#bi rights bb
potato-lord-but-not · 9 months
2023 Art Battle Masterpost
I’ll start making polls tomorrow so enjoy this sneak peak while ya wait !!
Round 1
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Cluster vs Celestial Bis
Jon Sims vs Homoerotic Sword Moment
Gwen vs Danny
Sun & Moon vs Ode to Intimacy
Jack Met vs Siblings
Frankenstein vs Nick Bears in Trees
Will Wood vs William Woodiam
Ineffable Husbands vs Death of the Author
Bi Vampire vs 6up 5oh Moist
Mac vs Eclipse Sapphics
Yellow Wills vs Todd & Dirk
Dirk Gently vs DnD Bears in Trees
Gonzalez vs Hobie
Nick & Charlie vs Ode to Hunger
Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde vs Rincewind
Tighnari vs Krummi
Me vs The Hottest Bisexuals
Maladict vs Irradiated
August vs Blue Wills
My Wife vs Will Doodles
Ankh-Morpork Streets vs Mike Crew
Crowley vs Purple Wills
Tiffany vs Gay Wizard
Shatter vs Adora
Mostly Harmless vs Dorian Gray
H2G2 Designs vs Demon & Angel
Moist & Adora vs Pink Wills
Pavitr vs Willard
Ankh-Morpork Polycule vs Emma <3
Trans Zombie vs Gay Yearning
Moist vs Vimes
Pav vs Jhariah
Round 2
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Celestial Bis vs Homoerotic Sword Gays
Gwen vs Ode to Intimacy
Siblings vs Frankenstein
Will Wood vs Death of the Author
6up 5oh Moist vs Eclipse Sapphics
Yellow Wills vs Dirk Gently
Hobie vs Ode to Hunger
Rincewind vs Tighnari
Hottest Bisexuals vs Irradiated
Blue Wills vs My Wife
Ankh Morpork Streets vs Purple Wills
Tiffany vs Shatter
Mostly Harmless vs Demon & Angel
Moist & Adora vs Pavitr
Ankh Morpork Polycule vs Gay Yearning
Moist vs Pav
Round 3
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Homoerotic Sword Moment vs Ode to Intimacy
Siblings vs Death of the Author
6up 5oh Moist vs Dirk Gently
Ode to Hunger vs Rincewind
Hottest Bisexuals vs Blue Wills
Ankh Morpork Streets vs Shatter
Demon & Angel vs Moist & Adora
Gay Yearning vs Pav
Round 4
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Ode to Intimacy vs Death of the Author
Dirk Gently vs Ode to Hunger
Hottest Bisexuals vs Ankh Morpork Streets
Moist & Adora vs Gay Yearning
Round 5
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Ode to Intimacy vs Ode to Hunger
Ankh Morpork Streest vs Gay Yearning
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Ankh Morpork Streets vs Ode to Hunger
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thanks for voting girlies ;^)
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
Only Friends Character Rankings Pre-Air
Jojo, Ninew, Ninepinta and Vivienne have now presented their stable of hoes to us, y'all have chosen your fighters, and I am gnawing on concrete in anticipation of August 12. Since I'm gonna be doing weekly character rankings, I wanted to set up a pre-air Clown Checkpoint so I can look back later and see how wrong I was. Until that YouTube premiere countdown hits zero, we know exactly nothing, but I'm ready to predict whose gay wrongs I will most support! Here we go!
1. Nick
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I just want you to love only me!
Audience ranking: 6
Ever since Mark Pakin showed up in that pilot trailer scheming and sex-taping, Nick has been MY DUDE. I want him to be the most manclown character of all time. I want him to be DESPERATE AND PATHETIC for Boston's dick. ANSWER EVERY BOOTY CALL NICK, I BELIEVE IN YOU. HE WANTS YOU TO DO A THREESOME? NO PROBLEM, WHATEVER YOU WANT BABE. I want Nick to call his bestie (Sand?) crying because Boston came over at 3:02 a.m. and left at 4:37 a.m. and 15 minutes of that was him taking a post-coital shower. I want crying and begging and clinging and devious acts. Khun Pakin has the chops to make my dreams come alive, make it happen boo!
2. Mew
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My type is pretty simple. I'm not a picky kind of guy.
Audience ranking: 4
Right up until time of posting I thought my #2 seed would be Boston, but something is telling me that when it comes to manipulation and making grown men cry, Mew will emerge the champion. Something in this butter-wouldn't-melt expression is telling me this man is the true demon from hell whereas Boston is merely a top-tier-yet-still-garden-variety slut. Him shit-kicking Boston into the pool and then jumping in himself to finish the job is the kinda deranged shit I respect immensely. Kill them all Mew. You deserve.
3. Boston
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You should be glad to be my favourite.
Audience ranking: 5
I may have called this man a garden variety slut, but I love a good slut though! Especially one who will lend his toys to help out a friend. And then almost instantly regret it. And then cause chaos and problems for himself as a result. And then make it everybody else's chaos and problems. Basically, I expect Boston's job to be throwing hole around Bangkok and ruining lives, and I expect him to do it WELL, and I expect him to do it in the sluttiest rent boy outfits I've ever seen.
4. Ray
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You think my life will be better with you? It's only fucking going down to hell.
Audience ranking: 3
Speaking of chaos and problems, OUR BI DISASTER IS HERE GUYS! Bisexual? Bipolar? Why not both? The trailer is letting us know from jump that Ray is A Mess With Money and happy to use that money to buy himself some company, but also not able to keep those lines from getting blurred. I’m expecting this character to make me fall in love with him but also want to strangle him, Teh Krittikorn Saetun-style, so expect this ranking to go up until he is somehow my fave.
5. Sand
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Friends don't charge friends. Besides, you should save your money for a shrink.
Audience ranking: 2
First Kanaphan’s job at GMMTV is to rip our hearts out roughly twice a year, and he’s right on schedule. It seems like Sand never learned not to fall for poor little rich boys, so we will all have to suffer with him. Honestly his ranking is this low right now because I see these guitars and microphones and I want no part of them. There is a short list of GMMTV boys allowed to sing at me and as much as I love First he is not on it. Ditch the microphone and bring back the baseball bat bb, I’m ready to see you bust some heads, kneecaps, car windows, whatever in pursuit of your love.
6. Top
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When I take aim, I never miss.
Audience ranking: 7
Ah yes, the hoe-turned-seeming-housewife who’s actually still hoeing. The village bike. The community top. Boston basically turns him out and he’s not only fine with it, he falls for the john. Delicious. I desire his ruin like I’ve desired nothing before in media.
7. Everybody we don’t know nothing about yet (Yo, Nam/Syrup, Nes, Lesbian!Nonnie, A Wild Papang, various and assorted surprise guests I’m pretty sure we’re getting)
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Friends don't do this to each other.
Audience ranking: 1 (combined score)
We await the tea on all the side characters, but the casting is superb, and I’m ready to see how high in the rankings they can climb.
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
RWBY is a good show, and I’m tired of people pretending its not!
I’m sorry, I’m just so tired of all these random claims that RWBY is “boring anime cliche” or “racist white male writing”, So...let’s go over them in segments
Female characters:
Aren’t walking fanservice shots and aren’t sexualized
Aren’t degraded in their field (combat, tactics, dust usage, etc) to boost up male characters (cause seemingly female characters being too skilled at something is emasculating to incels)
When a woman says no to a man, the man takes no for an answer and doesn’t keep trying. (So dear Hbomberguy, stop claiming that Weiss x Jaune was ever a thing)
Women don’t require a man to “Defend their honor” (This is in response to the dude who harassed me in anonymous about V5 who was upset that Yang punched a creep)
Aren’t woobified or emotionally weakened, instead having reactions to things like normal human beings. (Sorry Shonen anime which loves to make women woobified or emotionally weakened vs men) Being capable of emotions but also doing things effectively.
Aren’t made into waifu for male characters. Nora is still a badass and even being allowed to explore who she is outside of Ren, which runs against the usual anime/manga bs. Weiss didn’t get with Jaune after finding out he helped w/ Neptune. Blake actually defended her boundaries when Sun crossed certain lines (even though they’re brotp not romantic, he’s a male character that could’ve been put as a pseudo-love interest). Yang is also shown to be more than just Blake’s GF as we see in Ruby Yang interactions, Yang vs Salem, Yang ageeing to talk with Robyn. They’re all their own characters not trying to be the perfect wife for a male character.
LGBT+ characters:
aren’t in a world of “everyone is gay or straight”, so for me at least coming across as more impactful
have Ilia (lesbian); Coco (lesbian); Terra (wlw) and Saphron (wlw) also married and w/ kid that aren’t treated different to any other couple; Scarlet (gay-male); Nolan (implied, I think its at this point and not confirmed, mlm); May (non-deadnamed, voiced by and helped crafted with the help of a trans VA, and not having her trans status be the central element of her character trans character); Blake (bi) and Yang (wlw) that are a main pair that are being allowed to build to a relationship at the same pacing as the hetero alt. pairing. BB being naturally built up and not rushed into a relationship, though still soft-canon locked in via Nora.
Are ALL ALIVE (funny how the straight white male characters get killed off?)
PoC characters:
Includes Marrow, Pietro, Joanna, Flynt, Yatsuhashi, Lie Ren, and Robyn as default heroes side
Includes Emerald having switched to the heroes side after having it foreshadowed in v3. Also possibly Elm and Harriet, depending on where they go in the future.
includes Sienna, who was admittedly actual wasted potential, being contrasted against Adam as the morally better version of violence in activism. A controlled violence actually giving a shit rights activist leader vs. a co-opting murderous abusive bloodthirsty psychopathic terrorist.
are easily the lesser in villain count vs. Caucasian villains.
So can the RWDE please stop trying to claim how RWBY isn’t better than anime/manga at least, but overall “isn’t progressive” in these areas.
Adam Taurus represents a very real element in real life regarding “Radical civil rights movements” ; extremism and co-opters; While the actual faunus rights aspect on its own is given a sympathetic light repeatedly. We also have Ilia Amitola, the female POC lesbian, get a redemption. While Adam Taurus, the cis white male edgelord? Is Evil  and gets his death by double penetration at the hands of two lesbians. (Edit: yes, I know Blake is Bi, as is her VA. It was an expression explaining how cis white male “authority” individuals get emasculated)
The WF has a lot of references, not specifically the Black Panther one. Also the WF on its own is fine, its the version that gets corrupted by Adam’s psychotic co-opting terrorist ass that is the problem.
 Reflective of reality where if any group for any cause crosses into violence that involves innocent bystanders; then they lose any credibility and are nothing more than terrorists. I don’t care what the cause is. Which is exactly what the WF under Adam presents; but is just 1 vein of it with Sienna’s vein existing, Ghira’s, and even Blake’s. Was it handled perfectly? No, you could have easily have shaved time from Adam to give to Sienna and had her live to continue. Personally I found Sienna to be the actual wasted potential, but EruptionFang naturally loves cis white male evil men as his favorite Meow Meows. Don’t even try to recommend a gay or bisexual dude to rwby critics, they’ll flip and call it pandering.
The MC’s aren’t remotely “paper thin”, nor secondaries. Heck the only ones that fit that bill are characters in the tertiary vein that are supposed to be that way. The “two traits” falls apart if one actually pays attention to the characters.
And most fixit fanfics not only sexualize the characters in a show with no fanservice...
Sadly they also overfocus on male characters and have their favorite male characters talk down the female main characters.
Robyn Hill represents the people standing up NOT against the military, but against fascism/totalitarianism. We see that for all the “good intentions” that Ironwood MAY have? It is always sabotaged by him. Ironwood backstabs Ozpin, brings an Army as a show of force, does multiple projects behind people’s backs, and yet displays more than few acts of hypocrisy. Volume 7 literally showed him acting as a dictator because he believed that only he knew the answer to everyone’s problems. Yet the consequences of HIS actions are what led to Atlas Downfall. Yang and Blake even tried to get Robyn to work with Ironwood and Robyn was literally willing to do so. Which of course pissed off Ironwood stans that anyone, especially a POC hero of the people, would stand against a Cis White Male Authority figure. The elections in V7 meant that anyone’s authority could be challenged by the people. Of COURSE Ironwood stans REFUSE to acknowledge the election part was good.
The attempt to balance idealism with realism is pretty interesting. What do you do against an enemy with an unlimited army, immortality, and agents who seek to turn everyone against each other? Do you submit to the “inevitable?” Or do you keep fighting to the end, instead prolonging the end?
You can think of this as having borrowed a theme or two from dark souls!
RWBY is at the very least leaps and bounds beyond most anime it's close in genre with. I remember seeing, partially in jest, the idea that RWBY has half the fanbase it does for being an action anime with a female case and no fanservice and I think it might almost literally be true.
It is depressingly hard to find a decent action show with a female cast that doesn't sexualize them in gross ways. Even shows I like on the whole end up doing that.
Of course, the points regarding love are helped by the fact that a good chunk of the female cast is front and center in the story. They’re largely in the driver seat and aren’t secondary to any male titular protagonist. Thus you don’t get cases where a girl on the main cast is there to be… the girl.
In any other story, Oscar and/or Jaune  would be front and center. Heck, the three creators of RWBY are guys before their team grew so you’d think they’d “write what they know.” Yet they stick to their guns on having girls get shit done.
One Anime a person I know felt came close to this was, if you can believe it, Fairy Tail where Natsu might’ve been the prominent ass kicker but Erza is the one effectively leader the team, Wendy goes on an arc of learning to love herself and Lucy grows into the wizard that leads the charge against Acnologia.
Yet it sent mixed signals with how the girls (those of age) had designs that left little to the imagination. I can appreciate an artist honest in his horniness… but the Anime did something right when it came to Erza’s torture in Tartaros that helped sell the gravitas of the traumatic experience.
RWBY feels like the above but far more refined in execution. There’s a time and place for schlocky cheesecake but not when it clashes with the narrative and themes overall.
So tell me...without using Hbomberguys’ repeated false information about the “love triangle” or “self-insert” slander...how would YOU respectfully criticize RWBY?  How would you claim to be “a critic” yet still encourage people to watch RWBY? 
If you try to bring up Hbomb’s 2.5 hour hate video, then anyone who tries to claim that a video from 2 years ago no longer is relevant is just being hypocritical. (Looking at you, RWDE Apologist, you know who you are)
Oh, one more thing. RWBY seasons 1-3 were the weakest in terms of writing and animation. But even so, the fact of the matter is that anything that happened in those seasons are ignored by critics, theorists, and straight shippers.
Material Inspired from   https://www.tumblr.com/crimsonxe/691425946111295488/since-i-ran-across-a-dumbass-earlier-that-tried-to 
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bonefall · 1 year
BB!Tigerheart -> Heartstar
For @noisycitrine and @halogenwarrior who wanted more info on the most woman ever.
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[Image ID: An AU version of Tigerheart from Warrior Cats, now named Heartstar. She is a small, lithe russet-brown tabby with a long tail and bright golden stripes. She has a two-colored mane, raptor claws, and oval 'glasses'. There is a bright golden 'heart' on her chest.]
FUN FACT did you know that Canon ShadowClan had 7 male leaders in a row, from Houndstar to the modern arc? I said no. Girl Tigerheart be upon ye.
Names are sacred and carry immense weight in Clan Culture. When a cat is about to become a leader and would have a name conflict with an unfaded ancestor, StarClan renames them. Heartstar was particularly special.
She returned to the Lake after bringing back the love of her life, Dovewing, and died in a raid to take back ShadowClan kits from the Kin's remnants. Tigerheart's father, Rowanstar, couldn't bear to lose his last child. He declared her his deputy, and plunged into the Moonpool with her body.
He drowned the last of his lives away, so that she could live. StarClan itself was awed by this sacrifice, and performed a miracle. Heartstar burst from the water sputtering, ready to rebuild ShadowClan anew.
As a leader, Heartstar is back and ready for the controversy. She watched her Clan fall apart twice, once from Dark Forest meddling and a god's games, and again from Onestar refusing to lend aid during a yellowcough epidemic, and has vowed to never let that happen again.
She's ferociously protective of her family, supporters, and clanmates, in that order, and is not afraid to gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss if she thinks she's doing the right thing.
Clanmew Name: Gaorbabun, Babishai (Tiger + Heartbeating, Heart will Beat + Star)
Alignment: ShadowClan, brief periods as ThunderClan and SkyClan
Relationships: Mate - Dovewing Children (adopted) - Lightleap, Shadowsight, Birchkit, Rowankit Parents - Tawnypelt, Rowanstar Siblings - Dawnpelt, Flametail Nespring - Strikestone, Sleekwhisker, Juniperclaw Mentor - Marshwing
Below the cut is trivia first, then all the changes to the character arc-by-arc, up to OotS, AVoS, and Heartstar's Rise.
Rowanclaw is now the son of Brokenstar along with Littlecloud! They were honor-sired for Newtspeck.
They have a distinct bi-colored mane from their mother, and 'glasses' from their father.
Tigerclaw's family trait is being brown tabbies with raptor claws.
Heartstar got all of the traits because she deserves it
I also miss how she was once described as having 'gold' in an older description so compromise; golden stripes.
I feel like you can't just miraculously resurrect without some kind of cool physical change, so, Heartstar gets to have a raised heart-shaped keloid scar on her chest.
She didn't sire any of her kittens; Light and Shadow were Bumblestripe's, and Strikestone's death left two more behind. It's free baby.
Heartstar fights in perfect tandem with Dovewing. Heartstar is so small that she can leap freely around and under her, skilled enough to never trip her up.
Their favorite tactic is for Dovewing to grapple with a huge opponent, allowing Heartstar to pop like a weasel from up between her legs to viciously attack the opponent's belly.
Tigerheart was the smallest member of the Tigerkin family, by far. In a lineup of record-setting Clan giants, Heartstar is barely larger than an apprentice.
She is much smaller than her entire family. Pocket pikachu.
Heartstar's favorite food is crayfish. She likes how most Clans are unsettled by this, Reedclaw was unbothered.
Change NUMBER ONE is that Tigerpaw is the only survivor of Tawnypelt's second litter, born during the Cruel Season that saw the rise of Bramblestar.
His siblings, Dawnpelt and Flametail, are much older.
A tom-kit initially named Goldenkit, the other kits in the litter died to illness. Before her last child died, Tawnypelt angrily challenged StarClan by renaming the survivor Tigerkit.
"Go on, take a tiger into the stars so it can bite your faces off. No? Thought so."
Dawnpelt and Flametail were cool older siblings, Tigerkit especially idolized Dawnpelt and her quick sass.
The rowdy and troublesome kit was assigned to Marshwing, the cat that Brackenfur saved from an eagle during the Great Journey, now one of ShadowClan's finest warriors.
Marshwing's mentor was Oakfur, who liked to joke that whenever Marsh wanted to admit defeat he'd take the little twerp instead.
Tigerpaw met Dovepaw on the journey to unblock the southern river.
During this time, Dovepaw made her realize that she was definitely not a boy and probably also a lesbian.
This was to Rowanclaw's soft amusement when she returned home, as he is also transgender and figured it out after going on a long journey
"Maybe if we send you out again you'll come back with another one"
Dove and Tiger were fast friends after this eye-opening trip. Dove's perspective expanded to include the other Clans and the death of Rippletail made her realize how much they matter.
Tiger's perspective expanded to, "I do whatever i want because I want to see Dovewing"
Unfortunately for them, tensions between ThunderClan and ShadowClan were beginning to sour. Blackstar and Russetfur were not fond of the new management style of Bramblestar and his aggressive deputy, Thornclaw, both of which had recently taken power shortly before Tigerheart was born.
Unknown to Bramblestar, Thornclaw was training in the Dark Forest, and trying to encourage him to act more aggressively than Firestar.
Tigerpaw started training in the Dark Forest through her good friend Redpaw, who was brought in through his mentor Applefur. Applefur was the sister of Marshwing.
Her paternal grandfather was Brokenstar, and her maternal grandfather was the infamous Tigerstar. If Tawnypelt had given her this name to ward away StarClan and protect her death... then surely there was a power to gain from him?
Tigerstar took a shine to his granddaughter immediately, introducing her to his dead son, Hawkfrost.
It was very surprising to not find Brokenstar in the Place of No Stars, but Runningnose was there to... "explain" is not the right word, more like, "cryptically leave breadcrumbs of answers"
Tigerpaw was often pitted against Ivypaw in particular, as if their mentors considered them rivals. It fostered a lifelong resentment between them, especially as Dovewing began to speak highly of Tigerheart.
Tigerheart remained a supporting character, someone that Dovewing was able to talk to for a different perspective from her father Lionblaze and sister Ivypool, until near the end of the arc during a fateful battle
Attacking ShadowClan for control of a contested berry patch, Russetfur was killed, and Blackstar was devastated.
A troublemaking calico creature slid into his good graces. Sol, God of Chaos and Games, convinced him to abandon his leadership.
In the scramble, Redwillow, Ratscar, and Applefur took control of ShadowClan, and started enforcing their own rules. Tigerheart was more cunning than them, and realized they were not going to be able to keep power.
She was threading a thin needle, not openly supporting her fellow Dark Forest trainees, and she knew it.
When they were thrown out of power by Rowanclaw rallying Blackstar to return to power, Tigerstar punished them harshly in the Dark Forest and praised Tigerheart for her foresight.
Shortly after, Flametail had figured out the plot. Redwillow, Ratscar, and Applefur were freakishly strong and Thornclaw was encouraging Bramblestar not to help. They were all in cahoots!
The Dark Forest used their powers to kill him so he'd be silent, ice cracked by demonic meddling.
Tigerheart didn't know if she was going to be able to save his soul, but she had to try. Once again, Tigerstar had ignored the warning sign to preserve his family, calling off the execution.
In that moment, it proved to Hawkfrost that he was undeniably playing favorites. It wasn't about the plan. It wasn't about breaking out of the Dark Forest. It was all another project for Tigerstar's ego... and he was not valued like his bloodline through Tawnypelt.
(Go check out my meta intentions with Hawk's redemption arc over here!)
During the Great Battle, Tigerheart stayed to watch the embarrassment of the first attack, but defected as soon as the fighting got serious in the second one. She wasn't going to hurt her Clanmates, haughtily announcing that this was the best opportunity to, "join the winning side."
After the fight, Dovewing's powers started to ebb away... taking her hearing with it. Meeting with Tigerheart was always refreshing, sometimes it felt like she was the only one who really 'understood' what she wanted.
Things began to get serious when Tigerheart's apprentice, Sleekpaw, developed a rebellious streak, and a group of strange cats arrived at the lake. Onestar reacted badly, and ShadowClan fell to the kin.
If Tigerheart has any regrets, it's how she was careless with her niece. She didn't think it was a problem to just let her work it out.
It seemed... harmless. Kids who wanted to feel cool and powerful, she could empathize with that.
The apprentices weren't wrong, at first. The way Onestar immediately became upset about the outsiders, the way two kits were separated because of a vague prophecy, how Clans refused to cooperate even after everything. Tigerheart was frustrated by much of it too.
But there was something wrong about Darktail. Especially when he announced that he was accepting any cat who felt wronged and excluded from Clan society.
Maybe the impulse was harmless. Maybe Darktail was the problem in the end. In any case, the yellowcough outbreak ravaged ShadowClan and the Kin, and WindClan refused to let either of them collect mullein to treat their sick.
Dying to yellowcough is a horrible fate. Catmint can cure, but mullein must be used to prevent lung damage. Tigerheart watched clanmates survive the illness, only to choke to death in the end.
Crowfrost, the deputy and Tigerheart's brother-in-law, was one of them.
Crowfeather, Harespring, and Heathertail went behind Onestar's back to deliver what they could, but too late to save many cats that Tigerheart loved.
After this, ShadowClan quickly fell apart. The Kin was stronger, having immediately kicked the sick out of their group and quarantined.
Cats like Scorchfur said that if Rowanstar wasn't a weak leader, he would have made "hard choices" and done the same
Tigerheart realized that every group had a different reason for following the Kin. Some wanted Clans to be harsher. Some wanted more diplomacy. Others were just looking for connection.
She's smarter than most, and realized that this was much like the Dark Forest. The Kin was everything and nothing, and that meant there was probably an ulterior motive behind it.
They couldn't be trusted.
But no one listened to her. ShadowClan crumbled, she had to flee, and her last memory of her sister Dawnpelt is the image of her worried expression over her shoulder, leaving her behind in the Kin's new camp.
Dawnpelt wouldn't separate herself from her kits, including Sleekwhisker.
An ancient curse was filled yet again, tabby tiger watching their golden sibling fade away.
While staying with ThunderClan, Tigerheart found herself wrapped up in the messy sort-of-relationship between Dovewing and Bumblestripe
Dovewing was clearly unhappy, caught between two uncertain options, growing increasingly frustrated with ThunderClan
When Violetshine brought SkyClan back to the Lake for the final fight with the Kin, Tigerheart decided she needed to go be with her freed Clanmates, wherever they were to go.
Tigerheart asked her to come, but Dovewing wasn't ready. She couldn't leave her Clan, especially not when it wasn't even clear if the ex-ShadowClan cats would be fully accepted into SkyClan
Shortly after making that choice, Dovewing became pregnant. Dread twisted into panic as she realized she didn't want to raise kits with Bumblestripe, the thought of ThunderClan constantly speaking over her as a parent sunk in, and the knowledge that she had already turned Tigerheart down overwhelmed her.
With ShadowClan disbanded, Rowanclaw refusing to choose a new deputy and rejecting his remaining lives, Tigerheart and the survivors had to try and get used to being part of SkyClan.
Heartstar's Rise
This is a summary; go ahead and see the 1st draft outline of Heartstar's Rise over here!
After Dovewing choose Bumblestripe over her, Tigerheart returned to the ShadowClan survivors
They had been annexed into SkyClan, as Rowanstar was refusing to lead after his Clan fell apart under his watch
He never replaced Crowfrost after his horrible death, and was calling himself "Rowanclaw."
Ironic, that he was now in the same position as Blackstar, just before he was made deputy... but this time, there was a safer, more stable Clan for his cats to serve. He was convinced he was doing the correct thing.
This was causing problems related to the ex-ShadowClan cats having a lack of autonomy over themselves; they were no longer a Clan, but still felt like one.
They didn't want to be SkyClan cats. They were ShadowClan.
Tigerheart was more of a leader than Rowanclaw, but he was insisting ShadowClan would never have another star to its name.
"Let it rest in peace."
But before she could hatch a plan, Dovewing vanished, and Tigerheart was told by Poppyfrost (open to change) that she fled because she was pregnant.
So, of course, Tigerheart charged off to go find her.
After traveling far, far east for many days, she hit the church of the Guardians.
While there, her resolve to rebuild ShadowClan only grew stronger, though she promised Dovewing that this time... it was her choice.
She would stay and raise the kits with her, become a Guardian. Anything.
Dovewing, however, felt that this wasn't right either. Tigerheart needed to get home, her love of ShadowClan was completely different from Dovewing's dread for ThunderClan.
And... though she loved it here, she would love being wherever Tigerheart was.
Several guardians decided to join them for their own reasons; Blaze, Ant, and Cinnamon.
Spiresight is probably not going to be one of these (open to change); because he is now the leader of the Guardians. His name refers to the Guardian's new leader ability to sense anything that happens in their territory through the flora that grows there. It was not a name given by Tigerheart.
They came back to SkyClan and ex-ShadowClan cats having an argument over kittens that the Kin's remnants were still in possession of.
Yarrowleaf had been exiled from the Kin remnants and was begging for them to go back and 'save' the newborns Hopkit and Flaxkit.
The ex-Shadow cats wanted to launch an attack; Leafstar didn't feel there was enough evidence to justify a kitten-stealing raid.
How could she know if Yarrowleaf was telling the truth that Nettle was a danger to the kits? Yarrowleaf could have been exiled because she was the danger.
Tigerheart decided that enough was enough. ShadowClan was clearly still a separate Clan in their hearts, and they should be making their own choices, not begging someone else's leader for permission.
She will make controversial, ShadowClan-centric choices as a leader-- this time around, I want it to be less "black-and-white," so that the Kin remnants aren't completely evil and there's nuance to this situation... which Tigerheart tramples, displaying how she makes decisions.
But, this time, the raid has a consequence; Tigerheart died in the attack.
this is a formative moment for Shadowkit
However, Dovewing couldn't accept this, and brought her to the Moonpool in desperation.
Once there, Rowanstar refused to watch another child die. Declaring her his deputy, he grabbed her body and dove into the water, drowning away all of his lives so that she could live.
StarClan was touched by this heroic display of self-sacrifice, and was emotional enough to perform a miracle; Rowanstar's last life became Heartstar's first.
And with that life, Rowanstar gave her strength. Strength he used for one last kick, to send her thrashing back up to the surface of the pool as he sunk into the abyss below.
After this, Heartstar rebuilds ShadowClan. She can be a very biased leader, often ending up in situations where she lets her family off the hook easier than other warriors, or doling out 'theatrical' punishments just to say she did it. On that note, there are aspects of the code she barely cares about.
For this reason, even with the Clan she has the achievement of rebuilding, she can be quite polarizing. Her supporters adore her; her detractors despise her. This hasn't inhibited her ability to rule though...... yet.
(Better Bones does not cover arcs that are not done yet!)
Her political profile is largely 'soft' Traditionalism. She believes that ShadowClan must come first and that fighting keeps the Clans strong, but is committed to preserving the strength of the other four and does a lot of diplomacy. On Clan collaboration, she leans towards Fire Alone. On most other things, she leans Traditionalist.
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suguri-shark · 4 months
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It's only a few, *checks calendar* nine days late, but it's pride month! So I thought I'd share my head cannons for these guys haha. They're only personal head cannons of course but this is whats gonna be represented in my AU stuff (I have two, one with both Juliana and Florian, and one with my player character)
So! I'll go ahead and explain my head cannons, starting from left to right!
So, Camine is an ally in my headcannon! I think if the right situation arose she wouldn't be against dating a girl, but I don't think it's really something she thinks about often so she just identifies as straight, but she's very supportive of her brother and will beat anyone up who tries to bully him for it, although sometimes she does tease him herself.
Kieran is bi in my headcannon, I think like Carmine he didn't really think about it much and kind of just assumed he was straight, but after he met Florian he started to question it and realized he likes both. He is also in a relationship with Florian!
Florian is gay in headcannon, he actively crushes on a lot of guys but only actually likes Kieran(this makes him jealous sometimes.) He's identical twins with Juliana.
Arven in my headcannon is demi! He usually focuses more on his own thing than love and doesn't have much interest in pursuing it. He thinks of Florian and Juliana as sort of younger siblings and they think the same of him, being an older brother type of influence. He has a very good relationship with both of them but is closer to Florian.
Juliana is! Well she's something! I don't think she has an overall label in mind but she's definitely some kind of queer. She's in a relationship with Nemona, although it took her a while to be able to confess and Nemona was not picking up on her feelings at all.
Nemona is pan in my headcannon! She doesn't really care about gender or anything like that when it comes to relationships, everyone is on equal footing to her, especially if they want to battle. (she is hyperfixated on battling and will not be stopped, she still loves Juliana very much though.)
Penny is lesbian in my headcannon uvu. She's calm about it irl but she's down bad on her social media. She totally has a crush on Juliana and Florians mom lol.
And there we go! that's my headcannons uvu I have headcannons for the BB E4 and am thinking of ones for the team star leaders as well but thought I'd just start with these guys haha
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fereldanwench · 7 months
OC Interview - Valerie Powell
I was tagged by @gloryride forever ago to interview my girl--Thank you, bb! I'm so late to doing this that I'm not gonna tag anyone else, but feel free to yoink it if you wanna do it!
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[Answers are directly from Valerie's POV before the heist in 2077.]
.ೃ࿔*:・ NAME?
Valerie Irene Powell. [laughs] Yeah, my initials are VIP. My dad had a dorky sense of humor, and my mom let him get away with it. "Irene" is my great-grandmother's first name on her side of the family.
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.ೃ࿔*:・ NICKNAME?
Pretty much just "V" these days, which was all Jackie's doing. A lot of the staff and some regulars at Nishimura's used to call me "Blue," but that was ages ago. Overly familiar acquaintances who don't know me well but think they do usually call me "Val."
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.ೃ࿔*:・ GENDER?
Biologically female, no gender alterations or augmentations.
A/N - Valerie is a cis woman, but I don't see that specific language being in her vernacular.
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.ೃ࿔*:・ STAR SIGN?
I was born in Night City on October 12 2041. Misty tells me that makes me a, uh--Hey, Misty, what am I again?
[Misty, calling from the other room: Libra Sun with a Taurus Moon and Scorpio Rising!]
Yeah, that. [laughs] Whatever the hell that even means.
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.ೃ࿔*:・ HEIGHT?
Tall. 5'10" or 178 cm. And I admit I have a weakness for a sexy pair of heels, so I usually look a lot taller.
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People are out here fucking cyborgs with four eyes and chicks with gold dicks and electric nipples--What does this even mean? [laughs] I've never given it much thought. I like what I like, and I've liked a lot of different types of people with a lot of different things going on. [laughs again]
A/N: I say Valerie is bi, because that is the contemporary real-life word that best reflects her sexuality for me when I'm talking about her, but when I was really thinking about it from her POV and in the context of her world, I don't think she'd be too hung up on a label. She'd also probably see her wide spectrum of attraction as closer to the default, not the exception.
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I'm a typical American mutt. My dad's side of the family can mostly be traced back to Western Europe--my grandmother told me "Powell" is an Anglicized form of an old Welsh surname--and my mom's side is from the Eastern Mediterranean. Dad's side has been in NUSA for a long time (like two centuries before it was even called NUSA), but Mom's family has only been here for a few generations.
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.ೃ࿔*:・ FAVE FRUIT?
I just love fresh fruit. It's such a rare treat in Night City--I'll take fresh strawberries or melons over any other kind of sweet treat.
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Spring! When everything starts turning green and flowers are blooming. There aren't a ton of places in Night City where you can really experience that, but I know a few hidden gems.
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Hydrangeas, probably. Especially the blue and purple ones. Oh, and wisteria! A tree covered in blooming wisteria is one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen.
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.ೃ࿔*:・ FAVE SCENT?
Freshly brewed coffee; new car smell; woodsy, smokey colognes and perfumes; real leather; whatever incense Misty uses in her shop; clothes right out of the dryer; lavender; a ton more that I know I'm forgetting!
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Strong coffee, black, maybe a little sugar if I'm feeling indulgent. Tea is nice, but it's not my caffeine fix. I like a cup of lavender or chamomile tea at night. Hot chocolate is too heavy and rich for my taste. A sip is nice, but I could never finish a cup.
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I try not to get any fewer than 6 hours, but that's easier said than done some nights. Okay, most nights.
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You know, I've only ever seen one dog in person. A childhood friend's family had one--I don't know the breed, but it was a yippy little shit and it bit me! Never really wanted to see another dog, if I'm honest.
I like cats, though. There's a stray that hangs by Misty's place--He's the sweetest little guy. I picked up a bag of kibble we keep there to feed him when he comes around.
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.ೃ࿔*:・ DREAM TRIP?
I've actually traveled a lot--My parents had to go to Biotechnica's HQ in Rome a few times when I was a kid, and they usually turned those trips into an excuse to have an extended European vacation. And I went all over the globe working for Arasaka for 7 years. I'd love to go back to Japan for non-work reasons.
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You're gonna laugh, it's so predictable. In my defense, I can't remember the last time I watched or read anything new--Actually, that's not true. Jackie made me watch one of those Bushido movies last week, and I just don't get it. Anyway. It's Elizabeth Bennet. Don't look at me--What's the next question?
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Just a sheet and comforter.
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Oh, no, don't put me on the spot like this! [laughs] Um, okay, I shot my first firearm when I was about 7. Under intense adult supervision--My dad was really serious about self-defense and the right to bear arms, which always surprised people because he came across as such a meek science nerd. I didn't like it--It was so loud, even with earmuffs. Funny how things change.
Is that kind of a heavy note to leave on? [laughs again] Okay, how about this one: I can't roll my tongue.
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antisociallilbrat · 2 years
Poly Losers Publicity
This is an idea, a back bone of a fic that I'm never going to write so I'm putting it here. If you want to write it, go ahead. I just need to get these brain worms out of my head. This is from my Poly Losers Au.
So like Richie, Bev, and Bill are all relatively famous? Richie is a famous comedian (who I headcannon him being on SNL at one point in his career) and then you have Bev who is a famous fashion designer? Like her work rivals Gucci and other major fashion brands. Then you have Bill who is like the horror novelist, who always has his books being adapted into movies.
So anyways the public is nosy and wants to know who's banging who. Richie, Bill, and Bev, along with the other Losers have decided to keep their relationship a secret. Yeah being gay/bi is okay but they don't want to have to explain why they're in a relationship of seven people. Bev, Richie, and Bill handle this in many different ways. Bev just deflects any relationship questions in interviews and Richie jokes that he's a whore and no one will date him. (Stan and Eddie give him so much shit over that bit) and Bill,,,poor bb flounders.
Bill likes to dedicate his books to his lovers. Each book he writes has a dedication that says something like: "To my lover who watches the birds", or "To my lover that is sun on earth", and naturally people ask who this lover is in interviews. And Bill just doesn't know how to lie so the general public just thinks that Bill's lover is a multifaceted person who loves to grow plants, bird watches, work on cars, and also writes poetry.
This all works for a while until Bill is caught in public holding hands with Ben. Magazines blow up like :"Is this the lover of many talents?? World Renowned architect Ben Hanscom??" so now they just let the public think Bill is dating just Ben. Also Bill and Richie got an argument over it that went like:
Richie: "This is so not fair, why do you get Ben?"
Bill: "It's not like I was trying to get caught!"
Richie: "Well if you get Ben then I get Mike!"
Bill: "Fine."
Richie: "Fine!"
Bill: "Fine!"
On Richie's next stand up he tells everyone he's dating this cute librarian named Mike and like with Bill, the press eats that up.
But fans are crazy right? Like they had a working theory that Richie was actually dating this high end accountant (Stanley) bc Richie had been spotted with him a couple times at fancy parties. (Stanley is a slut for fancy parties and Richie only goes to the ones he's invited to bc he knows Stan will enjoy it) But some other fans had a theory that Richie was dating high end fashion designer Beverly Marsh. Because Richie only ever wears her clothes on stage or in interviews. Plus they've been spotted being flirty before at award shows. So fans are a little confused when Richie announces he's dating a humble librarian.
But remember fans are crazy so it doesn't take long for them to figure out that Bill Denbrough also only ever wears suits out of the Beverly Marsh brand. Which is strange bc Bill and Richie have very much a bickering banter in the spotlight. So they're all left wondering, what does this all mean?
Because yes Bev avoids relationship questions but she always has the same guy with her as her 'date' at events. A man not much taller than her and he's been seen reassuring her at her runway shows. Calming down her anxiety. (Eddie is 100% Bev's unofficial manager and I like to think that Bev's fashion is her and Eddie's thing. He's the one who goes to all her shows.)
So at this point fans are going crazy. They have Bill who is dating the famous architect but has written too many dedications for it just be about Ben. Also some fans 'ship' Bill and Richie bc of how they play fight through the press.
Then there's Richie who is dating the "Librarian" Mike Hanlon, but also Richie has been spotted with at like Galas with one of the best accountants in the business, Stanley Uris and he constantly flirts with Bev in the public eye.
But Richie and Bill both exclusively wear Beverly Marsh. And Bev who avoids relationship questions but is seen with the same man at shows, who the fans had pieced together is Eddie Kaspbrack. Someone who owns a predominant limousine company in New York.
And this all falls apart after one particular award show, Bill's book turned Movie won an oscar, and the Losers were out celebrating at what they thought was a private party....only to wake up the next morning and see all hell break loose. There are photos of Richie making out with Bill and Ben. There's a couple photos of Bev scandalously dancing with Richie's librarian boyfriend, Mike. Then to top it off Eddie and Stan are spotted sneaking away from said party. Two people with romantic links to Bev and Richie.
The internet blows up.
Richie tweets out the next day: "So I see you've guys have met my lovers. Yes, plural. Told you I was a whore."
I honestly feel like this has been down before, and if it has please let me know. I just can't get this particular version out of my head.
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kinkdaddykinard · 1 month
tagged by the lovely @buckera like a week ago, or longer 🫣❤️
watching: wwe! i am in my wrestling era again after like 10 years+ lol (and i really need to continue iwtv 🫠)
spicy/sweet/savoury: honestly really depends on the day, but a sweet & spicy (like sweet chili) is always a fav <3
current obsession: rhea ripley, damian priest, wwe lol
relationship status: long term, long distance relationship <3 (it'll be our 9th anniversary in 2 weeks)
last song i listened to: right side of the bed - atreyu
ty for tagging me bb 😘
no pressure tags: @comfortingevanbuckley @dear-massacre @outrunningthedark @sunglassesmish @raisesomehale
@scrollgirl @honestlyeddie-im-bi @maddiehanmybeloved
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kieran-granola · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @ladytauria! Thank you, bb ❤️
How many works do you have on AO3?
46 total, with 1 of them being @generatorcat way more than mine!
What’s your total A03 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
DC only on this account! I keep my obsessions separate haha
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Pretty (3,335 kudos) -> My beloved first long child that I'm hoping to post the next chapter of some time in January! Aka dysmorphic JayTim mutual pining feat accidental bonding
Whiskers and Wonder Boys (2,993 kudos) -> Adorable baby boyfriends! Or the story of Robin Jason saving Selkie Tim from starvation
The Best Taste in Omegas (2,713 kudos) -> The one in which omega hormones are catnip for children, and Jason keeps finding stray kids in his nests.
The House Always Wins (2,622 kudos) -> Top Dom Tim Wrecks Jason's Ass After Winning a Bet: The Story.
Mother Knows Best  (2,107 kudos) -> The reason why I will never beat the mommy kink allegations, aka Jason overcoming his kink shame with Dom Tim's help.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
As much as I'm able to! I love to receive comments so I try my best to answer, but sometimes time just runs from me and it's either answering comments or writing.
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Little Do You Know! This is a dark gaslighting fic, feat Bruce bitching Robin Jason without his knowledge or consent.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Thicker than Water? JayTim end up happily married with children, both of them immortal vampires.
Do you get hate on your fic?
Not really? I've gotten some "I wish you'd write this", or some misguided comments but not hate.
Do you write smut?
Do you write crossovers?
Nope. I am Not A Fan.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Several times! Podfics too. It never stops blowing me away 💕💕
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yep! Speaking of, I really need to get to editing Trust Fall again. Sorry @themandylion
What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
I have SO MANY ships across too many fandoms, but if I have to pick a ship in DC... It would actually be BruJay. Sorry JayTim nation, I'm a sham 😂
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I genuinely want to finish Dead to Rights, but I paused it indefinitely when I got pregnant, and I won't pick it back up until the topic of difficult pregnancies/risk of miscarriage stops squicking me out. I love it a lot, and there's a lot I want to say there, but the Creature will need to grow a bit bigger before I'm comfy writing it again.
What’s your writing strengths?
Uh. No idea, actually. I feel like I struggle with everything haha. Possibly writing banter? Not sure...
What’s your writing weaknesses?
EVERYTHING, if you ask me. Though the thing I struggle with the most is endings. It is SO HARD to find a good stopping point that doesn't ring hollow.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Not a full dialogue. A couple of sentences at most. I mean, I'm a native French speaker, so I could do a full conversation, but honestly I find it so unpleasant to read I wouldn't put it in my works.
First fandom you wrote for?
The Untamed 😊
Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh God, that's such a hard question. I love all of my babies for different reasons. But I guess it's a toss up between Pretty and... Well. The unposted steampunk t4t JayTim WIP.
I am tagging anyone who wants to do this, as well as (no pressure) @bi-bats, @skalidra, @thenaphorism, and @beemotionpicture
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cocomuffy · 1 year
I watched Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017) because The Batman (2022) was too long.
spoilers, obviously. here are my live thoughts:
Kory kissed him to learn English- I'm laughing so hard right now this is hilarious.
if i had watched this movie in 2020 i would have realized i was bi a lot sooner
The coloration of the "Five Years Ago" and "Now" text is messing with my designer heart rn
it's the red nightwing outfit!!!!!! i havent got to see that much. i much prefer the blue bc there's already like seven red batfam members but like i do think it looks stylish because its dick and dick pulls off everything
"Nightwing." "Nightwing." "Dick..!" "oh, yeah?"
"they're different..." trails off. "like kory will tell you." "noo, you go aheaddd..." "I've been studying them for years--"
I ALREADY LOVE THEM "robin stop complimenting the bad guys"
no they did not just got there (at 9:40)
damian is just such a brat i love him
kicking my feet, squealing, giggling, throwing up BECAUSE SHE HAS HIS NINE AND HE HAS HER SIX--
i took a fifteen minute break to do the math on how old dick and kory are and got 36?!??!?!?!
garfield has no rizz
i just got like... punched in the gut seven times??? "i just miss my son"
it's the fact that damian is like "i approve of your gf" and nightwing's like "okay???"
"You don't have to move a mountain to help people, Terra." - Probably the theme of this movie
i was not ready for the sexual jokes
oh no raven is on the groundddd
how stupid is damain?!?!??!?!?!?!! especially after the part that slade says about lazarus pits?! he has to know that there is no way he can feasibly win this! and terra isn't helping! which means that terra is probably working with slade!!! GUESS WHO CALLED IT!!!!!!!!!!!
oh god this slade and terra stuff is no good
please tell me that we were not about to get a dick and kory makeout scene
oh thank god for damian
oh my god imagine going into your surpise party thinking people are about to kill you :skull:
ugh i dont like this garfield selfie timeskip whatever
and hasn't anyone noticed robin isn't here???
im doing os much calculations rn for no reason at all
aw. beastboy being supportive
"Do you know why I'm an orphan?" "uhhh... your parents died?"
nooo terra and beast boy kissed absolutely not they are not for each other terra doesn't need any relationships periodddd
aww but bb is really cute after so ig it makes it a lil better
slade shut up this is supposed to be a nice moment
i will never get over dick calling kory babe its too precious i love them so much
i dont trust that gift. i dont trust that.
they're making their moveeeeee- they're taking all the titansss oh noooo
i think that leaves nightwing as the last survivor which is really nerve wracking because i love dick grayson so much??
gar youre so stupid
oh no kory i love you kory please be okayyy
dick just got shot in the chest oh my god, oh my god. screaming crying hyperventilating oh my god oh my god oh my god.
oh i shouldve known he'd be just fine htis is why i love him hes so dependable
"What did you do to Robin?" "I beat the crap out of him for being mouthy."
i have the stupidest sense of humor.
guys i love dick grayson so much and he's the only one left and mmmmm im so ready for this i love dick grayson hes my favorite
ohhh huh terra's getting betrayeeddddd (i never liked terra even though she makes sense she just gives me ickies)
eugh i hate slade he just likes to make sexual references to people that he should not be making those references to i know hes like a predator but it just doesnt make me happy
what is this machine even doing? is it draining their blood? you would need some sort of needle or something? ik that brother blood said something about life? is it draining their life force like some kind of dark crystal jim henson type stuff? what's going on with it? their powers? like... if they wanted nightwing then they weren't going for powers, and they did regular humans first anyway? i dont understand.
woah its the titans against a villian with similar powers!!!!!!!! /j
i like this first pairing of kori and jaime and gar and raven against brother blood and damian and dick against slade bc it feels really personal and also fair.
terra was obivously going to save them all there was no doubt in my mind.
and then teamwork and then they win because of course they do
woah she just shot him like three times that was excessive
oh noooo terraaaaa ( im not sad )
"Terra Markov was like a diamond, the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen."
no beast boy dont make me feel for her
i just realized that i think i called "jaime" "hime" for some godforsaken reason i swear to god my ears are stupid.
final thoughts:
this movie was a bit much for me on sexual innuendos and references, but most of it was plot relevant. i love to see dickory so im good with that. animation was good. characters were good. had to warm up to gar but that's okay.
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lewmagoo · 4 months
Happy pride month, bb!
What do you think all of lew's characters are in terms of sexuality?
i’m so glad you asked 🌈 i’m just doing the big 4 here (that’s what i’m going to start calling them lmao)
bob identifies as bisexual. it’s a conclusion he came to early on. he has a sister who’s a lesbian, and another who’s bi, so he grew up exposed to the idea of differing sexualities. claiming the bisexual label has always felt right to him.
rhett is one who struggled the most to come to terms with his sexuality. he’s bisexual if you wanted to put a label on it, but he chooses not to label it and prefers to say “i like who i like.”
miles identifies as pansexual! i can very much see him owning that identity proudly, he’s passionate about sexuality and gender identity and loves participating in all sorts of pride related things and lgbtqia+ activism
harrison is the only straight one out of all of them 🧍🏻
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mzrymakr · 6 months
·:¨༺ ♱✮Welcome to My Girlblog!✮♱ ༻¨:·
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certified weird girl
☆⋆。𖦹 Lenya DavydErik Spirals 𖦹°‧★
⋆˙⟡♡₊˚⊹. 25 | artist&musician | aroace bi sapphic | enby trans femme | she/they/him | creature | split souls | junkie princess .⊹˚₊♡⟡˙⋆
My other blogs— @girldissolved @mildred-mildew @msrymachn
A real pathetic trainwreck of a humanoid
♤ girl, vegan, transgender, quasi-religious, christian occultist, creature, hikkineet, junkie, femcel, artist & musician, hater, digital, yandere, gross girl, vessel, conduit, goth, metalhead, gatekeeper, kinnie, animal rights advocate, nerd, philistine, anti-natalist, psychonaut, medium, seer, gamer, post limit hater, html+bb+css coding, trauma age regressor, gun nut, writer, poet, girlblogger, cat mum, skinny legend, mango vape lover, medical marijuana user, and misanthrope
♡ AuDHD (high support needs), semi-verbal, Drug addiction/dependency, BPD, C-PTSD, AN-R, Bipolar I, Psychotic, Dissociative, Tic disorder, Schizophrenia, Depression, Anxiety, suspected AVPD + physical disabilities
DNI: cheaters/poly/enm “people”/ abusers, rapists, normies, men, minors, posers, bullies, haters, Taylor Swift, blank blogs, cat/animal haters
The block button is my bestie!
∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧
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salternateunreality2 · 7 months
The Untamed aka Zackiroth brain rot updates for episodes 12 and 13 because HECK I am eating well today.
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Spoilers below:
Heidegger: bring him out
Sephiroth: *injured, on the sad side of genocide, hostage, still standing tall, suffering*
Zack: SEPH! 😁 Genesis, look, it's Seph! My Seph! Hi Sephiroth! Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey Sephiroth! How's it going? You good? Hi! Hi Sephiroth! *Waves* Hi! 🐶🐶🐶❤️😁❤️
Sephiroth: 😐 *trying not to let Zack get in trouble, secretly really wants a hug*
Heidegger: Sephiroth, recite the rules of Shinra!
Sephiroth: No.
Heidegger: Random Guy, recite the rules of Shinra!
Random Guy: I cannot.
Heidegger: SOMEONE HAD BETTER ANSWER. Zack, recite the rules of Shinra!
Zack: Ok! I studied, so I should be good *starts doing squats, winking at Sephiroth, posturing, stretching*
Heidegger: NOW!
Zack: alright, alright, keep your shorts on...*ahem* Be on time. Do not be late. Have good posture. Always be sober. Do not laugh at your elders. D-
Zack: oops, lol, I'm a dumb dumb 😂
At the poop deck, Zack gets in trouble and there is a glorious series of Sephiroth and Zack standing up for each other. Heidegger almost hits Zack, Sephiroth's wounded leg gets it instead, while he's on the ground, Zack draws Heidegger's hits, Sephiroth tries to stop Zack from being thrown in the dungeon, Heidegger almost throws Sephiroth in the dungeon, Zack saves his butt, just lots of self-sacrifice for bae on both ends ❤️
If you need me I'll be crying and petting their heads.
Instead, pupper did a CHOMP on Zack.
Bb Cloud sneaks in to stop the pupper and give Zack meds.
Zack: wazzup?
Cloud: the Crescents were half-killed
Zack: *skips right over the entire clan* IS SEPHIROTH INJURED?!
Cloud: yeah
Zack: *saves the meds Cloud brought instead of using them on his FeStErInG dOg BiTe*
Later, they all go on a walk and Zack spends the whole time Bothering Sephiroth, asking if he wants a piggyback, getting Red Lady to stop the march, and fetching water for his boo.
10/10 good pupper.
Genesis the whole time: brother, we are in a HOSTAGE SITUATION, keep it in your pants!
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During their walk, they go spelunking! ...it doesn't go great.
I mean, it goes great for me, I get lots of SephZack saving each other from giant dick heads (literal and figurative; if you know, you know #murdertortoise)
Heidegger: *starts a fight*
Zack: Anyone who's a giant dickhead and starts fights because he's got a big scary clan backing him will be executed and beheaded and spat on!
Zack: ...that's literally in your clan's handbook. Line 213. The handbook you forced everyone to memorize and made my lil buddy pass out over (btw that happened). It ALSO says don't insult your ancestors like a dick, and you just did. The punishment, as outlined on line 376, is ALSO DEATH because wtf man y'all are metal.
Heidegger's cronies: ohhhh snap, oh no he didn't!
Heidegger: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Zack puts the sexy in sexy wound care by, I shit you not, threatening to undress Sephiroth, then undressing himself until Sephiroth COUGHS UP BLOOD OUT OF SHEER GAY PANIC, which Zack is happy about because apparently it's a vital step in the healing process. 😂😂😂😂😂
Zack: hah, I'm glad I got branded by the crazy woman (btw that happened) instead of her getting that cute chick, because that would SUCK for the chick. She was totally into me, and will remember me forever after this *smug dumb bi noises*.
Sephiroth: 😳🫠*sad gay rejection noises* 😡 *angry noises* You shouldn't flirt if you don't mean it.
Zack: awww, are you jealous?
Sephiroth: 🫠*gay panic noises*
Zack: you have a crush on her, don't you! 😂 *idiot bi noises of denial*
Sephiroth: 👁️👄👁️ *stares into Zack's soul with the gayest longing ever* 🫠 no.
Zack-approved medical care:
* not treating your dog bites because bae might need treatment later
* JUST GOING SWIMMING with open wounds
* forcing bae into gay panic so severe that he coughs up "stale blood"
* wrapping the shortest sticks ever DIRECTLY ONTO OPEN WOUNDS presumably to stabilize the bone that was broken? Months? Ago?
* shrugging
* patting open wounds with dirty, unwashed hands
* leaving bae in wet clothes but it's ok because you dried your coat and put it over his wet clothes.
Also Zack makes Sephiroth cry, which is probably good for him, and likely the first and only time Sephiroth has opened up this much to anyone in his adult life I AM DECEASED IN A PUDDLE OF MY OWN TEARS 😭😭😭
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thechargrey · 1 year
Is it just me or does it feel like there are more charactera being queer coded in Ted Lasso than we could possibly hope are queer in a show like this?
Colin: Our first officially out bb! We love him!
Michael: we've only seen him on screen for a second but I love him already.
Kelley: Has always said a lot of things about finding women hot, which I always took as she's bi, but others have felt it was still unclear and the show's now hinting toward us being very right about it
Jack: literally everything about this character
Richard: only himbo who diffinitively knows what grindr is, and has actually said he's gay although it might have been a joke
Trent Crimm: I don't feel the need to explain this one, we all already know why
Baz: I genuinely don't know how to read that scene except that he was already dating or at the very least interested in the man who showed up at the pub
Roy's niece: the drawings
Roy: I mean his head lamp sure did give away exactly where he was looking
Jaimie: also maybe knows what grindr is, and is going through some type of self-awakening
Ted: definitely too hopeful on this one, but it just really feels like there's more here
But that's many people. And like most of the mains. If even half are right that's still SO MANY. But it feels like too many to hope for. There's no way. But it's making me question every character and how much rep we're actually going to get. Maybe Colin's the only one and everyone else is just really secure in their sexuality and I'm reading way too much into it...
Basically are we being setup for a massive queer storyline or do I need to put the clown makeup back on?
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the-real-google · 7 months
Bing is ur bb gurl
Yeah sounds about right
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blakebow · 2 months
yeah I remember some bb shippers or white rose shippers going you cant prove that Blake is straight it was never stated that she is straight ( the writers never said that nor did Blake herself ) and not bi back in the day I remember someone making a similar argument which feels like " a girl she wanted to be a lesbian got into a relationship with a guy so she has to be bi now" I have a policy of straight until proven otherwise if a character has only shown to be attracted to opposite sex they are straight It doesn't matter if the writers didnt ( the comment is in response to someone making a tweet going canon : character is straight fanon: they are gay/bi)
the writers were TERRIFIED to even give the slightest inkling of anything to the fans because of the rabid wasps and the screaming minority demanding their sexuality fetishes be acknowledged. i don't blame them one bit for never saying anything. miles is a pos, and kerry is a coward who gave into peer pressure.
if a character shows BLATANT interest in the male sex, but not in the female sex, they're probably pretty obviously straight. that's kinda a given, right? the writers forced Blake to be interested in Yang and ignored the actual natural chemistry and development she had with Sun that wasn't forced.
same with Weiss and the fandom's stupid fucking "useless lesbian" whiterose bit. Weiss showed CLEAR Interest in neptune, who's a male. she's never been attracted to any of her fucking teammates. but the fandom persists with this anneryusm and gaslighting anyone who says otherwise because "ur a HoMomAphOnEaMaboB If YoU doN'T liKe tHe GeYs!!!!!555"
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