#t: rushed to go
Rushed to Go [Seth]
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"Are you in such a rush to leave?" Seth asked, his voice soft. He shouldn't be surprised--groups always seemed to disperse the moment his older brother Rogelio said it was time to go--but he couldn't mask the disappointment in his voice all the same.
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slavhew · 2 months
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jakey + dirkjake sandwiched between my organic chem notes. a poem in there somewhere
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triple-starsss · 6 months
*slams door open*
c-can *pant* i have a s-sonadow couple doing a little cuddly cuddle *paaaaaant*
its urgent.
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but this is probably the closest thing to cuddling you'll see them do in this au ABSJSH. figured i may as well mention why i made the decision to not include the ship too!!
DONT GET ME WRONG i do like sonadow i think they're a very fun pairing (hell a qpr sonadow fic got me to realise that okay maybe i AM aroace) but i knew for a fact that if they were included it would quickly become the thing people would probably wanna see most out of Triple☆S. Also wouldn't be an au of mine if Sonic wasn't the most aroace guy on planet earth abskhd
actually they're both aspec!! (ultimate projector fr fr). Yeah i could've went down the qpr route but it sorta just felt hollow. like It'd just end up becoming romance lite later down the line. PLUS I JUST DIDNT WANT TO HAVE ANY ROMANCE BETWEEN TRIPLE S ABSFDSJ
Sorry sonadow shippers all i have on offer here are blazamy and potential espilver B)
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moonstonediaz · 2 years
idk my whole stance on the “will they/won’t they” in regards to buddie canon is just. it’s loud, it’s oddly ironic, that these are the only two main’s on the show that are S I N G L E. still! in season sex six! that their relationship statuses have basically run parallel to each other, that they keep trying and failing to find a romantic partner. so let’s look at the other side of the coin. what’s the other option? introducing yet again brand new love interests for both buck and eddie and having these people be their endgame relationships?
eddie? who has always held his cards close to his chest, is extremely protective over his son and who he gets close to, who has already tried dating the seemingly perfect woman for him and his son?
buck? who’s going to be a harder sell than ever now that he knows not to settle? who’s going to be looking for someone that accepts him just as he is, someone that compliments him perfectly, who accepts his relationships with the firefam, with chris and eddie, without complaint?
if this were season 2, 3, or hell, even season 4, i’d say yeah maybe we have time for all that. but we’re nearing the end of season SIX and there have been no new love interests brought in. and i don’t foresee 911 being a show that runs for 20+ seasons. i mean it could i guess but like. we’re in it. the meat of the sandwich. narratively, i don’t see it making sense for them to spend precious time cultivating new endgame relationships for the two of them. they’d likely have to run them at the same time, parallel to each other. yet again. which would be a tell in its own right that they were actively avoiding buddie canon.
i’m not saying they absolutely won’t do that, i have no idea what their actual plans are. i’m just saying they’re boxing themselves into a corner. a great big rainbow-filled flaming gay corner.
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chaosduckies · 2 months
Friends In Small Places (Chapter 5)
It’s a short one this time, (At least I think it’s short-) but this is *technically* my contribution to Hug a Giant Day! (MADE IT WITH TWO HOURS TO SPARE HAHA) I hope you guys enjoy! No edits we post it like there’s no tomorrow >:3
Word Count: 2.5k
CW: Slight trauma (Barely mentioned)
It’s been about a week now. I had moved back into my dorm, I haven’t had any contact with Cas at all, which made me extremely worried. Then again, I don’t think he’d really like to see me like this. I mean, he was the one to break my leg. It wasn’t as bad as it has seemed though. I just had to stay in a cast. For a couple months. 
To be honest that wasn’t really the worst part about it. Everyone had heard the big news. “Shifter Attacks Company, Placed in Custody” And that was not at all what happened. No one was hurt except for me. And I was glad it stayed that way. But that never would have happened in the first place if they hadn’t lied to Cas about being able to see his family. He hadn’t attacked, he was just upset that he had been lied to. I was just happy they didn’t… do what they do to shifters who don’t listen. 
I sighed, sitting in my dorm room with my laptop out in front of me and my leg elevated on a plastic chair. They said it would help with the healing process, and I really wanted it to heal already. I had tried to make a visiting appointment with Cas, but they had refused to let me in. The doctors there had told me he isn’t allowed to see anyone until the company concludes that he’s harmless. I knew they still wouldn’t let him go, but I don’t find it fair at all. The one thing that did stay in my mind was that they would text or call me if I’m able to go see him. So now I waited anxiously almost everyday for the past week waiting for a phone call. 
Ryan and Chelsey had checked up on me almost everyday. They had asked what really happened and I told them, and apparently they were on my side. Ryan had told me the girl that he was paired up with, Haylee I think, was afraid of going to the company alone so Ryan always goes with her. Chelsey was a little confused at first but believed me. So now we’re basically questioning what the company really does to shifters. We’re they not allowed to say anything to their therapists about it? Or are they in on it too? We had no idea, only that something was desperately wrong with the system. 
My phone had started ringing, an unknown caller. I had thought it was just one of those scam calls, but then I remembered I was expecting a call from the hospital that had Cas in custody. I answered, keeping a calm composure. 
“Is this Liam Rover?” A woman’s voice was on the other hand. She sounded sweet, but there was just something else I couldn’t hint at. 
“Yes ma’am.” My heart nearly skipped a beat, stumbling around my room and grabbing a few things, shoving them into a small bag. 
“Casper is ready to see you now. You may come by for a visit.” It took my brain a while to think of a calm response. I have no idea why I was so excited to see Cas, but I just needed to make sure he was okay. The guilt was eating at me already. I should’ve tried harder. But I didn’t. 
“Th-thank you. I’ll be there in a little… if you wouldn’t mind telling Cas that?” My hand hesitated on the door handle, standing in an awkward position because of my crutches. I would at least like him to know I was coming beforehand. What if he didn’t want to see me? I did just let them take him over there without so much as a complaint. Wouldn’t he want to see his family before me anyways? Or were they still not letting him see them? The thing about his little brother stuck to me like glue. I have no idea what happened before I met Cas, but it was just… sad. 
I waited a while for a response, I guess she left to go tell him? I sighed quietly, the anxiety eating away at my chest. What if he didn’t want to see me? What would that mean for me? Would the company do something bad to Cas? No, they wouldn’t do anything. Not without an actual reason anyways. Cas hasn’t done anything wrong as far as I was concerned. 
“Cas wishes to tell you that he can’t wait.” She made her voice sound a little sweeter, and I could only hope I wouldn’t find him in a worse situation than a week ago. Maybe I could convince the people there to let him see his family? Or at least his little brother. They seemed attached to each other. 
“Oh well thank you.” I smiled in relief, opening my door and slowly making my way down the empty hall. I shoved my phone in my pocket when I stepped into the elevator, already excited to see Cas. We had lived together for a while, of course I wouldn’t want anything to happen to him. 
When I had arrived at the hospital, it seemed as if all eyes were on me, painfully stabbing me in the back. I still continued to the front desk though, where a woman wearing reading glasses was reading out some kind of appointment to the person in front of me. When it was my turn, she looked shocked for a second, her eyes darting to the crutches and then back to the paper in front of her with a list of dates and times. 
“Liam?” She eyed me, giving an unsure face as she looked at the crutches. I nodded my head, biting my bottom lip. Why were they so focused on the crutches? I just broke my leg. Heck, it barely even hurt thanks to the adrenaline and going into shock. Except that I would be stuck like this for however long. 
“If you would follow me please?” She stepped out of the little office, opening up a door that led to a huge hallway that I was guessing led to all of the patients’ rooms. The further we had walked, the larger the hallways stretched upward, to where I couldn’t even being to dream of touching the ceiling. That made me wonder how it felt to be that tall. To see everything so small and microscopic. How does that make Cas feel? 
“If you wouldn’t mind me asking, why do you want to see someone who’s… partially handicapped you?” She put it the most respectful way she could, but it still hurt. I shrugged my shoulders, “Cause I know he didn’t mean it. Cas is actually really nice once you get over the fear, so um, I’d just like to see how he’s doing.” She looked at me, a little shocked, but otherwise opened the door where Cas was supposedly held in. From what I’ve heard they aren’t allowed to talk to the other patients in this hospital. I had no idea why, but it must’ve been lonely for him all this time. 
I slowly walked in, finding him slouched up against the wall, sitting on a pillow and reading a book. The door behind me silently closed as I stood in place, my heart falling. Cas looks physically fine. There weren’t any scars or marks on him, but I could tell something was wrong. The slight bags under his eyes, the way he didn’t have the same small smile he had always tried to keep on while he was with me. 
His eyes darted to the door, eyes setting on me for a while before he sucked in a shaky breath, “H-hi.” His voice slightly cracked, like he wanted to do something but stopped himself. Cas placed the book down slowly and lightly, studying my tiny figure, and cringing away when he saw my leg. I smiled up at him, “I’m fine. It’ll heal.” I kicked it out slowly to make sure that I don’t mess up the healing process or the cast around it. 
“Lo siento. No sé lo que estaba haciendo o-o pensando-“(*Translation: I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was doing or-or thinking*) He began mumbling on, taking a few short deep breaths afterward. He’s sorry about what? I really should have paid attention to those classes in high school… 
“I-I don’t know spanish, but you don’t have to be sorry about anything. This would’ve never happen if they’d just let your family in.” I sighed, slowly getting closer as he backed away. My heart fell. Back to square one huh? I wasn’t afraid of Cas. I knew he didn’t mean anything that had happened that day. As much as I had feared him before we had met, I don’t anymore. At least not as much. I can see why his parents really wanted to see him. I wondered how the shifting even became a problem in the first place. 
“S-sorry. I-I don’t think it’s a good idea to… get closer.” He pressed his back further in the wall, getting as far away from me as possible without making such a huge move. I stopped for a second before stumbling over again. I’m still entirely used to getting around with crutches. 
As soon as I reached his hand, he had stopped moving entirely, hand clenched in a fist. I couldn’t exactly climb up his arm. I had a broken leg and he wasn’t wearing a long-sleeve like he’s usually was. I sighed, “Cas, I-I’m not mad at you. I’m not even scared right now. I came because I wanted to see you. So could you help me out down here?” I laughed at the end, watching him think about this decision before carefully opening up his hand and helping me on without jostling my leg. I was able to fit easily in the dip of his palm without being anywhere near the edge to see the devastating fall under me, but he still used his other hand to offer some sort of extra protection. I found it sweet, but also sad since he doesn’t trust himself anymore. I didn’t how he felt about it, nor how he looks like he’s basically given up on everything. 
“How are things?” I asked, getting into a comfortable sitting position. Kind of hard when a quarter of your body was covered in plexiglass. It’s not exactly a comfortable thing to be covered with. Especially since I’m not allowed to take it off until I was told so. 
“Lonely. Quiet. They had recently told me that I was allowed to see certain people for now. Doctors, the nurse that helps me out with some things, you.” He smiled slightly, but not for long. 
“Did… Did you want to see me?” I sadly asked. His eyes widened, “Of course! You have no idea how lonely it gets over here, and I kind of missed having someone around.” Something behind his voice tells me that there was something else, but I don’t want to over-step my boundaries right now. Just take things slow. I struggled once again to find a comfortable position, groaning when I was just making it even worse by moving the splint attached to it. 
Cas pointed to his shoulder, taking a guess at what was going on. I nodded my head, being slowly brought to his shoulder, seeing him lean his head against the wall behind him and side-eyeing me as soon as I had finally figured out a comfortable position where the stupid glass wasn’t irritating my skin. 
“How’d you know?” I asked, completely caught off guard by the answer. 
“Um, when My brother and I were younger I would have these growth spurts at night… and since we slept in the same room, you can imagine how many times I messed up-“ He bit the side of his cheek, staring blankly at the ceiling above him, “He still liked being with me though, and he figured it out himself.” He pointed back to his shoulder, a sad look on his face. 
So he would accidentally hurt his younger brother? That wasn’t on him at all. 
“Sorry for asking.” I grabbed a fistful of the cloth under me. I might have brought up a sensitive subject, but for some reason it seemed like Cas enjoyed talking about it. 
“It’s fine. There were some good times too. I think Sam is… nine now? Maybe eight? When he was younger he always wanted to be with me. He really likes climbing, so I pretty much gave him the perfect practice. Sometimes he’d even sleep on me when he was exhausted. We had fun.” He smiled, immediately changing into a sad frown as he stared at his hands. I scooted closer to his neck, not knowing whether I’d regret this later, or learn to love it. For some reason I think Cas just needed a hug, which I was happy to give. 
I wrapped my arms around his neck as much as I could, not covering much as I felt him tense up. He tried to see me, but couldn’t. “Sounds like you two are great siblings.” I laughed, about to pull away before he pressed his finger gently against my back, offering a hug back. 
“S-sorry, is this okay?” He pulled away a little before I told him yes. Yeah. He needed this. 
“Y-yeah. We never argued and our parents were always there for us when they could be. Even after they had found out I was a shifter they never saw me as…” He stared at the ground, moving his finger away to let me get back in my spot. They never saw him as a threat. I mean they were his parents. Why would they? They probably did everything they could to help Cas out. 
I patted his shoulder, but I he didn’t feel it. Not surprising If I were being honest. I decided to change the subject since Cas seemed on edge talking about all this, but at the same time… relieved?
“Have you eaten anything?” I asked. He side-eyed me, biting the side of his cheek again while shaking his head slowly, “Not today, no. It’s fine though. I’m not really hungry right now.” 
I tried reading his expressions, seeing that he really wasn’t lying to me. But still, it would be a good idea to at least eat something. I don’t think it’s healthy to just not eat at all. Not like Cas would change his mind though. It’s almost like he was worried about something else. 
“You mentioned not knowing spanish?” Cas forced out a small laugh in hopes of enlightening the mood. It actually kind of did as I laughed with him, “Yeah, I never really paid attention in class.” Cas gave the best smile he could manage. 
“I can help with that if you want. I kind of grew up knowing it.” 
“If you really want to.” We both laughed like we did before all of this happened. It’s good to know I can repair things with him. Now I’d just have to see if I can convince the nurses to let him at least see his brother. It would be a nice present for him. 
Thank you for reading! I know this chapter was a bit short but today has been chaotic for me (personal reasons-) but I hope you enjoy either way!
Taglist: @da3dm @smolboiremy (If you would like to be added leave a note or dm me! :D)
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i think the diamond dogs should play improv games just bc it would amuse me, an ex theater kid, specifically
#ted and beard ofc are reading each others minds#trent is shockingly good at it but only when he forgets to be self conscious#also see: he does both best and worst with ted (best when he's not being self conscious#worst when somehow the prompt gets too touchy or 'romantic' bc Crush Crush Crush Brain Panic)#(please the image of ted in character hugging him or something and trent just. red. brain crashed. no longer improving just frozen. barely#manages to recover and even then it was not subtle. unclear if ted is a) genuinely oblivious b) teasing him and thinks trent knows that#c) something else(??) )#roy is too stiff most of the time but if he gets really into it he gets REALLY into it.#best way to get this result is to involve phoebe or another child#higgins did community theater at some point and is the one teaching them all the games. beard also seems to have done intense research#but higgins is the one with EXPERIENCE#not that i think beard and ted couldn't have done an improv duo in college or something but in this scenario they did not#nate surprisingly is pretty good at it once he gets into it like it takes him a second but#then he's like. really getting into it and he's very quick on his feet#new way to go mad with power (affectionate): the rush you get when you make the perfect snap back comedic line/acting choice#also while trent is so good paired with so many of them i think he and nate would be a hilarious duo. they're SO funny.#they complement each other well and are both quick & clever#esp if it's about a mutual interest (although one of them taking the lead on something else like nate and music while the other plays off t#em is also good) but like#please i just had the iamge of them basically doing a bit where they're like. those mean old gay muppets in the theater?#like trent and nate improv duoing as some bitchy reviewers just going back and forth and it's so FAST and SO funny#beard records it and posts it somewhere and it goes viral.#god don't even get me started on the idea of some sort of official richmond social media/the gang posting random clips on social media#bc the ideas i have are so funny.#also largely trent centric but what do you want from me okay i'm just a little slut.
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hamartiologic · 4 months
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He's usually happier when he gets beaten up. I wonder why she's so silent about these bruises compared to the rest she's gotten so far?
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ask-shane · 4 months
Hi, I am the anon that said i send mean asks on purpose. I just wanted to make a clarification and a formal apology and then i will stop interacting with this blog.
I need to clarify that by mean asks i meant things like saying shane has no bitches, or that he uses 738283837 in 1 shampoo. I never sent any slurs or genuine insults to this blog, and on top of mean things i also send nice things. I should've specified that the asks I sent were teasing and not genuine mean things.
I sincerely apologize for saying what I said. I had no idea the extent of the awful things people sent you and the fact that I could make you feel like i intentionally try yo make you feel bad and ruin your day with slurs and insults litterally made me shiver and feel anxious in real life. I fully understand how what i sent was harmful and damaging to someone who has to deal with toxicity on a daily basis.
I feel a lot of shame for what I did, this blog is something i check daily because i love your writing and i Love this character. I don't need you to unblock me if its even possible, i just wanted to apologize and wish you well
hi anon, mod dawn speaking. i’m gonna be talking directly to this person so please feel free to skip this if you aren’t them
i just wanted to start by addressing a couple things. firstly, thank you for apologizing so sincerely and honestly. i can tell how genuine this is and i’m certain it was a very brave decision after i put you on the spot earlier. i’ve deleted the post replying to your ask out of respect for this situation.
and for that, i am extremely sorry. i’m speaking to you with recognition that there is a person who is going to be reading this. i should’ve been more aware that i was putting you on blast in front of a lot of people. even if you were on anonymous, i can’t imagine how anxiety-inducing it was to be reading my response when you actually meant to be playful/teasing.
another thing i need to clarify here was that i did not realize that you were not the one sending me death threats and slurs. i had received a barrage of messages at the same time and had wrongly assumed the others were coming from you as well. it all happened at once, and the context of you sending that ask was shockingly related to the vile ones i received. your asks were not at all on the same level of “bad” the ones you didn’t send were.
unfortunately i had no way of telling which ones belonged to you and which ones didn’t, so i decided to address them using your ask. i made the mistake of incorrectly conflating your ask with the others.
that out of the way, i am so sorry once again, and also very thankful you apologized. please know there’s absolutely no need to feel shame for this.
i want to make it clear now that teasing (and even being somewhat mean) asks on my blog are okay. it’s fun to be provocative! there’s an art to it that i can appreciate, especially here, where shane gets glazed a lot. it is really awful that my guard happened to be high when you sent this because of what another actually unacceptable anon did. you shouldn’t be lumped in with them and i am so sorry i couldn’t discern your intention. i should also use this as an opportunity to say you have a good heart. i love that you can be playful and i thought a lot of what you said was actually quite funny. i didn’t intend to make you feel anxious or responsible for what other people did, but regardless, i did so, and it wasn’t fair of me to do to you.
lastly, thank you for interacting with my blog. now that we’ve cleared things up, i want to personally say to you that it is more than okay to continue to interact with my blog. i can appreciate a presence like yours around here. i’ll figure out a way to make sure you’re able to continue interacting (if you’d like to, of course). i am so glad you enjoy my writing and my portrayal of the character and it is honestly heartbreaking to hear i may have spoiled this experience for you. i have no negative feelings toward you whatsoever— if anything, i respect your ability to communicate with me after this (even though i’m sure it would’ve been much easier to block me and try to forget this happened)
i hope you are reading this.. i wish you nothing but the best 🤍
- dawn
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shewhoeatssand · 1 month
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they are similar
#painting is Interlude by Jeremy Lipking#my beautiful Neki#I must tell you all how beautiful he is waking up in the morning.#he tries to blink the drowsiness from his eyes but he gives up so quickly#he isn’t fully awake for another half hour or so!! but I rush ahead#he’ll sometimes do some stretches when he gets out of bed#common one is the Touka Stretch! he reaches his arms over his head and grabs the opposite elbows!#he has very pretty arms. pretty muscles. his complexion is very even but his skin is a little dry#Kaneki likes to leave the curtains undrawn overnight so when the morning comes it illuminates him so wonderfully!#I love how he looks bathed in light he is truly a marvel#I love when he wears t shirt and shorts or briefs to bed unbeatable boy combo#anyway when he leaves his room he might go take a pee or splash his face or something (usually it’s bathroom time) but immediately after#he sets up the kettle to boil so he can have his morning coffee#the coffee is extremely important!!!!!! it is what will actually wake him up!!!!!!!!#until this point his house could’ve been moved to a different planet and he wouldn’t even notice#this is a secret but sometimes while waiting for it to boil if he’s leaning against the counter and no one else is up#he’ll start drifting off again…… don’t tell anyone 🤫 it’s really cute#and when he sips his coffee.. he may do a little sigh…#he’s only up that early when he has somewhere to be though otherwise my boy will sleep in so late#and then he goes to sit with his friends or somewhere where he can watch them a bit while he gets himself together#maybe Banjou will look at his bed hair and say “huh. you look like a dandelion”#and it’s true he is the most wonderful dandelion there is because you don’t even have to make a wish#he alone is like every wish come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#my Kaneki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🌱🥰#kaneki time#kaneki ken
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thottybrucewayne · 7 months
No, real question. How you a transmed and nonbinary?
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wolfblood-of-anubis · 9 months
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Joy Mercer, daughter of Nemesis, goddess of retribution, vengeance, and balance.
Eddie Miller, son of Apollo, god of oracles, light, music, archery, and protection of the young.
KT Rush, daughter of Hecate, goddess of magic, transitions, and crossroads.
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cindersfireplace · 7 months
4town Valentine's Day 💘
Jesse, Taeyoung, Aaron T, and Aaron Z walk through the hallway to their hotel room after taking a stroll around the neighborhood:
Taeyoung: There's nothing like bird watching on a calm afternoon.
Aaron T: I'm just glad there was an ice cream truck. That was one of the best chocolate cones I've ever had. Thanks for helping me chase it down Z.
Aaron Z: *walks behind him exhausted* Anything for you buddy 😊
Jesse: You good Z?
Aaron Z: *gasping * Yeah when I catch my breath next week I'll be able to function again 😮‍💨
Jesse: I wish Robaire came with us. It's good to get outside once in a while.
Taeyoung: I'm sure he has his reasons.
*Jesse opens the hotel room door*
Jesse: Yeah probab- sweet cheese and crackers! What's all this!?
*The room is decorated with heart, banners, balloons, pillows, roses, and LOTS of candles*
Robaire: Welcome home my friends! I thought I would put up some decorations for Valentine's Day. *Sigh* Love is in the air.
Aaron Z: I didn't know love smelt like *sniffs* vanilla and *picks up a candle* … Late winter breeze. Whatever the heck that smells like.
Jesse: We were gone for like an hour? How?
Robaire: I'm very efficient when I'm passionate about something.
Taeyoung: So that's why Jess is always yelling at you to do your taxes.
Aaron Z: Were you not efficient enough to get any cookies or candy?
Robaire: That will be for the gift exchange.
Aaron T: Why can't we just buy cards?
Robaire: Because first of all the 4town best friend Valentine's super special gift yearly extravaganza exchange -
Aaron Z: I still say we should shorten the name.
Robaire: -is a time to appreciate each other's gifts and is a testament to how well we know each other. I love giving gifts and I put a lot of thought into them.
Jesse: And I very much still appreciate those custom ‘Art Dad’ oven mitts, but shouldn't we be focusing on our gig that day? The 4townies are so excited to see us perform One True Love live for the first time next week, and after the show I want to go to bed.
Robaire: Then go right to bed on another day of the year but you have to be there for the opening of gifts. Besides we've already drawn names for it so no going back now.
Jesse: Fiiiine if I must.
Robaire: That's the spirit.
Jesse: Uh I think a spirit is what we'll be if all of these candles stay lit. This is most definitely a fire hazard. I'm only agreeing if I get to put half of them out.
Robaire: Fiiiine. If I must.
Aaron T: We've known each other for a while shopping for each other should be easier. Right Z?
Aaron Z: Totally….
*Skip to the day before Valentine's Day at the mall*
Aaron Z: …Not.
Jesse: Come on Z it'll be fine.
Aaron Z: Not when I'm shopping for Robaire it won't. I don't know what to buy and he's definitely gonna try to one up us with his amazing gift.
Jesse: Does anything else in this world motivate you quite like your need to be better than Robaire?
Aaron Z: Absolutely, this is just a continuous priority of mine.
Jesse: So no then. Got it.
Aaron Z: I will search through every isle of this mall if it kills me. I will be victorious.
Jesse: Or you could breathe and let it go…and he's gone. Valentine's is gonna be fun.
*The next day*
Taeyoung: That must have been our best performance yet! Everybody was so excited, and despite my mild fear of heights trying to convince me otherwise, the rising heart platforms weren't so bad after all.
Robaire: Told you it would be incredible!
Jesse: Anyways now that that's over we can open gifts now.
Aaron T: Yeah guys the sooner we get this over with the sooner old man Jesse can take his nap.
Jesse: I'm not ol-
Aaron Z (whispering to Aaron T) You just want to get candy from your gift don't you?
Aaron T (whispering back): Shhhh I just care about Jesse's health…and my blood sugar.
Robaire: Anyways, who wants to go first?
Taeyoung: Me! I got T! Here you go! *Shoves present box into his hands*
Aaron T: YESSS! *Opens package* *gasp* It's a book of skateboard tricks! These are some of the most advanced out there and….a box of chocolate. Thankyou *hugs Taeyoung and whispers* This is why your my favorite.
Taeyoung: No problem at all.
Aaron T: So I guess it's my turn to give and I got Jesse *gives him a very messily wrapped package with 50 bows on it*
Jesse: Geez this looks interesting *opens the box* *gasp* ITS THE SUPER SMOOTH 3000! I've been trying to find this blender for months! My fruit smoothies will be so much better now! Thank you *lifts Aaron T off the ground in a hug*
Aaron T: Your *cough cough* welcome. Could you please put me down now?
Jesse: *Drops Aaron T* I'm next and I got Taeyoung. So here you go?
Taeyoung: *Carefully takes the box from his hand and opens it* Woah! Bird watching goggles! They even have little doves on them! Thanks Jess. I'm gonna have so much fun taking these to the park.
Jesse: I'm so glad you like them. They were some of the best I could find.
Aaron Z: I guess Robaire and I are last. You can go first Ro 😊
Robaire: No, I insist. You go first 😁
Aaron Z: Well this day means the most to you so you should go 😊
Robaire: And I like to share that joy with my friends so you should go 😁
Aaron Z: You.
Robaire: You.
Aaron Z: YOU.
Robaire: YOU!
*While these two keep going back and forth Taeyoung and Aaron T give each other a look and then open the presents themselves (whilst Jesse has too little sleep in him to deal with this)*
Taeyoung: Wow Robaire this is a really nice Destiny ‘s Child record.
Robaire: That's the exact one we listened to when we first met 🫢
Aaron T: Dang Z you got this cool basketball trophy. It even says ‘best basketball player I know ‘. Nice Sentiment.
Aaron Z: That was one of the first things I told you that I dreamed of receiving 😯
*They hold the gifts in their hands for a moment appreciating them*
Aaron Z: *clearly struggling* Th-th-th-
Robaire: Are you trying to say thank you?
Aaron Z: Nah I'm trying to say ‘That's all folks’. Yes I'm trying to say thankyou. Anyways thank you … for … this.
Robaire: Then I guess I want to say thank you too…I guess.
Jesse: Awww this is too sweet.
Aaron T: Maybe it wasn't about who got the best present after all?
Robaire: Mhm. Even though we all know it was me.
Aaron Z: Wh- if anything it was me!
Robaire: No you didn't!
Aaron Z: I got you the record that you sorry self was too BROKE for when we first met!
Robaire: I got you a CUSTOM TROPHY 🏆! Do you know how much that is in this economy?!
Aaron Z: But did I ask-
Robaire: But my-
Aaron Z: No but Robaire answer the question. Answer the question! Did I ask though? Did I?
Robaire: No but you can't just throw that in my face when I'm trying to be nice.
Aaron Z: Clearly not nice enough to admit I'm better…
*Senseless arguing continues in the background*
Jesse: T! They were this 🤏🏻 close to having a nice moment.
Aaron T: Sorry, I was just trying to bring some positivity.
Taeyoung: I'm positively sure they will be arguing for a while so I'm just gonna go now.
Jesse: Agreed. *yawn* 🥱 I'm going to sleep.
Aaron T: And I shall consume all this chocolate within the hour. I love Valentine's Day!
*Later that night Aaron Z and Robaire go to bed setting their gifts down on their night stands smiling at them and then turning the lights out to sleep*
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gt-abby · 3 months
Mar and Jake- Chapter 9
oooh boy here we go
tag list: @soakedmilkgt
chapter eight chapter nine (you're here) chapter ten
----- 2200~ words
The weekend quickly came, with no new powers that were granted to the tiny host or any new dreams about the cruel god. Her new friends kept her company as much as they could, and whenever they couldn’t she’d be able to keep herself entertained with various electronics around the house. She would try to do everything she could to keep herself from being alone with her thoughts. She would also do her best to look cheerful around the giants, showing no signs of anxiety or depression about what might come or what has happened before with her parents. She didn’t want them to worry about her too much.
“Watcha doing?” Mar flew into Jake’s room, seeing him hunched over something on his desk. This time there was no sign of cleanliness or organization in his room, as if he adopted Mar’s role as the messy one. She arrived at his desk and stood down on it with one foot, the broken one in the air as she used her flight ability to stay upright, looking around at all the books and notebooks scattered around. He didn’t respond to her, seemingly in too deep in his work. She saw his eyes, too tired to focus properly, with eye bags so deep it was a wonder he was still awake.
“Hey, earth to Jake!” She waved a small arm in front of his face and smiled when he refocused his eyes and finally looked at her.
“Oh, hey, sorry I didn’t see you.”
“You look exhausted.”
“Yes, well this project is due very soon and I really need to finish it so,” he waved his hand to shoo her away. Mar was stunned. Was she some kind of mosquito to wave away? No, she wasn’t going to let that slide, nor was she going to let him become a study-zombie. So she stood on top of the notebook he was working on and looked up at him, her hands on her hips and her face pouty.
“Go to sleep, you can’t study like this.” She said as he looked at her, haziness in his eyes. He sighed.
“Mar, I know you are worried about me, and I appreciate that, but I really can’t allow myself to do anything until I make some progress.”
“I’m serious, your grades will suffer if you work on it half asleep.”
Jake sighed again, and wordlessly picked her up by the back of her shirt and placed her off of his notebook.
“H-hey! Rude much?” Mar exclaimed, almost falling on her bottom.
He continued ignoring her, writing down something. She floated back to where she was before, insistent on getting her way.
“Ugh, Mar,” Jake pressed two fingers on the bridge of his nose. “Please, just… go away.”
“No! You’re rude and emotionless when you’re tired. Just take a rest a little bit and I’ll leave you alone to your work.”
“Yeah, you think I’m ‘rude and emotionless?’ I’ll show you emotionless.”
Before she could react, he grabbed her, grasping her in his fist, stood up and walked over to the kitchen.
“What the hell?!” Mar’s heart dropped, as she felt him squeeze her like a stress toy. Her broken leg began hurting, too, but any attempt at talking to the giant or squirming was left ignored. She couldn’t even see where he was taking her as she was with her front facing backwards.
“Jake…” she began pleading, but looking up she only saw his eyebrows pressed together as he looked forward, as if she weren’t even there. She began feeling dread fill her, for the first time in days feeling small, so small…
Jake arrived at the kitchen, took a glass from the drying rack, and held Mar in place on the counter as he slid her under the flipped-upside-down cup.
“Jake, you’re not serious?!”
“Dead serious.” He responded coldly, closing the gap quickly and holding it down so Mar would be fully caged in. “I’ll let you out when I’m done.” And with that, he left.
“Jake!” Mar shouted, tears filling her eyes, “Jake please! Let me out this isn’t funny!“ she banged her tiny fists on the glass, but it was too heavy for her to even move. He’d already left the room. There was no way he was thinking straight. He would never do something like this… right? Well, he did, and he won’t be coming back any time soon. He won’t be able to hear her pleas, see her struggling, or in any way was he going to help her out of the cage he made for her.
Mar began hyperventilating. She hadn’t felt so scared of Jake ever since the first night, and her thoughts spiraled into oblivion, making her anxiety worse. She tried pushing the glass again but failed once more. She was truly stuck. And no one was going to help her this time.
“Ugh..” Jake sat up and stretched out his arms. He was so hyper focused on the project that he’d lost sense of time. It was pitch black outside, and the clock on his phone indicted it was also incredibly early in the morning. He looked over to the nightstand, expecting to see Mar sleeping there, but when he saw she wasn’t there, he quickly remembered where she was. He stood up so fast the chair fell over and sprinted to the kitchen to find her where he had left her- in the glass prison.
“Shit…. shit shit shit shit shit!” He lifted the cup as quickly as he could and with shaking hands he was about to pick his little friend up, but he saw her flinch, raising her tiny arms to cover her head protectively when he lifted the cup, and when he brought his palms closer to her she cowered away, her eyes big and her pupils like dots darting around to try and find a place to hide.
“Shit, Mar, I’m so so so sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I’m so sorry please,” he lowered his body and pressed his chin on the countertop. “Don’t be afraid, I’m sorry…” He pleaded.
She didn’t reply. She was looking everywhere else but at him. She looked absolutely exhausted and rightfully terrified and angry. He placed his face in his palms, his heart dropping to the floor. His worst fear has come true. All the trust she put in him was gone, just like that, and it’s all his fault. It’s all his fault.
Mar took the opportunity of him not looking at her with his giant examining eyes and darted off, like a scared animal, into her room. The door was open, and she wasn’t going to be able to close it, but she could definitely hide in one of her piles of clothes. He wouldn’t find her there.
These have been the most tormenting hours she has experienced. There was not enough space for her to lie down and fall asleep- not that she was able to with how fast her heart was pounding. She could either stand on one foot or sit with her knees to her chest, spiraling into the deepest and longest anxiety attacks she’s ever had. The time seemed to be stretched into infinity.
Then, when she was hiding in her pile of clothes, she grasped at her shirt where her heart was, her lungs aching, and tried focusing on the comforting embrace of the weight of the blanket she surrounded herself with. It was grounding, physical, warm. Nothing bad could happen to her there.
“Mar?” The muffled voice reached her ears and they twitched. He was looking for her. He repeated her name as he walked around the apartment, checking every crevice and corner for any sign of her.
“Just leave me alone…” she sighed, mumbling to herself. After the panic subsided, she began feeling anger rise in her heart. How could he subject her to something so cruel? Not only did he imprison her in a humiliating cage, but he left her there for hours, alone with her thoughts. He also grabbed her so viscously she could still feel his phantom fingers wrapped around her body, locking her in place, sucking the air out of her breath. She remembered how the fire deity held her in the dream and couldn’t care less about her wellbeing. Jake didn’t even hesitate when he treated her like an object to be thrown away when it gets in his way. But she also knew he didn’t really mean it. She knew he wasn’t thinking when he did that, and she knew his apologies were genuine. She couldn’t help the feeling of betrayal she felt, though. It was too soon to face him.
Jake didn’t know where she flew off to, but he did know he’d no way of finding out. He royally screwed up this time, and no matter how bad it made him feel, he knew there was no going back. No apology could be enough to get the trust she had in him back- he had to earn it all over again.
His head was cupped in his hands hopelessly when he heard a knock on the door, and he quickly got up to open it for the only other friend he had left.
“What happened? Why did you need me to come so badly?” Emily walked through the doorway and crossed her arms. “And where’s Mar?”
After a brief explanation later, Emily sighed.
“You did it, you finally gave me a reason to slap you!” She said coldly, anger rising in her voice as she finished the sentence in a shout.
“And believe me, I’d have slapped myself if I could.”
“Oh, you still can, and I’d love to see that, but it won’t help in any way.”
Jake breathed out loudly as he fell back down on the couch. “What do I do now…? She’ll never forgive me.”
“Yes, you’re right, and rightfully so, but right now we have to focus on finding her or something might happen to her. Maybe she can fly but she’s still injured. And I think I have an idea as to how.”
Mar heard a familiar voice come from the direction of the entrance to the room. She’d only noticed that she fell asleep when she was woken up by the sound of the door closing. She peaked out of the clothes pile to see jake’s giant shadow from behind the door and a tiny figure walking forward and standing in the middle of the room, looking around. It was Emily, shrunken to Mar’s size, looking for her. She glanced back to the door to see Jake leave, and only then did she emerge out of her hiding place.
“Em… what are you doing here?” Mar asked as she stood on one foot in front of her.
“I’m here for you, I heard what happened… I’m so sorry.”
Mar sighed, “it’s not your fault so don’t apologize. But…” She suddenly felt her tears come back up again and flood her vision. Her lower lip quivered. “I-I hated it so much, Em… He looked so scary..” She fell into Emily’s arms and the latter hugged her back, stroking the back of her head.
“Shh… it’s okay Mar, he isn’t here right now. And, you know, he does really regret it.”
“I know that, but I still can’t help but shiver when he comes near. I can’t help but feel threatened. He.. he held me so tight I felt like I was about to pop, and he just left so coldly after he put the glass over my head… I can’t help but be scared of him now.”
“I understand you… y’know, when my ability to shift came up the first time, I was also shrunk to this size and when my parents found me, they were so clumsy, they didn’t know how to act with me.. They also held me too tight, talked too loudly, were careless when dealing with me, and I was too afraid to explain to them how that made me feel. It took a long time for me to return to normal, and an even longer time for me to be able to feel comfortable around them again, even in a normal human size. But I did know deep down they cared about me deeply and never meant me any harm.”
Mar kept silent. She wasn’t sure she wanted to see Jake any time soon, but after calming down, after it was over, she couldn’t imagine the amount of guilt from which he was suffering. She had to at least let him see her. She then remembered the night he held her close to his chest, and how comforting it was for her. His warmth, and the faint beating of his heart. She wanted to experience that again.
Emily looked at Mar, knowing what she was thinking about. She wasn’t exactly ready to forgive him but, it was getting there. Mar hugged Emily again, and tearfully thanked her. Emily returned the embrace, then nodded at her as she held out her hand.
“I’m here with you.”
As Emily slowly returned to her normal size, she and Mar held hands, with Mar floating up slowly to stay at eye level with Emily. Then Emily opened the door for them, Mar gulping as they walked out.
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optiwashere · 6 months
I've been jumping back and forth between my (Mostly) Good Playthru of WOTR and my Asheera replay of BG3, and it's so interesting having these games shown in stark contrast so close to one another.
I am frothing at the mouth for Anevia/Irabeth fic though. Gotta go digging...
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Yudias: *exists*
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degozarumyu · 9 months
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quick celebration sketch bc !!!! its real !!!!!!!! yippee ^-^
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