#sylvana shalashaska
forestcat000 · 2 years
in my rewrite a lot of different families knew each other for instance the Ro'meaves and shalashaska family have had ties since zianna and sylvanna were in high school.
in my rewrite sylvanna and zianna practically raised their kids together.
sylvanna and zianna never moved away from each other and garroth zane and vylad never forgot who Akemi was because they were neighbors their whole life
this also led to the Ro'meaves meeting Akemis cousins and aunt gene dante and maria oceans
Garroth met Laurence when he was in daycare and Zianna ended up befriending both of Laurence's fathers hayden and joh. so zianna would have the zvahls over which led to the meeting cadenza
this also led to the shalashaska family meeting the zvahls
Garte met Caelus Silverdeath when they met to discuss a business deal and they ended up working together and becoming friends. this led to zianna meeting Caelus's wife Terra Silverdeath. zianna and terra formed a frenemy relationship. eventually the Ro'meave brothers met the silverdeath children Janus, Saturn and Opis
(does anyone notice the silverdeath family name references also janus's siblings will get designs after i finish cadenzas one)
the shalashaska and zvahl family also ended meeting the silverdeaths
garte met Dereck Lycan while they were both in university and became friends (and maybe a bit more ;) ) and after they both got married their wives became friends and their children ended up being close (less so with Aaron)
The Lycans also met the silverdeath family the shalashaska family and the Zvahl family
all of the families are still in contact and have get togethers quite often
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zack-shalashaska · 2 years
I’m rating zack ships since my boyfriend rated Derek ships lol
Zack x terry 5/10 they are not alone buddy tho they do flirt also you can’t tell me zack wasn’t grieving after terry death thinking it was his fault since he pressed the button
Zack x sylvana 0/10 he cheated and she has a fetish they aren’t working ever again
Zack x Derek 10/10 I love them there tension and Derek was the one who made zack change and get through his head that Michael is just using him, they can push each other buttons and know how to keep each other calm also Zack just loves making Derek scared even tho he can’t do it right lol also Zack was so grieving over Derek death too
Zack x Michael 1/10 Michael just see Zack as a pet also there relationship would be abusive tho I hc them married in s6 lol
Zack x Elizabeth 6/10 they are best friends like he is her wingmen when Elizabeth see a cute woman at the store and want to talk to her they have fucked and she tops him every time
Zack x Eric 5/10 buff malewife x sub doctor werewolf they are cute but Eric would probably not like him bc what happened with Zack and sylvana in canon tho in fannon if they were together zack would so be Eric hype men during wrestling cheering him on and Eric would love to touch zack tail
Zack x garte 8/10 garte would flirt with Zack and those two would so cosplay Disney together tho they would so fight over Derek
Zack x Aaron 7/10 Zack would use it as a fuck you to Derek and Aaron would so rant to Zack about his trauma during there therapy session just since Aaron will feel comfortable talking with Zack also Aaron reminded Zack of Derek
Zack x zianna 0/10 Zack would never do to garte yeah I said garte not sylvana he could give less of a fuck about sylvana he doesn’t even want to bring her up also zianna not his type she more Elizabeth type Zack would help Elizabeth get with her lol
Zack x Rachel 1/10 he will try to steal Derek from her and he probably would tell Michael to kill her in s6 he probably also would be behind her death, he just hates her he literally had a tone of hatred when asking Derek if Rachel made him soft the man was jealous
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This post is a desperate attempt of keeping this account alive, I'm rating ships cause I'm bored.
Derek/Rachel. 8/10. They're definitely a power couple and all but Derek's an asshole to her so she kinda deserves better.
Derek/Aphmau. 6/10 because it could work. Maybe. As they are both fucking dumb.
Derek/Zianna. 3/10 could never work cause Derek is too much of a.. idk Garte simp to have an affair with his wife? Maybe in an au though.
Derek/Garte. 9/10 would be there if there was more chemistry, but there is only weird puppy love.
Derek/Rowan. 1/10. I guess Rowan's not his real father but I doubt that Derek would wanna be with the same exact person who raised him? I don't know Derek's weird so maybe there's a small chance? The one is only there for the chance.
Derek/Michael. 0/10. Would only ship for the angst and problems of it. Derek is an asshole and all but Michael is way worse to him so I don't think they should actually be together in a romance[the genre].
Derek/Zack. 10/10. It's a lot of angst and stuff but also it could genuinely work out without being abusive. They both seem to know how to push each other's buttons but also calm each other down, the ship is basically top tier.
Derek/Terry. 7/10. A little bit boring but I guess it could work?
Derek/Elizabeth. 4/10. I'm confused on what to do with this ship.
Derek/Eric. 6/10. Yes.
Derek/Sylvana. 2/10. Absolutely not. I love Sylvana and all but she's.. weird like her daughter[You know.. the werewolf thing?]
All of these were Derek ships for a reason, and that's because he has small amount of ships. Which makes him perfect so I don't have to spend days on this post.
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aphmaurewrite · 1 year
Aphmau Shalashaska [Rewrite Overview]
Ms. Extremely long last name that I have never and will never be able to fucking spell ever. Once again, no reference/redesign for her at the moment, and I’ll likely make separate posts that just links to these for those at this point because I genuinely just wanna post my ideas and stuff :)
By the way, feel free to ask whatever about the rewrite!! I LOVE answering questions and wanna interact and stuff!! My ask box (should) be open to any and all questions!! (If it’s not someone let me know I am still Very Stupid when it comes to Tumblr :”D)
Also also: if there any tags or content warnings you think I should put on any of these posts please let me know!! :>
-She/Her [Cis]
-24 [October 24th]
Aphmau was born and raised in Phoenix Drop, with both of her parents being pretty young when they had her. Sylvana Shalashaska, her mother, married Zack Scarletta, her father, straight out of high school, however this marriage barely lasted two years, with Zack cheating on Sylvana with another woman when Aphmau was still a toddler. Zack gave up all parental rights, settling instead for child support and alimony payments. After Zack abandoned the family, Sylvana became extremely overprotective of Aphmau to the point where her behavior was incredibly overbearing and controlling. Sylvana raised Aphmau alone until she was in the seventh grade, when she would marry Eric Fire-Fist, giving Aphmau a stepfather and two stepsiblings: Katelyn and Kasey Fire-Fist. Aphmau never cared for Eric’s attempt to play a father figure in her life, keeping her distance as she didn’t want to deal with yet another man entering and then leaving her life. She did however bond with Katelyn and Kasey, Katelyn especially.
During her first two years in high school, Aphmau would do extremely well, having plenty of friends and doing well academically; however, as time went on, her mother’s controlling behavior got worse and worse, getting to the point where Aphmau was basically forbidden from leaving the house if Katelyn wasn’t with her, as her mother feared Aphmau “getting involved” with boys her age. This toxic, controlling mentality led to Aphmau’s social life falling apart and built up a lot of resentment between the two. 
During the summer between her graduating high school and entering her freshman year of college, Aphmau picked up a waitressing job at a local diner to help pay for incoming college expenses. She continued to live at home with her mom and step-dad as it was a lot cheaper than paying for an apartment or a dorm until she met Aaron through work. The two hit it off well, with Aphmau making sure Aaron was paid his fair in tips while Aaron would drive Aphmau home when Katelyn wasn’t able to. The two’s friendly relationship was going steady, and while Sylvana was still prickly about everything, things were fine. That was, until Sylvana found out about Aaron - she and Aphmau would get into a MAJOR fight, basically driving Aphmau out of the house during the summer between her junior and senior year. 
Aphmau moved in with Aaron following the fight, going low contact with her mother for a few months while she finished up her senior year of college. After graduating, Aphmau would get back into frequent contact with her mom, and the two seemed to being getting along decently well for the time being. That was, until, while living with Aaron, the two became an official couple, which Sylvana hated. There was an obvious tension about the situation, but Aphmau ignored it, and it wasn’t addressed until Aaron proposed, wherein yet again, a MASSIVE fight would happen between Aphmau and her mom. That, with the addition of Aaron’s sister getting back into contact with, postponed any wedding plans while the couple deals with the migraines that are their families.
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Things I Loved About MyStreet: Starlight.
Melissa being a kinda sister towards Aphmau.
A plushie insulting Aphmau.
Derek being dumb.
Rachel acting more loveable and motherly.
Sylvana and Rachel’s rivalry.
Character development for Aphmau. Finally!
SYLVANA’S character development. Which was killed off in When Angels Fall, but we can enjoy it while it lasts.
Kawaii~Chan finally getting a backstory.
Derek getting more backstory too. Except we never get more after When Angels Fall... we are left with the 30% we are given. For now.
Garte FINALLY just being Garte. He has been a big comic relief forever and now he can finally show that.
Zack’s laugh.
Zack literally just snuck up on Derek just to scare him by speaking. I find that funny.
Zack just says really weird things by accident. That’s why I love him.
Rachel loves Sylvana’s cooking more than her own.
Eric being a normal overprotective father.
Elizabeth talking. That’s all.
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la-ro-ki · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
im big love for the au where Zianna divorces G*rte’s ass n ends up marrying Sylvana, it practically screams gay rights
anyway look at these cool and hip wlw mothers
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imjustagayfish · 3 years
Headcanon: Aphmau looks more like Zack then Sylvana and Travis looks nearly exactly like his mother(pretty sure the second one is canon in mcd)
And I say the first one because in my headcanon the descendant of Irene is Zack, not Sylvana, and since Aphmau is the reincarnation of Irene, She would look more like Zack.
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This entire character profile is gonna be cringe cause I made it a month ago. Please do not make fun of it[unless we're friends lol]
This is for a fanfiction I'm working on, it is no way canon and it also is not a rewrite.
Full Name: Derek C Lycan
Age: 56.
Clothes: Formal.
Role: Main Character\Villain.
Hair: Medium Length, curly, and raven haired.
Eyes: Red most of the time but not red like his ultima eyes.
Personality: Aggressive, Intelligent, Condescending, Cruel, Rude, Mocking, Nurturing at times, Violent, And somehow Reasonable at times.
Motivation: To fulfill Michael's take over plan, of course. It's what Rachel and his father would've wanted.
Weapon Of choice: Knife.
Skin Tone: Olivey, Asian.
Teeth: Somehow completely white still.
Sleep Schedule: Michael never lets him sleep.
Offspring: Melissa and Aaron Lycan. [Also Ein but we don't talk about that-]
Height: 5'5.
Weight: Underweight.
Favorite Food: Pancakes.
Favorite Drink: Very sugared coffee.
Least Favorite Food: Chocolate[due to it literally making him vomit-]
Least Favorite Drink: Normal Black Coffee[Not enough flavor.]
Sex: Male most of the time.
Gender: Genderfluid [cause I said so]
Facial Features: Circle Glasses, eye bags due to the lack of sleep, and a lot of slap marks due to Michael.
Body Muscle: He's like, in between skinny and muscular.
Past Relationships: Liam, Garte, Zack, Michael, and Rachel[Deceased].
Murder Count: 29 in the whole book.
Family: Nicholas Lycan[Deceased], Evelyn Lycan[Deceased], Saria Lycan[Half-sister], and Davidson Lycan[Brother].
Grandchildren: Alina Evelyn Lycan, Ava Lycan, and Diane Ashida[Yeah so Nanalissa-]
Enemies: Anyone against Michael.
Current Relationship: Michael Valkrum[Forceful].
Past Friends: Garte Ro'Meave, Zackary Shalashaska, Zianna Ro'Meave, Liam Denvern[Deceased], Akito Ashida, Sylvana Dima, and Terrance Valkrum.
Current Friends: Only Michael.
Preferred Pet: Husky.
Nationality: Asian American\French.
Little Things:
The first person he killed was Garte's granddaughter, Rosey. Which was Garroth and Laurance's. He got Garte and Zianna to get possessed by the forever potion to kill her though. She only died because Michael thought she would make a good relic, but she wouldn't have. She was literally seven.
The only person he was looking for that while time of murders was Aaron, somehow Aaron was all he needed. Michael needed him for power and control, but Derek wanted him away from Aphmau. That's all he wanted.
Derek somehow lured Aaron to come with him to Michael by being nurturing and caring as fuck, Aaron could only hear him so he didn't know if it was genuine or not. It worked too.
Derek is actually on a potion that makes him more aggressive yet nurturing, it also makes him obedient to the person who used the potion on him in the first place. So obviously he'd be obedient to Michael when his entire personality changed.
Michael used Rachel's memory from Derek's head to force him to drink the potion, it didn't work at all so he had to force him to drink it himself only after he turned him back to a human.
Derek keeps calling Garte his little pet ever since he forced him to drink a forever potion, he wasn't loyal to Michael he was loyal to Derek now. Because Derek gave him the potion.
Derek wanted to use a potion on Zack but Michael insisted on torturing him without it so he'd learn not to mess up his plans again, so he listened to Michael. That broke Zack's wrist a lot, he literally was not able to use it again. But he did end up going back to being loyal to Michael.
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