#talented rockstar baby living his talented rockstar dreams
i'm feeling so soft for jake rn
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
hey i have a req for the penny verse!! if u want can u possibly do penny gets her period and like starts freaking out and only eddie’s home so he’s like “uh- i’ll go get some pads” if u want to ofc!!! i love ur writing <33
five months later and i was finally able to get to this one. sorry about the wait and i hope i did it just! this was also definitely influenced by me finally having seen Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
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rockstar!eddie manip by the talented @themunsonator5000!
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫
(dad!rockstar!eddie munson x mom!reader) *but like you're not even in this*
summary: Your daughter gets her first period while you’re away and only Eddie is home. Somehow, she ends up comforting him.
warnings: lots of sentiment, brief (and i mean brief) mention of an oc side character death, angst, fluff, some hurt and whole lot of comforting. and of course mentions of periods.
𝗮/𝗻: 𝗲𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲'𝘀 𝗮 𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘁, 𝗴𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂! more dad!eddie here.
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Eddie let out a sigh as he collapsed back onto the couch, body nearly sinking into it.
  The house was finally quiet. He wasn’t sure if he liked that or not. Felt foreign to him, especially in the new house.
  He glanced around the living room, brown eyes lingering on a few empty boxes that had yet to be broken down from the move.
  It was a big change, moving from Hawkins to California and he was well aware there wasn’t a single member of his family that was feeling completely positive about the experience. He could tell you were trying to be, for his sake and for the kids, but leaving behind all your friends was difficult. Even Eddie was struggling, despite Jeff, Gareth and Anthony being close by.
  Corroded Coffin had picked up quite a bit of traction and a loyal fanbase that was stemming into a borderline crazed one. The demand for more performances and appearances was high. Eddie never thought they’d ever reach this level, had dreamed of it once but after he found out you were pregnant with Penny, he didn’t care for the dream anymore. He preferred his reality, his family.
  Then the kids got older and you always encouraged him to keep playing so they did, and it happened. It wasn’t instant, overnight, or even close in years but they’d finally reached the point where the members were rarely in Hawkins. It had been the source of a lot of tension in your relationship, the hardest thing the two of you had ever gone though. You hated that he wasn’t around much and so did Eddie, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. Contracts had been signed and the ink had already dried.
  The fighting had been exhausting, at one point it felt as though the two of you lost each other and that had been terrifying. 
  And his kids—his babies. He was missing out on his babies growing up and it broke his fucking heart. Wayne appeared indifferent, but Eddie knew he cared and Penny was like you, always trying to seem okay and put together but she was hiding stuff from him—no scary secrets or rebellion, she was hiding her feelings.
  When you found out you were pregnant again, in the midst of all the fighting and distance, it had been the final straw for Eddie. He wasn’t about to let his family slip between his fingers. 
  The moment a show ended, and he didn’t have another the following day, he was rushing off stage to shower, throwing some inconspicuous clothes on to keep the invasive cameras from recognizing him, before he was on the next flight to Indiana. It didn’t matter if he only got to be there sporadically, he was there every. single. chance. he got.
  And when Maple was born during one of their concerts, Gareth was subbing in for lead vocals while he was holding your hand in the delivery room.
  It took time, love and a lot of nurturing but things got better. Then, you’d brought up moving to California. Most of Corroded Coffin’s appearances were based in the area which meant you and the kids would be closer to him, able to see him nearly every day if he wasn’t doing press or touring.
  You were extending the olive branch. 
  In truth, he hadn’t wanted to agree immediately, knew he’d be leaving Wayne behind (the old man said he wasn’t meant for city life, that he’d stay and have a place for his grandkids to visit and he couldn’t leave behind the women he loved, both of them now resting in the same cemetery), as well as your shared friends and the friends Penny and Wayne had made. It was a lot to leave. 
  In the end, you were willing to leave everything if it meant you’d never have to leave Eddie, never have to break your family. So, the boxes had been packed and labeled, goodbyes had been exchanged (Penny had cried when little Winnie, Megan and Margot Harrington, hadn’t wanted to let her go and Wayne had exchanged a heartfelt hug with his namesake, who was his favorite person to be around) and all your friends and family had been left waving goodbye to you from the rearview mirror.
  Yeah. Everyone was adjusting.
  Which led to today. Wayne had a field trip to the zoo, which he didn’t want to go on because of how new he was and his lack of friends. You’d been planning on taking the baby and going with him (the only way he’d agree to go) until Penny came down with something last night, complaining about not feeling good which meant you’d have to stay home with her. 
  If Eddie’s family was making sacrifices for him, then he was more than willing to make a sacrifice on behalf of Ari, his publicist, and canceled an interview he hadn’t even wanted to do in the first place. The guys were also happy to stay home, so it was a win. You took Wayne on his field trip, because Eddie couldn’t go anywhere without some dick with a camera following him around, and Eddie stayed home with Penny and Maple.
  Only, Penny locked herself away in her room and either Eddie was really out of practice or Maple just had a difficult time bonding with him because she would not stop wailing and shrieking. She had more teeth breaching her gums, and Eddie had tried everything he could to sooth her, everything he’d used with Penny and Wayne; frozen teething toys, massaged over the area of her gums, baby orajel, cuddles, she just fought him every time. 
  The only reason she’d gone down was because of how hard she’d been crying, little body shaking and trembling as she shrieked as loud as her little lungs would allow her to, tears streaming down her face and continuously pooling in her eyes. She’d worn herself out.
  Big moment of defeat for him, he’d felt guilty ever since he put her in her crib, wiping the wet trails from her face. Even in sleep, she didn’t look at peace.
  He could play to sold out arenas, had played a five hour concert in Madison Square fucking Garden, but he couldn’t sooth his baby, couldn’t take his son to the zoo and his oldest barely talked to him. 
  The life of a Rockstar.
  With a heavy sigh, Eddie reached to his side for the remote to the television. When his palm met the fabric of the cushions, he let out a more aggressive sigh, rising so he could take the couch apart in his search for that damn remote even though he knew it would somehow pop up in the most conspicuous place, though he’d last left it on that fucking cushion.
  He’d just lifted one large cushion when he heard a high pitched shriek.
  Eddie dropped the cushion as he ran upstairs towards her room. When he burst through the door, head whipping around, he still couldn’t find her. Then he noticed the light coming from under her bathroom door and rushed forward.
  “Penny?!” He called out, aggressively twisting the knob but it didn’t budge. He got desperate and shouldered the door, ready to break it down in an instant if she didn’t answer, “Penny, are you okay?!”
  “I need mom!” She called through the door.
  “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” He kept trying the knob, eager to just yank it off and get to his little girl.
  Had she slipped and fallen? Thrown up? Should he call an ambulance–no, fuck that, they’d be too slow, he’d grab Penny and the baby and take her himself.
  “NO! I’m fine, I just–I need mom.” Penny sounded closer, and Eddie felt a little relieved to know she wasn’t injured. But why didn’t she want him?
  “I can help, sweet pea! Your tummy upset? I can make some soup! Or-or I can go get you what you need!”
  “The only thing I need is mom.” She was right on the other side of the door now. 
  Eddie sighed, forehead dropping against his side of the bathroom door in defeat. Of course she didn’t want to talk to him. “Well, mom isn’t here right now. So. I guess you're stuck with me.”
  Alright, maybe Eddie had been expecting her to take pity on him but she didn’t.
  The door remained closed and she stayed silent so with a heavy heart, Eddie settled against the wall opposite of the door. He’d be there for her when she decided to come out.
  It took about ten minutes before he heard the door unlock and it opened slowly, just her head poking out in his exact direction, as if she’d known he’d still be there. Her big brown eyes were vulnerable, eyebrows slightly furrowed–she was nervous.
  “I’m bleeding.” She said it so softly, it had Eddie scrambling up and towards her. She backed into the bathroom to allow him in, but when he looked her over, he didn’t see any injuries. She was just fidgeting, playing with her fingers. It was when she glanced up at him and then nervously to the toilet bowl that it clicked for him.
  Penny had her first period. 
  “Oh, shit.”
  “Sorry, sorry! I just–wow, uh, first…”
  “Period, dad. I got my period!” She rolled her eyes and Eddie just nodded, head moving like a bobble head.
  “I know! I know! Trust me, I know what a period is. I’m just–you caught me off guard, I mean your mom said–.” And then Eddie recalled exactly what you said, “Hold on, I’ll be right back.”
  Eddie ran from her bathroom, towards the master bedroom. Sure enough, a peak under one of your shared bathroom cabinets produced a box of pads, unopened. 
  “Yes.” He hissed, snatching it from its place before he ran back to her room. Penny hadn’t moved from her spot, eyes widening as he offered her the box and wiped the hair out of his face.
  “Here. Your mom got you these, she said–she uh, had a feeling you’d, you know, start soon.”
  Penny took the box from his hands, glancing down at them in wonder. 
  Eddie watched her, heart clenching for some reason he couldn’t quite explain. 
  “Pretty big moment, huh?” He broke the silence with a soft chuckle, clearing his rapidly tightening throat.
  It turned out to be the right thing to say, she angled her head up to beam at him. 
  “I can’t believe I got it, everyone else has it but I didn’t think I would!” 
  Penny was excited about it, you’d explained to him that she would be when she first got her period, because Eddie knew how much you hated yours (unless you thought you were pregnant–then it was suddenly your best friend who you missed dearly). It would be a big moment for her, a right of passage in girlhood or something. Or at least one that tampon and pad companies established. 
  “So it is a big moment,” Eddie reiterated, blinking hard.
  “Yeah, I–dad, are you crying?”
  Eddie kept blinking, shaking his head as his vision blurred and he sniffled, “No. Why would I be crying? I’m not crying, my little girl has a period. That’s it. Nothing to cry over.”
  “Dad…” She started before she placed the box on the tile and hugged his waist.
  That’s when Eddie actually started crying, bending over to wrap his arms around her shoulders. He held her like that for a few moments, pressing a few kisses to the top of her head.
  It seemed like she was trying to comfort him because she didn’t pull away, just let him hold her until eventually he realized she’d need to actually use one of those pads.
  “You know how to work those, right?” He asked, standing straight though his hands remained on her shoulders as her arms went back to her sides.
  “I know how to use them, dad, some of the girls at school showed me theirs.” She laughed out, “I still can’t believe I got it!”
  “Is that why you didn’t go to school?” He asked and she got quiet, shifting her weight and toeing the grout before she looked up at him, eyes clouded with guilt.
  “Shanti’s having a sleepover tonight and if I went to school, they’d know I’m not sick.” She admitted and Eddie frowned.
  “I was actually talking about cramps, but she didn't invite you?”
  Penny went back to avoiding his gaze and walked over to the bathroom wall, resting her back against it so she could slide to the floor and pull her knees to her chest. Eddie immediately joined her, one knee up and the other leg spread out. She was finally talking to him, he didn’t want it to end.
  “She invited me, but they’re just gonna talk about their periods and boys and stuff. And I didn’t have my period so I didn’t want to go.”
  “Oh, I see,” Eddie didn’t want to talk about the subject of boys and stuff, he’d put that off for years if he could. “You could go now, you’ve got your period.”
  “I don’t know,” she put her chin on the top of her knees, and Eddie stared at her, still so amazed at how much she looked like you. “I don’t know if they really like me. I’m trying really hard, but it doesn’t feel easy, doesn’t feel natural.”
  “I know how you feel,” he muttered and when she glared at him from the corner of his eyes for daring to try to relate to a girl in the sixth grade, he started rambling, “Sometimes, you know, you feel like you’ve got to try hard to get people to talk to you and sometimes you feel like they’re not happy with you so you try harder, and then you can’t tell if they like you or if they like how hard you’re trying or how desperate you are to be with them and wanting them to spend time with you or if you’re just annoying them. And they feel bad for you.”
  Eddie stared at the large mirror across from the pair, at his reflection and soaked in the truth of it all. He could relate to Penny a little too much.
  His head lulled to the side, catching her eyes as she watched him.
  “But she invited you, baby. If you ask me, I think they want to be your friends. Maybe it doesn’t feel natural because you’re scared to stop trying so hard.”
  She considered his statement, pursing her lips. 
  “Maybe you’re right. Can I even go? You’re not mad at me for lying?”
  Eddie huffed out a breathy laugh, hand reaching over to stroke over her curls, “About this? No. I’m just glad you told me. You can go if you want, okay?”
  She nodded, and Eddie withdrew his hands as she stretched her legs out, figuring the conversation was over. He felt a little better about their relationship–she hadn’t iced him out after all. 
  Penny moved onto her knees, ready to push herself up and Eddie was about to do the same thing when she got his attention. 
  “Uhm, daddy?”
  “Yeah, baby?”
  “I think the people you’re talking about moved from Hawkins over here because they want to be with you, too. All the time. You don’t have to try so hard, ‘cause we love you a lot. Maple’s just a big cry baby.”
  There was no way Eddie could deny the water at his lower lash line or the two large tears that trailed down his cheeks. “C’mere.”
  Penny wrapped her arms around his shoulders as Eddie hugged her to him tightly, eyes squeezing shut as the two ton weight that had been pressing on his heart was lifted by a little girl barely half his size.
  “I love you, daddy.” She whispered, squeezing him back. Ediie could feel something wet pressing against his neck and he realized she was crying, too. The last time he’d seen her cry was when they said goodbye to everyone in Hawkins. Eddie inhaled a shaky breath as he responded, a hand moving to cradle the back of her head.
  “I love you, too, baby. I love you all so much.” 
  They held each other until she pulled away, wiping at her face. 
  “I have to put on a pad, daddy.”
  “Oh, right. Yeah. I’ll give you some privacy.” Eddie pushed himself up, stretching his arms up and relishing in the sensation.
  “Can we watch The Wild Thornberrys after?”
  “Of course, baby.” That was the children’s show Flea always bragged about being on. Dude had so many movie roles, it was insane. 
  Eddie was about to leave the bathroom, doorknob in his hand to close it behind him when she stopped him again, “And daddy, if you want to spend time with me, you can always take me to the Spice Girls concert.”
  Eddie smirked, amused with the innocent act she was playing, eyelashes batting and making her eyes appear even wider.
  “I’ll think about it.”
  While Penny finished up, Eddie checked in on Maple–who was awake and waiting for him, pacifier in her mouth and little arms outstretched the moment he came into view.  His little mini-me (out of all of his kids, she looked the most like Eddie) cuddled up to him as soon as he picked her up, cheek resting on his shoulder.
  Then he went in search of the house phone so he could call Ari and get tickets for the next Spiceworld show.
(Penny ended up finding the remote for the TV on the arm of the loveseat where Eddie had not left it.)
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strniohoeee · 10 months
Chris with a rockstar girl who sings and plays electric guitar 😏 like she’s very confident and can make him weak in the knees!!… also I love all your stories and writings 🫶🏻❤️
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris is madly in love with his rockstar girlfriend, and can’t stop obsessing over her🎸
Warning⚠️: None, it’s pretty short sadly. I wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be smutty. I felt like not really but IDK🥹I still hope you enjoy tho!
Song for the imagine: Feel Good Inc.- Gorillaz
Chris POV
She was hot….so fucking hot. She was mysterious and dark, mean but nice. She was my wildest dreams in living flesh. She could make me crumble just by the way she looked at me. She was so powerful, and she was all mine.
I wasn’t too sure how I got her, I was the total opposite of her. I was foolish, dumb and oftentimes seen as immature. She liked all this about me, and I wasn’t too sure why when she was the textbook definition of Divine Feminity.
I would say we were the black cat and golden retriever stereotypical couple. I just followed her around with hella heart eyes as she ran everything. Confidence oozing out of her pores. Most people didn’t think we were dating, but she always put it out there.
“Who’s he?” Some random band guy would ask
“That’s my boyfriend and his names Chris” she would respond with a blunt expression
Most times they would scurry away at her demeanor. She was very confident and powerful, but she was the sweetest most loving girl I’ve ever spoken to. She had my heart melting constantly.
She was a singer and played the electric guitar. She was part of a band that was pretty popular in our area. Always playing gigs, and I tagged along. Cheering her on from the front row, or from backstage. I loved my baby
Her voice when she sang….sent chills down my spine. For someone who was soft spoken with me she sure knew how to make her voice hoarse and raspy as she sang. Sending chills throughout my whole body.
The way her fingers worked quickly against the guitar, and how her head went back as she held a note. I was ready to drop to my knees for her.
Her dark red lips…so plump staining the microphone as she sang every song. The way her long hair flowed as she moved around. Her tattooed arms shining bright against the lights reflecting down on her. The way her veins would stand out in her neck as she would hit one specific note in one specific song. It was my favorite song, and she was my favorite singer.
I would find my jaw slack, my pupils blown and my knees weak. She was so fucking beautiful.
The way she ran her hands through her hair sent shock waves through my brain. How could I possibly be dating someone as talented and gorgeous as her.
I was beyond head over heels for this girl, and I couldn’t figure out how to control myself.
I was at one specific show right now standing on the sidelines watching her.
She was currently doing a cover of DONTTRUSTME by 3OH!3. The way her voice flowed through my brain, I swear I was being hypnotized. How does one cover a song, and make it sound so fucking sexy.
After her set she went backstage, and I met her there
“Amazing show baby” I said walking in
“My loveeeee thank you” she said smiling bright and opening her arms for a hug
“I swore I was hypnotized” I said kissing her
“I try” she said winking at me
Fuck she was making me weak in the knees just by winking at me.
“So beautiful and sexy and dark” I said to her biting my lip
“Ouu you might want to watch how you speak, or I’ll act out” she said looking at me shyly
“Maybe you should” I said looking her her through half lidded eyes
“I have another set in five minutes baby” she said pouting
“Noo” I said pulling her in for another kiss
“I know baby, but later on tonight” she said winking
“Mmm yes watching you for another hour will work me up some more” I said rubbing my hands down her sides, snaking my arms around her back and giving her ass a squeeze
“Behave now” she said looking up at me
“I am…I promise” I said looking down at her
“Let me finish this set, and I’ll make all your wishes come true” she said running her hand down my chest
“Sounds amazing” I said winking at her
She got ready for her next set, and I sat there watching her in a trance. God this was the woman for me.
The End
I hope you guys enjoyed this one I’m sorry it was short. I wasn’t too sure how to make it super long. I’m not really experienced as far as like a rockstar girlfriend😭😭
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porchlightfairy · 1 year
Shoot for the Moon Part 2
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3
rockstar!eddie x reader
summary: Eddie gets to know his kid
wc: 1.4k+
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“If you were an astronaut, where would you go?”
“I'd like to go to the moon.”
“Just the moon?”
“‘Just the moon’?! Fine, um, Mars, be the first Martian.”
He scoffs.
“Oh c’mon, I’m really trying here.”
“You should be aiming bigger, baby. With a mind like yours, you could land on Jupiter.”
“So… what’s your name?” Eddie, Wayne, and the girl sit in a diner waiting for breakfast. The girl sits across from Eddie and Wayne sits next to her.
“Jupiter.” She says.
“And how old are you?” Eddie wanted to throw up. His stomach was in knots the entire way over to the diner. When they first met no words were exchanged between them until Wayne offered to pay for breakfast. They all awkwardly shuffled to his car and sat in silence before sitting down and ordering food. 
“I’m 13.” Jupiter picks at her straw paper.
Eddie choked on the tears that itched at the back of his throat. 13 years ago, he had left Indiana behind to live his dreams of being a rockstar. Why would you not tell him? Leave him in the dark on all of this? He would have been there. He should have been there. Tears welled up in his eyes, “I’m sorry.” He says before quickly wiping them away, “I’m sorry for your loss. And for not knowing you. But I don’t know if that’s a good thing to apologize for.”
“It’s okay.” She says, “I’m sorry I asked that question at the house. I know who you are. I mean from your music and stuff. Mom told me a lot about you. I know you’re my dad.”
“What has she told you?”
Just then, the waitress comes with their food. None of them touch it. “Well, you love music, you’re secretly a nerd, and you loved her.” Jupiter gives an earnest smile. 
Eddie smiles too, “Since you know everything about me already, why don’t I get to know you?”
They ate as they talked. Eddie learned more about Jupiter. She was an incredible kid. She was smart, talented, and she wanted to be a physicist when she grew up. She liked Eddie’s band, her mom bought her all his albums. Eddie couldn’t help but smile as the girl rambled on about middle school. She never told anybody he was her dad. She liked it normal here. Her mother probably did too.
His smile falters, “We should head back to the house.” 
Wayne nods, “C’mon Jupe.” 
They head back home. Jupiter goes back to her room while Wayne sits on the porch with Eddie. “Isn’t she remarkable?”
“She is.” Eddie chuckles but stops abruptly, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It wasn’t my business to tell.” Wayne stops in his tracks and sighs.
“And yet here you are, letting them live with you. I would have come back, I would have been there for her.”
“Maybe she knew that.” Wayne huffs, “Maybe she didn’t want you to.”
“That’s not fair.”
“Neither was giving her the choice in the first place. That long distance crap was never gonna work, Eddie. And with a baby on the way? It was just gonna make things worse.”
Tears fall from Eddie’s eyes. He can’t find the words anymore, so he just cries. How quickly he would have dropped everything to come home. He would have never looked back had you not ignored him. He thought you hated him. That’s why he stopped calling. He stopped writing. He just stopped. He should have never stopped.
His heart hurts now and he can’t breathe. Wayne pats his shoulder as he tries to comfort his son. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I think we all knew you’d come running home in a heartbeat and you’d gone so far to just come back.”
Eddie shrugs his hand off and heads inside. He just needed to be away from Wayne. But the thought of you still plagued his mind. He sits in the guest room sniffling to himself before he hears a familiar sweet voice and then his own. He opens the door and follows the sound upstairs to an ornate door. It’s got Jupiter’s name on it with puffy star stickers and rocket ships.
He knocks in the door. The voice stops and Jupiter opens the door, “Hi.” She only opens it wide enough for her head to peek through.
“What are you watching?” He tilts his head.
“Um, don't tell Wayne? He doesn’t like me looking through her stuff. He says it’ll make me sad.”
“Never.” He crosses his finger over his heart.
She opens the door wider to reveal her room. There was a mess of papers and vhs tapes on the ground. As Eddie looks around he smiles. Her room was covered in space paraphernalia. Stars on strings, a solar system mobile hangs in one corner. Posters of several rockets and astronauts on the wall. Model rockets decorate her dresser and bookshelves.  “You must really like space.”
“I love space.” She smiles, “My name being Jupiter is just a perk.” She sits on the floor, “So I found these tapes in my mom's closet, there was barely anything in it anyway.”
“Which one are you watching now?”
“It was labeled ‘86 ” She hits play on the VCR. 
The tape starts in the dark before the camera is set down on a dresser. Eddie smiles as he recognizes the background of his own room. You walk into frame and smile, “And we’re rolling.” You then pounce on the bed jolting the young Eddie awake. “Mr. Munson, it’s 1986. What are your plans for the future?”
Young Eddie groans, “What time is it? It’s too early to answer anything”
“It’s actually late in the morning. Now c’mon answer the question.” You pinch his sides.
“Uh, graduate.” He mumbles.
Eddie laughs at the response, he doesn’t remember this conversation. It was nice to see you and him together again. He feels an itch in the back of his throat.
The video continues, “Okay, then what?”
“What? You want more?” He whines
“Yes, c’mon. You graduate and then… we move into our own place.”
Eddie sits up at the offer, “Yeah? Together?”
“Mhm. and then…?”
“I get a job.”
“Oh? Then so do I.”
“Okay, we both get jobs and save up for…”
“A ring.” Eddie smiles at you longingly, “Then we get married at the courthouse. Nothing crazy, just enough.”
“Enough is good.” You smile widely, “You want to marry me?”
“Of course I do. I love you.”  He kisses you.
“Okay okay I love you too.” You can’t help but smile again, “After that, we quit our jobs and get better ones.”
“We do?”
“Yep, And you will pursue music.” Eddie starts to shake his head, “Yes yes, you will. And while you do that, I will become an astronaut.”
“An Astronaut?” Eddie laughs, “So if you were an astronaut where would you go?”
“I'd like to go to the moon.” You claim boldly.
“Just the moon?” He cocks an eyebrow. He’s playing with some of your hair.
“‘Just the moon’?! Fine, um, Mars, be the first Martian.” You fold your arms and frown.
He scoffs.
“Oh c’mon, I’m really trying here.” You flop on top of him in defeat.
“You should be aiming bigger, baby. With a mind like yours, you could land on Jupiter.” He starts to tickle her, “You could grab hold the rings of Saturn in your hands if you wanted to.” Soon both of  you are having fits of laughter as you tickle and wrestle each other. 
The tape ends and Eddie wipes his nose. Jupiter ejects the tape, “You two really loved each other.” 
“We did.” He sighs, “That was way before you though. I got into my music, and your mom…”
“Stayed here.” She says. She doesn’t look at him. She didn’t really like Eddie, but she couldn’t bring herself to say hate. She didn’t hate him, she just wished that he would have come back. Even if he didn’t know she had existed yet, Jupiter wished her dad’s love for mom would have been strong enough for him to have come back.
As she avoids his gaze, Eddie looks around her room. He rubs his sweaty palms on his pants. “I’ll leave you to your scavenging. Thanks for letting me watch.” He heads towards the door, “I think it's nice of you to look at her stuff. She kept it for a reason y’know?”
Jupiter nods, “Thank you… Eddie.”
“No worries.”
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lnights · 1 year
@10yearsofblindchannel happy Joel Day!
Joel day 1,011 words, hinted JoelxOlli, baby channel
Graduation felt like it was looming upon him. He knew that was probably a bit dramatic, but it was really all he could think. 
His parents kept telling him he had to figure out his life, that he couldn't keep dreaming of being a rockstar forever, especially since his band had folded.
His father told him to be grateful he got as much as he had; there was a lot of bands that never got to release an album like they did, that never got to play the shows he was able to play with the others and he should be happy he at least got to live his dream for a little bit while he was still in school and still being supported by them.
His mother would tell him the same, that he was able to have his band and he should be happy with what he had and leave it at that
But it's not what he wanted, he wanted to rule the world with music.
Dorky looking Joonas Porko had been the last person he had thought would feel the same, but the two of them had ended up using the same rehearsal room at school because the others were full, and discussion had quickly started about how both of their bands had decided to dissolve, leaving them drifting right before graduation.
It only took a couple weeks of playing guitar and writing music before they started talking about forming a band together.
"We really have some great songs here." Joonas told him, "you remember Olli from Abhorrent Ritual? He would be happy to play bass for us. And our friend Tommi is a great drummer."
"I don't know," Joel replied, "I'm really not great singing-"
"You are though!" Joonas insisted, "I've heard you sing enough."
"Not on my own!" Joel argued, "I only did backing vocals before… and besides I don't think I could be a frontman by myself."
Joonas nodded a little, "we'll figure it out, but I think we should get Olli and Tommi involved."
Joel smiled a little, the idea of having another band appealing to him enough to override his nerves, "give them a call."
"They are literally babies," Joel muttered.
"They're only a couple years younger than me and they happen to be two of my best friends," Joonas rolled his eyes, "you heard them play, they picked up the songs right away, you know we can do this."
Joel sighed but Joonas was right, their new drummer and bassist may be young but he couldn't deny they had talent.
"Ok," Joel addressed the other two, "I was not able to get back into the same rehearsal space I used to use with Scarm, so we'll go with Joonas' garage for now. We can meet up there this weekend and have our first practice, assuming you two still want to do this?"
For a moment he really wondered if they would back out, he knew he didn't have the greatest reputation in school, he was often thought of as difficult to work with and moody, maybe they wouldn't want to work with him even with Joonas vouching for him. Maybe he was just too much and he'd never have a band again and-
"Sounds good." Tommi said, Olli nodding along.
Relief flooded through him and he gave them the address, packing his guitar while they talked about a house party they were going to on Friday night, trying to not listen too closely. It wasn't like he was ever invited to those things.
"Joel, you have to stop pacing." Niko told him.
Joel froze in his path, looking over at his co-vocalist.
"How can you not be nervous?" He asked, "we're in Germany, we're about to go on stage at fucking Wacken!"
"I know," Niko said, "but we've got this."
Joel sighed and flopped into a chair instead, looking around him.
When Porko had called him a year ago and convinced him to pick up some rapper he and Olli had met at a party the night before and bring him to band practice, he hadn't realized he was picking up the missing piece they needed to get their band off the ground.
Niko kept him balanced, stayed calm when he panicked, jumped for joy with him when they got their first song on the radio, even came up with their band name. He was exactly what they had needed.
It still surprised him sometimes, that he had ended up with a group that didn't just ditch him when he got to be too much; they argued and occasionally told each other off, but there would always be apologies later over a beer and everything would be forgotten.
Joel looked around their tent, Tommi was drumming to a tune only he could hear, something Joel had long figured out was a nervous habit and was best to not disturb him. Joonas was sitting with Olli and talking quietly, he seemed cheerful but their bassist looked pale.
He didn't know why but he always hated seeing Olli upset; of course he hated seeing all his bandmates upset, but especially Olli…
He was too sweet, sometimes a little bit of an airhead but at others serious and calmer than all of them put together.
He could keep it together for him.
"You're right," he said loudly to Niko, "we've got this, we're going to go out there and dominate that stage."
Joonas and Olli looked up at him, both giving him a smile.
"He's right," Joonas patted Olli on the shoulder, "we've got this!"
"Fuck yeah we do", Tommi said from the corner, tone deadpan as normal.
"Thanks Joel," Olli smiled that soft smile he only seemed to show Joel he got up to grab his bass.
Joel smiled as his four bandmates started to show more enthusiasm, helping him to forget his own worries. Of course they had this, he had the best band in the world.
With the cutest bassist in the world.
With that blush-inducing thought, Joel got up to lead them to the stage.
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adamt101904 · 24 days
Episode 6
The band played a CD release party at The Crypt, it went very well. They found out from Viktor that they would be going on tour with Rob Zombie in January and were completely going all fan boy over it. They couldn't believe their luck.
"We are touring with Rob Zombie" said Stein "I can't believe it"
"I know it's fucking amazing " said Wolfie D
"Hey turn on some tunes will you Zee" said Morgot.
She turned the radio on and were hearing themselves.
"Were on Bob Rocks you all!" said Isis.
They listened to the song and couldn't believe it
"That was local talent Black Plague with their soon to be hit 'Into the Circle '." said the DJ
The band was in awe, they were getting radio play. Everything was happening so fast they couldn't believe it.
"I told you babies your star is on the rise." said the demon. "Now we just need to keep the momentum up chickees."
"So what now" asked Sebastian
"Now babies we just chill and watch" it said
The band did just that. Viktor got them an on air interview with Bob Rocks, as well as some TV time on the Metal Massacre show. They talked about their upcoming tour with Rob Zombie and the success of their album Creature Feature. They even did a CD signing at Hot Topic in the mall, the first time they saw their merch for sale. New Year's Eve saw them playing a midnight show at The Crypt. Things were going great.
Time was coming close for the tour with Rob Zombie. The band was getting the van ready when a huge black bus with their name on it pulled in front of the loft.
"You kids ready?" said Viktor as he walked off the bus. "Do you like it, it's all yours kiddos"
They had their very own tour bus.
"All your gear is loaded up in Pittsburgh and will meet you in Boston for your first show."
They loaded up everything on the bus and hit the road. Several days passed as the bus rambled on to Boston. They arrived at the arena and went inside.
"You guys ready to rock tonight?" asked Rob Zombie
"Yeah, we are going to burn it down Mr Zombie." said Sebastian.
Rob just shook his head as he walked away laughing. Black Plague had their rehearsal and we're certain they were prepared for the show.
Just under an hour until start time. The band chilled in their waiting room downing some beers before their big moment. There was a knock on the door.
"Five minutes till go time" the stagehand told them.
"Well, this is it" said Sebastian "Let's rock"
The band took the stage and waited as the countdown commenced. In thirty seconds the would be playing the biggest show of their lives.
The Plague played hard, the crowd moshed harder. They finished their set and went off stage as the audience yelled for more, it was awesome.
"Great job guys" said Viktor as the band left the stage. "Rob absolutely loved it and can't wait for this tour to get kicking."
"Mr Zombie liked our set?" asked Sebastian
"Yes kiddo, but it's Rob not Mr Zombie ok, he doesn't like the Mr Zombie thing"
After Rob played his set and encore, the bands met backstage and partied. The guys were partying with Rob Zombie., dreams do come true they thought.
The first of ever 80 shows was done. They loaded up in the tour bus just before the sun rose. They were on the road again. This was the rockstar life and they were living it. Their album was climbing the charts and projected to go to number 1. Merch sales were through the roof. Things just kept getting better.
They toured with Zombie the rest of the year. The shows were all hot and Black Plague built up quite a following. After the tour ended they got some time off to recoup before they started their next project, recording their next album. The Plague were ready to go when Viktor sent a limo to pick them up.
They arrived in Pittsburgh and went straight to the Cataclysm Records office. They had been writing songs while they were on the road and a good collection to go through for the new record.
The recording took almost two months to complete. They named it Darkness Falls and it's release was very much anticipated by the fans., it debuted at number five on the charts. They had the life they had always wanted, no matter how hard, and they wouldn't trade it for the world.
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goxinsane · 1 year
➹ + janelle monáe
{ @richlust }
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Paisley Addams, 33-37, homosexual, pronouns: they/she. Currently resides in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Song Association: ROCKSTAR 101 by Rihanna and Killing Me Softly With His Song cover by Fugees, Ms Lauryn Hill and Wyclef Jean.
Unexpected pregnancies were sometimes blessings in disguise-- from a one night stand between two ‘rival’ bandmates, Paisley was prematurely born, roughly around the eight and a half month mark. At first Titus Yashere, her father, the drummer of “Treacherous Waters” and her mother Xuadaya Addams (pronounced: zoo-die-ya), the singer of “Toe Jam, Peanut Butter”, had to put their differences aside to address the situation and consider life on the road, if they wanted the baby around. Life was going to seem rough, especially since they had to slow down until Paisley was able to be discharged from the hospital. Considering the fact they were both Michigan natives, and were luckily in their hometown, they were able to stay before returning to go on the road. However, Titus decided to push aside the rivalry and invited Xuadaya to be in the band, alongside all bandmates becoming a family to Paisley as she grew up practically being their number one-supporter! 
For little ol’ Paisley, she enjoyed life on the road. She was constantly surrounded by a great range of music, met famous bands and singers and amazing fans, got lucky with close-stage views of her parent’s band, and even helped with the merchandising table. It was like living the dream of a rockstar, without really being one. As her tenth birthday came along, she asked her parents for the entire, ENTIRE, set of Guitar Hero games, and instruments included. She felt rather happy not being in school and self teaching herself how to excell at all, alongside the bandmates she conned into playing with her (as something to do). Paisley became very talented, despite never getting a proper education and continued to linger on the road until touring stopped due to many reasons--- underdeveloped songs, verbal and violent fighting, health issues, drinking and substance abuse, you name is. Things were falling apart but her parents tried to stick it out. So, Paisley came up with their own idea to start a band. They put out a casting call on Instagram, contacted some familiar faces and some friends and eventually got ahold of Jazzy Jenkins-- a bassist from Canada, and Lorelai Bajwa Kapoor-- an English born Indian whose passion was drumming and drinking. Aside from drinking and partying while their band goes on tour, Paisley has two daughters under the age of five, under their wing with her long-term groupie girlfriend. Connecting with people through talking isn’t enough--- so, music was the next step, showcased in her band which plays anything from Hardcore rock to R&B tunes.
Muse association? Yes, bandmate to Lorelai Bajwa Kapoor, currently a secondary muse.
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camilaagarza · 1 year
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Camila Garza was born in Campolongo Hospital in Salerno Italy to parents David Gaetano Rossi and Victoria Garza. She was born into a very privileged lifestyle, her father was a famous musician known for his talent on the drums, piano, and microphone. His band “Hexed” went double-platinum before Camila was born and Victoria was another one hexed by the band’s charm, but she was smitten by Davide specifically. Davide wore his heart on his sleeve, for better or for worse. He didn’t think through many of his actions, often living off stage the same way he lives on stage: Full of crazy energy and wild antics. He strove to be the life of the party and that led to a drug addiction and several bad tabloids. In 2006, his career ended with an overdose. His band ultimately replaced him in “Hexed” and Davide’s finances began draining before his eyes. The money couldn’t keep up with his addiction. He wasted every last penny, including his daughter’s savings account.
Fed up, Victoria sought full custody of Camila, which wasn’t very difficult given Davide’s very public reputation. Both Victoria and Camila never heard from him again. The only thing they knew about him is what’s been plastered online. He was still living his life like a twenty-year-old Rockstar, chasing his next big hit. Meanwhile, Camila grew into herself with the confidence of her mother, but also with the insecurities her father left her with. She was born gifted with his talent. She wanted to play the piano and express herself musically, but her father’s demons followed her around, keeping her hidden away in a shell of uncertainty. What if she ends up like him? What if the world judges her based on his reputation? These questions sometimes manifest themselves in the decisions she makes and regrets.
At fifteen, she began partying with her boyfriend’s best friend, Siesta Key’s resident bad boy, Gage Thatcher, a surfer by morning and a party animal by night. Gage introduced her to a world of drugs and alcohol and then at sixteen, he got her pregnant. Her nightmare became her reality. Everything she and her mother feared, came true. She ruined her life and was heading down the same familiar road her mother did with Davide. After talking some sense into Camila and reflecting on the matter, they both agreed she would leave Siesta Key and deliver the baby in her father’s hometown Salerno Italy, under the supervision of her grandmother.
After giving birth to a little baby boy who she barely got to hold, he was taken from her arms and put up for adoption. Camila never anticipated the hole this would leave in her heart. She never imagined she would become so attached to what was growing inside of her. She tried not to. She knew she couldn’t, she shouldn’t. But, she grew with him. He was a part of her. And on the nights she was sick or he’d kick too much, she’d talk and sing to him. She’d say, “Calm down, little Rockstar.”
When she inevitably returned home to Siesta Key, she lied about being ready to do so. She was emotionally ruined and when Gage reentered her life, she clung to him. He was a part of the same hole her baby left in her chest. She could imagine and dream what their baby would have looked like in Gage’s eyes and smile. He was so beautiful and she knew their baby would have been too. However, the more time she spent around him, the harder it became. She found herself spiraling back into that same pit of darkness that led her here in the first place. Gage’s lifestyle was a lot like her father’s and she had to get away from it like her mother did. So she returned to her safe high school boyfriend, who provided emotional stability, which was something Gage couldn’t offer.
As Camila settled back into her relationship with her boyfriend, things became easier in a lot of ways, but she never felt fulfilled. He was wonderful and romantic, and on paper, he was the perfect guy, but he lacked adventure and passion, and all the things she yearned for. By the time she graduated from college with a music teaching degree, she had written hundreds of songs but most of them were about Gage, not her boyfriend, who she broke up and made up with more times than she could count. Their breakups and make-ups were the only times their relationship felt passionate. Maybe that’s why she kept pushing him out and then pulling him back in. Or, maybe she just missed Gage, his best friend, and didn’t know how to confront that. Because she shouldn’t want him. He was bad news. But, he would also forever be a part of her.
Currently, Camila is working for her mother’s music program called “Madame Butterfly”. The whole thing was Camila’s idea and although her mother’s name is attached to it, it’s Camila who runs it.  She finds the whole program inspiring and loves helping children find their voice and channel their music even if she struggles to do the same. Her father’s past left an imprint on her. It would be a blessing to have the fame he did in the 80s’, but a curse at the same time. She can’t trust herself. And she can’t trust the audience. How can she expect them to see past her insecurities when she can’t herself? How are they not going to see her demons and run? It’s a fear she can’t face. So for now, she’ll usher her students to find their path while she journeys through the unknown, hoping and praying, to find her way.
❝   TDLR . . .
Camila was born in Salerno, Italy to her father: Davide Gaetano Rossi, and her mother: Victoria Garza but grew up in Siesta Key where Victoria is from.
Davide was a famous musician known for his vocals, piano keys and drumming. He was in a popular band in the late 80s that sold two platinum records.
It was his drug addiction in 2006 that ultimately led to the end of his career.
Davide met Victoria on the road and pursued her until she inevitably gave in. They dated for roughly 4 months before they tied the knot at a shot gun wedding and later gave birth to their baby girl, Camila Aubree Garza.
When Camila was 11, her father gambled away what little money he had left to buy drugs. Fed up, tired of being poor, and bored of being left behind, Victoria filed for divorce and took Camila with her while Davide continued to venture down a never ending spiral. To this day, Camila has not seen or heard from her father.
Eventually, Victoria got remarried to a man she met in town, who came with a pretty sizable bank account.
At age 16, while on a “break” from her then: on again/off again boyfriend, Camila got knocked up by his best friend. She hid the pregnancy very well for at least three months before her mother discovered her secret and shipped her off to family in Italy to give birth and give the baby up for adoption. No one knows this happened aside from Camila’s immediate family. They kept the scandal under wraps and out of the press.
There was a short period of time once Camila returned to town where she was depressed and still struggling to cope with the loss of her child. She kept to herself, partied a little too hard behind closed doors and did her best to move on.
She did eventually, getting back with the boyfriend she cheated on before they went their separate ways again after graduation.
Taking after her father, Camila went to NYU to study music and graduated with a music teaching degree.
She talked her mother into opening a homeschool program for kids who want to learn piano lessons called Madame Butterfly and although her mother Victoria is sole owner, she plays very little part in the company aside from its finances. 
Camila dreams of one day recording her own studio album but despite having an amazing voice, and raw talent... she has terrible stage fright. Not to mention she writes lyrics and is mostly too afraid to share them with the outside world out of fear of harsh judgment or criticism.
She has no contact with her and Gage’s child, as she waived her rights to be in the child’s life the moment she gave it up for adoption. Though that’s not to say she doesn’t often think about him. (Yes, it’s a boy.)
more tba.
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animationforce · 4 years
21 Animated Projects We’re Anticipating in 2021
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1) Arlo the Alligator Boy (Netflix/Titmouse)
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This 2D musical feature film for the streaming service will set up a series (”I Heart Arlo”) about an alligator looking for family in a “Regular Show”-type world. The music blew us away during the preview at 2020′s CTN Expo.
2) Bob’s Burgers: The Movie (Disney/20th Century/Bento Box)
While the Fox show is loved for its humor and heart and not really for its animation, this feature film from the show creator Loren Bouchard will have a glossier look, as Bento Box animates on a feature budget and timeline. Expected in theaters on April 9, 2021.
3) The Boss Baby 2: Family Business (DreamWorks/Universal)
This March, DreamWorks Animation brings the brothers back together — to deal with the new cutthroat boss (baby) in the family.
4) Connected (Sony Animation) 
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Producers Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (Spider-Verse, The Lego Movie) support Gravity Falls alum Mike Rianda in his feature directorial debut. Rianda’s brand of wacky humor sets this humans vs. robots film up for a great time, if the company can set a release date.
5) Encanto (Disney) 
Zootopia’s Byron Howard leads director team Jared Bush and Charise Castro Smith in this musical super power story set in Colombia, coming this fall.
6) Earwig and the Witch (Studio Ghibli/GKIDS)
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Goro Miyazaki, son of legendary Hayao Miyazaki and director in his own right, brings Ghibli magic to theaters for the first time in six years. This film differs from its predecessors with stylized cg animation, but the story — an orphaned girl learns she’s the daughter of a witch — promises much of the wonder that one expects of any Ghibli film. 
7) Luca (Pixar) 
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Director Enrico Casarosa debuts with Pixar’s Italian Riviera-set story of friendship between a boy and a boy-shaped sea monster, which arrives this June.
8) Minions 2: Rise of Gru (Illumination/Universal)
We’ve seen Gru’s future and his yellow minions’ past, but finally Illumination highlights the in-between in a villain origin story we hope will be as fun as the first three Despicable Me films.
9) My Father’s Dragon (Cartoon Saloon/Netflix)
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It’s a great year for dragon-lovers, with Cartoon Saloon supplying the first of three feature films about these awesome creatures. Director Nora Twomey brings to life a Newberry-winning book, with help from “Inside Out” scribe Meg LeFauve and writer John Morgan. A boy who runs away to Wild Island finds much more than the captive dragon he sought.
10) Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio (Netflix/Jim Henson)
Another ambition animated feature from Netflix, Pinocchio sets itself apart from other versions of the folk tale in its look — stop-motion by Jim Henson’s studio — and feel, with Guillermo del Toro’s signature dark brilliance under veteran director Robert Zemeckis’ helm. This will not be very family friendly.
11) Raya and the Last Dragon (Disney) 
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A warrior seeks the legendary last dragon hundreds of years after those mythical creatures saved her world from the same evil threat they now face. Coming to theaters and Disney+ (for a fee) in March.
12) Robin Robin (Netflix/Aardman)
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This animated musical holiday special comes from the minds behind Wallace & Gromit and Shaun the Sheep. It may be a long way from December now, but we’re ready for some stop-motion Christmas fun, especially when the story follows a bird raised by mice. 
13) Ron’s Gone Wrong (Disney/20th Century/Locksmith)
Female-led production company Locksmith brings its first animated feature to life under Disney-owned 20th Century (Fox), “Ron’s Gone Wrong.” Set in a world where every child has its own robot assistant, a boy tries to fix his faulty robot this April.
14) Rumble (Paramount/ReelFX)
Based on a graphic novel by Rob Harrell, this film explores the challenges of a world where humans coach monsters in pro wrestling. Yes, really. We’ll see where it goes in May.
15) Sing 2 (Illumination/Universal)
Buster and his band of musical animals return with visions of stardom, or at least attempts to persuade a certain rockstar to join them in this sequel to the Animals’ve Got Talent film, expected in December.
16) Space Jam: A New Legacy (Warner Bros/WAG)
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LeBron James joins the Looney Tunes in this not-quite-sequel to the 1990s classic live-action hybrid film. We’re especially looking forward to prolific voice actor Eric Bauza’s performance as Bugs Bunny, among other Looney favorites! 
17) The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run (Nickelodeon/Paramount)
After teasing us with seemingly infinite ads for this film, we’ve been waiting some time for the newest SpongeBob feature film in the United States, which arrives on CBS All-Access and video-on-demand services in February. The story of SpongeBob and Patrick’s journey to save the snail-napped Gary has already premiered in Canadian theaters and in other countries on Netflix.
18) Tom and Jerry (Warner Bros/WAG)
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The live-action/CG hybrid film bring Tom and Jerry to the big screen and HBO Max this February. When Jerry accidentally crashes “the wedding of the century,” Tom is hired to get rid of the mouse, reigniting the famous rivalry and uncovering a secret plot in the process.
19) Vivo (Sony Animation)
Lin-Manuel Miranda delivers Sony’s first animated musical, about a capuchin monkey with big dreams, this June.
20) Wendell and Wild (Netflix)
“Nightmare Before Christmas’” own Henry Selick returns to stop-motion to direct Netflix’s adventure story of two demon brothers (Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele) who escape the Underworld.
21) Wish Dragon (Sony Animation)
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An old teapot transforms college student Din’s meager life into something fantastic when he discovers Long, a Wish Dragon, inside. 
- Courtney
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
You’ll always be the answer
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Fem Reader
Requested: YES💚
Summary: For the first time Charlie and Y/N have to do an interview together and things get pretty interesting and chaotic as always with the couple.
*In the wired autocomplete section the part of the question that was covered will be in bold*
Pretty much based in the we say we’re friends world, (yes, again😤 I love their dynamic I’m sorry) you only need to know that Y/N is a musician by profession, wrote the JATP soundtrack, a childhood friend of Charlie and now his current girlfriend.
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The couple is completely excited because today they have their first interviews after the confirmation of the second season of Julie and The Phantoms, and usually they are not on the same interview team so this is new. Charlie always does them with the band and the singer usually does them with director Kenny Ortega representing the people behind the scenes.
“Hello everyone, I’m Charlie Gillespie and I play Luke in Julie And The Phantoms.”
“And I’m Y/N Y/L and I play Daniela in Stardust.”
“Baby, you are here today as the songwriter of the album.”
“I know?” She thinks for a few seconds until she realizes what she said. “Oh. Well, this is embarrasing. Make my selfpromo accident worthwhile and watch Stardust after watching JATP!”
“Nice safe, beautiful. Pretty natural.” Her boyfriend teases as she smiles proudly.
“I like to believe I could be an actress.” Charlie begins to laugh at the seriousness with which she answered and looks at her, full of happiness. He loves that they can enjoy moments like this where their careers can go exactly on the same track.
They know that it will not always be this way so they should make the most of the experience.
“I’m excited to have you back, Y/N. And a pleasure to meet you Charlie. You both sure are full of amazing energy, I love it. Let’s start with the questions. Charlie, this is your first leading and in a fairly complete role, you acted, sang, danced and even wrote one of the songs, how was the experience?”
“Pure magic. They are all incredibly talented and so supportive of us, they worked so hard to unleash our full potential in an accelerated manner. They had a lot of patience with me in the dance part, they taught me to use my voice properly, they supported me in the change to electric guitar, it was simply a dream to work with every single person in the project.”
“Sounds amazing. Next question is for you, Y/N. Much has been said about the unreal chemistry between Julie and Luke. How was it for you as his girlfriend to have to witness it live? As I understand you were present throughout the recording."
"Oh man, it was awesome!" Charlie laughs at her pure response and the interviewer looks at her in disbelief.
"I'm Team Juke all the way. I know I may sound like a liar or something since I'm the girlfriend, but here's the thing.
I can't see my Char in Luke. Charlie is so good at bringing him to life that I can't believe that cool rockstar is my adorable goofball. It’s like Clark and Superman with the glasses thing. Beanie and electric guitar? Oh, hi Luke. You are so hot, wait... don’t tell Charlie I said that! Bandana and acoustic guitar? Hey baby, give me a kiss in the forehead and sing me to sleep.
What I was saying again? Oh, yeah. So... I see Juke and I’m soft, they are perfect for each other.”
“So you think Luke is hot, huh.” he pretends to be jealous and folds his arms.
“What can I say, I have a thing for rockstars, my legs melted during now or never."
He snorted a laugh. “Good to know.”
The interviewer cannot contain a laugh of her own.
"It's always a pleasure to have you here, Y/N. You are such a character and I always enjoy listening to you, and I love that even though the years go by and you are no longer so new in the industry you continue to have that fresh and iconic personality."
“Thank you so much Maria, If I can be myself here it is thanks to the beautiful atmosphere that your interviews always have.”
“My pleasure, ‘golden star’. Let’s continue. Y/N, We know you already knew Charlie, but who did you get along with better from the rest of the cast?”
“Oh my, definitely Owen. He was Charlie's roommate throughout the project so we hang out together a lot in our free time taking turns as third wheel. I'm pretty sure he's going to apply the same card to me this second season now that I'm gonna be the roommate.
But it’s okay, I totally deserve it. May the best third wheel win, Joyner!” Charlie grins and does a fistbump with his girlfriend who looks really hyped about going back to Canada with the band.
“I’m rooting for you, girl! Let’s go back to Charlie a little bit. The album that Y/N wrote is a resounding success and a very important piece for the series to be as brilliant as they are. I imagine that the four of you have a special affection for the album, but how do you feel that your girlfriend was the one who wrote a soundtrack of that level for such a special project in your career?”
Charlie looks so proud. He looks at her in a way that makes the young woman blush.
“I’m just so blessed that the things happened they way they did. She’s the love of my life, you know? I couldn't be more proud to sing her songs. She has always been insanely talented and nothing gives me more happiness that knowing she gets to do what she loves and is able to share it with the world.”
The singer's eyes water and she puts her head on the actor's shoulder, who kisses her hair sweetly.
“You two are so pure and so cute to watch, I have a new favorite celebrity couple.”
They continue the interview for a few more minutes and then they have to move on to the second section, in which they are handed some boards with the most searched questions on the internet regarding them.
“Okay guys, introduce yourselves again. I’m not going to be in the segment this time so you’ll have to help each other.”
Both agree without confessing that they have seen videos of this segment until 5 in the morning when they have nothing to do the next day and have sleepovers.
“Hi, we are Charlie Gillespie and Y/N Y/L and will be doing the wired-autocomplete interview today!”
“Okay handsome, let’s start with yours.” Charlie smiles and takes the sign in his hands, while his girlfriend removes the first tape and reveals the first question.
“Does Charlie Gillespie have a girlfriend?” Charlie smiles proudly and kisses his girls nose.
“I do, and she’s so adorable.” He touches gently her cheek and she closes her eyes at his touch.
He gives her a light kiss in the forehead and then uncovers the next question.
“What is Charlie Gillespie like in real life.”
“I’ll answer this one, Char’s a total goofball. He is cheerful, funny, always full of energy, talented, caring, and really, really hot. All done, next question!”
He laughs while blushing and reveals the next one. “Is Charlie Gillespie married?”
“Well I tried but someone ate the ring.”
“I would do it again, it was really good. Answering the question, he is not yet, but he is taking too long, maybe one of these days I will declare myself.”
He opens his eyes wide, he knows very well that his girlfriend is capable of doing it, and honestly he wants to be who does it, so he makes a mental note to prepare everything soon. Thank god he is working on the rings already.
“It’s Y/N still dating...”
“If the question says Ross Lynch I’m goin’ to lose it. No shade though, man.”
She laughs, after the James Larkin show, a lot of people showed anger as they felt that she was a much better match with the blonde, and Charlie couldn't help but feel a bit offended.
“...Charlie Gillespie! Yes, baby!” Both high five, Charlie looks almost relieved, is adorable.
“The answer is always yes folks, get use to it.”
“Who is Y/N’s best friend?”
“Well, this one is easy.” She turns to see Charlie and gives him a flirtatious little smile. He blushes and reaches out to kiss her, but she answers the question just before their lips touch.
“Ross Lynch.” She leans over and presses her lips against his for a few seconds as Charlie reacts to her response and then gapes in disbelief.
“You did nOT.” He laughs and and wrinkles his nose feigning annoyance.
“Yes I dID. But to be honest, has to be this man right here. Not a lot people know this but we’ve been best friends all our lives, so yeah. You baby, of course.” He blushes and kisses her hand, clearly happy with the answer.
“Is Y/N going to be in Julie And The Phantoms S2?”
“Will you?” He asks, genuinely curious. She never tells him what Kenny secretly confesses her about the project so as not to be unfair to the other members of the band.
“I will, but probably still back the scenes, guys. I'm really enjoying this part and learning from the best of the best so I am very happy not to be in front of the camera for now.”
“And you are doing an amazing work, love.” She grins and kisses his cheek.
“Thank you for watching us being ridiculously corny for 30 minutes, don't forget to watch Julie and the Phantoms Season 2 only on Netflix! I feel sorry for that poor people that will have to see how cheesy we are.”
“We were still recording Y/N, but never mind. The editing team has a lot of work ahead.”
“Well, damn. I’m sorry guys!” Charlie laughs for the thousandth time today. There is nothing better in life than sharing your days with your best friend. He can't wait to formalize that ‘forever’.
Thank you for reading✨
Taglist: @writerinlearning , @ghostofmgg, @strangerthanfanfiction713, @thebloodthirstyvampress, @kinda-really-lost, @kcd15, @magnet-girl, @aliandthephantoms, @stxrkspidey, @pinkrockstar19, @s0uz4s, @shycupcakealissa, @cookiebuba, @fangirlangioma, @sageellsworth05, @twist3dtinkerbell, @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve, @caitsymichelle13, @ifilwtmfc, @luckylouiebug, @bibliophilewednesday, @totomoshi, @siennanoelle01, @lunashadow6955, @bookfrog247, @morganayennefertyrell, @kiss-themoongoodbye, @rachelle3musicals, @imsydneywalker, @really-dont-forget-it
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etherrreal · 3 years
"when you drag them to a karaoke bar on a date"
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Pairing: tanaka x reader ; bokuto x reader Genre: fluff, headcanons+drabbles Word Count: 1258 Warnings: mentions of alcohol/being tipsy  A/N: after that fun karaoke banter, i was excited to see this request pop up in our inbox ; hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it! (psst, requests are still open btw!!) -Luna
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#1 champion at karaoke for the past 5 years and counting and no one can beat him
(no, there are no official records or awards, but don't crush his dreams by telling him that)
he was absolutely ecstatic when you suggested a karaoke date
he’s....not the worst?
generally, he can carry a tune decently well but he tries waaay too often to sing a riff or add some spice like he's Mariah Carey and that's when it all goes wrong
initially, you were going to a place that allowed private rooms for groups so you can just fuck around as a dynamic duo
but he wanted to show off his skills so you and everyone in attendance could be jealous of his vocal talents, so you went to a local bar instead
As soon as you arrived at the bar, Tanaka ordered you both some drinks and wings to munch on. Grateful for the liquid courage, you ordered a second to help keep the nerves at bay. Tanaka was happy to sit back and eat so he could "gauge his competition," whatever that meant.
You could tell that he was pumped to be there; his head was nodding to the beat, his hand was tapping away on his thigh, and he was mumbling along to the words. You enjoyed watching him more than the couple screeching on stage to the tune of "Don't Go Breaking My Heart."
A few drinks and two baskets of wings later, Tanaka finally decided that it was his time to shine. He left you with a quick peck on the lips, the leftover taste of gin lingering on your lips. You watched him wave at the audience before browsing the song selection. When he settled on “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond and stumbled his way back to the mic, you knew you were all in for a treat.
"I'm going to be dedicating this one to my baby back there." He blew a kiss in your direction, a few people turning to look at you cringing in the back of the room. “I hope you all enjoy my amazing rendition of this song.”
He started out fine, pretty good, actually. The low, flat tone worked well with his voice and he knew every single word without glancing at the screen, most likely due to hearing the song incessantly play during commercials. 
Then the bridge came, and as the note became higher and louder, the singing became more and more horrific to listen to. And once the chorus started, he finally let go, bouncing around the stage with the detached microphone in hand, letting the spirit of Neil Diamond flow through him. 
Meanwhile, you had broken out your phone and decided to record him for all of your friends to see later. You were sure that your obnoxious cackling was caught on the video, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. This was going to be a precious memory for you hungover rockstars to look back on in the morning.
You knew that somewhere in America, Neil Diamond was cringing and didn't know why. Little did he know an overzealous Japanese man was enthusiastically butchering his song to impress his partner.
And gosh dammit, it was working.
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you don't know what kind of beast you've released, oh no
before the entire question had even left your mouth, he already found a place nearby that had karaoke nights every saturday
bokuto...bless his heart
you ever heard two cats fight? they’re screeching, yowling, and making all sorts of alien noises? that’s him.
he definitely thinks that louder means better and while he’s got the spirit, the spirit wishes that he would let it go to spare its ears
bokuto waited forever to have a girlfriend, and he was sure as hell going to take advantage of the fact that you were finally in his life 👀 
You arrived at the bar as soon as the event started, the host filling in the guests about the fun times that were about to ensue. At your table, Bokuto was practically vibrating with excitement as the host went on about the rules. You both learned that at the end, everyone would vote for 3 winners for the night and the index cards and pencils laying on the tables were to cast your votes. 
After the explanations, the host asked for volunteers in the audience. Bokuto’s hand shot straight up, wiggling his fingers and waving his arm in hopes of getting the man’s attention. While he wasn’t the only hand up, he definitely was the most enthusiastic, which was most likely the reason why he was chosen to go up on stage. 
You thought it would be just him, finally having the chance to watch him be the true Beyoncé he thought he was. But when you felt him grab your hand and yank you out of your seat you were utterly confused.
“Where are you taking me? You’re the one that said you wanted to go,” you asked suspiciously, dragging your feet to slow him down. He was parading his way towards the stage quite quickly before stopping suddenly at the edge to turn back to you, hands grasped in his. 
“We’re going to sing a duet,” he announced matter-of-factly. He left no room to argue when he tugged you onto the stage, positioning you awkwardly in front of one of the mics so he could pick a song. You tried to peer over his shoulder to see what he chose, but his broad shoulders blocked the view.
He turned back to you and stood next to the other microphone, a wide grin painted on his face as he waited for the music to start. The first few notes to “I Got You Babe” by Sonny & Cher came through the speakers, your eyes instinctively rolling into the bad of your skull. That song was one that Bokuto had played countless times before, insisting that it must be the song of your relationship. You told him that wasn’t how that process worked, but it didn’t prevent him from playing it on repeat-- or simply serenading you with it-- almost every single day. 
Which you supposed you had to be grateful for, because now you had to know every single word to the song by heart to sing it with him or else you’d make a fool out of yourself. 
The words flowed effortlessly from your mouths, but the musical talent absolutely did not. The only way to describe Bokuto's voice was by saying it sounded like he was being actively tortured live on stage. It would explain why his pitch was all over the map. 
To make up for the lack of talent, Bokuto improvised some moves, grabbing your hand to twirl you about, sometimes tugging you back into his chest to rock gently back and forth with you. The embarrassment you felt in the beginning easily melted away by the end of the performance. It was the most fun you’d had in a while, and seeing him beaming with happiness by the end was all you needed to reassure you this night out had been worth it. 
Somehow, despite believing that you were the absolute worst couple to grace that stage, you both managed to win 3rd place. Bokuto was convinced that it was because of his sickening dance moves and smooth but powerful voice, and you didn’t quite have the heart to tell him otherwise so you let him brag about it all night long.
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Written by: Luna
Requests: OPEN!!
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harryhoney-bee · 4 years
I thought parents didn’t have favorites.
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anonymous asked: hi! could i request a dad!harry imagine where he favors one child over the other and causes some angst in the family? thanks!
Hope you liked it!
Words count: 2.2k
Angst to Fluff/ Dad!Harry
It was 6 pm, and Y/N was at the kitchen preparing Creamy mushroom pasta for dinner, her children’s favorites, Harry also liked, but not as much as the kids.
“Mom, is dad going to be home soon? I am so excited to show him my drawing!” Maya said while sitting on the couch looking proudly at her colored paper “Do you think he will like it?”
Y/N looked at her with soft eyes “Of course he will honey, is such a beautiful picture.” She goes near her daughter and puts her arm around Maya “My favorite part is the sunflowers in the back, I think it’s gonna be your dad’s favorite part too”.
“Well, I hope so!” Maya says looking happily at her mom.
she was such a beautiful girl, she was kind, smart. Different from her dad, she did not like to be the center of attention, in fact, Y/N and Harry found out she was a little artist just two years ago because she didn’t like others to see her sketches, the poor girl was too insecure about it, but Harry was trying to teach her how to be more confident. She had a lot of talent for twelve-year-old.
Y/N came back to reality when she hears a loud noise coming from downstairs, the basement, where Harry decided to make a little studio for himself, but the one person who was always there wasn’t Harry, but their son, Charlie.
Different from Maya, her brother loved being in the spotlight, he was outgoing and friends with everybody. He was the copy of Harry, from personality to talent. Charlie loves to sing, write songs, and play his guitar, but sometimes he would just go too far at the last thing, like right now.
Y/N makes her way downstairs, watching her son giving a real rock concert, she smiles at herself, he was so much like Harry…
“Hey little Rockstar, can you keep down, please?”
“But mom, a rock show without a loud guitar’s solo is not a rock show” The boy whines.
“Good thing we are at home, and not at a Rockshow, right?”
“I guess…” Charlie says “Mom when dad will be home? I want to show him my new guitar’s moves.”
“You and your sister just want to know about your father, huh?” She says pulling her hand to her chest, pretending to be hurt. “I am pretty cool too, just so you know”
Charlie laughs and gives his mom a hug.
“Mom, you are pretty cool, but dad is cooler”
“Such a kind boy I raised” She laughs, kissing him on the head.
She makes her way back to the kitchen, to finish the dinner, when she gets there, she notices Maya wasn’t in the living room anymore, assuming she went to her room, Y/N keeps doing her business.
Around 7 pm, Y/N heard the door open, and Harry shows up by the kitchen.
“Hi darling, how was your day,” Harry says kissing his wife.
“Really good, me and the kids just chilled all day long, what about yours?”
“It was really productive, just find a different way to do the melody of track 6 of the album, I can’t wait to show it to Charlie, he will love it so much!”
Y/N wasn’t surprised by his declaration, Charlie and Harry always had this special bond between them, Charlie’s love for music just made it all stronger. Sometimes she worried about Maya getting jealous of their relationship, but she never showed any type of different behavior. But Y/N would be lying if she said she didn’t wish Harry and Maya were closer.
As Harry would cross the door of the kitchen, Maya showed up, with the brightest smile on her face. “Hi dad,” she says hugging him, he did the same. “Look the drawing that I made!”
She shows him, but Harry didn’t even take the drawing to look closer, actually, his eyes lays on the picture for a few seconds.
“Hi! it’s cute, honey” He pats her head and goes to the basement, to find Charlie.
Y/N sees the worst sight a mom could see, her daughter’s face falling because of sadness, the little tears starting to pour from Maya’s eyes.
Before Mays can say anything, Y/N is there to hug her.
“Shh baby, mommy is here” She doesn’t hear anything but her sobs.
“Mom, why da-dad always wants to be with Charlie?” She tights her arms around her mother “Dad never want to spend ti-time with me-me, or give me at-attention, I thought that parents didn’t have favorites, but dad ob-obviously does! Mays cries even harder.
“Baby, come on, let’s talk in your room, ok?”
Both goes to Maya’s room, Y/N puts her on her lap, like she used to do when Maya was a toddler.
“Maya, I want you to listen to me, ok?” She grabs her daughter’s chin, she was now looking at her teary green eyes “Your dad loves you so much baby, you are his whole world! When he found out we were having a baby girl he cried for a whole week, you know?”
“He did mom?”
“Yes! You are his little girl”
“I wish I was a little girl forever, maybe then dad would like me as much as he likes Charlie”
The sadness in her voice makes Y/N want to cry “Maya, your dad loves you both the same, the only difference is that your dad can get really worked up about his music, and turns out that Charlie has the same excitement and passion as your dad. Charlie isn’t his favorite or the one he loves the most, he is just the one that shares more common interests.
“I love you mom” She says, “But can I sleep now? I don’t wanna go down there, not right now.”
“Yes baby, but tomorrow you have to eat a lot on breakfast, ok, since you don’t want to have dinner.”
“Ok mom” Y/N gives Maya a kiss on the forehead, and before she lives the room she hears her voice “Mom, I heard you and Charlie earlier, and I think you are the coolest”
Y/N laughs “Thank baby, good dreams”
Her smile leaves her face as soon as she left the room, Y/N has never been more pissed at Harry than she is right now, she goes to find him in the little studio downstairs. As she approaches, she hears both laughing, her heart softens a little.
“Hi guys”
“Hi Mom”
“Hi baby’
Y/N sits on the little puff next to Harry “Hey Charlie, could you let mom and dad talk a little in private? Please?”
Charlie looks at Harry, that looks at you with confusion on his face.
“Ok mom” He hangs the guitar on the wall, but before he left the room, his mother says “If you want to eat dinner you can, it’s ready, just be quiet because your sister is sleeping”
“Alright,” The boy answers, leaving the room completely.
“Why is Maya sleeping already? Is she ok?” Harry askes with worry in his voice.
“No Harry, she is not ok!” You left the puff and stand in front of his sit “she was crying because her father doesn’t give the attention she deserves”
“Wait, what? I made her cry?” He stands in front of her “And what do you mean I don’t give attention to her? I always do” He says, feeling hurt hearing such nonsense.
“No Harry, you don’t, when it comes to your free time you always favorites Charlie over Maya, don’t get me wrong baby, I love the bond you have with him, but it is hurting Maya that you don’t have a special solo time with her.” She looks at her husband, there was concern on his face, he opened his mouth, but closed right away.
“She was so excited to show you her drawing Harry, you had to see the smile on her face, she was counting the seconds for you to come home so she could show you, but you didn’t even look, baby.” She stares at his green eyes, the same as Maya, and sees tears rolling down his cheeks.
“I am such a bad dad” He breaks in front of Y/N, both adults hug each other.
“No Bub, none of that, you are an amazing dad, the best of all” The girl says, feeling her heart crumbling, in one hour she saw 2 of the 3 most important people in her life crying.
“Good dads don’t make their daughters cry, Y/N” Both of you sit on the floor, you are still hugging him, “And I didn’t notice I was favoriting Charlie over Maya when it comes to attention, you know?” He looks at you, his face washed with tears and sadness.
You passed the thumb in his face, taking away the tears.
“Is just easy for me to talk to Charlie, he likes the same things as me. I am aware Maya is my kid, but sometimes she intimidates me” He says laughing between is cry “She is so smart and knows so much about art and everything in general, last week we went to the market together, and she started to talk about European Vanguards, and I just couldn’t keep up with the conversation, ‘cus I know nothing about it” He laughs even harder, this time you follows him.
“Damn, I feel like crap,” Harry says, getting serious again “I was just so excited to share the new melody with baby number 2 that I forgot about baby number 1,” He says
“First, they are not babies anymore, are they?” She smiles sweetly at him “Second, parents are still people, baby, they make mistakes. Remember the time Charlie broke his feet playing in the tree?“ Harry nods his head yes “Remember how I go extremely protect over him because I didn’t want him to be hurt again? You showed me I was wrong about it, and we talked, and I cried, I felt like the worst mom in the world, but then you told me it was alright”
“So, now I am the one telling you it’s alright” She pecks him on the lips.
“Thanks, wifey, I love you” Both of them get up off the floor. “Hey, would mind if tomorrow me and Maya spent the day together? It’s not gonna fix everything, but at least I can apologize to her”
“No baby, not at all, Charlie and I could also use some alone time too.”
“Ok, tomorrow I will be taking her to have breakfast and spend the whole day together”
“Ok, so now let’s go sleep, tomorrow you gonna have a busy day”
It was not a surprise Harry found Maya in the kitchen so early in the morning, both are early birdies, what did surprise Harry was the lack of conversation between them, when his little girl did not wish him good morning, he realized how much he screwed up.
As she was about to take her cereal in her bowl he sits by her side.
“Hey baby, I just want to say that I am so sorry about yesterday or on any other occasion I didn’t give you the attention you deserve.” She looks at him for the first time since the incident, unlike Charlie, who looked so much like him, Maya was the perfect mix, her little green eyes and her mouth were exactly like Harry’s, but her hair and nose were all her mom’s.
“Daddy loves you so much Maya, you have no Idea-‘’Before he can continue, Maya hugs him, he felt tears in the corner of his eyes.
“It’s ok dad, mom explained to me last night, you and Charlie have the same passions so it’s easier for you to spend time together.”
“No baby, it’s not ok, I wasn’t being a good dad, I love you, to the moon and back, and I love spending time with you, I am genuinely sorry.”
“I forgive you dad, and I love you too, you are the best dad!”
He kisses her head softly “What about both of us have a day just for us?”
“Really dad?” The girl questions smiling brightly “I would love to! What are we going to do?”
“Well, I was thinking of getting breakfast at the doughnut shop and then we can go to a daddy/daughter art class, what do you think?”
“Only if I can order the doughnut with extra chocolate,” The girl says smiling.
“Whatever my baby wants, now let’s got, go change your clothes and please, bring your drawing for dad, ok? I need to admire the masterpiece my little artist did” He pats her head.
“Ok dad!”
He sees her leaving to her room, the amount of love he has for this daughter is incalculable, and he won’t bear to the reason for her tears again, because she is just too angelic to feel sad, and she looked just like her mother when crying.
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Dreamwatch 10.24.21 (Match 6)
Kousei Kanai, Johnny McLaren, & Yuhi Sengoku vs JPWA (Eikichi Kurusu, Yamato Ryukawa, & Mask Legend)
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Our main event of the evening is a showcase of some proven and some promising talent in trios action! The faction that has yet to be named on the left have been making waves everywhere they go. Yuhi Sengoku recently put on a star-making performance in his Dreamfall Championship challenge against EIJI, Johnny McLaren has been a permanent fixture in the upper cards of Dreamwatch and seems poised to only go higher from where he is now, and Kousei Kanai managed to shock the world by becoming the Dreamblood champion at Dreamwatch REMember. This team has had ups and downs but the momentum keeps building for them! JPWA has two solid fixtures of Dreamwatch's Jr division in Mask Legend and Eikichi Kurusu, arguably the two most high profile Jr Heavyweight talent in the company outside of the champion EIJI. Yamato Ryukawa has been one of the most consistently good performers in Dreamwatch and has been able to make all of his singles matches feel like big deals. Ryukawa is young, but he is already showing signs of someone who is a master of his craft, even if the latter part of 2021 has given him some shortcomings and roadblocks. We're looking at top tier talent across this board, and this match is going to show us who is at the top of their game right now!
This was an incredibly competitive match. My favorite thing about trios matches is seeing the interesting teamwork that can come from it and how that teamwork plays out. Teamwork wise I would say the stars of the show were Kanai and McLaren. They were incredibly in sync for the whole match. More often than not you saw them together in the ring hitting tandem offense on their opponents that gave them a noticeable edge whenever they whipped a move out. On the other hand, the JPWA were incredibly good at their isolation tactics. Their ability to isolate Yuhi Sengoku in their corner and keep him there as they piled the damage on was really cool to see, no doubt the result of Mask Legend's tutelage. This punishment made Sengoku's performance in the later portions of the match especially awesome, as he managed to go toe to toe with Mask Legend and in my opinion he managed to soundly outwrestle him. Mask Legend couldn't compete with the damage that Sengoku can dish out in such a short period of time, and even after he tagged out and Ryukawa came in, Sengoku had Ryukawa on the ropes as well and almost got a three count on him!
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This match came down to the wire, ending with literally a minute left before the time limit, but in the end it was Kanai that was able to deliver the finishing blow on a weakened mask Legend. With McLaren standing right next to him, he was guarded as he got the hard-fought three count victory for his team. Unknown Team Name is victorious!
Yuhi Sengoku: Lets address the crowd tonight, baby! People all over the globe!! Its us, the still-sort-of-new hotness around here! The rockstars of your dreams! Tonight was a big one, it ain't easy beating that team. It ain't easy beating a guy that can backflip off the top rope and stomp a hole through you like Eikichi Kurusu. It ain't easy, beating a living superhero that's been kicking ass since a lot of you in crowd were in diapers like Mask Legend. It ain't easy, beating a superstar stud like Yamato Ryukawa and I'm sorry ladies I know you love him but we got it done tonight because that's what we do, sweetheart! Oh yes, it feels so damn good to be-! To be... Us! We don't have a name yet still!
Johnny McLaren: Ah... Yeah sorry we don't I feel like that ruined your speech there, my bad but he's right, that wasn't easy and I'm a little winded! I'm not built for this! All I know is knee stuff! Either way, I feel like we got an important win tonight. In all honesty I usually prefer to ride everything out solo. I was unsure of this team when we first got together, and really I feel like we got together just for the sake of not getting outnumbered, but with this main event victory over the... Over the Everything That Sengoku Eloquently Said, I've grown to recognize these two as my boys. We're brothers now! We just need a name, but I came up with a few I promise this wasn't just a joke of us purposefully not coming up with a name its just that perfection takes time okay I love you guys Kanai take the mic please.
Kousei Kanai: Oh, goodness. I forgot to mention Johnny that I took a liking to one of your suggestions, and if you don't mind I'd like for us to choose that one as the name for our grouping. First, though, I would like to take care of some business first. I have a challenger for this Dreamblood Championship coming up, and I'd like to successfully defend against that opponent and reveal the name afterward. This name is very fitting and very special, and I'd like to make sure we crown ourselves with our new name in a moment of triumph, and I very much do intend to triumph against Mr. Onodera. Mr. Onodera, Dreamwatch is certainly on an upswing right now, but our titles are in a bit of a state of turmoil at the moment. There have not been much in terms of lengthy reigns, and many struggle to defend the belt even once. The champion makes the title, Mr. Onodera, and after seeing your performance in the first Blood Crown tournament, I can simply see that you are not the man for the job. I am by no means the face of the division despite me being its champion, but I won't let you make a mockery of this belt like you did with the tournament. Keep the brass knuckles at home, and please do some fighting for once.
Sengoku and McLaren are making comedically over-exaggerated shocked faces behind Kanai.
Kanai: Anyway, that is all. Look forward to our rebirth, our unveiling. You haven't even begun to see our full potential.
Kanai gives a bow like he finished a stage performance, Ryukawa does an action pose on one knee beneath him, and Sengoku puts his arm around Kanai and leans his weight on him, causing Kanai to stumble slightly before regaining his balance to hold the pose for pictures.
Eikichi Kurusu: That Sengoku... I'm interested in fighting him. I feel like I haven't been able to make any big moves in the Jr division lately, and I don't want guys like him getting out ahead of me. He's welcome competition, I just need to bring the competition right back to him!
Mask Legend: Sheesh they got me. My body should be aching, but right now I feel like I only exist through words. Strange, maybe I'm healing. Anyway, Sengoku is really good, but that's unremarkable in all honesty. If youv'e been paying attention, we have loads of good Jr Heavyweight competitors right now. I think a lot about the division these days, since I know EIJI's plan is still in effect, and I want us to fight against it. I want to show that the division is worth something, that its an important part of this promotion. I want a special event for just Jr Heavyweights. Maybe a tournament or something, I don't know. Something that shows our... Huh
Ryukawa is already staring at the man that made Mask Legend stop in his tracks. He comes face to face with MMA fighter Ewan Jacobs.
Ewan Jacobs: Don't mind me pops, just getting a look at the man that was running his mouth about me. Something about shutting me up, teaching me a lession, some other shitty wrestling cliche? You should keep a real fighter's name out of your mouth. When I hear someone that isn't my wife or kid saying my name, it all sounds like fightin' words.
Yamato Ryukawa: I'm glad your ears work, then. I didn't think you watched wrestling promos, but since you watched that press conference, you know how I feel and you know what I want. Dreamwatch can afford you. I can beat you.
Ewan Jacobs: *Laughs* That's real cute! You know I wasn't gonna come here, you didn't seem remarkable and SWA didn't want me around this company, but looking you face to face trying to be tough even after you just got your ass handed to ya? I kinda wanna beat your face in right now!
Mask Legend, Eikichi Kurusu, and other staff cautiously separate the two men.
Ewan Jacobs: Easy, I'm not gonna do that now. No money in that. And I know a fight with you is worth a lot. You're the golden boy around here apparently. So, lets make it a date, huh? Let's fight for it! I love gettin paid to embarrass guys like you. See you at your funeral, Ryukawa!
Jacobs walks off.
Yamato Ryukawa: Good. He's up for the fight. I haven't stopped thinking about what he said about our sport on our show. Dreamwatch in some ways is in some rocky waters right now, and I'm gonna help get us at the top of the wrestling world as the pinnacle of pro wrestling. I start with him, and I don't want to sound overconfident, but I'm not going to lose to that guy. Its not possible for me. After we get past him, Dreamwatch will begin to thrive even more. Thanks for the love, and sweet dreams.
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓢𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻 ❤︎
A/n: My moot from twitter made a whole thread that what if Harry wrote sunflower vol6. for some fan, she wanted the idea in words so here ya go!
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Crowd just to admire Harry, cheering, loving, showering him in their evermost affection.
Harry performs like he was born for this; a punk rockstar with a flower crown on his head, bout to dominate the world just from his kindness.
After performing three songs he was engulfing in conversation with his fans and he points towards you but your friends gestures if he wants to talk to her.
You're wearing a pastel dress with hues of yellow accessories. You're so red in your own way, popping out from the crowd in the bloody bold way but you're shy and skittish around people.
You're just dancing along with your bestie, swaying your hips to only angel and then doing your own sexy moves to show your friend making fun of it afterwards.
Harry couldn't snatch his focus from you and the band noticed it so they teased him, tsking at him and mouthing him his pet name 'wep' under the loud shrivels of their guitars.
You wouldn't deny that you wanted to catch his attention too but you don't know how to.
Everyone's complementing him in their fondest way and whenever you parted your plump glossy lips to shout something nothing came out.
While playing guitar, Harry gazes at you intensely his brows furrowing when he sees that your bestfriend cupped your face to say something in your ear.
He's so fuckin' jealous. He wants to be there to cup your face, stroke you and maybe kiss you.
You looks so damn kissable. He thinks you're so golden beaming around the pink sky.
Now, when he's asking your friend's name out glancing at you from the corner of his eyes your heart drops. English isn't your first language, and this made your hands shake at the side.
You don't wanna fuck this up.
"What's your pretty name darlin'?" He smiles at you feeling a bit shy from your peer that's nothing but anxiousness, Sara and Mitch exchange looks with eachother while Harry waited patiently to get your calm voice to reach to him because at this point he can do everything.
"Y/n-y/n!" You're far from him so you shouted and it stuttered making you even more blush like a coral stone.
Fuckin' beautiful name, just like her Harry's heart gave a beat.
He doesn't want to dissapoint you by taking your name wrong, you're too precious to pronounce you differently that's why he reminisced your name many times under his breath before taking it.
"Y/n, right?" You bobbed your head a bit loosening up and smiling coyly fuck Harry wants to flop at ground just at this, "soo where are you from ba- y/n?"
"Not from here!" You told him now properly locking your eyes and Harry noticed your eyes colour's so common but looks so rare on you.
Harry mimicked you doing his comic accent, "No- Not from here, that's why asked ye' from where!?!" The crowd cheered and you laughed clutching your sides telling your country name.
"I hope you're havin' a good time, y/n." He grins combing his loose curls back and sipping his water, then throwing the water on the crowd intentionally so it would reach you and he could dive in another cute moment of you.
The whole show went like this but he wants you more than singing his melodies to you and he notices that you're getting exhausted and tired but utterly overloaded with cuteness forgetting lyrics to every other song now and then, your shoes aching you so you sat down but he jolts in panic thinking you just fell and is afraid you'll come under everyone's feet.
But when you again stood up he practically heaved shaking his to scold him that he shouldn't do this, he'll end up hurting himself from missing you and thinking about you everytime.
Getting attached too soon is Harry's weak point.
The show ended and he wanted to call you backstage but you were long gone leaving your sunflower-ey coral sunshine behind.
Harry went through his breakup going to Japan to give him his own solace, he went through his journal where he has written all his songs and his eyes fell over the cursive words he lovingly wrote on this specific side of his journal.
He wrote a song about you right after running backstage. Kid Harpoon wanted to make some changes in the lyrics but Harry criticised that no changes will be made in this particular song, he doesn't care if it's a hit or not, this came straight out of his heart and it matters alot to him.
One day he was wandering in london when you marched from a bookshop bumping square into one person you couldn't possibly imagine, Harry.
Your canvases, books, brushes everything flew to ground and Harry's on cloud nine a feeling of when he did shrooms spreads in his chest.
"Sorry. Shit yeah." You both said in unison squatting down to collect your things.
Your heads hitting and you giggled making Harry giggle too.
"Kay there's this saying in my culture that if your forehead gets hit by another person you should hit it twice else horns grows on your head." Your eyes glinting and he shakes his head gently pressing his head against yours.
He saw your fingers shaking so he again muttered a 'sorry' feeling bad for no-reason.
"Is it your painting?" He asked and you nodded taking the canvas from him, his touch's so soft you've only imagined it or heard from the people who met him that he has the softest warmest touch. "It's beautiful."
You're in awe of him. Ofcourse you love him but you don't know how much Harry's in love with you.
He's in awe of your talent too, he knew you'd love to paint from how vivid you're. It's one of the things he imagined bout you before going to bed.
Harry was taken aback by your respect for his consent when you asked him if you could hug him and he opened his arms wide for you.
"C'mere darlin'." Million sparks shooted inside his body when you coiled your arms around his neck because of your height, he's so happy he wants to cry.
Fuck this he wants you to be his and he's gonna drag his arse for it.
He sniffed in your shampoo and scent which's vanilla, strawberries and galaxies.
"Umm..y/n would you like to grab a coffee with me?" You are appalled. you never thought he'd remember you but who's gonna tell you that you were his only thought and the dream of his heart.
"Sure! Thank you." You beamed walking alongside of him to the nearest café.
Harry thinks you're so kind that maybe you felt rude to reject his offer but this's just his anxiety.
Anyways you talked to him about things he didn't know, you asked him how life's going even though his life's all where on the headlines.
You've never drank black coffee in your life but ordered it from the embarrassment of judgment from him and when you sipped it you practically gagged.
"Wanna swap, I just took a sip?"
"Thank you never drank black coffee in my life." He didn't asked you why but you yourself told him sipping from his and it's mocha sweet as him, "not very much common where I used to live."
Harry wants to get to know you more. About your culture, your interests and specifically just you.
"There's this get-together at my home this Saturday, would you like to come it's okay if you don't want to." He rubbed the back of his neck a little nervous.
"I'd love too!" You smiled even though you're all jittery from inside. You don't know what's happening but you're just going along with it.
"Kay. See ya there." He took your hand writing his number inside your palm and he swear that he felt like he dipped his hand into a sweet pudding when he held you.
You got ready with feathery makeup and simple outfit, you haven't told anyone that you met Harry. You've baked cupcakes for him because your mother has always taught you to never go empty hand to someone's house.
All the expensive cars parked at his driveway wanted to make you cry, you're so nervous.
Harry's nervy too he lectured everyone not to suffocate you and give her some space knowing how lovey-dovey his friends could be.
"And don't call me pet names infront her." He seriously told Jeff who offered him tequila but he pushed it away, there's no way he's getting drunk today. "Okay foof." Jeff patted him hardly.
"Hmm. Plannin' to become someone else's baby." Sara laughed sitting comfortably between mitch's legs and Harry shakes his head shyly snapping when the door bell rang.
He was out of breath when you were infront of him. He hugged you kissing your cheek and you took in his smell trying to calm yourself.
"Y'okay?" He frowned caringly placing his hands on your shoulders, your eyes are glassy that's why he asked.
Clearing your throat you handed him the cupcakes nodding and smiling, "yes umm here."
"Hi love!" Everyone greeted you and hugged you.
Harry was acting quite selfish taking the cupcakes inside his kitchen to eat them all to himself and when he came back you were chatting with his friends quite enjoying their company.
His mind crawls to the thought of you in between his embrace while his friends becomes your friends and you spending festives together, you hanging out with him at the places you love to be at.
You were praising their talents and then Harry's and he didn't miss the glimmer of admiration in your eyes for him.
"You're quite such a fan of Harry." One of his friends says and you just nodded not knowing what else to say. To everyone else you're just a fan that Harry invited to his home.
Harry glared him. The last thing he wanted to make you feel was invadilate your caring, humble and nice feelings towards not just Harry but to everyone.
"Can I steal y/n for a second?" Harry asked smiling down at you and Sarah spat playfully, "she's all yours."
"Uhh..thank you for these." He pointed at the delights you baked for him swelling his heart at your care and you shook your head.
"I love these on you." He indicated to the pearls around your neck. Hooking your finger to unclasp it you mumbled, "do you want it?"
But didn't waited for his answer and secured it around his neck. Shivers running down Harry's spine when the pads of your fingers brushed the baby curls over the nape of his neck.
"Thank you so much." Harry thinks he can't thank you enough. You just keep on giving him reasons to owe you, this's the perfect opportunity to love you and let you know.
He took you to his bedroom quickly going to his wardrobe and you looked around, he has frames of his family and his recently ex-girlfriend.
You don't know about her that deep but you know he was deeply in love with her, if ever you know how much he loves you.
In his recent interview he talked about how he met this person and the new album's all about exploring relationship. You think so the new songs will be about her, she really's so ravishing.
He came back sitting close to you and before you even properly look at him he locked a necklace around you.
A sunflower necklace falling between the valley of your cleavages. Harry has bought this for you in the hope that you'll meet him sometimes in this world again and wore it around his neck during the whole writing process of his album.
You opened the brass golden sunflower and it had 'you're my sunflower' encarved on it.
"You're the only cloud in my mind, the only dream of my heart. Can't stop thinkin' bout you it's been two years." You rubbed soothing circles at his knee closing distance between you two while he confessed his feelings for you.
"Please let me love you.." There was a crease on his forehead and you massaged it away smiling weakly at him because you don't think so if your heart's beating.
"I'm all yours to love." He whined at your words grasping you in his arms and shoving his face inside the crook of your neck.
"Can I kiss ye'?" He asked you and you intervined you fingers in his shaky ones.
Lips brushing his and his eyes fluttered close just at the approximty.
He placed your legs on both side of his torso flushing your chests together and peppering kisses all over your face carefully.
Pressing your temples against eachother when his lips were mere away from yours, and when you molded your hand around his face he leaned into kiss you.
Giving a hot swipe to the cupid bow of your lip, tasting every inch of you. Hands everywhere, kissed you and kissed you and kissed you until you weren't breathing his name.
"Fuck. Tastes just as I imagined." Your head fell against his toned pecs and he placed his lips over your hair hugging you tight for you could become one. His.
"M'little sunflower."
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britishboystm · 4 years
For Sure- Matt Edition
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Warnings: End of smut, swearing, angst, bad parents, pregnancy, labor, fluff
A/N: Okay this is cute. Based on the song ‘For Sure’
August 3rd, 1987
“Yes, yes, yes, right there! FUUUCK!” You cry out before your legs clench on top of Matt and you collapse down beside him onto your bed.
“Holy shit.” You breath out as the two of you lay sprawled out naked, breathing heavily and staring up at your white ceiling. Did it seem a little cliche that the two little best friends that lived in the same neighbourhood all their lives started dating when college began? Maybe, but you guys loved each other so it didn’t matter
“Holy shit indeed.” He chuckles trying to catch his breath. The back of his hand swipes across his forehead to get rid of any sweat.
You see, Matt had come knocking on your door earlier in the evening. He had just gotten off of work and was looking for some comfort from his loving girlfriend after a fight he had with his dad.
“Hey, you okay?” You ask as you open the door to see your boyfriend standing there, shoulders slumped forward and on the brink of tears.
“Can I come in?” He asks.
“Of course.” You say concerned, pulling him into the small home. Your parents were sitting in front of the tv watching some program you’ve never seen before.
“Matt’s here.” You call out. Your dad responds with a grunt of recognition and your mom turns her head.
“Hi Matt. How are you, love?”
“Fine thanks.” He wasn’t fine. You sigh and grab his hand to bring him up to your bedroom.
“So is everything okay?” You say while closing the door. He was already on your bed crying into your pillow.
“Matt baby what happened?” You coo, climbing on top of him and placing tiny kisses all over his tears stained cheeks.
“My dad. He just went in on me today. I tried to explain to him that I needed the weekend off to do a gig in Manchester. He said I couldn’t because of work.”
“Okay?” You didn’t really see why this would be enough to cry over. There was probably more to the story though. Matt didn’t cry over just anything.
“He told me I didn’t have talent and that I should focus on having a real job. Then he said I was going to end up like my mum, no goals and no future. I can’t believe he talked about her like that.” You were honestly shocked. He never really talked about his mom. She left when he was little and so he resented her. It was a sore subject for him.
“I’m so sorry my love. Do you want to talk about it?” He shakes his head.
“Can you just hold me?” He sounded so run down and defeated, it truly broke you inside.
“Of course.” He sniffles like a small child and starts to remove his shoes and gets under the covers. You give him a sympathetic look and get in with him. He moves the blanket so you can shimmy up against his chest and his steady breathing almost puts you to sleep.
“I love you.” He muffles in your hair.
“I love you too Matt.” He then lifts your chin to look at him in the eyes and he leans in to capture your lips in his. The kiss was innocent enough until it wasn’t.
And well, you know the rest.
You both took some time to regain normal breathing once you were done. His hand sneaks across the bed to grab yours in his and he gives you a thankful look. With a squeeze of your interlaced fingers he leans in and kisses your forehead.
“You’re too good to me.” You smile widely and place yourself against his chest.
“Stop.” You blush.
“It’s true. You and my music are the only positive things in my life right now.” You look up at him and place a kiss on his lips.
“Go to Manchester. If your dad asks I’ll cover for you.” He quickly sits up and looks at you with shock.
“Are you serious.” You nod and giggle.
“You would do that for me?”
“Of course I would. I’ve got your back Matt. Go play your music and get us out of here once you sign a record deal.” You laugh. He then jumps on top of you and peppers you with kisses.
“I love you, I love you, I love you. Hey Y/N? Have I ever told you that I love you?” You roll your eyes and smirk before pushing him off of you.
“Yeah, yeah, I love you too. Now get out of my house and pack your shit. You have a long drive ahead of ya.” He beams and goes in for another kiss before you push him off once more. He shoots up out of bed and starts to walk out of the room but you yell after him.
“Hey, you forgetting something?” He frowns in confusion then looks down, noticing he isn’t wearing anything. All out on display for you. It was a nice sight sure but you didn’t want to distract him by pulling him back into bed. It didn’t hurt to look though.
“Oh right my clothes.” You giggle as you watch him quickly collect them and struggle to get into his pants, hopping around your room. His excitement radiated which got your stomach bubbling with happiness as well. You loved to see him happy and content so this was nice for you.
“Bye love.” He walks over to your side of bed and places a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Bye rockstar.” You whisper as he runs out the room leaving you naked and disheveled. In a good way though.
August 5th 1987
It was now Sunday and it would be safe to say that this would be a Sunday you would never forget.
You were currently sitting on the closed toilet seat in your bathroom as your best friend Lizzy sat on the bathtub edge.
“Is it time yet?” She asks, shifting forward to try to get a better look at the object in your hand.
“Lizzy, stop I can’t see if you're in the way.” You say nervously, your leg shaking and your thumb in your mouth, biting away at the nail.
All of a sudden the timer sitting on the sink goes off and you jump slightly. Your stomach churns and you grip the stick a little harder before flipping it over.
Your breath catches in your throat and tears brim your eyes.
“Well?” Lizzy asks, clearly impatient. Without saying anything you hand over the stick and put your head in your hands, sobbing.
“Jesus Christ.” She mutters after looking at the result.
August 6th 1987
“Matt I’m pregnant.” You say. No, that was too abrupt.
“Matthew, I’m having your kid.” No, that sounds awkward.
“You knocked me up and now you got to pay child support.” That’s just uncalled for.
“I am with child.” Who says that? You honestly didn’t know how you were going to break the news to him.
You paced around your room waiting for your boyfriends return. It was now Monday and his time in Manchester was finally over. Usually you would be ecstatic and ready to greet him with open arms.
This time it didn’t feel like that. This time around, you felt this awful weight on your shoulders and this dull ache in your stomach that wouldn’t go away. And it wasn’t just the baby.
How were you going to explain to him that he got you pregnant and basically every dream he ever had would now be crushed by a little crying, shiting alien. Oh you were going to be an amazing mom, you thought sarcastically.
Sure you had a job at the college radio station and Matt had the clothes stand (probably not for long though). But none of this was the plan.
You were taken out of your thoughts as one of Matt’s band members' car screeched down the road, synth blasting through the speakers. The car abruptly stopped in front of Matt’s and he jumped out, then pulled out his keyboard and bag, completely oblivious to the bombshell you were going to drop on him. He laughs at a joke and you can’t help but admire his smile before he waves his friends off and enters his home.
You assumed he was going to come right out to see you but he didn’t. You frowned and waited a couple minutes but nothing. You thought about going over to his but you were honestly so nervous you just layed on your bed and stared at the ceiling.
About ten minutes later, a loud banging could be heard from downstairs, you waited a second until the door just opened and the figure ran up the stairs.
“Y/N?” It was Matt. Your heart was racing as he entered your bedroom, fuming. Uh oh, you thought. He knew.
His nostrils are flaring and his hands are clenched.
“Fuck him!” He yells. Nevermind
“I come home, super happy. Gig went great by the way. But why would that matter when the first thing I hear when I come home is my dad screaming at me? I am so sick and tired of being pushed around by him. He doesn’t respect me and I don’t want to live under the same roof if he,”
“Just because I don’t want to live out his dream doesn’t mean he can treat me like that. Honesty you and me should just leave. Get in my car and never come back. London sounds nice doesn’t it. That’s where I can hand off my demos. It will be perfect. Just the two of us.”
Not exactly, you thought.
“Matt.” You then say louder
“And another thing. He barely does anything when he isn’t working. He has the audacity to say I don’t have goals when he lays around all day while I’m-“
“Matt!” You yell finally.
“What?” He seems a little agitated at the fact that you weren’t listening.
“I’m pregnant.” You just had to say it. His face drops then almost becomes angry.
“Seriously Y/N, I don’t have the time for this. I’m already super pissed with my dad. I don’t need you joking around and pulling my leg about something like that.” That response does you in. Of course he thinks it’s a joke. Even though you have been living with the reality of it for the last 24 hours. All of the pent up stress finally leaves your body and you break down.
“I wasn’t joking.” You whisper out through your cries. His face drops again.
“Oh.” Now he didn’t know what to say. It was quite for a while, just your sobs as he stood there completely flabbergasted. He never thought about having kids. Didn’t even occur to him.
“You're not joking?” He finally says.
“NO!” You yell chucking a pillow at his face. How could he not get it through his thick skull. Seeing you in distress makes his heart hurt so he sits down beside you on the bed. He didn’t really know what to do so he just pats your back weirdly.
Then almost out of natural instinct he moves his hand to slide onto your belly.
“That’s our baby?” He asks quietly. Almost like he couldn’t believe. You look up with red, glossy eyes and sniffle.
“Yeah.” He could see how hopeless you were. He couldn’t leave you alone.
“I love you.” He says. You close your eyes, absorbing the words you always loved to hear. He was still your Matt.
“And this baby.” He says after which shocks you.
“Matt you don’t have t-“
“Shh.” He put a finger to your lips.
“Just shut up and kiss me.” You smile weakly and lean in for a deep and loving kiss.
“Matt I need to tell my parents.” He sighs and leans his forehead on yours.
“Your dad is going to kill me.”
“Well you should have thought of that before you ca-“
“Yeah okay I get it.” He rolls his eyes and grabs your hand to go out back where your parents were enjoying glasses of lemonade.
“Mum? Dad?” You said while standing, Matt right beside you.
“What is it dear?” Your mom asks, moving her sunglasses down her face. She always thought she was posher then she really was.
“Matt and I are having a baby.” And with that, the glass in her mother's hand dropped to the ground, spilling all over to the grass, leaving a feast for the ants.
Her father just looks at her in disgust and gets up and walks past them. Not even acknowledging what was happening. He was in denial.
“Oh that won’t do.” Her mother says.
“It isn’t really your choice now is it mum?” You say.
“Oh but it is. Because when the women at the book club ask about the family I will not tell them about my whore of a daughter.
This stung. A lot. You never got much support from your parents so you were almost numb to their shitty parenting.
“Okay well, um nice chat. We’ll be off then. Good luck with everything.”
“You’ll be back.” She says leaning back into her chair. No care in the world.
“Without a baby and your deadbeat boyfriend.” She continues.
Matt’s fists clench and you have to hold him back from him blowing up. Once he calms down you turn and start walking back in the house, Matt trailing behind you.
“What was that?” He says shocked. You crack a smile and grab your boyfriend's cheeks.
“We are free Matt.” You whisper. He scrunches his brows.
“What do you mean?” You pass him and run up the steps.
“I’ll call my aunt Helen in London. Go pack everything essential and meet me out front.”
He stands there for a second, surprised at your burst of energy but follows your instructions, leaving out the front door.
You worked on your room for a good twenty minutes and finished up the call with Aunt Helen before rushing downstairs with your bag.
“Where do you think you're going?” Your father says from the living room.
“Away. Thanks for everything or lack thereof. Hope all goes well.” You say bitterly.
“You're not leaving.” He says sternly, getting up and slamming the door as you open it. He towers over you and you stare him down like a little ferocious chihuahua.
“I loved you, and still do. It saddens me you couldn’t be a proper dad. I hope you learn from your mistakes and get your act together.” And with that you opened the door once more and closed it behind you, leaving your stunned dad.
Matt sat in the car patiently, then giving you a wide smile when you threw your stuff in the back and hopped in beside him.
“I love you.” You say.
“I love you too.” He grabs your hand before backing out of the parking lot and towards your new future.
April 7th 1988
“Matt get down here!” Your aunt yelled. She had been helping you and Matt out in your new apartment as you prepared for the baby. But there wasn’t much prep left to do since your water had just broken.
Loud footsteps could be heard coming down the steps to reveal your shirtless boyfriend with headphones around his neck.
“What, what happened.” He says frantically grabbing a crewneck sweatshirt and covering himself.
“My water broke.” You say calmly, not understanding why everyone was panicking.
“Oh god. Um Helen why don't you grab the bag. Y/N my love let's get you into the car yeah?” He tries to put his hand on your lower back but you swat it away.
“I’m fine. Stop grabbing me.” He sighs and lets you waddle down the apartment stairs, clearly struggling but too stubborn to ask for help.
Everything was fine until the end of the car ride. That was when the contractions kicked in.
All in all the process was awful. You asked for an epidural the second it was offered and you were chewing on ice to distract from yourself from the pain. Matt was an absolute travesty of a human . He was constantly putting his hands through his hair, pacing back and forth. Throughout the pregnancy he had become a homebody. He didn’t seem like a party animal anymore. Just a man who loved his music and his girlfriend who would occasionally hang out with his old friends from Luton and new ones in London. He had proved to you during these past nine months that he was ready, even if he didn’t think he was. Watching him pace almost eased the gut wrenching pain. He was a dad.
When the actual birth happened, you weren't the nicest. Swearing at everyone and gripping onto Matt blaming him for everything and how he caused all this. It did hurt him but he knew you weren’t coherent. You couldn’t control your feelings.
But once your child was born though everything seemed to be right in the world. You were barely conscious but enough to ask for your baby.
“Congratulations, Ms L/N. It’s a girl.” Matt was a blubbering mess when he saw his little girl be passed to you. She was so small and it almost scared him just how much he loved her already. He never thought someone could match you in his ranks. He was wrong. The small baby cried and cried. The nurses came around to give you their best wishes and your aunt finally came in to check up on you. After all that was done, Matt and you were left alone with your perfect creation.
“She looks like you.” You say as you look down at the sleeping baby, her hand curled around your finger.
“You think?” He asks, cuddling in more on the hospital bed.
“Hmhm.” You say.
“Look what we did.” He chuckles to himself, in awe of everything happening. He then raises his hand and you roll your eyes before giving him his high five, a proud look on his face.
“Daddy loves you Hayley.” Matt whispers before giving his daughter a small kiss on the forehead. She yawned in return.
“And I love you Y/N.” You smile up at him and place a kiss on his lips.
“I’m so proud of you.”
July 17th 2005
You sighed deeply as you leaned against the wall and removed your paint splattered converse. For the last decade you have been a commission artist who has actually made a name for yourself in London and even out of the city.
You could hear synth coming from the office which made you roll your eyes. He better not be doing this again.
You walk down the hall and open the office door to see Matt on the computer with Hayley who was home from school for the summer.
“See right there. Isn’t that amazing! Nothing like it.” You smirk at your family.
“Sure dad. But let me show you this.” She leans over him and types in a song in her music library. ‘Since U Been Gone’ by Kelly Clarkson starts playing, a song she has already shown you. Matt thinks for a minute.
“Eh not bad, not Duran Duran but you know.”
“If I’m not mistaken, people thought your music was odd when we were young.’ Matt and Hayley turn around to see you leaning against the doorframe.
“Hi love, how was work?” Matt gets up and brings you in for a kiss. Hayley doesn't even flinch because she was so desensitized at this point when you guys showed each other affection. Even after all this time you two were still madly in love.
“Eh fine. Not getting stuff done as quickly as I like but you know.”
“Hi Mum.” Hayley calls out.
“Hey baby, how was your day?”
“Fine. Hung out with Jason.”
“Jason?” You repeat confused.
“Don’t even ask.” Matt says rolling his eyes. He was always the protective type.
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citialiin · 4 years
Just a fun little character game. Fill in the below categories with 3-5 things that your character can be identified by. Repost & tag away !
tagged by: @lupichorous  ( ˘ ³˘)♥ i love u bun. so much. i went crazy for this meme and wrote way too much for the answers. tagging:   @zhrets @gothsic @beiiadonna @talonness and .... you !! idk 
001. Vanity -- like, aren’t you just better than everyone else ?  Maybe its a weird delusion of grandeur or maybe you really are hand-selected by the universe to be more than your planet’s limitations (so you relocate !!  )
002. Ambition -- you know what you’re capable of, so you don’t let anyone stop you from achieving.  luckily for you, you’re good at everything.
003. Envy -- isn’t it frustrating to see human beings waste their potential and squander away all their years of life when you’ve accomplished more than any of them in four itty bitty years on earth ? they take this all for granted and they don’t even know how much worse things could be.
004. Hope -- but more than anything, things can change for the better if you want things hard enough.  if you’ve made it this far, surely you have something to offer the planet earth.  maybe a message of hope, of acceptance, of empowerment, of tacky glitter eyeshadow.
005. Innovation -- you’re a maverick !! you’re unlike any human -- or atominan -- the galaxy has ever unknown.  and you love yourself despite all your oddities.  other people ought to know that what makes them different makes them special.  
001. Getting an expensive red guitar thrust into your hands as a real star walks off stage and ignores you.  Be glad he lets you even touch his stuff !!
002. A quaint little kiss on the cheek; people did this in the first country he lived in, and even if they don’t do it that much here, the motion has stuck with him.  people find it charmingly foreign.  
003. A poised, perfect wave, followed by an almost mechanically perfect handshake, punctuated by exactly whatever a music journalist wants to hear.
004. Stuttering static through a translator not yet used to human words and linguistics -- with enough time and practice, he’ll get a hang of something other than the meekest, quietest ‘ hello. ’  
005. A washcloth over his forehead, a stain of human colored pigment wiped clean.  The shimmering mark, and undeniable proof of inhumanity, stands as a wordless way of explaining the depths of his trust.  
001. Glowing neon orange.  Possibly best paired with a deep navy blue.
002. Mossy green, the very blood in his veins, liquid copper from a planet far away. 
003. Glittering gold, like expensive jewelry, like the heel of his favorite black vinyl boots, like the strange mark that is undeniable proof of his star-flung origins. 
004. Cherry red, the most inhuman shade of hair imaginable.
005. Chrome white walls, the barest pearly incandescence of a home left abandoned.
001. The lingering stench of cigarette smoke left on clothes.
002. Alcohol on someone’s breath when they slur their words at you.
003. Hair spray -- enough to make your eyes water, but not enough to keep your ‘do from getting all fucked up on stage.
004. Cleaning products.  These actually taste pretty good.  You wonder why they make humans sick.
005. Green tea, without sugar.  The bitterness settles your stomach when Earth food upsets it.  
001. some ridiculous latex space suit with red and green stripes and giant flared shoulders, neon, cherry red platforms all the way up to your knees -- you wouldn’t look complete without an equally blinding red guitar and golden gloves, blue eyeshadow streaked across your face.  your hoop earrings get a little distracting when they tangle in your hair, but when you obsessively watch your own concert footage, you find you like the way they catch in the stagelights.  everything about you is over the top and excessive.  
002. a tasteful suit well tailored to your slight figure, but suits are boring, so yours is bright red with a blue and yellow pattern crawling over the fabric, or perhaps a delicate powder blue with a nice red and white tie -- your heels hurt your feet, the enormous, single chandelier earring strains your neck and you can’t eat or drink for fear of ruining your lipstick, but one must suffer for fashion.
003. a mint green shift dress with some groovy pink flowers, with big orange drop earrings and white boots up to your knees -- you aren’t copying twiggy, she’s certainly been copying you.  
004. pajamas. the aliens on your boxers are for irony and you’ve never seen that cartoon with the little purple and green square things, but human made perceptions about extraterrestrials are endearing to you. you don’t often dress down, but you can’t live your entire life in designer, even if you’d like to.
005. a black uniform with a high neck.  it’s simple, fitted against your form, and the only suggestion of decoration is the little silver badge that designates your occupation.  everything about this is built for practicality: silver boots with a low heel and a square toe, cloth gloves to keep you from getting fingerprints on the machines.  you’ve got drawers and drawers of this exact same outfit; you’ve worn the same thing every day since you graduated out of your last identical uniform.  
001. a cherry red guitar perched in a stand. your signature.
002. a silver bracelet.  someone you love has its twin, and luckily for you, it goes with every outfit, so you wear it every day.
003. a little tube of concealer, as ghostly olive white as your strange complexion.  you wouldn’t go anywhere without it, lest you need to fix your make up, hide your mark, keep your secret.
004. a silver spoon -- it’s an accessory to your worst vice, and despite its harmless appearance, it’s seen you at your lowest point, some mocking reflection of the wash up you’re petrified you’ll become.
005. a strange device that looks like a tablet.  the language on it is beyond any humans comprehension and it contains enough data to stump even the most seasoned astronomers -- but you take it for granted, and you’re sick of looking at it.
001. OVERINDULGENCE,  you drink to excess and you smoke a pack and a half a day and you spend money like it grows on trees -- nothing, no luxury, no drug, no material object could ever fulfill the strange little crack you have in your heart, the longing for something that you cannot quite articulate.
002. SELFISHNESS,  not just with things -- with the egregious amount of money you have, you’re actually rather generous.  once upon a time, this selfishness led you to innovation, to self-expression, to creativity, but now it manifests in the way you treat people, the way you look down on everyone else and deem them expendable, objects for you to use and discard at your leisure.  the universe bends to your whims or you throw a righteous tantrum.
003. ENVY,  you’ve lived a life few could ever dream of and yet you scowl and stomp your feet that you don’t get what you want -- no matter how much you preach about loving your eccentricities and individuality and the power of the outcast, you wish you were a human, a real one, it eats you alive to think that you’ll never have this one wish granted to you and no matter how much you fake it you’ll always be you, hiding, afraid, unhappy.  
004. DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR,    it’s a frantic ouroborous, how much you’re unhappy with your existence even when you are firmly convinced you are practically earth’s savior, the way you oscillate between hating yourself and loving yourself, the sole prodigal champion of the universe’s unfathomable destiny.  before there was rock, humans only had god, and you are giving them a precious gift -- you are better than everyone for a reason.  
005. NAIVETY,  you -- for all you act like you do -- dont know much about this planet and how insidious it is.  perhaps you have a feeling -- the slightest inclination -- but the full depth of just how terribly you’re being ruined by earth’s corruption is lost unto you.  you are too easily beguiled and you see things far too plainly, black and white without shades of gray.  humans are deceiving, humans are malicious, humans are not to be trusted the way you so eagerly and gleefully trust them.  
001. a sneer -- it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?  they always seem to take it as a smile no matter how poorly you think of them.
002. a cocked hip and square shoulders -- you didn’t always used to stand like this, but no one likes a timid rockstar, so you’ve learned to aggressively take up as much space as you know is owed to you. 
003. calloused fingers across strings -- if you’re gonna talk the talk, you sure walk the walk, and you are objectively one of the most talented musicians this planet has to offer. 
004. two-toned irises cast across the room -- you’re easily confused because there’s just so much to learn and understand, and you often play things by ear. so far, you’ve never fallen under too much suspicion, thanks to your quick thinking.
005. a hand creeping over the left side of your breast -- you often forget that that’s where humans keep their hearts, and yours is elsewhere.  if you do this often enough, perhaps one day you’ll feel your heartbeat here instead.  
001. GLITTER GLAM.  less is worse, more is better -- glitter eyeshadow and bright pink lipstick and mile high platform boots, stage shows that verge on theatrical productions and outlandish outfits changed at every song; gender is an accessory, and you discard it and redon it as you please.  it’s parody -- it’s plastic -- it’s something else entirely, and it’s just as stupid and tacky as it is high art.  you’re a funky psychedelic far out space freak and no one will get on your case for wearing a bell bottoms and a crop top because you’ll put your cigarette out on their hand.   
002. MIDCENTURY MOD. you keep things groovy and you like a bit of retro with your futurism -- greens and baby pink and orange and blue, white gogo boots and shift dresses with your baby blue eyeshadow and frosted pink lipstick.  
003. B-LIST SCIFI. mr spock’s green blood and little flying saucers and life, jim, but not as we know it.  your band is named after war of the worlds and youve internalized humanity’s alien mythos to the point where you’ve replaced your own real, palpable existence with their movies, their novels, their paranormal paranoia.  no one would understand that they’re the aliens, to you, and you’re just as petrified of them cutting you open on an operating table as they are of your kind coming to invade the earth.   
004. A HINT OF ELDRITCH MACABRE.  your blood is an ichorous green, verdant as malachite, and your festering, putrid organs would stump even the most seasoned of scientists -- you are proof of life not as we know it, made in their image but separate in every possible way.  harmless as you are, he is not, and your four-eyed paramour from a planet of rot and decay is not as kind as you and your gentle clemency.  space is vast -- space is limitless -- humans must look beyond their atmosphere if they are truly to grasp their insignificance in a cold, uncaring universe.
005. THE CHROME-WHITE FUTURE. the future is cold -- progress is aseptic -- science will make the world look like the jetsons.   a white-roomed apartment, a bed with no blanket (unnecessary in a perfectly temperature controlled room), black uniforms with perfect silver trim, gestation tanks and pills to supplement limited diets.  life is not for pleasure; life is pragmatic. 
001. the entire ziggy stardust album, duh ──  david bowie
002. evening wear ──   mindless self indulgence
003. cartoons and vodka   ──   jinkx monsoon
004. kaun komsott   ──   ros sereysothea
005. id engager  ── of montreal
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