#tag babble
sillyprettyfairy · 2 years
Things that are bothering me about the Enna racism scandal - 1
No one's going to read this and that's okay. I just wanna write my thoughts out in a formal way while this is still fresh in my mind and in the news in general so I can point to it in future possible situations.
Situation summary: Towards the end of a collab stream between Kyo Kaneko and Enna Alouette, both of Nijisanji EN, Enna spews some serious antiblackness in the form of stereotyping and othering. My thoughts on the situation and response to it by not just Enna but others under the cut. ⚠️ If you are looking to start a fight with me over this or be a weird racist weirdo on this post or in my asks, it literally isn't worth it because I will not engage and will absolutely just block you or clown on you. ⚠️
The circumstances are absolutely poetic in the worst possible way. Enna is the focus of this controversy, as she should be. What I haven't seen enough people bring up though is that Kyo being the other half of the interaction makes this incredibly ironic and even a little darkly comedic. Kyo uses/appropriates aave (African American Vernacular English) as an admitted white man and has cute little blaccent to pair with it. Him being the center of the antiblack comments made by Enna and having to be the one to "educate" her on how what she said was harmful genuinely blows my mind. The argument that Kyo simply grew up in an area with Black people and that is why he speaks the way he does is...a flimsy defense based on past life information I won't share on this blog. All I'll say is that there is evidence supporting that he only started speaking the way he currently does recently and even if that were not the case, there is a discussion to be had about him essentially being a straight-up minstrel show just by being a member of a major vtuber corpo who is not Black, but uses Black vernacular and speech as a part of his brand to entertain a mostly non-Black audience.
2. Enna and Kyo created a perfect storm for this entire situation to occur, unintentionally. Enna constantly makes inflammatory comments on stream and is constantly apologizing, doubling down, or joking about said comments eventually getting her "canceled". This has obviously aged poorly. Kyo, as stated in my feelings towards the first point, is also someone who will never understand the experiences and culture of Black Americans, no matter how much "that's crazy" comes out of his mouth. Despite this, he is perceived by many to be Black. Hell, when I watched his debut live one of my Black girlfriends and I were almost 100% in our automatic assertion that he was Black and that he was likely the first Black member of Nijisanji, which excited us.
The nature of Kyo's performance of Blackness as a white man happening parallel to Enna's constant controversial tongue getting her into mini-scandals and leading up to them becoming a duo with a perceived fun dynamic as a result of their friendship was probably the most unfortunate concoction of circumstances that created this entire scenario. It was inevitable that, on the path she was taking, Enna would say something so foul that it'd be legitimately deeply problematic. It was also inevitable that Kyo would have to engage and contend with the fact that he is a non-Black person who, because of his performance of Blackness, is now perceived as such or at least perceived as having some sort of proximity to that identity. Their becoming friends simply caused both of these things to happen faster and at the same time with the other person's assistance.
3. Why is everyone saying "POC"? This is a BLACK issue. What managed to annoy me the most upon further inspection of the reaction to Enna's comments is that even other Black people, many of which have decently-sized platforms in the vtuber space, are not using the word Black when talking about this and other similar situations. This has nothing to do with people of color in general in terms of who the targets, victims, and affected are. This is about BLACK people.
Enna was not thinking of anything other than Black people when she made comments about Kyo sounding like he listens to Snoop Dogg and eats fried chicken with his friends. She was calling on old and tired stereotypes about Black people that she likely learned from media depictions of Black people and culture as well as the societal normalization of those ideas.
Black should not be a scary or dirty word to use. When we are talking about issues that specifically affect Black people, seeing everyone say that it affects "POC" genuinely ticks me off because it's a term that was made with the purpose of describing the experiences of more than just one particular group of people but is being used now in place of just saying which particular group's issues you are talking about.
What Enna said was anti-BLACK. Vtubers are constantly being exposed for anti-BLACKness. The issue is anti-BLACK racism and not something that applies to all people of color in this particular instance.
I believe that a lot of people are not equipped with the words, knowledge, and information to engage with this discussion in a way that is deeper than acknowledging that it happened and was really shitty for like a week or even a month before we move on to a new vtuber controversy or graduation or what have you. Obviously, Enna is not the first and will not be the last vtuber to say some very anti-Black shit. But I think there needs to be a wider community discussion for both vtubers and fandoms about why this continues to occur and how to get it to not happen nearly as often. Or at the very least when it does happen, there shouldn't be people en masse defending whoever perpetuated harm by calling people "sensitive" and "thin-skinned" for being hurt by literal racism.
The hesitancy of vtuber spaces to discuss "politics" has caused a weird perpetual cycle of something fucked up happening involving a vtuber's words or actions relating to social justice and political issues getting them massive hate and/or being defended by others at the same time with a surface-level discussion of the grievance being had, but ultimately not going any deeper than "this is good/bad and vtubers should remain apolitical beyond saying hate is bad".
This cycle is going to continue for as long as everyone wants to pretend their oshi doesn't have or shouldn't have any sort of political opinions, ideas, or beliefs. But instead of any sort of effort being made to address the inherent issues with this way of looking at content creators especially, we talk about it as though we care for a bit and then go hee and haw about Vox getting hate for saying water tastes like piss on Twitter or something. It's incredibly frustrating and I know the same thing is gonna happen here, which just makes me feel tired.
I honestly have a lot more thoughts but this post is already an essay so I'll probably make another post later about my other thoughts because I have Many.
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bandtrees · 4 months
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the mr beast extension has created a thumbnail that made me laugh so hard my body started hurting
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eastgaysian · 1 year
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twistedappletree · 8 months
mfw i’m only 16 and have single-handedly made several of the most powerful cultivators cry simply by calling them stupid and telling a few “yo mama” jokes without any repercussions from the elders of my own clan who let me do/say whatever the hell i want because they’ve given up on trying to stop me
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orbch · 2 months
I'm obsessed with your artstyle, I love your sander sides content. can you draw your fav shipps or duos?
firstly, thank you so much!!! secondly.. my favorite sasi ships?? mine? my faves??? well shit okay… cant deny that request,
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prinxiety, moceit, and logince for the soul. also ive been wanting to draw the sides in different outfits lately just for fun and this was like. perfect..
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sandflakedraws · 3 months
do you plan on drawing douru anymore? He’s a big inspo for a lot of my current oc’s and I love how he’s built!
he's still kickin!
i don't post about him too much, but i still draw him a fair amount~ to this day he remains the easiest OC i have to draw.
and also the saddest/wettest one.
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and there's also this fun mashup of interests ahaha. you can tell it's an early troll drawing from the way i rendered his nose
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beetroot-merchant · 1 year
petition to make cishetallo the norm instead of just cishet please
edit: badly phrased post, apparently. my point is when referring to non-queer people, if you're not going to say non-queer, put an 'allo' somewhere in there. where you put it does not matter.
edit 2: the 'het' does not exclude ace people. demisexual homosexual: someone who only feels attraction to people of the same gender after they have formed an emotional connection.
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brionysea · 1 year
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he would do numbers on tumblr
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anderperries · 11 days
who else up performing post birth abortions by executing babies?
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stars-and-birds · 1 year
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enden-k · 4 days
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im going to EAT HIM
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eastgaysian · 1 year
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todayimfour · 7 days
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And headcannons because mwah I love you 💕
I feel like he'd just describe his regression as "having some kid time"
Okay so no set age range, he's just a kid! Sometimes he's younger than others but he's fairly self sufficient.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't want to be babied!! And his regression is absolutely triggered (positively) by important people doting on him.
Grandma made cookies? "Sweet!! Thanks granny :)" Stan nodded approvingly at a repair he did? An almost silent "yuss"
He absolutely made a copy of Stan's hat out of paper and got really sad when the marker he used made the paper wet and thin so it didn't stay up right, but then he got the idea to use red construction paper and oh yeah it's coming together now!!
He's got one of those pens with a bunch of colours and uses it to doodle little ninja dudes on sticky notes, they're all cutting fruit and he leaves the sticky notes everywhere.
Also it's fun to take apart and put back together as a fidget.
"hey dudes I found this pen with like- nine different colors. I could draw so many fruit ninjas with this- like apples or strawberries or.. hey I need to look up more fruits!"
His regression isn't very noticeable if that makes sense? Like he's just so openly regressed like half the time that no one bats an eye when he does something childish because 'thats just how Soos is'
He's got a favorite cup and it's an off brand snack cup that has the spot for your snacks built into the lid. Stan bought a bunch for the store with the mystery shack logo and one had a defect so he let Soos keep it
He uses it basically every day, all the time, everywhere. "It's just so convenient!!"
Throughout the series (or I guess as summer progresses) Stan gets closer with Soos and I think this plays into Soos's regression in a positive way. Stan doesn't exactly become his caregiver but he watches for Soos, makes sure he's doing okay and draws with him from time to time.
(⁠人 ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)⁠。⁠*゚•
The board was made using PicsArt! None of the art was mine it was all found on the app!
Side note, for anyone curious, I'm still not really back from my hiatus. I'm trying to front more, I really am. Dennys is still the host for now- I was just supposed to front for a little bit and then I saw that Gravity Falls was kicking again on Tumblr so I had to make this. Have a great day/night!! -Ghostly
Tags!!! Aaa!! I have a taglist now I guess :D
@nottapossum @grauntiemotersblog
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swiftmitsu · 4 months
hello!! hi guys, this is important
(and no i’m not a proshipper. that’s all im going to say.)
please don’t ever fucking dox ANYONE.
you don’t like a certain person’s content?
just block and forget.
you don’t like a certain person?
just block and forget.
there is no reason you should be actively exposing the location of people that you don’t like.
absolutely nothing GOOD has ever come from doxing anyone.
you have no idea how dangerous things like this can be.
the internet is permanent.
whatever you put up on the internet will BE PERMANENT.
be careful what you do on the internet. please.
look, i get that many people don’t like the works of proshippers.
and that’s FINE. you can have your opinion.
you can’t really do anything about it.!!
just fucking ignore them. BLOCK them if you don’t want to see their content.
you’re not gonna be some sort of ‘hero’ for getting rid of someone you dislike.
you are putting so many people in danger.
please. just be nice. it really isn’t that hard.
i love you all, please stay safe and be nice to each other. we need more kindness in this world. 💛💛
edit: if you want to assume things about me. don’t. talk to me privately first. don’t spread rumours please.💛
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sandflakedraws · 26 days
The way I describe Branch to people who haven't seen these movies is "the only troll openly cognizant of his role as a prey animal"
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thou-babbling-brook · 4 months
Ubisoft try to portray characters as their actual ages challenge: level impossible
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