#tad carter
henriiiii-1001 · 5 months
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lil doodle of the beatCRASHERS i did recently!!! i messed w my artstyle a lil bit, and i rly like how this turned out!!!
also gave me an excuse to finally color their group’s logo that i designed a bit ago. i havent posted it until now and i rly like it!
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turtlemurmurs · 2 years
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It’s always a bit funny to get skins from the in-game gifts lmao. Especially when you’re playing a morose little girl and the gift is her uncle’s decapitated head
Anyway. Happy birthday to the twins :D
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twerk4mothman · 2 years
@reallyndacarter please ma’am
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cecilysass · 3 months
Why I Think The X-Files Isn’t Really As Much About Watergate and Governmental Conspiracy As Everyone Claims, Maybe Including CC
This one’s really nerdy, get ready.
Media covering the X-Files has always emphasized how much the show capitalizes on a post-Watergate worldview, a paranoia about government and belief in high-level conspiracy. I think CC signed on to this interpretation entirely. So much so that he sure kept on feeding those conspiracy plot lines in the mytharc—even when every other plot line was going hungry. 
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So much so that in the revival, he really created a problem for himself, which the media picked up on. Government conspiracy nuts in 2016 no longer were hot sensitive 90s guy outcasts like Mulder or quirky cuddly little nerds like the Gunmen. Government conspiracy nuts in 2016 were media savvy right wing commentators manipulating the masses, getting presidents elected through willful misinformation.  The revival series tried to address this head on with Tad O’Malley, a character who represented this new development. But it was definitely a sticky issue: the sociopolitical context of the original show was gone. Was the show relevant any more?
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I would argue yes, or at least it could have been. I would argue that the interpretation of the XF as a show primarily about conspiracy at high levels of power and governmental manipulation is a flawed one to begin with. I think this take makes the show way too thematically narrow, limits it, and obscures the show’s more important appeals.
In the 1990s, media coverage of the show almost always mentioned Watergate the historical event. Sometimes coverage discussed how Watergate was directly referenced on the show (Deep Throat, meetings in parking deck, CSM and Diana both living in the actual Watergate), but also Watergate’s specific effect on creator Chris Carter, who specifically cited it as a formative event. Often it was claimed that the show’s popularity with audiences was rooted in post-Watergate suspicion of government.
I think this could have been true generally speaking, although I always thought it somewhat overestimated the impact of Watergate on the XF’s target audience. Consider that in 1997 many in the key 18-49 demographic would not even remember Watergate especially well, or at all. If you were 30 in 1997, you were 6 when the story broke in 1973. I’m sure that could have left a mark on you, but I also think it might have been something that simply left a much bigger impression on Boomers the age of Chris Carter himself.
Me? I was in college in 1997, and I was nonexistent / unborn during Watergate. So I didn’t remember it, and it held no personal significance in my worldview regarding the United States. I don’t think it ever would have occurred to me to trust that the government was telling me the truth all the time, and I wouldn’t ever be shocked to learn I was being intentionally misled. As a late Gen Xer growing up in the Reagan administration with post-Watergate ideas floating in the air, I just assumed the worst from the get-go.
So I admit: sometimes the earnest speeches from Mulder and Scully about the Truth and being lied to from men in power and a government we purport to trust seemed a little repetitive and obvious to me. It’s taken me a while to realize that these speeches are voicing something very specific and historically real, the furious indignation of Boomers that we can’t trust our institutions. I think I felt like, yeah, okay, okay, I get it. I never had the same kind of trust in institutions to lose in this respect, but this was a major betrayal for people my parents’ age.
All of this to say, I don’t think that the conspiracy worldview and the appeal of the paranoia about government was a big part of the draw for me. I’m not saying it wasn’t for many or even most others. But my instinct about storytelling is that that is a little too abstract or bloodless of an appeal to really hook most viewers anyway. Like, you might be interested in conspiracy to get you to watch initially, sure, but that’s probably not going to keep you watching for years. And it’s really not going to be enough to motivate you to tune in to a revival series in the 2010s.
So what was the big hook for viewers? You’re probably expecting me to say MSR, and if so, I’m going to surprise you a little. I do think that was part of it for some percentage of viewers, but I think it is more complex than that.
I think the show tapped into a late 20th century urge for individuals to become part of something greater than ourselves. Something we might think of as numinous or transcendent. Maybe something meaningful and good (like a quest for truth) — or maybe something that will look down and judge us, for good or ill. Something that means that we are not lonely in the universe. This puts X-Files squarely in an overall 1990s angels and aliens otherworldly trend. 
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(Personally, and this could be an only me thing, but I can never quite separate out Tony Kushner’s Angels in America and The X-Files in my mind; Angels debuted on Broadway the same year X-Files first aired, and I was exposed to both at about the same time. They’re both about apocalypse and personal crisis and the end of the millennium and the transformative power of authentic relationships with others. I could do a whole thing on this.)
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The desire for transcendence is the part of the show that is summed up by Mulder and Scully watching lights together in the sky, by Mulder’s wonder at seeing ships or aliens, by the entire notion of “I Want To Believe,” by the idea expressed in the last episode of the original series that both Mulder and Scully share—that the dead aren’t lost to us, that “they speak to us as part of something greater than us - greater than any alien force.” Mulder says to Scully that if “you and I are powerless now, I want to believe that if we listen to what’s speaking, it can give us the power to save ourselves.” There’s definitely a part of the show that is about little lonely human beings finding how they fit in a big, unfeeling universe.
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The show's interest in conspiracy figures into this. Because after all, what are conspiracy theories but reassurance that there is some meaning behind everything after all? That there is some powerful system running the show, even if that system might be kind of evil. A grand organized secret an individual can actually uncover, rather than a bunch of random haphazard incompetence and chaos. I think this is part of the show's interest in transcendence, but only one part.
And there’s also part of the show that’s about a hero who is wracked with loneliness and alienation — and then two heroes who are wracked with loneliness and alienation—finding a kind of salvation in Truth, in Justice, in Trust, in Partnership, and, ambiguously, Love. (Sometimes Mulder sounds more like a 19th century Romantic hero than anything else.) This makes it a little allegory about late 20th century individualism and alienation and desire for meaning and authenticity and connection with others. 
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I think what appeals to people emotionally in the show is that part of us that wonders: is there a universe that pays attention to me? Is there anyone who listens to me and who really, really knows me? Does anyone besides me care what is true and what is a lie? Will I find those who are lost to me and repair the parts of me that are broken? Is there anyone who would give up their life for mine?
I think that the desire to connect with others is a really basic human drive, and it’s most obviously foregrounded in the show the Mulder-Scully partnership. Even romance aside, we see from the first episode that these are two people with distinct worldviews who want to communicate, who see something in one another, who are hungry to be understood by one another. They ultimately see the other person as someone who reflects and affirms who they are. The partnership is definitely the emotional hook of the show, whether you see that as a romantic ship or not, and it thematically echoes the show’s overall themes of wanting there to be more in the universe. 
When the show was at its most emotionally devastating, it was one or both of its protagonists losing a relationship or connection that was important to them, or it was their frustration that their efforts were not meaningful on a larger scale: grief over a loss, a coverup that meant Justice wasn’t served or Truth was concealed.
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When the show’s moments were most emotionally triumphant, they were always moments of overt connection, usually between Mulder and Scully, both more dramatic (“you’re my touchstone”) and subtle (reaching out to take a partner’s hand in Pusher or Field Trip). When there were moments of triumph concerning the government conspiracy, it felt more allegorical, like information (Truth) getting free, not progress made in specific governmental reform or anything. 
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(And honestly, the moments of triumph against the conspiracy were pretty few and far between. We left the original run of show with the protagonists on the run, pretty sure there was going to be an alien invasion in coming years that had been facilitated by complicit human conspirators, so this conspiracy thread of the plot apparently didn’t even seem like the most important and emotionally satisfying story to resolve.)     
CC wrote a NY Times piece addressing the changing landscape on conspiracies in 2021, discussing why he was skeptical of a new UFO report. He was perceived as having the authority to write this because he created a show that quintessentially addressed government conspiracies about visitors from space.
But for me, the question of whether the government was hiding evidence of extraterrestrial life was really not the main takeaway from TXF. At least no more than the question of whether there needed to be an investigation into the undue influence of witchcraft in Scotland was my main takeaway of Macbeth.
I do acknowledge that I may have been in the minority. Maybe this is not how most people felt. But I also wonder if sometimes the urge to make the show primarily about political paranoia became a distraction from what it did best—these larger, more universal themes. I wonder if that is partly what was so frustrating about the storytelling of the revival.
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wc-confessions · 3 months
Here's a rapid fire list of non-Warriors xenofiction novels WC fans can read. Will say I haven't read all of these, and in that case, I will not leave a comment. Obligatory Wings of Fire, Guardians of Ga'hoole, Redwall, and Watership Down recommendation. Honorable mentions go to other Erin Hunter series - Seekers, Survivors, Bravelands, and Bamboo Kingdom. Varjak Paw series by S.F. Said. Two books. Geared toward a younger audience like Warriors. I can vouch this as one of my favorites. I can see it being an acquired taste, especially for someone older, though. Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams. One book. Personally, I'd only recommend this book if you're super interested in learning about the inspiration for Warriors. Otherwise, its themes have aged like milk and the story isn't all too special. I will say the plot gets pretty decent and horrifying at the halfway point. The Deadlands series by Skye Melki-Wegner. Three books. I have completed the first and a read a little of the second. Geared towards a younger audience like Warriors. You can tell that the audience is younger due to the dialogue and characters. Descriptions are good and I'd imagine thrilling for the target demographic. In fact, I'd describe the books, that I've read so far, as thrilling in general. However, the "Jurassic Park meets Wings of Fire" comparison is a lie. Wings of Fire is accurate but this series has nothing to do with the Jurassic Park movies or books besides dinosaurs. It'd be closer to say "The Land Before Time meets Wings of Fire." I would definitely recommend it if you're looking for Warriors with dinosaurs. Silverwing series by Kenneth Oppel. I've only read a little of the first book, so I don't have much to talk about. I will tell you that a graphic novel has recently released! Fire Bringer by David Clement-Davies. One book. About deer. No comment. Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. One book. Horses. No comment. Raptor Red by Robert T. Bakker. One book. Utahraptors. No comment. A Black Fox Running by Brian Carter. One book. Foxes. No comment. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O'Brien. One book. Mice. No comment. Foxcraft series by Inbali Iserles. Three books. Foxes. No comment. The Tygrine Cat series by Inbali Iserles. Two books. Cats. No comment. The Books of the Named series by Clare Bell, more commonly known as Ratha's Creature or the Ratha series. Five books. Prehistoric Dinaelurus nimravids. No comment. I think I've listed enough in this ask, but I'll drop this xenofiction list https://www.tumblr.com/the-owl-tree/745956715298799616/xenofiction-reading-recommendation-list?source=share in case anyone wants more.
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asunsetgrace16 · 3 months
Hiiiii!!! Can I request literally anything written about Fraser Minten lol. I was thinking maybe she’s having a sleepover at his house for the first time and is a tad bit shy and nervous about them sharing his bed maybe with prompts 35 and 39 from your fluffy list???
Thank you so much!!!! I’m obsessed with ur writing
Saturday Sleepover ⎥ FM39
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Pairing: Fraser Minten x fem!reader
Warnings: fluffyyyyy, one kiss (I think), one swear
Summary: Y/N stays over at Fraser's for the first time after their usual Hockey Night in Canada Saturday date
Notes: Thank you so much for the request! I love writing for Minty and there is a lack of Minty content on here. Hope you enjoyed!! Prompts 35: "That's my girl" and 39: "You're blushing" "No I'm not". I also made up the entire game except for the misconducts that were given in an actual Florida-Ottawa game last fall.
masterlist⎥ navigation
Word Count: 978
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As per weekly Saturday tradition, Y/N and Fraser watch whatever hockey game is on TV. Both avid hockey fans and players, they both grew up watching Hockey Night in Canada, rooting for their teams with unabashed pride; Fraser for Vancouver and Y/N for Winnipeg. Occasionally, their hockey-watching dates are over FaceTime when Fraser is out of town for games and he often falls asleep, his phone dying overnight. 
Tonight, however, isn’t one of those nights. The Blades played a rare Saturday matinee game, ending just before four. This gave the couple time to make dinner before the start of the game. His billet family is away visiting relatives for the weekend, so it’s just the two of them. They settle in for the game with plates of spaghetti and salad. Ottawa is playing Florida tonight.
“This should be interesting.” Y/N comments, “nothing good ever happens when the Tkachuk brothers are on the ice together.”
“Very true. How many fights do you think will happen?” Fraser asks, half-Joking, half-serious.
“Oh, easily three or four.”
The game starts off fairly uneventful. No goals from either team and only a penalty or two. But you can tell the teams are chippy with each other. It's the start of the second when things finally amp up. It starts with a slash to the shins of Jakob Chychrun from Nick Cousins, sparking Brady Tkachuk to get involved. The refs are able to break it up before anything exciting happens. There is a pair of goals in the last 10 minutes of the first, so the teams are tied heading into intermission. The second follow is much of the same pattern; a goal for each team, a few minor penalties, and one scuffle. They had barely taken their gloves off before the refs broke it up, boring.
“ Boo.” Fraser says to the TV, “Let them fight, it’s more exciting that way.” 
Y/N laughs and rolls her eyes. But he's not wrong, “You just like to see Matthew stir shit up.” 
“You've got me there.” 
It's in the dying minutes of the third one Fraser gets his wish. A cheap shot from Carter Verhaeghe sends Parker Kelly into the boards awkwardly. He doesn't get up as both teams end up in the corner. Claude Giroux tries to pull Parker away from the fight. The rest of the guys grab each other and start fighting, well most of them anyway. Brady and Matthew are both in the mix. Helmets are off, gloves and sticks are scattered on the ice and the refs are circling. Parker got some help getting to the bench and is getting checked by a trainer. The fight goes on, eventually guys are in headlocks, jerseys are half off, and others are piled on the ice, still swinging punches. The refs break up the fight, sending the guys towards penalty boxes before dishing out the penalties. 
“Every player on the ice gets a 10-minute misconduct, except for the goalies and Ottawa number 27.”
Both Fraser and Y/N are staring, absolutely dumbfounded. Almost never do 10 players get game misconducts. 
“Well, there's the entertainment for the night.” Y/N quips.
The last few minutes pass quietly, the benches are looking very bare, five guys gone from one side and four from the other. Fraser has nodded off by the time the game ends, and Y/N isn't far behind. She turns off the TV and folds the blanket that she used. She sighs tiredly, looking around the dim room. Fraser’s half-asleep on the couch, all sleep-warm and face cast with shadows from the kitchen lights. Y/N moves about the room, gathering her bag and phone. She smiles softly, love in her eyes as she looks as Fraser. She wakes him gently, prompting him to go to bed.
“Just stay.” Fraser mumbles sleepily, yawning. 
“I…I don’t know.” Y/N hesitates, wanting to say yes.
“Please.” He interrupts, giving Y/N a soft, pleading look.
Y/N stays quiet for a minute, reaching out to brush a piece of hair off of his forehead, “Ok. I’ll stay.”
“That’s my girl.”
Y/N flushes, turning shy all of a sudden. She looks away, avoiding his gaze. They haven’t slept over at each other’s places yet, and it makes Y/N’s cheeks warm.
“Why’d you get shy?” He asks as they walk to his room.
“What? No I didn’t”
“Yes, you did. Look, you’re blushing.” He grins at her, poking her cheek.
“No I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. And it’s cute.”
Y/N gives him an exasperated look, she will never admit it but Fraser is right. It’s their first night sleeping over together so it takes an extra few minutes to get everything sorted. She is a little jittery, nervous to share Fraser’s bed with him. Her brain goes into overdrive as she tries to avoid making things weird. Fraser gives her a shirt to sleep in and he pulls on a pair of sweatpants. They stand on opposite sides of the bed, unsure of how to proceed. Sure, they have cuddled before, but usually that was on the couch or her cramped twin bed at school. Fraser climbs in, throwing back the covers and he holds his hand out for Y/N to grab. She takes it climbing into the other side. He pulled the covers over them, rearranging his pillow for optimal comfort. Y/N does the same, relaxing more as the minutes go by. Fraser reaches over and shuts off the lamp, sending the room into darkness. By the light of the moon, they face each other. Fraser pulls Y/N closer, giving her a sweet kiss on her forehead before tucking her into his chest. Before long, the couple has drifted off, wrapped up in each other’s arms like it's the most natural thing in the world.
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toxicbrothel · 7 months
I often think about this scene 😵‍💫
Joel is quiet for a few seconds, then asks, "What if I told ya to suck his dick?
"You'd say no to me?"
"I'd ask if I really have to."
I'm sure it will never happen but what if Sweet pea dreams about it👀
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500 words, dark!Joel x you x dark!Carter
Kate, you menace 😫🫶 Thank you for enabling me. I think about this too. Source of quote. Technically, it's a bit of a nightmare. CW dark
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You don't wanna think about Carter that way, but you can't help it after Joel mused about you sucking his dick. It was a test, just a test, but he put the image in your mind and it's what you're thinking of when you drift off to sleep. . .
😴💤💤 You're sitting in Joel's lap, facing Carter across the breakfast table. You're in a dress with no panties, impaled on Joel's cock. He’s slowly moving you with his massive hands on your hips. “mm,” he sighs as you lean back. He nibbles at your neck.
Carter quietly sips his coffee. There's something different about Carter. Not just his black eye. Joel pulls you back hard, nudging your cervix and you gasp. You brace your hands on the table. Carter winks at you.
Joel brings his lips to your ear. “Whatcha think, sweet pea?” His hips lift you. “Wanna suck his dick?”
Your face catches fire and your heart races. “No,” you claim.
Carter puts down his coffee, chuckles, and stands up, revealing a massive bulge in his sweatpants. He palms himself as he comes around the table, and your walls twitch around Joel at the sight.
“Don't lie to me, baby,” Joel murmurs. He grabs your tits and pulls you back against him.
Carter squeezes between you and the table. He pulls down his waistband. You're full of Joel’s cock, staring at Carter's gorgeous length as Joel’s hips move under you.
“Just a little kiss,” Carter whispers. “If ya want,” he winks.
You shake your head no but your walls squeeze around Joel’s cock again.
“Don't say no to him,” Joel cautions you. “You wanna, don't ya?”
It's a trap with no way out.
Precum is beading at Carter’s tip until he swipes it away with his thumb. He brings his thumb to your lips and you kiss the salty liquid off.
“Good girl,” Joel whispers. “Just a lil kiss that's all.”
Joel’s chest nudges you forward. Carter sits on the table and spreads his knees. His balls are big, too. His pubic hair is soft looking. Just a tad redder than his scruff. Joel scoots the chair forward and you moan at the jolt of his cock.
“It's ok,” Carter whispers.
You brace your hands on his thighs and he holds his cock for you. Another pearl of precum is forming. Before he can wipe it away, you lean forward and kiss it off. Your lips gently seal around the top half of his tip and your tongue darts out against the slit.
Carter groans.
Joel pulls you back by the hair and your heart skips a beat. He holds you against his chest with one arm while he reaches into the waistband of his pj pants and pulls out a pistol. Carter is sitting calmly with his cock in his hand like he knew it was gonna happen. “Sorry, sweet pea,” Carter mutters apologetically. Joel cocks the hammer, and you wake up.
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yarrowleef · 1 year
I’m trying to start a collection of every xenofiction book from a cats POV that I can find!! this is my criteria list:
older middle-grade and up fiction stories (maybe some exceptions for children's books if I really like them)
Mostly or only cat POV, not stories about people with cat sidekicks
about actual cats, not a human that shapeshifts into a cat, nor cat-like two-legged humanoids
Focusing on domestic cats and maybe small wild cats, not big cats 
It doesn’t have to be a traditionally published book, but it does have to be something completed that I can buy a copy of
Graphic novels count!
These are the ones I know so far, please let me know if you have any more that I can add! (not listing every book’s sequels, series are presumed to be lumped together)
(also note: I have not read most of these books yet, so I can’t say what kind of graphic/sensitive content they may or may not have. I'm just trying to make as complete a list as I can for personal reference)
Warrior Cats (obviously, this one is a free space)
Varjak Paw -- S.F Said
Tailchaser’s Song -- Tad Williams
The Wild Road -- Gabriel King
Catwings -- Ursula K. Le Guin
Stray -- A.N Wilson
The Book of Night with Moon -- Diane Duane
The Wildings -- Nilanjana Roy
The Tygrine Cat -- Inbali Iserles
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents -- Terry Pratchett
 The Familiars -- Adam Jay Epstein
In the Long Dark -- Brian Carter
Felidae -- Akif Pirinçci. Unfortunately! but I don’t want to talk about him and no one should buy his work. just adding so people know i’m aware of this book already
The Cats of Roxville Station -- Jean Craighead George
The Traveling Cat Chronicles -- Hiro Arikawa
Blitzcat -- Robert Westall
Cat House -- Michael Peak
Cats in the City of Plague -- A.L Marlow
Guardian Cats and the Lost Books of Alexandria -- Rahma Krambo
Cat on the Edge -- Shirley Rousseau Murphy
I Am a Cat -- Natsume Sōseki
The Alchemist’s Cat -- Robin Jarvis
The Stink Files -- Jennifer L. Holm & Jonathan Hamel
I, Scheherazade: Memoirs of a Siamese Cat -- Douglass Parkhirst
The Mouse Butcher -- Dick King-Smith
Heroes Rising: Book One of Catmage: Genesis -- Meryl Yourish
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karouvas · 1 month
40 + each Gangsey member
40. Favorite book
but I found actually assigning each of them a favorite book too hard so instead I wrote up headcanons about their general tastes, maybe a couple things they would like and what I would recommend for them to read!
. Blue — well we know that she and Maura would read separate books together side by side at night and I have my headcanon based on that little mermaid line about Persephone reading fairy tales to her in their original forms. In my head I think Blue generally likes reading nonfiction about ecology and other things related to her interests, but also likes reading collections of short stories and poems (she has that poem she copied to the ceiling of her room but we never learn which one it is but based on that saying she likes poetry). I think she reads novels less because they’re less suited to her attention span (I see her as the type of person who likes reading but wouldn’t call herself *a reader* if asked because she feels she isn’t traditionally smart enough or quick enough with it and it takes a lot for her to buy into a story in a way if it’s a novel whereas with nonfiction books and articles she knows it’s about something specific that she likes such as nature or animals) than short form like stories or articles, and it’s rarer for her to find ones she really likes but like the few novels that she truly loves would be really impactful to her. Oh and the short stories and novels she is very into would be fantasy, she’d be like I’ll read total nonfiction or total fantasy anything in between is useless to me. 
 If I was giving her recommendations I’d want her to read Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie Mclemore in terms of novels but really generally her books, and The Lady of the House of Love by Angela Carter for a short story. And I’d rec her some Maya Angelou and Fatimah Asghar poems but come to think of it maybe Where The Caged Bird Sings would be her favorite book I could see it.. 
Adam — also reads a lot of nonfiction compared to fiction, but fiction he does read I think is probably either mysteries or classics. There might be an occasional thing he likes that’s ostensibly a tad too whimsical to be *Adam-like* as he would define it (since he often is drawn into those things and people despite himself) but in general realism over fantasy. I see a younger Adam, in what little time he has outside of working and managing school and his parents and all that entails, spending as much time as possible in the library since it means peace and quiet and escape and also knowledge which he is hungry for independently. I like to think he read like, Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew in terms of books for his age range but also probably some like adult psychological thrillers. 
Obviously if I got to recommend any book to him I’d pick Mr. Ripley just to clown on him, I don’t think he’d love it though I think he’d have a lot of ambivalent feelings about it and maybe say that he hated it but think about passages all the time afterwards. For a book he’d actually enjoy in the typical sense… maybe Gone Girl, I feel like it hits a sweet spot in being a mysery and a revenge fantasy that are not too on the nose / have several degrees of separation from his life but still has enough elements that he could enjoy the catharsis of said revenge fantasy. I almost said we have always lived in the castle for similar reasons but then I thought that Adam might find the ending horrifying not because Mericatt kills her family that he would enjoy, but because she traps and isolate herself at the end and that’s her happy ending so he wouldn’t find be able to find that a victory if he related to her a bit, seeing as to him a victory needs to involve being accepted by society. 
Gansey — obviously he reads a lot of history and also I think a lot of mythology, primarily Welsh but I think he’d go on pipelines to read about other things a lot when they relate because so much mythology and folklore intersects. He and Blue once they get together probably read these together all the time and her background knowledge of certain things from 300 fox way probably impressive and turns him on a lot… also he and Adam probably read these together a lot and Adam was probably attempting a perfect balancing act between making sure he got to point things out to Gansey and seem smart so he would respect him and orchestrating moments for Gansey to read to him / lecture him in That Voice … anyway. But aside from that I also do think he reads a lot of different types of fiction, in every genre really but fantasy historical and classics would be his favorites I think. He’d love things like The Night Circus, I like the idea of him reading a lot of Emily Dickinson when he was 14 and recreating his death all the time, Tolkein obviously, probably some Sanderson I have mixed feelings there but do think Gansey would be a fan. I try very hard not to be too projection-y with chars in these types of hc things because that can be unfun, but I do think his favorite Jane Austen book is my favorite Jane Austen book which is Emma (I do have an idea for an au where Gansey is Emma and Blue is Knightley and Adam is Harriet but also maybe some of their roles interchange or intersperse with each other anyway..). For books he probably wouldn’t have read that I would recommend to him … I think reading some more low brow stuff might be good for him in a sense, maybe I’d put together a Shadowhunter books reading list for him. I do think if he read TID and TDA back to back it could help him figure out he’s bi and polyamorous. 
Ronan — well in this case I think it’s basically canonical his favorite book is Alice in Wonderland. I think Ronan’s taste in books is probably like he almost never reads but when he does he’s a huge snob about it, both ends of the spectrum. So I think like he loved Frankenstein obviously, and The Iliad. Thus if I was given the opportunity I’d rec him paranormal things he probably hates as a concept but I think he could get obsessed with if given the opportunity, maybe The Demon’s Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan or the Mara Dyer trilogy. The former he’d definitely project onto a lot since the first book is about brothers who aren’t dissimilar from him and Ronan, and then he’d be betrayed when the 2nd and 3rd books are about women. The latter he would say he hated but I know that man would devour them don’t ask me how I just do. 
Henry — going to confess that I haven’t actually read A Separate Piece but I read a fic once where it was his favorite book and that feels so correct I took it as canon from then on. I would recommend him The Dead Queens Club by Hannah Capin. 
Noah — I think would mostly like graphic novels, and I follow one series of graphic novels that I don’t think he would like much (Monstress by Marjorie Liu). Of the other comics I’ve attempted into the other one that I liked enough that I want to continue with at some point was Wicked + the Divine so maybe that.. I think him getting Ronan into it could lead to interesting results too. 
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the-desilittle-bird · 2 years
Author's Note- I don't know where it came from. Also a bit slow phased and a bit lengthy. But I hope you all like it. Also, my first time writing for T'Challa. Also for those who are not aware, I also write on requests so you can send me requests for anything.
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
Something New
T'Challa Udaku x Stark!Reader
Summary- Things go better than (Y/N) expected when she meets the royals of Wakanda...
Warnings- Obscene words 😅 nothing else
GIF Credits to @nicolyyyyy
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The stress levels were peaking for the Avengers in the recent times. With an inner fallout and an external takeover of their authority was making every single one anxious.
(Y/N) Stark, the adopted daughter of Howard and Maria Stark and sister of Tony Stark, was allotted the work of being the diplomat on the Avengers' behalf and receive the King of Wakanda and his group.
Perhaps it was because of the accident in Lagos, Nigeria where Wanda had unintentionally killed their citizens, that she was chosen to do the job, instead of the UN workers. (Y/N) knew how it felt to lose control of their powers. The helplessness and the anxiety were the worst. And having similar powers like Wanda, she could clearly understand the girl.
As she stood in the airport, waiting for the royalty to show up, she reflected on her life in the last few months. For her, personally, it had been difficult after Ultron.
She was in a serious relationship with Steve Rogers, much to Tony's dismay. But the keyword was: was. After she found out about his "closeness" with Sharon Carter, (Y/N) just couldn't continue. For Steve, it was always Peggy or Sharon, never her.
Their strained relationship's thread finally broke when the Sokovia Accords came, dividing the entire team into two. While (Y/N) had decided that it was for the best to sign them, Steve had disagreed.
"They are here, Ms. Stark," one of her assigned assistants said meekly, making her look up to find a group of well dressed people walking towards them. A silent power and authority mixed with comfort and gentleness surrounding them.
A dangerous aura, (Y/N) had come to notice in her times and experiences as both, a SHIELD agent and an Avenger.
She greeted them with a bow of her head, "King T'Chaka." The older man smiled, a polite and a genuine smile unlike the fabricated one most people wear. "Our deepest condolences for what happened in Lagos. Our teammate is new and not proficient yet. She never intended to do so," (Y/N) spoke as she had practiced.
The King of Wakanda only smiled, nodding his head politely. "What happened is behind us, Ms. Stark. But the future lies ahead of us," T'Chaka said with a wisdom very few possessed. "Indeed, Your Majesty."
Perhaps her work won't be so hard, especially since the King was humble, unlike most of the men in power she has ever handled.
"I am sure this must feel like you are back in your days in business," T'Chaka said, making (Y/N) nod. "Yes," she replied, feeling the nostalgia surround her. Though (Y/N) of the present times hated how she behaved when she was younger. She was extremely arrogant and a narcissist woman who cared only for the dollars paid to her family business after a deal.
"Meet my son, T'Challa, Ms. Stark. He is the future of Wakanda, just as you and your brother are of Stark Industries," T'Chaka said proudly, placing a hand on his son's shoulder. (Y/N) glanced to the man beside the king, feeling her heart skip a beat as she noticed the handsome prince by the King's side.
"Your Majesty," she greeted, respectfully, as she was taught in the mannerism classes she had to take before this day. "Ms. Stark, it is a pleasure to meet you at last," T'Challa said, extending his hand. (Y/N) placed her significantly smaller hand in his, shaking it politely.
"Please, we can continue the formalities in our way," (Y/N) said, gesturing to the cars lined up for the party. (Y/N) eyed the women lined behind the king and his son, feeling a tad bit intimidated by the way they seem to access her.
T'Chaka noticed the way (Y/N) was looking at the Dora Milaje, chuckling, he spoke, "They are the Dora Milaje. An all women's elite group of warriors, bodyguards to the crown." (Y/N) nodded understandingly, smiling a bit.
"Must be interesting," she commented, making T'Chaka laugh. "I have heard that you yourself are proficient in combats," he said, as they walked towards the black cars. "Not much, Your Majesty. Only much to fit in as a SHIELD agent," (Y/N) said, feeling shy out of a sudden as she felt a pair of eyes on her back.
At last, with a bit of small argument, three Dora Milaje warriors, whose name (Y/N) was yet to know, settled in the first car; while (Y/N), her trusted driver, the King and T'Challa sat in the second Range Rover. The rest settled into the third car.
The atmosphere in the car remained between awkward and comfortable. (Y/N) was constantly keeping an eye on the outside world, watching for any security breach in the plan.
Suddenly, her phone vibrated in her coat, making her sigh, knowing way too well who it was. Accepting the call, she placed one earbud in her ear, keeping her voice below whisper, "What do you need?"
"Cool up, dear sister," she heard her brother's voice from the Bluetooth device, making her scoff rather loudly. She watched as all the pair of eyes in the car was on her. "Hang up, if you have no work, Tony," she hissed under her breath.
Tony was having the moment of his life as (Y/N) was getting frustrated rather too quickly. "Why are you getting riled up so quickly, sister. Is your company too hot?" (Y/N) could hear the smirk in his voice. "Shut up, Tony freaking Stark," she hissed.
Tony left out a heartfelt laugh, making (Y/N) even more irritated. "Oh come on, (Y/N). You can tell me," he said. "Shut the fucking up and hang up!" She exclaimed loudly.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened as she met the driver's eyes, suddenly feeling embarrassed as she felt T'Chaka and T'Challa's eyes on her. "Get lost, you bastard," (Y/N) hissed, hanging up before letting her head fall in defeat. "I am extremely sorry for my obscene words, Your Majesties," she apologized, biting down on her lip.
T'Chaka laughed while T'Challa's serious mask of expression changed into a beautiful smile. "These are normal in siblings, Ms. Stark. I hear them all the time from my youngest," T'Chaka assured, making (Y/N) smile.
Her advanced phone vibrated again, making her groan. Accepting the call without glancing at the caller ID, she threatened, "If you called me again, I am going to cut your precious jewel off you." "Someone sounds angry," Rhodey said sarcastically, ending with a chuckle.
"Rhodes? I am sorry," (Y/N) sighed, rubbing her face. "I am informed to tell you to take T'Chaka and T'Challa to the UN Headquarters directly," Rhodey said. "Directly? The meeting is supposed to be tomorrow, right?"
"Yes, but I guess, they have some work and tonight, there's a formal party. Inform them and find yourself a presentable dress," Rhodey hung up, making her sigh. "Is anything the issue?" T'Challa asked.
"I am supposed to escort you to the UN Headquarters and there is a formal party tonight," (Y/N) said, also letting the drivers of the other two cars know of the change in the plan.
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Even before (Y/N) could process, it was already the time for the formal UN party. The entire day had been a whirlwind for her; tackling both the royals of Wakanda and her always bickering brother was a tough work.
She stood in front of the full mirror in her penthouse, looking at her reflection. The purple dress with plunging neckline with thin straps fitted her in the perfect places, bringing out the best in her. The dress was accompanied by her hair pulled back in a sleek ponytail; and a light makeup with no jewelry except the pearl earrings which once belonged to her mother.
"Are you ready?" Tony yelled from the living room, making (Y/N) smile as she grabbed her purse and walked out of her room. "Yes, Tones," she smiled as Tony looked her up and down. A smirk broke on his face, "So, the royalty is actually hot." (Y/N) rolled her eyes, walking to the entrance. "Shut up and let's go."
After a short drive of not more than 15 minutes, the Stark siblings were entering the hotel which held the party. The room was beautifully decorated in a subtle and formal way. The room buzzed of conversations and laughter.
While Tony left (Y/N) to go and speak to someone, it was T'Challa who approached her. "A beautiful lady such as yourself shouldn't be standing here, alone," he said, making her turn around with a smile. "My brother just went off to speak to some... I don't know," she replied with a nervous chuckle.
A silence fell between them as they side-glanced each other from time to time. To them, it felt like playing a game of hide and seek; trying to hide something (Y/N) was trying not to name.
The orchestral music filled the room as (Y/N) watched a few representatives join the dance floor. She wished that the man beside her ask her for a dance as well, but the chances to that were a few.
"Perhaps, a dance?" T'Challa asked, extending his hand and bowing a bit, smiling at the younger Stark. "I am not a good dancer, Your Majesty," (Y/N) said shyly as she placed her hand in his.
"Just follow the lead, Ms. Stark," he whispered into her ear as he led her to the dance floor. (Y/N)'s breath hitched as she bit into her lip. "(Y/N) would suffice, Your Majesty," she said, following his lead and let him move her as he wished. "T'Challa it is, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) felt like she would burn in the fire of his touch and words. Something strong bubbling in her chest for him, stronger feelings than she had for Steve or any of her previous ones.
Perhaps, it was something new. Something permanent.
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happyk44 · 1 year
Once again thinking about suicidal Percy breaking up with Annabeth while he tries to recover his mental and physical health by hiding within the safety of the Nome, and developing a massive crush on Carter in the process.
Zia subtly trying to remind Percy of his place by emphasizing that Carter is straight whenever she can. After a while of these, Percy gets the clue and holds her shoulders, like, "Zia, I'm not gonna try and steal your straight boyfriend from you. That's gross people behaviour. But I do think that we should talk about how hot he is together, and that should be the basis of our entire relationship."
He lets go and holds his hand out. She takes a moment, then shrugs and shakes in agreement. Carter now has to suffer through Percy teaching Zia how to catcall him when he walks by in his exercise shorts after teaching some of the kids, and Zia teaching Percy how to flirt with subtle and gentle words that make Carter squirm, his face burning.
After a few weeks of this, he watches them hunched over in a corner whispering. He doesn't trust it at all. And he's right not to, when a few hours later Zia starts dropping sexual innuendos with her smooth beautiful voice, stroking Carter's arm. Percy is giving her a thumbs up. She's grinning, cocky, and it reminds Carter just a tad too much of Percy and his near-manic victorious grin when he manages to catch Sadie in her own prank.
Zia pulls Carter off the couch and towards the bedrooms. As they pass through the doorway, where Percy is leaning against the wall, Carter hears a laughing, "Have fun!"
Ah. That's what they were talking about.
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NOTE: Visually, it's just a tad bit derivative of the "John Carter" books, but still a very impressive piece nonetheless.
OVERVIEW: "In 1982, L. Ron Hubbard commissioned artist Frank Frazetta to capture the spirit of "Battlefield Earth" on canvas. Frazetta’s painting, depicting the epic struggle between the human and alien races, now graces the cover of the latest edition of the bestselling science fiction novel."
-- GALAXY PRESS (Publisher of the fiction works of L. Ron Hubbard)
In memoriam -- Frank Frazetta (February 9, 1928 – May 10, 2010), another legend lost. HAIL!!
Sources: http://capnscomics.blogspot.com/2017/07/battlefield-earth-by-frank-frazetta.html & Galaxy Press.
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troyssix · 6 days
My fave (multifandom) ships
Javid and Newsbians (Newsies)
Newtmas and Minally (TMR)
Archthorne (Nevermoor) (yes i know "they're just kids" i imagine them a lil aged up)
Whatever Zia x Carter is called, Percabeth (Riordanverse)
Dodgerfox (TAD)
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Picture Perfect
Pairing: Motocross!Hal Carter x Female Reader Summary: Your mind drifts as you wait for Hal to show up. Word Count: Almost 1.1k Warnings: Dirty thoughts, light sexual fantasies, reader being a tad shy doesn't stop the mind from wandering, motocross!Hal Carter (he's a warning, okay?) A/N: Seventh day of my Naughty & Nice Nonsense belongs to Cowboy and Belle! "Dirty Thoughts" by Chloe Adams inspired this. I can't wait to share more of this couple. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Banner and moodboard by yours truly. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Growing up, your mother pushed you to be front and center. She was the reason you auditioned for choir and musicals, even when you told her how nervous performing in front of others made you. You lost count of how many times you almost fainted from nerves. You had talent, but the stage wasn’t for you.
You preferred the quiety beauty of the world around you, which is how you found yourself with a camera in hand. The photos you took were your way of expressing yourself. Your mom has a hard time accepting that you’d rather be in the background instead of the spotlight.
“Still too shy for your own good. After all these years,” your mom told you one day. “Maybe if you put yourself out there, you wouldn’t be single.”
“Or maybe I just haven’t met the right guy,” you argued.
Being a photographer exposed you to a variety of good looking men. Because you took your job seriously, you made it a rule a long time ago to never fall for any clients. Not that a couple didn’t try to flirt. The very few times it happened, you politely diverted their attention back to the task at hand. You wondered if they seemed interested because you didn’t throw yourselves at them.
You thought of some of the girls at the tracks and how open and outgoing they were. You admired that, but that wasn’t who you were. There was nothing wrong with you being a little more reserved.
The right one will see me and appreciate me just as I am.
Maybe someone like Hal Carter.
You may have done a bit of research on him after the race. The videos of his tricks online made you gasp more than once. The man made a name for himself through hard work and grit, but had a good time. It was admirable. The southern charm on top of that, it was easy to see why people called him Cowboy.
While you didn’t belong in the spotlight, he was made for it.
You slightly adjusted the chairs by the viewing table, trying to keep your hands busy. Hal was coming in to view the photos and you had already done two walkthroughs to make sure the studio looked pristine. It surprised you when he made the appointment, half expecting him to want the photos emailed to him.
“Then I wouldn’t get a chance to see your beautiful face, Belle.”
You had no reason to be nervous, but you couldn’t sit still as you made sure the pictures were ready.
One of the best pictures you took was after Hal removed his helmet and waved to the crowd. A wide grin on his handsome face,the messy hair added to his allure. You had no doubt he had the attention of everyone there. Your favorite shot of him was actually the one you took right after. His smile wasn’t as large as the previous, but it somehow looked more genuine.
You didn’t realize until after you developed the photo that he looked right at you as you snapped the frame.
You found yourself staring into his blue eyes before you reminded yourself that it was just a picture.
The seductive gazes aimed your way were never truly for you to begin with. They belonged to your camera. You were simply the vessel who captured the looks for everyone else to see.
Considering Hal likely didn’t even see you until after the race, the look didn’t mean anything.
“Maybe in my dreams,” you muttered before you double checked the time and smiled a little.
Since I can’t hold still, I can blow off some steam.
You still got nervous when you sang in front of a large group of people, but you enjoyed doing it on your own. Maybe you’d even sing to the guy you fell in love with. Pulling up your playlist, you pressed “random” and turned up the volume.
“I get dirty thoughts about you…”
You had to smile, unable to sing the first few lyrics as your cheeks got hot. That would be the song that popped up with Hal stopping by.
“When I’m lonely. All the corners of my mind start racing. Things that should be kept in the basement. Spend my time trying to erase them.”
You’d be lying to yourself if you said you hadn’t thought about his body. The man went straight over to you without his shirt on just to introduce himself. It was only natural that the image of him would pop up later to distract you.
“But when you hold me in the fantasy it’s so convincing.”
At some point, you closed your eyes and began to sway to the beat. Hal was virtually a stranger, but you had a feeling he was an amazing dancer. He’d hold you close and let you feel exactly what you do to him.
“I shouldn’t think the things I’m thinking, but now I’ve gone and let them sink in.”
You couldn’t stop thinking about what it would be like to kiss him. Would he flash a smile or lick his lips before he closed the gap between the two of you? Maybe he’d slowly coax your tongue into his mouth to massage it with his own. What would it be like to break your own rule and take a chance on a client?
“The more that I push ‘em away the more that you’re stuck in my brain. The more I mentally undress. I confess.”
You wondered how rough Hal’s hands would feel against your skin. Would he be gentle and take his time with you? Or would he pin you down with his strength, careful not to hurt you even if he went feral? Being shy didn’t mean you didn’t want or crave.
You were just quieter about it.
“I get dirty thoughts about you. They get worse when I’m without you. Does that mean that I’m going to hell? Or are you thinking them as well?”
Are you thinking of me, Hal?
You didn’t realize how fast your heart was racing until you checked the time again. You immediately stopped dancing and singing so you could shut the music off. Hal would be there any minute and getting yourself worked up would do you no good, as well as looking unprofessional if he caught you.
You’d tuck those thoughts away for another day.
And if Hal happened to get a glimpse at your performance through the door, it would be his secret for the time being.
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I wonder how long Hal will keep that to himself. Hehe. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Hal Carter Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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casual kindness
never giving up hope not even for a second!!
everybody is in earnest, even if it's painfully so
self sacrificing love
but that doesn't come out of self hatred that comes out of love for everyone including themselves
joy in one another and in nature
willingness to work hard to benefit everyone
judith 'magpie' holmes strengths: sees the best in everyone, easily trusting weaknesses: overconfidence neutral: likes shiny things magic(?): rudimentary communication with birds
erin 'dormouse' campbell strengths: easily trusting, thinks deeply weaknesses: mild self esteem issues, lack of confidence neutral: favourite colour is green magic(?): brilliant tracker
daniel 'kingfisher' martin strengths: unshakeable optimism, gentleness weaknesses: able to be easily led astray neutral: lots of hand gestures magic(?): exceptionally good at diving and holding his breath underwater
roberta 'tortoise' carter strengths: deep thinker, carefully considers all options weaknesses: can be indecisive neutral: good at dancing magic(?): everything grows faster when she's around
anna 'robin' mccartney strengths: reminding everyone of God's goodness, hopeful, gentleness weaknesses: can be overbearing, sometimes leaves others behind by accident neutral: moves quickly magic(?): rudimentary communication with animals, generally prey animals
grace 'dolphin' andrews strengths: kind, patient, stubborn weaknesses: has difficulty letting go of preconceived notions, jumps to conclusions neutral: has the most intoxicating laugh magic(?): can sprint or swim long distances without being tired or out of breath
patrick 'fox' andrews strengths: very much in earnest, quick-witted, stubborn weaknesses: can be sarcastic and occasionally nasty because of it, can accidentally talk over others neutral: brother to grace magic(?): can jump incredibly high
ryan 'elephant' rogers strengths: good at picking up patterns, patient weaknesses: can be prejudiced neutral: ends up going home to his uncle and hence passing out of the story magic(?): incredibly strong
?? 'panda' nolan strengths: extreme enthusiasm and is very quick to hype others up weaknesses: prone to constant small lies neutral: magic(?):
?? 'snow leopard' scrooge
thaddeus 'tadpole' scrooge strengths: very trusting, sees the best in everyone weaknesses: slightly prone to being whiny neutral: originally nicknamed frog, snowy is his big brother, is the BONUS CHILDLING magic(?): can talk to frogs
pollyanna 'pollywog' scrooge strengths: hopeful and upbeat weaknesses: can be unrealistic in expectations neutral: sister to snowy and tad magic(?): can fit through small spaces nobody else can even tad
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coffinup · 4 months
Hi! Ive been trying to learn about mortuary science in my free time, but im unable to take any classes. Do you have any recommended websites, books, or any sources for getting started?
Yes there are tons of ways you can learn about mortuary science without taking classes! Here are some of my favorite recs, I consumed a lot of these before i started mortuary school but some of them I’m using as supplementary study!
-Stiff by Mary Roach. This book is a TAD dated, but it is an interesting deep-dive into the way that human bodies have contributed to science, how body disposition practices have changed, and how our understanding of death has changed over time. It's beautifully written and really good for getting your feet wet in this topic.
-The Anatomist by Bill Hayes. This is a sort of biography of Henry Gray and Henry Carter (the author and illustrator of Gray’s Anatomy, respectively) combined with a crash course in anatomy. It’s a very fun read!
-Gray’s Anatomy. I still find the illustrations and descriptions in this book really helpful!
-Embalming: History, Theory and Practice by Robert G Mayer. This is technically a textbook, but it's probably the most in-depth book on embalming if that's something you're interested in! It runs kindof expensive, but you can get an account on internet archive and borrow it. I also know there are epubs available of it if you care to seek them out ;)
-All that Remains by Sue Black. Dame Black was a forensic scientist. Her writing is very brutally honest! Forensic pathology is a field I'm personally interested in and very relevant to mortuary science!
These are both great resources for learning about grief, alternate death practices, thanatology, etc.
The Mutter museum’s youtube channel. For lots of cool videos on medical history!
Undertaker 365's video on embalming. This is a smaller channel, and this video is long but easy to listen to in the background to learn about embalming.
Kari the Mortician. She has easy-to-follow short-form videos as well as a podcast! I like her because she is a practicing funeral director and embalmer with a long history in the industry. She talks about everything involving funeral services, from directing, to embalming, to historical knowledge, to industry terms, etc.
I'll give a brief caveat to that if you watch any videos by mortician influencers take their knowledge with a grain of salt. Mortuary science, embalming, and funeral directing varies depending on where you are and what path you decide to take, and sometimes social media influencers have a biased perspective. Caitlyn Doughty's historical videos are interesting, but i'd steer clear of any of her opinion pieces. Always keep in mind that social media is designed to highlight posts and videos that stimulate negative emotions; fear-mongering, contrarian attitudes, etc. Negativity draws views. If someone has an overtly negative opinion about embalming, burial, cremation, etc, remember that is just their opinion and never take any one person's opinion as gospel!
Hope this helps as a start! I have a lot of books on my to-read list, so I'll post my opinions of them when I finish them!
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