#tai lung is goated
sh4rkbug · 6 months
Same Energy
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bietrofastimoff23 · 6 months
absolutely no one:
the chameleon, aka tailungology nerd:
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amazingrich101 · 7 months
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the-masked-reviewer · 6 months
Kung Fu Panda 4 (2024) Review
potential spoilers ahead...
For starters, I don't think this was a movie that needed to be made. It is not much of a story, if it qualifies at all. the whole thing feels more like an (overly)extended episode of one of the series rather then it's own movie. And was either poorly paced and slow or it was just straight up boring.
Now for an actual explanation. Starting with a community of Goats was a great idea, but I will admit the only reason I think that is because I love goats and am easily bought. Showing Tai Lung attacking the goats with the shots framed to make it difficult to see that he's actually covered in scales instead of fur is an awesome way to introduce the audience to the new villain, even if the execution wasn't great. The lighting and lack of emphasis make it difficult to notice and make out those details. And it isn't explained until later in the movie, after you know who the Chameleon is, when Po finds Tai Lung's footprints that slowly shrink into Not Tai Lung Footprints(TM). Throughout the movie the Chameleon never feels villainous, even as she is doing the Big Bad Thing and in the final fight. It makes it difficult to see the stakes as real and as ultimate as its supposed to. I do really like the consistency of the scales every time she shapeshifts, it looks cool and is a fun way to showcase shapeshifting visually.
Po has no real development in this story. He's supposed to be learning how to teach and not approach every conflict with violence. In the entire movie we see him teach the fox, his sidekick prisoner trainee person, ONE thing, and attempt diplomacy(if you can call a single line that is not entirely non-aggressive that) twice, failing both times. At the end of the movie its treated as though he has become the spiritual leader he begrudgingly set out to become, but in reality nothing changed and there was no lesson for Po, or anyone really including the audience, to learn from the adventure that was had. Jack Black (the god that he is) was great, but this doesn't feel like a movie about Thee "Kung fu Panda". The other movies all have Po going on adventures that teach about believing in yourself, creating a family, self confidence, and more. This movie's lack of clear message and hope feels like a major let down from such a positive children's series.
As for the fox, I didn't like or care about her at all. She was annoying, and I know that's Awkwafina's shtick or whatever, but you can't expect anyone, even young kids, to like or care about the annoying criminal that shows no redeeming qualities until the last ~40 minutes with that quality being questionably redeeming. She meets Po when he catches her stealing and she does nothing but cause problems and be annoying from then to the point where (Surprise!) she double crosses him. She only fights on his side in the end because of the classic reasoning, she didn't know anyone would get hurt. Things are classic for a reason, but here it all feels extremely superficial and cheap.
Shout out to literally every scene with Li and Ping, Po's goose and panda dads respectively. They were, and are, hands down the best scenes in the entire movie. They're the only times I actually had fun watching the movie and it would've been greatly improved if the movie was just a buddy adventure between them and not everything else.
They definitely suffered for the lack of The Furious Five. Even the in universe explanations for where they were were flimsy and bad. Its clear DreamWorks just wanted a quick, cheap, easy money maker and weren't willing to shell out the money for the voice actors.
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l-flyhight · 11 months
Im getting rather annoyed
No. Everyone has the right yo ship what they want. Whatever brings you joy. This is but my opinon thats it. No judgement no shame. Im venting.
Now im a bit of a multishipper. Like to see some diversity in art you know? But never have i met such people that are so angry or vicious as tipo shippers. Kung fu panda po x tigress
Where do i start with this? Never in the course of the films have at any point do they show or hint that their crushing on each other. No romantic coded scenes. Nothing. So thats unfortunate why i don't see what all you lovley people see because i dont.
Tigress tai lung and po are conected in the parent upbringing sibling cycle. But hey ship whatever you want.
Now this is where people start to hate on me but let me clarify no hate nor disrespect to anyone. Im sick of looking at kung fu panda art and what? 97% of it is tigress? How abertary. Dull. What about the others? Do they not deserve as much attention? Clearly not.
As for the ship people get my goat "make it canon" blah blah. In the art of story telling to have it rondomly their into each other after like nothing? Makes for bad writing.
I do enjoy anything kung fu panda related but the ship for me anyway just doesn't fly. Those whom are super into the franchise are like yes they are but those who have seen all three films and enjoy them are like what? No.
Again if your going to ship them why on earth is tigress oc? Like shes all happy and silly? No.
Still here? Angry yet? Fuming because my trained animation degree with honors head doesnt comprehend what apparently im missing? Well thats ok.
Now i know alot of people who are actually nice but ive met vicious fans directing their hate towards me. Death threats. Vulgar language. The works. Made me just not want to draw anything kung fu panda related due to it.
Now recently due to the encouragement of others i did draw ship art. Dragon knight? Yes. Why? Because its actually hinted at in such a badly written way. I wont get into it. Thats a rant another time.
Now as something that i personally dont like and that goes across any anthro media is interspecies relations. Not a fan. However their ate acceptions to the rule and that has alot to do with the universe in which the fandom is set. BNA for example. The grimior of zero explains this perfectly, interspecies actually doesnt matter due to the world building. But in cases like zootopia or kung fu panda (films only) interspecies relationships arnt explored nor shown.
As for tipo po loves kung fu thats it. The only time he has ever shown any interest in a girl is meimei. Drops his baobao bun. Pupils dilate. yes theirs a but the illusion broke when she spoke soooo that doesn't really count.
Still here? Well good for you. still pissed at me for not conforming to liking what everyone else does? Well that too is ok.
If you ship tipo thats cool. Heck ive seen art. Some of its nice. Art is art and a ship diesnt define a person. But stop with the viciousness po will probably never end up with tigress. But thats a good thing. He doesnt end up with anyone. That way everyone wins. But the viciousness and anger and the make it canon because insert reaons here is so stupid.
Stuck around? Read my vent? Great. Please refrain from commenting anything vulgar towards my person and remember. Opinon.
Ship whatever you like. Awesome. Great.
Now piss off. Im tired.
(Brit humour)
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amphibiahawks321 · 2 months
You're a Ninjago fan! Rank your favorite villains from 1 to 5
1. Garmadon (No explanation needed his the goat and his son is one of my favourite characters...... laloyd)
2. Morro (Alternate universe tai lung)
3. Master Chen (It was a really difficult decision between Chen and morro because both are absolute fun and Amazing villains)
4. Overlord (I'm gonna get attacked....)
5. Pythor (they seriously start off pythor's character as a cannibal and I love that)
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owashicomix · 6 months
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Tai Lung the goat. That's all I gotta say.
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crescentbea02 · 1 year
May I present you,
Zhan, the black and white blade. (kfp4 OC)
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"If you cannot join them, beat them."
Zhan is a panda who, many others, could escape from Shen's attacks with the sacrifice of her parents. They left her on a boat that eventually sailed in a Valley from the other of the country.
Zhan grows up by herself, stealing in the streets of the Valley. She learns how to survive and to defend herself using the martial arts she observes the kung fu masters doing.
She never knew where she came from, nor was she curious to find out. After having to teach herself to survive, she put the idea behind her head and decided to only focus on her future. She wished for something greater than her life. She wanted to learn Kung Fu. She had spent her early years watching the fighters of her valley and was practically self taught. Even if she had always difficulties due to her body type.
After Oogway sees her potential during a robbery attempt when he passes on that valley, he presents her to Master Goat. She is then subjected to physical and psychological violence, discrimination because of her body and species.
She grows hatred over her body type, and hates herself every morning for being the way she is.
Until, one day, Zhan nearly kills him in a desperate moment of humiliation and pain. So he expells her from her guidance.
By developing her own combat style while training with "Master" Crow, a crow who trains steet fighters for money, and the "villain" of the movie, she enters in the world of street fighting, and becomes feared in that underground due to her offensive, dirty and irrational fighting. In order to compensate because of her disadvantages. Since pandas and are not exactly the most "fit" warriors. And while Po knows how to live with it, she does not and hates herself for her body.
To cope with her inecurities, she acts cocky, charismatic and with a dark sense of humor. But Zhan is very vengeful, powerthirsty and ambitious. Ahe has no trouble killing to get what she wants, neither to betray those who are close to her. Zhan kills her old master in a challenged battle, and is planning to use Crow for power in the new kung fu order he is creating. Even if Po thinks shes being manipulated by her master and believes theres good in her.
I think she would be great to explore the morally grey areas of KFP. Like maybe we can figure out that the masters arent as good as they thought and actually held them accountable for their actions. She and Master Crow's other students, "The Black Feathers", who are basically a big villain family.
Zhan appears to be kind of a rival to Po, but it is such a challenge since they both are pandas. Po just discovered Pandas were alive and he cant help but to feel like it's just wrong to fight her and tries his hardest to turn her to the "good side". He will need to put his emotions to the side to be able to rise against her. Zhan obviously knows that and uses that to her advantage. Until, she gets tired of his persistence and is just like "Dude I already betrayed you twice"
Really deep inside, she is not entirely bad and doesn't do anything to innocent people and her want for power actually had some pure reasons, like wanting to make all people be able to do kung fu and to give a voice to those who don't have any. When she isn't able to outsmart all the new order her master wants to make, she eventually joins forces with Po, The Five and Tai Lung.
-she loves dumplings;
-her relationship with Po is basically this:
Po: I trusted you!!
Zhan: Why?
-she is a joker and loves to tease and to make fun of people;
-none of the black feathers could stand her at first because they found her full of herself and even though they still find her annoying, they've grown to rely on her;
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skrutskie · 1 year
The official playlist for THE SALVATION GAMBIT is live!
Before The Salvation Gambit was anything, it was a playlist. Back in 2018, when I was first clobbering together the notion of a team of women getting sentenced to life aboard a mind-warping warship, I had a crystal clear vision for a grungy rock soundtrack that coalesced around tracks like the Gary Clark Jr. cover of Come Together and Thunderpussy’s Speed Queen. The project went on hold for a few years, and when it was finally time to swing back around it, the playlist came back to life, its sound evolving alongside the draft until it reached its final form, which I now present for your listening pleasure.
Like all of my book playlists, it’s a pretty eclectic mix (in my defense, it’s never incorrect to include Bonnie Tyler’s Holding Out For A Hero and the Bo Burnham song FITS), and it’s arranged roughly in story order. Enjoy!
Sympathy For The Devil - The Rolling Stones
Wage Wars Get Rich Die Handsome - The Mountain Goats
Hot Mess - Friday Pilots Club
Let’s go to Hell - Tai Verdes
Invaders Must Die - The Prodigy
Come Together - Gary Clark Jr., Junkie XL
Feel It Still - Portugal. The Man
Speed Queen - Thunderpussy
I’m So Sorry - Imagine Dragons
Easier than Lying - Halsey
Raise Hell - Dorothy
The Devil You Know - X Ambassadors
Seize the Power - YONAKA
Don’t Go Dark - Bleachers
The Lighthouse - Halsey
Venus Fly Trap - MARINA
Chapstick - COIN
YES MOM - Tessa Violet
Honey Lungs - Said The Whale
Choke - Royal & the Serpent
I am not a woman, I’m a god - Halsey
Shade of Yellow - Griff
Everlasting Light - The Black Keys
Boss Bitch - Doja Cat
Demons - Hayley Kiyoko
Breakdown - Tessa Violet
Holding Out for a Hero - Bonnie Tyler
Hell of a Ride - Bo Burnham
Knock Me Out - Vintage Trouble
How You Like Me Now - The Heavy
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I didnt realize how much I needed that rewrite of kung fu panda 2. I never considered how closely po's arc tied in with tigresses, and I just accepted that the goat guided him as a wise teacher, rather than tigress as someone who /knew/ him and his past deeply.
What gets me is the movie knew Tigress had that connection. It had HER be the one talking to Po on the boat, HER be the one he opened up too about finding out he was not just adopted, but maybe abandoned.
It had Tigress put aside her confusion at Po being shocked his goose dad isn't his 'dad', and take his pain seriously. No judgment. No joke. Just, understanding.
The movie even hinted at something I know know is from the Secrets of the Furious Five short- That Tigress was left at an orphanage until Shifu started training her. The movie almost has her says it, she was abandoned, she was orphaned, she was given a home.... and then the other five jump in and it's back to jokes and stuff. They aren't the ones who understand what Po's going through. She is.
AND WITH MR. PING, PO'S DAD. The movie SHOWS Tigress knew Ping adopted Po. But when Po's leaving, and Ping's so clearly upset and scared- Tigress makes a point to promise him that Po will be back soon. She clearly treats him as Po's dad, because he IS, and she also clearly values that relationship.
She doesn't have a father. Shifu took her in, but never once in the movies do address or treat each other as anything other than close student and teacher. It's hinted in the first movie that she WISHES Shifu would think of her more the way he did Tai Lung. But she doesn't have that.
So here she is again. Po, again, has something she wishes she could have. First it was being the Dragon Warrior, now, being openly loved by a doting adopted father.
And she. Is kind to Po. She HUGS him later.
He's her friend now, after all.
If Shen's mistake was clinging to his past and refusing to see it in a different light, if Po's mistake was going down the SAME path by letting his need to discover his past nearly get himself KILLED, if Tai Lung's mistake was letting his past pain of being shaped for a destiny that was then denied him
Then Tigress is the only one of these orphans who got it right.
She accepted that she could not be like Shifu, she accepted that she could not fill Tai Lung's place in Shifu's heart, she accepted her failure to STOP Tai Lung, and she accepted, in the end, that this seemingly random person would take up the role she had spent her whole life training for. She let go of the past, for the sake of the present.
And I think that was what she said when she gave Po that hug and told him she understood him, but she couldn't watch him die.
Because he is her friend. Friends are the only family Tigress has EVER had, and instead of focusing on what she's never had she holds on to what IS here now. Shifu. The Furious Five. Po.
The soothsayer was WRONG, Po was never meant to beat Shen in a fight. He was never meant to do anything!
Shen killed himself! He would rather be squished by the very weapon he made for his own protection than be defeated! Than be WRONG! He was defeated by a warrior of black and white- HIMSELF.
Po overcame him when he chose not to go down the same self destructive path. THAT'S Po's win. Not the canon ball throwing.
And Tigress should have gotten him there. The Movie put in scene after scene of her in relation to Po's adoption angst, of her protecting him, of her having something to say and twice not having the time to say it.
The third time, she should have almost died making sure Mr. Ping's son would come home.
The third time, it should have just been her and Po on that little boat, no interruptions or jokes, and she should told him her story. Which is also his story.
Orphans is what they are. But WHO they are, is a choice they get to make.
Just like being the Dragon Warrior. Or, accepting that you are not the Dragon Warrior, and deciding to be his friend instead
Cue raindrop / tear catch.
I don't understand WHY the movie made so much effort to put her in Po's plot line, in such a specific way, and then..... not use her.
I don't understand why the soothsayer, who's whole emotional tie in was to Shen and his family, suddenly had to be the important person to Po.
I don't understand why, after showing how the loss of their friend broke Master Ox and Master Crocodile, and how Po doesn't get that, and how Tigress very much does...
....why he didn't get the moment of Oh when Tigress almost dies saving him. Why he didn't get a moment where he clearly sees that no, it's not just himself he's risking by chasing after his past like this. It's everything, and everyone, he has in his life NOW. Not just Tigress and the furious five, but also his dad, and oh yeah all of China too but whatever
And and and, Master Rhino's defense didn't work on the canon, got him killed
If Tigress faced off against it her style would be to attack- she doesn't take the full blow as a result but still nearly dies and at least gets SOME kind of big injury scar
So what would that leave Po to try? Po, the Kung Fu nerd?
Can't block it. Can't break it. Can't run from it forever....
So. Redirect it.
it's such a pretty and funny and cool and BEAUTIFUL film but it makes me so mad i aklsfdjfjdkjfsbfsjkfsfsnarrrrrrrrrrrrr
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Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness - "Shifu's Ex"
Episode 44 overall
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When Shifu's ex-girlfriend Mei Ling returns to the palace, Po tries to get them back together.
To answer Po’s question as to why Shifu is so reluctant to have deep relationships:
His Father leaving him
Mei Ling having different morals
Tai Lung!
Look at that, a body swap episode in which voices don't switch. Hallelujah! Thank God Shifu and Mai Ling didn't do anything creepy when they switched bodies. I'm so glad they kept their own personalities, body language, and way of speaking. Mei Ling had to correct herself to not look too suspicious.
Po and Tigress recognized Shifu's fighting style was great.
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Good episode. Watch it if the idea of Shifu having a girlfriend doesn’t scare you.
Villains: Mei Ling is Catwoman kind of villain. Foxwoman? The villain that has a thing for a hero but loves jewelry too much. She’s a great villain. 
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Still counting!
Interspecies relationships in Kung Fu Panda:
Mantis and a caterpillar/butterfly. 02
A pig female and a duck male married couple. 13
Mr. Ping, a duck, and all his girlfriends, Mrs. Yoon a goat, a pig, a mantis, a water buffalo, and Lady Scorpion. 15
Tigress's crush on Shifu 17
Sung, a snow leopard, tries to seduce Po, a Panda 23
Crane has a crush on Bai Li, a female pig 26
Tigress and The Midnight Stranger (Tigress didn't know who he was and lost interest when she found out it was Po. If she found out it was any other guy she might still have been interested.) 32
Monkey has a crush on Ming, an Ibex girl. (Finally! I know what animal Woo is!)  Monkey used to have a bunny as a girlfriend.  And many more. 42
Shifu, a red panda, dated a Mei Ling, a fox. Also, Mantis and Zeng, a duck, show interest in her. 44
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bietrofastimoff23 · 5 months
Tai Lung is the GOAT cause it was only because of his dramatic ass running over to Shen and Kai from his seat that we got the big three on the same screen.
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so that you understand, initially he was with these guys.
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SBI Kung Fu Panda AU!
Raccoon Tommy lives with Goat Tubbo, who owns a bee cafe.
Philza, Techno, and Wilbur (crow, pig, and fox respectfully) are a famous kung fu family. (Also includes fundy and ranboo)
Schlatt is basically Tai lung. Wilbur tried teaching him kung fu but it ended badly. Phil then decided kung fu can only be taught to family members.
Tommy is seen as a trouble maker and thief in the village. One day, during Wilbur's birthday party (think of the dragon warrior event in the movie). Tommy trys to break into the temple to steal something. Cue most of the things Po did. During that, Tommy saw Techno(?) Doing kung fu and fell in love with it.
That led to Tommy sneaking into temple most everyday to watch the family train. Tommy would be amazed by everyone, and also tries to mimic the kung fu moves.
He makes a mistake one day and falls into the training area and caught.
Cue found family sbi shit!
That's as far as I got.
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vaijayantheee · 3 years
Tigress for the Panchakanya meme (I’m the OP!)
Yesss! Thank you for the ask, and also letting me use this gem, I love it so much it has my heart!!! (Also I tried lol - Tigress is amazing)
an important first for them || deception || disguise || something they waited for || kill two birds with one stone
Tigress' mind would wander often as she practised meditation on one leg, thinking about her time at the Garnet Palace, slaving under Master Mugan’s strict and unfriendly Kung Fu training. Although she didn’t like to admit it in front of Po, she was extremely grateful that he had come all the way to convince her to return to the Jade Palace, even promising that he’ll become more disciplined if it’d help. The walk back home had proved to Tigress that there is more to life than Kung Fu, and that is learning how to burp the whole alphabet perfectly. 
one grudge they held || favorite hairstyle || baptism of fire || five finger discount || one big change that they wrought
When the other kids at the orphanage looked at her with fear, little Tigress couldn’t help but lose control over herself, and her supposed power, as her shadow in her dark room loomed over herself. She’d scratch at the walls in her bedroom, the only companions to her lonely agony, until a small man came with a set of dominoes, something she had only tried playing once and given up after it took too long and she spotted from the side of her eye, a little goat hiding behind a pillar, tremblingly looking at the dominoes, waiting for her to finish. 
friends are the family we choose for ourselves || green thumb || captive audience || no good deed goes unpunished || true blue
That flabby panda could never defeat Tai Lung, Tigress thought as she jumped nimbly over the roofs of the Valley of Peace without the knowledge of the sleeping citizens. When the nearby sound of a slither and the flap of wings landed on her sharp ears, it was only for a second that she doubted that they would try to stop her, but the Furious Five would always be on the same page, and that night, excitement rung around them as an adventure, and the defeat of Tai Lung, was just around the corner. 
one prediction they made || communal cup || one injury/wound/illness they healed or cured || on the tail end || keen acumen
Last time they had faced Shen, Po had got himself too hurt for Tigress to let them face one another again. Leaving him safe in Gongmen Jail was the only plan she could think of that had at least a slight chance of working, trusting Po. So when she saw him at the top of the Gongmen workshop, doing exactly what she didn’t want him to do, speaking with that evil peacock, it was only fair that she got him out of there as soon as possible, fighting every gorilla and wolf who came in the way between her and her oh-so-vulnerable friend.
frog in boiling water || mother lode || hospitality in a time of war || one time they intervened || labor of love
Po had just took one of Shen’s bombs to his chest, and Tigress had just recovered from the assumption that he had been dead. She couldn’t possibly let him take another one and that too at this close of a range. It was something only the hardcore could physically pull off, as she pushed him away and saw white. 
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vriskabot · 4 years
PLEASE KUNG FU PANDA POST 1 and 2 are two of my faovurite movies of all time they're so fucking good, and tai lung is the fucking GOAT
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owashicomix · 8 months
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I usually use Clip Studio Paint to draw. But today I decided to do something different and use Adobe Illustrator. It was incredibly difficult to use but adobe is the top art program for graphic design (For some reason.) So trying to familiarize with it more. I rewatched Kung Fu Panda 1 recently and Tai Lung is the goat. Soooo here ya go.
P.S: Yes I am aware this looks like dogshit. Adobe Illustrator is hard.
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