#switching majors
downy-roses · 12 days
Im dropping being a bio major. I think I’ve just been continuing the plan of a me who doesn’t exist anymore, and wasn’t even real. I love creative writing, editing, literary analysis, argumentative essays, and tutoring writing.
I hate science labs, reaserch, and math. I’ve joked about it for a while. I should have been an English major. I should’ve known after I made jokes about my gender for years in high school…. And now I’m a woman. My jokes usually mean *something* in retrospect.
I chose biology as it was something my past self was confident in and liked. And I think something subconsciously about stem being seen as masculine. Ugh the closet was glass and weird.
Welp, time to trade my more stable career path for something I actually am fully passionate about in entirety. I’m fucked. Be we roll. It’s English major time.
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redhotchilipepper1 · 2 months
Changing your major is wild. I started as an English Major, then switched to psychology, and now all of a sudden I’m a fashion major-
I’m 18, it’s my 5th semester. I don’t know what I’m doing with my life 😭😭😭
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angebluee · 1 month
I have an exam but instead of studying I got possessed
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existentialterror · 3 months
Fellas, if your story has...
Way too many narrators
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Self-aware weird formatting
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A metanarrative
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Courier font
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Meaningful colored text
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The story existing as a piece of media within the story itself
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A fucked up house
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An unreliable narrator
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Just way too much about the romantic lives of people who suck
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That's not your story, that's
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rochenn · 19 days
The Jedi Order mainly being an institution about teaching makes me sad that we never see more "Jedi classes" outside of the popular ones like martial arts, healthcare and Force wackery.
Alongside basic language and science education etc there have to be at least some trade and college courses on offer, right? The Jedi need a bunch of their own people with law degrees. Proper pedagogy studies for future crèchemasters. Cooks. Managers. All types of engineers. Electricians. Accountants. Researchers. How many Jedi hold a doctorate or professorate? Because I think a large number of them do. Their databanks are filled with millennia of dissertations. You can still find Yoda's articles from 500 years ago and cite them in your history research paper.
The Order just having its own micro-economy going on and every member getting their own regular job education next to all the lightsaber swinging adventures... pls
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buzzfeedunsolvable · 15 days
No hate to Steven or anything and a lot of the flack he's gotten in the yt comments is unwarranted, but one thing I think is interesting is how on Watcher he was painted as a business-guru type and yet he was like... a chemical engineering major. Like so was I for most of college and you know what we never learned? How to run a business
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 months
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smashwolfen · 9 days
It finally happened, after my goal of finding each one authentic and triple checking over and over and over again, I can finally say
I have them all....
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The Generation 1-3 games need proper battery replacements, but that's already in the works. Many of them I had already owned before beginning this collection in Ernest, it was within the past 2 years or so after discovering my copy of Platinum was a reproduction that I had actively been looking for the counterparts I had been missing, trading and selling uneeded things that went towards their purchases, and all had been local!
I had gotten VERY fortunate luck with a lot of my titles! The hardest ones for me being Black 2 and White 2 with their insane pricing these days, Black 2 I had gotten from a friend for a fantastic price CIB, and White 2 CIB I paid for for a decent amout but was well worth it when I had also picked up UltraMoon and Sun CIB for essentially free along with it.
The wildest one would have to go to GBA Sapphire, I had gotten it from my PhysioTherapist of all people, he had it since he was a boy and his stories wild! His mom had found it YEARS ago in the hospital parking lot in a PUDDLE and after all these years it had still played for this whole time, with playtime going into 600+ hours and a shiny Electrike to go with it (I renamed him after physio man to never forget him). And bud just GAVE it to me, FOR FREE. He said that I was looking for it, he didnt need it, and he got it for free so knowing I was a huge nerd on a quest he was just willing to help towards my collection, and he is the most amazing guy ever. To think I never would have met him had I not gotten into a car crash back in January, the world works in mysterious ways.
All in all, I have caught up with the english releases of all the pokemon generations, may add a copy of Green to it later down the line, but for now, I am a happy Smish with an amazing collection djrhfjnskwbrjfhdnske
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yunogf · 9 months
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NCT 127's Sticker (2021) as Michael Crichton's science fiction western Westworld (1973)
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taffywabbit · 2 months
i just woke up so i haven't actually watched the pokemon direct thingy yet, but i heard they mentioned they aren't pushing out another console release at all for 2024 and if that's true then frankly THAT news is way more hype than any actual game announcement could ever be. go girl let us wait!! this is genuinely what i've been begging for for years now
like, oh a new Legends game? that's neat i guess. oh wait it's being given literally ANY time to cook and they aren't crunching Game Freak to hell and back in order to pump out a bunch of half-baked annual releases for the first time in ages?? NOW we're fuckin talking. LOVE to see the torturous cycle broken
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cookinguptales · 2 years
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So back when I was much younger and much newer, I took a class at UChicago on ancient Egypt. This was so exciting for me, especially because UChicago has an extensive collection of artifacts from the ancient Near East -- which meant that we got to learn using actual artifacts.
It wasn’t that unusual for us to be sent off to the Oriental Institute to translate something as homework, and one of the things I remember vividly was this (partially restored) fragment of a tomb wall.
In ancient Egypt, names were important, and so was memory. The continued existence of the soul was associated with the continued existence and memory of a person’s name, which is one reason why we have all of these beautiful carved monuments to this day. They wanted to write their names down. They wanted to be remembered. They knew that they could live forever as long as they lived in one person’s memory.
But tombs are expensive. They take a lot of time, a lot of resources, a lot of work. It’s a lot easier to just scratch out one person’s name and replace it with your own. A lot of memorials were repurposed in this way, sometimes because they were actively trying to erase one person’s memory and sometimes simply in an effort to maintain their own. So there was a very real anxiety about tomb desecration and name erasure that comes up again and again and again.
That was what we’d learned about in class that day, but I didn’t know why this wall fragment was our homework until I finished translating it.
I remember sitting there, huddled over my notebook as I crouched on the floor of the OI, sixteen years old and just beginning to learn the world. I remember painstakingly copying the inscription and then translating it to the best of my ability. And then I remember giggling as quietly as I could, not wanting to bother the other guests, when I realized it basically said, “HAHA, I MADE IT SO YOU CAN’T ERASE THIS.”
You see, he’d invented a technique that involved filling the carvings with a certain kind of colored paste. It was very, very difficult to completely remove -- and he was right. No one had managed to do it.
I remember sitting there on the floor and laughing and thinking to myself that humans don’t change, not really. We don’t ever, ever change. Our beliefs might and our goals might, but people? Our souls can traverse millennia.
Because over four thousand years had passed but I still felt this odd connection to a man whose pride in his own ingenuity had made me laugh. 
This all happened around fifteen years ago and I no longer remember how to read this wall. But you know what I do remember? His name.
I remember you, Nefermaat.
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decalcominia · 4 months
I love how they used language as a tool of power and an indicator on which side they are like for example lady maeda, having her speak in korean made her look as if they’re equals, since as a japanese person she certainly did not have to do that, but by dropping the act and taking on her native language, the language the people of joseon were forced to speak and understand, she takes the role of the oppressor again showing that, after all, she has never seen them as equals to begin with
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wstcqst · 5 months
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theriverbeyond · 2 years
something re: the Gideon -> Kiriona evolution that is perhaps not the most important (esp on the scale of other things) but that i keep feeling fairly fixated on is that Gideon hated the Lyctor Aesthetic (”like Silas Oktakisseron threw up in the glitter drawer”) and she is so valid for that but now she’s dressed like “the military wing of disco”. and on a personal level i think her new look is incredibly sexy BUT i cannot help but fixate on how this is now the third outfit she has worn that is not really something she would have chosen for herself (cavalier skull paint, harrow’s body, military disco). and she only gets three outfits in the whole series anyway!! 
something something abt being butch and How We Dress being so related to Who We Are, and having that choice taken away is always some sort of thing. something something abt body autonomy and how she continues to have none despite her proclamations otherwise. she says ”nobody locks me up anywhere” but Kiriona Gaia is arguably locked up everywhere she goes, on account of her body having the fun feature of being able to be turned off by someone else. Gideon started her escape attempts at age four. four!!!!! something something abt how the one thing she has always fought for is her own freedom, and everything she has done and everything she has been through since then has only served to render her more and more under others’ control. on the Ninth she had an ankle cuff and at Canaan House she had the cavalier’s sword and as a prince the leash and collar is her own dead body, which is once again (as always) dressed by someone else. 
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 24 days
Not to be uhhhh annoying, but Karkat's theme and Eridan's theme from Alterniabound at the very least have to do with each other.
Both of them start off with a melody, but switch it up at around 0:06 seconds. Then once again another switch at 0:52 (almost perfectly in sync).
At around 1:06, Eridan's theme goes slow and sad, and on the other end? Sounds of tediousness(TM). Barking, Super Mario ghost oooohing that sounds like rolling your eyes, and vaguely digital soundbites.
And THEN, at around 1:23, Karkat's waltz resumes, and Eridan's theme also becomes a waltz (more or less at 1.25x Karkat's speed).
Karkat's music ends at 1:57, WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT Eridan's theme kicks up. And then a "Hey!" is heard at 2:03/2:04, a couple of seconds after Karkat's theme actually ends. Quite literally: "Karkat pay attention to me. Hey. Karkat. Karkat. Karkat." lmao.
And guess which theme also loosely follows this pattern? Terezi's. A canonical crush of Karkat's (A lot more out of sync, though). Kanaya's theme doesn't, however. Much less Vriska's, or any other theme in Alterniabound's album.
Of course all of these songs follow a pattern, and they're made for the same [S] Pages. Karkat and Eridan's, though? Almost completely in sync.
I dunno, maybe I'm trying to fit triangles into square holes, but it seemed worth mentioning. I genuinely tried listening to both at the same time in two different tabs but I couldn't get much out of it.
(This is nosyDetective btw, I just can't send asks from this blog bc it's not my main 😔)
Unfortunately, the similarities seem pretty superficial - eridan's theme is mostly in 4/4 (2/2 technically because its a march) and karkat's is in 3/4 the whole time - but still, here's the two 3/4 parts mashed together for your listening pleasure, hahah.
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coladaminx · 6 months
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he's gonna temporarily die and kacchan better catch him (╥﹏╥) i'm not lookin forward to this but i sense something crazy is happening..
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