#tarot aloud
tarotaloud · 7 months
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В жизни нас сопровождает множество решений, не со всеми из которых нам по пути. Возможность отстоять собственную самость и выбрать что-то воспринимается иногда как привилегия, а подчас, наоборот, как обязаловка и обременительная опция окружающей среды. Не выбирая – не проживёшь. Поэтому очень пикантным кажется вариант делать выбор, не делая его.
Погадашки располагают этой властью, ведь: ▶️ можно расслабиться, так как большая часть аналитической работы сделана за тебя автором контента, и количество вариантов ограничено, что снимает страх неопределённости, но не настолько, чтобы притупить любопытство и азарт. ▶️ если прогноз не совпадёт, в списке потерь будут только ожидания от скрытых карт, которые выбирал спонтанно меньше полуминуты. ▶️ если прогноз хотя бы понравится, это улучшит настроение на день и добавит в жизнь определённости. Даже если в перспективе он не подтвердится, «плюшка» в обозримом настоящем перекрывает возможные минусы – см. предыдущий пункт. ▶️ мозг любит быстрые ответы, особенно те из них, что можно получить нахаляву. Тем более, остановить секрецию допамина, когда осязаемый (и, с шансом, приятный) результат всего в одном клике – процесс из области фантастики. ▶️ в расплывчатой формулировке «что тебе приготовила Вселенная?», «выйдет ли он на связь?» , «какое счастье на пороге?», «стоит ли давать ему шанс?», «каким будет твоё окружение в ноябре?» … легко разглядеть отголосок своей ситуации. ▶️ частая обновляемость постов. Если сегодня выпал прогноз, который вообще не в кассу, можно подождать вечерок до следующего или отлистать на похожую тему у другого автора. ▶️ не нужно делиться ни с кем своей личной ситуацией, говорить имя и возраст фигурантов расклада. Выпавшие карты одновременно доступны всем и в то же время – полностью конфиденциальны.
💡Это похоже на взгляд на далёкие звёзды – восприятие приближает к ним, одновременно ограничивая потенциалом рефлектора и собственным воображением.
Погадашки – опиум для народа, они облегчают его страдания.
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aseuki · 2 months
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It's time!!
Sharing my contribution to the Umbral Wings Tarot Deck with my art for the Knight of Water!
The campaign's in the final stretch and the deck is fully funded! 🎉🎉🎉 If you wanted to get your hands on some truly phenomenal artwork, I highly suggest checking it out! 👀
Here's the link once more in case you missed it: 👉 [Link]
Going to dip a little bit into the designmaking process itself under the cut!
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The Knight of Water is thematically about sensitivity. Charm, romance imagination-as a person, it's about a 'knight in shining armor' type character who may help others with the matters of the heart.
I also wanted to note that another cool thing about this deck is that the artists were designated their suit depending on their art and rendering style! The Air suit focuses on more atmospheric type art, Fire is character symbolism driven, in the Earth suit you'll se a lot of traditional-style rendering, and in the Water suit you'll see a lot more anime-inspired art styles!
With these factors in mind, I wanted a composition that would pay homage to the classic anime bishoujo genre--sailor moon and utena played heavily into the design and composition--something with lots of sparkles, atmospheric framing, a pretty waterfall to tie in the elemental theme, and lots and lots (and LOTS) of roses. (Fun fact! If you look at each rose, they have a heart in the centre! Each one was carefully and painstakingly hand drawn!). The pose that was chosen for this card was also a direct homage to the classic Sailor Moon style transformation sequences (and also swan mating dances with the wings), with the element of a 'bleeding heart' visual cue so to speak with the red roses and petals to the chest haha--it was fun going through different pose ideas before settling on this one! Roses and thorns go hand in hand, so thorny vines were also added at the bottom so that they become more evident when the card is inverted! (The inverted card speaks of emotional upset, depression, hypersensitivity, and lashing out)
For the dragon design itself, I took the 'prince on a white horse' and 'knight in shining armor' aspect and meshed them with leafy and weedy sea dragons and betta fish from real life to make a unicorn-like design--a creature that is traditionally associated with sensitivity and emotions--with a classic anime magical girl spin. I wanted the design to look ethereal and noble, and still clearly a dragon instead of a horse! (It was trickier than one might think!)
That's all the notes I have at the moment! Overall this was an Incredibly fun project to think through, I know I've been absolutely vibrating off the walls to share this haha! Everyone else has also brought their A game to each card in this deck, be sure to check them out through the KS link when you can, I can assure you that each and every card is just as lovingly rendered as this one!
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ad-caelestia · 1 month
How to Enchant Items 🔮
To enchant an item is to infuse it with magical energy. This energy can come from a variety of sources, including celestial bodies, elements, crystals, herbs, or even yourself. 
Some individuals use the words “enchant” and “charm” synonymously as a way to describe the process of infusing something with energy, but for the sake of this post and due to my own beliefs, you enchant something and it then becomes a charm. Alternately, a charm can be something with its own innate energy, like a crystal or herbal amulet. 
Enchanting items to turn them into magical objects involves more than just intent - you must learn to channel and manipulate energy, and direct it into that item for enchanting to be successful. 
Although, the process of enchanting is extremely versatile and there are many ways to do it.
Here are a few ideas on how to enchant items, in no particular order:
Surround the item with crystals of corresponding intent
Surround the item with herbs of corresponding intent 
Place the item in a jar filled with herbs that represent your intent
Place the item in front of a candle and meditate on your intent 
Anoint the item with an oil, charged water, or crystal elixir of corresponding intent 
Hold the item in your hand(s) and visualize it filling with the appropriate energy 
Hold the item in your hand(s) and speak or sing your intent aloud
Craft a symbol to keep near the item in an envelope or sachet
Sew, stitch, or carve a symbol into the item  
Write your intention on paper and keep in an envelope with the item 
Pair the item with a corresponding runestone or tarot / oracle card in an envelope 
Take the item and put it in a box with other items that represent your intent such as crystals, herbs, talismans, amulets, etc. 
Bury the item in soil with herbs and/or crystals that match your intent (please don’t put salt on your lawn though, unless you want dead grass)
Pass the item through incense smoke that matches your intent 
Pro Tip: Time your enchantments with the appropriate planetary hour, day of the week, time of day, or lunar phase to increase your chances of creating a successful charm.
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servantofthefates · 2 months
How to Avenge Yourself with Tarot
My grandma taught me never to draw first blood. But that if a soul hurts me maliciously, the old gods will consider my vengeance an act of self-love.
Step 1: State your case.
In a dim, quiet, private place… shuffle your cards, as you recount to them every detail of how you were cruelly injured. As if writing in a diary, divulge aloud your agony. Let your heart fill with ache. Let your body swell with rage.
Step 2: Choose the punishment.
When your pain and fury are at their peak… find the card in the deck that in your soul you believe to fit the misdeed.
Death: Serious illness
The Devil: Emotional abuse
The Tower: Sweeping chaos
The Moon: Damaging secrets revealed
Five of Wands: Friends turning foes
Seven of Wands: Crippling stress
Nine of Wands: Paranoia
Ten of Wands: Bone fractures
Five of Cups: Bouts of depression
Two of Swords: Significant errors in judgement
Three of Swords: Sudden loss of love
Five of Swords: Defeat in competitions
Eight of Swords: Mental or physical imprisonment
Nine of Swords: Insomnia and anxiety
Ten of Swords: Festering cuts and bruises
Knight of Swords: Physical and verbal abuse
Five of Pentacles: Financial ruin
Step 3: Decide the duration.
Find a second card in your deck. Remember that even the smallest cut left unchecked can lead to death. So unless it is warranted… be fair and be prudent.
Ace of Wands: A few days
Ace of Swords: A week
Ace of Cups: A month
Ace of Pentacles: A year
Step 4: Carry out the sentence.
Hold both cards in your hands, with the punishment on top, and the duration behind it, hidden in the back.
Gaze at the card… and with every fiber of your being, imagine it moving.
If it is the Knight of Swords, watch him gallop on his way to cut your oppressor in half. If it is Death, see your oppressor lying lifeless by the Reaper’s horse. If it is the Ten of Swords, let your oppressor take the place of the corpse in the card. Watch their back ooze with blood from every wound, gash and slash.
Step 5: Let it go.
Your raw vulnerability in admitting your injury has connected you to the higher power you have faith in, be that the Universe or a deity.
They have heard your appeal, which will soon be fulfilled. Offer them your gratitude in advance. Your wounds are now in good hands.
It could take days… weeks… even longer. It will happen once your oppressor believes they have gotten away with bruising you. At that moment, a colossal flame will engulf their contentment. And you will know in your heart that the debt has been collected.
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thejournallo · 4 months
Explain the basic: Shadow Work
As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
Desclaimer: Everything I will talk about is information that I got from books and sites online and even videos on YouTube. In my years of practice, I learned as much as I could out of curiosity and what works best for me. I suggest you do the same by learning as much as you can on your own (I will be here making posts teaching this kind of stuff) from multiple sources.
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Shadow work in witchcraft refers to the practice of exploring and integrating the darker, often unconscious parts of oneself. This concept, which has roots in Jungian psychology, involves confronting and working through repressed emotions, fears, and desires that can influence behavior and spiritual well-being. For witches and those practicing modern paganism, shadow work is a means of personal growth, healing, and achieving a more balanced self.
What is Shadow Work?
Concept and Origins
The term "shadow" was popularized by Carl Jung, who described it as the unconscious part of the personality that contains repressed weaknesses, desires, and instincts. In witchcraft, shadow work involves delving into these hidden aspects to gain a deeper understanding of oneself and to heal from past traumas. (Do not take it as a substitution for a professional therapist.)
the Purpose is:
Self-Awareness: Gaining insight into one's unconscious motivations and behaviors.
Healing: Addressing and healing from past wounds and traumas.
Integration: Bringing the shadow into the conscious mind to achieve a more balanced and whole self.
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How to Do Shadow Work in Witchcraft
Safe Space: Create a physical and emotional space where you feel safe and comfortable. This can include an altar, candles, crystals, and other personal items.
Set Intentions: Clearly state your intentions for undertaking shadow work. This could be written in a journal or spoken aloud as part of a ritual.
Journaling: Regularly write about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Focus on patterns, triggers, and recurring themes in your life.
Meditation: Practice meditation to quiet the mind and become more aware of your inner world. Guided meditations specifically for shadow work can be helpful.
Dream Analysis: Pay attention to your dreams and record them. Dreams can provide insight into the unconscious mind.
Tarot and Oracle Cards: Use tarot or oracle cards to explore your shadow. Specific spreads can help reveal hidden aspects of yourself.
Rituals: Perform rituals that focus on introspection and healing. These might involve candle work, invoking deities or spirits associated with transformation, and symbolic acts like burning written fears or burying objects representing old wounds.(Do not even think of doing this without the right preparation first!)
Mirror Work: Spend time looking at yourself in the mirror, speaking affirmations, and acknowledging both positive and negative aspects of yourself.
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Integration and Healing
Acceptance: Acknowledge and accept all parts of yourself without judgment.
Self-Compassion: Practice self-compassion and forgiveness for past mistakes and behaviors.
Therapy: Consider professional therapy if needed, especially when dealing with deep traumas or difficult emotions.
Continual Practice
Shadow work is an ongoing process rather than a one-time task. Regularly revisit and update your practices to continue growing and healing.
Tips for Effective Shadow Work
Patience and Persistence: Shadow work can be challenging and emotional. Be patient with yourself and persistent in your efforts.
Support System: Have a support system in place, whether friends, family, or a community of like-minded individuals.
Self-Care: Engage in regular self-care activities to balance the intensity of shadow work.
Balance: Ensure you balance shadow work with other spiritual practices that uplift and energize you.
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Shadow work in witchcraft is a profound journey of self-discovery and healing, leading to greater self-awareness and spiritual depth. By embracing both the light and shadow within, practitioners can achieve a more harmonious and integrated self.
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helpolnix · 4 months
The constant desire to hear them.
I’m getting better at speaking aloud to the gods. Communicating with divination and just *feeling* them in the room with me, but fuck, sometimes I really do wish I could have full on conversations with them.
When I’m speaking about my life or want more concise advice that isn’t tarot, I just wish I could hear them. I want to know what advice they would give, in their own words. I often times can feel their tone at least, and it’s how I’m able to navigate how to speak to each of them.
With Hermes, he feels more like a mentor more than anything. So I keep my back straight and speak to him with so much respect, even when my emotions get the best of me. With Dionysus, I lean back a bit more, and it just feels like I’m talking to an older friend that’s looking out for me. And lately with Helios it’s what I would almost call a sibling relationship, I think. Or something along those lines as he lets me playfully curse at him or pretend to dislike him. (I’m not a summertime person, for anyone who hasn’t read my other posts. I’m not just randomly starting shit with a deity I promise LOL)
And I just set up a small bedside altar for Hypnos yesterday. Haven’t gotten a read on how that will be going, yet. But he feels warm, welcoming.
But wow, that desire to hear their voice isn’t ever going to go away, is it? I’m jealous of people that get visited in dreams. That must be fun. Or even the lucky few who have been visited in person by them, albeit in forms we’re not familiar with. But you know it’s them after the interaction is over. You feel it.
Maybe one day, if they deem it necessary. Though I feel like it wouldn’t happen for something flippant. It’s always when you need them most.
They’re cool like that.
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enchantedwitchling · 3 months
Unlocking the Mysteries: Divination for Beginner Witches🔮✨🖤
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(GIF not mine!!)
Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown through various methods. It’s a way of connecting with your inner wisdom, the universe, or spiritual forces to gain insight and guidance. While some see it as predicting the future, many view it as a tool for introspection and understanding the present.
Why Do We Practice Divination?
Gain Clarity: Divination helps clarify confusing or difficult situations, providing insights that may not be immediately obvious.
Make Decisions: It can assist in making informed decisions by highlighting potential outcomes and factors to consider.
Connect Spiritually: It fosters a deeper connection with your intuition, spiritual guides, or higher self.
Self-Discovery: Divination often reveals inner thoughts and feelings, aiding in personal growth and self-awareness.
Prepare for the Future: While it doesn’t predict the future in absolute terms, divination can highlight trends and energies that might influence future events.
Popular Methods of Divination
Tarot Cards
What It Is: A deck of 78 cards, each with symbolic imagery and meanings, used to gain insights into various aspects of life.
How to Use: Shuffle the deck while focusing on your question, then draw cards and interpret their meanings based on their positions and your intuition.
Oracle Cards
What It Is: Similar to tarot, but typically with fewer cards and more flexible themes, often focusing on specific guidance or affirmations.
How to Use: Shuffle and draw cards as with tarot, focusing on the guidance you seek. The meanings are usually simpler and more direct.
Pendulum Dowsing
What It Is: A weighted object, often a crystal, suspended from a chain or string, used to answer yes/no questions based on its movements.
How to Use: Hold the pendulum steady and ask a question. Observe the direction it swings (e.g., clockwise for yes, counterclockwise for no).
What It Is: Small stones or pieces of wood inscribed with ancient symbols, each representing different energies or concepts.
How to Use: Draw runes from a bag while focusing on your question, then interpret their meanings and how they relate to your query.
What It Is: Gazing into a reflective surface like a crystal ball, mirror, or bowl of water to receive visions or impressions.
How to Use: Sit quietly and gaze into the surface, letting your mind relax and observe any images, shapes, or messages that appear.
Tea Leaf Reading (Tasseography)
What It Is: Interpreting the patterns left by tea leaves in a cup to gain insights.
How to Use: Drink a cup of loose-leaf tea, leaving a small amount of liquid and leaves. Swirl the cup, then look at the patterns formed by the leaves and interpret their meanings.
How to Carry Out Divination Safely
1. Create a sacred space
Prepare Your Area: Ensure your divination space is quiet, clean, and free from distractions. Light a candle or some incense to set a calming atmosphere.
Protective Circle: Consider casting a protective circle or saying a protective prayer to safeguard your energy.
2. Set a Clear Intention
Focus Your Mind: Be clear about what you want to know or explore. State your intention or question aloud or silently before you begin.
3. Ground and Center Yourself
Stay Balanced: Take a few deep breaths, visualize roots growing from your feet into the earth, and feel grounded and centered.
4. Respect the Process
Be Open and Respectful: Approach divination with an open mind and respect for the process. Avoid trying to force specific answers.
5. Interpreting Responsibly
Use Intuition and Logic: Interpret messages using both your intuition and logical thinking. Remember that divination often highlights potentialities, not certainties.
Avoid Scary Predictions: Refrain from making alarming or ominous predictions. Divination should empower and guide, not frighten.
6. Conclude and Close the Session
Thank and Release: Once finished, thank any spiritual guides or energies you’ve called upon. Gently say, “Thank you for your guidance. This session is now closed.”
Put Away Tools: Store your divination tools in a safe and respectful place, and cleanse them occasionally to remove residual energy.
7. Ground Again
Rebalance Your Energy: After the session, ground yourself again by eating a small snack or holding a grounding stone like hematite.
8. Journal Your Insights
Record Your Experience: Write down your question, the divination method used, and the insights gained. This helps track patterns and deepen your understanding over time.
Final Thoughts
Divination is a wonderful practice that can enrich your witchcraft journey and provide valuable insights into your life and the world around you. As you explore different methods, you’ll discover what resonates with you the most and develop your unique approach to seeking wisdom and guidance.
Happy divining! 🌙✨🔮
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cmchill · 2 months
So something hilarious happened and I want to share it. I hope they don't find this because that would be AWKWARD if they found my Tumblr (okay actually it would probably be absolutely fine but anyway.)
So. I am a college student supervising high schoolers currently. We're chilling this evening after all the things and a girl is doing tarot readings, just for fun and whatever. You can pick a question or topic and a couple people picked love life. I'm in line thinking, wouldn't it be really funny... I could be laughing my butt off privately the whole time. This would be too good. I think I have to do this it would be hilarious. I speak a couple of these thoughts aloud without context as my turn approaches.
I get in the chair, chuckling about how I'm just gonna do it. The girl next to me, not the one doing the reading but another very chatty and social one, looks directly at me and asks quite deliberately, "[my name], do you like garlic bread?"
I get a bit of a surprised grin, not sure if I'm understanding correctly, as I turn to her and say, "Yes I do, very much." Her eyes go big and her face lights with recognition and she's like "Ha I knew it! Me too!"
A couple people also start grinning and exclaiming while many others are confused but can clearly see we just had something happen. One remarks on the "instant spark of recognition", "clown-to-clown communication right there". Only then does the questioner notice my black ring on my right hand, prominently displayed as I prop up my chin. I've been wearing it almost constantly the entire last 5 weeks I've been with them.
This sparks another round of chatter. I inform her that I did have a white one too but I lost it. The one doing the taro readings is now more lost, saying "I'm not familiar with this part of garlic bread culture" but that still just makes me happy that one not of our culture knew of it anyway.
Anyway then we continue with the reading, one or two people catch on or are informed, other silent onlookers either aren't impressed or are sadly (hopefully not maliciously) ignorant of the hidden world of garlic bread dragons cake and black rings.
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
What is the Best Way for YOU to Manifest?
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I have been receiving so many notes from yall and there are so many new followers!!! thank you all so much for the love and the affirmation! I really enjoy doing this and it helps me stay in a healthy mindset so I'm glad I can assist others while assisting myself.
In today's reading I am using Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot, The Healing Waters Oracle, and The Starseed Oracle. Take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new perspectives!
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Astrology: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Vibes: Blue, navy, black, skulls, ice, Hermes, ocean, coast-line, shark teeth, crystal jewelry, castles, olive tree, music, cats, fish, soda, marine life in general, crying, spicy food, hot meal, alternative fashion
Song: Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for Fears
Cards: The Artist, 7 of Cups, Page of Cups, The Ripple Effect, Perspective
Heyooo pile one! Welcome to your reading. The best way yall can manifest is by projecting it out of you. This can be through making art of some kind or just looking at art of what it is that you desire. Either way all you need is to see the desire outside of yourself and it will eventually find its way to you. I see you are quite protective of your desires and it is difficult for you to choose which one you want to manifest most because you want them all so much. You can have them all if you like. You need to admire what you want to manifest. Imagine how you would feel seeing whatever it is in your hands. If it is an object imagine what the texture of it would feel like. What does it look like? Imagine its color. If it is an experience that you wish to manifest imagine how it would feel to experience it. What would your senses take in when you experience it? You know intuitively what it is you want without having it. Doesn't it make sense you would intuitively know what it would be like? The clearer the vision you have, the quicker it will manifest into existence. Just remember anything you wish to manifest is already yours. It has your name written on its spiritual frequency. You just gotta match the frequency. Don't worry about how it will happen. Don't worry about the plan. The universe already knows how it will get to you. You don't have to worry about that part. The details are already taken care of, my dude. Trust the universe.
Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Vibes: Green, yellow, white, wild-flowers, children laughing, church bells, lions, eagles, bulls, peanut butter, being barefooted, 222, snakes, curry, ribbons
Song: What I've Got by Sublime
Cards: Wheel of Fortune, 6 of Cups, 2 of Swords, King Tide, Breath of the Cosmos
Hi, pile 2! The best way for you to manifest is through verbal expression. I see many entities watching over you. They wait patiently for you to ask for what you desire. They listen closely to what you truly want. When you ask it must be backed by the desire of your inner child. If it does not align with your inner child's desires the entities might not hear you. The universe wants to cradle your inner child. It coos at them waiting for them to speak. Let your inner baby ask for what it wants. Let them speak. It is common for inner children to be silenced by the world so this might take some convincing. Be patient with them and they will tell your guides everything you truly desire and I swear it'll be dropped in your lap or by your doorstep in no time at all. You must trust your younger self to know what is right. You must trust the universe to deliver it to you. Both of them want you to experience abundance and plenty. Both of them want you to receive the fullness of life. Speak aloud what your younger self wants. Speak it with confidence in the effect it will have on your experience. It must be genuine. Whatever you want is already yours once it is spoken.
Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Vibes: Purple, forest green, pink, dogs, umbrellas, door knocker, hibiscus, olives, grapes, plums, violets, pomegranate, venus, 2222, incense smoke, candles, amethyst, cannabis, kayaking, hiking, Saturn
Song: Amethyst by Janine the Machine
Cards: The Fool, The Empress, The Well, Ilse of Avalon, You're Not For Everyone
Pile three, welcome to your reading! The best way for you to manifest is through your actions. I feel how hard you work in my body through the cards. You are far too resilient cus gotdamn your back hurts. Hard work is a way to manifest yes but what might work better for you is to enjoy yourself. By working hard all the time you invite in more work to do. Your actions display your manifestations. If you desire rest and relaxation (which i think you do) then meditation might help you. Do what you enjoy doing. Your physical reality with mirror your mind. Allow your mind to take a break. Embrace what you have wanted to do for a while. I know you have been trying so hard to get the manifestations you desire so deeply. I know those 60 to 80 hour work weeks have been hard on your mind and body. Pamper yourself a little bit. Invite more softenest in. Be willing to receive. Leap into bed, turn on your favorite show, and indulge a little in your favorite snack. Heal your soul. The cards also tell me you are a bit weird and quirky but you hide that a lot. It will help your manifestations come faster if you just embrace your weirdness. Lean into your quirkiness. I feel you are already really connected to Source and Source is where all that we need/desire comes from. You just gotta tap back into that energy again. Wow, okay I think your guides have been telling you to rest for a while. I am hearing them LOUD and CLEAR. They are a little frustrated with you not listening to them. You are pretty stubborn huh? I see you might have hurt yourself at work recently. That was an invitation to rest. Take the invitation, please. I see that if you don't take the invitation now you might be forced to later.
Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Vibes: Orange, red, sky blue, lavender, holding hands, hand-shakes, raining when the sun is out, rainbows, martini, fajitas, goblets, queer pride, 1111, throat chakra, oroborous, lotus flower
Song: Dracula from Houston by Butthole Surfers
Cards: The Magician, The Lovers, Ace of Cups, Let It Rain, Water Your Garden
Hey there, pile 4! Welcome to your reading, my friend. The best way you manifest is through communication. It's a bit more specific than that. Specifically when you're communicating in ways that are also taking care of yourself. Some examples of this are journaling, venting to a friend, talking with your lover, setting a boundary or writing letters to a pen pal. When you are verbalizing your desires to your friends be sure you are communicating with those you trust. I also see saying daily affirmations in the mirror would work as well. Which sometimes looks very ritualistic and other times it's you singing a song that makes you feel really positive about yourself in the mirror. Hype yourself up and that is a way to manifest as well. Anything with language involved while you are nourishing your body. I do see it might be difficult for you to gather your thoughts on your own so I do think it would be a bit easier to speak to a trusted advisor. Your words have power. Your language has power. The things that slip from your mouth are magic. Be very intentional about what you say, my dear.
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ourimpavidheroine · 4 months
So let's talk about Alexandra Rowland's Running Close to the Wind. (And yes, of course there are mild spoilers, but I'm trying to be careful with them.) I don't review books, but I do recommend them, so that's what this is from me: a recommendation.
It is no secret that Rowland's A Taste of Gold and Iron is a book I love deeply and wholeheartedly. I have gabbled on at length about it before and read it...you know I'm not sure how many times I've read it. A prince and his bodyguard falling in love is a thing for me, and the book is gorgeously written. I also love their Chant books (prepare to have your heart broken, is all I am going to say) so I felt sure, going in, that I would love Running Close to the Wind.
Now here's the deal. RCttW is a hands down, knocks you on your ass hysterically funny book about pirates. I found myself laughing aloud many times during reading it, disturbing my cat and at one point, laughing hard enough that I woke up my kid. (Sorry about that!) It's advertised as being funny, and it delivers on every single count.
But also? Underneath all of the madcap hilarity it has some scathingly pointed things to say about religion and capitalism. There is a speech that one of the three main characters gives in the end of the book that is absolutely breathtaking in its fury, and by breathtaking I do mean that literally. It took my breath away. I read it; took a very deep breath and read it again. And then I read it aloud, just so I could hear the words.
Those of you who have read A Taste of Gold and Iron (as well as the recently released novella Tadek and the Princess, and how very dare you, Alexandra Rowling) know about the Mahisti Dynasty and its ruling sultans, descended from merchants. RCttW picks up pretty much where AToGaI left off; however, it is about pirates and none of the characters from AToGaI are in this book. (1) That does not mean, however, that the Mahisti Dynasty is not a part of this book. Because it is. It really, really is.
Most of the reviews I've read about this book focus on the humor. And as I said, it is brilliantly funny! That being said, Alexandra Rowland cited the late Sir Terry Pratchett as an influence, and honey, they were not kidding. If you know anything about Pratchett's work you know that he never missed an opportunity to really skewer injustice to the wall, and Rowland lives up to his legacy here. In other words, come for the wickedly funny and terrifyingly lucky little queen Avra Helvaçi and stay for the savage roasting that follows.
So let's talk about Avra Helvaçi, shall we? Avra is a dubiously (yet also mystifyingly) successful spy, in his mid-thirties, who takes partial retirement in the beginning of the book due to just a little spot of treason. I mean, it's really TREASON but Avra wasn't really trying to be treasonous, he just got bored and wondered if he could maybe, you know, get away with it? (All of the ADHDrs out there, raise your hand if You Know.) Avra cannot shut up and stop whining for the life of him, can't stop poking at people and walking the fine line of will I fuck him or murder him? (keep that hand up, ADHDrs) and is incredibly lucky. Weirdly lucky. No, really, how the fuck is this guy, this lackluster spy, this inveterate reader of his universe's version of the Tarot, this man who hides on top of wardrobes when things get dicey, this lucky?
Then we've got Captain Teveri az-Ḥaffār, on-again/off-again lover of Avra, pirate extraordinaire (okay, okay, okay, maybe a little cash poor at the moment), terse and out to prove themself, constantly simmering with anger, refusing point blank to let anyone else care for them. It takes awhile to get into Tev's backstory, but what we do know right away is that despite Tev's rather intimidating façade, they care very deeply for their crew and will do just about anything for them, including a whole lot of personal sacrifice that seems to go pretty much unnoticed by just about everyone (except the dubiously successful spy, see above).
And lastly we have Brother Julian, a smoking hot 12/10 monk and brilliant scholar, an alchemist, a revolutionary who has taken a vow of celibacy but who can't keep his eyes off of Avra. We all want to fuck Brother Julian, even those of us who actually don't want to fuck him. Yeah. He's that guy. Blond hair to his knees and wicked ass and all. Brother Juuuuuuuulian.
Before I move on to the plot I do want to give a shout out to all of the secondary characters. They are written with so much love as well. They are all characters in their own right, all of them unique in their own ways. That's not an easy thing for a writer to do, but Rowland succeeds brilliantly here. All of their secondary characters have backstories that I, for one, would love to read. It's rare to get that kind of depth to a character that only gets a few mentions, but Rowland's character work has always been exquisite, and only gets better as they keep writing.
But on to the plot! The comedy really pays off here. There's a cake baking contest towards the end of the book that had actual tears in my eyes. (When I was six a seagull snatched an ice cream cone right out of my little hands, so let me just say that I heartily approve of the seagull security part of the contest.) But trust me when I tell you, the book starts off funny and is funny until the very end. I don't want to spoil too much here, but there is a beginning, middle and very satisfactory end to the plot, so rest assured it succeeds.
The book is also cheerfully, filthily sexual, with mentions of well-stocked dildo boxes, blowjobs (I HOWLED at a particular image of pythons), a cabin on the ship formerly housing a spooky dentist (2) but now reserved for nooky, friendly prostitutes and a queer-normative world that doesn't include either homophobia or transphobia. (There is no actual sex on screen, however - so for all the verbal smut, there is a fade to black way of handling sex.) Listen, if you can't appreciate a well-crafted dick joke, then this probably isn't the book for you. The rest of you, however, will love it.
Underneath the humor is where this book really gets you, though. The politics! The mental health issues! The PTSD! The desperation of poverty in the face of capitalism! The lingering impact of restrictive religion! Motherfucking colonialism! Why does Avra hide? Why does Tev constantly resort to anger? Why does Julian, who took a vow of celibacy, torment others sexually? Yes, it's funny. Until it isn't. Until characters have to take a step back and realize that they are causing harm to others because of the harm that was done to them. Oh yes, my friends. It's there, hidden under the dick jokes. Rowland wants you laughing, they delight in your laughter, but they are going to stab you when you least expect it. (Ow, okay? Ow.)
At the same time, however, there is a deep and achingly sweet exploration of a threesome, of how a fraught relationship between two people can be healed and made whole with a third person who completes all of them. It is so very rare to see a true threesome explored this way, where it's not purely a sex thing (3) but rather how a real relationship, a supportive and healthy relationship does not always have to follow what we as readers consider "normal".
The thing is, though, that there are probably a lot of readers who are never going to register the revolutionary heart of this novel. (And that includes quite a few of the reviewers, yeesh.) They will come for the dick jokes and the fast-paced humor and miss out on what Rowland is actually trying to say here. Because Rowland doesn't hit readers over the head with said revolutionary heart. There's no heavy-handed obvious lecturing here (save the monologue I mentioned above); Rowland doesn't hold your hand or shove it into your face. It's called subtext, friends, and Rowland is a master. It's there. But you have to read a little deeper. Rowland expects their readers to find it on their own, much the same as Pratchett always did. And I am here to tell you, FIND IT.
I don't think it's a bad thing that folks aren't seeing past the dick jokes in terms of book sales and Rowland being able to pay their bills, but I urge all of you to read it twice. Read it the first time for the humor, for the madcap adventures and the dirty sea shanties and Brother Julian with his shirt off. (Please read it for that.) But read it again, for all the things that Rowland has to say about these very human characters of theirs, and the flawed world they live in. Because I promise you that Rowland has so many good and important and yes, decisive things to say about it.
Go on now. Go and buy it. (Or borrow it from your local library.) Read it. Have some cake while you're reading. (Be aware that the US and UK covers are very different, so don't get confused and then pissed like I did for a hot minute when my pre-order arrived in Finland with the UK cover and I thought they'd sent me the wrong book.)
(1) There is a mention of the Sultan. Which made me laugh so hard my asthma tried to kick in.
(2) We never meet said spooky dentist, but it's Rowland's genius at character work that makes us really, really, REALLY want to meet the spooky dentist.
(3) Not that there's anything wrong with the sex thing, just ask them.
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notthesomefather · 3 months
Reading runes: tips for beginners
Hi folks! When beginners start investigating rune-reading, they typically see two things: posts reiterating that runes had no historical basis in divination and posts dictating what each rune always means.
While the former is true, it doesn't negate the power of letting the divine speak to you through channels you understand--whether you use playing cards, tarot, runes, or other signs to interpret these messages. And while runes each carry their own meaning(s), these meanings are not fixed but context-sensitive.
Step One: Sitting with the runes
Before you do too much research, I'd advise you to simply sit with the runes and listen to how they feel. Hold one in your hand, visualize one in your mind, chant one's name aloud, or some combination of those techniques. Let images, sounds, smells, and ideas come to you without analysis or critique. This is an initial "getting to know you" meditation meant to be repeated many times throughout your journey, and I'd advise revisiting these meditations even after you feel acquainted with the runes.
Step Two: Researching the runes
Research into historical and linguistic concepts behind the runes may be beneficial. I'd also recommend contemporary research--see how folks use the runes in their practice, whether in divination, creation of bind runes, or other implementations. Know that each individual will have their own relationship with runes, but keep an eye open for inspiration.
Step Three: Questioning the runes
Once you understand how you interpret the runes, it's time to take them for a spin. I advise against very detailed "yes or no" questions and suggest broader, more open-ended questions. Example: instead of "Should I take this job?" ask, "What are qualities in a job that would make me happy?" then see if the offered job reflects those values. Instead of "Does Tyr like it when I offer him a beer?" ask, "What are attributes Tyr values in a devotee?"
Step Four: Throwing the runes
As part of your research phase, I'd suggest looking up different rune spreads to see if any resonate with you. What I do is more random and case-by-case: without looking, I dig my hand into the runes and concentrate on my question. I do this until a rune pops into my hand (or out of the bag) or feels unusually heavy. I'll pull runes without looking until the remaining runes in the bag feel neutral (nothing trying to pop out)--this results in typically 3-5 runes but it varies. I typically don't organize the runes or pull with any spread in mind, but rather leave them where they fall (from the bag or my palm).
Step Five: Interpreting the runes
Sit back, take deep breaths, and remember to view the spread as a whole. Each rune is in communication with the others.
I interpret the runes' placement to indicate their relationships with one another. For example, if I throw a Berkano, Perthro, and Elhaz, but the Perthro and Elhaz are on top of each other, I'll analyze them as a pair. So I would analyze Berkano on its own, the relationship between Perthro and Elhaz, and then the larger relationship between all three. Yes, it is 100% okay to refer back to notes you've taken!
In my experience, the most important thing to remember is: reading the runes requires a great deal of self-honesty and inner reflection, bravery to hear tough answers, and humility to let the runes answer questions we didn't know we were asking.
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tarotaloud · 6 months
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Трудно переоценить, насколько часто люди, задавая картам тот или иной вопрос, решают вытянуть триплет. И ошибаются в трактовке.
То «не собирается» значение всех карт, то непонятно, какой аркан приоритетный — или нужно тактовать все скопом, то начинают одолевать сомнения — и тянут допы, и задают вопрос повторно, может быть даже на другой колоде — тем же триплетом.
Так происходит, когда таролог:
думает, что такой способ гадания — единственный и привычный.
не до конца уверен в своём способе интерпретации значений и полагает, что разные карты триплета помогут прояснить ситуацию.
не понимает, как работает триплет.
не отработал понятный ему способ чтения триплета.
интерпретирует карты, не исходя из формы и формулировки вопроса.
интуитивно не чувствует разницы «подходящего» и «неподходящего» ответа.
вопрос задан непонятно для самого таролога.
Как можно исправить этот бардак 🎠
📍 Один вопрос — одна карта. Есть техника, когда несколько карт читаются линейкой, образуя историю, но этот способ требует тренировки и определённого стиля мышления. Если вы недавно трактуете или не привыкли к такому формату, будет разумнее задавать 1 вопрос на 1 карту расклада, даже если в раскладе карт несколько.
📍 Разные карты могут открыть нюансы ситуации, но они же могут и запутать, если не понимаешь, какая позиция расклада за что отвечает. И зачем вообще три карты, если мы говорим о триплетах. Хочется больше одной карты — мысленно назначьте, какая карта за что отвечает. Например, при ответе на вопрос связкой из двух карт «что-каким образом», «если это произойдёт-что тогда случится», «произойдёт в течение недели-в течение дня» или из трёх «прошлое-настоящее-будущее», «кто-что-где», «что-когда-как». Полезно класть рядом близкие по тематике вопросов карты — так они образуют смысловые связки и дают дополнительные сведения об исходно раздельных вопросах. А ещё позволяют (по желанию таролога) высчитать квинт с пониманием, о чём исходно спрашиваем.
📍 Есть несколько вариантов трактовки триплета: 💬️ первая выложенная на стол карта даёт ответ на вопрос, остальные две подчёркивают и уточняют обстоятельства. 💬️ карты триплета оцениваются по номиналу. Ответ даёт старшая карта, остальные — уточняющие. 💬️ карты читаются последовательно слева направо, как история ситуации. 💬️ средняя карта триплета — самая главная. 💬️ при ответе на закрытый вопрос («да-нет») учитывается количество прямых и перевёрнутых карт, соответственно, в пользу положительного или отрицательного результата.
Если таролог забывает о принципах, котрые стоят за арканами и упускает из виду контекст, почему именно эти карты легли вместе, любой из этих способов приведёт к ошибке.
📍 Важно проверить на практике, с обратной связью, какой именно способ чтения триплетов резонирует с вашим образом мышления, с каким именно ВАМ легче всего работать. Это — взаимодействие с картами, как с собеседником, повышающее ваше мастерство таролога.
📍 Практика раскладов и духовный опыт, связанный с картами, повышение своей восприимчивости и открытости информации — важная часть пути таролога.
Я не призываю к «психонавтике», но говорю про выработку вследствие регулярной трактовки внутреннего чувства «уместности» того или иного значения и ощущения принципа проявления архетипов, стоящих за картинками на картоне.
📍 Дайте себе время на то, чтобы сформулировать вопрос, который действительно откликается, в той форме, в которой вы хотите услышать ответ.
📍 Если вопрос длинный — лучше разделить его на блоки и спросить о каждом последовательно.
📍 Перед тем, как спрашивать, проверьте, действительно ли вы понимаете, о чём спрашиваете, и в какой форме вы рассчитываете получить ответ (например, мечи и кубки — «нет», жезлы и пентакли — «да»). Помните о контексте вопроса, разные арканы, в зависимости от контекста и места в раскладе, меняют своё значение.
➾ Есть много разных способов получить ответ от карт, если вы выбираете триплет, пусть это будет осознанно.
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coinandcandle · 1 year
Paradigm Time! - What is a Paradigm?
TL;DR: Paradigms are how you make sense of magic and how it fits into the world in your experiences. They aren't right or wrong and they often change!
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Paradigm: a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind
Note: There are a few different definitions of paradigm depending on the field you're talking about. In the case of magic, we are using the definition above.
Paradigms are essentially how you make sense of the world around you. In magic, these paradigms are ways in which someone understands magic, how it works, and how it is used in the world.
Other people have used words like “framework”, or “beliefs/belief system”. Whatever you call it is fine!
Paradigms can and often do change over time, maybe you used to believe “xyz”, but now you’re thinking more “abc”. This doesn't make everything that you did while you believed in “xyz” invalid, it just means you understand it differently now.
Since paradigms are basically belief systems, they are not factual and are not “right” or “wrong” they simply are. One person may disagree with another, who may disagree with someone else, who may have similar but slightly different experiences than another. More than anything else, paradigms are fluid.
Furthermore, paradigms are fluid not just within ourselves but within communities too!
Here’s an example:
Say everyone in x community generally agrees that crystals hold power. However, some may believe that crystals only hold power once charged, like how a cup can only hold water once filled. While others may believe there is an inherent power within the crystal. Others in turn might believe that some crystals hold power and others don’t. Yet they all still believe the paradigm that crystals hold power.
Now let’s take a few paradigms about correspondences as another example.
In one witch’s paradigm, they might be used as ingredients that hold inherent power. -> “I am using the magical properties inherent to basil to power my money jar.” In another, the correspondences are spirits that you petition to help power the magical working. -> “I am working with the spirit of basil and asking them to help with my money jar.” In another, the correspondences are offerings that you give to a spirit that you’re petitioning. -> “I am using basil as an offering to a spirit to help with my money jar.” In yet another the correspondences are spirits that you don’t even need to petition, their very presence influences the spell. -> “I’m using basil in this spell because the spirit of basil will help influence my money jar.”
Here are some other examples of paradigms:
Spirit-Working sorcery, where spirits are petitioned for aid, and the strength of workings tends to depend on the depth of the relationship developed with the spirit, and/or success in evoking them in that instance.
Thinking or focusing on your intent in your head is fine, writing it down is better, but speaking it aloud is best.
Energy is the battery of magic. Magic is the change caused by whatever you’re doing but energy is what powers that change, be it a spell, prayer, whatever.
Gods can be called upon and petitioned for help with a spell, but the relationship between the caster and the god will determine the strength of the spell or their willingness to help. Otherwise, you can try to appeal to them with offerings to make up for the lack of a relationship, though their help will still not be as strong as if there were a pre-existing relationship.
Inanimate objects do not have spirits, but animals, plants, fungi, and humans do.
Again, these are not universal paradigms, they are just examples. I honestly don't think there even is a universal paradigm when it comes to magic and witchcraft.
Thank you to @windvexer @friend-crow @stagkingswife and @rose-colored-tarot for your help in writing this post!
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ad-caelestia · 29 days
Cleansing and Charging Items ✨️
Many of the methods used to cleanse items can also be used to charge them depending on your intentions.
Cleansing & Charging Ideas:
Visualization - imagine a ball of energy forming around the item to either cleanse it or give it power (the color of the ball could correspond to your intent, i.e. white or blue for cleansing, red for power, etc.)
Earth - bury the object in soil or sand - a potted plant will also work
Water - submerge the item in running water 
Salt Water - anoint or submerge the item in a salt water solution 
Gem Water - anoint or submerge the item in a corresponding crystal elixir 
Herbal & Floral Water - anoint or submerge the item in a solution of corresponding herbs or flowers 
Sea Salt - sprinkle sea salt over/around the item or submerge it in a container of sea salt 
Essential & Infused Oils - anoint item with corresponding oil 
Smoke - pass the item through incense smoke 
Fire - pass the item through an open flame or burn it (you could see the act of burning as either cleansing or charging)
Storms - leave item outside during a thunderstorm; anoint with storm water
Wind - leave item outside when it’s windy; make use of windchimes
Crystals/Crystal Grid - surround the item with crystals of corresponding intent (can be arranged in a pattern to form a crystal grid and enhance energy)
Dried/Fresh Herbs & Flowers - sprinkle mixture over/around item or submerge the item in a mixture of herbs and/or flower petals 
Sound - use a bell, whistle, or something similar to clear the space and associated items of negativity
Sigils - craft and use sigils that correspond with your intent (you can set the item on top of the sigil, draw the sigil on the item, etc.) 
Moonlight & Starlight - leave item in the path of these natural lights, either outside or in a windowsill overnight 
Sunlight - leave item in the path of sunlight for a few hours during the day (before sunset, of course), either outside or in a windowsill 
Divination - pair the item with a rune or tarot/oracle card that matches your intent in a small container 
Incantations - create an incantation that states your intent and speak it aloud while holding the item
Physical Energy - engage in physical activity of some sort (exercise, dancing, etc.) and direct that energy into the item
Actual cleaning - physically and literally clean any items with an appropriate solution (soap, alcohol, etc.); the energy put into cleaning can also be used to charge the item
Caution: some items, especially crystals, are not suitable for exposure to sunlight, water, or salt. 
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ravenloop · 2 years
hi darling! i do see that you want requests in your inbox so im here to fullfil that want of yours :)
oh, btw i really do expect that you're well and, if you don't, please take care of yourself okay??
anyways, the request is for the arcana characters, more specifically for julian, asra and muriel (idk how much characters you accept for request but if you need to you can take one of these off) with a reader that does like art and try to make everything in their lifes a little bit more fun, colorful and artsy.
you can write in any format you're more comfortable in writing, but i think that maybe headcannons is easier. oh, and if you could do the reader gender neutral would be good!
oh and if you couldn't understand something, im sorry, english is not my first language. and if you want to, feel free to ignore this request.
AN: Thank you for the kind words!! I am doing well, busy but well :)) also you speak English amazingly!! Anyways here's your request <33 I haven't done Muriel's route yet so forgive me if anything is wrong :')
Headcannons: Julian, Asra and Muriel with an artistic S/O
Honestly? He loves it!
It may not seem like it with the pirate outfit and rogue-ish lifestyle, but Julian is quite the colour lover himself. He just loves the energy and atmosphere vibrant colours bring.
So when you and him meet, and he finds out you're an even bigger lover of colours and an artist at that—the man was practically bursting with excitement.
Definitely gets you some art supplies. But since Julian has little to zero knowledge on being an artist, his art supplies aren't always the most helpful. Though you still appreciate him for trying to help with your hobby, even if his "paint" looks like it belongs in a potion brewing shop.
Practically demands to see some of your older art works and becomes sad if you say no. It's fine though if you don't let him, he'll find them eventually (his words, not yours).
Whenever you're painting or doing anything artsy, he's almost always by your side asking questions and just chatting with you. And as always you enjoy it when he's with you, it makes you feel warm inside knowing he's as passionate about watching you paint as you are about painting.
"Julian, I need you to-"
"I know, I know—you want me to stop staring at you. But I can't help it! You're just so beautiful when you're focused on something you're so passionate about!"
"...That's really sweet, but that's not what I was gonna ask. You're sitting on my paint pallette, could you maybe get off it?"
You're an artist?? He's ENAMOURED already.
Asra adores everything you paint. He himself is a bit of an artist, but he doesn't paint as often as you since he's always busy with the Major Arcana amongst other things.
When he travels for long periods of time and comes back, he always brings you things like art supplies, trinkets or flowers, saying, "They reminded me of you." And he loves watching your eyes sparkle as you think of the different ways you can use the items.
After a long day, Asra just likes curling up besides you while you create your masterpieces. He'll bring you a warm drink and food too, before settling down on a blanket besides you.
If you ask, he'll give you some pointers or tell you what you could add to your work as you paint. He has an eye for detail.
"I think a few flowers would look really nice over here." He points to a certain part of the canvas.
"You always think flowers look nice in every painting," You playfully respond, and see him look away shyly. "What can I say? They really do!"
Asra could stare at your work for hours without feeling the need to look away. He just loves the mixture of colours and patterns you use. They remind him of the different realms and he finds that beautiful.
Sometimes you even use things from around his home for inspiration. It could be anything—his clothes, the intricate patterns on his curtains, sometimes even his tarot cards, and he won't say it aloud but it gives him a bit of a confidence boost. It's almost as if a piece of him is within your art work.
Muriel is a very... Dark and gloomy man in general.
The forest is his home, but not the pretty and flower-filled part, he makes his home in the shadowy, dark and somewhat dangerous parts of the forest.
So when you come into his life and bring all of this colour and vibrance, it throws him off. He doesn't know what to make of it. He feels to seen with all of it.
"What are you doing?" He approaches you as you hang a vine of flowers over the fireplace.
You look back and smile, "I thought it could use a little bit of... Decor..." You notice the way he frowns, even harder than usual as he stares at the decoration. "I'll take it ou-" "No. Leave it."
You're shocked, "Muriel, if you don't like it I can-" "I like it. It's pretty... Like you" He mutters the last part, so softly you almost don't hear him. Then he leaves. Quickly.
You smile to yourself.
After that you notice he spends more time with you as you decorate or make things, you even started asking him for his opinion on some things. He always responds with "Hm..." But you'll take what you can get.
Sometimes you take Inanna with you to hunt for things in the wild that you could use. Muriel was weary at first of letting you go with her, but Inanna seemed happy to go, so Muriel allowed it. After a while you even convinced him to come along on your art scouting journeys too. He comes in handy when you get carried away and find a little too many items that you need to take with you.
Oh and if anyone ever criticizes your art, no they didn't. In fact, almost as soon as they criticize it, they're on their knees worshipping you and the art itself. Why? Let's just say a big, terrifying man glaring down at you with eyes that say "I will rip your limbs apart and relish in every second of it" is not very fun.
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations 🌄🌄🌄
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🌄 Mercurial Moons, Gemini and Virgo Moons, dislike permanently taking care of someone, of others. They only love the role of a caretaker for a small period, for example if they are hosting a lunch, a dinner. But other times, they don’t want to deal with other people’s needs. They have this mindset that each person is responsible for themselves and has to cater to themselves only and not others. They are very preoccupied about their own survival, own needs and when they need something from others they already plan that in advance so that they deal with others as little as possible, because they value being self-reliant so much. Negatively, this can manifest as only wanting to hang with people when they themselves have something to say and being a bad listener. They only respond to talk more themselves and discard what you have to say. Since they come up with solutions, new perspective, ideas during hearing themselves talk at aloud with others. 😬 Sorry guys, didn’t intend to come at you like that. 😅 But recently I’ve had much more Gemini, Virgo Moons interactions that allowed me to get to understand them further. And I came to the conclusion that Mercurial Moons are really preoccupied with their own everyday survival and how they will fully make true their OWN plans at all costs.
🌄 Venus Neptune aspects and Pisces Venus people become more spiritual once they have a crush on someone or are falling in love. They could watch more tarot pick a card readings, dream about them, think about what they could be doing at the time they think of them. They also become far more intuitive. Even if usually they are so rational, logical with their decisions, once they are falling in love, they really use intuitive side to guide them through the connection.
🌄 If you have Pluto in the 1st house synastry or even Scorpio Rising/Pluto in the 1st house in the Composite chart with someone, you judged YOURSELF in front of them when you were meeting them for the first time. For example: if you met them at a party, you taught “Will they think I drank too much?”. Or if you met them in a school hallway, you could have taught “Why was I standing like that??” or even “What did I say THAT?” etc. Basically there were feelings of judgement, shame, being too self-conscious, too much in your own head/mind and was probably not as present in the moment as you would like to, you felt spaced out a bit or detached. Maybe even under some substance influence, but maybe not too much, for that Neptune would have to be involved as well. I think the other person just makes you cringe at YOURSELF a little too much.
🌄 I can’t say how many times I’ve seen Aries Ascendant in the Composite chart of people who dated purely out of physical attraction. Besides that, both people wanted their OWN needs to be met by the other person. They wanted to fulfil their own agenda through that person. Also, it gives very high school, teenage, selfish kind of romance. But not the kind of high school boy/girlfriend you end up marrying, but more like that 7-months relationship. So this reminds me of when one person really badly wants to be in a relationship or they want their first relationship to happen and other more self-focused reasons.
🌄 Similarly, I have always seen Neptune on the Ascendant, Neptune in the 1st house in Synastry, Pisces Rising in the Composite when people had first meeting at a party or a gathering, where there was drinking involved (or even other substances), so the sobriety aspect of the interaction was challenged.
🌄 However, Neptune and Uranus might have been involved on the Ascendant or in the 1st house when the first “meeting” was not in real life. You might have seen their social media profile first or your first interaction was through virtually messaging each other.
🌄 Capricorn Moon women (one celebrity example would be Kourtney Kardashian Barker) usually keep a short haircut. They could go even a step further and want to straighten their hair. So they could end up looking quite strict, detached and a bit cold/cut-throat. This to some extent rings true for Moon conjunct Saturn and Saturn in the 4th house women as well. But I noticed that they have curlier hair than Capricorn Moon women, but short as well.
🌄 Capricorn Moon women also really embrace their age. They are not scared of getting older, they more like “I just LOVE being 45!”
🌄 And they have dealt with strong emotional turmoil in one or two long relationships. They don’t even experience many heartbreaks from several short-term relationships, because they often don’t even enter that kind of relationships. So I think emotion/relationship wise, their time for fulfilling relationships is around 30-35 and then again after 45. Because usually before those ages, they most often don’t get their needs met.
🌄 Often times Pluto is involved on the Ascendant, in the 1st house in Composite/Synastry chart in romantic relationships that have ended just as quickly as they have started. HOWEVER, the only difference with Mars/Aries Ascendant when it comes to relationship being shortly lived, is that the effects, CONSEQUENCES of an ended relationship with Pluto/Scorpio Ascendant fade out veryy slowly and the relationship very slowly dies out. With Aries you just move on to greater things, with Scorpio you will probably still dwell on ended relationship, analyse reasons for going wrong, go through healing first. So even if the person is no longer actively in your life, you might still analyse every aspect of the relationship you had with them at the time. Therefore, the full dissolution of the connection is far slower.
🌄 When you have a lot of Gemini, Virgo placements in the Composite chart with someone, you end up feeling confused, drained during and after interacting with the person. Take can end up making you scatter-minded, hard to concentrate, having a lack of focus as soon as you start interacting with them. When you are on your own, you’re calm and peaceful, but when interacting with them you could end up confused, make mistakes or like you can’t express yourself clearly through words in their presence. So check this in the Composite chart. Not only Pluto, Neptune, Uranus make you confused in a connection.
🌄 Gemini Moons like to have two or three homes that they go back and forth to. They spend a few days there and go back to another home other days ideally. However, if they make a PERMANENT move to another home, to another city or even country, they have hard time adjusting to the change and end up feeling dissatisfied with staying there. They love having options at which home to stay for some time. These people also need a lot of space to move around in their home. Or it can manifest as literally wanting to have a lot of rooms, even if they mostly live in just one room. They just want to have THE OPTION of more rooms they can go to. Often I noticed Gemini Moons dream big of moving somewhere, but when they do it, they have such hard time accepting new living situation. And they end up critiquing or nit-picking their new home, living area, new neighbours etc.
🌄 Sign over the 3rd house show who you drive in your own car with you.
Aries: you like to drive by yourself, only you in the car
Taurus: you drive rich people, people you highly value and those who have have an effect on your self-worth, talents, your partner, friend
Gemini: you drive your close friends, elementary/high school friends, you go on road trips with friends to another city
Cancer: you drive your mother, sibling, your children, family members, close friends
Leo: you drive your crush, a romantic interest, someone with whom you flirt with, you drive someone who is arrogant, confident, childlike, flirty
Virgo: your co-worker, you drive your pet, your gym partner, your friends, colleagues, people you see on a daily basis at work/in your studies
Libra: you drive your wife/husband, person you are in a long-term, committed partnership with, a business partner
Scorpio: you drive with your intimate partner, someone who you share a deep trusted bond and with whom you are physically intimate with, influential people with power/wealth
Sagittarius: you pick your friend from the airport or drive them to the airport
Capricorn: you drive your parents, grandparents, could be even a boss, people who have high status in society
Aquarius: you drive acquaintances, people who share your hobby/an interest, you might not own a car, but you use car share
Pisces: you drive people to the hospital or you might not own a car lol
🌄 If you have Aquarius 12th house in the Composite chart you could still remain friendly to each other and continue to be friends even after breaking off a romantic connection.
🌄 If you have Cancer over the 8th house you are more prone to experience strong emotional turmoil after ending an intimate partnership. This could result in emotional breakdown, emotional trauma from relationship. I advise to be mindful with whom you are connecting if you have this placement in the natal chart, because you might not even be fully aware how sensitive you are and especially to people’s energies. Past person’s energy can still linger around you. Also, these people in particular I noticed, have hard time keeping a bond amicable after dating that person. They have hard time staying friends with a person they were in a partnership with. Because they emotionally connect so much with that person, that just a platonic relationship doesn’t seem sustainable for them.
🌄 If you have Mars, Saturn or Chiron in the 7th house in the Composite/Synastry chart committed partnership is more prone to not happen. I’m not saying it’s impossible though, there are always exceptions.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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