#tai was so happy to meet clover
lieu-rey · 4 years
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this is engaged au but tai finally meets clover!! q
what day is fairgame week on
day 3???
family/weapons that's not right is it
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astro-b-o-y-d · 2 years
DTLS AU Volumes
Well, since I now have everything all organized for the most part, I can finally drop the links here.
I’ve finally gone through and (for the most part) gathered as many of the links for the threads in the DTLS AU as I can. By that I mean, all the main volumes, most of the Interstitials, and a handful of funny chats between characters outside of that.
So I’ll go ahead and make a nice, easy-to-access post with all of them. In case anyone’s been looking to actually read mine and Theo’s fun little crossover AU, but struggled with keeping up due to it being a bit unorganized.
I’m putting everything under a readmore, just so I’m able to go in and edit as we go, or when I eventually find more links to add. And at some point, I might also add the link to the proper DTLS AU ‘Wiki’ we’ve been working on once its a bit more fleshed out.
But with all that said, links to everything are below. Enjoy the fruits of our labor over the past few years! Also apologies if you have to scroll a bit on each post, that’s on Tumblr’s end and we can sadly only do so much.
Volume 1
James and Qrow Interstitial
The Gizmoduck Meeting/Lucky Duck Interstitial
Volume 2
Akita Interstitial
Fenton and Clover Conversation - Hunts-Man
Fenton and Harriet Conversation  - Seeking Help and Trashing Mark Beaks
Fenton and Clover Conversation - Protozoa Concert
Fenton and Clover Conversation - Flirting
Fenton and Clover Conversation - Podcast Talk
Fenton and Clover Conversation - Animal Crossing Date
Training Jaune Interstitial
Qrow and James Fawning Over Babies Interstitial
Volume 3
Scheebirds Move Into The Manor Interstitial
Volume 4
Interim - After The Halloween Fight Volume 5
Murder Trio Moves Into The Bin Interstitial Volume 6
Skittles Interstitial Volume 7
Gyro and Harriet Conversation - Discussing Events After The Fall Of Amity
Gyro and Ruby Conversation - Jaune and Mercury Kissed
Gyro and Jaune Conversation - Jaune and Mercury Kissed
Gyro and Hazel Conversation - Gyro Is Very Tired From Dealing With These Teenage Romance Issues
Gandra Interstitial Volume 8
Dewey and Mercury Conversation - Sneaking Dewey into Goldilox Zone
Raven and Gyro Conversation - How Is Ruby?
Dewey, Whitley and Mercury - Battle Of The Bands Introduction
Fenton and Clover Interstitial - Special Surprises Group Chat - Emerald’s Got A Job And Also Wedding Stuff
Volume 9
Mercury and Gyro Conversation - More Romantic Woes
Jaune and Mercury Conversation - Discussing The Kiss
Mercury and Gyro Conversation - Source (?) Of The Apathy
Group Chat - Birthdays
Gyro and Emerald Conversation - Birthday
Dewey, Whitley and Mercury Conversation - PowerLine
Fenton and Clover Conversation - Hunt-ress Introduction
Mercury and Gyro Conversation - Dating’s Hard
Mercury and Boyd Conversation - Why Are You Eleven And Not Twenty-One?
Tai Birthday Interstitial - We’re Still Proud Of That DanganRonpa Pun
Volume 10
James’ Late Birthday Party Interstitial Volume 11
Fenton, Clover, Boyd, Emerald and Mercury Conversation - Hero Names
Gyro and Mercury Conversation - So The Last Group Had Dorky Suggestions For Names
Gyro Ask - Fatherhood Question Mark
Gyro and Mercury Conversation - Date Outfit Talk
Gyro Ask - ‘Dating’ A Werewolf 1/?
Gyro Post - People Really Want To Know What It’s Like Dating A Werewolf
Gyro Ask - I Think This Was When I Made Him His Own Blog, And Everyone Bombarded Him With Asks About His Lycanthrope Love Life. It Was Very Funny.
Gyro And Mercury Conversation - I Think He Was Giving Mercury A Pointed Look For A Jaune-Related Reason. I Think.
Gyro And Emerald Conversation - It Was Summer Around This Point And I Was Channeling My Rage For The Heat Into Gyro
Gyro Ask - People REALLY Wanted To Know About His Love Life, And He Was Not Happy.
Jaune and Mercury Conversation - Talk At The Hospital
Mercury And Gyro Conversation - Mercury Misses His Girlfriend Reese
Mercury And Gyro Conversation - Mercury Asks If He Can Invite Reese Over
Gyro and Ruby Conversation - Take That, Fourth Wall
Mercury And Gyro Conversation - Please Do Not Get Him Fired
Ruby And Gyro Conversation - Prometheus’ Memory
Gyro, Hazel and Mercury Conversation - Gyro Talks About Age And Flirts With Hazel
Winter (The Holiday) Interstitial
Gyro and Mercury Conversation - Gyro Helps Mercury Not Spend The Night On The Lab Floor
Louie and Oscar Conversation - More Speculation of Roman
Gyro Ask - Fear Of Screwing Up His Friendship With Ruby
Gyro And Ruby Conversation - She Peeks Over His Shoulder At The Sight Of Baby Boyd Blueprints
Gyro and Emerald Conversation - She Needs To Get Something For Mercury For Christmas
Gyro and Ruby Conversation - Would You Like To Meet Prometheus?
Gyro and Mercury Conversation - Scars Don’t Heal Like That Gyro and Emerald Conversation - Okay, But Pietro Can Get It
Gyro and Jaune Conversation - Jaune Finally Asks Mercury Out
Gyro and Mercury Conversation - Mercury Is Asked Out And Sus About It
Group Text - Road Crew For Neon Rainbow
Ella Interstitial
Gyro and Hazel Conversation - Hazel Being A Cute Christmas Direwolf
Emerald and Gyro Conversation - Whining About Christmas Shopping
James and Gyro Conversation - I Can’t Remember What Sparked It, But They’re Being Bitchy Friends And It’s Funny
Gyro and Mercury Conversation - I Don’t Know How To Hit On Him So Now He Has To Die
Ruby and Gyro Conversation - Gender Discussion
Volume 12
The Truth About Mercury + Roman Confides In Scrooge Interstitial
Gyro and Jaune Conversation - Christmas Gift For Mercury
Volume 13
Gyro and Mercury Conversation - Time Is An Illusion
Gyro and Mercury Conversation - The Joke Is He Shares A VA With Pure Vanilla Cookie
Gyro and Ruby Conversation - Prometheus’ Memory
Gyro and Mercury Conversation - Hey, Did You Know Non-Domesticated Hens Like To Trans Their Genders? I Just Think That’s Neat.
Gyro, Jaune and Mercury - The Boys Are Like…A Thing Now And It’s The Morning After The Battle Of The Bands
Fenton and Emerald Conversation - Friendship Bracelet
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nightlilly0110 · 3 years
Give me your headcanons on Fair Game-
Also what's your plans so far for FG Weekend?
Headcanons? Ooooooo boy. You asked for it. You’ll find a lot of this stuff in my fics.
Shameless self-promo? Where?
- I tend to think up a lot of scenarios where FG are either washing each other’s hair or sharing a bed. Ignore the fact I did this with Shigadabi too. It’s very clear what I was trying to do for Luck Be a Fickle Thing and shout out to the commenter that said “there’s only bed” because yeah. It’s that (and if you liked that you’re gonna enjoy “two bros chilling in a hot spring, five feet apart cause they’re not gay” when I get around to it). I just like them being soft and happy and I imagine that they like physical affection. They like to cuddle. They don’t want to let each other go.
- Going off of ^^ all that - Qrow is very touchy with people he likes. So family, mostly, and this stemmed from being friends with Summer, who is a hugger and would always hold his hand.
- Clover, being someone who is oriented around orders, is more comfortable with giving verbal affirmation. So Qrow is a doer, Clover is a talker. Good for Qrow, who has a praise kink.
- Qrow has never been in a serious, committed relationship before because he thinks his bad luck would’ve hurt them (or they would’ve hated him for his bad luck). Clover has never been in a long term relationship because a lot of partners try to use his good luck for themselves (that, and his job is a bit too demanding to make time). So they’re both dorks, but Clover is a little more well adjusted to having a partner at all.
- Qrow just gets nervous. Like really nervous. He thinks he’s gonna screw it up. Clover holds his hand? Panics. Clover kisses him? Panics. Clover tells him he’s pretty? Panics (Which is a mood. I think if I had a boyfriend I’d spontaneously combust Robyn if you read this don’t call me a Qrow kinnie I know I am just let me live). He also blushes hard. It’s just pink and red all the way down.
- Qrow likes gardening and finds it relaxing even though it’s a lot of work (as mentioned in Bound to You). Clover does know how to fish but he doesn’t consider it a hobby. He likes card games and learning especially complicated ones to ensure his luck won’t be able to effect the outcome. He prefers games of pure skill as well, but card games pass the time in the back of a truck. He likes those rigged games at carnivals because he knows if he loses then that’s him at his best without his luck (but he will not object to winning Qrow a plushie).
- Qrow has a few bird traits and he gifts random things to Clover (if you’ve read Birds of a Feather, you know what I’m talking about). Clover keeps each one and treasures them, even if it’s like a bottle cap or something.
- Clover knew Qrow’s name before they met. I like the headcanon that he’s like the Tony Hawk of Remnant. He geeked out a little when they were partnered (and it kinda lines up with Clover’s questions about STRQ on their first mission).
- Clover thought Qrow was handsome when they first met, but did nothing about it because he’s been fooled by pretty faces before. It took Qrow a while to see Clover as anything but a coworker or friend because he was still a little sore about the Ops arresting them, and then unsure what to do after finding out about Good Fortune.
- Clover’s grandfather, a fisherman, was an alcoholic, so he feels sympathetic to Qrow’s desire to get clean.
- Qrow is first to kiss Clover, but Clover is the first to say I love you.
- Qrow knows all the special dates in their relationship because he’s sentimental because he’s never has a relationship like this and wants to remember everything (this plays into Day One of Fair Game Weekend)
- They’re both absolutely disgusting with their affection. They don’t do PDA because it makes Qrow nervous but they are a bit mushy and once the excitement of them getting together wore off a lot of people start telling them to cut it out.
- So. Many. Luck. Puns. Tai would really like Clover.
- People think because Clover is wider that he’s the big spoon. Yes, but he also likes it when Qrow holds him. He sits in Qrow’s lap whenever possible.
- Qrow will sometimes turn into a bird and then tuck himself inside Clover’s shirt because Clover is a human heater (Why else would he be wearing a tank top in that weather?). One time he popped out of the neck hole during a meeting and Marrow started wheezing so hard he couldn’t breathe.
Okay. Fair Game Weekend.
So I chose the prompts Anniversary, Tattoos/Family, and Wishes.
I don’t want to give too much away, so I’ll start with titles. In order, they are-
All My Days
Bloom into You
Paper Stars
I’ve mentioned something as to what All My Days is, and one of my headcanons goes along with Bloom into You (and it’s not that hard to guess what it is). Paper Stars is a magic AU with fae Clover.
If you want anything specific, send another ask but my answers may vary depending on how spoiler-y they are. As of now, Bloom into You and Paper Stars are finished, but All My Days is still a WIP.
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theonceoverthinker · 3 years
500. As this daily series of mine comes to an end, I just want to reflect on all the MARRY time writing Fair Game HCs has brought me!
I’m freezing up as I’m trying to write even just this intro. I don’t feel ready. After a year and a half, how can I feel anything else? This series is now a part of me and ending it is like losing a piece of my soul. I have so many emotions -- too many emotions -- it doesn’t feel wrong to end the series here (The 500 milestone makes sense), but it hurts all the same.
Let me start with thank you to everyone whose read these. Seriously, I know I thank you occasionally, but I can’t do it enough. Knowing that there are people interested in what I write and think about these two and enjoy the happier life I’m paining them in the absence of canon just makes me feel so much less alone than usual. It means the world to me so please believe me when I say that I wouldn’t have gotten to 500 without each and every one of you, whether you were here from the beginning or just joined in whenever. 
I’m so happy to have finally reached this moment, but simultaneously so torn up about what that means.
Will I never do another Fair Game HC again? HECK NO! While the regular daily episodes are ending, if I find another topic that I want to Fair Game-i-fy, I will definitely make more episodes, and hopefully, before long, I will! I just need to take a break from the daily updates. I’ve hit burnout several times over the past year and a half and it’s not fun, so while I still have some energy to spare, I want to end the daily series on a high note!
Also, forgive me because I’m gonna cheat this as a submission for @fairgameweek2021 while I’m at it (If it’s not cool, then my apologies). The theme today is Charms/Dreams and while neither of these come up in the HC itself, this wedding and this series as a whole I think acts as a reflection of the dreams much of the Fair Game fandom had for this ship. 
When I say this, I don’t mean it in the sense of I’d be upset if not each and every one of these didn’t come true -- that’s never been what my love for Fair Game was about, nor that each and every Fair Game fan subscribes to these HCs (Good GOD, no -- not even close). Like many fans, I just wanted these two characters who deserved happiness (Especially Qrow given his almost unreal amount of trauma and hardships) and seemed like they’d finally found it with each other to get exactly that. So in the absence of canon, I hope people were able to take solace in this space and live in the daydreams I created for them here.
So here we are at long last: The Fair Game Wedding. If you want to follow the story thus far, you can check out my HC compilation page. I’ve highlighted all of the wedding HCs in green, and have fully caught up the HC list!
That said, if you don’t feel like reading all of them and just want to check out this last one, here’s the tldr for what you need to know: The wedding is taking place in the Amity communications tower (This HC series only follows canon until 7X11 for those who didn’t know because I only choose to acknowledge good writing (especially for Qrow and Clover) here), Tai is Qrow’s Best Man, Marrow is Clover’s Best Man, Robyn is officiating, Ruby’s walking Qrow down the aisle, Yang’s walking Clover down the aisle, Clover got Qrow a silver ring with four tiny encrusted emeralds, Qrow got Clover a dark ring with four tiny encrusted rubies, Qrow’s wearing an onyx tux with a white undershirt and a crimson bowtie and handkerchief, and Clover’s wearing a black tux with a white undershirt and a dark green bowtie and handkerchief. 
Okay! We’re good to go!
Well, for the last regularly-scheduled time, let’s get to it!
HC under the cut!
“Uncle Qrow! Help! We can’t find your shoes!”
Ruby’s cry is what wakes Qrow up.
What a way to start the day. He hasn’t even had coffee or breakfast yet and he’s already been tasked with finding his wedding shoes. Give him a break.
It then comes to attention that this is his wedding day. By the time he goes to bed, he and Clover will be married. 
His crankiness at being woken up and put to work so quickly doesn’t fully evaporate, but a lot of it does all the same. 
And as Qrow starts searching his temporary room to find his shoes, he can’t help but take note of the bubbling happiness under him.
It feels so weird to Clover to wake up in the Ace Ops’ suite. He’s stopped by from time to time since leaving the Atlesian Army, especially as he’s been planning his wedding, but staying over feels simultaneously nostalgic and bizarre. 
Mostly though, the odd feeling is one that stems from not waking up beside Qrow. It’s not that they haven’t slept apart, but whenever they have outside of their bachelor parties, it’s been for a mission.
Well, in all fairness, today’s at once a party and a mission, and by the end of it, he and Qrow will be back sleeping right beside each other.
Clover can just barely stand the wait.
The alter is beautiful. The whites and browns and red and greens come together so nicely. 
In an interesting surprise touch, Harbinger in its scythe form and Kingfisher in its rod form are tastefully placed right next to Tai and Marrow respectively. And on top of their handles, Qrow and Clover’s respective rings rest safely on each of their handles.
They’re both impressed, more so that their weapons were somehow sneak out and brought all the way to the communications tower without either’s knowledge.
Clover’s the first to arrive at Amity Tower. Tai and Marrow organized how Qrow and Clover would check in on things so they wouldn’t see each other until the ceremony. Though Clover found the superstition banal, he decides not to make a fuss about it today, not when there are more important things going on.
The sweet smell of flowers greets his nose. They’re all laid out so nicely, and possibly even more so in the reception hall. Clover looks to his and Qrow’s table, and then to his pants.
Marrow gave him back his phone this morning, and with Marrow temporarily busy in the bathroom, Clover sends Qrow a quick text before he returns.
Clover: Everything looks perfect up here, but I bet you’ll look even better. See you soon. ;) 
Qrow arrives a bit later than expected...which for him was anything but unexpected. Between finding his shoes, Tai insisting on ironing his suit (”I swear, there was a wrinkle on it this morning!), making sure he got a good meal in him, cramming everyone into Tai’s car, and dealing with traffic, it’s amazing they got there when they did.
By the time Qrow gets there, the caterers are starting to arrive and their cake is on its way over, too!
Though Qrow initially felt his scroll buzz in the car, he’s unable to look at it until now. He sees Clover’s text in between the tons of congratulations messages, and smiles.
He’s such a dork.
But he’s Qrow’s dork.
Qrow: You know it. ;) See you soon.
Far too much time is spent for either of their taste’s getting into their suits and going over their entrances and everything (Though given how their rehearsal went, neither can be too annoyed).
Both meet their respective halves of the wedding party and soon enough...it’s time.
Robyn’s the first to enter. She has a basic script in her hand, but everyone knows she’s gonna do some ad-libbing and are excited for it.
Qrow walks down the aisle first with Ruby. The whole time, he can’t but hold his breath behind his smile, worried he might trip. Ruby, who can now fully tell how her uncle operates, holds his arm tighter and more supportively. Qrow would be lying if he said it didn’t help. Upon reaching the front, Ruby gives Qrow a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before leaving his side.
After he arrives, the two sets of groomsmen enter side-by-side: Marrow and Tai, Elm and Port, Vine and Oobleck, and Harriet and Theodore (Yeah, I know basically nothing about Theodore, but I realized my numbers for Qrow’s groomsmen didn’t add up to Clover’s, and I hear the two of them got along, so we’re doing this!).
Once they’re in position, Clover enters with Yang. Clover, like Yang, holds his breath, but for a different reason. Qrow looks so impossibly good in his suit, and he can tell Qrow really likes how he looks, too. Like Ruby with Qrow, before leaving to join her sister, Yang gives Clover a hug and cheek kiss, but also a nice pat on the shoulder and a wish for “good luck.” Clover loves the sensation.
Clover whispers under his breath that Qrow looks amazing. Qrow thanks him, throwing a wink at Clover. Clover looks as stunned by it as Qrow did when he did it the first time.
Ceremony stuff happens, and then we get to the vows!
Robyn signals for Qrow to go first. He nods at her and begins.
“Clover,” Qrow says. “I want to say something to you, something that I never thought I would, especially here of all places, but something that feels like it should be said all the same. ...Here it goes. Clover, we don’t have to get married.” 
There’s a pause as everyone watching gasps. Clover is the only one who doesn’t, though he does raise and eyebrow. Qrow maintains eye contact with him and continues.
“It’s true,” he says. “We know we’re going to be together for the rest of our lives. I’m not leaving you, you’re not leaving me, and once this is all over, we’re going to go right back to the same home we’ve spent years building together to build even more of it for as long as we can. We’ll get up, make breakfast and coffee, work, come home, watch TV, and go to bed. Maybe we’ll do different things on the weekends with Tai and the kids, or maybe we’ll just relax on the couch with a movie. So no, we don’t need to get married...but that’s exactly why I want to.”
The sighs of relief are close to deafening, and expecting that, Qrow takes another pause. Clover’s smile is beautiful, not beaming of exceedingly large, but radiant as it has ever been. Qrow hopes that whoever their planner organized to record their wedding captures it because it’s a smiles Qrow imagines he’ll want to look at over and over again.
“It’s exactly because we don’t need to throw a ceremony or a big party to show the world we love each other that makes me want to do just that,” Qrow continues. “A love like what we have, one that’s special because of all the things that don’t make it special just as much as all of the things that do, well to me, that’s a love worth celebrating. I love you, Clover, and I love the fact that being here with you gives me another chance to celebrate how we feel, how far we’ve come, and how much further we’ll go.”
There are tears in the corners of Clover’s eyes threatening to fall any second. Qrow feels that his own are on the verge of doing the same.
Clover pull him in for a hug. They know it’s not what they’re supposed to do, but it feels right and that’s all that matters. It lasts for ten seconds before they finally pull back.
Robyn’s looking at them jokingly. 
“You know you’re not supposed to do that yet, right?”
“Eh,” Qrow says, shrugging with a smirk on his face. “We’re unconventional.”
“Except when we’re not,” Clover chimes in, winking at Qrow over the joke.
Robyn, smiling all the while, rolls her eyes.
“Clover, it’s your turn,” she says. The two exchange nods and then Clover turns to Qrow. 
“Qrow,” he starts, “I definitely saw my life differently before I met you. I was an Atlesian Military Captain of the kingdom’s strongest group of Huntsmen, likely to stay just where I was until I retired or died in combat. That’s what I saw for myself, and that’s all I saw for myself. In that life, I didn’t see a home, I didn’t see a family, and I never saw someone I loved so much that I’d leave everything I thought I knew behind just to stand by his side. But once I met you and the kids, I began to see all sorts of things that I’d never considered for myself before -- all of those things I just listed and more. That’s the life we’ve had together so far -- deep, kind, strange, fun, sometimes a bit mundane but also beautiful because of it. I’ve got to tell you, Qrow, I can’t think of anything luckier happening to me in my entire life than finding you.”
Qrow snorts. It’s not an interruption, but Clover can’t help but comment on it. 
“I guess you saw that coming?” Clover jokes. 
“Maybe a bit.”
“Fair enough. Well, I don’t need to tell you that with semblances like ours, luck’s always been a special thing between us. Misfortune and Good Fortune just have a way of being part of our lives, no matter what we think or plan or want. We’ve talked before about how they counter each other or why one might be more powerful than the other on any given day, but while luck might have been what brought us together as partners initially and it certainly is part of us, it’s not all of us. Luck has some interesting perks, both good and bad alike -- it can make a day or even week better or worse -- but it can’t get either of us what we have together nor take it away. Luck doesn’t earn me the sight of that gleam in your eyes when I bring you a bowl of noodles just the way you like or that smile of yours when I tell you tell you a joke. Luck helps us live our lives, but we do the rest, and I think we do a pretty good job living it together, and I can’t wait to keep on doing it with you for the rest of our lives.”
A good number of the attendants make an “awwww” sound at the end of Clover’s vows. Qrow’s tempted to make fun of it, but abstains.
Robyn nods at the conclusion of her vows. Tai and Marrow collect the rings for Qrow and Clover from off of the weapons and bring them to them. Robyn then turns to Clover.
“Clover Ebi,” she says. “Do you take this man, Qrow Branwen, to be your lawfully-wedded husband -- to love, cherish, and grow with him in sickness and in health and for better or worse as long as you both shall live?”
Clover’s smile is present. It doesn’t get bigger, but it gets deeper. 
“I do,” he says. Qrow takes Clover’s ring and slides it easily onto Clover’s finger.
Robyn turns to Qrow.
“And Qrow Branwen,” she continues. “Do you take this man, Clover Ebi, to be your lawfully-wedded husband -- to love, cherish, and grow with him in sickness and in health and for better or worse as long as you both shall live?”
Qrow’s smile stays the same -- relaxed, easy, and so utterly content. Despite seeing it hundreds of times by now, it still looks so beautiful to Clover...especially when he says the next two words.
“I do.”
Qrow extends out his hand, and Clover, with the ring he got him, slides it down Qrow’s flawless finger effortlessly.
Robyn’s smile grows.
“Then by the power vested in me by the Kingdom of Solitas and the land of Remnant, I now declare you husbands. You may now kiss.”
Qrow and Clover have kissed more times than they can possibly count.
But by the time Robyn declares them married, they’re starving to feel each other’s kisses again. Cupping each other’s cheeks, Qrow and Clover share their first kiss as a married couple.
Everyone cheers. A quarter of the room cheers through their tears.
Finally, they’re married.
Qrow and Clover get a small break to themselves before they enter the reception. They spend much of it standing and sitting close together, kissing, telling the Qrow and Clover equivalent of sweet nothings to each other, and talking about what their previous night and this morning were like. It’s kind, relaxed, and happy -- so, so happy.
The reception’s amazing. Between awesome food, “the world’s best cocktail hour” (Qrow and Clover’s words, not mine), a good DJ, heartwarming (and a little embarrassing) speeches, gorgeous decorations, cool party favors, and a beautiful and loving first dance, everyone has an amazing time.
At some point, Qrow and Clover find themselves able to sneak out of their own reception for a break (Qrow especially needs one, but Clover’s not about to pretend he’s not at least a little tired either). There’s a small empty balcony right in front of the moon. Clover loops his arm around Qrow’s shoulders and settles it on the left one.
Clover takes a deep breath through his nose and Qrow can feel his hairs bounce up and down with it.
“Smell something you like?” Qrow teases.
“More like someone. And I can’t wait to keep smelling him.”
They relax in the quiet for a bit. Qrow snuggles into Clover’s side as the gentle wind embraces their forms wherever it can.
“We’re married,” Clover finally says, said as if he’s just realized it for the first time. 
It must be the tenth time today he’s done so since the ceremony.
Qrow hasn’t gotten even remotely sick of hearing it.
“We’re married,” he repeats. 
Clover releases a rumbling chuckle, then kisses Qrow’s upper right temple. Qrow presses his lips to Clover’s hand. It’s not a kiss, per se, but it lingers delicately on his hand.
They stay for a couple more minutes before deciding that they should probably return to their party.
The rest of the party is so nice. Friends and family party and dance the night away with the gorgeous night sky all around them for hours.
The cleanup is exhausting and despite loving their wedding planner from the moment they hired her, Qrow and Clover have never been more grateful for her services than where she says they can head out and that she would finish up the rest of the work and text them (”Tomorrow afternoon. You guys are gonna need some shut eye.”).
It takes Qrow and Clover about an hour to get home. Clover drives once they’re on solid ground again. In the car, neither talk much, content to sit and enjoy the drive home in a comfortable quiet, save for the occasional joke and “We’re married” statement.
When they’re finally home, they stop at the door. After all, who’s going to carry who over the threshold? 
They compromise. Kissing each other’s face all the way, Qrow carries Clover through their front door, and Clover carries Qrow through their bedroom door onto a...very fun wedding night (Which I’m gonna let you all imagine for yourself because I have literally been writing this all day and writing about sex is kind of tough for me when I’m at my best).
When they’re at last ready to go to sleep, Qrow and Clover cuddle close and give each other a final loving look before falling asleep in each other’s arms, blissfully together tonight and for decades worth of them to come, just as they deserve. I don’t even know what to say now that we’re here at the end. I think I said it here earlier, but it bears repeating: I love you all and thank you so much for following these Fair Game HCs.
Tagging @skybird13 @whipped4qrow @mooksie01 @luck-of-the-caw @xwildangel @solitude-of-stars-deactivated20 @vastnessofthespiral @o0nashipear0o @unfairgamey @doctorrwby @clover-and-co @megan-atthedisco @wash-my-brain @bisexualdisasterqrow @thursdayseraph @doubledexterity @rwby-things-i-guess @atlas-heartthrob @the-answer-was-bi-klance @compoterie @thuskindlyiboop @oceansquid @transdemion @deltastream21 @mimiori @xya-hunter @dinosaurs-last-day @roman-torchtwink @subatomictealeaves @drbtinglecannon @saphiralunaris @pretentiouskneecaps @amxngsthxmans @ayomez13 @carbonated-table-spices @darkestsiren @chaosgameingkoi @collectingsparechangemadeeasy @michaels-daughter2005 @youmaywanttoduck @lovethewitchofendor @victorious1956 @spence0112 @madamoisellesica @ju-ka-mc-24
Want to be tagged in future Fair Game HC’s (Or untagged, I understand) and be the first to catch all of the romance, fluff, drama, and puns (Sometimes all at the same time)? Send me a reply, PM, or ask, and it shall be done!
Would you also like to check out my old Fair Game HC’s? Who wouldn’t? Well, here’s a link to my Fair Game HC archives!!!!
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cardest · 3 years
Japan playlist
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Are you turning Japanesa? I don’t think so! This, I believe is the ultimate Japan playlist. One of my favorite countries in the world to visit. it truly is a fascinating place in the world. The music from this region is just so. Crazy even! I have been a few times and cannot wait to get back over there again as soon as Crap-19 takes a hike and leaves this planet already. Meanwhile, here is the Japan playlist to keep us happy. Perfect for those of you out there in lock down.
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I hope you dig the list of songs I put together. You can even let me know what songs or bands I forgot and let me know! 私はあなたがそれを掘ることを望みます Arrigato! Hit play right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_IcliLasW5eajllU8pA5Gh
001 Fantomas - 4-30-05 002 INXS - I Send A Message 003 LADYBABY - candy 004 Babymetal - DoKiDoKi MORNING 005 MOMOIRO CLOVER Z vs KISS - YUMENO UKIYONI SAITEMINA 006 The Cure - Kyoto Song 007  Kill Bill Vol.1 - Isaac Hayes - Run Fay Run 008 CHAI - GREAT JOB 009 Mutant Monster -  Barabara 010 Sigh - Inked in Blood 011 The Vapors - Turning Japanese 012 Fantomas - 4-7-05 013 Ocean Machine -  Night 014 Masayuki Sakamoto - Psy'chy 015 Astro Boy - 1980 English Intro Theme 016 Go Misawa - 悪魔人間 (デビルマン) - 不動明 017 Red House Painters - Japanese To English 018  八十八ヶ所巡礼「仏滅トリシュナー 019 Acid Mothers Temple - Floating Flower Shizuku No Youni 020 Ween - Japanese Cowboy 021 Otoboke Beaver - Don't light my fire 022 Gojira's Godzilla Theme Song 023 Cavalera Conspiracy -  Bonzai Kamikazee 024 Ultra Bide - DNA vs DNA 025 David Bowie - Crystal Japan 026 A Flock Of Seagulls - Tokyo 027 Sakura - Cherry blossoms 028 BON JOVI - Tokyo Road 029 Aneka - Japanese boy 030 Endon - Boy Meets Girl 031 Junko Ohashi - Dancin' 032 Ike Reiko - Yoake No Scat 033 Shohjo-Tai - Flamingo Island 034 Chthonic - Kaoru 035 Herbie Hancock - Nobu 036 Akiko Yano - Dogs Awaiting 037 Inoyama Land - Glass Chaim 038 Fantomas -  4-14-05 039 Hide - Dice 040 Japan - Talking drum 041 Sabbat - Samurai Zombies 042 Brian Ice - Tokyo 043 W.A.S.P. - Tokyos on fire 044 UHNELLYS - SWITCH 045 Boris -  LOVE 046 Kill Bill Vol. 1 - Battle Without Honor or Humanity Tomoyasu Hotei 047 eX-Girl - Pretty You Ugly 048 Gonin Ish - Shagan No Tou 049 Banana Erectors - Fed Up With Highschool Days 050 Strapping Young Lad - Japan 051 Yoshida Brothers - Ibuki 052 Zeni Geva - Total Castration 053 Flower Travellin' Band - Satori, Pt. 1 054 MOMOIRO CLOVER Z - GOUNN - 055 Tom Waits - Big In Japan 056 ABIGAIL - A Witch Named Aspilcuetta 057 Sigh - The Tombfiller 058 Marty Friedman-Dragon's Kiss-Dragon Mistress 059 RIOT - Tokyo Rose 060 Fantomas - 4-13-05 061 Guitar Wolf - High Schooler Action 062 Becoming a Geisha - Memoirs of a Geisha Soundtrack 063 Seven Samurai- Ending Theme 064 Miki Sugimoto - Rei's Ballad (Theme from Zero Woman Red Handcuffs) 065 Yoshida Brothers - Rising from Best Of Yoshida Brothers 066 Ruler - Jeanie Jeanie Jeanie 067 Kill Bill Vol. 1 OST - Twisted Nerve - Bernard Herrmann 068 Fantomas - 4-23-05 069 Shonen Knife - It's a New Find 070 Polish National Radio Symphony OrchestraKrzysztof Penderecki - Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima 071 ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE - Helen Buddha; Miss Condom X 072 Shugo Tokumaru - Decorate 073 PiGu - Bye Bye Honey 074 Hello Kitty Theme Song - Hello Kitty 075 ACUTE -  生き地獄 076 Sabbat - Karmagmassacre 077 Yellow Magic Orchestra - Tong Poo 078 Yojimbo OST -  Main Theme 079 Anpan-man (Red beans bread man)theme song 080 Ex-Girl - The Crown of Dr. Keroninstein 081 Kate Bush - [The Whole Story] Breathing 082 Coffins - Hatred Storm 083 The Books - Tokyo 084 Fantomas -  4-19-05 085 男の一生/松方弘樹 086 Azuma Kabuki Musicians - Dojoji 087 Saxon -  Walking Through Tokyo 088 Kill Bill, Vol. 1 Original Soundtrack - The Flower of Carnage - Meiko Kaji 089 Les Rallizes Denudes - Now is forever 090 G.I.S.M. - Nih Nightmare 091 Mono - Silent Flight, Sleeping Dawn 092 Deftones - Romantic Dreams 093 Strapping Young Lad - Zen 094 Dead Can Dance - Kiko 095 Kinoco Hotel - キノコホテル「キノコノトリコ」 096 Esashi Oiwake - Ensemble Nipponia 097 Naitemo idayoi - bcmomoiro clover 098 Bryan Ferry - Tokyo Joe 099 Suzuki Junzo - Crying Out Double Suicide Blues 100 Iron Maiden - Sun and Steel 101 Kikagaku Moyo - Dripping Sun 102 Fantomas -  4-3-05 103 BARBATOS - Tokyo Rock'N Roll Show 104 BABYMETAL - MEGITSUNE 105 Eternal Elysium - Shadowed Flower 106 The Erections - stupid punk 107 The Seatbelts - Cowboy Bebop (Original Soundtrack 1) 108 Rush - Manhattan Project 109 Today Is the Day - Samurai 110 Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST - main theme 111 Japanese War Music - Samurai Battle March 112 Steel Panther - Asian Hooker 113 The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation -  A Place For Fantasies 114 Guitar Wolf - FIGHTING ROCK 115 HEAVY METAL ARMY - That's Hammurabia 116 Michale Graves -  Godzilla 117 Noriko Miyamoto - My Life 118 Loudness - Ashes in the Sky 119 Mary's Blood- Save the queen 120 Mellvins - One Fine Day 121 High On Fire - Bastard  Samurai 122 Shakuhachi - The Japanese Flute 123 Luna Sea - IN SILENCE 124 Tatsuro Yamashita - Sparkle 125 PIG DESTROYER - Kamikaze Heart 126 Tomoko Kawada - Akanegumo 127 Sodom - Kamikaze Terrorizer 128 Carlos Toshiki and Omega Tribe - Sky Surfer 129 TOKKAEBI - cheon mun 130 Pere Ubu - 30 Seconds Over Tokyo 131 Wanda Jackson - Fujiyama Mama 132 Witch Cross - Night Flight To Tokyo 133 F.O.E. - Total Eclipse 134 Coffins - The Frozen Styx 135 Sword of Doom (1966) - Main Theme OST 136 Sigh -  The Transfiguration Fear 137 Yondemasu Yo, Azazel san - Opening song 138 Thundercat - Tokyo 139 GHOST IN THE SHELL O.S.T.2 - i can't be cool 140 Japandroids - No Allegiance to the Queen 141 YAMANTAKA - SONIC TITAN - Hoshi Neko 142 Doraemon 2005 Opening - Sha La La 143 Akira Soundtrack - Kaneda's Theme 144 Anatomia - Morbid Hallucination 145 Traditional Japanese music - Honno-ji 146 Kodo - Lion 147 Tomita Planets - Mercury, The Winged Messenger 148 Yuji Ohno - Lupin The Third Theme '78 149 Ninja Scroll TV Series Soundtrack - Jubei's Theme 150 OKAWARI_BOY show me your space 151 Boris - The Woman on the Screen 152 Sepultura - Kamaitachi 153 X Japan - X 154 L'Acephale - Hitori Bon Odori 155 Zilch (hide) - Inside the Pervert Mound 156 Fantomas -  4-12-05 157 Kodo - Akatsuki 158 Sigh - Hunters not horned 159 Pucca Theme song 160 Tujiko Noriko - Solo - Magic 161 MYSTERY KINDAICHI BAND - THEME OF KOSUKE KINDAICHI 162 Akiko Yano -  クマ 163 Sooo Baad Revue - バッド・レビュ 164 Pharoahe Monch - Simon Says (instrumental) 165 Imaginary Flying Machines - Sanpo (My Neighbor Totoro) (feat. Living Corpse & Yoko Hallelujah) 166 Mutant Monster - kamisama o negai - pv with romaji lyrics 167 Mount Fuji - Neun 168 Kumi Sasaki - Tanchame Bushi 169 Yakuza - Yama 170 Chai - Choose go! 171 Goto Mariko – Drone 172 Blue Oyster Cult  - Godzilla 173 Kinoco hotel –  F No Junkai 174 ASS BABOONS OF VENUS - Jet Unchi 175 James Bond you only live twice OST - Aki, Tiger and Osato 176 PJ Harvey -  Kamikaze 177 BABYMETAL - Awadama Fever 178 Alcatrazz - Hiroshima Mon Amour 179 Tokyo Blade - Warrior of the Rising Sun 180 TIK & TOK - TOKYO GIRLS 181 Queen - Hammer To Fall 182 Nana Kitade - Kibou No Kakera 183 Gallhammer - Blind my eyes 184 Yellow Magic Orchestra - Kai-Koh 185 Chikyuu Kyoumei  Resonance of the Earth 186 Hoodoo Gurus -  Tojo 187 John Waite - Euroshima 188 Tommy Snyder / Yuji Ohno) - ザ・マリン・エクスプレス (The Marine Express) 189 Boris - Riot Sugar 190 Yellow Machinegun - Again 191 Kill Bill, Vol. 1 Original Soundtrack - The Lonely Shepherd 192 Church of Misery - Chilly Grave 193 Jimmy Takeuchi  - Yasuki bushi (Shimane) 194 Yuji Ohno "Andromeda no kanata ni" - (OST - Captain Future) 195 Bo Ningen - Henkan 196 Blood Stain Child - Electricity 197 Crime - Yakuza 198 Tatsuya Yoshida & Satoko Fujii - Feirsttix 199 Ike Reiko - Kokotsu No Sekai 200 Fantomas -  4-9-05 201 David Bowie - It's no game 202 Manon - xxFANCYPOOLxx 203 Sparks - Here In Heaven 204 MAD SPYAIR - samurai heart Gintama 205 Terror Squad - Nightmare Rider 206 Fantomas -  4-6-05 207 Mutant Monster - Hanabi 208 Jimmy Takeuchi - Akita obako 209 NAKED CITY - OSAKA BONDAGE 210 Death Panda theme 211 Crossfaith -  Monolith 212  OMD - Enola Gay 213 Dir en Grey - Obscure 214 LADYBABY Age-Age Money 215 Fantomas -  4-17-05 216 S.O.B. - Deceiver (Napalm Death cover) 217 Jimmy Takeuchi - Time Of The Season 218 Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy - Thy Sarcophagus & Unwritten Symphony 219 Laurie Anderson -  Kokoku 220 THOMPSON TWINS  - TOKIO 221 Electric Eel Shock - Killer killer 222 Kodo - Nanafushi 223 Ningen Isu - Heartless Scat 224 Amachi Shigeru – Showa Blues 225 BlackLab - Insanity 226 TENGGER - achime 227  Riot - Narita 228 Martin Denny - Japanese Farewell Song (Sayonara) 229 LADYBABY - Renge Chance 230 Tokyo Electron  - She Keeps Me Shut 231 Kan Mikami - Anata Mo Star Ni Nareru 232 Kraftwerk - Radioactivity 233 CHAI - N.E.O. 234 Fantomas - 4-27-05 235 Gacharic Spin - Next Stage 236 Loudness -  Crazy Nights 237 David Bowie - Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence 238 The Presidents of the USA -  Japan 239 Fantomas -  4-4-05 240 Kyary Pamyu P - Fashion Monster 241 Wagakki Band - Senbonzakura 242 Deep Purple - Woman From Tokyo 243 Krokus - Tokyo Nights 244 Kyoto - Venetian Blinds 245 Happy End - Natsu nandesu 246 Motohiko Hamase - Plateau 247 Boris - Tokyo Wonder Land 248 Asia - Countdown to Zero 249 Hiiragi Fukuda - Me And My Marshall Amp 250 Marty Friedman -  Ai Takkatta 251 Kodo -  O-Daiko (japanese drummers - Taiko - tambours geants Japon) 252 Sonic Youth - Tokyo Eye 253 Otoboke Beaver - Anata Watashi Daita Ato Yome No Meshi 254 Y&T - Midnight in Tokyo 255 Metalucifer -  Heavy Metal Samurai 256 Urami Bushi - Meiko Kaji 257 Alphaville -  Big in Japan 258 M.O.D. - Godzula 259 Akiko Yano - Hitotsudake 260 Japan - Life in Tokyo (Giorgio Moroder Version) 261 Boris with Merzbow - Sometimes 262 Dragonforce - Power Of The Ninja Sword 263 Fantomas -  4-10-05 264 The Guyver Dark hero Theme song 265 Minami Deutsch / 南ドイツ - Futsu Ni Ikirenai 266 Yukihiro Takahashi - Drip Dry Eyes 267 ZooBOMBS - Doo Bee 268 SIGH -  Shingontachikawa 269 Burt Bacharach - Me Japanese Boy I Love You 270 Kay Cee Jones - Japanese Farewell Song 271 Dhidalah - GRB 272 Kikagaku Moyo - tree smoke 273 The Fall - I Am Damo Suzuki 274 Ryuichi Sakamoto - Thousand Knives 275 Yasuaki Shimizu - kakshi 333 Godiego - The Birth of the Odyssey (Monkey Magic) 666 BABYMETAL -Headbanger
Here are the songs to listen to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_IcliLasW5eajllU8pA5Gh
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rwby-diaries · 4 years
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Fair Game Weekend 2020!
Day 1: Confessions
We couldn’t participate in the entire weekend, but we couldn’t help ourselves with this prompt! Our favourite uncles have been in love for a very long time~
Line Art by: @bosiphas
Colour by: @data-plays-viola
Ficlet by: @bosiphas
Ficlet edited by: @data-plays-viola and @lameclub
Ficlet under the cut!
Qrow wasn’t sure how to go about it. There was a tightness in his chest and a pit in his stomach. The thought of being so vulnerable, even in front of Clover, was unbearable. He’d changed since his days in the tribe. Before, he’d never have even let himself feel anything for Clover let alone tell him his feelings. But he was different now, and as much as it made him scared, he was happy. But that thought scared him even more. What happened if that happiness left? What if Qrow let himself be vulnerable and share the most private parts of himself to someone that sparked such joy in him, and that’s what drove him away? And in the back of his mind, he could hear his sister. We’re here to learn how to kill huntsfolk. Despite the connections they’d made with Tai and Summer, Raven would still try to remind Qrow, and by extension herself, that they weren’t staying. Her words had been a dreadful reminder for the past 3 years anytime either of them got too close to someone. He’d had a hard time admitting to her that he would never want to go back. Not after everything, after Summer and Tai, and… Clover.
Qrow swallowed hard, his palms clammy, as he stood in front of Clover on the helipad, ready to depart for Vale. 
“So…” he muttered, trying to hold eye contact with him but failing miserably. As much as he wanted to stare into Clover’s beautiful green eyes all the time, right now they were heavy on his heart. Qrow scratched the back of his head awkwardly as Summer squealed a goodbye to Lucy, Clover’s teammate, a few feet away. Raven and Tai were just beyond the pair, saying their goodbyes to the remaining two of Clover’s team, Rayne and Vivian. It would’ve been easier if Qrow had been alone with Clover.
“I wish the Vytal Festival was longer,” Clover admitted, pulling Qrow’s attention back to him. “Would’ve given us more time together.” He took a step forward to Qrow, reaching out his hand and gently taking his.
Qrow looked down at his hand in Clover’s, then back up to meet Clover’s eyes. He could feel a slight warmth in his cheeks as Clover smiled softly at him. Gods, how could he ever have the guts to say this? What if it was too soon? He would scare Clover off—no, that didn’t sound like him, Clover was more forward than anyone he’d ever met. What if Clover wasn’t there yet and he made him feel uncomfortable? They’d only been together a few months. Spent almost every day together since they’d fought in Round 1 Team Fights of the tournament. Qrow clenched his jaw, trying not to smile too much, thinking of the stupid way they’d gotten tangled in Kingfisher’s line and Clover, gods Clover, smirked and said, “Lucky me, huh?” 
Clover squeezed Qrow’s hand, noticing him tense up. He was anxious about something and getting distracted. “I’ll message you every day,” Clover declared, trying to sound practical by saying “message” instead of “call”. He’d already fallen so in love with the boy, but he could tell Qrow was someone not used to being so open with people. He wouldn’t ask—Clover didn’t want to pry—but he could surmise it was something to do with his family. His twin sister Raven was even more closed off, save for the rare moment with her team. And Clover didn’t think she liked him very much.
Qrow looked down to his feet, gathering his thoughts for a moment. He had to say it, he didn’t want to leave without saying it. Letting out a shaky but calming sigh, Qrow looked back up to Clover once more, determined. “I…” Qrow’s voice cracked slightly and he hesitated. His head was swirling with what if’s. “Y-you… have my number…” Fucking dumbass. Qrow cursed himself, defeated. Chickening out at the last minute, gods he felt pathetic.
Clover could tell Qrow was holding back, but in the interest of not pressuring him, he only chuckled in response. “I have it memorized, so, no chance of losing it.” Clover hesitated himself, wanting to follow his instincts to lean in and kiss Qrow, but he didn’t seem ready for PDA yet.
“Uh…” Qrow went to scratch the back of his head again, something he’d realized was a bit of a nervous tick, but he’d gone to do it with the hand Clover was holding. Qrow froze before he let go of Clover’s hand, but unfortunately, it was too late as Clover let go of his hand in response. “Oh, no… I–”
“Qrow! C’mon! We gotta get going!” Tai yelled from behind him on the airship that was taking them back to Vale.
Qrow tensed up his shoulders, annoyed. As Clover turned around and waved at his team that had called to him as well, Qrow turned to his own team that was waiting on him, Summer giving Tai grief for interrupting him and Clover, and Raven standing there, arms folded across her chest, unimpressed with a sour look on her face. He sighed heavily, knowing he wasn’t going to be able to say it now, but he’d be damned if he didn’t show some sort of affection to Clover. He had to, Clover couldn’t always be the one to close the distance. 
As the two boys turned back around to face each other to say the final goodbye, Qrow leaned in hurriedly and placed a small peck on Clover’s cheek, and just as quickly pulled away. “Call me.” Qrow didn’t mean for it to sound so demanding, but he didn’t have time to correct himself, he was sure he looked ridiculous, his entire face was on fire. Without waiting for a response from Clover, Qrow turned around and hastily boarded the aircraft.
Clover watched Qrow run up the ramp of the aircraft, lifting his hand to touch his cheek where Qrow had kissed him. A wide smile spread on his face and he called out a goodbye to Qrow. He needed to give him more credit. Qrow wasn’t as closed off as he thought, and Clover knew that kiss took a lot of effort on his part.
Qrow turned around as the doors of the aircraft started to close, unable to help himself, getting one last glimpse of Clover’s face. He had the biggest smile on his face since they’d had their first kiss; Qrow could practically see the shining aura of happiness around his face as Clover waved him goodbye.
Qrow turned back around, let himself fall back against the closed door as the aircraft took off, and slid to the floor. He put his hands in his face, trying to ignore Tai’s laughter and feeling his sister’s piercing gaze on him.
“You look a little embarrassed, Qrow!” Tai teased, still thunderously laughing.
Raven moved her hands from her hips and crossed them in front of her chest. “More like he looks like a child.” She threw the insult at him, knowing he’d know why she was not happy.
Qrow dropped his hands from his face and snapped his head up to meet his sister’s gaze, giving her a warning glare. 
Tai interrupted their staring contest, putting an arm around Raven and pulling her to the seats on the other side of the cabin. “C’mon, Raven! Haven’t you ever been in love?” He added an affected dramatic tone to the words “in love.”
“N-no! Of course not!” Raven tried to elbow Tai off her, but she still walked to sit with him.
Qrow watched his sister be a hypocrite with a look of disdain on his face as Summer took a seat next to him on the cabin floor.
“Do you love him?”
Qrow was surprised by the question, looking to Summer who could read his emotions almost as easily as Clover could, maybe even better. She was his best friend. The only thing she didn’t know about him was why he and Raven had enrolled at Beacon in the first place. He’d never admit to Raven how much he’d told Summer over the years–including but not limited to their upbringing in the Tribe. When he met this little girl in the forest 3 years ago, he never thought they’d turn out like this: Qrow wouldn’t know what to do without Summer.
Before he answered he looked back over to Raven and Tai, making sure they, or rather she couldn’t hear him. Qrow sighed looking at his hands. “More than I ever thought I could,” he answered. 
Summer smiled, noticing herself how much Qrow had changed since she’d met him, but she wished Raven had made the same progress he had. “Then I’m sure it’ll all work out.” She adjusted her position that had been slightly turned to Qrow and placed her back flat against the door and rested her head against it. 
Qrow smirked, looking over to Summer, ready to put the heat on her this time. “What about you and Lucy?”
Summer’s shoulders tensed and her cheeks lit up. “What about me and Lucy?” She sputtered, embarrassed.
“You’re not going to date her?”
Summer pressed her lips together, feeling dejected from Qrow’s question. “Lucy’s great, I like her a lot… but…” She peaked past Qrow and down to Tai who was teasing Raven by messing up her hair. She paid him back with a small jab in his side with Omen’s hilt.
Qrow followed her line of sight but already knew who she was looking to. “Sorry.”
Summer shook her head, equal parts an acknowledgment and a way to keep herself from crying. “It’s okay.” She rested her head on Qrow’s shoulder, who rested his head on Summer’s in return. After a long pause, she spoke again. “I’m sure you’ll be luckier than I am with love.” She grinned.
“Hey.” Qrow reached over with his hand and pinched her cheek as she giggled, chuckling with her. “Brat,” he sneered jokingly, but he knew she was deflecting to make herself appear okay. He wouldn’t say anything else though, knowing it would be better to leave it at that and sit with Summer in comfortable silence while he kicked himself for not saying what he wanted to Clover. Next time. Qrow promised himself. ~~~ When they finally got back to Beacon, it was late. Everyone was dragging their feet, walking back to their dorm rooms. Summer had fallen asleep during the flight and instead of waking her, Qrow opted to carry her. Tai had offered, but Qrow thought it best for him to carry her instead, considering certain feelings. As they were walking through the halls, Tai yawned dramatically and stretched his arms above his head.
“Imma go hit the showers before bed.” Tai split off from the other three, taking a hard right down to the co-ed bathrooms. “G’night…” He waved behind him to his teammates as they continued on down to their room.
Raven sighed heavily. “Such a child.” She shook her head and grimaced.
“You? Yeah, I agree,” Qrow spoke in a pointed but hushed tone.
Raven glared at him. “No. Shut up. I’m talking about our teammates.”
“Quiet, Raven,” Qrow warned his sister, not wanting her to wake Summer. “Don’t start. You always do this, when either of us is getting close to someone you -”
“I don’t get close to anyone,” Raven denied, stopping in front of her younger twin and crossing her arms.
Qrow rolled his eyes, stepped around her, and continued down the hall. “Okay, edgelord.” Raven started to retort his jab but Qrow continued. “Stop lying to yourself, Raven. You don’t have to. If you think I’m going to judge you for liking Tai,” Raven tried to interrupt once more at Qrow’s claim, but he continued still, ignoring her denials. “Or for being friends with Summer, I’m not.” Qrow turned slightly to look back at her and decided to take a chance. “We don’t have to go back.” He paused at Raven’s expression after finishing his daring suggestion. He’d expected her to deny such an option and penalize him for even thinking about it, but he could see it on her face: she’d considered it already. Her eyes fell from his face to the ground, and her eyebrows arched up. It was rare for Raven to show such a… vulnerable expression. “Raven, you-” Qrow began, but she quickly cut him off.
“Whatever, I’m going for a walk.” She turned on her heel and walked away from him, any vulnerability she was showing just seconds ago was now gone.
Qrow pressed his lips together and took a deep, tired breath. He wouldn’t bother her anymore; if left on her own, Raven would surely come to the same conclusion he had. Hopefully. He had to admit he was still surprised, though. His sister was many things, but stubborn was probably one of her most obvious qualities. Tai’s shitty flirting must’ve been doing something then. Qrow continued on to take Summer and himself to bed.
As he finally reached their dorm room, he felt Summer stir on his back. “Hey, Petals. We’re home,” he said and opened the door to their room. As Summer mumbled sliding down his back, he guided her to her bed and tucked her in.
“You should tell him, Qrow,” Summer mumbled out while lazily plopping herself onto her bed and laying down. She opened her eyes to meet Qrow’s, barely able to keep them open.
He stared at her for a moment, not sure what to say. “Just go to sleep,” he instructed.
“I forgot to give you the picture,” Summer spoke softly, digging around in her sweater pocket. After a moment of tired grumbles, she pulled out a polaroid and handed it to him.
Qrow felt his chest tighten as he looked at the photo. It was slightly bent around the edges from being in Summer’s pocket, but it was a picture of him and Clover. Last night, when their teams ended up just sleeping in Clover and his teammates’ dorm room instead of going back to their own. Qrow had fallen asleep next to Clover, and—he didn’t remember how—it seemed he’d made Clover’s chest his pillow. Clover was hugging him in and also sound asleep. 
“You took this?”
Summer nodded, her eyes still lidded. “Raven told me to.”
Qrow paused, noticeably shocked. “Raven did?” 
Summer nodded once more, stretching her back, and arching up. “Mhm,” she hummed. “You know, you both get much more relaxed when you think the other isn’t paying attention…” She opened her eyes a little more to properly meet Qrow’s gaze. 
‘Cause we’re both not saying what we’re feeling. Qrow told himself. 
“Night…” Summer sighed and turned over.
Before Qrow could respond to Summer, his scroll buzzed in his pocket. As he took it out and saw that Clover sent him a message, he’d returned the goodnight to Summer. He glanced back at her, sound asleep, then turned around to read the message.
Have you gotten back to Beacon yet?
Qrow replied: Just got back
A few seconds after his reply had been sent, his scroll started to ring with a call from Clover.
Qrow quickly walked out into the hallway to leave Summer in peace, before answering it. He closed the door with a light click and answered the call before he’d even realized this was their first conversation on the phone. His mouth became dry as he lifted the speaker up to greet him. His scroll felt heavier than normal, and his hands weaker. “H-hey,” Qrow stammered, trying to be aware of his voice and how he sounded.
“Hey! Did you make it back safe?” Qrow could practically hear Clover smiling, his voice was… different on the phone but it still sounded like him: almost unbearably chipper.
Qrow chuckled and leaned against the door. “What? Did ya think my bad luck would take down the plane?”
There was a slight pause on Clover’s side. “That’s not what I meant…” He replied, a nervous tone streaking his voice. Ever since they’d met Clover could tell that Qrow’s semblance was a sensitive subject. He would make small jokes about it sometimes, usually in contrast to his own semblance, but he didn’t want to upset him. Another thing, besides his past and childhood, that he didn’t want to pry about. There was an unmistakable desire to help Qrow be okay with his semblance, even if it was gradual.
Qrow tensed up, realizing his tone wasn’t clear that he was joking. “No, I know! I was just… kidding,” he explained, pausing at Clover’s soft “Oh” then continued. “Yeah, I made it back safe. I’m okay…”
“That’s good,” Clover replied. There were a few seconds of silence, and for Qrow, it felt like an eternity. Since when was speaking on the phone so nerve-wracking? Clover was the first to speak up. “I miss you,” he spoke softly. And with those simple words, Qrow’s heart felt like it could burst at the seams.
  “I miss you too,” Qrow mirrored Clover’s soft tone. It wasn’t something he was prepared for, getting so attached to someone so far away. And before he’d met Clover, he had never imagined being so in love with someone. He and Raven were taught that love was a weakness, which even put a wedge between them, despite being twins. It was something so foreign to him when he first got to Beacon. He thanked whatever gods there were that Summer and Tai came into his life. And now he also had Clover, and the thought of losing him—losing that absolute fool that radiated sunshine—terrified him more than any monster he would ever fight.
Clover smiled sadly at Qrow’s response. He was happy he also missed him, but in a perfect world, they wouldn’t have to miss each other. “Maybe I’ll transfer to Beacon,” Clover half-joked.
Qrow gave a defeated laugh, knowing that Clover wanted to but wouldn’t. “You can’t. You have your heart set on joining the Atlas Military.” That also baffled Qrow. An ex-bandit falling for the Golden Boy who wanted to be a cop to do good and bring peace to the world. Personally, he couldn’t see the correlation between Clover’s ideals and his career choices, but he felt it wasn’t his place to question him anyway. Besides, it’s not like he could judge as an ex-bandit. He’d done plenty of bad in his life before he was even 18.
Clover chuckled. “Maybe you could transfer to Atlas and join with me,” he said smugly.
Qrow scoffed. “Fat chance. You aren’t going to get that lucky, Cloves.”
Clover hummed. “Lucky enough to know you.”
Qrow froze and his cheeks felt warm. Clover could be so cavalier about small comments like that: almost always luck puns. Those used to bug him to no end, luck jokes at his expense. His bad luck was just another reason for him to never be truly close to someone. Now, it was a connection to him, and the jokes were just a part of their love language. He still had a… difficult relationship with his semblance, but knowing his opposite—his other half—was around made it better. “You’re such a nerd.” Qrow listened to Clover’s tired laugh, unable to stop from smiling.
“You know you love me!” Clover retorted. However, the two boys instantly froze on either end of the call. “I-I mean… I didn’t mean-” Clover stuttered out frantically, worried the comment would put Qrow off.
Qrow’s entire face was glowing as he listened to Clover stammer and trip over his words trying to take back his teasing joke. In the back of his head, he could hear his own voice. Say it now. “Yeah.” Without giving himself another second to think about it, he jumped into the deep end. “…I do.”
Clover’s stutters had ceased, but Qrow could hear a shaky breath on the other side. “What?” Clover hoped, prayed Qrow would elaborate. He wanted clarification. He wanted to know he wasn’t misunderstanding, and if he wasn’t, he wanted to hear it again.
Qrow bit his lip, mentally pushing himself to talk. “I… love you.” Qrow gripped his scroll in his hand so hard his knuckles turned white. He swallowed hard, feeling a giant pit in his throat. His courage ran out though, he couldn’t wait and hear Clover’s response. “Bye!” Qrow yelled, hung up his scroll, and watched the screen as the call disconnected, hearing Clover call his name as it cut off. 
“Qrow! Wait, Qrow!” Clover tried to call out to him but the line was already disconnected. No, no, no, no! Clover froze for a moment, his mind processing what had happened. I love you. The words echoed in his head, and it took another moment again to process that Qrow had said them…to him! Clover let out a shaky breath, feeling overwhelming happiness. It was being overshadowed by the anxiety of not having said it back yet, though. He couldn’t not say it back! He had to call Qrow back, and he needed to say it to him. Gods, he was over the moon, but he couldn’t even think about that as he frantically tried to dial Qrow’s number in his scroll. It felt like he’d lost all control in his fingers; he fumbled so many times. “I need to say it back,” Clover whispered under his breath, tears of frustration stinging his eyes.
Qrow watched the screen of his scroll for a few seconds before letting his arms fall to his sides. He let his head fall back, hitting the door and sinking to the floor once again. His breath trembled, hands shaking. His heart was racing, and somehow, he was out of breath. He felt like he could throw up. And all of these afflictions heightened instantly when his scroll started to ring again. He lifted it to read Clover’s name on the screen. He was calling him back. Fuck. Why didn’t I turn it off?! Qrow watched his scroll ring, unable to move to answer it, only feeling his heart thump against his chest. Gods he couldn’t answer; he didn’t know what Clover would say. But as he decided to pretend to be asleep and let it ring, a message came through, also from Clover:
Please answer!!
Qrow felt his chest tighten, an unbearable weight made him unable to ignore the feeling. Impulsively he jammed his finger on the screen, answering the call. It took a solid few seconds for him to lift the speaker back up to his ear, but when he finally did, Clover’s voice flowed through the receiver. “Qrow, are you there?” Clover hoped he’d respond, he had to know he was there on the other end listening.
“I love you too!” His voice was high and cracked slightly, but he didn’t care. He just needed to make sure he’d said it.
Qrow sucked in a breath, a million thoughts overflowing his head. Had he heard Clover right? It felt like his ears were ringing so loud just from those words. His entire body felt hot, his chest felt heavy and light at the same time, and his fingertips went numb. Qrow almost dropped his scroll when Clover called out to him again.
“Qrow… Did you hear me?”
Qrow exhaled and closed his mouth that had been agape. He licked his dry lips before biting the bottom one and focused back on Clover’s voice. “Yes… No. I - Did you-” He stumbled through a few words, unable to form a proper sentence.
“I love you too,” Clover repeated, less frantic to get it out. He let out a strangled breath, trying to get his breathing back to normal, and rubbed his eyes to get out the tears that had built up. 
“You do?” Qrow curled his legs halfway up to his chest, setting his free hand down on his thigh.
Clover hummed happily. “Very much,” he answered.
Qrow teared up, a big smile on his face as he let out a few happy sighs and patted his legs excitedly. 
Clover chuckled in response to hearing Qrow’s reaction, only wishing that they were face to face so he could embrace him and give him an overwhelming amount of kisses. But the thought was cut short when Rayne threw a pillow at Clover’s face.
“Clover I’m happy for you and your boyfriend but please be quiet,” he implored, and Vivian and Lucy mumbled tiredly in agreement.
“Okay, Rayne,” Clover responded flatly. “I’m sorry, I have to go. Is it alright if I call you tomorrow?” Clover asked in a hushed voice.
“Yeah!” Qrow answered eagerly but cleared his throat when he realized he was being too eager. “…if you want,” he corrected himself.
Clover chuckled lightly. “I want,” he paused, “Goodnight, love you,” Clover spoke softly—so quiet Qrow could barely hear—but held his breath after saying it again. He waited to hear the words repeated back to him; he wanted to hear Qrow say them again.
“Love you too.” Qrow sighed happily as the line disconnected, and he let his hand fall beside him. He tilted his head back against the door, looking up to the hallway ceiling. He couldn’t think of a time he’d been this happy. Ever. He continued to pat his legs with his hands eagerly. The emotions were overwhelming, but he felt like he could fly just from hearing Clover return his feelings. Maybe it wasn’t so bad after all, getting close to people. He’d always have those reservations in the back of his mind. It was hard to unlearn everything the tribe had taught him, plus, his semblance was always hard to manage. Maybe Raven could also be happy here, and with Tai, if she wanted that. Both of them could have a great life and never have to think of the tribe again.
At the very least, Qrow found himself hoping he’d have these important people in his life for a long time. ~~~ The shrill ringing of Qrow’s scroll pulled him out of his half-asleep daze. It was early—too early—which meant he knew exactly who was calling him. He rolled over from his back to his side, reaching to his scroll that was almost buzzing itself off the side table. Knowing who it was, he answered the call with a quiet, “G’morning, babe.”
“Good morning, my Pretty Bird. Happy Anniversary.” 
The smile on Qrow’s face grew wider, but his eyes stayed shut. “Happy Anniversary.” His voice was croaky in contrast with Clover’s bright and awake voice. He’d likely been up for a couple of hours already.
“Late start?” Clover smiled smugly. “Early bird gets the worm,” He teased.
Qrow scoffed while rubbing his face. “Shut up,” he teased back but then sighed heavily, and Clover picked up on the exhaustion in his tone. “Long night…” Qrow paused. “Wish you were here.”
Clover felt a tug in his chest but opted to be positive. It sounded like Qrow needed it. “I know, I wish I was there too. I wish we could’ve been together for our anniversary so I could call you from the living room.” He listened to Qrow’s quiet chuckle, a loving soft smile creeping onto his face.
“You’re such a dork… If you were here you could just say it to my face.” Qrow rolled his eyes, but the fond smile stayed. Clover had always insisted on calling Qrow even if they were together for the anniversary of their first ‘I love you’s’, he’d call Qrow and they’d say it because that’s how they first said them.
Clover hummed. “I’d do both.” Clover paused and looked to the gold ring on his finger. “I can’t wait to marry you next month.”
Qrow’s mood picked up thinking about how the date had gotten closer and closer. He spun his own silver band with his thumb and prayed nothing happened that would cause any delay or sour the service in any way. His luck, even with Clover to balance it, sometimes had perfect timing. “I can’t wait to marry you either. Going to make you my Lucky Charm for life.”
“I love you,” Clover said confidently.
“I love you more,” Qrow retorted, mirroring Clover’s tone.
“Not possible.”
“That’s what you think, Lucky Charm.”
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doveamongangels · 4 years
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Fair Game Week 2020 Day 7: AU
Happy last day of FG week y’all! It’s been a fun time and I am burnt out (Whoops) So I would like to offer you... a Fair Game Wedding in a new AU I made. (I’m so tired so none of this will make sense. Enjoy)
The basis is that Osma was able to help Salem through her issues and steered her away from world domination. Like a domino effect, there is less death and more healing all around. In this au, Qrow and Clover meet in the woods by chance and hit it off, eventually falling in love. 
In my mind, the wedding goes like this: 
They decide to have a small, spring wedding comprised of their family, friends, and colleges (about... 30 ish people? 40? I dunno). Oz is officiating because of course he can and Salem is official Grimm-repellant. Summer immediately claimed her spot as Qrow’s Maid of honor, Tai is his Best man, and Raven is Best Sibling (by default). Meanwhile, Elm is Clover’s MoH and Ironwood is his BM. Ruby is the flower girl and Penny is the ring bearer. I assume Clover has parents so they walk him down the aisle, and then Maria walks down Qrow because I said so. 
Bird fighting before weddings is now tradition. Don’t question it. 
The wedding is very nice except The kids immediately hug-assault the happy couple afterward. 
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SINCE ALL THE FICS ARE SAD im going to go ahead and make a happy one. (Well... its bullet notes so maybe more of a fic outline?). Can be consider as Free Day or AU Day since its canon divergence
Ive been dying to see a Tai comes to Atlas fic so im making this one a reunion in Atlas fic
Qrow isnt in Atlas when Tai arrives. Hes out on a Amity Tower mission with Clover
Qrow and Clover are actually in the middle of flirting with each other when Qrow gets the call
Its Ruby and shes talking so fast Qrow cant understand a single thing. "Woah Ruby slow down. Whats going on" theres a deep gasping breath and then "DAD IS HERE. DAD IS IN ATLAS"
Qrow is stunned. Tai made it to Atlas?
Clover is thinking about how on Earth he could of gotten into the Kingdom.
Qrow finds out through Yang (she had to take Ruby's phone away since she wouldnt stop screaming) that the girls are waiting for Tai since Ironwood is having Winter personally escort him (Qrow figures that either he got arrested on arrival like they did or that Ironwood wants to know everything Tai knows about Salem despite being removed from the situation since STRQ fell apart)
Clover notifies him that they wont be able to get back to the city for another three hours, and then Qrow tells the girls, who are disappointed but tell him theyll "let Dad know when he gets here"
Most of the way back Clover is trying to get information out of Qrow about what Tai is like. Its both friendly small talk and adding to what Clover knows about this group of children + Qrow. The group is part of Ironwood's inner circle now which makes them important
Qrow briefly wonders how his reception will be. These days hes always the one coming to see Tai, and its 50-50 on if Tai's happy to see Qrow. Qrow considers running away from the encounter entirely but hes trying to be a better man now and that means sobriety and facing his problems. Besides he'll have to see Tai eventually
So lets backtrack a bit. Tai and Qrow used to be a thing wayyyy back in the day. Defining their romantic relationship is complicated. They tried dating before Tai ever got with Raven and it only lasted a few days because they realized the attraction was just sexual so they went back to being teammates who makeout when theyre drunk (thats how they decided to start dating in the first place). So through the early years they were Friends With Benefits. After the dark years of Raven and Summer they became Friends With Benefits That Only Get Together When Theyre Feeling Heartbroken. Its sad sex and half the time one of them is crying. Their friendship is good while the the girls are young. They disagree on a lot of things when it comes to the girls as they get older. That animosity plus arguments about Qrow's  espionage job plus Qrow's worsening alcoholism are the reason theyve drifted far apart today. Theyve still been through so much together so that history and Qrow's dedication to being a uncle are the only things holding their friendship together.
So anyways lets get to the good stuff. The reunion:
Tai is actually waiting for Qrow at the garage
The girls are with him because they missed him. Ruby has her arms around him while talking and Yang is standing besides them smiling
Qrow gets a little scared. The fact Tai is waiting for him doesnt bode well. Him and Tai try to have their disagreements when the girls arent present. Qrow thinks its fair to assume that Tai is so absolutely pissed at him that he cannot wait another moment to yell at him. Clover goes "i guess you wont have to hunt him down after all. He mustve really missed you all" and Qrow really hopes thats the reason
Qrow decides to break the ice before it forms by insulting Tai as he's getting out of the truck
"Two and a half continents away and i still cant escape the sight that is your hideous cargo pants" "says the man who's idea of fashion is a 25 year old ripped cape"
As soon as Qrow gets close enough Tai puts his hands on his shoulders, takes a deep breath, and yells "YOU GOT POISONED"
Turns out Tai was just worried about him after Ruby explained what happened on her trek through Mistral
After answering his questions they hug and its the kind of hug where you sway a little bit
For the next few hours Tai yells at Ruby for running away, Tai yells at Qrow for going sober and not telling him, and Qrow goes with Tai to meet Ironwood (and stop Ironwood from asking too many questions. Hes actually soley focused on Salem and he doesnt even ask Tai how he got through his military blockade)
That night in Qrow's room Tai explains to Qrow how he got there. He lied to the girls. Made up some story that had plenty of holes in it. It was Raven. She opened her portal to Yang as far away as she could and Tai landed there. She had come to him after Haven, told him a few things but clearly left most of it out. Tai managed to get her to promise to take him to the group whenever they got to Atlas and had adjusted.
He came for two reasons. 1) to see exactly how close his children were to Salem. 2) to see if he could protect his kids any way he could, knowing they wouldnt back out now. But the reason he was telling Qrow all this (instead of sticking to his if-it-involved-Raven-i-dont-talk-about-it mentality) was because of one of the few things she mentioned about Haven: the disowning.
Tai wanted him to know that despite all their problems that Qrow was still his family. Not because Raven is still legally married to Tai, not because hes Yang's blood uncle, but because Qrow has been apart of Tai's life and chosen family as far back as STRQ.
Qrow's felt like a outsider to Tai ever since (and every time) things got serious with whoever Tai's dating. Qrow felt like a third wheel when Tai was with Raven, and Qrow was to raw from the increasingly strained relationship with Raven to let go of Summer and Tai when they got together. And ever since Qrow has felt like he was there in Tai's life but no longer apart of it. Even after Tai recovered from his depression, Qrow felt like a visitor in the house he still considers his home despite being called "uncle".
And Tai knows Qrow broke ties with Tribe soon after Beacon, and Raven hadnt truely been his sister in 20 years, but to have what you known from literal birth taken from you still hurt. And now Tai knows Qrow isnt drinking so the only way he can cope is by not thinking about it.
So Tai had to tell Qrow what he meant to him
And when he found out about Tyrian he realized Qrow couldve died not knowing Tai still loves him
Tai ends up ranting about all the things he loves about Qrow, about how he regrets that almost every word said to Qrow in the last 15 years has been unkind
Qrow is now confused to if this is a fixing my mistakes kind of thing or a love confession
So he asks
And Tai gets a little sheepish because it was a fixing my mistakes because i love you thing but a little past halfway into his rant he realized hes IN love with Qrow and has been for a while now
And Qrow decides f it. Tai is doing his embarrassed thing Qrow still finds cute even now when theyre middle aged adults getting their first gray hairs. So Qrow gets up from the cheap academy table theyre sitting at and kisses Tai
"After the world stops ending do you wanna try that dating thing again?" "You think we'll make it past one week this time?" "I actually meant since you havent gone on a date in about 15 years." "Oh. Well im pretty sure you havent been on a proper date since Beacon" "Are you gonna take me on a proper date then?" "Yeah"
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brilliantlyyours · 4 years
Fair Game Week Day 4: Birds/Soulmates
Soulmates, Qrow always thought, were complete bullshit.
Of all the literal magic in the world, Qrow thought that the concept of soulmates had to be one of the dumbest and most poorly-thought through. To begin with, not everyone even wanted a soulmate. Not everyone wanted someone to spend their life with, not everyone wanted to fall in love, not everyone wanted to get married and have 2.5 chubby little brats. He knew many a huntsman and huntress that were perfectly and completely happy without having someone waiting at home cooking them dinner and ironing their clothes.
(He used to try to convince himself that he was one of them, so he wouldn’t have to take the risk.)
Secondly, he thought if any two people were soulmates, it was his sister and Tai. They had almost every mushy trope going for them, from opposites attract to the angry and the ball of sunshine. He saw how his sister changed around him, how all her hard edges softened and the little delighted smiles she tried to hide slipped out whenever Tai did something stupid. Their love was the kind you wrote epics about, and for a second, Qrow thought he might have been wrong about this soulmate business.
And then Raven got pregnant, and it all went down from there.
Next thing he knew he had a niece and no sister, leaving a fractured family behind. Summer stepped up and Qrow stepped in and no one could say little Yang wasn’t loved, but Qrow could say confidently that he definitely didn’t believe in soulmates. Especially when Summer and Tai finally got their shit together and got together, because that only proved his point. Summer wasn’t Raven and Tai wasn’t the same as he used to be, and together they were different but they were also good.
And then Summer left on a mission, and never came back.
He loved Tai, he loved his nieces, his tiny little family that was still surviving against all odds but he still thought, without a doubt, that soulmates were still some saccharine fairytale made up for sappy romance books and to comfort the lonely masses.
And then, he met Clover.
And NO, this isn’t some cliche story where he meets Clover and realizes they’re perfect for each other or anything like that. In fact, at first, Clover and Qrow fit together like oil and water. That is, they didn’t.
Qrow is reserved, Clover is talkative. Qrow is cynical, Clover is optimistic. Clover is so damn arrogant some days Qrow wants to rip that stupid pin off of his jacket and carry it to the top of a mountain in his bird form just so he could hear it roll down the cliffs when he dropped it. They don’t fit together perfectly, not at all, and it’s this reason that takes so long for Qrow to finally give their relationship a chance.
(Because no matter how much Clover annoys and infuriates him, he can’t deny how utterly gone he is on the Ace Op.)
The beginning of their relationship is rocky, and even more so than most. If Qrow’s semblance wasn’t screwing things up then they were bickering over where to have dinner or Qrow was groaning at Clover’s lame jokes or stupid puns. They could never wash dishes together because Clover thinks he keeps the water too hot and Qrow thinks he keeps it too cold. The same went for showers. They didn’t like the same cereal, or tv shows, or even the same type of coffee.
On the outside, they shouldn’t have worked. They had nothing in common.
But somehow, after the first rocky couple of weeks, they started working.
It was like their gears finally lined up and their relationship settled into something steady, something strong. It started with Clover deciding to take his showers at night, so Qrow could shower in the morning. They alternated dish days. They did a switch off on date nights, so two weeks out of every month Qrow got to pick the restaurant and vice versa. Qrow memorized how Clover took his coffee and found himself making the second cup without even thinking about it. Clover started picking up little things Qrow needed but didn’t tell Clover about. A new whetstone. A replacement mag for Harbinger. Hell, he even managed to replace a button on Qrow’s vest when it was torn off in battle.
It took a while to realize that the reason things were suddenly going so well is that they were trying. They were putting the effort into adapting to the other person. Qrow was making an effort to fit Clover into his life, and he did the same. And sure it took a while, but at a certain point, Qrow realized the two of them had meshed together so well that he didn’t have to try anymore.
If you had told Qrow twenty years ago that he would find someone he would honestly call his soulmate, he would have laughed in your face. But now he knew differently. Soulmates weren’t your ‘other half’; they weren’t this perfect person wandering Remnant that slotted into all your sharp edges perfectly without even trying, no. Because you did have to try. Because soulmates weren’t found.
Soulmates were made.
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Lucky Charms Week Day 3. Soulmates. My friend on discord made the art, and I wrote the fic!
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Qrow never really cared about his soulmate. Sure he knew who the guy was, but he never really wanted to meet him. The person who’s neat penmanship showed up occasionally on his arm was always so happy. It was kinda weird, always starting the day with a “good morning!” and ending it with a “good night!” and he did it everyday at the exact same time. Early to rise, early to bed, makes a man healthy, but socially dead. Wasn’t that the old saying? Probably not, but oh well, he didn’t care. 
Beacon had been a surprise for sure, especially since Raven happened to meet her soulmates, Taiyang Xiao-Long, and Summer Rose. Their teammates. Joy. 
Well, it really wasn’t that bad, Tai was hilarious and Summer, despite being a brat, was a sweetheart. They all got along pretty well, not perfectly, but they became a really weird family in their time at Beacon. 
Which is what led to his predicament today.
“Guys!” he whined, trying to wiggling out of his teammates' grips, “Come on! Cut it out, it tickles!”
Summer sent a glare his way, her grip on his left arm tightening slightly, “Just sit still! We need to let this “Clover” guy know he can’t mess with you!”
Tai settled at his feet and wrote on his left leg, “Yeah! He needs to know who he’s dealing with if he fucks with you! Or with us!”
Raven on his right and holding his arm in a vice grip, “Or if he just fucks you. Gotta let him know what he’s in for.”
“RAVEN!” Summer cried, reaching across Qrow to lightly smack her soulmate, “That’s vulgar!”
“What? It’s true!” his twin protested, moving her marker to boop Summer on the nose with it. The same mark appeared on her and Tai's nose.
Qrow just blushed and wiggled more, letting out little whines every now and then when someone hit a ticklish spot. Which he swore Raven and Tai were doing on purpose.
“What’re you telling him?” He asked, trying to kick Tai when the marker slipped under his knee again.
“Only the most important things.” Raven replied, an evil smirk on her face that Qrow did not trust at all.
Clover almost laughed as the words rapidly appeared on his skin, almost. It would have been funny, but all that was being written was threats, promises of “skinning him alive.” or “ripping his head off, putting it on a stick, and waving it in front of this weeping mother.” He didn’t know the people writing to him via his soul bond to Qrow, but he did know one thing, he feared them. Well, he fears two of them. The ones on his left leg and left arm, they were the ones threatening him. His right arm though, that was the one that had him blushing brighter than the sun. That one kept giving him rather…. explicate details about Qrow. Things like “He’s a bottom.” and “He likes it rough.” Brothers why? Why were these people torturing him? He didn’t even know them!
“Hey! Clover! You alright?” Harriet, of course his teammate would show up right now.
“Yup. Totally fine. Everythings great!” he said far too quickly to be believed as he slapped his hand over his right arm.
Harriet looked at all the writing on his person before glancing at his right arm, “No I’m not.” she read out before Clover could cover the newest writing, “I’m a Brothers forsaken switch?” She raised an eyebrow at Clover and looked him up and down incredulously, “What kind of conversations are you having with this guy?”
“No! It’s-it’s not like that!” he spluttered, waving his hands in front of his face and blushing madly.
“Sure, whatever you say Cloves. Just, keep it in your pants alright?” she teased before walking off with a smirk.
“But it’s not like that…” he lamely called after her. “Brothers I am never living this down.” he groaned, hitting his back to the wall and sliding down. Looking at his arm he was confused to find the writing suddenly turned to scribbles and rapidly shifting lines. What on Remnant was going on with his soulmate?
~Beacon a few seconds earlier~
“You did that on purpose!” Qrow snapped at Tai, whose marker had slipped under his knee, AGAIN.
“Ya know what,” Tai said, an evil grin crossing his face and his grip on Qrows ankle tightening, “I did. Suffer fool!” And he began scribbling all over Qrows knee.
“NO!” Qrow cried out before devolving into giggles.
“Tai! How am I supposed to threaten Clover if you keep tickling Qrow?” Summer admonished the blonde.
“Oh please you can keep doing that later. Come on, join me! It's fun, watch!” Tai crowed, rapidly scribbling the marker under Qrows knee, making the dark haired boy snort and giggle while kicking out with his free leg.
“Tai.” Raven sighed, “Come on you know that’s not the way to do it. You have to hit where it hurts. Like so.” She then lifted Qrows arm and tickled mercilessly under his arm, sending Qrow into screaming laughter.
“Oh I love how you think babe.” Tai said, hearts in his eyes.
“Yeah I know.” she smiled, never giving in her relentless assault of her twins most vulnerable spot.
Summer sighed, looked at Qrow apologetically, “Sorry Qrow, but if you can’t beat em, join em.” The short redhead them joined her soulmates in their torture of Qrow, lifting his other arm and tickling rapidly in the sensative spot.
“I HAHAHATE YOOHOHOHO! AAHAHAHAHA!” Qrow screeched, writhing under the assault of his teammates.  
“Weird.” Clover mused as the writing suddenly stopped, except for the marks under his left knee that is. That kept swirling and zig-zagging randomly. “Qrow, I hope that whatever you’re going through right now you survive it. I’d really like to meet you.” 
Shrugging he left to try and find something to cover the writing on his arms that wasn't sleeves. Maybe some bandages or a cloak? Clover would know when he saw it, he was sure.
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mossflowermouse · 4 years
The end of this episode, and Qrow’s entire arc with Clover this volume, feels like an implied echo of the STRQ backstory. Qrow was at a low point for most of V6, blaming himself and his semblance for everything that went wrong, and (with the help of Ruby and Maria in particular) was starting to pull himself out of it by the end of the volume. In V7, we see him gain confidence, and in general he seems happier than he’s been for much of the show. At least part of this is down to meeting and growing close to Clover - whether you see it as platonic or romantic, their relationship was central to Qrow’s growth this volume. And then Clover dies, and Qrow has most likely already started to blame himself for it. His Semblance, his decisions, his actions, Tyrian even used Qrow’s weapon. The poor birb just had a source of real hope taken from him in the most awful way possible.
Doesn’t that sound an awful lot like what we can probably assume happened with STRQ - Qrow meets new people, gains hope and happiness and meaningful relationships, and then falls back into despair and blaming himself when it all goes horribly wrong?
Although, there are some major differences this time around: 
Qrow also has Ruby and Yang to think about - Tai is currently on a different continent, so being the parental figure looking out for them falls primarily to Qrow, unlike last time things went wrong. Plus the girls weren’t in immediate danger when Raven left and Summer died/”died”.
Following on from that, what happened to STRQ affected their family first and foremost. Here, there’s an ongoing crisis that could decide the fate of Remnant and will absolutely be crucial for the people of Mantle and Atlas - it’s not just affecting the people Qrow cares about, and the danger isn’t over. There’s so much more at stake and the time to grieve may be a luxury he can’t afford.
Qrow’s been through this before, and that could affect how he reacts this time. He’s also had close to two decades in which to grow since STRQ was divided, and is by now a very different Qrow to the one who experienced that. 
While he’s been important, Clover certainly wasn’t the only thing driving Qrow’s arc this season. Qrow himself deserves credit for a lot of the things he’s managed to turn around, and his nieces (Ruby in particular, I’m thinking of the end of V6 again) have been a part of it too. Qrow has lost Clover; he hasn’t lost everything.
So the parallel has been implicitly drawn with pre-series Qrow. It feels like his arc this volume, if it does mirror his part in the STRQ backstory, explains a lot about his outlook on life as outlined in Bad Luck Charm. The question is, now that the tragedy’s happened again, how different is his response going to be?
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synvamp · 4 years
Just love me! Fluffy, slow burn, angst!Qrow has met his match and Clover begins to reel in his catch... 
(Part One HERE)
Title: Healing
Fair Game – Part Seven / 10?
Rating: M
  The briefing started at 8:30 sharp. Qrow was on time but distracted. He watched Clover’s biceps tense and relax as he ran through the mission allocations. They were so defined. Qrow knew the guy was strong but arms like that… it was just excessive.
  How the hell am I meant to focus?!
  “..and Qrow,” Clover said, his eyes just flicking to meet Qrow’s haggard morning gaze for a split second.
  Wait, what? But he hasn’t finished the assignments yet…
  “…and I’ll go with Marrow and Harriet. It’s about time we got onto the grim that have been skirting the southern walls. Any questions?” Clover asked, pausing that perfunctory split second that all managers seem to have in common, “Alright then, good luck out there.”
  Qrow blinked.
  Yang and Blake wandered over, smiling at a shared joke.
  “Clover let you off the hook today?” Yang smirked.
  “Seems so,” Qrow mused, spacing out over her shoulder. Clover was laughing with Marrow about something; the boy’s tail was wagging like crazy.
  “Well, at least we’ve got something fun to do! Sphinxes and Manticores are always good to work up an appetite and it’s beef tonight!”
  Blake smiled, “It’s meatloaf.”
  “Ugh! Oh well, I guess there’s always dessert. Hey, are you with me?” Yang waved a hand in front of Qrow’s face.
  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking.”
  “Well it looks painful,” Yang laughed, “Come on! We can’t sit around all day, we’ll miss the transport out,” she grinned and bounded off.
  Qrow watched as Clover put his hand on Marrow’s shoulder and guided him out of the room. Just before Clover walked through the door, he turned and gazed at Qrow with those perfect turquoise eyes, flicked his wrist in half a salute and was gone.
  The day passed in a blur. It was nice to hang out with Yang and Blake. He always enjoyed Blake’s quiet, no bullshit manner and Yang was… Yang. She really was Tai’s sunny dragon. All joy and flames. They worked him hard and kept him distracted. Between the grim and the banter, the day flashed by. It was almost enough to stop him from thinking about Clover… but not quite.
  Why did he allocate me to a different team? Why didn’t he even talk to me?
  But it wasn’t like Clover had brushed him off… he’d given him that seven thousand watt smile and that cocky salute…
  “Oh no, he’s gone again,” Yang said, “Qrow… Qrow… come back to me! Don’t walk towards the light!”
  “Ah, shut up…” he grinned.
  They were walking back into the mess hall and Qrow could smell the meatloaf.
  Yang looked at the plates and slumped in disappointment. Blake gave a tiny smile of I-told-you-so and went to sit with Ruby and Weiss, who were arguing about peas.
  “Mint is disgusting,” Weiss complained.
  “But it’s like eating peas after brushing your teeth!” Ruby enthused.
  “My point exactly,” Weiss said imperiously, prodding the peas on her plate as if they had just crawled out of a tar pit and died there.
  Qrow looked across the room. The Ace Ops were at the next table, well… four of them anyway.
  A deep, confident voice called out from behind him, “Look who’s finally back.”
  Qrow turned slowly; Clover was standing behind him with a tray of dinner. He looked at the tray then back to Qrow again. “Meatloaf day. I guess my luck has finally run out.”
  “I kind of like it,” Qrow said.
  “What have I told you about punishing yourself?” Clover smiled, “Meatloaf is self-harm Qrow and you deserve better.”
  Qrow smiled in spite of himself. The little spark of joy flickered in his chest but then the doubt surged again, “Why did you send me away today?”
  “How about you get yourself some… let’s just call it food… and come sit with me?”
  “Alright,” Qrow marched off and grabbed dinner. He actually did like meatloaf. It reminded him of a huntsman he used to know. Great guy but a terrible cook… all except the meatloaf which was actually glorious. Funny how it’s the little things that you remember.
Clover was sitting at a table by himself slightly away from the others. Qrow wondered if they should sit together… but he pushed the doubt down hard in his chest. He wanted to know what was going on a lot more than he cared about his laughable reputation right now anyway.
  Clover looked up as he dumped his tray on the table and huffed into the chair.
  “Long day?” he asked, green eyes twinkling.
  “Long enough,” he looked at Clover with accusing eyes.
  “Hey, hey,” Clover raised his hands in a gesture of peace, “I decided we should have a little space.”
  “You decided, huh?”
  “Yes. I wouldn’t want you to get sick of me now, would I?” he smiled warmly and Qrow did his best to try to remember that he was annoyed.
  “I guess not…” Qrow muttered, poking his meatloaf. It was grey. Maybe Clover had a point.
  “Why, did you miss me?”
  “No!” Qrow said, far too quickly.
  Clover laughed, “Well, I’m guessing that you haven’t cleaned your quarters?”
  “Amazingly, no. I hired a maid service and they sent this absolute hottie so I was kind of hoping that he would come b..”
  “No way,” Clover shook his head, “but nice try. In that case, if you’re feeling lonely you could always swing by my quarters around eight tomorrow. I thought a night in might be nice.”
  “The day after today? Unless you can’t wait of course.”
  Qrow glared at him.
  “Alright then, I’ll take that smouldering rage as a yes. See you tomorrow night.”
  And with that, Clover stood up, flexed that amazing ass of his and strode off.
Qrow couldn’t sleep and spent a good hour prowling the barracks before dawn. He knew that he was hoping to meet Clover, hoping that he was also pacing the halls, hoping that he was out here… somewhere… maybe even looking for him.
  But he didn’t see anyone. The day passed in a haze of sleep deprivation and coffee. Clover sent him out with Jaune, Ren and Nora this time. It felt like a favour of sorts because he could really use a distraction and Nora was… a hell of a distraction.
  Today they got beef. Yang was thrilled and even shouted Ruby down when she tried to start a food fight, pleading with her to save it for one of the many days when they didn’t actually have something edible.
  Qrow couldn’t focus. Clover wasn’t there. He’d been there for the briefing, made an excuse about having executive meetings and vanished.
  I bet he’s doing some stupid massive romantic thing, getting things ready for tonight. What an idiot.
Qrow smiled to himself and thought about the soft pink glow that spread across Clover’s cheeks when he was embarrassed. How can someone be so confident and so easily flustered?
  Qrow went back to his room and had a shower; he put on a black shirt and jeans and just sat. Somehow, eight o’clock finally came around.
  He learnt his lesson and waited until eight to leave his quarters. Even then he still hovered on the threshold of Clover’s door, heart sputtering in his chest. Finally, he knocked softly.
  “It’s not locked,” he heard Clover call from inside.
  Qrow opened the door. Clover was lounging on the couch in sweats and a dark green t-shirt. He had a game scroll in one hand and a fight scene in full swing on the screen in front of him.
  He was playing ninja warrior.
  Clover glanced up at him and smiled, “Hey, come in, sit down. I’ve just got one more round.”
  Qrow did as requested. It was strange, being here in Clover’s room. Not being the centre of his attention.
  Qrow let his eyes wander. There was a landscape painting on the wall, a beautiful sweeping view of a green valley with steep peaks rising on either side. Majestic. Tranquil.
  There was a couch, a TV, a bed, a bookshelf, a little kitchenette… everything neat and normal.
  Qrow thought of his own room, which was a merciless black hole brimming with chaos.
  This guy really has his shit together.
  Clover delivered an epic combo, ending the match.
  Show off.
  Clover grinned and held the controller out to Qrow. “A little birdie told me that you are no push over.”
  “Well, you should always believe random animals that speak to you.”
  “I take it on a case by case basis,” Clover grinned, “I bet Yang I could beat you. She has this ridiculous opinion that you’re some kind of ninja legend.”
  “Well, I suppose I can’t disappoint my nieces can I?”
  “That’s never going to happen.”
  Qrow looked at him.
  He felt tightness in his chest and a smile welled from somewhere deep.
  He kicked off his shoes and jumped onto the couch, “I am going to own you.”
“That so?” Clover laughed, moving so there was more room.
  They played for an hour or so, their talk becoming easier as the time wore on. Clover was actually better at ninja warrior even than Qrow, much to his delight.
  “I bet you’re cheating,” Qrow laughed, as he got his ass handed to him yet again.
  “You’re just old.”
  “You did not just say that!” Qrow laughed and turned to poke Clover in the ribs.
  Clover put down his scroll and wrapped his arm around Qrow’s shoulders. “Do you want to watch a movie?”
  “No, I think I’d fall asleep.”
“Thanks,” Clover chuckled.
  “No, it’s not you I just slept really badly.”
  “We could call it a night. I can walk you back to your room if you want,” Clover’s fingertips pressed ever so slightly on Qrow’s shoulder.
  “It’s dark.”
  “Yes?” Clover said.
  “It’s a long way.”
  “I suppose it is,” Clover agreed.
  “It seems like a bit of an inconvenience.”
  Clover put his hand on Qrow’s cheek and kissed him. He just wanted to live in the smell of him, the taste of him. To just drink him in.
  “I suppose you could just stay here,” he said softly.
  “If you insist,” Qrow leaned forwards taking one slow and fulfilling kiss in return.
  Clover turned and wrapped the slighter man in his arms, picking him up, pulling him onto his lap.
  He felt Qrow’s long fingers caress him, one hand tousling his hair and the other untucking his shirt, “Would you like to move to the bed?” Clover asked, smiling to himself as Qrow’s fingers moved quickly onto his shirt buttons.
  “Here is fine,” Qrow breathed into his ear as he pulled Clover forward to pull the cloth from his back.
  “Well,” Clover mused, slowly taking his belt off, “Let’s see if I can keep you awake then.”
Part Eight
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
I hate this Qrow X Clover romance thing. Now as a fellow Gay myself I'm all for some Qrow action with another guy and finding happiness. But who the fuck is Clover? Who cares about Clover? What is this flirty connection the show is presenting? This chemistry I don't feel at all.
Despite my love for ozqrow I’m by no means anti-multishipping and I think I could really get behind a Qrow/Clover pairing... if we actually got to know Clover more. We’ve really only had one significant scene between him and Qrow, with the rest just polite exchanges: thanks for the save, good luck in the meeting, etc. Right now the “chemistry” (for me anyway) is really just “they’re kind to one another” requiring viewers to actively interpret that as secret romantic feelings as opposed to new acquaintances who are just nice to one another. Which isn’t a bad thing by any means. God knows I’ve seen---and supported---ships built on less. Rare pairs still have a chance in fandom for a reason, but if I’m shipping someone I prefer a bit more material and for that material to at least hint at something deeper than the most basic respect and friendship shown to a new ally. We can still choose to read that as romantic, but personally I don’t think Qrow and Clover yet have any of the implied fondness/tenderness/care that we’ve seen between Qrow and Ozpin, or that the fandom assumes was there between Qrow and Summer. So many of Qrow’s adult relationships in the show are antagonistic---Winter, Ironwood (pre-Volume 7 anyway), Glyda, fighting Lionheart, losing all his huntsmen contacts---that a large part of me just wants him to have a good friend. Someone other than Tai off in Patch. For me, it’s that constant struggle between, “I want more queer rep” and “I also want more platonic male-male friendships that aren’t queer baited but also don’t pull a ‘no homo.’ Let men care for one another without attaching sex and/or romance as a qualifier.” Getting those two things to balance in a story is hard. 
Plus there’s still the “Is Clover evil?” theory. My weak heart is hesitant to get invested until this/potentially Volume 8 is over and I’m sure Clover isn’t going to turn around and devastate us all lol 
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My thoughts on V7 Ch5, spoilers ahead.
Okay, all of jumping on the fg ship. No. Just no. I still think Clover has that cocky attitude, most likely do to his semblance, but this episode shows how he is trying to form a connection with Qrow. Building up his poor self esteem and trying to get him to accept a compliment. From someone who also has no self esteem, this is a damn near impossible thing to actually get across to us. Heck, I can't even accept compliments from my own mother. Qrow has been through alot, from his parents abandoning him and his sister to being raised by bandits (which couldn't have been easy), to meeting Tai Yang and Summer (probably one of the only highlights of his academy days tbh), to having Raven abandon her family and subsequently himself, to losing Summer, to having to be alone due to his semblance, to being "betrayed" by Ozpin, and to having to rely on alcohol. It's going to take alot for Qrow to even remotely want to form friendships with new people so I applaud Clover for trying. The boy is a charmer, and he and Qrow would make good friends, but not a relationship. Them playing cards shows that, Clover will always win due to his semblance and while their semblances are similar and could potentially balance each other out, I don't think Qrow would be happy with someone who constantly gets what he wants. Qrow needs excitement and the thought of the unknown, so someone like Ironwood, would be better for him. Plus, the endgame is clearly IronQrow. Okay, I rambled on the Qrow train again. I'm done... no wait, let's talk about alcoholism and sobriety and how tough that decision is. I'm proud of him for doing it, I hope we delve deeper into him becoming happy but with withdrawal signs because drinking as along as he has, there would be symptoms. I hope nothing happens that causes him to relapse but I have a feeling it will. For now, I'm proud of him. Qrow is everything to me.
Okay since I could ramble on and on about Qrow, imma going to move on now. Nora, sweet baby angel Nora, being able to braid Ren's hair while walking is an accomplishment and for all those who worry their relationship is on the fritz, I sincerely doubt that. I don't know many people who would be willing to let someone they weren't on good terms with touch, let alone, braid their hair. Also, loving the new weapon designs.
That training area, my god I want to train there.
Neon~ her new look is amazing! Anyone know if they(fnkl) are full fledged huntsmen or still in school? If they are, are they helping train the gang because they know them? Again, Ironwood is trying to connect with them, setting them up with people they know and treating them as equals. He tries, guys, he tries. He has a lot on his plate.
The winter maiden though... If Winter is "next in line" and I use that phrase loosely, she isn't the right fit and won't last long and Weiss may end up as the Winter maiden due to always being on Winter's mind.
I love Robyn, hate Jacques. Again, setting Ironwood up to be the fall guy. Dammit, why must I like characters who are probably going to die?
Okay, last thoughts, Jaune and Marrow becoming friends is cute, Penny using her "big girl" voice towards Robyn is adorable and five o'clock shadow is the best name she could have given Qrow. Also Yang and Blake are living in their own precious little world.
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lady-byleth · 4 years
(1) IDK how sure I am about this, but it its true that they have show us Marrow becoming accustomed to our protagonist. First his denial about being happy to meet them, his cute interaction with Jaune in that montage that showed they became more used to each other, his "hey! what...what are you doing here" to Ruby, his tail wagging at seeing her before he caught himself, then his worried and not-sure-of-himself expression in this last episode. I do think there's a high chance he will at least
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It's possible! I think he might need a push though, one last thing to move him that last step to switch sides. It could be Clover reminding him of his principles, it could be Ruby's natural charisma, it could be Blake reminding him of the many Faunus Ironwood will sacrifice for his plan, who knows.
Fact of the matter is, Clover is the only one who has a personal relationship with a main cast member but Marrow is the most like the kids, so it is entirely possible that he'll help them escape or join up with them.
I've also still got that gut feeling that Tai will show up eventually, which would allow for a four men team with Qrow, Clover and Marrow to mirror the Happy Huntresses
I mean, a bird named member, a Faunus, a big beefy one and someone with personal ties to Atlas? 👀
A girl can dream
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brixzli · 5 years
Introduction and F/O List
Hey all! I'm new to the self shipping community and I'm a little nervous but also  really excited to meet some new people and to follow some cool new blogs! 
You can call me Britta! I'm a nice person so feel free to message me anytime  whether it be about me of my fictional others, any message is welcome. I do  have really strong social anxiety though, so I might be a little awkward to get  to know, sorry ^^;
I do like to draw and hope to share some of my drawings with all of you. I might even take requests from time to time c:
I don't mind sharing my f/os because I know that they make others as happy as they do me. I understand though that some people are sensitive about this though and that's perfectly fine! If we share one or more of the same fictional other and you're okay with sharing then please feel free to message or follow me! You don't have to be afraid to like or reblog anything of mine either as it's completely fine with me
I'm still working on ship names and the like and my list is steadily growing (and I have more that I'm sure about sharing at the moment), so I might update it every once and a while
I'm actually really excited to be starting this! For the longest time I've held back because I had it in my mind that I'm weird and things like this aren't normal, but seeing so many people openly share the same feelings and thoughts as I has cast a little bit of that doubt aside. Self shipping has helped a lot with my anxiety and depression, and a lot of the struggles I have in life and it's not something I can share offline, so having a little corner of the internet where I can do just that is like a breath of fresh air
Do not follow me if you're racist, homophobic, support maps/pedophiles or whatever the hell they call themselves -- if you're a garbage person, just stay away and do not interact with me
Here's my list of fictional others!
I'll keep rambling if I don't stop now lol
(Is it weird to have more than one f/o from the same series? I've seen a lot of people do it but I get paranoid and anxious really easily)
Edit: I’ve added some new f/os [*]
Main Fictional Others
Sebastian Michaelis [Black Butler] [Romantic] [Main] [Ship Name: Contracting Hearts/Fatal Attraction]
Summary: If you can't tell from my blog I am very, very, attached to Sebastian. I love his character so much and I feel so strongly for him. Sebastian helps me deal with a lot of things going on in my life and I always find comfort in him. The relationship I have with Sebastian is very complicated and grey, but it's oddly the one that brings me the most comfort
Warning: This relationship is very nsfw and has dark themes to it. My attachment to Sebastian and the relationship I have with him is one that most wouldn't consider healthy with strong yandere and dark themes. It's more of a vent relationship if anything. When something is SFW it will be tagged as "Contracting Hearts" and anything that goes against that will be tagged as "Fatal Attraction". Please be warned of this. I love Sebastian dearly, but I could never see a relationship (between him and I at least) being sunshine and rainbows
Gray Fullbuster [Fairy Tail] [Romantic] [Main] [Ship Name: Permafrost]
Summary: I love Gray with all of my heart. He's one of the first characters I really ever got attached to and care so much for. Even if I'm not attached to the series anymore I still love the characters and setting very much! Gray was my favorite character from the moment he appeared on screen and he's always going to be very close to my heart
Natsu Dragneel [Fairy Tail] [Romantic] [Main] [Ship Name: Heatwave]
Summary: Natsu is hard not to love. He's one of those characters that warm their way into you heart and never leave, and why would you want him to? He's such a sweet guy who cares about his friends and family so much and his goofiness leaves me with butterflies
Polar-Fire is the polygamous ship of Gray, Natsu, and myself.
Juvia Lockser [Fairy Tail] [Platonic Romance] [Ship Name: Raindrops]
Laxus Dreyar [Fairy Tail] 
Baldroy, Finnian, and Meyrin [Black Butler] [Polygamous] [Platonic Romance]
Shikamaru Nara [Naruto] 
Kakashi Hatake [Naruto]
Roronoa Zoro [One Piece] 
Aizawa Shouta [My Hero Academia] 
Dabi [My Hero Academia] 
Hawks [My Hero Academia] 
Hisoka Marrow [HunterxHunter] 
Uta [Tokyo Ghoul] 
Steven Stone [Pokemon] 
Cynthia [Pokemon]  *
Grimsley [Pokemon]  *
Jumin Han [Mystic Messenger] 
Leon Kennedy [Resident Evil] 
Yami Sukehiro [Black Clover] 
Finral Roulacase [Black Clover] 
Fuegoleon Vermillion [Black Clover] [Romantic]  *
Klaus Lunettes [Black Clover] [Romantic]  *
Jakob [Fire Emblem Fates] 
Niles [ Fire Emblem Fates] 
Xander [Fire Emblem Fates] 
Alex [Stardew Valley] 
Elliot [Stardew Valley]
Thomas Hunt [Hollywood U]
Peridot [Steven Universe] [Platonic Romance]  *
Lapis [Steven universe] [Platonic Romance]  *
Tai Kamiya [Digimon Tri] 
Agni [Black Butler] 
Rinkah [Fire Emblem Fates] 
Camilla [Fire Emblem Fates] 
Leo [Fire Emblem Fates] 
Cana Alberona [Fairy Tail] 
Thunder Legion [Fairy Tail] 
Macbeth [Fairy Tail] [Platonic]  *
Cobra [Fairy Tail] [Platonic]  *
Kiba Inuzuka [Naruto] 
Ino Yamanaka [Naruto] 
Erza Scarlet [Fairy Tail] 
Lucy Heartfilia [Fairy Tail] 
Gajeel Redfox [Fairy Tail] [Crushing]  *
Levy McGarden [Fairy Tail] [Crushing]  *
Naruto Uzumaki [Naruto] 
Sakura Haruna [Naruto] 
Sasuke Uchiha [Naruto] 
Temari [Naruto] 
Ciel Phantomhive [Little Brother]
Elizabeth Midford [Black Butler] [Little Sister]
Tanaka [Black Butler [ Grandfather]
Soma Asman Kadar [Black Butler] [Brother]
Wendy Marvel [Fairy Tail] [Little Sister]
Mirajane Strauss [Fairy Tail] [Sister]
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