#tarot poland
tarotaloud · 7 months
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Как объяснить, что тарологу нужна дополнительная информация, не показавшись при этом душнилой или шарлатаном? Если ты ни разу/почти никогда не взаимодействовал с тарологом и не знаешь его возможностей, его функционал очень похож на гугло-поиск.
Вводишь ключевые слова (не очень много) и нажимаешь кнопку. Например «Мысли-Чувства-Действия человека ко мне», «Найду ли я работу», «Где я оставила документы», «Как пройдёт поездка?», «Встречу ли я парня по судьбе?», «Какой потенциал у моего ребёнка?». Ответы на эти вопросы будут максимально приблизительными без подробностей. Они потребуют от таролога простроить сеть дополнительных вопросов, которые кверент не задавал, для раскрытия контекста и выяснения «Кто все эти люди?».
Мысли бизнес-партнёра, свекрови, любимого, терапевта и подруги могут иметь схожее направление, но очень различаться контекстно.
Требования к работе стилиста, баристы, ассистента руководителя, риелтора и писателя могут быть описаны похожими арканами, но дадут разный исход и интерпретацию должности. Тем сложнее растрактовать различие без знания сферы профессиональных амбиций кверента, сроков, актуальной занятости и его усилий в поиске.
Отдых с семьёй в Египте, командировка, любовная встреча, выкатывание ребёнка у бабки или учёба по обмену размоется без знания ожиданий кверента от поездки, сроков и нормальных атрибутов путешествия (не "машина сломалась", а "съездили экскурсией на АЭС, очень понравилось").
Таролог не хочет пристыдить вас, выставить глупыми и не просит делать за него его же работу. Задача таролога - мягко прояснить, что входит в круг возможностей таро-консультации и что стоит за каждым конкретным запросом. Задача клиента - предоставить необходимую для трактовки информацию прямо пропорционально своему желанию прояснить вопрос. pin artist: bexiidraws.bigcartel.com
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cawe-sama · 2 months
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Hetalia tarot sketches I did back in 2022 I believe 🤔 Since people seem interested
Anyways you can see I love eastern europe
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laboratorybat · 4 months
ꕥ Welcome to my page!
✵ I go by Miyako, or Miko for short, but any nickname you'd come up with is fine too
✵ I'm 16 and so, a minor, please keep that in mind
✵ I'm autistic and incredibly socially awkward, if I don't respond to your dms or make it awkward please don't take it to yourself
✵ they/them, I think I'm non binary, but I'm still questioning myself </3
✵ PL/ENG - I'm from Poland, planning to learn Spanish one day
✵ I love music, especially everything that sounds wild, melodic and unpredictable (my current obsession is Svarteboka by Gåte and Djerv)
✵ Content that you can expect from me would be:
☽ Genshin and Star Rail thoughts (lore and meta)
☽ death note and bungou stray dogs thoughts
☽ philosophy/sociology stuff
☽ tarot/astrology/witchcraft stuff
☽ some art maybe?
☽ photos
☽ any other random stuff
✵ Not any TWs I think, but if an entry touches a sensitive topic I'll definitely put a warning
✵ other socials:
☽ Genshin (EU) - 761377901
☽ Star Rail (EU) - 717727978
☽ Instagram - @laboratory_bat
☽ Spotify - Miyakø
See you around ꕥ
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obawa-tattoo-art · 1 year
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mr0cznosc · 2 years
nie mogę spać, nikt mnie nie lubi po prostu nikt, nie było mnie tu trochę bo myślałam że ktoś mnie lubi, ale myliłam się teraz jak to pisze chce mi się płakać ale nie potrafię jestem już zmęczona płakaniem i użalaniem się nad sobą, po prostu duszę wszystko w sobie. Zaczęłam nawet trenować wioślarstwo żeby mnie ktoś polubił myślałam że mnie ktoś polubi ale zawsze wybierają kogoś innego można powiedzieć że jestem zawsze tą "trzecią" przez połowę mojego życia w końcu to zrozumiałam że muszę zacząć sobie radzić sama i muszę sobie poradzić bez "najlepszej przyjaciółki", ani żadnej osoby której mogłabym wszystko powiedzieć może kiedyś w 1 klasie miałam taką osobę ale osoba z mojej klasy ja zabrała teraz jak je widzę zazdroszczę im że mają taką osobę z którą mogą pisać i wszystko, ja nie mam takiej, dlatego tu pisze wszystko, nie umiem pisać z ludźmi czuję że gdy z nimi pisze mają mnie dosyć i nie chcą mnie słuchać. Mam teraz tyle myśli że nie wiem o czym tu napisać. Zawsze jak jestem w gronie osób żeby się "spotkać"( tak naprawdę tylko popatrzeć jak ludzie w moim wieku przeżywają swoje najlepsze lata ze znajomymi) zawsze wszyscy dobierają się w dwójki i udaje że wszystko jest ok mimo że mam tego dosyć, boje się że w szkole średniej nikt mnie nie polubi i będę sama. Pewnie zaraz mi ktoś napisze że po co narzekam skoro oni zapraszają mnie na spotkania i wgl, ale tu już nie chodzi o to ja potrzebuję jednej osoby która mnie zrozumie nie chce jakis 25 znajomych którzy nie będą się mną interesowali. Proszę tylko o jedną osobę JEDNA która się mną zainteresuje a ja ją będziemy mogły gadać godzinami, będę mogła się jej wyżalić, spotkać i wszystko, ale chyba to nie nastąpi i muszę sobie radzić sama.
Wiem że napisałam długi paragraf i nikomu się tego nie będzie chciało czytać ale nie mam komu tego napisać a poprostu teraz jest mi trochę lżej.
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lil-space-king · 5 months
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Madame Anastasia would be a really good name for a gym leader imo. But she's really Iga Lisowski.
Bombirdier - Storks are considered one of the national animals of Poland, where Iga comes from. In addition to that, there's the whole legend of storks delivering babies. Something Iga helped facilitate for Kingston.
Flapple - I had to pick the skinniest, weakest looking dragon type pokemon I could find to represent Misiek. I think I did.
Gothitelle - She's giving the kind of cunt I bet Madame Anastasia gives as a tarot reader and I bet her daughter Jessica loves it. More importantly though, it can predict the future by reading the stars.
Hoopa - Iga's warlock subclass is Genie, so I had to give her the djinn pokemon. It's said to have the power to bend dimensions, kinda like how Iga's chest is a tardis-thing. PLUS, it has a true form and a bound form, which reminds me of Iga hiding the fact she has magic and how powerful it is.
Mimikyu - A pokemon hiding its true form to avoid the persecution of others... Yeah.
Kangaskhan - The parent pokemon, perfect for the most mom ever. Its highest priority is to protect its children, just like Iga.
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fioredistella · 11 months
Belarus is Eastern Orthodox and became so in the late 900's when that area gradually adopted Christianity. She was alive before they but does not remember her days of being pagan and took the name Natalia when she was baptized. She remained Orthodox even after the Commonwealth for some time, however around the late 1500's, as the result of the Union of Brest, Poland pressured her to become Catholic. She complied with this until when she became Orthodox again under the Russian empire.
 Despite becoming Orthodox she was allowed to be educated by Jesuit priests in various subjects by Tsarina Catherine who was the only European leader to allow the Jesuit order to exist in their lands after their suppression by the Vatican. 
During the USSR she was atheist officially, however she never actually stopped considering herself Orthodox, she just kept her head down, didn't say anything and avoided church while praying at home silently. She was away from positions of power in the USSR as well so as long as she kept her mouth shut she was fine in that department. 
She is also superstitious and her faith has syncretic elements to it. She believes in and can see spirits and practices folk magic including a kind called healing whispers or zagovory that is practiced by some older women still. She also does fortune telling and reads tarot cards as well.
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sassafrasmoonshine · 3 months
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Adam Niklewicz, a.k.a. as Nic Ad (Polish/America) • The Judgment Day • Acrylic on paper
Adam illustrated THE JUDGEMENT DAY / SAD OSTATECZNY with this dramatic painting as part of Forward Tarot Project / Fundacja “FWD:” currently on view in Poznan, Poland. This invitational exhibition matched twenty-four artists with a card from the tarot deck.
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vertigoblockbuster · 1 month
Archetype: The Fool
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Jan Matejko's ‘Stańczyk,' 1862. Stańczyk, depicted here tucked away from a lively royal ball and slumped solemnly in a chair, was the official court jester of Poland during the height of the country's power. While those in the background celebrate a recent victory, Stańczyk has just learned that the Polish city Smolensk was lost to Moscow. It looks as though he has come across some papers discarded by an official, which lie on the table next to Stańczyk's chair. There is a sharp contrast of the lonely jester against the roaring party in the background. It seems that Matejko was suggesting that Stańczyk, who was said to be a brilliant mind, was the only one who could foresee the devastation the war would bring to Poland.
The Fool in the Tarot
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The Fool card from the Rider-Waite Smith tarot deck. Artwork by Pamela Colman Smith.
The word "fool" comes from the Latin "follis," referring to bellows or a windbag.
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I don't think this is too much of a reach.
The Fool is widely considered to be the most powerful card in the tarot. If you notice the numerical value at the top center of the card, The Fool is assigned number zero. Associated with void space, The Fool is pure, raw potential. He has the ability to transform into absolutely anything - all he has to do is decide where to invest his energy and focus.
It should be noted that there is no official hierarchy to the tarot. There is no formally established ranking system and no card is more powerful or important than another. The idea that the fool card wields a high ground over the others is born out of, at the end of the day, personal opinion. It just so happens to be an opinion that many people in the tarot community share.
The 78 cards in a traditional tarot deck can be divided into two broad categories: the minor arcana and the major arcana. While the minor arcana cards describe day-to-day aspects of life, the majors describe the "big" moments - when we are learning life lessons, embodying a particular archetype of our psyche more than others, perhaps at a meaningful crux, crossroads, or zenith where we have to make pivotal choices that force us to reflect on our own character and values.
The fool is the very beginning of the major arcana cards. The 22 cards comprising the majors can be thought of as describing the "hero's journey," where we start from the nothingness of the fool - directionless, innocent, and totally open to new experiences - and end at the enlightenment of the world - connection, harmony, fulfillment, and total presence. The Fool is a newborn baby. He has no jaded preconceptions about the world, no expectations for the returns on his investments, and the rosiest glasses money can buy.
If you look at the final card of the majors, The World, you will find a clear connection to The Fool card in the circular wreath encompassing the central figure. The woman - naked, exposed, and vulnerable yet totally relaxed, hovers suspended in the sky. The wreath surrounding her can be thought of as a portal which brings us from the total completion represented by this card back to the very beginning, square zero, void space, the blank canvas that is The Fool. The prominent "0" or zero shape in the world card could be thought of as a womb that the fool, being the newborn baby that he is, is born out of.
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The World card from the Rider-Waite Smith tarot deck. Artwork by Pamela Colman Smith.
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Notes on some of the symbolism in the Rider-Waite Smith Fool card.
Association with Uranus
In the tarot, some cards are ruled by planets and others are ruled by zodiac signs. Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn while it's modern ruler is Uranus (Uranus was discovered well after Saturn was.) The tarot card associated with Aquarius is The Star, but the card associated with Uranus is The Fool.
Astrologically, Uranus represents chaos, sudden change or upheaval, radical ideas and revolution. Associated with our inner need for freedom, Uranus observes where we as individuals and as large groups stagnate. He comes along and knocks down our house(s) of cards and we are left with the task of rebuilding, ie updating our personal and societal ideologies. Uranus demands that we stretch our minds, expand our consciousness. His methods are shocking but ultimately lead us to deeper understanding of ourselves and greater independence.
Uranus's link to fixed air sign Aquarius implies an androgynous energy about this planet. Uranus's foremost concern is with exploring new and out-of-the-box ideas. All this heady energy results in a mercurial, gender-less presentation.
Both the fool and Uranus achieve the extraordinary by being willing to tread where no one else dares to tip-toe. The fool strides towards the cliff and we as spectators look at him with mouths agape. Uranus dismantles entire political regimes and we study these historical periods with awe and fascination. The fool and Uranus are not what I would describe as fearless necessarily. Uranus and the fool both possess powerfully airy, mental, cerebral attitudes. They are so caught up in their ideas about what could be that they don't even consider the risks they could face on their off-beaten paths. There is a radical acceptance here: What used to work no longer works. This is my brand new idea that I think will make things better in the long run. I know you think I'm nuts, but in ten years time you'll be wondering why you weren't on board from the ground floor.
The Divine Child
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Duccio di Buoninsgna's ‘Madonna and Child’, 1290-1300.
The divine child is an immature king. He possesses limitless potential and has virtually no ability to do anything with it. In terms of the human psyche, this represents our own unrealized potential - our dreams and fantasies for what our lives could look like, what we think we can do, what we want to do but haven't yet.
Somebody embodying the king archetype has a strong handle on their own executive functioning. They control how they use their time, focus, and energy. Kings have developed the self-knowledge to make goals for themselves that align with their personal values and take consistent strides towards achieving them. Equally as important, they have learned to use self-discipline to delay instant gratification. They are confident in their abilities to create and overcome.
The divine child is like if the king was diffused into a cloud. The king's essence and power is still there, but his ability to make things happen in the physical world is completely lost. The divine child buzzes with primal life force and this is all that he is. Everything, because he contains all possibilities, and nothing, because he does not (cannot) make any of them manifest into reality.
The divine child has the potential to manifest into a shadowy version of himself if the circumstances are right. Have you ever heard the term man-child? This is what happens when the divine child grows up with inappropriate amounts of affirmation/encouragement. Suddenly the saintly baby Jesus-type figure becomes a highchair tyrant. Frustrated over the lack of control he feels in his own life, the divine child resorts to tantrums to bend his surroundings to his will. It's not that he doesn't want to put in the work to create the life that he wants, it's that he is frozen developmentally. He's... a baby. When left unchecked, the child's feelings and displays of entitlement continue into adulthood, where he develops into what many would consider a full-blown narcissist.
The most important overlapping character trait between the divine child and the fool is their pure-heartedness. The archetypal fool is adjacent to the trickster. What sets the fool apart from his more deceitful counterpart is that while the fool and the trickster both behave foolishly, the trickster does so to manipulate others into falling into his traps. The trickster knows that people let their guards down when they think someone is stupid, and he uses this to his advantage. He tricks people purely for his own pleasure and enjoyment, unlike the archetypal clown, who creates comic relief for the enjoyment of others. The clown is more self-aware than the fool. He understands how his bumbling is perceived by others and experiences embarrassment.
The fool is different. The fool acts foolishly because that's just who he is. He isn't putting on an act to make people laugh or to get something he wants. He does not use manipulation or trickery in his dealings with others because he wouldn't know how even if he wanted to - which he wouldn't. While he is often the butt of the joke, the fool has a lightness and innocence to him that makes him continue believing the best in people and the world at large. He dances through life - ignorant, and enviably blissful because of it.
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darkerthanblack-666 · 7 months
I pulled a tarot card for how that mid song representing Poland will do.
The card was Death. Interesting, because it can go both ways. Either a total failure, or quite the opposite (I mean... Sweden sends such songs all the time so who knows 🤷‍♀️). I'll come back to this post in May.
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tarotaloud · 7 months
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В практике таро наиболее часто вопросы кверентов поступают именно в закрытой форме. Например:
получится ли снять подходящую квартиру до конца месяца
выздоровеет ли домашний любимец
понравится ли парень родителям
действительно ли сын буллит одноклассника
признается ли партнёр в любви в течение недели
имеет ли смысл переплачивать ��а сервис
задержат ли предстоящий рейс
жив ли человек
...и множество других. Не все тарологи захотят рассмотреть подобные вопросы в исходной формулировке. Часть практиков либо не берёт в работу вопросы закрытого типа, либо старается переформулировать их открытым образом, например:
какой шанс, что событие наступит? (сравниваются номиналы «за» и «против»)
какие мне нужно приложить усилия, чтобы….
возможные последствия, если я выберу вариант 1 vs. вариант 2
Но не каждый такой вопрос можно переформулировать без потери смысла, сам процесс реструктуризации занимает время, а кверент от этого меньше получить конкретный ответ не захочет.
В стремлении избежать неудобных вопросов мантики иногда превращают тарологическую консультацию в психологическую, выясняя, какие мотивы стоят за желанием кверента узнать ответ и действительно ли тот хочет заявленное.
Даже существует мнение, что на таро невозможно получить достоверный и однозначный ответ на закрытый вопрос в виду ограничения инструмента - его символьной природы.
Я считаю, что причина такого отношения - в страхе самого таролога:
разочаровать кверента, дав ложный ответ, и себя, неверно истолковав карты
сообщить неприятную информацию и получить встречный негатив
разочароваться в инструменте (таро) или в преподавателе, первоисточнике, которому доверял
точности верного ответа, если он подтвердится, и ответственности интерпретатора («это слишком ошеломляющая информация, чтобы я ей владел»)
потерять контроль («я не могу изменить прогноз» = «я не управляю своим будущим»)
и непонимании, как задать такой вопрос, чтобы получить понятный хотя бы для себя вывод.
Каждый сам выбирает свои табу и red flags 🚩 Я попробую ответить, что можно противопоставить этому страху:
✨ просмотр закрытых вопросов в рядовых, бытовых ситуациях на себе, до того как смотреть кверенту. ➟ желательно брать случаи, максимально проверяемые в краткосрочной перспективе: задержится ли доставка, выйдет ли коллега на работу сегодня, смогу ли выспаться этой ночью, доеду ли до подруги, не попав под дождь, сегодня после 15:00. ➟ не пытаться перегадывать их, если сразу не понятен ответ. ➟ лучше выбирать вопросы, ответы на которые лично интересуют. ➟ все выпавшие карты записываются в блокнот с указанием формулировки вопроса и даты расклада.
✨ приватный просмотр проверяемых ситуаций, которые не вовлекают лично вас. Этика закрытого просмотра на совести таролога, но я не вижу здесь проблемы, особенно если информация о результате не распространяется никому, кроме вас, и используется для обучения.
✨ записывать случаи, когда трактовка подтвердилась (и степень совпадения). Это позволит понять, какие отдельные карты были поняты неправильно. Так ожидания от себя и от таро не смёрзнутся в один большой пельмень из самообвинения или обесценивания карт как прогностического инструмента.
✨ отказаться от способа просмотра, если он не работает (даже если им смотрит целый мир) и начать поиск своего рабочего (подтверждаемого практически - сбывающегося) метода. Кривой метод ≠ кривая система.
✨ принятие права (своего и чужого) на авторские наработки и трактовки - они появляются у каждого продолжающего специалиста. Если результат повторяется и прослеживается одна и та же логика взамосвязи глифов и символов, это тот самый случай.
✨ принять единый порядок работы, который не меняется ни от кверента к кверенту, ни при просмотре для себя. Для меня это следующий порядок:
👁‍🗨 таролог передаёт информацию, но не является её источником. Он отвечает за точность и адекватность интерпретации, но запрос исходит от кверента. 👁‍🗨 перед тем, как делать расклад, таролог обязан согласовать с кверентом (или с самим собой, если смотрит для себя) вопрос и согласиться, что полученная на выходе информация не будет оспорена. Её можно уточнять дополнительными вопросами, но нельзя сделать вид, что её не существует, даже если она не нравится тарологу. 👁‍🗨 кверент может относиться к результату расклада более взвешенно и стоически, чем таролог. Таролог может обсудить с кверентом варианты действий в ситуации, но не всегда это значит, что кверента нужно оберегать от лишней информации. Что делать с полученной информацией - прерогатива кверента, а не консультанта.
Таро - для того, чтобы выходить за ограничения, а не создавать их.
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niuniente · 2 years
I’ve actually got a bit of a world building question for DHD. Is the supernatural a tangible force in the world? We’ve already seen instances of Tarot Readings being fairly accurate but I suppose my question is more along the line of “Are curses or magic spells a thing people legitimately need to worry about?”
So far it seems somewhat supernatural people exist (such as Kat’s husband) but that’s also in line with the worlds standard for “what normal people look like sometimes.
Whatever the case I’d be curious to know, the way you portray the supernatural in your comics always very interesting
It's similar as in our world. For example, in my culture (Finland) spells were a very strong common thing in old times - like still 100 years ago - and Finns were known for being strong warlocks and witches for hundreds of years. However, in this modern day believing in magic and such in Finland makes you a complete nutcase who must be psychotic somehow, because no sane person believes in such nonsense woo-woo.
At the same time, magic and curses are strongly present in other cultures. I had once a Polish person ask me are they any places where people don't go as it's known to be cursed, like in Poland? No. We don't have such things in Finland. No one believes in them anymore.
The distance between Finland and Poland is only 1,183 km/ 735 miles. It's not much but the difference in the culture is big.
I assume cultures differ the same way in the DHD world, too, and there are places where curses are believed in, and places where they don't exist and people view them as nothing else but superstitious woo-woo.
Then, of course, we have spiritual people like Pearl and people who know how to read cards but who might not be spiritual in other way (Loid).
Cat's husband Hagon isn't really a supernatural. He's part of "the monster race", whatever they official name is, and is basically a mutant of sort, embodying many different animal+human traits in one body. This is why Hagon is chronically ill, too.
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obawa-tattoo-art · 2 years
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Embrace the mystical moon cycle with our enchanting Crescent Moon and Cat spare tire cover. Durable, unique, and perfect for tarot enthusiasts! Embrace the Mystical Moon Cycle with Our Cover Embrace the Mystical Moon Cycle with the Crescent Moon and Cat Tire Cover Embark on a journey through the realms of the mystical with the Crescent Moon and Cat Spare Tire Cover. This enchanting accessory features a captivating design that combines a crescent moon with the silhouette of a cat, symbolizing the connection between feline grace and the lunar cycle. Whether you're a tarot enthusiast, a lover of all things mystical, or simply appreciate unique and eye-catching designs, this tire cover is sure to add a touch of magic to your vehicle. Durable Protection with a Mystical Twist Crafted from high-quality, weather-resistant materials, the Crescent Moon and Cat Spare Tire Cover not only shields your spare tire from the elements but also adds a mesmerizing touch to your vehicle. The durable fabric withstands sun, rain, and dirt, ensuring that your tire remains protected while you explore the open road. With its snug fit and easy installation, this cover combines practicality with a touch of the supernatural, making it a must-have accessory for anyone who appreciates the beauty of the moon and the allure of the feline form. A Unique Gift for Tarot Enthusiasts and Moon Lovers Are you searching for a one-of-a-kind gift for the tarot enthusiast, moon lover, or cat aficionado in your life? Look no further than the Crescent Moon and Cat Spare Tire Cover! This enchanting accessory makes a perfect present for birthdays, holidays, or just because. Its eye-catching design and practical use make it a delightful surprise that will captivate anyone who appreciates the mysteries of the universe and the grace of our feline companions. Give the gift of style, protection, and a touch of magic with this mesmerizing tire cover! Product Detail For Crescent Moon And Cat Mystical Tarot Card Moon Cycle Graphic Spare Tire Cover rproof PVC leather material, this cover is both functional and stylish, with unique sublimation printing on the surface for a personalized touch. With a soft, non-scratch backing and easy-to-clean surface, this tire cover is perfect for use on Jeeps, trailers, RVs, SUVs, trucks, or any other tire with the corresponding size. Note Please note that due to varying monitor and light effects, the actual color of the item may slightly differ from the images displayed. Printing technology DIGISOFT™ and Dye-sublimation Style Spare Tire Cover Gender Adult, Youth Color Printed with different colors Size Types: No Camera Hole, With Camera Hole Available in a range of sizes, including 27 inches, 28 inches, 29 inches, 30 inches, 32 inches, and 34 inches, our PVC Leather Spare Tire Cover is designed to fit most spare tires with ease. Brand Sparetiredepot.com – Premium Printed Brand Shipping from United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, HongKong and China An African Victory Menelik II Battle Of Adwa Spare Tire Cover, Rav4 Spare Tire Cover Key features: Our covers are UV-stabilized and water-resistant, ensuring they can withstand tough weather conditions, and each one is custom made just for you. Plus, our simple slip-on design makes installation a breeze, so you can protect your spare tire from sun damage, bird droppings, rust, and dirt in just seconds. Feedback Us: Should you find dissatisfaction with your acquisition, we sincerely urge you to get in touch with us so we can rectify the issue at hand. On the other hand, if you find your purchase satisfactory, we kindly ask that you consider leaving us a positive review. Your feedback not only aids us in maintaining the quality of our products but also assists potential customers in making informed choices. Our ultimate aim is to ensure absolute satisfaction for each and every customer we serve.
*IMPORTANT TO KEEP IN MIND* There may be a slight variation in the hues you see on your screen and the actual colors of the product, due to the discrepancy between digital and printed color tones. This product is custom-made, so we kindly ask you to verify the size, color, and other specific requirements to ensure your utmost satisfaction with your purchase! You are given a 12-hour window for any cancellations post-purchase. Beyond this period, our production process commences, and it becomes impractical to halt once initiated. Ensure your SPARETIREDEPOT address is accurate and comprehensive. Once the order processing begins, we might not be able to accommodate changes to the shipping address. We appreciate your patronage and invite you to reach out to us if you have any queries! [thien_display_attachment_images] Care instructions: Machine washable. Better wash with cold water. Source: https://sparetiredepot.com/
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grazynasiedlecka · 2 months
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Grymas Zwany Uśmiechem I A Grimace Called A Smile
Windowlicker Gallery, 03.08 - 31.08.2024, Warsaw, Poland
Opening: 3.08.2024, 13 - 16:30, pavillon nr 40, Nowy Bazar Różyckiego, Targowa 54, Warsaw
Artists: Andres Larraín Araneda, Katarzyna Bialik, Kornelia Bolechala, Basia Budniak, Adam Durjasz, Jakub Dziewit, Sonia Góral, Jadwiga Janowska, Amelia Jawień, Jakub Kostewicz, Wojtek Kutyła, Karolina Maliszewska, Jagoda Malanin, Jakub Pasek, Katarzyna Rogoża-Pochylska, Edyta Rybak, Wioletta Rzepa, Grażyna Siedlecka, Anna Solecka, Milena Soporowska, Aleksandra Szlęk, Justyna Warwas, Marta Życińska
Event organized by Windowlicker & Fresh From Poland
Download the printable zine HERE.
Curator: Grażyna Siedlecka in collaboration with Milena Soporowska
It is commonly believed that laughter is an expression of happiness; laughter is health and a recipe for a fulfilled life. But is that really true?
Few philosophers have written about humor; and when they have, they have rarely spoken positively about it. Plato complained that laughter weakens self-control, and he traced its source to malice. Aristotle considered every joke to be a form of mockery. The Bible also criticizes hilarity: “Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep” (Luke 6:25). John Chrysostom wrote: “Laughter and jesting do not seem to be sinful, but they lead to sin.” The superiority theory—one of the three most popular theories of the philosophy of humor, along with the relief theory and the inconsistency theory—is not sparing in its criticism: it assumes that we find something funny because we feel superior to it (Hobbes, Descartes, Scruton).
The exhibition visually explores this grim side of a smile in times of fashion for flaunting humor and hiding negative emotions.
"Sudden glory is the passion which maketh those grimaces called laughter; and is caused either by some sudden act of their own that pleaseth them; or by the apprehension of some deformed thing in another, by comparison whereof they suddenly applaud themselves."
Thomas Hobbes, "Leviathan"
The exhibition is part of Grażyna Siedlecka's long-term curatorial research on the relationship between laughter, humour and visual arts.
Graphic based on the artwork of Amelia Jawień.
Windowlicker is an experimental exhibition space. The pavilion acts as something between a gallery and an esoteric stall, thus referring to the tradition of bazaar fortune tellers. You can drop in for an exhibition, but also for a consultation, or read various publications on esotericism, zines, and photography books, and… look at unusual tarot decks.
The name Windowlicker comes from the English idiom "window licking" (window shopping) and the French "lèche-vitrine". Loosely translated, it means “licking shop windows”, which means looking at shop windows but ultimately not buying anything.
The space is run by two creative people: Milena Soporowska (@milsopo) and Piotrek Sobiecki, who performs under the pseudonym Lotus Reaction (@lotus_reaction).
More information: 🔗https://www.instagram.com/vvindovv.licker/ 🔗https://milsopo.tumblr.com/…/windowlicker-exhibition…
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astromeena · 3 months
2024 Euro Cup Football Tournament - Group D Match - FRANCE VS POLAND - played on 25 June 2024 at 9.30 PM IST at Signal Iduna Park Dortmund Germany - Tarot Card Reading and My Dream XI Team for the betters
R Levandowski of Poland. Image Credit: Google Images My Dream XI Team: Maignan (Goal Keeper) T Hernandez (Defender) D Upamecano (Defender) J Bednarek (Defender) J Kounde (Defender) N Kante (Mid Fielder) O Dembele (Mid Fielder) J Moder (Mid Fielder) N Zalewski (Mid Fielder) R Lewandowski (Forward) K Mbappe (Forward) Captain: R Lewandowski Vice Captain: N Kante I wish the betters…
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