone also had to walk in that path at the same time. They bumped right into you, causing you to trip forward and fall almost flat on your face. Or actually, right into the arms of someone who caught you.
You clutch onto the stranger, groaning at your food that was now on the floor. There goes your lunch. You sigh. "Thank you, I'm so sorry I-"
You glance down at the hand, then notice the familiar scent from the previous day. You glance up, seeing none other than Hobie Brown, small smirk on his face at your realization.
You immediately release your hold on him, standing up straight. "Brown." You say coldly and simply, crossing your arms.
He raises his hands. "Alrigh', don't acknowledge that I jus' saved ya from a bloody nose. That's wha' friends are for, huh?"
"We are not friends." You respond, eyes narrowing at him.
"Not with that at'itude we're not."
Glancing around, you suddenly become very aware of how many people are watching the two of you. You groan, hands running on your face before you face him again.
"Thanks, Brown. For catching me." You say with gritted teeth.
He gives that same damn smirk, ruffling your hair. "'s no problem, sweetheart. Jus' watch where ya step."
If no one was watching you would probably punch him square in the arm. He knew you wouldn't do anything; tell him off, hit him, nothing. You had a reputation to uphold as the president. What kind of president are you if you can't get along with everyone, including the school pariah.
You turn around after that, trying to get out of there as soon as possible. Of course, what were the odds you fall right into Hobie's arms. What a cruel twist of fate on you.
Damn you, Hobie Brown.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
That's how you find yourself in the present weeks.
Hobie comes up to you whenever he finds the chance. He comes to school more often, which may be good in some ways, just to see you. Of course it was odd to see the school's resident vigilante finding a friend in the school council's president, even after such a fiasco.
Only issue? You guys weren't friends! Not even close. You practically hates the guy. At least, you had to. That's what you thought, because that was the truth, right?
"So, what's the deal with you and that Hobie guy?"
You groan as you slam the locker shut, glancing at your friend. "Nothing is the deal. He's just an annoying prick."
"Woah, seems I hit a nerve." Your friend chuckled. "Just tell him to leave you alone. I'm sure he'll listen, no?"
They were right, you knew they were. Of course Hobie would leave you be if you asked him to stop or reported him. But something stopped you every time. You would always indulge in his antics and words, throwing back annoyed tones or sarcastic words. The easiest solution would be to just ignore him.
So why didn't you? Why did you expect him almost daily? What were you doing?
And of course, speak of the devil.
"Hey sweetheart." Hobie speaks behind you, leaning against the lockers. His eyes scan your friend. "Busy? I wanna talk to ya."
Your friend glanced at the two of you. "I'll.. see you later [Name]."
You sigh with a roll of your eyes, opening your locker back up. "What do you want?"
"Who was that?" Hobie asked. "A friend?"
"It doesn't matter. What do you want, Brown?"
Hobie chuckled quietly, amused by your somewhat hostile nature. "Not 'ere. Somewhere else."
You close the locker again to question his motives. But instead, you already see him walking off. This was the point you could have walked the other way, headed off to class like the good and perfect class president you were. That would be the responsible thing for you to do.
You debated with yourself for a moment before sighing, following Hobie at a distance. Why? Well you can't answer that. He led you to the front of the school, a side door in specific. You never really find yourself over here in specific, there was never a need to.
Hobie pushes the door open, walking out like it wasn't a big deal. He glanced back, ushering you to follow him. You groan but follow him. You were already too far from your next class to turn back and make it on time. Bailing at this point would be pointless.
"'m shocked ya haven't complained." Hobie spoke once you caught up with him.
You roll your eyes. "I'm actually a nice person, believe it or not. Just not with you, a vigilante."
"Hm, haven' been called that one before." He says, digging his arms in his vest pockets. "And don't worry, soon enough 'u'll like me."
"What makes you think-"
Hobie stops walking suddenly, tilting his head towards a tree. Your eyes narrow at it, but you couldn't dare deny how nice it was out here.
"This is where you wanted to take me?" You question as he sits down, taking his guitar off his back, placing it in his lap.
He nods, strumming the strings. "'s peaceful." He says, glancing up at you. "Sit. I ain't gonna bite."
Hesitantly, you sit down across from him, drawing your knees to your chest. You were grateful that this tree was far from the school, so no one could see you both.
God, when did it come to you skipping class with the Hobie Brown?
"So.." You draw out your word, looking at him with careful eyes. "What did you wanna talk about?"
"Oh, nothin'. Just wanted to get ya away from that friend of 'urs." He responded nonchalantly, shrugging as he tuned the strings.
You groan with a sigh. "Damn you, Brown. I could be in class right now!"
"But 'ur not. Ya didn't have t' come with me."
Of course he was right. Your own will brought you under this tree with Hobie as he mindlessly strums his guitar, skipping class in the process. Who was he making you?
"Besides," He starts, playing a chord. "Ya owe me. You know, savin' ya in the lunchroom? I wanna know more about ya."
You roll your eyes. Of course he would that against you. It wasn't like you asked to be saved like that.
But what else could you do out here with him?
"Fine. You get three questions. That's it."
Hobie nods, silently taking some time to think of the first question. "What's 'ur favourite colour?"
Well that certainly wasn't the type of question you expected. "Uhm.. [f/c]..?" You say with some uncertainty.
"Figures. Suits someone like you." He says, setting his guitar to the side to focus on you. "Alright, next question. Who's someone ya look up t'?"
"Easy, Spider-man. Some people call them Spider-punk, but I don't know, that doesn't sound like them." You speak casually, shrugging about it.
That answer surprised Hobie, but he didn't show it. Instead, he leaned back and questioned you as to why.
You sigh. "I guess.. it's because they fight for the good. They break all these rules, go against others expectations of a hero, and still save those who need saving. They still manage to do the right thing and save the day." You say, continuing on with your explanation. "I just wish that could be me sometimes. Breaking the rules and expectations set in place for me while still impressing others."
You clear your throat after, feeling as though you made things awkward. Hobie was silent as he just stared at you. Was he.. analyzing you? Your answer? You had no idea.
"Last question.." He continues, as if the last one never happened. "If you could do anything you wanted to, no limits, what would you do and why?"
Now this question was making you think. Anything? Absolutely anything? Maybe you were getting too deep.
"I would probably solve the-"
"No." Hobie cuts you off, sitting up. "Don't give me some bullshit answer abou' somethin' for others. Be selfish. I want an answer from [Name], not the perfect studen' council presiden'."
Your eyes widen, but then you look down, smiling to yourself somewhat gently. "I would.. I would run away to the city for a day, do everything that I want to do. Feel the freedom of not having everyone staring at my every move. Finally be able to just.. breathe." You say, not even bothering to see Hobie's expression.
You had no clue at that moment what his words meant, but surely they had to have held meaning. After a while, the two of you had to head back inside the school, the previous encounter and interactions still hanging heavily between you two. Still, you couldn't help but write a small note of 'thank you' to Hobie, putting it in his locker.
When Hobie went to his locker at the end of the day, the first thing he noticed was the crumpled up note with his last name written neatly on it. His mind immediately identified it as being from you.
'Thanks for letting me say all of that earlier. I don't think I've ever admitted to someone how much pressure I'm truly under. You really aren't that bad.
This still doesn't mean we're friends.
Yours truly, [Name].'
Oh yeah, Hobie would definitely be holding onto this note.
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ladybirdswritings · 4 months
Pretty Thing - Cooper Howard (Ghoul) x Reader
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Summary: You're a shiny, pretty prize worth more caps than can be counted on ten hands altogether. There's something special about you, and the Ghoul is determined to figure out just what it is.
Notes: Part threeee :) Lmk if u love this and I'll write more (feel free to leave me lots of comments and interactions, they motivate me!!)
last chap | A03 | masterlist
part 3
Vicious and prominent throughout each and every bone and dip within your body.
Horrible, familiar ache.
The sun was blinding, scorching redness onto your skin like ripe cherry tomatoes.
A few soft, scattered blinks and your gaze parted to white. Squinting amongst the hazy glow, the silhouette of an old, brimmed hat and a noseless shadow centered.
It was him.
“Mornin’ sweetheart.”
Your back was stiff, pressed against the decayed, withered roots of an old weeping willow. Your body was postured straight, tied tight by ropes you wanted to scratch at with haste if you could.
It took you a few more blinks, a few more moments past the confusion to remember just about everything that had transpired.
The experiments, the cage, the brunette and the Ghoul. The same Ghoul who was chewing on rotted straw with dark, curious eyes admiring his rope-work, running up and down your pallid figure.
Your heart rate sped then. You didn’t much like being contained— and it seemed as though you had only been traded from one cage to another.
You gon’ make me lots of money…
His distant words pounded against your skull in an infinite echo, swelling at your brain like a bee sting.
It all settled, then.
Your eyes widened, breaths more labored now as you struggled against the ropes with the very small amount of strength you had gained from your slumber. It wasn’t much.
He only watched you for a moment with a rather unimpressed expression on his mangled face. But then he smirked.
“Don’t get too rowdy now, sweetie. I won’t hesitate to tighten them ropes.”
The ropes cut into your purpled skin the more you fought against them. They were knotted in more places than you could count. Effortlessly crafted to keep you.
“Where are my keepers?”
Your voice was an awful rasp. A horrible, guttural sound. You didn’t recognize it. Then again, you didn’t recognize anything about yourself.
Your question, too. What a silly thing to ask. As if you’d prefer being with them instead.
The horrid creature, the place where his brows would be lifted in surprise. He took his time, his sweetened— honeyed time getting up. Swinging a leg round the scraps he sat upon and lifting to tower over everything in sight. A chill met your spine, acquainted with it.
He was silent, silent as his boots crunched against the bloodied ground. Closer and closer, even closer and never once did his eyes fall from your face.
“Oh… don’t tell me you miss em’ now, darlin’. Yous a masochist behind all them chains and ropes, pretty thing? Hmm?”
He smelled of bitterness and smoke, invasive and poisonous. It didn’t take him long to be a mere step before you— but he invaded it. Your breath left your lips, you poor— confused thing. You were in disarray as you turned your head so to escape him.
That wasn’t allowed.
His hand was a rough, unpleasant thing. Torn up and stitched together by frayed threads. It was foreign yet warm against your chin as he roughly redirected your gaze to him again. Demanding your attention. He hummed in dark approval when you lifted your wide eyes to find his.
“Hope not. They took all that meat off them bones o’ yours. We gon’ have to sweeten you up again, ain’t we?”
He was suffocating you. Every fiber of you. So close now that his breath was kissing your cheek.
Your gaze narrowed, jaw blooming with tension-coiled poppies.
“I could kill you.” You practically spat and God— how right you were.
You didn’t know the how or the why, the reason or the answers. No, you didn’t know any of that at all. What you did know, however, was that whatever fueled the crimson laced in your palms was enough to bring any ghoul to their knees. He could be no different.
And yet?
He laughed. A raspy, weak sound. Golden teeth on full display. Your head fell into a tilt of confusion, he followed it— huffing out a breath when he was done getting a kick from your words.
“Oh I know, sweetie. I know. But do you?”
But do you…
Three simple words forming a question that brought more fear to you than any ropes or chains ever could. You couldn’t remember. That was just the problem.
The sound of sharp metal scraping against worn leather made your wide eyes dart toward his free hand. The mangled Ghoul lifted a shined, silvered blade from his holster and pointed it right to the most vulnerable place at your neck.
You gulped, lips parting as your chest rose and fell. The cruel creature… he was teasing you, and he was enjoying it. There was mischief lit up like golden globes in his eyes, a soft and sadistic kind of smirk just ghosted on his lips. He scraped the blade against your soft skin, dragging it from your collarbone, up to your jugular, then right to your chin— all the while following the dangerous path with his eyes.
He could have sunk the blade in. Ended it. Turned in your body for far too many caps to count but… he didn’t. No… instead he brought the blade to the same ropes he caged you with and he set you free.
Your body was a home for every pin and needle in existence to dwell. Soon as your ropes fell to the dilapidated ground, you fell with them. On your hands and knees before his scruffy boots.
He stood there like that for a moment, looking down at you kneeled at his feet. Perhaps he was waiting to see if you’d run. You didn’t. Not because you didn’t want to but rather because you were afraid.
Afraid and confused.
Your eyes darted to your surroundings and every single inch of them was unfamiliar. How would you survive?
When the Ghoul was certain you were staying put, he parted from you; walking slow back to his seat of scraps as he ruffled some papers away from his coat.
With a clear of his throat, he began…
“Y/N Y/L/N. Age? Unknown. Species? Radioactive superhuman. Now ain’t that some wild shit, darlin’? You. Little ol’ you and you ain’t the least bit scarred or mangled, huh?”
You blinked, his words only a blur of nonsense you couldn’t quite break apart enough to be coherent. You cautiously lifted your head, gaze settling in on him again. He sat proudly, satisfied with all this. Right ankle rested atop left knee and stained paper gripped in ancient hands.
He looked on at you once, satisfied to know he had earned your attention again. With a deeper smirk now, he continued louder.
“Subject can absorb harmful radiation n’ process it to gain sustenance. Oo’ wee… n’ there’s more. Y/L/N possesses the innate ability to manipulate any form of power er energy and project it from her very hands— my my. Look at you. A god damn X-Man, ain’t you?”
His words, though understood in your conscious mind, you didn’t understand the importance of them. All you knew to be true was that people were afraid. Horrified.
Yet not him.
Not him…
Your breath left you, exhausted by the heat and position, and you bowed your head again. He silently skimmed through whatever else was printed on that precious page, and when he was satisfied? He tossed it aside and focused his attention back on you.
“Now I had thought that I was real damn lucky to have found you, you little money maker. But no, oh no darlin’— that just ain’t true. See, I ain’t got no use for ya’ if you kill me fore’ I get my payout. N’ you can— kill me. Ain’t a fool to admit it. You ain’t like me, you ain’t like vaultie or any of those tin soldiers. Nah, yous real special. Different. I thought bout’ dumpin’ you when I read this ol’ thing but damn it, sweetie… I must have a lil’ thing for strays.”
His tangent was laced with only parts you could keep up with. You were worth something, but he was unlucky to have you. He had a thing for strays, but he was set to dump you. You weren’t like him, but he too was a monster.
“You’re awfully contradictory…” it left your lips far before you could stop it, moving to sit or rather slump back against the tree as you spoke. Your ribs poked against your skin.
“Mm.” Is all he offered, staring on at you for a few more painfully long moments before he lifted again. He was even slower now, even more cautious in his approach. Towered before you and shifting so to squat— eye to eye you were again.
“See truth be told, sweetie, s’ you that needs me. Even exchange, really. Gon’ use you for all you’re worth, and you gon’ be fed real well. Ain’t gonna be held by no chains or rope. N’ I’ll teach you how to really, truly hurt a man enough to keep m’ down— understand?”
He wanted to help you…?
You didn’t have much experience at all with being, well, alive. That you remembered, at least. Living truly, not just breathing. Even so, if you searched hard enough beneath the surface of his words, you understood them. He needed you for your powers, as everyone else seemed to, and as a courtesy in return? He’d teach you all the things your keepers wouldn’t dare to, all the things orbiting planet freedom.
He was a stranger.
Then again… everyone was.
Your silence, your unspoken dilemma confined in your aching mind— it was enough to provoke his voice again.
“You can go on n’ run into that city, you know. Oh I ain’t gon’ stop you, pretty thing. No I ain’t. You know what will, though?”
Your gaze became a glare, and yet he was expectant.
“Go on, ask me.”
You didn’t quite follow, and yet if one thing was clear in your gaze and your consciousness? It was him… his commands.
“What?” Is but all you whispered, and it satisfied the mangled man enough to make him sigh.
The same awful, torn up hand that had lifted you into his arms. The same hand that had tied you hostage with rope and flipped through your dilapidated file, that same hand, it lifted once more so to brush away the hair sticking against your dampened forehead. You shivered at the sensation.
Gentle… the most gentle you’d ever felt in your entire consciousness; and from a Ghoul.
His eyes glazed over you like jam to buttered scone and with a twitch of his jaw and a tilt of his skull, he gave you the answer you were silently seeking…
“You will…”
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milliesfishes · 2 months
𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝔂'𝓼 𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓭𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚
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[fem reader] contains: grief, mentions of death, copious amounts of angst summary: you think billy's been killed pairing: billy the kid x fem reader author’s note: wish I could tag ordinary things anon; if you see this thank you for the ask and I love you for trusting me with your vision I very hope I did it justice <3 Pinterest Board Spotify Playlist
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"As long as you're in this world, darlin', I've gotta reason to stay in it."
Billy had whispered that in your hair one night when he thought you were asleep. You carried that with you since you heard it, surprised when it remained intact when your waking mind took form. Maybe you were meant to hear it.
This knowledge became more important to you every day, as wanted posters with your man's face crudely drawn on them started to crop up all over town. You felt your heart crumble a little every time you saw one, evidence of how the world saw the man you loved.
To them he was a killer. To you he represented love. Safety. Two things you hadn't had the luxury of keeping before. Your life was divided into two parts. Before Billy and During. You desperately prayed there wouldn't be an After.
When he met you, you were a closed off, timid thing who didn't have a word for anybody. Your past was your future in your mind. Once Billy got wind of your mindset, he worked with all his might to change it.
He gathered you up and put you back together, kissing each piece as he set it back into place. And you adored him for it. In time, his kisses were returned with equal fervor, and his touches were met with your own. He was your gravity, the center of your whole world. You hadn't had a world before Billy. He built it up and stood to the side, letting you decide where to go, only to find you running back into his arms.
You had long disdained love, thought it, in your case, a feckless fantasy that served no real purpose. It was a hard thing to come by in your upbringing- something that was dangled just out of your reach like some kind of trick to keep you running. Until one day when you'd had enough and simply turned your back, the taunt no longer effective.
Then Billy stumbled into your life. He reinvented you, brought out a side you hadn't known to exist. You gave him every one of your firsts willingly, presented on both knees. And he didn't take that lightly, keeping each one close to his heart and trying to make it all special for you. It was because it was him. He didn't take your breath away, he taught you how to breathe.
Billy hugged you tight, called you 'baby' and kissed you tenderly. He never spoke of a future without you, never uttered a word or did anything that suggested he wouldn't protect you. Because he was aware of the world being his girl thrust you into. You loved him all the more for knowing.
Now, a year later, you were steady. Content seemed too plain a word for how you felt. It was bliss, having a person in this world who was yours to love the way you pleased.
Though as of late things had been a little more complicated. Billy only came to see you under the guise of darkness, not wanting his bloody reputation as of late to stain the clean white of yours. You were grateful for any time with him, opening your arms and bed both to him as a respite from the mounting tensions in his life.
"You're the only thing worth stickin' around for," he breathed one day as he held you tight, your bodies bare and swaddled in the sheets of your bed. Billy kissed your forehead tenderly, letting his lips linger there. "My sweetheart...you're the purest thing I ever loved."
His words held a touch of melancholy that you chose to ignore in favor of burrowing into his chest, the safest place in the whole world. Every bit of your love was owed to him. And you repaid it over and over again.
Billy held you tight all through the night and into the morning, whispering sweet things into your hair. This was your heaven- bare between his arms with his boots beneath your bed.
When he inevitably had to get up, he did it slowly, leaning down and kissing your hairline for a long time. Then he began to dress himself and you started to sit up, watching him sleepily with the covers pulled to your chest.
"Won't you stay?" you murmured, looking up at him longingly.
"Gotta get out before the sun gets any higher," he said apologetically, pulling one of his suspenders over his undershirt and kneeling at your side to press three lazy kisses to your cheeks and nose. His stubble tickled your skin, and you smiled, just a bit.
"You know I'll come back though?" Billy asked, shrugging his lone suspender off and pulling his shirt on, starting to do up the buttons.
You reached out for him, and he removed his fingers, letting you fasten the remaining buttons. "I want you to."
He smoothed your hair and nudged his lips to your forehead once more. "I will. I promise. It'll only be a few days and then I'll be back here holdin' ya."
Hoping with all your soul that he was right, you pulled him in by the collar to kiss him softly. Billy could probably feel your anxiety, because he pulled back a little, his nose bumping yours. "Baby..."
You nodded, your forehead leaning against his. "Hurry home."
"Promise," he whispered, giving you one more kiss before reaching for his boots and pulling them on.
Now he was standing, tucking his shirt in and setting his hat on his head. The final step. You'd witnessed it so many times and it always sent a pang through your chest. Billy was leaving and your heart wouldn't be full until he returned.
He leaned down over you, the brim of his hat shading you from the sunlight shining through the window. Oh, it made him a vision. He was lined in light like an angel. Billy had always been your angel.
"I love you," he said softly, lips caressing yours one more time. "I'll be home soon."
And with that he was gone, leaving like a shadow. You were left naked and alone, holding the sheets against your chest. Body already aching for his touch, but all you could do to soothe it was imagine.
The days after passed slower than you thought time could move. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. When the heart is already fond, distance becomes a wound only your lover can heal.
It was hard to pass the time as always. You wondered of his whereabouts, whether or not he was safe. It was a rhetorical question; Billy was almost never safe. But for your own peace of mind, you imagined he was. Maybe he was thinking of you at the same time you were of him.
At night when you struggled to close your eyes, you conjured the image of him riding home to you. Horse straining against the wind, hat nearly blowing off his head. And he'd dismount and stumble through your doorway any minute.
The next minute. No the next. The next. Maybe in two minutes. It was like counting sheep, and the repetition lulled you to sleep.
He said he was coming home soon. He's going to come home soon.
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You were in the market when the news hit.
Usually, you tuned out the chatter of the customers around you, your mind on what you considered to be more important topics. But when someone mentioned your lover's name, your ears perked up.
"...shot, by the sheriff of another town," one woman was saying in hushed tones.
Someone may as well have burned a hole through your middle. Nonononononono. Maybe it was someone else.
Eyes wide, you interjected. "Billy? What Billy?"
The woman didn't seem put off by your interruption, seeming pleased to have another member of her audience. "Billy the Kid. The outlaw. Y'know, the one whose face is plastered all over town." She gave you a knowing look. "They got him."
Heartbeat pounding in your ears, you swallowed, trying to breathe normally. Eyes blurring, you clenched your jaw so the tears wouldn't fall. The woman's brow furrowed as she saw your expression, and her lips parted slightly. "Did you know him?"
"No," you answer quickly, giving her a tight smile. "No, it's just shocking is all."
Turning away from her, you somehow made your way out of the market, bumping into people whom you could care less about. The only thing you could see was the fuzzy outline of things, the only sound a dull roar echoing back and forth between your ears.
When you came to, you were in a little thicket that you recognized. He brought you here, held you tight when he was still teaching you how to love-
Emotions overwhelmed you, and you were now helpless against them. Dropping to your knees and burying your face in your hands, you shook, body weakened. Is it true that when one soulmate dies the other starts on its way?
You hoped so. Oh, how you hoped you'd follow him to the grave. If you didn't, you'd scour the earth for his burial site and lie there with him, bodies separated only by dirt, until your heart stopped beating physically. It was already dead along with his.
Collapsed against the ground, you felt weaker than you ever had before. Maybe a merciful higher power was taking pity on you. Oh, it was a fate of agony to remain alive without the one person who could make it better. Somehow, you'd imagined Billy as immortal as the legends no doubt told of him.
But he had only been a man. With him went his promises; you knew now that Billy wasn't coming home soon.
And while you cursed his mortality, you embraced yours. Maybe it wouldn't be long now. Maybe his spirit was kneeling beside you, whispering for you to stand. But you wouldn't. You would stay still so the grim reaper would lead you away nice and easy. He probably didn't get people like that very often. While others fled the sight of him, you searched the horizon, counting the minutes until you could run to him.
The sky faded from blue to orange to black, and your heart still beat. You wanted to scream, wail, pound the dirt. But, surprising yourself, you calmly lifted yourself up, getting to your feet and picking up your bag, feet leading you back in the direction of your house. It wasn't home without him.
You hardly clocked anything about the journey back. The only thing you'd remember when you looked back were your thoughts. Now your world was void of love again. It was worse now that you'd tasted it. To you, Billy was love. And now love died. Everyone made it sound like an everlasting thing, but here it was, gone with the piercing of a bullet.
As you reached your house, you numbly pushed the door open, tossing your bag to the side and beginning to strip yourself of your clothes. First your dress, them your shoes; each stocking and your thin petticoat. It all created a messy trail to your bedroom, and you collapsed into the mattress, into the side where he used to sleep when he was home. Now in only your half stay and bloomers, hair pins scattered on the floor with your clothes, you hugged his pillow, trying to pretend it was him.
When your eyes shut, you hoped they wouldn't open again.
Shadowy dreams of pistols and cemeteries haunted you all through your sleeping hours, and you ran from them in your mind. It was all for naught, because you were met with the sight of Billy with a gaping hole in his chest, blood seeping through his shirt in a gruesome pattern. You reached your hands out to stop the bleeding, maybe, but all you did was make it worse. He choked for breath, and you screamed, a black pit swallowing you both up.
Eyes flying open, you sat up and choked on your breath, hand clutching at your collarbone, heartbeat punching against it. A wave of memory crashed over you, and you cursed sleep for doing nothing. You cursed death doubly for staying far away. Where was the coward when you needed him? Probably off carting screaming souls to the afterlife who didn't realize the luxury of life's end.
Rubbing your eyes, your head flopped against the mattress, squeezing his pillow between your arms. You couldn't cry, even though you had a viable reason. Shutting your eyes, you willed tears to come, to overwhelm you so you could finally fall apart. Get it over with. Learn how to put yourself back together the way he used to. Or don't. Just do something.
But nothing came. Only frustration. You smashed the pillow against your face and screamed into it, chest shaking with exhaustion.
Why wouldn't the end come? You desperately hoped Billy's spirit wasn't watching you. This was pathetic.
There was a sudden noise from the kitchen, but you paid it no mind, too lost in your mind to register anything outside it as real.
You didn't realize anything until the heavy bootsteps got closer to your room.
Pulling the covers up around yourself, you stared wide eyed as the door swung open. Even when it was dark you knew his silhouette. Was this a ghost?
Then he was coming toward you, reaching out, your name whispered like a prayer on his lips. You shrank back, more terrified than you'd ever been in your life.
Taking off his hat and tossing it aside, Billy sat on the side of the bed, one big, warm hand settling on your thigh. He didn't move as you quickly reached over, striking a match sharply and lighting the candle on the bedside. The flame cast dark shapes on his face.
Shaking your head in disbelief, you whispered, "This is cruel."
"Baby-" he started, but you cut him off.
"You're dead," you breathed, burying your face in your hands. "They said you were shot-"
"No." Billy pulled your hands down so you would look at him. He lifted one of them to rest against his chest, so you could feel his solid body, the thump of his heart. You started to shake, your eyes pricking. He squeezed your hand. "They all think I'm gone. And I am to them."
"What are you talking about?" your voice snagged and caught on the unshed tears in your throat.
"I said you were the only thing worth livin' for," he nodded, eyes holding yours. "Now you are. You are the only one I am alive for. Fuck all the rest of 'em. I was dead to 'em anyways." Billy thumbed the side of your cheek, dropping your hand so he could hold your face. "But to you, my love, my life. I'm breathin'."
Here were the tears you'd so desperately tried to force out earlier. Now they were pouring down your cheeks, cascading down to your collarbone and wetting your face with relief, joy, terror, confusion...all in a liquid revelation that he was really here. He was here and he was all yours, truly this time.
You burrowed into his arms, face pressed against his chest to hear that thump, thump, thump of the proof he was breathing. A sob tore itself from your throat, and you shook in his arms. Billy held you tightly, kissing the top of your head, whispering into you.
"Baby...baby I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry, I tried to get to you before you could hear...oh, my sweetheart, my love..." Billy's voice was breaking at the sight of your tears. You had never cried like this before, not in front of him, not ever. "Things were gettin' bad...I had to let 'em think I died...but I shoulda let ya know somehow before...I'm sorry baby, my sweet girl..."
Pulling back, you took his face in your hands, pressing your lips to his sweaty forehead, then his nose, then his lips, holding him there for a moment. Your kisses were needy, wanting. He came back home.
"Baby..." he croaked, drawing you into his arms once more. You clung to every bit of him you could grasp, every touch reassuring his presence. Billy's hands were at your jaw, holding you over your hair. He kissed your face over and over, and you nearly let a fresh bout of tears loose at the feel of his stubble. "Thought of nothing but you the whole ride here...saw ya..." Another kiss "...in the stars, in the river...everywhere." Two kisses to your left cheek.
Billy pressed his forehead to yours, then pulled you to sit on his thighs, squeezing you tightly and burying his face in your hair. "My sweet girl..."
You sniffled, clinging to him. "You were gone...you left me..."
"Ain't never leavin' again," he said sincerely, and you could hear the unspoken promise in his words. "We're gonna get outta town and go somewhere nobody's ever heard 'f me. It'll all die but we'll live for each other. Just you 'n me, honey. Forever."
In the span of a day, your greatest hopes and fears had coincided and created a supernova of horror and joy alike, the strength of both emotions separated by a very thin line.
Your love had returned. The world was right side up.
Billy held you until you were cried out, and swaddled you in his arms, nearly enveloping you and making the two of you one. He stroked your hair, lips ghosting any space of you he could reach.
As you drifted off, he whispered, "As long as you're in this world, darlin', I've gotta reason to stay in it."
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toomuchracket · 1 year
got drunk on red wine at a work dinner and all I can think about is d word girly getting drunk and matty is a long distance phone (FaceTime) call away and she calls him and wakes him up but he is so in love with her he’s excited to see her tipsy and happy and chatty on the other line.
you've been out for day drinks with some of your friends, and it was meant to be a quick little afternoon meetup but things got a little bit out of hand - it's only 8pm, and you've all ended up at one of your girls's houses and you are all speeding en route to being pretty bloody drunk lmao. matty's in tokyo, and you really fucking miss him right now, because you know if he was here you'd be snuggled onto his lap passing a bottle of wine between you and smooching, and you haven't kissed him in WEEKS. you take a bottle of red and your cigs out into the garden, sit on the decking under the setting sun, and decide to facetime him because you just really need to see him right now; it's only when he answers all smushed curls and blinking sleep from his eyes with a gravelly "hi baby, you alright?" that you go "oh fuck, i forgot about the time difference, i'm sorry. go back to sleep, darlin', we'll talk later". matty's like "s'fine, babe, i'm up now. don't mind waking up at 4 in the morning if it's your face i'm waking up to", which makes you blush and giggle and matty swoon, and then he's like "how was drinks? you still out?" - when you say yes, he's immediately on alert like "you're outside alone? where is everyone?", and you're like "babe it's ok we're back at afters i'm just in the garden for a cig. look!" and you hold your phone up so he can see into the house. you nearly drop it when you bring it back down like "oh, fuck!", and matty laughs like "you're a bit tipsy, babe. take it it's been a good day then?" - you launch into an excited monologue about where you went for drinks earlier (that you're taking him to when he gets home) and what the new gossip is and what you've been up to while he's been away. your makeup is flaking and you're starting to get sleepy from the wine, but you look so cute that matty can't help himself from staring lovingly at you the whole time, barely registering what you're saying. he giggles when you yawn at the end of your little speech, like "maybe you should get some sleep, sweetheart" and you're like "yeah i'm just booking an uber to go home. some people are staying, but to be honest i can't sleep unless i'm wearing one of your t shirts. i wasn't going to tell you that cos i thought you'd be annoyed at me for stealing them lol. but yeah. miss you a lot" - matty honestly starts tearing up and smiles softly like "not annoyed at you, baby, that's cute. i'm completely yours, you know that, so why wouldn't my wardrobe be as well. and i miss you too, so much. will you facetime me just before you go to sleep? just so i know you're home alright". and you smirk like "you want me to facetime you from our bed while i'm wearing nothing but your clothes? alright, babe, i see where this is going", and matty laughs like "stop it, 4am is too early for me to be horny. just wanna say goodnight to you properly, baby", and you're like "you're very cute and i love you a lot", to which matty's like "i love you more. one more week, sweetheart, then i'm home. can't wait" <3
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drc00l4tt4 · 4 months
How would your borgs react to a reader that's really protective of them? Like full on "I will beat the shit out of someone for you" protective
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I love this question. I love this question so much. More people should send in asks like this. Im screaming.
Also I might've derailed a bit between protective and caring but I think they go hand-in-hand so <//3
(Links to the borgs' carrds are connected to their names. Villainborg's is the only one that's finished but you can find image references and basic information for pretty much everyone. Hopefully the carrd will be completed soon now that I've found the time to work on it.)
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❥ He doesn't like you getting in harm's way for him, but seeing how protective you get makes him feel all kinds of mushy. He's not used to someone caring about him this much, let alone protecting him to such an extent. He doesn't really know how to act when it happens. He does make sure you're alright afterwards (and if you end up getting physical, he'll make sure you're taken care of.)
❥ "Oh, dear — I could've handled that myself, you didn't have to.. Well, when we get home, you'll rest, alright? Yes — I know you aren't bruised or anything, but still."
Super-School Borg ( Villain School Principal )
❥ Oh he fucking needs the protection. Working in a villain school where shit can go south in the blink of an eye means he can easily find himself in dangerous situations. He doesn't want you to get hurt in place of him, of course, so he tries to tell you that he has people who's sole reason for being hired is to keep him from getting harmed, but you don't listen.
❥ "You know I have people who are meant to take care of situations like that. That's one of the things Splotch is for. ... I know he isn't constantly around me, but I'm not a helpless child that you need to take care of, I can handle myself. I don't need you getting hurt."
Super-School Porg ( Hero School Principal )
❥ Like original Melvinpporg, SSPorg doesn't like you getting in harm's way for him, but seeing you do so makes him love you more and more. He's more experienced when it comes to dealing with threats than original Porg is, however, due to working in a hero school that's rivals with SSBorg's villain school, so he could more easily convince you that he doesn't need your protection. He's understanding on why you're so protective, though.
❥ "Sweetheart, I can take care of myself just fine. I know why you worry, and believe me, I appreciate it more than you could fathom, but I don't want you getting hurt. I'll try to stay safe for you, alright?"
❥ He doesn't understand why you think he needs protecting. At all. He grew up on a farm, he took care of livestock and fields, he knows how to use a gun. He thinks it's cute that you're protective and you think you can actually do anything.. until you eventually end up getting hurt because of it after an altercation with some other cowboy.
❥ "Th'fuck were you thinkin'? I don't care what they said about me, I can hold my own just fine, y'don't need t'get involved in fights for me! You were bein' wreckless! I — No, darlin', I ain't mad, just — don't fuckin' do that again."
❥ He thinks it's hot when you get all protective of him. He gets hurt often, comes with the territory, so your protectiveness shows frequently. You've bandages up cuts, bloody knuckles, bullet wounds — anything and everything, really. He'd listen to you rant about how you'll beat the shit out of whoever hurt him (as if you could even figure out who it was — it's not like he knew which specific cop managed to land a hit on him.)
❥ "Baby, you'd have to fight the entire Piqua police force if you wanted to put hands on the guy who managed to hit me. You'd get arrested. ... Yes, of course I'd get you out of jail, but that's not the point. You're a persistent little thing, aren't you?"
❥ Well you can't really protect him now, he's dead, but you do angrily say you would've protected him when he was alive, and he thinks it's cute, amusing. You couldn't have really stopped his death from happening, but you could've made him a lot happier than he was.
❥ "Would've been nice if you were there, but we can't really do anything about it now. You and that loose screw* are the only two who can really see me now, so it's not like you'll have to defend me anytime soon." (*the loose screw he's referring to is Krupp/Captain)
Vil ( Fallen Angel Borg )
❥ He's bewildered. He's a demon, why on God's green earth do you want to protect him? He doesn't need it, he can hold his own. He's more worried than anything. He's so fucking relieved that you can't follow him back to hell because he'd hate to see what you try to do to the demons that make fun of him. You'd probably die.
❥ "I don't understand you. At all. ... Yes, other demons are absolute assholes, but that doesn't mean you can just waltz into hell and demand that they respect me. They don't respect anyone! ... No, you cannot follow me through the summoning portal, that's not how that works."
Endenemey's ( FNAF Movie / William Afton Borg )
❥ This man is a hypocrite considering he's murdered people but he doesn't want you getting into trouble. He's a gentleman to you (and literally no one else,) he should protect you, not the other way around.
❥ "Darling, please, I can take care of myself just fine. I know you're protective, and I absolutely adore you for being such a wonderful little protector, but I don't want you getting into trouble."
Voidborg ( The Inevitable Theory )
❥ He doesn't really leave your house (aside from glitching in and out of the void) so you can't really protect him from anything; so it's a similar situation as the one with Ghost. You just rant about how you would've protected him in certain situations he's been in in the past.
❥ "If I ever start to stabilize and stop glitching like this, you can come with me wherever I go and be my personal bodyguard so you can get all that rage out. Sound good? Great."
❥ Despite having knights and bodyguards and an entire army, he absolutely loves how protective you are. He's a tyrant, and having a little yes-man who'll defend anything he says makes him feel giddy. He's watched you punch someone who started talking badly about him and he absolutely loved you for it.
❥ "I love you so very much. Hm? No, I am not saying that just because you punched someone to defend my honor. Though that was quite entertaining to watch and you should do it again should anyone else question me."
Survivor ( Infection AU )
❥ You're going to give this man a fucking heart attack. It's bad enough that there's an outbreak of who-knows-what going on, and now you're putting yourself in harm's way to make sure he has food and water. He hates it. He wants you safe, with him, in the panic room.
❥ "I appreciate you - so very much for all this, but please, stop leaving. I can't handle you going out anymore, okay? We have enough food for now, it's fine, please don't leave me."
Dr Sneedly & Mr Cog-Gear ( Jekyll & Hyde AU )
❥ Cog absolutely adores how protective you are and encourages it — Sneedly hates it and wants you to stay safe and not get into fist-fights for his honor. They're both flattered but react very differently.
❥ "Darling, please, do not get into fights for me. I know that Cog is spewing nonsense but he doesn't understand how dangerous this is! You could get hurt! You should stay safe, don't worry about me, about us."
❥ "You're just a little firecracker, aren't you? It's a good thing, darling, a very good thing. You look so breathtaking when you defend me, you should do it more often. ... Oh don't listen to Sneedly, he's such a bore."
Mobster / The Borg ( Mafia AU )
❥ As attractive as he thinks you look when you get protective, he doesn't want you getting shot, or worse. Really anything could happen if you say or do the wrong thing around the wrong group of people when you're in mafia territory. He's worried enough being in public with you, he doesn't want anyone to have a reason to do anything to you.
❥ "Listen, I know you want to protect me, but you can't. You know full well how dangerous my job is, doll, I can't just let you yell at strangers. Anyone could be a threat around here. You understand, right? If we're around the gang and someone says something stupid, you can put them in their place. In public, it's not worth it. Alright? Good."
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Reqs are open!!! | Comms
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a-5-m-0-d-3-u-5 · 1 year
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Bloody Tears (Alucard x Male Reader)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (Part 1) (Part 2)
Chapter 3 (Part 1) (Part 2)
Redacted ASMR
Gabe Being an Embarrassing Dad
Redacted favorites sleeping habits (David, Sam, Gavin, Huxley)
Redacted favorites seeing their s/o after a long time away (David, Sam, Gavin, Huxley)
Rescuing Darlin’ (Sam x Darlin’)
Home for Christmas: Redacted 2021 Winter Gift Exchange (Milo x Sweetheart)
Hesitant Affection (Bowser x TransMasc Reader)
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juicezone · 12 days
hi hello!! 🦇 🐏 and 🦖 for the cg ask game? :D
- @bumbling-kiddo
🦇. Do you have any TV shows you'd watch together? Are they 'typical' regression shows?
I would pester him so so much to come watch nature documentary shoes with me, ones abt the national parks or oceans or honestly just any nature ones <3 and he'd sit and do his reports and id be like "BONESSS DID U KNOW THAT!!!" and he's have be rewind so i could show him and he'd be like "naw, sweetpea, didn't know that!" even though we watched it a Billion times <3
we'd also watch the vet shows together even tho i would go ewwwww and hide my face in his side when it gets all. gross n bloody n needles bleh!!!
🐏. What would your fictional caregiver do if you were upset? How would they comfort you?
esp when im feeling overwhelmed and it just feels like everything is SO MUCH!! I think he would have me come into his office and have me sit down behind his desk (maybe under his desk) and he'd have a blanket he keeps in there anyway and he'd let me wrap myself up, nd he'd offer me headphones and a PADD to watch or read on and let me hide
and when I was ready for it he'd let me snuggle on his lap and tuck my head into his shoulder and he'd rub my back and hum real quietly <:)
🦖. What can your fictional caregiver do to get you into your regression headspace?
NICKNAMES!! nicknames make me feel so so small and snuggled so i think he'd go real heavy with them, like in each sentence, just "sweetpea, buddy, baby boy, darlin', sweetheart, angel boy" like so so many and he'd just cup my face and kiss me on the forehead and be like "oh, you just wanna come snuggle with yer papa, huh sweetpea?" and id maybe be like >:( but it would Never Fail I Think
>from this ask game!
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blutomindpretzel · 2 years
Darlin and Sweetheart finally deciding that they’re done with Quinn. Sweetheart knocks some sense into Tank; “fuck that stupid deal- people are DYING. We have to do something. I’m leaving tonight- with or without you.” “…and what about Milo? I take it he doesn’t like this little ‘plan’ of yours all too much.” “Milo doesn’t know. That’s the thing about being a stealth, Tank; you can disappear easily. Are you with me or not?”
Sweetheart leaves a note for Milo, knowing he would have wanted to come with them. But considering the state of his magic- yeah that’d be a hard pass on their part. Sweetheart refuses to ever put Milo in danger again.
Sweetheart standing in the middle of theirs and Milo’s apartment living room, looking from a crack in the bedroom door to a very asleep Milo, to the note on the kitchen counter. Tears build in their eyes at the agitating confliction. “It’s the only way. We’re running out of time anyways.”
Darlin has an easy time feeling like shit for breaking their promise to Sam, but part of them really believes Milo’s mate is right; that they can do this. The two depart that night, driving in silence hours into the dark streets of Dahlia.
Darlin and Sweetheart tracking Quinn down by the early hours of the morning, staying at a motel together to regroup before next nightfall. Sam and Milo are blowing up their mate’s phones with call after call, and text after text to no avail. “We’re in too deep to stop now.”
THESE TWO ARE SO BADASS I JUST NEED THEM TEAMING UP TO KILL QUINN; there’s no way Sweetheart isn’t incredibly talented in other forms of magic. Tank “doesn’t need magic” and prefers to let their teeth and claws do all the talking.
Sweetheart and Darlin coming back to the pack all bloody and bruised, barely conscious- OOH OR WHAT IF SOMEONE ELSE FOUND THEM AND WHAT IF THAT SOMEONE IS LOVELY. “I…. Found these two passed out just outside of Wonderworld. Sorry it’s so late I’m-… not used to the sun feeling like shit just yet.”
Sam and Milo can leave the scolding for later, they’re just so glad to see their mates alive and in-not-one-piece. @raaanciid @4ngelv4mp
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hobie-enthusiast · 1 year
Hii quick question HOW DO YOU WRITE HONIE TALKING SO WELL, like i’ve learned basic british and roadman vernacular and i’ve watched a bunch of Daniel Kaluuya’s interviews and stuff to try and better pick up how he talks and now that i’ve gotten all that I DONT KNOW HOW TO WRITE FOR THE ACCENT, so if you have any tips or you could explain it a little i would appreciate you so so so much 🙏
also i love your work, like seriously it’s so amazing i’m obsessed
hey anon! so honestly, i can give a rundown of what goes through my head but this is all what works for me so dont feel like u have to use it!
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so first, to figure out dialogue and what he would do, i figure out his characteristics. hobie is a cool punk guitarist and anarchist; he’s anti-authoritan, laid-back, and overall a chill guy as long as ur chill with him. so i take that into consideration when writing his dialogue. this is a good example;
{person}: why don’t you and i split up to catch them both
bad example: {hobie}: “sure, i can do that. be careful.”
good example: {hobie}: “not safe that way. c’mon, we’ll catch them.”
so, after all dialogue is done with hobie in my fic, and the fic overall is done, i go back and fill in his accent. to explain, i basically remove some letters from some words, add some british slang, and some dialect for how hobie talks. here are some examples of that:
important -> impor’ant
sweetheart -> swee’heart
darling -> darlin’
them -> ‘em
it’s -> ‘s
alright -> alrigh’
fucking -> bloody
clue -> scooby doo (in some cases)
hobie -> ‘obie
am not -> ain’t
WIKIHOW IS ACTUALLY A GOOD SOURCE!! if u need extra help on how to write it this is a good source i’ve used before!
it’s also important to note that hobie brown is made to be “effortlessly cool”. so whatever he says is natural, rolls right off the tongue. he’s quick with what he says and is just overall a natural charmer. SO UTILIZE THAT!! make his words flirty in a romantic sense, make his words quick and comforting in those situations, make him quick on his feet when in Spider-punk situations.
one last thing is that hobie is not a toxic guy who would neglect someone in a relationship. he very obviously cares about those he meets. HE KNEW MILES FOR 10 MINS AND HELPED HIM. hobie can be a very suave and romantic guy, so it’s best to write him as such. a lot of the time, people struggle to write characters because they arent writing them right and mischaracterize them!
hope this helped! <3
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smut-angel · 2 years
how do you want it? 
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summary: in which frank returns home from a mission
18+ only
warnings: f/m sex, cursing, mention of a break-in, rough sex, unprotected sex, thigh riding, slight mutual masturbation, slight breeding kink, slight cockwarming 
a/n: this is a request submitted by @9daykrisr hope you enjoy! (also this is my first real official smut post so pls be nice i know it’s not great lol) reblogs are appreciated :)
tags: @honeychicana
frank knew he shouldn’t have left that night. the unsettling feeling he got in the pit of his stomach had told him so. having done being the punisher for almost 2 years now, he was able to curb his cravings for researching enemies and fleeing in the middle of the night to halt some criminal rendezvous. now, he was happy with you, in the cabin in the woods, away from the city and its harsh lights, loud noise and non-stop crime. but like a moth to a flame, frank was back in the streets of new york city with a job to finish.
“it’s only for the weekend,” he told you, cupping your cheeks in his large calloused hands. your plush lips went into a pout which made frank slightly flush with pink. “it’s only friday, i’ll be back before you can blink, sweetheart.”
“you don’t have to go, frank.” your once soft eyes turned serious, making frank blink in thought.
“this case is important. they don’t have anyone else,” was all he managed to say, hardly convincing you or himself. your eyes rolled at the cryptic “they” frank had spoke of since the day he officially told you that he was the punisher all along. you didn’t ask questions though, never. only followed the directions he would explain carefully that would keep you alive. but that’s what you liked about your new life with frank. no more late nights waiting for him to stumble through your apartment door, bloodied, in an exhausted haze. no more bandaging his flesh-deep wounds and treating his scars. no more ferocious nightmares of his past that would haunt him at night. no more anxious phone calls asking if the other was alive or not. now, life was calm, slow, perfect.
“hey,” he called, squeezing your cheeks gently, then freeing them. “i’ll be back, and after this, no more punisher. i promise.”
by late saturday night, the job was done. frank slowly entered the tiny apartment that was provided for him, peeling off his bloody shirt that had slightly soaked through and stained his skin. soon enough, his burner phone would begin to ring in his pocket, inciting a sigh from his mouth. the display of the dated phone read a number he didn’t think he’d see ever again, your number to your own burner phone.
“don’t ever call me when i’m away, it's too dangerous. if you absolutely need me, call me from this phone, alright?” he had told you 3 years ago.
“hello? baby? what’s wrong?”
“hi, frankie,” you cooed, yet your voice cracked slightly.
“y/n, what’s going on?”
“please don’t panic, frankie,” you stated, in your best attempt to sound calm, yet it seemed your voice was worn out as if you had been crying for hours. “there was a break-in. someone trying to rob the place-” you began to explain.
“where are you now? are you safe? when was this?” you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, frustrated with frank’s interrogation.
“frankie, please calm down. it happened last night. the police helped and they found the guy- just some idiot. the neighbors have been checking on me… i’m not hurt or anything, i just- i needed to hear your voice. i know i’m not supposed to call you when you're away, but you haven’t been gone for so long and i got scared… i want you to come home.” as your rambles went on, your voice, which you had forced to sound resilient, began to grow smaller, almost inaudible. frank was silent over the other end which worried you.
“i know you’re coming home tomorrow morning but.. is there not a sooner flight you can take?” you began again.
“i’m on my way right now, darlin.’ you hang tight.”
you had hardly slept as you awaited your husband’s arrival. you awoke from a not-so deep sleep at the slightest sound of a vehicle driving along the road from afar. as the car drew near, the anxiety you felt soon turned into comfort as the familiar hum of frank’s truck sounded. you checked the time displayed on the wall: 5:34am.
soon, frank was barging through the door, greeted by you in your silk tank top and shorts and wrapped in a thick blanket on the couch, knees to your chest. frank nearly ran to you, cupping your face and bringing your lips to his own. soon, he was kneeling on the floor in front of you, refusing to break the kiss as his tongue softly teases your bottom lip. you immediately open your mouth, frank’s tongue slipping inside making you both groan in pleasure.
“i’ve missed you… so … much,” you say in between kisses. your lips form into a smile and you let out a small laugh as frank can’t keep his mouth to himself.
“are you okay?” he asks, scanning your body and face. you couldn’t help but to let your hands roam frank’s body, from his curly hair, to his coarse beard to his tense yet strong shoulders. you missed the way he smelled, the way his skin felt on her fingertips, the way his voice would echo in a room.  
“i’m fine, frank. i don’t wanna talk about it, i just want you,” you say slowly, your eyes boring into his with such lust that frank has never seen before, making his eyebrows twitch with intrigue. frank leaves another chaste kiss on your lips, then your cheek, then your jaw. the blanket falls beyond your shoulders, making your skin prick with goosebumps at the cool air, making you even more sensitive.
“you want me?” he teases while his fingertips softly trails your waist leading shivers down your spine. you could nearly moan at the nearly vacant caresses frank leaves across your now tingling body. you clench your thighs at the warm wetness that begins to grow between them.
“i want you so badly, frank,” you whisper. chuckling at the desperation in your voice, frank moves on top of you, your back on the couch, his chain necklace dangling in your face. like second nature, your hips buck upwards to try and catch any sort of friction on your now throbbing clit.
“so desperate for me, huh?” frank asks, noticing the way your body squirmed. he pushes his knee closer to your center, gripping your hair the way he knows you like it. your back arches in an instant as you begin to grind yourself on his leg. “go ahead, make yourself cum. show me how much you want me, kitten” he demands.
you gladly follow his directions, humping his muscled thigh like a bitch in heat. your mind seems to leave you in this state. so overwhelmed with the break-in and your longing for frank’s return formed into a ravenous lust that was new to you. at night when you were thinking about his warm body holding yours, it soon turned into the thought of him fucking you relentlessly.
with throaty moans leaving your mouth, you feel that your high is closer than ever, and frank can sense it too. “please, frank!” thighs twitching, frank coaxes your orgasm even more by pinching your erect, sensitive nipples through the thin satin fabric. “so close already? we’ve hardly started,” he mocks.
“c’mon baby, give it to me.” with another tug of your hair you unravel before him, your pajama shorts now sticky with your own cum. you rush to pull them off, not wanting to wait any longer for frank to actually touch you this time.
“frank, i want you. i want you inside me, please,” you beg, beginning to stroke your own clit as you crave another orgasm. normally you loved the teasing and waiting game of foreplay, but you were on the verge of a tantrum if you had to wait another second without his cock inside of you.
“how?” frank asked. the question almost brings you out of your bliss.
“how? tell me how you want it, kitten.” frank starts to undress himself, swiftly taking off his shirt and pulling down his jeans to stroke himself while watching you rub your swollen clit. he adored seeing you so delirious from him barely touching you. just imagining how cock-drunk you were about to be made his dick twitch.
“i-i want it rough, frankie,” you finally manage to say, your own fingertips circling your entrance as if to hypnotize him. without hesitation, frank grabs your hips and pulls your naked pussy towards him, harshly slapping his cock on your bud.
a pornographic moan escapes you and you’re nearly sobbing at the emptiness he’s teasing you with. before you could beg for his cock once more, he delivers, ramming himself inside of you. your eyes roll back in bliss as frank pounds into you with no remorse. the burning sensation of his fingers digging into the skin on your hips drives you wild as the tip of his cock hits your sweet spot with every stroke. the familiar twinge of an orgasm begins to stir in your abdomen far too quickly. 
your walls start to constrict and trap his cock making frank groan at the feeling. “milking me so good, baby. you’re close aren't ‘cha?” to your dismay, frank pulls out, his heavy cock glistening in your juices. 
“shut up. turn over,” he growls. you comply, now on your stomach. he grabs your hips again, hiking your ass in the air, pressing your face to the couch. he's inside of you again, trying his hardest to not bottom out as your moans grow louder and words become even more slurred and incoherent. he loves fucking you dumb.
squelching noises fill the room mixed with the sounds of skin slapping skin. the living room air is thick with the scent of sweat and sex. it’s filthy, but you can’t get enough of it.
you reach for frank in order to get some sort of leverage but instead he grabs your arm and pins it to the small of your back. the slight sting of pain you feel in your arm makes your pussy even more wet. “don’t fuckin’ move,” he demands. “take it.” frank grips and spanks your ass with his free hand, loving the way your soft skin feels and the way it bounces against his hips.
“fuck me! yes!” you squeal. tears threaten your eyes at the overwhelming pressure from frank’s thick cock. “frankie, i’m so fucking close!” hearing you scream for him makes his strokes become sloppy as frank is closing in on his own climax. 
“fuck, princess!”
“cum inside me… wanna feel you cum inside me,” you drool. this was all frank needed to hear to finally send him over the edge. his cock stuttered inside of you, perfectly hitting your g-spot again. your vision turns black, splotches of color unevenly appearing as your orgasm takes over your mind and body. the warmth from your core spreads throughout your body making you feel as though you’re about to burst. gripping the couch with the last of your strength you whimper frank’s name along with profanities over and over, legs twitching and close to giving out.
“you’re so fuckin’ perfect,” frank grunts before coating your plush walls with his seed. he begins to ride out the orgasm you both shared, mumbling incoherent praises about how wet and soft your pussy is.
finally, frank pulls you backwards, forcing you to be seated on his lap while he’s still deep inside of your walls. in this position he grabs your neck, trailing wet kisses from your shoulder to your chin. you’re still a moaning and drooling mess, though both of your releases had subsided, being seated on his cock and filled to the brim with his cum made you needy all over again. 
“baby’s still so needy f’me, huh?” frank comments. “gone for two days and you’re melting for me.”
“never leave me again,” you moan. “never leave.”
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Ok so what do you think Bob is like during your period? Would he go down on you? How would he react to cravings?
good question dear anon!! this is totally self indulgent as i’m struggling massively with mine right now! 💖
i hope you enjoy the below! 💌
Bob would feel terrible seeing you in pain all the time and he would want to help you in anyway he can. He feels almost useless that he can’t just carry your uterus around for a week.
He would constantly be dotting all over you, asking you want you needed and what he could do to help. He’ll get you a hot water bottle, heat pads and any food you’re craving.
Even if it’s at midnight and the only twenty four hour store is an hours drive away. He’s putting on the heated seats in his car and bringing you a blanket and another hot water bottle for good measure.
If you’re just so terribly uncomfortable that you’re stretched out on the bed to try and relieve any of the pain, he’s rubbing your back and pressing kisses to your shoulder blades. “I know, sweetheart. I know. It’s horrible. You’re doing so well my love. How about I run you a bath, yeah? Fill it up with essential oils to help soothe you.
Blood does not phase him. He’s getting in the bath with you and cradling you in his arms or he’s happy to throw your bloodied pad or tampon in the bin for you.
He’ll clean your underwear with warm soapy water and change your bedsheets at 4 AM while he turns on a hot shower for you.
Which leads onto the question if he would still go down on you. YES HE WOULD! <3
He’s the king of pussy eating and your period isn’t going to stop him.
Sometimes, the best cure for cramps is an orgasm and although you protest you can just do it with your vibrator, he insists. “I want you to feel close to me, darlin’. I’ve got you, I’m right here with you.”
He’ll place a towel under your hips on the bed and get a warm washcloth to clean anything before he settles his head comfortably in between your thighs. He’s holding onto your hand resting on your belly as you arch your back off the bed.
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theycallmequeenie · 2 years
Lexie And Happy
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Master List Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11: A/N: This part is going to be a not so nice part. There will be discussion of not so savory events. This is your trigger warning, if you are unable to read things of a violent nature including discussions of injuries from beatings and S.A., please skip this part of the fic. I do not wish to trigger and/or upset anyone. I will put the fic under a read more link in an attempt to avoid any unintentional exposure and upset. I know some survivors can’t discuss or read things like this but writing this out was therapeutic for this survivor.  Be warned this part is rather long my apologies. Thank you ~Queenie
It had been a day, a full twenty-four hours since Happy had discovered that Lex had been taken from him. He had made the calls quick enough, but it took the club about twelve hours to pinpoint the exact location of Lexie’s SUV. It took Tig, Chibs and about half of the mechanics from the shop to talk him out of rushing into the location.
In those twenty-four hours, Lex had been beaten repeatedly as well as other things that no man should do to a woman. She was battered and bruised and praying to any deity listening that someone would soon come to her rescue. Her former boss’s son once again entered the little space she was being held captive with a sick grin on his face intent on repeating his earlier actions. He began to approach her, hitting her once he was within arms reach, no doubt, adding to an already bruised and swollen face. Lexie whimpered in pain and begged him to stop his assault. Her pleas fell on deaf ears as he once again began attacking her.
Lexi barely had any strength left to fight but she still tried only for a right hand to knock her out cold, again. As with the other times he had knocked her unconscious she slipped into a dream about things from her past. This time it was the last time she had spoken to Jax. It had been a late-night phone call, like they always were from him, but this one wasn’t a fond memory for her. This memory was the call he said goodbye.
The call started out like a normal call from him. She sleepily answered with a soft “Hello?” and Jax responded with his traditional, “Hey, Darlin’, sorry to wake you, Doll.” She would always wake up upon hearing his voice on the other end of the phone. They talked for a little while before his somber tone finally registered with her. And she asked what was wrong.
Jax wryly chuckled, “Nothing is getting past you is it sweetheart.” He paused momentarily, “Lex you know what call this is. I just wanted to tell you goodbye, Kiddo. Things are real bad here and you know how these things tend to end…”
He trailed off and Lex started to quietly cry. She knew what he meant and didn’t need any further explanation. Her voice was shaky as she spoke, “Jaxson…. I love you, big brother.” It was something she always told him and that was always his role in her life. As Jax spoke the amusement in his voice was evident at the call back to their childhood, “I love you too, little sis.” And the phone cut off. She called out for Jax as she started to regain consciousness, not realizing that she was actually calling out for him or that the hands on her now were that of Happy trying to rouse her.
The Sons had busted into the little cell she was being held in shortly after she had been knocked out this time. Happy was the one leading the charge and caught Lexie’s captor in the act of violating her. Hap immediately saw red, pulling the scumbag off Lex and besting him to a bloody pulp for what had been done to Lex.
The thing that stopped Happy from beating him to death outright was the little whimper Lex gave as Tig covered her up with his riding jacket for lack of a better option at the time. He knew of course that Lex kept blankets in her SUV that was outside the warehouse like structure that she had been held in, but Tig wouldn’t let her out of his sight just yet. He sent Rat to retrieve one instead. Happy pulled himself back and tried to right his head. He went over and scooped her into his arms as gingerly as he could, gently murmuring trying to bring her to. That’s when he heard her calling for Jax and that just about crushed all of the bikers there.
As Lex came to her senses and realized she was in Happy’s arms, all she could do was bury her face into his chest and ask him to take her to get medical treatment for all the hell that crackpot had put her through. Which he told her he would though he couldn’t help but fear history repeating itself with her.
Lex started to register her surroundings as if a computer system was coming back online. She whimpered as the pain began to register again. Happy was doing what he could to keep her as calm as possible given recent events. The sounds Hap heard next hurt. Lex started to apologize for happened.
“Hap, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me, I fought him as hard as I could…” Lex was in rough shape, aside from her obvious injuries, cuts and bruises, she welt a smaller twinge of pain in her right arm. It was most likely broken, and she instinctively held it to her body as Hap paused long enough to let Rat throw a blanket over her and let Tig retrieve his jacket that was covering her.
They worked on getting her to a hospital as Lex slowly got back to herself, “Hap, promise you won’t leave, this time…”
Happy hushed her and responded with a gruff, “Only if you promise me the same thing…”
Tig about choked on his own saliva at Haps response as he drove trying to get er back to Charming and to Saint Thomas Hospital so that she can be treated and hopefully sent home with either him or Hap that evening.  
The drive seemed like it was taking longer than it normally would, but Tig was certain that it seemed that way because his niece was in the backseat battered and beaten. He was furious but he was containing and concealing his anger for her sake. He knew she was sacred enough he didn’t need to add to her fear. He glanced in the rear view mirror a time or two watching Lexie to see if he could catch any warning signs that she might be letting history repeat itself and planing out how she was going to bolt again. Thankfully this time there were no signs of that. In fact, what he saw gave him hope that she wouldn’t even try to run away from her family He saw just how much she was clinging to Happy and how much Happy was clinging back. Though he would never admit it to anyone this scared Hap. And Tig could see it in his brother’s face. Hell, this scared Tig too. He was certain that hey had lost his niece this time.
They finally made it to the hospital as the van that ad been taken to look for lex went back to TM with the rest the bikers and the beaten kidnapper in the back. The men had plans for this scumbag and none of them were going to be merciful. No one was going to touch him until Hap and Tig got back to TM after Lex was taken home to Venus because they knew Lex wasn’t going to be left alone for more than a few moments to use the restroom and everyone knew it.
The nurses and doctors did was was needed and ran all the standards tests for what had happened to Lexie. The hospital staff had to all the sheriff’s office and file a report which sent Althea out to talk to Lex which did not go over well with her all. She flat out told Althea that she just wanted what happened to her dropped and left alone so that she could focus on healing after all that happened to her. When Althea tried to push Tig stepped in and backed her off. She sighed and told them fine if they changed their minds, they knew how to contact her and left. Lex was all taken care of the nurse came in with her next appointments for tests and cast removal, because that familiar pain was indeed a broken right arm, telling Lex and her two guardians that she was cleared to leave.
As Lex, Tig, and Hap all exited the hospital Lexie gave the men a sad smile and spoke, “I was calling for Jax when I came to earlier wasn’t I?” She knew the answer as she had often done that in her sleep to the point of waking herself. She quickly changed the subject when she saw the men’s frowns and nods. “Can I go home now? I want to see my dog. That Bastard didn’t hurt her, but he locked her up in another damn closet….”
Tig had fully planned on taking her home, so that he and Hap could finish taking care of the monster that took and attacked her. Tig nodded and helped her get into the backseat of her vehicle as he and Hap loaded themselves into the front.
Tig Drove and Happy did everything he could to keep an eye on Lexie, almost jumped into the backseat multiple times at Lexie’s little whimpers when Tig would catch a rough spot in the road or a pothole. As Tig drove he asked his niece what exactly happened and what the deal with that man was.
As Tig made a face at using the word man to describe that monster Lexie began to speak shakily explaining the whole situation leading up to what had happened. She got nervous about going into detail about what she had just experienced because things were still so fresh in her mind. She told them that when she talked to her old boss about leaving to return to Charming his son didn’t take it very well and cornered her and told her she wasn’t going and if she did, he would personally make her regret it. She started to cry as they pulled into Tig’s driveway seeing her Auntie V outside waiting with Sunny standing next to the woman wagging her tail excited that her ’Momma’ was finally home.
Lexie wiped her tears away from her tender cheeks and spoke softly before exiting her SUV, “Chibs was right. I brought this shit show down on you guys. I’m sorry…” She opened her door and gingerly shifted herself down and out of the vehicle. Happy and Tig were left fearing the worst as they looked at each other both shocked at her words and concerned that she may leave them both again…
  To Be Continued….
Part 12                                                                                  
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hesgunnalovethis · 4 years
Not That Bad
Leonard McCoy x Reader
Summary: You have the severity of your injuries in a twist sending Leonard McCoy’s blood pressure through the roof
TW: injury descriptions and strong language 
ft. bestie Jim Kirk <333
Word Count: 1737
“Yes. No. I understand Mr Spock. Cuttings on your desk in 40 minutes. Got it.” You closed your comm and checked your watch. 
 You’d spent 16 hours Planetside and after a complication that had landed most crew in the MedBay, you agreed to help out botany to complete the mission report. Really you didn’t have a clue what you were doing but you concluded it couldn’t be that hard. 
 Cross referencing the plants in front of you to the list on your PADD, you picked up the plier looking utensil and began clipping the stems from the root. 
 “Maybe I should transfer to science.” You muttered to yourself after you’d successfully pressed the first few cuttings into their sample bags. 
Taking the next stem between your fingers you picked up the pliers and cut through the green and your fingertip, simultaneously. Blood shot upwards from your finger. You scoffed at the inconvenience. 
 You grabbed the first aid kit and examined the content that your Chief Medical Officer boyfriend had once talked you through and began to wish you’d listened. 
 Failing to remember anything, you wrapped a plaster around the top of your finger and watched it turn from white to red almost immediately. You tried layering another on top which bled through just as fast. After a failed third layer you took yourself from the lab and started towards the MedBay. 
 You stopped for a moment scouring your brain for which corridors to take. It had been so long since you’d actually journeyed to the MedBay by choice. You’d been utilising your doctor shared quarters. 
 Arriving at the desk you checked your watch again. 20 minutes before Spock was expecting you. You began to panic and turned to the receptionist. 
 “Could you ask Doctor McCoy to see me? It’s pretty urgent.” You said, grabbing a bundle of tissues from the display to contain the droplets falling from your finger. 
 The receptionist did as you asked and you heard Leonard through the comm.
 “On the bridge?” He asked. 
 “No, Sir. Here in the MedBay.” The receptionist in front of you responded. 
 “In the Med-“ You heard a fuss beginning through the comm and then a room number you were to be assigned. 
 No sooner had you arrived, a half scrubbed in Leonard burst through the door desperately searching for what heinous emergency had beckoned you to his MedBay. 
 “Are you being serious right now!?” Leonard asked ripping off the last of his scrub uniform. 
 “Always good to see you too, Lee.” You responded, smiling. 
 Sighing softly he shot you an apologetic look and planted a kiss on your cheek. 
 “Hi, darlin’” He whispered letting down his doctor guard and allowing his southern drawl back in. He began to look you over again, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” 
 You lifted your hand removing the tissue to reveal your slightly bloodied finger. Leonard took a step back rubbing his temples. 
 “Y/N, darlin’. PUT A PLASTER ON IT?!”
 “I tried that! It keeps bleeding though!” You whined. 
 “There are people DYING in here, Y/N.” 
 “Oh go on, please. I have lab work due in 15 minutes and I can’t work with this bleeding all over the samples!” 
 Leonard sighed and moved to the other side of the room to collect the dermal regenerator. Taking your hand in his he kissed the cut before placing it under the machine.
 He caught your eyes with his. “I left a 6 hour surgery for this.” 
 The next day you took your healed finger with you on your next mission where your team successfully released several hostages and transported their authoritative grasp to Enterprise Security.  
 “All clear, Jim.” You said to your comm after clearing the last room on your final check. 
 “Received. Take the turbolift to the bridge and let’s get out of here.” 
 Stepping into the foreign tube you found it very similar to Starfleet’s and got it moving towards the bridge. You began to hear Jim’s voice on the other side before the lift stumbled to a halt. 
 “Um, Jim?” You shouted through the metal. 
 “Great.” Jim said clocking the flashing error sign on the lift. “Don’t worry Lieutenant. We’ll... pry it open.” 
 “Full proof.” You said to yourself, getting ready to pull from your side. 
 After a brief plan outline and a countdown you began to pull. A small gap opened to the side and you managed to squeeze your body through before the door clattered closed on your newly regenerated finger. 
 “Again?! Why is it always you?” You asked your finger, pulling it from the metals grip and eying the purple residue left on it. 
 “Me?” Jim asked, doubled over from the effort he’d just exerted, before being distracted by his comm, “Bones! Yes, just calling to let you know of the ZERO injuries incoming to the MedBay!”
 “Zero injuries?” You cut him off. “This is a broken bone for sure.” 
 “Oh my god.” Jim said in disgust looking at the weird purple oil all over the metal, your finger and subsequently his uniform. “Why is it that colour?!” 
 “Dammit, Jim.” You heard through the comm before Leonard hung up and Jim reconnected to the transporter room. 
 You arrived back on the transporter pad to Leonard’s eyes burning a hole in you and pinching the bridge of his nose. 
 “Broken bone?” He said walking towards you.
 “This bastard finger.” You said and Leonard took your wrist to examine it.  
 “THIS-“ He stopped abruptly and calmed himself. “This is a finger, Y/N. BARELY a bone.” He examined it further, “I’m not even convinced that’s broken?” 
 “Tell you what though, it really fucking hurts.” You petted your lip at him. 
 Slipping an arm around your waist he led you out of the transporter room and towards the MedBay. “Let’s get you patched up sweetheart, but we really have to talk about your hyperbole.” 
 It was a few days before you were due to arrive at your next destination and Jim had roped you into helping with his ensign combat training. 
 “It’s basically target practice.” Jim said in conclusion to a confused looking group of redshirts. “The phasers I’ve given you won’t shoot, but will read on the side if you’ve hit your target. It’s like laser tag! You’ve all played laser tag, right?” The room was silent. “And that’s another added to the list of shore leave activities.” 
 “Captain Kirk and I will be over here as moving targets.” You started, taking over from Jim. “Try and shoot me without hitting the Captain. Got it?” 
 You and Jim moved over to the course beginning the same choreographed fight you’d been using for years. You heard the pathetic fake phaser shots over and over and were beginning to question almost all of your life choices as a deafening shot fired and struck your side. 
 “Y/N!” Jim fell to your side, “PHASERS DOWN!” He shouted to the group briefly trying to determine which one hadn’t followed his only instruction ‘Do not bring your own phaser.’ 
 There was a small commotion before you heard Jim’s voice again. “Kirk to MedBay I need a team to training room 1 immediately.” 
 You found yourself back in the same biobed you’d frequented for past 3 days consecutively and tried to keep up with the nurses’ quick conversations. 
 “Someone page McCoy now.” You heard one of them say. 
 “Not Leonard-“ You interrupted, “He’ll jus- is there anyone else?”
 “Not anyone who could patch you up like Doctor McCoy.” One of the nurses stated opening their comm. “Doctor McCoy to room 6. On the double. It’s-“ 
 “Lieutenant Y/L/N?” Leonard cut off the nurse. 
 “Yes.” She replied. 
 “For once I’m not even surprised.” 
 The nurses continued fussing around you and your biobed beeps became angrier. 
 You watched the door open and Leonard’s face turn from passiveness to urgency in a millisecond. 
 “My god!” He shouted, dropping his board and beginning to order nurses to different machines connected to your bed. 
 “Listen, Leonard it’s not THAT bad.” 
 “NOT THAT BAD?! YOU’VE BEEN SHOT?!”  Leonard flicked his eyes between you and your vitals. 
 “Yeah, but, shot in a controlled environment.” 
 “You’ve been in here with a cut and a stave, guns blazing, and now you’ve been shot it’s ‘NOT THAT BAD?!’” 
 “Granted this doesn’t look-“ You were cut off by a wave of pain that sent you wincing. 
 “Hell.” Leonard turned to his own station briefly. “You’re not gonna like this sweetheart but you can tell me all about it when you’re back in one piece.” Leonard planted a kiss on your head and a hypo in your neck, sending you into sleep. 
Coming back to, you heard your biobed beeping at a normal rhythm and a strong accent beside you. 
 “I don’t care what his test scores are, he shot a Lieutenant I want him gone.” 
 “Leonard.” You scolded. 
 “Darlin’” He moved to you instantly closing his comm without a word. “How are you feeling?”
 “I’m fine. Sore neck.” You said rubbing where he’d hypo’d you. His eyes were still racked with worry. “It was an accident. That’s why we train them we-“ 
 “Darlin’ if he isn’t removed from this ship the only accident will be me prescribing him with cyanid capsules instead of his iron tablets.” He looked over your vitals again before picking up his clipboard, “But you let me worry about that. You can worry about this.” He handed you a laminated sheet entitled ‘Doctor McCoy’s Guide to a Serious Injury.’ 
 You shot him an annoyed look. 
 “Just so there’s no more confusion.” He winked at you. You glanced over the ‘Serious Injury: To Be Reported’ column. 
 “I hardly think ‘A sudden cough’ is a serious injury, Leonard.” You scoffed. 
 “Oh sure. Let’s just let your DNA de-evolve into non humane codes exterminating crucial pairings.” 
 “Noted.” You said admiring the doctor’s bedside manner, “Is there a second page?” You said spotting another sheet in his hand. 
 “No. This is Jim’s copy.” Leonard replied. 
 “Of course.” 
 Leonard brushed your hair behind your ears and smoothed your forehead. “I’m glad you’re finally visiting the MedBay doll, but I would prefer if you kept your trips to mandatory immunisations and essential check-ups.” 
 “I wouldn’t hold your breath, Doctor.” You said brushing your lips against his. 
“And somehow I still wouldn’t change you for the world.” Leonard said quietly before closing the space left between you.
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neon-junkie · 4 years
Helloooooow 💕💞💓
Found your blog since a little time n I’m in love with it. I think you’re a very good writer
Think you’re the best person on Tumblr who identifies truly who is Micah ;)
Like a lot of people I love to hate him and to love him x’D
Anyway, I’ve got some ... strange idea for a fic, don’t judge me please x’D
How about a female reader who is in a relationship with Micah since months and one night during their sleep she got her period and she accidentally dirtied the cot and Micah with blood. A lot of flow problem you know x’DDD
SFW or NSFW it’s up to you 😘
Thanks <3
oooo thank you so much!!!! that's so kind of you!!! ;-; <3<3<3 here’s those headcanons! I decided to do both SFW and NSFW, the cheeky ones are at the bottom!
The reader also uses gender-neutral pronouns ^_^
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"Shit, darlin', you alright? You must be really bleedin', you sure you're okay?"
Despite what people think about Micah, when it comes to his other half, he has nothing but love, admiration, respect, and care for them.
Accidents happen, and he's learnt over time, and with your teaching, just how awful periods can be. Let's be honest, Micah's knowledge of periods before meeting you was that "you bleed... for a week I think?"  and that's it.
Micah low-key freaked out when you got your first period cramp whilst being with him, but was sensible enough to ask you how he can help, and followed your lead without question.
But this has never happened whilst you've been with Micah, and you're a little worried he's going to get upset with you.
"Shit, you got my briefs all bloody too, good thing these are an old pair, huh? Now c'mon, let's get you-this cleaned up."
Micah knows how to wash blood out of fabric, despite never doing laundry. You'll be amazed to watch as he orders you to undress and sort yourself out, whilst he quickly changes his clothes and leaves the tent with all the dirty laundry.
He shows up a few minutes later with some fresh blankets and a bedroll, since the cot is unusable, along with some medicine for you.
"Are your cramps back? Do you need this?" Micah questions as he gives you the medicine.
Micah stops in his tracks when he notices the smile on your face, and questions why you're grinning after an accident like that.
"I just wasn't expecting you to be this kind about it," you confess to him, and Micah sarcastically rolls his eyes at your response.
"I'm full of surprises, darlin', now let's get back to bed... but maybe don't bleed on me this time?" he playfully replies.
He may tease you a little the next day, and will reassure you constantly that it's nothing to be embarrassed about, that he's seen much worse, that it's only blood, etc.
Micah has a lot of uh, questionable kinks, and he won't deny that he hasn't thought about fucking someone on their period before.
He knows it's going to make a mess, and he's not phased about getting blood on his cock, if anything, he finds it hot.
But towels are placed down beforehand, and Micah makes sure you know that if you want him to stop, then just tell him to.
He isn't going to be as rough as he is normally, knowing that it can trigger your cramps, or just generally be uncomfortable.
He's happy to go at your pace, follow your lead, let you choose the positions, etc. Your comfort comes first, he cums second hehe.
If you'll let him, he enjoys cockwarming whilst you're on your period; he won't fall asleep with his cock inside you, but likes the feeling of his length resting there whilst you two chit-chat or just cuddle.
Micah's 50/50 about going down on you whilst you're bleeding. Sometimes he just doesn't fancy it, and other times he's feral for it and loves to make a mess.
"Real men love their darlings no matter what time of the month it is.... yes, I know I didn't go down on your last month, just let me feed my ego, sweetheart."
A lot of tender after-care; he'll help clean you up, then will pull you into his arms whilst checking to see if you're alright.
"You need anything? Before we get too cosy? You know that once I'm comfortable, I ain't gettin' up."
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Pairing : Daryl Dixon x reader
Daryl x reader
Slight Fluff, angst
Summary : Daryl and reader go on a run and things go south
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Y/n exited her house to go look for Daryl and Glenn because they’ve been planning a run for the past few days for supplies for Judith .
She saw someone approaching her .
“ hey y/n you ready ?” Glenn called out to her
Y/n turned around and shouted back
“ yeah where’s Daryl ?”
“I’m here “ she heard Come from behind her
She turned around to see her boyfriend of 3 years behind her
“ hey darlin’” he greeted her as he pulled her into a hug
“Hey Daryl , you weren’t in bed this morning “
“ I know I had to help carol with a few things “ he told her
“Okay love-birds we have supplies to get “ Glenn waved them over
“Ha ha very funny Glenn” she said , her voice laced with sarcasm
“Cmon ladies let’s get going “
Daryl spoke as he took y/n’s hand and led her towards the gate
—————— time skip —————
“Daryl !!!!” Y/n shouted down the stairs leading to the basement of the store they were in
“I can’t find Glenn and there’s too many walkers at the front door we’ll have to use the back entrance !”
There was no reply, all that could be heard was y/n’s heavy breathing from running back from where she thought glenn was and the moaning and groaning from the herd of walkers building up outside the small store.
“ Daryl ? Dar ?...” her voice trailed off while she braved herself the worst and as she climbed down the stairs she braced herself
What she saw in-front of her was her worst nightmare...
Daryl was leaning against the wall holding his left shoulder , a walker with a pipe through its head lying at his feet . From where y/n was standing she could see the blood pouring out of her boyfriends shoulder.
“Daryl ...” her voice wavered
“Y/n ..I’m so sorry darlin’ “ his voice sounded strained
He collapsed to the floor still holding his shoulder , now sitting with his back to the wall , full facing her . That’s when y/n saw how pale he had become , and the light coming from the small window to her right casting light over the both of them causing her to see the layer of sweat in his forehead .
“ Daryl were you ....did it b- oh my god “ as she got closer she could see the clear outline of a bite mark where his hand was originally hiding it.
“ I didn’t see the bloody thing coming , came out of nowhere”he replied
“ Daryl no you can’t leave me ...”
She began to realise what was bound to happen. Tears were building up in the woman’s eyes , threatening to fall .
“ I’m so sorry sweetheart “
Daryl said as a tear rolled down his cheek
“ Daryl you can’t leave me “
Y/n’s voice cracked at the last word
“Your gonna be alright y/n I promise , god I love you so much”
He leant forward to kiss her
As they pulled apart y/n felt something cold being put into her hand , a gun.
“ no no Daryl no I can’t I-“
Daryl cut her off
“ baby please I don’t wanna hurt you when I turn into one of those things “
Y/n looked into Daryls teary eyes as hers overflowed and tears streamed down her face
“ I love you so much Daryl Dixon”
“ I love you more y/f/n y/l/n “
The deafening noise of a gunshot rang though her ears .
Y/n fell to the floor , frozen with the gun still in hand .
After what felt like hours y/n rose up from the floor , grabbed Daryls bag with supplies he found .
She saw Glenn killing a Walker across the street
“ y/n hey where’s dar-“
“ he’s gone , he got bit , I had to put him down”
She cut him off saying trying to keep the tears that were welling up in her eyes at bay.
“Oh god y/n I’m so sorry I wasn’t there “
“It’s okay we’ll be okay uh- we gotta go Glenn “ y/n said as she turned around to see a herd of walkers on their way over to where the two friends were standing
“Okay let’s go “
Time skip
Glenn and y/n made it back safe inside the walls of Alexandria .
She brought the bags of supplies she got aswell as Daryls bag . She had just finished telling Rick and the others what happened .
As she was emptying Daryls bag she came across a black leather box, curiously she opened it , what she saw brought tears to her eyes , it was a diamond engagement ring .
With shaky hands y/n reached into the bag and there was a piece of paper labelled ‘𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑 ' , it was daryls messy hand writing .
A sob escaped her , she fell to the floor as she began to read the words written on the paper by her lover .
"𝚢/𝚏/𝚗 𝚢/𝚖/𝚗 𝚢/𝚕/𝚗 , 𝚒 𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 ,𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 . 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚒 𝚖𝚎𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚒 𝚏𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍 , 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚜𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑 , 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚒 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚊 ? 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚢𝚙𝚜𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞 , 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚜 . 𝙸 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 , 𝚢/𝚗 . 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚎 ?"
By the end of the short but sweet speech tears were streaming down her face , she put the precious piece of paper to her chest .
“Yes ...” she whispered , knowing that he’d never hear her answer .
With shaky legs she picked up his bag and placed the box and paper into it before heading to her house .
She trudged up the stairs and placed the bag on his side of the bed.
Y/n knelt down in front of the dresser on the opposite side of the room to the bed , and opened the bottom drawer.
The positive pregnancy test in her shaky hands fell .
“ I never got to tell him ..” she whimpered .
Y/n placed a hand on her belly .
“ it’s just you and me now”
A/N : i don’t like this but anyway
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aceresources · 3 years
Shades Evil Dead MC Book 3- Memes Part Fourteen
“Okay maybe I am. Actually, I may be more high than drunk.” “Crap. Can you even move?” “Why, am I in the way?” “Yeah, yeah. I’m on your ‘who’s been naughty’ list.” “Wound up a little tight, are we?” “I’m a little on edge.” “More like over the edge. The only thing missing was gunfire.” “Thanks for letting us stay here.” “It’s real soothing, listening to the waves. It calms my shit down.” “Damn, that short fucker tonight had a wicker hook.” “I’ve got just the cure for that.” “Maybe this whole set up rubs me the wrong way.” “You should sleep.” “You’ve been going non-stop for days. You barely slept when we were in New Orleans.” “If you wanted me to sleep, you shouldn’t have started touching me like that, sweetheart.” “When I walked in the room, sleep was all I had on my mind. Now you’ve got me thinking about something else.” “We need to have an actual honest conversation.”   “You’re upset.” “The fighting. You don’t like it.” “We have to be able to talk about shit, ___. We always could before.” “It scares me. I’ve never seen this side of you.” “I did my best to keep that all away for you.” “I won’t always be coming home with bruises.” “Are you going to get in fist fights everywhere we go?” “That look tells me you’re questioning what the hell you’ve signed up for.” “Babe, look at me.” “You don’t get to pick which parts of me you accept.” “You don’t have to agree with me or like all the decisions I make, but if you accept me, you’ve got to take all of me.” “So this will always be a part of our lives?” “Yeah. I can’t sit here and lie to you.” “More than anything, I want us to be honest with each other, about everything.” “I want to be able to talk to you about things without fear of upsetting you or that you won’t support me.” “If you take me on, you’re taking the bad with the good. I don’t want to have to hide shit from you.” “If I’m going through a rough time, there are going to be nights when I’ll need to be able to come home and talk to you about it.” “I need to know I can do that. I need to know that I don’t have to make up stories about why my face is bruised or whatever.” “Bottom line is I need you, ___. I need your support, your encouragement...” “Sometimes I’ll need you to tell me when I fuck up. And lastly, I’ll always need your love.” “I don’t know if I can be that person, ___.” “I don’t know if I can be all those things. I don’t know if I’ll ever be the kind of woman you need.” “You’re exactly the kind of woman I need, ___.” “I never found another woman who’s fit me better, who’s suited me better.” “Do you love me? Because that’s all it comes down to, ___.” “That’s all I need, baby.” “Just give us a chance. Can you do that?” “All right. I’ll take the bad with the good, ___. Because without you I’m lost, I’m only half alive.” “Baby, you gonna take my mind off my injuries?” “I’m going to make you feel all better. I know what my man likes.” “Christ, ___. That feels fucking good.” “Yeah, my baby knows what her man likes.” “What did that toaster oven ever do to you?” “Die, toaster. Die.” “It burnt his fucking Pop-Tart.” “Where’s the aspirin?” “Sorry about last night. I can be an ass. We good darlin’?” “No hard feelings?” “Is that the blonde skank from last night?” “Am I a matchmaker or what?” “How the hell did she get here?” “Apparently she followed us in her car. It’s stuck in the sand out there.” “I ain’t pushin’ shit. He tapped her, let him cart his ass out there.” “Take a look outside the window, ___.” “Yeah, your date’s car is stuck.” “Christ it’s bright as fuck in here.” “That’s called daylight, ___.” “Kill me now.” “Oh, oh, I’ll do it!” “My head hurts.” “Everybody’s head hurts. Get over it.” “Why does my face hurt?” “Oh yeah, I forgot about that. We beat the crap out of ‘em, though, didn’t we?” “Was I cuffed to a pole with you or did I just dream that?” “Thanks for the help last night.” “We don’t carve pumpkins at my house... I don’t trust my children with knives. They may run on me.” “Is he on drugs?” “No but he should be.” “Yeah, black, with two heaping spoonful’s of whatever the fuck you’re on.” “Why do you all think I’m on drugs? This is me stone cold sober.” “God help us.” “I need a smoke. Let’s take this out on the deck.” “You know what sounds good right now? A Bloody Mary.” “It’s a beautiful day; watch some asshole fuck it up.” “What’s your plan?” “You just keep your boys out of our way.” “I’d like to stick around and watch the fun.” “Fair enough. But stay out of it.” “If you handed it, we will. But if you fall down on the job, we’re stepping in.” “Guess that’s makin’ a statement all right.”   “That would definitely make me think twice about rollin’ up on ‘em.” “Let’s get a drink, boys.” “You gonna be good to go?” “Yeah man. We’re good.” “All right, then we’re leaving.” “Don’t toy with us, ___.” “How’s your new job going?” “Everybody is really nice. I really like the idea of finding people homes.” “Let me worry about that, baby. That’s my job now.” “Takin' care of you. Keepin’ you safe and happy.” “Hey, look at me. You’re everything to me, ___.” “No one’s taking you away from me again. Not your dad, not my ___, and sure as fuck not ___. You hear me?” “Okay the, get some sleep, my baby.” “So we need to decide who to put up on the billboard.” “I think we have a winner.”
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