#tamaki hc
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This week's Discord Prompt!
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mypimpademia · 10 months
how Bakugou, Izuku, Kiri and shigaraki (I don't know if you write for him, if you don't then Tamaki) when their crush (Best Friend)/girlfriend run away the next morning after "do it" last night, Like they wake up and she's gone and they think maybe she regrets it but she's actually buying something to eat.
— Breakfast Runaway
Bakugo x gn! best friend! Reader, Izuku x gn! best friend! Reader, Kirishima x gn! best friend! Reader, Tamaki x gn! best friend! Reader
TW: Suggestive content, implications of sex, swearing, mentions of virginity loss (Izuku & Tamaki), slight angst(? Izuku & Tamaki), mentions of anxiety + failed relationships (Tamaki), implied friends to lovers trope
Note: The request implies a fem reader, but with the way I wrote it, this is gender neutral! :)
⇶ Katsuki is a heavy sleeper, so you thought he wouldn’t notice you slipping out of his bed and out his door
⇶ He didn’t so much as stir as you eased the covers off yourself, getting out of bed and scrounging around his room for clothes that weren’t just what you had on last night
⇶ But truthfully, Katsuki was paralyzed with fear and sadness knowing that you were leaving before he even woke up
⇶ Did he do something wrong? Did you regret last night? Was your friendship ruined after all this?
⇶ Katsuki has had a crush on you for a long while, but he never acted on it until last night when you were helping him learn to flirt… as friends, of course
“Holy fuck, you suck at this Katsu.”
Katsuki kissed his teeth, rolling his eyes as you laughed at him.
“Go fuck yourself…” He muttered into his can of Arizona.
You lightly pushed him by the shoulder, making him sway to the side and then back into place.
“See! This is what I’m talking about! You can’t try and flirt with someone, and then tell them to go fuck themselves when you suck! That’s an asshole move!” You lectured.
“Yeah, well, maybe I’m an asshole,” he retorted.
At least he’s self aware.
“Yeah, you are,” you chuckled. “Are you at least a good kisser?”
Even though you’d been close friends for so long, Katsuki was never one to talk about his romantic life. Conversations like this were a rarity, and you never missed the opportunity to ask him all kinds of questions.
“I dunno, wanna find out?”
It came out in a not-so-joking tone, and you played on the thought for a moment before brushing it off. You couldn’t kiss him, you were best friends! But if you did, it’d just be as friends, right?
“See! That was good!” You exclaimed, making him roll his eyes once again.
“But seriously, are you?”
⇶ And that was how you found yourself straddling Katsukis lap, him guiding you through a sultry kiss while you whined before pulling away for air, as he moved down to your neck
⇶ He is a good kisser, by the way
⇶ Really good.
⇶ So good that you found kisses to be far too little, and ended up waking up in his bed, getting all sorts of flashbacks from the night before the moment you opened your eyes
⇶ You’ve liked him for a long time, maybe even longer than he liked you
⇶ Katsuki didn’t know it yet, but you felt just as anxious about it all as he did
⇶ Did you do something wrong? Did he regret last night? Was your friendship ruined after all this?
⇶ It wasn’t much, but you felt like going to get breakfast was the very least you could do after unintentionally (but consensually of course) sleeping with your best friend
⇶ Normally, he sleeps like a log, and sleeps in when you come over, so it didn’t even occur to you that he may wake up while you were gone
⇶ Unfortunately for him, he did, and he felt nothing dread throughout his whole body, even as he slinked out of bed and into his bathroom to try and wash away the heavy feeling in his chest
⇶ As he was getting dressed afterwards, he heard keys jingle at his door
⇶ By the time Katsuki left his room, you were already inside and placing styrofoam take out boxes onto the counter, the scent of breakfast flooding the room
⇶ You flashed him a smile and gave him a gleeful good morning, running over to kiss him on the cheek
⇶ Katsuki has never been more happy about breakfast in his life.
⇶ Izuku has never felt more heavy chested in his life than in that moment
⇶ Sleepily reaching over to feel a cold, empty bed, broke his heart into pieces
⇶ He’d had the anxious feeling weighing on him since it all started last night, when he told you he was… inexperienced.
⇶ He’s always been a hopeless romantic, and you both talked about crushes and romantic encounters you had often
⇶ But of course, he never once even remotely mentioned that he may or may not crush on you
⇶ Not until last night
“Are you serious?”
You were gaping at Izuku, and it made him feel slightly embarrassed at the confession.
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “Just haven’t found the right person.”
You nodded in understanding.
“Yeah I get it, you want someone you trust,” you sympathized.
“Mhm, but at this point, ‘m tired of waiting for someone in like, a romantic way I guess?” Izuku sighed. “‘Cause everytime I get close with someone something happens and I just-”
He ended his sentence with a groan. You chuckled, his previous situationships and relationships playing over in your head.
“I’d do it with a friend honestly,” he admitted. “Not even in a ‘with benefits way’ just as friends.”
“With a friend?” Your eyes widened, and Izuku started blushing and sputtering. “Even me?”
⇶ The tension between the two of you was almost too thick to breath through
⇶ Izuku was clearly nervous, as usual
⇶ But you were still gentle with him and asked if he was sure
⇶ You asked for confirmation multiple times as you guided him through everything, and he gave it to you. But once he got more comfortable, he was very clearly more than enthusiastic
⇶ One thing led to another, and you woke up in his bed, and he woke up to you gone
⇶ He’d never admit it now, but his first reaction was to start crying
⇶ Izuku felt beyond hurt at the thought that you’d leave him without a word after that, especially after he told you how much trust he’d have to put into someone for that
⇶ Not to mention just how much he liked you
⇶ Last night felt like a dream that he never wanted to wake up from, but you just seemed to toss it away so easily.
⇶ After awhile, he stopped crying and could do nothing more than lay in his own defeat
⇶ Right as he was getting out of bed, pulling sweatpants on, he heard his front door opening
⇶ Carefully treading into the kitchen, he found you placing take out boxes and drinks onto the counter
⇶ When you saw him, you smiled and said good morning, asking how he felt
“You doing okay, Zuku?”
He gave you an almost dumbfounded expression, like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“I hope you haven’t been up for a long time,” You told him, kissing his freckled cheek. “I didn’t wanna wake you up, but I went and got us breakfast.”
“Yeah… breakfast. Breakfast…”
⇶ When Eijiro wakes up and can’t feel your body heat under his heavy arm, his heart drops
⇶ He calls out to you and gets no answer
⇶ But, he tries to be optimistic. He doesn’t want to think that you left without notice
⇶ Eijrio has liked you for a long time, and it was hard to hide as is, but as time went in the tension between you was strong. And last night, the cord snapped
“If anyone I know is going to die alone, it is not you, Eiji.”
You couldn’t even believe the thought of that crossed the mind of someone like him.
Eijiro Kirishima. The gentle giant, the sweetest man you’ve ever met, so loving, so caring, so handsome, so manly— how could he ever end up alone?
“You’ve always got people all over you too! I didn’t forget all of those times we went through your DM requests,” you reminded him, nudging his shoulder.
“Well yeah, but I don’t even want any of those people, not like that at least,” Eijrio huffed, running a large hand through his hair.
“I don’t believe that,” you shook your head, making him cock his to the side. “You’re too much of a lover boy, there’s at least one person. Who is it?”
Eijiro gave an unsure hum, biting his lower lip as a deep blush crawled up his face.
“Who, who, who!” You chanted, lightly slapping at his chest with every word, crawling on top of him as he leaned back. “We tell each other everything, no fucking way this is the one thing you don’t tell me!”
He overpowered you like it was nothing, stopping the movement of your hands with just one of his, and steadying you on top of him by your hip with the other. You were dangerously close, the tips of your noses grazing each other.
Eijiro, being a clueless little thing, had no idea that you liked him back, more than he could ever imagine. The tension between the two of you in that moment was unbearable, you were hoping he’d ignore the way you were shaking.
“If I tell you,” he paused, face twisting into a nervous and sad frown as he brought your faces even closer together, to just barely whisper. “Will we still be friends?”
“We can be whatever you want, Eiji.”
⇶ Playing it back in his head made him a nervous wreck, he couldn’t believe it actually happened
⇶ Did it actually happen? Was it a dream? If it wasn’t then where are you? If you come back what is he supposed to say to you? Does he make it official? Would you think it’s a dick move for him to try and advance with you after having sex?
⇶ Eijiro’s mind was turning to mush from all the thoughts running through his head, he doesn’t even know how he handled himself accordingly last night
⇶ Hearing the creak of his door opening and closing snaps him out of his thoughts
⇶ Throwing on a pair of sweatpants to make himself decent, he’s already perking up, holding absolute faith that it’s you coming through his door
⇶ Thankfully, he was not let down, and he gave you a sharp toothed grin when you met eyes as soon as he stepped into the kitchen
⇶ You quietly said good morning, planting a gentle kiss on his lips before telling him you got the two of you breakfast
⇶ You sat down together and ate, making casual conversation like you would any other time
⇶ You could talk about last night and what your relationship was another time. For now, you had a silent agreement to just enjoy the moment
⇶ Besides, Eijiro was liking wherever the two of you were headed so far
⇶ Amajiki can do nothing but try to fight back the tears that well up in his eyes as anxiety consumes him whole
⇶ He tries to keep himself calm, taking deep, shaking breaths, while he puts on a pair of shorts and goes to search around his home for you
⇶ He checks every room, under furniture, high and low hoping that you’re somewhere
⇶ The more he checks, the more tears stream down his rosy cheeks, and the faster his heart beatings
⇶ By the time he’s searched all over, he considers checking outside as well
⇶ But the room is spinning and he can only hear the rapid beat of his heart and labored breathing, and decides it’d be much better to go back to bed
⇶ Amajiki has always been an anxious person, and even he’ll admit that he can be a bit dramatic at times because of it
⇶ But he can wholeheartedly say that he’s never felt more pain in his life.
⇶ He’s had his fair share of failed relationships, but you were his best friend. He confided in you on something that he hasn’t breathed a word about to another soul, and you just left him?
⇶ And he’s so maddeningly in love with you, he thought this was it. You were his end game. Now, he might be going a bit crazy.
“‘M so tired, I don’t think I’ll date anyone again unless they wanna be serious.”
Amajiki was stressing over yet another situationship gone horribly wrong. The poor, sweet thing. He was too nice for his own good, and too smart to top it all off.
He always found that anytime he got romantically involved with someone, it never ended well. Whether it was cheating, lying, or not being true about their feelings, it was always something. He was beginning to think he was the problem.
“You always say that Ama,” you sigh, voice laced with sympathy for your friend. “But I get what you mean, and you’re right. You deserve someone that loves you.”
What he deserves is you.
“And it’s not like you’ll die alone or anything,” you said playfully, trying to lighten his mood. “If we’re both single at 30, we’re getting married, remember?”
Amajiki loved you with every fiber of his being, more than you’d ever know. But was that supposed to make him feel better? Having never found love by the age of 30 is what it takes for you to want something that even vaguely resembles a romance with him?
He didn’t know it, but that was far from the case. Amajiki could propose to you right here, right now, with the broken tab of a soda can, and it’d feel like a dream come true. You couldn’t even fathom how those people treated him the way they did. You felt like you were losing 10 years off your life everytime he sought love from anyone other than you.
“Yeah, but I’ll die a virgin.” He huffed.
He didn’t think you heard him, but your silence and shocked expression said otherwise.
Amajiki didn’t even have anything to say for himself, the tips of his ears turning as red as his face. He began to try and stutter something out, but it came out so incoherent he opted to not speak at all.
“I mean, you don’t have to,” you said, treading lightly around the subject. “Listen Amajiki, I love you.”
You told each other ‘I love you’ all the time, but this time felt different. You were walking on eggshells and he could tell. He wanted to interrupt ask what you meant, but you were saying more than he could comprehend at once.
“I really love you,” god, he hopes you meant that in the way he thinks you do. “Y’know I’ll always help you out.”
“I’d do anything for you, honestly.”
⇶ Amajiki knew what you meant, but he needed through clarification before he did anything
⇶ Asked you to explain everything you said down to the way you said it
⇶ It was embarrassing for both of you, but he was much more embarrassed for you
⇶ The whole night felt like puppy love
⇶ Soft, playful, caring, excited, and pure
⇶ After Amajiki went back to his bed, in attempts to calm himself down, he fell back asleep
⇶ He’d only woken up a few minutes ago, but tired himself out from all the crying and panicking
⇶ 10 minutes later, you finally came back with breakfast, and went to go get Amajiki
⇶ You lightly shook him away, quietly calling out to him as you did so
⇶ He groaned as he blinked sleep from his eyes
⇶ Amajiki called out to you, sounding surprised that you were there
“Ama, I went and got us breakfast. You wanna eat?”
You had a gentle hand on his face, and he leaned a tear stained cheek into your touch.
“You went and got.. breakfast?” Amajiki muttered, opening one of his puffy and bloodshot eyes.
“Mhm,” you confirmed.
“Ama… have you been crying?”
Taglist: @megurulvr @miirene @planetlunaa @pnkweb @szaplsdropthealbum @dreampurpledreams @goldenglow149 @gender-queery @roaringlion @chocolateochaco @tatiquichi @kxtsxkii
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roaron · 1 year
Okay but Tamaki soft hcs, maybe???
- OMG im so sorry this has taken so long ml but here it is at last. i’m a massive tamaki lover so writing for him just resonates with me spiritually. anyways, I hope this was good since tamaki deserves it all. ENJOY ! (´∀`)
soft tamaki hcs
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- i’ve gotten into the habit of adding songs with the post and therefore that is what I shall continue doing. also tamaki loves this song. he feels like the song. he is the song.
(just some SFW soft headcanons of what tamaki would be like in a relationship)
- tamaki eats a lot of your favourite flowers. so whenever you're feeling down he'll just make one appear from him arm. then he holds it out to you for you to pick. it's one of the sweetest things in the world especially since it makes his stomach hurt, but he couldn't care less. he always want to be there for you when you're upset. so why not make you flowers carrying a part of him.
- tamaki smiles with his eyes. his cheeks lift up and his eyes squint. a wide smile blessing his face. however he hates smiling with his teeth, he thinks they're crooked and ugly since some are sharp. so whenever he laughs he covers his mouth. and if you ever move his hands so you can see his toothy smile, you'll both have a moment, staring into eachothers souls. the light shooting diamonds from your eyes.
- whenever tamaki is getting undressed he prefers to face you, because he hates his back. he thinks its bony and too slender. not a very good representation of all the hard work he puts into his physique. he's cried and told you about it before. so you can imagine his surprise when you go behind him and plant a kiss on his spine, resting your cheek on his back. he just cried harder.
- tamaki sways a lot because he always has a tune playing in his head. he loves music and its always on his mind. so more often than not you'll catch him humming and swaying. his hair falling from side to side on his face. if you tell him about it he will just cry. he thinks its embarrassing and childish so he tried stopping. it didn't work. he still sways.
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bakubunny · 9 months
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bnha: their partner has an oral fixation (part 4)
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4
Fumikage | Tamaki | Mirio
another round of oddly specific smut hcs. this was only supposed to be 3 parts max but i couldn’t help myselfff. i can’t get this brain rot out of my head. gonna try to keep myself from doing more. 🥴
obligatory mdni, 18 + content. you will be blocked.
tags: aged up characters, fem!reader, oral fixation (obv), oral sex, rough sex, face/throat fucking, finger sucking, unintentional hand & finger kink
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the first time it came up, it was fairly early on in your relationship. he made a comment about your addiction to frequent consumption of hard candies. you grinned and made some stupid joke, regretting it the moment it slipped out. “i’d like to suggest that maybe i just like having things in my mouth.” he laughed and said, “oh? we should test that theory out then.” he moved his hand from the inside of your thigh up to your lips. you hesitated at his boldness, cheeks turning bright red. he was determined to call your bluff. “go on.”
despite that, he drew a look of surprise when you mustered the confidence to look him in the eye and take his fingers between your lips, heart pounding in your chest. dark shadow nuzzled up to you affectionately and fumikage looked away with a grin, flustered. “‘s that proof enough for you?”
you’ve never gotten turned on by the thought of dark shadow playing with your mouth. and of course, neither has fumikage. that would be going to far. nope. not even once.
completely melts when you give him head. goes from praising you sweetly & running a hand over your head in the beginning to hips bucking into your throat, fisting your hair, panting with needy moans…. he’s not trying to fuck your throat, he just does because he needs you that much. he finds it beautiful - yes, really - the way your eyes roll and water as you drool, and dark shadow has eagerly reflected that between your thighs more than once. (he was mortified when it initially happened. still feels a little embarrassed by it.)
may or may not have written a poem about it the first time you gave him a blowjob. and if you think he did, no he didn’t. he’s taking that shit to his grave.
his heart swells with affection when you’re blissfully content with his thumb in your mouth. he didn’t expect it either, but once mentioned that he “finds unsurpassed beauty in your vulnerability,” and he thinks that’s got something to do with it.
fumikage has a pretty strong dominant streak now that he’s older and gained confidence, and it definitely shows itself in intimacy. but even when he’s not particularly gentle with you or your mouth, you can see the love in his eyes every time.
def. didn’t consume a lollipop (or any number of things you might be able to put your mouth on) once just for the hell of it to see how it would manifest with his quirk.
i hope you like getting head. and frequently. he’s gonna keep a vice grip on your pretty thighs until he’s had enough of you.
it takes a while for him to open up and say it, but he thinks it’s cute when you’re gagged and drooling. maybe it’s his hand, his boxers, your panties, a ball gag, etc…. you want smth in your mouth? want to pretend no one else can hear the mess he’s turning you into? you got it, bbyg.
tamaki has two sides when you go down on him: the vast majority of the time he’s a lip quivering, leg shaking, whining mess, but on the rare occasion he’s feeling it, he’ll tell you to hang your head off the side of the bed or smth cause you’re gonna get throat fucked until he cums. sometimes there’s middle ground, say lazy sunday mornings for example, but yeah.
lets you have his hands any time you want. might tease a little if he’s feeling bold (rare), but he’s mostly quiet, grinning and blushing like crazy because you’re just so adorable and he can’t believe you’re his.
super sweet when you opened up and told him. he had an inkling smth was up simply because he’s observant, but he would wait for you to talk about it first. never wants you to feel uncomfortable about it.
he can be a bit of a goofball in private. phases in and out of your mouth to make you laugh.
probably wouldn’t say it in words, but finds it comforting when you play with his hands and he just gets to sit there, run his fingers through your hair, and love you. it makes coming home on hard days a little easier.
doesn’t often think to have his hand in your mouth during sex, but when he does, you can trust he’d be so fucking sweet and loving about it that it’d make you blush.
also the type to fall apart when his dick gets sucked. babbling praises and nonsense, moaning your name, panting, jerking hips. loves it when you stare into his eyes, but he has to fight the urge to cum instantly.
once asked you to edge him with your mouth. he’s been in sheer bliss while regretting it ever since.
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banner created by the lovely @cafekitsune.
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bea-does-stuff · 1 year
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐮𝐩 (𝐦𝐡𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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First of all, SORRY I'VE BEEN GONEEE ;-; i have a lot of work and had a bit of a break but i hope i can make some new stuff soon, love ya'll sm!
Word count: 226
Characters: Dabi, bakugou, shiggy, monoma, tamaki, deku, hawks and mirko
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They’ll deny their hurt and refuse any type of help from you, it’ll take a lot of nagging for them to allow you to help.
After a few minutes of patching them up, they look up at you and say “You know… i didn’t ask you to care about me” you laugh at their response, gently cupping their face with your soft hands
“I don’t do this because you ask me to, i do it cause i love you”
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This fucking brat will complain non stop. They’ll say things like “You're gonna make it worse, idiot!” or “UGH. this is taking forever” 
But despite they’re annoying ass, they do appreciate it, and the cuddles you get afterwards makes it worth it
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This poor thing is so apologetic, they feel bad for being a bother because of their recklessness.
They’re constantly apologising and your constantly saying it’s fine, but despite their guilt, this moment is one that they wish could last forever 
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You know damn well they're gonna milk the shit out of this moment and tease you every chance they get, whether it’s making you sit on their lap or flirting while you wrap their arms in bandages.
They’ll say things like “Damn, what would i do without you” or “You're so cute like this~” teasing little bastards…
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kookykrooked · 1 year
They walk In on you changing
Characters: izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugou, hitoshi shinsou, tamaki amajiki
Warnings: suggestive, nudity,
Main Masterlist
Mha Masterlist
Izuku Midoriya
After training for a couple of hours you were now sweaty, cold and tired so at the moment a nice hot bath sounded like heaven so that exactly what you did but you were ment to study with midoriya which had slipped your mind and so when he walked in you almost had heart attack and back the looks of it he actually had one.
You were drying your and your hair after having a bath and hadn't yet got any clothes on just as you were about to grab some clothes you heard your door open and close
"Hi y/n, I hope your ready to stud-"
He stopped talking when he looked over at you his mouth now ajar as he stared at your body and you were to horrified to move and yiu were both like that for a good 3 minutes before you started yelling and throwing stuff which he ran out dropping his stuff but not before banging his head into the door forgetting to open it.
So let's say it was a pretty awkward study session because you could see him glancing back and forth at your tits
Katsuki Bakugo
You were sat at lunch when someone had spilt water all over your top and not saying anything you ran away your dorm embarrassed and wet but unknowing to you a certain blonde wasn't far behind
You were now only in your bra and your skirt was halfway down your legs when bakugo walked in "oi are you alright you...ran off..." his words trailed off when he saw you while you was turning red
"woooww I never realized how good your body look n/n" he was obviously smirking and that just made you turn more red before you started yelling at him to get out and throwing pillow at him while the whole time he was crackling and walked out
Hitoshi shinsou
You were on a walk with him before you fell into a lake and you were now put pf a fresh nice shower about to get changed that was when shinsou walked in
"Hey y/n I wanted to come make sure your okay- oh sorry I didn't realise you were changing" and he walked straight back out with a red face he's a true gentleman.
Tamaki Amajiki
Poor bby passed out :(
Because you were now in your last year the teachers were pushing you to train longer and so you were now changing after training for 3 hours your body felt like it was on fire while you were changing
"y-y/n I won-wondering if you'd li- OH I'M SO SORRY" he screamed before attempting to run out the room before slamming into the walm due to the fact he covered his eyes
The next day he couldn't look at you without picturing your naked body which ending leading some more mature activities
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shxtodxroki · 5 months
𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜: 𝙼𝙷𝙰 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚜 𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚂𝚞𝚙𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚂/𝙾
Summary: How would the MHA boys take care of and look after an s/o who’s so sick that they can barely do anything without help?
Warnings: Mentions of throwing up/vomiting (it’s super vague but is mentioned!), mentions of anxiety/overthinking, mentions/vague descriptions of insecurity
Characters: Mezo Shoji, Eijiro Kirishima, Tamaki Amajiki
Word Count: 1.6k
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♡ Mezo Shoji ♡
- I’m pretty sure that you wouldn’t even have to tell this man that you’re sick honestly, he seems like the type that would want to check up on you fairly frequently so when he calls you and hears the tone of your voice he’s immediately like “You’re sick. Relax and get comfortable, I’m coming over to take care of you” and heads straight to your dorm
- And take care of you he does, this boy refuses to let you lift a finger while he’s around and will do absolutely anything you ask of him (and even things you don’t, because he can tell what you need even when you don’t want to tell him because you don’t want him to work himself too hard)
- And no matter how much you insist that you’re fine and that he doesn’t need to do so much for you, he won’t listen and will insist that it’s no trouble for him to take care of his partner while they’re sick, and that he knows you’d do the same for him
- Of course, he’ll never do anything you don’t want him to. If you’re too nauseous to eat he won’t make food, and if you just want to sleep and be alone for a while, then he’ll wait in the common room and let you have your peace and quiet to rest
- But he won’t let you shoo him off just because you’re afraid of burdening him, he insists he’s happy to help you with whatever you may need no matter what it may be
- Need to eat something? He’ll prepare any meal from scratch that you want, making sure it’ll be easy on your stomach. Throwing up? He’ll hold your hair for you if it’s long enough to get in the way, and he’ll rub your back and help you through it as best as he can. Out of pain meds? He’ll head out to the store no matter how late it is
- His dupli-arms actually make it quite easy for him to take care of you, as they allow him to get multiple tasks done at once (brewing a nice cup of tea for your throat while also cooking you a meal, for example) and he’s never far from you for more than a few minutes at a time while you're sick
- His quirk also makes him really good at massages, so if your body is sore from the sickness he will happily massage you wherever you need, for as long as you need until you feel better
- He also does not care at all about getting sick, you’re more important to him and he will happily catch your illness if it means taking care of you and cuddling you until you fall into a restless sleep
- This boy is so good with his words when it comes to you, so even if you come to him crying and miserable because you just feel so ill and can’t do anything without feeling horrible, he knows exactly what to say to soothe your cries as he holds you while still validating your feelings
- Overall Shoji is a very patient, doting lover when you’re sick, and he’s exactly the kind of boyfriend you’d want by your side through your illness as he’d comfort you and get you feeling better in no time <3
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♡ Eijiro Kirishima ♡
- Kiri is the type of boyfriend to get so sad when you tell him how unwell you’re feeling :( 
- It breaks his heart to see you in that much pain, and even if you try and sugarcoat things and make it seem like you’re not that sick, he’ll see straight through you and insist that he’d be by your side even if it were nothing more than a small cold
- He’s quick to cancel all his plans for the next few days, insistent on being at your beck and call while you’re suffering like this. Even if all you want is some time to relax and rest by yourself for a while, he wants to make sure he’s free and with your notifications turned up on his phone just in case some kind of emergency happens or you need him for any reason
- Now, Kirishima’s actually been working on improving his cooking skills lately by convincing Bakugo to give him some pointers and watching his angry friend when he does cook, so he’s able to make you the perfect food to ease your stomach!
- Homemade soup has actually become one of his specialties, so he’s more than happy to make you some delicious food to help keep you as healthy as possible during this time <3
- He’s also big on giving you massages whenever you mention how sore your body feels. He’s gentle and puts pressure on all the right places to help ease your pain, and he’s more than willing to give them as often as you want! He even suggests it if he can tell you’re hurting but you don’t want to say anything
Kiri's always found hydration very important due to his rigorous workout routine, so while you're sick he makes sure you're drinking enough water to keep your body hydrated. You're already suffering enough as is, don't need to add dehydration into the mix (especially if you're having trouble keeping food down)
- He’s another one who doesn’t shy away from cuddles and even kisses in the slightest, he doesn’t care about the risk of catching your sickness
- He’s lucky enough to have a really good immune system and rarely ever gets sick, but even without that he just can’t resist the urge to hold and kiss you whenever you hold your arms out for him <3 He loves you so much, he will literally never say no to physical affection of any kind with you
- If you start overthinking or telling him how you feel bad relying on him so much for help, he immediately shuts you down with a sweet kiss and some enthusiastic words of support and encouragement
- “Babe, don’t be silly! There’s nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it, it takes a brave person to get through feeling this terrible! You’re doing awesome and I love taking care of you like this, it’s literally my job as your boyfriend to look after you in times like this! So don’t let your mind tell you anything different, I love you and I wanna help!”
- He’s just the absolute sweetest and is willing to be whatever you need during your sickness, and all he asks in return is more kisses and cuddles when you’re up to it and feeling better :>
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♡ Tamaki Amajiki ♡
- I hate to say it, but Tamaki would 100% be the overthinking, hovering boyfriend if he found out you were even just coming down with a small cold, so he is incredibly stressed when he finds out just how sick you are this time around
- He immediately begins to hover over your every move, constantly asking how you’re doing, if you need anything, if you’ve eaten or drank enough water, if you’re going to die-
- Safe to say his stress and anxiety have a tendency to get the better of him in these situations, and he admittedly can be a bit overwhelming when you first come down with such a miserable sickness when he realizes just how debilitated you are
- Inevitably, though, you reach a breaking point and ask him as calmly as you can in your unwell state to ease up on all the questions and constant fretting, as your mind simply doesn’t have the energy in your current state and his panic is only serving to make you stressed on top of everything else
- He really is a good boyfriend, though, so he’s quick to do as you ask and eases up a lot on the questioning and constantly hovering over everything you do, even if he is still worried about your health
- Once he’s stopped spiraling, he will notice without you needing to verbally tell him when you want some time to yourself to just rest vs. when you need to be held and taken care of, he’s incredibly perceptive due to his heightened anxiety so it’s easy to adapt to your ever-changing needs
- He is still prone to comforting you with cuddles if you’re open to it, though. Of course he’ll give you space without question if you ask, but in holding you, he can feel you - can feel that you’re still doing okay - and that comforts him as he comforts you
- And whenever you want him near you, he’ll wrap his arms around you and rub your back soothingly as he tells you how sorry he is that you’re in so much pain and how he wishes he could take it all on for you
- And if you’re feeling insecure or like a “burden” of any kind he’ll reassure you that he’s more than happy to take care of you, and that you deserve help and care when you’re feeling so ill. You don’t have to be strong in times like this
- Tamaki has a huge collection of tea since it helps with his anxiety quite a bit, he has every flavor imaginable and plenty of choices including decaf. So when you’re sick you will have your pick of the crop as he’s more than happy to share whatever you need. Rest assured, your throat will be soothed with warm herbal tea as long as your boyfriend’s around lol
- And even though social situations usually make him anxious, he’ll do anything you need while you’re sick. He knows it makes you feel nauseous to even stand up, so he’s more than willing to go out and order food for you or whatever you need even if the thought makes him internally want to shrivel up and crumble, because he loves you more than he fears others <3
- Tamaki may be a bit overwhelming at first when you get sick, but once he gets past that hurdle he will go above and beyond to get you well as soon as possible, he values you more than anything else and just wants to get rid of your pain as soon as possible :]
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Request - @orangeishsstuff said: Hey Hun! Its been a while! I hope you're doing well and I love the way your page is looking:DSo y'know about me from last time I had an ask and guess what? I'm sick as a dog. I tried to tough it out for that past few days with some midol but today was the tipping point. I can't eat much without feeling like puking and I can't stand without feeling like I'll fall, I'm exhausted, pale, my hair is a mess,  I can't go to my classes, I can't run (very mad about that) and I can't do anything without feeling like crap. Last time I tried to get to class my parents stopped me before I could get out the door. I hate the help but I can barley do anything on my own. How do you think some of our fave mha boys would deal with it?  Specifically shoji, kiri, or Amajiki...if you are to busy rn I completely understand since it's flufftober but I thought I'd shoot my shot! I hope youre doin well!
A/N: I know this ask is from a while ago and I’m sure you’re not feeling ill anymore so I know this won’t be as comforting as it would have been at the time of you sending this ask, but I hope you’re able to enjoy this anyways! You’ve always been one of my sweetest followers and one of the only people I’ve actually gotten to talk to on this blog so far, so I try my best to get your requests written first even if they are a few months late </3 I've actually had this in my drafts for the past like 4 days just needing to proofread lol but this semester just started and it's already kicking my butt, so I'm glad I'm finally getting around to posting it! :D My requests are currently open, so feel free to send in any requests you have to my inbox!
Taglist: @pasteldaze @yeagerfushiguro @papijean @trashy-bowtie @palenightmarepersona @eunoiasa @applepie-macaroon @ghostofscarley @lemonadae-chickie @swiftbyul @shinsosmatcha @tsukkisukkii @awkwardaardvarkforever @shotos-angelic-whore @ace-lavender @thekaylahub
If you’d like to be added to any of my taglists, you can fill out this form here! Thank you for your support <3
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frickingnerd · 1 year
dating mirio togata
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pairing: mirio togata x gn!reader
tags: fluff, established relationship, double dates
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mirio is going to be the one who falls first or the one who falls harder, those are the only two options!
either way, that boy is absolutely smitten with you!
mirio has a ton of friends – a lot of girls under them as well – yet he never actually dated anyone
he knows a lot about dating from his friends, but you are going to be his first partner! 
he'll give you adorable nicknames like "sunshine" or "sunflower", despite him being the sunny one–
when the two of you are spending time with eri, he'll even call you "his prince/ss", since eri thinks someone as pretty as you has to be a prince/ss!
mirio is absolutely honest with you from the first moment he meets you!
he'll never hide the fact that he's in love with you and you know he isn't lying when he promises you he'll treat you well
he's very protective of you, always keeping an eye out for you, even if he knows you can protect yourself
mirio is always very cheerful and you hardly see him get angry or jealous
someone would have to be shamelessly flirting with you and make you uncomfortable for mirio to step in, otherwise he would let you handle the situation yourself
mirio trusts you with his life and he knows you would never cheat on him or even lie to him!
he's absolutely loyal to you and while he loves his friends a lot, you are always his priority! 
speaking of his friends, mirio is very eager to introduce you to them! 
he always tells tamaki and nejire about you and they both can't wait to finally meet the one who stole mirio's heart
the four of you often spend time together and even go on double dates, once tamaki finally asks out nejire!
mirio always has such a big smile on his lips, but he's quite the tease! 
he loves to annoy you to get your attention and he loves to see you blush because of his teasing
you just look so cute when you do, he can't help himself!
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mitsua · 2 months
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Warnings: none
Genre: fluff & comfort
Series: 𝐁𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐍𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚
S/o's . . . GN!
Words count: 239
It's been such a long week you could barely keep your eyes open while reading the newspaper at the dinner table you were silently sharing with your husband Tamaki.
The name Sunday couldn't have been more waited to be heard for now.
However, you really could use some more hours of sleep, and you think you just heard a little snore come from Amajiki—yep, you carefully folded the paper into a square and left it on the table to now admire your all-life-companion's resting features.
He seemed so peaceful yet so tormented, which he's certainly been with all the recent attacks at the city dragging him to stay on his agency way longer than he ever thought he would.
Sundays being your only day off sometimes. Now was one of those sometimes, fortunately.
"Amajiki..." you spole softly, extending your hand to touch his, which laid rested on his fork to continue eating. He grunted a little and opened his eyes to be met by your worried ones.
"What about a cuddling date?" you said, intentionally wanting him to remember when you used to invite him over your house when you first started dating; how he kept being a sweet blushing and stuttering mess in your embrace for the first months.
Even now if it made him a bit nervous, (his butterflies as you like to say), he couldn't really deny to yearn anything else.
"Sweet dreams, my love".
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Written by: Mitsua (Credit to their respective owners of the pictures and tagged series' character)
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"Obsessed with the ideal of masculinity from a woman’s perspective, to the point of rearranging her life and everyone else’s. Forced to confront the shortcomings of this worldview by the most gender-nonconforming soul ALIVE and has a LOT of feelings about it. Decided to make everyone do drag that one time. She’s just working SO hard to be a prince and will be SO much less annoying when she lets go of that and allows herself to care about what SHE wants! Girl YOU can be the woman you cater to and fuss over constantly!" - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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iridecsense · 1 year
mha characters x chubby!gf headcanons - m.
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ft.୭̥⋆*— i.midoriya, k.bakugou, t.amajiki
contents୭̥⋆*— fluff, smut, kinks
author's note୭̥⋆*— these are more like mini-fics than headcanons at this point. a peace offering for Lip Smacker’s delay. it’s coming I promise! this is a college au, meaning all characters are aged up to 18+ consenting adults, more specifically all characters are in their 20s
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izuku midoriya
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — when izuku first saw you he immediately thought, 'cute'.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — you were eating at the dining hall with ochako. he never saw you before, but just by looking at you, he decided he loved your chubby cheeks and round face. to him, you looked like a doll, pretty and soft. And when you smiled? well, that was it for him.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — he officially met you at a party and was incredibly nervous around you at first. it didn’t help that you were wearing the sexiest outfit in the room. he was glad that by the time he had gained the courage to talk to you he'd been five shots in, otherwise you'd acknowledge his incredibly red face.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — luckily for him, you did notice his blushing face and stuttered words weren't alcohol induced but because he was crushing on you. truthfully, you'd known for a while he fancied you. he wasn't exactly discreet in his stares. just like how he was staring at you now, with big doe eyes staring down at you like you were his whole world. it's why you gave him your number.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — he courted you in the way most girls only dream of. he'd take you on the best dates and bring you gifts, like teddy bears and sweets you liked. He'd give you his jacket if you were cold, brush your hair out of your face when you were talking to him, even walk you to your dorm and call you when he got back to his to talk you to sleep.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — the night you kissed him in front of your apartment door was a night he'd never forget. he'd seared it into his memory, from the feel of your lips, the sound of your shakey breaths, and the softness of your waist in his hands.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — once he had a taste he just couldn't get enough. it was almost impossible to keep his hands and lips off you. he'd gotten so bold that he started kissing and borderline groping you in public or while in the company of others. it started to become a real problem.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — "get a room jagoff!" katsuki grumbled as he threw a pillow at izuku's head while he was on top of you doing some heavy petting on the common room couch.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — you giggled underneath him, twirling the hair at the nape of his neck between your fingers. "maybe he's right," you said. "we should get a room."
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — that was all he needed to sweep you off the couch and carry you to his bedroom.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — izuku is so gentle, he treats you like a porcelain doll. That's what you were to him. "my doll," he'd whisper in your ear as his hands traveled lower, lower, lower... you gasp.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — "you're my sweet doll. my precious little doll. i'm gonna make you feel good okay? you want me to make you feel good, right baby?"
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — you were so soft and warm, he could bury his face in your tits forever. he loved leaving hickies along your body, especially your thighs.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — man did he love your thighs.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — he loved the way they encased his hips as he snapped his hips against you. but he most loved them straddled across his own with you bouncing on top, wrapped in his arms, holding you close.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — he wants to feel all of you all the time—your soft flesh pressed against his, his strong arms encasing you, his chin resting on your chest as he looked up at you through half-lidded eyes, watching your face contort into visions of ecstasy. his sweet doll.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — "cum for me doll, please," he'd beg, kissing your breasts. "i want to feel my babydoll squeeze around my cock with her pretty little pussy...so warm for me...so tight. does it feel good when i'm inside you? tell me. tell me it feels good."
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — everything is about you. he will spend hours making you come. he'll eat you out till his jaw locks, make you cum around his fingers until you were a sensitive quivering mess and he'll do it gladly.
૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ˂̵͈᷅ ₎ა — all for his precious little doll.
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katsuki bakugou
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — you had known katsuki briefly in childhood. his family had vacationed one summer in your seaside town and he met you on a particularly hot day at the beach.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — you were only ten at the time. your parents let you go off on your own and you found a small cove with a treasury of seashells to collect.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — alas, your pleasant time shifting through sand and mud was interrupted by two thick-headed middle-schoolers. the boys teased and tormented you, calling you names and insulting your appearance and weight.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — around the same time, katsuki was passing by, finding the forced vacation "shitty". he saw the boys picking at you. he was more annoyed than anything. it is one thing to pick on someone younger than you, but a girl?
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — he had the gall to step in and teach the bastards a lesson, but before he could move, you had already thrown a powerful punch at one of the assailant's jaw and kicked the other's in the groin.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — you had them running off, sniveling with their tails between their legs.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — needless to say, he was impressed.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — he came up to you, intending to appraise you in his own way by saying something along the lines of "didn't think a girl could throw a punch like that."
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — but you were still shaken by the encounter and the sight of another boy with—let's not pretend—a rather threatening aura, fixed you to defensively throw a second punch straight at his gut.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — somehow, in that moment, you earned his respect.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — once you apologized, having realized your mistake, and the two of you became fast friends. Playing heroes together, exploring the town, swimming in the sea, and eating both your weights in ice cream and carnival foods.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — he found you funny, adventurous, and assertive. unlike the "friends" he had back home, you didn't let him order you around or follow him blindly, you walked with him. you were like partners in crime. equals.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — he would not say it, but you are what made his summer vacation bearable. leaving was one of the hardest things he had to do as a ten-year-old boy.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — "see you next summer?" you asked.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — "whatever."
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — he knew he wouldn't.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — he watched you wave through the back window of the car until it rounded the corner and you disappeared. he sank back into his seat and after a while, his parents heard muffled sniffles coming from the back seat.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — "are you alright, katsuki?" his mother asked, gazing at her son through the rearview mirror. his eyes were red and full of tears.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — "im fine."
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — it's always the friends you meet on vacation and never see again that leave such deep impressions, right?
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — that is until he did see you again, ten years later, walking around campus as if it were any other day.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — it was like seeing a ghost. you looked the same as you did all those years ago.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — well, sort of.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — you were still thick, but you certainly grew into yourself as a woman, with the curves to match.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — but it was definitely you. you still had your laugh, your dimpled smile, and the same confidence you had back then. he was glad to know not much changed about you.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — he kept an eye out for you whenever he was out. far enough away to where you wouldn't notice him. he didn't know how to approach you. he didn't want to scare you off. for all he knew, you didn't remember him at all. then he would just be some freak who obsessed over a girl he met ten years ago.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — it was only when he was sitting at the student union with his headphones in his ears, working on an assignment between classes that he felt a tap on his shoulder.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — he took his headphones off prepared to curse out whoever decided to bug him unprovoked when he saw you, smiling awkwardly down at him.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — "i'm sorry, this may sound weird but you remind me of a childhood friend i had. is your name katsuki by chance?"
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — you remembered.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — and just like that, you were back in his life.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — it was awkward at first. you both reminisced about the past and caught up on each other's lives currently. but it wasn't long before you both went back to your antics, joking around, playing video games, and having late-night drives and sleepovers at each other's dorms.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — his friends got to know you as well. some of them even calling you the prettier, nicer version of him.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — one night, while katsuki was spending the night in your dorm, the two of you were laying close together on the bed binge-watching Game of Thrones.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — "do you think i would look better if looked like that?" you asked, referring to a scene where Daenerys unclothes herself.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — "what are you talking about? you want to dye your hair white?"
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — you sucked your teeth. "No. y'know, like if i lost weight. i think i'd get more dates if i looked like khaleesi," you say, half joking.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — katsuki frowned. "don't be stupid."
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — you looked at him. "what do you mean stupid?"
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — "you don't need to lose weight, especially not for some shit-head guy. your body is perfect the way it is."
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — your face flushed. "perfect?"
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — katsuki looked into your eyes, then down at your lips. without thinking he crashed his lips against yours. you kissed him back, letting your head fall back into the pillow. the rest is history.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — he is a little rough, but only because it's hard for him to control these feelings he's had for you for so long. he makes up for it with affirmations, consistent kisses, and pet names.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — "my girl..." "baby..." "sunshine..." though, the latter, which he calls you because he met you during the day where the sun shined its brightest, is most often used when he is teasing you for being a brat.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — he practically rips off your clothes and his, so desperate to feel you under him.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — he loves your ass. it's one of his favorite things to grab and smack. he loves the sounds you make when he fucks you, his hips snapping into you so fast you're seeing stars. he loves it when you call his name and claw at his back.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — he most likes to fuck you from behind, or while standing up and holding you in his arms with your legs wrapped around him. he liked finding new ways to show you how strong he was, and how your weight would never be a problem for him.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — "you're mine," he'd pant in your ear. " this ass is mine. theses tits are mine. this pussy is mine. all mine."
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — but when you fuck him, that's when he really loses his mind.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — and the way you sucked his dick sent him to the astral plane. and looking down at your pretty face, mouth full of his cock and your pretty puppy-dog eyes.
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — "f-fuck...you're gonna kill me, girl."
૮ ๑ˊᯅˋ๑ აִ — how lucky was he that he found the girl he couldn't forget after all these years. how lucky was he that you were all his.
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tamaki amajiki
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — it was only natural that tamaki was a foodie. he loved food. he spent most of his time thinking about food. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — so did you, considering you had a passion for cooking. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — you looooved to cook for your friends. it was your love language. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა —but if you had to pick which out of all your friends you liked cooking for the most, it was tamaki.
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — tamaki loved your food. he would always compliment your cooking, even if it was something as simple as ramen. somehow you made it taste so so good. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — you often teased him about it, just so you could make him blush.
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — it came to a point where you started packing lunches for him and making him dinner on weekends. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — mirio would tease the two of you about it a lot. one time mirio caught you giving tamaki his lunch for the day in a cutesie bento box and joked, “it’s like you’re an old married couple!” 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — tamaki blushed profusely and went on a five minute rant about how mirio should be careful about what he says so he doesn’t make you uncomfortable. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — but you werent uncomfortable or embarrassed. secretly you liked the idea of being married to your sweet tamaki. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — he did too. he liked it so much that he often had dreams about it. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — you’d be happily married together, and you would keep cooking him delicious foods and he would spoil you rotten and you’d have his kids. you’d be the perfect happy family. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — if only he had the courage to ask you out first. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — he tried many times, but he would get so embarrassed he would turn into a bumbling idiot and you would be your sweet self and try to talk him down. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — “it’s okay tamaki, you dont have to say anything if you don't want to.”
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — it wasnt that he didn’t want to, it was that he was scared. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — you were the beautiful, bright, bubbly, y/n. you were worlds ahead of him, probably so high you couldnt see him the way he saw you. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — oh, but you did. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — tamaki’s birthday was around the corner and you spent days trying to make the perfect cake. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — you practically slaved in the kitchen and spent absurd amounts of money on ingredients to make several different batches of cake. you wanted everything to be perfect because you were going to confess to him that day and you couldnt give your crush a shitty birthday cake when you’re professing your love. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — you spent days in that kitchen, even falling asleep in it a few times, covered in flour and chocolate. nonstop it was, wake up, bake, get ready for class, go to class, bake again, pass out. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — your friends barely saw you, and in your frenzy you’d forgotten to pack lunches for tamaki all week.
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — he grew worried, and on friday night, the day before his birthday, he went to your apartment to check on you. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — you were sitting in front of the oven, watching the cake rise and slowly nodding off to sleep when you heard your doorbell ring. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — jolting up you looked down at the lockscreen of your phone on the counter. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — ”SHIT!” it was friday. you usually cook dinner for tamaki on fridays. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — rushing to the door you primped yourself the best you could and opened it, revealing tamaki. he looked down at you, covered in flour and frosting. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — “is everything okay, y/n?”
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — “yeah, of couse everythings fine why do you ask?” you grin. liar.
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — “can i come in?”
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — and how could you say no to him and his pretty eyes? 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — so now tamaki was in your apartment, and you were desperately trying to figure out how to convince him to leave before he found the dozens of failed cakes in your kitchen. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — “i came by because i’m worried about you,” he said. “i havent seen you all week.”
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — your heart practically melted. you tried to tell him you were just busy with homework you procastinated doing, but he didnt seem so convinced. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — then, the scent of burnt surgar started to fill the room, and tamaki smelled the air, his head turning towards the kitchen. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — “is something burning?”
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — then the smoke detector went off. your eyes widened. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — you ran for the kitchen, tamaki following after you to help. cake number 16 had burnt in the oven and a thick fog of smoke filled the kitchen. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — you worked quickly to get it out the oven and shut it off. tamaki found a kitchen towel and fanned the smoke away until the detecter went silent. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — once everything seemed to be handled, he took in the state of your kitchen, full of ‘failure’ cakes that said “happy birthday, tamaki!”, “i love you tamaki”, and “happy birthday tamaki, lets make out!”
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — “you were making these for me?”
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — and the beans were spilt. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — you admitted to tamaki that you had spent the week baking him birthday cakes because you wanted to make something perfect for him and because...
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — “i love you,” you confessed, nervous of the outcome, but glad to have finally said it. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — just like that, you gave tamaki the best birthday gift he could ask for. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — a smile spread across his lips and he took your hand in his. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — “i feel like i should have been the one to tell you that first.”
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — he swiftly pressed a kiss onto your lips, pulling away only slightly, to gage your reaction. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — you smiled and kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — the kiss grew heated and he began pushing you back into an empty counter where he lifted you up with ease, entraping himself between your legs. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — he trailed kisses down your neck where he licked a spot of chocolate icing left behind. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — your shaky moan was all it took for him to rip off your apron and blouse. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — his tongue trailed along your body, licking and sucking your breats while he dove his hand under your skirt and rubbed you through your panties. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — “does mommy...want daddy to make her feel good?”
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — oh, god yes! 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — you captured his lips into a sloppy kiss, rocking your hips into his hand. somewhere in the thick of things, you got you hands on the can of whipped cream you left out. gently pulling tamaki’s lips from your neck, you held the whipped cream between your bodies. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — smirking you tilted the nozzle down at your chest, and swirled whip cream on your chest and nipples. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — “oh, mommy.” he moaned, immediatly diving his face into your tits, lapping and sucking the sweetness off and leaving hickies on your chest in the process. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — his hands were fumbling with the belt of his jeans, pulling down the zipper to fish out his cock. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — can you believe he fucked you on that countertop?
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — he drove his hips into like his life depended on it. all this time he spent pining for you came down to this moment, and he couldnt be happier to get lost in your pussy. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — “y’feel so good,” he’d pant. “’g’na cum so hard mommy...g’na fill you up... get you pregnant...yeah...you like that? daddy’s gonna breed you, baby.... ‘n make you his”
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — between his cock and his dirty words, you came so hard you saw white. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — he came too and kept his promise, filling you up with his cum. he kept his cock inside you and pressed his hand against your stomach. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — “you keep it in there, okay?” he slurred. “don’t let it come out. imma take care of you. i’m gonna marry you. i love you. i love you so much.”
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — he held you close, and kissed you softly. 
૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა — that was the first time you ever truly considered getting off the pill. 
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daftpatience · 17 days
In my heart the ending of ouran is beach episode part 1000 but this time Haruhis full masc no shirt .tamakis there he took a glimpse and drowned .moris there. They're friends
YEAUGH friendship... guys i have so many thoughts about the show and manga im so hrrng. i drew a bunch of stuff last night. a fixit au of sorts... im making what i wanted in my heart... haruhi gets to be tmasc nonbinary aro. hhhh
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animeomegas · 1 year
Random non-sexual subspace thoughts from this evening~ (Multi-fandom)
One time, a villain grabbed Denki by the neck and it spooked him so much that when you got home, he demanded to sit on your lap and have you wrap your hands gently around his neck like a collar. He then sat there for two hours, slowly relaxing as you protected and held his neck, his mind emptying of thoughts and anxiety and filling with warm fluff instead. 
Mammon always feels so small when he sits on your lap, no matter what size you are in comparison to him. He just feels like he needs to bury his head into your neck and let you protect him, like the world can’t get him if he’s sitting on your lap. When you stroke his back or his hair he just floats away. He can’t help it. 
The first night after Kakashi had handed over the hokage hat to Naruto and retired from a shinobi was hard for him. He didn’t know how to feel. Relief? Sadness? Pride? He mainly just felt empty, like everything he’d ever known had been ripped from him, which in a way, wasn’t entirely inaccurate. He found solace and purpose that first week in serving you. Cleaning, cooking, sitting by your feet during his down moments. Many people tried to come by and speak to him during that week, but you turned them all away, knowing he wasn’t ready. 
 Asra can only enter subspace after moments of high distress. He easily goes whole years without an incident, but when everything truly boils over, he collapses like a puppet with its strings cut. He begs at first, for you to take care of him and take away the pain, but once you’re caring for him, the light in his eyes dims and becomes hazy and he stops speaking. He spends the day pressed up next to you at all times, just staring vacantly. Any attempt to remove yourself from his presence and his eyes start to water and soon enough tears pour down his face and little hiccup sobs escape him. That always draws you right back to him. 
Itachi gets so very irritable when he hasn’t been down for a long time. Any member of the Akatsuki that talks to him gets their head bitten off, and many of them tease him about his bad mood, which only makes it worse. And when he gets back into his room and he’s alone with you, he just pouts and skulks around until you give him the attention he needs. It can sometimes take him a little while to get into subspace because he chases it too desperately, but when it does happen, it’s one of the only times you’ll ever see him genuinely smile. 
Tamaki sometimes wakes up in subspace if you put him down the night before. He pouts about getting out of bed, he follows you around like a puppy, and he shakes his head at any suggestion like getting dressed, eating or letting you out of his sight. It’s pretty easy to bring him up if needed, but sometimes it’s nice to let him linger because he’s much more relaxed in subspace, so just holding him while watching some TV is a good idea. 
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Ideal Types: MHA pt 2
So, This was Super fun for me, and I decided maybe I'd write for a few more characters, Please let me know if there are any characters/other fandoms you'd like to see! (tho for MHA, I haven't quite watched Season 5, so a few might characters might have to wait!)
Shinso, Iida, Tamaki, Mirio
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I think that Shinso would be a good match with someone unassuming, hear me out. He's worked his entire life hating his quirk, so someone who's not naturally talented I think would resonate with him and help him break out of his shell. Someone who has to work to make their quirk special, like Mirio. I also think that Shinso would be annoyed yet really need someone who was paid close attention to detail and organization. He's far from lazy, but tends to appear apathetic. I believe he'd need someone to snap him out of it and reveal his inner passion. I genuinely think he'd adore an animal lover. I do however think it doesn't matter to him if they were rough around the edges.
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I think Iida would fall for someone who's open-minded. I know that seems broad, but I think it's the foundation for a good pairing. I headcanon that Iida would accidently fall for someone who gave him their attention. Having someone who takes his thoughts into consideration I think would really help him chill out a bit. Someone he knew would see his point and why he's such a stick in the mud and be able to calmly pull him out of his screaming fits. I also think as a 2nd or 3rd year it would be really important to have someone who Iida could learn to love himself and gain identity instead of idolizing his brother. In return I think he'd be magnificent as a security/stable person in his S/O's life.
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For Tamaki, I think he'd easily fall for someone who's balanced. I realize that could sound bad, but Tamaki is constantly around people who're extroverted, and cheerful. Which is wonderful to balance him out, However I think someone who's balanced would have a larger sense of empathy for Tamaki, and he would feel he would be more understood when he shared his concern. Someone who has their own struggles but could assure tamaki that he's a lot stronger than he realizes. it might be controversial but I honestly headcanon they're quirkless/a civilian he saved and his heart went boom when they hugged him.
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I really think Mirio needs someone who's honest, probably to a fault. Someone who comes across as rude but could maybe call out Mirio on his constant smiling. That sounds harsh, but I think a harder approach would help Mirio stop repressing his feelings as much, especially if these words came from someone he respected and trusted. they wouldn't force him to change but encourage him to be honest with them when he isn't okay. As he works through the trauma of season 4, I think it's especially important he has a rock, a solid person who he can be real with. I think it wouldn't necessarily start as romantic love, but a firm trust that evolves into a deep connected love.
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beechbloom · 2 years
Tamaki Amajiki kissing his s/o
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The first time you and Tamaki exchanged a kiss was perfect
His lips were a little chapped, but still soft and warm against yours
And as you pulled away to look into his eyes, giving him a warm smile
His legs gave out
“I’m hngn- sorry. I can’t- I can’t move my legs… I- Sorry, I probably shouldn’t have kissed you… I just-“
You simply crouch down and pull him into you, gently reassuring him that you enjoyed it
He’ll turn red every time you kiss and avoid eye contact
If you swoop in to unexpectedly give him a peck on the cheek
He’ll fluster and stutter “w- why did you do… that?”
If you ever try to kiss one of his ears he’ll just about die of embarrassment right then and there
He’s pretty much never the one to initiate any kisses
When you kiss you have to gently guide him into it
Because he certainly won’t be the first one to start moving his lips against yours
But god if he doesn’t appreciate you taking the initiative
You’re basically a deity in his mind
Kind and patient with him and- just so very amazing in every way…
But on the very rare occasion, he’ll divert from his usual behavior
One time you were feeling somewhat insecure
You asked him if he wanted any of this with you
Or if he was just too scared to deny you
You feel him grab your hands – his practically shaking but still firm in their hold
He’ll look you right in your eyes with determination in his own
“I- I do love you. I want to be with no one else other than you. You make me feel so special, and… you make me better. Please don’t-… don’t think otherwise…”
He’ll take in a trembling breath
And start to lean in
And as long as you don’t show any sign of not wanting it
Then he’ll kiss you on the lips
Once you both pull away from each other he’ll flush incredibly red and start stuttering out apologies
Back to his usual self
The first time you and Tamaki exchanged a kiss was perfect
His lips were a little chapped, but still soft and warm against yours
And as you pulled away to look into his eyes, giving him a warm smile
His legs gave out
“I’m hngn- sorry. I can’t- I can’t move my legs… I- Sorry, I probably shouldn’t have kissed you… I just-“
You simply crouch down and pull him into you, gently reassuring him that you enjoyed it
He’ll turn red every time you kiss and avoid eye contact
If you swoop in to unexpectedly give him a peck on the cheek
He’ll fluster and stutter “w- why did you do… that?”
If you ever try to kiss one of his ears he’ll just about die of embarrassment right then and there
He’s pretty much never the one to initiate any kisses
When you kiss you have to gently guide him into it
Because he certainly won’t be the first one to start moving his lips against yours
But god if he doesn’t appreciate you taking the initiative
You’re basically a deity in his mind
Kind and patient with him and- just so very amazing in every way…
But on the very rare occasion, he’ll divert from his usual behavior
One time you were feeling somewhat insecure
You asked him if he wanted any of this with you
Or if he was just too scared to deny you
You feel him grab your hands – his practically shaking but still firm in their hold
He’ll look you right in your eyes with determination in his own
“I- I do love you. I want to be with no one else other than you. You make me feel so special, and… you make me better. Please don’t-… don’t think otherwise…”
He’ll take in a trembling breath
And start to lean in
And as long as you don’t show any sign of not wanting it
Then he’ll kiss you on the lips
Once you both pull away from each other he’ll flush incredibly red and start stuttering out apologies
Back to his usual self
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tamikofilmz · 1 year
⌗ TAMAKI AMAJIKI — ꒰ 🍮 “cutie patootie” ☆ ꒱
code 𝟽𝟽𝟽 : in which … miko gives you soft tamaki headcanons (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)*
ᶻ z⠀𝘇⠀𐰁 ˎˊ˗ miko's note ! 𑁯 ᰍ ◌ ive always loved tamaki, so i really worked hard on these. i hope you enjoy them!
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﹙★﹚he’s a great listener
﹙★﹚like you could talk to him about anything under the sun, and he will quietly and eagerly listen to you
﹙★﹚one day, you come home from patrol in a really bad mood. tamaki senses it right away and after greeting you, he asks you in the most gentle voice “you wanna tell me what's wrong?”
﹙★﹚and the way he says it is so inviting, like he's ready to listen to you, so you just start ranting about your day and how absolutely unbearable it was
﹙★﹚while your venting, he's playing with your fingers absentmindedly while giving you his full attention, eye contact, nodding, occasionally asking questions, all to show you that he is truly paying attention to you
﹙★﹚his phone could ring, cutting you off in the middle of your rant. he looks at it, while you smile and say “go ahead, it's probably important.”
﹙★﹚all he does is turn his phone off and say to you, “not as important as you.”
﹙★﹚(⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠) (⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠)
﹙★﹚because tamaki is such a great listener, he's also a great gift giver
﹙★﹚he’ll give you a gift at the most random time and when you ask him how did he know you wanted it, tamaki would smile sheepishly and admit that he had heard you talking about it at one point
﹙★﹚pda isn't really his thing, he's too shy
﹙★﹚but when he's feeling a little bold, he would definitely gently link pinkies with you while walking
﹙★﹚flowers. he loves to give you flowers
﹙★﹚sometimes he will eat your favorite flower just to see the pure happiness on your face when it blooms from his palm
﹙★﹚it hurts him, but seeing you happy is enough to eradicate his pain
﹙★﹚the perfect date to tamaki? a picnic in an open grass field or in a butterfly garden
﹙★﹚forehead kisses 24/7
﹙★﹚when you two are alone, he is the clingiest little bean omfg-
﹙★﹚he will not let go of you, and no, you can't go anywhere
﹙★﹚”tama, I'm just going to get some snacks. It won't even take that long.”
﹙★﹚”nope, I'm not letting you go. The snacks can wait, I can't.”
﹙★﹚his jealousy is quiet. he doesn't openly express when he's jealous, he kinda just side eyes whoever's drooling over you
﹙★﹚if the situation escalates, though ( someone's being a bit too pervy or flirty for you or tamaki's liking ) best believe that tamaki's protecting you in an instant
﹙★﹚tamaki isn't ready for a fast moving relationship, but he'll ask you occasionally if you're okay with the pace that your relationship is moving at
﹙★﹚he genuinely wants to make sure you're comfortable and doing well
﹙★﹚"you know I love you right bunny? Always and forever."
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ᶻ z⠀𝘇⠀𐰁 ˎˊ˗ miko's note ! 𑁯 ᰍ ◌ and that's it! sorry this one is so short, this is my first time writing headcanons. definitely will be writing a part two. thanks for reading!
🥞﹒⪩﹒©️ TAMIKOFILMZ﹒✦﹒♡﹒﹢
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