#sys name suggestions
rwuffles · 2 months
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☕️ ❛ kitten-themed id pack! ⚣ req ; @zoeynovie
pt: kitten-themed id pack. requested by @/zoeynovie. end pt.
 system names — piddy paws , the kitty cats , the mewsies , the cat's bell , collar tag , the fluffy felines , the mrrp-ers / mlem-ers / mlep-ers
 names — pawbean , miau , mewsy / mewsie ( s ) , mewki , meowku , calico / caliko , kittina / tina , pwurrie , pawlet , squip
 pronouns — paw / paws , bell / bells , meo / meow , mrr / mrrp , mew / mews , mew / mur , kit / kits , claw / claws , collar / collars , tail / tails , squish / squishes , feli / feline , mlem / mlems
 titles — [prn] who has the most purr—fect coat / fur , [prn] with squishy paws , the one with a bell & collar around [prns] neck , the one with 9 lives , [prn] who's on [prns] # life , the one who goes "mlem" / "mlep" / "mrrp"
 usernames — piddypawsies , pawsibells , squishbean , belltail / tailbell , mrrpy / mrrpie , collarbell , collarcat
 genders — catgender , nostalgcat , kidithuten , kittything , catenbybodiment , catboybodiment , catgirlbodiment , kitdilation , sillifelin
 labels — felaffectis , vesicat , assigned cat at birth / creation , assigned kitty at birth / creation , catjest
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seraphim-coinz · 1 month
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@puriette Inspired SNPUT + G/L!
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System Names: The Angels. Those Pink Things. Jellyfish Stars. The Days And Nights. The Loving Collective. Collectively Darling. Silly Stars. Everlasting Collective. The Constellation's Stars.
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Names: Luni. Val. Angelina. Raphael. Blush. Coralie. Candy. Jelly. Darling. Elanor. Mirasol. Soleil. Elliott. Mylan. Maël. Honoré. Maxie. Aurélie. Maëlle. Reine. Colette. Manon. Marie. Geneviève.
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Pronouns: H♡/H♡m. Ha/Halos. An/Angels. Day/Days. Night/Nights. He/Heart. Sil/Sillies. Gen/Genders. Env/Envies. This/Thats. Colo/Colors. Slee/Sleeps. Star/Stars. Midni/Midnights. Wing/Wings. Lilo/Lilos. Cry/Crys. Sea/Seas.
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Usernames: pureprince. angeliconstell. mydarlingsenvy. midnightspinksky. thestarsnotinthesky. two-moons. daysnightsgobye. starkling.
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Titles: [prn] who is An Angel. The Angel with Pink Wings. The Angel Who Cries Stars. The [term] of the Sun. The Sun's Son. The Tide Water's Daughter. [prn] Whose Halo is a Constellation.
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Genders: Eerangenic. Angedien. Angelprogram. Strawberrangelic. Fashilovecute. Cutesticker. Rosymaplic. Cutesyic. Sweetgirlboy. Moonlightboygirl.
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Labels: Handsome Girl. Weirdo 4 Weirdo. Contradictim. Lovecore Transsexual. Bug Futch. Dark Cute Transmasculine. Sleepy Transsexual. Shy and Gentle Lesbian.
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moonl1t-flower · 7 months
Hello !! We are Moonlit Flower (we're a system) and this is our System + Mogai blog.
In this blog :
System Role Coining
System Origin Coining
Gender Coining
Orientation (sexual and romantic) Coining
Themed/Based Names, Pronouns, and Genders
Flag Coining
Some of these things we will post for ourselves or things we came up with on a whim and others will be based off of peoples asks/suggestions !!!
A list of tags :
#[sys role coin]
#[sys origin coin]
#[gender coin]
#[sexuality coin]
#[romantic coin]
#[flag coin]
#[just talking]
We will also use front tags :
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audiokinhelp · 2 years
names and neos for a karl introject? prefer femme/androgynous names but masc also works !!! scenecore like pronouns work well. thanks!! - 404 sys
[Prns under the cut]
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king-bones-the1st · 2 years
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newest addition to the household, i've always wanted a doll like her and she's so so so cute
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molkolsdal · 25 days
Badeshi: Only three people speak this 'extinct' language
By Zafar Syed, February 2018
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Would you like to learn a few words of a language only three people in the world speak?
Badeshi used to be spoken widely in a remote snow-clad valley, deep in the mountains of northern Pakistan.
But it is now considered extinct.
Ethnologue, which lists all of the world's languages, says it has had no known speakers for three or more generations.
But in the Bishigram Valley, we found three old men who can still speak in Badeshi (you can hear them in the video at the link).
"A generation ago, Badeshi was spoken in the entire village", says Rahim Gul. He doesn't know how old he is, but looks over 70.
"But then we brought women from other villages [for marriage] who spoke Torwali language. Their children spoke in their mother tongue, so our language started dying out."
Torwali is the dominant language in the area, which is itself under pressure from Pashto, but has pushed Badeshi to the brink in this valley.
"Now our children and their children speak Torwali," said Said Gul, Rahim Gul's first cousin. "So who should we speak our own language with?"
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Said Gul also doesn't know his own age. When he said he was 40, somebody corrected him. "It's more like 80!" Said Gul quickly shot back, "No, may be 50, but not 80!"
There are no job opportunities in the area, so these men have spent a lot of time in touristy Swat District, where they have picked up the Pashto language, and that is mainly how they communicate.
Because of a lack of opportunities to use Badeshi, over the decades even these three men have started forgetting the language.
While they were talking in Badeshi, Rahim Gul and Said Gul regularly forgot a word or two, and could only remember after prodding from the others.
Rahim Gul has a son, who has five children of his own, but all of them speak Torwali.
"My mother was a Torwali speaker, so my parents didn't speak any Badeshi in the house. I didn't get a chance to pick it up in childhood. I know a few words, but don't know the language. All my children speak Torwali.
"I do regret it, but now that I'm 32 there is no chance I can learn Badeshi. I'm very sad at the prospect that this language will die out with my father."
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Sagar Zaman is a linguist affiliated with the Forum for Language Initiative, a non-governmental organisation dedicated to the promotion and preservation of endangered languages of Pakistan.
"I travelled to this valley three times, but the inhabitants were reluctant to speak this language in front of me," he says.
"Other linguists and I were able to collect a hundred or so words which suggested that this language belongs to Indo-Aryan sub family of languages."
Zaman Sagar says Torwali and Pashto speakers look down upon Badeshi, so there is a stigma attached to speaking it.
Perhaps it's too late to save Badeshi, but at the very least, you can learn a few words to keep the memory of the language alive:
Meen naao Rahim Gul thi - My name is Rahim Gul
Meen Badeshi jibe aasa - I speak Badeshi
Theen haal khale thi? - How do you do?
May grot khekti - I have eaten
Ishu kaale heem kam ikthi - There is not much snowfall this year
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honestsycrets · 11 months
before anyone else I: the venerable [admiral!miguel o'hara x princess!reader]
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❛ pairing | admiral!miguel o'hara x princess!reader
❛ type | one-shot, sfw (minor past suggestive themes)
❛ summary | once upon a time, miguel loved a princess. upon learning about her engagement to his father, King Stone, he's back with a plan in hand.
❛ tags | forced marriage, arranged marriage, historical period not defined, royal!au, admiral!miguel, princess!reader, mention of character death, elements of implied treason and betrayal, some angst, some fluff, annoyed miguel, lyla makes trouble, self edited, f!reader, persuasion inspired, a kiss, innocent!reader, Spanish is not translated, a kiss.
❛ sy's notes | no requests were fulfilled; filled to meet this poll.
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An imperial boat docks. It waves in the water a little off-kilter, pulling to the right in all its glorious majesty. On the dock itself, the head of ground forces stood dressed in full regalia, all navy blue and white, the gold buttons glistening in the fresh morning light. Jess expected this day would one day come. The seamen shouted among one another on the ship until at last the crew outstretched a thick oak plank. Boots bounded down the strong wooden ramp leading from an imperial ship to the dock. The awaiting crowd was rough and rowdy, casting bellowing screams at the admiral and his crew. 
“There he is!” Jess boomed, clapping her umber hands together.
They were freckled, with the frequency of her exposure to the sun. Today, her skin was shielded by a heavy coat. She abandoned the thing over her chair as she wrote letters, recommendations, and battle orders. But she preferred it when her poet shirt was thrown open, teaching the men and women in her charge. 
Admiral Miguel O’Hara led the charge, passing by the lackeys throwing down trade goods from the belly of the boat. Compared to Jess, his clothing was rough, punctuated by his time at the sea. What use was there for a thick coat with the spray of sea spray daily? No, he stood in dark brown breeches and a thrown open poet-shirt, sodden with sea water, likely from dealing with whatever injury brought his ship back to this usually forgotten port. 
He was glad to be back on the Spanish shore, if only it weren’t this shore and the many stairs he would have to brave to get to the castle while the engineers worked on the Venerable. Miguel loosened the sweat from his coarse locks, his shoulders bunched and ready for another fight. He came to a stop in front of Jess, exhaling deep, rage-filled breaths. Jess shifted back on her boot heel, a grimace on her countenance.
“That’s a pretty good hole. She’s taking on water quick. You hit something, Miguel?” 
“Me? No, I don’t hit rocks.” Miguel snorted, casting a look over his shoulder to the woman that stood at his side. Lyla’s eyes averted, not quite saying anything and saying everything at the same time. Lyla obscured herself behind her thick honey-brown bob. “Someone was distracted with the king’s cask of Carribean rum.” 
“Lyla?” Jess came up behind her, grasping her shoulders for emphasis. “No. Our Lyla couldn’t’ve done that number.” 
“It was once! One in eight years.” 
“Those... those changes you wrote me about. They have you on edge, paranoid. Let’s have a drink with the imperial guard. They have missed you.” 
Miguel threw a hiss back at the two as he stormed up the stairs, bundling buttons of his dirty poet shirt to obscure the sight of his dark chest from onlookers, namely the sex-deprived women and men of the capital whose hungry eyes ogled his crew. He didn’t need a loon bothering him right now, not here, he might punch them into a permanent, instantaneous sleep. 
“Oh, come, Miguel, these things happen. Look how sorry she is.” She says as if he cares. Jess rushed to catch up with him, the beads on the ends of her braids snatching and clicking. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply, his head heavy.  He doesn’t have time for this.
“What she meant to do is as much irrelevant as it was irresponsible. If you’ll excuse me, Jess, I now have to prepare a new ship to set sail.” 
“The king wants to see you. It’s about her,” she shouted. Miguel’s steps came to all but a grinding halt, his finger fingers flexing into a tight fist. His mouth was dry, and it wasn’t due to a lack of hydration but the mention of your name on Jess’s lips. She brought her hands to her hips, her hands on the golden embroidered loops. His face sagged, all irritation melding into something different, inscrutable. He threw her a look.
But first-- he had to get this sea stank off of his skin. 
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“Admiral O’Hara! There is just the man I have been looking for. Come, come, let me pour you tea. No? No tea? Of course not, it seems I don’t remember the boy I used to know. You’re a man now. And one of decisive action! Coffee, yes? You are better suited to black coffee. Am I correct?” 
Everyone thinks he is thirsty in this blasted place.
He didn’t belong here. He was, as he preferred to be, stuck at sea. The unforgiving sea required his attention lest his men befall a terrible end. He could handle that burden. He stood below a great sigil of a sea dragon whirling to chew its tail. Its hands secured a great many orbs in its sharp, jeweled talons. His eye tracked across the inside of the crest, turning over the word hopelessly on his tongue. 
“Rum,” he answered caustically, his eye dropping from the great sigil before him to the jeweled sapphire and emeralds that were embedded in the floor. Between rows of sentinel were porcelain statues, their hands wrapped around blunt and aged swords, their fingers almost palpable on the artifacts that remained from times of old. The deep navy blue curtains and tapestries are detailed in ineffectual teal. He never cared for the other assortment of pots and jars that were so-called mythical artifacts and rolls of paper that would soon house the king’s poorly-made royal decrees. 
“Aha! A good seaman and his alcohol,” the king minced his laughter. The noise aggravated him, the memory of the man’s words buzzing in the back of his head. Now he kissed up to him. How he’d fallen. He blinked up to the royal crest, then down to the aged king. His long, grey hair at the middle of his back reflected his many losses. Miguel turned his eyes back down to the king, eyes crinkling at the corners, taking a glimpse of him. His tone slipped. “It makes the time pass more tolerably, does it not?” 
“It does.” 
He pops open a glass bottle of rum, pouring it into a cup encrusted with more fine jewels. Miguel doesn’t drink.
"I suppose you want me to get to the point.” 
That would be a nice change, yes. His eyes held modest deference, his heavy dark brown boots pacing toward a hearth in the middle of the king’s study. Wisps of vibrant blue fire threw embers into the air. He finds himself staring at a stained glass effigy of your mother. A woman who undoubtedly would have been ashamed of the husband that stood before him now.
“You recall my daughter,” How could he not? He released a small grunt, an acknowledgment of the king’s words. Mindful of his reaction, Miguel turned his hands over the hot air, plumes of warmth kissing his sun-worn cheeks. As the king spoke, the flickering flames warmed the slight ring on his thick fingers. “I’ve arranged her marriage to Lord Stone. An alliance of sorts.” 
Miguel’s eyes go wide, aghast, staring into the blank flames. He grits his teeth together, the thin blade of his patience whittling down with every word from the king. He kills his face of the horrified, fleeting emotions that dappled his skin like obvious spots. He might have snapped a look at the king before his eyes calmed, trained to maintain the illusion of composure. 
“How unfortunate.”
“King Stone?” around the corner, his second-in-command squeaked. He should have left her outside. Miguel brought his hand to cup his slight forehead, throwing her a warning look.  “That old coot is still--”
“Yes, he is quite old, isn’t he? I was surprised when he asked for her hand in marriage, truly,” the king said tightly, born in annoyance. He has gone ashy, eyes desolate as he recounts the death of the prince, or perhaps his own. “I would have preferred an engagement to his son. I trust you heard about his assassination. It was a great surprise. A tragedy, indeed.” 
“We have heard many things about it. I am surprised that you would agree to such an alliance after what he's done.” 
It was impossible not to hear rumors in the ports he sailed through. Miguel did not only hold to royal ports but those that held slimy crowds of pirates and prostitutes. If he did not, he would never have the truth behind the many rumors that swirled through the air. Women in richer towns had time to spread rumors. Those suffering from poverty had no time for them. Their lives were ones of perpetual struggle. What use had they for the death of stupid princes?
“Feelings change.” 
Did they really-- 
“Miguel. Truly, I understand your apprehension. But unless you have the magic to raise my dead sons from the grave, I have no choice.” The king sighed, beating his old knuckles on the game board. He’d sacrifice another child for his own safety-- the illusion of it. Coward. “I must know if I can I trust you with her transport.” 
“She won’t last.” Miguel stared at him, breathing the words out, his frown darkening the rest of his features. “She is a balm to any battle-worn king, but Stone is not just old. He is dangerous. If you send her there, you will send her to her death.” 
“His wives are well cared for,” your father argued mildly because it was not him who would face the rest of a lifetime with Stone. He brought a fist to his mouth and bit down upon it, a vestige of the man he used to be. “Perhaps your feelings for her cloud your judgement.” 
“I can separate my feelings from my professional judgements, mi rey.” 
“Yes. I suppose you can, admiral. How long has it been since you bore the responsibility of being the Head of Guards? Seven years?” 
“Eight,” Miguel cropped, his hand shifting to the top of his pommel. “It has been eight years since I left the crown city.” 
“Head of ground forces regulates my guard now. I find them lacking,” he grabbed Miguel’s cup of undrunk rum and threw it back, his tongue snapping against the roof of his tongue. He felt for the sentinel of guards in the room. “My soldiers, that is. If they had been stronger, perhaps my sons would still be alive.” 
Be it like him to find fault in everyone but his own battle choices.
“But I am ever humbled by your selfless service, mi hijo,” he spoke mildly, “Please know it isn’t a decision I make lightly. I know my daughter. She would feel more secure if you were the one to take her to Stone.” 
They were nice words from a soon-to-be puppet king. Miguel turned his gaze onward, locating Lyla by his side. Her small, scarred hands warmed themselves over the ancient blue flame. A surge of heat turned over in his stomach, punctured by a fear he hadn’t felt in a while. He steadied his voice. 
“I would not be so certain.” Miguel wrinkled his forehead, throwing a look that looked almost off-kilter. After this many years, would it be easy to face you again? No, he decided. Not for this purpose. “Soft women are fickle to easy words.” 
What of me? 
Not you, Lyla. You’re not soft.
“If you do not want to, I can send her by way of Jess,” a long sigh slipped off the king’s lips. Then quiet, only broken by a clatter and Lyla’s frantic attempt to replace game pieces into their proper position. Miguel swayed to where she was, grabbing the head of a miniature oak knight and popping it into the proper position. 
“For her sake, I will deliver her.” 
Miguel said nothing more. He failed to wait for the king to dismiss him, perhaps out of confidence in their relationship, that this was not something he had to tread lightly around. Lyla rushed by his side, the wordless guards drawing the heavy doors open to the wide stone hallway before them.
“You cannot take her there,” Lyla spoke with a rigidity that Miguel admired, mindful of the volume of her words, only a whisper. “Your father is--” 
“Yes, Lyla, I know very well.” 
“Then what next?” 
At the end of the hall, Miguel rushed down the steps, out of the king’s chambers, and into lush, almost stabilizing grass. Free of the constricting walls that he would have once called home, Miguel took in the fresh air, his hands behind his neck. To take you there meant certain death. To not take you there, well, he regarded both just as poorly. The fat roses bobbed on their pointy stems. Miguel expects to see you there, with your chambermaids, eating fruits on an Arab blanket. 
“We take Jess up on her offer. She’ll be expecting me.” 
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“Miguel, the intent in horseback riding is that your ride the horse.” 
“You know, on top,” Lyla jumps onto Jess’s sentence. “He hasn’t been on top of anything in years--”
“And break its back?” Miguel held the reins in his thick fist. The horse, a chunky mocha and white painted thing was a profit from his voyages overseas. Not only was it subjected to awful sea travel, but now to have a man of muscle on its back? With his newfound speed, it was a risk he did not need to take. “No. I have two feet. I can walk.”
Miguel was many things, but he wasn’t a monster. Or so he liked to think.
“I think you’re quite sweet, Admiral O'Hara.” Jess’s own guard, Gwen, spoke. She was a willowy thing, barely a sprout of a woman with a good heart. He could tell. Miguel looked down, opting for silence as he crunched down full blades of grass under his foot. 
“Miguel doesn’t like compliments,” Lyla said. 
He also didn’t like long, relaxing walks in the valley. Jess proposed something like drinking in her office. It would have been glorious-- but Lyla, whose recent binge nearly scuttled his ship, chose a good ol’fashioned horseback ride. Something that didn’t remind her of sitting on the patchwork doll that was the Venerable.
“The princess would marry someone she does not know?”
Dread filled Miguel’s stomach at the words, the truth in them half-cocked and wrong. He found no words on his tongue that could fit the weight of bitterness that he felt about the arranged marriage. Everyone knew, everyone but Gwen. She was a young thing.
“It’s not her choice,” Lyla spoke in your defense. “It’s her father’s.”
“Forced marriages are a thing of the past. They are not right. Has the princess ever even met Lord Stone?” Gwen asked.
In less than a week’s time, following the festival of roses, they would sail eastward. Or, so said the sailing plans he laid out for Jess. Who, for her part, looked away. Lyla and he exchanged a glance of mutual understanding. That was what he liked to call a sign. 
“No, before their deaths, her brothers never would have allowed her travel to Alche. This whole alliance is a sham. We’re expected to deliver the princess in some false faith that he keeps this so-called alliance. He will not. I cannot decide if the king truly believes in this alliance or if he is hopeful he will remain as a ruler. In either case, it is foolish. Stone would murder his own legitimate heir and for what?” 
Except they aren’t his words. Those words flowed freely from Jess’s lips. 
“The king will fall.” 
“Miguel. Those are treasonous—“
“Treasonous? He is incapable of governing.” 
“The council helps him,” Jess says, but the words come out slanted. She convinces herself as much of the truth as him. Gwen’s lips close, looking down to the sword at her side, then back to Jess’s troubled eyes. Miguel had her where he wanted her. Where she wanted to be-- abandoning this foolish faith in a man who long since gave up hope on a strong, independent nation. 
“A counsel of plants. Five of his sons have fallen. If this keeps up, we will fall next.” 
Jess felt the words running bone-deep. 
“You have a plan.” 
He always did.
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The deep night sky was a sea of twinkling stars. Oil lamps illuminated the solitary garden. Miguel fit his hands in balls on his hips, eyes flickering from the blades of grass to the long stems of lilies. He breathed softly, drawing in breaths that should have been relaxing, but morphed into something awful, some unfiltered fear of the failure of his plans. 
“These are her gardens, aren’t they?”
“They are,” Miguel answered. “If nothing has changed, she cares for them herself and harvests them with the peasants. She’ll be here, tomorrow, for her last harvest as a princess.” 
On one hand, overturning the king and his council could go seamlessly. He had Jess, that much was for certain. Gwen, who seemed to go with her bidding, held a good heart about the ethics of arranged marriage. She turned her nose up at it, the suggestion that you would be forced into a marriage with an old, cruel king. Lyla, his Lyla, held no apprehension to the plan. She treated him with deference, seeking only his happiness as his best friend.
Would this-- being king-- make him happy? 
Miguel looked down. Soft pink roses, ripe and ready for the rose-picking festival. Your last, if things went to your father’s plan. He hadn’t thought about it: about how you might feel in the push for another engagement. Not one to an aged, cruel man-- but… he never thought to find you, to ask. He wasn’t sure he could stomach the rejection and yet still force you into a marriage with him. 
It wasn’t that he wanted to-- but had to.
Miguel turned his hand into the suit vest across his chest, removing a bit of aged parchment with a broken wax seal. He turned his finger over the old ink. In every interaction I face, I long to spot you, hidden among the roses, the lilies, to be one of the heads of delighted harvesters. But you are not here. You are never here. I fear you never may be.
“Miggy,” Lyla said. “Miggy look.” 
Miguel lifted his head to look at Lyla. She wasn’t looking at him, peering across the garden, somewhere Miguel couldn’t see from where he stood. He lifted his dark brown boots, stomping around the corner. His sharp red eyes were wide in shock, bags of exhaustion lifted by your sight. Had it-- really been eight years? 
Panic works in tandem with longing. He could run for Jess’s chambers, crumple there like the very coward that ran this fastly crumbling kingdom. Face you another day. He couldn’t help but indulge himself in the gentle lilt of your voice, the way you rolled the ‘r’ on his last name, even though it was very much not an ‘r’ to be rolled. 
“Is that you, Miguel O’Hara? ¿De verdad?” 
No, Miguel thought. Not yet. 
His mind was overwrought, more stimulation than he had in months of battling the sea. He could climb ropes, fix sails, fight pirates, throw out orders, and care for the ports. No issue. None. But as you stood there, looking finer than any treasure he ripped from the hands of the most experienced of pirates, he found himself unable to locate his practiced words. 
You were meant to be his. To be by his side. Of that much, he was certain. Miguel folded the letter in his hand and tucked it back into his dark coat, exploring your gown. A light, white off-the-shoulder dress, embroidered in teal and ombre details, with the most beautiful seafoam bowed sash. You pulled at the rebozo over your long dripping sleeves, the jewels of your hairpieces tinking together as you moved, pulling up your skirts saucily over your ankle. 
“Is it not the admiral?” your handmaiden whispered. 
“I did not know he was back,” said the other. 
“Please excuse us, girls. Lady Lyla, I would prefer a private audience with the admiral. If you would,” 
“Of course! Of course, come, hurry up, you're slow--” Lyla did not need to be told twice. She made herself scarce, grabbing the mid-backs of the girls, forcing them up the steps and out of sight. Miguel dipped down to take a lantern that one of the girls had forgotten.
“Hola, mi amor,” 
Miguel turned around, offering you his forearm. Your jeweled eyes fell on it. You took his broad arm with one hand, minding the train of your dress in the other. The pads of your fingers shifted along the muscle. It took a moment for him to register your curious touch. The increase in his muscle mass, particularly as of late, must have been jarring. His brows knit together, his eyes crinkling around the edges in a way that reflected his age by sea. You moved through your gardens. Miguel, your ever-patient servant, followed your lead.
At night time, your garden was impossibly beautiful. It was lined by bushels of healthy, salt-tolerant roses, cloaked in the secret of darkness. Miguel remembered the small pond as if it were yesterday, the secret place of his youth. Small bugs sang in the heaviness of your mutual silence, breaking with the pop of your lips.
“I saw you had a letter in your hands. From a woman, perhaps?” 
He lifted his hand, offering the lack of a marriage band. No wife, not even a love on a distant shore. The memory of your kisses, your bodies strewn in bed, overrode any ability for him to find another woman. What happened to your eyes-- you began, reaching to touch him. He turned his face away. You were the first to notice. Or, perhaps, just unbothered by tethers of propriety.
“You are still unmarried? Then why did you never answer my letters?” 
“What would you have me say, princesa?” Miguel’s words came at last. He hadn’t meant them to come out the way they did. A long, painful lament on his tongue, marked with barbs. “You chose your family over my proposal. Your rejection was quite clear.” 
“You, above everyone else, should know it was not an easy choice. I could not have told them the truth.” You sat down on your stone bench, fixing your skirts. “You would have hung.” 
“Yes... well. How funny is it that they are now dead,” he bit out. “While I stand here alive.” 
Your eyes were bright, watery, bits of tears slipping down from the corners of your eyes, over pink blush at your cheeks. Shit, he hadn't meant to say that. A slow breath leaked from his mouth. You stood up, brushing the tears away with the flowing sleeves. It hurt to see your pain well to the surface.
“Miggy, I know you hate them, but please don’t talk ill of the dead. They did what they thought was best for our nation and nothing more.” 
Right-- to secure the possibility of an alliance through an arranged marriage, how charitable of them. You stood before a bushel of roses, turning your eyes over the fat blooms as an excuse not to look at him. You poisoned your mind with the lies of your father and brothers. He turned you, lip trembling.
“What of what was best for you?” His hand found your cheek, rolling away the tears that spilled openly before those in the garden. The sentinel who watched, the flowers that grew in peace. You leaned into his touch, eyes closing at the comforting warmth that welled up in your chest. He was here, again. “That has always been the only thing that I am concerned with.” 
“I know. My brothers couldn’t understand. They only understood politics.” 
“What of your father? He knows how I feel.” Miguel said. The words were smooth and soft, gentle like the sill waters of your pond. “He may not know that I was your first--” 
“Your virginity belongs to me. Stone cannot take it,” he punctuates the words. They seem to draw some ancient feelings loose, drawing back with your hand to your chest, cooling the heat that bubbled in your chest at the mere memory. His voice milded out, a smile warring at the corners of his lips. Eight years, and he knew you thought of that very warm summer’s night on the pavilion.  "But your father would still allow you to live in misery."
You're not thinking of your father when Miguel speaks of such silly, youthful things. It's hurled into the past.
“You remember.” The tone in his voice pulled at a question, but he asked none. You tugged on your rebozo and turned away from Miguel once more, embarrassed. He couldn’t resist. His hands cupped your slight shoulders, rippled with goosebumps, though it was not a cold night out. His lips worked on your ears, kissing the delicate earrings that dripped from your earlobes. “The last day of the rose harvest.” 
“Miggy, not here.” 
“Your guards fell ill for their night shift. I took their place. You bathed in petals and perfumed your skin that night. I dare say, on purpose. You were so good for me.” 
The memory must have made you clench, your blood runs warm, leaning into the soft kiss he set behind your ear, the scrape of his fang. Oh, stars, you cried.
“We should stop, my father--”
“Knows what love we have. Even if he is a spineless coward.”  
“Have? Miggy?” 
He held his chin level, swaying where he stood, seeking some acknowledgment that your feelings had not changed. For what seemed like the hundredth time that night, you faced him. In place of a response, silence was the best course of action. A grim smile worked on his face, his head pounding with the lack of alcohol, that little friend of his that had made these years pass so easily. You tugged him forward.
“You are mine?” you ask. 
“I am yours. I am loyal to you before anyone else.” 
To his surprise, you held out your hand, your fingers twiddling at him. 
“Then prove your loyalty to me.” You hummed. “Give me that letter. I want it.” 
“You can’t trust me, can you?” He sighed, slipping his hand into his coat pocket. Finally pulling it free, he unraveled it. Its crispy, flaked edges slipped from your fingertips. The royal seal glimmered in your eyes, wrought in sudden delight at your own handwriting. 
“This is mine. And you’ve kept it so close to your heart this whole time? Oh, Miggy,” 
“Don’t start,” Miguel took a step away, rubbing the frustration out of his forehead. Blood rushed to Miggy’s dark face. He should be so lucky that it was night, that the moon was not full, and that you would not weaponize it. You plucked up your skirts, daring a twirl, jewelry jingling, skirts whirling. His lips pulled in a smile at your delight, a party all on your own. Congratulations on your victory, he wanted to say, as if it hadn't resulted in years of endless longing.
“I knew it.” 
“You did not,” Miguel bit out, kicking out his feet over the inky blades of glass. “You interrogated me regarding its source. Another woman when I have a princess? How asinine.” 
“Oh, Miggy. If you write me a letter, just one,” you settled it back in his coat jacket. “I can be at peace with this marriage. I’ll close my eyes and think of you.” 
His mind reeled at your words. He shot you a wan look, which you returned with a confused flicker of your long lashes, wondering what you said that was so wrong. Miguel looked toward the armed guards, men who-- in the day, he served with. He trusts them in a way that is unique to service under the crown-- to you. 
“What sort of man do you take me for?” he bit out, his tone tapering dangerously low. “To think I would allow you to marry that man?”
“What choice do I--” 
“You listen to your father regarding the oddest things. You would marry an archaic sack of shit but not the love of your life.” 
“Oh,” breath punched from your chest, exhaled in a shaky breath. Your hand came to your chest, twiddling the jewelry at your chest. Miguel turned his head back to face yours, his scarlet eyes trained on yours. “I wasn’t aware of your offer.” 
He couldn’t help it. Not anymore. The time at sea, eight years of suppressed pleasure through memories of your warmth, and the letters you sent all culminated in overcoming longing. He dipped down, his lips sliding against yours. He swept his tongue past your lips, drawing you closer with a stabilizing hand behind your back. He was many things, but never a coward, savoring the tender taste of fig and honey and you on your lips. You were as sweet as he remembered. His lips parted, words barely a puff.
“I don't believe I ever retracted it, Princesa.” 
Yes, you say delightfully. He wonders if you'll still say yes after you learn of what he's done. He doesn't always like the decisions he has to make-- but they're for your good. One day, perhaps, you'll understand.
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Called to Duty 4
Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, abandonment, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Captain Syverson
Summary: You struggle to move on from the biggest mistake of your life but find it hard to forget among the whispers of a small town.
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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The bank is as ever anxiety inducing. On pay day, you go down to cash your check then give most of it right back, parsing it out for your various expenses. At the end of it, you have even less than the month before. You don't get it. Thing's only seem to get worse; not just money, but your body. Every day you wake up, you feel even more crummy than the last. 
Your hopes of a treat at the cafe are dashed. You give a longing look as you walk by and peer through the window. You can smell cinnamon and coffee. You're strict non-caffeinated, doctor's orders, but a decaf would be amazing with one of those cinnamon buns. Ugh, damn, why are you torturing yourself? 
You turn to continue down the street but barely dodge out of the way of another pedestrian. He makes sure you can't pass as he mirrors you, sidestepping to block your way. You sigh as you step back and look Sy in the face. For a big man, he sure can sneak up on you. 
"Hey," he flips up his dark sunglasses, "how're you feeling?" 
You stare up at him defiantly, not quite bold enough to glare. He hasn't done anything wrong, he's just persistent. It isn't his fault he reminds you of that spoiled deadbeat. Or that your emotions are volatile, one moment teary eyed, the next blazing hot with rage. 
"Fine, thanks for asking," you shrug, "Sy, I gotta--" 
"I owe you a cookie," he points to the cafe window at his shoulder. 
You blink. You remember the cracked shortbread. You forgot about that. The mention of the sugary treat makes your stomach growl and your mouth water. 
"No, you don't--" 
"I do," he insists, "I don't like to carry 'round debts. Let me buy you one." 
"I got it free," you say, "it's not a big deal." 
"It is to me," he counters, "I was heading in anyway." 
You stare at him. You really don't get this man. You're no longer so sure that Thor sent him to check up on you, not since your last interaction. In fact, the wingman seemed more spiteful of him than you. You look across the steeet to the pharmacy then back at him. The aromas wafting out with each swing of the door have you ravenous.  
"I can't stay long, I gotta work," you say. 
His cheeks twitch, as if he tamps back a smile before it can bloom, "after you." 
He gesture behind you to the door. You turn and lead the way. He reaches past you to open the door before you can and you enter ahead of him. The din within is lively and the air is warm from the crowd and the employees steaming out orders behind the counter. 
"Wanna find a seat?" He suggests, "you should rest." 
You open your mouth to argue but think better of it. You'd rather not stand in the clustered line. You nod and head off to claim the table by the window. There isn't much left. 
You pull out the chair and brace your back as you sit with a sigh. You glance over and find Sy watching you as he stands in the queue. His gaze makes you want to wilt, instead you turn your attention out the window. 
Not even Thor looked at you like that. Don't be silly. Sy is just being a dutiful guy, helping out the town slut in her time of need. You won't be duped. Not when you can hear your name being twisted on tongues at that very moment. 
You sit and wait, wring the strap of your small purse. You watch the street. If it wasn't for the people, Hammer Ford would be serene. 
A plate clinks in front of you and a porcelain mug as well. It isn't a cookie and you can smell the herbal tea's rosy flavour. You peer up at Sy as he gives an apologetic look. 
"Cookies are still baking so I got you a cinnamon bun," he says. 
"And tea?" You add. 
"Can't have one without the other," he says, "no coffee for you." 
"Yeah, I... I know." 
You could laugh. He suggested before he's been reading things about pregnancy. You just can't picture him with a copy of What To Expect When You're Expecting.  
"Thank you," you smile as best you can. 
"Gotta get mine, be back," he excuses himself and marches back to the counter. 
You look down at the gooey iced draped spiral. You really shouldn't. Not only accept his misspent generosity but indulge in the excess sugar. Yet your hormones won't let you resist. You can at least wait until he's sitting down. 
He returns with a black coffee and a rather colourful donut. They don't match. Bitter and sweet all at once. He sits and takes off his hat and sunglasses. 
You put your purse to the edge of the table and rest your hand on your stomach, doing your best to resist the animalistic need to tear apart the dessert. His eyes follow the movement and you quickly drop your arm. You don't even think when you do it, it's just a habit. 
"You-" he begins. 
"Wh--" you find your voice at the same time. 
You both stop, hesitant. He nods and gestures to you, lifting his cup as he watches you intently. That's new too. Thor never listened much, only talked a lot. Besides, you weren't exactly together for the conversation. 
"Sy," you clear your throat and sit forward as much as you can, "why are you following me around?" 
His brows form a vee, "I'm... it's not... I'm tryna help." 
"Okay, but why?" 
His eyes flick up to the ceiling and his cheek ticks as he gives the question genuine thought. When he looks at you again, his face is set, "because I want to." 
"You want to?" 
"Yes, I'd like to take care of you. And the little one, if you'll let me." 
You can't help your snort, "we hardly know each other." 
"Isn't for lack of trying," he taps his fingers on his mug. "Aren't ya gonna try the bun?" 
"I will," you assure him. He's trying to distract you and it's close to working. The cinnamon is driving you mad. "A baby is a lot of work and... I'm not your responsibility. I know Thor is your friend." 
"Was," he interjects.  
"Sure," you accept his decisive declaration, "but that doesn't mean you have to worry about his mistakes." 
"Mistakes? I don't think so," he says. 
"Well, it's not exactly planned," you scoff, "Sy, really I don't feel right about you doing so much." 
"Wouldn't feel right not doing it," he shrugs his burly shoulders. 
“But why?” You nearly exclaim. You just want to know why he cares so much, about you? 
He leans forward, elbows on the table, “they talk about me too, ya know? Since I got back from... serving. They say I’m f—crazy, or whatever. It wasn’t easy or nothin’ over there but I’m not nuts. Not like they say. Just like you’re not some slut, forgive me for saying it out loud.” 
You look down at the table and exhale. So he hears as much as anyone else about you. At least he’s honest. At least he isn’t joining them. You purse your lips and reach for the cinnamon bun, unable to restrain yourself any longer. 
“For what it’s worth,” you raise your eyes to meet his, “I never thought you were... unwell, or whatever they say.” 
His cheeks pinch, another suppressed smile, and he tilts his head, “I’m only happy to hear you think of me.” 
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mccromy · 6 months
I've been thinking we should've just used Cucumber in any ship name that has SY in it, like with the classic Cumplane and the less known Scumcum (better known as Jiuyuan).
In that line, I bring forth a few ideas for the main ship: Cumgee (as a nod to the first meal LBH made for SQQ), or perhaps we could use LBH's own name: Cumriver. Icycum. Cumcicle. (Though that last one could apply to the crack ship of MBJ/SQQ.)
Anyways I'm open to suggestions.
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viking-raider · 7 months
Summary: For Thanksgiving, you decide to take part of a military support group event and host a Veteran, having them over for dinner. Forming a lasting bond with a certain Captain.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warning: G - Cotton Candy Goodness, Angst, Mention of Loss of Family Member, Mourning, Cold Mother, Embarrassed!Reader, Hurt/Comfort, Alcohol Use, Fluff, Friendly Bets, Southern Charm
Inspiration: It’s for Thanksgiving. 🍗
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS! My Syverson's first name is Austin.
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLISTand turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy! @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY
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You had received the message from one of the countless Military support groups you were a part of about the Sponsoring a Veteran for Thanksgiving event, and if you were interested in participating. You had hesitated for a couple days, before finally caving. You didn't have much family left of your own, just your mother. Since your father passed, when you were a kid and your only sibling, a brother, had been killed in the line of duty. Which was why you were a member of the support groups, looking to keep a closeness to him, and find some sort of peace with his death.
“All right.” The lead organizer, retired Lieutenant Sarah Timmans, sighed, looking over her clipboard at the list of names of all the Veterans that had been signed up for the event. “Your mother knows you're hosting a Vet, right?” She asked, cocking a brow at you, knowing how sensitive and touchy your mother was still about being around anything directly Military.
“I told her, I was bringing a friend over.” You answered, biting your lip nervously, knowing your mother's own mood swings on the subject.
“Girl, she's going to flip out on you.” Sarah said, shaking her head, eyes bulging. “Maybe, you should just do something one-on-one with them?” She suggested, trying to bypass a disaster.
“She's expecting us, and I'll get an earful, if I skip another family gathering.”
Sarah snorted at you, smirking. “It's your KP!” She teased, going down the list to find your name and who you'd been assigned. “So, your Vet is Captain Austin Syverson. He just retired seven months ago after nineteen years in the service of the U.S Army. Special Forces.” She informed you, looking up from the clipboard to scan the crowded room for a moment.
“Ah, there he is!” She smiled, motioning behind you.
Turning around and following her gaze, you were surprised for a moment, standing on the other side of the room, in a small cluster of other Vets, was a tall, thickly muscular guy, with a shaved head and well groomed beard. Everything about him exuded authority, self-confidence and calm. He was so damn handsome in his pair of dark wash blue jeans, brown cowboy boots and fleshly ironed, black dress shirt that was tucked in, showing off his belt buckle. Your insides tingled as you stared at him, throat going dry.
“Damn, that's a Texas boy.” You mumbled under your breath.
“Sure is.” Sarah agreed, checking him out as well. “You should go introduce yourself, before he thinks you stood him up.” She added, a hint of encouragement in her voice.
“God, you're right.” You started, frightened he just might, then weaved through the crowd towards him, pausing for a moment, until he noticed you. “Hi there.” You beamed up at him, your knees like a nervous jelly.
“Ma'am.” Syverson greeted you back with a Southern drawl, tipping his head forward.
“I'm your host, Captain Syverson.” You informed him, introducing yourself.
“Oh.” He replied, giving you a proper look over, a smile pulling over his lips as he took your lovely figure in the white, knee-length dress covered in delicate yellow flowers, paired with black flats. “It's a pleasure to meet you.” He said, his bright blue eyes meeting yours once more. “You can just call me, Sy.”
“Nice to meet you as well, Sy.” You answered, cordially extending your hand.
Smirking broader, Sy gently took your hand in his, shaking it. “I'm grateful that you've allowed me impose myself on you and your family's holiday.”
“Oh, it's quite all right.” You waved it off, shrugging your shoulders. “It's really just me and my mom, so nothing major.”
“Well, I'm just a Captain, so it'll literally be nothing Major.” Sy quipped, making the group around him crackle at the inside joke.
You dropped your head, hiding your amused smile, knowing the two of you were more than likely to get along, if he had that sense of humor. “Fair.” You nodded, lifting your head. “More than fair. Well, we can leave whenever you like.”
Sy turned over his wrist to glance at his watch. “We can go now, if you like.” He replied, twisting to a chair that was behind him and picking up a black, denim Sherpa coat off the back. “I'll see you boys later. Have a good Thanksgiving.” He bid the men, patting a couple on the shoulder, before following you out of the building.
“You can follow me to my place or we can ride together.” You told Sy, standing on the sidewalk with him, chewing on your lip.
“I can follow.” Sy answered, smiling down at you. “My truck's just over there.” He said, motioning over to the big, 2021 Dodge Ram, parked a short distance away.
“Okay. I'm just right there.” You informed him, pointing out your little KIA Niro.
“On your lead then, Major.” Sy quipped, winking at you, before heading off towards his truck.
“Christ,” You huffed, watching after him for a moment, your hand moving up to a necklace around your neck. “He reminds me so much of you, Phelan.” You sighed, then made for your vehicle.
Pulling out of the parking space, your phone started to ring, so you connected the car's Bluetooth. “Mother.” You answered, glancing in your rear-view, to make sure Sy was behind you, before you started out of the parking lot and into the street.
“How much longer are you going to be?” Your mother snapped through the car's speakers.
“I'm just leaving now, mom.” You sighed, pressing your lips together. “I had to find my friend and now we're heading there now. We should be there in about ten or so minutes.”
“Why is he spending Thanksgiving with us? Doesn't he have his own family?” She demanded, clearly pacing the house.
“I'm sure he has a family, mother. But I invited him over to ours and he accepted. So, please, be nice to him. He's a very polite and outstanding person, who doesn't need to be pestered and guilt tripped, or reminded his mother is lucky, that her son is still alive and not in the military and so on.” You hoped to warn and deter her from her usual interaction with the males she came into contact with. “Let's just have a nice dinner, for once.”
“How can we, when your brother isn't here.” She growled, then the line went dead.
“At least, I'm here.” You sighed, deflated by her words. “I should really warn Sy before we get into the house.” You thought, then pushed that unpleasantness aside.
Sy managed to keep behind your car, drumming his thumbs on the steering wheel. He felt a little nervous about going to a random, pretty young lady's home to have Thanksgiving dinner with her mother. However, he didn't have any other plans for the holiday under his belt, other than staying on the ranch he'd started up on his return home with Aika.
“Idle hands are the devil's workshop.” He commented aloud, following you off the on-ramp.
It would have just been him and his pup, working the horses all day, before making another ten minute meal and sitting in front of his laptop, since he still hadn't gotten around to buying himself a proper tv for the living room. So, he let one of his buddies nag him into signing up for the event. Sy wasn't at all disappointed either.
You were more than easy on his eyes.
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Finally making it outside your place, you got out and met Sy in your driveway, shifting glances between him and the front door.
“Are you all right?” Sy asked, squinting down at you.
“Okay, look.” You blurted out, not looking back at him. “My mom is super touchy about the military.” You started to explain to Sy, giving him an embarrassed glance.
“Why?” He frowned, confused.
Your shoulders slumped slightly and a tired expression washed over your face. “My brother died in Afghanistan six years ago. My mom has taken that to her heart and soul. So anything military tends to set her off.”
“Then, should I even be here?” Sy asked, concerned about causing your mother any distress.
“It's my house and you're my guest.” You told him, bluntly. “I want you here for dinner. It'll be nice to have someone over that might actually engage with me.” You said, heading up the footpath towards the front door. “And not remind me that I'm not my dead, older brother.” You added under your breath, but Sy's sharp ear heard you all the same.
“Mom!” You called out, toeing off your shoes as you stood in the entry with Sy. “We're here.”
“Took long enough.” Her voice echoed back somewhere in the house.
You looked up at Sy. “I'm so sorry.” You mouthed, shaking your head.
“It's all right.” He smiled, his hand touching the back of your arm.
“Do you want something to drink?” You asked, showing him into the kitchen and pulling open the fridge. “Got wine, a couple bottles.” You twisted your upper half to peek at an upper shelf. “Looks like she's left my Ardbeg whiskey alone.”
“I wouldn't mind a little whiskey.”
Nodding, you shut the fridge and got down two glasses with the whiskey bottle. “Straight or on the rocks?”
“What are you having?” Sy asked, leaning back against your sink, a twinkle of mischievous curiosity in his eyes.
“The rocks.” You answered, a playful smirk tugging on your lips.
Sy drew a breath in through his nose, pressing his lips together as he nodded. “Impressed.”
“Thank you.” You chuckled, grabbing a couple ice cubes from the freezer and dropped them into your glasses, then poured you and Sy a generous amount of amber liquid. “Here you go.”
“Thank you, ma'am.” Sy tipped his head, taking the glass from you and took a sip. “Damn, that's smooth.”
“Mmm, for a twenty year old bottle, it should be.” You snorted, taking a gulp of yours.
“Twenty years.” Sy choked slightly. “Damn, almost as long as I was in--” He caught himself, eyes shooting to the two kitchen entrances. “Well, you know.”
“Yeah.” You nodded, a little stiff, praying your mother was lurking nearby, and polished off your drink, before moving over to the oven, revealing a nice sized turkey, just starting to turn a golden brown, filling the kitchen with a mouth-watering scent. “I started this about an hour and a half ago, so it should have about another hour or so to go. While it does that, I can show you around.”
“And, if you're as much of a Texan as I think you are, I'll pop the football game on.”
“You don't have to put the game on.” Sy laughed, feeling called out. “We can watch whatever you and your mother want. I'd hate to impose.”
“Captain Austin Syverson, you're not imposing.” You informed him, putting your foot down.
Sy's eyes widened and he gave you a half smirk. “I do love a woman that takes charge. Yes, ma'am, if you say so.”
“Besides, I'd love to see the Chiefs kick the Cowboys ass.” You added, teasingly.
“Oh, you're a traitor to your home state!” Sy gasped, horror on his face.
“Texas isn't my home state.” You giggled at him, then tisked. “Kansas isn't either, to be far.” You snorted, amused by the banter. “But I like Mahomes.”
“What's wrong with Dak Prescott?”
“Nothing! He's a great QB. I'm just a Chiefs girl.”
“I may have to call this Thanksgiving off.” Sy said, draining his whiskey glass and set it on the counter behind him and pushed off the edge. “To eat at the same table as a Chiefs girl, may just be too much for this ol' Texas boy.”
You were worried for a moment that Sy was genuine, and felt terrible for bringing it up, until you finally noticed the look in his eye and relaxed. He had a dry humor and pulled it out on you, catching you good.
“Shoot, you had me there.” You chuckled, breathy.
He winked at you, amusing you more with his cute double blink.
“Well,” You sighed, looking at the kitchen. “This is the kitchen.”
“A very nice kitchen.” Sy echoed, nodding and rubbing a hand over the counter top. “Nice and clean.”
“Thank you, I do my best.” You replied, bowing your head. “Out that way is the dining room, where we'll be having dinner.” You said, motioning to your right, and Sy peeked in, finding a long, glass table already set for three people with nice little autumn decorations as a centerpiece. “Over here, is the living room, where we'll probably be starting our football rivalry.”
You showed him into the living room, just as your mother came downstairs, in nothing but a pair of loose shorts, a tank top and an open bathrobe, a half glass of white wine clutched in her hand. You felt a cold shard of embarrassment go down your back. You had hoped, when you told her you were going to get Sy, she would have dressed into something—anything.
“Mom, this is Sy.” You told her, keeping your voice even. “Sy, this is my mother, Dana.” You introduced them, chewing the inside of your lip to bits.
“Pleasure to meet you, ma'am.” Sy greeted her politely, nodding his head kindly, like nothing was out of place.
She looked Sy over, taking a gulp of her wine. “How do you and my daughter know each other?” She inquired, lifting a brow at him.
You stiffened, you hadn't considered fielding that question from her while Sy was over.
“Work.” Sy said, casually.
“So, she's your accountant?” Dana pressed and showed no sign of easing off.
“I am.” You chimed in, hoping to get her to drop the subject and leave Sy alone.
“That she is.” Sy confirmed, backing you up. “Helps me out with my ranch.” He told Dana, tapping that belt buckle at his waist, bearing the Hook Hill Ranch logo on it.
“Hmm.” Your mother grunted, not sounding convinced. “Why aren't you spending Thanksgiving with your family?” She asked, giving Sy a hard look.
“Mom!” You snapped, horrified.
“It's all right.” He assured you, giving you a soft smile. “I'm an only child. I've never known my father and my mother ran off, when I was ten years old, leaving me to be raised by uncle, her brother. He had a heart attack three years ago, while milkin' his cows. So, it's just me and my dog, Aika, nowadays. Your daughter was kind enough to ask me over to your Thanksgiving dinner, and I accepted.”
“Satisfied?” You asked, annoyed your mother caused Sy to divulge such personal information.
Rolling her eyes, your mother turned in a flare of her bathrobe and headed back upstairs.
“Turkey will be done in an hour!” You called after her, with no reply. “I'm so sorry.” You said, turning back to Sy.
“It's okay.” He said softly, more concerned for you. “Is there anything I can do to help you finish up with dinner?”
“Um,” You tapped your foot. “No, I don't think so. Besides, you're my guest. You should relax.” You told him, waving over to the couch. “I can handle everything.” You assured him, rounding the arm of the couch to swipe the remote of the coffee table and turned the tv on, quickly finding the football game. “Ooh, Cowboys are beating the Chiefs by two points!” You hissed, casting a glance over your shoulder at Sy.
Sy moved to join you, holding your gaze. “I bet you a round of drinks, at a later time, that the Cowboys beat your Chiefs.”
“Are you asking me out on a date, Syverson?” You asked, surprised.
“I am.” He admitted, unashamed.
“Then, you're on.” You grinned, giving him a cocky look. “But, if the Chiefs win, I want to see your ranch.”
“Bold.” Sy smirked, a chuckle rumbling in his chest. “I'll even cook for you.”
“Sold.” You agreed, extending your hand out to him.
He shook your hand, then sat down on the couch, getting comfortable to watch the game, while you returned to the kitchen. Pausing for a moment, you refilled his whiskey glass and took it out to him, giving him a soft smile as you set the cool glass down on a coaster and went back to prepping dinner. Sy watched you over the back of the couch, moving and bumping about, taking a deep breath and taking all the lovely smells of your hard work wafting towards him and making his belly rumble.
Lord have mercy, she's gorgeous.
“You sweet on my daughter?” Dana's voice came up behind him.
Sy's head swung around to look back at her, seeing she'd finally gotten dressed, now wearing a pair of black leggings and a loose, cream colored jumper, but no shoes or socks. “I just might be.” He answered, meeting her gaze head on. “She's a sweet, generous young lady.”
“Young lady, how old are you?” Dana huffed, dropping down into a recliner at the end of the couch.
“I'm thirty-eight.” Sy replied, with an odd amusement.
Dana looked Sy over, her gray eyes scrutinizing. “At least you're both in your thirties.” She huffed, curling her legs underneath her and glared at the tv.
What a curious woman. Sy blinked, shaking his head at her.
The two of them sat quietly, not speaking or interacting with each other any further. Which didn't bother either Sy or Dana. You peeked in at them from time to time, scurrying out to fill Sy's glass, whenever you noticed it was empty and always asking if he needed or wanted something, before vanishing back into the kitchen or dining room.
You wanted the dinner to be as great as possible for Sy, and your mother.
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“Dinner is ready, everyone!” You declared, coming into the living room, glancing at the football score, discovering the Chiefs had recovered since the last time you'd entered, now ahead by four points.
“Smells delicious.” Sy complimented you, as he and your mother came into the dining room, finding the set table.
The turkey was juicy and golden-brown, slices already carved and on a plate beside it, with sides of stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls and cornbread muffins, yams with marshmallows, peas and asparagus, accompanied with pecan and pumpkin pie. There were two decanters of red and white wine, a bottle of Ardbeg, and a pitcher of iced tea.
“Thank you.” You grinned with shy pride, biting the inside of your lip. “Sit wherever you like and dig in.” You said, motioning to the chairs around the table, before slipping into one.
Sy joined you, winking at you, as he picked up a plate and started helping himself, piling his plate with meat, rolls, yams and cornbread. “Mmm, this is amazing.” He hummed, nodding his head and chewing his mouthful of turkey and mashed potatoes.
You were giddy that Sy was so in love with your cooking, glancing towards your mother, who was at the end of the table. But found she was sipping a glass of red and nibbling on a buttered roll, to your slight dismay. Pushing the feeling away, you fixed your plate and dug in, moaning at how tasty it was.
“So, your team was winning.” Sy commented, giving you a side brow as he continued to eat.
“Yeah, I noticed.” You smirked, feeling bubbly, as you poured yourself some wine. “Looks like we'll be spending some more time together.”
“That it does.” He nodded, feeling your mother's eyes on him. “I'll have to show you the new foal that was born last week.”
A flood of excitement filled you, you loved the thought of seeing a baby horse. “Oh! I bet they're just the cutest thing on the planet!” You gushed, eyes bright with love already. “What did you name it?”
“Oh, I haven't named the little rascal, yet.” Sy laughed, watching you just gush. “Maybe, you could help me come up with a name for her?” He suggested, looking at you over the rim of his whiskey glass.
“Hmm.” You hummed, falling into a meditative state as you brewed over a name for the baby horse.
“So,” Dana cleared her throat, eyes narrowed between you and Sy. “You're a Rancher?”
“Yes, ma'am.” Sy nodded, turning to regard her, nothing by polite respect in his expression.
“How long have you been one?” She questioned, swirling the wine in her glass.
“Ranchin' has been in my family for generations.” Sy replied, not letting her trip him up. “My many great-grandfather came over from Ireland, just after the American Revolution. Then, when the Civil War happened, my family fought and were granted land at the end, for their service. We've been doing it ever since.”
“So, your family fought for the South.” Dana said bluntly, causing you to choke on your food.
“Mother.” You rasped, eyes practically popping out of their sockets.
“No, ma'am.” Sy said coolly. “We fought for the North.” He told her, and left it at that.
“Are you satisfied?” You asked her slowly, eyes still wide and mouth agape.
“No.” She answered, getting up and leaving the room.
“I'm so sorry, Sy.” You stuttered, ashamed of your mother.
“It's all right, love.” He shook his head, wiping his hands on his napkin. “It's not your fault. It's not hers either, really.” He said softly. “She's mourning her son, and doing so takes the form in many ways. That's how your Ma is coping with your brother no longer being on this Earth.” He told you, resting back in his chair and fixing his blue eyes on you. “You're coping by going to support groups and trying to understand the kind people that he was, that he worked with, that he died surrounded by.”
You bit your lip, a lump of emotion strangling you and blurring your eyes; Sy was right. You wanted to be surrounded by those like your brother. It was like still having him there, in a way. You felt the strong, rough warmth of Sy's hand slip into yours, squeezing it and rubbing his thumb over your wrist as the two of you sat there, quiet and surrounded by your Thanksgiving feast.
“You know,” Sy spoke, breaking the silence. “I could actually use an accountant for my ranch.” He said, smirking over at you. “Plus, how about drinks at my place, while you figure out a new name for my foal? Who cares who wins the game.” He chuckled, arching a suggestive brow at you.
“Are you hinting at a sort of date, Syverson?” You asked, playfully thumb warred him.
“It's possible.” Sy laughed, letting you pin his thumb. “Maybe, I'll even cook you Christmas dinner.”
“Oh, I think I'd like that.” You told him, grinning, thankful you'd decided to host him for Thanksgiving.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 4 months
The Night Before Someday
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A/N: Happy (slightly belated) birthday to my dearest @wings-and-beskar! I wrote you some smut. 💛
Pairing: Cody x Reader (GN)
Rating: M - Minors DNI
Wordcount: 1.6K
Warnings and tags: fluff; roofies mentioned in passing; somebody other than Cody tries to hit on you; SMUT; oral sex; teasing; minor dom/sub dynamics; orgasm delay; established secret/forbidden relationship.
Summary: Did you read “Someday” and feel a burning desire to know what happened the night before? Look no further! This is that fic.
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79’s was hot, loud, and crowded. The heavy beat of dance music pulsated through the dense, smoky air of the club. The 212th was on shore leave, and you could swear that all 42,000 troopers in the battalion were currently either in line for the bar or grinding on the dance floor. You weren’t the only nat-born officer in the place, but you still stood out in the sea of clones, and every so often a drunken trooper would hoot your name or cheer raucously as you passed.
The energy was frenetic. To tell the truth, dance clubs weren’t really your usual scene, but it was the first night of leave, and it was expected that the senior command staff would put in an appearance. It wasn’t so bad, though; the troopers were rowdy but unfailingly respectful, and as you headed back to your table after braving the line at the bar for a refill, one of your very favorite trios found you and pulled you inexorably into their orbit. 
“Didn’t think we’d see you here tonight, Major,” Wooley said as he slung his arm over your shoulders with an easy (if somewhat wobbly) smile.
“Why not?” you asked.
“Figured you’d have somethin’ better to do than hang out with the same faces you see all day every day,” Waxer grinned.
“What could possibly be better than this?” you asked, gesturing at the sticky, sweaty crowd.
“Probably just about any nat-born cantina,” Boil replied.
“Oh, we have more than our share of shitty dives,” you replied. “Plus my chances of having my drink roofied are probably lower here than just about any bar in the galaxy.”
“‘Specially with us watching your back,” Wooley said. He was slurring his words a bit, and his arm was ridiculously heavy on your shoulders, but you had a feeling his night was just getting started.
“Surprised you aren’t at the table with the rest of the command staff,” Boil remarked.
“I was on my way back when you waylaid me,” you laughed.
“Eh, we’re more fun anyway,” Waxer said with a charming smile.
Privately, you couldn’t help but agree, not that you would ever, ever say it out loud. Waxer, Boil, and Wooley didn’t have to worry about presenting a dignified facade the way the senior officers—including you—did. 
You drew a breath to reply, and suddenly, a Mirialan tripped and stumbled into you. She righted herself quickly, apologizing profusely in an Outer-Rim trade language. You replied fluently in the same language, reassuring her and asking if she was all right. She nodded and excused herself quickly, and as she left, you checked to make sure she hadn’t swiped your credits.
“Kriff, it’s hot when you do that,” Wooley said, leaning a little closer to your ear.
“What, check to make sure someone didn’t rip me off?” you laughed.
“No, when you speak Sy Bisti or whatever that was,” he replied.
“Meese Caulf,” you said.
“I don’t know how the commander keeps his hands off you when you’re translating for him,” Wooley said a little over-loudly.
Yeah, he’s definitely had enough to drink, you thought.
If you were honest, you liked Wooley just fine. He was sweet and funny, he had great hair, and he looked like… well… a clone trooper. Enough said. You might have considered reciprocating his interest if it weren’t for two very important factors. One: you outranked him by several degrees, and you’d have felt weird about it even if it weren’t officially forbidden for you to fraternize with him. Ironic, all things considered. 
“Because I don’t fancy a court martial, and I suspect the major doesn’t either, so I’d suggest you keep your hands to yourself,” a voice said from just behind you.
His tone was mild, but all four of you snapped to attention instinctively, and Wooley dropped his arm and put several inches in between himself and you for good measure.
“Yes, sir! Sorry, sir,” Wooley said sheepishly.
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to,” Commander Cody replied. 
“Er, sorry, Major,” Wooley mumbled.
You kept a perfectly straight face as you reassured Wooley, then extricated yourself from the group and made your way back to the command staff’s table with Cody. 
Once you were out of earshot, you asked, “Court martial? Don’t you think that’s a bit excessive?”
Cody arched a quizzical brow. “Just looking out for my officers.”
“Careful, Commander. People might start thinking you have an interest beyond strict professionalism.”
Under the guise of steering you around a group of rowdy, drunken troopers, Cody rested his hand on your lower back, and you felt his fingertips graze your bare skin, just beneath the hem of your shirt.
“We can’t have that,” he murmured. He leaned in slightly to whisper in your ear. “I wish I could dance with you.”
You suppressed a smile. “How much longer do we need to keep up this charade before we sneak back to my flat?”
“One more drink ought to do it,” he said. 
You glanced down at your cocktail. “Mine’s already half gone. I’ll leave first so nobody suspects.”
“You know, Wooley was right about one thing. You are hot as kriff.” He pressed his fingers into your back gently, then withdrew his hand as you approached the table where the rest of the senior command waited. “Door code still the same?”
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You were in the kitchen chugging the galaxy’s largest glass of water when you heard the front door swish open. By the time it closed again, you were already in Cody's arms. As your lips met, he picked you up and spun you around until you shrieked with laughter. When he set you down, he held you steady until you regained your footing, then slid his hand up your back to hold your head as he leaned his forehead against yours and took a deep, slow breath in and out.
“Hello,” you smiled.
“Hello,” he replied. “I missed you.”
“It's only been an hour,” you pointed out.
“An eternity.” He kissed along your jaw until he reached your ear, whispering, “A lifetime.”
You shivered as his breath tingled across your skin. “Welcome home.”
A quiet rumble of pleasure sounded in his chest at your words. “Let's go to bed.”
“Tired?” you teased.
He slid his hands down your body to grip your ass, pulling you hard against him. “Not even a little bit.”
That’s a kriffing lie, you thought, knowing exactly how busy and exhausted he was, but you weren’t about to call him on it when his lips tasted so perfect, and his body felt so strong and solid and warm, and his hands roamed over you, touching and teasing and exploring. You didn’t even notice that he was expertly guiding you backward through your flat until he leaned you slowly back onto your mattress.
“Excellent diversionary tactics, Commander,” you said as he kissed down your throat and sternum, deftly unbuttoning your top as he progressed.
“Mm,” he murmured, unzipping your trousers and sliding them down your hips. “That’s Marshal Commander.”
Your laugh turned into a gasp as he tugged your underwear out of the way and his tongue caressed your skin. 
“Fuck, you’re so gorgeous,” he whispered, gazing up your body as he stroked his fingers over you softly. He trailed kisses down your pelvis and swirled his tongue over your sex. “I could never taste you enough.”
Oh, gods, but he tried. He devoured you with all the skill and passion of a man deprived too long. He took his time, luxuriating in your smooth skin, your warmth, your scent, your taste, your quiet moans, your desperate whimpers, your frantic squirming beneath his lovely mouth. 
Ever the strategist, he used every tool at his disposal in his relentless pursuit of your pleasure: fingers, tongue, lips—even his teeth: grazing them gently across your tender flesh, then smoothing his tongue over you in soft, comforting strokes. He drew you closer and closer to your climax, refusing to hurry, even when your whimpers and moans gave way to pleading and sobbing as heat pulsed relentlessly through your veins, so close: so close, and yet just out of reach. 
And then—he stopped.
You nearly screamed in frustration. “Damn it, Cody!”
“Manners,” he chided.
You growled. “I am going to get revenge for this.”
“I have no doubt,” he replied, kissing you softly and then brushing his thumb over his swollen lips. “Now ask nicely.”
You gritted your teeth and took a deep breath. “Please, sir, will you let me come?”
He gave you a devilish smile and lowered his head back down to your body, devouring you with renewed enthusiasm, and within seconds, he brought you to the precipice.
“Please, please, please,” you chanted.
He groaned, a deep, gravelly sound that vibrated on your skin, and with a dexterous movement of his fingers, he pushed you over the edge. You let out a hoarse cry, for once not concerned about keeping your volume down, as your hips thrust up off the mattress. He pressed you back down as he kept going, eagerly taking everything you had to give, until you were twitching and writhing helplessly beneath him.
At last, when he’d wrung every last drop of pleasure from your body, you fell back, breathing hard as you slowly relaxed against the pillows. He looked up at you with a self-satisfied grin, and you narrowed your eyes vindictively. Wrapping your legs around him, you flipped both of you over so he was lying on his back beneath you, gazing up at you with blatant adoration.
“My turn,” you murmured.
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Didn't read "Someday"? It's here, and it's fluffy as hell!
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rwuffles · 2 months
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☕️ ❛ mutt-themed system names! ⚣ req ; anon
pt: mutt-themed system names. requested by anon. end pt.
⠀system names — the strays , the back-alley pups , the indistinguishable ( dog ((s)) ) , the kings / queens of the alley , once man's best friend , the wild ones
you can add 'system' , 'collective' ou any noun at the end of any of these names!
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seraphim-coinz · 27 days
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@slaughterboyf themed NPT!
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Names: Alice. Wonder. Angelique. Echo. Mirror. Milo. Lovina. Joy. Dollie. Valentine. Soda. Tap. Berry. Fawn. Kewpie. Vanilla. Sweetheart. Gabriel. Wishy.
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Pronouns: He/Him. H♡/H♡m. Chu/Chus. He/Hearts. Doe/Does. Pup/Pups. Rot/Rots. Sin/Sins. Doll/Dolls. Vamp/Vamps. Dei/Deities. Crave/Craves. Love/Loves. Sick/Sicks. Loverboy/Loverboys. Date/Dates. Ange/Angels.
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Usernames: balljointedsweetie. nurseloser. angeldarling. sweetcherubbaby. deityboy. loveysick. infectedwithangelics. theboyfieofall. exholylove.
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Titles: The Boyfie. [prn] who is a Darling. [prn] the Boy Bride. The False Prophet. The Darling Nurse. [prn] the Silliest Little Clown. The Clown who was Crowned.
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Genders: Filthangelic. Angedien. Canniloveangelic. Angelsoftware. Canifepinkic. Amoralic. Pinkpatient. Nupinkre. Pinkdoctor. Genderdate. Dolldate.
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Labels: Angel Lesboy. Angelibian. Peach Bisexual/Pink Bisexual. Cannibal Lesboy. Assigned Doll At Birth. Lovecore Transsexual. Doll Lover Lesbian. Seeby Sweetheart's Achillean. Pinkboy.
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I hope this is okay!
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okay first off i dont even care that i have the possibility to be put on blast FUCK YOU ? you're trying to convince people that being a sys without trauma is valid when its medically proven its not true ?? + tulpamancy is a closed practice
okay ! have a horrible fucking day and if i get put on blast oh well <3
The... possibility to be put on blast?
I mean, you sent an ask off of anon presumably with the intention of it being responded to publicly. So I'm responding to it publicly, as I assume you intended?
Like, you're acting like being "put on blast" would be something terrible I'd be doing to you, but it also feels like it's something you very much are wanting.
You're an odd little person.
To get this out of the way first, while tulpamancy draws its an etymology from a Tibetan Buddhist practice in the same way the word hurricane has roots in Native American culture, a word having an etymological link to another culture doesn't make it appropriation. (Unless you plan to remove hurricane from your vocabulary too.) And if you think that there's a closed practice anywhere on Earth called "tulpamancy," I don't think you're nearly educated enough about the basics of these cultures to presume to speak for them.
Anyway, to the big point, where has it been "medically proven" you can't possibly be a system without trauma?
What were the studies that "proved" this? Can you name the doctors?
I have no problem listing doctors who have expressed support for endogenic plurality. I did so just yesterday.
It shouldn't be hard to find at least one saying "you can't be plural without trauma," or "you can't be a system without trauma," or even "you can't have dissociated parts without trauma."
Speaking of which, one source I didn't include above because it seemed more neutral was from the creators of the theory of structural dissociation. This one suggests it may be possible that hypnosis and spiritual possession may involve self-conscious "dissociated parts of the personality."
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This one doesn't seem explicitly pro-endo but at the very least is open to the possibility and encouraging future research to explore it. Which is a far cry from your claim that it's been medically proven you can't be a system without trauma.
Surely, if it had been proven that the only way it was possible to have multiple self-conscious parts was through DID, the creators of the theory of structural dissociation themselves would be aware, wouldn't they?
Different academic sources use different terms for plurality. Where the creators of structural dissociation refer to having multiple self-conscious "dissociative parts," the World Health Organization's ICD-11 uses the term "distinct personality states."
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The ICD-11 also adds though that you can experience the "presence of two or more distinct personality states," the characterizing feature of DID, without a disorder.
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Thus far, every academic source I've been able to find on the concept of endogenic plurality has either been explicitly supportive or at least neutral.
If you've found sources saying otherwise, you're always welcome to provide them.
But if you're just repeating things because you've heard your friends saying them, I'd advise being more critical in the future because it's very easy to spread misinformation on the internet. If someone is claiming that something is scientifically impossible, you should always ask for the sources to back up their claims to make sure there's actual support behind it before spreading those claims around.
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deceasedchoir · 1 month
i want to follow more systems so uhhh reply or reblog to be mutuals ! we'd love to make friends
we are a polyfrag sys w npd / bpd / avpd / dpd / ocd / autism / possible adhd , bodily adult though we are mentally stunted to late teens . we are trans + queer + disabled . we use tone tags! we are anti endo, anti rq, and anti proship. pro kink, blm, free palestine, pro queer, and actively educating ourselves!
we like scream, saw (not caught up), fnaf, omori, poppy playtime, south park (not caught up), teen wolf, the vampire diaries, supernatural, criminal minds, ncis (not caught up) witchcraft, astrology, tarot, crystals, halloween (film series), star wars, stranger things, the lego movie, monster high (gen1 dollls + media, g3 dolls bc havent seen the show) sailor moon, madoka magica, adventure time, gravity falls, regular show, stat vs the forces of evil, bluey (not caught up).
we also make userboxes, flags and moodboards, and do prn / name suggestions .
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oh2z · 1 year
he’s back. kim taerae
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word count: 2.04k (woops)
summary: soon after realizing taerae had came back from the uk, you call him to get answers. highly suggestive. reader discretion advised.
contents: sub!taerae, dom!reader, phone call, guided masturbation, pet names 
a/n: the beginning is very lengthy sooorry i rambled lol, reader is afab!
you and taerae have been friends since you both could remember. you’d do everything together; play, homework, even sleepover at each others homes. though you two were super close, you were just friends. nothing more, nothing less.
your bond was unbreakable- taerae being the timid, shy boy that he is and you being the bolder, gut-sy, slightly younger friend he had. taerae was a little older than you, but you always saw him as a cute friend that could always count on you. why would you ever question it? you literally nicknamed him “tae”. 
it was until the summer of your last year in high school that you only saw taerae as a friend. before you knew it, taerae changed. he grew taller, voice dropped, and he even started to dress more fashionable. taerae in your eyes had changed. you found him attractive. 
of course you’d never let him find this out, what if it costs your whole relationship? but little did you know, taerae felt the same way about you, he too was scared that it would break the friendship the both of you had for so long. 
as soon as university started, you both grew farther and farther away from each other. when it came to your schedules, workloads, and even jobs- you guys just had no time to hang out anymore. the both of you were practically strangers. 
at times, you’d see a girl talking about taerae, or even taerae talking with other girls, and it would always sting. hiding your emotions, you just went around and dated. and so did he. 
there would be times that you two texted each other, but it was nothing super big, probably just a few “how are you” and “hey” messages. 
junior year came, and you suddenly didn’t see taerae in school anymore. you asked around, and found out that he went on an exchange program, abroad in the uk.  “he told other people..but not me.” you thought to yourself, upset. 
the end of junior year approached quickly as you were solely focused on your studies. taerae still lingered in your mind, but you had enough on your plate already.
it was a summer night that you threw yourself on your bed, opening you phone to check social media. you felt tense, the stress from summer program applications starting to get to you. soon enough, through other peoples snapchats, you found out that taerae returned from the uk. 
angry, you clicked the “tae” you had saved in your phone, and hoped he hadn’t changed his phone number yet. to your luck, he answered.
“hello? y/n-ie?” taerae said, a light english accent on his soft voice.
“oh, so you remember my name?” you reply, a clear angry tone in your words.
you hear a disappointed sigh come from the other line, and you start to worry. “taerae?” you ask, genuinely concerned.
“i’m sorry-” he blurts. “it’s just that once university started we started to hang out less, and i thought you didn’t like me anymore- b- but i had feelings for you, i- i mean i still do but-” taerae sputtered before you cut him off. “no i’m sorry,” you started. before you processed what he said.
“wait what was that last part?” you asked with hope in your voice. “well- i said that i liked and still like you, y/n.” taerae whispers while laying on his bed.
“i am an idiot,” you blinked. “so fucking stupid.” you told yourself underneath your breath.
“what? no- wait what?” he asked, confused. 
“taerae, i felt the same way. 
the two of you begin to catch up for the next 45 minutes over the phone. you both share the fun experiences you have had while getting lost in conversation together. it was nice.
the line fell quiet, but you found yourself not wanting to hang up yet, and it seemed that neither did he.
“what are you doing now?” you asked him.
“hm...just laying in my bed,” he replied, sounding like he was shifting his position. “probably going to sleep soon.”
“do you share a room?” 
“no, not anymore. my brother’s room is a couple doors down the hallway. i don’t think you seen him in a loooong while, right?”
“yeah, it’s been awhile” you chuckle.
“you should come over sometime,” taerae suggested “he’s pretty cool now.” 
“i can’t wait to see him again then,” you teased.
“well...don’t be too excited to meet him,” he said, pouting slightly. 
you laughed. “i can’t help it, i’m excited to see your family again. your kind parents, and i bet your brother is handsome..” you teased.
“yeah yeah, i guess my parents are kind of nice- wait! i’m handsome!” he insisted.
“of course! i know my tae-ie is handsome.”
“thank you y/n,” he said, sounding pleased.
“so- what are we wearing, mr handsome?” you asked, your tone changing a little as you imagined him stretched out on top of his bed. nervous, not knowing why you just said what you said, you waited for his response.
“uh...” he seemed shy. you didn’t press the silence, just waiting to see what he would say. “just...my sweatpants.” 
“awe that sounds comfy,” you replied, adjusting your position in bed. “just your sweatpants then? no shirt?” 
“y-yeah...no shirt,” he gulped. with your mind racing, it’s just your emotions talking right now.
“hmm. i’d like to see that,” you replied lowly, imagining his tanned chest laid bare, corded muscle contracting with each breath he took, his bicep bulging just slightly as he held the phone to his ear, his other hand resting lightly on his stomach.
“wh-what about you, what are you wearing, y/n-ie?” he asked shyly after a breath.
“oh? i’m just wearing an old t-shirt and some panties,” you replied, stretching your limbs around.
“th-that’s it?” he asked, breath hitched.
he was shifting on the bed quietly, you could hear movement and his soft breaths. he hesitated before speaking again, seeming unsure how far he could take this conversation before you would stop it.
“what color are you panties?” he asked then, his voice breathy and low. 
“hm? black,” you replied after glancing down at them. “they aren’t very comfy though, i need some new ones,” you pouted, smirking as you spoke.
“they aren’t comfy?” he breathed. 
“maybe...you should take them off,” he said, sounding awkward and cute, like he was nervous to say it, but also desperate for you to do it.
“you think so? how about i’ll take my panties off if you take your sweatpants off.”
“okay,” he replied quickly. there was rustling on his end of the phone and true to your word you removed your panties, excitement at the thought of him imagining you rushing through you. “okay i’m done,” he said.
“me too,” you let him think about that for a breath before going on. “what kind of underwear do you have on?” you asked. 
“um just some boxers.” 
“what color?”
“i bet gray looks good with your tan,” you replied. you could hear him breathing and you waited, seeing what he would say next. he seemed like he wanted to speak but was hesitating.
“what- what do you want me to do next?” he asked then. you smirked.
“i want you to...run your hand down your chest,” you said in a low voice, making yourself sound breathy and quiet. “over your stomach and to you waistband.” 
you could hear him breathing and you knew he was brushing his fingers over his skin like you instructed. he whined softly when he reached his pants.
“what’s the matter?” you cooed.
“i got to my waistband. you didn’t say to keep going.” 
“what do you want to do taerae?” you asked him, feigning innocence. he wasn’t going to do anything until you told him to, and it made you feel very powerful.
“i...i want to touch myself,” he breathed, his voice sounding needy and whiny. 
“go ahead bub,” you whispered, pressing the phone close against your ear. “pull it out and touch it.”. there was a brief rustling on his end of the phone before a tiny, relieved moan escaped his lips, and you knew he was curling his fingers around himself, grasping his firm member. “how do you feel in your hand?” you asked him.
“h-hard,” he breathed. 
“mm,” you hummed in response, slipping the hand that didn’t hold your phone down between your legs. “that’s good baby,” you said. there was a little gasp from his end when you called him baby, he just followed it with a tiny whine. “i bet your big, pretty hand looks really nice wrapped around your hard cock, doesn’t it baby?”
he whimpered slightly. “please y/n”
“tell me what you want, tae” 
he breathed for a moment, the breaths blowing over the mouthpiece and into your ear. “i want to come,” he whimpered.
“and you want y/n-ie to help you?” you questioned.
“yes, y/n please.” 
“listen to you baby, asking so nicely,” you cooed. “go ahead and stroke it for me then. but go slow.”
“ah- okay,” he whispered. you know he was doing it, you could hear the movement.
“that’s a good boy,” you told him, circling your clit lightly with the pad of you finger as you listened. “go a little faster now baby.” he did so, little breathy moans escaping him as his pace increased.
“ah-ah,” his volume rose a bit with each moan and you could hear the movement of his arm as he continued to pump himself. you slipped a finger deeper between your legs, brushing softly at yourself, beginning to speed up to match his pace. 
“taerae...you made me wet with your dirty little moans,” you told him. 
“fuck, fuck y/n,” he groaned loudly at that.
“that’s right baby- don’t stop-” you gasped and moaned lightly into the phone, making noises for him as you added a second finger. his moaning began to speed up- switching from longer softer groans to little quick breathy ones and you knew he was getting close. “you’re doing so good baby. how is my tae-ie feeling?” you asked. 
“y/n- ah- so, so good-” 
you cut him off, moaning his name suddenly as your fingers plunged more deeply into yourself. 
he gasped loudly when he heard his name, the rustling of his arm pumping himself quickly and the music of his high pitched, breathy moans turning you on even more, your fingers slicked with your wetness.
“oh my go- oh fuck,” he suddenly moaned “y/n can i come please can i come,” he asked all in one breath.
“yes- yes,” you moaned out as you felt yourself nearly there as well. he gave one last loud moan as he released all over his hand and stomach and the sound of his pleasure sent you over the edge, your knees shaking as you came, whimpering loudly yourself. the two of you panted quietly for a moment as you came down then he cleared his throat, moving around and making the phone rustle.
“shit,” he breathed. “i haven’t had phone sex since before i left here, that was...fucking good.” 
“.. well maybe you shouldn’t have left then.” you said.
“y/n you know how sorry i am- i couldn’t pass up on this opportunity and i know that i fucked up like i should’ve told you before i left and i’m sorry that we fell off and stopped talking-” taerae pleaded as you cut him off. 
“i’m kidding, it’s okay bub, i know” you smiled through the phone. “oh” he said, staring blankly at his ceiling, hearing you giggle over the line.
“well, it was good, wasn’t it?” you said through your giggles. 
“yeah it was,” taerae started. “we should totally do that in person when you come to visit my house-” 
“i’m going to sleep now taerae” you deadpan, stifling your laughter. “you did do a good job for me though, coming so well over the phone,” you told him softly, suddenly making him feel very shy.
“thank you y/n,” he mumbled, his shy little voice placing a wide grin on your face. 
“text me whenever and you know i’ll be at your place in five. welcome back tae!”
“o-okay. sleep well, y/n”
“night bub, see you tomorrow.”
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