#tactical disadvantage
murderlade · 9 months
Me, looking at my monster boyfriend cock: 😍
The ancestor from darkest dungeon in my mind: Monstrous Size Has No Intrinsic Merit, Unless Inordinate Exsanguination Be Considered A Virtue
Me, looking at my now disappointing monster boyfriend cock: 😒
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jaypgartifacts · 9 months
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a weird guy appear
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amicus-siderum · 1 year
I love the headcanon that Kaeya's corset is actually a back brace
In general I just love the idea that Kaeya has chronic pain and illness.
He's already got an eye patch! Yeah his eye "is fine" apparently, but it was hurt in The Fight™ with Diluc, and you know what Diluc fights with? Fire and a claymore. I'm not an eye expert but I'm pretty sure being hit in the eye with fire will cause at the very least some lasting damage. Canonically Kaeya can can still see out of it, so perhaps severe light sensitivity, maybe blurry vision to the point of vertigo.
But something about the corset being a back brace is near and dear to my heart. I love it! I've read it in so many fics and all these amazing writers come up with so many different reasons he need it, and I think it's lovely (lmfao I sound like a sadist).
Did he get it during The Fight™ when Diluc's burst slammed him into a rock, rendering him unable to move away fast enough before the next attack?
Did he get it when they were teenagers, when protecting his brother and captain from an incoming attack, making Diluc overly protective of him in the ranks for a good while, because gods know Kaeya himself had no self-preservation instinct and would do it again without hesitation?
Did he get it even earlier, when they were mere children, falling off the winery's roof because him and his brother were being silly little boys who didn't know better than to climb so high when playing pirates?
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ozcarr · 3 months
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D&D guy who knowingly throws his emotions under the bus, grapples once again with the physical limitations of Disguise Self, proceeds to have the 3rd worst week of his life (so far)
My iPad is still fucked but I haven't posted drawings in a while and this was in the drafts so happy toxic yaoi tuesday ig
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catinfroghat · 10 months
I still like gale the most closely followed by lae'zel I think... She has such sad eyes sometimes
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ruthofroses · 1 year
Resisting the urge to hurl myself from a window whenever a Redwall villain loses any braincells they possessed in favor of dying.
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tueur-de-donjon · 1 year
I tired out the fucking... skorts? foolish gave me and oh my god. they are wonderful
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zhorrot · 1 year
Robin: Why in the name of Naga did the Summoner decide to pair us up for this Heroes Journey?
Elm: While I care little for your irrelevant god, I too am wondering why when we have so little in common.
Summoner: Because *snickers* together you guys are *chortles* Batman and Robin! *guffaws*
Robin: ...
Elm: ...
Robin: I don’t understand what’s funny.
Elm: I have the sudden urge to hurt someone.
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oathtorn · 1 year
📐 + 6'9" :')))))
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// nice
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The making friendship bracelets one (#14) with Akari and Rei would be fun!
(101 ways to say i love you with actions)
As more people came to accept Pokémon in town, and more people picked up partners, demand grew for the Pokéball ties that the Security Corps used to keep them conveniently accessible. Demand was so high, in fact, that the craftworks was struggling to make enough in between supplying other items—so, today, the shopkeep had enlisted the aid of two other premier crafters in town.
Normally, they would have been too busy. But Akari had jumped off a cliff the other day because "there was a funny-looking Eevee at the bottom," and was still banned from fieldwork until she recovered more fully, and so far nobody had come to yell at Rei for keeping her company instead of doing his own work. And Rei had already finished cleaning up Akari's disorganized notes for her, so they actually welcomed something to keep them busy.
Naturally, as the Survey Corps' best crafter, Rei picked up the rhythm very quickly, and soon had a nice pile going from the string that had been provided. Akari, on the other hand, had more trouble getting a consistently neat result, and had so far unwound her second attempt three times because it wasn't uniform enough.
She looked down at the intertwined pieces of thread, frowning in thought. And then, slowly, she started doing something entirely different with them—working upwards in a single straight line, rather than producing the elegant knot that was supposed to go on the tie.
"Um," Rei spoke up, pausing his own work to look over at hers, "that's not–"
"Hang on," she said back, not looking up. "I wanna try something."
So Rei continued working on his, occasionally glancing up to check on her progress.
The eventual result was a piece of short rope, made of red and orange and blue thread intertwined. At some seemingly arbitrary point she stopped, reassessed her progress, and then,
"Gimme your hand," she ordered.
He obliged, pausing his weaving to offer his dominant hand to her. She twisted it around his wrist, tied it off, and then snipped off the remaining thread with the scissors.
"There," she said, satisfied.
He held it up to examine. "...What is it?"
"It's a bracelet. I think it's just for, like... having."
"You 'think?' Is this one of your remembering things?"
"Yup," she said, brimming with pride at having defeated the knowledge of the master crafter.
But it wouldn't last for long. Rei quickly finished off the Pokéball tie he was working on, and then scooped up all of the accumulated colors they'd been provided and set to work on his own. It was much more of an experimental process—he hadn't been watching very closely to Akari's movements, after all, so he was mostly just guessing—but eventually he had a bracelet of his own, composed of about twenty different random knots and a small rainbow of thread colors.
"Your turn," he told Akari, who had gone back to attempting another tie in the meantime. Her head jerked up, and, after seeing what he was holding, she eagerly held out a matching wrist for him to tie his around.
She examined it, grinning broadly. "...Friendship bracelet."
"That's what they're called. I think." And then she repeated quietly, to herself, "friendship bracelet"—audibly lingering over friends, over the unvoiced implications of the little craft. Like it meant something to her much more than a little aside in the middle of crafting.
And then, definitively, "I'm gonna make the Professor one."
Rei watched her thoughtfully for a moment, and then started working on a new color variant of his own, too.
When the craftworks' manager came by to collect their progress, he got a small pile of ties from Rei, two from Akari, and several yards of wasted thread turned into pieces of jewelry.
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rpvlix · 1 year
//the difference between Ken and Kyms views on violence is that Ken doesn't own a gun. Kym does.
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mondoreb · 2 years
End Times Prophecy Headlines: March 27, 2023
End Times Prophecy Report.com HEADLINES MONDAY March 27, 2023 And OPINION “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” —Matthew 24:4 ===INTERNATIONAL UKRAINE: World Bank says $411bn cost to rebuild war-torn Ukraine UKRAINE: The cost of Putin’s invasion: Ukraine will need £335 BILLION to rebuild Russian destruction, has seen 9,655 civilians killed and two million…
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harunayuuka2060 · 5 months
Twst Unveil Event Part 5
Leona: Congrats. Ruggie sent me the video of your first match.
Leona: You really beat the shit out of that crocodile.
Yuurin: Thank you, Leona-senpai.
Leona: Was falling off the cliff necessary, though? *in a bit worried tone*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I'll be more careful.
Leona: Tch. Like you would listen.
Leona: Anyway, who's going to be your next opponent?
Yuurin: Floyd Leech.
Leona: Oh really? *clicks his tongue*
Leona: I heard they get to choose the place?
Yuurin: Yes.
Leona: ...
Leona: I'm hanging up now.
Yuurin: Will you be calling Ruggie-senpai and Jack after this?
Leona: ...
Leona: No. *ends the call*
Yuurin: ...
Leona: Oi, Ruggie!
Ruggie: Geez, Leona! What now?!
Leona: You better show Yuurin's fight to me on real-time or I'm gonna turn your ass to sand!
Ruggie: Okay, okay! I just got too excited so I forgot to video call you!
Jack: ...
Jack: I thought you did it on purpose because you didn't want to be bothered?
Ruggie: ...
Leona: Ruggie.
Ruggie: He was just joking!
Ruggie: Back me up here, Jack!
Philomela: Introducing our contenders for the second match: Yuurin and Floyd Leech!
Floyd: Yaaaaay~!
Yuurin: ...
Silver: Everyone seems excited for this second match.
Rook: Oui. That is no surprise.
Rook: After all, Monsieur Malfeasant has considered everything for this. *chuckles*
Floyd: Ne~ Damselfish~.
Yuurin: ?
Floyd: I won't underestimate you like Crocodile did~.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I know that, senpai.
Floyd: Hehe~ I'll enjoy fighting with you~.
Floyd: Please do your best~.
Yuurin: ...
Philomela: I'm sending you now to your designated location!
Philomela: Good luck! *laughs*
*In an underwater cavern*
Epel: Wha— Why?!
Malleus: This is going to be challenging for Yuurin.
Jade: Indeed. *chuckles* Floyd chose the right place.
Jack and Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: Hey, Philomela. Can Yuurin see effectively in the dark?
Philomela: *laughs* Of course not! He's not nocturnal!
Jack and Ruggie: !!!
Jack: Then Yuurin is in a great disadvantage!
Philomela: The greater the challenge, the more excitement we'll get!
Epel: Wow... You don't care about Yuurin's safety, do you?
Sebek: She is his mentor. She knows what she's doing.
Yuurin: ...
Floyd: *who has concealed himself by hiding behind a rock* *smirks while he slowly approaches from behind*
Yuurin: ...
Floyd: Heh~ *kicks Yuurin into the water*
Yuurin: !!!
Yuurin: *finds herself being submerged in it, with Floyd pushing her to the bottom*
Floyd: HEHE~!
Epel, Malleus, Sebek, Jack, and Ruggie: !!!
Epel: He's drowning him!
Jade: *smirks*
Sebek: Dammit, human! Why are you allowing him to push you around?!
Philomela: *amused smile*
Floyd: We're at the rock bottom now, Damselfish~.
Yuurin: *who couldn't read his lips because of the darkness*
Yuurin: *feels the rocky surface underneath her feet*
Yuurin: *grabs his arms, maneuvers herself so that he's positioned over her shoulder, and then forcefully slams him down onto the rock*
Floyd: Oof—
Yuurin: *quickly swims back up to create distance*
Epel: Yes! Go, Yuurin!
Jack: Floyd-senpai is after him!
Floyd: Don't escape from me, Damselfish~. *has caught up to her*
Floyd: *goes behind her and starts to perform a Full Nelson Hold; even coiling his tail around her waist*
Floyd: Damselfish~ How are you feeling now~? *squeezing her tight*
Malleus: Is Leech attempting to deprive him of oxygen?
Jade: Yes. We're fully aware that Yuurin can stay underwater for 30 minutes.
Jade: However, will it be the same if he's being squeezed tight like that? *smirks*
Epel, Jack, Ruggie, and Sebek: ...
Philomela: Impressive tactic, yes. Anyone would have to tap out in that situation.
Philomela: Though, are you seeing Yuurin struggle for air?
Jade: Huh?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *starts blowing bubbles*
Floyd: That's right, Damselfish~. Let all your air out~.
Yuurin: *starts to bend her body upward*
Floyd: Eh?
Yuurin: *while continuously blowing bubbles*
Floyd: Eh? EH?
Floyd: *not realizing that he fails to maintain the hold as he finds her actions amusing*
Jade: Oh no. This is bad.
Floyd: Hehehe~! This if fun, Damselfish—
Yuurin: *has sneaked behind him while he was distracted; wrapping her arms around his torso* *then starts squeezing him "tight"*
Floyd: AHHH!!!!
Jade: ...
Philomela: *loudly laughs* Ah, yes! Return the favor, Yuurin!
Epel: D-Does that really hurt?
Malleus: Lilia mentioned to me once that Yuurin can break a steel in half with his bare hands.
Jack: Huh?
Sebek: ...
Sebek: *remembers the handcuffs*
Sebek: Yes... That's right...
Floyd: *ends up fainting underwater and Yuurin has to bring him to the surface with her*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Floyd-senpai.
Philomela: He's out cold, Yuurin! Let him be! *laughs*
Yuurin: I see.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *lightly smacks his face to confirm*
Jade: ...
Jade: Well, that was an entertaining match.
Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: Yeah...
Leona: ...
Leona: I'm going there right now.
Ruggie: Huh? What? *completely forgot about him*
Ruggie: Leona—
*Leona has ended the video call.*
Ruggie: Ah, shit. We're screwed.
Jack: He was watching the whole time?
Ruggie: Yeah. Remember he asked to watch it in real-time?
Ruggie: He was silent the entire time so I thought he dozed off...
Jack: ...
Floyd: *once he regained consciousness*
Floyd: I can't believe you would use my own move against me~ Hehehe~.
Floyd: I should've taken you more seriously~. Sorry about that, damselfish~.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: You managed to leave bruises on my body.
Floyd: Where?
Yuurin: *shows him the side of her waist*
Floyd: Eh~ That's the only injury you've got~?
Yuurin: Yes.
Floyd: Hehe~ That's fine~. You'll be treated anyway~.
Yuurin: No. I won't be treated until all of the matches are over.
Floyd: Oh... So you're going to carry that injury then?
Yuurin: *nods*
Floyd: Aww... Okay. Let me give you hug to make you feel better~.
Yuurin: No, thank you.
Floyd: But you hugged me earlier~.
Yuurin: That wasn't to comfort you.
Floyd: Hehe~ Fair enough~.
Silver: Yuurin is really strong.
Rook: Oui! *chuckles* I can't wait for my turn to fight Monsieur Tranquille!
Silver: ...
Silver: It's my turn next.
Silver: I will give my best.
Rook: I know you will, Monsieur Sleepyhead!
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prompt #5 with conrad!! maybe reader and conrad are best friends but there's always been tension and one night they make out (maybe in the pool or on the dock?) but reader freaks out about it when she goes bed and decides the next day to act normal and pretend like it didn't happen so it doesn't make their relationship weird <3
This request is so old, I'm very sorry to the anon who sent it... I forgot to finish the ending and post
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Ever since that silly spin the bottle game in Oliver’s basement when you were thirteen years old, you’ve been dying to kiss your best friend. You hadn’t realized what the fire of jealousy in your guts meant when you saw Penelope and Mariah kissing Conrad as a result of the game, but you did three years later when he told you about Aubrey. 
Their relationship didn’t last until summer. So, when the Fishers came back to Cousins, he was your Conrad again. 
That summer, you could write a full journal about the many almost-kisses, more-than-friends gestures and special attention between you and him.  
Unfortunately, nothing happened until two summers later. 
It was late, you and Conrad were sitting in his backyard, talking on the poolside with your feet dipping in the water. Sometimes you would have a night dip, but the moon was full above your heads, which added a chill to the night air.  
And then, it happened.
Conrad kissed you. The world around you blurred from the gentle way he was cupping your cheek as his lips pressed against yours, the chirp of the crickets fading into white noise, and for that brief moment, it was just the two of you. 
As you were sneaking back inside your house, you fought an urge to scream. It finally happened. Conrad had kissed you. Thirteen-years-old you would never believe it. You flopped down on your bed and squeezed your pillow, needing to exteriorize your excitement without waking your parents. 
You couldn't wait to see him again tomorrow. To greet him with a kiss and watch the look on your friends’ faces. 
What if that kiss was a mistake though? You both wanted it when it happened, but what if tomorrow Conrad regrets it? Or, what if you get together and then realize it’s not working and break up? No exes stay friends after breaking up. Your grin was immediately wiped from your face, the fear of losing Conrad settling in. 
You made sure to keep your distances the following day. You tried to not make it too obvious that Conrad would catch on, but just enough so he wouldn’t make another move on you. Even if you were yearning for another kiss. 
‘’Do you want to go on the boardwalk?’’ Conrad asked, leaning on the kitchen island as you were eating cherries from the fruit bowl. 
You nodded, swallowing before speaking. ‘’Sure. Who else is coming?’’ 
 ‘’Just me and you.’’ 
Suddenly, the boardwalk didn’t seem like a good idea. Being alone with Conrad didn’t seem like a good idea. 
‘’I don’t know…’’ you hesitated, glancing outside and seeing the bright sun. ‘’Isn’t it a bit hot to go on rides? I don’t want to get a heatstroke.’’ 
Conrad hummed. It wasn’t that hot, in his opinion, but he didn’t push. ‘’We could go in the pool? I think Steven and Jeremiah are already in there.’’
The four of you played volleyball for a bit. You usually teamed with Conrad, but you decided to switch and play with Jeremiah instead...which turned out to be a mistake. Your team wasn't doing great; Jeremiah was terrible at volleyball and you were much shorter than your opponents. You tried bringing up the unfair disadvantage, but Steven’s phone went off and he had to meet with Shayla. Jeremiah followed suit, seeing Belly was back from her debutante lesson. 
Which left you and Conrad alone. 
You felt him pass under the volleyball net and come up behind you, but you disappeared underwater and swam away. Unfortunately, your tactic must not have been as smooth as you thought because Conrad saw through your plan and called you out on it. 
‘’Is this what we do now? Making out and then never talking about it?’’ he questioned, sounding more disappointed than mad, which pinched your heart. 
You were caught off guard by his words, not expecting him to be so blunt. ‘’What do you want me to say?’’ you replied, your tone a pinch too defensive.
The pool's rippling water seemed to mirror the tension between you two. 
Conrad exhaled deeply. ‘’Why are you acting like nothing happened? Because last night you were pretty into it and now you’re pushing me away.’’ 
You closed your eyes, remembering his hand under your shirt as you were kissing by the poolside, groping and massaging your tits in a way that made your panties wet. You wanted to experience it again. 
‘’Last night was a mistake. We…we can’t.’’ You shook your head, stepping back as Conrad swam to you again. ‘’It’ll ruin our friendship and I don’t want to lose you as a friend—’’
‘’I don’t want us to be friends anymore. I want more.’’ He reached under the water to grab your hand. ‘’How many times do I have to say it until you get it?’’
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff  @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity
TSITP taglist: @msmarvelknight @maritaleane @dingus0401 @idontknowwhatimdoing777 @nomorespahgetti @lomlolivia @5sosbands @bloodyhw @depthsofdespairr @a-band-aid-for-your-heart @gilbertscurls @brandirouse86 @leilani-nichole @bloody-mf-bsc @papayaboyluvr  @bchindureyes @bellysbeach  @slytherinambitious @darylscvmdumpster  @johannelis2302nely  @aqshua @foockingasshole @straberryshortcake143 @luiise  @sickntiredtoo  @adrluvh @mymultiveres @Rosekar16 @hopeurokays @amysangrl  @hopelessromantic727  @beth-gallagher22 @lonelywitchv2  @arinexeisnotworking @cloudrainy342 @theflcwer  @alllriseabove  @angelxxrose @angelxxrose-blog  @r1vrsefx @sierraluvzz @rodriqos @cruzgrecia @evelestrange @aesthetixhoe  @hoeforsirius  @sarcasm-and-stiles @tristanswildcat @bingsbitch @buckyswhxre @rehead1180
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tamamita · 7 months
Surely voting biden is worth it for the breathing room and ability to focus campaigns on boycotts and foreign policy rather than being under attack by trump? Ik you said biden is likely to lose but isn't it worth it just to try? Like, it won't be as easy to shed imperialism if we're busy fighting against even more oppression. But ig if you've decided biden is gonna lose then you're right abt it, I'm just thinking long term too, don't see what the harm is for voting biden
Well no, you can go for a class independence; vote for an independent socialist party. Like the point is that the workers must support their own candidates and perserve their revolutionary position. Marx said that the working class should not be led astray by whatever slogan the Democrats are throwing at you. Such talks only serve to swindle the proletariat. It is far more advantageous to operate independently than the disadvantages resulting from the presence of reactionaries in the representative body. The point is to tactically engage the state and society in a way which generates revolutionary capacity in preparation for a critical revolutionary moment as I've stated earlier.
The reason you're persuaded to vote for Biden is because libs/harm reductionists see the problem as lack of support from workers in the present, or limited capacity for consciousness due to immediate issues they might be facing (economic, political, racial, whatever), and therefore push for engagement in present systems to protect those who are most at-risk in domestic society in preparation for the arrival of such a moment. It becomes an issue of identity politics, because harm reduction does not concern itself with every marginalized group, only a few ones. Once that has been solved, what next? So the question is, who is harm reduction for and who is it not for? This approach will fail because it simply reproduces the grip of capital in an attempt to combat the detriments and puts a closure on the potential for a socialist or communist party outside the existing mechanisms of the state.
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kamotecue · 8 months
jealousy, jealousy ✮ l. walti
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summary: in which a certain brunette doesn’t love the fact that someone’s so close to you, or how a certain australian thinks you shouldn’t be with her.
part one, two, three, four, five and six.
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you were with jessie & niamh, both teams had to inspect the pitch as usual. if someone were to look closer, you’d notice the hearing aids that you wore.
“another derby day, not an el clasico to what you’re used to—but, don’t get distracted n/n.” niamh teased, as jessie nudged your arm.
“not when we’re playing against the brunette you have a little crush on.” jessie joked, as you lightly glared at her. but they were completely right, ever since hestia had run off in the middle of the park, you had grown closer to the swiss player.
she’d occasionally invite you to her place, vice versa as well—not to mention how you’d snuggle into her side, with her consent of course. she would wrap an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to her.
but you didn’t think much of it, that these actions are just how she treats all her friends, so it didn’t get your hopes up on whatever this is. instead, you were contented whether it was as a friend, a player on the opposing team, you were glad and thankful to be part of lia walti’s life.
as the rest of your team began to head back to the tunnels, your eyes glanced at the stands, wondering if your sister and svigerinne were in the stands. but when your eyes locked with ingrid, a soft chuckle escaped your lips—she was holding tightly on your sister, making sure she didn’t injure herself anymore now that she already had her surgery.
“svigerinne. [sister-in-law.]” you greeted ingrid as they took their seats, to which she flushed at.
“gjør oss stolte. [make us proud.]” ingrid teased, as you gave her a nod. but your eyes were switched to eloise who had an amused look.
“what?” you hummed, as eloise simply chuckled at your shyness. mapi raised her eyebrows at the interaction, to which you dismissed.
you were oblivious to the fact on how close she was, she held onto your wrist as ingrid looked at you in amusement. she knew all about your crush on a certain swiss player as she heard from mapi, that said player was looking at the interaction, how her eyes lingered on your wrist, seeing someone she doesn’t know—holding onto you, sparked something.
what’s worse is that the two of you weren’t even together, she finds your obliviousness cute, but sometimes she’d wish that you’d take notice of the hints.
“leon!” emma’s voice rang, as you gazed at the head coach. she beckoned you to come over, as you gave her curt nod.
“well, see you guys after the game.” you said, bidding goodbye as you jogged over to emma. the two of you walked to the locker room, engaging in different tactics as you listened well.
the game started just like you expected, both teams were eager to score the first point. but you shrugged, giving the opposing team a wink, as you were dribbling the ball closer to their goal, slotting it in the upper right corner—when the ball hit the net, signaling one-nil to chelsea.
you heard cheers from the crowd, as jessie ruffled your hair. whenever you scored, you never celebrated it, as a way to respect your opponents. lia watched with a soft smile, missing the way a certain teammate looked at her.
throughout the first half, you were at a disadvantage due to being tackled by a certain forward whenever she had the chance. you had already passed the ball, when the australian made her way to tackle you, you braced for impact literally landing on your back, as you gasped—absolutely winded by that.
the whistle had blew, as the ref had enough—quickly showing caitlin the yellow card, as she turned to check up on you. you received pats on the back, as you tried to stable your breathing.
“¿cuál es su problema? [what is her problem?]” you asked in spanish, as jessie knelt beside you—millie, the english woman looking at you in concern.
“are you good to play?” millie asked, knowing if you weren’t you’d be subbed off. but you gave her a nod, you still had some left in you. meanwhile, lia pulled caitlin away a raised eyebrow was seen.
“stop whatever this is, you’ve moved on, so why can’t i?” lia said, as she went back to her position. her eyes never left you, until you had gotten up.
the first half had came to an end, both teams had the same score, 2-2. you had entered the tunnel, swinging an arm over jessie and niamh. the locker room was silent, as emma gave her tactics, to change the game.
you lifted your jersey, seeing the bruises as you swiftly pulled the shirt down, noticing the concern from the duo. after a few harsh shoves from the australian forward, you had enough—giving her a small shove, as she got close to you.
the sound of cracking was caught your attention, you had bent down—bringing your hand to your nose, feeling the warmth fluid run down your arm. you didn’t pay attention to the whistle, or how several of your teammates moved the forward away from you.
niamh was by your side in an instant, as she knelt down, looking at your situation. she grimaced at the sight of blood, but turned to the benches signaling for the medics.
“that looks bloody.” niamh said, as you chuckled but winced at the pain. your head was raised as you looked at the big screen, the blood trailing down your arm was a terrible sight to see.
“she won’t be happy.” you groaned, as you removed your hand, the medics quickly doing their job.
“seems like they’re one player down.” jessie commented, as she saw the ref raise the red card. the arsenal bench was in shock at how their forward behavior, as emma was delighted at the advantage.
“you’ll be going off, as fran will be subbed in.” millie commented, as you gave her a nod, following the medics to the sidelines, giving a high five with your clean hand.
you took your spot on the bench, your jersey was stained with blood as you glanced at the field—the ice pack wasn’t helping at all. you watched as the ref blew the final whistle, signaling the end of the game—the chelsea bench ran to the field as you softly smiled at them.
you analyzed the arsenal team, there was tension as you raised an eyebrow. but your eyes were on a certain swiss who walked beside the english captain, clearly listening to her friend’s words.
you hummed before moving to the barriers, mapi wasn’t amused on what happened. she grabbed your chin, analyzing your nose as ingrid had to swat her hand away.
“parece que alguien estaba celoso. [it seems like someone was jealous.]” mapi said, as you hummed at her words.
“¿caitlin? no tiene derecho a estar celosa. [caitlin? she has no right to be.]” as you said, clearly not knowing the missing part. as mapi snickered at your oblivious state, resulting in a smack by ingrid to which she pouted at.
“great game, leon.“ eloise said, as you gave her a nod. you glanced at her younger sister who had a sign, she wanted your shirt. as you gave her a soft smile, before tugging your jersey off—giving it to eloise’s younger sister who gave you a small thanks.
meanwhile, in the arsenal training room—it was silent, a pin could drop and you’d be able to hear it.
“would you want to explain anything?” kim asked, clearly unamused at her teammate’s red card, the cause of hurting a player of the opposing team.
lia was seen glancing at the floor, clearly not wanting to talk about it. as caitlin just sat there, despite katie being beside her.
“then, you’ll be benched foord.” as a protest from the australian forward was heard, but a simple look from steph had silenced it.
the team dispersed, as lia grabbed her kit bag, deciding it was best to shower up at her own place. leah had followed her, connecting the dots as she bumped into her teammate’s shoulder.
“so, a chelsea player.” leah hummed, as lia chuckled.
“yeah, a chelsea player.” lia softly smiled, as leah’s eyes noticed you. you were sitting on a couch, playing with your fingers as you waited for lia.
“seems like princess charming is here.” leah nudged, as lia followed leah’s gaze to see you. her eyes analyzed you, taking note of the bandaged nose, as she chuckled catching your attention.
you stood up, walking to the pair as you greeted leah, who returned it with a small smile. you felt lia gently touch your face, as she placed a soft kiss on your cheek.
“that must’ve hurt.” lia said, as you hummed.
“it did.”
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