#taco de papa
miltacos · 1 year
#361 Taco de papa al horno con carne al pastor (cerdo y sirloin)
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TACOS SANTO CAPRICHO, Av. Hidalgo 18, colonia Juárez, Ocoyoacac, Estado de México.
Desde hace una década, las taquerías especializadas en tacos al pastor -o al menos cuyo elemento protagónico lo fueran- han expandido su oferta a otras opciones de diversos orígenes, razones de existencia y hasta intenciones comerciales.
La expansión de la cultura gastronómica regiomontana desde hace 10 años ha permitido que muchos de sus recursos culinarios clásicos se introdujeran en otras partes del país hasta hacerse tan cotidianos que parecieran propios. El ritual de las carnes asadas ha sido lo que más y mejor ha viajado y con ello el sinfín de platos que construyen este estilo de alimentación.
Uno de los más característicos es la papa al horno o papa asada, cuya versión original es una papa variedad alfa grande de aproximadamente 350 a 450 gramos, a la que se le hacen microperforaciones con la punta de un cuchillo, se envuelve en papel aluminio junto a un medio graso (mantequilla o aceite), y sazona con sal, pimienta recién molida y hierbas aromáticas.
El envoltorio se coloca en los perímetros del asador, y se va moviendo por diversas partes hasta que después de una hora y media pueda incluso pasarse a las brasas para terminar su cocción. De manera convencional, las papas se abría a lo largo para que con un tenedor se moviera enérgicamente todo el tubérculo cocido, se mezclara con quesos, sal, crema, tocino y pimienta, y se colocara nuevamente sobre la parrilla hasta que el queso se fundiera y se convirtiera en un puré cremoso y goloso. Algunas versiones incluían carne de lo que se elaboraba sobre la parrilla como parte de la carne asada, o se servían sencillas como guarnición o acompañamiento a todo el ritual.
Esta versión es una adaptación comercial de las recetas norteñas originales, ya que se trata de papa cruda picada en cubos grandes, sazonada con sal, pimienta, sazonadores comerciales y grasa, posteriormente envuelta en papel aluminio y horneada hasta cocinarla por completo. Para servir se coloca una buena porción de quesos y se complementa con carne a elegir del menú presentado en el establecimiento: cerdo al pastor, o sirloin al pastor.
El bocado es interesante por la carne y queso, sin embargo, la papa al estar picada en cubos grandes se percibe como una papa cocida rápidamente sin mayor aporte gastronómico en textura u otras condiciones que las versiones originales sí presentan. Pero es un buen ejercicio gastronómico y de propuesta en una región con pocas opciones en el mercado.
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"Second plane" this, "they hit the pentagon!1!" that WHATEVER‼️‼️‼️ 9/11 is important because it's my GRAMMA's BIRTHDAY ✨️
Happy Birthday to Grandma Chancey I Love Youuu
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vegan-nom-noms · 2 months
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Crispy Oven Fried Vegan Potato Tacos (Tacos De Papa)
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marioacandrm2003 · 5 months
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Happy Cinco De Mayo! (Belated)
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acuar-io · 8 months
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Missing this (I ate this yesterday for lunch 😁🫶🏼)
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bzedan · 2 years
Despite not having had a burrito in ages, I simply don’t know if I have the strength to pick something other than the elevated steak and potatoes (carne asada and tacos de papa) I get every single time this restaurant comes up in Friday dinner rotation.
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angelx1992 · 1 year
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hinamikyoukachan · 5 months
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How to Recognize Authentic Mexican Cuisine
Mexican cuisine is popular for its meat and cheese. But the majority of fans also appreciate how fresh the vegetables and herbs we get with a meal. Entirely plant-based Mexican food has become extremely popular, returning the cuisine to its original origins.
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miltacos · 2 months
#157 Taco de papas orgánicas revueltas con huevo y rajas de chiles poblanos.
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CIGMexico, Atizapán de Zaragoza, Estado de México.
Uno de los guisos más relevantes de la cocina popular mexicana es el de papas con huevo y rajas. Podría decirse que en México existen diversidad de versiones que adaptan el tipo de papa, la cantidad de huevo, y hasta el tipo de chiles que se utilizan.
Esta versión está elaborada con papas orgánicas cocinadas lentamente en agua y sal, que sin ser enfriadas se sofríen en una sartén para mezclarse con huevos y rajas, y cocinarse hasta formar una mezcla integrada y heterogénea que va de la suavidad de las papas, la suculencia del huevo, y el ligero picor de las rajas de chiles poblanos previamente asados, pelados, desemillados y cortados.
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dowordsmatter · 1 year
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Tacos de Papa Potato Tacos Tortillas are filled with cooked onions and mashed potatoes, fried until golden brown and crisp, and served with your favorite toppings. Shredded lettuce, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, Salsa, 1/2 cup diced onions, salt and pepper to taste, 4 tablespoons Shredded Cheddar-Monterey Jack cheese blend, 1/2 cup vegetable oil for frying plus more as needed, 8 corn tortillas, 1 package instant mashed potatoes, Chopped tomatoes
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cassandracainxxx · 1 year
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Tacos de Papa Potato Tacos Your preferred toppings are placed on top of fried tortillas that have been filled with mashed potatoes and cooked onions.
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adrienneleclerc · 6 months
Hello! I don't know if you accept requests but Henry eating for the first time esquites/chaskas/elote in a glass, whatever they tell him in your country because in mine they are called chaskas 😭😭
In Mexico, it’s esquites if it’s in a cup and of course elote if it’s on the cob. I do accept requests! Helps with la falta de imaginación
Something New
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Henry meets Y/N’s parents for the first time and tries traditional Mexican food.
Warning: no translated Spanish, spelling and grammatical errors,
A/N: Im gonna input my childhood, obviously.
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Y/N was making lunch her and Henry when she got a phone call.
“Bueno?” Y/N asked, adding pasta into the boiling water.
“Hola hija! Cómo estás?” Her mom asked on the other line. Y/N walks away from the stove.
“Mami, estoy bien, y tú? Por qué me estás llamando?” Y/N asked, walking to the living room and swatted Henry’s shoulder, he looked back confused.
“Estoy bien, hija, gracias por preguntar.” Y/N put her mom on speaker. “Como pascua es este domingo, quiero que vengas con tu noviecito, han estado saliendo por un rato y no le hemos conocido ni nada.” Y/N’s mom said and Y/N’s eyes widened, now Henry was concerned, he might not know a lot of Spanish, but he could tell by his girlfriend’s face, this wasn’t the best news.
“Si mami, claro que voy con mi novio, de verdad quiero que se conozcan.” Y/N said.
“Que bueno, Los veo mañana, chao.” Her mom hung up and Y/N facepalmed her forehead.
“I understood about 20% of that, what’s going on?” Henry asked.
“Fortachón, you’ve got your wish, You’re meeting my parents tomorrow.” Y/N said and Henry’s eyes look,Ike they’re going to pop out of his head.
“Tomorrow? I am not prepared!” Henry exclaimed.
“Well tomorrow is Easter and my mom wants to meet you so…yeah. Knowing her, we’ll have a lot of tias and tíos, some primos already have kids so get ready for Superman questions, fortachón.” Y/N said, patting his shoulder before going back to the kitchen.
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Now it was Easter, Henry and Y/N were at her mom’s door, Henry carrying the Mexican rice Y/N made. Y/N rang the doorbell again, the door opened and she was greeted by her cousin Ignacio.
“Nacho! Cómo estás?” Y/N hugged her cousin and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Estoy bien prima, Miguelito esta jugando allá fuera. Pásale, pásale, nice to meet you Henry.” Nacho said, shaking Henry’s free hand, leading them through the house and into the backyard. “Put the rice on the table, mi papá ya está preparando los elotes.”
“Ooh, i haven’t had elotes in a while.” Y/N said.
“What’s elote?” Henry asked.
“You haven’t been making Your gringo any Mexican food? What kind of girlfriend are you?” Nacho said and Y/N swatted his arm.
“I make him Mexican food…he likes tacos, bistec empanado con sopita, quesadillas de papa.” Y/N said.
“Don’t worry, hermano, You’re going to eat really well here.” Nacho puts his arm around Henry’s shoulder as best as he could since Henry is obviously taller than him. Y/N says hello to everyone, introducing them to Henry.
“Okay, primer elote está listo, quien lo quiere?” Nacho’s dad, Hernando, asked. Nacho quickly got up for the elote.
“Okay so elote is corn topped with mayonnaise, cheese, and chili power. It’s really good (I haven’t eaten in, I don’t like corn), you’ll like it.” Y/N said. Henry was sat at the table while Y/N made him a plate of food. “I served you sopes which is tortilla topped with refried black beans, queso cotija, and lettuce because the salas is probably too spicy for you, your elote, a tostado which is the same as a sope but it’s a crunchy tortilla, and tostadas de pulpo because they’re my favorite.”
Henry looked at the plate in front of him. “This is a lot of food, love.”
“Yes but think of it this way, if you don’t like it, I’ll eat it, and very happily too.” Y/N said, kissing him. Henry took a bite of the octopus tostada.
“This is really good.” Henry finished that tostada, moved on to the regular tostada, then the sope, adding a bit of salsa. Then to the elote, best for last. He took a bite, some corn falling off the cob, mayonnaise on the corner of his mouth along with pieces of queso cotija and chili powder. “I think elotes might be my favorite, it’s delicious, muchas gracias, Hernando.”
“No es nada, güerito.” Hernando said, making another 2 elotes for Henry to eat.
“I take it this means I have to make more Mexican food in the house?” Y/N asks.
“Oh absolutely, I’m going to have to work out even more to burn off these calories.” Henry said, kissing Y/N with his mouth tasting like elote.
The End
I know it’s short but I hope you like it! Feel free to request more ideas
Taglist: @warriormirkwood
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forlorn-crows · 5 months
𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒚 𝒎𝒂𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚 2: 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒔𝒏𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔
pairing(s): everyone! words: 324
“Oh yeah, put that in my mouth, baby . . . no, the—yes . . . fuck, tha’s fuckin’ good.”
“Isn’t it? Thought you’d like that.”
“Mmpf, gimme more—”
“Do we need to leave the room or . . .”
“Nah, you know Aeon likes to watch.”
“Am I wrong?”
Aeon reddens as the rest of the group busts into peals of laughter, some nearly coughing out bits of various meats and pico de gallo chunks. 
Rain pounds at his chest, tears in his eyes. “I’m gonna choke.”
“Please don’t, you’re too cute to die.”
“Also then we’d be out of a bassist . . . ”
“And he’s the one who got us tacos!”
“I’m the one who got them, sugar.”
“That’s only because Rora and aforementioned bassist,” Mountain says pointedly, “sucked you off in the showers after the show,” he coos into the multi ghoul’s ear. Swiss swats him away, but he continues. “On the premise you would steal Copia’s credit card when he wasn’t looking.”
Aurora holds her hands flat against her chin and smiles innocently, blowing Rain and Swiss an air kiss. The water ghoul just shrugs where he’s situated in Mountain’s lap and dips another chip into the spicy guacamole. 
“What the princesses want, the princesses get.”
No one has an argument against that, of course. A few scoffs and eyerolls travel through the eight of them, though, along with renewed laughter.
Some of them did see the two slink up to Swiss after the show, touching him on the waist, the arm, the neck. Not unusual enough to bat any eyes. But they were cozying up and sweetening him up to the idea of, apparently (presumably), abusing his shadow powers to snatch the company card right from under Papa’s nose. 
Well, from out of his wallet, rather. 
“Make your knees all week, baby?” Cirrus teases, winking before taking a bite of her taco piled high with lime crema and carnitas.
Dew snorts. “Must’ve been, ‘cause these tacos are fuckin’ bomb.”
𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✿
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spanishskulduggery · 3 months
A waitress asks me, "¿Le gustaría papas fritas o papas al horno?" Shouldn't it be "gustarían"? Or is "le gustaría" enough of an idiom to stand as-is? Or, wait, shouldn't it be "papa al horno"? I'm not getting multiple baked potatoes. And if it IS papas/papa, should it be "a" or "an"? Who does it match with?
This is a bit weird to explain, and honestly I'm not sure if I do a great job explaining it because it's situational
I think it's singular because it's kind of like "(to eat/have)" is implied so it's almost like there's an invisible verb there. And, sometimes people talk about dishes of food almost like collective nouns [singular, but talking about a group of things]
You can say me gusta carnitas and it doesn't sound off to me, almost like the dish itself is plural but treated as singular
But this reads differently from me gusta el postre "I like dessert"... or no me gusta el chocolate "I don't like chocolate (the ingredient)" and no me gustan los chocolates "I don't like chocolates [like a box of chocolates]"
And in addition to being treated as singular, many dishes show up without an article [el, los, la, las] unless you're talking about a specific ingredient or component of it
As in, sometimes people will say something like ¿te gusta gambas al ajillo? "do you like garlic shrimp?", or something like ¿te gusta albóndigas de pollo? which is "do you like chicken meatballs?"
...... as opposed to te gustan las gambas "you like shrimp" or te gustan las albóndigas "you like meatballs"; I think this can sound a bit different almost like "what are your feelings about it?" not "do you want it?"
It's sort of like "do you like/how do you feel about" vs. "would you like (to eat)"
Or it's possible it's a kind of informal Spanish. It's something I've heard and not really paid much attention to until you said something lol
Also (la/una) papa / patata al horno is possibly correct as "baked potato"; and papas/patatas al horno can be "baked potatoes" or "oven-roasted potatoes", which implies it could be either
I feel like in a restaurant I'm used to seeing the option as like: puré de papas/patatas, papas/patatas fritas, o papas/patatas al horno - "mashed potatoes, French fries, or a baked potato"
...And "mashed potatoes" is only singular because el puré "puree / mashed" is a singular thing
It's hard to say, sometimes dishes are in plural even if it's not multiple
You'll see that with tacos like tacos al pastor or enchiladas or zanahorias asadas "roast carrots" or gambas al ajillo etc. It's weird some dishes are written in plural but almost treated like singular
And others - pollo "chicken", bistec "steak", carne "meat", milanesa "breaded cutlet" etc are treated as singular
...And anything that's like sopa "soup" or caldo "broth/soup", ensalada "salad", or things like pastel/tarta "cake/pie" are also treated as singular, as well as anything "mashed" comes out like puré
In other words I think it would be possible to say no me gusta gambas al ajillo porque no me gustan las gambas and it's like "I don't like gambas al ajillo because I don't like shrimp/prawns"
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Vegan Taquitos de Papa (Rolled Potato Tacos) with Creamy Salsa Verde
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