corysmiles · 8 months
A Borrower’s Hope
Notes: This is a borrower inspired danganronpa au where Naegi is a borrower (a tiny person who lives off of stealing things from humans) during the first game. I plan on writing more soon so stay tuned >:)
Makoto could confidently say he’d never waken up to anything weirder. Even as a borrower who’d woken up before to the horrified eyes of a human, this took the cake. Waking up in an air duct in a building he had no memory of coming to was definitely not good. Especially when every time he tried to remember where he was or how he’d managed to get there his mind strained like a rubber band about to snap.
‘At least there was no one there,’ his mind supplied, ‘it could be worse.’
Slowly, stretching his tense arms above him, Makoto pushed his way up from the cold metal beneath him. Both his brain and body felt heavy like he’d been asleep for ages, and his legs wobbled under the weight. He had no time to sit though, he had to figure out where he was. It would be dangerous to stay put where a human could find him if he wasn’t careful. As far as he knew he could have already been caught. It would explain the feeling of dread curling in his chest after all.
With a new resolve at the thought, Makoto pulled his jacket tight to his body to fight the cold air blowing past. His skin prickled in argument, but it wasn’t like he really had a choice.
Ignoring his body’s protests he quietly started his walk through the mysterious vent. It wasn’t his first time of course, being a borrower; however, usually he knew where he actually was. In a place where he knew which humans were present and every inch of the building they lived in, being tiny was much easier. This was different.
His stomach groaned as if in agreement and he quickly realized he’d have to figure this out fast. He still had to find a way to meet his needs regardless of the unknown situation. Even so, every creak of the metal under his feet sent a spike of fear through his heart. As if he was expecting a human hand to grab him from the shadows at any second.
At every grate he stopped and knelt down to inspect anything he could see in the rooms below. Oddly enough after the first three gates he realized it was a school. Every room having rows of desks- all empty. It was odd but he’d been in a school before. The life of a borrower wasn’t an easy existence and schools were sometimes the safest place. No one was there at night after all. Vaguely he wondered if maybe that was the situation, if so he’d have a chance to investigate more while the usual bustle of students was absent.
However, he didn’t have much time to sit on the thought before a loud blaring sound echoed through the rooms below. He jumped, the fear of the worst still heavy in his head, before a blueish light through the grate below caught his attention.
Cautiously he poked his head through to see more. In the empty classroom the desks were now illuminated by a screen hanging just barely out of sight on the wall. If he strained his head further he could make out just a bit of movement on the television.
“Welcome new students to hopes peak academy,” a loud grating voice suddenly started, “When you sleepy heads are ready move your asses over to the gym. It’s time for your entrance ceremony. And you wouldn’t want to be late. Puhuhuhu.”
With that the screen cut off again leaving Makoto to sit in silence staring down into the classroom, the dread in his chest threatening to choke him. His hands gripped his borrowing hook, thankfully still with him, with barely contained fear. In a way it was comforting to know it could at least hurt a human a little bit if push came to shove.
He didn’t have time to linger however as the sound of footsteps started to echo through the building. Quickly, he backed away from the grate to avoid being spotted, but thankfully no one came into the classroom.
‘They were probably trying to see what was going on as well,’ he thought.
Still careful but with a little more urgency he made his way through the maze of vents. Several sets of booming footsteps helped guide him on where to go, and regardless of the terror curling up in his chest his feet moved forward as if in a trance. Before long, he found himself over a larger grate in what seemed to be the gymnasium.
As he peaked through the grate the sight below him made him freeze. Fifteen people, humans, stood still below. Each looked nervously at the others as if they too had no idea what was going on. It was very likely that was true, he decided, as none of them appeared to talk to each other. His eyes flitted back and forth among the faces far below, but still he couldn’t recognize anyone or any way he could have gotten here.
He didn’t have long to ponder it though before the booming voice was back, this time echoing throughout the gym. The faces below shot up at the stage and Makoto held his breath in wait.
“Hello sleepyheads, nice to see you up and early,” the voice boomed, “Finally got your asses up so we can start.”
And that was when everything Makoto thought he knew went out the window. Gasps filled the room as a small black and white stuffed animal popped up onto the stage. It moved naturally as if it was actually alive and something about it made Makoto’s hair stand on end.
The odd stuffed animal explained that they had to kill each other to leave- that they were prisoners here- with his upbeat grating voice that sounded a bit too much like nails on a chalkboard. All the while the people below seemed to get more and more aggravated. One especially tall one yelled at the bear and grabbed it only to find out that that too was dangerous. The ringing from the explosion left a dull ache in Naegi’s ears even from so far above.
‘This must be hell,’ he thought.
His heart beat fast as the people below scrambled to figure out another way out from their absurd situation. Sweat dripped down his face and although no one knew he was there every sound made him jump. Before long the humans had split into groups to investigate, and Makoto found himself jumping from grate to grate to see what they would find- hopeful there would be an exit.
It was a few hours before they seemed to give up. With disgruntled goodbyes the group dispersed, edged on by Monokuma (which he had finally learned the name of when one of the smaller humans had went to investigate the kitchen) who ushered them to their permanent rooms.
As soon as he was sure everyone was gone Makoto decided he needed to get supplies. Even if the situation felt unreal, he still had to keep himself going. To his benefit, he was pretty sure no one knew about him being there, given that the psycho bear didn’t say anything and he didn’t appear to have his own room. While it meant he’d be stuck sleeping in the air vents he decided there were much much worse options. And if somehow he was included in this awful game he knew he’d be quick work. Any of them could kill him with just one hand.
Makoto took a deep breath, trying to calm his swirling thoughts, and unwrapped his hook from his back. Thankfully he hadn’t lost that even if his memories were still hazy at best. He didn’t think he’d have any chance without the small metal hook with several feet of line attached. It was his only way of getting around after all, in a world built for humans.
Egged on by his grumbling stomach, Makoto made his way to the grate above the kitchen and latched the hook onto one of the bars. Cautiously he let the string unravel to a table below. He waited a few seconds to make sure no one saw before squeezing through the grate and propelling himself down.
The moment his feet hit the table everything seemed so much more real. It was almost dizzying how strange everything was, and although the situation was horrifying he couldn’t help but be a little thankful for the mounds of food available.
With his head on a swivel, always ready for one of the humans to show up, Makoto shovelled as much food as he could into his pockets. It wasn’t much since the bag he’d usually take with him for food had been missing since he woke up, but it would make do for at least a day or two. When his pockets were sufficiently stuffed he grabbed back onto the string hanging from the grate and climbed his way back. The shock of the cold metal made his skin crawl after being down in the warm room.
It took him a while of crawling through the vents but eventually he found a spot that felt a little warmer. The room below seemed to house the heater for the building so it would have to do as his temporary home. His stomach growled as Makoto sat down, back against the metal walls of the vents. Immediately, he tore into the crumbs he’d managed to grab, and before long it was all gone. His stomach still growled in distress even after he was done but he was too tired to go back for more.
‘He’d just have to go again tomorrow,’ he sighed at the thought.
As awful as this was he still had to survive. He just had to pray the humans he was stuck with wouldn’t cause too much trouble…
It truly was unfortunate that as he fell asleep, still hungry and tired, one restless girl was staring at a table in the kitchen wondering just how footsteps that small got there.
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mothiidae · 1 year
Protag meetup!
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The danganronpa three are all talking about a certain pink, pig-tailed individual and yuma gets his wires crossed
yes yes i know shuichi doesnt have a junko but due to being the antag in the first two games which eventually lead to his killing game, i think it counts.
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tickly-hani · 1 year
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ler byakuya scares me
my art ✨
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dogboyrevenge · 4 months
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I am not dead. Have Naegi Makoto White Chocolate Design. Design includes
Big Jackett + White Vest + White Pants
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder sold separately
Recommended Serving:
(Not to be interacted without Dr Cotard's presence)
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mio-axolotl · 6 months
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By peer review, four Dangaronpa fans have agreed these are the same people.
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sunny-salamander · 19 days
Fanfic: Crafting Pandora's Box Ch 7
Updated Character Tags: Hagakure Hiroko
Updated General Tags: Past Pregnancies
The Naegi's move and the Hagakure's make their appearance! Yasuhiro won't be as prevalent as his mom for now, but I wouldn't be surprised if he takes up a stronger role in the story, given Makoto's not human and all...
Link to the first post below the cut.
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a shitpost
told in sprites because 1. not my universe 2. I didn't feel like drawing all of those characters for this lol
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enormousnora · 2 years
Sorry itz been a minute Tumblr audience have those Danganronpa drawings I did recently
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softtownshendgrunge · 2 years
Makoto Naegi is trans send tweet
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Makoto naegi and bull tyrannosaurus Rex
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sugarsprink · 2 years
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showing your friend who never goes on social media a meme just acts as the quickest way to confuse them
*ok to tag as ship*
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onebizarrekai · 6 months
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oh my gosh. I did it. I drew everyone who got sent to me. this took longer than I expected. everyone looks like danganronpas when I draw them
everyone, in order:
@artyboidoesstuff - ari (is incidentally wearing matching outfits with willow) @starlypenguins - crow (I accidentally made them look like kokichi) @saranootnoot - mix (it's a football! I chiseled it!) @dreamys-mess - keith (accidental emo makoto naegi) @agenderfrenchfry - nadia (probably a superhero) @king-xie - willow (is probably friends with niki) @xmymelosmile - august (theatre kid who is also literally a russian physician) @jeezymcjeezerson - alexander (… knuckles…) @rainbow-wreck - raine (is probably helping summon demons) @b-r-a-i-n-v-o-m-i-t - zhan (has nanomachines) @forgetful-nightmares-stuff - felicity (has a familiar) @finnthebug - asher (that's a demon. that's definitely a demon) @dogteath - ??? (WHO)
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theamityelf · 4 months
If you had to put a twist on Makoto's parents what would it be? Honestly the fandom doesn't do them any justice, I barely see any headcanons with them and that makes me a bit bummed. I saw someone make a post on how maybe they were ultimates in the past with Makoto and Komaru vaguely inherting their talents (Ultimate Lawyer for the mom and Ultimate Sniper for the dad). What really caught my interest though was when someone pointed out that the reason Komaru might be so cool with Toko/Syo is because one or both of her parents were kinda yanderes. Mr. Naegi definitely has that look that something is off about him so it kinda works but Mrs. Naegi could be to but manages to behave in a way that doesn't draw attention to her.
Honestly I could see how Makoto's strong belief may have come from them as well but that might be a bit far fetched. I just enjoy the idea of everyone thinking Makoto and Komaru are normal only for them to turn around and do some crazy sh*t.
The funny thing is, before I clicked to check this ask, when I only saw the first sentence, I was already thinking in somewhat yandere terms.
(Also, all of this is just me brainstorming, lol.)
I don't think I want them to be Ultimates, because I really value when characters aren't Ultimates, but I definitely lean in the direction of them being lowkey super abnormal in ways that resulted in both their kids' guise of normalcy and their kids' unusual tolerance for ridiculosity.
The first thing I imagined (again, before I read the full ask) was that Mr. or Mrs. Naegi killed the teacher who snuck into Komaru's room that one time. Like, they caught him sneaking in and now he's buried in their yard, and when Komaru brought up seeing a ghost in her room, they were just like "That's right, honey, it was a ghost." I don't know if I more enjoy the idea of them being hypocrites about this (like, teaching the kids that murder is Just Wrong no matter what, without a hint of irony) or super honest (like, "Murder is wrong, but if someone messes with my kids, I'll kill 'em. I'll do it." "Daaaad..." "We're not saying we want to, honey, we're just saying we will." "Moooom!")
(Or maybe we could take that same intensity, and instead of murder, make it more psychological warfare, to kind of mirror Makoto and Komaru's people skills.)
Just generally, I find it fun to imagine the Naegi parents as almost bizarre caricatures of normalcy. Almost like they're putting on an act of what humans are like, except they genuinely think they're being normal. They're deliberately availing their kids of the most basic, popular media enjoyed by the masses, because that's what people do; those are the things people enjoy. (They'll go to the movies, not having seen any trailers or feeling any anticipation for a particular film, and they just pick whatever movie the most other people in the ticket line went for.) They know the exact average time most people have dinner and that's dinnertime for the house. (It doesn't end in :00, :15, :30, or :45; it is a very irregular and specific time.)
It sounds like it would be strict and meticulous, but in execution, they're so casual about it that it wouldn't seem weird until you heard them explain it.
When Makoto says he's extremely average, he's not just being self-deprecating; he is giving an accurate description of his family's lifestyle.
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yukiteruakari · 4 months
The Hopeful Radio & The Hopeless Ogata
I've recently managed to find all the recordings of Megumi Ogata's (Makoto Naegi's VA) talk show! The show features many guests, including voice actors and even Kodaka himself. Please feel free to check it out!
Vol.1 & Vol.2
Vol. 1 Tracklist:
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1. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
2. Guest: The Role of Byakuya Togami: Akira Ishida
3. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
4. Guest: The Role of Kyoko Kirigiri: Yoko Hikasa
5. Guest: Planning, Scenario: Kazutaka Kodaka
6. Guest: The Role of Sayaka Maizono: Makiko Ohmoto
7. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
8. Guest: Script: Makoto Uezu
9. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
10. Guest: The Role of Chihiro Fujisaki: Koki Miyata
11. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
Special Travel Edition - Guest: The Role of Leon Kuwata: Takahiro Sakurai
[Special Guest]
The Role of Asahina Aoi: Chiwa Saito
Vol. 2 Tracklist:
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12. Guest: The Role of Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Kosuke Toriumi
13. Guest: Anime Producer: Yuji Higa
14. Guest: The Role of Celestia Ludenberg: Hekiru Shiina
15. The Role of Makoto Naegi: Megumi Ogata
16. Guest: The Role of Sakura Ogami: Kujira
17. Guest: Director: Seiji Kishi
18. Guest: The Role of Junko Enoshima: Megumi Toyoguchi
19. Guest: Game Producer: Yoshinori Terasawa and Hope's Peak Academy Store Department: Editor T
20. Guest: The Role of Yasuhiro Hagakure: Masaya Matsukaze
21. Guest: Music Producer: Masafumi Takada
22. Guest: Original Scenario Writer: Kazutaka Kodaka, Anime Producer: Yuji Higa and Ryoko Amisaki
[Special Guests]
The Role of Sayaka Maizono: Makiko Ohmoto
The Role of Celestia Ludenberg: Hekiru Shiina
The Role of Yasuhiro Hagakure: Masaya Matsukaze
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Yandere Byakuya Togami and Yandere Toko Fukawa
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They choose you 
Whether you seek one of them out or avoid them entirely 
They cage you in
One of them seeking you out enough to entice the other to gain interest as well
If its Toko its an immediate enticement
That she makes quite public 
So now she frequents between following you and Byakuya
And for the record Togami is not jealous 
He’s curious
Who could be so much more alluring than him to shift the crazy woman’s attention
“Don’t misunderstand me, this is mere curiosity.”
Suddenly his new case-study is keeping him awake at night with worry
Is this how it feels when Toko pulls at her braids and raves about you being too weak
It’s irritating
He can hardly focus on winning this game if he’s worried about you
“M-master c-c-can I take them now!? T-they k-keep wandering away!”
“Yes. Make sure they join us on our…morning reading.”
Toko is more likely to annoy you into doing what she wants
But if you have a high tolerance for her whining
Genocide Jill is more than happy to cop a feel step in
“AAAhhhh baby~ you turn me on honey~!”
This is the thing they seem to bond over because their idiotic dearest is far too friendly to survive the killing game without them:
“Uhm Toko did you need something?” 
Naegi spoke to the trembling girl in the cafeteria, the odd one out for the usual participants of the meeting. You didn’t look up from the breakfast you made not all that keen to interact with the nervous writer; leaving the others to deal with her. 
“Yeah! Did you finally come to hang out with us?” 
Asahina chimed flashing an amicable smile which only seemed to make Toko shiver and curl into herself. 
“A-a-all of you, back away! I-i don’t need you giving me your nasty germs while I’m on a mission for Master!”
“A mission? What mission has the progeny sent you on this time?”
Celestia pressed, ignoring Toko’s stuttering insult, as she continued to sip at her tea.
“N-not that its any of your business b-but I’m supposed t-t-to bring (Y-y/n) to M-master.”
You looked up in confusion at the girl, looking up to meet her eyes as they went from darting frantically to half-lidded and blushing deeply. Her shaken demeanor changed to something more…aroused. Hugging her body and shifting her thighs, a wide smile spread across her face.
“M-m-orning Master (Y/n)! Master Byakuya wants you to meet with him in the library!” 
You tiredly rubbed your hand against the back of your head letting it drag to rest on your neck. You didn’t bother hiding your expression of exhausted-bewilderment as you scrunched your nose. Naegi looked on with sympathy as you slowly began to finish up your food, all under the intense staring of Toko. 
You eventually stood up dutifully throwing away your garbage even as she eyed the utensil you mouth had graced moments before. Walking to the door with a shake of your head and shrug of your shoulders you tried to convine Naegi, Asahina, and Celestia all of which had a range of worried and curious faces. 
“Hey. Beside me Toko.”
“Y-yes Master!” 
Forced to spend as much time as you did with Toko of her own volition you had a pretty good grasp on what she aims when interacting with you. After enough of the ultimate moaning and loudly admiring your behind, you’ve found the best way to keep her in check. You could feel her fingers hover around your open hand. You didn’t pull away, you didn’t have to. She already pulled her hand away holding it up high as she enthusiastically mumbled to herself. Speeding up you made your way to the doors of the library.
“About time you arrive. I sent the rat to obtain you hours ago!” 
Byakuya Togami sitting in his claimed arm chair, sneered from behind his lowered book. Squinting your eyes in curiousity before turning to look at Toko who was twiddling the tips of her fingers nervously. 
“W-well I-I d-did take s-some time t-to s-search Master’s rooms…f-for murderers of course.” 
Togami  groaned holding two fingers to push his glasses up as he balanced the book in his lap.
“That’s fine,” he waved his hand at an arm chair deep within the library. “Put them in their place and return to your post.”
“Y-yes Master!” 
She didn’t hide her pleasure about getting to push you to the seat, letting her hands wander even as you swatted at her. Only stopping when you were sat in the swallowing warmth of the arm chair. 
“So? What is it you need from me? Its awfully suspicious that you’d specifically call me out like this.”
The progeny flashed a devious smile, bringing his book up once more. 
“On the contrare, my imbecile, I’ve formally decided to ensure your safety. By instilling the efforts and capabilities of someone who’s killed before.”
“Who better to thwart a killer than one of our own.”
You sat up, genuinely prepared to dart out of the classroom only for Byakuya to stand up, walking beside Toko who was nervously fidgeting. They both stood in the only path you could’ve taken but that wouldn’t stop you. For all the talk Byakuya was known for you knew he couldn’t actually do anything against your own physical prowess and Toko was hardly an obstacle. 
Seeing that you had no intention to stay he put his arm out not to stop you but to beckon Toko. 
“Alright bring her out.”
“N-n-now? B-but I w-want to spend time with (Y-”
Immediately Toko’s demeanor changed to one of physical insanity. Her tongue grew long, smile widened to accommodate and herstance was much more confident. You faltered watching her step forward to you.
“Whoooooo! Genocide Syo makin’ an entrance!”
“G-genocide Syo?”
Sticking his nose high Byakuya smugly explained. 
“Yes. Genocide Syo officially named the Ultimate Serial Killer has over 20 kills–”
“Hey don’t underestimate me?! I’ve got exactly 37 under the ground babes!” 
She darted towards you faster than you could dash, backing you into the chair. Letting her cage you against the plush cushion of the chair, you could barely register Byakuya’s gloating.
“We’ve decided to follow the plebian motto: strength in numbers,” He smugly stood there uncurling a chord and holding it taut as you met his gaze. “Stay still. This is just to ensure that you uphold this…motto.”
“So what?! You plan to–ack keep me here!? They’ll notice I’m gone, you have to realize that!”
You tried to reason, wiggling helplessly to evade the unafraid touches licks from Syo. Your struggling ceased when Toko or Syo pulled out a dagger-like scissor lovingly gliding it along your cheek. She nuzzled against your other cheek joyfully looking into your widened eyes.
“We can’t keep you here forever as much I’d looovvee to do that! Master says we just can’t ever leave you alone!”
“But then I can just tell-”
Narrowly grazing your ear Syo stabbed the scissors into the couch, making your heart beat in horror as you went limp to her menstruations. With you no longer inching away and her hand no longer occupied she squeezed you tight; holding your face against hers as she curled herself into your lap.
“I’d advise you don’t do that. You’d ruin the game that way and we’d rather you not get hurt while we have our fun.”
“Yeah~!And its just so much easier to get my rocks off if you’re not runnin’ away! Mmm! You’re so soft you just make me wanna~!”
“Yeah?! Are you getting lonely over there, Master! Want to join us? D’ya want to come over and hop on this–”
“Syo! The chord. Tie them.”
“Of course Master!!”
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THH: Makoto “T-Boy Hoodie” Naegi, Mondo and Kiyotaka’s “manly bond”, Sakura and Aoi, Togami’s spinoff about gender fuckery, Sayaka constantly talking about how much she loves girls in DRS, Toko “One Half of Tokomaru” Fukawa, Celestia being an unintentional trans allegory, Chihiro being an even less subtle trans allegory, and Mukuro, who (as much as I hate to admit it) was legitimately attracted to Junko in DR3.
GD: Nagito “I Am In Love With The Hope That Sleeps Inside You” Komaeda, Ibuki interacting with literally any girl, Teruteru’s beach interaction with Nekomaru (and… Teruteru in general), Mikan’s very sapphic obsession with Junko, Mahiru and Sato, the Ultimate Imposter’s canonical lack of a gender, and Kazuichi “Award For Most Repressed Queer In DR” Souda.
KH: Shuichi “I Shouldn’t Be Thinking About Other Boys Like That” Saihara, Kaede interacting with literally any girl, Kokichi “When I Find Someone I Like” Ouma, Miu canonically having her bi awakening when Kaede begged at her feet, the (extremely contentious) Love Suite events, and everything about Tenko Chabashira.
Please note—I’m not trying to claim DR has great (or even good) queer/trans representation. Heck, most of this is purely speculation and not at all confirmed to be canon (no matter how explicit it may seem). I just really like how even the messiest, most “problematic” rep can be reclaimed and beloved by the fandom 🥰
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