#talk to me in poems plz plz plz
rippersz · 1 year
“I will love you if I never see you again, and I will love you if I see you every Tuesday.” -LS
Just popping by to say your poetry was a delight to read :D
“That, Beatrice, is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way.” - L.S.
Thank you very much. I put quite a bit of heart into those words. I appreciate you, darling. - Rip x
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cstads-blog · 9 months
10 ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ɪ ʜᴀᴛᴇ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ | ʟᴇᴡɪꜱ ʜᴀᴍɪʟᴛᴏɴ 44
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summary: in which you and lewis broke up, and things that you once loved are now things you hate
a/n: this is my first fic so be nice plz, but leave some thoughts. ummm and i also have rewatched 10 things i hate about you like 285903925 this week so thats where i got this idea from the poem. and i love lewis, but i lowkey felt he was perfect for this sort of thing
i hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair
lewis always had a soft voice. he never once yelled at you, always calm and cordial. even when you would fight, he would never raise his voice. it angered you. it was strange. you wanted him to yell at you. just to experience it. no one ever wanted their partner to yell at them, and they were jealous of you and lewis in this aspect of your relationship.
when you asked lewis why he never yelled at you, his answer was simple. he loved you. you don’t yell at people you love he would say. and then he would kiss you. the soft kiss he always placed on your lips when it was just the two of you. it was calming, comforting and it made you forget the battle you were having inside of yourself.
lewis had had his fair share of different hairstyles over the time you had known him and been together. some you favored more then others. he’d had a buzz, natural, braids. you loved when he left it natural, playing with the curls in between your fingers. which is why when he came home one day with braids you were a bit upset. its not that you didn’t like the braids, he looked amazing as usual, but you much preferred his natural curls.
as you laid in your bed beside him you started rubbing your hand up and down his neck, feeling the braids hit your hand whenever you moved up his neck. they were soft. you played with the ends of them, twirling them around your finger. lewis loved it. he loved when you touched his hair, it comforted him. he never wanted to lose moments like these.
i hate the way you drive my car, i hate it when you stare
lewis’s job was to drive cars, and to drive them fast. he’d been doing it practically his whole life. so naturally he was a bit reckless driving a normal car, on a normal road, surrounded by normal people. one night when you took your car out to dinner he was pushing the limits. trying to see how far he could go without breaking the law. it scared you. not for your safety or his, but for your car. your car was the first purchase you made of your own, with your own money. it was yours, you rarely let others drive it, but lewis was an exception.
“lewis you’re going to hurt the car” he would often hear you say when he was driving.
“don’t worry darling, its going to be fine. trust me” and you trusted him. you did. you knew he would never hurt your car. or you.
lewis had a habit of watching your every move. it wasn’t strange or weird to you, you loved it. lewis had that affect on you. every small action was one that you loved. everyone around always saw it too. when you would come to races and were in the garage talking to friends and family, he would watch you. how you interacted with people you were close with and even those you weren’t. that was another thing he loved about you. how you could get on with anyone. it didn’t matter if you knew them for fifteen years or fifteen minutes.
as he watched you, the smile on his face grew, only snapping out of his daze when someone came up behind him, touching his shoulder and pulling him away for a meeting.
i hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind
lewis had impeccable fashion taste. his outfits never failed to impress you and everyone else. except once, when he came out of the closet with a pair of of combat boots. you couldn’t help but laugh at his choice of footwear, expecting him to chose something more expensive and high end. but no, lewis was wearing combat boots.
seeing your reaction to his shoes made him smile as well and even though he was feeling content with his outfit, he went and changed into something different. he never got rid of the combat boots though. they sat in his closet and you never let him forget about it.
lewis had an incredible talent of reading your mind. he always knew what you wanted or needed without even having to say it. you often wondered how he did it. it took you at least five tries to even remember what his order was at the restaurant but he knew what you wanted before you did. part of you was angry with his little trick, but the other part loved that he knew so much about you and he could remember even the little things.
i hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme
you didn’t deal with anger or stress well. you often got sick when you were feeling either emotion. while lewis was practically the definition of a perfect boyfriend, he could still bring these two emotions out of you. when you would feel stressed with lewis’ actions he would often forget the petty argument or trivial thing he did and run immediately to you, to help you, to calm you down. it showed you just how willing he was to help you when you needed him the most.
i hate the way you’re always right, i hate it when you lie
lewis was never wrong. ever. no matter how many times you tried to prove him wrong, you couldn’t. he knew so many things about so many people and places, it was often hard to find a topic he wasn’t fluent in. when you would play trivia games out of boredom in your living room he would always get every question right, while you struggled to even come up with an answer.
lewis rarely ever lied to you, but when he did you couldn’t stand it. you’d been in unfaithful relationships in the past. lewis knew this, which was why he rarely lied. his only lies ever came after drunken nights out with his friends and he’d forgotten certain details, but small things like that made you nervous, not wanting to escalate to anything else.
i hate it when you make me laugh, even more when you make me cry
lewis was a very funny person. he made you laugh even without trying. that was what initially attracted you to him. he could make you laugh when you were happy, upset, scared, angry. he made you laugh about simple things he did. he often wasn’t trying to make you laugh, but seeing the smile grow on your face was enough to make him keep trying.
all he wanted was time see you smile, to see you happy.
you never cried tears of sadness around lewis, only happiness. they usually came when he did something great in racing or when you graduated university. you often cried when you saw lewis up on the podium, seeing the smile on his face, making you think about all of the hard work he had put into getting there. you would always admire him for that. his hard work, his dedication.
i hate it when you’re not around, and the fact you didn’t call
lewis was often away for work so you spent quite a bit of time alone. yes, you had his dog roscoe to keep you company but it wasn’t quite the same. the house was loud with silence, every small action making a seemingly larger noise then usual. it annoyed you. you missed lewis and you just wanted to be in his arms, with him, in whatever country he was in this weekend. but it wasn’t that easy. you had to work as well, you couldn’t just drop everything to go travel the world with him, even if you would like to.
lewis couldn’t always call you when he was away. with his busy schedule and a time difference, usually a quick text every few hours would have to suffice. you hated not hearing his voice for days. you just wanted to hear his soft voice, like a melody in your ears. he left you voice mails when he did call, but you couldn’t answer. you listened to them on repeat, trying to soak up his voice, capture it in your head until you could see him again. it would be sweeter to hear in person then over the phone so you had to wait.
and that’s what you kept telling yourself. it would be sweeter in person. thats how you dealt with the distance. you just waited for the time he was back in your arms.
but mostly i hate the way i don’t hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all
and that is how you end up here. standing in the corner of the crowded party you had gotten invited to by one of the other drivers you still kept in contact with after the split from lewis. you weren’t trying to be a downer, but seeing lewis again after so long had all of the memories flooding back, all of the thoughts and hopes and dreams you had together. he looked so happy. having fun and drinking with his friends. you remembered the times when you were right next to him at an event just like this. wrapped in his arms, the comfort they brought you. but then the bad came back, the end. you hated lewis, at least that’s what you told people. but you knew it wasn’t true. you had known it all along, just in denial you never admitted that fact.
but here, standing in the corner of this crowded room, is when you could finally admit it. you didn’t hate lewis hamilton, not even close. not even a little bit, not even at all.
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alekthefox · 4 months
Fluff argenti x reader where the reader and him are dating and loves when argenti picks her up and spins her around plz?
Absolutely adorable! Your wish is my command.
Author's note after writing: I GOT SO CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS, AHHHHH, MY HEEEEART!!!! I cannot breathe and yet I'm the one who wrote it. ;u;
Tags: fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, existent relationship, sweet love
Pairing: Argenti/fem reader, 3rd person
It had been five months of blissful romance that the two had shared. She remembers the first day they had met dearly. Argenti bowed deeply with one hand behind him, the other gently pulling hers in to kiss the knuckles.
"By Idrila, you are a beauty like no other. Truly, you amaze me. Allow me to introduce myself, if I may. My name is Argenti, I belong to the Knights of Beauty. May this rose convey my heartfelt salutations."
The hand from behind his back appeared into view as he rose to his height, it held a single, thornless, red rose. The stem was cut at an angle, every petal perfectly in place.
Now, five months into this beautiful love, the honeymoon phase is yet to end. At every month's anniversary he writes her a poem, every time the roses in the vase wither he replaces them with fresh ones; always with a note, and every night he'd take off his armour to hold her the entire night. His arms were heavy from the strife he engages in, yet he is always as gentle as a petal swirling in the wind only to fall upon her figure.
Her dearest moments would be whenever he'd return home after work and head to wherever she is, setting aside his weapon, and pressing her into his arms. To Argenti she weighs nothing at all, akin to a feather of the most beautiful bird. And that is how he holds her, as she is precious to him, and her smile is worth more than anything else in existence. And every time he'd return he'd press her into his chest, strong arms clad in armour picking her up with ease, and spinning her around.
"Look at how beautiful you make the world, my love, my dearest. When you smile the world seems oh-so colorful. If I were to see a triple rainbow it would not compare to you."
She laughs as she wraps her arms around him and looks into his eyes, the world around them blurring through the motion. As if nothing else was worth seeing aside from each other. He'd gently put her down but not let go, bending to bury his head in her neck, soft cheek against her skin. His silky red hair would tickle her. But she doesn't mind in the slightest.
After an eternity in each others arms, which felt like less than a second, he'd take off his armour and get comfortable. The two would eat, talk about their day, consider adopting some sweet, small creature to keep her company in his absence. When evening would come he'd softly brush her hair, looking at her in the mirror, placing a kiss on her head. Then she would return the favour, brush his hair; and because he always allows it, braid it as well.
The next day he would be free, only to spend more time with her. To embrace her, speak sweetly with her, spin her around every chance he gets, play with her hair, treat her with sweet treats, kiss her forehead, anything to see those eyes of hers light up and those lips form a smile. And even when she is too tired for anything else, he looks at her like a unique masterpiece, a painting made by Idrila herself, and just sighs with hearts in his eyes, completely content.
The day after that he clutches a small box in his pocket he recently bought, after a long time of careful choosing. As he exits the door with a kiss to her cheek and closes the door... he pulls out the box and examines the ring inside.
"Soon, my dearest. You make me the happiest. I hope I can forever have that smile in my life."
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Entertain us with some stupid Bonaparte facts plz.
Hahaha I've answered a lot of these, so there will be some repeats, and I'm not sure any of these could as stupid facts but they're all things I enjoy thinking about from time to time:
I love that he was described as having a lovely smile that could change the weather if he was turning on the charm (also his eyes were described as one of his chief charms). People also described him as having more the air of a scholar than that of a soldier.
That said, Napoleon didn't do small talk so much as a full-frontal barrage of questions which uh...isn't intimidating at all.
Napoleon liked to say he was born on a rug embroidered with an image of Caesar but Letizia apparently replied to that story with “is it not enough that he was born, but it must be upon a rug decorated with Caesar?” (or something to that effect). 
One time on St. Helena he got Barry O'Meara champagne drunk and teased the man about this lass he was in love with and was like "you're in your thirties, you need to get married!" and O'Meara was like "ummmm I've no money and am not ready" and Napoleon was like "nonsense".
In general, Napoleon loved playing matchmaker. He wasn't very good at it but he loved it anyway. He was an eighty-year old nosey, gossipy, match-scheming grandma at heart.
Napoleon enjoyed snuff but wasn't super graceful taking it so there'd be snuff powder on his suit coats sometimes. He would also fidget with the snuff boxes and regularly lost them.
Indeed, Napoleon was one of life's fidgeters. Which, coincidentally, made him difficult to shave. Constant recounts in his memoir:
[Napoleon] frequently talked, read the papers, moved round on his chair, turned suddenly, and I was obliged to use the greatest precaution to avoid wounding him. … When by chance he did not talk, he remained immovable and stiff as a statue, and one could not make him lower, raise, or bend his head, as would have been necessary in order to accomplish the task more easily. He had also one singular mania, which was to have only one side of his face lathered and shaved at a time. He would never let me pass to the other side until the first was finished.
One of Marie-Louise’s pet names for him was Nana and she would call him that in front of courtiers and Very Important People and Napoleon rolled with it. 
His favourite book was the epic poem Ossian because Napoleon liked campy over-the-top epics. Joseph would later try and claim his brother's favourite book was the Illiad (if I remember right) because Ossian was considered trash literature at the time. Like if Napoleon's favourite book was Game of Thrones and his brother is like "no, trust me, it's War and Peace. It's Real Literature~~. It's Dante's Inferno. It's anything that is More Serious. Please believe me".
He was a terrible rider, though he rode " very boldly and recklessly" (according to one of his secretaries). Napoleon loved to Go Fast - bit of an adrenaline junky I suspect. He was also known to ride for hours - the stamina was insane - and he was not easily deterred by treacherous terrain.
He was described by a cavalry officer as riding "like a butcher". Quote from Ernst von Odeleben, the cavalry officer in question:
Napoleon himself remarked at one time…that he had learned a great many things, but had never been able to make himself a complete horseman. His make was not indeed calculated for equitation. When he galloped, he sat carelessly in the saddle, generally holding the reins in his right hand, while the upper part of his body was jumbled, as the horse went on, forward, or on one side, and his left hand hung negligently down. If the horse made a false step, he immediately lost his balance. [...] As he was not a good horseman, all those who approached him mounted upon a mare were obliged to be cautious that they were not thrown out of the saddle by the capers of his horse. [...] Napoleon was passionately fond of going across the fields, without letting any person know whither he bent his course. The chasseurs of the guard were so accustomed to this habit, that by the first direction which he took, they became perfectly well acquainted with the place towards which he was going. He was so fond of bye-ways and paths, that finding himself, on several occasions, in craggy places, or impracticable roads, he was obliged to alight: it was always a disagreeable thing to him to hear of difficulties or impossibilities…and he seldom abandoned his intention til he was himself convinced of the impossibility of proceeding. 
Naturally, Napoleon did take some epic falls off his horses from time to time. This is the man who would trip and break his face if he wasn't careful.
Napoleon would sing upon occasion, though he couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. Songs he liked included various tunes from the opera Henri IV, also the Marseillaise, various songs from the revolution &c. One of his favourite composers was Giovanni Paisiello.
I shall stop there. Thank you for the ask!
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burnedwriter · 2 years
What type of lovers they are pt1.
A/n:i will be taking a small break and creating pt 2 so stay tuned!,i will step away from tumblr bc these last 2 days have been rough 2 of my posts have been community labelled,its only the dottore ones which makes me think that there is a hater out there that is reporting me,plz if you dont like my posts just scroll its not that hard
Warnings:smut,gentle s*x(kazuha),petnames(kazuha,kaeya),semipublic(kaeya),cockwarming(kaeya)breeding(childe),rough s*x(childe),breeding king,!afab reader
A,/n:im not responsible for what people read
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🍁kazuha is a romantic lover.He would write poems for you when he leaves for his travels,so you wont miss his presence while hes away.
🍁he will bring you small gifts and flowers from the places he has visited back home to you.
🍁if you really want to join him to his travels,though hesitant at first since hes concerned for your safety but he will accept you to join him.He cant say no when you look at him with those puppy eyes plus you wanted your life to become interesting than the boring one you are living right now.
🍁hes really gentle with you showering you with kisses as hes exploring every inch of your body.He has memoriesed what you like and hat you dont during your time and knows exactly what to do to make you weak for him.
🍁he uses you as his muse and has wrote many poems about you,he will read them when he is alone so he can never forget your beauty.
🍁hes really gentle with you and will not be rough until you tell him to even then he would ask you if you are alright or need him to stop
🍁outdoors sex is very common for the both of you,you would usually go to picknicks far away from civilazation,and one thing always leads to another and now hes on top of you.
‘‘zuzu’‘you moaned as kazuha rolled his hips in a lazy pace
‘‘you are doing amazing my muse,let me hear your voice’‘kazuha praised you,continuing his slow pace
it was true this place was far away from any city in inazuma,you didnt have to wory about your moans being too loud because now it was only you and him
‘‘please zuzu,can you go faster~’‘you whined getting impatient from his gentle pace
‘‘anything for you my muse’‘
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❄Due to his work being the calvary captain,hes constantly busy but that doesnt mean he doesnt invite you to his office and keep him company while hes doing his paper work
❄he will set up dates to make up for it though it would usually be at the tavern,both of you will drink and have fun
❄he has opened up about his childhood,talking about the big fight between him and diluc and how it affected him both physicly and mentally over the years.You are the only one that has seen whats under the eyepatch and what his eye looks like from that day
❄he loves teasing you all the time,whispering dirty things in your ear before leaving for work,making you wanting more.He loves seeing you desperate for him to touch you.
❄Quickies are very common between the 2 of you,as i said before hes a very busy person due to his work,but he will try to make time so you can both take your time and enjoy it
❄he loves fucking you in his office.The feeling of getting caught turns him on.
‘‘kaeya we are going to get caught’‘you whispered
his hand on your hips keeping you from squarming on his lap as he continued his conversation with jean like you werent sitting on his cock,you tried your best not to loose your mind,wanting to move your hips to get some friction.
‘‘are you ok?’‘Jean asked concerned as she saw your face  turn red as a tomato.
‘‘yeah im fine,dont worry about me Jean’‘you replied cearing your throat trying not to look suspicious
‘‘are you sure  sweetheart?~’‘he teased you,a small smirk started to appear at the corner of his mouth.
You bit your buttom lip trying to capture any monas that might escape from your lips as kaeya tried to readjust his position,his cock brushing off of your sweetspot.
‘‘wont bother you anymore,please take some rest’‘Jean said to you before getting up from her seat and walked towards the door,leaving the room.
Waiting for her to be far away from kaeya’s office,as you finally got to move,you started moving up and down his cock.Kaeya leaned back and spread his legs, you were able to use them to balance yourself
‘‘ang~,you are an impatient little thing arent you’‘‘he groan as you continued to bounce up and down chasing your orgasm.
‘‘fuck~kaeya~’‘you let out a low moan trying not to attact any attention from the guards
‘‘you are doing amazing sweetheart,let me help you a bit’‘he said holding your hips firmly fastening up your pace.
‘‘im close~’‘
With one last bounce,you felt your walls squeezed his cock practicly milking him as you finally achieved your long awaited climax.
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🐋ajax is  a loyal lover
🐋he has discussed with you from the start that he wants to start a big family just like his and he would spoil them with his harbinger money 100%
🐋He doesnt want you to get involved with his work,since he doesnt want you to get hurt or even worst...get killed he cares so much about you it would absoloutly break him if something ever happened to you and wont stop blaming himself about not being able to protect you.
🐋Just like kazuha he brings you gift from the places he travels but th difference is that its expensive or exclusive jewelry he would find in nations
🐋When it comes to fucking you,hes rough.This man thinks the bedroom is also a battlefield.Prepare to wake up the next morning with bruses and hickeys all over your body.
🐋Speaking of hickeys he will leave them to places that are visible such as your neck and/or collarbone to show who you belong to.He would also leave some hickeys in places only he can see like your inner things and chest.
🐋This man has a breeding kink,you cant tell me he doesnt.He want you to start a family together afterall and he will make sure to fill you up to the brim.
‘‘fuck your cunt is milking my cock’‘he groaned loudly as he fucked you mercilesly
your legs pressed at the either sides of your head as you laid back on his chest,with this position he was able to reach deeper than the previous ones.
‘‘Ah~Ajax~’‘you whimpered throwing your head back on his shoulder
‘‘fuck im close, i w-want you to take to take every ast bit of my cum ~’‘he breathed out not stopping his brutal pace.
‘‘Ah~,YES YES!’‘you screamed,holding onto the bedsheets for dear life as you feel your eyes rolling at the back of your head.Both of you reaching your climax,you could feel his seed insideyou filling you up
‘‘i wont pull out until i know you are full’‘
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anniesstories · 2 years
Kazutora Hanemiya Headcanons ❤️
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I feel like he's shy. He'll just stalk you. He wouldn't dare to talk to you. So obviously you'll have to be the one that does the first move. Plz dont make him wait too long😭😭
At first he's shy, but when he gets comfortable around you, he'll be flirty af, so be careful lol.
He's sweet and loving and he always wants to make you happy. So you'll probably wake up with sweet little gifts like chocolate or even poems... they sound shitty af but from the lyrics it's obvious he tries to tell you how much he loves you.
He's a cuddle and huggie lover, everytime you two meet, he'll ask for a hug like "Huggie wiggie?🥺"
I feel like he's a little cry baby around you bc you're the only one who's able to give him the comfort he needs yooyy
JEALOUS ASF!!! he gets jealous very easily, so good luck proving him you didn't cheat or you don't have a crush on someone cuz he won't believe you unless you'll fuck him
Loves using your breasts as pillows when you two are watching a movie or sleeping or cuddling.... he'll try not to make it sexual but he's so close to your boobs...he just can't help himself 🥺🫶
He's insecure about his look and his attitude...but damn your the comfort he needs for confidence<3
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He has two "faces". When he's the sub, he's such a slut. He'll beg you to let him cum, and if you're going too fast, he'll try to grab your hips to slow it down but it won't work...poor boy. Well when he's the dominant one.... you're fucked up literally so you're the one who's crying for mercy.
I feel like sometimes, during sex, he'll be very romantic with candles and eventually music (specially when Valentine's Day). He just wants to be very close to you yk...only sex can allow him be that close yk yk.
He loves boobs. You will randomly wake up with his hands cupping your breasts. Damn if he's hard, give him a boobjob and you made his day.
Face sitting. Trust me, he loves that. You have no idea how much he loves the way your cunt squirts all over his face while your desperately riding his face, covering it in your juices.
As for pet names, he likes calling you in any way, specially tiger, princess, darling or love....or even slut because we're his sluts, right? But plz call him daddy, pretty/baby boy. Just do it
He doesn't have any preferences when it comes to choosing a position. He doesn't care if is doggy style, 69, cowgirl or any. He doesn't really care as long as he can look at your pretty face and boobs ;)
As for kinks, probably degradation or breeding kink is *chief kiss*....
That's it for now:)) sorry for being inactive but dawg exams, also tysm for all the support! Love y'all, plz stay hydrated ❤️✨ Cya next time <3
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lemon-natalia · 9 months
Gideon the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 1
Funky little poem at the beginning seemingly related to the duties/roles of the Nine Houses. Title namedrop of the Ninth House being related to the 'Locked Tomb' somehow, whatever that means
Also .... only just occurred to me, but character named Nona, Harrow's surname Nonagesimus .... Hmmm 🧐 no spoilers tho plz
Ok I will start reading the actual book now
Ok first off my girl Gideon is literally living in a 'cell' with no light the fuck? Like i thought it was just a name for a room but nope she has a full on security bracelet with a key? I'd run away too damn
Knowing this series features necromancy makes the fact Gideon's mother isn't in her catacomb niche pretty disturbing to think about, ngl. also a little sad
Oh shit yeah there are literal skeletons going out to do harvest work and doing manual labour. I mean if you have a society where people can do necromancy why not i guess
The Ninth sounds like a real holiday destination, what with all the rubble and 'soupy' white atmosphere
'whenever Gideon had been made to go through those doors as a kid, she'd screamed like she was dying' I know Nothing about Gideon's childhood at this point but its making me sad already 😢
Ok Crux why are you being the Worst rn
Was hoping Aiglamene might be better but nope! Also the Worst
Assuming the mysterious 'Lady' they're talking about is Harrow?
Ok I still understand nothing about the worldbuilding yet, but the whole Ninth House being built inside the planet's core is creative if nothing else
Oh shit what happened to all the other children over those two years
Girl was a day old when she got catapulted by her dead mum down a rock shaft & started trying to plan to run away when she was four, already way up there on the 'protagonist's with shit lives' scale
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flagellant · 2 years
hey genuinely thank you for giving a fuck. many many people have simply stopped giving fucks for many reasons but you have not. plz don't let the shitbags get you down.
Something I've written about, in the past:
The past year has been about understanding who I am when my back isn’t against the wall. In some ways it’s more terrifying, having the responsibility of making a good life for myself from good foundations. But I remember with every second what it was like to live a life without the luck I’ve been given, and I see the people that get denied it every day. If anger is powerful, I want to use that anger. I want to wield it and make something so angry that everybody will be angry with me. An anger in a single direction, with one edge like a knife, to cut the world down the middle and into a better shape, and hand it to everyone like halves of an orange. I only have two hands to make any piece of art with, and I will only ever have (at most, at my most fortunate) two hands. But I don’t stand alone in being angry at this cruel, foolish world, the one which looks at children and teaches them “You are not worth anything, you have no value or sanctity just because you are human,” and laughs and calls us childish when we say we deserve better than that.
Because that’s the most formative thing about me of all. The selfish, bitter dregs of feeling hurt and betrayed by the world. The incredibly egotistical idea, “I deserved a better world”. Look at my past self and all of the cruel, flailing, foolish things I did–some on purpose, some not, all causing harm anyway–and think about what I could do about it.
I think that, on one hand, yes. I deserved better, objectively. There are things in my narrative that no one deserves the agony of. Beyond that, perhaps I deserved better circumstances.
But I think it doesn’t matter what I deserved in the past, good or bad. What matters more to me is not making the same mistakes in the future. I can’t allow myself to resent the people around me for being maybe a little bit more lucky than I was; there’s art to be made that could change the world. All of it is made out of anger. All of my past, all of my future, it can only ever be anger. Anger that creates, anger that cuts, anger that hardens, anger that stands in front of other people and walks the line for them.
Anger that stands in front of other people and walks the line for them. I’d almost like that to be the narrative I make for myself. To make a world in which I can say that the events that formed me most are not the ones which hardened me like lava to obsidian, proud like a boar. Instead, a world where I met its hard edges as gentle as I dared. You may have wondered why I sounded so different in the poems I write than the person I am, and the truth is almost simple.
I learned to write poetry to put to words all the things that I feel which I’m unable to understand or say. That’s the narrative I’ve been trying hard to tell you all, all this time, the one I want to write so badly and yet have no idea how to.
Writing about anger is so easy for me, except for that one kind, because I can never talk about it except in poems. It lives in me somewhere deeper than anything else, deeper than my heart, deeper than my soul. It can only come out in art, not in words. That anger lives in my belly and it growls like a great black dog every time it thinks it sees someone being hurt. I think that says the most about me that I’ll ever be able to say.
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trickstersaint · 12 days
I saw on one of your quizzes it said to bug you here if we wanted to talk about saints. I'm not catholic (raised a different christian denomination->ive since escaped it thank fuck) and just by seeing some saint options to pick from on the quiz it raised questions abt the neighboring religion. Is Eve not a saint in catholic churches??? Like Adam and Eve??? Idk I always figured theyd be saints but I didnt see them listed and now I'm curious because I dont think ive ever seen them listed as saints anywhere at all really. Just stuff like mother Mary and angels like Michael and Gabriel/ ppl like Joan of arc etc.
Ps. also listing Marilyn Monroe and Ophelia as ppl you personally consider saints is absolutely girlboss of you and I mean that in the best way possible💜💜plz elaborate bc I am so ready to hear you out and I just know you have a good ass rant abt it I'm so curious lol
it does say to do that i love when people want to talk about saints... one of my favorite topics even...
anyway eve is NOT a saint. unfortunately in biblical terms her and adam kind of crucially fucked things up for everyone and sainthood really specifically has to go to a certain kind of person who is devout and significant and (only for modern canonization i think?) has to complete a certain number of miracles in order to be considered for canonization. eve and adam are definitely significant biblical figures but they are really just not eligible for sainthood by virtue of Not having been good believers in god. see also: trickstersaint poem "in which you are seven years old and trying to dislodge the chunk of apple in your throat".
imagining adam and eve as saints though... saints of falling for trickery... saints of caving to temptation... i think i have to sit down
ok so here's the thing. when i think of saints they are like. well. haters (other christian denominations) will say "false idols" but they are like stuffed animals within religion to me. supplementary figures. this is all irrelevant to the ophelia and marilyn monroe conversation in which the point is that they are figures that are mythical either by virtue of their origins or by the way that their stories have been mythologized and they have been adopted by people in a way that is more about the person who adopts them than about the figure themself. HOWEVER it is critical that they still maintain the thought of like. i Know this person. even as they are dehumanized. so. parasocial relationships on a societal level. which is why i included princess diana on that question as well because it's about the sheer level of fame and the way in which people adopt these figures as personal icons and idolize them especially in death. gerard way gets to be this to me because i am insane about them in a very specific way and i Do hold them in my heart for support and strength in the way that i hold saint sebastian or the virgin mary. see also: trickstersaint poem "ophelia".
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k3uuu · 1 year
Since it will take me until I’m home to answer your novel (: ,,, entertain me, plz. For LS!Tom and canon!Tom where you have an opinion.
1, 3, 9, 11, 17, 23, 27, 33.
Sorry, some of these are boring answers 😭
1. Canon I outright reject
Alright, this is for canon TMR: anything to do with cursed child’s existence. As much as I love our Delphini, I just can’t accept anything that came out of it… the thought of Voldemort having sex with Bellatrix? It’s repulses me. I just can’t see him wanting a child, either. It’s all weird.
If I was a fagette in LS, I would reject trueship and be obsessed with godfag/peepfag. You KNOW, I’d be so obsessed with that ship, and would be so miserable with the “canon” ship.
3. Obscure headcanon
Tom was a bed wetter, which would lead to issues with the matrons. This is also one of the things we talked about when we first became friends which makes it extra special to me.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
Oh man… I’m not gonna lie, I read HP for the first time in high school and it’s been a loooong time since then. I think the entire plot with Diary Tom had me so on edge. Finding out Tom Riddle was VOLDEMORT? Insane. Shocking. Life changing. I didn’t really ship anything yet so it was purely this feeling of oh my goddddddd.
11. Faceclaim for the role
I don’t have face claims. My minds eye doesn’t work properly, so I just default with Christian Coulson. I don’t like the actors for HBP, so fuck that. For LS Tom…. I don’t even know. Tall, dark hair, skinny twink.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Lemon boy by Cavetown for Lover’s Spit Tom Riddle, thanks to our girl whisker!
I don’t really connect songs or quotes or anything to characters (beyond our ocs), I’m just bad at it 😂. I do usually relate playlists you make to the characters, so anything you’ve made. When I listen to music, I can always somehow make it about characters even if it makes absolutely no sense - which makes me horrible for this question!
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
I’m really not sure 😆. I’m not good with smells either. TMR doesn’t inspire a smell for me. He’s just … I don’t know. He makes me think of a hospital room, sterile. Off putting but it fits him.
27. Their guilty pleasure
Hahahah. Stalking and creeping on Harry. This can fit for either LS TMR or canon TMR, I’d say. I also think canon TMR still has sticky fingers and steals sometimes, even after leaving the orphanage.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
I just. can’t picture canon TMR crying. It’s so abnormal to me and doesn’t look right. I feel like you gotta attack him as a kid, low blow him to get the tears.
LS TMR, I think anything related to his mum when he’s younger could bring some tears. Not publicly, but around daddy.
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omarandjohnny · 1 year
Can u talk about your tattoos plz plz plz? (If you want ofc.) you can say literally anything I find the stories behind tattoos so interesting
Sure! I started getting tattooed in 2001, the very first one being a simple Celtic knot (a nod of appreciation to Jason Flemyng for his brilliant performance in Alive and Kicking), and immediately after it was finished I KNEW I needed more XD
I have a lot of different text tattoos on my right sleeve, my tattooist in the early aughts used to yell down the hallway 'here comes the walking dictionary!' LOL The majority of them are all lyrics, lines from poems, fandom references, movie quotes, etc.
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(since it's the 5th anniversary of wedding 2.0, I had to include my Robron hand tattoo 'but you know?' <3)
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The Depeche Mode piece took the longest in-one-sitting, with the result being 'enjoy the silence' in the violator album font, and a pair of phoenixes. The pain was 1000000000% worth it.
The two most recent additions from the past couple years are the cherries on my neck for Cherry Magic (the show that got me through the latter half of the 2020 hellscape) and the coordinates to the Winslow family farm on my upper left arm (the farm where James Dean grew up, the quote across my chest 'only the gentle are ever really strong' is one of his as well)
Feel free to ask about any of the text on my alphabet soup arm/hand!
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aseyaz · 2 years
every time i say that people think im flexing or something but i swear im not🥲
okay i have a malediction. each year 3 random new boys fall hard in love with me. and they get literally obsessed. and it’s always boys I’ve never talked to or maybe once or twice-
they always end up giving me poems, gifts, drawings like 😰 plz stop i don’t know u
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petruchio · 1 year
hi bestie can i talk to you about my girlfriend. so we met at school and we took it really really slow and flirted a lot before ever even kissing and it was rly sweet. our first kiss was fanficy lol like i said something and she was like ? explin plz and i was like ummm no bc i was afraid i was showing too much emotion and she was like GOD can you be clear with your feelings for ONCE IN YOUR LIFE and i was like OH? YOU WANT ME TO BE CLEAR? and she was like ?? YEAH??? and then i kissed her LOL. anyway we’re celebrating our first official month on tuesday and i made her a little art piece w my favorite ee cummings poem that reminds me of her in it :) i’m so in love it’s stupid i miss her smell. ok that’s all byeeeee
STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is the most insane first kiss story and there's nothing i love more then when you're having a ~moment~ with someone and it almost feels like you're two actors who are acting out a script because the moment just goes so *right* and everyone says exactly the right thing and it's just perfect!!! asdjfhalskdjfh i love that and also taking it slow and being friends but like flirty friends for a while before dating!!!
ugh you guys are killing me with these love stories tonight I LOVE LOVE and im so happy for u :')))))
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smolgirlowo · 1 year
semi-live blogging riverdale with my friends [S7xE2]
so happy the brought back hot dog, ben button, ethal and pilot dilton but uh... where the fuck is reggie? give me reggie back!
'kevin and the crooners' the fifities makes me want to die
premier jughead behaviour: 'you stole my story!' 'there are no original stories kid' 'alright, I'll work for you'
i love fangs and toni, more greaser content plz
'you haven't even pinned me yet' the fifties make me want to die, also stop trying to fuck a gay man betty
premier judhead behaviour pt2: 'thank you for the job sir, my friend will work for pennies please hire her' 'alright' 'thank you sir'
imagine moving to a new town and hitting on the first guy you see (you are a gay black man in 1955)
'i want to discuss politics, art, current events' i don't think archie knows what those words mean ronnie
imagine moving to a new town and telling the first girl you see she's extremely fuckable (you are a straight woman in 1955 currently dating 4 guys)
oh my god archie in his little suit, i wish i had a picture. he's adorable
i really like the transition from archie and his dad both writing music in high school for girls, to writing poems. it's so cute
not reading archie's poetry out loud, yeah fair writers
love that the greaser gang hangs out in an underground coffee house, adorable
comic accurate purple bow dress, fuck i am going to need photos from this episode
betty talking to her mom about wanting to have sex, betty's mom getting ready to murder her. 1955 cam
god jughead doesn't know what girls are, i love him. are we getting misogynist judhead, stupid jughead, or asexual jughead?
the only artist archie knows is norman rockwell, good for him. oh god he's threatened to murder someone (valid)
mary andrews is the first person to ever tell veronica that she's a bad person and I love that for both of them
genuinely love alice encouraging her daughter's boyfriend to not fuck her. LET. BETTY. FUCK. i mean, not with kevin, but in general
'i'll take one [ticket]' 'glares in murderous bisexual greaser' 'uh, fiVe?' iconic dilton doily bullying hours
good scene. :3
deeply confused by their 1955 gym clothes
oh to be a girl approaching the hottest guy in school to ask for his dick, and then get torn away by your gay male boyfriend who sucks
good scene again.
kevin canonically scared by boobs
etheal roasting her parents for sucking. good for her, good for her.
i now know what a sock hop is
kevin wants to fuck a boy, betty wants to fuck her boyfirends, cheryl and toni are about to have sex, midge is fainting on the dance floor from how horny she is. jughead just wants to eat cookies :3
oh they read archie's poem. it was okay...
aww. archie dancing with his mom instead of the evil girl. god dammit ronnie you're better than julian
alice is so happy her daughter's boyfiend is gay.
oh god I love ethal's actor.
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anniesstories · 2 years
Maybe some mitsuri with a sub!male reader headcannons?
P.S., your writings nice.
tysmmmm for requesting<3
Everything for our love hashira 😍😍
Mitsuri x Sub!Male Reader
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Headcannons sfw+nsfw bc she's cute and yea
She loves cuddles! Plz give her cuddles all the time bc she deserves it<3
You have to go out on a mission? She won't stop till you agree to take her with you, she wants to make sure you are safe, that's all;)
Since she loves food...be ready for "who finishes the food faster" competitions...
She'd let you use her boobs and ass as pillows
She's CLINGY. Like very CLINGY.
She loves kisses! Doesn't matter if is a hot long ass kiss or just a peak on her lips, GIVE HER KISSES!
She'd wear your clothes when you're not home, that way she can feel your scent everytime so when you are back plz steal her ability to walk.
She loves small gifts like flowers, sweets and love letters. Also she LOVES love poems! So for Valentine's Day plz write a poem, even if it isn't very good, she'll love it!
She's touched starved, i feel like her love language is physical touches....
She loves hugs, since she's the love hashira, she loves showing you how much she cares about you
+18 content so don't read if you're uncomfortable!
Usually she lets you be the dominat one during sex, but sometimes she accepts riding you.
She likes being called mommy! She loves when she sees you breathless underneath her, like damn she feels so strong for some reason even tho YOU are the man.
When she's riding you and she's also horny...ma boy, good luck with keeping up with her, she won't stop until you cum overstimulated
It's so cute when you try your best to suck her clit when she's sitting on your face! Like damn how tf you don't know you can be so fucking cutee
Dirty talk alot! You're surprised that she's so dirty minded and she looks so fucking innocent and submissive!
You have no idea how much she loves when you scream her name, beg her to stop, your whimpers when she's jumping on your hard cock.
She has some stamina, like she can go a few rounds with no problem but my question is...will YOU be able to go?
Praise kink. You feel so satisfied when she calls you "pretty boy" or "good boy" . And of course she knows it, so she won't stop calling you by these nicknames and praising you non-stop.
If you fucked her rough one time...she won't forget and damn she'll take her revenge;) karma is a bitch
She'd mark your whole body just to make sure that you know YOU belong to HER.
This woman really got you wondering how can you be such a slut when she's riding you. Wanna know the answer? Your a fucking simp and she knows it so ofc she will use it as a chance to dominate you and show you how slutty simps should be treated like.
Yes. She looks innocent and sweet and all but it seems like she's not that innocent when she's around you ;)
That was it...kinda short but my ideas said weeee on the window 😭😭 I don't usually write male reader so this was a little challenge for me :') I promise I'll try better next time😭😭😭
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avaaasstuff · 2 years
Hi I’m Ava, nice to meet you! I used to vent in the form of a poem a looong time ago, I’m now 20 and I’m kinda just here 🧍🏾‍♀️ looking at cool art and daydream abt cute lil scenarios. And occasionally see fanart for fandoms im in 🤷🏾‍♀️
Fun facts about me:
I’m 20
Bi 🩷💜💙 (women & afab ppl leaning at the moment)
^ Haven’t had great interactions (romantic wise) w cis-het men :(
Unless they’re fictional 💀
I love pickles and hate tomatoes, so if we’re out, and there’s sliced tomatoes on my sandwich or burger can we plz trade? Pickle for a tomato? 😁
My favorite games are Life Is Strange (all of them), What Remains of Edith Finch and Tell Me Why
I really like cartoons (for children and for adults)
Call me basic but water is my favorite/go to drink and sprite
And last but not least, i luv lettuce- like alot 😂 call me bunny! 🐰
Anyways! Enjoy whatever this is, and if you wanna be friends or something dm me and let’s get to talking 💞
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