#tarot anon
skwigelfskwisgaar · 8 months
I use Tarot as apart of my spiritual practice and for personal comfort :) i think the most brutal thing that's happened is like. actually speaking with dead relatives + deities coming through and this one time someone said i predicted a death but *i genuinely didnt*, you cant do that with tarot, but i got a card called "The Tower" in that reading that signifies something that's supposed to happen and feels traumatizing but you'll learn and grow from that experience and they informed me of what had happened in their life. everytime someone tells me im being spot on or the thing i predicted ACTUALLY happening is so so insane and fulfilling to me.
Do you have a favorite myth or God in Norse mythos?
!! I'd love to read your book, maybe you can read it to me sometime since I don't speak Swedish, unfortunately ^^' ATM I am reading through Odin: Ecstasy, Runes, and Norse Magic. It's in English but I'm trying to learn old Nordic pronunciations and words! I've also been looking into a few other resources my friends who are fellow Norse Pagans have sent me! I know Odin sees me as a newcomer that's still learning, so I'd love to take any information you might have if you're open to sharing it! ; w ;
OK Sorry this is like. so rambly ahaha. you're really easy to talk to!!
Pentacles is the earth suite, it brings forth light to matters within the more physical matters of the realm. You need to be grounded here. In order to make peace- you need to put in genuine hard work and effort- which can be hard. The shadows you face are big, and loom in over you and remaining calm in the face of that can prove to be a challenge, but it's not something you can't do! The guy here is at peace and diligent as he gets into the process of creating something great.
I think that this card gives you a good energy to begin the process of making that peace within yourself and is showcasing a good start to beginning that journey. Doing things that heal your inner child, like doing things you couldn't do or experience during that time- forgiving yourself for wrongdoings, accepting you can't change others, etc. Coming to terms with the cards you've been dealt in life and appreciating what's in front of you can help. Know you have the power within you to control yourself and make what you want to see, it's a matter of labor to build that reality up. Facing your demons is simply some work- which I'm sure you're used to since I know you're always working extra hard to pick up Toki's slack :3 (/joke /light hearted, he's a great guitarist!)
The Queen of Wands is a very determined, powerful lady who gets her shit done and is fiercely by your side! This energy is in it's reversal, meaning it's lessened or there's some sort of blockage here. You're *used* to this kind of energy from fans, and you're looking for something more genuine that's coming from yourself. This card is reminding you that it's in there, try to think of ways in which you genuinely feel validated through a less superficial lens. You might be able to find some peace within yourself through aiding other people, as well. There might be a lot of problems surrounding you and being able to be someone that can fix or ease it for those around you might help.
This card is usually about BIG NAPS, BABEY. You might be feeling isolated from others- I know sometimes people think you're a fertility God or something? You're on another level, and every now and then it's good to come down from that, and be by yourself for a little bit.
You might need some alone time to meditate and really get comfortable with yourself and the thoughts that come in through your head- whether they be positive, negative, anxiety inducing, or something stupid or ingenious.I think the energy here is reversed because it's something that's kind of hard for you at the moment? To just, sit with yourself. Sit with your thoughts, and either accept them or just give em a simple "huh that's weird." and move on if they're like, especially disturbing or something! thats where I think some of that work from the 8 of Pentacles comes into play- just accepting what comes into your mind during the silence of it all and going about your merry way after it.
anxiety can be something really hard to deal with, but the best course of action sometimes is to not act on anything in the moment and just breathe your way through it, and accept stuff for what they are and redirect yourself. Soul search so you can obtain some solid truths about yourself so you can know exactly who it is you are with certainty, (like. example! you're someone with a sarcastic set of humor.) and know how you'd react with certainty in any situations (hypothetical or otherwise) with confidence!
Push forward, no action is needed- you just need to take yourself to greater heights with this journey with some stillness and meditation.
OVERALL; I think yes- you are more than capable of finding peace with who you are and i think you'll get to that point! This just seems to be a description of how to get there as well as what might be in your way of that and how to get through it in order to obtain that peace. i hope this was ok! ;w; if you have any questions feel free to let me know!
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This was an amazing reading, and I took my time really reading through it. I will come back to this but this must be posted so that people can see how great and wonderful a job you did!
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angeltreasure · 10 months
Hello i would like yout opinion, i am catholic and i believe in God, but i feel attracted to tarot, i have not gotten to practice it, but i have gotten to participate in free games and readings sometimes.
I would like to get to practice it because it caught my attention also i know the tarot is based on energy and can be misleading at times.
You cannot serve two masters my brother or sister. You have to either choose God or choose the evil one, Satan. You cannot have both especially as Catholic! Do you know that our Catechism mentions tarot is bad?
2113 Idolatry not only refers to false pagan worship. It remains a constant temptation to faith. Idolatry consists in divinizing what is not God. Man commits idolatry whenever he honors and reveres a creature in place of God, whether this be gods or demons (for example, satanism), power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money, etc. Jesus says, "You cannot serve God and mammon." Many martyrs died for not adoring "the Beast" refusing even to simulate such worship. Idolatry rejects the unique Lordship of God; it is therefore incompatible with communion with God.
2114 Human life finds its unity in the adoration of the one God. The commandment to worship the Lord alone integrates man and saves him from an endless disintegration. Idolatry is a perversion of man's innate religious sense. An idolater is someone who "transfers his indestructible notion of God to anything other than God."
Divination and Magic
2115 God can reveal the future to his prophets or to other saints. Still, a sound Christian attitude consists in putting oneself confidently into the hands of Providence for whatever concerns the future, and giving up all unhealthy curiosity about it. Improvidence, however, can constitute a lack of responsibility.
2116 All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to "unveil" the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.
2117 All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one's service and have a supernatural power over others - even if this were for the sake of restoring their health - are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion. These practices are even more to be condemned when accompanied by the intention of harming someone, or when they have recourse to the intervention of demons. Wearing charms is also reprehensible. Spiritism often implies divination or magical practices; the Church for her part warns the faithful against it. Recourse to so-called traditional cures does not justify either the invocation of evil powers or the exploitation of another's credulity.
Turn from away from the occult and its temptations.
That energy you feel attracted to isn’t from God it is from Satan himself. My brother or sister, you must not let Satan temp you into the occult. You might think you can handle. You might think you can control it. These are lies that Satan tells you. He is not misleading you “just sometimes”, Satan has you like a fish who does not realize he has a hook in his own mouth! Our exorcists even tell us tarot’s energy is of Satan. Delete those apps on your phone and devices! Stop associating and visiting those people and places! Block any occult blog and tag on here not just tumblr but all this social media and web searches! Throw away all of your occult objects! I wouldn’t not even be the least bit surprised if you are even suffering nightmares from this! Pray the Examination of Conscience and get to Confession as soon as you can. You must come back to God.
Blessed Bartolo Longo, pray for us.
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character-selecton · 9 months
Here is the man with three staves, and here the Wheel,
And here is the one-eyed merchant, and this card,
Which is blank, is something he carries on his back,
Which I am forbidden to see. I do not find
The Hanged Man. Fear death by water.
…um…uh…am I going to die?
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Brutally Honest Tarot
Offensive, Honest, and Free.
You've been warned.
Requests: CLOSED
🔮 Readings are HONEST and can be OFFENSIVE. If you don't want to receive a reading that could hurt your feelings turn back NOW.
🔮 Not all readings will be offensive, it depends how you approach me.
🔮 Follow me.
🔮 Be patient.
🔮 Readings are FREE. However, that does not make you entitled to them.
🔮 Do not send full names. Initials, DOB, and any other info you want to send is great; but don't dox people.
🔮 Most reading requests won't be answered. Try again later.
🔮 I'm not a therapist. PLEASE do not drama dump.
🔮 Need a reading asap? Fees attached. Otherwise you'll have to wait.
🔮 I don't know what your FS will look like, I don't know where they live, I don't know when you'll meet, I don't know where you'll meet. Requests like these will be ignored.
Questions? Feel free to ask. I encourage you to do so.
Buy me shit here.
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Hi! May I have a tarot card reading?
Three of Swords -- There is a sword, perhaps a double-sword, but the card has no particular detail to draw from. The three swords are not meant to represent a problem with a particular action, though perhaps one of perception or thought.
Six of Coins -- The coin shows a coin that represents a relationship between two people who do not know each other. Each of the coins has an animal on it, in the center, and one of the coins might have a pair of animals on it. (I have no idea who the artist is, who did these things well, or how they might have happened without some central agency.)
(Since this was originally intended as an anon card, I'm not sure if you're still waiting on one of the other cards.)
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jenokoi · 1 year
Very accurate and you don't beat around the bush in your pick a pile readings. I was taken aback at how well you called me out (in all the good ways haha). You pick some of the prettiest, eye-catching pictures for your readings, too! I loved looking through your blog <3
Thank you for taking the time to write this anon! I am glad you enjoy of my readings and find a bit more understanding in them. I do apologize however if I cause some discomfort with how straightforward they are, I try to make them as general as possible without them losing that personal touch that calls forward the people who chose them.
Such kind words! I hope you enjoy your stay on my blog, matters not how long it is. I wish for you to find aid in my readings to achieve your goals! <3
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sweetmastermind · 1 year
Heyy, I don't have friends to talk abt tarot and i find ur tumblr so cool and i love to you in my timeline so I wanted to talk about it!
I started my journey a little while ago and it's been super cool learning tarot, tarot has helped me to be more creative and some coincidences have already happened that I found super cool. Once I drew 2 cards and the inverted sun and the moon fell and I thought so interessinting... like... sun and moon... day And night... my deck is rider wait(the illustrations are so beautiful) so visually I thought it was beautiful because the sun was down and the moon was up It looked like a yingyang, balance idk, I thought it was so beautiful
it's so cool when cards appear that visually combine, I'm fascinated by the symbology from the cards
there are some cards that in a certain context and position that I find difficult to interpret but I get super excited somehow, idk is like a puzzle to me
Which card is the most difficult to interpret for you?
Hi! ohh thats nicee!
In my case, i think it depends a lot on the question i ask, but lately, i have a little difficulty with the 7 swords and temperance
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read-weep-repeat · 2 years
I messed up and got you confused with another of my fave authors. But I feel like fishy, cryptid and street racing mc would enjoy tarot cards. (I’m like half asleep at this point tho)
This sounds like you sent me another ask, but I didn’t get any :(  if anyone has sent me an ask in the last two weeks, I haven’t gotten any other than this one :(( sorry, lovey!
And yesss they so would!!!
street racing mc likes them for the vibes!! if she gets a tower card after asking about an event she doesn’t want to go to she absolutely holds it up as a completely valid excuse 
cryptic mc actually believes in them and would consult them as a little guide before she makes life-altering decisions. she also carries around a mini version in her backpack for on-the-go catastrophes 
fishy mc just loves their aesthetic!! especially ones with marine art. she’s definitely done a runway collection, drawing on tarot cards for Inspo.  
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soapoet · 1 year
describing the dynamic...
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...a requested continuation of this post.
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like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: First day of my life by Bright Eyes
This feels like home. It is familiar and it is sweet. The two of you create an air of comfort, which draws in various orphans of the storm. Like a safe haven amidst stormy seas. A lighthouse. This has the blueprint of starting a found family. Your union echos with lots of laughter, the kind that brings tears and stomachaches. The joy here is tangible and it is imprinted in everything. Your dynamic is like an evolved version of puppy love. It's nervous, but adoring. Giddy and rosy. It feels like best friends falling in love. They know you and you know them at a deep level. The foundation upon which this relationship stands could withstand hurricanes, though there isn't much to worry about. Most issues that crop up seem a little silly, and you may laugh about them afterwards. Personal doubts and misunderstandings are the worst that can happen here, which are mostly due to the doglike loyalty and care you have for one another. Ever seen the face of a pooch when they've done something they shouldn't have? They appear so sheepish even though their mistake or mischief really isn't all that bad or serious. We often laugh at our beloved pets when they appear so apologetic because it is so often wildly out of proportion for their actual crime. The same applies to this relationship. Doubts may occasionally become bigger in your heads and cause a similar out of proportion shame or guilt or concern about how the other will react. Many inside jokes may stem from these situations, actually. Despite the occasional and shortlived whirlwind of doubt and concern about the status of the relationship, your communication is very good and open and clear. You might both simply have a hard time expressing yourselves when it comes to negative feelings and experiences, likely stemming from your upbringing. Which brings me to the point of healing. A key feature of this relationship is just that. Healing. The two of you treat each other the way you wish you had been treated growing up. As though you are raising each other's wounded inner child in a much better, loving, and attentive environment. There is a lot of validation and tenderness present. The reciprocation is beautifully balanced. When one is feeling low, the other takes on a guardian role, comforting and supporting them in various ways. Need a doctor's appointment but you're too anxious to call? Your partner gotchu. Next time they're ill you'll be making them soup and wrapping them up in a blanket. The give and take feels natural, like neither of you need to think twice about it, and best of all: nobody's keeping score.
Shufflemancy: High heels by Mando Diao
Once this one gets going, it's long distance, not a sprint. Considering the delays this relationship experiences before it begins, however, the steady movement doesn't feel slow at all. And although this relationship is very spontaneous and fun, there is a balancing act at play wherein plans for the future are made early on. They want to make sure you're both on the same page and have an idea of where the relationship is headed right from the start to avoid conflicting ideas later. There are some traditional elements to this relationship because they lead a busy life professionally. Plans may be made to have you stay at home once things get serious, though they are very supportive of any business ideas you come up with or already have when you enter into the relationship. This person values ambition and drive, probably just as much as you do, and is very supportive of any endeavours you decide to pursue, and is likely to help fund or network to boost your success.
Expect frequent date nights. This person enjoys romance and works hard to keep the spark alive, so long as they don't feel smothered. When given the space and time they love to shower you with gifts and make you feel special. Travelling also figures strongly, and you may cross many destinations off your bucket list with this person. They favour quality over quantity, though, and may make it a point to spend big bucks on a resort for an extended period of time to really make the most of the destination and the time you get to spend together. It's possible the two of you eventually purchase a second home somewhere you like to visit. The two of you enjoy a rich social life as well, and may frequently entertain people in your home or at different venues. Your energy is contagious and other people are naturally drawn to the two of you because of the fun and welcoming energy created by your union. I'm not seeing much in terms of issues, mostly because the element of fun is so strong here. It feels very balanced because each of you gets to be in your favoured energy and feel appreciated for what you bring to the relationship. Very strong mutual respect. Each of you seem to succeed in life and your careers and projects better because the other is by your side. Reaching higher and farther because of the support of the other. This has an air of'us against the world', as though you are building an empire together. Your success is very new-money and modern. Flashy and extravagant, but still down-to-earth and humble in a way in which you really count your blessings and have much gratitude for what you have together and where you came from. The two of you may help or give back to your community, or donate to charity. It's possible they pay off your family's mortgage or do some other big financial gesture towards your family after the two of you commit. There is a lot of passion in this relationship. Very flirty, and there is a strong sexual attraction. The two of you make each other laugh a lot and may pull pranks on each other. Check out Destene and Brandon on youtube, because their dynamic mirrors this group a lot!
Shufflemancy: Mary on a cross by Ghost
This is the one that will feel like things are too good to be true. You will want for nothing. The dynamic here is almost that of a knight and the one they have sworn to protect, or the royal and the peasant they chose for love. There is much adoration here, and it feels old-timey in a way. If you have been kissing frogs before, this one will really surprise you. They enjoy traditional courting and may look down upon the modern era of dating and the attitudes surrounding it, and don't like most of the people making them offers. They also appear to compensate for time spent apart through lavish gifts, and making sure you have everything that you need. There are a lot of calls and messages being sent back and forth, especially during their time away. They're very supportive of your studies or the projects you're working on, and will do everything in their power to create a good environment for you to do what you need to do. There is a strong possibility of them asking you to accompany them on their business travels, in an effort to help the two of you spend more quality time together. You have an energy that differs so much from what they have to deal with in their professional life, and they derive a big boost of motivation and confidence from it. It is almost as though they see you as their lucky charm.
The primary cause of friction appears to come from outside the relationship. You may frequently receive strange looks when you're together, or the way you differ somehow causes tension amongst your partner's peers. They, however, are incredibly proud of you and encourage you to speak your mind and stay true to yourself. They think you're perfect and don't want you to change, especially not through pressure from the kinds of people they find shallow or even fake. There could be instances where people try to steal your partner, but they fail horribly because of your partner's devotion to you. This can also go the other way, wherein people begin to pursue you in an attempt to steal you away from your partner, as if to spite them. You may receive invitations, offers, and gifts from people, especially ones you meet through your partner. This reveals a jealous streak in your partner which is very prevalent, but not in a toxic or controlling way. Because they have such social grace and know how to play the game, they never target you with their jealousy and dismay, but those who try to get in between. They are protective of what's theirs, but are very graceful and strategic in their methodology of solving problems. This also lends itself well to any wrinkles that need ironing in the relationship, because they don't appear to get angry and have a mentality that it's not you vs. them, but the two of you vs. the problem.
This dynamic may sometimes lead to waking up alone, but there is sure to be a lovely note left behind, or they may send flowers. They like to let you sleep in, and find you to be at your most beautiful when you're asleep because of the serene look on your face. You really help them feel at peace, which is something quite difficult for them to achieve on their own. They have trouble relaxing or doing things without it somehow boosting their qualifications or adding to their resume. You help them pick out books to read just because, watch movies regardless of their acclaim and accolades, go thrifting for the fun of it or visit the sweet little side street boutiques and unknown cafés. They really just feel like they have access to more oxygen when you're around, as though they've spent their whole life holding their breath and they can breathe easily and deeply around you.
Shufflemancy: Me the machine by Imogen Heap
There is a whole lot going on here mentally. The two of you spend a lot of time talking, for hours upon hours. "Is that the sun?" can become a frequent phrase used when time slips through your fingers as you talk the night away to watch the sunrise. The two of you love to debate, especially in regards to matters you agree on, because it seems you reach the same conclusion from different angles and enjoy discussing each other's detours. They love picking your brain and value your opinions. There is a bit of a hopeless romantic in them, which may catch you off guard every time due to their cerebral nature. They might leave you notes or share songs to express their feelings. To them you are an equal, a missing puzzle piece that helps them see the bigger picture. You two are like the seeker and the explorer. They like holding hands and being close to you, but seem a little hesitant, even months into the relationship. You are certainly the more open and affectionate one, whilst they tend to be a little shy. Their awkwardness is quite charming, though, because they do try their best to show their love and support. Support plays a big role here, too, as they have a lot to teach you in various areas of life and you will grow quite a bit during this relationship. They are an excellent mentor and encourage you to chase your dreams, but are also good at holding you accountable. They can be a little blunt and clumsy with their words, but they mean well and wish for you to be the best that you can be and never sell yourself short. They really won't let anybody talk down on you, least of all you yourself. They have very high standards so any self-loating on your part feels insulting to them. They wouldn't date you if they didn't think you were incredible.
They enjoy your company and express genuine interest in your thoughts and ideas. You share many interests and engaging in them together is a big part of this relationship. You two are stronger together and can face many hardships with greater ease due to how you complete one another. Not in that you aren't whole on your own, but that your individual strengths and weaknesses balance each other out. Where you lack, they're abundant, and vice versa. It really makes for a dynamic duo, albeit one that may from the outside appear mismatched or peculiar. That does not stop you, though, and they especially have very little care for what other people think. The two of you may collaborate on various projects, or work together towards both joint and separate goals. Your minds and talents blend beautifully together, and your relationship is potent with inspiration and motivation. Tackling difficult tasks and the daily grind appears easier when you can delegate things depending on your individual strengths. The source of strife mostly stems from misunderstandings. Both of you value communication, but on occasion words are left unsaid or too much is said without prior thought and one of you gets hurt. This does not seem to ever be on purpose, just accidental slip-ups and thoughtlessness.
Shufflemancy: Boys do cry by Marius Bear
Which one of you brought the gasoline? The dynamic here is hot and heavy. Passionate, as though desperation and need is causing you to crawl into each other's skin and wear each other's hearts. It can get a little crazy, fast paced and wild, in most things that you do. And you may get into quite a bit of trouble together, too. When Billie Eilish said 'I'm the powder, you're the fuse; let's add some friction' the two of you were taking notes. There is a lot of push and pull, and the relationship contains a lot of drama. Though I don't feel like that is wholly unwelcome, strangely enough. It seems beneficial for the two of you to keep each other on your toes, like you both crave some explosive feelings to feel fulfilled. This relationship really isn't for the faint of heart. But whilst others watch in horror, you make each other feel alive in this almost feral dance. They are very protective of you, and you of them. It's like you give each other scary dog privilege because nobody else can swoop in to steal a heart while the other stands on watch. You're both a little possessive, but it boils down to the deep connection you have feeling so intertwined with the very cores of your beings that losing the other would feel like losing yourself. Definitely worth checking yourselves for co-dependency to be sure it does not go overboard, but so long as you keep your individuality intact, this one is one hell of a ride. A ride or die, in fact. You are truly partners in crime and feel dangerously powerful together, like you could take over the world and overcome anything.
I won't sugar coat this: there is a lot of turmoil that the both of you conjure up. Most of the issues in this dynamic stem from the heightened emotions you are both capable of, and if either of you start wielding them as weapons it will cause even more explosive emotions. I will say, though, that this only gets physical in the make up part of the show, as the actual strife is emotional and verbal in nature. Because you care a lot for each other, neither would dare lay a hand on the other. The thought of you getting hurt by them or anyone or anything else would upset them greatly, and it's the same in reverse. You mirror each other a lot, and have much to learn from each other. Much of it will feel heavy and burdensome since you will be facing your own demons within the other person, and that's never easy. Fortunately there is a lot of gentle care here, too. Since you both feel things so strongly and have similar experiences in life, it is much easier for you to sympathise with each other and support each other. This is one of those relationships where you truly do not need to hide or be on your best behaviour, because you have both weathered storms and do not easily flinch when the thunder and lightning begin to roar, and you both provide each other shelter when needed.
Shufflemancy: Light by Sleeping at last
I remember seeing a writing prompt once upon a time with the premise of seeing in greyscale until you lock eyes with your soulmate, and this has that exact energy. It really seems as though this person lead a very monotonous life until you barged in, inviting the sunshine into their life. Because in many ways they view you as the light of their life, they are very protective of you. You bring them much joy, laughter, and relaxation, all things they do very little of, at least successfully, and find themselves more able to partake in the joys of life in your presence. You are a breath of fresh air, as though someone finally opened up a window inside a stuffy office. They see stars in your eyes and they want nothing more than to preserve them, and make them shine even brighter. There is a little bit of a saviour complex here. Anything you struggle with they don an armour for to protect and to serve. Because you nurture their soul and heal their wounds with your tender love and care and expand their horizons with your sense of wonder, they feel compelled to take care of you. It feels almost familial, but not in a weird way. It is as if they want to keep your childlike wonder alive and well, and right any wrongs that come your way. They take a load off your shoulders frequently, and may especially take on all your mundane tasks and paperwork. They love your playful energy and can see that the stuffy stressors of life cage that bird in, and they want to see you soar. This is a very healing connection for both of you. You balance each other out whilst being a mentor for each other, teaching each other your strengths so that you two can feel whole and capable all in your own right. You are both willing to bend, to try new things, allow the other to show you new worlds and explore possibilities. Very likely to lead to marriage, and it would be a very happy and functional one because of the growth you inspire in one another both as individuals and together as one. It's like your relationship begins as a little sapling, slow, but once it has been given the space to grow it grows big and strong and will withstand any storm and leave behind a legacy, like your future children putting up a swing for their children on the tree you two once sowed.
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skwigelfskwisgaar · 8 months
hi skwisgaar!! :D i hope you're doing well! ^^
i wanted to ask you- have you ever had a tarot reading before? would you like one?:D
Tarot cards?
Dey amns very elegants wit de arts and de designs, they have very powerfuls connection to de card users, and they amns usuallies for mystic mumbles jumbles. De mumbles jumbles gives reader answer, and amns de user who dos de reading?
I's never hads a readings done. What amns I's to do to gets a reading done? Considers mine curioksity pokeds.
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leovenuslatina · 2 months
18+ tarot ASK game !!!
YOU MUST MUST BE 18+ to play this game !!!
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꒰♡ ˚₊︶︶︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶︶꒦꒷︶︶꒷꒦
i am quickly becoming a tarot ask blog but idc 😭 anyway thank you for every single like and comment or reblog means so much to me you have no idea !
PSA - please make sure you READ EVERY RULE i had to delete a couple asks last time bc people JUST CANT read the rules right !!
꒰♡ ˚₊︶︶︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶︶꒦꒷︶︶꒷꒦
Rules - (anon is okay but try not to just bc i wanna make sure everyone really is 18+)
🔮 follow me and like & reblog this post and my last two PAC TAROT readings!!
🔮 send me a celebrity you ship me with and why
🔮then whatever 18+ tarot questions you have 😈 and i’ll pull one card for your answer 💋
!!!! PLEASE be patient with me i’m gonna leave the game open for a longer this time so it might take a lil longer !!!
thank you in advance for joining
for paid private readings dm me 💘
3 questions - $20
6 questions - $30
long channeled message - $90
plzzz no questions about health or death ☠️
꒰♡ ˚₊︶︶︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶︶꒦꒷︶︶꒷꒦
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prettyrealm · 2 months
current events: han sohee vs lee hyeri
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what does han sohee think of lee hyeri?
han sohee thinks hyeri is delusional and wants her man back, she doesn’t think hyeri is over him at all. she feels threatened. she thinks hyeri isn’t backing off. she thinks hyeri is manipulating the public and is even more manipulative behind the scenes (even with how she treats people in general). she really thinks hyeri is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and hides behind an innocent demeanor, but she’s actually really sneaky with a lot of red flags. she 100% believes the instagram story was about her, not ryu junyeol. she doesn’t think hyeri will let him go easily at all. she think that hyeri is well liked, but it’s all superficial and if you really got to know her you wouldn’t like her (she might not actually know hyeri and this is just what she’s learned/been told from ryu junyeol as I’m getting she really thinks hyeri is a crazy ex). she thinks hyeri is super connected and has a lot of friends and uses that to hold power over people and gets what she wants. han sohee is a bit worried about what could happen to her due to hyeri’s connections as well. this whole situation has left sohee feeling like she’s had no time to catch her breath.
what does lee hyeri think of han sohee?
hyeri definitely thinks han sohee was/is the “other woman” and was sleeping with ryu junyeol while they were still together. i think possibly even to the extent that hyeri and ryu junyeol had discussed it in the past and decided to work on it/move past it, but now that they’re officially together she’s thinking about how this could have happened, (though it could be that they had also dealt with cheating in general in their relationship). worried that han sohee is more compatible with him than she was (she can give him what he wants like a family, children). i also get that she thinks han sohee is a lot prettier than she is. she’s actually worried that ryu jun yeol is serious about her and that hurts her a lot. she thinks han sohee has looks and money, but no manners and is extremely unclassy. she also doesn’t like that han sohee is who ryu junyeol has chosen to date because she knows that han sohee has had a pretty promiscuous past and doesn’t think that she is “serious” material. overall, hyeri feels very insecure right now.
what do han sohee & lee hyeri think of ryu junyeol?
han sohee - “ayo they could never make me hate you” vibes. she thinks he’s a really good person, loves him to pieces and thinks he’s the best boyfriend she has had and wants to start a family with him. (she could be a very intense person, don’t necessarily expect them to get married) she likes him to the point where she feels she genuinely needs him in her life and sees him as super protective over her. he just “gets” her in her eyes and she feels a lot of people don’t. she’s also mega attracted to him.
lee hyeri - she thinks he’s a major liar, but also that he’s smarter than her and that he’s really good at making her feel sorry for him. she thinks he was never true to his word, in a sense that he would never do things all the way, he was never nice but he was also never mean, he wouldn’t forget anniversaries but he would get her a lackluster gift (as if he had a habit of never doing things right but also never wrong) . he just never went above and beyond. she does still have feelings for him, but I don’t think she wants him back. if he were to bring it up she would consider it, but I don’t think she’s actually trying to get back with him. for the most part, she does want to move on from him and she really was just hurt in the moment when she made the story. she kind of finds them both embarrassing.
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valyrfia · 2 months
Hi! I hope you are doing great. Can you please do a detailed reading about Charles Leclerc future spouse? Who is she? Her character, job, look etc. How they going to meet and their first impressions about each other? What charles' friends (especially close ones) and his family (especially his brothers and mother) will think about her? How they will confess their feelings to each other? What are fans and society going to think about their relationship? Will the relationship be successful? Thank you :)
Hm so I’m getting….blond-ish, blue eyed. They’ll meet through work. Character….well they could be a bit abrupt and brutally honest at first but their honesty is one of their best traits, they wear their heart on their sleeve. Charles’ family already loves them and has known them for a while. Their job is…..multiple F1 world champion. The relationship is giving written in the stars, casually embedded in the very fabric of the universe kind of thing.
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jenokoi · 1 year
great tarot readings! I’ve never found one I’ve resonated so well with without even knowing that’s what I was going into! Thank you for your time and energy<3
I’m glad I was of service! Thank you for your kind words and for allowing me to get a glimpse of you, it means a lot <3
It was a bit scary to post, but I was confident it would reach those who were meant to find it, so it makes me really happy it resonated with you!
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celerydays · 10 months
could you walk us through what notebooks & journals & pens /etc you use - they look so good!
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I would be SO happy to, you have no idea!!
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Alright, let's fucking GOOOO~
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Starting off with my current "workhorse" pens - I have like *checks notes* 36 fountain pens and a bit too many inked up atm, but these are just the ones I'm currently reaching for or have inked up more often than not:
TWSBI Go (F): Kinda ugly! But also kinda cute! It's cheap and works great (I friggin love TWSBI pens tbh) and it has a little hole on the cap where you can attach a lanyard or charms, like I did! Makes it cuter imo and it's kind of my emotional support pen these days.
Opus88 Pocket (EF): This 2022 edition has a little Moon tarot design on the cap so it's pretty much the pen I use exclusively for my witchy/tarot practice journals! A lil bummed the cap doesn't post, especially since its a shorter pocket-sized pen, but not a deal breaker and I still love it.
Pilot Custom 823 (F): My grail pen that I've literally coveted for years and just recently acquired at the DC Pen Show this weekend! It's only been a day but I think it could potentially become my favorite pen. Ever.
Pilot Prera (CM): This is my third Prera lol. I just think they're great and really underrated pens! Also a recent acquisition from the DC Pen Show and this cursive M nib is suuuuper fun to write with.
Pilot Vanishing Point (EF): My favorite pen for planning! Super fine-tipped for writing task lists and schedules and love that it's so convenient/quick-draw with the click mechanism.
(I'm totally a Pilot pen ho, can you tell? asdjflaglsg)
Journals/Planners/Notebooks under cut–
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Sterling Ink B6 Common Planner: For a good chunk of this year, I was in this planner because I honestly love the size and all the layouts. Super practical and flexible as a system. 10/10 would go back. I've used it to plan, as a reading journal, as a tarot log...
But I get the itch to move around so it's been sitting a little unused since like June, oop.
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Leuchtturm A6: I started craving something tiny and minimal so I've been bullet journaling in this pocket notebook for the last month or two and I'm really enjoying it!
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Standard-sized Tomoe River Paper notebook: This is pretty consistent in that I don't change up the system itself, but I'm in and out of it for memory keeping/scrapbook journaling! It's almost always a Tomoe River paper notebook of SOME kind that I usually buy in A5 size to go to FedEx and get it cut down to standard. Though I'm thinking of getting a blank Midori MD A5 to have cut down next time - I've been liking the freedom of blank pages for journaling instead of anything lined or gridded.
I really need to catch up with it tbh, but I love sitting in an explosion of printed photos, stickers, and washi and going ham with the pages.
(I do have a flip through of my January-March 2022 pages on YouTube)
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Midori MD Cotton B6 Slim: I also have this sketchbook that sorta turned into a visual sketch diary of sorts. I fell off a while ago but want to get back into it because it's super fun to work in and to look back on!
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Wide-sized Cosmo Air Light notebook & A5 Filofax Malden: These are my tarot/witchy journals. Grimoires I guess? One is for journaling and all my messier notes while the other is more for reference and ease of organization.
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A5 Leuchtturm: I didn't know if I should include this guy, but I've been writing it in a lot recently so I guess I will lol. This is like truuuly a miscellaneous™ notebook.
I got this A5 notebook back in 2017 to use as my very first bullet journal, then found out that this size is personally waaaay too big for me to use as a bullet journal so I hopped off of it pretty quick. It now sits on my desk because since it's mostly blank I'll just pick it up to use it to write literally A N Y T H I N G.
Most recently, I wrote like 5 pages in one night on notes for a fanfiction piece I was working on (I'm not a writer, this fic is never gonna see the light of day by anyone but me lololol. Hyperfixation is so wild; I've put 80k+ words within just 10 days into it so far and it's been hella therapeutic.)
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That's all, I think!?
It's funny because I actually have a NEW notebook arriving tomorrow that I'm going to try out as a bujo/commonplace/omni journal of sorts?? I might write an update post after I've set that up and see how I like it <3
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