semsentido · 8 months
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FORESTA ARC (112-133):
- Chapter 122: They meet and Creed captures Homura (by Justice's order) with his Ether Lock, shrinking her into a palm-sized cage. - Chapter 124: Creed thinks that Homura is pretty. - Chapter 126: Because of Xenolith's attack: "Gravity Center" Creed dropped Homura's cage. To avoid Victory stepping on her, Creed unlocks her cage, releasing her and restoring her to normal size. As Homura leaves the scene, Creed is seen blushing while looking at her. - Chapter 130: Creed is seen looking at pictures of Homura while blushing.
NERO 66 ARC (139-169):
- Chapter 151: They run into each other. Homura remembers him. though she (accidentally) calls him "forgettable man in glasses" and (embarrassed) he tells her that his name is Creed.
- Chapter 152: As they have the same goal (stop Shura from using the all-link) Creed proposes they work together. Homura says she doesn't trust him and Creed assures her he would never lie to someone as beautiful as her.
- Chapter 154: An embarrassed Homura asks Creed to stop following her, to which he responds that there's nothing he can do since they're going in the same direction.
- Chapter 159: Creed reveals his real name, Seiji, to Homura and that he comes from the same planet as her, Oedo. She's surprised to know that he belongs to the shogunate family of Oedo.
- Chapter 160: After discovering Creed belongs to the Shogunate family of Oedo Homura apologizes to him for the way she was been acting with him. Creed says she should treat him the same as always, as they aren't in Oedo and the cosmos are free. He says his objective is to change the old ways of their home planet, which Homura says is a wonderful idea, and smiles at him. Creed thinks Homura's smile is too beautiful for words. As they agree to work together to destroy the all-link system they are found by Jesse who points a gun at them and asks Creed to get away from Homura. As Creed prepares to use his ether on Jesse, Jesse fires at him, shooting him in the chest. As he's falling, Creed confesses his feelings to Homura and dies.
- Chapter 161: Homura closes Creed's eyes. When asked who Creed is, she replies he is "a friend from home". While crying, she says everyone that gets close to her goes away (ie dies).
- Chapter 168: Jesse says to Justice that Homura was the one who killed Creed. That she seduced and then killed him. Meanwhile, Homura hopes that Creed (his body) made it back to his ship/crew.
X495 ARC (170-180):
- Chapter 171: with a sad expression, Homura remembers Creed.
LENDARD ARC (181-220):
- Chapter 211: Homura offers Justice assistance in the battle against Acnoela. He remembers that Jesse said that Homura was the one who killed Creed.
- Chapter 216: Justice admits that it doesn't make sense that Homura killed Creed.
- Chapter 232: On Universe 0, Homura and Creed met during a sword match when they were kids. Homura injured him in the presence of the Shogun, Creed's father, thus Homura was to be beheaded. Despite his injury, Creed stood in defense of Homura, asking his father to show mercy. In the end, Valkyrie, Homura's master, was beheaded in Homura's place.
- Chapter 234: On Universe 0 Homura meets Valkyrie, she is surprised to see that Valkyrie is alive since she was beheaded. Valkyrie says that Creed/Seiji was the one who repaired her.
Episode 19 (Episode 44): adapts chapter 122.
Episode 20 (Episode 45): adapts chapter 124.
Episode 21 (Episode 46): adapts chapter 126.
Episode 22 (Episode 47): adapts chapter 130.
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loremaster · 1 year
last summer I popped off with my sharpies and made an incredibly self-indulgent nuzlocke comic of Pokemon Sword. It's gijinka, it's PMD(ish), it's a big long shitpost, it's fun and lighthearted (Until.....)
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randomnameless · 2 years
For reference, Free Knight loses only 1 strength & 1 defense in addition to move of course on foot, whilst its promotion, loses only 1 defense & move upon dismount. For comparison's sake, Cavalier/Bow/Axe/Lance Knights & their promotions lose 1 strength, skill, speed & 2 defense upon dismount, in addition to Axe & Lance Knights already getting unfairly kicked in the nads by losing their primary weapon in exchange for swordlock.
I don't remember, but it's Fergus the only free knight in Fe5?
Our delmud is one too, for "reasons"?
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stitchedimp · 5 years
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slanax · 7 years
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Man, hacking lets you cope with so much nuisances this game throws at you
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bad and naughty village smashing pirates get put in the Timeout Basin
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raxistaicho · 2 years
Everything’s coming up wyverns!
Since I already got onto the subject of Fire Emblem gameplay with my recent post on the Weapon Triangle, I guess it’s a good opportunity to hit on another complaint that often gets hurled at the feet of Three Houses: that the game is just wyvern spam.
Now before I get into the details of why this is a Fire Emblem problem rather than a Three Houses problem, it’s worth pointing out that this viewpoint that spawned in 2019 and never really went away, despite being nothing more than low-effort ammunition to bitch about the game.
It was certainly true at one point that you could just mass a squadron of wyverns to roll over the enemy with, but that was back when hard was the highest difficulty we had. And hard’s a joke. But with the advent of Maddening and further development of the meta, anybody pretending that, “just mass wyverns!” is still considered the best strategy can safely be ignored. I mean, Bernadetta was once deemed a trash unit, now she’s unironically considered better than Claude and the male version of Byleth.
So, why do people complain about mass wyverns so much? Most because it’s visually boring and appears to result in a team with no versatility. In most games, what class a unit is in has a huge part to play in their prospects, so the class system appears to force versatility on your team by giving different units different strengths and weaknesses, but this very seldom plays out in reality. In actual practice, one or two classes are best in a given game, players just mass those classes with maybe a few others to support them, and if you’re in the wrong class for a given game (footies in 4, swordlocks in 7) then you’re dead on arrival.
While it isn’t actually true in Three Houses that mono-class teams lack versatility to begin with (units are made unique in this game not by their base class but by their skill aptitudes, abilities, spells, and combat arts), to pretend that Three Houses invented the issue of mono-class teams with its redesign of the class system is ludicrous.
FE4 is horse spam, FE 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11 are horse and flier spam, FE13 is dark mage and hero spam, FE14 is more flexible but there was still a lot of wyvern and ninja spam, and FE15 is mostly soloing everything with an archer and sometimes using a horse or merc for specific tasks. Meanwhile, FE12 avoids this by having the best array of promoted classes in the entire series (EVERY promoted class aside from Warrior has some valuable niche at varying points in the game) and that game has DS Emblem’s free class changing system. The problem is game balance, not army versatility.
Now, getting back to Three Houses.
As I mentioned previously, a large part of what makes units unique in this game is not their class but what attributes, abilities, spells, and combat arts they learn. In this game, classes are often little more than a vehicle through a unit leverages their innate qualities (Sniper and Grappler are two notable exceptions to this).
To take just the Black Eagles as an example, assuming you’re using your entire base class you’re likely to end the game with Edelgard, Petra, Ferdinand, and a female Byleth on wyverns.
On paper, you have 4 units who fly around and bop people with an axe.
In practice, Ferdinand’s the wyvern you use when you need guaranteed doubling or to hit those annoying swordmasters or assassins, Petra’s probably the only wyvern who can carry silver or brave bows since she has a bow boon and low skill benchmarks, Byleth’s the wyvern who has battalion desperation so she can kill mid-tier and slower enemies without giving them a chance to counter, and Edelgard’s the wyvern with Aymr.
Now compare this to the fandom darling Path of Radiance, where your options are to have Titania ride around killing everybody with axes or have Oscar ride around killing everybody with axes or have Jill fly around killing everybody with axes or have Kieran ride around killing everybody with axes or have Astrid ride around killing everybody with axes or have Makalov ride around killing everybody with axes, or when you wanna break out of your comfort zone, you can have Marcia or Tanith fly around killing everyone with lances.
Yay versatility :D
And as I alluded to previously, “just mass wyverns!” is a stupidly inefficient way to play Maddening. People who know what they’re doing haven’t unironically done that for years.
The pool of units who function best on wyverns is actually quite limited if you’re looking beyond physical female units, and wyverns are generally more resource-intensive than most paths. You also want a dancer, a healer, generally one or two warpers, and at least one sniper for shooting down enemy pegasus knights. There’s also the fact that your deploy slots are limited to 10 before the time skip, by which point your team is mostly fully developed so adding a late-joining extra wyvern is giving you diminishing returns. Maybe go for a rally bot or somebody to carry a utility battalion instead.
In practice, most players will have 4 or 5 wyverns on their final team depending on which route and who they recruit (the OG Blue Lions, for instance, have very few units at all who are well-suited for riding wyverns). This only seems like a significant chunk of your team because Three Houses has unusually low deploy caps for most of the game, maxing out at 10 and 11 for most maps.
So yeah, “Three Houses has poor gameplay because just make everyone wyverns and win!” is a weak argument from start to finish. It hasn’t been relevant since 2020.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 4 years
“My plan does not involve intelligence”
- Said by our Swordlock
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carnageform · 7 years
give me your pickings, tell me your theories and hc's
I’m very bothered by the Durandal rn so this is nothing constructive at all and just 100% me rambling but I’m wonder why SO much emphasis was put on the Durandal when it’s not a very good weapon in the first place. It’s treated much differently than the main Divine weapons in fe6, bc while the Durandal was a high ass level weapon level and weighed a ton it could really be used by anyone as long as they could take it. (kinda like the Armads in that game). The only Divine weapons that really mattered in fe6 were from Hartmut bc they actually choose who wields them and the Eckesachs leads others to the Dragon shrine but whateverBut when it comes to fe7 the Durandal is treated very strangely. Like I know it was originally meant for Lyn but scrapped and replaced with the Sol Katti (which isn’t even a damn divine weapon) so why did they force it upon Eliwood just for the sake of having it? He doesn’t have much more CON than Lyn or his son Roy and they actually made the Durandal +4 points heavier in Rekka No Ken so it’s even worse in his hands, and he’s not super fast like Lyn to actually make up for it. It might’ve been bc Roland was the founder of Lycia that they tried to give it to him, but Roland was never really mentioned in fe6 to be Roy’s or his father’s ancestor (probably bc they didn’t want to draw too much attention away from the main Divine weapons). So I get to complain about it but at the same time there’s really no other Divine weapon Eliwood could use. The Maltet ,,, might’ve been possible bc Eli’s not stuck in swordlock after promotion, but then again it’s all the way in Ilia and not really in their travel path for Rekka No Ken and there’s no way you’re getting him to A lance rank by the final chapter, but THEN AGAIN Athos could just either take them to the site or fucking bring it to them like he did with the Sol Katti (or the Armads In Eliwood’s story)But that’s none of my businessAnd don’t even get me started on how the Durandal was used in chapter 28 bc I still believe that shoudnt have happened in the first place and that Nergal is a dumbass but jnsfsl
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theballmighty · 7 years
Armors in TRS are pretty meh, they have 3 mov when most other infantry has 4 or more, & for whatever reason the 4 mov Generals have swordlock. However the two playable Armors have something, one gets a horse on promotion becoming an Armored cavalry, still with only swords tho. The other has an 8% mov growth & good skills.
So viable, but not fantastic. Sounds about right.
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stitchedimp · 5 years
doing a nuzlocke in sword and so far my team is
Blooky (Sobble) and Quartz (Rookiedee)!
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deetvar-moved · 7 years
At least the Arden in TRS gets a horse though swordlock sucks.
Swords are still pretty good weapon in TRS so it ain’t so bad.
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randomnameless · 7 years
Tearring Saga Armors have very crappy MOV of 3, MOV is lower in the game with most unpromoted infantry having 4, but its still annoying. Thankfully one playable one, who is the splitting image of Arden, promotes to Iron Knight which rides a horse, & the other has an 8% mov growth, both have good skills too. The only Armor without any of that, is a prepromote. Swordlock is disappointing though.
i’m glad that the playable armor was buffed compared to the other armors but damn if this isn’t unfair to the others! Mov of 3? What is even this nonsense?
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