#Sam and Milo really going through it in this one
aimedis · 2 months
redacted asmr headcanons pt. 6
-angel definitely has one of those shirts that says ‘angel’ on it
-asher calls baabe sexy on a regular basis
-lasko has a super bad fear of horror films and games (will start crying)
-the pack played fnaf once and all you could hear was screaming from milo, tank, and asher and laughter from angel, sam and sweetheart (david and baabe literally almost fell asleep on each other) 
-lovely makes vincent tea and reads to him when he’s sad (*being pouty) 
-angel used to have an eating disorder (still reverts to old habits sometimes but is recovered) ((when they struggle with eating, david holds their hand and talks them through it))
-freelancer speaks french and makes fun of damien (in french) for being so poor at it all the time ((damien: "bro shut up?" freelancer: "do you know how to say that in french, huh?")) -(damien and freelancer are so siblings coded)
-darlin’ and sam slow dance around the house all the time (in the kitchen when sam’s cooking, in their bedroom right before they go to sleep, after they wake up, in the hallways etc.)
-freelancer is really good at acting like they’re sad when the boys tease them so they (huxley and dear) feel bad ((they just have to pout once and curl into themselves before huxley is hugging them and making the others apologize)) -(they're the youngest in the group so they get teased a lot) 
-sweetheart isn’t particularly known for taking care of themselves and whenever they complain about any health issue they’re having, david is quick to point that out (sweetheart: “my stomach hurts” david: “your stomach hurts because you don’t eat properly at the proper times or-“ sweetheart: “shut the actual fuck up david, I didn’t ask”)
-damien is such a shithead to everyone, even huxley and sometimes he forgets that huxley is shameless when talking back or “returning the energy” to people. damien will poke fun at him and act surprised when huxley starts attacking (tickling) him
-asher has a fear of needles but he got a tattoo in memory of gabe
-sam cried in darlin’s arms for hours after the inversion
-after the inversion, david flat out refused to let asher out of his sight until he was at home safe with his mate (drove him home when they couldn't pick him up, even when asher insisted he could drive himself home)
bonus +
-darlin’ is the only one who calls sam “samuel” 
-I just know kody reeks
-at random moments angel and asher would just be like “i can’t wait to get married” with little smitten smiles on their faces even before they got engaged (it’s too cute for anyone to give them shit for it) 
-asher's big sister was his favorite person for years (she's tied with david for second favourite after baabe) ((david sees her as the sister he never had)) -(think of asher and madelyn as the "i'm a big dog, i do big dog shit" older/younger sibling audio on tiktok)
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jacks347 · 4 months
Exactly one person asked for this but that was exactly one person enough so here y'all go, enjoy the rest of the channels and their high school tropes
Caleb and Pack Mom - Childhood friends everyone assumes is already dating (They keep correcting people but secretly enjoy it cause they've been crushing on each other for years)
Connor and Lass - Club president and joined cause she liked him ("Come on, keep up! What are you staring at?" "You. I mean-!")
Deacon and Little One - Book smart introvert and street smart extrovert ("I've never failed a test in my life" "And I've knocked out a gang members tooth once. You tell me which one is more practical")
Chester and CM - Class clown and assigned tutor ("How do you put up with him?" "Remembering he's cute and a lot of caffeine")
Mitch and Lamb - Second generation rivals ("My dad said to tell you you won't win a second time" "Funny, my uncle said to expect it")
Beau and Chef - "Secret" admirer and knowing crush (Constantly leaves notes and gifts in her locker, she absolutely knows it's him but doesn't say anything even though she likes him back cause she thinks it's adorable)
Harlow and Captain - Frequently injured and assigned helper ("How'd you break your leg this time?" "Would you believe me if I said I fell off a roof?" "...goddammit")
Yargwynn and Paradise - Lead in the play and stage manager (Paradise is actually a really solid singer but has paralyzing stage fright so they just stay as stage crew)
Mak and Darling - Delinquent and "I can fix him" girl (Frank is Mak's attempted wingman, he tries so hard to get these two together)
Guardian and Zed - Foreign exchange student and guidance helper assigned to them (Even better if Guardian doesn't speak the language well so they just stare when Zed is talking which makes him nervous and he rambles more, Guardian thinks it's cute)
Albus and Faithful - School flirt and class president tutoring him (Don't lie, you're imagining it now)
Hipswitch and Partner - Reluctant student and quiet art kid project partners (Partner talks through notes ripped from the corners of his sketchbook)
Pandora - Principal's kid that everyone is kinda scared of (Is actually really nice with just a hint of overblown ego, blame football star Odin for that)
David and Angel - Quiet kid and popular girl fake dating (Angel dug herself in a hole and needs a fresh face to get out of it, David is only mildly reluctant cause he thinks Angel's pretty)
Asher and Babe - Football star and cheerleading captain (Don't ask, this is the one that inspired all the rest and now it's stuck here)
Milo and Sweetheart - Club presidents fighting for budgeting (SH runs the NHS chapter, Milo runs the drama club, both slightly resent each other because they need the funding)
Darlin and Sam - Frequently in detention and never in detention ("And just what has landed the school's goody goody in my neck of the woods?" "...I broke a guy's nose." "Hah, same.")
Vincent and Lovely - Superintendent's kid who ditches class and vigilant hall monitor ("Come on, can't you let it slide just this once~" "Do you want me to call your dad?" "No, no, I'll go back, please don't call him-")
Gavin and Freelancer - Academic rivals (FL actually takes it seriously, Gavin only pretends cause he loves to watch FL work)
I think I got all of them
I hope I got all of them
This is going to be a nightmare to tag-
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darlin-collins · 1 year
whose fainting?
shaw pack
David: unexpected but my man is going DOWN right at the end,nursers had escorted his ass out because they ain't got no space for 6'9 man to faint in the room,he doesn't like to talk about it
Asher: had to leave for a few minutes otherwise he will faint but held on good 👍 rubs in David's face whenever possible
Milo: actually didn't and stayed the whole time, sweetheart is so proud ,they bring it up whenever giving birth is mentioned in conversation 10/10 would recommend
solaire clan
Vincent: almost did! holding his breath so hard the doctors had to physically shake him and tell him to breathe ,cried so hard too you'd think he's the one that gave birth
Sam: man was probably side by side with the doctor helping him,if not ,my dude is right beside you telling nursers n healers left n right while reassuring you and holding your hand, either way,he👏is👏 not 👏fainting 👏
Porter (I know he still ain't here but let me have this): oh he going down ,he is crying, heaving, sobbing EVERYTHING,then he will faint half way through, won't wake up until after you're done too, pathetic,would not recommend DO NOT TAKE HIM WITH U HE WILL JUST MAKE IT HARDER ON EVERYBODY
Fred:byeee byeeee he would fall just like he did in wonderworld-
Gavin: won't faint,will actually be so calm, reassuring and supporting ,it made everything go easier 200/10 take him along
Damien: he knows what's happening,he knows what's going up ,he knows what's going down,and he's going down with it I tell you,he just,like Vincent,held his breath too long that he fainted, unlike Vincent,he wasn't crying,he was very calm on the outside,so no one noticed that his breath stopped until he let it out and went out beside it , take him but be careful of his breathing
Huxley :he would cry ,he would cry so hard,but not faint,you need him by your side,he can't just faint and leave,take him if you don't mind crying
lasko: bro would faint on the ride to the hospital,do not take him
avior: would Dance on the dridge of unconsciousness but snap out of it for you,take him with u bc he be very reassuring
vega: *side eyeing u so hard* this is your choice?? he won't faint if that's what u want,but he won't do nothing other then stare at u
cam: would need a moment but other then that ,take him and be assured that you won't regret it
brachuim: bro has seen death ,you really think he would faint?? no you wouldn't,but he did anyway
project meridian
James:grab him and take him with you 10/10 won't faint and will reassure you every step of the way
Anton: he will not faint but he will cry so hard so please be prepared for tears and sobbes with your soft supportive words ,do take with you though it's anton we all love Anton
Marcus: he Will probably leave you on read if you tell him( both irl and if you call/text him)
Aaron:bye bye bitch he is gone halfway through
Elliot: surprisingly held up the whole way
Ivan: out like a light the moment the child start showing
Blake: bro is in some kind of cult where they kidnapped literal demons, giving birth ain't shit
goerdi:he was here and he was gone
hush: he's seen "scarier" shit , would probably ask you dump questions till you kick him out
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I’m in the mood for David. It feels like a David Shaw kind of day. Here’s some Davey and Angel headcannons  some sweet, some kinda sad.. maybe even spicy.
: after their first date, he went into work with the biggest smile Asher and Milo have seen on him since before his dad passed away. He obviously denied it. And didn’t tell them about angel until the relationship got serious 
: The first time they saw each other shirtless, they both kind of stopped for a minute, and just stared in aw of the other person 
: David will sometimes “thank the universe” for bringing them two together……little does he know he’s actually  thanking someone (💋 A forehead kiss to caelum)
: one time angel got into a small car accident. we’re talking nobody was hurt just minor damage to both cars. But the way David was acting you would think it was life-threatening. He could barely sleep. He would cling to angel for days after.  overall just in the panic zone.
: his D!ck is BIG 
: he has piercings he just doesn’t put them in, unless it’s a special occasion. Both for professionalism and so they don’t snag on things
: Asher called Angel “Pack Queen”(queen, being a gender neutral term in this case) and now on occasion, David will call Angel his queen (he kinda joking. kinda not)
: David likes to gently brag to angel, about how just his presence and name can scare the shit out of people. (take my poor Sam for example)
: angel will have David bend down acting like they’re trying to whisper something in his ear….. when in reality, they’re just trying to look down his shirt (get a peek at the man titties ya know)
: David sometimes gets nightmares about his dad’s accident  and when he wakes up, he’s in a bit of a panic and Angel helps him through it.
“I know baby… I know…”
“there’s nothing you could’ve done Davey”
“our brains make us spiral into 1 million hypotheticals. What we could’ve done, what we could’ve done differently. But…. it was out of your control”
: angel has spent months trying to talk David into getting a pet. But it all comes down to the same thing.
“would it be weird for a werewolf to adopt a dog?
“we’re not getting a dog angel”
“Milo‘s mate needed some help with something so I went over to their house and saw Milo‘s cat aggro….. he’s really sweet and fluffy…”
“angel if you want to get a cat, be my guest, but you’re not going to catch me cleaning its litter box”
Let’s just say they’re still working on an agreement 
: their contact names for each each other
😏Davey💙 & little snot💘 respectfully
: angel will send a suggestive light on clothing (wearing almost nothing but one of David’s hoodies) photo to David while he’s at work…….he knows he can’t leave work…… and so does Angel. So round five minutes later, Angel will get a text.
“You are so DONE When I get home”
: their favorite Disney movie to watch together is Hercules 
: when David was talking to the other pack members about their treatment of Milo. Angel had their ear up to the door. so if Milo doesn’t give sweetheart a play-by-play angel will.
That’s all for right now. Hope you guys enjoyed. Forgive me if there’s any typos, my glasses are STILL BROKEN 
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starlitangels · 1 year
Some Redacted Characters Playing Phasmophobia Headcanons
For any of y’all who don’t know, Phasmo is a kinda glitchy ghost-hunting horror game where ya gotta gather evidence to figure out what kind of ghost is haunting the “map” go watch someone play it, I think it’s hilarious
I’m not gonna play that game myself but I can watch others play it no problem
Shaw Pack
David straight faces through everything. Never sounds scared over the voice chat
Angel is laughing right next to him because he does have a death grip on their leg
Asher never turns his radio off so everyone can hear him at all times
Is also 100% fearless and knows all the background lore hints by heart
He still screams if he gets got by the ghost though
Milo. Yelps. At. Everything. And jumps
Like seriously if Asher puts something down too close to Milo, he will jump
Sweetheart is sitting nearby laughing their head off
Darlin’ plays with their mic muted unless absolutely necessary so their packmates don’t hear them yelp when something startles them
However they are also very efficient and ridiculously lucky when it comes to hiding and surviving hunts. Even better than Asher and he’s totally not bitter about it
That said Darlin’s not afraid to let the ghost get them in order to mess with the others by leading the ghost right to the boys
Milo’s totally not holding a grudge over it
The mates also have nights where they play together but Sam is kinda grumbly so his mic and controls are co-piloted by Darlin’
When the mates play together Angel always charges in headfirst, bold as brass, and ends up somehow doing most of the work and not dying even when their sanity stat plummets. They ignore almost all of David’s advice sitting next to them because they’re better at the game than he is
But they also scream and jump a lot more (most of it for show to entertain their friends who always get a good laugh out of it)
Despite being almost as good as Asher, Baaabe almost always gets got by the ghost first
Usually because the ghost was chasing Sweetheart and true to their Stealth nature even in a video game, they broke its line of sight and hid and the ghost caught sight of Babe
Sam is usually… there. When it’s Mates Night Game Night he stays in the van/truck. Darlin’ is the loudest backseat gamer
Solaire Clan
Darlin’ drags Sam into this game
Vincent loves this game
Lovely takes a long time to come around on it because being hunted in the dark by an unseen force kinda reminds them of Adam
Sam doesn’t know how literally anything works to the point where Darlin’ and Vincent tease that he’s refusing to remember what all the items do on purpose. Vincent calls him an old man and Sam shoots back that Vincent was literally born one year after him and just turned younger and to shut his damn mouth
Which of course makes Vincent laugh harder
Lovely eventually tentatively starts playing the game because of how much Vincent is laughing with Sam and Darlin’
And over time Lovely gets really good at it. A lot of it seems like dumb luck but no. They’re just good
D.A.M.N. Fam
First of all, the four-person multiplayer limit means Gavin/Freelancer and Huxley/Damien take turns and eventually Lasko and his Water Elemental I presume
Sometimes Damien and Huxley are both on the game and Gav/Freelancer swap, sometimes vice versa, etc.
Lasko screams at everything at first, but as he slowly learns the game he actually becomes the best at recognizing the patterns of each ghost type’s quirks
Damien tries so hard to get good at the game and never seem scared but Huxley’s laughter over the mic always clues the others into when Damien got spooked by something
Huxley jumps occasionally but usually just does whatever Lasko instructs him to do with a “sure thing bro” and his usual chill attitude
Although when he does jump there is always an audible thump over his microphone of his knees hitting his desk
Gavin and Freelancer honestly spend the whole game night messing with each other. Trying to jumpscare one another
Or Gavin is pretending to try to seduce the ghost and the lewd noises he makes while talking to the ghost with the spirit box with the radio on totally don’t make Lasko turn as red as a tomato
To their credit, Freelancer does try on their turn. It’s not their fault they get super focused and then Gavin putting a hand on their shoulder to ask if they want a snack makes them shriek much to the amusement of their friends
Lasko’s Water Elemental is even more chill than Huxley and played this game for ages before meeting the group and does their own thing but always to the benefit of the group. Rarely uses the voice chat for more than a few words announcing their intentions. “Power has been turned on.”—“Freezing temperatures confirmed in the upstairs back bedroom. That’s where the ghost is.”—“The ghost is hunting.”—“Okay. Hunt’s over.”
Freelancer and Gavin refuse to show this game to Caelum
Freelancer occasionally announces a false hunt to freak out the others—and almost always a real hunt starts right as they admit they were messing around and they’re the first to get got
If Freelancer isn’t down first it’s Huxley, who will purposely draw the ghost’s attention to protect his friends
That said the whole group usually survives the whole expedition each round once they get good at it
Misc. Bois
Aaron doesn’t play but Smartass does. Aaron becomes a decent backseat driver for lore
Elliott and Sunshine actively sabotage each other and mess around more than they pay attention. They still get everything done correctly anyway
Starlight plays occasionally and Avior never does but he will watch and he is the absolute best pattern recognizer and the best backseat gamer
Guy loves this game to pieces. Sometimes it makes Honey jump. They do play with him a lot but Guy is better at it
Ollie is the Actual Best at this game but no matter how much he plays it and “Gits Gud” as it were, he still gets spooked. His partner will play but not necessarily understand everything they’re supposed to be doing
The Project Meridian bois don’t have time to play right now. Please leave a message and they’ll call you right back
Geordi gets so easily spooked by the noises but he loves the game anyway. When things are happy and fine Cutie gets a kick out of listening to his frantic thoughts
Morgan can’t See his own future so the mystery of what’s going to happen is quite enjoyable because it’s the opposite of meeting new people and immediately knowing them better than they know themselves by Seeing their entire future
Blake can See his own future so the game isn’t fun and he knows what it’s going to be every time
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slightlystupidhun · 1 year
Only A Badge
Part 1, Part 2
Summary: Sweetheart gets sent out on a mission, however it’s been several days and they still haven’t returned…
“How do we help him?” Asher spoke up first, rubbing the back of his neck. Everyone in the room had yet to move except Marie, who had been trying to coax Milo out of his room.
By now all of the mates had arrived to the house… we’ll all except one… two. The sun was still setting so Sam wasn’t able to come yet. The pack hugged each other, everyone grieving in their own way. The large, new house, a sign of Milo and Stealths new life together felt so void and depressing now.
“I’m not sure. All we can do is be here to support Milo and give him the comfort he will need.” David spoke up, the leadership he practiced coming through his tone. Everyone silently nodded and went back to their tasks until they heard tank mutter something under their breath.
“….. badge. But,” was all that they could make out of these ramblings.
“What is it Tank?” David looked over the small crowd of people to the scarred shifter standing in the doorway.
“Have we looked for them?” They spoke up, David could practically see the cogs turning in their head.
“No. The department asked us not to. They didn’t want us to interfere with their investigation. Besides, they already declared them..”
“I understand that. But they only found their badge. They could still be alive.” Tank said firmly, now fully revealing what they planned.
“No. We aren’t going. It’s too dangerous to go there blind. We have no idea what would be there waiting for us.” David paused to catch his breath and think. By the time he opened his mouth to speak again tank had slid their leather jacket on and headed for the door. “Tank. Do not go. It’s too dangerous.”
“I’ll get in trouble for it later.” Tank said closing and jamming the door in their wake. Asher ran over and tried to open it but by the time he got it open both them and their bike was gone.
“Damn it.” David growled. He slid on his jacket and began to head out the door. “Hold down the fort til I get back, Ash.” Asher offered him a nod as he hopped into his truck.
Tank had snagged one of the stealths coats it smelled like violet, cardamom, a little musk, and some other things they couldn’t make out. They really didn’t want to drag anyone else from the pack into this, in case it really was that dangerous. This is why they ditched their bike somewhere down the road and on the opposite side of the street.
They grabbed out the sweater from under their seat and put it in a small leather bag they had. Milo had told investigators that stealth had planned on closing up some lose ends, and
Tank remembered stealth telling them that they had to look into something just past the beginning of the wooded area. They had mentioned that something didn’t add up from a recently closed case and they wanted to check in on it. The only reason Tank knew of this is because they needed Tanks… experience, on this subject.
They took a second and shifted into their wolf form, taking a large sniff of the sweater before heading off into the woods.
Asher wasn’t able to get any news from David, no reply from Tank, and Milo was still hold up in his room.
He paced back and forth through the house as many of the pack members looked at him for what to do.
“What’s going on?” A tired somber voice called from down the hall. It belonged to Milo who was now heading down the hall.
“Milo… I…” Asher said his voice filling with sadness. “Is there anything I can get you?”
“Where are Tank and David?” Milo asked suspicion filling his voice. Asher didn’t want to worry the man more, or give him false hope.
“They got a little heated with each other.. they’re taking a breather.” Asher said quietly trying not to give too much away. Milo nodded and rubbed at his face roughly.
“Thank you all for comin… it means a lot to me but you don’t have to stay here….” Milo waved them off and began giving out hugs as people filed out of his house. The only people that stayed were his mom, Angel, babe, and Asher. Milo was about to return to his room when there was another knock on the door. This time Asher went to open it.
“Ah Sam … Hello.” He said suddenly feeling nervous.
“Are they here?” Sam questioned peaking around Asher. “I didn’t see their bike.”
“Uhm Sam.” Asher said suddenly stepping forward and closing the door behind him. “They had a small disagreement with David on wether or not WE should look for Sneaks…”
“Uhuh.” Sam said raising his eye brow waiting for ash to finish.
“They decided to go look for sneaks on their own and David left to try to follow them.” Ash said nervously as he tried to read his expression.
Sam sighed and ran his fingers through his hair and pivoted on his heel.
“Sam where are you going?” Asher said a bit panicked.
“To find my stubborn ass wolf.” He said climbing into his truck.
They had been walking for about an hour, searching for any kind of scent. They just needed something…. Then… they got it. The scent was faint but they latched onto it and began to chase it.
They arrived at a run down shack. It was made of rotting wood and covered in vines. The windows were boarded up, however, the stone chimney seemed to have some form of smoke coming through it. This is where the scent led Tank. This is where sneaks was.
Tank carefully prodded up to the house and peaked through a crack in the wall. They saw four figures, one, the smallest, let fire dance around their fingers, one seemed to be a shifter of some sort, vines wrapped around one’s fingers, and the last was a new- wait where did they go.
A whip of wind came from behind Tank and they were just able to dodge it. Standing in front of them was a recently turned vamp. It seemed like he just got out of the blood lust phase. He offered them a small smirk, his silver flecked eyes glinting in the moonlight.
“Aw did the stealth send for their puppy to come save them?” The vamp teased earning a growl from Tank.
They decided to keep back and not go in for the attack. After all there were still three of them in the house waiting for a signal. The vamp rushed forward and caught Tank around the neck, however they pushed away and snapped at his shoulder.
The vamp let out a loud his and ripped the wolf off of his shoulder. It seemed as though he was still getting used to his abilities. Shifting back to human they wrapped their hand around his neck and pulled him face first to the floor, knocking a fang out of his mouth, and effectively knocking him out.
The only issue now was that the three who were previously inside, were now outside and preparing to fight Tank. The fire elemental stood their hands covered in fire as they shot forward toward Tank who shifted to avoid the first hit.
That was when the ground beneath them shook and a rock rose up from the ground. It flung them in the air and the bear shifter jumped at them. She clawed at tank who was only able to retaliate by biting her neck until they both crashed to the ground.
They rolled apart from each other and before Tank could orient themselves the fire elemental shot a burst of fire at them. The burst of heat knocked them off of their feet as they now spotted new burns and shifted back to human.
“Three against one is hardly fair.” They said as they rose back up to their feet. The earth beneath them crackling. They shifted and leapt forward towards the earth elemental. They knocked her off of her feet and landed a few punches to her face before having to dive away to avoid the bear shifter.
“Good thing we don’t play fair.” The fire elemental shouted as he wound up for another attack. He shot forward at Tank who leap up above him managing to bound off of his back, effectively pushing him face first to the ground.
When they landed they looked at the shifter and the fire elemental who were now stumbling over each other. They were so distracted that they hadn’t noticed the vine coming from behind them. That snagged around their waist and pulled them into a rock formation that began to wrap around them.
“Too bad you came alone puppy.” The shifter said shifting back to her human form. Her and the group marveled at their new hostage.
“I wouldn’t say that.” Tank said as the vine wrapped around their throat.
Suddenly, the earth elemental was thrown through the rotting wooden wall of the house. The fire elemental and shifter turned around as something moved past them so fast they couldn’t see.
Out of nowhere, a large wolf was on top of the fire elemental, growling and biting. The bear shifter backed off towards the woods but was stopped in her tracks as a figure came into view. A pale man in a red flannel and a pissed look in his eyes. The last thing she would remember would be the intimidating figure standing over her.
The fire elemental was worse off as the large wolf tore into him. Incapacitating him in mere minutes.
Sam rushed over to Tank and tore them out of the new rock formation, freeing them from its grasp. “Hey Darlin.” He said kissing their head. Tank hadn’t realized the numerous scratches and bruises they got until they felt blood rush down their head. “Let me heal that for you Darlin?” Sam reached his hand forward but Tanks bleeding one cut him off.
“No Sammy, Save it for stealth.” They nodded their head over to the shack.
“Tank. You have to put this to rest.” David said shifting back to human, and stepping toward them.
“David I caught their scent in the house. The group mentioned sneaks. They are in there.” Tank said backing away into the house. They stepped over the now broken wood looking for a sign of the stealth. “I swear I smelled AAHH!” Tank was cut off by falling through the floor boards into the basement.
“Darlin!!” Sam yelled jumping down and helping them up.
“Yeah yeah… I’m okay.” They said dusting themself off.
“You two good down there?” David called from above.
“Yeah stay there and make sure those three don’t get away.” Tank said moving forward. They stepped on another broken piece of wood. “Shit where is that stupid investigator?”
“Never… never thought I’d be happier… to hear your… dumbass.” A tired weak voice spoke. If Sam or Tank were talking they would have missed it. They both rushed over to the stealth to see them tied up and bleeding.
“Shit Sneaks. Sam can you…” Tank said frantically untying them.
“Already on it Darlin.” Sam replied. “Sneaks may I?” He made a healing gesture with his hands.
“Please.” They spoke through gritted teeth.
“Papi, you need to eat something.” Marie chided as she rubbed her sons back.
“I can’t ma, I can’t even think about eating.” Milo wrapped his arms around his stomach.
Just then the door swung open, Sam and David carrying a figure into the living room. They were followed by a bloody Tank with a smile of gold.
“Off the couch now!” They called out and everyone cleared the couch.
“Holy shit!” Ash said getting a look at who they carried in.
“Sw…Sweetheart?” Milo said eyes wide and hands shaking. “Oh Fuck!” He said collapsing on them and tears rushing from his eyes.
“Hey Hun.” Sweetheart coughed out, wincing as Milo touched a sore area.
“I healed em as much as I could but, Marie you may wanna step in a bit.” Sam spoke up rubbing his face as he was hit with another headache. “You want me to call Vincent Darlin?”
“Nah, I’m good. Glad they’re home.” Tank said smiling. By the time Marie had finished Asher was already rushing people out of the room.
“Sweetheart how ya feelin? You hurtin anywhere?” Milo asked cradling their face in his large hands.
“I’m okay Hun. Missed you like hell but… I’m glad I’m home.” They leaned up and kissed him as more tears fell from his face.
“I love you Sweetheart. So much.” Milo cried out loud.
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just-dreaming-marvel · 2 months
Caught In A Web ~ 21
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 1,590ish
Summary: Tony and the rest of the team struggle to wait for news about you.
Notes: THERE'S A FEW! First, sorry if there were any mistakes I didn't catch! My puppy, Milo, gets jealous when I'm on the computer. He likes to slam his paws on the keyboard, try to close my laptop, and try to eat my hand. Second, I'm actually really excited for RDJ to play Doom! I know there are various opinions about the casting, but I'm excited. I'd love to hear your views, but please be respectful.
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“I couldn’t get Banner back,” Natasha informed as he joined the rest of the Team around Tony’s bed. Tony was still sedated as everyone thought it was better until Shuri updated them on your condition. “The Hulk is still running around.”
“The Borderland tribe will watch and report anything if needed,” Okoye told Natasha.
“Why haven’t we heard anything, T’Challa?” Steve asked. He was growing more impatient, just as the rest of the Team were.
“We must trust Shuri,” T’Challa replied. “She must have a reason.”
“If something happens to her…” Bucky trailed off.
“We will not go out for revenge, Barnes.”
“Try to stop me.”
“Bucky,” called Sam. “Nothing’s going to happen.”
“If something does, I’m with Barnes,” piped in Clint. “I’m sure Stark will feel the same way.”
“We need to focus on the positive,” Scott said. “Y/N will make it through. We don’t even know how bad it is.”
It was then that Shuri walked through the doors. The anxiety level rose in the room as no one could read her expression.
“Shuri,” T’Challa called. “How is she?”
“The poison that was used took longer than I care to admit to identify. But I did. I put together the antidote, and it has been delivered. We are in a waiting game now.”
“Waiting for what?” Bucky asked.
“If the antidote will work.”
“It’s you, Shuri; of course it will.”
“I am confident, but even I am not perfect. Her body also needs rest. She’s been through a lot and needs to sleep. I’ll bring her into this room soon.”
“Everyone should get sleep,” T’Challa added. “There are plenty of rooms in the palace for everyone.”
“I’ll take the first watch,” offered Steve. “Tony shouldn’t be alone.”
Tony groaned as he began to come to. Something weighed heavy on his heart. He hoped that it was all a terrible dream. That you were okay and sitting by his side. But when he opened his eyes, that was not the case.
“You’re definitely not the first person I wanted to see,” Tony muttered, closing his eyes again.
“Well, I can say the same thing,” Bucky responded. 
“How long was I out?”
“About twelve hours. Steve, Clint, Sam, and I have switched out watching you.”
“Where’s Y/N?”
Bucky stayed silent, simply turning his head to the doors you were still hidden behind. “Shuri’s keeping her away from us, just in case.”
“What happened?”
“We successfully cornered Rumlow. Hope and Scott shrunk down and kicked the knife away from Y/N’s throat, but it had already broken skin. Y/N then webbed Rumlow up. You would have been proud.”
“She shouldn’t have been in that situation.”
“No, she shouldn’t have.”
“What happened next?”
Bucky sighed. “I was carrying her to the jet with T’Challa as the rest of them took care of the base and Rumlow. She complained about being cold and sleepy. T’Challa and I immediately knew that something was wrong. We were right when Steve told us there was poison on the knife. We rushed her here, and Shuri found an antidote. We’re still waiting to see if it kicks in.” 
“Where’s Rumlow?”
“Locked up down in the detention block.”
Tony pushed himself up. “I’m going to kill him.”
“Lay back down,” Bucky pushed the man back into the bed. “We all want to get a hand on him, trust me, but what would Y/N think?”
“It doesn’t matter if she dies.”
“We can’t think like that, trust me.”
“Guess you’re the reason there’s a bunch of warriors out in the hall?”
“I already tried to get down to Rumlow multiple times.”
Tony nodded, and the two let silence fall between them. The two of them would barely consider each other friends but coworkers. They interacted when they had to and rarely more than that. The silence that fell between them seemed to change that.
“Thank you,” Tony whispered. It was barely there, but Bucky still heard it. “Thank you for getting her out of there.”
“Of course,” Bucky replied. “She’s family now.”
“Family… what a crazy lot we are.”
Bucky chuckled. “You got that right, Stark.”
“The Hulk wants Y/N,” Natasha stated as she sat beside Tony. “He’s scared, so I can’t get Bruce back. It’s like he’s trying to protect Bruce.”
“You’re probably right,” Tony agreed. He was really only half listening, getting sick of the consent rotation of babysitters and lack of information on you. His eyes were glued to the door he knew you were hidden behind.
“Maybe you could try.”
“The Hulk listens to you occasionally.”
“Maybe a nice blow job—“
“Yes, dear?” He finally looked over at Natasha.
“You’re not listening to me at all.”
“Little too busy thinking of ways to get behind those doors.”    
“Shuri is keeping everyone in the dark, including T’Challa, Okoye, and Ramonda.”
“That doesn’t make me feel any better.” Tony stared at the doors for a moment longer before pushing himself from the bed. 
“No! I can’t wait here, helpless any longer. Natasha… I need to know what’s wrong.”
Natasha had never heard the billionaire plead like that before. It was heartbreaking to hear. “Okay. I’ll help you.”
“Me, too,” T’Challa said, standing in the doorway. “My sister may be a Princess, and this may be her lab, but I am the King.” He headed into the hallway and commanded the Dora Milaje to move. His tone was serious, one the king did not use often. The Dora Milaje marched off as Tony and Natasha walked up to T’Challa. “The doors will be what’s hard.” Hurrying to it, T’Challa tried and failed to open the doors.
“I can help,” Bucky appeared. With a quick swing of his vibranium arm, a hole was made in one of the glass doors. Bucky grabbed the handle on the other side and pulled one of the doors open. “Let’s go.” 
The three rushed through the doorway as Bucky held it open.     T’Challa took the lead as they carefully made their way through the little hallway. They all stopped at the end, frozen at the sight in front of them.
You were lying in a glass case, almost like a glass coffin or what the prince found Snow White in. There was a screen at the end of it, monitoring the pressure and your vitals carefully. A bandage lay on your neck where the knife had punctured and the poison infected. Your skin color was much paler than normal, and your suit had been replaced with simple black biker shorts and sports bra. 
Tony’s knees grew weak at the sight of you, almost lifeless. T’Challa and Bucky quickly caught the man before he fell to the ground. They helped him over to a chair that Natasha had found and placed at your side.
“Why did you break into my lab?” Shuri stormed in.
“You weren’t giving us any information, Shuri,” T’Challa responded, turning to fight his sister. “Is Y/N going to survive?”
“Yes, and everyone would have known that if you had given me two more minutes!”
Tony felt little relief as you were still in the containment module and unconscious. His hands pressed against the glass to get impossibly closer to you.
“How much longer does she need to be in there?” Natasha asked.  
“Another day,” Shuri answered. “She is good to be taken home if you would like.”
“No,” Tony’s answer was quick but soft. “Just in case, we stay here.”
“Of course.”
Now that Tony could be by your side, he refused to leave it. He spent his time staring at you. Scared that one look away, everything would change, just like it had at the base. He looked away, and Rumlow took you. He wasn’t there, and you were injured. Tony was spiraling down the hole of guilt.
“None of this is your fault,” Natasha stated, watching her friend spiral. Tony kept silent. “Nothing more is going to happen while she’s in that module.”
“You don’t know that,” he muttered.
She sighed, pulling up a chair beside him. “Y/N’s okay, Tony. Shuri assured us.”
“She still could be wrong.”
“I know that you love her—“
“Love her?” Tony scoffed. “Love is not deep enough of a word… it’s like I wasn’t a whole person until she swung into my life. She completes me.”
“The press will have a field day about the age gap.”
“That’s why we’ve kept it on the down-low. Y/N is not used to this life, and she is young… I could lose her if it all goes wrong.”
“I don’t think she’ll walk away.”
“Yes, but… I’ll do anything to make sure she is protected and happy… even if that means that I have to walk away one day.”
“I’m hoping that doesn’t have to happen, Red. But our line of work is dangerous as it is, and then add to it that I’m a billionaire with the press on me more than most.” He sighed. “I will do what I can to protect her—whether it’s with my life or giving her up.”
Natasha hated that line of thinking, especially from Tony. She’d witnessed Tony’s relationship with Pepper and how that completely destroyed him. And she was witnessing how your relationship with Tony made him a better man. It scared her to think that Tony loved you so much that he would let you go to protect you from his life. She only hoped that you would never let that happen.
next chapter >
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cyanbugremix · 2 months
Reductive Audio #7 Spoilers
Uhh this is just a list of my favorite facts from the reductive audio
All d(a)emons are ambidextrous, and Ivan is left-handed, but the cool part is that Ivan became ambidextrous when Vega was controlling him (idk is that cool?? It's interesting for sure)
Brachium has only ever experienced vanilla extract through the memories of the dead.
Caelum on the other hand has made a "Vanilla Extract Tumblr Cake" (one of those polls where people "bake a cake" and it has too much vanilla extract voted for, i think) and it turned out horrible!
In Mario games, Elliot was forced to play as Luigi by Aaron, because of his at home nickname being "Ell/L" and Luigi starts with an L (you get the gist. It sounds the same)(Elliot wanted to be toad tho)(Aaron would play as Mario)
Gavin technically can and has pretended to read a book, he just has never actually committed to doing so
Lasko is scared of heights even though he knows that he could catch himself if he were to fall, so he thinks the fear is annoying
Damien peut parle français (Where did Damien learn french?? At home? School? As a hobby?)
Ash was taller than David, until David hit puberty and shot up (thus the big guy nickname came to be)(Seriously tho. So many boys would shoot up in like 3 months during summer break and be wayy tall when we'd get back to school and I was always amazed that someone could grow that tall that quick)
Oof T-T Sam was close with his Grandma Adeline (Adelene?), and when she passed he went back home to Mont Blanc to say goodbye to her grave (he snuck into the cemetery at night because he was a vampire by then)
Kody was gonna originally be involved with Closeknit, but then his character was taken in a different direction (makes lots of sense. He would be a closeknit guy)
Huxley was the fastest kid in his grade because he was obsessed with Bionicles (specifically pohatu with the mask of speed) (omg i forgot about bionicles until I looked them up again. I never did anything with them but I remember them)
Milo doesn't drink alcohol because he doesn't want to find out if he can get addicted to things as easily as his dad
Avior has HEARD of Gavin but never met him before
Oldest 3 d(a)emons in order: Polaris (Dead), Vega (dead for a bit but alive again), Ursa (elation daemon)
Camelopardalis has been in therapy for 2 years to work through the the bad memories that he had to keep of the whole Vega and Ivan problem (and he hasn't wiped his therapists memories yayy!!)
Arden took out the second most shades (David is the winner in taking out the most) during the Inversion, and Christian and her defended the VIP box through the whole night, even when Christian couldn't stay in wolf form
Kelsey started the Chrissy nickname! (Arden and Asher use it the most)
Aaron, when Elliot's powers first manifested, would imagine what it was like to be magical (He wanted to be a "Warder" and do force field stuff)
Zeke (Member of Closeknit) drinks "Cactus Cooler" (orange and pineapple soda)
Xavier (contra-elemental) was originally supposed to survive the inversion
Bailey's mother is beta of the Keaton pack
DJ Anxiety (Hudson) still makes mixes, he just hasn't done live DJ-ing since the Inversion
Gregory Keaton doesn't exist in the Fooliverse (his parents never met in that AU)
Anton doesn't like gore, and bcuz of that he prefers black and white horror movies (modern ones often have too much gore in them) (Such a vibe for him)
Brachium was the last serenity daemon created by Min'Ara's own hands
E'Laetum has a grudge against Vega because Vega was specifically built to be the opposite of Polaris (even tho the dude didn't have a say in his creation)
Quinn sounded like he was interested in turning Darlin' (but they never could figure out if he was serious or not)
Hush was supposed to originally be apart of one of Echo's "deals"
Porter's maker was a dude named Felix, who got executed because Felix seemed to really like creating progeny (as well as being horrible to them)
Alexis resents Porter for becoming William's favorite when he wants someone to go out and do whatever, because Alexis does more "collateral damage" than Porter
(And there's cool Vampire lore from The Summit vampires from 26:18-27:36)
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starz-saintz · 2 months
Darlin' Headcanons
-> (Not technically a headcanon) When I listened to Sam's playlist for the first time, Darlin was Asher in my brain. Looked exactly how most people (that I've seen) imagine Asher, with fluffy blonde hair and blue puppy dog eyes. He was kind of dumb and clueless too. He has since then evolved to sort of fit with most of the Darlin headcanons.
-> His name is Lucky (the only remnant of his former self).
-> When he first developed his bloodlust, his mother bought him a safe muzzle until he could control his urges.
He still owns the muzzle and will put it on if it flares up. He hasn't had to though. He doesn't hate his mom for muzzling him.
-> He was really close with Milo growing up. When he and his mom would get into an argument, he would stay the night.
-> (just finished rewatching steven universe, if you get the ref, I love you) He didn't leave Dahlia without telling anybody, he told Milo. He told Milo what he planned to do and begged him not to tell anybody no matter how much the pack pressed.
-> Really likes rabbits. To pet, to cuddle, to play with, to eat.
Speaking of eating, he loves Blue or Rare meats. He lost his shit when he tried Beef Tartare.
-> Both his parents are extremely tall. His mother is 7'2", his bio-dad is 6'7". Darlin' is 7'0"
-> When Angel first met Darlin, they thought that he was David's brother or a close cousin.
-> When Babe gets new meat to try from their job, they will go to Darlin so he can taste it.
-> He is a lot younger than the main 3. He looks the oldest but is only in his late 20s.
-> When the unempowered friend was attacked, he asked for their memory to be wiped. Of the attack and of him.
-> The mate group chat is insanely active and will sneak a peek every now and then (since Sam is in it). He is completely starstruck by the amount of violent tension and threats in there.
-> Has a few friends in the house of Baz(?)
-> Speaking of friends, when he was with Quinn, he would stay over at his house for days at a time. It was kind of a hub for him and his other friends he met through Quinn.
When they broke up, the friends didn't side with Quinn and just watched the fire burn. They haven't reached out to him since except for one.
-> He still smokes and holds a bit of cigarette elitism and hates vapes. Babe has said to him multiple times, "You're mad because they're having fun on the ride to lung cancer??? Alright."
-> Has fought off and was chased down by a young, trainee Sweetheart. He claims, in secret, that it was horrifying.
-> Too prideful for his own good. Almost physically fought with Angel because he claimed they were cheating in Monopoly and they both didn't want to step down or be mature. Angel was cheating, but that's not the point.
-> Despite having common spats or snark-offs with the mates, he does enjoy their company and always offers himself as a stable shoulder or listening ear.
-> His wolf form is really like lanky. I know he's a wolf, but he looks kind of like a borzoi.
-> His family is also really known for their really nice hair. Darlin cut it when he was younger in his teen-angst phase, but has been letting it grow back out.
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(this is really big (pun so intended)) Treasure is next and that will be it for the vampire mates / listeners.
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Ok, long but,
I've been thinking and I've come to the conclusion that Sam, Darlin' and Vincent are complete hypocrites when it comes to the Summit.
Everyone in this universe does vigilante justice. Not only that, but everyone does vigilante justice at the expense of the wellbeing of others. I mean, really think about it.
We have Milo/Sweetheart with the wraith (and Inversion), Sam/Darlin' with Quinn, Vincent/Lovely with Adam, Vega/Warden with all the close-knit stuff, amongst some others I'm sure I've forgotten.
A precedent has been set in the writing that 1. the department is ass and 2. taking matters into your own hands is not a sign of what direction your moral compass points.
Sam and Darlin's vigilante shit could've got people killed, especially Angel and Babe, and went on for far too long. David called them out on it, but the focus has always been 'you should trust us to help you', rather than 'you have put us all in immediate danger'. So for Sam and Darlin' to turn and go 'how could William do this? this is unacceptable' just feels so hypocritical. You know how he could do this. You did it yourself lil bro 🤨. If anything, Darlin's silence is one of the reasons Fred and Bright literally fucking died, right?
Same with Vincent and Adam (and I will NEVER blame Lovely because Vincent was completely in the wrong). If he just warned William and the rest of the clan about Adam instead of trying to headbutt through all his problems, chance is that Lovely would be protected and/or Adam would be neutralised. He risked, not just Lovely, but so many other human's lives doing this. William even said he would've killed Adam if he knew about him. SO TELL HIM. Loooord.
So for them all to be completely dumbfounded that William (the half a millennia old vampire king) did a...a big bad scheme is laughable. At least he planned his violence. At least he didn't have any collateral, unlike both Vincent, Sam and Darlin'. And at least he had a reason for secrecy, instead of stubbornness. There's reasons to critique him, for certain, but not from any of those chucklefucks. They've got no legs to stand on.
Honestly, all three of them sound so immature to me. One rule for me and another for thee headass.
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romirola · 1 year
If you're like me, you are excitedly awaiting the arrival of the Monarchical Summit storyline! Before that storyline is officially explored in the audios, I want to offer a reminder that if the idea of the Shaw Pack and Solaire Clan enjoying a fancy gala interests you, you might enjoy my completed fic, Packed with Love, which features exactly that, along with flashback scenes, wolfpack banter, unlikely friendships, action/adventure, grocery hunts, hurt/comfort, trancey interrogations, and more! All information (including tags, word count, rating, characters, thank-you shoutouts, etc.) can be found at the AO3 link.
IN FACT, I (through Angel) even referenced Sam having the title of Duke and his being wildly embarrassed at that fact. Here's the proof, which is a passage I pulled straight from Chapter 1:
"On behalf of the RMA, thank you for your generosity," Sam acknowledged. "Obviously I can't put in anything for the raffle since it'd look fixed if I ever won.” Between my association with the RMA, and the fact that I’m William’s once-removed progeny, I’ve had to forfeit my chances.” “‘Once-removed progeny,’” Milo curiously echoed. “So if William is your clan’s king, and you’re the progeny of William's progeny, what does that make you?” “Duke?” Angel guessed. “Viscount? Earl?” “More like court jester,” Sam supplied. “William’s not one to care much about titles or bloodlines, thankfully. That kinda stuff can just get to be so silly and antiquated. But he is one to make sure that he could never be accused of nepotism or favoritism among his clan. That’s why I agreed to forgo any raffle ticketing, as did all of us who do work for the RMA during the year. Don’t get me wrong, though. If I could buy tickets, I certainly would. William let Vincent pick out the prizes this year. True to his flashy form, he really went all out." “What’s the prize?” Asher asked as he added more garlic butter to his bread. “An ultra-luxury all-expenses-paid stay at one of those big fancy spa resorts,” Babe supplied. “Everything is included for the week. Travel, lodging, gourmet food, massage services, every amenity you can possibly think of. Doesn't that sound incredible?" Babe squealed. "And the runner-up is a huge basket full of gift cards to all different businesses around Dahlia. Empowered and unempowered. You can go check out all the businesses at the raffle table.” Babe twisted their back and pointed across the room. "Max's Rustic Pizza, the Trance Bureau, Gary's Shifter Grooming Salon, that paintball place in Greenway we've always said we want to try," they listed. "The Psychokinetic Cleaning Company, the Steakhouse, and more!"
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aimedis · 8 days
redacted characters as things in my journal 🎀
relatively big tw - there's like vague to explicit mentions of su!cid3 and heavily implied mental self-esteem struggles in this one (i'm alright at the moment, promise) so if that's triggering to you, don't read. this is kinda heavy and maybe disturbing to read to some people i think.
i decided to do this because i though it was kinda fun and cool to like analyse my stuff and the characters a little bit. sorry if this offends anyone ig? idk 😭 i'll be back with the more lighthearted stuff in a couple days okay let's go ->
darlin: "my feelings aren't in my control most of the time. i don't know why i feel this way."
angel before they broke up with micheal: "i think is funny (but i also feel bad) that he's always talking about "getting married" and "forever" when i have a break up letter sitting in my notes."
freelancer: lyrics to "making the bed - olivia rodirgo"
darlin: "i don't wanna talk about him anymore."
damien: "i just want my mom. and i wish i could go up to her just bawling my fucking eyes out like i'm five-years-old without feeling like a fucking failure but i can't... i've survived long enough and i can do it some more."
darlin before sam: "and a part of me will always miss what once was or could have been. but i know they will never be long term, permanent, or reality. i wasn't created to have a happy ending... but i'm okay with this. it makes it easier to slip away and disappear."
cutie: i don't know what so say really. i just feel empty and alone often. i feel out of place. i feel like everything i do is humiliating or straight up wrong. i don't know what's wrong with me."
gavin: "try as i might, i still feel like i am not in my body. living vicariously... through myself?"
baabe: "i should know. my dad didn't want me enough to stay."
lasko: "man what a fucking baby. stop crying over shit that hasn't even happened."
damien before huxley: "i wish i was dead. do you think if [mom] knew she'd wish that too?" (knew that he was gay)
lovely: lyrics to "strangers - ethel cain"
darlin: "i hope it's not my fault when it's all over. i want one thing to not be my fault. but it probably will be."
angel: "why am i crying. again. over and over and over again. it's all i ever do. cry about this or cry about that."
milo post-inversion: "this hurts a lot more than i thought. the thought of feeling like this forever? it sucks."
freelancer: "fucking kill me. i can't breathe."
sam: "is it wrong to think i don't deserve this or that it's not my fault?"
lasko: "it feels like i'm always apologizing."
david: "it really hurts when i need to talk to [him] so bad but i can't."
huxley post-inversion/xavier's death: "is it just always going to feel like this? holy shit this hurts."
damien: "i'm sorry, mom, i'm sorry."
vincent: "the real me? i don't know who that is anymore."
angel: "one more or one less, nobody's worried. my tummy hurts."
darlin before sam: "i don't plan on feeling like this again. i don't plan on "being in love" ever again. as if i know what that feels like... it makes me feel like shit all the time."
cutie: "after this, i'll go back to being alone. like god intended."
asset: "it's kind of sad how i don't even feel like a person sometimes."
lovely: "every so often it hurts so much i think it's gonna rip me apart from the inside."
asher post-inversion: "and it's like, sometimes it straight up feels like i'm gonna die in that moment."
sweetheart: "my greatest sin to men was being a child."
damien: lyrics to "forwards beckon rebound - adrianne lenker"
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jacks347 · 5 months
I feel like hurting people so let's talk about Redacted characters fatal flaws.
David - Obligation
I was originally going to say David's flaw was loyalty but I thought that was too surface level so I dug a little deeper and found something a bit more important. David carries a heavy weight of obligation on his shoulders. He runs the pack and the security company because it's what his dad would've wanted, he works to keep the pack going because people depend on him, he only met Angel cause Caelum made him. Everything in his life is because of feels obligated to keep said things going. He didn't want to be in this situation, he doesn't want to have to work as hard as he does but he knows he has to in order to maintain everything his father left him. David takes on so much because he thinks he has to and that kind of weight will crush him eventually. He's pulling himself in so many directions, something has to give. To put it in his own words, one of these times when he throws himself at the wall it won't be the thing that breaks.
Asher - Optimism
Asher, you sweet sweet bean, your joy will be the thing that destroys you. Asher has the Polites problem (see, I know Greek characters) in where his optimism is the thing that drives the group into a far more dangerous situation. Asher's hopeful belief that they could get through the Inversion almost got him killed. He is the sunshine character, he's the one that everyone expects to be happy, he holds the morale of the pack on his shoulders and that kind of pressure would be enough to make anyone crack. How long will it be until the happy-go-lucky attitude snaps under the weight?
Milo - Dedication
It's easy to say Milo is loyal to a fault. It's hard to say he has a gravely misplaced sense of dedication. Milo feels he has something to prove, he always has. Prove to himself and the rest of the pack that he's useful, he has a place, he has a purpose in this pack. Milo has dedicated his life to proving his worth and that dedication to a harmful cause will be the thing that kills him. Hell, it already almost did. If another event like the Inversion happens, he might not make it out.
Sam - Independence
Sam is an interesting case because his need to be independent won't kill him physically as much as it will mentally. He has worked so hard to make sure other people's actions don't define him that he instinctively isolates himself. He keeps everyone at arm's length so that if and when they do something that hurts the people around them, he won't be caught in the blast radius. But that changes when he meets Darlin, someone who also keeps people at arm's length and doesn't let anyone get close. There's an argument to be made in how Sam seems himself in Darlin and that's why he felt so inclined to help them (beyond just hating Quinn) but not the point I'm making. Sam runs from problems before they can affect him and when the pack dies, he'll be stuck in a problem he can't run from. Sam may not die after the pack is gone but he will fade into the background. Sam will be lost in time, clinging to memories of a time that he let people in as those too eventually fade into the aether of history.
Vincent - Naivety
I heavily considered giving Vincent independence as his fatal flaw too cause it very well could be but we don't do doubles in this house and there is a far more deadly flaw in him and that's his naivety. Vincent is blind to his situation, he doesn't understand most of it because he's been shielded from it. He lacks understanding of what it really means to be a vampire, let alone one in such a well known house. And it's in that where we see his mistake with Lovely. Vincent turned Lovely without fully understanding his own place and therefore doesn't understand the responsibilities he's putting onto Lovely by bringing them into it. It's the blind leading the blind. This lack of real understanding I think will be what tears him apart.
Porter - Peace
Now, this one is hard to explain. How is peace a fatal flaw? Rather simply, actually. You find peace in a situation that you choose not to change. Porter is William's guard dog because he doesn't feel like he deserves to be anything more. He does as asked because he thinks it's all he good for. He had made his peace with the fact that he believes he's not worth anything more than the blood he can spill. Which is wrong and flawed. And it's in that peace in the situation he doesn't believe he deserves to change that will get him killed. If he doesn't convince himself he's worth more than this, it'll be the thing that does him in.
Gavin - Humanity
Gavin's sense of humanity may not necessarily kill him but it will cause an untold amount of pain. Gavin has distanced himself so far from the world of demons in order to choose his own path and be who he is that he's forgotten this world isn't his. Elegy owes him nothing and it'll give him as much. It's the immortal lover problem, he will survive long after Freelancer and the others are gone and it will break him. I've mentioned before that Gavin and Porter are two sides of the same character but what's interesting is how their stories seem to be going in opposite directions until they eventually switch places. When Gavin loses the people that give him a sense of humanity, he will fall to what he believes he has to be in order to survive while Porter is learning that he can be more than what's expected of him and will hold that sense of pride I believe long after Treasure is gone.
Escaped, you're next. Prepare.
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redactahoe · 11 months
Tank centric shaw pack headcanons
Tw:// this is unorganized brain rot shenanigans, there will be mentions and talk of Quinn, tanks shitty parents, etc. but it will be mostly fluffy shenanigans also mention of my personal tank headcanons, this also is unedited
Tank was and still is freakishly huge (like bigger than David) in wolf form but kinda “tiny” in human form. And this caused a lot of health issues and social issues. But Mr Asher “I befriend everything that breaths” Talbots(is that his last name??) decided at the age of 14 that he was going to befriend the impossible(or that’s how he puts it)
Asher is one of the few people that could touch tank without them flinching
Tank was born half deaf(like they hear next to nothing without hearing aids) and a little blind in the left eye, so b/c of this Asher with the help of David forced ever single pack teen to learn asl(American sign language) so tank could feel included
Tank also didn’t even realize that they were deaf, they thought that everyone heard like them and struggled for the first few years of life to learn how to read lips (they got to learn sign language w/ everyone else :) )
That is until it was Milo that noticed that tank was deaf and brought it up in the next hang out the teens did(tank wasn’t there cause they were taking care of honey they’re baby sib)
Then the word was passed on to Gabe who decided to take tanker to get some hearing aids
Asher likes to greet tanker by shifting and tackling them to the floor
Asher was the one to introduce tank to music and movies and shows when tank got they’re hearing aids at 15
Asher is a very touchy person and (other than Sam) knows that tank is very touch starved and cuddly
B/c of this Asher used to scare the shit out his mom and dad by jump scaring tank
Most of the pack except for Gabe, David, Milo, Marie, Asher, and a few others are afraid of tank b/c of not only their abnormally sized wolf form but also b/c tank was and still is very instincts based person and more animalistic in nature
Despite the fact that Asher is a giant goofball he still very protective of his pack and mate
The most protective of them all goes tank, David, then Asher. Everyone else is normal
Asher had to be physically held back from running down to the d.u.m.p facility that Quinn was in so he wouldn’t tear Quinn apart
The pack didn’t know the full extent of abuse tank went through until after Quinn was arrested and it’s safe to say that a lot of the pack(including our non werewolf members) had some pretty violent thoughts they wanted to enact on Quinn
When Asher’s parents started traveling and his sister moved tank regularly checked up on him b/c they know what it’s like to feel abandoned
Soon after tanks meeting back in daliha, they had a heart to heart with David explaining that Quinn would’ve only attacked the pack if they were “in his way”. And that the only reason tanks friend was attacked was because that friend consistently called Quinn out and tried to keep tank from falling to deep into Quinn’s manipulation. The said something like “ Quinn is a coward, he would never attack Shaw pack without a sure fire way of getting away with it or if he’s was running out of ways to manipulate me and the pack had too many connections for him to do anything that wasn’t a desperate last attempt.” This is really when it clicked for David that tank really knew what they were doing when they kept everyone away. Sure it was self sacrificing at its finest but tank probably didn’t see many other options
This was even more solidified for him when tank was going on for hours trying to get a rise out of Sam and he said that if tank kept “acting”(whatever that meant) they would’ve forced him to “hurt those precious little humans the Shaw pack keeps around”
Out of spite of what Quinn said about darlin being his last sight before death, darlin, David,angel, sam, Milo, sweetheart,Asher, and babe stayed inside and had a sleepover at the pack house and actively avoid Any thing regarding the execution
Around the time tank and babe started getting close(they’re besties b/c I said so) bab started to work for a research facility they focused on bettering vampires lives and was able to get in contact with William and DUMP to start a experiment to see if they could find a way for vampires to be in the sun by using Quinn as experiment fodder
Babe went ask tank for permission and tank asked why keep him alive babe responded with “Quinn has hurt to many people to just simply die, he deserves so much worse, and hey maybe he could be useful for once in his pathetic life :).
Tank obviously agreed because there was just something so ironic about how Quinn’s want for power and eternity(he use to go on and on about how vampires are superior and how powerful and old he was) would be the cause for his suffering
On that same note babe despite being kinda small can be quite scary
I’m gonna end it hear. I’ll make a part two sometime later
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Ok soooo im having a really fucked day mentally…….. so here’s how my favorite ASMR boys would help you during your mentally fucked days 
He’s been there. He knows how it is. 
He’ll pick you up throw you over his shoulder, grab the softest blanket in the house and a whole box of your favorite cookies/comfort snack. He puts on your favorite playlist/movie/TV show
Put you on his lap with the blanket over you and hold you close. gently kissing your neck and shoulders. He doesn’t say much. he doesn’t have to say much. he’ll listen, he’ll nod. But rarely will any words be spoken unless prompted 
He knows you. You guys literally grew up together, trying to hide it from him is pointless. 
He’ll walk up to you and give you a big hug. (as big as the skinny bitch can muster) and he won’t let you go until you are willing to sit down and talk about it.
“it’s OK Casper”
“let it out……I’ll be here when you’re ready”
“Your not a burden babe… you’re never a burden”
After you’re done talking, you lay in bed together and cuddle until you both asleep
We already know how good Milo is at this kind of thing.
Provided that you’re not already in panic zone. Milo can always tell when his sweetheart is not doing well.  he goes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist.
(provided that you have the same reaction as me that would make you cry right then and there.)
He listens, he holds you close, he makes it better.
You’d think he was taking lessons From caelum for how quickly he makes “the knots” go away. Sure some knots will always be there and he knows that. But he will try his hardest to make you feel safe and loved.
If I do caelum I just might cry While typing this
(What is it with broken southern men) Sam. much like Seth also knows what it’s like.
“I got ya darlin’….you’re safe here”
Sam holds you close to his chest. And just lets you vent while he softly rubs your back. He’ll use his flannel sleeve to wipe off any stray tears.
You can ask if you’re being too much. You can tell him you didn’t want to be a burden. 
But he won’t have any of it.
“darlin do you think it’s a burden when I share my sorrows with you?”
“No.” (If you say yes. f@ck you)
“then why do you think I’d be burdened with hearing yours?”
Once the vent session is done, and your tears are dried. He’ll give you all the kisses, and whisper all the sweet nothings. And get you back to feeling like you’re on top of the world. 
(Didn’t think I was gonna bring him out did ya)
We know that he’s not the softest guy in the world, but when he is it’s good.
He realizes that you’re not acting your normal self and will request a meeting with you (whilst also clearing the next two hours of his schedule)
He sits on the couch in his office (he’s loaded He has one) you sit down next to him, and he pats his lap.
“come here. rest your eyes rook” you lay your head in his lap, and he  runs his fingers through your hair. He won’t push you to talk. He’ll just wait until you’re ready.  but if he feels that you’re not telling him because you don’t want to bother him. He’ll reassure you.
“we may be on work hours,  but I want you to know i’m still here….. you can interrupt me at any time of the day or night if you need anything”
The rest is up to you.
It doesn’t matter if you are the best at hiding it. if literally nothing in your demeanor changes, if you’re just the same as you always are,
he knows 
“Honeyyyyy~ what’s wrong”
Hide your emotions all you want you’re gonna end up talking about it. he’ll kiss all over you, Whispering little praises, make extremely lewd comments. you know guy being guy just a lotmore than usual. and somehow even he’s confused about this. It makes you feel better. 
Sorry if this sucks, my hands were shaking the entire time and I still don’t have my glasses fixed. Love y’all, and I wish you well 
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pearl-kite · 9 days
Hi I know this is out of nowhere and sorry if you answered it before. Also totally ok if you don’t want to answer
But your blog got me super interested in the redacted asmr thing
I did some research and you seem to know a lot about so do you know if there’s any like, chronological order I should watch them?
Love your blog!
Absolutely no worries! I like getting stuff to respond to, it's the opposite of a bother <3
So Redacted Audio, formerly Redacted ASMR, is a channel on youtube with a, quite frankly, massive amount of audio, and since it's been running for over 4 years now it can be a LOT to sort through. Fortunately, he's done a really good job curating and organizing playlists for the different speaker-characters.
Everything is within the same universe, and many of the characters have interacted with each other. The context is that the location is a fictional city named Dahlia set somewhere in California, which is a "cornerstone" city for magical society. The best way to get a solid rundown on magic and the setting is to listen through the Freelancer Season 1 playlist.
This one is already arranged in chronological order* and also has the benefit of giving a sampler of sorts for a wider variety of speakers. One thing to be aware of ahead of time: While this was actively being published, Erik hadn't decided who the listener-character (nicknamed Freelancer) would be romancing, so it starts off with a lot of potential toward all of them except Caelum. As it went, there were polls in the discord server that he used to run, and popular consensus eventually narrowed it down to Gavin. The first time I listened was after all of that, and I was more fond of Damien, but I'm personally pleased with Gavin now, and this playlist has been one of my favorites to just revisit if I'm bored.
*Well, mostly. There was a point where the channel got a strike for some of the audios being too spicy and he removed and/or edited some of them to try to avoid being demonetized. The first Gavin audio is one of the ones that got edited, and #3 on the playlist accidentally got relocated. It's been a long time, but I think it was originally after what's now #6, the second Caelum audio.
Aside from that one as a good introduction to the channel as a whole, there are some "main" characters that have had the most attention.
One is a group of wolf shifters: David, the current head of the pack (Chronological for his listener. A lot of people aren't super fond of the earliest ones for him, #3-5, because the character evolved a bit and they aren't really representative any longer) Asher, his second Milo, another pack member, which is absolutely underselling him, he's one of my favorites
There are a couple of vampires: Vincent, the OG for the channel Sam, a common favorite who's listener is a member of David's pack
While most of the playlists are specific to character, there are a few thematic ones as well, all of which are chronological within themselves. Now, chronology with respect to each other can start to get a bit confusing, because of how long it's taken for some of them to play out.
If you want to get a feel for the characters before worrying too much about timeline, I'd listen through most playlists as they're arranged with one main caveat:
When you hit the audios titled Inversion, give those a pause until you've listened to more speakers. Inversion was a huge crossover he did that has 10+ speakers involved.
A personal favorite has been Vega. I'm actually super not fond of the first audio he's in, which is also in the Freelance list, so I skip that one when I relisten. The first one in this list is that one with the Freelancer, but the second and onward has a demon listener nicknamed Warden. We just got an update on his story today/last night and I've been a little unwell about it 🙃
I am realizing I could go on and on and on and I kind of have, so I'm going to stop there. Hopefully that's enough to dip your toes in. I'll gladly help out with any follow-up questions, too :3
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